The Straits Times, 2 December 1953

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Hal** 0 New**** Established 1845 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1953. 15 CENTS
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  • 341 1 Decision after talks with U.S. envoy THREE -POINT REPLY SAIGON, Tuesday. •pHK Vietnamese Head of State Bao Dai conferred with the I'nited States Ambassador, Mr. Donald Heath, today before he rejected proposals by the Communist leader. Ho Chi Minh, to hold truce talks to
    Reuter; UP  -  341 words
  • 96 1 ARISE, SIR KENNETH The Queen honours ex Malayan THE o I I dubs Mr. Kenneth O'Connor, Chief Justice of Jamaica, a Knight Bachelor at a ceremony at the residence of th« Governor of Jamaica. Sir Kennethk n i ff h t h oo< was announced in the 19 5 2
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  • 110 1 Court martial Dec. 14 i OERGEANT Walter Hayes, f »3 Royal Engineers, will taec a District Court Martial in Pinsapore on Dec. 14. when a number of charge! will he rraci against him in connection with the delay of 56 baps of soldiers 1 mail at
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  • 42 1 TUCKERSTOWN (Bermuda). Tuesday. A PLANE-LOAD of British security troops flew in from Jamaica yesterday to help guard the Big Three conference. They were members of the Royal Welch Fusiliers who recently kept order in British Guiana— A.P.
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  • 36 1 NEW DELHI. Tues. Mr. Richard Nixon, the United States Vice-President. met Mr. Nehru. Indian Prime Minister lor the first time here today. Mr. Nixon arrived here last night on four days' visit.Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 43 1 BUTTERWORTH, Tucs. A former terrorist and his sweetheart were married here <nrl?.y. l The bridegroom. Lav Han Chooi, came out of the jurißle about a year ago and has since "rehabilitated" himself. Hp surrrndrrod at Nibon;? Tebal on September 23. 1952.
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  • 105 1 THERE was a selling wave of tin shares on the Singapore share market yesterday when the tin price dropped $10.25— the biggest drop in one day in recent years. Iv spit* of the fall of on* and a haif cents in the rubber price,
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  • 16 1 ZURICH Tues.- The body of >ir Benegal Rau was cremated lirro today.— Reutor.
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  • 154 1 I SIR WALTER'S I GESTURE IN JAMAICA A MIDDLE-AGED Negro is seen at the left above as he spreads his cream linen coat in (hi- path of the Queen as she walks from the saluting base at Port Royal. Jamaica, on the way t,, the launch which took her out
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  • 236 1 Sister of exiled Buganda King dies KAMPALA. Uganda, Mon. NALJNYA Zalwango. eldest sister of King Mutesa II of Buganda. died suddenly yesterday after hearing that her brother had been deposed and exiled by the British Government, it was learned here today. She was an important figure in the traditional hierarchy
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  • 43 1 1 NEW YORK. Tues. New York was without a major newspaper today for the first time in its history All seven big dailies four morning and three afternoon papers -were silenced by a strike of photo engravers. Renter.
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  • 22 1 CAIRO. Tues— Pakistan Governor General. Mr. Ghulam Mohammed, arrived in Cairo from Istanbul in his own aircraft today.— Reuter.
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  • 69 1 Govt. action urged LONDON. Tues. MR Geoffrey de Freitas. M.P.. told the House of I Commons today that as many new American cars are seen on the streets of Peking as around Grosvenor Square. He asked the Government J what it intended to do about
    AP  -  69 words
  • 510 1 COLONY CREW FIND TWO CASTA WA YS They were 'living skeletons 9 FVO Burmese castaways who lived a "Robinson Crusoe" existence for almost a year on uninhabited Preparis Island, 700 miles from Singapore, were rescued and brought to Singapore yesterday, in the 30 ton Colony fishing vessel. Sin Kiat Huat.
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  • 62 1 RANGOON. Tues. Burma has extended the date of the cease-fire against the Chinese Nationalist guerillas in Burma from today Dec. 1 to Dec. 15 so that the evacuation r>f Chinese Nationalists may continue unhindered. 'JUst over 1,300 of 2.000 whom the Chinese said they would
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 108 1 MELBOURNE, Tues. rE Melbourne Herald today published a photograph spread over four columns showing three Malayan students, before a microphone, thanking their Government for assisting Melbourne University's International House appeal. The students, who attend the University, are Miss Betty Chan (medicine). Miss Pak
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  • 47 1 While a night class in a 1 Chinese school in Braddell Road. Singapore, was in session on/Monday, a thief sneaked into the principal's room and stole $200 and some documents. The money belonged to the principal's wife who was attending the class.
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  • 38 1 When policp last night raided a third storey flat in Farrer Road, where gambling was suspected to be taking place a man fell to the ground below H P was rushed to the General Hospital.
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  • 86 1 Police to probe election mystery K. LUMPUR. Tups. I/"UALA LUMPUR police will be asked tomorrow to investigate the unauthorised removal of a confidential document from the office of the Kuala Lumpur Elections Supervisor. The document is a copy of a letter addressed to 65 electors of Kamponq; Pan Tal in
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  • 35 1 NO ATiUM H SAYS VYSHIN>RI' NEW YORK Tue Vyshinsky tod. UniK-d Communist atn- ies in Korea i.-mi.. I 1 Nation I perMmiit id BiDMUI civn i...- j^ r.intly contorted ifk Renter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 22 1 Singapore police anjl__Jhe military yesterday helda combined operation to test the inter police-military and inter police divisions radio immunication links.
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  • 194 2 THE MEANEST THIEVES CALLED TWICE Stole old folks' Christmas dinner stole 35 tur■L keys and 60 ducks reared by the inmates of 'he Home for the Aged in Thomson Road. Singapore. specially for their Christmas supper. The birds were stolen in two separate raids on the poultry farm over last
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  • 65 2 MONTREAL, Tues. Lord Bilsland, president of the Scottish Council, who Is touring North America to publicise Scottish trade possibilities, said here that Scotland wanted to replace some of the United States exports to Canada. Scotland, he said, was expanding an industrial belt from Glasgow to Aberdeen
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  • 28 2 LONDON, Tues— The International Confederation of Trade Unions yesterday condemned the military and economic and pact between the United States and Spain as "inconceivably sordid Reuter.
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  • 204 2 AT NIGHT THEY ALL STAY IN THEIR HOMES 'End this terror 9 plea to British Adviser From CHAN BENG SOON ALOR STAR, Tuesday. THE people of Langgar village, five miles from Alor Star, have asked the British Adviser, Mr. E. C. G. Barratt, to investigate
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  • 133 2 Robbed her former employer SENTENCE of five years' imprisonment was passed on a middle-aged woman, Tay Poh Chi, at Singapore Assizes yesterday, for robbing Madam Yap Soke Tee, her former employer of cash and jewellery worth i $2,570 last September. Tay. who was once
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  • 27 2 NEW YORK. Tues.— The Herald Tribune, the only major New York newspaper not closed by a strike, last night suspended publication until further notices— A.P
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  • 19 2 WASHINGTON. Tues Fifteen U.S. Air Force jet planes will tour Latin America* early next year. A.P.
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  • 157 2 Tour extended MADAME Auzurie's troupe of Indian classical dancers are finding that it pays to include modern numbers in their programmes. They d r ew poor audiences when they opened at Singapore Baaminton Hali Itt&t week, but popular numbers have been drawing bisi.ei crowds each night.
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  • 83 2 EGYPT PUTS CONTROLS ON SUEZ FOOD CAIRO. Tues. EGYPT yesterday Imposed controls on supplies of food and other products to British troops In the Suez base Controls on the movement of goods from the remainder of Egypt to the Suez Canal area v ere clamped down at the beginning of
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  • 68 2 NEW YORK, Tues Pakistan yesterday suggested that the United Nations should appoint a high-powered representative to the trust territories in Africa administered by Britain, France, Belgium and Italy to try to bring about an understanding between the people and the administering powers. Mr. Lai Shah Bokharl. Pakistan's
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 71 2 Singapore is free from rabies IT'S OFFICIAL NOW OINGAPOR£ has been officially declared rabie free. This good news for all and particularly dog-owners, was gazetted last night. Another gazette notification yesterday revoked regulations for the compulsory vaccination of dogs. The Colony wa\ declared rabies-infected on May 22 'blowing reports of
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  • 62 2 LONDON. Tues. Science seemed to have passed the stage of startling discoveries Dr. E. A. Adrian. British physiologist, yesterday told the Royal Society. "In most promising fields, there are already so many scientists at work that the general tone of advance can be foreseen for
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 150 2 Birth control in Malacca H MALACCA. Tuesday GOVERNMENT medical officers are at liberty to give V advice on family planning if patients request it. Mr. W. H. C. Horn was told in the Malacca Settlement Council today. A written reply to Mr. Horn's question
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  • 85 2 CHICAGO. Tues— A 23-year-old office girl, picked because she is a "typical American g:rr and inexperienced in air travel will try to clrlcle the globe Oj commercial air lines in record time. Miss Pam Martin told newsmen yesterday she expects to cover 21.878 miles in 91
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  • 20 2 VATICAN CITY. Tues. A Pontifical Mass will begin Rome's observance of the Marian Year on December B.— A.P.
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  • 29 2 ROME, Tues.— Mr. Norris E. Dodd, of the United States, has decided to retire as Director General of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation. Reuter.
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  • 98 2 Two Province terrorists held KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. A PATROL of the 2/10 Gurkhas last night killed a Communist terrorist, in the Plentong area near Kota Tinsgi. Johore. Five others escaped. Two Gurkha soldiers were slightly wounded. A homemade bomb was recovered. A police -military combined
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  • 79 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Headquarters Malaya today announced the names of the two members of the Ist Battalion Manchester Regiment killed in the Kulim area of Kedah in an action against terrorists on Friday night. They were 2nd Lieut. M. V Ralngall and Cpl. Adreen Anuk
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  • 54 2 MELBOURNE. Tues. The Government-owned TransAustralia Airlines has received a cable asking for two half pints of sea water to be sent to the United States before December 15. The water, with other samples from all over the world, will be used to christen a new Convalr
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 22 2 BIRMINGHAM, Tues Dr. Joseph Masterson, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Birmingham, died last night in Hospital in Birmingham, aged 54— Reuter.
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  • 44 2 ALOR STAR, Tuesday. A 16-YEAR-OLD boy bandit, who had been in the jungle since the age of 12, has surrendered in Kedah. The hoy. Sow Hong, gave himself up to a home guard in Kampong Masjid in Kuala Nerang.
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  • 172 2 He is back but his paintings are in U.S. AMERICANS at Colorado! Springs liked the onj the-spot Chinese brurJi paintings of the Rock so much that they as 1 ed visiting Singapoi I artist. Mr. Lee Siowl Mong, to leave them there for exhibition. He uuroed. He flow buck to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 416 2 Pond s Talcum Powder keeps you {tern as a dteam .^V// x f/t&\// m your tell mt ~**iiM. a I Every morning after bathing, dust Pond's" Talcum Powder all over your skin. In an, easy-to-hold container, it sprinkles smoothly to give you that delicate perfume that Clings all day. POISD^
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    • 6 2 6fc l M es Heidsieck j||
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  • 298 3 BRITAIN TO LIFT BAN ON CHINA DRUG TRADE LONDON, Tuesday. HRITAIN has decided to lift its ban on the export of antibiotic, anti-malarial and sulphonamide drugs to China at the end of the year, the House of Commons was told last night. Mr. D. Heathcoat-Amory, Minister of State, Board of
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 217 3 BURNS IS NOW IN 'ENGLISH. LONDON. TM MILLIONS of Siots .shuddered i<><l;i.\ when they learned that a fifi-year-old Englishman had translated ~>l songs find poems of Itohcrt Burns into "Knglish."' They seethed with indignation over A'r. William Kean Seymour's claim that many of them could not understand the Scots phrasrs
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 61 3 LONDON. Tues— The Standard Motor Company, today announced price reductions on four of their models. Nearly £50 is lopped off the price of the Vanguard saloon, which will cost £787 instead of £836. Other prices: The four-door rstate car, £897 i £829 beforei and the Standard 12
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  • 22 3 LONDON. Tues. A trade agreement between China and Indonesia has been sicned in Peking the New China news auency said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 116 3 CAIRO. Tues. UK-PRINCE Abba* Halim told I revolutionary court trylnc him for treason today that he always outsmarted his c.ufin. ex-King Farouk. when they chased the same sirl Halim. who Ls 60. pleadrri not puilty to a rharse of conspiring with foreign powers
    AP  -  116 words
  • 36 3 CANTERBURY, Tues. The Rrv. Frederick W. T. Craske was ronsecrateci in Canterbury Cathedral yesterday as Bishop of Gibraltar. His diocese stretches beyond the Iron Curtain" into such countries as Bulgaria and Rumania.—Reuter.
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  • 27 3 LONDON, Tues. Mr. George McLeod Patterson, aced 62, naval architect who designed the world's bigpest liners, the Queen Mary and Elizabeth, died yesterday.— A.P.
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  • 46 3 HE HAS BED OF NAILS New factory plan LONDON, Tues— The rebuilding of the giant Sulho hydro-electric plant on the Yalu River, which was heavily bombed during the war is to be completed by the end of this year, the North Korean news agency reported. Reuter.
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  • 19 3 I BALLET STAR CLAIBE SOMBEBT, 18-year-olri French Ballerina, who is appearing in "Ballet dt Paris" in London. Popper picture.
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  • 229 3 Britain alleges love of cruelty by the Reds in Korea NEW YORK. Tuesday. CIR GLADWYN JEBB, of Britain, told the United Nations yesterday that according to Britain's sources of information, atrocities appeared to have been committed on a large-scale in Korea by the Communists "The only motive for many of
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • 39 3 CYCLING TWINS: Pauline Chamberlain, aged 21, gets a push from her twin sister, Pamela, as she rides an 1805 hobbyhorse cycle in London. The twins, in period costume, were rehearsing for a cycling pageant. Reuter picture.
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  • 139 3 ANKARA, Tues. CELAHATTAN Ergum, 19, who Ls training to be a Turkish policeman, held tightly onto the stub of his ticket as the drums revolved in the government'? monthly lottery drawing. The digits flashed up—l-6-4-8--2-8. Selahattan rushed out to .spread news of his good
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  • 244 3 LONDON. Tues. DUSINE36 on the Stork Exrhanuo today was at a low ebb with the settlement In progress tendlnß to restrict active Interest. Closing price* of selected stocks were LOANS Consols B3;ixd 1 '4 Funding 4% 101>4 War 3Vi% 85 Vi HANKS Mercantile (£l2Vi> 24 Hongkong ($125) 95
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  • 30 3 LONDON. Dec. 1 Cash Buyers C 625; Sellers £fi3o: Forward Buyers CSIS; Sellers £fil6; Settlement AZfi'2'7 1 j (down G l2';). Turnover a.m. 100 tons p.m. 80 tons.
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  • 41 3 LONDON. Dec 1 Spot 17»id. Jan. 17Sd Feb 17\d.. Mar. 17", d.. Jan. -Mar. 17 id.. Apr. -June 17 T s d. July-Sept. IK., Dec. c.l f. l7'-d Jan. rif 17' id.. Fee c.l.f. 17 9 16d Tone: Quiet.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 359 3 4? A—^^lfcCo o^ T?& YOUR X'MAS DINNER MENU MAY WE SUGGEST Oyster Cocktail (with sharp frozen oysters) Roast Turkey; Chestnut Stuffing; Cranberry Sauce; Roast potatoes; Chipolata Sausages; Bread Sauce; Gravy; Green Peas (Bird's Eye); Brussels Sprouts (Bird's Eye); Christmas Pudding* Hard Sauce; Mincemeat Pies; Nuts and Raisins; Pekin Fits; Coffee,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 812 4 /■■OB /^^____Mk. ___oft M IB IJK _JMf mm, 1 4^%^ ||r|r (fv I j t^__M _ffl Roys- Trade School. Mala- y* ri J Hr i 'i^re. }_Ki\ d t i ki c ji^vjir^ V|l# Philco Room Air Conditioners provide true air condi- IV "Tahore) 00 f»c barest Platoon, Army Boys'
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  • 227 5 I>OY friends are behind Singapore's present slump in lady weightlifters. The gentlemen, it seems, object. "They like muscles well enough on a man, but not on the missus," Mr. Po Peng Khoen, an official of the Singapore Amateur Weight-lifting Association, said
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  • 50 5 MABEL IS BACK: NO PLANS AND NO BOY FRIEND MISS MABEL CIH'A, 23, returned to Singapore by BOAC Constellation from Sydney yesterday. She recently completed a 14-month course in secretarial work at the Sydney Technical College. Miss Chua says she has no immediate plans and no boy friends. S.T. picture
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  • 374 5 TWO SHOTS FIRED AT DENTIST, THEN PENANG, Tuesday. A PENANG dentist, Tan Tiong Soe, told the Magistrate's Court here today that a gunman drove him to a bank and forced him to draw out $3,000 "for the 7th Communist Regiment." Later,
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  • 127 5 He's going East MAI IM Adarrabu. 28--year-old African Gold Coast trader, wanted to co to Britain but had no money. So, when the Italian freighter Olimpia called at Dakar, Mallm Adamabu stowed away in the vessel. Unfortunately for Malim. the Olimpia was bound
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  • 172 5 Judge orders re-trial for detective GUILTY SAYS JURY DISAGREEING with the Jury's 5-2 verdict of against Phang Kah Heng. a detective, who was charged :n Singapore Assizes yesterday with abducting a married woman. Koh Ah Lien. Mr Justice Knight ordered a r2trial. Mr. Justice Knight said that he had
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  • 83 5 of Elections, told the Straits j Times: "At yesterday's Council meeting, the question of the eligibility of certain persons to be included In the electoral roll was raised. "Inquiries were made into into this question and in view of the fact that elections are to be held very
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  • 122 5 'Only pockets left' Bingham BUKIT MERTAJAM. Tuesday. THE RESIDENT commissioner. Mr. R. P. Bingham. 1 told four Province Wellesley new villages today that Communist bandits had lost the shooting war and not many now survived in their district. "The sooner these remain- in» terrorists surrender or
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  • 47 5 PENANO. Tues.— The Corps af Drums of the Ist Bn. the < Manchester Regiment, will sitve I performance in Station Road < Sukit Mertajam. at 5.30 p.m < m Friday. The performance was to have < seen given on November 13 but rajs cancelled because of
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  • 179 5 Berican women magazine editors new into ore by Pan American Airways from Saigon on a round-the-world trip. They were Miss Juliette Mather, editor-in-chief of the Baptist Women's Missionary Union publications in the United States, and Miss lone Gray associate editor of the Baptist Foreign
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  • 201 5 I OH KAI HOI, owner of a printing press, was sentenced to three monthi" gaol for driving a car while under the influence of drink to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control over
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  • 192 5 KUALA LUMPUR Tues. Radio Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, is running a "Dollars for Discs" session on Christmas Eve. starting at 9.45 p.m. for Lady Templer's T.B. Hospital Fund. Between now and Dec. 23, listeners are asked to write to ask for tunes, and enclosing their gifts. Discs
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 420 5 You'll feel cooler... and look better in A J? I?O lIf IIGIITIVEIGnT SHIRTS You just rant l>eat these new And* tlirse sparklinp "breeze. Arrow lightweight! for cool, *ei hl" Arrow shirts will alrool comfort! Note how tissue n vi fit lhanks to the %San thin they are— and how hand-
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    • 368 5 sensational NNgSINK an amazing discovery This is exciting news a new ballpoint ink perfected by Biro scientists. C, Known as Biro 'Blue 66' this amazinp ink dries almost instantly and is then SMUDGE PROOF NON-TRANSFrRABLB V PERMANENT CLEAN LIGHT FAST >4|~VV The new Biro safe for use I /fltt^S
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  • 196 6 Two Malays get navy commissions THE Governor of Singapore. x Sir John Nlcoll, yesterday signed the commission oy which the first two Malayans became officers in the Royal Malayan Navy. Inche Ismail bin Hassan of Johore Bahru and Syed Halira bin Syed Hassan of Singapore, both chief petty officers, have
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  • 54 6 Mrs. Raymond L. Archer, wife of the Methodist bishop for South-East Asia, will give away the awards at the annual prize distribution and closing day programme of the Paya Lebar Methodist Girl's School at 9 a.m. today. There will be an exhibition of art and
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  • 27 6 Falrfleld Girl's School Singaplre, will hold its annual Christmas programme in the school hall at 8.30 this morning, a concert will follow at 11 a.m.
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  • 66 6 PENANO. Tues.— The medical education Inquiry committee arrived in Penang today on a week's visit. The committee will receive representations and hear evidence on the future needs ot medical education in Malaya. The committee comprises Sir David Lindsay Kerr, Master of Balliol (chairman*, professor Biggart of
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  • 44 6 A European woman living in Sommerville Estate. Singapore, last a handbag containing $38 and pair of spectacles worth $50 on Monday night. A thief broke Into her room while she was attending some guests in the house and took the handbag.
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  • 32 6 Singapore police yesterday held four men believed to have been connected with recent armed robberies in the Colony. Ttiey were found in a room at an hotel In Geylang Roau.
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  • 363 6 Maurice is looking forward to facing a firing snuad and living ANCE a day for the next five weeks, Maurice Fogel, aged 38, will pit his teeth against the best rifle shots in Malaya. He will undertake for the entertainment of the troops, to catch between his teeth .22 and
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  • 77 6 TAIPINO, Tues. Officials the North Perak Eurasian Associition. elected at the annual meeting are: president- Mr A. M. Lesslar; Vice-president. Mr. E. A. Moissinac secretaryMr C. W. Keyworth; treasurer: Mr. Joe Hendrlks; auditors Mr. R H. c Tegjeu and Mr. D. C. Westwood- soclaJ secretary; Mr.
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  • 135 6 SCOTLAND YARD KNEW ABOUT HIM WHEN a Scotland Yard report on Thomas McKee. 32. a marine engineer, was produced in a Singapore court yesterday, it was stated that he had four previous convictions. McKee had pleaded guilty in the Fifth Police Court on Nov. 24 to two charges of cheating.
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  • 202 6 Religious head defines law KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. rpHE Chinese who bought the A land on which a masque stands, at the 4' mile, Klang Road, cannot demolish the building without the permission of the Selangor Religious Affairs Department. Under Muslim law, the Council
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  • 167 6 Govt. to stop recruiting hospital assistants PENANO. Tues. THE FEDERATION Nursing Board will not recruit any more hospital assistants, Dr. R. E. Anderson. Director of Medical Services, said in Penanß yesterday. Dr. Anderson was speaking at the presentation of certificates to 26 nurses including the Federation's first batch of seven
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  • 63 6 .VIK. JOHN CASEY and »l:ss Betty Brown were married at St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, R.A.F. Seletar Singapore, on Saturday. Mr. Casey is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Casey of White wall, Dublin, and the bride is the fifth daughter of Mr. and Mrs T. R.
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  • 192 6 He will have rank of ambassador MR. ALAN STEWART WATT, newly-appointed Australian Commissioner in Malaya, will take up his duties early next year it was announced yesterday. Mr. Watt, who have thrank of Ambassador, will give close attention to the problem* of South and Southeast
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  • 70 6 TAIPTNG, Tues With two firsts in the quickstep and foxtrot, and two seconds in the waltz and tango, Mr. Khoo Kal Bee and his niece. Miss Khoo Cheng Cheok. both-school-teachers, won the novices dance competition organised by the Chinese Recreation Club on Saturday. The runners-up
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    • 270 6 starts nrf'Tnms^i v5 < 4 TODAY Il4i»'^is 6 30 9M 1-^^9l Ik. 1 «^J IK. np3Qfc4 J^MWMmM^M^U tv .The makers off the htstorymaklng 'House off Wax' bring you the Great American West as no living person has ever seen It before K^v mm^Wm WMmwMm $gr Jmm\ JtfViJl WAKHtoCoiO* GUT MADISON
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  • 118 7 'Too sweeping' KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. DEMANDS for thr cancellation of certain new powers of the Comptroller of Inland Revenue will be made at the annual meeting of the Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The Selansor Chamber will move a resolution asking the government to withdraw the
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  • 72 7 PENANG. Tues.— The mukim council of the Penang northern rural area (Tanjong BunganTelok Bahangt has asked the Settlement Government to Rive facilities to transport the bodies of dead villagers from the Penang General Hospital. When they die in hospital, the corpses have to be brought home
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  • 123 7 Retail prices in cents per kati of vegetables at four Singapore markets yesterday were Brarh Hli-n- Simon Rd. hrmnh Rd. K> Celery 100 110 120 80 Chye sim 30 35 30 35 Kune kulig 25 30 25 30 Lettuce SO 80 60 SO Per rhye 50
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  • 47 7 i ill --.I NINE pretty singers from local cafes po**cl as models tor three hours last Sunday when the Penang Photographic Society held its first competition at Tanjong Bun gah. .About 10,000 snaps were taken by 150 contestants. Straits Times picture.
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  • 121 7 100 recruits sought this month /CONDITIONS in Singapore's nursing service compare more than favourably with those in Britain and elsewhere, said the Director of Medical Services. Dr. W. J. Vickers, last night. He said nurses here are better off as regards food, accommodation, working and
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  • 318 7 EDUCATION TAKES UP HALF ITS BUDGET MALACCA, Tuesday. THE MALACCA GOVERNMENT thinks that the present educational position is most unsatisfactory and will ask the Federal authorities for a policy ruling affecting states and settlements, Mr. G. E. C. Wisdom,
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  • 124 7 They buy their water to avoid queueing SINGAPORE att ap k-* dwellers at Changi Road, near the Malay farm, are paying 10 cents 'or a four-gallon tin of water drawn from standpipes. If they do not, they have to queue at the standpipes vometimes until midnight. They gel no piped
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  • 53 7 THEY LL SING ATI j CHARITY BALL j Liao Yueh-ling TWO OF Malaya's foremost Chinese singers will take part in the Gala Charity Bali in aid of the Singapore Children's Society at the Island Club on Saturday. They are Miss Liao Yueh-ling and Miss Chan? Hsiao-fung They will sing in
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  • 24 7 TELUK ANSON. rues— A fun fair will be held at the Convent School here tomorrow in aid of the school's extension fund.
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  • 76 7 YOUTH GAVE $1 TO FAKE DETECTIVE IPOII. Tiips.— Chong Fonp Siew, 25, was yesterday fined $500 or .six months' gaol by tlie Ipoh Magistrate for impersonating a detoctive. Chief Inspector Wong Sze Kirn suid that chong went to Jclapung new village on Nojr. i) and, after telling a youth that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 240 7 P»l*-5 the NJW I PORTABLE ■ESS)! 'j^f^'^ "isibte, foolproof tab K/^^L setting. No need to reach in \s [I back of machine. No compli- d^ 'I rated motion*; to go throogn S /yf* Gives remarkable new speed f ''"d ea<.» in columnar work <■ *;^^l md ff m. writing i
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    • 301 7 C J n I Ct v^suick, don t look! Qjl's I net I man icilli Ilic camera aoam. These lovely bsbi»s arc John and R?b!n, twin soni of Mrs. S. W. AsJtcl of N !airol-vi. They *ftrt premature, weigrvn-; 4 lbs. 9 ozs. ?nH 4 lbs. 1 1 OSS. John
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 381 7 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 7.15 Morning Star; 7.30 News; 7.35 Melmlv Mixture; 8. Invitation to Music; 8.30 Malay RMHM 1 Coiner: 1. Unnce Mtislc; 1.30 News; 1.45 Prom; 001 Calling nil ClilUlrrn; 5.30 WalU Time; 6. Comber's Corner; ti 30 What's CookiiiK H. 40 Had id Muluyu SI tint; Ensemble; 7.
      381 words

  • 34 8 2u U,,rH- S/0 I minimum) MR. A- MRS C. PHARAMOND 1 vi.sli to thank nil relatives an.l j friends for their kind assistance.! presence and valuable iif'.s on the Occasion of their weddlne
    34 words
  • 136 8 Zn Hurrfu SIH (minimum) THE Latest in cocktail riressc, hats, gloves, artificial flowers etc now unpacked at Vanity. SINGAPORE Children."? Society Gala Charity Ball, Island Club. Saturday, December sth. Tickets irom Robinson's or P.O Box 152. BEAUTIFUL COLLECTION of Cocktail Evenim? Dresses for Christmas. Reasonably priced at Mulchand's. 82-1.
    136 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 757 8 The American crusade against off-quality rubber has lost none of its force, and rubber producers themselves will agree that in the end it is they who benefit when the consumer on the other side of the Pacific is satisfied. As far as Malayan rubber is concerned
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    • 516 8 If Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh want peace in Indo-China it Would be to France and Vietnam that the offer would logically go. Instead, Ho Chi Minh gave the world the news through the medium of a Swedish newspaper, a method which was bound to
      516 words
  • 939 8 says JOHN BLACKING (who was dismissed from his post of Adviser on Aborigines two weeks after arriving in the Federation from Britain. He disagreed with the Government on methods of winning the co-operation of the aborigines.) IF atom scientists had not been allowed
    939 words
  • man-in-the-Street
    • 180 8 HERE are a few points for the Kuala Lumpur authorities. What are side walks meant for? Look at Malay Street where the side walk seems to have been constructed for the benefit of barbers, flower sellers, etc. Take the corner of Malay Street/Batu Road where the pavement
      180 words
    • 242 8 THE letter from Klyne Street under the head-i ing "Hallmark of Freedom" expresses the fears and apprehensions of most serious minded people, for we are indeed in grave danger of having our personal liberties whittled away to nothing if legislation with such wide powers to individual
      242 words
    • 83 8 RESPONSIBLE Federal personalities have placed themselves officially on record as being of the opinion that I Federal citizens are unfit for jury duty. Responsible Federal peisonalities have placed themselves officially on record as being of the opinion that Federal citizens are unequal to producing women of the
      83 words
    • 280 8 J wonder if the writer of the letter under the heading: "Why Malaya needs a kinij," has ever heard of the American Indians, the aborigines of the New World, so called from the original delusion of Columbus, who supposed that the land discovered by him
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  • 538 8 Films as a force PERHAPS Mr. Dasaratha Raj pitched his claim for the cinema a trifle high when he told local enthusiasts that in Singapore the cinema was not a luxury but a necessity if people are to keep themselves bodily and mentally healthy. Frankly I had
    538 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 787 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. II Wnirf> |IO (Minimum) FOX To Pat, wife of Dudley, a son. 1.12.53 at Kandang Kerbau. RHARPE: On Ist December, to 'Ova. wife of Adrian Sharpe, a daughter. POPPITT: On Ist December, at BungMU* Hospital, to Doris and Graham Poppitt. a daughter. WEE: On Ist December, 1953. Nt
      787 words
      30 words
    • 56 8 tyarraymints *r /J l\fFll} 1111 l BUTTER MINT JMH confection OBTAINABLE FROM ALL GOOD STORES FEDERATION AIR SERVICE^ SCHEDULED SERVICE: Between Kuala Lumpur, Bentong, Benta, Temerfoh. jenderata. Sitiawan, Ipoh, Kuantan. Trengganu, Kota Bharu, Ulu Bcrnam. Johorc Bharu, Dungun, Mersing. Bidor, Singapore. Charter Rates on request. a.. Mh MANSFiELD&CO., LTD. Loke
      56 words

  • 193 9 THE University of Malaya Historical Society is planning an academic and goodwill tour of the Far East during the long vacation next summer, Mr. S. T. Ratnam, the Society's president, said yesterday. This follows the success of the I tour of India and Ceylon
    193 words
  • 73 9 Gaoled for having arms Hailani bin Haji Lsmail. wh<- I phaded guilty to unlawful possession of a firearm, was sentenced at Singapore Assizes yesterday to four years' gad It was stated that Hailani i and another man were caught by the police in an ambush at the 9th milestone. Yio
    73 words
  • 375 9 'ENGLISH ONLY' A HANDICAP JVR_THE WORKERS, RENDEL COMMISSION IS TOLD VERNACULAR dialects should also be accepted as the official language of Singapore's Legislature, say the industrial unions of Government employees, in a joint memorandum forwarded to the Rendel Constitutional Commission yesterday. "The unions, representing
    375 words
  • 83 9 The guests arrive GUESTS OF MR. LORE WAN THO who saw the Xavier Cugat show at the Odeon Theatre last night included the Commissioner -General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, the Governor of Singapore, Sir John Nicoll, and the visiting Kenyans from Sarawak Picture shows the Kenyans and some of the
    83 words
  • 56 9 A Chinese maidservant in a I She hid the money under a house in Rebecca Park. Singa- j bed sheet and returned after pore lost her pay packet, $120, work to find the room ranwithin an hour after receiving I sacked. A wristwatch was also It
    56 words
  • 261 9 VIOLET CAN NOW WEAR A SMILE AND her new clothes A SALESGIRL in the dress section of Robinson's store in Kuala Lumpur looked longingly Thursday at winter clothes in show cases. In a few days she would be otl on a free trip to Hollywood— and she had only
    261 words
  • 111 9 'Unjustified' GMH'R unions of daily-rated F employees of the Singapore Government have asked the Rendel Constitutional Commission to lift the ban on the use of union funds for political purposes. 'he unions represent about 10.000 workers in the Mental Hospital. Public Works, Postal Department and
    111 words
  • 96 9 City Council job open for lawyer SINGAPORE City Council la looking for a full time counsel to prosecute its cases. Council cases are now bei!v conducted by a private legal firm and in minor cases by officers of the Council. The new prosecutor may form the nucleus of a legal
    96 words
  • 46 9 Professor Margaret H. Read of the Institute of Education at the University of London, who specialises in education for Colonial and tropical areas, arrived in Sin<\pore from Britain yesterday for six weeks' tour of Malaya. Her tour is sponsored by the British Council.
    46 words
  • 39 9 Mr. T. W. Hogg, manager of Mullard Overseas Limited Radio Division, was given a dinner party in Singapore last night by Messrs. Heng and Radio Electrical Service, sole agents for Mullard In Malaya. About 150 dealers attended.
    39 words
  • 173 9 Cugat's first-class show T>HE one and only King of the Rhumba. That's how x the bill describes Xavier Cugat— and he deserves it. Rarely can anything have hit Singapore like Cugat did at the Odeon Theatre last night. Throughout the whole .ionstop
    173 words
  • 226 9 Solomon a great artist of keyboard SOLOMON last night played four Beethoven sonatas at the Victoria Hall Singapore each distinct in style and fraught with technical and rir«<tional perils for the insutllciently equipped p?rfor--IV.IT. T'av climax of the evening was the "Appassionata" to which Solomon brought a passion c eloquence
    226 words
  • 19 9 Extra holiday KUALA LUMPUR, Tues Selangor will have an extra holiday on May 13 next year— the Sultan's birthday
    19 words
  • 85 9 SINGAPORE Police are looking for a man who attempted to outrage an 11 -year-old schoolgirl on Monday after- noon. The girl, was going home 1 from the Kwang Wah School in Guillemard Road when she WU stopped by the man. She shouted for help
    85 words
  • 65 9 A sum of $428 was stolen on Monday from a labourer, Ng Kirn Chuan, employed by Firestone Rubber Company. Ng. who shares quarters with 93 others in Geylang Road. Singapore, told the police that trie money was kept in a locker under his bunk. He found
    65 words
  • 68 9 Mr. Willem M. Welling, youth work and programme specialist attached to UNESCO's Department of Education, returned to Singapore yesterday after a three-day visit to Kuala Lumpur and other towns In the Federation where he toured social welfare centres and new villages and talked to youth workers
    68 words
  • 405 9 The new party- Some hail move, others say: Let's wait and see KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. V'HWS of the proposed for±l mation of a new political body, the Party Negara by the Mentris Besar sponsored Malayan National Conference had a mixed reception today. Some parties welcomed the move, some perferred to
    405 words
  • 278 9 Beating up at C.I.D. alleged THREE detectives arA rested Lim Siong Choon in June this year on suspicion of being involved in an armed robbery—and then assaultI ed him "to make him spill the beans," a Singapore court was told yesterday. The detectives, Sgt. Hussein bin Ibrahim. Cpl. Talib bin
    278 words
  • 37 9 IPOH. Tues. The Raja prrempuan of Perak today opened the annual art and handwork exhibition of the Ipoh convent. She visited various sections, accompanied by the Lady Superior, the Rev. Mother St. Paula..
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 121 9 vi| Mars Unique combination of full-cream milk chocolatp. layer of buttery flavoured caramel and creamy centre of chocolate malted milk, cream whipped in white of egg Best selling chocolate coated candy bar in the world! Wonderful for the children! ANOTHER SWEET TREAT BY MARS. THE EASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD. By
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      69 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 155 9 The Weather Minimum temperature: (7.30 p.m. on Nov. 30 to 7.30 a.m. on Dec. li Singapore 74 degrees. Penanp; 73, Kota Bahru 7«, Kuala Lumpur 72, Ipoh 73. Kuantan 71. Maximum temperature: (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Dec. 1) Singapore 89, Penang 89, Kota Bahru not received. Kuala Lumpur
      155 words

  • 230 10 TEN MORE CLINICS PLANNED IN SPORE OECAUSE of the big "demand for outpatient treatment in Singapore, the Medical Department proposes to build a second outpatients department at the General Hospital and establish outpatient clinics in the town and rural areas. Dr. w J. Vickers, Director of Medical Services, announced this
    230 words
  • 26 10 JOHDRE BAHRU. TuesMiss V Chesman. radiograph er at th P Johore Bahru Oenpral Hospital, has left by plane for Britain. She resigned recently.
    26 words
  • 109 10 'White Gifts' ceremony at Christmas celebration Till: ANGLO-CHINESE Primary School. nil 111. 11 l St.. Singapore held its annual prize giving and Christmas programme yesterday. Itur l nu lh«- programme, the pupils performed the ceremony of "White Giftl." designed to teach them that it is better
    109 words
  • 228 10 Colony medical director says: SPECIALISTS in Singapore are competent and can do all that is required in thoracic (chest) suruer>. said the Director of Medical Services. Dr. W. J. Vickers. at a Press conference yesterday. The position is the same in the
    228 words
  • 115 10 Man with toy gun gets 3 years r>LEADING guilty to possesi sion of an imitation revolver while attempting to commit robbery. A. Rashid bin Sulaiman was sent to three years' gaol at Singapore Assizes yesterday. Rashid was one of four men arrested at Ayer Raja Road on th» evening of
    115 words
  • 105 10 THKKK of the five visiting Kenyans from Sarawak concluded a day's sight-serinc in Singapore yesterday with one wish that there could be cinemas (or all in their country They are tuests of the Commissioner General. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. and Mr l.i.k. Han
    105 words
  • 289 10 Mr. Raj drafts 'compulsion law AN effort to bring Singapore's 60.000 Hindu population under a compulsory marriage law is being made by a Colony Legislative Councillor. Mr. C. R. Da.saratha Raj. The dratt M a Bill to be introduced in the Legislative Council early
    289 words
  • 34 10 Dr. Ivan Polunin of the University of Malaya will give an illustrated talk on "The Peoples of North Borneo" to the EastWest Society in the British Council Hall, Singapore, tomorrow night.
    34 words
  • 24 10 JOHORE BAHRU Tues. Mr A. E Reynolds, A.S.P.. of thr Johore police contingent, has been transferred to Federal police headquarters Kuala Lumpur
    24 words
  • 53 10 Sold stout after hours FINED $200 pOR selling stout 50 minutes after licensing hours. Soon Kah Cheong was fined $200 or two months quo) In Singapore yesterday. It was said on June 28 Soon allowed stout to be consumer 4, on his premises at 11.50 p.m He was licensed only
    53 words
  • 18 10 Singapore Police Band v»ill play at Katonn Park from 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. on Friday.
    18 words
  • 71 10 Mrs F. Chrw organiser "t the Singapore Chinese V MCA Ban day. will broadcast an :i|>l><ml over Radio Malaya at 8.15 pin. U morrow. Tlie ll;i" day tails on Saturday and a-oieeiis from t lie sali will |O to tlu i YMCA linllion-cloilar build- Ing
    71 words
  • 56 10 Singapore Civil Defence Association win hold a gala ("nrislin in I). ill :it Raffle* ll'itrl rmii 8.30 piu on December 21. lil' 1 at $3 ICOuplf iuui P imii'.lii and $1 table rrNTvatlon i :u c obtainable Mr Quahr Kirn Hock at Ilif •Inh. Kol;nn Ayer
    56 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      255 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 85 10 Sliails Times rossumi! KOSS 14. Vikii-, dim but I him th« 8 mid 9. lhoiiKh valuable, thr r Mi i>! Jim<>> eyes' (Shakeslimy >!i<m no post is secure MWtl (7>. <B.*6i. 17 Flatter i7>. ]ii Shown in the last utenxll in 20. Lit tie by little he follows 150 common
      85 words

  • 2097 11 'Riband Lodge' Irishmen covered up the brutal murder of ated peer The morning of Tuesday, April 2, 1878, was bright and sunny, so William Sydney Skeffington Clements, third Earl of Leitrim, :hose an open carriage for his drive to Milford, in County Donegal, Ireland. His decision cost lim his life.
    Daily Mirror  -  2,097 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 201 11 TcAtaSU c^ ttte JAGUAR fcWV I l\l i) 111 AD |Mp^ P^^gr' 'V SLPI R SPORT Sole Agents: CYCLE CARRIAGE CO. [1926] LTD. Singapore Kuala Lumpur LIA)J /wXflh Represented throughout the Federation (JtS^j) OF LASTING VALUE gf^ilUpll:! The pleasure which your Christmas gift the M TESLA SYMPHONII 604 A RADIO
      201 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 411 11 mi: ARAM AS SHiitJ'S indignant nf all who heard Instantly, and before the In a matter of moments the made th- Hindus Impertinent bargain Hindu rr«llied what was horse and the Prince vanished. was Mae* Feriwethah. "Glvn happening, Prince Feroie- The Hindu, alarmed at what had the Princes* an wife
      411 words

  • 559 12 SHARES EASIER 0N TIN PRICE FALL RUBBER ALSO DECLINES Amu mi Ihi> ntarkfim T»HE fall in the tin price by $10.25 to $311.75 a \)\rM A yesterday hit the Singapore share market rathß heavily, resulting in the markinp down of all tB shares in the absence of buyers even at
    559 words
  • 28 12 The fttm of tin ml Singapore yesterday wasM declared at $311.75 a picul H down $10.25. This is the! lowest price since Novem-M »>er 14.
    28 words
  • 206 12 MELBOURNE. Tues. UILL 50 (WAj Gold shares don natert Stock Exchange tradi today with sales up to 30s. g when about 5.000 shares chang hands. Richer grade crushings a expected irom the mine al Mou M.iiiiiti General Investments were quiet steady. Front rank Issues movi varlablv and narrowly.
    206 words
  • 167 12 NEW YORK. T«BS, t'RIDAY'S late buoyancy carried over to yesterday Slock Market which moved to I new high for the current recover In the best volume for weeks. With rails coniinuing in a .Mgrl fleantly dominant position the ll> moved ahead on a broad front t gains nagtaf
    167 words
  • 44 12 SOUTH British Insurance cS4 Ltd. made an unicrwrltiiVa profit of £466.266 and rerrivrd investment income of £335.103 for a total profit of 38.8 per cent in the year ended August. An increased dividend of Is. lOd. a share absorbed £378,268. 268
    44 words
  • 185 12 December first grade closed on the Singapore rubber market yesterday at 59 3 B cents a pound, one and a half cents below Monday's close. The market had opened with December first grade at 60 cents but sagged away with poor trade support. But there was no particular
    185 words
  • 71 12 Singapore ('hinr*e Produce f.\rhanre: Noon prices per pirnl were: Copra: steady: December $38 buyers, $38\ sellers; January $38', buyers. $38\ sellers Coconut oil: steady: $62 sellers Pepper: very quiet: Muntok white $330. Sarawak $325. Kimpong black $290. Lewi* and Peat: Closing price.* were Copra stead y quiet; December
    71 words
  • 40 12 On the free exchange market, in Hone Kone yesterday the U.S. dollar »a 5 quoted hi S ***** for rash and 593 for T.T Sterling was quoted at 15 62 and one tael of cold at 251. 4
    40 words
  • 186 12 CHIPS lying alongside the Sirgapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: London Endurance 1 2. Sunda 4 5. Taksang C.P.. Benwyvis 67. Strel Maker 89. Japan 11. Tal Yin 1.1 14 Benrinnes 15 16. Tawall 18. Senggarang N. Wall 4, Leksula N. Wall 9. Pan«kor 21 22.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 681 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS KUALA LUMPUR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL APPLICATIONS are invited from suitably qualified persons for the. post of Inspector In the Town Cleansing Department on the salary M-ale of $96x12-120/ 132*12-225/240 Mi 2-300 per mensem. Candidates should be between V! 0 nnd 26 years of age and possess Benlor Cambridge School
      681 words
    • 612 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT^ LABORATORY Assistant, Federation Military College. PORT DICKSON. Salary: $102 x 6 114 15« x 12 240 252 x 12 3«0 per mensem plus C.O.L.A. Qualifications: Age: 17-23 years Cambridge School Certificate Grade I or II with credit In General Science. Appointment pensionable after probationary period. Con.Mdrratlon given to.
      612 words
    • 481 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS VACANCIES EXIST FOR STUDENT NURSES The next course in the Training School at the General Hospital, Singapore, commences on 4th January, 1954. Salary scale $102 6A 114 B $156 12A 240 B $352 12A 288 p.m. plub C.O.L. and Singapore Allowances. Total emoluments at present ranpc from an
      481 words
    • 806 12 I PUBLIC APPOINTMENT WANTED: An Editor to edit a fortnightly newspaper In Romanised Malny (Rum!) and English early next year. Apply in writing to the Hon. Secretary, FodrtlrU'.on Adult Education A. c .socintion. Government Offices, Block 12, Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur, before l.Hh December, 1953 stating ape, qualifications, experience and
      806 words
    • 734 12 NOTICES ANNOUNCEMENT ALLIANCE FRANCAISE Hasten to book your tables for our Annual Ball on Friday 4th. December at the A DELPHI HOTEL (Roof Garden). All reservations to be addressed to Mr. dv VAURE 124 Robinson Road— Tel. 37-69. GOVERNMENT BUNGALOWS FRASERS HILL CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR BOOKINGS There are no vacancies
      734 words
    • 313 12 TENDERS TENDERS will be received from class B and above contractors up to the 7Ui December, 1953. for constructions of two clasa seven and four class nine quarters for Pineapple Industry at Johore Bahru. All particulars and Tende-s Forms may be obtained from Mr. All Hasan. No. 18, Jalan Ibrahim.
      313 words
    • 28 12 MITSUI |53 LINE lASTBOIIND ROUND THf WORLD SERVICt Europe rcnang Sinqaporr Hnnq Ksitf Japan A«Hll C.F. SHARP tfc CO., (M) LTD. UNION BUILDING. SINGAPORI TEL: lift f>, 210*7
      28 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1613 13 Mr,.? 41 MANSFIELD ec CO., LTD. MJS (10 Knot) (10 linen Pc,,«,. (Irxuiporoted in Singapore) Al oth D BLUE FUNNEL LINE o#pM Carrier.' option fo proceed via other port, to load and discharge cargo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON A CONTINENTAL PORTS Due Sails P. S'hom Penong Bell.rophon for Liverpool,
      1,613 words
    • 1747 13 EAST ASIATIC LINE BEN "NE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/U.K./CONTINf NT SAILIN U s M T NEMTA p Peooy) „c S DOr# P.S'honn Paoong B#nmnor for Hn London, Monchuno' tor Bangkok, Solgon, Rotterdam, Hull In Part 1/4 Dec. Hongkong. Manila, Koba, •enwyyhj for Genoo. Avonmouth, ;;F.^Tr Bongkov-:::::. MS VMS 0«-
      1,747 words
    • 1261 13 McALISTER dc CO., LTD. ELLERMAN «j* BUCKNALL TEL No Oe LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, KLAVLNESS LINE HAMBURG LOS ANGtIES, SAN FRANCISCO, md tor U.S.A., North Atlontic Ports PORTLAND. SEATTLE A VANCOUVIR ana" Co no da via Colombo Accepting cargo for Central A South CITY OF SWANSEA American Parts S pore P
      1,261 words

    • Article, Illustration
      909 14 Tr»« Scours find city in tf»e jungl* ruled by a mad tcientitt who plant to kill everyone in th* world except selected few. They discover that their guard speaks i language similar to Malay, and try to persuade him to help them, but Kor. the scientist hears Hieir
      909 words
    • 115 14 Scan you solve THESE? CAN you solve these anagrams? First of all do you know what an anagram is? For those who don't know it is a word made from the letters of another word or phrase. You will find that the letters in black type can be changed around
      115 words
    • 309 14 MORE PRIZES TOD AY Dear Boys and Girls, First of all I would like to thank those boys and girls who have sent me names and addresses of pen pals overseas. I shall be sending these to those of you who have been waiting the longest and you should receive
      309 words
    • 351 14 Portrait of the Queen &OME of you have written to ask about the penny stamp of Southern Rhodesia which was illustrated in this column two weeks ago. It was not the Rhodes Centenary stamp but a stamp issued in 1940 to commemorate fifty years of pioneering work which MM started
      351 words
    • 145 14 LAM HEE MENG, of 160 Rahang Road, Seremban. would like to hear from readers who will exchange any used Malayan high values 40c. 50c.. $l, $2 and $5 fo r Australian Coronation stamps. Food Production stamps. Young Farmer's Club stamps and other latest Issues. Grunakh Singh of
      145 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 298 14 Feeling tropical That's the N^l time to wear Viyella shirts, pyjamas, stockings whenever rool comfort really counts. day and I! night wear Viyella J. B IF IT SHRINKS WE REPLACE 'CfeJWb It abo mrH. by th. wmkm '.""<■ ond luu llu tami ,uaranUi £T\ KILL THAT **3k PAIN The I""'
      298 words
    • 38 14 c. c. c. Collect fix of these coupons to joJh the Children's Corner Club. DLEASE enrol me as J member of the Children's r Corner Wise Owls and send me a badge SAMS m mm PMHa tADDRESS Mt^^--«--«.«««nK«»...mww>
      38 words
    • 105 14 DO YOU KNOW? HERE is a quiz for the older boys and girls. Give yourself five marks and add up your score. A total of 30 is excellent; 20 and over, very good; 15, fajr. ..lo and under; try harder next time. Who wrote "The Merchant of Venice"? How many
      105 words
    • 236 14 I GOOD TO QRINK AfTER ffl 1* wCL^V/ 1 1 if^^itw^^^i^f^iViil I I MOW JUST THE THING. \1 FK V of wv '^n lJv\ y L£T>S stopat this CAFE 'J\ ElbJ li S AT SUKPRfSS I A NESTLfS TONIC W A WXtA \±YMHA\/EFQKUSp^ jftjfl^ FOOD DRINK. "Jj^ \f DRINK MILO
      236 words

  • 476 15  -  EPSOM JEEP IPOH MEET Young Alec also in top form By QISNEY AND ORISSA, two up-and-coming sprinters in the Van Breukelen Stable, worked in great style on the training track at Ipoh this morning. Disney, with Bougoure astride, ran 3 f. in 38 in a tryout
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  • 261 15 IPOH, Tues. rE Van Breukelen Stable s trio of Class 4 stayers. Nooit Gedacht, Gambar China Mawi) and Seal Prince (Bougourei ran a solid trial at Ipoh this morning. Breaking from the 6-f. post, they steadily gathered speed to run the last 4f.
    261 words
  • 83 15 WASHINGTON, Tues. ]y|R AVERY BRUNDAGE retired yesterday as president of the United States Olympic Association after serving 25 years in the post. He told a press conference he was giving up the post to devote his full energies to the International Olympic Association. Mr. Brundage was elected president
    83 words
  • 19 15 LONDON. Tues— Trinity College (Dublin) and Blackneath drew 3-3 in a rugby union match yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 140 15 ZURICH, Tues gIGHT seeded teams for next year s World Cup football championships in Switzerland were named last night as follows: Uruguay (holders). Hungary. Austria. England. Italy, France. Spain and the winners of the South American group which consists of Brazil. Paraguay and Chile.
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 895 15 'WE WERE ROBBED' SAY ASTON THE Singapore Amateur Football Association's league compedition has ended and promotion and relegation problems have been decided but not to the satisfaction of all clubs. What follows is an account, given to the Straits Times by an official of Aston Athletic Club, of what is
    895 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 15 WITH arms and legs flung wide, England's goalkeeper MerricK makes a living effort but fails to stop centre forward Hidegruti from scoring the first goal for Hungary in the international match at Wembley stadium on Nov. 25, which Hungary won 6-3. Reuter picture.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 191 15 COPENHAGEN, Tuesday. EDDIE CHOONG. Malayan holder of the All-England title, entered two finals in the Danish badmintor. championships here last night. He beat Jorgen HammerRaard Hansen Denmark i 15-7. 15-8 to reach the men's singles final and, with hi.; brother David, defeated Palle Orandlund and
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 144 15 Jeep Jottings KITSON Leong, the Chinese apprentice jockey, will ride at Ipoh on Saturday, first day of the Perak December races. Ei°hteen-year-old Kitson, son of Mr Lincoln Leong, wellknown Perak miner and sportsman, is serving his apprenticeship under trainer M. van Breukelen. JOCKEY Herb
    144 words
  • 181 15 Rain saves the New Zealanders BULAWAYO, Tues. RAIN helped to check a spirited bid by Rhodesia for victory over New Zealand cricketers in their three-day match which ended in a draw here yesterday. Set to get 216 runs in two hours 15 minutes to win, Rhodesia rattled up 114 for
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 425 15 m Tek \M\ n »t< HAM [I Now better fan ei/er —with reinforced head and anchored tufts I jifif The new reinforced head together with the A Tek anchor means that the tufts of Tek are /■j locked 'into the head. They're fixed firm and fast. This is the secret
      425 words
    • 194 15 (NEXT DOOR TO ROBINSONS) LADIES HAIRDRESSING MANICURE UNDER EUROPEAN SPECIALIST PHONE ***** FOR APPOINTMENTS. JEYES™ You know its safe These Who Know Tea Prefer BOH TEA They're on the way... and worth waiting for! 4 hitfttii, wL bMh Hillman HILLMAN Callfernlan. Looked at. or looked out of. the Comfort. Better,
      194 words

  • 85 16 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues. The lollowing will represent Johore Bahru District in the final of the Sultan's Cup inter-distrlct competition against Batu Pahat District a; Kluang on Det. 3. and in a friendly match azainst Muar Dlstrirt at Muar the fol' owing day Dolla hDon. Hamid
    85 words
  • 68 16 A team of Stnwpore amateur Doxers will leave for Taiplne on Dec. 14 lor a malch against a Federation Regiment Depot team 0B Der. 16. The Singapore team, selected last night. Is Lav Liang Chye. Som Sak Virabnsk. Tan Fook Seng. Austin Duns•c rd. LAC
    68 words
  • 648 16 TWO GREAT GOALS BY RAMLI IN LAST 6 MINS. Another defeat Sor Spore By SENTINEL (SINGAPORE suffered their seventh successive soccer defeat of the season at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday, when the Medan tourists— with two great goals by centre forward Ramli in the last six minutes gained a well-deserved
    648 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 16 SIMPSON. Newcastle goalkeeper clears the ball right off the head of Holton (Arsenal) in the English F.A Division 1 game at Highbur> last Saturday. Arsenal won 2-I.— Reuterphoto.
    28 words
  • 87 16 MELBOURNE, Tues. rpONY TRABERT, United J- States lawn tennis singles rhampion, suffered a shock defeat today in the quarterfinals of the Victoria State championships. He was beaten €-4. 4-6, fi-3, 6-2 by Rex Hat-twig, 24--year-old Victorian member of Australia's Davis Cup squad. The last of
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 137 16 NEW YORK. Tues VAI.DES oi Cuba became the first foreign heavyweight in 15 years to be ranked as top contender today when he was listed No. 1 ln the Ring magazine monthly ratine?. The last foreigner to head the heavyweight contenders was Max Schemeling of
    137 words
  • 130 16 LONDON. Tues. CAM RUSSELL. Britain s top o boxing referee, said today he is retiring "to make way for younger men." Russell L 65. It was Russell who answered a Royal Command 25 years ago and refereed the Jack Hood-Len Johnson bout in London. The Duke of
    AP  -  130 words
  • 360 16 Two more to be picked of the 18 boxers to represent Singapore youths against the West Australian youths in their annual boxing tournament at Freemantle on Jan. 11 and 13 were chosen by the officials of the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association at a meeting
    360 words
  • 347 16 University held by Latiff TIIKRE was plenty of 1 spirited play and good hockey but no goals when University of Malaya and Latiff Wanderers met in their first round tic in the Singapore Hockey Association's senior division knockout tournament at Bukit Timah yesterday. Both teams triumphed over the rather unpleasant
    347 words
  • 32 16 Beatty Secondary School beat Raffles Institution "A" by six points (two tries) to nil at rugger en RI ground yesterday. Scorers were Teik Yong and Cheng Siong.
    32 words
  • 207 16 ADELAIDE, Tuesday. \EW South Wales defeated South Australia, holders 11 of the trophy, by eight wickets today in their Sheffield Shield game here. New South Wales wore set to score 164 runs in 125 minutes and despite the early loss of Arthur
    207 words
  • 249 16 I>OYAL Singapore Yacht Club's rowing season ends this week w|th the Closinß Regatta Finals will be raced on Saturday but a large entry of 22 crews and scullers will take part ln eliminating heats this evening, tomorrow evening and Friday evening The Kr.owles Cup
    249 words
  • 22 16 The Chinese Swimming Club will hold its annual Christinas dance on Saturday. Dee. 19. Bookings can now be made.
    22 words
  • 65 16 A team of about 10 Burmrse amateur boxer.s will take part ln two boxing matches in Singapore next month. At a SABA committee meeting held yesterday, it was announced the Burmese boxers are scheduled to arrive In Singapore. They will meet a SABA. team and a
    65 words
  • 27 16 LONDON, Tues.— Results of friendly football matces played under floodlights last night, were: Bury 3, Admira F.A. (Austria) 1; Portsmouth 1, Newcastle United I.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
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    • 564 16 •BB»*a»»alBBa»aa^Ba»J»Bal«Ba« aaaß> ■■*■> BBJaa«( Ut it It'll C '(oUTII llfl#aaW aa* aa« aajßal aaaaV aaaa* MM Straits Times |WEDNESDAYj I WORD PUZZLE 'A 1 I 1 Cut out and pin with other coupons. Potting instructions appear below. I Njmt Address I «m I IJL^ iI 1 1 l U i
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    • 65 16 Rl (<.l U r.H.Q. v Royal Signalx. Tan(lln S l.dr Uatkin. R.E. v R.A.A.F.. c.illman Barrark* Mr Batty; R.E.M.E v R.A.F. (SeleUrl, Aypr Raja Road S Ldr RumelSmlth; 3 BO.D. v R.A.F. (SeleUr) "A", St. George's Road Mai Crook; Naval Base v R.VS.C. Naval Base I i di Gray; S.C.C.
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