The Straits Times, 14 April 1953

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times TWELVE PAGES SINGAPORE, TIESDAY. APRIL 14. 1?53. 15 CENTS
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  • 324 1 WASHINGTON. Mon President Tito of Yugoslavia said today that the Soviet Unior s new attitude toward the West was a repudiation of Staling whole attitude up to this time, but that \t meant no easing of the cold war. In an interview in
    Reuter  -  324 words
  • 49 1 KI'AI.A U MPL'R. Mon. A police area security squad yesterday kilted a Red bandit in the Ayer Panas area of Kroh Pcrak. Hl» name was Wan Foh. A carbine, over 100 rounds of ammunition. a handgrenade, a cempaxs and medicine were found on his body.
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  • 38 1 A Ships' collide V)KYO MM The U.S. freighter. American Mail, and a Japanese fishing boat collided today in hazy weather six m\.>- »>t of Yokohama. Thr fishvag boat sank and two of its crr w are missing. A.P.
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  • 454 1 Full armistice talks next move on peace road 1.1 the details for the exchange of sick and wounded prisoners of war in Korea were agreed on yesterday in talks between the Allies and the Communists at Panmunjom. Next move on the road to peace in Korea is
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  • 140 1 More talks soon with Mr. Molotov LONDON. Mon. MORE meetings may take place soon between Mr Molotov. Soviet Foreign Minister, and Sir Alvary Oas.*o:gnc the British Ambassador In Moscow, a Foreign Office spokesnan sa:d in London today. He added that the Foreign Offlc«* had recelred detailed report from the British
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  • 201 1 Mau Mau massacre charge NAIROBI. Monday. TWENTY-SIX Kikuyus in tattered rags sat in a converted cow barn here today manacled to each other to face trial. Coming before a Supreme Court Judge they were alleged to have taken part in the savage
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  • 144 1 How to judge the Reds PARI6 Mon. U WESTERN European Socialist i leaders said here today that the sincerity of the Krem- i lln peace moves must be Judged by willingness tto (1) end the Korean war. <2> sign Uw Austilbn peace treaty: and <3> permit the reunification of Germany
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 178 1 MORE PAX? 4,000 i MAY KNOW THIS WEEK |X)UR thousand lower-in*' come grouo workers la the Singapore Government are expected to know on Friday whether they will get more pay. An eight-man delegation representing seven tradeunions discussed the pay claims with Government representatives for three hours yesterday. Another meeting wtr;
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  • 70 1 HONO KONO. Mon —Chinese I and Russian experts are plan--1 ning a new airline across the Gobi desert and Tienshan mountains in northwest China which will cut the month long return road trip to nine hours by air. The New China news agency also says that a
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  • 22 1 WASHINGTON. Mon. Homosexual leanings have led to the dismissal of 425 US. State Department employees since 1947— A P
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  • 32 1 MONTREAL. Mon. King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia arrived by air yesterday from Pans to start an unofficial tour or Canada with two of his senior councillors and two princesses A.P.
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  • 28 1 SILER CITY, North Carolina. Mon Five man were killed when a Marine Corps torpedo' bomber crashed here. The pilot and another men survived. Reuter.
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  • 38 1 CANNES. Mon Ex-King Farouk's police guard was doubled today after the receipt of an anonymous letter at his hotel last week, threatening to bomb it unless the former Egyptian monarch left promptly. A P
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  • 27 1 LONDON Mon— Five Japanese economic journalists flew into London from Tokyo on a month's tour at the invitation of the British Foreign Office Reuter.
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  • 18 1 CANBERRA. Mon. Talks on flshtag and pearling rights between Australia and Japan began here today— Reuter.
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  • 17 1 Tin dropped by £90 to £730 a ton In London yesterday 'Detail* Pag* t).
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  • 94 1 LONDON. Mon.— Five spiritualists mrt in a room in West London yesterday unaware that thieves were ransacking the rooms below them. The tatrvni broke Into the headquarter* of tfc« Greater World Christian Spiritualist League smashed open a cash box and stolr £11 and a
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  • 79 1 Crowns M feet wide, royal coa is of arms and royal cypben will hang among Singapore's Coronation decorations dur- Coronation Week. May 30 to lune 6. The Senior Archi of the r.W.D.. Mr. T. H. H Hancock (right), and Engiinx Assistant. Mr. J. A. Dragon,
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  • 232 1 HANOI. Monday. FRENCH In ion forces have withdrawn from San Neva. fifth largest town in Laos, in fact of i strong Vietminh Communist drive, it was officially announced here today. The French troops are reiported to be falling back through mountainous country to
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 77 1 LONDON. Mon. The Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Butler, who will present his Budget tomorrow read the lessons in rhurrh yesterday One of the lesions, fr lin Isaiah 52. 1 to 12. arid: "And >r shall be redeemed without money. A special prayer for
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  • 35 1 NEW YORK. Mon. Thirtynine mothers of Brlttsh war brides arrived here In the liner Queen Mary yesterday on their way to see their daughters in the United States and Canada— Reuter.
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  • 39 1 LONDON. Mon. Explosions at the British Navy Armament Depot at Portsmouth in July 1950. and in Gibraltar harbour In April 1951. have so far cost the Admiralty about £1.500--000. it was officially stated today. Reuter
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  • 83 1 'Arrogance and suspicion NAIROBI. Mon— The Governor of Kenya Sir Evelyn I Baring, told African civil servants here yesterday that there were two barriers to sound relations between Africans and Europeans--Euio-pean arrogance and African suspicion. Sir Evelyn who was add ing the annual meeting of the Atrlcan
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  • 42 1 LONDON Mon The toll in the London .subway crash reached 10 today, with the death of one of the injured passengers Six others still are bring treated in hospitals, but no others are in a serious condition.—A P.
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  • 80 1 KLAOENFURT. Mon.— Parts of a plane believed to be that of the British flier To m Hayhow, missing on a flight from London to Belgrade, were found near Ossiakerse* today. Osslakersee 1> a lake about 1 15 miles west of Klagenfurt. north of the rugged Karawanken
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 30 1 NICOSIA. Mon— Two major British land-air exercises will b'gin on Cyprus this month Tne first Is on Apr 22 and may include force* rrom outside the Island. Reuter.
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  • 16 1 ATHENB. Mon— Greece is to establish diplomatic and trade relations with Saudi Arabia Reuter.
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  • 146 1 Strike threat at petrol stations LATEST Singapore strike threat came yesterday from the Petrol Dealers Employees' Union. The union gave the StandtM Vacuun. Oil Company a 15-day ultimatum to settle its claims. In a letter to the firm yesterday, the union said that if it did not get a favourable
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  • 74 1 BANGKOK. Mon SIAM will not send any special delegation to the conference on rice problems in Singapore, beginning on Wednesday However, the Siamese Consul General in Singapore. Luang Sn Serasombut. will attend the talk.. CoF. Jtfarong Salretavipharak Viioor Secretary of Economic Affairs
    UP  -  74 words
  • 20 1 HONG KONG. Mon New summer clothing has be*n issued to all Chinese troops ftphting in Korea Reuter.
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  • 45 1 ORKAT MISSENDEN. England. Mon A tavern was renamed here today because the Queen protested that it wa.* called Prince Charles" after her four-year-old son The tavern, formerly the Old Stag Hounds" was recently named Prince Charles" in honour of Coronation year. -Renter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 BRITISH ELECTRO-PLATING WORKS, ♦t VII. r«-n«nf Rd Sporr Ph«nr SS77. Announcuta the JJ' cxt* 1 Uft tSrC.C. REFRIGERATOR t m -/^BmrjL -jo**' S, Jlgy %ff?" p, CASH IS PAYMENTS J omj 71 of 183 Al>\ t Of THE <;ENEKAL ELECTRIC CO.. LTD. OF ENGLAND SINGAPORE MALACCA KUALA LLMFUR PENANC
      49 words
    • 78 1 /'jj lajOtliliJ C~ I LIKTtCK A Two heads "ji think quicker \\|^V/ than one! -^P/ The New \\J \ITAAiJ I <y Vw^K Philips V^tn "PhiliShave" la/ shaves %fwH***^ Ay Ask your Philips dealer for j%s a fr demonstration with the new double head Philips PhihShave' dryKINbAroRF fcnang shaver, the most
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 142 2 NOTICE NOTICE PaaVraUMi of Malaya Herwritv Leas) O*U) IH.SM.Me— J*V Xeclstere«l HtecJi IMt 1172 Notice i» hrreby (Iven that the Rflflxter n( the sbme mentioned Stnrk mill be closed from 16th Anrtl to 30th April. IMS (both dates inrltiMtn. for preparatloo of Xnlerest WarraoU. E A. JOY Kru i s
      142 words
    • 820 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS BROADCASTTNO ASSISTANT i ORADE II) SCHOOLS In the Department of Broadcasting Salary scale 1360 x ISA 433 pm plus C 0.1. snd Singapore allowances Total emolument* at present range from 1570 p m. with annual Increments to 1636 p.m islnglei or M7I pm. (married). In addition a housing
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    • 338 2 NOTICES PEJtAI NATIONALS (MON-MALAY, SCHOLARSHIP FUND The Board of Trust see Invites applications (or scholarships for the folloming course* of study rnsrssas: I (a) Agriculture. Ib- Valuation Officer. (ci Lady Almoner. Applicants must paaaeas a Orade I I or Orade II Cambridge School I Certificate dated not earlier than I
      338 words
    • 985 2 NOTICES la the BBHeaf el Ike C OfMaVtaVßrW Ot 4A*bUl b)C*£, l*Mt DEVON ESTATES (HAUCCA) LIMITED (Incorporated In Singapore) SPECIAL AND EXTRAORDINABT BESOLimONS At aa Extraordinary Oeoersi Meeting of the Company held at th* nagtstaTSd Offloe. I Malacca Street. 1 1 Singapore, on PrkUy. the 10th of 1 1 April
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    • 661 2 TENDER NOTICES TOIDEt NOTICI I TsWDSBUi are Invited for th* construction and delivery of one W petrol launch for the Comp- troUer of Customs. Federation of Malay*.. Tender* should state cost and I the time required to complete the contract from receipt of the order Seated tenders marked "Tender for
      661 words
    • 313 2 Th "500 C ii the "big car in miniature", a utility car of great versatility and a constant success in every country. 4 cylinders, over IMMEDIATE 60 miles per hour, 56 miles per DELIVERY gallon and generous luggage room. The ideal car for every man and woman FULL STOCKS OF
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  • 276 3 British expected to get relief under the new Budget LONDON, Monday. |Jl SSIA'S peace moves are expected by financial experts to help cut some of Britain's taxes in Ihe annual Budget, due to be presented today A cut or 6d. in the hl*h income tax
    Reuter  -  276 words
  • Article, Illustration
    63 3 Before After BIRVI. SINCLAIR, agrd IZ. from Edinburgh, found herself in Paris in the spring She might have bought herself a new hat hut she derided to buy a nr« fair Instead. Five hours in the salon of M. remand Auhry and the job was donr. Top is Miss Sinclair
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  • 32 3 GENEVA. Mon.— Trade talks between 22 east and west European countries Including Bnuin and Russia, begin tidaj r*i P ta'.ks were organised jy the United Nations Economic Commlss on. Reuter.
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  • 51 3 LONDON Mon- The Bishop of Crnydon. the Right Reveivnrt Cuthbert Bardsley left by air last night for Tokyo on ni.< way to visit British troops in Korea. He will also visit Brltlsi 'roops j n Hnng K->ng. Slnga pore and Malaya during a fivweeks 1 tour
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 112 3 TV MUST BE MOSTLY BRITISH LONDON. Mon— British actor* are ta urge through Equity their Trade I nion. that M per cent of the material used on any British commercial television station shall be British They fear that when commercial television begins in Britain much programme material will be bought
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 38 3 LONDON. Mon A brief memorial service for ex-King 01 °L Rur 2 a n wms held last night in Si Oeonres Chapel of Windsor Castle King carol was a Knight of the Oarter. -A.P.
    AP  -  38 words
  • 46 3 PARIS. Mon. An Englishwoman, Mrs. Edith Bali 59 was slashed across the fact with a razor blade by an Italian woman in the famous Church of the Madeleine in ■he centre of Parts today Mrs Bail, who lives at Ea.s; nurt —Reuter
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  • 21 3 WASHINGTON. Mon. The Queen has appointed former US. Ambassador to London Mr John W Davis, a KB E UP.
    UP  -  21 words
  • 29 3 NEW YORK. Mon.-An Am- erican firm claims to have produced an X-ray camera which gives images a thousand rimes brighter than -hose at pre*ent in use Reuter.
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  • 171 3 But let the children know cMir^ro,, STOCKHOLM. Monday. bWEDISH committee of lawyers and baby doctors ivllf**?^ th f O? v Jf rnmft nt that children should be noTm^or ini^iy^on^^ WhelheT th6y Were I The committee's report, published today, says all children should have the
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 100 3 Russia may admit tourists WASHINOTON. Mon.-Ameri-can officials said today they would not be surprised it Russia decides to let limited numbers of Americans take *upervlsed tours In Rossi* Before the war. some travel waa permitted in the Soviet Union Arrangenu nta were made through officials In a tourist travel agency
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  • 183 3 LONDON. Mon. A baffling rise in deaths from cancer of the lung has reached the proportions of a -world wide phenomenon." Britain* tap public health officer reported today. Britain had a "disturbing increase' in male mortality from lung cancer in 1951. the last
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  • 148 3 BONN. Monday. f THE three Western Governments take a generally 1 favourable view of Soviet proposals advanced In the Berlin air safety talks last week, a usually reliable Allied source said here today. The most important proposal made by the Russians was to substitute one
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 86 3 KINGSTON, i Jamaica>. Mon. —Caribbean International Airnays have suspended all sertr.rfs following the crash on Friday of a CIA Lockheed Lodestar plane which plunged Into the sea near here soon after the take-off, killing 13. The dead include three children. Six were buried yesterday. Wing
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 170 3 SUOSING prices of ■■tortld iLocts were:— hhMm Cuaaou —4 t WtMilila 4% war 1|« <•» Mo— fco— l*l»i M O>i»n«ito UMIIUAU Com Un lUU.I I- < Mom v.-in Pacific (Cat >• IMIIaKUU 'i d A I U»* uwl> if mi. in Motor, dalUiil Ul. iuU i i i
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  • 25 3 i.ovnov April IS. Cash Buyerc £736: Sellers C7M: Forward Buyers C'M'j: Sellers t732' 2 Settlement C73a (down £M>. Turnover a.m. *M; a.m. 200.
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  • 33 3 LONDON April 13— Spot 20' id M«v 20'4d June 30'» d. Julr-S«pt 20.d Oct.-Dec 20d Jan -Mar :»\d Apr tit l»",d Mar cXI !9\d J»n rif. 19 r ;c Ton* Steady
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  • 46 3 KARLSRUHE. Mon West German police have arrested two more members of the alleged Soviet spy ring uncovered in West Germany three days ago. Arrests in the case now total 39. but one man committed suicide in Essen prison or. Friday night— Reuter
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  • Article, Illustration
    73 3 A FOINTAIN of blaiinc prtrol showrrrd over thr pi. lurrs qiit- thatched cotUgrs in thr Prrk^hirr village of I .«mh<iurn whrn a 1 >00 K jllon prtrol tanker rraahrd. overturned and exploded in the main street. Several cottages caught Are The driver of the tanker died in the crash Her*
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  • 36 3 NEW YORK. Mon —A wreath from ex-President Truman wt.laid on the grave of President Franklin D. Roosevelt yesterday on the anniversary of hi death. Despite driving rain about 300 people saw tjjp cerrmon.v
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 tamjMSsed air w/uipment Displacements from 4 to 44 cv. ft. per minute. A comprehensive range of sprayers, hammers, chisels, scrapers, drills and cutters etc. are available. Type HMS 12 Petrol Engmt. Displacement 136 C.F.M. Working Pressure 100 Ib.p.sq. ln. Hvmatir Engineering Co., Ltd., \*yjl HENRY WAUGH ffrT AND COMPANY LIMIUO
      71 words
    • 155 3 [onnoissE|RS S DAW Sen S Sweet Mango Sliced Chut my J Kv^J Hot Chutney Curry Powder Large or medium square metal-cap bottles c c eeeeeeeee*«e««eeeee«*e SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. feav Loav^La^n^n^snnn^^nßvlni /^"^^nmw aC DI 1^ a^l C A S i fT 1 The famous SUSIE COOPER fine earthernware PnI
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  • 340 4 GAVE FALSE INFORMATION ABOUT PASSPORT KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. KUALA LUMPUR lawyer, Kundan Ul Dcvasar, who was found ruilty last year of ffivinf false information, was today suspended from practising for six months. The order was made in the Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court
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  • 117 4 SEREMBAN Mon GOVERNMENT officers ruanitu the recent civics coarse la Negri SrraMlan found that the ■■■sa ttudrnU were lively and ln««isiUve and. in fact tended U take charge of the course theasselves Mr. G. W. Rothery Secretary for Chinese Affairs in Negri Sembilan said
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  • 112 4 ANEW FAST 33-day freight service from Japan to London via Singapore and KuroDean ports by the OAK. line starts in June. A spokesman of paterson S'.mons and Co. Ltd. local agenu for the 0.5.X.. told the Straits Times yesterday that five new fast
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  • 67 4 ALX)R STAR. Mon.— Mr. V. I L. K. Thompson Resettlement Officer. North Kedah. told 20 I Siamese leaders from new vll.I ages today that resettlement i might be unpopular, but it spelt death to the bandits. The Siamese are taking week's course in civics at Bakar
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  • 39 4 PENANO. Mon— The foundation stone of the new Tal Sun Keng temple dedicated to the "Elephant God" was laid at a simple ceremony held yesterday on a hillock overlooking the Penang seaside resort of Tanjong Bun gah.
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  • 56 4 PENANO. Mon —Two courses for Chinese schoolteachers in Penang and Province Wellesl?y started today. Thirty-nine teachers are attrnding a one-week hygiene refresher course at the nurses" training school at the General Hospital. Twenty unregistered new village Chinese schoolteachers are attending a course at Chung Line High
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  • 39 4 KUALA LUMPUR Mon— Th P Malayan Sinhalese Association celebrated the Sinhalese national day today with a social at Loyela Institute. Kuala Lumpur. The association's scholarship for this year was awarded to Albert Ratnayake 9
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  • 45 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— The Malayan Railway showed a big Increase In revenue in January this year, compared with the same month last year, accordln« to statistics issued today Totai January revenue this year was over 55.200.000. La«t year It was $3,850,000
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  • 32 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Over 350.000 certificates of Federal citizenship had been Issued by the Oovernmert up to the end of January. It was stated today Over 300.000 were to Chinese.
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  • 54 4 PENANO. Mon Professor KAN Sastri. Indian historian and archaeologist, who Is visiting Malaya at the Invitation of the University of Malaya, called on the Resident Commissioner. Mr. R. P. Blngham. at Bel Retire. Penang Hill, today. Prof. Sastri. who arrived In Penang yesterday evening, later interviewed
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  • 176 4 Nurses prefer an association PENANG. Monday. fTCE question of whether nurses should Join a trade 1 union or an association has split the hospital staff in Penang. Hospital assistants recently formed the Penang Settlemen: Medical Staff Union, but. sajs the secretary: "Although we encouraged
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  • 99 4 'My death no concern of yours... BEFORE jumping to his death from a 25ft. high windowsill. Ho Koon Cheng, 52. at tlsnaer-sawer, wrote on the floor: "My death is no concern of yows. M Mr. Giam Chong Htaig. the Singapore assistant coroner, was told this at an inauest on Ho
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  • 25 4 BRUNEI. Mon. Mr. W. Smal'.wood o f the British Malaya Petroleum Company. Seria. has left for Australia on retirement after 31 years' service
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  • 34 4 Alasam Tangavelu was. yesterday fined $20 or two weeks' gaol in the Singapore Third Police Court for being drunk and incapable outside a house In Kirn Chuan Road on Apr. 11.
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  • 76 4 IPOH. Mon -Ball of $20,000 was granted when the case of Hul Sin Kit. 29. a bank clerk, was mentioned in the Magistrate's Court today and transferred to the Sessions Court. Hul was alleged to have cheated the Ipoh branch of the Indian Overseas Bank
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  • 139 4 'PAN PUEE CHUA, who was alleged to have killed a 1 fellow seaman. Chua Slong. on board a tongkang on Sept. 23 last, by attacking him with a chopper, faced a charge of murder at the Singapore Assizes Mr. H. B. Livingstone. Deputy Public Prosecutor
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  • 62 4 Messrs. George Wlmpey and Company's work at Singapore's Paslr Panjang Power Station, contrary to reports, was far from belnc almost completed, the firm's agent. Mr. w. 8. Black, told the Straits Times yesterday. Mr. Black said that his firm had yet to start the superstructural
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  • 199 4 SINGAPORE women want smoking in nuses banned. They said so yesterday in support of a similar recommendation by the City Council Vehicles and Traffic Committee. The committee's proposal will be brought up at a council meeting this month. Miss Urn Ol Peng, a Government
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  • 26 4 SEREMBAN. Mon W*eri Sembilan Ceylonese today celebrated the Hindu New Year at Seremban with v sports meeting, a tea party and a concert.
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  • 180 4 IP()H Mon Geaeral Sir Kirhard L. MrOeery. of the 12th Royal Lancers, today arged soldiers who were thinking of learing the army to consider the step very rarefalty. especially If they had bo Arm job to g» to. He was speaking at a parade
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 412 4 >^Tw v*u d al Id*™. 1 /y^y /rJ^. Avoid tension! Relax! w /V It's all so simple, or to yC the pro wiakes out. w>- But then he can play yf "J I golf. Born to it I 1/1/ suppose, as lam 17 to my Riley. for at J\l least
      412 words
    • 307 4 ifuvstion How can Dr. Mackenzie's VElNOlDSbegoodfor aM these things jf*\ Rheumatism Sciatica Neuritis W Fibrositis if Kidney Troubles Lumbago Overweight AnMtrpr. Rheumatic ach«« and naint start, mor« aftcn than not. with the accumulation of •oisom in your Mood. Clear out fhoie poitons md your aches and pain* disappear. Sound* ea»y
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 79 4 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 7.1S m Morning Star 7.30 New* 7JS Robert Farnon Orch. Bandit and; 1.30 Housewives. 1 p.m Radio Orch: :30 Newt: 145-3 Rhyhir.. S Tn Dance; 530 Variety. 6 Radio Trio: 6.1S Science 6.30 Piano Playhouse 645 Ltth'. Music: 7 News: 715 Doctor- 730 Music Shop: t To
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  • 92 5 Lectures for nursing reserve rZ first of 12 lectures for the newly-formed nursing reserve under the Government's civil defence scheme will be held today. Organised by St. John Ambulance Association, the lecture will be hold at the General Hospital's' training centre at 530 pm The second course will start tomorrow
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  • 296 5 DID NOT SEE BIT CHECKED BEFORE RACE} SAYS OWNER Inquest resumed on death of apprentice jockey [)R. J. D. Dennehy told the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday that he did not see the rubber bit on his racehorse, Short Hairs, being checked before it ran in the sixth race at Bukit
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 5 THE COMMISSIONER-GENERAL, Mr. Malcolm Mar Donald. chats with M. Andre Guibaut. the retiring French ConsulOeneral in Singapore (left) and Mrs. Guibaut. at Kallang Airport yesterday before the Guibauts left for Amman to attend the Coronation of King Hussein of Jordan this month. M. Guibaut may later be posted t the
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  • 187 5 GETTING blood from Singapore people like gettini blood from a stone. Dr. M M H. Gibson-Hill, medical officer in charge of the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service, told the Straits Timea. She was commenting on a letter to the Straits Time* which claimed doctors
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  • 72 5 PENANO. Sat Buddhist temples and organisations In I Penan* will hold a combined coronation service at the Kek Lok SI teoiple In Ayer Itam at 10.30 a.m on June 6. The Chief Priests and Abbots from all the temples will take part, and the Rev Chee Khoon
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  • 46 5 A Sunday morning swim turned out to be expensive for two Europeans who left their CiOthes on Changi Beach. Singapore, at the week-end. when they returned from their dip they found that thieves had stolen two wrist watches, one of which was gold.
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  • 31 5 Mr. J. Linstead. Fa r manager of British Overseas Airways Corporation, passed through Singapore by air from Hone Kong yesterday o n his way u> Bangkok on business.
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  • 43 5 The Singapore Rural Board will hold a district collection of rates and dues on houses, land and rubber estates at the Sultan Cinema Hall. West Hill Estate. 13) -.-nllestone Srmbawar.g Road, from 9 a.m to 1 30 p.m. on April 28.
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  • 141 5 \|R. JUSTICE BROWN granted an interim inlunciT* tion in the Singapore High Court yesterday restraining a landlord from hindering the use of a telephone by the tenant. The injunction wax sought by Mr Qrenville Sheridan Lea, Assistant Executive Controller of Imports and Exports, against
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  • 24 5 PENANO. Mon— The Penang Rubber Trade Association will hold Its annual general meetIng at 7 p.m. tomorrow at its Anson Road premises.
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  • 116 5 A PUNCH interpreter had to be eaJted yesierdajr when Maurice le Bras, chief engineer of me bb.t. Lieutenant March, pleaded net guilt in the Slncapore Second Polht rouri to a. charge of assaulting a i>olirr censtaMe on Apr. 12 at the main cate.
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  • 189 5 Smallholders' chief says: Don 't rely on rubber too much BAIT PAHAT. Monday. SMALLHOLDERS were warned yesterday by Inche ■3 Mohamed Arts bin Ahmed Fathil. president of Johore Smallholders' Association, not tc be too dependent on rubber because of the coming slump. He was speakim at the as--1 soclatlon s
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  • 44 5 SEREMBAK. Mon. The Yang di-Pertuan Besar oi Negri SemblUn has presented a challenge cup for the best padi exhibited at the Kuala Pilah District Show to be held at the Tuanku Mohammad i school on May 2 and 3.
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  • 202 5 KUALA LUMPUR Mon. -The Federation Government to- day amrmec its full and unreserved t-upport of the smallholder* replanting programme and its view that rubber smallholders were an essential and viable oart of the rubber industry This is made in a letter from the Member for
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  • 198 5 He punched a hole in the police station door Xl ALA LI'MPUR. Mon. A senior Central Electricity Board official. F. E. Webb, who rammed his fist through a police station fibro door while hi a "Terr angry mood," pleaded guilty in the Koala Lumpur Sessions Court today to a charge
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  • 68 5 THE SERGEANT PAID FOR BAD MEMORY KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— Mr. J. G. Adams. President of the Sessions Court complained today that he was always having trouble with police witnesses not attending court. He lined Detective LanceSergeant Abdul Kahar $150 for faillnz to attend the Sessions Court as a witness on
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  • 122 5 5 HAD 218 POUNDS OF OPIUM Court told PVE MEN were charged in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday with possession of raw opium In motor sampans at the wharfslde of podowr.s 40 41 on Apr. 11. Qoh Whay Yam an<i Ooh Boor. Peng were charged wttt possession of 131
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  • 103 5 PLEADING guilty to a charge of using criminal force on a woman with intent to outrage her modesty in Victoria Street on Apr 12. a betel-nut seller. Ram Buhavan Pandey. said in the Singapore 81xth Police Court yesterday that she had led" him on
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  • 36 5 IPOH. Mon. Mining equipment, valued at $8,400 waj recently missed from the Thai Mining kongsi. Ampang. Tambun. Just outside Ipoh. The mine has been idle for fomr time and police are making lnve&tlgatioru.
    36 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 260 5 I PARKER PLANT FOR PROVEN PERFORMANCE! You can depend on PARKER Concrete Mixers /VMt-^^asßuafc or l °ugh work under t7VjiK«_j hard conditions. Capa- j^^^V city ranges from 3 cv. ft s^M^^^s^^H t0 14 cv ft unmixed. -HOISTEX 1 Equipment il U available In three 1} standard sites to lift V
      260 words
    • 139 5 More A/X f° r the 'Minor' New Overhead Valve Engine fitted to fcfcor saloon steps up Perfimtumce of M jit; V' World's Biggest Small Gar! -*J i i bbssssslb^hM*"^* Ll i BBsssWa^^^^^-^icV^^fc^K DELIVERY IN 3 TO 4 WEEKS The world 1 most sought sfter small car is now equipped (4-door
      139 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 160 5 STOBE MUSICAL BOCIKTT: OrrhMtra) concert wim Louis Kentner as guest artiste at pianoforte. Victoria Mrmonal Hall. •45 p m I PI BCLATIONS on I IT: Mobile Film Units free showi at Rumah Mtakln Kern pax Road, and government quarters. Buffalo Road. 7 15 p.m. ISIS: Free film «ho»— Erfi.<»tlon
      160 words

  • 703 6 Singapore, Tues., Apr. 14, 1953. Rubber Tax Warning Warning against the high rate of export tax on rubber assaults the Federal Government from several directions at a time when the Government's own finances are in none too happy a state. The retiring President <>f the United Malaya Planting Association, Mr
    703 words
  • 314 6 Discussions in Tokyo, at the request of the Japanese Government, on payments between JaDan and the sterling area have ended in agreement on a limited relaxation of sterling restrictions on Japanese imports. What this means for Malaya is a matter for the two Malayan Governments. but Whitehall
    314 words
  • 300 6 Tlie conviction of a Penang I i Prison warder on two charges of aiding prisoners accused of murder to escape raises Questions which, it is satisfactory to hear, are to be the subject of further investigstion. The Deputy Public Prosecutor did not elaborate, but in the admission
    300 words
  • 320 6 Purpose of a new University u/E wonder why even prominent and Intelligent people assume that the establishment of a Chinese university in Malaya would not be justifiable. We realise that to establish I a new university Involves the difficulties of procuring profl- c:ent and competent instructors, of organising courses, and
    320 words
  • man-in-the-street
    • 298 6 EXCEPT for the Sakais who live in the fastness of the Malayan Jungles, no one can truly say who are the real natives of Malaya. I therefore find Klyne Street's definition of "A Malayan' incomplete without a further definition of the term •Malaya." Malaya is a
      298 words
    • 167 6 rpHE comments of Fourth M. Generation (April 7) are deplorable. Does it make any difference what apparel a Malayan wears, what he smokes, or whether his English has an atrocious accent, so long as he can make himself understood to anyone In the Malayan street and Is
      167 words
    • 121 6 AT a time when owner* of freehold are being required to set aside portion of land subdivided as open spaces, was astounded to read that the Commissioner of Lands has had the audacity to flkh from the citizens of Singapore for the purpose of erecting government offices
      121 words
    • 86 6 WE have now been living in a Class 111 B house for nearly four months and are still without hot water. The other evening I visited a friend's Government mess and was astonished to find a water heater In the ladles' cloakroom and to be Informed that
      86 words
    • 173 6 I THE present generation of Malayans is fast developing an Inter-racial and international outlook. Most people dislike the old colonialism because of its discriminating brahmtavical excluslvene*. Today, however, colonialism cannot be attacked Indiscriminately without being ungrateful to such fine men as Sii Octmld Templer and Mr. Malcobn
      173 words
    • 233 6 |T Is difficult to see either the Justice or the sense in 1 the present policy or trend as regard.* married women teachers Women who are fond of children are the best teachers. They therefore get married but after marriage what future have they under the prevailing
      233 words
    • 139 6 rriHERE ;s on.y one qualified J staff midwife in Kuala Trengganu General Hospital. In almost every village there are unlicensed and unqualified Malay nvdwlves Most women lln the villages turn to these j mldwive*. As regards medicine for the confinement, someone must get It from the hospital or
      139 words
    • 100 6 TiE Malay Society of OreVt Britain notes with Interest the proposed Plan by UMNO to form a Malayan National Congress composed of all parties interested in the independence of Malaya. The Society believes that the formation of a united front is. in principle, desirable as a basis
      100 words
    • 525 6 ANYONE who has read the so called "blueprint" for a parliament proposed by the UMNO, and the MCA. must a«ree that it is a vindication of Dato Onn's statements. Firstly he emphasised that Chinese politics and the MCA were dominated by Chinese vested interest as
      525 words
    • 161 6 rE UMNO is rash and stupid in expelling Buklt Gantang. This recent activities are to avoid future strife and bloodshed between th? I two big communities now livI ing in Malaya the Malays and the Bukit G*n--1 tang was only one of the UMNO members who signed
      161 words
    • 50 6 AN advertisement in the Straits Times states that butter Is chock-a-block" full of proteins. In fact, butter is almost pure fat and it contains only a trace of protein Advertisements of Important foods ought to tell the truth. E. M. G. University of Malaya Slngapf.
      50 words
  • 498 6 On the Margin In a name MANY good mothers of Singapore might be surprised to know that the place of their confinement and release. Kandang Kerbau. really mean* buffalo byre presumably a site could not be found m the more aptly titled district of Serangoon. named after the Rangong. the
    498 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 929 6 CLASSIFIED ADS' BORN April 11th— Mby girl. Jill lonise, to Vr A Mrs John W Santhouse. at Toungberg Hospital STEPHENSON TO Lynne. wife o? Oeraid Stepheoson. a daughter. Julie, at Bungsar Hospital on April 10th. both well. EMERY To Daisr, wife of Reg Fmerv Federal Police HQ. at Bungaar Hospital.
      929 words
    • 55 6 Tht Ctrman 2xB mm cm* Mzt-ZleliemaUc ■jaw HIF B^^BlP^^k^ ffcc ea4* fine arecisiea 9mm ■••vie c— era with kwft-m ipoiwr* wetei to eßwiaali incorreer filming 6- 2 bitwi I (awesMl Hi tcb «2.1> Price $725 mci^mg case lIZO PROJECTOR $500 wit* cat* Obtainable from SoU Agents:EVERBRIGH OPTICAL CO. 19. CHULIA
      55 words
    • 88 6 The STREAMUNED T^^PORTABLE saaj ■•^^^^^^^^^^H JEj^ Efcl> I 1 MsJVerever V 4-vaive, 5 -waveband bandipread portabte for operation from either AC Mams or batterm Teleicopic rod aerial ensure* best poasib'e reception on Medium -Shore and Srvx twjvf bands Factory Ree>rc»«nt si irei SINCAPORI. I KUALA LUMPUR PINANC Di.tnbutor,: ANN PENG
      88 words

  • 188 7 A SARAWAK war hero. Maj. W Sochon. has taken over as Com rn»ssioner of Prisons. Singapore. He formerly held the same appointment In Sarawak. lie received the D.S.O. lor the part he plajed in or arising resistance to the J ipanese after he
    188 words
  • 54 7 me i3.Z05-ton luxury liner Australia will be making its call at Singapore on June 15 to pick up passengers who have booked passages on the Toscana for Italy Thr Toscana was recently damagen by a tanker whil" entent -.g the Suez Canal with pa-ssenßrrs from Singapore
    54 words
  • 23 7 The Ceylon Tamils' Association will hold a Hindu New Year social and musical entertainment a: 11 Handy Road at pm tomorrow.
    23 words
  • 74 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon -The Johore Bahru Town Council will soon clear broken glass and rubbish from the popular sea beach at the 2nd mile Jalan Scudai. known as the Lido The council, decided today '< to spend $1,000 provided In the estimates for clearing
    74 words
  • 164 7 VOTERS' ROLLS CHANGES ELECTORAL rolU for Stnga- pore legislative and city council* will be open for revision from tomorrow for two months m the nine electoral dutrlcU. Appjicatton forms for registration will be available at all the sub-post offices, the General Post Office, the three chambers of commerce and other
    164 words
  • 27 7 BRUNEI. Mon -The people of Kuala Belait wiK elect a beauty queen for the Coronation celebrations. She will set a cup and cash as prizes.
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  • 433 7 COURT TOLD OF A TEACHER'S DEATH piVE days after a woman was knocked down and killed by a car in East Coast Road, Singapore, a man admitted in Sepoy Lino police station that he was the driver, it was alleged in
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  • 52 7 Tan Kiok Thlam. stated to be the president partner of Thiam Hock Teck and Co a firm of ship chandlers, was fined $350 by Mr J. M. Dever-eux-Cclebourn. the City Police Magistrate in Singapore, yesterday for failing to furnish the 1952 Income tax returns for
    52 words
  • 36 7 Ooh Slu Loon was yesterday bound over for six months In the sum of $50 In the Singapore Second Police Court for possession of an opium pipe In a tongkang on Apr. 11.
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  • 174 7 9 NEW SCHOOLS GOING UP THE Singapore Public Works Department will have $20,000,000 worth of building work in hand by the end of June, Mr. A. Wear. Director, said yesterday. 1 Some of the Work may have to be carried over to next year, he
    174 words
  • 68 7 The Singapore High Court yesterday granted a divorce to Loh Hock Seng, an assistant accountant, who was desertetd by his wife. Mrs. Grace Loh less than two years after their marriage Mr. Justice Brown granted Loh a decree nisi, which will he made absolute In three
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  • 151 7 rIIRTY-THREE cases of failure to make Income tax returns were dealt with yesterday by Mr. J. M. Devereaux-Colebourn, the City Police Magistrate, Singapore. For 18 cases the fines totalled $900 In one case the fine was $350. in five cases $50 and In 12
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  • 30 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon Mr. H. T Ryves. trie head of the Johore Special Branch, has been promoted from Superintendent to Assistant Commissioner of Police, effective from Jan. 1.
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  • 30 7 Kawal Singh was yesterday fined $10. or two days' gaol, in the Singapore Second Police Court for disorderly behaviour in the Singapore Harbour Board area on Apr. 11.
    30 words
  • 161 7 AFTER 15 months in Malaya. the Ist Battalion the King's African Rifles is going home to Nvasaiand. The "N men leave by the Lancashire to I 4«y Yesterday in south Johore they said goodbye to the Commander-in-Chief of the Far East Land Forces. Gen.
    161 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 7 ONE OF THE PAINTINGS selected for the Singapore Art Society's fourth annual art exhibition. ope.nm a in the Britith Council Hail on Friday. It is titled "Two Girls The artUt is See Chen Tee.
    34 words
  • 203 7 nush to erect decorations VI ORE than 1.000 PUD. employees will soon start a rush job to erect decorations for Sinrapore's <2n0.000 Coronation celebrations. Some are already in It will be Singapore's biggest decoration scheme so far, and the City's Government buildings will be
    203 words
  • 93 7 They have millions in Malaya r'O men with millions of I dollars Invested in Malaya and South-East Asia will visit Singapore next Monday to study economic conditions and perhaps make further investments. They are Mr. E. A. O. Manton, president of the American International Underwriters' Corporation. New York, and Mr.
    93 words
  • 35 7 BRUNEI, Mon -The Brunei State Government has Increased company profit tax from 22 per cent to 30 per cent. The Government draws most of Its revenue from this tax and from mining royalties
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  • 184 7 JOHOBE BAHRI Mon —The Johore Government will be asked at Wednesday* meeting «hr State C oun«l to inquire Into the recent election of a Kluang penghulu. Mr. S. C. Maelntyre has tabled a question asking to be Informed if. at the election at the
    184 words
  • 224 7 SMALL UNIONS SHOULD LINK UP, SAYS EXPERT 40,000 workers have no 'voice* MR. Edgar Parry, a Colonial Office labour official who has been studying; labour problems In the Federation and Singapore for the past two months, told the StralU Times yesterday: "There Is room for definite Improvement in the existing
    224 words
  • 118 7 A committee of medical education experts Is to be set up to discuss plans for extending the medical section of the University of Malaya. The committee will inquire into the needs of university medical education. Including dentistry and pharmacy, and the provision and siting of
    118 words
  • 71 7 Seven persons, charged with the theft of 200 sheets of corrugated iron from Ayer Ra]ah Road on Nov. 26 last, were yesterday acquitted by the Singapore First Criminal District Judge. Mr. Tan Ah Tab The prosecution withdrew the charge against them. The men were Ong Kirn
    71 words
  • 46 7 Suleiman bin Kadak was yesterday fined a total of $125 on two charges m the Singapore Third Police Court. He was found with three pounds of cigarettes and a two-quart bottle of brandy on which duty had not been paid
    46 words
  • 43 7 The Indian-owned ship Jalagupal. which arrived in Singapore yesterday brought 58 saloon and 478 Indian deck passSBBSB to the colony. All the deck passengers were •rat to the Quarantine Station or. St. Johns Island as soon as the ship arrived
    43 words
  • 47 7 Ali Ahmad Hossein. of Syed A]*i Road, was yesterday .sentenced to three months' imprisonment by the Singapore Second Police Court Magistrate. Mr E. H DNetto. for causing hurt to Mohamed Zigat Khan with a knife in a coffee shop In Henderson Road on Mar. 14
    47 words
  • 28 7 KUANTAN. Mon. Inche Mohamed Sid«-k. Labour Officer. Sunge: Patanl. has been transferred to Kuantan as >nt Commits. onor for Labour East and Tr« ngganu.
    28 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 97 7 Fother-yourforniMe^^ 011 Your heslth and strength mean a \^^£^ELJi lot to your family. See that your /-^^BH l diet 11 right and good. Take Cod Liver Oil daily. SevenSeaS IH'^^V Pure Cod Liver Oil it aV^VT J^'^B^r Nature* finest food. am«C^^\ uof particular vain* in a«^ V V^ MT^^KTk miping
      97 words
    • 61 7 IN g Uibrici SWISS MUSLIN *P%J***%J M> inchc wide Small All-over Designs in TaMel Pink or Blue on White, or White on rink Blue (.round Tlmm New Style Muslins ar* equally euitable for Children s Dresses and Party Frocks. ROBINSONS smcANRE -DEPENDABLE s^M b^b^PVbbl P^K^^^Cm'^.^bbe .^BbM?F^s^L^—^BßMSaCL^aW^^Bß^r^^. ON EASY ,ERM!> i»tSU
      61 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 87 7 The weather Minimum temperature (7.30 pm on April 12 to 7.80 am on April 111: Singapore (76 degree* Penanc (75). Kota Bahru (73*. Kuala Lumpur (74', Ipoh (74*. Kuantan (71). Maximum temperature (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 pm on on AprL 13i Singapore »82. Penan* 180', Kota Bahru <not received). Kuala
      87 words

  • 159 8 Miners act to cut costs IPOH Mon. 'THE COUNCIL of the northern section of the All Malayan Chinese Miners' Association this afternoon adopted two proposals to combat the drastic drop in the price or tin. The meeting. presldeo over by Mr. Lav Pak Khuan, *-as greatly concerned over the continuous
    159 words
  • 59 8 The Singapore Young Malayans Club will hold a Picnic for members only at Telok Mata Ikan on April 26. Tickets, at $3 for men and S2 for women each, are available on aDDI rat'on to the secretary. Mr. Eddls Thio Tlon* Wah at 34. Sit WaP
    59 words
  • 52 8 Leons Sen 7 was charged in the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday with causin* hurt with a rlr sd knife to Ma* Meng at v house in Banda Street on Apr. 4. The case was postponed tn Apr 20 and bail in the sum of $50(i
    52 words
  • 40 8 Professor N. Shastrl. adviser to the University of Malaya o n the Department of Indian Studies, w.u speak to Singapore Rotarianx on "Indian Culture" at their weekly lunchon meeting at \*ie Capitol Red Room at 1 p.m iomorrow.
    40 words
  • 28 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Mod Twenty boy scouts frojn new villages in Batu Pahat. Pon:an and Johore Bahru district completed a three-day training course in Johor* Bahru yesterday.
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  • 24 8 BRUNEI. Mon— The Brunei British Red Cross Society has begun Junior sections In schools. Members are taught Arst aid and home nursing.
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  • 246 8 'SAMPAN 800' WILL WALK AGAIN— HUNDREDS LIKE HER NEED YOUR HELP THRFF yean ago a Singapore Chinese couple living In a umptn gay* up their three-year-old daughter, Soo Hoay. for a life-long cripple And when the British Bed Crocs Society found her sho rould not even moye B«t soon Sampan
    246 words
  • 393 8 Five Asian officers get superscale jobs in police KUALA Ll'MPl'R. Monday. FIVE ASIAN Assistant Superintendents in the Federation Police have been promoted to the superstate rank of Superintendent and 24 Asian Inspectors have been eaietted as Assistant Superintendents. The promotions are part of a Federal policy to increase the authority
    393 words
  • 134 8 Sir Stamford gives way to the mural SO that the Topolski mural can go up in Singapore's Victoria Memorial Hall, three almost liie-size oil paintings must come down. The paintings are of Sir Stamford Raffles, founder of Singapore in 1819. Charles Burton Buckley, author of "the Anecdotal History of Sin
    134 words
  • 45 8 The Singapore Legislative Council will meet at the Victoria Memorial Hall at 10 a.m. ion Aprft 21. The deputy president. Mr. Tan Chkn Tuan. win preside in the absence of the Governor. Sir John Nicol".. who Is in Brl- tain on leave.
    45 words
  • 27 8 The Commissioner-General Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. wilj open the sixth meeting of the Consultative Committee on Rice at Phoenix park. Singapore, at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
    27 words
  • 177 8 Today he will see Tempter \IR. Adlai Stevenson, defeated candidate for the iIL Presidency of the United States, officially became Singapore's guest yesterday He arrived at Kalian? Airport with his party at 1 30 p.m. by KLM Constellation from Jakarta, where his factfinding tour of the
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  • 76 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon NEW curfew orders have been Imposed in the Police district of Mersing. Every person living nortn of Mersing River has to remain indoors between 9 p.m. and 5.30 a.m. Those living south of the river and on either side of the Mersing—
    76 words
  • 122 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Mr. Ng Thin Vow, the court interpreter who risked his life to wresi a knife from a witness during last Fridav\ courtroom fight in Kuala Lumpur, is dead. The courageous man of 53 rushed In while seven pollc* men stood around
    122 words
  • 18 8 The Singapore Police Band W.ll perform at Faxrer Park from 530 p.m. to 6.30 p.m tomorrow.
    18 words
  • 96 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Th» drlTp acmlnst corruption in the Federation lut year resulted in more than doubfcp thnumber of convictions of 1951. A report from the Commissioner of Police to the High Commissioner showed 364 prosecutions of members of the public for offering brlbea to officiate last
    96 words
  • 52 8 The Consulate General of the Netherlands to Singapore has received a letter from chairman of the Dutch National. Disaster Fund. Pr'.nce B«»rnhard. thanktne all in Malaya who sent gifts aod messages of sympathy. Prince Bcrnhard writes of the "prompt assistance overwhelming and abundant supporf to
    52 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 250 8 I THE |V 1 I IOVEDI I|L > ■PnuM IBUI BMDMI I to DAYSea^g'MMa 5.30.|| |Ts^il a M^rtTuOrtEl^| The World's I- IKST FuU-lengtii_ H I IVI adl lU I W IP *^lOß^4^ S I A*C K• B R^tT6 N■ B RlTc E Nil The PolaroM SporUclr* ahtrh mast be
      250 words
    • 260 8 MMINATINC *I»Y i iihii i i LAST 2 DAYS ftkhßr-iM EvaUWOI (1 A.*., 13 0, 4. 6 45. I OPENS THURSDAY! 4bTa^Lw 'VamlßlflßM twn^ A^aw^^ Un«*»t Wat rocks Preamboat last 2-BWmrr ":F~ Youil LAUGH I You'll CRY I < tOY» ITI baaaol ■wZo^^^lv^ls^k^aJ v^f^REDSKEIJON Y^.)*^> JANE GREER tlm considine HELD
      260 words

  • 494 9  - Routine for older baby SISTER CLARE MOTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA U H THE business of arrang--1 Ing Baby's day during his earlier life has already been the subject of a previous article, but after h e Is weaned you will have a chance (now that he is not dependent on breast
    494 words
  • 505 9 BRITAIN Teei-aga wishes A LARGE firm of dreas designers in Liverpool organised a vote among a group of teen-age girls aged from 13 to 18 to determine their tastes and wishes In dress. This group, designated the "J 3s" are. according to this fashion house, a
    505 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 9 Gurgling with baby laughter. Song Ytn-Meng, aged 4*4 months, u-ins this week's Bonniest Baby prize of 15 for hi* parents, Mr. and Mrs William Song Chin Lock, C/o Hagaemeyer Trading Co^ 129 CecO. Street. Singapore
    35 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 9 A pixie air pervades this Condor model in grey and white flecked grosgrain which has tiro large cerise carnations one suspended on a large cord. It is worn by Myrtle Crawford.
    31 words
  • 470 9 The little red book ON AN ESTATE BUNGALOW ALL sorts of excuses A are made fot being forgetful. People blame the fcmergency, the rush of modern life and lots of other things. There la no aoubt that a little red notebook U the, answer so far as I am concerned—red
    470 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 499 9 Chlorophyll Toothpaste DESTROYS BAD BREATH •■B S^^^^^B^^^^^^^B Htrt v Ot* octree power of K^ I chlorophyll to destroy bad breath B f A f A fJ^F I ""giruting in the mouth! Colgate ■HV it, I Chlorophyll Toothpaste in most ■v mk r^>k L^m ca n et** ct fmeU y ct>
      499 words
    • 13 9 cc. c Collect six of ihese coupons to join the Children's Corner Club.
      13 words
    • 264 9 Specially made for baby's fender skin Only t/>e best Is good enough for baby. Johnson's Baby Powder Is tofe. pure and hygienlcolly pocked. It's at perfect as modern science con moke lv Use Johnson't /fZ^*~*-^>» toby Powder regularly, freely JsN JZ^-^|P and with complete conpdenc*. -i*^ In 4 «rrd 10
      264 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 239 9 Si rails Times Crossword M.M t < U l^fa M dr ttUß|( t 31. Inauspicious <T> i r— -j r- 1 r- r- j r- i i 32. Art of Kent rancrd In an 1 I I I aasumsd way (5. I T). nv^ w««v ••••w I B^^^^^^L I^^ rx>
      239 words

    • 534 10 TRADE MISSIONS COMING FROM U.S. HONG KONG Industrial progress is the main object TOWARD the end of this month two trade missions, one from the United State* and one from Honf Kong, who want to find out the possibility of investment of capital in Colony industry, will arrive in Singapore.
      534 words
    • 27 10 A new Singapore sago factory has been opened employing 31 workers. It has an average monthly production of 1.250 plculs. No oearl sago Is produced.
      27 words
    • 264 10 ALTHOUGH the Malayan textile market is highly £X competitive. German textiles are finding their way here in increasing quantities, says Herr Herbert Schnee, export manager of Anton Walraf and Son textile manufacturers of Munchen-Gladbach. near Dusseldorf. West Germany. Oerman textile manufacturers who before the
      264 words
    • 160 10 MALAYS IN BUSINESS Mistakes must be corrected \IISTAKES usually made IT in businesses carried 'on by Malays are never made by businessmen of other nationalities, said an editorial in the Malay newspaper Utusan Melayu. As an example, the paper says, that there are about half > a dozen Malay transport
      160 words
    • 110 10 BLACK pepper Imports Into the United States from Milaya were five times higher in 1952 than In 1951. reports the US Department of Agriculture The largest US. import of spice, black pepper, is export- ed there by India. Indonesia and Malaya. Imports of black pepper from
      110 words
    • 175 10 OO many orders for CoronaItJ tion firework displays have been received from the various Commonwealth countries and territories that the capacity of the leading UK. firework I manufacturers b. now fully 1 taken up. and it has been necessary to divert some of the orders to firms
      175 words
    • Article, Illustration
      59 10 Mr C. R. Akers. chairman of the Borneo Co. Ltd.. wh« returns to Britain this week, after a four months visit t» the company's branches in Malaya, Borneo and Siam. Mr. Akers is of the opinion that costs are stabilising in this part of the world and considers that the
      59 words
    • 182 10 TEXTILE IMPORTS LOWER SINGAPORE imports of cotton piece goods at Just under 30 million squar e yards for January and February, when considered on an annual equivalent basis show little decrease from the rate of import in 1952, when a total of 188 million square yards were imported for the
      182 words
    • 47 10 Thirteen new limited liability companies were registend m Singapore In January. They included two textile merchants three general merchants, an air transport company, an advertising and publicity business, a printing and publishing business, a soap factory, a deaf aid specialist and a shipping company.
      47 words
    • 74 10 Mr D W. Holder, head of the shipping department of MrAlisW and Co. Ltd.. has (been appointed a director of the company. Mr. Holder has been with McAUster since 1929 Mr. J c Oransden. managing director of Brush Aboe Far Easti Ltd.. left on Saturday for leave in
      74 words
    • 240 10 SEVENTY-ONE year old, Mr. Tay Koh Vat, owner of the largest fleet of private buses in the Colony of Singapore, was born in Kimoy. Fukien province, China and came to Singapore in im. Eight years later he joined Chop Guan Seng Hin as a partner.
      240 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 244 10 24 motor v SCYTHE! cutting W 1 1 grass oti& I laNanq I Sole Agents: v «««<««<««««««««l«<«<<«««<«««««<C««««««««««««««««««( on a j I UNIVERSAL f POSTAL FRANKER Prints Frank. Posrmjrk, Advertising Slogans or Return Address in one operation. Any denomination of postage 1 cent to $99.99. instantly selected. I SOLE AGENTS I
      244 words
    • 751 10 AVSTAiIA LIHI ,%I*THAII\/>I\I AYA M.V. "MALAY" On nmr M«Wm V«yag« »md mtfducint a n*m Service. l«fri«rra»o4. v*»rilat*4 and «mrrjl (iff «••<• Umittd »ccrm»mo4»tion. SAILS: ir.ib.n. 29* •aal Sv*mv Ma* <D«v»«»ort> IOtS Mil MeftMtr** !6fK May Adrian* 20* May OUI SINCAPORt 2nd lUNI ft »jrtK»l*n fr*igfc» tnd A#pU to:— AUSTASIA LINI
      751 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 93 10 PROGRAMME The following is the pro visional programme, for the I.S. busineMmen; SUNDAY April 26: 4 a.m. arrive by Panam from Bangkok 7 p.m. joint reception by Chambers of Commerce MONDAY April 27--10 am Round table conference with businessmen and Government officials. Fullerton Bnilding. 12.M p m. lunch by Commerce
      93 words

  • 149 11 The Malayan Exchange Banks Association made the following alterations In its rate* to merchants yesterday: NtW YORK: buying TT 33 15 IS. air mail O.D. 33 1,16. SO day*. 33 3 IS. credit Mil*. 33. trade bills; selling. T.T. or OD iS3V ready CANADA: buying. T.T 33 7
    149 words
  • 17 11 The price of tin in Singapore Yesterday was declared at 5375.75 a pirul. down t&M.
    17 words
  • 421 11 FAIR ACTIVITY IN SELECTED TINS: OTHERS QUIET RUBBER AND TIN FALL T<HE Singapore share market did not get off to a very 1 good start yesterday. Prices in tins and industrials were again slightly easier but there was a fair turnover In selected stocks In the tin section. Tin and
    421 words
  • 156 11 MELBOURNE. Mon »ASS metal shares made small retoy lea on the Stock Exchange today after last week's sharp break Ooid scrip provided most of the activity but there was no definedprice trend te thai group, moat issues moving soeordlng to recant i mine developments Closing prices of selected
    156 words
  • 134 11 SHIPS lying alongside the Stngapore Harbour Board wharres or expected today are Lancashire 13. Wtesei Maru 4S. Heraklo* C.P.. Akagl Maru 67. Soudan SB. Benlawers 11. OlenC»rry 13 14. atenoeran IHI6. Van Heutss IS. Okhla IB 30. Selangor N Wali 4, Mentakab N Wall 6. Rawarw N Wall
    134 words
  • 154 11 Rubber declined by one and three-eighths cent* on the Singapore market yesterday April first Trade closed at •7*4 centa a pound. The market wu quiet with a small offtake. The market opened steady but ea«d somewhat during the afternoon Closing price* yesterday were In rent* per lb No.
    154 words
  • 66 11 The output of tin -ore by Petaiing Tin tn the first quarter of this year vm* 7.33S piculv romp* red witti 9.880 picula In the preceding quarter During January to March Nob S and 6 dredges operated in Jowercrade RTOund. No S dredfe w*B i shut down on
    66 words
  • 76 11 Slnc»porr Cp.IP.Mf Produr, El- rhancr: Noon prtcn per plrul I wer* I Caprc quirt, buyer* S*fr-, fob. Mllrm 841 i Coconut oil: unchanged, iteady; IBS', Mllert. Pfpper unchan«rd. quiet: Muntoic white aSW prlton. Sarmwmk $485 Lamport* black 8513. Lrwte and l**ml: Ckwlng prIQM Pit; I Copra: very quiet
    76 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1459 11 RS«^l MANSFIELD «c OO^ LTD. Sts^S r Paaasae 'Incorporotea m Vnooaore. AM eSaa? BLOB rVNNEL UMB Carrkjrr opNaa ta iniiil vie otaar part* ta tasd oad rtiitmai aaraa SAILIMtJS ta LIVERPOOL OLAS«OW LONDON A CONTINENTAL PORTS Rue Sola P S'horr Penong PetreckM for Mar*e.llat. Liverpool Cyatapt for Hovre A Liverpool
      1,459 words
    • 613 11 BEM LINE STEAMERS LTD. Far U K CONTINENT Spore S^*»m t Bantawati for Hovre. London. Rotterdam Car. 1 1 It/31 Apr. 23/34 Apr. Bertclrac* tor Genoa Liveroool. Antwerp Homburg «aa. 4/7 31/14 Apr. 24/24 Apr Benveemeck tor Avonmouth, London. Newcmtle. Hull IS/21 Apr. 32/34 Apr. 34/37 Apr t BeiMae«lk«ri 'or
      613 words
    • 601 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN U K CONTIMNI Spore P.V>mm Ponona •^■"aaWaafi TO* 1 BO^QeIOV, k 4O' a tOltODQ, »*«n.lo. Kooe A Vokohomo la Part tor Bongkok Soigon Hongkong Man.lo Kobe Yokohnmo It /IB Apr. IS/IS Apr. IT/17 Apr. "Male a" for Adaioide Mißjawws. Sjrdney (not looding locol corgo)
      601 words
    • 1041 11 M«ALISTER «5c CO.* LTD. TIL: No StOa T .a »>«»». > r .j, BUCKNALL KLAVBHBSS «-m* in. ANCILIS SAN FRANCISCO ISNBON. HAVRI, ROTTERDAM A PORTLAND SeItTLI a VANCOUVER MAMRUtC AceepNag aarea ta. Caatral A Saark and tar UiA.. North AtkantK Pom Ar»ar*caa Part* ond Conodo Colombo -„uu™ •A tm 9*
      1,041 words

  • 330 12 Fine gallop in preparation for mile race By EPSOM JEEP If lONITI had his first serious work-out since his spectacular triumph in the $30,000 Perak Derby when he turned out at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. With George Whitney astride this High Caste gelding strode out stylishly
    330 words
  • 296 12 wmmmm KI'ALA LIMPIR. Monday. U ITH another excellent display of combination and speed. Police Depot took full points in a first division soccer fixture against I'MNO Youths beating them by 4-2 the padang this evening In adverse ground conditiOM ihe game was fast and
    296 words
  • 68 12 NAI I'SMAN. hard-punching Ihßfw welterweight who is to Mr. tor Constance at the U..npv World stadium next Sunday, is due to arrive In Slnuaprre tomorrow. Unman recently defeated ihe >-se welterweight champion. Tet#imi. ConMance. wl-.c has been helping Magapore's vouns amateur boxers tn 'heir preparation to meet
    68 words
  • 392 12 JOSKER II WILL STAY Jeep's jottings JOSKER 11, a French-bred four-year-old bay by Kerlor out of Jocayne. who will make h.s debut In Malayan racing at Bu*-:t Tlmah tomorrow, has the makings of a useful stayer. As a three-year-old In England last year he won a maiden plate r>
    392 words
  • 58 12 R" Air Force .Chan*!, be-.i Royal Artillery ißlakang Main by 74 runs In a friendly cricket match at Chang! on Saturday. RAP i Changt > hit 117 for none wickeix declared .Singleton 4 for 33. O. W Shay 26 and R Woodrow 21 1 RA. were all out for
    58 words
  • 44 12 Seleur Young IndUns Pootbsll Club* offlrials for IM3 are: Prexident. Balwant 9ngh: vlreprestdent K. VelajruJhan; hon secretary. K Chandran: hon. aast. serrelary Rajoo. Hon treasurer. E Manlam; hon. auditor. M Sandanasamy: sports capuiii. O. Narayanan, committee members. R Rajoo and V. Oopalan. I
    44 words
  • 29 12 f VNTNKT inn k. lord Robbery's grey, wins the Rosehery Stakes at the Easter Meeting at Kempton Park. Fastnet Rook, with Rickaby astride, won by »is lengths.
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  • 18 12 The SAKA Div 3B game between Bl B'llan SC and Neujl 8C vheduled tor yesterday, was *»t--poned
    18 words
  • 264 12 iPOH, Mon IS preparation for Perak's match against the South Korean tourlats on the Chlni ese Assembly Hall ground on Apr. 21 the Pfrak A.FA. aelectors held another trial yesterday. Colours scored five times without reply and N. Curtis. Perak't 1951 cup final centre
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  • 212 12 Seletar F.C. fight for 3-1 margin SELETAR Football Club had to tight all the way yesterday to beat Social Athletic Party 3 1 in a S.A.F.A. Dlv. 3A soccer match at Oeylang The forwards had a lively evening yesterday and from the start both icoalkeepers were called on to
    212 words
  • 48 12 Customs S C unbeaten after three games and strong contenders for th» SAFA Dlv. 3C honours, gathered another two points when they trounced United S.C. 7-0 at CYMA grmnd yesterday. Scorers mere Tallb <3>. Rawl (S), Bordy and All Rahman W R Manning refereed
    48 words
  • 40 12 All SAFA aflUlated clubs are reminded that entries for the Open Challenge Cup as well as the Junior Cup K O competition close on May I 1. All entries are to accompanied by an entrance lee ol SlO.
    40 words
  • 38 12 Achilla Athletic Club will show a Mm on long jump, hurdle* and relay races, at Shell Ho»:se at 590 p.m. today. The show U opened to all club- affiliated to the Stags pore Amateur Athletic Association
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  • 545 12 By OI'B BOCCEK BEPOBTEB MATCHES featuring the South Koreans were the highlight* of Singapore soccer last week, as they will be during the next few days. Biggest upset wr«« the defeat of Rorers. last year's champions, by Star Soccerlles REMK. only service* team in the league,
    545 words
  • 42 12 NORTHERN CIRCUIT. ridden by young Straker. on the rails, and Mystic .Melody with veteran J. Donnelly in the saddle, fight out a thrilling finish at Bukit Timah on Saturday. Northern Circuit won by half a length.
    42 words
  • 451 12 Rovers 4: Amicable 2. JALAN Besar stadium presented a dreary background for yesterday's SAFA Div. 1 match between Rovers and the Amicable A.A. The weather was chilly after a day of heavy rain and only a handful of spectators were there to
    451 words
  • 108 12 Ben Hogan again the Master AKiISTA. (Georgia! Mon BEN Hot .in won the I mini Stite* Masters' Golf Tournament herr today, breaking the tournament rn-ord with a 72- hole axcreirate of 274. He had a final round of £9 to win by five strokes. Ed Oliver equalled thr long-standing record
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 136 12 DIBULTS of the April Medal. Spring Cup and qualifying round of the Oulllemard Cup played !at the Royal Singapore Oolf Club on Saturday were April Medal: j k. shafer i74-5-6t> and H. L. Hatch '73-4-69. tied In "A" division Oiher returns were; F Tabor StSSj.
    136 words
  • 102 12 M«TWO for the third time to deride a first round tie in the SAP A Youth tourney at Victoria School ground on Saturday Puiau Branl Sports Club again drew with Tampenh Rorers Each side scored once. Arshad Rahmat. of the Rovers, •cored a good goal
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  • 78 12 FED. CRICKET Fast runs by Penang batsmen BRIGHT batting by W. L. Simpson (63 runs) and J. T. Bailward (48) followed by a ryowling performance of seven wicket* for 23 runs by C. A. Harrison enabled the Penang Sport* Club to inflict a big defeat on Indian Association at Western
    78 words
  • 80 12 IPOH. Mon —Heavy rain yesterday afternoon washed out all Brander Shield cricket matches scheduled to be played here yesterday Play was possible however, in a Mx'iire at Tanking Rambutan. where Samueln Club beat Railway Institute i lpohi by 14 runs. Bowlers were on top throughout s
    80 words
  • 80 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon— Rain presented an interesting Ticket maun being completed yestardav hen Kuala Lumpur Police mat selanuor Services on the Oumey Road ground Pollrt batted first and were all tm 130 runs, with Khoo Bin Krns (40. and P O de 811 a
    80 words
  • 52 12 KLANO Mon Good bowline t> P Onvlndaraju failed to save AngloChlne^e Srhool from defeat at cricket yesterday The schoolboys los :>. Railway Institute Youngsten b> due run Oovindaraju took eight Railway wickety for 24 run* in Rallway'n total of S5 The schoolboys ware out (or 54 tn
    52 words
  • 48 12 KUALA LUMPUR Mon RR 1 lent HAP b/ ao runs In a frlendlv rrirket time on the Taylor load around yesterday. ?v t.T*s mere RR I 152 for dccl Mom fis Best 31 not out Kolfe 4-21. f?AF 72 iLeveiidge 11. Be<t 3-9 >
    48 words
  • 40 12 Xl ANO Mon Pred Lee ano Ooh Han Hoon beat J. B Bong and A Dsm Lazarus 7-5. J-6 t-t in the men's d übles final of the Klang District Easter tennis tournament
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 930 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. .Continued from Puce •> ACCOMMODATION WANTED BACHELOR doctor mlshes board and lodging as PO In good residential loraltty Reply Box No A7J4I B.T BUROPBAN Oovt officer, two children requires small modern awn or flat one or two years Box ho A 7233. S.T. OFFICE SPACE WANTED OFFICE space
      930 words
    • 131 12 j jj^J J. 6 MAS 15 SUrU T«4ay \TIM riATI" (MaUy) -SANGDIt" (Hißdastani) ■I 'j| R.ihru Toaav JIS. «.1S *.1S IMMV Ilimluslani wA l y.^ lii H r w riTaday st 7.M pm Only 1.1. K TBA( V n. BIME IN( (Serial) I New World Tadar »<i 915 -SON» ol
      131 words
    • 46 12 I ift 9 I? \Y Hfv* f rHy%^ tor c\tru pleasure and mtisfut tion v CHURCHMAN'S No!^ Im tt'ms of 50 or 25, mud packets c/ 10 Singapore: $2X9 for St 51. 05 for 35 4* for 10 [ROSKOPF&» I] SINCE 1867 .AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT MALAYA BORNEO
      46 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 78 12 SOf CEB SOI TH Ku.r.tK MBklned Ser- si JaUn Besar. SAFA LEAUIR DIV. 3A: Taan ROIX A iroand. DIV. J< sur Sarrrrttes A" A«l»n AC. al l.nlitii P.*T v Naval l C -l»-t SU« al VJIA ,r. d SBHFA LEAGI'E DIV. I J*r«» S.V Orrr^a hiiu-x- Bank at SBC crmtnd.
      78 words
    • 18 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: High 1117 hrs. (9 3> and "315 it»>; Lo« 0467 <0 7. and 1721 .17.
      18 words