The Straits Times, 27 April 1953

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 27 APR WM The Straits Times TWELVE PAGES SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AFBIL 27, 1t53. 15 CENTS
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  • 408 1 A huge arms build-up by West P\KIS Sun. Thr H-NATION Atlantic Pact < mm. il tiMi.iv declarrd Hi intention to strengthen W -t 'm (Iri.n.i until Russia matches her peace offen»ivr" with an authentic effort to iid Morlri tension. And it promptiv stamped its approval to the costliest ever annual
    Reuter  -  408 words
  • 290 1 French rush more troops to royal capital a mm, w HANOI, Sunda\. A D *Y"? A r L Arthur Radford, Commander-in-♦h i» «°f U Land ai| d Air Forces in the Pacific, last night described the war situation in !ndo-( hina as "serious" as th e
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  • 134 1 PANMUNJOM. Sun THE stalled. K.Tean armlst cc ru-Hi'Mati'ins rroprned tod»v and the ch\ci U.N neg^ti .id afterwards that the L disagree with the wnuiM thtni referring to Alii- posalj for overall pri- xchantj* 1 ers who do not want to letyrn t< Communist soil under
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  • 258 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. LMGHTEEN men appointed at tomorrow's national conference sponsored by mentris besir will draw up in less than three months constitutions', proposals 'for a un>ted Malaya. This is the main resolution to be put before the meeting which will take place at 1.18
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  • 18 1 WINDSOR. Sun. Roya; mourning for Queen Mary rnd'd yesterday. She d:ed a m<»nth ago.- A P.
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  • 580 1 Turf club says: The races will go on Xl \I A 1.1.MPl R, Sfdt Ihcrr will definitely be raMhii at Kuala l.umpur on* lav second and third day* »l the prj-srnt mrrtiiu. evei >f it means giving spevia lirrn«e» to riclinc h<i\s, »ai in official „f thr Srlajico Turf luh
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  • 79 1 NEW YORK. Sun-Mr. TTyfve Up. for .wen years secre-tary-general of the Unite* Nations, said in a farewell addrps. today that a true settlement of the cold war could not be negotiated on the theory of unconditional surrender He said that it would M bably take some
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  • 53 1 HONG KONG. Sun. Th» Chinese Communists have proposed to issue "five-year reconstruction Government bonds to a total value o' about on* million gold dollar* to raise money for various construction project* earmarked for the current year, reported the independentlyowned but pro-Nationalist newspaper. Bing Tao Jlh Pao
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  • 27 1 NEW YORK, Sun. Mrs Eleanor Roosevelt told newsmen last night that she will leave for Japan on May 19 on an inter-cultural exchange mission— A.P.
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  • 682 1 The men from Korea try hard to smile By PETER KAYE 4 HASTINGS aircraft touched down at Chanjfi airport at 1 p.m. yesterday, bringing the first British ex- prisoners of war from Korea. Down the gangway came 22 British soldiers tired bm loerking simi aimed anC-healthy First came the 14
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  • 23 1 IXSNDON Sun Mr. Aneurln Bevan. leading Left -wine Labour member of Parliament ii^.K* forn 2T r Minister of Xnln^R^te? 8 fOOd
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  • 45 1 TOO HA PTY to say much were L/Cpt Bob Guest right) of the Royal Norfolks and Private James Brown of the Gloucester. Waiting for Bob at his home in Luton is Thelma Compton. They became engaged shortly before he sailed for Korea
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  • 23 1 HONO KONO Sun. six Burmese labour delegate arrived yesterday from Rangoon en route to attend May Day celebrations in Peking A P
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  • 238 1 Mau Mau men murder family on farm NAIROBI Sun TWOOPS and police today x continued the hunt for the Mau Man murder gang which swept down from Mount Kenya in broad day- liCbt yesterday, and killed an Italian family at a lonely farmhouse on the lower slopes. J The terrorists
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 120 1 30 killed in silver mine MEXICO CITY* Sun. FIRTY men were killed last night when a silver mine caved m and caught nr» Between 50 and 60 others were trapped. 80 mi>s from here. Hope faded as .smoke pour <*d from the mine's mouth at nidn ght. An eerie orange
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  • 68 1 TOKYO. Bun The Prime Minister. Mr Shißeru Yashida's pro-American Liberal Party scored a victory in Fridays election for one-half the r.iemberahip of the 250-seat House of Councillors, nearly complete returns indicated today. With some *****0 votes unI accounted from two district.I in the Kanaeawa and Fukuoka
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  • 43 1 NEW yORK Sun M; SS Mary i Jane Soong. daughter of the former Prime Minister of i China Mr. T V. Soong married yesterday to Mr y Charles K. Eu. SO n of Mrs. Eu < Tong-sen of Hone Kong. 1 1
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  • 97 1 TEHERAN. Sunday 4 JEWELLED sword and decorations to the late Reza Shah of Persia, which wore discovered in ex-Kinc Farouks palacp treasury aft*»r the Neguib coup, were deposited with ceremony yesterday in the former monarch tomb here Reza Shahs hiunh val.iabl.^ .«vmbols of monarchy
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  • 36 1 JERUSALEM. Sun-Ame-i--an Marine General. WiUum Riley has announced "with Jeep regret. his resignation rom leadership of the United Nations trure Mip«>rvL<ion or»n. c:viriß nnlT pe.lonal and family reasons for he si:rnri«e move A t>
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  • 173 1 TEHERAN. Sun. T*HE missing Trheran police chief. Brigadier Ashfartoos. MM been found strangled it was disclosed hrrr today. Tin b<>dv was brought t' Trheran ihls m<>rn:nK Lashkarak 30 rn.les from the capital The authorities said they expected |a arr> I .v murderers *non The police chief
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 62 1 ROME. Sun Gilbert Ugnon. French r*«.'ing motorist, coar.ver of br:i>;i Jaguar. <*m killed la laity's Mill? Migl'.a -1000 mile) race round Italy whpn the car swrwd off the road and caught fire tv ar K<-rrar«i. Th« rtnvrr. another Frrnchnan r.anu d Dascollongex. was injured and taken tn hospital.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 164 1 «-P-H.*t SUVA "5 sr s*~o*oome t €mmmtf4t t mm 4¥ i 1 Oh! the roast beef of England And Old Ei. gland s rojsr b—V." That's a jolly poem. John, and particularly appropriate; were rolled roast beef for d nne' the best Australian imported, but .n the Old h
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    • 72 1 LON*dINES Th€ Worlds Most Honoured Watch Mi by ALL HIGH, CLASS WATCH DEALERS Tiger Testimonials MR. ETHELRED TAPE, recently appointed to the Secretariat, intimated that official circles placed considerable reliance upon the refreshing effects of TIGER BEER. Incidentally Mr. Tape has entered /or the 5 4.000 Tiger Beer Drinking Vessel
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 625 2 NOTICES OssatMraOJoa OftV* far the annaal »"'«'"n of tlectaral Kactater la the rierUral Ward af Bwngaar. No It Is hereby notified fir cenrral Information that an adrM'ionul office for thr polling district of Bungsar In th* Municipality of Kuala Lumpur hsv been op»n»»< «t the "Information CenUr Batu Ho id".
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    • 873 2 NOTICES CORONATION CELEBRATIONS 1 1 All Societies. Associations or other groups who are organising *pectal functions during Coronation Week are asked to Inform the SecrOsWy of the Coronation Crlebra- t ions Committee, Colonial Secretary's Office Empress Place. Singapore in order that a full list of such functions can be compiled.
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    • 848 2 NOTICES THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE, 1940. LEE FOUNDATION (IN'CORPORATBD IN THI COLONY OF HnrGAIHMtE) Noftce is herrbv civen that a Petition was on the 21st Cay of April j 1953 presented to the High Court of the Colony of Singapore. Island of Slneraporc. by the abovenamed Company »o confirm an alteration
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    • 419 2 NOTICES THE KUALA SIMM RUBMR COMPANY. UMITED 'Incorporated In the Federation of Malaya i NOTICE IS HBREBY OIVEN that the Fortieth Annual Oeneral Meeting of shareholders twUl be Iteld at the Registered Office of the Company. No 1. Weld Qua?. Penang. on Wednesday, the 37th May. 1053. at 3.30 p
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    • 870 2 TENDERS ~~D. L D, TENDER BOTia 1 EML'ERB will be received from B Claas Contractors and above Ot the OSee of the State Drainage Irrigation Engineer. Kodah Perils. Alor Star, up to 12 noon of the Oth day of Mar. 1953 for UM I Construct 100 of a reinforced con--1
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    • 262 2 FOR POWER. ECONOMY. HIGH PERFORMANCE. British designed and buKt to »^af^a«Bajßßa^a^^a^a^a»9«a^aWßa^a^aWa^«Ba^a^a*i^a^a^a^a^al give ou'itindni f•rv i c a jrvder aM condition*, an Ailta Craig Marine Engine is the V, T ogica! cnoice 'or any type of powered cratt whether .t J»TaT?I ay a^sUnißßaßßaaaß oi be for basinet* or p j-^^—-^M Q^Q^H
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  • 210 3 WASHINGTON, Sunday. TEAM of 55 American business men, which investigated foreign aid operations in 14 countries, has told the Elsenhower administration to cut economic help to Western Europe and increase it to the Far East. They also urged that the State
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  • 121 3 JOBS FOR ALL: IKE'S PLEDGE WASHINGTON. Sun— President Eisenhower today attacked "the stupidity nf mass unemployment" anil pledswi "every useful measure, private and puMir" to avoid it in the future. In a letter to Mr. Waltfr Reuther. President of th- ConKrrs^ of Industrial Organivi I on Mr. Eisenhower said he
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 43 3 LONDON, Sun A Vcke-i Viscount, the worlds nr<t turbo prop airliner. fV 490 miles between Zunrf ai r> London airports last month n the record time of one hojr 47 minutes and 11 seconcs the Royal Aero Club announced today -Rruter
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  • 33 3 LONDON. Sun M: hi ny Edrn. th<« British Fbrrign Secretary, who had a major operation two weeks ago. had anothrr comfortable njrht. •nd his rendition la unchanged' today's health states Reuter
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  • 71 3 BREMEN Sun. Picket-, wearing red armbands patrok•■d shipyard entrances today as 17 000 shipyard workers w»-nt on strike for ni» ier oay Tho strike was ca.lfd by West German met a; w<>rk- <: trade unions. d<>n:andin'_' an hourly pay MWSWai eight pfennings < nearly 2d> r wage
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 86 3 LA PAZ Bol.vta. Sun A •harp break in the world prICC of <:n this w.-ek and lack of a long-term tin buyine c BtTM with the United States have created a "m< i ltuat n for Bolivia. (i •.-rr.rmnt spokesman said today The Finance Mln*t>>r Senor
    UP  -  86 words
  • 178 3 THIS OFFICER IS A RED, U.S. ARMY CHARGES NEW YORK. Sunday. yilK army will attempt to prove that one of its own 1 officers a Communist in a general court martial which opens at Fort Devens. Massachusetts tomorrow. The def-ndant is First Ueut Sheppard Carl Tnierman 30 of Brooklyn. New
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  • 94 3 Pity poor Alberto. the bull won IT HASN'T supposed to happen like this. Alberto Diaz, the bull-flghtinc idol of thousands, was delighting the crowd in a Madrid arena when the bull made an unexpected rush and gored him. The crowd screamed. Then the bull hooked Alberto in the neck (ABOVE)
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  • 136 3 More East West trade forecast GENEVA. Sun. -Secret trade talks between representatives of 25 East and West Europeans nations, and the Un.ted States, ended in Geneva yesterday o n an optimistic note. Mr. Gunnar Myrdal. of Sweden executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, which convened the
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  • 91 3 MOSCOW. Sun. 4 NEW Russian film -V shows Horatio Nelson as a young British naval officer being reprimanded at the Admiralty in London for admiring a Russian admiral's naval tactics too mu< h The new .Moscow film production "Admiral I vhaknv tells how Catherine the Great's
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  • 32 3 LONDON. Sun— The First Battalion. Suffolk Regiment, which returned home in February after three years service in Malaya, today received the Freedom of the Borough of Sudbury. Suffolk— Reuter.
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  • 29 3 BENARES. (India). Sun. One person was killed and 21 injured five seriously when a passenger train ran off the rails near Sarnath, north ~f Benares, today.— Reuter.
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  • 113 3 NEW DELHI. Sunday. THE Burmese Ambassador to India. U Kyin said yesterday that the United Nations resolution on Chinese, Nationalist troops in Burma was "not at all to Burma's satisfaction." U Kyln, a member of the delegation which presented Burma's complaint against th»
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  • 59 3 DUBLIN Sun— The' Sinn Fein Irish nationalist organisation yesterday called »n all Dublin cinema workers to refuse to handle films of the Queens Coronation in June. S.nn Fein, the organisation -which fought English rule in Ireland and helped largely to the establishment of Eire, wants the
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 120 3 BIRMINGHAM. Sunday 4 WONDER TRACTOR that takes the work out of gardening will be one of the main *iow pieces in the British Industries Fair, which Wpens in Birmingham on Monday. i This Jack-of -all-Job* tractor U a gardener's dream. It can cut bracken, undergrowth
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  • 347 3 CAIRO. Sun. BRITAIN anrt Egypt will begin forma! talks here tomorrow which Egypt hopes will eventualiy lead to an alliance of Arab armies being entrusted with ihe vital security of the Middle East. Egypt goes into the negotiations with the aKn of achieving her
    Reuter  -  347 words
  • 79 3 LONDON. Bun— Britain has asked its Charge d'AfTaires in Peking. Sir Leo Lamb, to thank the Chinese Communist Government for its help in returning the six British civilian, and one Irish priest recently released from three years" captivity in North Korea. A Foreasn Office spokesman
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 337 4  - Post-war changes in Malaya Allington Krnnard PUiLiC ADMINISTRATION IN MALAYA By S W. |<mmi. Royil l««»i»«r« of lnt«m«ti<Nia| AH4k >st) I By IT is difficult, perhaps impossible. U. write a sound and up-to-date account of the administration of Malaya without having revisited the country since the war. Mr S W.
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  • 557 4 The KIKUYU TRIBE by Kenyatta By LORD HAILEY THIS reprint of Mr. Jomo Kenyat*a's book, whirh was nrst published in 1938. is perhaps a response to the Interest aroused by the Mau Mau movement rather than evidence of a general desire for en'ightenment regarding the social institutions of the Kikuyu.
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  • 22 4 DIAMOND JUBILEE PAINTING Thu is Augustus )ohn i Gitana from tfc« jubilee number of "Tht Studio, published in London at 7». 64.
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  • 420 4 t^O one to whom art is more than a trivial interest has failed to read "The Studio" at some stage or other Many have become regular readers, if regularity has been "within their financial means. This month The Studio" i.« 60 years old. and its diamond
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  • 475 4 She saved man who made an empire THI LIM AND COOO T I MM Of WILLIAM RANDOLPH HIAMT. B« |«h« T«WxA C»»a««t. \U. By George Malcolm Thomson HE was born to riches. His father's money empire was founded on a big holdinß in the Homestake Mine in Dakota. bißßest gold
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 87 4 There* a Cfotirofet Tract ibrlfoar job! AND IT'S BUILT TO DO MORE FOR LESS MONEY! yd 'vff Ato v W^~ Truck users have proved that Chevrolet costs least of all to I '^^3^«/ own and ma ntam And its ruggedness. stimm and power are I UCJf L pa t of
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    • 312 4 Which of the three it worth most to YOU? -Ml *\rer at- «-quall> *<H><t M typsts And ttlUtft* m tt>»- middlr »->nh most to yu why Becaiue sh» .an manage matt iv a day *nc stlil be eg* languid Ycu >< atie la lining a Halda the Swi
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 205 4 Straits Times Crossword ACBOSft 14. Oddly pert atout Ellen- tt1. HarmlnM drudge*, according lo puisne exhibition it) E? C ,K 0 L, JOl ??r m Wh 'WIUi my little ey«. I 10. No pay for UU. poetryT (4. {J?'S2nlsi7hiJui tS i> 11. in wani \ol. u n mnnrx- it 4i
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  • 331 5 IPOH Sun. r rn» Perak branch of 1 I >INO. at an extraordinary genera! meetIng today, condemned the expulsion of the Dato Pangiima Bukit Gantang by the central executive committee M Malacca early this month. The meeting, which was attended by 71
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  • 315 5 GENERAL PLEADS: AID FUND 'PHE civil associations whirr grew up to help th* armrd services during World War II have nearly all faded away, but the security forces in Malaya which are >tl!l operating under wartime conditions are still lr need of direct support from the public. Orn Str Charles
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  • 20 5 More than 1.000 guests attended the opening of the 7th Btorey Hotel in Rochon Road. Singapore, yesterday.
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  • 197 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. DATO Onn bin Ja'afar. leader of the Independence of Malaya Party. ickHv bitterly condemned a tendency among the pec.lf ;>f Malaya to have an "antl" outlook Dato Onn was unanimously re-elected as chairman at the annual meeting of the Kuala Lumpur branch
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  • 77 5 From Our Own Corrrspnndf-nt LONDON Sun The Colonial Office has annour>-<-d Urn appointment of six ori;anisat.on and methods officers r-r ;he Federation Messn F G Culman. JFK McKinlay J T Marchant G E R« •vn»:ds. \V H Scaife and M. t Sna» M« --r> W
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  • 51 5 IHIIIM. SEAMAN >k r <• Khau. of the Nelson (nit Singapore sea Cadet Corps, with his grandmother. M.i dam Chan, and father. Mr Ng Ah Kow. on board the Autolvcuv Ng left mi Saturday for Britain on a threemonth -< h«>! ir>hip course in merchant vramanship
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  • 167 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. \IR. K. C. Chia. president of Selanßor Labour Party, iTI today decided to reject a personal invitation to attend the mentri besar-sponsored national conference In Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. The decision was taken at a party meeting. Mr. Chla was strongly warnrd by
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  • 71 5 Support for 'hurtful' higher tax KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. \EMANDS for higher and moi> steeply graded income tax were made at Selangor Labout Party's meeting today A resolution was approved urging "a complete review of the economic structure undei the capitalist system." Mr Lee Moke Bang. s»>cretary general of the Pan-Mala-yan
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  • 197 5 KUALA LUMPUR Sunday. 'THE Kuala Lumpur branch of the Inde'jenoence of Malaya Party will consider a move f o ask the Government to ban all lotteries run by public bodies in Malaya. Th<- proposal was made tod.i. it the annual meeting by Mr. K.
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  • 70 5 By Our Market Correspondent Malaya s forriKn trade mi proved in March, prelimina: statistics issued on Saturda> revealed. Overall trade at 5574.800.000 wa.s 577.600.000 more than in February and for the month there was a favourable trad* balance of 51. 400.000. Imports, including parcel past, at $286
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  • 62 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun Toh Bian, a lorry driver, was fined $25 in the Police Court for contravening bis haulage permit Inche Mahmood bin All. the Magistrate, said he took a ienient view of the offence as Toh Bian had been forced to carry 22 bags of rice
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  • 68 5 JOHORE BAHRU Sun.— A teventy-year-old Chinese. L:m Koic Wah. who had been sentenced to six months' imprisonment on two charges of having opium and smoking i utensils, was ordered by Mr Storr to enter into a i $100 bond to be of Eood be-
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  • 200 5 Curfew kept 10,000 indoors BUKIT MERTAJAM. Sun A CURFEW imposed at 5 am kept more than 10 000 Bukit Mertajam people in their homes until 2 p.m. today. While the stay Indoors order lasted police from Penung and Province Wellesley asked househoiders in the town and kampongs for information on
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  • 63 5 JOHORE BAHRU Sun Th>" relic of St France Xavier. which arrived in Malacca fron. Goa on Mar 12. will j!c Jonore Bahru on May 2 Thf-re will be a High Mass a: the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 530 p m that day The rrile
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  • 55 5 JOHORE BAHRU Sun —Lt Hugh Knight, of the Federation Armoured Corps, charged with an act of gross indecency, wa.s this morning ordered by the Kluang Macerate. Mr j P. Blackleoge. tn execute a $1000 bond to b. of good bhaviour. for three year.s Knight was ordered
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 235 5 f GRAND CORONATION BARGAINS Commencing Today PRICES REDUCED .o 60% There are Sales but this i% th* "BARGAIN' wit*. DIFFERENCE Com* See for Yoanelvti at DOULATRAM CO. 48 50. Hißh Strut, Siigtptre-6 Phone 7846 FLEET /V^^T^X AIR RLF HESHER Jl^ FItST CENUINE j^ i^^ ODOUR KILLER f fleet f m
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    • 78 5 WATCHIS SIMCI 1870 ial^^r l^?^ VaV ft tWfs^_ THE WORLDS THINNEST AND SMARTEST WATERPROOF WATCH HuiAj be ec€ctt6e ckea^cv But... (soys th t Profes i o rj f^gS^^^^^^^ NESPRAY cannot p, r generous content of ricn creaminess NESPRAY cannot yp'S De beaten for its unique fresh-milk Cll flavour c "ll
      78 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 262 5 I aY a. J 1 La' A L A^M i. Jl ill i^i I I J /a B^H SINGAPORE N Trlo; 74S Sketchbook; t World Hawaiian Music: Take It Prom AflaJi*. 815 lan. 145 Oval Ar- Here; 9.30 Newa; 9 45-10 Swing < 7IS am Morning Star; 730 tut. 3
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    • 54 5 PMJn him* h.*. HBatwe il Tim oAi p m Pi mii Kaa.%llo.xa .m.i i :ii t» t t R. .c *nc .Wai l i p m T.«/«. at .»in I «*(t r« Q-i^- il Htpn V M.C»%.. O-.mpr >por > ounr* r- :r. <t n Ft -j O»r- i-naim .Hr>
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  • 32 6 THK TAMIIY of Ihe ln^ Mrs Tan Jti Cheng <ne- M<rl.>m Wee Van Nern thank all triends end relanve*. lv kindly paid nljrht ent wreaths. Imtned cars and atteiuieri the funeral.
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  • 110 6 MADEIINE !< wvntlally for women with more lathi than money. DORIS OEDDEB Uttte Bhop Prom today. Dresse* from Win'er SulU. Hat' kc I <«t BRIDFT TO BE COfMsM Tsmmv Thomson for expert h I -riding and Oolng Oo«r.i O H Bldg Sing;i; roUKO m ymm hu^bnndK to^tti- Stage Club's
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  • 718 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon.. Apr 27. 1953. The Next Big Step Today's conference in Kuala Lumpur on Malayan unity and constitution.! 1 progress may not fulfil the hopes and expectations of i's conveners. They should no* be discouraged. Opposition to the conference has been < pressed by the L'nited
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  • 525 6 There U not much doubt where the s>mpathies of the racegoer and the public will lie in the extraordinary affair which marked the opening day of the Selrngor Turf Club'« meeting. will lie with the jockeys. They were dubious I about the course before the meeting tvpan, and
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  • 439 6 riE Great Choli of 400 voices who will sing for the Queen at her Coronation have a spearhead; the 30 men and 12 boy singers of Westminster Abbey. Imagine you are part of the spearhead. On the morning of The Day you take milk
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  • 67 6 CORONATION PICTURE OF THE QUEEN T k i tawcul portmt o» Mm Qu*»n h* Bar** *at n k ••> hi rit« C r it Otiwinj Room at B v f fc i n h am P i I i i i. Tli« Q«««« it w«arin( a pale pink c»enin« (eon
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  • 1412 6 TEACHERS FIGHT for FREEDOM Rebecca West, famous British author and journalist, continues her series of articles on the "witch-hunts" in the United States. fHIS anirrm is very wicked." wrote the French zoologist "It defends itself when it is stacked. The United States is in this sense very wicked indeed. It
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  • 467 6 Carpet Feet HOW a house gecko hangs from the ce.lln« ha* puzzled mart; of us at un> t :me or another »nd the jddity has fm k'ned nany times One of tV ;ull-st d.»■■■s on the subjc< t be found in the March ."dit on jt the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 528 6 CLASSIFIED ADS.! BAI.I AH I) To Diana wife of R <l. Batlard. at Bungftar Hospital 24th April, a fton. Purlck lan. BRADBURY The ■nt .mnouni ed between Antony Howair 4 only snn of^Ur. A Mr» A Bennef of Bournemouth iinrt Patrlctn Mar] <>nlv daufhlT of Oroup Cap' in and Mrs.
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    • 3 6 111 >^^*^ X li
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    • 75 6 ffl*^ Fello* institute Ophthalmic Optician:- <EnR) Fellow Worshipful Co of Spectacle-Makers (Ene) Freeman of the City of Ix>ndon By Appointment to H. M Forces A. M.ATTXMS PLACE SINGAPORE PHONE: ***** Relief from night coughing with Campbells J<& Cherry o|(§ Sifrup QPfffilA SINGAPORE PRICFS J^Ji^^ Small «0 C\ I arce
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  • 315 7 50,000 TENANTS PROTEST AT RENT RISE They set up council of action REPRESENTATIVES of 50,000 Singapore Improvement fM tenants yesterday formed a 22-man Council for Joint Action to protest against the li per cent increase in the rents of flats built after the war Before 4obm s<>. the? heard criticisms
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  • 90 7 Drivers ask for day off a week Will Hvr representatives of thr M>oo strnne Sineapore Muslim llrfv.-rs' AsMHiation mret the Commissioner f«»r Labour. Mr. <i. W l>.»vis. they will tell him thai the drivers want a day off in a week This was made known at the annual meetine of
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  • 61 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Harper Gilhllan and Company Ltd made a proA; of $657,247 during 1952. it was di^cl«>.>.od 32nd ordinary general meeting in Kuala Lumpur Dlvidt nri.s. lrxs tax. were declared of eight per cent on cumulative preference stock and 10 prr cent on ordinary stock.
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  • 38 7 JOHOSE BAHRU .Sin Thr Johoro Bahru Town Councils pr nclpal snurc<> of is from to br nc :n 5163.4A3 t» Th» Cuncij $«R 977 fr> >m rit«s n the first quarter the m
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 7 VIISS KOK SAN CIIW a singer of the Argentine Vaudeville Show troupe, now in Singapore, caught in a striking pose at a cocktail party at thr Happy World on Saturday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 44 7 BRUNEI. Sun— The closing date for contributions to the European Flood Relief Fund :^as been extended to May 31. ti hi>i J Buls. Praside-i; .i! the North Borneo Comnv.ttee announced. A lottery will also be held to <w«ll the Fund.
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  • 131 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. THE central committee of the Malav^n Chinese Association yesterday approved the UMNO-MCA blue-print for the independence of Malaya. In a n:no-hour meet me behind c'.osed doors in Kuafa Lumpur the committee derided to «{o ahead with the agreement reached the
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  • 19 7 BRUNEI. Sun.— PoJl;e constable Bakar w sentenced t>> n'hs gaol by a Brunei ite. for stealing two
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  • 42 7 The SrirU Petroleum Cc:npanv. Singapore, announcrd ve.sterday that it had abandoned two cioop-test oil welLs ■sunk in Sarawak at a cost 01 $15 million The well*, at Subis and Bulak Setap. were both more than 10.000 feet deep
    42 words
  • 30 7 KUALA LUMPUP. Sat. Goods valued at $20,000 were sold at the Prison Industries Exhibition wtuch closed in Kuala Lumpur today Order* totalling $20,000 were placed in addition.
    30 words
  • 80 7 In the report in Saturdays issue of he action for l:b' brought by Mr John G:bb and Mr- J A Kirkham against the Nanyanii S.ang Pau. it was r n^iv vated that Mr Gibb .said he paid *h»- squatters pvctid fr. m Coronation R jc appr
    80 words
  • 20 7 Three men posing as policemen robbed a Chinese householder of $240 at Buklt Ho Swee, Singapore, early yesterday.
    20 words
  • 41 7 I \I»V TEMPLEK. wife or the High Commissioner. enjo>* a jokr with a croup of Mala* women at Kampong Sekara. in Pahang. when the went with General Tempter on a tour of the State last week— Straits Times picture.
    41 words
  • 170 7 council moves toward take-over of city's bus lines TflE City Council has taken another step toward converting the Singapore Traction Company and other bus services into a centralised publirly-owncd system. The City Councils Public Transport Committee set up nearly two years aeo. met last Friday and appointed a working committee
    170 words
  • 148 7 People who aid own j destruction KI ALA Lt.MPIR. Sun. PR every bit of food they gave the terrorist*, they wrre contributing so much to the destruction of their own homes, the .Mentri B*-sar of Perak. OaU Panflima r.uku Oantang. told Mil aim during a twe-dn tour of the state.
    148 words
  • 24 7 Captain C le Poole died on board his .ship. Kalianda. on Sa.urctay on the way from Prnang to Singapore. Hr «a 48.
    24 words
  • 18 7 Cloth worth $35,000 has bro r loha from the Indian Traring Company in Changi Road, i.nsapore
    18 words
  • 37 7 The Honakona and Shanghai Banking C Tonrarlon's Coronation decorations and will be modelled on that of the head office in London All he banks branches throughout :he world will adop: the same scheme.
    37 words
  • 335 7 "CINGAPORE is a ereat trading placp and we arr here to see how it is done." said Mr Willis H. Hall, secretary-manaeer of the Detroit B.nrd of Commerce, wtien ne arrived in the colony ycstoiriay. He was with a p.irty of 48 D I businessmen on
    335 words
  • 70 7 JOHORE BAHRU Sur Goh Toh a boatman from Singapore, who was found in a sampan at Kuala Sunge: Pulai. South Johore. was fln^ri $100 In the Pol'cp Court today for harln*; foodstuffs w.thout a movement permit. i Oon toTd the court that the foodstuffs, which
    70 words
  • 77 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. DEMANDS for strong action against people KMpo I sible for the allefcrd Malayan Chinos.-* Association. lottery 'scandal' in Singapore were madp in Ku:l Lumpur last night After a heated debate the MCA central committee drcid?d to leave the decison to the pxtraordlnary
    77 words
  • 28 7 BRUNEI Sun Th< im^nt ha* drcld< d Si. ld a lodge re it nich C n Tiissionrr i» Uuarnn ■or.' 17 all v
    28 words
  • 118 7 He opens bridge bearing his name KUALA LUMPUR Sun r[E people of Kamponc Siputeh. in the Taiping iIM of Prrak. have named a bridge across the Sungei Sipatch Jambat;»n MacGillivay" in honour of me Deputy Hißh Commlssii ner. Sir Donald MacGtllivray. S.r DomM him* If opened hp brldßP yrstrrday He
    118 words
  • 95 7 A larce crowd attended the annual pan*hia! riurtinc ol 8t Andr-A r.rnedral at the memorial hail last nltiht Mr F C Saiiris «aj nominatcci vicar's warden and Mr Mathew Grorge peoples war«.lrn. Prof F Mason and Mr E V G Day will br the nominees o. the Bishop
    95 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 326 7 MOUTRIES PRESENT OIISIWIMX. i HOPI.\ HH«RHS iall 31 1 1 r.p.m.i mill CHOPIN raCITAt r>.no. I \-.n;s m No «in D fla' M M 7 W, P'lAnalne No 3 tn A major i minnr. r-r r-r nm A CHOPIN PFriTAI. 'J Wtlh'lm B»rX' i\ ii B.ll.fir No 1 in O
      326 words
    • 155 7 RYSTAL TABLEWARE WITH AN ENTIRELY \JEW APPEAL/ t^^/-sj;"l|fe. SHIHR* CLAi. fICKLC |A? JW^I^I $4.75 ka. $15.50 ea. 7 V»T^^ F t DECANTERS 1^ from J^^ si 7 -50 .^sa^i f WATEX TUMBLIF $6.95 «A. Vf WZ\ COVIREO BUTTER DISHES ktejJOT J) $11.50 EA. I y BEER MUCS WATER TUMBLI»"TY Ip
      155 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 75 7 The weather .Minimum temperature: (7 30 pm or. April 1 730 pm on Ap.ii »or« di trees'. K i Bahru K. I Ipoh i74'. Kua:.t;m '73. .Maximum temperature: 1 M :i 730 p m on April 26' Singapore '85' PenaiM R6> Kota Bahru '91 mpur '38). Ipuh '89 Kuar.t.m >86>.
      75 words

  • 918 8 Rubber steadier but tin declines By Our Financial Correspondent TNK Singapore share market last week experienced another interesting period. It was notable for the more widespread dealings in tin shares, a greater buying interest in industrials and a growing interest in first-class rubber .shares. Rubber
    918 words
  • 306 8 The following dividends announced last wrrk HENRY WAIGH: 15 p«r cent Anal, making 25 per rent. for year ended lircrmltrr payable May hooks < losr April 3*. HI OK KRl'IN TIN: Mi per rent interim for year endlnic October, payable May 5. books close April K TONttKAH HARBOUR:
    306 words
  • 47 8 The Malayan Exchange Bank* Aitrv-ria'lon made h* follnminc alterations m it» raten to merchant* on Saturday: CANADA buvins TT 32 9 16 air mall. OD 32 11 16. M day* 32 15 1« credit bill* 33 trade b»ll« seUln*. TT or o D 32 rwdy
    47 words
  • Correspondence
    • 1206 8 AS Malayan Citizen' 'ST Apr 20) states— "Rubber planting is a commercial business." and if It cannot show a profit, has to cease functioning Before any sweeping statements about not showing a profit are made, it would be well to analyse what "Malayan Citl/en claims
      1,206 words
    • 60 8 PETALINO Tin hopes to pur-chji-n- an area of 550 acres, known to contain deposits of tm-(;re. fr.j-n an wnlt adjoining the company's property at Petaling In Selangor The Board states that the negotiations for the purchase are we!! aavanceti out tliu' it will take several months for arrangements
      60 words
  • 325 8 r[E following share deals in Singapore were reported for the period April 18 to April 24 inclusive ISOrSTRIALS. Fra-ser Neave $2,174 to $2,224 Gammon $2.75 and $2 72 i. Hammer $2924 to $285 Hongkong Banks Col. $758.00 to ****** Hongkon« Bank London £851 Wm
    325 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 14 8 J^ g tu f Ok i KIT i^L^H^L^Lv y^ ink rAini f FAI NTS
      14 words
    • 704 8 <.OUKS SSS SERVICE* Rail tickets anywhere Ocean or Air Travel tickets Travellers cheques Continental Tours Baggage and Life Insurance Schools for your children Hotel reservations Private car hire local slghtseeinK Yachting ho'ldays. For full information apply: THOS. COOK ft SON (Continental and Overseas) ltd. 39. Robi*to« Read SINCAPOOf 1 Tele:
      704 words

  • 284 9 AFTER providing $124,197 for depreciation and $8,000 for directors' fees, the net prortt earned by Henry Waugh and Co. Ltd. in the year to December last, was $556,853. compared With $2 255.254 in the preceding year. War damage compensation of $*****7 was received during the year
    284 words
  • 435 9 THE following quotations were those of the Malayan Sharebrokers Association. Singapore, mt the close of business on Friday: Ml ii llM i* lurai 1 I 'anant 11/« M •aitoai 1/1 Vn«kaJaa W. MIM~ .V.VT 4*l «Jaen >u»et •unith IV- IVUhaun Hrd I U 1•» U«atH«n il'- 11/
    435 words
  • 325 9 Repayments made abroad A- LOOPHOLE in the United Kingdom income lax regulations of considerable importance to Malayan businesses, was plugged by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. R. A. Butler, in hU budget speech tn the house of Commons on April 14. Hitherto it has been possible to
    325 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1191 9 ft MANSFIELD <Sc CO., LTD. P»ajl,l Incorporated iUDDiII AH blob romneL lwi t C«" aptlerl t. prece* vte .ttwr parti te lea* aMd <Urt«lM cars* SAILINGS re LivitroOl GLASGOW. LONDON A COMTININTAL PO#.TS Due Soih P Shaw *«nang A.lolyc— r- I I Gkuflow Apr. J» Jt A,. I. 10 Iwi»4m
      1,191 words
    • 487 9 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. to U K /CONTINENT S pora S'bow »ano»>t »imm> tm Avonmouttv London. Sn.c«'l< Mull I »«.m«*MH for 'rvafpool. OuWW. T|^ Antwerp. H O Tir>uro CIS 1/4 V B««*ar«cfc ♦or London Rotterdam. t/il U/U »*»y S T^ol° r R^OoI;^' 000 M/MM* IVUM* 14/14 ••«»»<•«• (w I *et>ool,
      487 words
    • 515 9 EAST ASIATIC LINE lAIIINCJ FROM SCANOINAVIAN/U RVCOMTININT S iv»»» $V*» 2 frOf "ongkoti 4/7 Mar ni«l>M»" for tengkok v II Mar *•">•" »or DfOkortq Bonokok. Seioon Hongkong Men Koaa t rokoKoma 20 22 May It/It May IS/17 May for Bongkok 1/1 Jmm a"A*ia" for Rnnekok Sn-ojon Hnng Kong Monilo. Kob*
      515 words
    • 1063 9 McALISTER t* CO.. LTD. TIL: H. MO* LONftOM. HAVRE. BOTTEROAM A PORTLANO >lATTU 4 VAHWUVW NAMIUIC A«C*ptk*S eerae »>r C ntrel A ia«th ond tw USA Nortn Atlont.c P'Xtt >A«<rKo« Port* ,na Conodn Colombo >( „iHTVItI» > "CITY Of OTTAWA" Spwt P S horn Pcnong i. 1 May J May
      1,063 words

  • 302 10 Rangers held in Scottish cup final GLASGOW. Sun. 'THE Scottish Cup final A between Glasgow Rangers and Aberdeen will have to be replayed next Wednesday following their 1-1 draw at Hampden Park here yesterday. A crowd of 134.000 saw an exciting match In which the Rangers owed much to their
    Reuter  -  302 words
  • 205 10 Outcry after televised title fight BOSTON. Sun BOXING authorities and member* of the public protested strongly against the punishment Tommy Collins was allowed to take in his world lightweight title fight against champion Jimmy Carter here last night Carter retained the title with a fourth round technical knockout after Collins
    Reuter; AP  -  205 words
  • 100 10 LONDON. Sun- Baron O de Rothschild's French horse. Ouersant. yesterday beat WUwyn. English winner of the big Washington International race at Laurel Park last October, to win the Coronation Stakes run over one and quarter miles at Sandown Park. Wilwyn waa second, with Zuc(hero third
    100 words
  • 22 10 CAIRO. Sun— Aurtrta took 3-1 lead over E»yp In their first round European Zone Davu Cup tie y«aterday Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 637 10 Derby in dramatic struggle LONDON, Sunday. lost to their championship rivals, Preston, yesterday but still head the First Division on iroal average. The championship may not b e decided now until th last day of the season, next Saturday, when Arsenal are at home
    Reuter  -  637 words
  • 149 10 RUGBY LEAGUE CUP LONDON. Sjn. IIUDDERSFIELD. a YorkIs- shire club, won their sixth Rugby League cup final a! Wembley stadium yesterday when they beat their Lancashire rivals. St. Helen*, by 1: points i three goals, three tries i to 10 'two goads, two tries' after a tough
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 266 10 tarnh-jr < h*rll*n MX ardlfT 1 AataoVUla -1^ X n I %^a fanrheattr C. S BUrkpeol Ilddlr^hrauch 5 Ntnrhnttr I. iftrwUf 1. Hoi lon Wand 3 "rnton V.I 2 Annul h.fl.rld Wrd 4 Sundrrland 0 llokr City 1 lirrto U ni» "tlfnhim I Halm Rromwh-h Pw-tMnnuth SECOND DIVISION
    266 words
  • Article, Illustration
    68 10 SCOTLAND'S HRST GOAL: A Br.lh int dive by EnglanJ\ goalkeeper. <;. Men-irk, of Bir tmncham City, wax made in vain for he was beaten by a shot from L Reilly. Scotland's Centre Forward (of Hibernian) to gire Scotland their first goal in the International so. rcr match at Wembley. I
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 111 10 LONDON. Bun. Yesterday^ rugby union result.' were: Burr.vaple 11 Tetgnmouth 0 Before! 21 Bradford 0: Birmingham 6 Ebbw Vale 14: Cumborne I Redmth 0 Cheltenham 0 Cardifl 11 Coventry 9 Brts'cl 11: Devonport Servires 13 Olourester Exeter 8 Brldgend 3: H.rtlepooi Rover* 18 R F Oak's t«.m
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 52 10 lONDON. Sun -Tony Mot ram Britain* lending Mncles pUver. r. ho recently returned from a 1 nir tour In the Fir iCast won his first tennis •ournamrnt of the 1953 leaxon yesterday. MottTam beat Rin-vll Seymour. it South Africa. 6-3. 6-1. In the Button hard courts
    AP  -  52 words
  • 47 10 LONDON. Sun Bobby Locke. South African holder of the British ipen championship, won his first natch In England this season when lie partnered Max Faulkner, a Former champion, to beat Harry Weetman. former ma'rh play cham3lon. and Ken Edwlrk by two and >ne.— Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 977 10 P W D L F A pta Anenal 41 20 13 94 63 52 Proton 41 20 12 t M 60 52 WoiW 42 19 IS 10 M 63 51 W Bromwich 42 21 13 66 60 50 Burnley 41 IS 12 11 65 49 48 Blackpool
    977 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 232 10 COLUMBIA presents Afc BRODERICK CRAWFORD BARBARA HALE In fJjijßj&lp TIK SABRE Pffiß?^ ARROW" <*^ W in TECHNICOLOR IF you HAVE or HAVE HAD ANY DOUBTS about 3-D... WARM* BIOS! ASTOUNOINGFEATUtI WILL DISPEL THEM! THIS^VTi AS IT \itthinti lott'if' Siwn bvfnrv ran ntmpan* nil It iil Special Note All Viewers (Polaroid
      232 words
    • 234 10 SJVji|V>|.|.k\ NOW SHOWING j7laVaamata«kSl IfMM o# J^« GmM* UtTaf Vyl fa S»v">"««« !>«••»•€ dH B^r y^Ba' l 'B^bV^^^bbV .^H lEHMIFEI CIMITM sBGESCP 1 j)^__ k SaM i lla.m-145- hwkJU, i j|i|r 12th DAY "LAST HAYS mv lIOH S O.\ THri WOO.PATH" MIR JAXF-iii- fSONorI 4% Wk 1 1 1' I
      234 words

  • 824 11 From GEORGE DUCKWORTH former England wicket-keeper IT'S just possible that the Australians have been and are being a little too kind to England. Concessions which they have made, voluntarily and involuntarily, could put the green-capped cricketing tourists at a disadvantage. Let me
    824 words
  • 275 11 THE TANN TOUCH PAYS OFF MAN who has Just completed one 01 soccer's hardest job* Is Bert Tann. the Bristol Rovers manager. Bert has managed to get hl& team back on an even keel after a series of Easter defeats which threatened their promotion chances. Tann had to turn to
    275 words
  • 721 11  -  TONY MOTTRAM T^E way in which a tennis •I racket is gripped does more to affect the character of the stroke that is made with it than any other thing within the player's p6wer Hitting position, the swing of the racket, and the spin applied to the
    721 words
  • 268 11 LONDON. Sunday. POLITICS have been brought into British sport in 1 the Budget for the first time, according to Sir Stanley Rous. Football Association secretary He was referring to the Chancellor of the Exchequer's decision to differentiate between the professionals and amateurs by abolishing
    268 words
  • 208 11 NEW YORK. Sun. rPHF late Jack Johnson Is •I rated top all-tune heavy- weight by editor Nat Fleischer in the 1953 edition of the Ring Record Book and Boxing Encyclopedia. Fleischer picked the six all- time best in each division. In making his
    208 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 198 11 fash Fruit Cordials FAMOUS FOU FLAVOUR SINCE 1885 cost) Hr. West's KEEPS YOUR MOUTH HEALTHIER WK r Or. Weit's »o«t*i- Jlß^SwiWi fcrtiffc it better tor your C^^^^SvjS^fl Inch-Ism brutK-Kead f JIJJ I witS rowt of bmrte^ elcant mtide. ~^^^»Er suttidc between and liß I on top c* vo«r teeth
      198 words
    • 444 11 And now the GALA t^nc LATHE A STRONGLY BUILT LATHE WHICH WILL ClVff ENDURING SERVICE AND DEPENDABLE RESULTS m^'* m mmmw m :J < The OALA Lathe with a lob <-n the Rear Turning t<, < attachment. Some of *.he wurk produced, and a v> selection of add.Mnni; equipment is
      444 words

  • 306 12 Emergency meeting this week By EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. rpHE Selangor Turf Club stewards have suspended thirteen jorkeys from rid in it until May 5 for their part in the "strike" on the opening: day of the April-May meeting yesterday. They are: Albert
    306 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 12 KEN ROSEWALL. the Australian singles champion, in his match against lan Ayre on the S.t courts vesterdßy Straits Times picture.
    20 words
  • 315 12 P. BRANI MAULED IN 2nd HALF rOER Sporting Association chalked up their fifth successive victory in the SAFA First Division league, beatiim Pulau Brani United five-nil at Jalan Besar yesterday. Tigers are now well on top of the table with a goal average of 25 for snd none against. Pulau
    315 words
  • 256 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. SeTen States are competing In this year's Foong Seong Cup badminton competition The holders of the Cup are Selangor. The draw, made at today's annual general meeting of the Badminton Association of Malaya Is given below, home teams mentioned first North
    256 words
  • 451 12 Cricket Tournament By Our Cricket Reporter |>OI.ICE scored an outright win against the Royal 1 Navy at the Naval Base and Singapore Chinese R.C. won on first Innings against Indian Association at Hong 1 mi Green in the only two S.C.A. senior tournament games
    451 words
  • 36 12 Hit- Sinnapore Amateur Athlet:r Avsocustion will screen a BW-II J fllm of the It&2 Olympic Game Victoria School at 630 p.m. tnda All athletes and those interested .ire «elcome la attend thu tret show
    36 words
  • 59 12 K.L. RACING SCHEDULE fHERE wtti be eight rarcs at KuaU l.umptr on Wtsan •ay. Tkw law 5. IMr t— 4F. haadi- <"*• kaa been put off the last day when there will be Bine raeea. < ash sweep UekeU s*M oa Rare I which waa ■■aioaHcd on Salarday. .ill be
    59 words
  • 440 12 VI'FU.HTS for an eight races os> Hedneadaj. terond day of the SeUagor Turf luh aaeetlng are. CL. 4. DIV. t— 4 Far*. IrM Pat M My Pearl lit Kind Regards Peter 111 PaMing Fair x is Golden Sand* I.M Battle C'raiaer 1.011 liberty Flag 1.07 SaHarWrd
    440 words
  • 226 12 'TWO fifties were features of the cricket match between Non Benders and Singapore Recreation Club on the SRC v round on Saturday V C Westerhout hit 56 in Ncm Bt-nders total of 124. and E. Le Mercier'k 71 inabled SRC to win 'he match by Mx
    226 words
  • 46 12 Results of BAFA Third Division mst.-hes played yesterday wer»Three C: Customs 8C beat Town Rangers SC 2-0 (Scorers Rawl and Talib. Three B: rraotlon Union and Malay Settlement Union drew J-J i Scorers: Axlz and Hussein for Tradion. and Dollah .Vr Malays.
    46 words
  • 323 12 By Our I>nnls Reporter Australiai. trnr 1 stars en mute Wimbl«'don rfelighU>. biu crowd on the b> pore padanK yetteicit with two singles and on doubles fxhibition. Although all the vanie* wrr playrd in an air of levity, th fs.ns saw enough to rra) hat young
    323 words
  • 87 12 i^I'PKRIOR Uitl-« and a frst aj fnm a id.- gare \')r«/ir Srhoul a well-<le>ene<l 3-0 -a.i: M Pulau Brant Bov< Clnb in a <*m Anal of the SAKA V.";'h Compel Jalan Besar stadium vest«| d» I he oppr-rtun^m and CtaM Maria a 2-n lead ai the
    87 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 969 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. fminiieo from p av# at VITIATION VACANT SINGAPORE CITY COUNCIL Engineers Dr-p»rtmerr Required <a> Surveyor IM-allani m <n salary i scale 54«12 x All 474 Bar 49S X A2O 575 at cammenrtaur monthly aal.rv n( MO2 plus allofSncen and OaMi BtVWtssrßl 'Pinali or equivalent and considerable expe- I
      969 words
    • 926 12 TUITION MORNINO Classes May: Type- rltlng. shorthand, book-keeping. Chinese YMCA Commercial School. 107. Selegle Road SINGAPORE KINDERGARTEN Vacancies! Schoolwork IIS-IMS i babies play*. Open 1-1. Including Saturdays. Qualified. European. inMruciion "Phone ***** ABSOLUTE beginners' classes May: accounting. book-keeping, typing, shorthand. English latin correspondence Chinese YMCA Commercial School 107 Selegle Rd.
      926 words
    • 241 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. i POR SALE ENOINFS Enneld HP. Marine Diesel I.KVA Petrol Lighting Set 290 volt also 250 400 watts Petrol lighting Si Charging Sets ex Mock all brand new. Merton> Brown fc Co. Ltd. PRIZE winning Chicka horns. Rhode Island Reds, Australorps. lay old. IK dos. Balanced Chick rood.
      241 words
    • 31 12 I GOOD NEW* AGAIN F3g^i FRANCC t riNCST !S «»BRAHDY SOLE AGENTS: THE EASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTr :"im"p"e"rTa"I TYPEWRITERS a SOLE AGENTS For Singapore and Federation of Malaya McMULLAN CO LTD.
      31 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 208 12 SENIOR SCOREBOARD RAF v 8CC MN(.»r.»K» CVICK1T CLl» niirotMni 1 Prarton b Oatrnpori 4 H'«rd b P»irw 44 Hut. c Cook b Davtnoort M4U |bw Jaavt Cathtn b Jaav« annrnu t Jam*, b r>«r>on Jl nark not out < Cinuld r rtirtcian b Harruoo. A Harmon r Harriaon b Nhim
      208 words
    • 243 12 .-Mi 3 Drnni. l#» I|B« Thiam «»-31-« Huck Chuao --O-M-l •ISUAPOU B.c— t!W> INN* Ant Earn Hock »i H Sn»i, b Raiji j Dr «f«h Ch»n« .Slant b A#infT Or On# s.rf La* »l shah b Kidm M Ch»<n»i r Thiam «i»w run out Khoo oni L»» c Orvarai
      243 words
    • 107 12 Urrrn t, Pn-rra H •> »-indraa Orimhlv n o ■°oti c V*fl.jDi"ai b Prrrra Uptr.-, c Kr»hn«n k J«u»dr"« Mm Total M 4O 40 40 -*?*.V N^- *«n<Jn«h.m a b OrtmWr y— «Xi«l n o Ajndraa n o Kitrat Tot»| (for J *ku 1 CHANGI OUT FOR 36 RUNS
      107 words
    • 84 12 MCGbbI S.A.I A League tMv. 1 ninne Athletic v IJt.C. al Jalaa Besar Dir. It': I niled S.I. v P and T at tieyUng: SUr Seereritaa %>'•■• ■no* M at M.» A. grawad; Serangaen MY r Blae Bevert at t.V.M.%. BOXINt. West lasUalian Yoaths v »ederaUon of Boys (labs at
      84 words