The Straits Times, 4 December 1953

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times fait*** Kstablished 1845 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1953. 15 CENTS
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  • 318 1 Big three to plan joint policy at Bermuda LONDON, Thursday. "piIE problem of creating a joint Western policy towards Communist China will probably be H's( -ussed at the Big Three Bermuda conference, a Foreign Office spokesman said here today. The spokesman had been asked whether
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  • 138 1 ADMIRAL WARNS MA 0 ON INDO-CHINA NEW YORK. ThUTI. ADMIRAL Arthur W. Radforri chairman ol the Joint Chiefs of Staff, warned Red China yesterday that if she Intervenes In 'ho indoChina tightine it might, lead tn,\Voild War Three. The lrec world could not permit Indo-China to go unicr tin- Communist
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  • 46 1 WASHINGTON-. Thurs. Senator McCarthy today Issued a flat denial that he was challenging President ELsenhower's political leadership through his criticism of the administration's foreicn policy and the handling of Communist issues. That suggestion la both ridiculous and untrur," he said Router.
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  • 55 1 MELBOURNE. Thurs.— A 17--year-old boy, who. because of electrical burns, had to plve up piano playinc and learn the trombone instead, has been awarded 4.000 damages In the Supreme Court Mr. Justice shoii approved settlement for this amount, with costs, of a claim for £1(1.000 damages
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  • 307 1 Vyshinsky sings the praises of Sir Winston! NEW YORK. Thurs. FRIENDLY references to! Sir Winston Churchill. the British Prime Minister, were made in the United Nations General Assembly yesterday by Mr. Andrei Vyshinsky. the Soviet delegate. Sir Winston has at times been the target of considerable eriUctini by Mr. Vyshinsky.
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  • 102 1 NEW DELHI. Thurs. MR RICHARD NIXON, the United States Vice-Prcsi-,dent. said here today he was not in India "to sell her anythins but "we are anxious to have your co-operation in our own efforts to bring peace and freedom in this great continent Mr.
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  • 54 1 GOETTINGEN Thurs A German court sentenced a woman doctor to two years' gaol yesterday for the wartime •mercy killing' of 30 insane women. She was acquitted of ttv•mercy" deaths ot 60 mentaily unbalanced or crippled children. Dr. Ilildegard Wesse, aged 42, claimed that she was carrying .out
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  • 73 1 CANBERRA. Thurs. In the House of Representatives last night, the Prime Minister. Mr. Robert Menzies. assured opposition members that there was no tapping by the securny service in Canberra of Parliamentary and other telepho if conversations. The telephones of membe-.-were not tapped and their telegrams were not
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  • 16 1 NEW DELHI. Thurs. -India 3 President Rajendra Prasad celebrated his 69th birthday today—A.P.
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  • 174 1 ABOARD THE OOTHIC. Thurs THE QUEEN yesterday gave her consent to "King Neptune" being received on board the escort cruiser Sheffield with traditional en monies when the two vessel* cross the equator. The Oothic and thr Sheffield now steaming across the Pacific towards Fiji
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  • 144 1 —he swims on SUNDAYS LONDON. Thursday. DR. DONALD SOPER. Methodist pastor who has often criticised the Duke of Edinburgh for playing polo on Sundays, was himself taken to task yesterday by an Anglican vicar for swimming on Sundays. Writing in his parish magazine, the Rev Petrr Disney,
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  • 25 1 LONDON. Thurs—Production resumed today in thousands of British factories kept idle for 24 hours by a token wage demand strike. Reuter.
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  • 46 1 THL MNOAMMtf V\(JKKi.<> INIIIN n,-.....-<l i>. Mr Krl< r Williams, yesterday put up notice on a tree announcing that employees of a Chinese to tractor at the Straits Trading Company's tin smelting woiks nn Pulau fttani are <tn strike.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 188 1 For God's sake go, says M.P. LONDON, Thursday. ABOI'K members of paliament yesterday dramatl- cally demanded the resignation of the Colonial Secretary. Mr. Oliver Lyttelton for deposing the Kabaka of Buganda from his African tribal throne. The opposition also proposed a motion of censure against
    Reuter; UP  -  188 words
  • 38 1 LONDON. Thurs— The Daily Mail announced today it was organising and financing a serious expedition of famous explorers to hunt down the "abominable snowman." a fabled monster of the Himalayan heights U P
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  • 35 1 MOSCOW, Thurs. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR, yesterday said that Cassily Kuznetsov, a deputy Foreign Minister, has been relieved of his duties as Soviet Ambassador to China. No reason was given. A.P.
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  • 124 1 FUN-AND A CHANCE TO WIN $5,000 !JS Monday's Straits > 1 Tunes will begin anl other scries ot fascinating irorcl putties in which the ir hole tamHy efc.i enjoy th: fun ot solving the designer's clues— -an f i endeavour to win the weekly prize ol $5 000 Pit pour
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  • 31 1 MELBOURNE. Thurs —A Siamese prince, Urachr.tra Chatchai. left here by air today for home, accompanied by a pretty 24-year-old Siamese student. Raja Isasena, whom he hopes to marry.— U.P.
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  • 25 1 NEW YORK. Thurs. The Photo Engravers' Union yesterday refused to end the strike which has closed down all New York's major newspapers.—Reuter.
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  • 35 1 HONG KONG. Thurs. Eighteen-year-old Miss Violet Sleiah. who won the title >l Miss Max Factor of Malaya, topped here briefly today on her way to Tokyo and the United States.— U.P.
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  • 452 1 UNION ACTS TO SPREAD TIN PLANT STRIKE Will call out another 400 men T»HE strike at the Straits Trading Company's tin smelting works on Puiau Brani threatened to spread yesterday when the Singapore Workers' I'nion announced its intention of calling out another 400 workers. Along with a new four-point demand,
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  • 32 1 OTTAWA. Thurs. Canadian authorities last night said that Mounted Police would ask Igor Gouzenko whether he was willing to be questioned by the US Senate Internal Security Sub-committee.— At.
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  • 21 1 The' clenched fist symbol Ill: unions Mintini on t ri top of the strike notice. 4 quill in a clenched fist.
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  • 68 1 A BOUT 100 mechanics employed by Borneo Motors Singapore yestrday staged a "lightning" strike. Without warning the men dewned tools for about two hours and left thA woricshop. Thry returned after negotiations. Cause of the stoppage *'as a dispute between an official of
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  • 135 1 Tin: the market bounces back ■THE tin price in Sinpa- pore yesterday recovered most of Werine.s-ri-u's $975 fall. Yesterday'a price, at $311.25 a ptcul, was $9.25 above Wednesdays closing level. Rubber was also higher in Singapore yesterday. with December first grade closing ■4 60 5 8 cents a p°und. one
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  • 29 1 U. N. 'CONrEEN' ON ATROCITIES NKW ViiRK, Thors.— United Nations General Assembly today approved resolution expressing "grave coiuirn" at rb.ircr I of Cnmmurmt atrocities in Korci Kruti-r.
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  • 29 1 LONDON Thur.s Siamp.sp twins flown to London from Niceria in a bid to savp th<Mr lives wore successfully separated in an operation here today. —Reuter.
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  • 76 1 NEW YORK. Thurs Mr. Andrei Vyshinsky, Russia's chief delegate to the United Nations, has been invited to appear before a United States House of Representatives' committee to defend himself in connection with "the Soviet' seizure of Latvia. Lithuania and Estonia." A former member of the Latvian
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 29 1 Official Distributors of (^ROLEXg G. C. De SUVA BROS., Jcucllcrs Raffles Placr, Singapore, 1. Phone 831 15 I Distributors for Malaya: McALISTER CO. LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG IPOH
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    • 104 1 OeveiopingPrintingEnlarcing Kodak Malaya* Li railed IW ftphinion Ae»v Singapore OwAi fMlcnl iMpaaV* «st»r,tai<t. S'xfapora CaM Umnf IN A A f I how wrvwil (Tmt Further Cural Shows at: BAFKLEB HOTEL: Drr. sth (Singing Contest I inalisU) it 11 p.m. HAPPY WORLD: EXTRA! Tonight «t 8 p.m. only. i.j-prirr, SI %tl
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  • 334 2 THIRTEEN CANDIDATES WITH ONE AIM— YOUR 'X TOMORROW Election rivals map out last minute vote -catching strategy JOD AY Singapore is on the eve of the City Council elections. The 13 candidates for five seats wound up their campaigns last night. The speeches are over and the election promises rest.
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  • 8 2 Sparky signs an autograph,
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  • 59 2 Been with friends MR. A. G. BURR, an architect who had been reported missing from Silverbank Private Hotel since Nov. 18 turned up at Orchard Road Police Station yesterday. The manageress of the hotel told the Straits Times that Mr. Burr returned at 9.30 a.m. "He told
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  • 87 2 SOME supporters of the Sincaporr Progressive Party have been intimidated and assaulted Reports have been made to the police. Disclosing t' is in its latest Newsletter, the Party warns voters "Do not vote for potential oppressors who preach as democrats •Let the voters note the
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  • 41 2 No near chance of war Nehru NEW DELHI. Thurs.— The Indian Prime Minister. Mr. Nehru, today said that he saw "no near chance of war. "War and aggression can be avoided." he said, "because both sides recognise the terrible consequences." UP.
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  • 20 2 TAIPEH, Thurs.— The Nationalist Chinese Cabine* today approved an increase in pay for soldiers and civilian workers. Reuter.
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  • 157 2 OLD TROUPER— AGED 3 Sparky is a star in the wings rpHE DARLING of the Cu*at show in Singapore is Sparky Warren, aged three. Sparky is an Australian born in England. She made her first stage appearance in Brussels, acquired a Yankee accent in America and nas travelled all over
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  • 17 2 LONDON. Thurs.— Britain and Western Europe had Spring-like weather for the fifth day yesterday— AP.
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  • 55 2 First Royal messages LONDON. Thurs. Parliament yesterday received the first messages from the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret acting as Counsellors of State in the absence of the Queen on her Commonwealth tour. The messages were in reply to "loyal and dutiful addresses" from the Commons and Lords concerning Orders-in-Counril
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  • 83 2 {SINGAPORE Legislative Councillor Mr. Lim Yew Hock Labour-Keppoli told nearly 1.500 people last night: "Slip your faces hard on Saturday riuht if Mr. Mariappan does not v'n by a big margin." Mr. Lim vjls speaking in support of Mr. V. Mariappan. 'who is contesting
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  • 82 2 > SYDNEY, Thurs.—A man I believed to have been buried, in June, 1952 walk- > ed into his mother's home I at Petersham, a Sydney > suburb yesterday He is Mr. John Matthew O'Brien, who has been i working m New South
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  • 230 2 RUNNING BATTLE WITH SMUGGLERS IN SIAM HILLS Helicopters direct fight BANGKOK. Thursday. (JIAMKSF. police and Chinese opium smugglers were today engaged in a running battle over the jungle clad hills near the north Siam city of Chiengmai in a fight which has lasted since Tuesday afternoon, police reported here. Reinforcements
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  • 101 2 Big increase in customs revenue REVENUE collected by Singapore customs from January to November totalled $71,714,000 an Increase of $1,916,000 uvor the corresponding period last year. Biggest increase in any single item came from petroleum where $13,881,000 was collected against $12,858,000. But topping the list is $31,559,000 from tobacco an
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  • 28 2 LONDON rhurs— Sir Ralph Stevenson. British Ambassadr.r to Cairo, who has been on leave here since June, wil' sail *lot Egypt on December 10 -AP
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  • 25 2 rOKYO. Thurs.—A partial strike Of Japanese communications and railway workers has delayed 18.000.000 letters and 130.000 parcels at Tokyo's central post office.— AP
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  • 60 2 CANBERRA. Thurs. The Taxation Department detected 6.831 Australians who understated their incomes in the financial year to June 30, 1952. The Tax Commissioners' report, tabled in Parliament ye.sterday, said the amount of understatement involve totalled nearly £6.000.000. These taxpayers, who included several sporting had to
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 87 2 MR LAURENCE RUPEF'X MCINTYRE, retiring AustrrJlan Commissioner in Mr'aya, is expecrd to leave S'ncapore for London n-\f Mar<-h. Mr. Mclntyre, who Is 41, is a Tasmanian and was Rhodes Scholar for that State in 1933 He Joined the Australian External Affairs Department shortly after the outbreak
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 126 2 ii ii ii i; m Ii i iiii! II Ii ii ii I HHI *M: i!m !i HH! JIU! no! iflH HOi HOi Hi!! nil! HIH BIH h^hiqh:? !ii B iim hhi m m m iiiii il ii iiiii il ii iliii ii; jMloclichiicql Handling* bit S EDGAR BROTHERS LTD.
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  • 185 3 Thwarted genius' is gaoled SYDNEY, Thuri.. A MASTER banknote forger, who was sentenced to seven years' gaol here yesterday. has since been described by Mb prosecut >r as a thwarted cenius. The senior Crown prosecutor. Mr. C V. Roonev Q. C. was reported to have said alter the trial that
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  • 32 3 LONDON. Thurs. Mr. Anthony Eden. Foreign Secretary. nnd 1-nrd Alexander. Defence Minister, will attend the meeting o| the NATO Minister: il Council opening in Paris »n December 14.— Reuter.
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  • 307 3 U.S. Govt. to re-examine policy on rubber stockpiling WASHINGTON, Thursday. rHE United States Government agreed at a meeting yesterday to re-examine its natural rubber policy o see if something could be done to help producers in he Far East. The General Service Administration, which is in harge of the American
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  • 29 3 LYDIA BARTON, 17-year-oM newcomer to the Windmill Theatre, London. When away from the stage, I.ydia goes in for interior decorating and swimming. Reuler picture.
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  • 158 3 RESERVE OF GOLD RISES LONDON. Thurs. BRITAIN'S gold and dollar reserves increased by U S i 41.000,000 during November, ringing them to U.5.52,561.--•00.000 on November 30. the rieasury said yesterday. Unofficial banking- experts aid there was reason to sup>ose that Britain's reserves luring the month had benefitH by cold or
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  • 150 3 Malta is offered new status LONDON. Thurs. BRITAIN has made an olTrr to Malta which would lift the island out of the status o f a British Colony, the Government said yesterday. But Maltese demands that their affairs should come under the Commonwealth Relati< ns Office— thua giving the islar.d
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  • 69 3 LONDON. Thurs— A ceremonla] leukri was presented yesterday on behalf of the Bricade of Gurkhas to Sir I John Marriot, chairman of the Overseas Entertainment Committee of the British Empire Service League. The presentation was made j as a token of the Brigade's i appreciation of
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  • 40 3 MANlLA,— Thurs— The Philippines should develop closer trade and cultural relations with other South-East Asian countries. Senator Gil Puyat said today. He has just returned from a 10-day trip to Hong Konc, Bangkok and Singapore— A.P.
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  • 43 3 NAIROBr, Thurs.— An African nun is missing from ihe Roman Catholic mission at Kiangona. near Nyeri. after an attack by Mau Mau terrorists! They ransacked the mission and took £150 in cash and a revolver and ammunition.— AP.
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  • 101 3 LONDON. Thurs. rWO BOOKMAKERS. two racehorse owners and 3 jloorlstock breeder alleaed tn lave planned to make 1:35.000 jy switching race horses In the 'Francasal Affair" yesterday »ere committed for trial at he Old Bailey. Thp prosecution alleged thai Ml July 16 a horse called
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  • 51 3 CRIPPLE WINS ARCHERY COMPETITION PERTH, Thur.s.— A man who will never walk again has won the Western Australian Archery Championship foi 1953. Mr. John lOith OConn^li. aerci 27. of Perth, who has been crippled for five years, fired his arrows from a wheel chair. He defeated veteran archery champion, Charles
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  • 38 3 He wants to be president MR. <1. CI'RRIEZ. known as "Father Smiles." King of thiHoboes who has sent a lett'T to the French National Assembly putting himself forwird as a candidate for the post of President. Popper picture.
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  • 175 3 BRITAIN-PERSIA EXPECTED TO PATCH QUARREL LONDON, Thursday. ORITAIN and Persia are expected to resume diplo- ma tic relations with the next few days as a preliminary to negotiating a settlement of the 30-month-old oii dispute, informed diplomatic sources said today. Teheran broke off diplomatic ties with London a year ago
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  • 21 3 MR. GHULAM MOBAMED, Governor-General of Pakistan, who has just paid a three-day state visit to Turkey. A.P. picture.
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  • 78 3 NEW YORK. Thurs.— A new American company is to launch the British Triumph sports car In an "aggressive bid 1 to dominate the United States foreign car market, Sir John Black, managing director of the Standard Motor Company, Conventry, said yesterday. "The American motorist,
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  • 23 3 KARACHI. Thurs— An Egyptian economic mission is expected to arrive here on December 18 to negotiate a trar«e agreement. A P.
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  • 123 3 U.S. aid not used for China trade LONDON. Thurs MR. 6ELWYN Lloyd. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, yesterday said that no financial aid supplied to Britain by the United States had been used tn finance the shipment of warlike stores to China. Mr. Lloyd was replying to Mr. J.
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  • 197 3 M.P. QUERIES THE DEPORTATION POWERS LONDON. Thurs. MR. Oliver Lyttelton. British Colonial Secretary, was asked in the House of Com- mons yesterday what powers of l deportation were permitted to Governors In the Colonies and under what authority. H« replied: "Colonial Governments must retain the normal right of all administra-
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  • 238 3 LONDON. Thurs. Closing prices ot selected stocki were LOANS Consols 63 n i runding 4% 10P.4 War 3tt% 85',a BANKS Mercantile (£l2H> 24 Hongkong ($125) 94 Eastern <£5) 7< 3 Chartered (£1) 42/- INSURANCE Com. Un. (uts.) 12\, +tt Royal IM% M Prudential 37 i -i 't RAILS
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  • 27 3 LONDON Dec. 3. Cash. Buyers £630; Sellers COS; Forward Buyers £617 2: Sellers £620; Setlleir^nt £«30 (up €5.). Turnover a.m. 65 tons p.m. 20 tons.
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  • 41 3 LONDON. Dec 3 —Spot 17\ri.. Jan. 17 Feb 17-. d.. Ma- 117, d..7 7 ,d.. ,ian -Mor 17\d.. Apr. -June 18d.. July-Sept 18'^d. Dec. c if. 17 11'lOd. Jan. c.i.f. 17 11 16 d.. Feb. c.i.f 17\d. Tone: Quiet.
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  • 46 3 LONDON Thur.s— Crew fatigue may have contributed to the loss of the British trans- port plane which disappear' rl over the Atlantic last Febru.i-v with 39 passengers and ere* the report of the public inquiry into the mystery said today. Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 26 3 CItOS^LEY 7 111 IS I I I \t.l\lS hd TYPE SOLE AGENTSIr.\i i iisov si>io\s a ro. i in ENGINEERING DEPT. KUALA LUMPUR. SINGAPORE A PENANG
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    • 156 3 A product you can rely on NEW ZEALAND CHEDDAR CHEESE Buy some today! A cheese of quite superior type. As it's not too mild and it's not too ripe; Favoured by Father, Mother and Child; As it's not too ripe and it's not too mild. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD.
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  • 252 4 Blow-pipe terrorist killed he was feared by 100,000 K. LUMPUR. Thurs. ifHE Federation's top aboriginal Communist terrorist, Bah Pelankin, was killed by Home Guards in the Raub area of Pahang on Tuesday in an ambush. Feared by the 100.000 aborigines in Malaya, Bah Pelankin dominated the jungles from Batang Padang
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  • 140 4 It's official now KUALA LU.MPIR. Thurs. THE Supervisor of Elections, Kuala Lumpur. Mr. C. A. L. Potter, today went to Kampong Pantai and handed to 65 people notices stating that they cannot vote at Saturday's elections. This followed a ruling yesterday by the Mentri
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  • 28 4 A thief slipped into the pports pavilion in the GUlman Barracks. Singapore, on Wednesday evening during a rugger match an<i stole $282 and a $150 wrlilwatch.
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  • 106 4 fTHIEVES ransacked three rooms of the maidservants' quarters at the Tanglin Offlc- ers 1 Mess, Singapore, on Wed- j nesday. One maid lost $48 and an I alarm clock, another 539 and a third $20. Two similar thefts were reported the day before in
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  • 120 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. VINETY-SIX aborigines from South Perak have asked for Government protection. In three groups, they came out of the jungle in the Sekum area of Perak, north-east of Tapah. This area is notoriously Communist-infested and has given the security forces
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  • 106 4 Gurkhas win grenade battle KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. 4 PATROL of the 1 6 Gurkhas won a grenade battle when they killed a Communist terrorist in the Sungei Siput area of Perak yesterday. Two terrorists attacked the patrol, each throwing a grenade. One grenade exploded and slightly wounded a Gurkha. The
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  • 86 4 THIEVES GET TWO PENS ON A STICK IPOH. Thurs Thieves used! a stick to fish out a ccat containing two fountain pens j when they burgled the home of Dr. A. C. Kathigasu in Green Lane here last night The thieves hooked the coat I from an open bedroom window,
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  • 25 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— For failing to send his income I tax return. Lrp Kong was 1 fined $100 in the police court.
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  • 69 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The British Adviser Necri Sembilan, Mr. M. C. ft*. Sheppard, arrived here this evening after I flying to the beside of the Yang di-Pertuan Besar. Negri Sembilan, who ls 111 in the Singapore General Hospital. Mr. Sheppard. who was accompanied on his
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  • 260 4 Alumni Association chief THE PRESIDENT of the Alumni Association, Professor A. A. Sandosham, yesterday contradicted the Director of Medical Services, Dr. W. J. Vickers. who claimed on Tuesday that Singapore specialists were competent to do all that was required in chest surgery. Prof.
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  • 29 4 MRS. N. A. CLERKS, Public Duty Officer of the Singapore St. John Ambulance Brigade, who left by KIM airliner for leave in Holland yesterday.
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  • 68 4 HE WANTS TO DEFEND MALAYA PENANG, Thurs. S. Rajamanlkam, aged 20. an apprentice draughtsman attached to the Kedah State Survey Department, walked Into the Army recruiting centre in Northam Road and told the recruiting offlcer that he wanted to "defend Malaya." He was promptly enrolled jus a recruit of the
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  • 54 4 The Singapore Chamber Ensemble office-bearers for the year are: Chairman. Mr. Charles Elwell; secretary Mrs Lily Chan: treasurer Mr C P Purcell; committee: Messrs Lincoln Page. Victor Doggett Hubert Gan. Heng Chin Hock and Miss Louls e Ch^ng Mr. T. H. H. Hancock was elected vice-president and
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  • 38 4 The 8.1. ship Rajula brought 363 Indian deck and 73 saloon passengers back to Singapore when she arrived from India yesterday. The deck passengers were sent to the quarantine station on St. John's Island
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  • 146 4 Three new factories going up THERE will be hundreds more Jobs coin* in tJtSSeH° n s n Three flrms Pining The Colony's Chief Employment Officer. Mr. F. G. Tyson, told the Straits Times yesterday that he had received inquiries from the firms' representatives regarding the
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  • 114 4 IPOH, Thurs. ADULT education workers and others In the Federation will attend an extramural course on "Unity and Disunity In Malaya," which the University of Malaya is organising for them in Singapore. The course, spread over four days, will begin on Sunday, December 27
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  • 48 4 Singapore Muslims going on pilgrimage to Mecca next year should register at the Colonial Secretary's Office between December 9 and 24. As shipping arrangements have to be made in good time, registration should be made early Applications will not be accepted after December 24.
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  • 35 4 An R.A.F. offlce r had his pocket picked as he left the Happy World Stadium in Sin gapore on Wednesday after a show He lost $37. a driving licence and other documents.
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  • 93 4 Letter was a forgery 10 months \LTHEN Pakir Mohamed bin Sultan called at the civil engineering outstatlon at the Admiralty, Singapore, on Nov 4. he produced a letter purporting to give him authority to move 36 iron pipes. But before ht could take away the pipes, the letter was found
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  • 97 4 IPOH, Thurs. FIFTY delegates from the Federation and Singapore md overseas will attend the Community Development Conerence to be held in Taiplng tor a week, commencing Mon--lay. Dato Sir Onn bin Ja afar. Member lor Home Affairs, will i Kn e^ 1U V Dato
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 200 4 MM377T watch your baby thnVe on the complete, balanced nourishment of BALANCED NOURISHMENT <?^ K Milkose ka made from fresh, pure cows 1 m Ss v milk it gives Baby body-building and j /^^f!!^^^ i?^^s^v I growth-promoting nourishment in balan- J f mLJ/w* 1 m *sT*yjVk H^ VITAMINISED NOURISHMENT 1
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    • 168 4 and pleasure for years to come A practical Xmas pift that will give many years of pleasure and time-saving convenience is a Remington portable typewriter in a smart-looking carrying case. portable TYPEWRITERS Choose from Remington Quiet-riter or Remington Personal portable typewriters of superb styling matchless performance and unsurpassed value. Hire
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  • 253 5 'Prosecution has done all it can 9 THREE detectives, Sgt. Hussein bin Ibrahim, Cpl. Talib bin Mohamed Tamby and Cpl. Jai bin Mohamed Kassim, charged with assaulting Lim Siong Choon to get information or a confession, were acquitted yesterday in a Singapore court.
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  • 74 5 A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy. Yau Quay Song, fell about 40 feet to his death from the second floor of a building in Him l<>. k Kn;irl. Singapore, last night. Yau. son of a contractor, was playing with his younger sister while their mother was
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  • 122 5 Retail prteM in cents p«r kat; of vegetables at four Singapore market yesterday were:— Brarh Ell^n- Simon Rd. broufh Kd. X.X Ccl»ry 90 lOC 100 inn Chye sim 30 35 30 35 Kans Icong 25 30 25 30 Lerture 70 80 50 70 Peh rhye 50
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  • 61 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. An order constituting the To-m Council of Kuantan has been passed. The counci] is to consist of 17 members, nine of whom will be elected to represent three wards Tanah Puteh, Centri) Town and Teluk Sesik— into which the town council area is
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  • 51 5 A BRIDE-TO-BK rame by air yesterday— in a X.L.M. Constellation from Holland. She is Miss Henny Berkemeier, of Rotterdam. Miss Berkemeier, daughter of a retired director of a wellknown brewery in Holland is here to marry Mr. T. Wells, a Kuala Lumpur miningengineer, in Singapore on
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  • 131 5 $3,300 award for thumb injured in lorry accident MR JUSTICE TAYLOR awarded $3,300 special damages with costs to K.N.A. Pillai. an antimalaria overseer employed by the Army School of Health and Anti-Malarial Organisation. Far East, in the Singapore High Court yesterday Pillai brought the action against Scow Whay Kirn. trading
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  • 65 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Teng Chong Pak, aged 19, was today charged in the sessions court with attempted murder. Teng pleaded not guilty and was allowed $500 ball. It was alleged that on the evening of November 25 Teng stabbed Ngai Toh Chal with a chisel at
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  • 35 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Soap produced in the Federation in October amounted to 17.474 cwt against 17.584 cwt in September. Total production for the first 10 months of the year -vas 180.707 cwt.
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  • 51 5 IPOH. Thurs— Wong Peng Mun, 30, a clerk in the Siate War Committee of the Secretariat pleaded not guilty in the Sessions Court here today to criminal breach of trust In respect of $291. He was allowed $500 bail and the case was adjourned •until December
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  • 39 5 THE first Malayans to become ofticers in the Royal Malayan Navy are Syed Halim bin Syed Hassan (left) and Inrhe Ismail bin Hassan. They hold the rank of Acting Commissioned Boatswain, R.M.N. Singapore P.R. photo.
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  • 175 5 Popular ones must be reserved J^AFFLES Library spends as much as it can afford" >n buying new books every month. Mrs. G. F. W Hudson, the librarian, said yesterday. She was replying to criticisms i.i a reader's letter to the Straits Times which
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  • 168 5 Pets display at Animal Lovers' rally \iyriTH the lifting of rabies restrictions in Singapore on Wclne.sday. the Animal Lovers' League will hold its annual rally at the Jalan Besar Stadium at 430 p.m. tomorrow. The rally was originally planned for October 4, World Animal Day. The rally, to be opened
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  • 66 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Thurs. —For using criminal force on a schoolgirl after robbing her of a gold chain and locket, Yong Cheong, aged 53. a labourer, was today gaoled for nine months. The case, which was sent hack by the High Court for further evidence to be
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  • 193 5 Husband gave me 1 5 cents a day SAYS WIFE OAROJINI, the Chinese wife of an Indian overseer, employed by the P.W.D., told a Singapore rourt yesterday that her husband stopped her from visiting her relatives and prevented them from seeing her. A» times he cave her only 15 cents
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  • 221 5 Campaign moves to Malacca MALACCA. Thursday. AN all-out drive to bring to book pirate radio listeners in Malacca will soon be launched. Mr. Tony Beamish, acting Deputy Director of Broadcasting, said today. He added that inspection officers equipped with the latest detection
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  • 39 5 A man went to a house to Frankel Estate, Singapore on Wednesday and asked for a Job as a gardener. A maidservant found $102 missing after he left. Police have detained a man.
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  • 38 5 TAIPINO, Thurs.— Teong Chua, who pleaded guilty to assisting in the running of a public lottery 100. 1,000 and 10.000 characterswas fined $2,500 or eight months' gaol. The informer will get $250
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  • 30 5 Two ducks and 100 egps were stolen from a farmhouse in Lim Chu Kang village, Singapore, on Wednesday while the farmer was working on a vegetable plot.
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  • 133 5 Police now guard their Xmas dinner fWO POLICEMEN patrolled the grounds of the Thomson Road Home for the Aged last night to make sure that no more turkeys or ducks are stolen from the 260 old people .staying there. Over thp week-end, "the meanest thieves in Singapore" broke into the
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  • 67 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Thurs.— Teams of food control officers have Leon visiting shops in Bukit Mertajam and the outlying districts assessing stocks and weekly consumption figures under the Food Restriction Ordinance which came into force oil November 15. Thus food denial operation, affecting nearly 50,000 residents hrre.
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  • 51 5 SEREMBAN, Thurs— lbrahim bin Haji Ramli. aged 22. was today sentenced here to six months' gaol followed by one year's police supervision lor theft of clothing. Ibrahim, a circus man. stole the clothes trom Ahmad bin Wahab. another circus man at Seremban on August
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  • 171 5 AJK Chan Sai Soo 01 Ipoh has been selected as one of the four outstanding engineering students at Sydney University. Mr. Chan, who has a wife and a young son in Ipoh, is studying under a Colombo Plan' scholarship, for which he was selected
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 504 5 Now! ONE Brushing WHh COLGATE DENTAL CREAM Removes UpTo 85°Z Of Decay And Odour- Causing Bacteria! r Only The Colgate Way x Does All Three! «*W **#***'»<#* CLEANS YOUR BREATH while it J*S% CLEANS YOUR TEETH and STOPS MOST TOOTH DECAY j ONE Brushing with Colgate's Stops Bad Breath Instantly
      504 words
    • 42 5 An OldT.mer/U-^ gives his (Z^Z^Zl opinion /^M 1 bijidiMfindjwtuiblKat... J||L fn |Qaw§Ol¥ I Sjai t^BBBBBBBBBBBBBaBk THE BBBMJ I^B .Z ••> Tfßfc Singapore Kuala Lumpur ~2J pCCUi.I %XX SO MA 7S SCOTCH jl*t.# j Will SKY I TRADE ENQUIRIES INVITED ROBINSON CO LTD 1171?:
      42 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 99 5 THE SINGAPORE DIARY Polire Band: Public performance, K i'oiik Park. 5 30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. Trlok \yrr M.V.F.: Home prayer meeting. 180 Cecil Street, 7.30 p.m. Salvation Army Sale of Work. Children's Home. 380 Paslr Panjang Road. 4 p.m. .Singapore Prdlatrlr Society: McclInc, Professor Montelro's lecture ilnatre off Ward
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    • 93 5 Shell Thratrrllr: Free film show I The, Blood Transtuslon Shell House. Collyer Quay. 1.15 p.m.; film show for Shell branch, depots nnd airfield .staff, 5.30 pm. Y.W.C.A.: Malay < lasse.s 930 a.m. and 5. H0 p ni.. Rarfie.s Quay. SI. Andrew* Cathedral: Clothiir: Slwp in C.W.A. Room, South Side,
      93 words
    • 89 5 V.M.C.V: O;)enlnc of Art Exhibition by Mr J. M. Praser. 5.30 p.m.: ativanred Malay class and Judo pr.uiire Y3O p.m.; Üble-tennis iournament 7 p.m., Orrhard Ro«d. Vontrrrnve Ot British Diplomat* In Soulli-E;ist A.sla. Mallalc. r*. .sideiue of the CommUsloner-Gi-neral. 10 a.m. Malayan Christian Council: Open dlacuaatoni far ymaa, umplps on
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  • 221 6 MONEY THE KEY TO EXPANSION-SIR SYDNEY Govt to be asked for further grants DV the end of next year, the University of Malaya will have incurred a deficit of about $600,000 since its foundation, said Sir Sydney Came, the University Vice-Chancellor, at a press conference
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  • 40 6 SING a song of could it be votes? Two little maids sang in support of Mr. V. Marriapan, Singapore City Council South Ward Labour candidate, at his election meeting in Anson Road last night, Straits Times picture.
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  • 139 6 'Road clear for varsity progress' WHETHER or not money is j available, there is good reason lor the further develop- 1 ment of the University of Malaya on its present site, with future expansion at Kuala Lumpur, says the latest issue of the Malayan Underprad. This would bo a sounder
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  • 56 6 CHALETS FOR JOHORE BAHRU OFFICERS JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. Chalets for accommodating government officers are to be built for the first time. Tenders have been invited for building eleven chalets.' suitable for married people, at Bukit Chagar. Johore Bahru. This type of Swiss cottages have been built in the Weld Hill
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  • 146 6 TONTINE CASE STOPPED: 3 CLEARED IPOH, Thurs. UTHEN the hearing of the $67,477 tontine case was resumed in the Sessions Court here today the prosecution offered no more evidence against the three accused. Mr. I. Talog Davies Deputy Public Prosecutor, who to»k over the prosecution today told the court president,
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  • 47 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs A police constable Lian Chow aged 25, pleaded guilty at the sessions court today to a charge of desertion. He was sentenced to six months' gaol. Llan left Campbell Road police station without leave Detween October 12 and November 12
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  • 32 6 The Salvation Army Children's Home. Singapore, will hold its annual exhibition and sale of work at 380 Paslr Panjang Road today It will be opened by Dr. Mary Tan
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  • 81 6 pROFESSOR Julian Huxley, the English scientist and I writer, will arrive in Singapore j irom Australia on Tuesday on a lecture tour. Accompanied by his wife, he will spend four days in the Colony. They will stay with I the Commissioner-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, who
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  • 168 6 Markets flooded, court is told KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. IMITATION brands of a popular haircream are flooding the Federation markets, said Mr. M. Garton. Deputy Public Prosecutor, in court here today. He was prosecuting against 34-year-old Choo Chalc Low who was charged with being in possession
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  • 124 6 ASAMPANMAN. Goh Kee Bee, who tried to smuggle dutiable goods from the Colony into the Federation, yesterday appeared befor P a Singapore court and was fined $1,000 with the alternative of ive months imprisonment. Goh pleaded guilty ie a charge of attempting to smuggle goods
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  • 37 6 The Goanese community ;n Singapore will celebrate' the Feast of St Francis Xavier witn a High Mass at the Church of St. Joseph of the Portuguese Mission in Victoria Street at 8 a.m. on Sunday.
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  • 104 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. TPHE whole of the Federation is expected to be free from rabies by April 1, an official in the Government's Veterinary Department said today A country-wide vaccination campaign will start In January and it is hoped that by the end
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  • 49 6 KAMPAR Thurs.— A miner. Lim Cheng Ean of the Kwong Soon Lee Kongs: was todiy fined a total of $243 on Mx counts of falling to lemit con tributions In respect of h!s employees to the provident fund for the past six months Lim pleaded Rullty
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  • 66 6 KLANO. Thurs.— For misappropriating $359, A. Sithraputram, 21, a clerk employed by the Postal Department, Klang, was sentenced to six months' gaol by Mr. E Brown at the Klang Sessions Court today. Sithraputram was entrusted with $800 worth of stamps on Oct. 30 On Nov. 23,
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  • 243 6 70 ARE SACKED INCLUDING A UNION OFFICIAL Big cut in expenditure KITALA LIMPI R. Thursday. SEVENTY workers have been sacked by the Government Agricultural Department. The biggest cuts have been made at the research station at Serdang where 30 engineers and workshop mechanics have been given a month's notice. At
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  • 48 6 MR. P. Z. GBANO, of the Bank of Canton, who arrived in Singapore yesterday from Hong Kong He will take over duties as cashier to the new branch of the bank of Canton which is to be opened early next year. Straits Times picture.
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  • 44 6 The Overseas League will hold a rancy drew ball at Raffles Hotel on Dec 12 from 8 p.m to 1 am. There will be a variety flooi show and prizes will be distributed for the best fancy dress
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  • 23 6 Mr J M Fraser, mananei of the Singapore Improvement Trust, will open the V.M.C A o-t exhibition at Orchard R<w today
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  • 116 6 AN APPEAL to support the Singapore Chinese V.M.C.A. Flag Day tomorrow was issued last night by the Flag Day committee chairman Mr G H Kiat. He said the Chinese V M.C A. was a non -communal organis- tlon. "We have non-Chinese a.members.'"
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 154 6 JfflF^-^ FOR A GIFT... Maw TcltyZllA/ *Dl pm y^ PEN NAME FOR THE PERFECT GIFT Vox th.n special gift occasion— a birthday, anniversary, re- *^X\>i|^^^^B^^^^^- f VJ/ J.I f ligious holiday-give New Parker "51". Its fame assures W**'^^ I J/jir instaii; recognition and welcome. The New "51' Pen is the
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 160 6 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 7.15 Morning star: V3O News: 735 Melody Mixture; 8 Hill Billy Half Hour; 8.30 Malay Houscwlve.,' Corner; 9 Music While You Work: 9.45 Housewives' Choicr: 10 30 Matinee; 1 Stanley Black OnbHtra; IJ( News; 1.45 Sid Phillip, Orcbl 2 Close Down: 5.02 The Under 21 Club; 5.30
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  • 444 7 THREE FIREMEN HURT IN BATTLE PENANG, Thursday. THREE firemen from a heroic brigade which braved a possible explosion from a 500-ton oil tank were injured last night fighting this island's biggest post-war fire. The blaze was at the
    444 words
  • 45 7 Mrs. Sopiee speak: to women voters MRS. ZAINAII SOPIKF wile of the Pan-Malayan Labour Party chairraan, speaking to women voters at a Labour campaign rally in Butterworth. Mrs. Sopiee told the meeting: "Don't let your husbands dictate how you should vote." Xorth Malaya Studio picture.
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  • 144 7 —Fewer X mas parcels KUALA LUMPUR, Thur.s. THE NUMBER of food ptuxels lor Britain this Christmas dropped by 20 per cent compared with last year, a otlite Official said here tocnij. The lifting of many iood restrictions in Britain la thought to be responsible foe
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  • 101 7 2 women in Congress tour team TWO women are ameng the six members of the United States House of Representatives who will arrive in Singapore by air from Kuala Lumpur on Sunday. They are Mrs. Marguerite S. Churrh (Republican) and Mrs. Edna F. Kelly (Democrat). Other mpmber.s are Mr. Walter
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  • 80 7 The raiders worked in the dark rpHREE masked men broke 'i A into a room occupied by a Chinese woman and her daugh- I ter in Newton. Singapore, at i 3.30 a.m. yesterday and robbed them of ca.*h and iewtllery worth 5268 The men ran-sacked the room without putting on
    80 words
  • 67 7 Seventy .scouters trave a farewell party at Sands House last night to Mr. R. E. Incn. Chief Commissioner for Singa- pore. V7ho Ii leaving in a few days on long leave for Eng- I land. Present at the party w;is 1 Mr. Godfrey Phillips, chairman of the
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  • 103 7 Eleven hurt at work get $11, 755 ELEVEN Singapore workmen who were injured at work last month received a total of $11,755 compensation. During November, tnree people wete killed and 256 were injured while working. Two who died fell from a considerable height; the third died after a "heavy object"
    103 words
  • 48 7 KLANG. Thurs— Yeon Ten--08. of Port Swettenham. wa7 today senten-ed to nine months' gaol by Mr. E Bro*n president of the Klan" Sessions Cour* >r possession of 121 b of raw opium and 32 lb of i, m Yeon ID] and was 5.5.000 bail.
    48 words
  • 68 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Government rice ration laatKl in Malacca until Dec. 13 will consist of the following type., high grade. Siam white rice 15 per cent broken entitlimeM 40 per cent price per kati 41 cents. Medium Grade Burma Ngak seln rice, entitlement 20 per cent
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  • 103 7 He pushed policeman and told him to go. a way $40 WHILE investigating gathering in the st: policeman was pushed aside a man and told to "go ..away and mind your own business In a Singapore Policy' Court yesterday, the push cost R. Arumupasamy a $40' fine or three weeks'
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  • 112 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tl THE Sharikat Lvm 1 pak, a Ma.. mining company operating DCS he;e has declared an inter; .ividend of 30 per cent les It Is believed to be tl. first Malay company to have deela*vd such i >i' stanli.. divi i
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  • 44 7 Tobacco worth $12, some clothing and $493 were stolen from a sundry shop in Bukit Timah Road, Singapore, on Wednesday night while the proprietor and two assistants were sleeping Two planks of the wall were removed by the burglars.
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  • 200 7 I)OH HAI ANN, a 20- year-old ice seller, was sentenced to death at Singapore Assizes yesterday for the murder of Lee Pak Ghee, a Water Works fitter, who was shot dead in a coffer stall at Potong Pasir on September 12. Boh, who
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  • 35 7 The 7.176-ton Abbeville arrived in Singapore yesterday from Marseilles with about 600 French troops for Indo-Chlna The trooper stayed in port for a few hours to take on water bunkers and provisions.
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  • 48 7 TAIPING. Thurs— The Sim Koong Musical and Dramatir Association of Taiping will po to Penang on Saturday, to make recordings for broadcast on December 19 and 25 on the Chinese network. The p:irty. numbering 30 men and women, will rend>r classical Cantonese mu*ir.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 195 7 AMAZING Hint 4 TIO\S ill tHIIX'mas SALE CANTEENS OF CUTLERY 24 pcs. in E. P. N. S. A 1 SALE PRICE from 36.00 For 6 persons 40 pcs. 52.00 n 12 103 $220.00 etc. etc., The NOVELTYsTOR E 88. our ii mum, i road. SIM. APOKt-6. TELE: 3123 V^Tlie LUCKY
      195 words
    • 120 7 •>'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>•>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>,>>>>>»»»»»»»»»»»»»»».»»»»»»»„»»»„,>>„>. >)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>v I the new I STANDARD EIGHT l^-^^ 0^ > Designed for Happy Family Motoring in Malaya I I THE STANDARD EICHT represents a major achievement in the realms of popular motoring. Its designers set out to produce a car which would give the family motorist all that could
      120 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 294 7 Sirails iinxs I rossuord ACKdsS 14. lloldir ul .1 Inlicliie HlKiltirei ol Ilic .simple liopes It;. Flower Id help on I lie water 5 (14). i.i'pty iH). I ft 9. Looking lor eiaMM sir? (9). 17. Her chap's In an old tank g 0. it's nothiiif (o the girl, but
      294 words

  • 188 8 Hi Wuri* tit I minimum) WHITE hindbnes (washable! and the best Hal. an straw nandbacs Available at vanity. MRS MARY CHATKR wishes to Inlnrm her clientele that she Is I back at Cameo Bei.uty Salon for npi Intments Phone 60V). SINGAPORE Children's society > Charity Ball, Island Club. Saturday,
    188 words
  • 916 8 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri., Dec. 4, 1953. Meeting In Bermuda Since the second invitation to a conference at Bermuda was made ;md accepted, the Russians themselves have accepted, I in their fashion, the invitation to a conference on German and Austrian problems which arose out of the three PoVer
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  • 373 8 Two years ago there was an increase in the incidence of malaria in the Federation unexplained except by the prob--1 ability that insufficient precautions were taken during the resettlement of hundreds of thousands of squatters. The new report of the Malaria Con--1 trol Board reveals that malaria once
    373 words
  • 870 8  - Two architects of new industries for Russia B.D. SINGER By STALIN'S successors promised the Soviet public greater freedom, more security and a higher standard of life. Since Beria's fall no mention is being made of the constitutional rights of the Soviet citizen; the "peace offensive" launched after Stalin's death has
    870 words
  • man in the street
    • 91 8 THE suggestion put forward by Paul Street on the subject of public holidays is an attempt to introduce what every Malayan wishes to destroy and that is. communalism Why should he compare Malaya with India? I have a suspicion that your correspondent is not a Malayan for
      91 words
    • 150 8 WITH reference to the .story appearing in the Straits Times of November 28 on the breaking up of the S. S. Sin Soon Lee. I wish to point out that the sale of a British ship registered in Singapore is governed by the Minister of Tran.spi.rt and
      150 words
    • 59 8 I WOULD like to draw the attention of the authorities to the tremendous volume of transport that congests the area near the roundabout in front of St. Andrew's School. School children find it very risky to cio.s,s thLs point to their .school. More zebra crossings would .solve the
      59 words
    • 242 8 IN his letter in the Straits Times, 1.M.8. has identified himself with that school of misguided thought which clamours for self-determination for its own sake, irrespective of all factors that make self government worth having. To his one track mind anyone and everyone, whether he be
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    • 242 8 MALAYA will be given another half-hour of listening time on Dec. 17. when Light programme listeners will hear a programme recorded at the Malayan Teachers' Training College at Kirkby on Nov. 29. The 8.8.C. are sending a strong "Question Time" team to Kirkby. composed of Mr Jack Longland (Director
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  • 524 8 On the Margin Last word T have been following the correspondence about ragging In the Straits Times with the interest of one who has had a deal of theoretical and a respectable measure of practical experience in that art. If It is an art. It seems of me that the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 769 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. 20 H'onft 1 minimum} VAN DRIESUM: To Ketie (ne<van Hniwelt). wife of J. A. van Drie.Mim. at K K. Hospital. Slneapart on 2nd December, 1053, a son, Polxrt FnoVrik. 7* Hor^i minimum i THE ermngement Is announced between Sn« Kun Mln, son of Mr. A- Mrs. Snp Kl.enc
      769 words
    • 86 8 just out! "There Is No Dr. Prale show* why he pro- I I roundiv Iwlion that there I* I I no "death," that the her* I j and the hrreifter are one. Canopy of Air l 4 WithiHil It deadly tf n». j prrature*. no mund, ao life I i
      86 words
    • 81 8 6 RAFFLES PLACE. PHONE ***** R. V.jlHUfStf IWHIMM** K. E. MEYER f.n.a.0.. o. opt. K. BELL Dip. OPT., A.S.T.C. F.AO.A. I" P' Round Trips 'to 61 O JAPAN A 21 day Cruise 1 1 calling at j HONGKONG YOKOHAMA. KOBE i s.s. CHUSAN s liar** Spore. 13th Jan., 1954 returns
      81 words

  • 157 9 Champion company bagged 1 67 Reds KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. KILLERS of 68 Communist terrorists since last January, 'C Company of the 2/7 Gurkha Rifles today received the battle efficiency shield from the General OfTk-rr Commanding Malaya. Lieut.-Gcn. Sir Hugh Stockwell, in a ceremony at Serdang. The company. Just returned from
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  • 88 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. OfTice-bearers of the Sesana Abhiwurdhl Wardhana Society. Kuala Lumpur, for the year are: President, Mr. K. A. Albert: rice-president, Mr. G. K. sedrisappuhamy; secretary, Mr. L. D. R. Herath. asst. Secretary. Mr. L. B. Palueaswewa: treasurer; Mr. M. Jayathissa: nudMor. Mr. J. A. B.
    88 words
  • 56 9 PENANG. Thurs Owners Who do not intend to use their motor vehicles during January 1 to June 30 next year must Ci\ ■<- not, loss than 10 days" I written notic to the Regis-! tnu and Inspector of Motor Vehlcl Application fr, r renewals of licences
    56 words
  • 123 9 SHE DIDN'T KNOW THE LAW Because I'm a woman 4 WOMAN told a Singapore magistrate yesterday that being a woman she was ignorant of the law. The magistrate. Mr. J. M. Devereux Colebourn said: "Being a woman, you perhaps kno.v the law better than a man that often happens, you
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  • 57 9 J. M Gregory claimed trial In Singapore yesterday to causing death to a hand-cart driver in River Valley Road by driving hi.s car negligently. He also claimed trial to not stopping after the accident, and not reporting to the police within 24 hours. The case was postponed
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  • 23 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs A total of 396,821 tons of cargo was discharged and loaded at the Federation's major ports in October.
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  • 38 9 PENANG, Thurs._F< r;y I recruits for the Federation Rrpimrnt were selected Uv a tram during its two-day stay; heir. They comprised 14 Chinese. 13 Indians. 11 Malays anri two Eurasians. Applicants interviewed totalled 162.
    38 words
  • 291 9 MALAYA LAYS PLANS TO CAPTURE MARKET Export target is 200 million cans THE MALAYAN pineapple industry is to increase its exports to 100 million cans annually in the next two years in a drive to capture the British market. Mr. Yap Pheng Geek, chairman of the
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  • 196 9 Important talks on S.E. Asia A GROUP of British diplomats and representatives photographed at Mailing yesterday. It was the beginning of a three-day conference on the political and economic situation in South-East Asia. Left to right (front row): Mr. F. S. Gibbs, H. M. Minister in Manila; General
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  • 127 9 Cash prizes for photo competition IPOH. Thurs. PASH prizes are being offered for Peraks first photographic competition, which will btheld this month and will be open to all photographers residing in the state. Contestants must submit three different with the theme of "operation service" either on half plate or
    127 words
  • 100 9 PROUD DAY FOR 500 VILLAGERS MALACCA, Thurs— lt was proud day yesterd<\v for 500 people of Paya Men-ikuanq: n*\v village. 24 miles from Malacca town, when the Resident Commissioner, Mr. G. E. C. Wisdom handed over the defence of the village to the local home guards. This new village, the
    100 words
  • 63 9 The body of a Chinese man was picked up from the Straits of Johore yesterday by Johore police. It was not identified. About 30 to 35* years of n^p, 5 ft. 5 in tall, medium build, brown complexion and with long cropped hair, the body war
    63 words
  • 182 9 Armed Malays in hold-up FOLLOWING a Jury's unanimous verdict of guilty against four young Malays who were tried at Singapore Assizes yesterday for armed robbery. Mr. Justice Knight remarked: "If ever there was a proper verdict, this is it." The four were
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  • 137 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs A TAXI driver today told the First Magistrate here that he stabbed his estranged wife with a kris when he found her sitting on the bed with another man. The husband, Abu bin Norrtin, said she was partly unclothed. The
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  • 26 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs The Federation exported 259,504 lb of black tea worth $330,996 and 1.772 lb of green tea valued at $1,378 last month.
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  • 40 9 Singapore Y.W.C.A will hold its Christmas bazaar at the hostel In Fort Canning Road from 10 a.m to 6 p.m tomorrow. The bazaar will be opened by Mrs T. P F McNeice wife of the City president
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  • 216 9 rpHE BRITISH COUNCIL in Singapore is invitinc applications from members of tM puaiip to attend a week-end residential course at the University of Malayn on December 18, 19 and 20. The course Ls organised by the Study Group Movement (Singapore), in co-operation with the University
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  • 741 9  -  HALL ROMNEY IN THREE YEARS OF TRADING... FROM LONDON. Thurs. ¥N the years 1950-51-52 1 the London directors of Lewis and Peat Ltd. received emoluments totalling £101,239, the Singapore directors £190.179 and the shareholders only £24,000. So says a circular letter issued to the shareholders
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  • 64 9 Their homes 'reprieved' to New Year piVE Chinese 4 men and woman left the City Police Court yesterday nil smiles. Their request for the extension until the Chinese New Year of a court mandatory ordrt for the demolition of thru houses had just been granted The magistrate, Mr. J. M
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  • 170 9 JA. E. MAPTIN was in Singapore yesterday sentenced to a month in prison for driving while under the influence of drink to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control over it on the night of September 20. Martin appealed and
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  • 56 9 An Indian labourer was hit on the head with a lead pipe in West Hill Road at 1 am yesterday. Th? labourer, who was employed at the Naval Base, was returning hone when he was attacked from behind He was later admitted to the Naval
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  • 31 9 A six-year-old boy. Yau Quay Song, died In the General Hospital after falling 40 feet from the second storey of a building in Havelock Road. Singapore, last night
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 101 9 THHOll.ll DISTINGUISHED SLRUCE Some studs of Krementz Quality rolled gold plate have been worn for os long os thirty five years. All Krementi jewelry will give corresponding satisfaction. {JflDßv^ bard 'oll«d 14 XT geld. r I N F. I I I. ITY J E WELRY XII MIN 1..~i., .1,, Co"*.
      101 words
    • 94 9 DL SOU? A— On Dec 3 at XX. Hospital t-i vian.Timte. wife of Ptt d* Souia a son. Gler. Gerard. Always make it a point to call on us first. You will always find the Range here most appealing |9.P.DESILVAire| manufaeiurina (Jewellers r sinGrtPOßt pmnnu wSS PHIL!PS> 7954 jJILf nmv
      94 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 144 9 THE WEATHEF Minimum Trmpermlure (7.30 p.m. on Dec. 2 to 7.30 a.m. on Dec. 3> Singapore 75 degrees Ppnuru; 73. KoU Bahru 14, Kuala Lumpur 73. Ipoh 71. Kii.intan ,U. Maximum Trmprralure (7.3 C am. to 7.30 pm. on Dec. 3>: 91ilK»pore 88. PenniiK 87. KoU Bulini 85. Kuala Lumpur
      144 words

  • 2 10
    2 words
  • 891 10 mi i irxoi isi of i\ihi si "JIIK CONQUEST OF EVEREST" is not i good film. It is a great film and that is a very different thing. For it lifts this triumph of Cinema art beyond the range of normal criticiam. II
    891 words
  • 154 10 a single act consisting of one number only. ARENA" Ls a three D colour film about a rodeo somewhere in America's South West. There is a slender plot that gives little scope for acting and the real actors are the horses and the
    154 words
  • 570 10  -  Hf MEM CANNOT remember such a week for show business in Singapore. "The Mikado Solomon, Xavier Cugat and Madam Auzurie and all drew capacity audiences. Singaporeans have an insatiaWp thirst for good entertainment. A meeting addressed by every leadin? politician in the country would fill only a
    570 words
  • 268 10 To keep you in the I picture COME BACK. I.ITTI.K SHKBA. Frustrated beings ovrrromr thrir trouble In an Xrnciiiai. »mall town. Human n.iiiii' porlrayrd with art and unilrrstanriini. MUM AKSAK. I Sli.ikis|>rarf i.ull lUlly repro- dvi nl illi xmii flne arline parlicuUrlv in Mark \nthun\ 's j uiution ovir
    268 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 252 10 NOW |df|if|if;r|yjgj| n r us f 4 f SHOWING Hll Jll'l;/-;^ 6.30,9.30 ATT Ark without II 111 XI XI,! COURAGE without EQUAL! ■loPQrßrmoß I %Ab^* IB Feather River ra/AuH WarnerCoior bUi MADISON rHANKLUVLJUi-vcßAMius- dick wesson W Hire of Viewers 20 cts plus deposit 40 cts refundable I tut i ii
      252 words
    • 315 10 J\ CATHAY ORGANISATION -Jj ATTRACTIONS ""■JgT OPENS «*«"'^Bii~ i ~U 4— j 1-u-^tf-y 1 1 00 am 1 45TAHAVI !^JII I\ I f I 415 645 lUUAY! JpP-flljL' lII 1 930 pm. Given Any Title It Spells ENTERTAINMENT. I In- .f|. ailfl ||iM«i I in Color by 'Tjfc M(
      315 words

  • 1826 11 *n PGP GZ "H hhi "fi i xni on\ rrox imiiiiiiin mpmsaster uuwuwwuuuwuuwww HMSTOR V iill I mil ********************11 l ART Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt 1 HE royal palace of the kings of Madagascar lay bathed in tropical moonlight one night in
    Daily Mirror  -  1,826 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 280 11 m mil! everyone will ■dmira »ou Catei N«il Pnlihh enhance* the natural lovelincM ol yonr nail*, invite* ih« •wretm flattery Oouhine*. outwear* even romlirr polinhe* brrnuui C.utrt contain* thr mtrtulruenr ingredient- Ennmelnn! The mirarnlon* "SpillpniP fmtnre prevent* damafr to clothru and furniture allow* ample time l« njhi tipfiednver bottle before
      280 words
    • 7 11 JTOMOHHOU:! Woman*« love j for M kiny
      7 words
    • 474 11 CLEANER^*. for everything you whiten WnltC i '^^^^r 'Jg KIWI White Cleaners are made by the makers of the famous JdWLjHOE POLISHES HOW GOOD ARE HEALTH HANTS? Do you sforv* your body through the morning or do you mat a health-giving breakfast T \lf you've been trying to get by
      474 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 310 11 TME \n\Hl\X XIGHTS of Bengal, and whilst hurried wanted his revel** upon the to the Ror.l Pa.c" »nd l th7r rranKftnents wrr, made for the Fmp*ror for his imprisonment. were U .travel as ouirklt -».ir. lo K o lo the summer palace A v.rd. who had heard the possible on
      310 words

  • 560 12 Amu nd th«> mnrkvis SHARE TURNOVER SMALL THE Singapore share market had a better day yesterday when Wednesday's sentiment was reversed and there were buyers of tins and industrials at slightly higher prices. Sellers showed no inclination to part and hence the turnover was only moderate.
    560 words
  • 185 12 Singapore rubber market o ened firm yesterday and steadied during the day with December first "grade closing at G0 5 r cents a pound, one cent above Wednesday's close. There was some factory interest but prices were high for the trade Sellers showed no inclination to come in.
    185 words
  • 18 12 The prior of tin in SingaI pore .yesterday was declared at $3II.:»3 a picul up $!>.r».
    18 words
  • 227 12 MELBOURNE. Thurs 1 INDI'STRIAL share leaders were x prominent in a lon K list of price rlse s on the Stock Exchance today. Bliyeu showed keen interest leaders leuiMerinc |ÜBM mclurled Australian Consolidated Indiisinc-. British Tobacco, HUP. Duniop. Klectrolic Zinc and Herald and Times. The annual meeting of
    227 words
  • 145 12 I NEW YORK, Thnr I/NCOURAGEi) by the relative lichtnes.s of Tuesdays profitandtaklne. industrials recovered buoyancy on the Stock Markr terriay and pushed the markei on balance to :i new reco\er\ liieh ■alls, however, were Inclined to lac while utilities held sieariv. The net result was an irrceut:<rlv hleber
    145 words
  • 72 12 Singapore CMMM Produce I change: Noon prices per picul weir Copra: very sleadv: December' *39 buyers. M 0 sellers- Janunr. $3!)\ buyers. *40 .seller-. Coconut oil: steady; $60 sellers. Pepper: steady; .ill varieties up Mi Little business reported; Muntnk white 5335. Sarawak $33C, Lamponc black $2n.i Lewis and
    72 words
  • 69 12 The Malayan Exchange Bank.^ 1 I Association made the followine chances in its rates to merchants fßßterd >l LUNG, T.T. or OD ready, New York. 32 11 16, Philippines pesos 65 3.8. On the free exchance market In Hone Kone yesterday the US d liar was quoted at
    69 words
  • 34 12 The followlne outpu's of tin-ore ;\re reported for Novemlv\P:ih,n« Consolidated 'Cci 'ns j Suncci Kini:i Tin 2"i p. il 1 Ipnh Tin 271 pin' I (No. 3 dredcei 727 pi< ula
    34 words
  • 41 12 111 N'uemhrr 'he cirerlcr n[ BanaH BMar Tin Dr*riKin c r >: i worked for *>3b hows, trcnte-i i .I 4. r >.7nn ruble jwda .>nd produced i 1.018 ptmta of tin-or**. cnmp.ird I with MM pirn!.-, in October
    41 words
  • 28 12 Tn November the dredces of ["nkuapa Vullev Tin NI. Worked f«r 1.187 hours, covered 2 r >5.000 cubic yards and produced 696 plculs 01 tln^>re.
    28 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 378 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS WANTED: An Editor to edit B fortnight Iv newspaper bl Romanised Mala} (Runt) and English e;iriy next year. Apply In wnilnp to the Hon. Secretary. Federation Adult Eriuratlon AuodaUOD. 'iiiv.rnment Offices. Block 12. B»tU Road, Kiul* Lumpur, before IBttl December, 1353 stating age, nuallflcailons, experience and salary p-iulrod.
      378 words
    • 257 12 NOTICES CITY OF SINGAPORE S. 103, Municipal Ordinance (Cap. 133) Making up hnd draining of Lorons 25A. Geylanjf. NOTICE Is hereby given that the plan, specification, estimate and apportionment of expenses of mm king up and draining of Lorong 25 A. Geylang. In the City of Slni;;ipore. have been confirmed
      257 words
    • 215 12 NOTICES NATURALISATION NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN thj't Madam Chlu Ming Chee of No. 29, Balmoral Road, Singapore. is applying to the Governor for naturalisation, and that any person who knows any renson why naturalisation should not be granted should send a written and signed Matement of the facts to the
      215 words
    • 999 12 NOTICES AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES To bo held at our saleroom Nos. 14 IB Robinson Road. Rlrurnporr. ON THURSDAY 10TH DECEMBER, 1953 AT 230 P.M. Vacant land at LORONG 6 GEYLANO. Freehold. Area 7,768 sq.ft approx. VACANT POSSESSION. Land at PAYA LEBAR RD. Freehold. Area 43.342 sq.ft.
      999 words
    • 661 12 NOTICES THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED NOTICE la hereby given that the Transfer Books of the above Corporation will be closed from the 12th to 19th December, 1953. both days Inclusive, for the preparation of Interim Dividend Warrants. By Ordci of the Board. H.M. HAYWARD Manager. Dated this 4th
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1633 13 ft £2 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. Passage (Incoiporoted in Singapore) A| oth r °*9t- HLUE FUNNEL LINE Carriers' option to proceed via other port* to load and discharge cargo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Due Sails P. S'hom Penong Bcllerophon fnr Liverpool, Dublin A Swonseo 1777. J
      1,633 words
    • 1106 13 Ra bMbt ObH pL-^^4» JbT jbW '^^Lt -JbT >jj^f A^H ■^r^AgV jfcßw JbW EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/ U.K /CONTINENT S'ooro P. S'harrt Penong "Manchuria" tor Bangkok, Saloon. Hongkong, Manila, Koba, Yokohama 3/4 Dec. In Port "Folstrio" for Bongkok 9/10 Dec. 8/ 8 Dec. 7/ 7 Dee. "Lolondlo" for
      1,106 words
    • 1127 13 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. ond CONTINENTAL PORTS S'ooro P S'hom Peno Benwyvis for Genoa. Avonmouth, Liverpool, Hu!l Gdn. 4/7 7/ 8 Doc. 9/10 Doc. Benattow for London, Antwerp Rotterdam, Homburg 10/14 Dec. 17/19 Dec. 20/22 Dec. Beneruachan for Liverpool, Dublin. Rotterdam, Hamuurg 16/22 Dec. 23/23 Dec. 26/28
      1,127 words
    • 1275 13 McALISTER tfc CO., LTD. ELLERMAN cfc BUCKNALL TtL No LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, KLAVENESS LIMB HAMBURG LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, and for USA. North Atlantic Po.ts PORTLAND. SEATTLE ft VANCOUVER ond Canada via Colombo Aceeptimi corgo for Central ft South CITY Of SWANSEA American Ports Spore P S'rnrr. Penona BOUGAINVILLE 14/20
      1,275 words

    • 495 14 PATIENCE of Communist sympathisers was evidenced in the report toy Mr Harold E. Stassen, Director of Foreign Operations, on the control of strategic trade with the Communist bloc. He told the United States Congress of one shipment of strategic goods which left West Germany. Italy and the
      495 words
    • 244 14 U.S. importing more rubber, copra and pepper ITNITED STATES imports of a Dumber of So Kastcrn products registered significant gains i recent month for which import figures arc av;i United States Department of Commerce. The department reported that American natural rubber imports in September were 132 million pounds worth U5527.6
      244 words
    • 102 14 TIN appears to be ideally I suited" to improve the strength of titanium-alu- minium alloys, according to some American scientists. The development and characteristics of a new titanium alloy containing aluminium and tin were described by scientists representing thr Rem-Cru Titanium Co. of
      102 words
    • 93 14 BRITISH shipyards completed 19 new merchant vessels of 133,324 tons gross in October— the highest monthly figure since May last year according to Lloyds list. Two passenger liners were included in the October completions—the 22.980-ton Olympia and the 8,303-ton Maori. The total of 31,283
      93 words
    • 140 14 FIRST-HAND knowledge of the methods being used 1 to boost natural rubber consumption in the United States was gained by Brigadier H. K. Dimoline. secretary of the Rubber Producers' Council of Malaya on his recent visit to the U.S In the above photograph. Brig Dimoline Ls seen
      140 words
    • 111 14 VISITOR FOUND:— I^NCOURAGED with market •a-* prospects in South-east Asia and appreciative of Malayan hospitality, the Hon. John Mackintosh, a director of John Mackintosh and Sons Ltd British toffrr manufacturers, left Singapore on Wednesday for Vancouver. He spent 10 days In Malaya studying market conditions and meeting
      111 words
    • 113 14 R.I. policy cuts down inflation From a Special Correspondent THE Indonesian GovernA ment's rule that all importers have to pay 75 per cent, of the value ot their purchases in adi vance has enablec' the government to withdraw about 800 million rupiahs from circulation, it was announced in Jakarta. Since
      113 words
    • 88 14 A REGIONAL training centre in railway operations and signalling— to serve countries throughout Asia and the Far East will be opened next February in Lahore, Pakistan. The centre will operate under the joint auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the
      88 words
    • 82 14 THE Indian Minister .if Commerce. Mr. D. P Karmarkar has announced that India's import policy for the first six months of next year will be practically the continuation of the present policy. He forecast some expansion of imports on private account but pointed out that
      82 words
    • 4 14
      4 words
    • 149 14 Malayan company's No' on U.N. tin talks rIE Pahanc Consolidated Co. Ltd. voted against reconvrntion of the I'nited Nations' tin conference because it considered "any form of restriction of output uoulri he uneconomic." This has been revealed to shareholders r.y the (ompay's chairman, Mr. D. T. l.ruis. The comp;in> was
      149 words
    • 107 14 Philippines, Indonesia copra exports INDONESIA and the Philippines showed an outstanding increase in copra exports during October, accorcing to a report by the United States Department of Agriculture. Indonesia's copra cxooi ts during the month were 28.944 long tons an increase of 37 per cent, on September and 45 per
      107 words
    • 209 14 THE competitive Malayan radio sot market onr of Britain's most important is made more stimulat- ing by a selective Malayar This is the opinion of Mr T. W. Hogg, deputy export marager in the Radio Division of Milliard Overseas Ltd., in Britain. Mr.
      209 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 385 14 Caterpillar DJESEL TRACTORS 8 MODELS AVAILABLE I I MJ-- fSjhL^^^^ U CRAWLER jpj^&^t-' MODELS 130 DB HP FOUR-WHEEL /jU^ v 'jg~>^^v TWO- WHEEL MODEL jp"7\lY />Si|O 1 1 New and Reconditioned t/K\^J~ -Jf~_J Units are available V^'sfc^aß^j^"''^ Ex stock Singapore. For details write: r -JfI(HEsfniILERECO.LTD.-A otopo a lot o$ iKMmfi
      385 words
    • 218 14 *Sd mm^Pr^^fw I*- I<V> 'I I '-jimr^ ■■■«mßHmßv*>Sj£\Kw- mm -^ammj amm^; '-T I jj^ 'ammmv v ll x taw^jc tP.fl sm^^*^Qffrlr*Wnait s?\ vKj H Tht* tngcmnm t Jit uric C ami ft Clock '^mml I prohahtf hcfnnK\ M thr lutfcr half of Twenty-five centuries in Time More than two and
      218 words

  • 531 15  - DISTRIBUTOR STANDS OUT AS LIKELY FIRST DAY WINNER EPSOM JEEP Rv IPOH, Thursday. DISTRIBUTOR, a four-year-old by Le Grand Due, has trained on splendidly since his two encouraging efforts at Penang in October and looks a bright prospect on Saturday, first day of the Perak Turf Club December meeting. With
    531 words
  • 64 15 Star six on the track Disney Black PulOt Harwood Distributor Little Andy Two Diamonds In Epsom Jeep's Star Six for Bukit Titnah. there were three winners —Euphrates ($95 and ISf), Cinema 11 ($l7 and S10) and Sir Francis (who scored a double paying Sl I and S" and $45 and
    64 words
  • 389 15 Little Andy could win an his first appearance LITTLE ANDY date Andy Seven) displayed a useful J turn of speed in a sharp 1 sprint up the straight. This four-year-old by Seven Seas looks pretty forward in condi- tion and, handicapped in the lowest division of Class 4. he i
    389 words
  • 39 15 The S.H.A. senior knookoul fixture between Wanderers and Singapore Chinese R.C. will be played at Bh*U around. Payp Lebar. on Sunday. The friendly between S.C.R.C. and RAF. Tengah arranged for Hone Lim Green today has been cancelled.
    39 words
  • 247 15 T HE draw for the RSGC v Island Club golf match, to be held Rt Island Club course on ounday <RSOC names flrat) is j FROM FIRST TEE JU5 i McEwan fScr.i Dalv (11) I Hodßkinaon .Scr.) A Jones (4); 8.20 Craik (4. Scott i6> v
    247 words
  • 250 15 N.Z. forwards follow Springbok methods ABERDEEN, Thurs. T*HE NEW ZEALAND All A Blacks Rugby Union team completed the first of their twe visits to Scotland by beating a I North of Scotland side by 28 points to three here yesterday. The tourists scored five goals and a try to one
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 584 15  -  EPSOM JEEP By IPOH. Thursday. PUNTER'S DELIGHT, with Harry McCloud astride, appeared to be in great form when he did a sharp sprint up the straight this morning. This three-year-old by The Cob will take a lot of beating in the five furlongs straight-course race
    584 words
  • 64 15 Ml I. Hoi KM Thun. \f ALA VAX champion Neale Fraier wm one nl seven players named a> "almost certain to be Australia's Davis Cup squad" by Harry Hopman. Australia* non-playing captain, here today. Writing In the Melbourne Herald. Hoptnan named the players as Ken
    64 words
  • 27 15 MERSING, Thurs. Police beat Sebrang Kanan* 2-0 in a friendly soccer match here. Both goals by Halira and Haldzir were scored in the second half.
    27 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 578 15 Maice a Sr#S wB --v/>s#^--^ jX^Vtß|^^^Z V-"'»" timmmV&tF **9^^^l KOLYNOS the Active' Chlorophyll toothpaste The instant you start brushing L It keeps with Green Kolynos, you'll enjoy breath fresh. its lively pleasant taste you'llyrW 2. it fights gum the glorious cool freshness that troubles. only Kolynos with chlorophyll 3. c
      578 words
    • 223 15 IJL there te agents CALDBECK'S «>JC They're on the way... and worth waiting for! 4^ i <ii»^"^^^_y^^*^ I^-"^ t^. f ftr, j fl| 4 b^witt betted Hillman HILLMAN Californian. Looked at. or looked out<of. the COmf Ort. Better, because vjew i» superb. Windows drop down clear into the body o
      223 words

  • 211 16 rpHE final placing In Divisions One and Two In the 9.H.A. lracurs are FIRST DIVISION P W D L F A Pis. T'nKersitv in 7 1 2 21 8 15 SRC. Red IP 7 1 ***** 15 Uf>lonrse 10 5 4 1 17 10 14 Indians
    211 words
  • 840 16  -  ANG EAM HOCK Great game by SCC defence By THE University of Malaya won the Division 1 1 championship of the Singapore Hockey Association yesterday when they beat Singapore Cricket Club by the game's solitary goal, scored by left winger Pang Sing Eng in
    840 words
  • 21 16 I OMDOIf. Thurs. Yesterday's County < h^mptonshlp: Sussex 10 Berkshire fi. Clnh much C:>rdirl 9 Combined Prrvrr s 18 Reviter.
    21 words
  • 649 16  - QUICK-TACKLING ROVERS GAVE TIGERS A SCARE SENTINEL By TIGERS. S.A.F.A. leapue champions and cup winners, came very near to losing their unbeaten record for the season at Jalan Bcsar stadium yesterday when they drew 2 2 with Rovers in the annual Haw Par I Trophy match Each team will hold
    649 words
  • 373 16 pLAY to the whistle is an old rule in sport. But only one player, Bernard Coutts, remembered it in yesterday's SHA Division I game between S.R.C. Reds and Police on the padang and Coutts scored in the last minute to give SR.C. a 2 l \ictory.
    373 words
  • 58 16 KLUANG. Thurs Johore Bahru j beat Batu Pahat 3-2 in the final of the in'er-district soccer competition for the Sultan Ibrahim's Cup played here today. Scorers for Johore flnhni were WM Dollah (2) and Dollah Don. Batu Pahat District srored their goals through Sharif! Madon
    58 words
  • 49 16 1 MELBOURNE. Thursda John Landv the great Australian miler I said today lie plans lo retire from running after the Australian track champion-shlr* In February 'Training requires about 'hree hours work each day said 24-ve«r--old I»tndy. J ihink it is too much A r
    49 words
  • 234 16 C WEALTH 286 FOR FOUR IN SECOND TEST Simpson 121 BOMBAY, Thurs A FINE century by Res Simpson, and coed Mipporiinc mninss t>\ Dave Hetcbtf (M>, Ken Meuleman i. SO i ar.d Roy Marshall < 38 not ou' i enabled Commonwealtli to store 286 for four here today, first day
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 69 16 Combined Schools' hockey team to meet a Slneapore XI at Raffles Institution cround on Monday is: Richard Es K (SJI>: Terrence Rodrigues (8JI). Chin Kirn Poh iRI i E Viiesinche iSJI'. Douclas Hay iVS>. Tan Hen E Hoe >VSp: Foo Foonc Fonc iVSi. E. Tessensohn
    69 words
  • 46 16 Wanderers' hockey team *o meet S.C.R.C. in the SHA senior ko tourney al Shell cround on Sunday is: B Bincham N. Fernando. W. Dailey. D R Miller. R. Etherington. D. Sullivan: B. Sullivan. L. Lestrance. O Carvalho, B. Halge, P. Swvny. Reccrve: R. Brook.
    46 words
  • 168 16 PERTH. Thurs. RAMANATHAN KRISHNAN. India's 16-year-old junior rhamplon. came within a point of levelling India's Davis Cup inter?one tie afsainst Belgium on the opening day here today. But Kiishnan. after winning thr NM .;-;nin.*t Jackie Brirhan' im the next three and Belgium, 'he
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 268 16 WONG NOT A POLITICAL HERO, SAYS BAM CHIEF PENANG, Thurs. THE president of the Badminton Association of Malaya. Mr. Heah Joo Soanp:, today deplored the: action of unofficial world champion Wong Peng Soon in making a political issue of his recent touj of Taipeh. "I have no quarrel with any
    268 words
  • 75 16 MELBOURNE, Thurs. I A USTRALIA'S top two lawn tennis I stars Ken Rof.evall and Lewis H'ia.l. will flpht out the men* I singles final in the Victorian state rhamptonships here. In the All-Australian semi-finals today. Rosewall defeated George Worthington 6-! 2-fi. 6-0. 6-1, and Bond
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 34 16 HOCKFY SIIA ol M»i; \N(.I I\R 4 p.m. \irnv v Navy; 5.10. p.m. I i\< v RAT. SH\ II \lin: X.0.: IMVfRSIT> v YM.C.V. Ruklt Timah (J. C. (ooke and Manchandai.
    34 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 866 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. iConttnwd irom Pace 8> ACCOMMODATION VACANT 111 W.iirfv J., i Mm )-Hi>x ill r«» txtrm TO LET I^rge flat at Chancery Lane apply S.O. Al.sagoff M Raffles Pi.ire. Tel. 3244. TO LfcT Liirce :>nv room in new flat vacant apply to 3448 .100 Cblat Road Sincapore IS after
      866 words
    • 790 16 TUITION 2» Word* tS (MiH.)-Hnx 59 rtt. txtra. REGISTER NOW: 1. Intensive Course. S'hand Si Typing morn, daily. 2. Bk.-Kpg., S'hand 5.15. 3. Spl. Rapid course lor School students. 4. Refresher Courses. Typing any time, 3 places. 155 machines. 8.1.C.. Mid. Rd. Col. Quay. ***** *****. YOU HAYS neara ot
      790 words
    • 328 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE H..rrf> fi <Yin.i B<ix >• ctt txtra. ONE MALE. female, black and white Al.satl.-xn Piips. eight weeks o'.d. 'Plione 22"T3 PRIZE wtantag clicks Lecnorns, Rhode Island Reds, Australorps, day old. $18 dor. Balanced Chick food. 50 cents per 1b 115. Cross Street. Singapore. 1. KATONG BAZAAR
      328 words
    • 73 16 IPOH TRACK WORK BY EPSOM JEEP— P. 15 lIP- 'M I/^ r^w Ga |I^bllbmbbbm^V-^-^ q fDott fnmou* liqueur W^ T\C 11 r Plf TI HE (or mans centuries. iSp^Xa, fia. kW B great an^ ancient 111 NfV M»covcrv containing Vital health olvino herbs. s»u A^nts f|E ASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD.
      73 words