The Straits Times, 30 March 1953

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 368 1 Now medical workers give a 14-day deadline QYKR 900 men and women hospital attendants, ayahs, cooks, scavengers and gardeners employed in three Singapore hospitals and the St. John-? Island quarantine station may go on strike. A ajotenl nu-c-liiiß »f the Medical Workers' I'nion last night decided to
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  • 115 1 GUARDS KILL TWO BANDITS KUALA LUMPUR: Bun. HOME GUARDB from Chenderiang in Perak have accounted For two of three terrorists killed in the Federation. They laid an ambush yester- 1 day morning near the Cameron i Highlands Three terrorists walked into the trap end two were shot Immediately The third
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  • 183 1 WASHINGTON Sun The Uni"\i States and Franc agreed /rjtrrrav on the necCMtty to defeat Communist aKßr«\s*ion in the Far East and to strengthen the defences of the free countries of the West The talks wrre between Presirient Eurnhrwrr and 'he French Premier M
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  • 78 1 WASHINGTON. Sun A mmrrns.Mon rrrommendPd to the US rvlrnrr Department rvtrrrlay chances in pay for rnmbat flight and other extra hazardous duty which it estimated »oulr" save upwards of 000 a year. While romtoat pay (or soldIts. airmen and sailors actually under
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  • 95 1 Irish sweep gift ticket wins £50,000 NFVT YORK. Sun AN eight month old girl won to rlav hcraune her grandfather gave her an Irish sweepstake ticket on Earl? Mist winner of the Grand National The infant is Susan llampl. daughter of a Manhattan factory worker. Her parents will have to
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 127 1 ...A simple wreath for Queen Mary LONDON. Sun SILENT crowds lining th« pavements today watched the coffin of Queen Mary. Britain's Dowager Queen borne in solemn procession to its lying in state. One simple wreath of Miles roses and carnation."! lay on her flag-draped coffin as M trundled through the
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 122 1 THREAT OF TORTURE MADE HER TALK UNDER threat of torture and death, a Chinese woman showed Singapore knife-men the hiding plar p of her Jewellery when their own attempts to And the valuables failed Tii«« woman vu alone In her hou» at the 11' t milestone Woodlands Road at lunch-tlm*
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  • 39 1 LONDON. Sun— The Duke of Windsor will return to the United States on Wednesday after attending the funeral of his mother. Queen Mary He will sail for New York in the liner Queen ElisabethReuter.
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  • 211 1 LONDON. Sun CHIEF Superintendent Tom Barratt of the Murder souad. one nf Scotland Yard's Big Five, hat taken over investigations into the Nottinc Hill sex ulayings. Detectives have uncovered the remain* nf a fifth victim. The burnt bone* of a woman have
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  • 28 1 NEW YORK. Bun— A nursing home burned early yesterday at Largo, Florida, killing about 50 of the 70 elderly occupants -A.P.
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  • 54 1 OTTAWA. Sun.— The French Foreign Minister. M. Georges Bldault. arrived in Ottawa last night by air from Washington to take part in a two-day visit Iby French Government offlI cials. France's Prime Minister. M. Rene Mayer, and the Finance Minister. M. Maurice Bourgp* Maunoury. will arrive
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  • 48 1 BELGRADE. Sun. President Tito, aboard the Yugoslav ship Oaleb on his way back to Yugoslavia from Britain, entertained Admiral Lord Mountbatten to lunch yesterday. Radio Belgrade, said the visit was near Malta. Later, the Oaleb continued her homeward Journey escorted by two Yugoslav destroyers Renter.
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  • 186 1 22 die, 100 injured as 60 m.p.h. trains smash into wreck roNNFAIT (Ohio). San. r'O New Yet* Central passenger trains, thundering along at over a-adle-a-minute smashed into a pUeup of derailed freight ears on Friday night. Ullmg 2Z people and Injuring about Eighteen bodtoi were recovered ■v noon veaterday An
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 1 THIS IS A SECTION of the '•no Singapore hospital worker* wht Totrri at a general meeting nf the union yesterday to take a strike hall" if the Government failed tn settle their demand* within 14 days from today. Strait* Time* picture
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  • 289 1 NEW YORK, Sunday. NITKI) NATIONS delegate* on both sides of the Iron Curtain yesterday greeted the Communist agreement to the I.N. offer of an exchange of ■irk and wounded prisoners in Korea. There was a fervent hope that this break would lead to a
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 60 1 KUALA BELAIT. Brurirl. Sun. rkISCIVLINARY action is being taken hy Brunei State police authorities against six young recruits who recently deserted to their )ungte villages The men were located and taken into custody less than 48 hours after leaving the Stria contingent's station. All had left
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  • 102 1 POLICE, ARMY SWOOP ON SLEEPIN6 MAU MAU NAIROBI. Sun. HINDREDS of polirr and police reservists with armoured cars swooped on the African location of Bahati before dawn today, arresting thousands of Africans as they slept P i i i <■ headeaarters here announced that the nhnir location had been sealed
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  • 30 1 TOKYO. Sun— The United Nations Prisoner of War Command today reported that guards shot and killed two North Korean prisoners at Ko(e Island camp last week
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  • 27 1 HONG KONG. Bun— Longdistance telephone service between Hong Kong and Jakarta will start on Apr 1. the Hong Kong Telephone Company announced yesterday— A.P.
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  • 109 1 SEOUL. Sunday. ITNTTED BTATES Marines this morning were In complete control of Ve*as Hill on the western front after a night of savage fighting. Early today the Marines from position* on the rrest of the hill, which controls the invasion route In Seoul, counted 400 dead Chinese
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 180 1 'M.T.U.C. big help to trade unions' KUALA LUMPUR Sun \|R. L H N Davis. Mem ber for Industrial ani Social Relations said last nißht that the Malayan Trade Union Council was showing signs ol maturity He said, ai an amu versa;; dinner of the council in Kua la Lumpur, that
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  • 88 1 PENAltQ. Sun LH: Khuen Kau, the pee who was shot anc; recaptured, has made a statement to police, it was officially announced tonifht. He was suffering from shock and it was still uncertain whether he would be fit enough to attend court tomorrow He was confined
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  • 23 1 LONDON Sun. -Mr Takeo Tojo. chief of the Japanese Foreign Exchange Bureau, arrived in London by air vesterc*av from Tak'o
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 151 1 P H tie SILVA t *»mm LABOUR J— KOREA -££r SEX-KILLER "Surprising interett people art sHowing in tucking pig< of lart. Swan. Personally. I prefer pig in a shape and form far removed from the original." "But. |oh n sucking Dig is scrumptious. You cant possibly dismus it m such
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    • 39 1 LONGINES The World 1 Most Honoured Watch S»ld by ALL HIGH CLASS WATCH DEALERS Tiger Testimonials MR. BEN HANSON PROFITT. the well known industrialist, stated: "Men with drive need TIGER BEER." I 6TT 51 M lr ulgr Nae*e uafr
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  • 186 2 Crown prince Akihito leaves for Britain TOKYO Sunrt.iv fROWN PRINCE Akihito-1 micm-iio-Ml* ;i. It-year- old heir to the throne of Japan, leaves Yokoharm tomorrow aboard the Amerkan luxury liner Tre^ldrni Wilson to attend the coronation of Quren F.lirahrth and see the Western world. In 1921. at the samr icy his
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  • 127 2 Red doctors for German President BFRLIN. Sun OOVIET medical experts have b*en railed In tn treat Communist Ocr- many* ailing President w helm Pleck Rpport.s reaching the Wcat today, xaid hl.s poor 1 health had deteriorated The 77-year-old President had bren taken to a Soviet hospital at KarlhortA. an
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  • 165 2 NFW YORK S 'THE United Siatrs today stmnely commanded United Nations SfrTPtarv-Orrirr;)! Mr TlJTgve Li r for his poliry in dismissinc WH I American ploypps suspprtpd as atcurtt; rtaki The 0 S mined right oth«r nations in formally prapMtaw that the O»ncra! A.wmhlv
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  • 45 2 CAIRO Sin The R A Fvestrrrlay rnrlerl the thr^e-cia-. jOperatinn Bes.«tnn in the Suez ranal Zone with a ma-s raid on all Inatallatlon* Rnti^h Australian ml Ne-* Zealand airr-sft too* part The exr-rnse «a.« to te*t an'! airrraft (<. AP
    AP  -  45 words
  • 42 2 MOSCOW Sun Communist v .-Ki r \1 Tham. It arrangng to rfturn to Franrr Hr has appl:rd '.nr a vim to Franr. Fi pi M f" a Fnnr^ \i».a for ft «'->n ti phy« <• an. MrDi r r
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  • 42 2 BERLIN. Bun Tha t German Commur;st* yesterflalifted a .I.S-hnwr han m trtirfe-> he.ivir-- than 12 tn'n rroaatiif the Elrv Rivrr bridge on thf lin-mi!e rnari brtwern B o l and the Wr.>f Weal I hor'.cr <">fTi:':^b «air V P
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 492 2 M"«-'H-Last tin "PAT*H 8.%T1" (Malar) 1 r«»m Tmn«rr*m i«m nn iiv.MMr irititUni I gfll^B I. «.li A 9.1S -TOONAIBI' IlllrtwUtll r«|jt 1 urt KM p.m. r\RA<*KTMI fTsmti f Jj j af^ llf [gf r.real WorM Taatav 7.M I.\ St.m. ■Br.yD Ol IHF RIVER" fTechnlclm UjTiJ I Sfw W«rlsl Tnaar »n
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    • 641 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS A MKNIOR Technical Asssatant la retjuired forthwith for the Haraw«« Broadca'tlnc Service The post will he pensionable and the basic salary <cale i: M2O 432 xII 540 BAR i 55a x It M 4 per mensem srcordlng to ace snd experience. Quarters will be proilded Apoltratlon* to be
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    • 393 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS INDIAN nrrTRFKrrsW- Criminal Dtstrtcl and Police Courts. Singapore Salary Scale: Btudent Interpreter »I1«-«A-1J« pm In'•rpreler SIM-13A-164 B 279-12A--33« B 3M-UA-4M pm. plus COL. and Singapore allowances. Total emoluments for student Interpreter st present range from $1*5.25 p m. wtth annual Increments to 1204 7j and for Interpreter from
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    • 512 2 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB \TRII MIITIM, I»S3 •ATt'KDAY lITH. »cn\r«P»l I'TH AND BATVBSAf IMH APKIL. I FNTRIEB CLOSE st 12 noon on WEDNESDAY. W April. 19SV SWEEPS- tl t'nllmlfed Sweepstake* FOR MEMBERS ONLY mill h* held each Rare Da.' Applications for Mck'ts muv be in writing snd be recelvee Before J3O
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    • 685 2 NOTICES WbbbT fl\ t NOTICE is hereby given thst Hup Tick Co. LUI Of No 32A Norh Canal Road. Singapore are the *o> agents for Malaya and Borneo of "Put Sow" Brand Ve-Txln Oourmci Powder i Food Pla\ 'Miring Es<en%c> the .product of Tien Chu Ye T«in Chemical !n<*u>.tr'"* I
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    • 512 2 TENDERS Tenders wl! be recer.-d a' th» Principal M»« *1 Ofßcer* Offlce. H M Nairal Sane. Singapore 27 up to l.Vh April. 1*53. far the making of .•(•aft Uniform* snd the suppiof Patients' uniform* for the Asian Hrxpltal. HM. Ns\sl Bs.<«. Sings- pore Specimen of uniform* csn be shove Ho*pt'al
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  • 273 3 Way now clear for election of\ free parliament] CAIRO. Sunday. FjM.YPT last night announced the appointment of a J five -mrm her commission to advise the Sudan's [invemnr -fimrral. Sir Robert Howe, thus ending a deadlock with Britain holding up elections of a self povernlng Sudanese Parliament.
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  • 106 3 ATOMIC RAYS GIVE LOOK OF VALUE TO DUD GEMS PHILADELPHIA. Sun— Almost worthless diamonds, which wer* rhanc" 1 into Tariout hgen rivalling the more txprnsivr >rms hr rlomic radiation, will b* put on display today at the American Gem Society* IKth annual meeting Fotir diamonds nn display were badly off
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  • 24 3 DAMASCUS. Sun The Syrian Govrrnmrnt ha.* passed a law rrratlnK a central bank to Lwue and control Bvr:*n r\iTT*ncy .A P.
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  • 208 3 CHINESE GETTING SOVIET JET BOMBERS WASHINGTON. Sun rE authontative trartr maKazine Aviation WppJc said today the R*"d ftltt are «ettmjf ominous number.* <~; GoOmiir dt hour Rusaiar ie'. plane* capable of rarryinc tactirai ai^"iic weapons TTvc twtn-iet craft may be the next Russian-built clan* 1 to roar out of the
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  • 122 3 JAKARTA. Sunday. OEPORTR received today said the volcano Krakatiu. in the narrow Java Strait between Java and Sumatra, was artivp again. Volcano service officials In Pv«.sauran on the Java roast opposite the volcano have advised all flshermen to «tay in the harbour, although the wind and
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  • 172 3 RUSSIANS' KIDNAP BID FAILS VIENNA. Sun. PI R Soviet plaindnthrv police tried to kidnap at gunpoint an Austrian empiovp r of the Inited Stairs lnlur natiim Servire in broad daylight nn a street dividIns thr British and Soviet sectors in Vienna today but their quarry escaped. At the same time
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  • 55 3 JEhuonUM. bun.— \3 Israel military spokesman said last night another clash took place between a croup of •armed infiltrators" from Jordan and an Israel military patrol in Israeli territory in the southern Judean hills near Bet Jlbrin He alleged the Jordanians suffered casualties. There were i no
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  • 78 3 MEN OP THE Household Cavalry, their bright uniforms covered with black greatcoats as a mark of respect to Queen Mary, ride past Buckingham Palace on their uav to their barracks after being relieved at the florae Gaards Parade. At Buckingham Palace and at Marlhorough House, where
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  • 28 3 RENGHAZI. Sun —Emir Id rsi el Senussi of Libya arrived !ast night in Benghazi from Ecypt. where he had been paying a State visit AP
    AP  -  28 words
  • 147 3 Move to ask China Reds to UN defeated NEW YORK. Sunday. THE I KITED NATIONS Political Committee turned down an Asian-backed Soviet demand to invite representatives of Communist China and North Korea to attend to make charges of germ warfare against the I'nited States. The vote was 15 in favour
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 3 TOM COLE of the United States provided the greatest excitement of the Syracuse Grand Prix on Mar. 22 when his car overturned and burst into flames. Cole was flung clear and was not injured. rin- picture shows Cole Mjrvrving the remains of his ear.
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  • 26 3 MANILA. Sun.— The Phi- :ipp nes will be host to the! eighth Pacific Science Congress meeting in Manila from Nov. 16 to 28.— AP.
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  • 35 3 GENERAL OHUMG KAI-SHEK President of Nationalist China, sreets Mr. Adlai Stevenson, the unsuccessful Democratic candidate for the United State* preaidencv but >ear. when he pa id v visit to Taipeh. iaji wetk.
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  • 253 3 Burma seeks Soviet aid RANGOON. Sun BURMESE Premier. U Gnu, > who left here by plane yesterday for conlerencea with the Prime Minister of India. Mr. Nehru, has said th*t Burma is determined to work out a programme of economic assistance from < Russia. There was no Indication, how- ever,
    AP  -  253 words
  • 92 3 NEWMEMBER STATE FOR ARAB LEAGUE CAIRO. Sun— The 15-month- > old Kingdom of Libya, has become the eighth member of the Arab League. Delegates from Egypt. Syria, the Lebanon. Jordan. Iraq. Saudi Arabia and the Yemen, meeting in plenary session, unanimously agreed to admit the former Italian colony af a
    AP  -  92 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 239 3 $j at -sm^ j ••■©♦©l J KILLS boS" MOSQUITOES. FLIES IniStCT KIU"1 ANTS COCKROACHES. 1 S^f\ BEDBUCS SILVERFISH. I $3.90 Non flammable. nonstaining and fives as EA c M much coverage against ♦lying insects as 12 pints of hand pumped liquid. Ask your nearest dealer for information on othe r
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  • 602 4  -  RA YMOSD MORTIMER EDWARD LEAR S INDIAN JOURNAL. Edited by Ray Murphy Jjrroldi 425.) Hy HOW pleasant to kmw Mr. Lear! And the better we know him the pleasanter. His genius for nonsrnse h*^ too much obscured his extraordinary talent for topographical drawing Indeed he
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  • 653 4  -  M.C. ff SHEPPARD THE MALAY ANNALS: Translated by CC. Brown (Rrtyal Asiatic Secitty. Malayan Branch $10). By AN eyp witnrss account of how Oriental Royalty lives loves and dies, with verbatim passages from their conversation, would have become a best seller in any age. But
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  • 503 4 With Nero Mussolini ROME AND A VILLA: ly Ihane* Clarfc (Michael |o«*»V 2 1t. 1 ROME, says Eleanor Clark, is everybody's memory; the thing is to find a way into it. Instead, she has found a way round, the cautious, devious course of one who puts a New Enßland curb
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 110 4 IT'S SPEEDY! IT'S ECONOMICAL! IT'S ROOMY! ~f^ :^^^^C*~^i^P^^^^^^^^^^ 7~-j^^^^B ißfea^aaaa^al L^Lm^^ L^LI rV^jy^^a|^»^^^^^^^^l^^^^^^^B^^BfcjLA^W^W"^ '""^B^a^^Sa^a^JHaT m Jlc\ N°lhing can louch the Auslin Seven. ..for economy inj I XrG&* Y\o^ 1 price and upkeep. It's speed, 100. is sparkling! Truly 1 y»° I a mighty lillle atom! Seats four, on comfortable foam-
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    • 373 4 Roller «k»te«. »rprev> »r»lni> »nrt i;a*«ricii »'i run l^t^■'• J *nd »her»fm-» f»»t»* «ith lr>» mrM-ienomawl IHr«dtah ball- y, bearing* Thi» i« nr» of »w raaaaw ttm ttmtm >•'•'■- I tmirh" of H*M». the *«w:«h prx-Klaa-bullt 'r*' Xhere »r» no femer ihun 4 r <:-.-(1l.- baß-kMrißSji In Hald* V, io
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 200 4 Slrails I im< s (rossviord ACROSS MlddUnt (7». 1. Not included Hi a flvw-dajr iMk 13 Suffolk (unily ducal in Devon T>. I. RoMnl* f»!«» on* (I. 4). t 14. Bt*t« of twtated UH, in 18 Whltm*a (4i. poUc«m«n'a grip it) 11. LftaeMhir* town with ippr* for IS. Maui ng
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  • 158 5 THOUSANDS of Singapore holiday-makers, no longer alarmed by bandits, will leave by road and rail this week to spend the Easter holidays in the Federation. It promises to be the largest Easter exodus sine? I The Singapore railway stationmaster told the Strait* Times yesterday: All
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  • 37 5 Juniper the water-nymph is airborne JIMPER rOO jets a.rhorruin her dance of the water nymph, which she perform ed at the Victoria Theatre in Singapore on Saturdjv night, in aid of the Red Cro«< Crippled Children's Home.
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  • 126 5 Stabbed by robbers he chased TAN AH THIAN. a labourer, chased two men wbo tried to rob a roffe P sh..p in Albert Street. Singapore, and wms •tabbed when he caught up with them. Th.. owner of the shop w wakened in the early hour, of Saturday morn- by a
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  • 49 5 IKUANTAN Sun. Three leading. Kuantan merchants were detained by the police last night after a big raid on > three shops The police took away large quantities of documents sealed In packing cases. The merchants were refused <; bail and will be produced in I court
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  • 89 5 RAUB. Sun -An auxiliary polxe constable. Kadim bin Ahmad. 50. was sentenced to I three months 1 imprisonment when he p eaded guilty in the Raub Court to causing grievous hurt with a shotgun The West Pahang Circuit Magistrate. Mr E M Smallwood was told
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  • 49 5 JOHORE BAHRU Sun —The Chief Police OflVer. who has i been an ex-offlclo member of > the Johore Council of State. < will no longer have a tent. A gazette notification states I that Mr I S Wylie. has ceased to be a member of the
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  • 19 5 It will cost the Singapore Council nearly $19,000 to make •he East -West one-wav traffic scHrme permanent.
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  • 34 5 Singapore Malay men and women will meet on Friday to plan to form a "Malay Dramatic Association." The meeting will be held at Kota Raja Club. Sultan Gate Singapore at 2 pm
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  • Article, Illustration
    115 5 4 \IK OF Ml s A\(. make friends witb ■cboolboy* Derek Wavell and Kwi Hu»t. la the laboratory of Mr. John Harrison (centre) at the Institute of Medical Research la Kuala Lumpur. The? are part of an unysual new programme that will b« broadcast weekly, cemmenc Inf
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  • 75 5 Fake note offered at theatre Singapore C ID. men suspect that a number of forged $10 notes may be in circulation in the city On Saturday night." Mr F G Minns C.I.D. Superinten dent, toid the Straits Tirres yesterday. a $10 note was handed In at the Capitol cinema in
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  • 134 5 PRESSING forward with its scheme to provide kv.vcost houses. Singapore Improvement Trust is to cut by six inches the height of th" ceilings of 252 flats which it is to b'.ild shortly Lower ceilings will save thr trust at least $70 on each fin' A City
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  • 124 5 CHILD ART IS ENVY OF ADULTS CiHILD ART ha* charactcr*t;rs which the geniu* would like to ach.eve naivety and enormous vitality. Dr. C A Olbson-Hill said yesterday He i» the organ:srr of the art exhibition by the children "f Singapore. Australia and Br.tain which opens at the British Councj Hall
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  • 121 5 PENANG. Sunday. LESS than 10 hours after his son. Lee Khuen Kau. had been recaptured by police. Lee Teik. 58. a dhobv assistant, rollapsed and died in his home in Kedah Road yesterday. Lee Khuen Kau and Chan Kwonc Suw. who escaped from Penang prison
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  • 53 5 JOHORE BAHRU Sun Mohd Yassin bin Tumpang was charged in the Police Court today, with stealing a pair of sharkskin trousers and an identity card belonging to Mohd Nor bin Kassim from a motor vessel on the Sungei Truas. Singapore He was ordered to be sent to
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  • 52 5 The following have been elected officials of the Bt. Andrews Society of Selangor: President. Mr C. Thornton, hon. secretary. Mr D C W. Bell: hon treasurer Mr F. L. Sherriff; committee Messrs. J. Jameison. G Shields. J Kindnets j Brodie. G Wilson. W S Gilchrist and Col
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  • 70 5 Thf Director of Sinßapore Telcroaimunlcat.on.^ Department Mr J C. Dallow. told the Straits Timi s yesterday that then- was n<> telegram st-rvjee to the naval base post office because "hardly any telegrams are received for that larea Mr. Dallow was comment lnt on a complaint by rural
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  • 28 5 JOHORE BAHR'J Sun For failing to attend the Police Court on Mar 15 to answer a traffic rha rise. Zalnal bin Redzuan. was fined $10 today
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 253 5 AS A MARK OF RESPECT UIK it m.nt. SHOW ;it nil Shaws' Orn.inization Theatres ON TUES. 31st WILL BE CANCELLED IY2/ZFIBJI/K2P1 NOW SHOWING fi|f friff Ff &*m4J 1.45, 4. 6.30 9.30 BREAKING THROU^ THE SOUND BMRIER^? ly>n<l>>n I Rm« ProHm imn l)i>t h\ Shaw Bro« starring I RM.fH KIIIHHIiMIN \\N
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 187 5 The weather .Minimum temperature: 1 7 30 pm on Mar 28 to 7.30 a.m. on Mar. 29': Singapore '75 defreco; Penang «73 > Kota Bahru <75>, Kuala Lumpur '70. Ipoh <72>: Kuantan (71 >. I r W > m*Mt It li4h Maximum temperature: j J 7 30 a.m. to 730
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    • 82 5 ftlNimpwr \»uih (mc«: Committee mcru i g u( the YMCA Orchard Rood 530 ptu P.fcUr RdiUM, (Mkt: MobUe mm unit* fre* «ho«> at 357 Oeilani Bfr»i Vlllaf* and railwat quari*r« Spoon fr h<md 715p ir I vI.S.: m* aim Uio« Ancient curm* Human Bodr What L« Oi»m^uw. Prnudent nauuuraUoo
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  • 44 6 MRS ANO CHENG LEONO and famih thank gratefulh all relallvem frlenda and atarT* of the Malacca General Hoapltal lor their wreath* sr rolls condolenre meaaagas. loan car*. aulMancr rendered during the illnaaa and at the funeral of the late Mr Ang Cheng leong
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  • 74 6 ANNOU NCEMENTS MADELINES This U a n Btlon that every woman wist Is) fashion kno«s SALS till Thursday at Mulrhands •2-1 araa Baaah Road Draatte renuctloni in Ladies Oowm no«eri and B*lta. YOim EASTER OOWN Yaull flnx ju«t that Prock Cool and Crisp- at Tomnv Th.imaon a O H Blrig
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  • 698 6 The Straits Times. Singapore. Mon. Mar 30, 1953. New Move In Korea North Korea acceptance o( General Mark Clark's offer to exchange sick and .wounded ortsoners of war is encouraging But it is a sign of the toughness of the armistice" negotiations, and the condition,* under which the Korean war
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  • 371 6 la two weeks' time President Eisenhower will submit to Con- I great his recommendations for i the disposal of the synthetic rubber plant. The American manufacturing industry's re- reptioe of the R.F.C. report on disposal indicates that there >• already broad agreement on the major questions, other
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  • 233 6 Air mail postage rates technically are a matter for the Legislative Councils to supervise, but in practice the Councils know no more about the changes that are made than does the public whose privilege it is to pay. However, the revised rates announced at the week-end should
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  • 1216 6  - WHEN St FRANCIS XAVIER VISITED MALACCA LA. MACGREGOR By Lecturer in History. Vntrxrtity of Malaya. BETWEEN 1545 and 1552 St. Francis Xavier visited Malacca five times: but his longest stay was a mere flve months, and the total time he spent in the city was less than a year. On
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  • man-in-the-Street
    • 361 6 T«HE Press has given prominence recently to extracts from the report* of the Automobile Association of Singapore and the Traffic Advisory Committee, stating or implying that Sir George Pepler and the Diagnostic Survey Team are "excluding from their plans for a bettei Singapore the
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    • 274 6 OROFESSOR Parkinson is to be congratulated foi 1 articles which throw light on the mentality oi some of the University staff Regarding the student population of 5 500 that ought to be attending higher institutions, he says: In deciding on that or some similar figure we must
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    • 120 6 GOVERNMENTS undemocratic rejection of Dato Sir Cheng-iork Tan. an outstanding public leader of indisputable character and Integrity, as arbitrator, has appreciably tilted public sympathy towards the postal and telecoms workers. Looking at the restricted composition of the panel of arbitrators Government offer? to the unions for selecting their
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    • 65 6 I APPRECIATE the Singapore Traction Company's newsystem in which buses IS 16 and 30 drop office-workers at Change Alley so saving them from crossing the tetoras. But it affects people who are working around the end of Cecil Street and Rooiruon Road. Cannot bus SO go back
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    • 99 6 I AM not taking up the cudgels for the SIT SUIT Out Mr Lees statement on tn« engagement of women employees carries the Impliratk>n that the mere replacement of men would wipe out malpractice There Is honesty v .veil as dishonesty In both sexes Thers Is. howerer. a
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    • 37 6 T!" aakaa] v W arts*. T». aaariar lags*,, TT*. w H>ai>H. Lettart •Igswd far aa»a>atlsa «gui a aaaaaasw gaast a* nni M alH fe? t h wrtlar 'a X-n.l.r. |aj .M, M rgtraataa ef r~4 faith mm
      37 words
    • 49 6 rE private candidates who passed their Cambridee Qualifying -test received their results in closed letters But those who failed received theirs on open post-cards, which made tnem aatoajned Could not Cambridge University in future send results of both failed and passed candidates in closed letters. O.M. 7AIMI-ABID.iI Singapore.
      49 words
  • 428 6 DURING the debates In the Hou.v <?f Commons on th» I annual estimate* Unrteri -ecretary Hutchtnson menI tinned housing for the r"r>rce* in Malaya He said, that thrre was a i onsiderable shortacc of accommodation there The to'al entitlement to married quarters -n Malaya and Hone Kong was
    428 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 845 6 CLASSIFIED ADS THE Engagement announced ef Albert Sta Maria ton of Mr. and Mrs Bsassanuel Sta Marts of Malacca and Muriel Cosuuace Da Bllva. daMghter of Mr and Mr* Srnnr De Slha of «ngapoi f LOST REWARD oOVrefl for information leximg 'o recorerv of snipe vaeht Srtrift from r»*s|r Pan)ant
      845 words
    • 6 6 ik/ar\ lasv 1 CHirinoj,, tW99( £9
      6 words
    • 74 6 f*Offi*f* from i.<>ll<>rs Tfcae* ar* g*a«r lawa »«aH •*> ..i4>«r AataaataVa kefwMM Hrn g.M.N. saks A.t.C LH Hteee it l.gkt raSM. SaVgaasve* »hasy Tka latin tssWai r t w« CiacM as* sta«g Hie Kssaasag teJarti eeet*. Th. i*a g*»t. Was t>.» Hrn .'.c. ar* satcad »c* «cc apart K.mtiM •at»f»
      74 words
    • 118 6 «.v. liiutfh 1 |f* i^DPTICIBN Felloe institute Ophthalmia OpUeftmna •fcrito Fellow Worshipful Co of Spertacle-Makers (Ensr) rreeman of the City of I/inrlon By Appointment to H. M. For^c^. ttAm.ES PLACE lINCAPORE PNOME >n«4i firstaid FOI COIIRS. COLIS^AND BRONCHITIS a cough or rolrt m CSmDuB II S take pleasant- tasting Campbell's
      118 words

  • 225 7 Chinese will avoid hartal if he agrees A CHINESE petition to the Ht*h Commissioner. Gen. Sir Gerald Templer. will ask that all businesses with a capital of less than $5,000 should be exempted from the Licensing and Registration of Businesses Ordinance. AH other businesses b*»low $100,000
    225 words
  • 162 7 COUPLE ALLEGE DETECTIVE HELD THEM UP ('AN AH KING. 45. today told thp Alor SUr maeisyM trate. Tuan Syed Hussein Jamalulll, that while h» was embracing al4 year-old girl l n a lonely spot two strangers, one holding a pistol, held them up. i, Oan was tettlfylnt at thp "fa
    162 words
  • 152 7 DO NOT DELAY DECISIONS, COUNCIL TOLD HI AI.A 1.1 MPIR. Sun. KUALA 1.1 MPt R Municipal Councillor* hare been told to keep reference< back to committee" tn a minimum ouncillor* who arr not sure of a i nn,mi!ir» decision should (el in touch •iih the chairman or rtepntv chairman. a
    152 words
  • 44 7 Stngnpnre pie-breeders are stipnlvms about eighty p*r cent of the Cclonv's pork, a Government official said veatrrriav The improvement in pig- dine l< ihe result of the Cotoay'a scheme to Increase local (ood supplies KIALA I I M PIR Sunday
    44 words
  • 157 7 HONG POOK KWOMi, leader of a Hingapore terror (ant in still at large 25 days after eaeapinc from the General Hospital lork-up. where he had keen a pitient for aereral months. His mother, who had srv.-rM times visited him. haa been released. She
    157 words
  • 241 7 CMNoAPORES married women teachers are on tne warpath because the Government has excluded them from the proposed new education service m hrme. which includes salary- increases. The Singapore Teachers Union la to protest to the Government and the married women teachers may send a petition
    241 words
  • 32 7 Sir.eapore nremm were k«*pt bnsy yr>terda> by lallang flrea started by burning joss stii^ti In Chinese cemeteries The ins* sticks were left by ancestor •anrshippers eelebratthe festival
    32 words
  • 31 7 H'HORF BAHRf tun R r Manr \l tore «n Tin w >-.. f\r\rr\ in •he Pol. re rniirt 1^" J f*ilm« tn an card within ;he pr Umc
    31 words
  • 30 7 The BJUMMI generni me««., tnc nf the Catholic Tooni Men i A bUoii b* h«-ld at their Bras Bi^h Rna^ h*»clf)i|;i 'f T at SlO p m I—
    30 words
  • 8 7 Having a good look Mrs. Ru inspecting vegetable*.
    8 words
  • 150 7 Rttxtxitxi^ JOHORE. BAHRU. Sunday. UNMNG across the road with a timn-rarrler on Dec. 23. Anthony DCruz. aged 12. was knocked down by a car. He died in the General Hncnitui th* following day. p wie Mrs Dorothy Bromfield told the Coroner today, she was
    150 words
  • 67 7 Mr F S Wick.-! was elected president of the Singapore Swimming Cluh a' the annual general meeting vesterrlav Other new ofhciaLs were: Vice-president Mr E C Yates; Captain. Mr D. A Noden virc-captain Mr. M I. C Bain; Commitlee: Messrs J. F C Cowin. J A Oagan. R
    67 words
  • 28 7 T>- Island Player* will hold (.iMinii rehearsal of their Coronation show All re in WondTland" at 5.30 p m tr>dsv In the Victoria Theatr* balcony lobby.
    28 words
  • 197 7 "T'HIMiS arc morr encouraging now." the president >>f Singapore Consumers' Association. .Mrs Robert Eu. who has been selling vegetables cheaper in order to bring the cost-of-living down, said yesterday. "More European womrn aid well-eduratf d Asian women are buyinn from our Orchard Road
    197 words
  • 98 7 Call for war on illegal building' KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. DRASTIC action azainst illegal bullriir.g Kuala Lumpur s biggest building problem, will be demanded at a full mertiiic of the Municipal Council on Tuesday Several written questions have been submitted by Mr S. C. E. Sinstam Mr Slngarr. says that most
    98 words
  • 35 7 PALM SI'NDAY was observed In all Singapore churches ve«terd«T. Tkii, picture iaa»r> nuivrt, St. Andrew's Cathedral 4ho*% HuimUt M-hool children in procession tintinr a hrmn-A festival was htld later— StralU Tines plctmre
    35 words
  • 193 7 N.S. planters' confidence in Government SEREMBAN. Sunday T»HE EMERGENCY situation, wnirh a year aRO ua* desperate and driven people to the depths o despair, had now Rn»a ly Improved, said Mr M F I Hamlltnn-Moore. rhalrman of thr Neen Srmbilan Planters' Association, at iUs annual meeting yesterday 'Morale hu
    193 words
  • 362 7 DONATIONS to the University of Malaya Rnriowmen-F-.nd in March totalled $9,331 Including $3,330 from the Chinese rubber dealers of Batanf Padanc iPerak* waA !$!.644 from Dato 8 I O Alsagoff. Sln(»pore rVmli -Mr. M. Sutaramaniam Ipoh; $5 Mr V AiaruKtlne S2 Cht lbntnlm Hmt'Moh*! Ta«ln
    362 words
  • 83 7 JOHORF BAHRU Run Lnm A;-. Hon? a Spenal Convahlr nrerl i»t Kelnpa Ba»it *a* rt.irri $100 in the Police Cour* ••iriav for outraging th* inodestv of woman Mua- »V Ma!»% Tr«cher« I'OJOB Mu«r Yu*op bin K*rt Stuft Sur'fr r»»p' inhor» P«hr-i tn H'mti rwn b»'u Pth» ■>• r.
    83 words
  • 61 7 N't \RI.V MMt pupil- of I the Mahsbodhi >rhon| deviant. Slnt«p«»re. mere treated in ice-cresm mil other refreshment* »fvterrlav when the\ celebrated ChiMren's l»a' it the srhool MX« Pitt Chin Hrn. 'he -rhniilv principal. tnM the Straits Time* that. n«in to the npri m rreave in iturtentv
    61 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 153 7 PHILIPS HAVE RECORDS TOO NOW. PHILIPS LONG PLAYING RECORDS (39 13 r p. m ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT MOUTRIES MUSIC SHOWROOMS <T»p H»»r ./Off V I.tVTI,H S IH'h, > o PtRFICT RECORDINGS GIVING PERFECT REPRODUCTION 1 '.a \n lmin-*t Te> Hemr Th*s*t 1/ frf/mf/ jomm uiuiViuiiVnc Aif/f For Better Selection
      153 words
    • 95 7 NEW FROM I THE B.M.K. BLACK FACED SHEEP P -> PLAIN WILTON BODY CARPET 27" WIDE 16.50 p«rK MIIAII CHENILLE CARPETS. CONTEMPORARY •ESIfiRS frm $135.00 kia*hr b*ib«4 riian Hrn» It y»a» arc Swart. k«« yo« tijvr _^^a^^-. UtMdttUt »f J,t*4 l*<4>»| wK,.r NL> tttdimf y*«f wn—m if s«l*w mnimtl Wt
      95 words

  • 1007 8 Turnover smallest for many weeks By Our Financial Correspondent T*HF Singapore share market last week had one of the quietest periods for several months in whl- h prices declined In all sections, with the exception of gilt-rdcrd. Thus, the continued low prices for rubber,
    1,007 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 8 MR. Khoo Teik Ec, president of the Rubber Producers Council of Malaya, pre*idtnf at the annual meeting of the Council in Koala Lumpur in Friday. With hi n is Mr. H. K. Dimoline. secretary of the Coanril.
    37 words
  • 481 8 The following dividends were anoouncrd by Malayan Un- producing companies last week:MALAYAN TIN: 30 per cent, leas tax. SOUTHERN MALAYAN TIN: M per cent, leas tax. RAMBITAN LTD.: la, mirrim lew tmx •or* iruit procet'i to a~t aeuordJnply Tfo» 'ielnr of t*t% with p'OflU U no: always fair.
    481 words
  • 1292 8 Correspondence I HAVE read your leader on I the Exchange Control Bill and the reports of the Le«is- lative Council on the second reading of It. In view of the former Bill's withdrawal, the Bill can only have been passed because of the assurances
    1,292 words
  • 57 8 fXJNSUMPTION of tin In the V; United States last year was 45.299 tons, according to the International Tin Study Group estimates. World tinpiate production in December last was 495.000 tons of which 332.599 ton* were produced in the United States World tinplate output In 1952 was 5.479.000
    57 words
  • 309 8 rpHE* following share deals in Singapore were reported for the period March 21 to March 27, inclusive:— Industrials. Eastern United Assurance $38.00 Praser Neave Ord. $2 35 to $2.30. Pref 16.00. Hammer $2.90. Hongkong Bank (Colonial Register i $7125. Malayan Cement $1.68. Oriental Telephone
    309 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      55 words
    • 834 8 v For wounds, cuts, I burns, sores, etc., M <2' CREAM SmiZ /S SOOTHIkC AMD IK mj CLEANS:KC-PaOMOT£S 'M RAPID HE HIM C 4**^^k*V/ Marketed in Malaya by m ferfIMPFRIAI CHEMICAL INDUSTWH (MALAYA) M K(uala Lumpur Singapore Penang W /jTNB |MPf RIAL CHI MICAI Phirmjc»tit.c».t LTD \S~gU WK «»■■<-'» f^—
      834 words

  • 212 9 RUBBER RESEARCH New 5-year plan needed rE natural rubber Industry must intensify Its research programme, said Mr. Knoo Ttlk le. chairman of the Rubber Producers Council, at the annual meeting of the Council In Kuala Lumpur. Whether the American synthetic Industry passes to private hands or not, he said, there,
    212 words
  • 41 9 Tin stock.* in Malaya at th» end of February w*re 5352 ton* compared with «.280 tons ■t the end of January. These stocks were held by smelters. ore-buyers. on mines, in transit and on wharves, lighters etc. awaittnc shipment.
    41 words
  • 655 9 THE following quotation* were thone of the Malayan Sharebrokert Auoriation. Singapore, it the close of buftineas on Saturday: I Km 4l»i »r km IB iUuld U» B B P»«r «J M/l It M 7 ruU*»s On Tl« «aa.t Pnf 11/Or«a »/l ttwn OnM M«» r»d DUMMtn in
    655 words
  • 226 9 BROOME Rubber Plantation* Ltd. which owns an estate in the Bangl district of Belangor. hopes to le*.«e on profitable terms about 2SO acres for prospecting the chairman told shareholders at the annual meeting in London. Negotiations are continuing to achieve this end. The security situation may hold up
    226 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1376 9 ft £3 MANSFIELD 6c CO.. LTD. S£* r.**aa« "vorywratas m TaTpnnaill AR llkll n BLOB rUMHEL LIHE CarHar*' apttaa ta praaaad attta. part* ta load aad aaraa lAILINCS fa LIVIRPOOL CAAMWW LOMOOM 4 COMTININTAL PORT! Ova So.. P S Haiti Panang Maatar In. i ...pnni 1 rwa*gnw akar. M/11
      1,376 words
    • 571 9 BEN LDtB STEAMERS LTD. Far U.K./COMTINIMT oO**# r. S n*>fW P**am3i^Q tß\a)J*BtaTAa>*rOAl fju luMlmr\irMt I H-Ain-iull "'o*o->- M -4<jmp.>rg I. part BtaaKai ff Ganno L'varpw.i, --.5-- H,..l 611/11 1-7 Apr 8/10 Apr Baalowor* for Mevra. Lonrjen. 5-~.--w-- 11/18 A**. I*/11 Apr 11/14 Ar. ■♦•••tXa^ojcfl '»a**^OO L'^a^'OlT***! ii/i7 Apt. u/MApt at/as
      571 words
    • 534 9 EAST ASIATIC LIKE SAILIM4U fBOM KAMIMNAVIAM/V.K./COMTIMIffT S'pora P. V+am Panong ■"•a) S*9*^*}Bf p>*t fnof •"»"n "K panangan) 7 Apt. ?*W A4«a*|p)'^*t M *> '•%t^tjß > »^B» WrJnav 'nar loarjmg local eortjo' 14/11 Apr 11/11 Apt. 10/1* Apr "Aaaaai" for Bangkok >4ongkana. n Kob* 4 Vokjnoma IS/17 Apr 11/14 Apt. 10/11
      534 words
    • 1124 9 McALISTER CO.* LTD. TIL N. I*o4 BIXSBMAM tk BUCKIIALL KLAVIKIM LDtB LOMOOM. HAVBI. BOTTIBOAM 4 101 AN4MLIS. LAN I******* NAMaUBO PO*TLAMO. MATTLI 4 VANCOHrVI* ond far US A IMortf. AtlontK Porr, Accaptkag aatga far Caatral 4 Saa*fc end Canada v.a Colombo Araoriaaa Port* t.i. TITT 0» MAMCMUTIB- t mA »ou4iAINVILH
      1,124 words

  • 782 10 Charlton Ath. among the challengers bark to seven points In the south* crn section *>f the Third Division. In the northern section, the astonishing Oldham illde continues Once again they were beaten goIng down on their own ground 'o Crewe. Now their lead has entirely rtisappearei
    782 words
  • 199 10 Charlton seek new ground LONDON. Kan /'H \KI ton \T 111 Il v are eesHSdering a nin away from their S)reaent graand In •iouth London The Valley, to a new craund **a«niewhere In Weal I ondon I ark nt l*ral sappori dorm» th- rßirent season an* of tke beej. frixn
    199 words
  • 76 10 LONDON Sun Yesterday* rugby league result* m-ere Ra«hv l.r+xor I up I wmi -final St Helciu 9 Warrirutton 3. Wjgan 0 Huodersneld 7. Baffcy Ui|tt: Dr>nea*ter 12. WaJceflelri Trinity 21: FVatherstone Rover* 7. 14: Hull 38. Batlev IS. Leeds 19 Halifax 10: Letgh 3. Hurulet 8
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 19 10 MANILA. Sun Phi: RUm. Brooklyn, beat Boy Brook* over 12 roun<i« here last night v P
    19 words
  • 287 10 LONDON. Sun. Cam- A« the half distance Oxford hrirlee pacilv h»a» r»vfr»rH h itroneer crew, had their bridge easn> beat Oxford rh«nc* wtm htaa wind «r.d thf favourites, in the 99th rough »«ter now faring th« ere» boat race over four and a £3L^ cSSZ*™*
    287 words
  • 1031 10 P W D L F APIs Praaton 34 17 72 51 43 Wolvaa 36 16 11 969 55 43 Chartton 34 17 8 67 40 43 Burnley 24 18 10 8 54 37 43 W Broitimirh 35 18 11 57 52 43 Araenml 33 Ik 10 8
    1,031 words
  • 273 10 LONDON. Sam. LEAGIE DIV. I Bwrnley BwMeai Wand. 1 Cards* 3 Ckaam t Uterpwai 1 C harttasi Alh. t Maaxkeßter C. 3 Wolvea MHailssiiHh t Arsenal Newcastle Bsarfcpool Preaion 1 Aston VIIU 1 SheOrM XV. ManrhesUr I Stake 3 dtrland Tottenham 3 Paflsaasath W. aVa—ick I Derby
    273 words
  • 308 10 PARIS. Sua WALES beat Prance by six 1 points to Uhret in the rugby union international match here yesterday It was not an inspiring game There was an end-of-season look about It. with neither stdr producing anything to thrill the 40.000 crowd. Wales got
    308 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 251 10 Hr B Something we learned W& from the birds and bees... mM( SNORKEL fie*. lam\\ Actually. Sheaffrr's new Snorkel Pen goes the \tt K\\ H htimmitift bird one better. For the mafic filling VW w\ 11 i, tube retracts back into the pen when filling is *^K W completed. Ink
      251 words
    • 173 10 FOR POWER. ECONOMY. HIGH PERFORMANCE. Britith designed and buft to «ive oursttnding nryict -nder art condition*, try Ajltj Craig Mar'ne Engine ii the logical choice 'or any type of powered craft, whether it So4a«-_ be for business or o ensure amsUrfamamb-. B— A mmmmmmasmß^DHLsi t^r Bssmmnßrnl I running Avaiahe m
      173 words

  • 362 11 EPSOM JEEP REVIEWS IPOH 1t.%4 IM. HE COST $5,000, HAS WON $75,000 SANDOWN, a remarkably genuine all-purpose horse, has put himself right in the Perak Derby picture by his smashing victory over five and a half furlongs straight at Ipoh on Saturday. Never among
    his smashing victory over five and half furlongs straight at Ipoh on Saturday  -  362 words
  • 225 11 i in: I'KK \k in inn pOt'RTEFN topflight stayers have been handicapped for the Perak Derby over I. miles to be run on the last day of the Perak Turf Club Faster Meeting on Saturday, April 4. With $30,000 i n stakes phi* a nuW
    225 words
  • 112 11 (iHAMPION .K.y Cnlin Tuunh hurt h t '.<'ft le» wjicn C .neemur >;umbled ana i rashed a?a.n>t thr 20 yards jr<>:n ;>:• *£ BHI :n tn< :ast rat- at Ipuii on Saturday Till <i!; wll probably *.v Wcdrr .-day s rßcet and hoptt iv be
    112 words
  • 51 11 T:ie Petalc lurf Club rommr'w hiv* derirtrd "o run the CI. 1. M. .n 'fire* dn i.Mnn.« iiuiukl of f-'ir an<l the arrond division tf. rare second run on Wednejwiav in.-' cad ol Saturda>. There »11l be only right rare* .m the hail day April
    51 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 11 < ()T( H BXTMEM irrmiaßlin l Kinnini the setenlh rare (<"la<(s I. Div. I lf. l from Tara Street i Billy Bat by), on the outftide. and Entertainment II (Tullnh) it Ipnh on Saturday. Pourth was BaM it.i (J. Jones). Strait* Times picture.
    42 words
  • 197 11 ZATOPEK a llßjlaal fiveynr 4>ld by Tudor Km« nudV the Derby grade *ht-n be siori-d a clever one-and-a-nalf le:.<th Bin in the CM. 1. Div 2 mm- furlong handicap t,. equal the course record of 1 aaaaV 33 i/BMC on Saturday. Zaiopek pui up quite a
    197 words
  • 455 11 All the weights for Wed nesday f I I. f>IV. I— Fan. UandeaU Inn Saarttnr Oea'are R.ia Rilldav Ouaner Peek (.nnd (.amble <«|K-«i ratal I.M Spetial Srleetion I •-.tumakr t.«l M Mir Melady IM Midniihl (M River r»(r..| 7. 1S I ntnvured 7.1* Theatre 7.11 Double Blue 7.1
    455 words
  • 313 11 Early Mist wins Grand National by 20 lengths LONDON. Sunday. iRISH-OWNKI) Early Mist, who last year fell at the first fence, yesterday romped home a 20-lenfth winner of the l»7th runninc of the (iranri National steeplechase at Alntree course. The prize money was £9.431 plus a £500 trophy. About 250.000
    313 words
  • 205 11 LONDON Sun. \SPORTS writer f^r in» of Britain s bittße.** paper. 1 «»ys that rr^iner Biriii Cro'-rn anrt romed'.an B"b Hope sho-ilri be barred from tak:ns part in the Br.ttsh amateur s^lf «"ham&on>hips at Hoylake in ay. The urn' nr ■> «»lrl Mai pint mlimnn'
    205 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 287 11 .^j;-. irLf'- r yS it toduy at the Exhibition of Electrical Appliances, Kuala Lumpur 6 EIDIESTr[R(D]L 9 THk ONIQL'« MOOfRN CHIMK.AL SANITATION 1. The effluent dneai not i) In any wav aour t)4> m I T— Si ground nr cor.tamlnat* fXj-^^^-^ Jici._ rr r:ixu dl«turbaneea in »a'er supplies i| I
      287 words
    • 62 11 W i Joflfc* W m You'll find all Ihe )N^^ ail©^ 1" answers in the VIVIO faH Wf' 1 f comp/efe alphabetical U "^a/"PINK SECTION" I^Vk c^^T The STRAITS TIMES Pf Ki^bH I ll^ I! I I II II I I ml ti»«B«». laoa. Pa«a»a. alaiacta. lafaaifcaa f& \\si I
      62 words

  • 707 12 A rmy/Na vy made a fight of it By SENTINEL Singapore Civilians 2: Army/Navy o /CIVILIANS moved confidently through this Joe Chappel memorial match at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday and won comfortably enough. But they never completely dominated the servicemen and there will have to
    707 words
  • 237 12 WITH the socrrr sratun In Singapore Just a month old. S.A.F.A. can liurd.y boftjtt that It ha* provided the fans much in the way of skill and thrills have been poor and moat fan* prefer lv watch the liraUhy glve-attd-uke of MhouU matches
    237 words
  • 90 12 PARIS Sun THE Cnoony bruOiers. Eddie and Da>vid played thetr way into the singles final of the French badminton champtooahlpa here ..i.-' mvl.t Yesterday Dattd beat 8. L Jami of India. 11-15 15-e lt-14 and Eddy beat M Ailloud <Prancei 15-1 15-3 In the semi- Ana
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 63 12 KINGSTON < Jamaica i. Sun INDIA had scored 216 for three wickfls at the rinse of play in the fifth and last Test match here yesterday. INDIA— lat Inns. not nut tl Apte ran out IS Kamrhand lh« a alentlnr IJ Hasare r Valentine a
    63 words
  • 53 12 Chinese Swlmmlnf Club beat i Singapore Swimming Club by se%'en goal; to four in a friendly water polo match Dlaycd In the Singapore S«lmmlng Club pool yes'erday Srorers for C.B.C mere Oh Chwee II <4 Pteddv Lee •2 > and N«o Chwee Kok. BS.C. scored through Wtebe Wolters
    53 words
  • 27 12 Good goaikeeping by Matukl yaaerdav enabled H.M Dockyard to hold Police to a yore. ess draw In a BAPA Dlv 2 match at Thomson Road.
    27 words
  • 70 12 YOI.WOK POM PEE No. contender for the Morld light-heavy-weight title, did not take more than two minulr* i.i nu-i.-r chopsticks a| a Chinese dinner on Saturday TOP: Kan Ton* Kee. well-known Singapore hoxer. shows Pompee how to grip tasty morwl. BEI.OW: It is on
    Kok Ah Chnnc  -  70 words
  • 280 12 IPOH, Sun MAPPUNI. the former Permk and North cricketer playliik In (his week-end's SUte criclcft trial on tbe pad an x. .»Ki*iu showed good form. The trial was held to choose the Perak tram against Penang next week end. Appunl took a total of sewn
    280 words
  • 241 12 PSNANO Sun ('HIOW Teik's XI beat Pearson i 1 XI b> ii runs hi Ute Penang Cricket trial today on the Western Road ground Cheow Talk's XI srored I&O runs against Pearsons 133. Praraaa's XI: Wool Kean Tat c A b E. Labruoy 15; Yeoh Hal Ouan r
    241 words
  • 388 12 KI'AL.% I IMPIR. Sunday TWO factors were apparent from th»- Stair trial held 1 on the Padang this weekend. The first was that Selancor have too many good batsmen and too few good pace bowlers. With the absence of Aloys. us Spanswick. Slaven. and Justin Seneviratne.
    388 words
  • 64 12 SEL AN GOR X I v. SINGAPORE KIALA 1.1 MPI B. Kan. CM Wi.cill SUte on,. i«s havr rstwn one new "rap". David Mee. la play with the teaaa which Meets Mhtiiwir at Kuala I uni|>ui an April 4. S and Thr fallowing have been selected. Jane* It 'apt I.
    64 words
  • 98 12 M webtv ol KAF <Tettgah> won lie Singapore Cycle Racing Anmm lailon annual 36-mile masfiedstari road race held on the Changi rtrcul: yesterday in the good time of Ihr. Sniin 14aec. This waa 3mln.> faster tlun Ute time returned by the wiuuri. Kwa Chin
    98 words
  • 427 12 BATSMEN found yesterday's condition* of hard, fast pitchr* and grounds, and a blazingly hot day mad? for runs and In three club match** playrd In Singapore over a thousand runs were scored for the cost of 35 wickets. Two centuries, the nrst of the season, were
    427 words
  • 458 12 S.CC v. 6.H.Q. Sr C aa« c. H v «r*« aa »*4a«i >i\c,trntt c km Kit rill < n Mi.rra-. >v fr.inr XfrKn .-ht Pridn.m bi t'*'tr Ca»hin r M-irra- b Cr~>k < p. f. MrKmthi b P»z» OcaM no- 11 K M»««ri b p»tr 7 Harr
    458 words
  • 47 12 Ro>aJ Navy XI beat RNA S. Sembawang by 19 run* in a friendly cricket match played at Sembawstw yesterday. ■aval Nary Trial XI: 109 Bnce «3 Parker 19. Stapto S->3. Mills 2-l»>: Sctnbawaps tt (Parkir. no«out Burrow** 3-H» Brlc* 3-t Tlllar 2-2
    47 words
  • 180 12 Kulasingam in splendid double CEYLON Sports Club's second eleven scored thr> omv ontrtcht win in the Junior cricket tournament jrcsterday, or.-ifitic REMF hv and lnnincs antl 50 run* at Aver Rauth Road. The feature wa* s fine allrnund perfnrin*nce by Kulssinaam «ho hit n r<iru< and took a match total
    180 words
  • 29 12 RVAS o»a' RrMF. h' eish' "in' at A Rajah Road ves'erds' REM R 40 Ashurs- 11 plTll'h 4-7 Green 2-1 R NA <* 4» VIIU ?-l Woorlf«rrt l.fl
    29 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 914 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. iConnnuef trom P»«e A< < OMMODATION WANT SMOKE HOUSE INN Cam- n.n Highlands now has limned acrommoratlon early revervalloi; des'ranle Ph. 242 Cameron Highlands PAR EAS'I Hotel 60. Risngah Rd (Opp. SH B. Oai< No I). Single or Double rooir well furnished meals opllonjl Prrfersbly for Europeans Phone
      914 words
    • 948 12 WANTED W\niei> on loan. The Commi tee nt the Selangor Oolf Chlb Kuala 1 umpur would like to hear from any perMMi who Is In pnwes»lon of old photographs. pres.s ru' 'lngs, reports, or other records B| to the SOC aad Oolf In Maaaai nenerally In tbe period prior iv
      948 words
    • 6 12 MORE SPORT IN PAGES 10 11
      6 words
    • 38 12 ***** Nt^ back /"^t^y AGAIN A«r r-HAHCE 8 FINEST X •A-^^^g COGNAC BEEHIVE ♦s siu BRANDY SOLE AGENTS: THE EASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD. :TmVe"r7a'l": TYPEWRITERS SOLE AGENTS i For Singapore and Federation of Malaya McMULLAN CO LTD. I
      38 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 40 12 SOC't'KB DIV. I- Ind.a,. B.f v K.i Mjaiah al J. Beaar. DIV. 3A: II H raiice Civil Hervlrea Aaaa. al i.f.lmt C. T. Stmajam g Yaaag < aaipaman, at < V MA. BOXING K.A.B.A. Vo.i«, hiials. Happy Warld. TENNIS YJN.C.A.: I himpun.h.p
      40 words