The Straits Times, 26 November 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 372 1 Bandits attack police post V.I.P.s WITH GUNS GIVE THEM A 'HOT RECEPTION 9 IPOH, Tuesday. THE Commissioner of Police was having lunch in a police outpost in Perak. Then the bandits opened fire. Colonel A. E. Young grabbed a j»un. So did the Director of
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  • 195 1 LONDON. Tues. A CHURCH of England pastor said yesterday that an Englishman and his wife should be permitted to have babies only by special licence. Canon Charles A. Lowe offered this proposal to raise the mental level of the English breed,
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  • 102 1 Churchill shuffles his Cabinet LONDON, Tues. MR. Churchill today announced a reshuffle of the Cabinet Lord Woolton is succeeded as Lord President of the Council by Lord Salisbury, present Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations Lord Woolton will become Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, a Ministry with >ut Portfolio,
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  • 35 1 LONDON, Tues— Heaters using mirrors to reflect the sun's rays increased Russian rice crops by up to 60 ocr cent, scientists reported to the All-Umoru Heliotechntcal conference in Moscow. Tass reported^.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 84 1 RLBBER reached its highest peak for four months on the Singapore market yesterday. Business was done up to 89-' i cents a IV and closed a' 891 cents an increaae oi 1 4 cc ts over Monday. The price has risen by 5.. cents in the
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  • 27 1 NAIROBI. Tues- The trial opened today of 21 JCikuyus charged with the murder of Eric Bowyer, a British farmer, in Oct. 28— A P.
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  • 147 1 TOKYO Tuesday AN American Air Force sergeant hns reen arrested .and charged with plotting to sell secret information about the United States F-86 Sabre Jet fight r to the Korean Communists. *.he Air Force announced today I Court martial charges were i filed
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  • 37 1 PARIS. Tues. Air France 1 yesterday inaugurated Its < first regular European link with Tokyo when a Constellaion plane with French officials aDC&rd took off on the first lan of the two-day 9.500-mlle trip— U.P.
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  • 32 1 MONTREAL, Tues. Sir Archibald Nye, High Commissioner to Canada, yesterday said it was in the interests ol the free nations not to hold back their helping hand to Asia.— AP
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  • 38 1 NEW YORK, Tue= The United Natlcns Political Committee voter! overwhelmingly ypsterday to condemn the Sovie* Un'on and Ita tttellltes for no- repatriatlni thoun;inc*s cf Greek ehl ~pn who lt'fi their hq g the Cieek civil war.
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  • 165 1 •DAGGER READY EOR YOU' SINGAPORE police are keeping a watch on the Barker Road home of Mr. Mr. P. D. Nair. recentlyelected Colony Legislative Councillor for Seletar. because of threats on his life. Mr. Nair. who was returned unopposed last Wednesday in a by-elect.on caused
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  • 42 1 BERLIN, Tues. Three American soldiers held by the Russians for two days •'•e-o released today. The soldiers were arr»stt-<i by Communist police on "nnrtay when they eroded 100 yards into East Germany in a hunting trip U P
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  • 40 1 LONDON, Tues— The Labour Opposition tonight forced an emergency debate In the House of Commons on Kenya after the Colonist Secretary, Mr. Lyttelton, had said the situation there "has to some extent changed for the worse."— Reuter.
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  • 19 1 LONDON. Tues. The Queen received thp New Zealand Premier, Mr. Sidney Holland. at Buckingham Palace today.— Reuter
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  • 15 1 SEOUL. Tues— The Korean war entered its 30th month today.- A. P
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  • 39 1 ALLAHABAD. Tues— The Prime Minister. Mr. Nehru, today condemned the attitude of the Indian Communist Party Mr. Nehiu said it was out to create chaos and confusion in the country, imitating other Communist parties UP.
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  • 60 1 Admiral Sir Guy Russell Commander of the Far Eas(:rn Fleet, arrived in Saigor. yesterday aboard his flagJiip the frigate Alert, on a ;our-day visit to Indo-Chi-:ia Admiral Russell will fly today to see the Vietnam head of state Bao Dai, at his hunting station at Ban
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  • 31 1 LONDON. Tues. The Queen invested Mr. George Corea. Ceylon's Ambassador to the United States at Buckingham Palace today the insignia of a Knight of the British Empire.— Reuter.
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  • 33 1 LONDON. Tues— The Com-mander-ln-Chief of the Far East Air Force, Air Marshal Alfred C. Sanderson, left London today for Singapore. He had been on a routine visit to London. Reuter.
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  • 21 1 NEW DELHI. Tues Between Jan 1 1949 and Sept 30. 1952. India repatriated 13.978 destitute Indians from Burma— AP
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  • 168 1 LONnON. Tues A 42-YEAR-OLD man has told London doctors tli it he becomes an "ape man" in (he night. He lives a'n -rrnal life during the day. but at 2 o'clock in the mornin "an irres st he call from the
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 234 1 RUSSIA SAYS 'NO TO INDIAN PEACE PLAN NEW ¥ORK Tuesday. THE Soviet Foreign Minister, M Andre. Vishins' y, today rejected the Indian comnromise Korean peace plan, charging that 'it is designed not to end "the war. but to perpetuate it." The American Secretary of State, Mr Dean Acheson, followed with
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  • 124 1 VICTORY BUCKS UP FRENCH HANOI. Tues. HIGH confidence pervaded Nasan garrison today after French Union troops scored their first victory over the Communist-led Vietminh on Monday morning after weeks of constant withdrawal in the mountainous Thai country. The French High Command said Mondays Vietminh assault demonstrated the i quality of
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  • 35 1 The National Union of Students of Britain has de cided to leave the International Union of Students because of the concentration of I. US. on political a -tivi ties of a pro-Communtst nature.
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  • 136 1 4 die in worst accident of year KLANG. Tues FOUR labourers were killed anc 11 injured last, nieht in the year's worst road accident A lorry loadec stone slabs o n tHe men were s tting overtur;i»*rt e.ght j miles from Kl&n» n n tn«» I Klang-Kuala Lumpur
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  • 45 1 LONDON. Tues. -The British film stai Richard Tndd. 33. fractured several yesterday wh:le playing the part of a Jockey In a new picture. His horse threw him when he lined up at the starting gate. He was taken to hospital.—Reuter
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  • 72 1 JOHORE BAHRI. Tues rpHREE members of a po--I- lice security squad were killed and seven wounded when ambushed by terrorists on the Guntong Estate in the Kota Tinggi area of Johore late this afternoon. The squad was ambushed by about 30 terrorists, using at least three
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 I r Jewellery In A Class By Itself P. H. HENDRY Jeweller, SINGAPORE b K. LUMPUR the ORa-et.e world .t stands for Player/ IW l 41B^H H.AYIR S NAVY CUT CICAKTTIS Smgupi.. $/80perfiH 35 c/s per /Os federation $2 05 per hit 40 c/s per /Os pocket.
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    • 31 1 BRIGHT P4OIO C*». 301. Orch ■>* <fn d. v-r —rcf "T Bush j~7 -|B A D I O E85.24 ACMA,.O.NLT A LJes^r^ EU.24 A J) CD <D C AC DC MAINS JP^
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 783 2 Till MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS (MUNICIPALITY OF KUALA LUMPUR) REGULATIONS, 1951. I Regulation 27 (4) NOTICKS OF CONTESTED ELECTIONS. TIIK ELECTORAL WARD OF SENTUL No. 983.— Notice Is hereby given to the electors of the electoral ward aforesiiid that a Poll has beon granted for the election now pending for the said
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    • 548 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD CONNAVGHT BRIDGE POWER STATION KLANG 1. (a) Boiler House Shift Chargemen: Applications are Invited for four* vacancies. Applicants to show evidence of control of staff operating modern boiler plant consisting of large coal and or oil fired water tube boilers utilising full instrumentaiion. automatic combustion
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    • 545 2 NOTICES RAHMAN HYDRAULIC TIN~ LIMITED (Incorporated in the Federation of Malaya) Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Registered Office, Hongkong Bank Chambers. Penang. on Saturday, the 20th December 1952. at 12 j noon, the Directors will recommend for approval
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    • 575 2 NOTICES THE COMPAN IFS ORDINANCE, 1940 NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING IN THE MATTES OF UNITED REALTY CO., LTD, (In Voluntary Liquidation) Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to section 229 of th» Companies Ordinance, 1940. a General Meeting of the Members of the above-named Company will be i held at
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    • 454 2 TENDERS RATIONS FOR TAIPING BOYS' SCHOOL TENDERS will be received at the Ofllce of the Chief Social Welfare Officer. Federation of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, up to noon on Monday, Bth December. 1952, for the supply of uncooked rations for six months commencing Ist January, 1953. Further details can be obtained
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  • 214 3 France cannot carry burden alone, says Minister WASHINGTON, Tuesday. M RENE PLEVEN, French Minister of National Defence, yesterday said in an interview that the Indo-China war and Far Eastern strategy generally should be discussed within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. "France wants the policy and strategy
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  • 95 3 A widow's coin wins royal assent LONDON, Tues— A 71-year-old widow who never before designed a coin, cast the profile of the Queen which will be used on first coins of the new reian. The new coins will be issued in Britain and the Dominions next spring. Mrs. Mary Gillicks
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  • 57 3 LONDON, Tues— Nine racI ing greyhounds valued at I M 56.000 were burned to death yesterday when flames swept a kennel at the White City Stadium. Glasgow. A kennel attendant was badly burned trying to release the dogs. Tin- greyhounds w»-re brought to Glasgow only
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  • 24 3 AMMAN. Jordan. Tues. Representatives of the United Nations and seven Middle Eastern countries met here today to study locust control, i -UP
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  • 89 3 The 'doctor' fooled 80 students FOX an hour, a rrrnrd audience of 80 listened to a talk given by Dr. Mahesh Ili-lai. Lecturer in Sociology at a Turkish university, to the Oxford University Heretics' Club. His subject was "The Pleasures of Opium." This was just the thing, he s;iid. with
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  • 23 3 TOKYO, Tues— The r.ewlyappointed Unifd States Ambassador to Korea, Mr. Ellis 0 Brtggft. arrived in Seoul 1 night from Pusan.— Renter.
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  • 20 3 NEW YORK. Tues— The Pi rt. Mr. Etsenh -.v.r his appointed Mr. Ezra T Benson Secretary of AKncultiirn U.P.
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  • 49 3 WASHINGTON. Tues.-Al-«er Hiss, former State Departmeot official new serving a five-year term for perjury, wta y vriay c e.iied a parole. the United States Parole Board announced. HIM was convicted of lying under oath in denying that he gave secret government documents to Communist agents -Reuter
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  • 35 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. -The United States Price Stabilisation Office's director. Mr. Right? Woods, announced today he had handed his resignation to President Truman because of his dissatisfaction with the price control law— Reuter
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  • 172 3 Deck passengers: 'Serious warn ing NEW DELHI Tuesday. THE HARDSHIPS caused to Indian deck passen- gers travelling to Malaya had been eased after representations made by Indian representatives in Malaya, the Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr A. K. Chanda. said in Parliament. He said that on an average, 4.330 Indians sailed
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  • 92 3 CORONATION TOAST TO BE STRONGER LONDON, Tues. BREWERS in Britain have promised their drinkers a double strength beer with which to toast the Queen's health at the Coronation. The announcement was made at a brewers' exhibition here yesterday when 28 beer tasters started a three-day sampling of 60.000 pints of
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  • 233 3 ISIJSr FOR TWO YEARS LONDON. Tuesday. PRELIMINARY figures of American consumption of rubber during October, the Financial Times ays today, show the total of all grades was highest for two years. Consumption of natural übber was at its best level for two years. Synthetic consumption, according
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  • 94 3 JAPANESE ARREST RUSSIAN TOKYO. Tues. ONE of the six Russian citizens ordered tv leave Japan was arrested for smashing three windows In Tokyo's Shibuya section, it was disclosed today. Victor Paviovlch was rau<-'ht at 2 a.m. when police were told that a dim ken foreigner was smashing shop windows. They
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  • 74 3 LONDON. Tues. Screen actress Ava Gardner flew Into London yesterday for medical treatment of a "bug' she picked up while making a picture with Clark Gable m Kenya. A Metro-Goldwyn-Maver spokesman said Miss Gardner, wife of crooner Frank Sinatra, would probably enter a hospital for observation
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  • 39 3 CAMBRIDGE. ENGLAND. Tues. Mr. Dudley Senanayake, Ceylon's Prime Minister was yesterday made an honorary Fellow of Corpus Christi College. Cambridge his old school. Mr Senanayake is In London for the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' economic conference.— Reuter
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  • 34 3 TOKYO, Tues.— The district court here today ordered two Commonwealth soldiers, a Briton and an Australian, arrested on Saturday accused of robbery, to be held for a further 10 days —Reuter.
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  • 19 3 BELGRADE. Tues. —Mr Max Brace, Yugoslav Minister of Marine, has been appointed Yugoslav envoy to Japan— Reuter.
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  • 125 3 LONDON, Tues. MR. Anthony Nutting. Foreign Under-Secretsfry -.nswered protests in the ■louse of Commons yes'eniay n the proposed visit of :irshal Tito. Mr. Michael O"N"Mi. [rtM Nationalist, said tin- visit should be used to make it known to Tito that there could be no friendly
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 346 3 Big turnover in Japanese bonds LONDON. Tues MAIN centre of attraction on the London Stuck Excnange today was again in the foreign bonn section where another b.g turnover took place in Japanese. Early heavy profit-taking in these issues was later offset by renewed buying and they finished off
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  • 31 3 LONDON. Nov 25.— Cash Buyers t961' 2 Sellers t»66: Forward Buyers C 945' 2 Sellers «:946'.; Settlement K. 962 (no change). Turnover a.m. 65 Ions; p.m. 35 tons.
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 3 LONDON. Nov. 25— Spot 25^d. Dec 25,.d Jan. 25 jd.. Ap; June 25 k, Ju'.v-Sept. 24 ,d. No-, c.i.f. 25', d.. Dec. C.l.i i 25 d.. Jan. elf. 25'sd. M.trkPt: Qutrtlv str-.idy. LORD SELKIRK, Parliamentary Secretary to the Post-master-General, unveils the first pillar box to hear the cipher
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 135 3 Wonderful STILTON CHEESE in the loaf or in handy -size POTTERY JARS you'll use afterwards as casserole dishes! Choose from green, blue or cream if The cheese is delicious, whichever way you buy it SiiiHiifxiiT COLD STORAGE Co.. LtdBY APPOINTMENT TO THf &-ffi lATI KINO CEORGf VI. ocotla/utd j^ Sol;
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  • 165 4 RADIO Malaya may have 1 tried to make its Tamil broadcasting staff "too allround." the acting Director of Broadcasting. Mr. F. N. Lloyd Williams, told a Press ronference yesterday. "We are examining the Taini! "re; ram mes even more carefully than usual as
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  • 246 4 For all Malaya from 6.30 to 10, starting Dec. 7 RADIO Malaya will introduce early morning broadcasts for all communities between 6.30 and 10 from Sunday, Dec. 7. An announcement yesterday said that Radio Malaya had for some time been fully conscious of this need, but
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 4 THESE THREE were among eight members of the RAAF 38th Squadron who each contributed to the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service yesterday. The squadron is due to return to Australia next week. Members of the squadron have been regular contributors. Straits Times picture.
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  • 70 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Inspector Atma Singh of the Rawang police, charged v.jtn ibciting house-trespass after ilans had been made by four .'eylor.ese to assault an Indian, was today acquitted anJ discharged by Inche Ism:;«l bio Abdul Jamil, the presi ient cf the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court. The
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  • 81 4 3 beat up a sweeper When a City Council road sweeper, Veerapan, asked three vegetable vendors, at Hongkong Street, to remove their baskets from the road because he wanted to dean the area, they assaulted him. the Singapore Second Police Court Magistrate was io'.o yesterday. The assault took place on
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  • 197 4 Payment replaces lost income KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. VI ALA V A will be the first Asian country to pay iTI compensatory allowances to blind workers to make up for their loss of earning power Major D. R. Bridges, social welfare officer for
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  • 59 4 26 more Chinese join up KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. TWENTY-SIX Pahang Chinese youths and 30 Malays were recruited for the Federation Police Force when the enlisting team toured Bentong. Mentakab. Raub, Kuala Lipis and Kuantan. The five-day tour ended yesterday. Fifty-seven Chinese offered to join. Twenty-two of those who failed to
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  • 36 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The Sultan of Selangor has. on th e recommendation of the Chief Justice, appointed Tuan Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Abu Bakar to be a first class magistrate for Selanfor from Dec. 1
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  • 46 4 Singapore police are look- ing for the owner oi a mon- i key which was found by a soldier at Ewe Boon Road on Saturday The monkey has a strap round its body and is now !n the animal infirmary
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  • 141 4 HE DIED IN TRIPLE CRASH NGANG Ah Kok, a 30-year-old taxi-driver, was killed instantly in a triple crash involving his taxi, a car and a lorry near the Bth mile, Bukit Timah Road. Singapore, on Nov. 1, the Coroner, Mr. Choor Singh was told yesterday. Sgt. Haji Abdul Ghani, of
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  • 91 4 Bouquets all round again r^HE Stage Club last night A put on its other play. "The Shop at Sly Corner." at the Victoria Theatre. Singapore. And it was as impressive and convincing as "Love in Idleness." The Stage Club certainly can put its ideas over. "The Shop at Sly Corner'
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  • 58 4 Lee Beng Cheng was fined $1,500 or six weeks' rigorous imprisonment in the Singapore Fourth Police Court, yesterday, for asslstins in the management of a chap-ji-ki tottery at Upper Serangoon. on Nov 18. A chap-jl-ki schedule of bets, valued at $1,000. was I found on
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  • 45 4 Lim Boh Koon and Lim Ah Hwee were tentatively charged in the Singapore Fourtn Police Court yesterday, with having assaulted and thrown bottles at Ng Tow Sua, at tne Bth milestone. Bukit Tim&h Road, on Nov. 4. They were remanded until tomorrow.
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  • 27 4 PENANG, Tues— This year's Christmas surface mail from Penang for Britain exceeded last year's by five bags. Yesterday was the deadline for posting in Penang
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  • 110 4 the race commentaries THE acting Director of Broadcasting. Mr. F. N. Lloyd Williams, indicated yesterday thut In the absence on leave of racing commentator Al-an Lewis, of the Singapore Free Press, on-lhe-spot race descriptions would have to be dropped. "We have been unable to find anyone to replace
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  • 85 4 MCA spends $157,000 on education IPOH. Tui-s. rE Perak bram h ol the Malayan Chinese Association ha s spent $157,000 since January towards the cost of constructing 68 new village schools in tin- State. This was stated at a working committee meeting ol I lie branch held today. The MCA
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  • 78 4 A Seremban girl, Miss Chan Suk Han. was one of the four juniors at Lindenwood I College in St. Charles. Mis--1 souri. who were admitted to i membership in the Alpha Sigma Tau. the Lindenwood honour society for students with continuous high acade- mic records. Miss Chan,
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  • 25 4 SEREMBAN. Tues S lTinban Indian Muslims have elected a committee to organise the birthday celebrations of the Prophet Mohamed on Saturday.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 149 4 Kile ok HOME LEAVE *V IG/fe*!^ f 3 I «B^^V^ v Urn/ ~-J 7^ d^ B I 7% Ffc POWERED BY THE I I All lA/\ IV WORLD FAMOUS JAGUAR m^~ m^^^^^ Orders accepted for early delivery. CYCLE CARRIAGE CO. <«2 6) LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMP'JR Represented rhrougSout the Federation.
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    • 43 4 ice Q?j§y§ c* eam Served a// Me waif to j^ f^^L all over Malaya and in Borneo too! I in STORY and I STARS! D PA KA IFF JL f^JWf", r. K r\ rf\ L t C Ol fc v CAPITOL SAT. M'NITE
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 285 4 BOTARV CLI'B: W.rk.v uncheon KA.MAL.% CLI'B: First-aid and T.W.C.A.; New M;i ay r. ■'.on mrrtinK at Canito. Red Room lpm Homr-nursinz rcture at 1 Mou.mrln oCaat 530p m English and Chinese Ladlra D»v programme: a flCm show Road 5 pm. earning c asses S3O pm. to i; v p.m T°w"r<'?i
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  • 345 5 Investigate rubber working conditions, he tells Govt. UNION OFFICIAL WANTS A NEW POLICY KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. MR. P. P. NARAYANAN, Secretary General of the 50,000-stronK Plantations Workers' Union of Malaya, today called for the immediate appointment by Government of a fact-finding commission to investigate estate working; conditions. He also demanded
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  • 24 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Government Departmental Sports Association is holding a social and dance on Friday at the Chinese Hall. Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 5 \IKS K. R NEWELL Singapores second woman inductor for civil defence, reteiveing her certificate from Ihf C.mimissioner of Civil Defence. Colonel L. T. Fairbaak, at Civil Defence headquarters at Kolam Ayer last night— Straits Times picture. Report in Page 7.
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  • 124 5 Pawnshop has to hand it back A WOMAN walked out of Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday with a watch she had lost more than four months ago. The magistrate, Mr. E. H. D'Netto ordered it to be returned to Lim Choon Eng, who produced a
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  • 63 5 Tan Puce Chua. a seaman, was yesterday charged In the Singapore Relief Court with the murder of Chua Siong on [a tcugkang in "the Rochore River oft Beach Road on Sept. 23. Tan was alleged to have hit Chua in the neck with a 12-inch chopper. The
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  • 18 5 MUAR, Tues. Mohamed bin Babu was fined $10 at Muar for being drunk and disorderly.
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 5 DICBI ABDUL lIADY BIN ABDUL KARIM and his bride. Che Echon binte Ibrahim, during the bersanding ceremony at the bridegroom's house in Kampong H.ik Tanjong. Singapore.
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  • 115 5 THE POOR They are forgotten later, he says PENANG. Tues. THE poor are always the subject of much publicity during the election season, but they are forgotten as soon as it is over, Mr. Khoo Vat See (Independent) said in a campaign speech today. Addressing voters at the Dato Krainat
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  • 27 5 MUAR. Tues.— Er Siak Bee, who entered the MCA building at Jalan Abdullah, was puj on a $150 six-month bond at Muar for house trespess.
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  • 78 5 fHE Singapore City Council Services Union intends to hold a meeting within a fortnight to consider the select committee's report on salaries. Members would be invited Lo give opinions on conditions of service, a union {Betel said yesterday. Conditions had not been inalised and the
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  • 36 5 KOTA TINGGI, Tues. The literary secretary of the Johore Bahru Chinese Reading Circle has organised a weekly literary class for the members of the association. The class will be held every Monday night.
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  • 54 5 Donations to th e Endowment Fund of the University of Malaya for the month ending Nov. 22 totalled $17,473.11 The fund now ■taadt at $4,883,278.70 Heading the lastest IM «f donations are $10,000 from the Inciian Overseas Bank in Singapore and $4,000 from the Chinese Rubber Dealt-rs Association
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  • 50 5 SEREMBAN, Tues.— Sedik bin da.d was yesterda; tenced to three weeks' rigorous Imprisonment for absenting himself from Manthi Police since Nov. 20 last year. Sidek. who pleaded guilty, said that he had left the police to Join the Royal Army Ordnance Corps in Singapore.
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  • 48 5 IPOH, Tues.— ln celebration of their golden wedding anniversary, Mr. a/id Mrs. Checng Chee, Ipoh. have issued invitations for a cocktail party to be held at ir hume in 272. Hugh Low Stroet on Sunday Mr. Cheong Chee is a leading member in Perak mining circles.
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  • 46 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. Ong Choon Choi, was allowed ball of $500 by the Penggerang Police Court yesterday, pending trial on a charge of having offered a bribe of $50 to Ng Khye Loon, Assistant Resettlement Officer, to obtain a shop-lot In a new village.
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  • 385 5 TOIIW I>»V 8.A.T.. WaMch St. Malayan Rrfric rrafaiar M. An>un X.l nuns m;« St. Kam.ih *t i\h.u>, I'ark. N.inson Kd. I. am s.iiin ton Miw VitfttV M-. Xi: inn Rd .1.1. it 1 Rd NAATI IP.nin Inr, Rd. |ri— St. si.itii-. \it.-i|ilii. <-• 1 > 1
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  • 186 5 HOLD-UP? ARREST? POLICE PUZZLED SINGAPORE police are investigating a report that an armed man held up two others after a two-car chase in Kreta Ayer Road yesterday morning. An eye-witness told the police nine hours after h< saw the incident. Late Uul night they could not confirm tlie report. The
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  • 55 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Tues —The Penang Municipal President, Mr. L. R. F. Earl. a former district officer of Bukit Mertajam, will open the five-day fun fair on the Bukit Mertajam padang on Nov 29. The fair, which will aid the Gurney Memorial Fund will be open
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  • 28 5 RAUB, Tue,s.— The Jubilee Theatre. Raub. was packed when Miss Chu Yung Yunsr. the Hong Kong soprano, who is touring west Pahang. gave a concert.
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  • 77 5 $[5 fine in Chinese JOHORE BAHRI'. Tuesday— When a charge against an Indian driver for .i traffic offence was about to be stood down in the police court today, because the services of a Tamil inu»|jreter were not available he told the court that he could speak Hokkien. The proceedinss
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 050 >^ World's First Jetliner j NOW IN REGULAR SERVICE BETWEEN SINGAPORE AND LONDON. VIA INDIA. Enjoy Air-Travel ahead of it* time! fly faster and in greater comfort by the latest 8.0.A.C. Speedbird, the de Havilland Comet designed and built in England in collaboration with 8.0.A.C. by the fdmout de
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    • 268 5 SPECIAL OFFER TODAY ONLY New York skyline Statue of Liberty Colden Gate bridge Niagara Falls Mount Rushmorc you can see all without spending if you buy U.S.A. LAMBSKIN $3/- per yard. CLOSE SILK STORE 40- 45. Aw.ihs SECAMAT and 57. B.itu KUALA LUMPUR. WHO IS /I* SULTBW yALAstQ FOR
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  • 130 6 inn xin. inn mi Jeed 73. passed away peaceiuuj tad Niivcmlx lit B.10 P !11 Bt IllS lTSl(VllO\ HI River Vall-y Singapore, i leaving behind his beloved wife. 3 I d I. hi Chee Ton-.'. Tan Kim I 1 b A Tan loo Bar of Hock Tang a-
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  • The Straits Times Singapore, Wed. Nov. 26, 1952
    • 714 6 There are some interesting conclusions in the 1951 annual report of the Singapore Police Force, a report of one of the i most difficult years in the history nf the Force. After the 1856 riots, police morale was low. Throughout last year the principal task was the
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    • 446 6 I Mr. Vyshinsky's rejection of the Indian plan for the repat- nation of prisoners of war seems to have ended the last hone of agreement on a Korean armistice. Speaking m place of the Polish delegate, Mr. Yyshin.-ky objected to a paragraph in the Indian re- solution
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  • 831 6 —By a Special Correspondent r[E fighting now In progress in IndoChina may be expected to have results more decisive one way or the other than the campaigns of the last two years. The Vietminh, strengthened by the military training of cadres in China
    AP  -  831 words
  • man- in-the -street
    • 496 6 AT the ordinary meeting of the Singapore City Council on Nov. 21 I introduced a motion which had as its ultimate object the elimination or reduction of the local "middlemen's" profits on fish and vegetables, in order to permit these foodstuffs to be sold to the public
      496 words
    • 108 6 I NOTE that the Naval Base employees intend to strike for certain additional emoluments which I am sure the Admiralty is in no position to grant. May I suggest that thr Government of Singapore should contribute to the costs of t h,- Naval Base. which provides
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    • 75 6 I DO not suppose that I ant alone in wondering why Radio Malaya failed to give us the usual racing commentaries from Bukit. Timah on Saturday. Considering the huge grant which the Radio gets from the budget I can hardly think the failure on Saturday was due to
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    • 181 6 MR. d'Rose apparently cannot perceive the fundamental point that however adequate the wage which may be paid to two men of equal value to their employer, if one man has 10 children and the other only two, the latter family Is bound to enjoy a higher standard
      181 words
  • 407 6 Slashers THE business of ll and dkflßurement li a morbid touir. Mail M.;u ties in K>'n\;i bava brought it to the f< refront igaln in world news, but there seems always to have ■jc-cn a type of gang) o regarded slashing as a uerI mlssible form of
    407 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 585 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. SITUATIONS VACANT WAN'IF.D For Ru!)!>ri Es'aPlower Perak, Factory Clerk wttl Bole CrrtM' experience. Apply Box N. AS236, 8.T. APPLICATIONS are inviied for A Tcaclivr of Art and a Teacher, of Enjihs.i 1:1 II" Mclhodisl Girls' School Koala Lumpur. OKIVEU Required In Government Po«i. Apply in person or writing
      585 words
    • 62 6 BUY YOUUS NOW! GARRARD AUTOMATIC CHANGER in PORTABLE CABINET. RC72A A mod* k liMed be ow wi!' rh Si.indird (78 rpm) .md Long-PioymR (33 I 3 -id 45 rpml Records. For A.C. Mains cnfy. MODELRC.72A.. $120 00 MODEL RC.75 $145 00 MODEL RC. 80 A... $162 50 Each machine hgmsramtttd
      62 words
    • 58 6 YRS] [j I &'G'C><RadU\ YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT J Bandspread 3 speed Radiogram, 5 valves and 9 wavebands. S. PORE $650 FED: *915 LESS 10^ CASH ADVT. OF THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD. OF ENGLAND tIWCAPOM MALACCA KUALA tUHPUa IfOM HMAWC SOLE S P SHOTAII ACO I Til M
      58 words

  • 156 7 Mr. L tells why party prefer aldermen now TilK Singapore Profreaahre l*.irt uuild be dishoneat it it were to maintain that recent eventi bad §h«wn tha< the Colony !i:ui reached peUtieal maturity, the party spok'.vi nan, Mr. (Juki Syr. said (tver Radio Malaya last nZgkt. That \>as why the
    156 words
  • 59 7 KUCHING. Tues— The Governor of Rotary District No. 46. Mr. Khoo Teik Ee. arrived in Kucning today on a four-day visit. He will address Kuching Club tomorrow at a meeting which will be attended by the Governor. Sir Anthony Abell. Mr. Khoo will leave for Jesselton
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 28 7 Lim Xi c Siong, of Havelock Road, Singapore, was by the Third Police Ii H. B. Livingstone, for striking his wife at their heme on
    28 words
  • 307 7 Perak target of $10 mil. called for by Chamber leader KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday TTIK flouting of the SI OO million Federation of Malaya security loan had offered the Chinese an opportunity to show their detestation of Communism and their ardent desire to support the Ciovernment.
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  • 107 7 THE first direct air link between Malaya and Burma will be inaugurated by the Union of Burma Airways either next month or early In January. The State-owned airline announced yesterday that it would operate a weekly service between Rangoon and Singapore via Penang and Mergui.
    107 words
  • 106 7 20 Indian detainees going home MORE than 20 Indian detalneei w:il sail to India reek from Singapore M-.d Malaya, .he Representative of the Government of India In Malaya. Mr M. GoP^!a ;he Straus Times last night. Among them Will bt- Mr P. V. dharma. turner President of the S ngapore
    106 words
  • 244 7 KI'ALA LUMFUB, Tuesday. THE organisation of the Federation's civil defence is now in full swing and the number of volunteer recruits in training has steadily increased in the past few months. More than 2,000 recruits are under !o:nr> basic training in trie regional civil
    244 words
  • 129 7 TEN men and a woman— Singapore's second batch of civil defence instructors received their certificates from the Commissioner for i Civil Defence, Colonel L. T. i Fairbank. at Kolam Aycr j last night. They have completed a three-week course in tackling general and chemical warfare
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  • 18 7 The C.-in-C. FARELF. General Sir Charles Kcightk-y. returned to Singapore by lr Ight from a
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  • 57 7 The East Asiatic Company's latest cargo liner, the 8.450-ton Pretoria is due in Singapore today. The Pretoria is on her maiden voyage She is the thirteenth East Asiatic ship to be put on the Scandinavia I —Far East run since the end of the war. Sister
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  • 86 7 Estates may have to close down A I OR STAR. Tues. SOME Asian estates in Kedah may have to close down at the end of the year because they cannot meet the high cost of re-grouping their labour forces. Mr. I. K. Price. Deputy Commissioner for Labour. tuM the Straits
    86 words
  • 128 7 THE first of the season's four pawangs and payangs arrived at the Singapore Fisheries Department's check point yesterday to start fishing in Sin- gapore and south Johore waters. The pawang is the chief of I 10 to Malay fishermen. With his
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  • 143 7 rw\HE Singapore Commls- sloner of Police has told the Rural Board that police in the rural areas have been told to dispense with cumbersome procedure entailed in getting a Dermit for a Malaya wedding procession. Previously permission had to be obtained from several officials, including
    143 words
  • 53 7 Ng Cheer Cheok claimed trial in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday, to a charge of offering a $2 bribe to a police lieutenant, at Maude Road, on Monday, to avoid arrest for alleged. y possessing opium. The case will come up for mention again
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  • 40 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The Methodist Boys' School in Kuala Lumpur is putting on its first annual school show since the war on Friday and Saturday this week. j The main item will be an* I operetta "Hansel andQretel.'
    40 words
  • 62 7 IPOH, Tues.— With a view to overcoming illiteracy among special conf.ables who are to undergo training at the Perak contingent of the Special Constables Retraining Centre in Ipoh. 15 specially picked instructors will attend the fire-day "Laubach' course in adult education at the Anilj-chiiiese ■School.
    62 words
  • 189 7 SULTAN SETS AN EXAMPLE KUALA Ll'MPl'K. Tuesday. T4IE Sultan of Setangor today set a splendid example to his subjects by applying for S2.").000 of the Federation of Malaya Security Loan issue. He said he would not accept any interest. [nstead it will be paid
    189 words
  • 137 7 Tribute to trade union discipline PENANG. Tues rE tact that Malaya s rubber workers could take a cut in wages without resorting to "wildcat strikes wa s evidence of the discii pline prevailing in the country's trade union move--1 ment. Dr Thomas E. Posey. the U.S. Negro economist and Cabour
    137 words
  • 49 7 The manager of AngloSaxon Petroleum Company (Eastern) Ltd.. Captain J. M. Davidson, with Mrs. Davidson, sailed from Singapore yesterday on the tanker Soya Margareta on retirement. Captain Davidson joined the company in 1922 as a junior officer and was appointed manager in 1950.
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  • 66 7 Six men. Karim bin Sanusi, Othmar. bin Bochok, Tana bin Kantok, Hamid bin Pesona, Tang Bang and Ne Chek Cheng, yesterday were tentatively charged in Singapore Fourth Police Court, with illegally entering the Colony on the morning of Nov. 2. A tentative charge of abetting their entry
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  • 112 7 DUD MONEY TRADERS GET 30 MONTHS GAOL £OH Hu San, an engraver, and Chia Tee San, a salesman, were each gaoled for 30 months by Mr. Justice Knight at the Singapore Assize Court yesterday for trafficking in counterfeit Indonesian currency. Passing sentence on them, Mr. Justice Knight said "There are
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  • 49 7 Mr. H. J. Brunnier, president of Rotary International, who is expected in Singapore on Dec. 7, will lay the foundation stone of the $62.--000 Rotary School and Engelmann Hall in the Colony's leper settlement, Trafalgar Home, at Yio Chu Kane Road on Dec. 8.
    49 words
  • 60 7 Chan Yee Muay. proprietor I of a hotel In Jalan Eunos. Singapore. was. yesterday fined $75 by the First Police Magistrate. Mr. T. KuiaM- J karam. for tailing to register two guests On July 2. Pleadin? guilty. Chan said that the clerk had a bead-
    60 words
  • 188 7 The Red papers man gets 5 years TUY Bak Chin, 21, was <-st >rday given the maximum penalty of live years' gaol for possessing three terrorist documents published by the Singapore Freedom Press of the Malayan Communist Party. He was loinid Riiilty by Ihe First District Jud^e. Mr. A. W.
    188 words
  • 81 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tv s A number of schemes for developing Coronation Park Kua!a Lumpur, are prepared by the Mun •ml Council's Public Work I mlttee together with mates of tm\r cost. A schemo at nt und'T consideration. would r ;o*t $77,000 and $40,000 t 0
    81 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 57 7 CRAWFORD'S DELIGHTFUL BISCUITS Also 4 O'CLOCK AFTERNOON TEA BISCUITS TRI-FRUIT SHAPES NO. 1 2 TINS MARIE ASSORTED SHORTBREAD GINGER NUTS 'CHEESE VARIETIES ETC. Available at all first class deafen Agents: JACKSON CO., LTD. LEICA Illf 1.5 Summarit and comprehensive range of accessories always in stock. AMATEUR PHOTO STORES LTD. 109
      57 words
    • 139 7 HORNBY GAUGE "O" TESTED GIARANTEED P.very nurute .spent playing with HORNBY CLOCKWORK TRAINS Is brimful of thrills and fun HORNBY TRAINS are strong pulling, long running tested and guarante< d. Tht fallowing Hornby Gauge "O' Clujk»ork Trams are boxed complete w;:h rails. No MO. PASSENGER No M. 1 PASSENGER SET
      139 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 90 7 The weather Weather statistics throughout M a 1 ay a were: Minimum temperatures Nov. 24 from 7.30 p.m. to Nov 25 7.30 a.m.: Spore (76 deg.t; Penang (74i Kota Bahru (73» Kuala Lumpur (73 Ipoh (72"; Kuantan (71). Maximum temperatures i Nov 25 from 7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.i Spore
      90 words

  • 291 8 RIOTS LED TO A BLACK YEAR OF CRIME IN SINGAPORE Record for violence set in 1951 INHERE was more crime and violence in Singapore in 1951 than in any year since normal peace-time conditions were restored in 1947. Crime statistics in the 1951 annual report of the Singapore Police Force
    291 words
  • 155 8 ATONSTANT watch is being kept on the Colony's schools, where Communist propaganda i, i.nv. idereu most dangierow and efTecti'.w vvs the 1051 annual rep H <:f the Singapore Police Force. rcpjrt :irt;i.s: "It nap* natural that children ihaaM tt tonally stirred b- thoughts of
    155 words
  • 52 8 LACK of educai: ties and overcrowding in homes are blamed 'r.r the majority of juvenile crimes. In me 1951 annual report of the Singapore Police Force. During the year 409 children were arrested one for robbery, 17 for housebreaking, 139 for theft and 252 for
    52 words
  • 42 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues. Lady Templer has invited representatives from Women's Institutes in the Federation to meet her at Kind's House, Kuala Lumpur, on Nov. 28 to discuss future plans. Ungku Mariam has been I chosen to represent Johore.
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  • 24 8 The final batch of 161 pilgrims to return to Singapore, returned to Singapore from Jeddah yesterday In the Blue Funnel ship Clytoneus
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  • 159 8 Dangerous societies named THE Singapore Police annual report for 1951 lists 15 Chinese secret societies as dangerous. The report issued yesterKsays the societies are d the Colony's extortion ts— blackmailing pross. gambling houses, business firms and coffee shops. One gang, the Gi Kun Tong. was
    159 words
  • 95 8 Her maiden speech for election JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. CHE JAMALIAH BINTE MUSTAPHA, who is standing for the Nong Chik Ward a s an J.M.P. candidate, made her maiden speectt at an election meeting yesterday when she addressed a gathering of voters at Jalan Nghee Heng. Che Jamaliah appealed to all.
    95 words
  • 22 8 PENAN'G. Vues.— Westlur.ds School will hold an exhibition of coloured photographs of Penang and Province Wellesley on Thursday and Friday.
    22 words
  • 24 8 Americans in Singapore will observe national Thanksgiving Day tomorrow with a special non-denom'.national service at Wesley Church. Fort Canning Road, at 5.30 p.m
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  • 22 8 Singapore graduates of the London University will hold an inaugural foundation day dinner at the Capitol Blue Room on Friday.
    22 words
  • 25 8 KAJANG. Tues.— Mr. F. N. uer has returned to Kajang from leave. He is now with West Country Estate i Eastern Division >.
    25 words
  • 153 8 SEREMBAN, Tuesday. 4 DRIVE to sell 100,000 one dollar tickets for a charity soccer match to be played here in February in aid of two memorial projects in Seremban. has begun throughout Negri Sembilan. The projects are a basketball stadium and a streets
    153 words
  • 60 8 Dr. Elizabeth Comber, who under her maiden name wrote "A Many Splendoured Thing", is to give a talk on "The impact of the West on the modern Asian novelist" to the Raffles Society. The talk will be given at the Oei Tiong Ham Hall at
    60 words
  • 180 8 He found a vase 2,300 years old KUALA LUMPIJB, Tins. EVIDKNCI lhat Malay civilisation noes tack much further than '»:is ll Mil! he pr. :1'K«'(1 ulien a i I Koala Lump tor ii Ion! civili and where c !i!<-n have rarely srt Ilili a Greek vase whJ i Mr. Hunt
    180 words
  • 32 8 Twenty-four Singapore policemen passed the Special Detective's Training Course in 1951, said the annual report of the Singapore Police Force. English proficiency tests were passed by 328 detective.s.
    32 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 185 8 You can trust TOBRALCO \^Sf Wonderful wash-cotton t/ V^ '^S ie Designs for all ages I < \\'^Cj v THE TOOTAL GUARANTEE \st •■r\\f f/' la^LK/Wr i All goods bearing the registered trade '^Wffl Ft mark 'tootal' are guaranteed to give V I satisfaction. y^ V Should dissatis f action
      185 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 544 8 Straits Times Crossword j I? I |3 I 4 6 7 T~ k^^^M li__i:>:J__HML: 2 I j 'B rI T?* 25 j I PH H'-d ~~"T i~~ > 2/ I 1 j ACROSS 14. I makt- lateness necessary 1. 'Worse thou canst not be 9 Than ln and misery- 16
      544 words

  • 2 9
    2 words
  • 1041 9 A desperate last minute rescue LAST INSTALMENT OF OUR THRILLING SERIAL The five Scouts of the Rovrr PMrol encoi nier a gang of wreckers on an isl.'iid. 'l"he g^ng Unprtam thp boys together v. iih h R.-.riio P. irol \<.hich h;>s cirne en lhfir res 'ue in a house, ani
    1,041 words
  • 338 9 Commonwealth Stamps Top The List AT a recent stamp club meeting in London. a vote wa s taken on the oeneral interests of members It toas found that stamps of the British Commonwealth of Nations cam c first, with a particular preference for th e stamps of Canada, both the
    338 words
  • 248 9 rHIS week's post brings a letter from an adult vno s .gns herself "A mother *no always reads Children's She wa.s writing of Wla:n Oohs riddle: "Who is )g K SO o r J? r Bi e r his ?aby? She K oes on c
    248 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 170 9 j The Theatre with the longest runs /x^r 3rd i _Xfr £'v£#y Cf'ALLEJJSINGg SIR WALTEF SCOTTS F THAT SPELLS Technicolor magic ro THVinr-TAYIfS RMMKE r Mil I lONS' a ClOr n. cxkn j IiIIHIIIIINCJinniI !•>(■<• I 1 Fatfrstj ii id fi!--7/OW ON SALE/ Ittrarftrc 3 Cthm "fU'O VADIS" Christmas (t's
      170 words
    • 207 9 BRUTALLY OUTSPOKEN! "Living in my house! Loving another man! Is that what you call being honest That's just giving it a nice name!". k v T»&^ "j i PAUL [•OUGIASPSJ^tSUJjjpROS^T RYAN 4 BBG KAWSE ST^ :--E3 jnttZ Y3U A 4-ST^^ PR \W JJ 11, 1-45. 4. 6-30. 9-30 F lW^
      207 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 497 9 NEW CROSSWORE CONTEST LJL-r a- an T^e four hidden names n I HJ|S was a fairy easy one wasn't I'O^THBfl^^BßrJ^BSß^'^ Benia-nm Comes, aged 12 s 212 F Rangoon Road, Singa- IHQ t!f( EH pore 8, Kuek Poh Chye. aged B 3 Ml 11, 22 Sim'-n Roid, Smga- pore 19, Abdul
      497 words

  • 31 10 THE Singapore Share Market continued Its decline from last week's level ln Industrials and tins. Rubbers did not reflect the rising price of the commodity and were erratic.
    31 words
  • 145 10 SINGAPORE, Tues.— The price of tin today was $474.50 a picul (dawn 25 cents). Price changes announced by the Malayan Share Brokers' Association were as follows: INDI STRIAUi Hurrr. S».l*r» 88. Petto. 36.6 37 8 6'rds 250 2.60 JackMD Co ..190 195 Weenie Bros 235 240
    145 words
  • 161 10 CHIPi a.on*side tile Singapore H:ir--13 i)uur Board xudownc, or i-xpected there at 7 am tod»v are. La Mir•ei ii-. I I-. Panckor. 4 j. LAnn C.P.; Brii omund 6 7. Malar. im 8 9; Amgtekerk 11; Oleiuarry 13 14: lab.i:i .'n \6 Ram. i \U. Maitsuvckt-r, 19 .!0 M.
    161 words
  • 249 10 Vl* cents rise: Highest close in four months By Our Market Correspondent rIE RISE in rubber price continued yesterday and at the day's close of business was lj cents more than on Monday. December first grade closed at 89J cents a lb., although business was done
    249 words
  • 89 10 THE following dividends have been announced Praser Neave Prefs., 3*i per cent first interim, less 30 per cent tax, payable on Dec. 13. Books close Dec. 8 to 13. Malayan Breweries, 6 cents, first interim, less 3 per cent tax. payable Dec. 13. Bocks close Dec. 8 to 13.
    89 words
  • 40 10 HBfJ YORK. Tues— No. 1 R.S.S. December contract (in I.S. rents prr Ib) Friday's Monday's rlcs'ng closing MIM bid 30.40 traded. 30.00 asked Tone: Firm. X.B.: All American markets will b- closed on Thursday (Nov. 271— Thanksgiving Day.
    40 words
  • 32 10 HONG KONG, Tues. Free market currency exchange of Hong Kong dollars was quoted at the close today as follows: US$l HKs6.o2'« oash HKS6.O4 (T.T.I HK515.52. One tael of gold mom.
    32 words
  • 154 10 MELBOURNE. Tues. THE undertone lor shares was 1 slightly easier in a quiet Stock Exchange market today. The sirongly holding wool market «nd the continued strength of Wall Street were helpful factors counteracting isolated adverse company reports. Cosine midd.p prices of lelected stock*, a I in
    154 words
  • 64 10 NEW YORK, Tues— ln further reflection of the Republican election victory, the Stock Market on Wall Street pushed further ahead today by setting new highs i for the year. Industrials were Inclined to lag at times and. though they struggled very hard, it was not until j the
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 22 10 MELBOURNE. Tues. Wool i prices held firm in Melbourne this j afternoon and the demand was eocd for all grades.
    22 words
  • 103 10 RUMOURS that loose c')pra was plentiful now ln Indonesia had a depressing effect on the market in Singapore yesterday. Singapore Produce Exchange reported copra at t32'a t.o.b. per picul buyers and $33 'j sellers. Coconui oil was $52 sellers. White pepper declited by $5. Muntok being $545 a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1363 10 t< vti MANSFIELD tic CO.. LTD. T.i 2403 line,, „,,a m Sln..pp,H ■•■"I YjT BLUE FUNNEL LINE Dapt, r mhri option to proceed via othrr parts to load end discharge cargo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW. LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Due Soils P Sham Penang Al'n~i« for Liverpool Glasgow Nov. 23/27
      1,363 words
    • 529 10 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. For UK /CONTINENT Spore P Sham Penang Be- ~n<--<r<ui to- on-lon Antwerp, Rotterdam Hamburg ln rorT ''gi'^o*' o^ 5H V -"r Jo O m Ut Hamb!r f r°G. 23/24 29 Nov/ 2 Dec. 3/ 3 Dee. B %Zr°: Ha Vre 3/ 9 Dec 10/1 1 Dec
      529 words
    • 558 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/UK /CONTINENT Spore P S'hom Penang "Pretoria" for Bangkok 26/29 Nov. "Korea" for Diokorta, Bongkok, Soiqon, Hoigkong, Manila, Kobe. Yokohama 12/12 Dec. 10/11 Dec. 8/ 9 Dec. 'Selandia" for Bongkok 'passengers only) 16/16 Dm 'Fohtrlo" for Bangkok passengers onlyi 27/27 Dec a» 'Kino" for Melbourne
      558 words
    • 1074 10 McALISTER tic CO., LTD. TEL: No 5906 BLLERMAN «3c BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON, HAVRE. ROTTERDAM LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEATTLE A VANCOUVER nd f f or*r r* U C S o A nodo N °v,o h c^SE. »'«<"" A mcrtcan roftt "CITY OF OTTAWA" •■■our aimvii i f
      1,074 words

  • 283 11  -  PETER WILSON B> I WONDER If anyone has ever had a rawer deal than Randy Turpin seems to be getting— and always did get from the American fight mob. When Turpin upset the apple cart not to mention Sugar Ray Robinson— he fulfilled to the letter
    283 words
  • 160 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. TAKING the initiative from the start and showing superiority in scrummaging and passing, Special Air Service Regiment beat Selan^or Services by six points (try. penalty) to nil on the HQ Malaya ground today. Rain fell throughout the game, but
    160 words
  • 548 11 OFFICIAL RANKING LIST IS NEEDED By Our Badminton Reporter ■pHE ranking of Thomas Cup player Ong Poh Lim as only the fifth best singles player in world badminton is regarded as one of the major faults of the ranking list compiled by Mr.
    548 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 11 MIDDLESBROUGH'S Italian -born goalkeeper Urolini dashes out boldly to take the ball from the feet of Doug Lishman, Arsenal inside left. Arsenal won 2-I.— Popper picture.
    26 words
  • 54 11 WRAC beat SCC "3" by a goal scored by Pte Garner and SCC "4" beat WRAP (Changl) by a short corner when the seven-a-side women's hockey tourney began on the S.R.C. padang yesterday Today's ties, at S.C.C., are: Girls S.C. 2' v SCC. '2"; QM.C.
    54 words
  • 147 11 MELBOURNE. Tues. YEW South Wales Sheffield Shield champions, dismissed Victoria for 185 in their second innings here today and won the match by an innings and 35 runs. New South Wales, who defeated the South Africans a week ago. won today with three hours to spare.
    Reuter-AAP  -  147 words
  • 83 11 BRISBANE, Tues. A strong Queensland country side, which included six State players, scored a slow 251 runs for the loss of eight wickets on the opening day of a two-day game against the South African cricketers at Dunbabero today. The batsmen were over-cautious on
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 269 11 rpHE latest S.R.A. classiflca--1 tion list promotes The Tip, Millionaire and Elturlus all winners at the last Bukit Timah meeting from Class Two to Class One. Following have been sent down from Class Two: Privateer, Birthday Gift. Sir Tristram, Fine Run, Trie" To* ?rf-* tate
    269 words
  • 474 11 From JACK FINGLETON JHE name of Sid Barnes waF^onl^Jnguts u n "I*** S th f A stralia n Test selectors tie up the final strings for the team to play the South Afr cans in the first test in Brisbane next ™U AH three selectors
    474 words
  • 28 11 MTJAR. Tues— Daud bin Mohamed Amln. defeated Koh Kum Wa't 6 »n the singles final of the Government English School acners tennis tournament here yesterday.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 729 11 £J5& SPEND YOUR NEXT VACATION ON A ROUNDTRIP CRUISE TO HONGKONG By one ot the Fast and Comfortable Veneli M.S. "TJILUWAH" .aihng on Dec. 7th or (tisrerthip) M.S. "TJIWANGI 1 Miling on Dec. 24*. WITH DURATION OF VOYACE OF 12/: 3 DAYS INCLUDINC 3/4 DAY'S STAY ON BOARD AT HONGKONC
      729 words
    • 349 11 n»\ l^ff bhn^B i fi»i 1 fill 159? L *^w^r'^ w rfi "*^C IoHNH ■^rJnE~i v* MM »-^^isv w /^^(Bbi^MMb MNr s\ i j^i^jfcj? ■MfMk *jcSß^jg£/. Mp3 Sleeperette* service gives you twice the usual le^ mum extends to full brti length for restful slnmbct MOST LUXURIOUS WAY TO THE U.S.A.I
      349 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 28 11 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: Huh 0613 hrs (7 81 and 1802 < 8 ft!: Low i:S7 (4<) TOMOKKOVV: High 0713 ill) and 1937 in-.'' Lost 0039 (3.1) and 1324 1371.
      28 words

  • 599 12 Bellona give the Fijians a great fight WEIGHT SPEED TOLD IN THE END By SECOND ROW CROWD of eight thousand saw a tremendous struj&le on the Singapore padang yesterday when the Fijians beat a visiting fifteen from the New Zealand cruiser Bellona by 13 points (two goals and a try)
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  • 97 12 TOKYO, Tues. THE new world bantamweight champion. Jimmy Carruthcrs of Australia, can be assured of a "good purse if he is willing to fight In Tokyo,- the International Promotions Limited said here yesterday. Hakumasa Hamamoto. president of 'he International Promotions Limited, said: "We are willing to
    UP  -  97 words
  • 100 12 NEW DELHI, Tues JNDIA will rely on a two-man team for the Davis Cup lnterzone filial against Italy In Brisbane next month. The player*, tall Sumant Mlsra i captain i and Govintii Vasant, both 29. wlil leave India for Australia on Friday. India's two leading
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 61 12 F N badminton The following will represent Fraser Sc Neave Sports Club in a friendly badminton match against Imperial Chemical Industries on Friday at the Clerical Union Hall, at 7 p.m.: Choo Plang Hong, Chla Hock 9an, C. O. Menon, Arthur Chua. David Lee. Ibrahim bin Mohd. Shah, Wee Hoon
    61 words
  • 56 12 The semi-final of Police and M.O.R. Cup soccer competition between Special Constabulary and Royal Artillery will be played ai the Police Training School ground on Sunday. Special Constabulary team will be chosen from: Oalistan, Maha'.lngam, Kallwon, Nadarajah, Govlndasamy, Yusofl Abdullah, Osman Zakariah. Dollah Angullia, Hasfan Maidln,
    56 words
  • 34 12 LONDON, Tues. Halifax Town beat Ashton Utd. 2-1 In the F.A. Cup First Round Replay today. Halifax are now at home to Southport In the second round on Dec. 6. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • Article, Illustration
    59 12 TENNIS VISIT TO HONG KONG: Some members of a group Malayan Chinese tennis players and supporters on board the Chusan before she sailed for Hong Kong yesterday. The party includes the Singapore champion, Ong Chew Bee (third from left) and* Mrs Gladys Loke Chua. foremost of the Chinese women tennis
    59 words
  • 108 12 flic position in the team events is: BARODA CUP Matches Games P W L W L Pts. H'Kong 6 6 0 30 1 6 Japan 6 6 0 30 6 6 Singapore 5 3 2 18 15 3 Macao 5 3 2 16 14 3 Malaya 6
    108 words
  • 140 12 MALAYAN Chinese tennis A team of nine players six men and three women s->Hml on board the Chusan for Kong yesterday to pla> series of friendly matches.. The team, which is managed by 48-year-old Leong Hoe Yeng of Selangor, has also arranged
    140 words
  • 900 12 TANAKA-WONG FINAL ON THE CARDS ASIAN TABLE TENNIS A START WAS made last night in the individual events at the Asian table tennis championship meeting, being held at the Singapore Badminton stadium. Interest was centred mostly on the women's open singles in which the last four are now Yoshiko Tanaka
    900 words
  • 58 12 SCOTLAND REST RUGGER TEAM Teams for the annual Scotland v Rest rugger match on the S.C.C. padang this evening are: i Scotland: Taylor icapt.t: Roper. WoodrofTe, Mclver. Burnett; WatHolllday, Allen, Storrs, Macaulav, Baird. McNair The Rest: Wallen; Darroch. McMullan. Browne, Hoare: Parker (capt.). Dowllng; Pattinson, Lupton. Tucker. Chalmers. Handrock. Cashln.
    58 words
  • 502 12 SRC WIN COLONY HOCKEY TITLE SRC 3; CSC 1. SINGAPORE Recreation Club became the Colony hockey j champions when they beat the Ceylon Sports Club hy three goals to one in the League 1 play-off on the padang yesterday. The game was a tame affair for a final, and could
    502 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 898 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Coniinurd trom Page 6) ACCOMMOI iTION VACANT TWO Furn. rni.s an. bt.h. M.s. shir.- s d rm. 'ndK ck fts. children no obj. Both $:un p.m. K :'w.'. P.O Box 843 Singapore EF.HENVII E". 248-C. Heeren BuiMlng, Or r>ard Road. Furnished rooms 'o let with full board. Apply
      898 words
    • 861 12 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE FIRST CLASS newly. Duilt modern European dwelling house Holland Road area, elevated land, with immediate vacant possession. Area 25.410 sq.ft. 3 bedrooms with tcakwood parquet flooring, bathroom, longbath. built-in cupboards, sitting /dining room, storeroom, bright kitchen, servants quarters and garage. All modern conveniences. Within easy reach
      861 words
    • 19 12 MORE SPORT-P. II cockroach X^is dead Muke suit thai your insect pests suffer the same fate by using 'GAMMEXANE'
      19 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 77 12 RUGGER SCOTLAND v THE REST, padang, i.rf. Capt. Clayton). RASE v REME at Ayer Baja Rd. (D. S. Goldie); rail, I v R.E. at Thomson Road. (Maj. Clarke); NEE SOON v 3BOD at Nee Soon I it Denning); RNAS v BAF Tengah at S'mbawang (G Capt Seymour); NAVAL BASE v
      77 words
    • 376 12 TODAY'S TIES lie. lor tM |a« arc: j^gnknr mm> i a v 6iw Mi VJ! i°" We 8«toh and lanain v Lav Srti Fon» and Iv Lai Un |2| Urn Ptut Qun and C P Rvan v Wong Sek rim and Chan Ye e Tiing (3i s guppuh ana D
      376 words