The Straits Times, 17 November 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 296 1 Gen. Clarkplans major offensive, says report SEOUL, Sunday. ITNITKD Nations forces in Korea stepped up, their campaign against the Communists! yesterday on land and sea and in the air. In ChicaflO, il was reported thai (ien. Mark (lark, U.N. (.'ommunder-in-Giief, has asked for more American
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  296 words
  • 192 1 SEREMBAN. Sun. FOUR rifle shots were r fired at Inspector Raja Shahruzzaman. neohew of the Sultan of Perak. when he stepped out of Jelebu Police Station at two o'clock this mornine. He was struck once on the right shoulder At Seremban General Hospital, his condition was
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  • 151 1 KUALA LI'MPIR. Sun. A COMMUNIST terrorist fled screaming. leaving a heavy blood trail, when he was hit by a bullet during an engagement with an officer and two men of No. 13 Platoon 3rd Battalion Malay Regiment in the Kaub area of Pahang yesterday. A
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  • 79 1 This 'colonialism' NEW YORK. Sun. SIR Percy Spender, of Aus- 1 tralla. vesterd iv attack- < d what he cal'.ed a cam- i oaign against "colonialism" In the United Nations. In .sevne independent coun- j tries, he told a Uni'ed Nations committee there i could be found "greater injustice and
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  • 48 1 JOHORE BAHRU. Suei Kee Chee Meng and Soh Kwee Si. of Singapore, were charged in Johore Bahru police court today with having a .38 Welby and Scott revolver and two rounds of ammunition without lawful authority at Johore Causeway. Both were remanded In custody.
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  • 32 1 NEW YORK, Sun —Mr. George Corea. Ceylon's Ambassador to the United States sailed yesterday for London where he will be knighted by the Queen on Nov. 25. Reuter i
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  • 28 1 HOLLYWOOD, Sun. British actor Michael Wilding has been suspended by the Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Pictures for refusing to accept a part in the film "Latin Lovero."— Reuter
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  • Article, Illustration
    79 1 MRS. MARGARET SANGER, founder of th« Manned Parenthood Federation of America (second from left) seen with members of the Singapore Family Planning Association at a party given by the president, Mrs. T. P. F. McNeice (extreme right) last night. At the party, Mrs. Sanger informally discussed family planning problems with
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  • 58 1 TWO TERRORISTS, Ah Loke (left) and Ah Fong, surrendered to security forces after hearing a "message from the sky" broadcast from a specically equipped Dakota aircraft. Both terrorists were members of No. 1 Platoon, 4th Company, of the Communist organisation. They gave themselves up in
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  • 75 1 PREMIERS PLAN MEETING LONDON, Sun. BRITAIN'S conference of Commonwealth Premiers to nntangle the area's economic problems will open in London on Not. 27. Mr. Churchill will lead the (nued Kingdom delegation at the sessions in the Treasury building here. The conference, bringing together Premiers of eight Commonwealth Nations and the
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  • 35 1 TEHERAN. Sun. Foreign Minister Dr. Hussel Fatemi said today Persia had arrested a man named Heary Navara as a British spy conducting anti-Persia activities after Anglo-Iranian diplomatic relations were severed last month.— Reuter.
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  • 26 1 BUENOS AIRES. Sun.-Two non-commissioned officers of the National Police, two government employees and several civilians have been arrested on suspicion of subversive activities.- -UP.
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  • 84 1 Acid thrown at father and son, 11 A CONTRACTOR, Chlng Chye Chua. and his 11--year-old son were Injured in an acid attack outside a barber's shop off Tras Street. Slngaoore, yesterday. Three Chinese threw the acid into their faces, as Chlng and his son were coming out from the shop.
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  • 40 1 HONG KONO Sun.— A six-year-old boy was burned to death in Ore which destroyed a whole squatter area in Hong Kong yesterday. Ninety huts were burned to the ground and 500 people were made homeless.— U.P.
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  • 19 1 The Maharajah Gaekwar of Baroda. president of the Table-Tennis Federation ('1 &sla is due In Singapore tomorrow.
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  • 30 1 CAIRO. Sun.— The Arab states have warned West Germany they may sever economic relations with the German Federal Republic "if Bonn insisted on paying reparations to Israel."— A.P.
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  • 148 1 Gun battle in bedroom NAIROBI. Sunday. AN English girl was shot and wounded yesterday In a gun battle with three Africans. 1 Miss Barbara Parclay, 21, was shot in the shoulder at house where she was visiting In Nyeri. She rushed to the bedroom, picked
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 63 1 PENANG. Sun rE 12-year-old daughter of a coffeeshop keeper saved her baoy brother frcro being burned to death when fire destroyed the attap roof of their house in Ayer Itam village last night The boy was In a room with his sister when flames leaped
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  • 60 1 A labourer. Oh Chin Peng, was seriously injured last night when he fell 50 feet Into building ioundatlons in Flnlayson Green, Singapore. He I was rescued by a shift enI glneer. Mr. J. K. Rosser. who I climbed down a ladder In the dark to find him.
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  • 24 1 BELGRADE, Sun.—Yugoslavia will soon open an Embassy in Burma, according to Yugopress, a news servlc* close to the Yugoslav Gov ernment. Reuter
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  • 23 1 CANBERRA. Sun— Prime Minister Robert Menzies suffering from overstrain and general fatigue, had a comfortable night and waa better today.— Reuter.
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  • 164 1 600 KILLED IN PACIFIC TYPHOON TAIPEI. Sunday THE death toll in the Pacific's I ttst typloon exceeded 600 today. A Nationalist military spokesman estimated that at least 400 more bodies would be found in the wreckage of army installations in southern Formosa. The typhoon, the worst in 50 years ripped
    Reuter; UP  -  164 words
  • 50 1 MOLINE, Illinois, Sun. LOUIS BELLSON said today he opposes the impending "mixed marriage" of his son to Pearl Bailey, a Negro singer. Bellson "s son is a drummer with Duke Ellington's band. The senior Bellson said the wedding is to take place on Wednesday in London
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  • 62 1 He said he sent a cablegram to Miss Bailey this morning asking her to "drop the whole matter." Bellson, who runs a music business here, said he did not know Miss Bailey and had "nothing against her race." He added. But 1 think she should stay within
    UP  -  62 words
  • 36 1 WASHING TON Sun —The National Newspaper Publishers Association, a Negro newspaper trade organisation, yesterday gave President Truman a plaque for "his courageous efforts on behalf of freedom and equality for all citizens. "—Reuter.
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  • 301 1 Penang wins big MCA prize PENANG. Sun. EM>K the second time, r Penang won the first prize of $400,000 in the Malayan Chinese Association's 13th milliondollar sweep. The winning number, drawn this afternoon at the Penang Chinese Town Hall, was *****45. The second prize of 5200.000 went to ticket number
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  • 39 1 THREE men said to be bookmakers rere arrested by the Singapore police on Saturday during the first day's meeting of thr Singapore Turf Club at Bukit Timah racecourse. They will be charged in court today.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 S P H de SILV/ *S HtOM Sr Sf»6mro*t 6 /'the LOAF^X BAKED FROM THE BEST FLOURS OF TWO HEMISPHERES Delivered to your table clean, wholesome and sustaining. AND IN 5 VARIETIES ALL VITAMIN-ENRICHED Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd.
      39 words
    • 41 1 EXCLUSIVE WORKMANSHIP MAKES PATEK. PHILIPPE CIE SA. GENEVE. SWITZERLAND WATCHES The finest in the world Obtainable shortly from H SENA LTD ♦4 HICH STREET. r "V^ ~^7 v- ft I K3n*.v t w it m^. I S r^Bk AS m .■BBBhk^Blk.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 932 2 NOTICES RANTAU TIN DREDgTnG^ COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in the Federation of Malaya) NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN a tha- the Twenty-Third Ordinary G< neral Meeting of the Memb- I ers of the Company will be held at the Registered Offlce. 33. j Bearh Street, Penang, on Tues- dny.
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    • 676 2 NOTICES RANTAU TIN DREDGING COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated In the Federa'ion of Malaya) Notice is hereby given that in Interim Dividend (No. 17) jf 40 cents per share less 30C, Malayan Income Tax, in respect if the iear ending 30th June. 1953. will be paid to all shareholders whose names appear
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    • 818 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SUPERNUMERARY Sisters are required In th! Medical Department to unde-take duties in the Gynaecology Department of Kandang Kerbau Hospital, Singapore. Appointment will be on a month-to-month b.ists on a salary of 5324 p.m. plus cost of Living an! other allowances. Total emoluments at present are $516 p.m, A
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    • 765 2 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE Agencies far Handling Federation Government Suppli s of Rlee and Suti.r— l9s3. It 's notified for general lnfor- j in;nion that the closing date for the abovementloned tenders will be 12.00 noon on 24th November 1952. and NOT 17th November 1952. as previously advised. TEMOH TIN DREDGING,
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    • 597 2 TENDERS TENDERS INVITED Tenders are invited for the supply of rations to the Malay College. Kuala Kangsar for th* year 1953. Details of tender, foods Miffs etc ma- br obtained from the College offlce. Tenders si>ou' be mark-d "TENDER FOR THE MALAY COLLEGE. KUALA KANGSAR RATIONS" and sen under sealed
      597 words
    • 101 2 Don't "Just Wash" your hair fjjjj >1* CONDITION II /r^^^^Bl with DRENE shampoo. ism iV^'lm a The sun- way to natural 1 I she«-n-natural softness. *2jt^^xS m^Vftr A w j* o* muu^Jrazt.-xzrxrzM r S r- \V- |-,a- R| 111 KJ4« ITOH IkL •< 1 H ~~J' ■BMSMIS& 'Mi tUMPUH 11MI
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  • 331 3 Mr. Sprague tells U.N.: All must back the charter NEW YORK, Sunday. THE United States declared yesterday that it is seriously concerned "over racial conflicts in South Africa and favours full discussion of the matter." Mr. Charles Sprague, alternate American representative in the United Nations Spocial
    Reuter; UP  -  331 words
  • 158 3 Prince gets tired of Haydn LONDON, Sun. WORE than 3.000 excited children greeted four-year-old Prince Charles yesterday at his first appearance at a big public loucsrt. You loiters crowding the Koyal Festival Hall for an orchestral performance for children jumped up and down shouting "Prince Charles, come" when he appeared
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  • 19 3 CARTAGENA. Spain. Sun. Five persons were killed and 25 injured today in a munitions factory explosion. —U.P.
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  • 52 3 TOKYO. Sun.— Forty-four! people were killed when a transport plane crashed into a mountain 20 miCes east of Seoul, the U.S. Air Force announced yesterday. The twin-engined plane was carrying 37 United Nations soldiers returning from leave In Japan. It had a crew of seven.—
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  52 words
  • 26 3 LONDON, Sun.— Mr. Attlee. may visit other Far Eastern countries when he goes to Burma in January to attend the Asian Socialist Conference. Reuter.
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  • 88 3 Coronation year Lord Mayor rE Lord Mayor of London for Coronation year. Sir Rupert de la Bere, is pictured above in his regalia when he drove in traditional style through the streets of the city to show himself to the people. The Lord Mayor's show —a drive in a red
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  • 103 3 LONDON. Sun. MR. Churchill Is expected to meet Mr. Elsenhower 1° Washington next spring. Political quarters say Mr. Churchill wants to renew contact with Mr. Eisenhower, his close wartime colCeague. and will try to arrange a meeting. The Premier is expected to discuss the idea
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  • 53 3 NEW YORK. Sun. Mr. Nasrollah Entezam. soft spoken diplomat from Persia, was reported yesterday to be the most likely possibility to succeed Mr Trygve Lie as United Nations SecretaryGeneral. Diplomatic sources said Russia and Britain do not object to Mr. Entezam The U.S. has not indicated
    AP  -  53 words
  • 49 3 HONG KONG Sun. The Indonesian Consulate General in Hong Kong announced that Indonesia is p inning to open a new air serv'ce between Djakarta. Singapore and Bangkok. The service, twice weekly, w.ll be maintained by the Garuda Indonesian Airways and will be Inaugurated next March— U.P.
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  • 34 3 ATHENS. Greece, Sun.— A bitter month-long election campaign between the two two mVn parties for the control of Parliament ended yesterday as the nation prepared to go to the polls today. Reuter.
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  • 45 3 PROVIDENCE. Rhode Island Sun.— Mr. Robert A. Lovett, United States Secretary of Defence, said here today that the nation must stop 'arming and disarming according to the gravity of the International situation" and assume a "calm and steady" defence position. Reuter.
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  • 96 3 is British-made LONDON, Sunday. SIAM will soon become the first country in SouthEast Asia to instal television, the Marconi Com- pany said today. A complete Marconi television installation— including transmitting and receiving equipment has been ordered by the Siamese Government and wil be in operation in
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  • 51 3 BUFFALO, Sun. The world Is in desperate need of love, a noted anthropologist says. "The people want very much to be good, but because of the lack of love and attention, they often turn into high class gorillas," Dr. Ashley Montague told the Family Service
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  • 229 3 Nehru rejects revenge plan NEW DELHI, Sun. PRIME Minister Nehru today reaffirmed his faith in the "touch of healing" for an improvement of lndo-Pakistan relations. He was replying to a debate in Parliament on the exodus of Hindus from the Pakistan province of East Bengal to India. The Prime Minister
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  • 39 3 CALCUTTA. Sun. Five turbaned gangsters sprayed a bank cash van yesterday with Sten gun flre near Asansol, 120 miles northwest of Calcutta, killing an armed guard and the driver and escaped with about 26,000 rupees— U.P.
    UP  -  39 words
  • 33 3 KHARTOUM, Sun. Mr. OnR Kee Huat, a young Chinese official of the Secretariat for Native Affairs of Sarawak, has arrived in Khartoum to study local government in the S.udan.— Reuter
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 236 3 ENSIGN'S 1 X'mas Bazaar jLjJL UHM E\F.R RANGE OF 2^Bk 43^^X'iWAS GIFTS ij@jj§* FOR ADULTS CHtLDRER Specialties in:— A:npnc;.n ft English X'mas Children's Books. Cards. Calendars. Diaries. Presentation Volumes. Malayan Greeting Cards. Leather Writing Cases Gan-e* Toys. Wallets Not Caaes X'mas Tre« Decorations. Fancy StnUonery. p^y Wrapptag p^pe,, etc Crarkers
      236 words
    • 95 3 People who study figures jm^' t JTI gave her title J^ft^.'MODEL OF THE MONT H— that's the title they gate Mmm to this charming young lady. She was chosen by the Xv «Mfli figure study group of the Vis ual Arts Club of London. fef^Br* -3* THE NAME: Charlotte Leit
      95 words
    • 291 3 JW SEASON'S 1[ SPECIAL GOWNS BRODERIE ANGLAISE A complete selection unpacked in Lavender, grey, bluegrey, pink, canary, mustard with white, black, navy. Geometrical arrangement of forms and florals, spider's web, basket of flowers embossed work. Priced $8.50 and up. PURE-SILK LACE Very fine, Chinese fan design in black and white
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  • 834 4 Rain, fog, but plenty of goals in U. K. soccer LONDON, Sunday. THERE were many upsets in the English Football League programme yesterday but unfortunately a gloomy November day kept away many spectators and those who braved fog. rain and cold found difficulty in seeing some of the many exciting
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  • 131 4 SYDNEY. Sun. TAIL-END batsmen earned New South Wales a useful first Innings lead of 87 runs over the South African tourists on the second day cf their match here. At the close of play the South Africans were 54 runs behind with eight second Innings wickets standing.
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  • 326 4 THE RESULTS LONDON, Sun. LEAGUE DIV. I Burnley 1 Aston Villa 0 Cardiff 1 Manchester I 2 Liverpool 1 Arsenal 5 MancneslerC. 5 Charlton 1 Middlrsbronch 1 Derby Newcastle 2 Chelsea 1 Preston 3 Snnderland 2 Sheffield Wed. 3 Portsmouth 4 Stoke 1 Wolves t Tottenham 1 Bolton 1 W.
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  • 335 4 LONDON, Sunday. OXFORD UNIVERSITY were beaten yesterday for the first time this season, losing to the Harlequins nine-nil in a hard same which brought serious injuries to two of Oxford's chief hopes for the varsity match acainst Cambrid -.uriage. Jackie Jor.iiston, the South African
    Reuter  -  335 words
  • 107 4 MANKAD DOES FASTEST TEST DOUBLE' BOMBAY. Sun. yINOO MANKAD, one of the worlds best cricket allrounders, yesterday achieved the distinction of completing the fastest "double" 1,000 runs and 100 wickets— in Test cricket. Mankad was playing in his 23rd Test and had already scored 1,119 runs. He required one more
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  • 84 4 RUGBY LEAGUE RESULTS LONDON. Sun. Yesterday's rugby league results were: Australian Tour: Hull Kingston Rovers 6, Australians 31. Yorkshire Cup Final: Bat ley 8. HuddersfleM 18. Club Matches: Bell Vue Rangers IS, Wigan 25; Castleford 10, Hull 3: Dowsbury 7. Halifax 8: Doncaster 10, Leeds 14; Hunslet 4, York 2;
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  • 61 4 ADELAIDE. Sun. Rain restricted play to 11 minutes. In which three runs were scored, on the second, day of the Sheffield Shield match between South Australia and Victoria here. South Australia's remaining two wickets fell for the addition of three runs, being all out for 326. Then
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 49 4 MANCHESTER. Sun. Lord Milford's Summer Rain won the Manchester November handicap, last big race of the 1952 season. In a thrilling finish yesterday Summer Rain, a three-year-old colt by Precipitation out of Fragrant View, won by a neck from the Irish challengers. Knock Hard and Solar.
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  • 1038 4 P W D LF APti Volves 17 10 4 3 40 27 24 Jurnley 17 9 4 4 27 21 22 iunderland 16 9 3 ***** 21 Irsenal 16 8 4 4 32 22 20 Mackpool 16 S 2 5 37 27 20 .Iverpool 17 8
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 294 4 HOW MANY W 7O C GLASSES for /\J Sf The quarter-pound tin of Andrews is of special interest to those who take a V^c" laxative only occas- f% V tonally, to those who w do a lot of travelling, and to those who would like to try this famous effervescent
      294 words
    • 187 4 WHITE H HORSE |||L Scotch Whisky NEfflJq s^sV fIH y^wJii"1 islV*<<r s\"'*" *ri TTHE purpose of sign* *?*<*> y uto tell without fInSSCasHHES! SKu^Bsß words. Here is a symbol that tells, plainer than any words, of Safe Impftm whisky at its finest ft WJc. lovingly blended, long JCSEPH TRAVERS matured,
      187 words

  • 39 5 Mr. Howard A Lewis. v!ce- president of the Nash-Kel-vinato r Corporation of America, reached Singapore yesterday from Australia. Mr. Lewis, who Is 82 is vice-president and director of |18 companies in America. .Canada and Britain. I
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  • 232 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. THE fear of the "rod" was the beginning of wisdom, a veteran schoolmaster told 300 "old" boys in Kuala Lumpur last night. Or. Ho Seng Ong, principal of the Methodist Boys' School, Kuala Lumpur, spoke of the
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  • 96 5 CHRISTMAS TURKEYS $2.50 A LB. A USTRALIAN turkeys for A Christmas will cost $2.50 a lb this year— ten cents lesi than in 1951. Although it Is six weeks to Christmas, people are already placing their orders for turkeys A leading shop in Singapore has ordered *0 tons of turkeys—more
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  • 47 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. Musa bin Idris. a lorry driver, was fined $300 In Johore Bahru today for causing hurt by negligent driving along Ayer Hitam road. An attendant was thrown off the lorry when it overturned and was pinned under some metal sheets.
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  • 24 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun The Curfew (South Johore) Order, 1950, has been revoked in the police district of Senggarang (Batu Pahat distict i
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  • 77 5 The Singapore Naval Base Labour Union committee decided last night to ask the Dockyard Cashier not to deduct from the salaries of about 100 labourers who had been fined because of their children had thrown rubbish Into the latrines at their quarters. In a
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  • 209 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. TWO hundred illegal squatters on State land in A Kuala Lumpur today begged four municipal councillors to help persuade the Government to allow their 16 houses to remain a little longer. Five of the houses In Marsh Road have already been pulled
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  • 92 5 JOHORE BAHRU Sunday. ANEW village for 200 Malay and Sakai families is to be built in the Lenga area of Johore, says a report of the Muar district war committee The village will be called Kampong Bahru Melayu Lenga. In Bukit Gamblr, work
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 5 ENJOYING light refreshments after the opening of the new Singapore City Council hawkers' shelters at the Esplanade. Singapore, from left: Mrs. MeNeice, Col. Stewart, U.S. liaison officer, Mrs. Stewart, Mr. T. P. F. MeNeice and Mrs. Robert Eu. who performed the openIng ceremony.
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  • 91 5 CONVOYS ON GAP ROAD KIJaLA LUMPUR. Sun. REVIVAL of terrorist activity on the Gap Road between Kuala Kubu Bahru ana Raub has forced the Government to ban the free travel of vehicles carrying food and other restricted articles. Tomorrow when the new order comes into force, food lorries and other
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  • 133 5 66 WAYS A POLICEMAN CAN ERR KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. APOLIQE officer or constable can be charged for any of 66 breaches of discipline, the police regulations gazetted yesterday show. The police disciplinary code forbids any officer to be "disrespectful in word, act or demeanour" to any officer senior to him.
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  • 55 5 MERSING. Sun.— Two Govlernmeut officials, Inche Ibrahim bin Datok Ahmud, A.D.0., Mersing, and Ttan Hajee Mohamed Said bin i Mohamed, were entertained to dinner last week by local Government employees and businessmen. Inche Ibrahim is going on transfer to Penggerang. Johore. Tuan HaJee Mohamed Said. Senior Settlement
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  • 89 5 THIRTY-ONE big Chinese organisations in Sirißapore will soon launch a "punctuality and austerity campaign." The chairman of a sub-committee formed to draft rules for the "punctuality and austerity council," Mr. G. H. Kiat, said yesterday: "Singapore people are are so notoriously slack and unpunctual for meetings
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  • 106 5 University council for S'pore again KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. PLANS for the Council of the University of Malaya to meet In Kuala Lumpur early next month may be shelved because of difficulties In getting a suitable meeting place. Dato Onn bin Ja'afar. president of the Council, told the Straits Times today
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  • 61 5 TAIPING. Sun.— The High Commissioner, Sir Gerald Templer. spoke to newlyappointed officers of the Malayan Service at the conclusion of their twoweek course of Instruction when he visited Talping today. Sir Gerald also inspected the Talping rehabilitation camp spoke to many of the inmates and was
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  • 55 5 JOHORE BAHRU. SunLady Templer. Chief Guide. Federation of Malaya, has invited senior Guide officers to meet her at King's House. Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday to discuss guiding in Malaya Datin H. E. MacKenzie State Guide Commissioner. Johore. will represent Johore which has more than 1.000 Girl
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  • 56 5 Fourteen men from the Singapore Traction Company 1 14 from RAF. Changi and eight from H.M.S. Terror gave blood to the Singapore Blood Bank last week. Transfusions totalled 43. At the end of last week the bank held: Group 0— 26 flasks; Group A— 3s;
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  • 48 5 Mr. H Tudor. Controller of Income Tax. Singapore, will give a talk on "Some Points About Taxation :n General and Tax in Particular" at the St. Andrew's Memorial Hall on Nov 25 The lecture is arranged by the Corporation of Certified Secretaries. Singapore District Society.
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  • 44 5 Out of the 16.782 people vaccinated in the first half of this month. 8,939 were from the rural, and the rest from the city areas, the Singapore Chief Health Officer. Dr. M. DoraLsingham. said yesterday. Total number vaccinated in Singapore ts 540,552.
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  • 28 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. Inche Ismi, Supervisor of Elections, Johore Bahru, will give a talk in English on polling over Radio Malaya at 7 p.m. on Tuesday.
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  • 28 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun.— Sinnasamy, a labourer of Mt. Alma Estate, was bound over for six months in the police court today for stealing two planks.
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  • 313 5 Saaalallea. Hawle la sad Uedaiaa tedar are: DAT Oo.t Prlaliai Wks. H'eedlelfk Pk.. Braddr* HH.aU. Beaadao Bd. ».arent* Bd.. I ppir tx-r.n.ooa Via Ck« Kant Rd. >rrin(iwn Gardea CaUU. AUat Ice Wka. Happy World Aata rtubbrr M'kt. Sims A»e sawmM. 4k* l Kd setwork Calha. Hals aad 5
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 384 5 i^^l^W^-you KNOW the answer. Its that ggijsr^. V something EXTRA you g'.ve your Comp|sr?;~ pany by having studied in your spare s«^=r--' time whatever business subject you have usSir chosen I.C.S. can and will give you specialised training that will help you to acquire tne particular branch of knowledge you
      384 words
    • 238 5 New car polish called Plasticote astounds car /> specialists jiESb' ■LASTICOTE uilh Kcl>rx in a li.|ui<l Jt 3^ ]>tu~t mil i Max ran In- applied in gtt( \JW hriphl Min-liiiif. Snwiolh. lj l .l )Sr^Br M.ikr-. polish 1.1-1 longer. Photographer's model turns grimecovered car into glistening beauty in ■a Wt
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 163 5 T..M.C.V ART CUB: Offlcia. opening of sixtn annul. exhlbit:on at 8.-ltuh Council Hai'.. Orchard Road by tne CumaiiSSiOßer-Genera. Mr Ma com UacOnua.d a d m rot TH COCKCIL: Ta6. -tenolj compeiuion fln:i.« at Chinese VMCA Seie^ie Rr m 7 Dm AKT SOCIETT: Life class at Bnt.»h Council Cenirt Stamford Road
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  • 31 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT MRS WONG FOOK HAN and family th:ink all friends and relatives who sent wreaths tele■nUM etc. and attended the funeral of the Into Dr. Wonx Fook Han on 12th November.
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  • 64 6 WHEN women talk clothes they talk of the gowns at Madeline's. STAGE CLUB PRESENTS "Love In Idleness'— 24. 26. 28 November and "The Shop at Sly Corner" —25. 27. 89th Victoria Theatre S Pm. Bookings at Robinsons. DO YOU TAKE GOOD ADVICE? Then Stop: Get ready. Go To the
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  • The Straits Times
    • 418 6 Punctuality austerity Punctuality and austerity are a couple of hard woids. particularly in the East which the rest of the world regards as the home of procrastination and luxury. Ol course the rest of the worid does not know the hard work that i.>the daily lot of most folk in
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    • 438 6 New sources of capital for colonial development were opened when Mr. Oliver Lyttelton, the Secretary of State far the Colonies, on Friday moved in the House of Commons the second reading of the Colonial Loans Bill, main object of which is to promote borrowing
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    • 270 6 Political clap-trap comes easy Odd ideas about income tax still float around. Only this week-end two candidates for election to the Singapore City j Count il have been dropping dark hints about the motives of people who threaten to impose income tax on hawkers and suggesting that this is a
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  • 1258 6 MAN WHO IS THE MALAY REGIMENT Brigadier j. R C. Andre, about td retire from his post as. Director of Federation Forces, yesterday attended his last parade at Port Dickson. CEOFFREY CELDARD here tells the story of the WHEN Brigadier J R G. Andre stood for the last time on
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  • Untitled
    • 270 6 RECENT correspondence in your columns has given rise to the impression that a police officer can give permission for noises to be made in the middle of the night, to the annoyance of neighbours. This is most definitely not the case. The playing of musical instruments, and
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    • 249 6 IN memory of the many licensed dogs shot dead In Kuala Trengganu on Nov. 6 and 7. without warning to the mostly Illiterate public, and thrown Into bushes and fields to decompose and smell there, I forward herewith for transmission to the Society for the Prevention
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    • 188 6 MR. C. P. Pope has struck a new note in the uproar about night noises. Because the cause was a most worthy one. licence should be granted for the nuisance. Stretching Mr. Pope's theory slightly, we must also grant any person with the most worthy cause
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  • 443 6 Tfce fa11,., A FEW months ago we remarked with regret, in thia half-column, that the pride of our papaya trees had been brought down by a Suma.ra, that the heavy, unripe fruit on it had been stripped to make a Boyanese concoction, but that the tree .still
    443 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 806 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. FAUI.KNFH: At Muternlty Hos"pltil on 14.11.52 »o Nella. wife ot Stewart A. Faulkner, a daughter. LOST LOST 6th Mile Holland Road brown, white Mongrel ***** "Lassie" licence No. ***** please Telephone Fitton ***** FILM" CALBI WA SAYFI Copy missing. Any person In posaession of a positive Print of
      806 words
    • 5 6 if D "til LtArlTr I
      5 words
    • 96 6 6. Raffles Place. Phone ***** XV. lii tilth ffI*^#OPTICIAN cJoKjl/o qeddeo Tne IcrHe /onop Lovely Clothes for Everywoman! also Exclusive Amusing X MAS GIFTS Bar Gadgets, Exquisite Evening Bags. Pearls, Flowers, Novelties. Cough No cough or cold can ww««^i« withstand the gentle yet thorough action of Campbell'j Cherry Cough Syrup.
      96 words

  • 764 7 GO VT. REPLIES TO THE UNIONS y i E You don 't understand, says Mr. Blythe rpHE origin and purpose of the non-pensionable expatriation allowante, recently introduced by the Singapore Government, is not understood by the Singapore Federation of Unions of Government employees, says Mr. W. L. Blythe, Colonial Secretary,
    764 words
  • 52 7 PASSING-OUT PARADE THE DIRECTOR of the Federation Military Forces, Brigadier J. R. G. Andre, inspecting men of the training battalion at Port Dick son yesterday at the passing out parade which was also his farewell to the regiment in which he served and which he commanded for 18 yean. Straits
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  • 275 7 THE Singapore Government has ignored the Colonial White Paper 197 by giving marriage and iamily allowances, disguised as non-pensionable expatriate allowances, to expatriate officers, said the Singapore Federation of Unions of Government Employees in a memorandum to the Colonial Secretary. Mr. W. L Blythe. The
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  • 293 7 PORT DICKSON, Sunday. LMFTY pint-sized "soldiers" stole the show today at one of the finest parades in the post-war history of the Malay Regiment. They were members of the Boy's Company of the Federation and Malay regiments and they were marching past for
    293 words
  • 64 7 No free trips union acts SINGAPORE City Council Electrical Workers' Union is considering taking action ot c r the suspension of tree transport during their work, Mr. A. Ayasamy, assistant secretary of the Union, said yesterday. Earlier protects by the union were rejected. The suspension causes workers "great inconvenience" as
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  • 32 7 The Singapore Kerala Samajam. founded 35 years igo. will hold its annual meeting for the first time in its own premises at 44. Race Course Road on Dec. 21
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  • 52 7 Llm Sze Yuen, 17, of Kallang, was drowned at Pasir Rls, Singapore, yesterday. Llm, a senior pupil of the Kwong Fook School, went swimming with friends off the Pasir Ris Hotel. They brought him ashore and attempted to revive him, but he died before an
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  • 100 7 The budget debate 'In tomorrow's Singapore Legislative Council meeting Is likely to develop into a clash between official and unofficial members. The Colony's budget revision committee, composed of all the unofficial members of the Council. U believea to have suggested in its report on the 1953 estimates
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  • 34 7 Dr. Abraham Stone, will address the Alumni Association of King Edward VII College of Medicine and the British Medical Association on "Research oh contraceptives" at Kandang Kerbau Hospital Singapore, at 815 tonight.
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  • 251 7 UNION MEN STILL SAY: NO VOTES Candidates get cold shoulder THREE prospective candidates for the December Legislative Council by-election in the Seletar Ward were "cold-shouldered" yesterday by the representatives of the Naval Base Labour Union when they tried to persuade them not to boycott the elections. The candidates. Mr. M.
    251 words
  • 387 7 THE Singapore Government may invite a British air terminal specialist to design buildings for the Paya Lebar airport Continued from previous col. must be presented on Its own merits and vi'h data relevant to the particular problem." the letter says. The letter adds: "It
    387 words
  • 203 7 There were plenty of 'bangs SEREMBAN, Sun. EXPLOSIVES were used to *-J make a "mob attack" on a "bandit fort" took real in last night's military pageant at the Rahang Square. Seremban. The pageant, held in torchlight, was in aid of the Negri Sembilan Poppy Day Fund. About 3.000 people
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  • 106 7 LABOUR'S 'ALIENS' ATTACKED MR. C. R. Dasaratha Raj (Labour), who represents Rochore in the Singapore Legislative Council, yesterday said the Labour Party's troubles were due to "the subversive influence of the aliens who dominate it." Mr. Raj toCd a meeting at Lorong Lalat in support of Mr. D. Stevens, the
    106 words
  • 35 7 For the first time ever a Canadian washlp is anchored in Singapore Harbour. The destroyer H.M.C.S. Nootka arrived in the Colony yesterday after completing her second *~ur of duty in Korean waters
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  • 108 7 A HEAVY one-hour shower yesterday afternoon interrupted the cremation of Phra Dhammaratana Pundit, chief priest of the Siamese Temple in Singapore, who died last Monday. At Bidadari Cemetery, 15 Buddhist priests from Ceylon, Burma, Siam, Penang and Singapore chanted beside the coffin before it was placed on
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  • 54 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENT MESSRS. Tan Puay Hee. Tan Puay Choo. Tan Puay Kee and their families wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all relatives, friends ana Associations for their wreaths, scrolls. Messages Telegrams and letters of condolence, visits and attendance on the 16th November 1952 of the funeral of their beloved
    54 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 125 7 THREE SPEED <g§!> AUTOMATIC RECORD CHANGER Suits any Radio MODEL RC. 75. Si 3o (Singapore Price) If you must have Record Changers, you might as well have the best. INSIST ON GARRARD AND ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM AT ALL RADIO DEALERS. Sole Agents KEE HUAT
      125 words
      122 words

  • 367 8  -  KENNETH KONSTAM By THIS is the story or the Three of Clubs. It occurred in the international match between Switzerland and Great Britain. Only a great player could have conceived the coup, and only his equal would have fallen for it. Jean sat East and Leslie Dodds North
    367 words
  • 306 8  -  JOCELYN BROOKE THE VAGRANT MOOD: By W. Somerset Maugham. Heinemann 1 2s. 6d. By MR. MAUGHAM'S professional humility is at once disarming and. one feels at times, a trifle disingenuous. "My literary friends," he says, "do not look upon me as a member of the intelligentsia,"
    306 words
  • 259 8 HITLER 'S LEGEND U-BOAT 977. By Haas SdiaeHef (William lumber. By PETER HILL OEINZ Schaeffer, now n living peacefully in the Argentine, was the commander of the Nazi submarine U-977 around which a legend was woven after the war the legend of having taken Hitler to the land of the
    259 words
  • 540 8  - HE FOUND FORMULA FOR FAME RAY NUNN FLEMING: Discoverer of Penicillin By I. L. Ludovici, Andrew bakers. Ltd., 15s. By WHAT every school- boy with brains is told that he can become a famous man one day, even if he comes from a humble horne —is true. It has been
    540 words
  • 150 8 Napoleon as 'A.P.' sees him WHY WATERLOO? By A.P. Herbert. Mcrhuen 15s. WHY Waterloo? Because the world treated Napoleon so cruelly and foolishly In the Elban episode that he was driven to rebel. This is Sir Alan Herbert's thesis, and he argues his case persuasively. He has read a great
    150 words
  • 369 8  -  GEOFFREY WINNINGTON THE SHOCKING HISTORY OF ADVERTISING: By E. S. Turner. Michael Joseph, 15s. By THE newspaper head- line screamed: "The Duke of Wellington shot Below in much, much smaller type wa3 the phrase... "a glance of admiration at our hats." That. Just over 100 years ago, was
    369 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 53 8 t \f 3iiCi-l- i fi 7/ 5 S v\V%\ V. \\\ll/ Si 111 JHCLLUBKH.AI lUN v*i~\~r>rl Jkll f Wk f% FKiI %M F W\ aw v^Yi&y "'fyl J II II V Iff I 0k U A A illkll Mi aim A V m ,^m OPERATORS HAVE BEEN SPECIALLY TRAINED IN
      53 words

  • 819 9 JAPANESE PRINCE COMES OF AGE THE Japanese Crown Prince has :ome of age and he has done it democratically," according to this article by a Special Correspondent •n Tokyo. Does this mean he wi' 1 eventually become a new-style democratic" emperor? And if so, democracy
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  • 479 9  -  PAUL SETT Prom in NEW YORK rpHERE are dreams a man never outgrows. I can't explain mine. I don't even recommend them. But any way I've always wanted: To jump into a cab and tell the driver. •Follow that cab! There's a five-spot for you if
    479 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 262 9 PAY! 252/A -mm S 9.30 p.m. 1 OPENS TOMORROW! m± HO ME. ...t0 claim ffc« vj| land and love he Jam! **hindl fimA Return JkjM. *m 6ithe w *r Walter Dalt KOBKK'I SON Joanne DRU BRENNAN COMING SOON! A MUSICAL TREAT WITH A TROPICAL BEAT! TODAYS||U iTifflTI 7 AS EXPECTED....
      262 words
    • 232 9 "A HUSBAND'S DIARY" Mandarin Picture Dist. by Shmv Bros. LAST 2 DAYS! 1.45,4, 6 30, 9 30 /Jj I FRENCH Film in COLOR g^^^Bl with English Subtitles 9 "BLUE BEARD W C*eii« Aubf j Plarr* Bfimir fifr Plus' Path* New. Sldr QIFEN OPENS PARLIAMENT V T|T TIT V TiT TIT
      232 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 331 9 Straits Times Crossword To" HI 7T~ 77" 15 16 Ti" i 9 20 Ji !l-~ V i- jitfyj n 11 n n i ACROSS 8. A car cape ianig.) (8). 1. Disconcerting to be put out 9 Trite (13). of this (11). 15- "Renounce the devil and all 10. Part
      331 words

  • 261 10 Bulk of trading in tins By A Market Correspondent WITH a well maintained volume, market interest switched to tins and it was in this section that tie bulk of the week's business was written and many rises were recorded. A moierate turnover was
    261 words
  • 93 10 MALAYAN RATES OF EXCHANGE The Mibyan ENChange Banks i Association announced ngxe"' l rates of exchange to mprrhnts at the weekeni as follows: BUTTNG Air M»n T.T. O.D. 90d«i. Crn^lt »He I Viw York 32 78 33 33 1 S Canada 32 14 32 3 8 32 5 8 Tt-k-
    93 words
  • 234 10 BUSINESS done in the Mai- ayan Shore Markrt iast week included: IndusiHals: -Praser Neave S?.4i to $2.02 V 2 Gammon $2.93: Ciinsclida'.cc Tin Sxeltsrs 21,3; BUUW $2.(5 C and $2.0?'t.; Malayan Brcveries $4.40: Malayan Cc:--.nt $1.20; Straits SteaTship $19.50: Strait* Timrs $4 no to $383: Straits Tratfinp $22.60
    234 words
  • 52 10 roMI.VIU) fun ness and a healthy tone In the robber commodily market brought cautions buying enquiries and, in meeting these, it became clear Mwt rubber scrip h avaUable in vrry limited quantities around present quotations and that any considerable buying would result in a substantial markinr no in
    52 words
  • 48 10 THE forthcoming loan issue by the Fede-atinn the effect of hr'n?in<; I al wWari the n»w S'lifapo-e Ci'y "Fives" al 191 vhere sock \ras taken. Bayers continue to show interest in short-dated slock and in a sibstan ril mat king up in three per cents.
    48 words
  • 227 10 Frcm Our Own Ctrrespondent MELBOURNE. Sat. -yUE rifvv r;i^e of 4-i per •MM announcrd for ihe next. Commnnwilih loan was greeted *?>• a better market for exis in r i the S I rtfajr. Fi";-r.c!?l cuf'^or! i^s exptet Ihe n"w I> to s
    227 words
  • 38 10 NEW YORK. Sun. Wall Street stocks were indecisive on Friday with tax adjustments rraklnir some issues firm notably e!ectronlcs and others soft notably oils. The dose was very steady, with the majority mostly fract lonal gains.
    38 words
  • 28 10 NEW YORK. Snn. N«. 1 R.S.S. December contract (In VS. enti» per Ib) Tho-i-'ay's Fridays; rltwtnr elaalnc 29.50 trader! 29.M bid 3S.SS asked Tone: Steady.
    28 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1398 10 mw MANSFIELD «t CO., LTD. th mm (10 lines' (Incorporated in Singopore) l J°, o "£J BLUE FUNNEL LINE Dapts Carrier's optioa) to proceed via otfcor ports to load and discharge corgo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW. LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Ou<» Sails P S'hom Penono Pclcus for Marseilles Liverpool (Glow
      1,398 words
    • 521 10 BFN LINE STEAMERS LTD Far U K /CONTINENT Spore P S'nom Penonq Bc«--I«u*ti hf 'vo-nool Dublin, Glasaow, Rotterdam r#fT Be«-ortv fAr Hove London, Newcastle. Hull roft RetterrJam. Hamburg ""^I 8/23 Nov. 24/25 Nov. 26/28 Nov. Oendorun I i Av-n-nout*- I ivernool i-ilosoow Ro>*»rdam. Hamburg 20/26 Nev 27 '29 Nov 30
      521 words
    • 503 10 FAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANOINAVIAN/U K./CONTINEMT Spore P- S'hom Penong o ret»rki" tor Banakok 27/29 Nay Toraa" tor Dtakorta Bangkok Soioon Hnr-okono Momlo r». »obe voknhnmo 10/11 Oac 8/ 9 Dae 6/ 7 Oac 'S«lnndin" for Bangkok (oeisenoers onty) 16/16 Dec fma" for M»lh-*irne svdn«v Bnshane '^or loodina 25/29
      503 words
    • 1123 10 McALISTER tfc CO.. LTD. TEL: Na. 5906 BLLERMAN RUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON. HAVRE, ROTTERDAM LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO. HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEATTLE VANCOUVER *ZSi£J?Z SS& po "'<•■.'•' tr Sout CITY OF OTTAWA" Amaricor. P~ts vn-.-i- P Shorn Penang 'BOUGAINVILLf" G. IS/16 Spore P Sham Ponong 21 Nov. 22/24 No». 25/27 Nov.
      1,123 words

  • 486 11 FALL DID NOT STOP LEN aBOUQI'ET Io jockry L*n Fry who itfostri Io call it quit.. ■fi:r a bad fall at Bi kit Timah on Saturday. Scrupulous, a I three-year-'-ld Ly he wartime Derby winner Straight Deal. n!io was making his first apprzrante on a Malayan rac?r<ursc, dived headlong agains
    486 words
  • 533 11 More weights for S'pore races VyEIGHTS for all eight races at Bukit Timah on Wednesday, second day of the Singapore Turf Club's November meeting, are: Cl. 1, DIV. 1-6 F. Bil'daw 9.07 Sporting Gesture 9.0 Best Bet 9.M Zanzibar 8.12 Euph.ates 8.10 Northern C H r ml 8.09 RiTer Patrol
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  • 557 11  -  EPSOM JEEP 13 HANDICAPPED FOR BIG RACE By THIRTEEN crack stayers have been handicapped for the Singapore St. Leger over I, 1 miles and 55 yards longest race in the Malayan racing calendar to be run at Bukit Timah on Saturday, last day
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  • 105 11 SINGAPORE Civilians hockey team scored a four-one victory over W/Cdr. Russell* XI In a fast and exciting game at Changi yesterday. Civilians led one-nil at half time, left back Kulper scorinc from a short corner. Kuiper scored from another corner early in the second half,
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  • 404 11 Yong- Jackie Jones had a good day HIGHLIGHT of Saturday's racing at Bukit Timah was the spectacular surcess of the trainer Yonpjockey Jackie Jones combination. Yonp's hors?s were in grand form, winning four races, and Jackie Jones, with some exceptionally fine work in the saddle, rode three of them. Scotch
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  • 58 11 WEIGHTS for the Sintaporc SI. Le t er are: PARMITER 9.00 KINGPORT 8.11 COL. WHATNOT 8.09 OLONEL DALY 8.07 THE BOM 8.05 MI'RARAK 8.04 CHFSIEHES 8.02 BLOODSHOT 8 91 ONE THREE ONE 8.00 TWELFTH OF AUGUST B.o* BRAVE WIND 7.1 S PEP-C 7.11 SNAPDRAGON 7.10 No
    58 words
  • 124 11 w HEN PARMITER was switched from sprinting to staying and tackled the best in the staying class Jn the Singapore Gold Cup (1» 4 miles) there were many who doubted the wisdom of the move I. too. was among them. How wrong we were. Owner Mr.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 719 11 Grand Coronation Tour: An unforgettable tour through the loveliest part of lt*'y— C Switzerland Germany Holiard Belgium France J England Scot'and 95 DAYS INCLUSIVE TOUR 3 Commencing Terminating in Singapore f <? g Toi-nst H'.iss accommcx.'ition med'um C-.'de 5 Hotels; escorted tour< in Europe U.K by Auto-Puliman deluxe coach Departure
      719 words
    • 83 11 ENGLISH ELECTRIC Domestic (fifik Uo?i<;r Appliances WgSl fI P USE M &i Service •o| wA\ Meters ifffci^ Ali insulated or metai cases. e^Gg* Temperature Compensated. rjf^yv 'sS^!^^ Long Range. <P^_fr*fikT^* i Standard Ratings /j^k. i\ 2 5> H>> 25 and Am P*- al^BsV 'atA 20 26 V ltS S C>C
      83 words

  • 940 12 KOON YAM GETS DECISIVE POINT By Our Badminton Reporter CELANGOR wrested the Foong Seong Cup for badminton from the holders, Singapore, whom they beat by five matches to three at the Singapore badminton stadium last night, and the decisive point was scored by Selangor's
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  • 113 12 SATURDAY NIGHT One Poh Lim bt Lim Kee Fong 15-6, 15-7; Loong Pan Yap lost to A. Pirui 15-18, 4-15. Poh Lim and Marjan bt Kee Fong and reek Chye 15-3. Ifi I" Tan Chong Tee and Kong Kan Mm lost to Pirui and Koon Yam
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  • 191 12 Changi win game of many penalties JOHORE BAHRU. Bun. CCORINO a penalty goal in the last few minutes of the game, RAF Changi defeated South Johore RFC at rugby yesterday by 14 points (one goal, one dropped goal, one try and one penalty goal) to 12 (one dropped goal, three
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  • 45 12 The Ract Crurse Cup competition at the Island Club was won by J.L. Sagam who beat SO Kemco one up In the final yesterday The mixed foursomes was won by Mrs. George Addlson and Lim Bo Yam with a score of 63.
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  • 52 12 Indian Rovers beat boys from 'he Salvation Army Home by five stoals to three in a friendly soccer match M Farrer Park on Saturday. Scorers were Edmund Dass »2), Lawrence Dass. E. Nathan and H. Victor for Rovers and H Y. Hock and Hamid (2) for the
    52 words
  • 228 12 MUAB. Sin— johore Malays had close call in their Svltans' Gold Cup soccer I match against Malacca Malays here yesterday. They won 4-3 after surviving a grand second half rally by Malacca Malnys. which almos' I cut down their early 4-1 lead to nought. Had Malacca
    228 words
  • 33 12 TODAY: High !094 hrs 1 ft) and 23i2 11.71' Low OMB '3tl and 1(31 It 21. TOMORROW: High 1034 (9 41 and 2352 iS Si: Low 0438 (4 11 and 1112
    33 words
  • 855 12 the end of this week the first Asian table tennis championships will start in Singapore, with tour world-ranking players singles champion Hiroji Satoh, Tadaki Hayashi (Japan), Sih Su-Chu and Fu Chi-Fatig (Hong Kong among the entries. These four are seeded in the men's open
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  • 220 12 SEREMBAN, Sun. OELANOOR emerged champions in the Quadrangular Hockey Tournament which concluded here today. In their last match, against Paharg, Selangor won 2 o Selangor had beaten Malacca 1 6 l on Friday and Negri Sembllan 3 l yesterday Pahang's defence put up a stubborn fight
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  • 413 12 JOHANNESBURG. Sunday. lIM.MY CARRUTHERS, Australian champion, won the world bantamweight boxing championship here last night when he battered Vie Toweel, South African holder of the title, into a first round knock out defeat. Toweel did not land a punch in the short
    Reuter  -  413 words
  • 289 12 Shirai beats Marino to retain title TOKYO. Bun. VOSHIO Shirai, Japan's first world flyweight title holder, retained his title here last night when he outpointed Dado Marino (Honolulu) over 15 rounds. It was from Marino that the Jap took the title and this waa their fourth meeting. Marino won the
    Reuter-AAP  -  289 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 854 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page 6) i SITUATIONS VACANT LOCALLY qualified nurse with knowledge of local languages required as Nurs-. 1 Receptionist to doctor's surgery. Box A 5131. S.T. GRADE 2 or grade 3 dresser required for 5 months from December Ist. Salary COL at M.P.I.E.A. rates according to qualifications
      854 words
    • 841 12 BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIKS ADVERTISER Interested In Sole Crepe Rubber and wants to receive offers direct from Rubber Estates or Agents. Box No. A5lOl. 8T (iODOWN SPACE VACANT IMMEDIATELY available on lease new steel framed godown with concrete floor area 21.3"0 gq. ft. vicinity Happy Wrrld alongside Kallacg River accessible by lorries
      841 words
    • 149 12 PHO«IQMS7OHYIUICro* TODAY: S. 6.15 A 9.15 "YAR XI BATE' In Hindustani Nfxt Change •SHORGA DINIA" OVAL 3.00. 8.15 I" "JAAL" Hiudu-Un; i "EX Johore Bah- Todar 31V 6-13 Ml EX NAZAR" (Hindostani \TI.ANTIC Great Won Today: 7.00 A 9.15 p.m. ANJORAN NASIB" (Mala> I sfN New World j j Today:
      149 words
    • 210 12 MORE SPORT IN PAGES 4 AND 11 »f.?<3 2 SUNGLARE Z pK tlvs^*ip& almost ruined \f/f OUTDOOR PLEASURE T FOR ME It seemed I would have lo give up all My wife noticed how my eves troubled sports: sunglare was irritating my me. "Your eyes need protection," eyes, and making
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 29 12 HOCKEY DIV. 1A: RXAS RAF Chanel at Sembawanf. DIV. 2B: University v S.S.C. at S.R.C. FRIENDLY: Indian Assn. »K at I.A. RIGGER S.C.C. B t Marine Police on Padang.
      29 words