The Straits Times, 13 September 1953

Total Pages: 24
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 491 1 SINGAPORE STREET GUN BATTLE DRAMA: 1 DEAD, 4 HURT Gunman is seized By Sunday Times Reporters "|"WO Chinese gunmen walked into Potong Pasir, off Upper Serangoon Road, in Singapore at about 8.30 last night and shot two City Council fitters a Chinese and an Indian and the Chinese proprietress of
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  • 128 1 Six share $5,000 'Brides' Contest prize CIX people tied in the Straits Times "Pick the Brides" Contest No. 4. Each will receive $833.33. The winners were: Cheang Swce En p. 15, Petaling Road, Singapore, 12. Nun bin Jaafar, MM, (iiiiumj Soga, Katu Pahat. Mr. Augustaine Jacob, l.iihu Estate, Labu, Negri
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  • 181 1 DONCASTER. Sat. A 10-1 OUTSIDER. Brigadier! J\ Wyatt's Premonition, won the St Leger, the last of the English classics, here this afternoon beating the French challenger Northern Light by three lengths with the Queen's Aureole, a 5-4 favourite, the same distance away third of 11
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 26 1 MANILA. Sat Thirteen president ial candidates were listen among the 571 persons registerIng with the Election Commision for the Philippine November Election. A.P
    AP  -  26 words
  • 52 1 PARIS. Sat. The West German Chancellor. Dr. Konrad Adenauer, said in a message yesterday to the French Foreign Minister, M. Georges Bidault. that he saw new hope for European uniflrntion following his electoral victory. He thanked M. Bidault for his good wishes after the Bundestag
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  • 85 1 British protest to China LONDON. Sat. BRITAIN in a protest to China, today called Wed-J nesday's shelling of a British navy launch near Hong Kong a wanton and unprovoked attack, and said it held the Chinese Government responsible for the death of seven Britons and wounding of five others. The
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  • 32 1 DOUGLAS. ISLE OF MAN. Sat. The British Trades Union Coneress yesterday elected Mr Jack Tanner, chief of the Amalgamated En p i neering i Union, as its new President.
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  • 134 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. QIATH came swiftly to two Malay farmers when lightning struck them while they were at work in their fields at the 17th mile. Kudiang Road, Jitra, Kedah, on Wednes- _._..q H day. They were burnt to death instantly. A third farmer about a
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  • 136 1 SEREMBAN. Sat. JOHORE today won the first and second prize in the fifteenth Social Welfare Lottery which was drawn at the N.S. Club here. Johore also won most of the major prizes. A total of 1.292.000 tickets were sold. The third prize went to Penang while the
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  • 56 1 A Royal Air Force armament mechanic was killed at Tengah. Singapore, yesterday. He was In lured by a rocket, of a Vampire jet aircraft. The accident Is believe^ to have been the resu t of a defective firing system. A court of ;nqulrv is being assembled to
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  • 216 1 THE Singapore Labour Party yesterday decided to hold a series of mass meetings to "tell the public all about the Rendti Commission" which will review the constitution of Singapore. A spokesman of the Party said yesterday "The Labour Party is already geared up for
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  • 69 1 Pirates take Fed. ship KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. ANOTHER act of piracy, the second in six months, took place off Port Swettenham on Thursday. Five men, believed to be Indonesians, attacked a motor sampan which was then outside Malayan territorial waters a tew miles off Pulau Ketam. The pirates boarded the
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  • 83 1 Wings of freedom Yesterday was Liberation Day for 1.200 caged birds in Singapore. The birds were bought by the Jain community for SI. OOO from three bird shops in Rochore Road. They included pigeons, doves and Java sparrows. They were released from their cages in the grounds of the Royal
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  • 223 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday THE pretty girl with no legs looked up from her hospital bed with a cheerful smile and the smile touched Ihe hearts of Malayans all over the vountry. The girl was 18-year-ok Li in Kirn Mool. Beneath her picture which beamed
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  • 37 1 NICOSIA. Sat— Relief workers, aided by British troops. DUt up tents for the homeless and distributed food supplies in quajce-stricken south-west-ern Cyprus yesterday where officials estimate that 3.000 people are now homeless.— A. P.
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  • 31 1 SEOUL. Sat. The South Korean Government yesterday said it is determined to seize Japanese and any other vessete which violate the 'Rhee Line" between Japan and Korea— A. P.
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  • 116 1 SAIGON. Sat. FRENCH and U.S. diplomats gave close attention yesterday to an apparently "neutralist" broadcast by Cambodia's Premier calling on Communists to cease fire because the southern kingdom has already won independence." Speaking with the approval Of independence-minded King Norodom Sihanouk, Prime Minister Perm Nouth
    UP  -  116 words
  • 85 1 HOLLYWOOD. Sat— Holly- wood star Lucille Ball register- ftl as a Communist voter in 1936, Mr. Donald L. Jackson of the House un-American Activities Committee said yesterday, but "there is no evidence that Miss Ball is or ever was a Party member." Mr Jackson disclosed that
    AP  -  85 words
  • 153 1 Gangsters are the hawkers fear SINGAPORE hawkers dare not move into pitches belonging to their rivals for fear of gangsters. This was said in the City Police Court yesterday by Ng Kwong Tiang. who was charged with setting up an unlicensed stall in Malabar Street. Seven others appeared with Np
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  • 331 1 AFTER all-out efforts dur- mg the past seven days, the Singapore Police yesterday established the identity of the woman found murdered in blukar off Woodlands Road on Sept. 5The woman, who was found with hands tird to her back and scantily clad, was a Javanese. Kamsinah
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  • 48 1 NEW YORK. Sat.— The Wall Street market yesterday registered its lowest point since May. 1952. Millions of dollars were cut from the value of securities on the stock exchange when increased selling pressure brought widespread declines lup to one point or more.— Renter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 97 1 PERFECT *FTEIB ICECREAM P(*£J COlX> STOBAGI f f HOHNER PROVIDES HAPPINESS, WHEREVER YOU ARE. Vj JJ^r^»j yrn v, a^^WHJaSCBiISSa33H^I .*TJ| > '\t <• It*"* "^^a^Bl^B HOHNER H. S. B. SERIES for HARMONICA BAND or SOLO PLAYING. 8211/40. H. 5.8.1, Tremolo tuning 5.50 8212/40. H.S.B 2. Organ tuning S 5.50 8213/40.
      97 words
    • 47 1 \mkk TEI EPHONE ***** A Hl\ til'lir i *^&s^/mk Hrr*: I*. M«|W pKnirt ritm "T^X tir** rmmr wki* m rirmrrr. Wiffcfvr. „,.w.,, I E THI M C W M LUAMS 4Mhm»- •Dangerous nm——M.rn When Wet" face nmniit <^\*x Factor m ,r»iw. i- HOLLYWOOD MAX *%<TOH NOLL* WOOD
      47 words

  • Article, Illustration
    3155 2 ica Some exciting i from a woman COXTMAt'IAG THE STORY OF THE FIGHT AGAiAST THE MALAYAN TERttORMSTS... The author visits the local operations room, where he hears some good news T!ll r Information Officer l<»ld me: "We've got the most wizard piece <>l Ron from Redbeard over I
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  • 557 2  - This report puts Mr. Kinsey in the told Kept her three days on ice before wedding RONALD GARTH DAVIS By ALL the world Is still discussing the. new Kinsey Report, the pungent and fact-packed 842-page scientific treatise on the human female. But have you heard of tne Putney Report, the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 41 2 llMgiH as a massive bridge! ilum jibbv THE FINEST BICYCLE fMm j^r\^ BUILT TO DAY _^._>, I ALL LEADING DEALERS The HEKCuits crcn f T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD., motor co. ito.. 13 |g BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE iHMINGMAM, INCLANO \>C^J J M
      41 words
    • 457 2 Jl 'Biro I citizen Wm -the world's best value I in ballpoint pens I I An attractive, thoroughly reliable, yet' I R inexpensive pen —in Blue, Maroon, 1 1 Grey, Black or Mottled cases. If f II REFILLS Blue, Red, Green I 111 or Indelible ink. BlI'C the ballpoint pen
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  • 35 3 Mr. on. ih- Beng (hum and >l is s Klsie Lim after their wedding at the Wesley Church. Singapore, yesterday. The wedding reception was held at th c Cathay Restaurant. Sunday Times picture.
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  • 253 3 Women are the victims of 'Mosquito' newspapers THEY BRIXG SUFFERING TO SONGSTRESSES WOMEN form about 90 per cent of the readers of the mosquito newspapers in Singapore the manager of one of the papers told the Sunday Times. "They love the gossip columns, especially about husbands' misbehaving in clubs, and
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  • 19 3 .Miss hrang Swe e Eng. Singapore winner in the "Pick The Brides' Contest No. 4.
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  • 154 3 Old China at the C.-G.'s home YOI'NG people in traditional and valuable hini'sc costumes, and a group of professional Cantonese musicians will today be rehearsini; "The Yellon Jacket" in the garden of Mallaie. the home of Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. the Commissioner-General. The Yellow Jacket", a Chinese play in the
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  • 41 3 The well known ship Sanriviken, which arrived in Singapore yesterday, brought 170 Chinese back to the Colony from Swatow. The Sunday Times was told yesterday that mi>st of the returning deck passengers were women and children.
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  • 113 3 Minimum temperature '7.30 p.m on Sept. 11 to 7.30 a.m. on Sept. 12): Singapore 74 degrees, Penang 75. Kota Bahru 75, Kuala Lumpur 73, Ipoh 73. Kuantan 70. Maximum temperature <7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Sept. 12) Singapore 88, Penang 86, Kota Bahru not received K v
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  • 98 3 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. THE Johrre Government has now adopted a policy of paying bonuses to Ketua Kampong tmukim headmen", who are not in receipt of j salaries from the Government. The principle of this grant was approved last year and is to be awarded for services rendered
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  • 78 3 PARIT BUNTAR. Sat.—Differences in the evidence of two prosecution witnesses led to the acquittal of Eng Cheng Kee, a sundry goods dealer, of Changat Lobak. Mukian Briah. Bagan Serai, without his defence being called. Eng was charged before the Circuit Magistrate, Inche Salleh bin Eckhardt, in
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  • 142 3 ON THE AIR— AND IN THE AIR At about ten minutes to eight on Tuesday morninr. listeners to Radio Malaya's English programmes will hear direct commentary from the leading Mosquito aircraft taking part in the Royal Air Force Fly Past marking the anniversary of the Battle of Britain. Radio Malaya's
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  • 49 3 PENANG, Sat— Malaya Imported 28.263 tons of rubber from Sumatra, Siam and the nrishbourlng countries in August, according to official statistics. Of this amount 27.360 tons were Imported by Singapore and 903 tons by the Federation. Most of the rubber 17,523 tons came from Sumatra.
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  • 149 3 The opium was for medical treatment GOH JAN GUAN, 56, described by his defence counsel, as "a man of considerable standing in the business community," was yesterday acquitted in Singapore Eighth j Police Court, of charges of possessing opium and opium utensils. The court was told that when Police, raided
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  • 154 3 Epidemic danger is not over THF long interval since the last poliomyelitis epidemic in Snßapore in 1950 does not mean that there is now less likelihood of another epidemic here, the Director of Medical Services, Dr. W J Vickers, warned yesterday. "Thr dancer still
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  • 86 3 State Go vt. to pay Sultan's income tax JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. rE Johore Government is to pay certain income tax due by the Sultan. The tax amounting to 538.455, was due by the Sultan on income derived from buildings rented by him from 1947 to 1»52. An official report says:
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  • 186 3 THE trade showed very little interest in the Singapore rubber market yesterday with small covering for the current month. September first grade closed yesterday at 64 :1 8 cmts a pound, one-eighth cent above fridays close. The closing ton P was slightly steadier. Closing prices yesterday In
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  • 64 3 A member of the St. John Ambulance Association, Singapore, has lost some 500 lottery tickets which he left in a taxi Anyone finding the tickets is asked to return them to St. John H.Q.. Stamford Road. The serial numbers are 18.501 to 19.000. The lottery, which
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  • 29 3 Chan Sum Wing was fined $30 in the Singapore Sixth Police Court yesterday for having an unlicensed wireless in his house at Dorset Road on August 8.
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  • 35 3 The proceeds of two variety dog shows, at. 3 p.m and 830 p.m. today at th*> Sinuaporp Badminton Hall, will h* in aid of the Singapore Caninp Association and the Little Sisters
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 449 3 CRAVEN A' FOR SMOOTH, CLEAN SMOKING > Largest-selling cork-tipped ciqarcttc ji^^tK in the world. W^T^rV "'i^^f Imported from London ilfi/ojlfl/lji OF REGENT ST* LONDON •^^•aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaHeaW^^^^^fl x^T* 1 an li'C^ J^r x (yjfornu x** m aJ N^ #>r«l <, 1 Super-fatted Enerlish y^Sb^N > If "j a refreshing V creamy lather
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    • 580 3 I -^/^oiW UARN AT HOh4£ TH£ fractical wAy VT JSjY i i' KJI Radio, fo-dsy't greatett profession, wanh trained m*m V^H ""J""^- R«d'° r«p»ir inninr^rj, t^und technician*. fc^^^T^^i^B broadcast engineers, executives, a*c. are in bifl aaaH&alHl demand. Vait new fie'ds of opportunity ara openine) U P television, electronics, ate. rVa^^V/r^aJ
      580 words

  • 745 4 .4 'doctor made* leg and a senso of fun i mwnum sokit ffS approached my house, limping and pushing a bicycle. Where his left foot had been, the stump of an artificial leg showed. There were rolls of cane-strips in a basket at
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  • 31 4 This picture of a Gustava. a native of Brazil, was taken at the Botanic Cardens by Tan Kirn Siang, c/o Standard Vacuum Co., Mac Donald House, Singapore.
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  • The Countryman's Journal
    • 624 4 ACCORDING to the ex- ports the monsoon rains have only just started, i.e. less than two months before the S.W. monsoon changes officially to the N.E monsoon in October. What we in the Dusun would like to know is how our eight months of rain
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    • 261 4 Story of Brother Codehard IT was a double celebration for 4«year-nld Reverend Brother dodehard of the Welfare Services in Kamponc Simee New Village in Ipoh last Tuesday. The genial brother, who escaped from Communist China in 1049. not only observed his birthday but also his Silver
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    • 120 4 AN unusual exhibitlor has bern arranged r.y the Singapore Art Society in collaboration with the Singapore Chamber Ensemble the Junior Symphony Orchestra, the China Society and the Information Officer attached to India Instruments of thf Symphony Orchestra, those, pertaining to the classical music ol India and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 58 4 M. 17 Around $c Itfor/d More Can I are Protected by Mobiloil than by any of tier brand j jßfck'T i sW *^^^^|gfg|jj With falling values /^mßmk NOW more than ever I W AnllOlll pnuuuijji your ca r ■HCSHj^^ every 1000 miles with Mobilubrication STANDARD-VACUUM OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN U.S.A.
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  • 29 5 A pretty bride smiles Dr. David (hoy Ah Kwong of the General Hospital and Miss Lucy Her Siew Chin after their wedding at the Siruts hinese Methodist Church yesterday.
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  • 38 5 KLUANG. Sat— Preparations are in progress for celebrating the 80th birthday Of the Sultan of Johore. The State flag will be flown on all buildings, and arches and pylons will light up the streets at riicht.
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  • 27 5 Chen Kwang Ming, a lorry driver, was fined $25 for speeding by Mr. R. W. H. Davies in the Singapore Second Traffic Police Court yesterday.
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  • 26 5 Three men waylaid a Chinese cyclist in McPherson Road, Singapore, at 4.30 a.m. yesterday and robbed him of $JO5. a sold ring, a wristwatch.
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  • 342 5 86 patients live in ramshackle shed THE Colony's leper settlement has become grossly overcrowded because many more lepers are coming forward for treatment, the settlement's medical superintendent, Dr. C. E. Smith, told the Sunday Times yesterday. Ther? are now 784 lepers in a settlement that
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  • 50 5 MR. C. E. PATTERSON and his bride, formerly Miss Eleanor Ezekiel. who were married yesterday at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. Mr. Patterson is a shift engineer at the power house. Air Ministry, and the former Miss Ezekiel is a typist at Shell Company. Sunday Times picture.
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  • 110 5 Dr Gibson Hill, medical officer in charge of the Blood Transfusion Service, told the Sunday Times yesterday that there have been more blood donors this v^ar. "The monthly average of donations we nre receiving this year Is between 500 and 600 compared with 300 last year."
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  • 207 5 Flat films on the way out k4R. Seymour R. Mayer, M.G.M.'s regional supervisor for the Middle and Far East, said in Singapore yesterday that Singapore would be the first city m the East to see a wrie-screen film. Mr. Mayer, who has |o*l romplpted
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  • 107 5 AN official of the Dutch Consulate, Singapore, acted as interpreter in a Singapore Court yesterday when a Dutch .seaman, Sinke Andriaan, was charged with using crii minal force on a constable. Insp. Michael Chong, prosecuting, said that on Sept. 12 flndriaan tried to enter
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  • 165 5 St. John's is ideal, says Dr. Chen ST. JOHNS Island is an ideal site for the rehabilitation oi opium addicts. Dr. Chen Su Lan, a world authority on opium addiction and cure, told the Sunday Times yesterday. He was supporting a proposal by the Singapore Government to convert St. Johns
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  • 754 5 Technical exams: Colony results SINGAPORE candidates successful in the City and Guilds of London Institute examinations for 1953 were: I iimiii: TECHNICAL SCHOOL I vim -iiLii Trlrrommuniralions rracticf. Ist Class: Mellon Goh Pent; Chiang; 2nd Class: Ho Joo Wan and Edward Scow Choo Liang. I I. niiiniimii .Hi. ins Prinriplrs,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 174 5 MARMITE IS EVERYONE'S jft^ft^£f FOOD The vitamins in Marmite keep everyone fitter and these vitamins mean good health both v now and in the future. By adding Marmite to our meals every day, we strengthen our cC^^y\ bodies to resist chills and diseases; we v J^o^>« get more goodness from
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    • 174 5 «|ppKL Something we learned §Bp IM|, from the birds and bees... \ml H™ if Actually. Sheaffer-. new Snorkel Pen *o*« the V^KJ^vM humminc bird one better For the magic filling 'to V l MmM\ 11 w tube retracts, back into the pen when filling is »5 S™ißm\ I\ completed. Ink
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  • 572 6 THE JUNGLE WAR'S THIRD DIMENSION By Opt. D. H. de T. Readc THOUGH hard junglebashinß —an experience British, Gurkha, Malay, Fipan and African soldiers will never forget is still the infantryman's role in Malaya, new shortcut techniques are sharpening the war on the terrorists.
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  • 146 6 One of the major complaints in the new villages of PcrA is now being removed as the result of Government action in launching out on a public works programme that will cost several hundreds thousand dollars. The programme involves the asphalting of the main roads in the
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  • 298 6 LNew play for Singapore rE Stage Clv next production, "The Paragon", by Roland and Michael Pertwee. will b P produced at the Victoria Theatre on October 8. 9 and 10. This play, oroduced by Inez Qultzow, has as its theme a blind mans reverence for his
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  • 596 6 IT has by now become almost heretical to voice a belief that Malayans are not a selfish lot. Wp won't Rive our blood, we won't co-operate with the government, we don't give a darn about our neighbours, etc. Occasionally, though, something happens which restores a measure of
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  • 262 6 Marie Gough on FOOD GLUT OF BANANAS? HERE'S THE ANSWER A GLUT of bananas in tho garden or a frw. nanglnß dismally in the kitchen with every promise of swift decay, calls for a speedy transformation Into cooked dishes. Here are two ways of coping with Malaya's most generous fruit
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 300 6 lfyou ib^ii there mb3;--y^^ At the top of the Empire I Stata Building. New York. 1j there is the highest cocktailh r in the wor d- Here 4llr^«*^ji!W^^ v w llsua "y see beautiful, ■\rll-dressed women having I 4 their dnnks I,*"* feet above T^SmWM^f^JjL the P rr »md. Many
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    • 261 6 NEW SHAMPOO IDEAt Lotion Shampoo by I**+ Yir^9^f'aflV^KPV Bu^aV ir* llak, x White Rain fivat her h*ir the shining look, the aWqr M. First Real Beauty Treatment Shampoo Ihli li tha n«w shampoo Idaa. hit It.iln if MM just a cr<*am nor a liquid nor .1 puwilrr. If hi/r j
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  • 69 7 LEFT: A dainty cocktail dress that will wash and iron to look new. Price $148.50. The sandals are or silver kid and cost $39.95. CENTRE: The same white dress without Hie matchinff iackct. The artificial roses tost $6.90 a spray. RICHT: This American tailored
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  • 611 7  - A suit far every occasion JO A >lI*.\DAY Bj f\F all the garments in an average wardrobe the most versatile is a tailored suit. It is something which never dates extreme fashions can come and go but a classic suit goes on as the backbone of your wardrobe, varying only
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  • 214 7 JAN'S BE A UTY HINTS THESE beauty queries have been compiled by Paramount's Jan Sterling, the blonde actress who played the cold- 1 hearted waitress in "The Big Carnival" and the understanding beauty in "Rhubarb." DO you know that fine hair should never be flngerwavrd with a setting lotion, since
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  • 589 7 •W i^^^^m m J jL l^^^ ii »|Tb I AM 18 and deeply in love with a girl who lives opposite my house. We have been going out together for i a very long time and she wrote to me sometimes and said that she loved me.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 661 7 Shopping in London by Mai) Designed exclusively VL'V *II »*'lleoe W vjifl Maybe it's the very first time /^W\ 7v^ that such a happy fashion V*-f \\^'M/f(-^\ (w s9>} coolness In washable glazed Vi r^ArISC/ jfe^A^oC^vx cotton to flirt with the sun V.Vdroa WhO* Vv^P^SvA V and cosy comfor t
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    • 388 7 4 VITAMINS (not just one or two) 'J^hMpßlbenefiT fro/nveryt/We y V AKTA-VITE" hoi mor* trton four time* the vitorwin Bk mJt strength pr«««nt in ordlnory fc. fc- food tonic*. loth «v#roo,e dot* (Two teospoonfut*) eonVinmin A 2003 International Units D 1000 Plu* eolcium ond phoiphora*. o. well oj I component*
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  • 284 8 BY the end of next year several thousand small Amcriran children and thrir anxious parents and doctors will know that they have longtime protection against all Him- infantile paralysis viruses if plans strondy hinted at are carried out. A vaccine to do the job is
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  • 847 8 Till "RE is a heart-wanning story behind 17 year old Ten fey Albright's rise to fame as woman figure-skating champion of the world the first American girl to achieve that honour Tenley was five years old when she first put on
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  • 865 8  -  ALAN BROOKBAHK By LONDON. rkNE day last week a tall. powerfully built man stepped from a car in Sunningdale. on the Berkshire-Surrey border, walked up to the door of Cherry Garth Cottage, and entered the ultra-modern, onestorey house he had specially designed and
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 8 Barbara Rush prepares a warn) re -eption for visitors from afar in Universal- international's new 3-D science-fiction tlirilltr, "It Came From Outer Space." Richard Charlson is her co-star ill tk« film and it's coming to Malaya shortly.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 67 8 •ff&VL> *^n<=> UCI ITU "We're here again to build up health in the nicest possible way. Haliborange will ensure that your children grow up sturdy and strong with sound teeth and well-formed bones. Haliborange has a delicious orange flavour that will be loved by all." Haliborange THE NICEST WAY OF
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    • 450 8 H4%)m Father tells the family mß keep (/our teeth KOLYNOS<?/fe?/?/ Kolynos clean means really clean. The rich foam penetrate* into every corner £E^^\ and crevice and in between your teeth fighting the bacteria that cause j^jfrf*^ K"^L. decay and ill-health. Yes, Kolynos Im^. B cleans thoroughly, to keep your teeth
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  • 70 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat When William Kung Chin iLowe. a former lawyer's clerk. j charged with murdering Sankaran Nair, apeared in court today the prosecution asked for another adjournment. The case was put down for mention j next Saturday. The application made to the court when he
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  • 423 9  -  NAN HALL By SINGAPORE'S French Mannequin. Mrs. Liana Willoughby, who returned from Paris this week, said yesterday: "It is impossible either to walk or sit in the new styles One can only mince or hitch and even breathing is risky." She added: "If you
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  • 178 9 Hundreds to get land in Singapore THE Singapore Government's multi-million dollar food production scheme on 500 acres of land at Ama Keng village will soon begin. Hundreds of farmers will be given land. Investigations on the site, which was inspected by the Governor, Sir John Nicoll, on June 19, have
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  • 117 9 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat.— An oratorial contest, organised by the Youth Council of Johore. the first in the State, was held at Johore Bahru yesterday. On« object was to select the Johore candidate to take part In the All-Federation youths' oratorial contest in Kuala Lumpur next Saturday.
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  • 34 9 Ramli bin Ramdan. a Singapore Traction Company driver, was fined $100 by Mr. How*» Yoon Chong in the Second Traffic Police Court yesterday for driving a bus negligently on July 8
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  • 26 9 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat— inche Sulieman bin Abdul Rahman has been appointed the Johore State Council's representative on the Court of the University of Malaya.
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  • 135 9 ANSWERING A CHARGE of A attempted extortion. Lance Corporal Ahmad bin Omar of the Marine Police, Pulau Übin Station, said in a Singapore court yesterday that the Chinese population on the Island took an indifferent attitude towards him. Their attitude changed when
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  • 120 9 A CHINESE and three Malays entered a dental clinic in Kirn Kiat Road, Singapore, on Friday and robbed the dentist of $220 worth of gold tooth-fillings and $46 in cash. The dentist was alone in the clinic when the Chinese entered. While he was asking
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  • 31 9 A European woman lecturer at the University of Malaya had a spare tyre and wheel stolen from the boot of her car parked outside the university on Friday.
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  • 20 9 The Garhwal Rifle Band Indian Army, will play on the. Singapore esplanade today from 9.30 to 10.30 a.m.
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  • 193 9 Kiwi' helped many— no w they need aid rE KIWI MEMBERS' League, a leading Singapore youth organisation which has helped raise money for many charitable institutions, is having its own financial troubles. Its secretary, Mr. Ang Ah Tew, told the Sunday Times yesterday: "If we do not get help quickly
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  • 169 9 A SINGAPORE square-dance enthusiast, Mr. Neoh Teik Hong, has written a 50-pago book on square-dancing. He calls it "Square Dance Calling Simplified The book, priced at $1.50. will be on sale in about a week. The purpose of the book. Mr. Neoh
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  • 37 9 Ling Ho Seng, pleaded not guilty in the Singapore First Traffic Police Court yesterday to a summons charge of making a false declaration to get a driving licence. Bail was fixed at $1,000
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  • 25 9 The Bethesda (Katong) Church is holding a seaside service today at Marine Parade at 5.45 p.m. with Mr. T. C. Koh as speaker.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 324 9 Children jsfe 1 lock a picture JmW IT in Jantzen Mr h All children's swimwetr by iM Jantzen is a$ comfortable H| •nd strong as their adult styles. These trunks have a drawcord in the waist tor snug fit and you can choose them from vtriety of colours, jifl^fl J|
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    • 278 9 GRAND PERFORMING DOG SHOW Seeiwtfg is Ht'lit'i iittf. Unique P&rfnrmuncG. FAMOUS FILM 00G STARS ARROLL, BABY PRINCESS at the SINGAPORE BADMINTON STADIUM (Cuillemard Road I Today Matinee at 2 p.m. Tonight at 8.30 p.m. Part Proceeds to:SINCAPORt CANINE WELFARE ASSOCIATION and SISTERS OF THE POOR PRICES OF ADMISSION. $5 fr
      278 words

  • 50 10 MRS YEO CHENG HOE (nee C Geok Hee) aged 46. passed peacefully at her residence. 4 Raceccur^e Road. 11 Sept.. !'•>"! leaving behind her husband. C "c daughters, one son and one prospective son-in-law Kho Kok H n to mourn her loss Funeral ke place on Sunday, 13 Sept.,
    50 words
  • 52 10 VR. MRS CHONG SUE KHEN'G thank friends and relatives I :ind confr?tul?to:-- messages on the occathelr wedding at Ipoh on 29 8.53. The family of the bita Mr. C. V. thank all relatives and friends who attended the funoral as Rell as all thOoo v:bo sent wreaths. t inters
    52 words
  • 628 10 THE SUNDAY TIMES Singapore, September 13, 1953. Count our blessings •THE people of Malaya, said Sir Donald MacGillivray in Penang the other evening, often fail to count their blessings. This observation is liable to bring forth cries of protest from those quarters which have a vested interest in discontent But
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  • 1027 10  - The first six months of Mr. Malenkov Walter Farr The signs of hope that have taken shape in a dramatic period By RUSSIA'S Georgi Maximilianovich Malenkov has just completed his first six months as Premier VVe are beginning to jret a clearer impression of his status, character, and intentions. Everything
    1,027 words
  • Sunday Times POSTBAG
    • 381 10 I hope the Singapore Government is not going to follow the example of the Federation Government In the matter of forcing all cinemas in the country to screen Malayan Film Unit productions. For one thing, such an imposition will have a most unfortunate psychological effect upon the people who
      381 words
    • 91 10 r makes me sick to read statements by our fatheaded politicians about the people of this country being "in chains" and how well off we will be when we are Independent. A few months ago thousands of people from a perfectly Independent Asian country moved heaven and earth in
      91 words
    • 64 10 I was disgusted to read in the Sunday Times that 20 male fllmgoers fainted during the screening of a film about childbirth. This Ls not the first time this has happened. Are not men born stronger than the fairer sex In all respects? with these sort of Incidents, we
      64 words
    • 78 10 T<HE MYNOR (so-called!) of X the photograph shown on page 4 of your last Issue \s actually a PURPLE COOT. The "deprecating foot." is. no doubt, raised in protest at this travesty of a name! "MYNOR" is a well known brand of fruit cordials. Presumably the name Intended
      78 words
  • 877 10  -  Eric Mitchell By A significant month for the people of Malaya THIS month is a signiA flcant one: it ls the fourteenth anniversary of the outbreak of World War 11. the second anniversary of Singapore becoming a city and the eighth anniversary of the liberation of the Federation and
    877 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 567 10 CLASSIFIED ADS. McCAFFERi i id Molly ana Mac, at Military Hospital, Taiplnfj. on 9th Sept., a son. Joun Jardine. LANOLEY: On Sept. 12th, at 8.M.H.. Singapore, to Elisabeth, wile ot Major C. P. Langlcy. M.8.E., R A S.C.. a son. BROWN To Klrsten ana led on 6th September, at
      567 words
    • 3 10 Jb TO ECONOMISE
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    • 350 10 Two Septembers ago a scene from Singapore's Cry Day procession. proach to the people by Government an enlightenment which should have p-obed the musty machinery of Whitehall's colonial policy years ago and which, even now, after the bitter lessen of Malaya, is not applied in other parts of the Comnonwealth
      350 words

  • 212 11 Korea bound Indian troops here fHE last batch of 1,350 Indian Custodian Forces who will take charge of Korean war prisoners who have refused repatriation arrived in Singapore yesterday in the Jalagopal. Some of the men speak either Russian, Korean or Chinese. The contingent also include the staff of the
    212 words
  • 202 11 MORE COLOUR ADDS TO STAFF EFFICIENCY, VISITOR SAYS MORE COLOUR in Singapore office* and shops would boast stafl efficiency, says an Australian interior designer now in the Colony. "It's a matter of psychology," said the designer, Miss P. Rushbrooke. formerly one of the leading colour consultants in Melbourne. "Drab, dark-painted
    202 words
  • 96 11 Ups downs of air travel KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. rWILL BE CHEAPER to fly from Singapore to Austra- lia from Oct. 1. But fares from Singapore to London will be raised. The changes follo w a decision by members of the International Air Transport Association. The amended fares on the QEA/BOAC
    96 words
  • 27 11 KLUANG, Sat— Koh Pens 62, a Chinese, of Kajang new village, was fined $250 for possessing opium and smoking equipment and smoking the opium.
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  • 88 11 MACHANO BUBOH, Sat.— The first Junior Red Cross unit in a Province Wellesley new village was formed yesterday evening with the enrolment of 31 pupils— l 6 boys and 15 girls of the Kay Sin School in Machang Buboh. Mrs. R. P. Bingham, the wife
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  • 26 11 An Indian labourer, Watha Rajan, «.vas injured when a steam roller ran over his leg in Paya Lebar Road, Singapore yesterday morning.
    26 words
  • 94 11 About sixty of the staff at Headquarters, Far East Air Force, Changi, gave a farewell party for their Financial Adviser, Mr. W. C. Gale who is leaving soon for Britain. The party took place at the residence of Mr. Chew Beng Seng. From left to right:
    Michael Anchant  -  94 words
  • 158 11 Recent fires are 'nothing unusual' THERE WAS no need to be alarmed over the recent outbreaks of fire in Singapore, the Deputy President of the City Council, and chairman of the Estates and Fire Brigade Committee, Mr. J. T. Rea. told the Sunday Times yesterday. Speaking of the three outbreaks
    158 words
  • 43 11 ATHENS, Sat. FINAL losses in last month's earthquakes in the lonian Islands were given yesterday as 455 killed, 912 injured and taken to hospital, and 21 missing. Homeless in the three islands number 93,152; 25.323 houses were destroyed Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 804 11 "The Bread of Cod is He which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unro the world." John 6:33. HI K< II OK ENGLAND ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL: 7 <fe 8 a.m. Holy Communion: 9.30 Sunday School: 10.30 a.m. Mattins: 11.45 Holy Communion: 6 p.m. Evrnsong. ST. PAULS CHURCH:
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  • 191 11 Questions pouring in UUNDREDS of questions are pouring in for Radio Malaya's "Forum of the Air which will be back on the air on Sept. 24 after an absence of nearly two years. Mr. Derek Cooper, the forum master, said yesterday: "We can
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  • 104 11 Koh Bee Tat yesterday had two charges of stealing from stationary cars explained to him in the Singapore Fifth Police Court He was accused of stealing a wireless set attached to a rar parked in High Street at 9 a.m .on September 8. The second charge said
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  • 24 11 The Airmen's Family Club in Changi R.A.F. Base, Singapore, was broken into on Friday night and $2,116 stolen from a cash box.
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  • 121 11 Fines totalling $1,300 were paid in a Singapore court yesterday when a man and a woman pleaded guilty In separate cases to running chap ji ki lotteries. A sum of $30.35 found on the premises of the woman, Chan Ah Mcc, was confiscated for the
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  • 54 11 I The visiting Missionary Bishop of the Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Mathews Mar Athanasius, yesterday dedicated the new St. Thomas Church in Reserve Road, off St Michael's Road. The ceremony, conducted according to Eastern rites, was attended by representatives of all
    54 words
  • 48 11 Delhi Day will be celebrated in Singapore tomorrow when two battalions of Gurkhas— the 1/2 and 2/2 King Edward's Own parade at Slim Barracks. Major-General L. E. C. M. Perowne. Major-General, Brigade of Gurkhas, will take the salute at the march past. i
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 37 11 SAN DE MAN SHERRY^nd PORT SHERRIES H ->!&; LIGHT O«Y (HCMY ~^j9p HOWN ItNC (MUM £jjj VERY »aiE ORY *he««y ->i J •ULI GOIOEN SHfMY ports m kJ- A OLDEST HHtit »6«T PARTNERS »ORT UP^ WHITE »OHT sr'ss
      37 words
    • 179 11 AmOwMN Hi IL_^^^HMMBn.' lIJ HrUtmußSßißlH I Hr J \'W it M t"'l'i i' lir 3 We will gladly senn you folders of all Pdillard-P.OLEX home movie cameras and projectors. f it collyii qvav siNOAfoag p 6^ Round TRIPS To HONG KONG 12 DAYS INCLUDING 4 DAYS IN HONG KONG s.s.
      179 words

    • 174 12 THE Sunday Times is offering cash prixes for readers' pictures published in this p>age. First prixe is $30. with $1 5 for the second besf and $5 for the runners-up. If you wish to enter the competition send your prints to "Camera Contest", Sunday
      174 words
    • 660 12  -  Webster Fawcett SOME MIRACLES OF MODERN SURGERY By A DEAD girl gave him her heart and a handsome young man Is walking about London alive and well thanks to a miracle of modern heart surgery. Grafted to hi.s heart Is a fiveInch section of the aorta,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 308 12 P E R U T Z Peromnia: Provides S«li«ine» 33 P.rfect WMtO 10 Fie t v res > fiP n I IT^ Schemer 29 si Weston 50 Mad. in Qmmm PeRSENSO: I Schemer 30 j rcitwero **t> m»( mk£* < Mk JL&2b^^mtiS/^£vx ___^B m j ____c____^S^CcijißSm] /jfc -^V i ''jUStyhR
      308 words
    • 134 12 ijiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuniiciiiiiiiii I'y^'Jl.LrX^ JI iiicaiiiiiiiitiiiCJiinifiHiHcaiit^ CONTAX 24x36mm H___________^___^^_Z«<^ f^^^^i**''^^^ ■B^^ Bl Sw WITH SONNAR Mil f/2orf/1.5 LENS By ZEISS IKON AC. STUTTGART, is a deluxe precision miniature camera enabling its user to solve almost any photographic task. It will be the steady companion of the scientist, the technician, the professional as
      134 words

    • 922 13 Samson and the reluctant lion IMM A GOES II\ T FOB THE *SIIPEH < OLOiSiSAI/ ASU TBE BESULT IS lIISAPPOIXTIXC IT isn't often that I get the chance of seeing an Indian film production, but when I received a card from the South-East Asia Film Company inviting me to an
      922 words
    • 18 13 READY FOR THE TUSSLE PREM NATH who appears as Hie Indian "Samson in Hie Varma Films production "Aurat."
      18 words
    • 448 13  -  ROBERT OTTAWAY By LONDON. Till XX s just one thing I X have in common with Martin and Lewis. All three of us don't think much of their films. Dean Martin— the inn- who k!(iv you he might be sane directed his
      448 words
    • 396 13 JOHN Behacue's attack on the "Old Mother Grundtes,"' while he lauded "Le Plalslr." was headed: "It's French. Prank and Will Set the Town Talkine." Your contemporary officially stopped last year using the word "French" applied to films as a synonym for "Indecent." when It was brought to
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
      377 words
    • 317 13 'JLaJS^^T^^ BOOKABLE IN ADVANCE! Today: It. #J. fcJil fU* MARRIAGES MX^f fk 1) £f) mahmood Today 9 a.m. "CRIPPLE CREEK" Technicolor Waivh Vnv Svrwatnul I Hrn Wi nf KM #T^B By DEMAND lg 6.30. 5.30 Tnditfj A. l\ntun-r<nr (htifj! KAHfN EMYSON--BORDDN M«BjE Today 1 1 a.m. "I WAS A TRAITOR
      317 words

  • 805 14 This wonder-science may bring new wealth to a nation T*HE Australian Govern- ment is preparing a bold new plan to speed the survey of the nations mineral wealth. It calls for the dispatch of teams of geo-chemical prospectors to the continent's known and potential areas of mineralisation. And that is
    805 words
  • 361 14 IT is not uncommon today to find that scientists anmeasuring in millionth^ of an inch. If the imagination boggles at that kind of accuracy, how much more difficult will it be to appreciate the accuracy of the gauges which must be used to check the
    361 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 409 14 10 BLUE GILLETTE BLADES IN ■n Gillette Wflk Quick-feed J\ k Dispenser L I>M mat no extra All these advantages at no extra cost New blade in a tlasn Blades completely oil protected Built-in used blade container No clumsy unwrapping —no damage to blade edges Blades slide out with factory-sharp
      409 words
    • 346 14 Pepsodent really gives Teeth cleaned with Pepsodrnt are whiter, murh whiter That's because they are cleaner! And they are rWnw because Pepsodent is the only toothpaste that contains Irium*. Pepsodent with Irium cleans away the film which not only dulls teeth, but also harbours the dangerous perms that can cause
      346 words

    • 936 15  - FACTS ABOUT FLYING SAUCERS ROBERT CHAPMAN By ON Junr 24. 1947, Kenneth Arnold, an American business man from Idaho was making a routine air trip to Washington in a private piano. The journey took him parallel with a range of high snow-capped mountains and suddenly he was startled to see
      936 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1509 15  -  MIAMI S 111 I* IK Ali bin Must.ipli.i, a Singapore sehoolbov ha* hcen seized by a couple of assassin* and forced to accompany them to an Ulatt'i where they hope to find buried treasure. While trekking through thr Jiinjclr, a helicopter flies over them and All comes near
      1,509 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 312 15 rtiesrit she J\ ever heard or \0D0R0H0? J She's prttty enough— but offensive underarm odour makes her popularity rating zero! She should realize that everyone every man and worn* n perspires and (hat stale perspiration gives off an unpleasant, tell-tale odour she doesn't notice, but others w^JI! Furthermore, it soils
      312 words
      6 words
    • 167 15 Valid until 30th September only EXCURSION AIR FARES VU AUSTRALIA and tifo/^) NE ZEALAND Social Acttvity jf&*9 j -^^^Ek s r flr^^^^y^ -<s^v. lV%^^ft hmidfa. S P ETURN AUCKLAND J 'SVrSfgP J FARES TO or J 'Ttl sFi^ FROM SYDNEY WELLINGTON 9 ffjjn Sin 8 a P° re $1,312 $1,646
      167 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 294 16 NIKOR (Made in U.S.A.) STAINLESS STEEL DEVELOPIN6 TANKS NOW AVAILABLE EASILY LOADED QUICKLY CLEANED UNBREAKABLE TEMPERATURE CONTROL ECONOMICAL The ideal tank for Colour processing. Available sizes: Tanktfor 120 620 films Tanks for one 35mm film Tanks for rwo 35mm films Available from all leading Photo Stores. Sole Agents: HAGEMEYER TRADING
      294 words
    • 242 16 SAXON PUODINC 2 ox. butter. 2 ex. flour and 2 ox. icing sugAr mixed to^rthrr. When the paste is smooth add i pint of Dutch B.iby Milk, hoil for ton minutes, stirring all the time. Remove from fire, Add three egg yolks, vanilla essence and the whitrt of the three
      242 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1147 16 p~ 1 I 1 by Edgar Rice Burroughs f^" r^^m fah^ t%^^Pm fAPAe Kcevreo a challenge to T Irll/uS/ (A^ /-V^- PgeSCNAL &ATTLE, f€ PCST STIPULAIBC? THAT .f^. "C,i^ l^f <>-• fVflVl Jf^ I V/M'Y TAezANMuerFepeATTHE'KiLLeecPAieN.". V\/CV\ mSc.-- r 2Wj/;^ l f^te.^^J l I! THE CP TH£ CONT66T. /z^ I
      1,147 words

  • 1220 17  - AMAZING MURDERS THAT EXPLODE A MYTH EDGAR LUSTGARTEN Another famous writer analyses JEALOUSY ObsvssvtL he kitlnappetl and killod By and uninterrupted, year after year, through gun or knife or poison or bare hands, the compulsion of jealousy claims its toll of victims. Bywaters, Stoner, Ruxton, they differ only in degree
    1,220 words
  • 35 17 The sultry, swivel hipped siren who would rather dance than smg is blonde Valerie Bettis. caught in a state of suspended animation as she rehearses a routine tor "Let's Do It Again."
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 204 17 Wr Clio BOOKINGS by ARGONAUT bo A cy\ and CONSTELLATION QANTAS/8.0.A.C t H KUCHINC-COLOMBO-KUCHINC 926/-SIBU-COLOMBO-SIBU $1,007/-LABUAN-COLOMBO-LABUAN $1,166/-JESSELTON-COLOMBO-JESSELTON $1 .206/-SANDAKAN-COLCMBO-SANDAKAN $1,286/All above valid 30 days SINCAPORE-COLOMBO-SINCAPORE 686/Valid 90 days 30 DAYS EXCURSION FARES Effective until 31st March. 1954 i Particulars and bookings from Airways, Ocean Building. Sinßapore (TEL: 24-12):
      204 words
    • 324 17 can help you to success through personal postal tuition Thousands of mkn in important p.>~it:or.s were ontc students of this famous English College. Thcv owe their success to Personal Postal Tuition The Bennett College way. Now vt*u are offered the same chance to qualify for a fine career, higher pay
      324 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 230 17 POPULAR CROSSWORD 'DULL AND "THP I 6 I 7 Is 19 JTo I OATTfCYI LL_ I&-- P' 5 ON FILMS pojHßßl^Tj^ J the Howard League for Penal 43 """■B 49 I 1 sometuues think that the a< koss n^u-x. on tne road ad been rnurderi, Vetwis (5). s. Bound (7).
      230 words

  • 808 18  - TIME FOR A DECISION ON OUR HIGH WAYS MANNING BLACKWOOD MOTORING IN MALAY* BY |N the lasr few months, less than half the number of new cars bought in the same period last year found their way on to Singapore's roads, which clearly shows that the honeymoon is over for
    808 words
  • 391 18  -  EDIN PETERS By IT is now more than two years since the Malayan Kennel Association held a dog show, and doc: lovers feel that it is time efforts were made to stage another. The number of newcomers to Malaya's canine world has shown a remarkable
    391 words
  • 697 18  - You can't pause for a 'breather' now CRUSADER' HIGHLIGHTS OF FEDERATION SPORT By AN aefciition to the laws of the game was made at the recent meeting of the International Badminton Federation. The new law \s that play shall be continuous from the first service till the match be concluded.
    697 words
  • 113 18 ACROSS 1. Ships. 5, Tmurd. 11. Hmre. 12. Dow. IS. Ore. 14. Egret. U. Mnn dane. 1«. Irisca. 19. Eked. Zn. Voted. 12. Seen. 23, Evade*. 24. Sad. 27, ■■t 29. Sir. 31, Lee- 34. Leaaee. 37, Oral. 39. Feed*. 4f). Idea. 43. R> Venn. 44, Tenders.
    113 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 653 18 L "jSffIEDftswSSMMBfIBSS^Bi Ik, T^jl/ HaGS^ V/ATERPROOF KNOWLEDGE IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS ipHK urn. ..ur.- lean I|rr llm p to bnil <1 a sucfi -hi In thr privacy jreur n»n h"ni<\ Cir"r i«tju!r« lh« vital kmmlcig' th» e"tn»ni»nt m'i'iim "f 1 Metropolitan r imatlnrfy inirrc-ttng »H>nKi»t :\n m»rr r.itnlocur nf
      653 words
      79 words

  • 309 19  - AWANG BAKAR CHALLENGES THE SMEAR' CAMPAIGNERS SENTINEL Bj F CANNOT be easy to live for a month under the continual taunt of having "sold" a football mateh and a Malaya Cup final at that. The taunt has come noisily from the Jalan Besar stadium crowd, slyly from comparative strangers, and
    309 words
  • 385 19 Edrich heads run-getters LONDON, Saturday. J EN Hutton, the Yorkshire opening bat who led England to victory over Australia in the Test series, appropriately finished a memorable season by heading the regular county batsmen in the final list of averages. He scored an aggregate of
    385 words
  • 95 19 A record number cf 88 entries have been lecelved fcr the annual Singapore Motor Club Gymkhana to be held at the Police Training School at 9.15 a.m. today. There are 12 events on the car, six for cars and six for motor cycles. Fifty-eight entrants.
    95 words
  • 96 19 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat.— South Johore R.P.C. opened their sett son in grand style when they beat 221 Vehicle B:itiallon by 46 points 1 eight goals, two trie.' 1 to nil In a rugby match on the club ground yesterday. In the flr.-t hnlf. South Johore
    96 words
  • 62 19 LONDON. Sat. Terry Allen. I British flyweight boxing champion I will leave England by air next Saturday far his wcrld title fight with Yoshio Shlral in Tokyo on Oct. 9. Manager Johnny Sharpe. who will accompany him. said they had originally decided to leave by Comet today,
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 33 19 Singapore Cricket Club scored 212 (Heard 51, Bentley 43. Masters 43) against Segamat C.C yesterday at the S.C.C. padung yesterday. Before the close Segamat had scorwl 18 for two wickets
    33 words
  • 20 19 LattlT Wanderers beat RAP iChangli "A" 3-1 in a Singapore Hockey Assc-i.-tioii second division match yesterday.
    20 words
  • 33 19 In the annual soccer match /or the Parrer Cup yesterday Genial Youngsters beat Arizona Youngsters 1-0. Rama scored the goal and later received the cup from Mr. Ooh Cheng Huat.
    33 words
  • 295 19 \sion i ma Dia< Kpoui Bolton 0 Manrhrstrr 1°. 0 Uiii nliv 1 W. Bromwlrh 4 i X Middlesbrough 1 IlllllUi-l-t.' Ill 3 I Ilrl-M 1 M hi. h. vt. i c. i Cardiff Prrston 2 N>»t-astlr Shrflidd I'. 2 ShrffiHd W. SundrrUnd 7 ..\rscnal Tottenham
    295 words
  • 25 19 TAIPING. Sat. The annual sport.s contest between the PAT Sports Clubs of Ipoh and Talping will be held here on Sept. 18.
    25 words
  • 45 19 The annual athletic meeting between Combined Services and Combined Civilians will be held on the Singapore Recreation Club ground at 3 p.m. today. Mrs. C. C. Tan. wife of the president of the Singapore Olympic Sports Council, will give away the prises.
    45 words
  • 748 19 S.A. F.A. POSITIONS AND GOALSCORERS ATEST positions in the L* Singapore Amateur Footlall Association league comletitlon are: P W D L F A Pt« Tigers 11 9 2 0 36 6 20 Rovers 11 7 2 2 28 IS 16 Marine Dept. 9 6 2 1 18 10 14 Pulau
    748 words
  • 306 19 ST. Andrew's School second fifteen trounced Base Ordinance Depot by 30 points (three goals, two tries, three penalties) to six (two penalties) in a friendly rugger fixture at Woodsville yesterday. The Saints made up with speed and stamina what they lacked in weight and
    306 words
  • 117 19 SAN FRANCISCO, Sat. l US$lOO,OOO suit was filed In Superior Court here Friday against, middleweight tighter Carl ißoboi Olson ;md his present manager. Sid Flaherty. The suit w;is filed by Olson's former manager Herbert Campos, who charged Olson with breach of contract and charged Flaherty with
    AP  -  117 words
  • 21 19 RNAS (Sembawangi beat Royal Signals by three points i penalty) to nil In a rugger match at Sembawang yesterday.
    21 words
  • 23 19 In a Singapore Hockey Association third dl'/<lon match on the Keppel ground yesterday. Singapore Harbour Board beat Dutch Club 2-1.
    23 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 409 19 may be one of the MILLIONS who suffer from VITAMINiMINERALfIfe/tot/ Try this Proved Way Back to Health Happiness Whrn you're inirmH-.rr<-!nrrv, ..!-,»,.,<<■ mtfltm f'.m Jrrp it, Pitift 4imv <prll«, no ffirrgY l»r work 01 pi..), 9am. VIK.LLP ii rich in 1f.,, Ciliham, •o apprtilr, and whrn your rvrj bck llut
      409 words
    • 407 19 iflfyt). TI* £P -1 V m Ir W^m wm\ }ll> wonderful vita|it y |J m I V w M^ come* from Waterhury'l Mr U F/M^^M\ Compound, the ideal tonic v\ W l*iWf//jB^J^J that gives extr stren th Ja^4 and\igour. Waterbury'i W builds up resistance to illness an(^ P rotecls a
      407 words

  • 53 20 TOTAL NETT POOL $380,802 Ist. No. *****2 5171,360 2nd. No. *****9 85,680 3rd. No. *****7 47,900 STARTKRS: (5tf.327 each). Nos. *****5, *****6. *****1, 2736.16, *****2, *****9. *****4, *****3. *****0. *****5. *****0. CONSOLATIONS (52.856 each). Nos. *****2. *****4. *****9, *****6. *****4, *****9, 4087'J5, *****1. *****7 *****4. DOIBLE TOTE: 173
    53 words
  • 45 20 CLASS 2. DIV. 1— FURS. Mr. Sim I>n(j Boon's (8) WONDER OOLD 8.5 (2131—885) Woods 1 (2) Fairy Talc 8.11 (763—431) Bagby 2 (7) Round Wave 8 4 (463—301) Smith 3 HO) White Carnation 8 8 (373—285) Pry 4 (fit STORMY WIZARD 8.10
    45 words
  • 97 20 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat— Johore English College played out time to hold their Old Boys to a draw in their Lowe Cup cricket match on the College ground yesterday. At the close of play, the schoolboys were 47 for seven In reply to ;he Old Boy's total
    97 words
    25 words
  • 22 20 SITIAWAN. Sat. Sitiawan R<--crcatlnn Club will play agalns' Kempf Club In th« Sultan* Cup tennis rompeMtion at Talping tomorrow.
    22 words
  • 2659 20  -  EPSOM JFKP Who Regrets and Gwilym pay best dividends By pOREST BEAU, a highly-rated Australian five-year-old by Dehille Wood, demonstrated his class when he carried topweight of 9.0 to a handsome 3Henjfth w n the "Gold Cup Trial" over a mile at Rukit Tiniah
    2,659 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 247 20 YESTERDAY'S PREMIEM SHOWS ENTIRELY PACKED Oil! J Colossal Shows Today 11 a.m.-3.15-t;.i:> p.m. M 4 f f^y S South-East Asia Film Cos. 7th Anniversary Attraction Premnath Rina Rai in AM, -.MIGHTY AI.LCOI.OSSAL "AURAT' India's "Samson Delilah' with 100% Knclish Subtitles Al RAT UK. III. I(, UTS Thrill to "Samson" Adil's
      247 words
    • 126 20 AGFA SOLINETTE MHB 24 x 46 mm The "sure -shot" miniature camera A flick of the finger it's open, ready to ?hoot A single glance there are your aperture setting, distance and depth of field scale! Helical focusing and an Agfa Apotar f 3 5 or Solinar f 3 5
      126 words

  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 433 2 il BP 1 1 1 TT [well at least your aw ■■B^l JSTwm/^ 11 BWL MISS OLE BORIS W SHARE CF OUR PROFITS SHARE! I —V WELL-- \'l, 1 'I"^*-— /-->, WILL KEEP US GOING--/BUT-M-1 OH. NO? C6ROAN) %V\. /THERE 60ES V A A V ———C 6AVE IT To ANP
      433 words

  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 373 3 B^^HIHHHHHHHP this controTHHl Hn a //.^jjte the N f why don't the Vv i I from a window they could X bHI 2i ROOM WINDOW UNIVERSE AROUND US PILOTS JUST I|^ SEE ONLY A SMALL PORTION OF v<\ Nx;^»v% ■£gSHH^^t£?*b A LOOKS INTO THE f WILL BE PROJECTED A LOOK
      373 words

  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      369 words