The Straits Times, 11 November 1952

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • 234 1 Highly organised, says customs chief AND HARD TO CATCH WORLD-WIDE smuggling gangs arc using Singapore as their iu.jdquarters. This was officially admitted yesterday. Mr. J. A. Parker, Controller of Customs, told reporters that opium stmiAglinfl rings were financed by people in Singapore who wire "extremely
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  • 43 1 A $120,000 mm haul QaUOMMtE Customs <>t opium in a hous in Kjmpon. i: hrj y. A ri»v. I. v worth MM 0. Art) it came f on: Pass On M u..s ilft litut! ■mn wiii !< charged in the Third Distrid C'ou.t today.
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  • 58 1 LINZ. Austria. Mon.— Two men left here today with a home-made Ml boat in which they hope to sail round the world. Otto Etchiiiger, 34, wartime U-boat officer, and Herbert Staffleitner, 29. will set out in their 22-foot craft from Genoa. Italy, and head for Australia They
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  • 53 1 HONG KONG. Mon.—Thousands of Chinese troops and workers are building a highway across "the roof of th*> world" to link the Tibetan capital of Lhasa with Communist China, the New China News Agency reported today. It said the highway will run 750 miles from Lm«a to
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  • 31 1 MANILA. Mon— The Army 'oday said that 14 Communist Huks were killed and 17 wounded in week-end operations on Luzon Island. Government and civilian lasses werp A.P.
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  • 25 1 HOLLYWOOD. Mon— More than 60 Hollywood film stars will entertain United States troops in Korea. Alaska. Greenland and the Caribean during Christmas— A.P
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  • 198 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. MALAYAN tin producers greeted with jubilation today the publication of the United States tin mission's der.s of the industry in Kuala Lumpur were cautious in commenting. Mr. D. T. Waring, president of the F.MS. Chamber of Mines, said he would
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  • 310 1 U.S. MISSION VINDICATES TIN INDUSTRY WASHINGTON. Monday. riE LONG DELATED report of the United States tin mission to Malaya, published today, completely vindicates Malayan producers. It dismisses charges of price gousinp, of cartels and the adoption of restrictive practices. The report said that the free world might lose more than
    Reuter; AP  -  310 words
  • 23 1 LONDON, Mon— The Queen and Mr Churchill sent messages of condolence tonight on the death of Israeli President Mr. Chaim Wetanann— UP.
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  • 43 1 KARACHI. Mon. The Duchess of Kent and her son the Duke Were received by the Pakistan Governor-General, Mr. Ohulam Mohammed, and the Prime Minister. Mr. Khwaja Nazimuddin when they called at Karachi today on the way home from thenFar Easttour.
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  • 34 1 TEHERAN. Mon.— The Foreign Minister, Mr. Hussein Fateml. announced today that the Shah had blocked Majlis action against ex-Pre&ier. Mr. Ahmed Ohavam on charge* of responsibility for last July's Teheran riots— UP
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  • 129 1 4 sleeping men buried alive in landslide IPOH. Mon PUR labourers working a mine at Lahat. nv miles from Ipoh, lost thc-i lives in a landslide today The accident happened whei. a huce bank near the mail. Ipoh-Batu Gajah road collapsed and filled the mine, entlrelv covering an en rim
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  • 29 1 LONDON, Mon— The London Daily Mirror today called upon the UJB. Presi-dent-elect. Mr. Elsenhower, to "honour" Britain by naming Governor Adlai Stevenson as Ambassador to Britain.— Reuter.
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  • 65 1 Red advises the lovelorn VIENNA. Mon M OVE at first sight" EJ is merely a •remnant of capitalist society and bourgeois best-sel-lers." says a woman writer in the Hungarian youth ortan. Sibad Isjusair. She said aeaptos should utt as long getting to know each •tbrr before Marriage as the Communist
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  • 20 1 MANILA, Mon. Brenesto Quirlno. eldest brother of President Quirlno, has died •Her a heart attack. He was 66— UP.
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  • 52 1 THE HIGH COMMISSIONER cracks a Joke, the village heads enjoy a food laugh and you have the happiest picture from the villages since the Emergency began. This picture was taken when General Sir CfT*ld Tempter met committee members of MenUkap new Tillage during his
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  • 108 1 BEREMBAN, Mon FCNICKERS at the 7th mile Port Dickson coast road, near the Si-Rusa Inn. yesterday saved a Beremban shopkeeper. Mr. Loy Hoi Ngianr>. 39. from drowning. Mr. Loy had an attack of cramp while in the water and cried for help. Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 159 1 The Marquis has his own coach LONDON, Mon. rPHE 47-year-old Marquis of ■I Bath Intends to add his own personal touch of old English pageantry to the Coronation next June by travelling to WestminsterAbbey in his ancestral family coach coachman, footmen, horses and all. The coach, with its black and
    AP  -  159 words
  • 75 1 TRKDEGAR (Wales), Mon. Mr. Bevan yesterday warned President-elect Eisenhower that he would not have the support of the British people if he tried to bring the Korean war to an end "by territorial extension of the conflict." "Do not believe the people of Great Britain are prepared
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  • 19 1 SEOUL, Mon. The Far East Air Forces in Korea today made their 250.000 th air evacuation. AP
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  • 26 1 HONG KONG, Mon—Communist newspapers and radio stations today said that 66 Chinese cities are showing Russian films now as part of "Soviet Month".— AP.
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  • 84 1 Siam police hold 100 for 'plot' BANOKor Mon. DOLICE arrested about 100 people between last Qi«ht and early this morning on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government by fore*. Those arrested Include three prominent Journalists, Kularb Salpradlt. one of the leader^ of the Siamese Peace Committee, Swarene Tunkabao. editor
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  • 173 1 Alone, 12 days lost at sea PAKISTANI fisherman Abukar Mobarak All, 53, clung to his overturned fishing boat in the middle of the Bay of Bengal for 12 days and prayed for a passing ship to rescue him. Yesterday Abukar landed in Singapore. Six days ago he was picked up
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  • 37 1 NEW YORK. Mon— Mr. Bernard Jan Israel, aged 52. Hew York representative «>f the Nationale Handelsbank N.V., died in his home yesterday. Th c Indonesian-born Dutch banker was formerly Netherlands eorsul in Amoy— U.l J
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  • 46 1 HONG KONG. Mon. The two surviving Yau quadruplet girls, born here on Oct 24, are still doing well, but are too small and too weak to leave their oxygen incubator in hospital. Two of the girls died within six days of being born. AP.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 87 1 LOOK FOR IWj r^L GREEN BUTTOH fM OIL LAMP ih Rppresentatlvea: mrht< SCOTT ENGLISH (S. F.a.i I 14. Koala Lumpur, Singapore. *^888 The PHILIPS chop guides the choice of millions $$9* In radio it represents the widest selection of **KS& sets and radiograms available In Malaya All produced specially for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 569 2 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that SAM SUN COMPANY, of No. 98, Market Street. Singapore, consists of two partners only namely CHAN KOK CHEE and YEO CHEW, and the said firm will not be responsible for any transactions entered into by anyone with any person purporting to resprexent the
      569 words
    • 464 2 NOTICES THE TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE, 1939. (Ne. 22 of 1939) Winding-tip nnder Section 4A of the above Ordinance Re. Archipelago Brewery Co., Ltd. P. A. F. Becker Co., Ltd. and Mende Radio Co. G. Bantle Sc Co Cafe Wten and R. Kellennan Erne Kellennan. Lohmann 3c Co. Ltd.
      464 words
    • 641 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited from Federal Citizens for appointment as Probationer Laboratory Assistant. Salary: $102 x 114 Exam. Bar 156 x 12 r 240 Exam Bar 252 x 12 360 p.m. plus cost of living alowanee at current rates, Age: between 17 and 23 yean. Qualifications: Must have passed
      641 words
    • 809 2 TENDERS t LAUNCHES POR SALE i- Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned will be received up to 00 p.m. on 14th November. 10 1953. for purchase of one or all ;e of the following four Launches -i 'AS TS WHERE IS" basis: I- m.l Vljaylaxmi O.R.T. 277 le si Slta
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    • 121 2 j W**t lift Sj\£\ The 'purpose of a pulley block is to enable a f V I man to lift easily and quickly a load which otherwise would be beyond his strength- A workshop fully equipped with Morris mechanical lifting gear thus saves time, work and money|^Bpgi|nj OTHER MORRIS PRODUCTS
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  • 199 3 Armour and paratroops smash ahead in the big offensive HANOI, Indo-China, Monday. {TRENCH UNION armoured units, joined by paratroopers, pushed today up a great square 40-mile wide valley that points like a fat thumb from the Hanoi delta area toward the Chinese border. Tanks and paratroopers
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  • 111 3 NEW YORK. Mon. THE Foreign Ministers of Britain the United States *nti France yesterday discussed political matters now before the United Nations General Assembly— chiefly on the deadlock in Korea and France's relations with heriNoith African dependencies. The Foreign Secretary. Mr. Eden, first met M.
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  • 76 3 TOKYO, Mon— Emperor Hirohiio wjday ceremonia Iy j invested his son, Prince Akimto. as heir to the Japa- nese throne. Three hundred and thirty two distinguished gue.sts matched the 15-minute ceie- mony at the Imperial Palace. For the first time, the I audience included foreign Ambassadors. Press
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 55 3 KITWE, Northern Rhodesia. Men. African mine workers were to return to work today after a three-week strike estimated to have cost four great mining companies operating in Northern Rhodesia's copper belt more than £3.--7000.000. The 37,000 strikers were returning on condition that wage talks with the
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  • 18 3 PEOPRA. Illinois, Mon even children died In a I house lire here last niche lA.P.
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  • 72 3 BAN TOY COSHES, SAYS M.P. LONDQN. Mon. A British Member of Parliament says he will ask the Government to ban toy blackjacks for children. Sir Waldron Smithers, a Conservative, said the sale of toy coshes should be stopped "in view of the wave of crime and violent assault." Sir Waldron
    AP  -  72 words
  • 19 3 MANILA. Mon— Filipßios drank 881.306.611 bottles of soft drinks, costing US$3l 344.688 In 1951.— A J»
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  • 22 3 NEW DELHI. Mon. New Delhi's oldest man. Lai Chand. said to be 114 years old, died yesterday. Reuter.
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  • 144 3 'HeilHitler' man to be examined LONDON. Mon. JOHN Battersby. 45. who ■rii-d "llcil Hitler" during .i wo- minute silence at a service for Britain's war d<*id. BM ordered by a niicistrtle today to underto a mental examination. He broke the stillness yes'erdav ;it the war memorial in central I-ondon where
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  • 62 3 LONDON, Mon -More than 150 British Army officers and men stationed in Bermuda wii: be sailing for Britain soon, the War Office announced. A spokesman said there WU DO longer any operational need lor keeping the men there. Defence of the island, in the North
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  • 63 3 TOKYO. Mai.— The first medal for valour ever preseived to a Korean civilian by the Eighth Army v.a.s \i terday awarded to Son a Bang Bok who went to the help oi an American officer, who lost both legs when a Communist mortar shell exploded. The
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  • 48 3 RANGOON. Mon. —Armour. *>rt (Mrs yesterday went from Rangoon, to Htongyi. 31 nllea to the east, wnore rebels dpr*!*fld and looted a passenKrr train Latest reports say that e'grft people were killed and 20 injured. The rebels seize,) Mine army pitrols as hostages.— Renter.
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  • 30 3 LONDON Mon The fourth Ear] of Powis. a direct descendant of Clive of India, died at hi; castle home at WeLshpool, east Wales, yesterday, aged 90.— Reuter.
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  • 126 3 LONDON. Monday TOP atomic experts of Britain and Canada have completed a secret two-day talk on "technical policy". The meeting on Friday and Saturday at Harwell, Britain's atomic research station, discussed the prospect of using atomic energy for industry and the production of
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  • 129 3 30 started a revolution for teacher TEL AVIV, Mon. THIRTY pupils of a Tel Aviv secondary school wept when they w«r« told that Ben Moshe, their favourite teacher, had keen transferred to another class Then the 30 boys and girls, all about 14 years old, started a revolution. They ran
    AP  -  129 words
  • 44 3 Michael, 14, takes cake FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD Michael May. of London, who entered a cake baking com petition and won the first prize beating local housewi ves. He used the price money of 10 shillings to buy ingred ients for the cake he is making now.
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  • 201 3 LONDON. Monday. DEADER HARRIS, a lay member of the Church of lv England Assembly, will renew efforts this week to shame the "Red" Dean of Canterbury. Dr. Hewlett Johnson, into quitting his job. A committee of the Assembly, the high parliament of
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  • 65 3 LONDON. Mon— Mr Herbert Douglas Fisher. 73-year-old brother of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Dr Geoffrey Fisher, was killed by a train at London Road station in Leicester. His body was found near the entrance to a tunnel. A few minutes before the arrival of an express Mr.
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  • 51 3 SAN FRANCISCO. Mon Mr. Phillip Murray, emigrant son of a Scottish miner who for the past 12 years led the United States' most powerful trade union organisation, died of heart failure in San Francisco, aged 66 Mr. Murray was president of the 5.000,000-stroTiK Congress of Industrial
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  • 52 3 LONDON, Mon. Directors of the 6.000-seat Liverpool stadium have refused to r)lre the hall for a mass meeting supporting the Left-win* Labour leader, Mr Aneurm Bevan. The meeting was scheduled for Dec. 7. It was organised by Merseyside Co-operative Parties and some local divisional Labour
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  • 26 3 WASHINGTON. Mon.— Gen. Van Fleet, Bth Army Commander In Korea, la to retire under the age limit rule In January, an Army spokesman said.— Reuter
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  • 33 3 BERLIN. Mon— The United States 86th Fighter-Bomber Wing in West Germany, one of the closest to the Iron Curtain, will soon be equipped with the latest type Korea-tested F-86 Sabre jets —Reuter.
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  • 27 3 BONN, Mon.— Herr Theodor Blank, the West German Defence Commissioner, yesterday said that West Germany would supply 40 generals to the planned European Army.— Reuter.
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  • 140 3 BUT HE WILL TRY AGAIN PARIS, Mon. A TIGER seriously mauled a 10-year-old boy at a circus yesterday but failed to shale* id j d^eiHittmiion to learfc toll* an, Asisjnai tamer. Marc he Mwtbrteen was in the cage with the regular trainer taking bis 10th les- son a lion tamer.
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  • 349 3 Dull market LONDON, Mon T*HE absence of any stimulating news over the weekend and the approaching end of the current trading account were responsible for dull and lifeless conditions on the London Stock Exchange today. Government securities drifted slowly lower to the extent of abo'it one-quarter of a
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  • 27 3 LONDON. Nov. ll.— Cash Buyers £956; Sellers £955; Forward Buyers £938; Sellers £939 Settlement £957 (down £1). Turnover a.m. 55 tons; p.m. M tons.
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  • 35 3 LONDON. Not. 10— Spot 22\d Dec. 22\d Jan -Mar. M\d.. Apr June 22; d July-Sept. 22', d Not. elf. 22 \d Dec. elf. 22 ->d Jan. elf 22 5 ,d Market: Quietly steady
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 105 3 THE MEW BRISTOL fjIf Into to ico uvci th* I iNOiPINDINI tssst Hie BRISTOL hit CLUTCH STEERINC einblnhed its -cputjtion at CIVES FULL POWER the tractor with Hie greatest ON TURN, drawbar pull for it* sis* of •HYDRAULIC any kind >n th« world. No CONTROL. wheeUd tractor can compete UNIT
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    • 132 3 MOUNTAIN MAW is the purest, tastiest BB^mm i: I TOMATO JUICE you've ever tasted. Buy the large, economical 16-oz tins. Singapore COLD STORAGE O>. Ltd. A few drops of away l Trad* F.nquiriet to: SANDILANDS BUTTERY CO., LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG KUALA LUMPUR tPOH rj^^H At HE R |pBH I THEY'RE
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  • 312 4 THEY GET THEIR MAIN EXTREME LEFT: Tr.e Suttan c' Kctantaa inspecting Home C. .1 ds at the conclusion of their training at the State Training Centre at Pengkalan Chcpa. "Peace and harmony in your fcampongs depends on you," he told them. Now go back to your kampongs and te!l them
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  • 116 4 PICTURES STORY by a special correspondent ABOVE: Men of remote kampongs many of which can only be reached by jeep along the bunds of the padi fields, flock around the State Home Cuard Officer, R. C. Whipps. and Home Cuard Major Hashim bin Hap Mohammad during an inspection tour. RIGHT:
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 39 4 I <^M^fe>tiie JHOttk car/ 11 fOR MAGNIFICENT M ]oRmQ>^^^J^^^. Singapore Kuala Lumpur. Representatives m: Maracca Sercmban Ipoh Penang Butterworth JesseOoa. BORNEO MOTORS LTD, inhaler ;*r' Cle^r-s file lie«^ |B A mOOUCI or *mmF THOMAi KERFOOT fir CO. LTD. ENGLAND
      39 words
    • 35 4 II W '^UAMS& HUMBERTS I I DRY SACK 1 1 ~1 CHOCOLATE LAXATIvB Mfc Nogriping BANISHES 1 %iX Notation CO NSTIPAT I O M i£*K OVESNIGHTIJH L"*^S^ Available from Chemists and High Class Stores. |H
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  • 195 5 TUC to invite British unionists KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. DRITISH trade union 13 experts will soon be Invited to Malaya to help its trade union movement. A Malayan Trades Union Council central committee meeting last night agreed that British trade unionists would be better equipped to advise the local movement on
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  • 141 5 IPOH. Mon— There will be thirteen public holidays in PeraK next year, according to official information released today. The first of these, apart from New Years Day, will be the birtnday of the Sultan of Perak, which 1 falls on Thursday, Jan. 15. Other public holidays
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 5 MUAR. Mon.— Goh Yew Chiang was bound over for six months at Muar for having five pellets of chandu at Jalan Ayer. Itam. Bakri THE TRAFFIC MANAGER of Los Angeles Harbour Department, Mr. T. G. Maddox, no son a trade promotion visit to Singapore. Straits Times picture.
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  • 73 5 SEREMBAN, Mon.-A resolution not to amalgamate with the Postal Uniformed Staff Union. North Malaya was DMsed at yesterday's sixth annual meeting of the Postal Uniformed Staff Union. Negrl Sembllan and Malacca branches, held at Seremban. The meeting also resolved to urge the Government to come to an
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  • 495 5 S MUTATIONS HaMe te load abed- Hue tedav DAY \-m Rubber Wk>. Siait Aye Bawm»t Sh.M Co.. Le. R.M>er w". MuunlbaUrn Rd. nctuurk, Catbaj» and artwork MatOonald Hoaw Taa T»e Pl/f. j i.nin seak St, Haler Albert St. Skart St., New Vpnrt Ice cI J e "t
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  • 215 5 We can withstand all storms, 9 party chairman says MR. S. K. Reddi, acting chairman of the Labour Party of Singapore, told more than 200 people at Farrer Park, Singapore, last night that the party general council would put up a united front to save the
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  • 94 5 HAWKERS who were ousted from their stall sites In Beach Road, Singapore, on Friday, to make room for the new esplanade park, reappeared last night. They set up their stands again outside the fence posts of the projected parkone group opposite the Singapore Cricket Club
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  • 26 5 SEREMBAN, Mon.— A oneweek exhibition of 100 British books supplied by the British Council. Kuala Lumpur, began today at the Seremban Gurney Memorial Library.
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  • 257 5 LEARNER DRIVER TESTS ANYONE who considers he has not been given a fair driving test should get in touch with the licensing officer in the Traffic Office, Mr. A. R. Anderson, Assistant Commissioner of Police, said yesterday. Mr. Anderson was commenting on two letters,
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  • 45 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon.— Dr. Salleh bin Haji A. Hamid has been appointed Acting Principal Medical Officer. Johore, following the departure of Dr. E. D B. Wotflo for Penang to become the Deputy Dlr ctor Medical Services. Rural Hyg cne Federation of Malaya
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  • 70 5 SEREMBAN. Mon.— About 200 members of the second company of the Auxiliary Police, Seremban, will take part in a passing out parade at Seremban Padang on Thursday. The men had been undergoing training since the middle of August. They will be Inspected by the Commissioner of Police Federation.
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  • 93 5 THEIR MECCA SAYINGS GAMBLED AW AY PENANG, Mon. SEVERAL Kedah Malays who have saved a lifetime of earnings for a pilgrimage to Mecca are not able to make the trip because of heavy losses on the "HI characters" lottery, the Penang Malay newspaper Warta Negara states today. The paper rarries
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  • 36 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. More roads in Johore Bahru have been gazetted as 'OneWay Traffic" thoroughfares. These roads are: Jalan Wa Yusoh, Jalan Pasar, Jalan Dhoby, Jalan Pahang, and Jalan Tan Hook Nee.
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  • 27 5 MUAR. Mon.— Muar Government English 3cji<xjl staged a two-night ctnema show and collected $600 for the school s Scouts' Camp Fund
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 114 5 Highest ever Performance M. mm u^HHL t A^ Sp^W f/\ lIV wHfl Check the features of the New Dunlop Universal M ffl^Jt TO Motorcycle Tyre. (1) Deep interlocked block pattern tor fl BdVil even tread wear, more mileage and safety at ipeed. j^ A|^HB j» (2) Knife cuts for' extra
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  • 358 6 But community leaders point to racial prejudices KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. COMMUNITY leaders today denied in Kuala J Lumpur that racial tension exists in Malaya, but some agreed that there are racial differences and prejudices "not amounting to tension". They were commenting on the statement yesterday by
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  • 113 6 Hussein Onn wants to study law JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. CAPT. Hussein bin Cnn has applied to the London Inns of Court for admission to study law. Capt. Hussein, who went to j Dehra Dun before the war fcr military training, joined the Johore Civil Service after H war. He resigned
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  • 55 6 IPOH, Mon MORE than 300 men and jvomen student teachers of English school; in Perak. Selr.iigor, Negri Sembilan, Penang and Kedah will hold a four-day convention In Ipoh, beginning on Dec. 15, with the main idea of promoting friendship. The student teachers hope to exchange views
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  • 216 6 Why recall the horror? he asks Onn IVTO Onn bin Ja'afar's MJ reference to the Sino-j v clashes in theFede- in 19-15 was strong--1 ised In- t»i»> fccie^al of T'MN'O beadquarters. r:ch« Zulkifli bin Mohamed Hashim. Tht* UMNO SDOkesjnan said he disagreed wirh D?fo Onn that there was in-crea--In«j tensfrvi
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  • 52 6 TELUK ANSON. Mon Lower Perak will be represented at the Pan-Paclflr Scout Jamboree in Sydney in December by three members of the Ist Lower Perak Rover Crew. The Rovers. Loh Piang Wong, Ong Teik Sim and Chan Kok Hong, will leave Teluk Anson on
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  • 134 6 AN emergency shipment of 1,440 X-ray films for A the Singapore General Hospital Is being flown to the Colony today from the United States. Mr. U R. Wales, Singapore manager of the Eastman Kodak Corporation told the Straits Times yesterday that noimal shipments from
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  • 102 6 KUALA LTJMPUR. Mon.The UMNO-MCA alliance has drawn up th>- following schedule for nine ore-election meetings. beglr.rinK from tonight- Nov. 14 Sultan Sulatman Club tSeniui) at 7.31 p.m.; Nov. 16 Bungsar Tamil School 'Bungsari at 7.30 pm Nov. 22 Jalan Barrat Imbl Road Junction dmbi) at 5.30 p.m.:
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  • 160 6 2 Reds slain in North Johore KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. FIJIANS and Cameronians fought gangs in north Johore yesterday and killed two terrorists The Fijians waited in ambush at a terrorist supply dump In the Yong Peng area. A lone terrorist who walked up to the dump was shot dead and
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  • 60 6 1 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon— A new airstrip is under construction at Sungei Segamat. I ki the district oi Sepamat. Land totalling 13,504 square feet has been requisitioned for the construction of a road tc the airstrip. The construction of this airstrip will complete a tale from
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  • 50 6 PARIT BUNTAR. Mon Goh Teong Sing, a lorry driver, whose lorry was in- volved in a triple collision with another lorry and a bus. was yesterday fined $150, or two months' imprisonment, for negligent driving. His driving licence was a!so I ordered to be endorsed.
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  • 67 6 IPOH. lion.— A 76-year-old oda-job labourer. Siong Yoke was awarded $20 compen itton by the ipoh Magistrate. Inche Abdullah bin OhaaaUa. fo r having: been bitten by a.i unmuzzled dog ;n Hugh Low Street. Ng Chan Nam. the own<> r f the dog. was
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  • 26 6 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon Mohamed Hussain Baruoha and Samsudin Hassan Chay were each fined $10 at Johore Bahru today. for peddling trishaws without a licence.
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  • 220 6 DEATH TRAP' HOUSE LOSES ITS BATTLE KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. I/TALA LUMPUR'S "death trap" shophouse at Batu Road has finally lost the desperate fight for existence put up by its tenants. It is to be demolished "at any moment" A contractor has been enpaied to pull down t'le building which was
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  • 163 6 Six years for the bandit cook JOHORE BAHRU, Mon A TKRrt>>RIST cook, Wong Ah Kwang. was sentenced to six years' imprisonment at the Assizes yesterday by Mr. Justice Buha lir for consorting with bandits. He pleaded guilty. Jnch« Sufflan, the D.P.P.. said that on Sept. 4 a Tiger pitrol operating
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  • 44 6 JOHORE BAHRU, Moil When a speclat constable, Hamid bin Talib. of Sunsel Tirarn. was charged I Polic? Court today with desertion it was found h« was deaf. The magistrate postponed the c?.«e for arrr.nnement.s to be made to try the man
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  • 26 6 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon Dr. W. N. Scott, State Agricultural Officer, Johore. will be the guest speaker at Johore Bahru Rotary Club tea meeting tomorrow.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 37 6 Here's what you want in a radio more signal... .less noise FOR TROUBLE FREE LISTENING t^^Sh^^^^^^j^^^ ißi a murphy rttUio Singapore Penang $505/Federation of Malaya $555 SOLE AGENTS S P. SHOT AM CO., LTD OPgHAPn ROAD, SINGAPORE
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  • 43 7 PENANG. Mon— Two goldsmiths Won Loi and Chin Hong Wooi were fined $750 each today on a charge of assisting in the management A a '100 characters' 1 tottery jn Nov 8. Chin Kok Cheng wa s acquitted.
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  • 38 7 WITHDRAWALS on demand from the Singapore Post Office Savings Bank are now allowed up to a maximum of $100. and by telegraph up to $400. the Director of Posts. Mr. W. A. Cooper announced yesterday.
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  • 58 7 IPOH, Mon— The Perak Rubber Trade Association, at a meeting yesterday, derived to oppose the new rubber packing ordinance oecause it was unfair. It was also decided to send a petition on the subject to the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and to the Federation of
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  • 130 7 Girl in love seeks her mother so can wed THE HAPPINESS PROBLEM OF SOW LIN gIGHTEEN-y ear-old Ng Sow Lin is trying to find her mother and her future happiness depends upon it. Sow Lin is engaged to a teacher. They want to be married. But until Sow Lin gets
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  • 137 7 MALAYA should have a centralised industrial inspectorate to protect the worker from industrial hazards and occupational diseases, suggests the journal of the Alumni Association of the King Edward VII College of Medicine, published yesterday. Such an inspectorate the journal says, should be modelled on the
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  • 72 7 PENANG, Mon. Several hundred victims of Japanese torture and execution during the occupation were remembered in Penang today at a rpremony held at the Ayer Ham monument, where ashes of victims whose bodies were recovered from mass graves had been burled After wreaths had been laid, tributes
    72 words
  • 67 7 BENTONG. Mon Three wenen found guilty of moving food out of Ketarl. a restricted area near Bentong without permits were sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment. They were caught carrying pails of food One admitted to the police that terrorists had approached her while she was
    67 words
  • 160 7 Court frees gaoled man KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. ABDULLAH BIN MARION today had his sentence A of 10 years' imprisonment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder quashed by the Federation Court of Appeal without having to say a word. i i Abdullah had
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  • 68 7 A CHINESE merchant who tried to be a Sherlock Holmes found it was "not so elementary, my dear Watson." The merchant lost $560 in cash and Jewellery when his home in Eng Hoon Street, Singapore, was burgled 10 days ago. He began minus calabash pipe and
    68 words
  • 32 7 The first meeting of the Singapore Rural Board under its new chairman and deputy chairman will take place on Nov. 20 4n the conference room of the Colonial Secretary *schambers.
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  • 27 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Wong Kiat, a lorry driver, of Layang Layang, was fined $15 at Johore Bahru today for failing to observe a road sign.
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  • 43 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Several modern teaching aids are on display in an exhibition of educational materials at the British Council Centre in Kuala Lumpur. The exhibits include wall charts and a variety of visual aids to teaching in junior standards.
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  • 50 7 The habeas corpus petition fllen tor Urn Seng Poh, a Singapore merchant, now under detention on a banishment warrant, which was fixed for hearing yesterday In the High Court, was adjourned until Friday as Mr. R h Green, counsel for Llm was not ready to proceed.
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  • 34 7 The Industrial Court, which met last month to deal with the dispute between stokers at the Singapore City gas workers and the City Council, will announce its award today.
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  • 177 7 JOHORE BAHRU ELECTIONS JOHORE BAHRU. Monday. ITMNO-MCA alliance candidates for the Tebrau ward for the forthcoming Johore Bahru Town Council elections were introduced to the electorate at a meeting at the Bukit Senyong Malay School yeserday. Haji Abubakar bin Ahmad preside^ over the 200 persons
    177 words
  • 133 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. RJDING a bicycle, the Federal Member for Agriculture and Forestry, Tengku Yaacob, went to see a dredger at work to extend the main Irrigation canal at Tanjong Karang, in north-west Selangor, during a week-end tour of the area Tengku Yaacob
    133 words
  • 95 7 PARIT BUNTAR, Mon Three men were charged with attempting to rob and voluntarily causing hurt to Padikasu and his son, Velalyatham. at Simpang Lima. Parit Bui.tar. before Inche Salleh bin Eckhardt l n the Parit Buntar Court The three Awing Din Sa'ad (43) Hajl Adbullah
    95 words
  • 52 7 PENANG Monday. rpANJONG TOKONG'S "Tumpat Hantu" (Devil's Spot) had another accident yesterday when a seven-year-old Malay boy was knorked down by a motor car at the 44-mile «lNteb where several crashes h»o taken place recently. The hoy was taken to hospital but his condition is
    52 words
  • 222 7 CHINESE HIT AT NATIONAL SCHOOLS PLAN KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A CHINESE deputation to the High Commissioner, A Gen. Sir Gerald Templer, will protest against the proposed national school system. This was decided today at a conference of 60 school teachers and representatives of Chinese school management committees from all parts
    222 words
  • 110 7 Blackouts in Johore Bahru now BLACKOUTS have started in Johore Bahru becaust of a breakdown in the town's power station at Jalan Yahya Awal. A spokesman of the Central Electricity Board at Johore Bahru told the Straits Times yesterday that there waa load shedding "off and on" in certain sections
    110 words
  • 81 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Found guilty of stealing opium pipe* from a Chinese squatter. Naubath Khan, a Pathan special constable, was today sentenced to nine months' Imprisonment by Mr. J. G. Adams in the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court. Khan entered the squatter's home and took his opium
    81 words
  • 57 7 A WOMAN. Wong Ah Ctien, claimed trial in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday to a charge of trying to commit suicide by drinking a disinfectant, at a house In Sago Street on Nov. 4. She was allowed bail of $100 until Nov. 17
    57 words
  • 32 7 Koleh races for crews of one, two and three, will be held at Kampong Bedok, Singapore, on Nov. 16. Those who wish to take part should attend by 9 a.m.
    32 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 181 7 L. i ii. BALLBEARING LAWN MOWERS 'The Short Cut to a Perfect Lawn MODEL 81-12" A further addition to the worldrenowned de-luxe machines manufactured by Qualcast. The new rubber tyres ensure silent cutting t and easier running. Streamlined n welded tubular handles fitted with rubber handle grips give 1 00
      181 words
    • 38 7 bJ sisi2lfiUfc>jfcSy 2^* W^^*/ House of Lords, bleniii H biwrci* J *&'\\wm^^^f^vkm wH renowned Gin which S|k ■A'V^l every con oomxrur |j UJ? V G 1 1* K'^H^y chooses at the esM-utiaJ i| BOOTH'S GIN £|g& agints, CALOBECK'S
      38 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 182 7 TODAY'S SINGAPORE DIARY Mt'SICAL 8OCIETT: Orrhejtra Or IHSTEICT M.T.F.: Netb*J Practice. I <<-ulibour At We.comc sa v&xr* 1 Vlctorla Memorii Okri 8< NeM Road •^sssf -/"w^uufnV-'n, 6 30 p m Dinner. 7*0 P ">H »rhoo. prrmiin. Jdu* Besar 5 l| 3o<-*»*r! R»v JoftS |i HKlll^ll ml Mil*; SiTPfn- pm.
      182 words

  • 19 8 WAI LACE: Suddenly at Most Vale. N.W.S.. AustraUa. on 7.11.52. W. R. Wallace, retired Director of Veterinary Services.
    19 words
  • 140 8 MRS. A. V. PINTO wishes re thank all relatives and friert''- who a?-3lsted. sent messages o* condolence, wreaths and all tho«* vlio lv Ippri in every other way ;r t timcral of her beloved husband. MRS. TAN CHIN TIAT. the fons. daughters and sons-ln-la« wish to express their heartfr't
    140 words
  • 49 8 CAMPOLI CONCERTS. Tick-; I for tonipht and TTurs<:.i concerls at Kobinsons t :i 4 IN pm. or at the Hall at 8.00 p.m. STILL furthor reductions on a Mr.ill number of morning frocks imci sun cresses. $10 to $3J Duncans. !1 D'Almeida St. iO»rj Raffles Place). j I
    49 words
  • STlie Straits ©mrs
    • 598 8 In one retpect the RegistrarGeneral's I^sl report lor the Colony maizes alarming reading. There were four limes as many birtl.s as deaths. Singapore has an Eastern birtn rate, 46.17 per thousand population, but a Western death rate. 11.88 per thousand. The birth rate rose last year, and
      598 words
    • 423 8 The Tin Industry Vindicated Repetition by the U.S. Senate Preparedness Committee five months ago of the charge of gouging made against the Malayan tin inHustry brought from Malays a challenge to produce the report of Genera] Wilson'sofficial mission. Tbf report was published yesterday. As expected. completely vindicates Malayan ■inert. It
      423 words
    • 65 8 LONDON. Mon.— The Marquess of Reading, Parliamentary Under Secretary for Fore Urn Affairs, has Irft here by air for Brazil to be^ln a 17-day tour of five South American republics where Hritsin hows to Improve her trade. Kor-* Peprfine; will fly from Peru to Sin<*»pore on Nov.
      Reuter  -  65 words
  • 386 8 LONDON. /CHRISTMAS is still more vy than a month off, but Londoners and visitors to this city are wondering if it is not already upon us. Some b g stores have put up the Chr.stmas signs, and 3a:ita C;aus is in attend- a. ice daily.
    386 words
  • Untitled
    • 178 8 4 FTER reading of the broadcast made by Mr. A Justice Taylor about corruption I have a few suggestions to make. In some Government Departments there are so-cal.'ed "clerks at the counter They usually deal with the public in issuing licences These clerks are given work of
      178 words
    • 67 8 I REFER tc the letter on Kota Bahru Pirates' which appeared in .your paper on Nov. 5. Being a taxi owner mysetf T do not blame the police authorities. They do their best but they have a handful of Emergency work. As far as I know we have
      67 words
    • 210 8 > TO-ONE would deny the right of your music critic who signs himself B.C. to express his personal views of ■feignor Campoli's choice of programme or of Sunday ni?ht's performance generI ally, but I suggest that these views are not shared by the I majority of those
      210 words
    • 117 8 Keeping warm in a cold war riXPERTS on Arct!c cold have advised British troons in Korea: "Clean the mud off your boots and take them to bed wi'h you" Otherwise, they say. the boots will fp?ez<» solid In the extreme cold of the crming winter nights. Thll advi?e. oeing sent
      117 words
    • 240 8 BUT this summer, diirinp the lon» months of ooo'e^vp heat, svoo'v o w< *e r< have sw<>atei over thefr Inrt°nts t^ maVp quite sure that rfv soldlpr win have a com^lPt' J winter outfit— a thick .«le?r)ine ba«-. fur-l!ned h-v^de»i cuoe. string underwear to buiM a blanket of wsr^i a'
      240 words
    • 135 8 M U.N. in'^r'rymen at the front, mrs soend much of thp'r 'time 'n the c^H^st and windiest snots In Koren un on th° lone line of hill tor>s whrr" they can dominate Coirmun'it entrenchmfnrs pn«i keep an eye and a maohine-RUn sljrht on any *usr>tcioi*s mo^enfient But even t*e hardest"ire?»ert
      135 words
    • 142 8 THE Army realises how im- portant it is to the morale of troops that they should expect regular breaks of this sort. For if a man realises that at the end of a fixed tour of duty r"* will be "rotated." he will acwpt the cold much more happily. Other
      Reuter-AAP  -  142 words
  • 618 8 Backward industry of Malaya COUNCILLOR N. A. Mallal, U after touring industrial countries abroad states Maaya is extremely backward ndustrially and suggests a ommittee should be set up o study and report. He tells us of the efforts lhat other backward counries are making to foster in-i-stries. The representative of
    618 words
  • 106 8 IN connection with the j Naval Base workers' boycott of the coming by-elec-tion, I would like to say that the complete story of the Service employees was placed i before the Progressive Par:y some time ago. The usual questions were raised in Council and the usual evasive
    106 words
  • 404 8 Superhuman element THE reference of a few days ago to the newspaper reporter at the Harrow tram disaster is recalled by tiie letter of another witi,. another railway disaster. "Rengam Road' of ■tngapora writes of what is usually accrediteJ as the worst British train smash of them
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 674 8 Straitt Times 4 Free Prctt For the eonv»n:»ne« ol tdvcrtisrrv our representative at Ist floor, SINCAPORE COLO ■TORACt ORCHARD ROAD. wiN jntuxrs to boi numbers Clauiticd advertisements may i'»o be handed to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD.. Winchester Heus*. Collyar Quay. Singapore. CITY BOOK STORE LTD.. 91 Tanglin Road. Singapore. CLASSIFIED
      674 words
    • 28 8 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. Offering Complete Services cvential to Eye Comfort Cf Visual Efficiency. (1) VISUAL ANALYSIS (3) GLASSES IF BBkii C.S. CHONG, OPT. D. 19, CHULIA ST. SPORE-1.
      28 words
    • 98 8 L/n Ike dfiol w/th (^TWII^ISKM [JjijUPjjflj I Im w MODEL PE66 AC MAINS New "Twin-Vision" Tuner, coupled with tamom p ye Flywheel enables precise selection of all programmes Other features of this 6-valve, including the magic eye 8-waveband receiver include high sensitivity, wide tone variation, and distinctive cjbinet Fully tropicalised
      98 words

  • 104 9 Then he left the house ONE month after registering their marriage at the Singapore Registry, a husband told his wife he could not afford to support her, and left her. He had not returned to her since. The wife. Mary Loh. nee Mary Liang
    104 words
  • 28 9 Mr T AUenborough has been' appointed to act v Superintendent of Prisons, Sarawak. In place of Mr. W. L P. Sochon who has gone on leave.
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  • 20 9 Dr. E. H. Wallace has been appointed to act as Deputy Director of Medical Services in Sarawak j
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  • 15 9 Singapore toddy shops are to be provided with benches and forms and mugs.
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  • 67 9 Not so merry-go-round SINGAPORE'S four Sakai visitors found horses rather frightening— even the wellmannered steeds on the merry-go-round in an amusement pars which they visited on Sunday night. This Straits Times picture shows, foreground. Maria binte Mustapha. and left to right: Che Hasnah. asst. social welfare oflicer. Muar. Ilaywah hinte
    67 words
  • 116 9 Japanese at rice talks in S'pore FOR the first time since the war local Japanese representatives attended a Of the Consultative Committee on R'.cv, which v.vx yesterday at Phoenix P..r'ri. Singapore. The meeting was held in private, and no communique was issued List n:ght. It :s understoi d '.hat one
    116 words
  • 58 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.- 1 The setting up of town and local councils in Pahang was discusser] with officials in Kuala Lip'.s. Raub. Temerloh. Kuantan and Pekan. by the Adviser on Local Government, Mr. H. Bedale. during the past six days. Mr. Bedale returned ro Kuala Lumpur
    58 words
  • 94 9 BENTONO, Mon. A PUBLIC petition writer. Cheah Sam Keat, sent- enced to nine months' rigorous imprisonment by the Bentong Magistrate for dishonestly inducing a Chinese to pay him $40, gave notice of appeal when his sentence was announced. He was allowed ball of $2,000
    94 words
  • 73 9 A rating in the Royal Navy became a "commander" but definitely for one night only —last night. BUI Hutchinson, of the Royal Naval air station Sembawang, Singapore, was Riven the part of Commander Eckersley-Ma&lin in the Stage Club presentation at the station of Love In Idleness. The
    73 words
  • 41 9 Good service certificates will be presented this morning at R.E.M.E. Base Vehicle Workshops by the 0.0.C. Singapore District. Maj.-Oen. A. Q. O*Carroll Scott, to Warrant Officer I Dean, Staff Sgt. Peak, Mr. Michael Peter and Mr. Lai Kang Cheng.
    41 words
  • 354 9 'CHANGI SHOULD BE A SEASIDE RESORT' Beaches report suggestsl new amenities without delay n^I E beach at Changi Point, a certain part of Bedok and a spot off Tampenis Road should be developed as seaside resorts, the Beach Development Committee recommends. The committee, appointed to advise the Government, reports that
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  • 320 9 PUBLIC MONEY WASTED 9 VfR. Justice Brown in the Singapore High Court iT yesterday criticised a counsel for asking for an adjournment of a case without giving sufficient notice to the Registrar so he could put another case in the list. The case had been
    320 words
  • 214 9 SAKAI WOMAN PRAYS: END MY TOOTHACHE FOUR Sakai visitors from Muar yesterday prayed in Singapore for the speed y defeat or tie Communist terrorists at the shrine of II 1 i> \oh. a holy Arab who died in the Colony 89 years ago. They itnelt solemnly before the quiet, scented
    214 words
  • 84 9 Distressed over th e recent death of her husband. Rajammal. aged 36. drank caustic soda and then Jumped Into a well near her home at the 13/2 m.s. Mandai Road, Singapore. An Indian grass-cutter found her In a serious condition. She was taken
    84 words
  • 54 9 The import and export of raw opium, coca leaves (from which cocaine can be extracted) and Indian hemp Is to be controlled in Sarawak under a Bill about to be introduced in the Council Negri. The manufacture, sale and use of opium and other dangerous drugs
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  • 83 9 Oopala Ayasamv was fined $5. or one month's simple imprisonment, by Mr. D. H. Chapman. Singapore Second Police Magistrate, yesterday for shouting at a policeman, at the junction of Sumbawa and North Bridge Roads Nov 9 "TEN THOUSAND MILES" with a smile sls teen -a Red
    83 words
  • 184 9 Women from villages sit at VIP table JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. rE conference tabie in trie Mentri Besar's office at which the YIPs of the. State administration sit had an unusual company round il yesterday. The seats were occupied b'j a Sakai cki pnsj three other women from Muar kampon^s who.
    184 words
  • 28 9 Mrs. Kon K Yu S:ung. Group |"p^ rr:s °r of Sarawak Schools, has been appointed nm i as t Lady Education er ln the Sarawak Education Department
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  • 71 9 Ec Sim Chwee, a clerk of the SIT., claimed trial at the Singapore Assizes yesterday to a charge of corruptly accepting $400 from Mrs. C. M. Laßrooy to assist Toh Teck Hln to rent a flat. Ec also claimed trial to two charges of abetting Toh
    71 words
  • 137 9 NoZofarming ideas are 'needed here' TWE son of a farmer, Inche 1 Mohamed Arif bin Abdul Rahman, the first man to go to New Zealand from Malaya to study under the Colombo Plan, has returned determined to improve the condition of the raayats. He plans to advocate the setting up
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  • 71 9 Police say 'thank you' The Commissioner of Police, Singapore, Mr. N. O. Morris, last night thanked the public. Including motorists, for their co-operation with the police during the visit of the Duchess of Kent and her son. He said: "On certain occasions, unavoidable Inconvenience may have been caused because of
    71 words
  • 116 9 IPOH, Mon. rO engineers who climbed over a perimeter tract to get borne after curfew hours were today acquitted by the Kampar Magistrate, Inche Abdul Axli. D. Davidson and D. McNlven, of Pacific Th Limited, Kota Bahru, about 20 mUes from Kampar, had been charg-ed with breaking
    116 words
  • 127 9 Bribery terms reduced to fines KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. ITHO Chuani? and Lre I Chee Cheng, who offered bribes to police- men, got their sentences reduced today. Kho. sentenced to une year's imprisonment and fined $500 for offering a bribe of $1.50. had his sentence reduced to a $500 fine. Lee.
    127 words
  • 60 9 When a detective Wi to a group of Chinos,. ,n Beach Koid to ilnd out what was going on, Chiew I i Chiew stood up and abused him, the Singapore Second Police Court was told jresterday. Chiew was fined $25 ry/ Mr. D. H. Chapman.
    60 words
  • 34 9 Capt J W Zuibterh>urtt. master of the motor-vesM'l. "Nleuw Holland" was fined $5 in the Singapore Fourth Police Court, yesterday 'or discharging oil from his vessel in Ki-ppel Harbour on Aug. 29
    34 words
  • 16 9 Mr. P. S. Jones has been appointed Information and Broadcasting Officer. Sarawak
    16 words
  • 26 9 MR. R. DANA passed nwav peacefully at his residence in Buklt Timah Road on 10th Nov. Deeply regretted. Funeral on 11th Nov., at a p.m.
    26 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 142 9 VC'hat a picture of strength and Jt- energy Here's a man who «^3? enjoys good health all the year tflw fif round SevenSeaS pure cod liver oil is the finest j!K 'l natural food which supplies, >^ > >^ in concentrated form, just y those essential fat* and fOf i
      142 words
    • 99 9 CHRISTMAS GIFTS Every lady is delighted with w STOCKINGS 1 1 TEXTURED PERFECTION FROM TOP -TO TOE "LOR" English Nylon Stockings COCO 66 Gauge Sues 85 fo lOi •J* «J««JW Colour* CLUB BROWN. DOMINO. P« r P»' r PHANTOM. PHANTASY I "ORIENT" Canadian Nylon Stockings j* 'J SI Cause Sizes
      99 words

  • 230 10 Residence rule harsh, Chamber tells Mr. Blythe THE SINGAPORE Chinese Chamber of Commerce has asked the Government to relax some regulations of the Immigration Department so that families of local Chinese can enter the Colony. In a letter to the Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. L. Blythe,
    230 words
  • 87 10 IPOH, Mon. MKMBERS of the Malayan Chinese Association will not be Riven any rebate for bulk purchases of its lottery tickets as hitherto. This is in accordance with a decision of the central sweep committee of the association. An official said this action was
    87 words
  • 63 10 The Commissioner General. Mr Malcolm Mac Donald. will open the new $130,000 Gurdwara (Sikh temple) at K.rk Terrace, Singapore, tomorrow The Gurdwara was built by the Pardesi Khalsa Dharmak Diwan from contributions by 700 Sikhs in Singapore who come from Doaba. Punjab, India. The Band
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  • 26 10 The Singapore Christian Youth Council will hold a two-day study camp at the Chinese V.M.C.A Teacher's Rest House, Katong, on Nov. 22 and 23.
    26 words
  • 84 10 Window bar cut in $4,500 burglary rpHIEVES who broke into a J. Chinese home in Dunearn Road, Singapore, on Sunday night stole $2,180 in cash and valuables worth $2,320. T.iey entered the hcuse by cutting through an Iron bar across a A bronze medal and $400 In cash were
    84 words
  • 56 10 Woman bound over Rose Mary. 22. was yesterday bound over by the Singapore Third District Judge, Mr. H A. Forrer, in $50 to be of good behaviour for six months, for soliciting for immoral purposes. She was arrested by antivice pallre at the junction of Road and Queen Street
    56 words
  • 44 10 PENANG, Mon.— The Penang police campaign against pick-pockets has resulted in three arrests. Mr. J. R. Cole, a CJ.D. officer, said today that reports had been received of the activities of pick-pockets at bus-stands, ferry launches and in other crowded places.
    44 words
  • 27 10 Lee Sin Yin and Mohammed Saini bin Abdullah were fined $3 each for gambling in Orange Grove Road by the Singapore Fourth Police Court, yesterday.
    27 words
  • 79 10 rpHE Singapore Chinese community is prepared to buy an 18-carat gold chain for the future mayor of the City Council, a spokesman told the Straits Times yesterday. This chnin is the most expen- sive of those offered to the council. Th e spokesman said it was
    79 words
  • 212 10 He claimed to be 'witch doctor court is told JAN bin Omar, 34, claimed trial before the Singapore First Police Magistrate, Mr. T. Kulasekaram. on a charge of cheating three people by pretending to be a witch doctor. He Is alleged to have cheated Ahmad bin Ibrahim, Ahmad bin Ismail
    212 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 10 GEOFFREY FRICKER. who has delighted Kuala Lumgur audiences with his previous roles, is to be seen in is first Shakesperean part in Henry V. He will play Ancient Pistol, ex-crony of Sir John Falstaff, and a "scurvy, lousy, cowardly, beggarly knave," as Fluellen, the Welshman, calls him. Straits Times picture.
    50 words
  • 65 10 Admiral A W. Radford. Commander-in-Chief of the US. Pacific Fleet, will reach Singapore on Saturday fo r a two-day informal visit. He will meet the Comman-der-in-Chief Far East Station. Admiral Sir Guy Russell, with whom he will stay. Admiral Radford will be accompanied by his wife.
    65 words
  • 47 10 Singapore lepers will benefit from the proceeds of •Philippines Night", to be held at Raffles Hotel, on Dec. 6. Members of the Filipino community have been at work for almost one month making the traditional costumes which will be worn by the dancers.
    47 words
  • 59 10 Manisah binte Pawi claimed trial In the Singapore First Police Court yesterday to a charge of criminal breach of trust of a gold chain and a gold ring, valued at $116 at a house in Whampoa Road. She was allowed bail of $500 until
    59 words
  • 34 10 SEREMBAN, Mon. The military display in aid nf the Poppy Day Fund, which was to take place on the Seremban station padang on Saturday was postponed to Nov. 15 because of bad weather.
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  • 204 10 Britain asked to help TV in S'pore rpHE British Govern- ment has been asked by its Trade Commissioner in Singapore. Mr. K. E. Mackenzie, lo offer technical help to the Colony Government to encourage it to start a television service. Mr. Mackenzie told this Id the Straits Times yesterday when
    204 words
  • 73 10 KAJANO. Mon. The Ampang new village boys were entertained to tea at Kajang at a get-together with the boys of Kajang. The Ampang boys, whose ages ranged beween 16 to 19. were accompanied by the I State Resettlement Officer. Mr. M. Oorrie and several viClage leaders. The
    73 words
  • 57 10 S'pore midwifery exam passes The following Singapore nurses have passed the examination of the Central Midwives Board (B certificate) held on Oct. 30: Than Ylt Meng, Roklah binte Kellng, Nassimah binte Syed Hussein. Malmunah binte Hadji Bakri. Cher Slew Eng, Heng Scok Nooi, Lim Ah Choo. Madeline Yap. Odelia Thomson,
    57 words
  • 93 10 Liquor, petrol revenue up in S,pore REVENUE collected by the Singapore Government on liquor, tobacco, petrol, entertainment duty and other sources amounted to $63,275,000 for the first 10 months of this year, the Colony's Comptroller of Customs. Mr. J. A. Parker, said at a Press conference yesterday This was $6.*****0
    93 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 382 10 )on irr tht riding individuality ol jIB^H |,ifl^| tht btitutiiui B* '^*f!^ dp w, (To til i AP ißi tht minutt you lot,k at hi' \act He' complexion Jj '^^^^BP^^l^^_3Mr^ *^I^^lb^^K!|&i v exquiutr. miouih and firm at a ptan. Sk* y\ 3S^w> wJ^^^Ht^^Bli u>t) Pond'- and ia>j "they ceamt of
      382 words
    • 196 10 THE OfitGMAL WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE HOCKEY MATCH Combined Services vs. Singapore Civilians on the Padang at 5.15 p.m. this afternoon THE BAND OF THE ROYAL WEST KENT REGIMENT WILL PLAY. ALL PROCEEDS WILL BE GIVEN TO THE POPPY DAY FUND Space kindly donated by Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. YOUR CHRISTMAS 6IFT PARCELS'!!
      196 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 233 10 cnirAPORE Playtime; 6.10 News; 630 Radio wt A-rw 1 Doctor; 6.45 Music from Holland; 10 a.m. News; 10.05 Tunes from 7 h^h, o f ivy 730 jan Club; S^nT^c; B^o Popularity Poll; 8.30 Happy ROrch 130 News: 145 Swing; 2- turn* of the Day; 930 News; 9.45 Sm SSISSSi: 5
      233 words

  • 425 11 New way of earning From HAL BOYLE in NEW YORK HOW would you like to earn a living giving avay money? Sound easy? •It has its problems," sajs Janice Gilbert, who is known as "Miss Moneybags" in the entertainment wjrld. In the last seven years sin-
    425 words
  • 607 11 SAYS A WOMAN DOCTOR HAVE the likes and dislikes of babies changed during the last fifty years? There is no evidence to suggest that they have. But the methods of handling This wide-eyed young man, Master Div akar, 10 V 2 months old.
    607 words
  • 235 11 A CLUB that welcomes people of aH nations was recently opened in Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand, for the purpose of catering for the social needs of people who are in New i Zealand training under the Colombo Plan or other projects, also for
    235 words
  • Article, Illustration
    122 11 —says Edna McKenna. << GLITTER is the newest K make-mo trick, you I carry it arounri in v°ur nanabag as you do a lipstick. can beauty firms are packaging crimson glitter seauins to brush on your lips— uripe off before eating pearly glitter to smooth on your eyelids, alitte
    122 words
  • 332 11 NAIL DRILL BY JUDITH SIMONS NO woman can be perfect- ly groomed if she forgets the existence of nail preparations, so. if ycur nails are your let-down, better start learning about hew they should be tended. First of all, be prepared to devote a good half-hour to the job. which
    332 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 66 11 \\ll I v V f ~^**?iri Tf iObinson f-* Be assured that your Baby has the essential nutrients in his daily diet by giving him LACTOGEN. Then he will be bursting with energy at playtime like thi» LACTOOEN baby of six months. LACTOGEN has been prepared specially for babies from
      66 words
    • 27 11 D LEASE enrol me as a member of the Children s Corner Wise Owls Club, and tend me a badge. j NAME I ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH
      27 words
    • 215 11 Specially made for babtj's fender skin Only the best is good enough for baby. Johnson's Baby Powder is safe, pure and hygienically packed It's as perfect as modern science can make n. Use Johnson's /?C^*^^C^V. Baby Powder regularly, freely tlSj^ —^~Z^o^\ onr w r omplete confidence. Z£^/\ In 4 and
      215 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 317 11 c. c. c. Collect six of these coupons to join the Children's Corner Club. 28. Boaster |.2T For this, record* we mad. Straits Times Crossword 28 < t may wlw w prlm (4( DOWN Ksgsa 1. Floor covering used In syslE£n )4 p I i tematlc A.R.P. etc (6). [^j
      317 words

  • 108 12 More trouble brewing in Egypt Things have been relatively quiet in Egypt since strong-man General Mohammed Neguib took over. But the quiet, according to the writer of the article below, is the deceptive quiet that comes before a storm. This amazon is a member
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  • 92 12 VjORE trouble is coming to Egypt's trouble -shooting General Mohammed Neguib —and getting rid of Farouk and curbing the Wafd may seem to him relatively-peaceful tasks compared with those ahead. For this time he will be u;j against more than one thousand of Egypt's richest,
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  • 225 12 THIS was one that the smiling but embarrassed Neguib, tightly-surrounded by religiously anti-feminist Muslim Brotherhood "advLsers," Just had to duck. But before Doria swept out to her waiting friends, she prised from him a promise that he would at least "think" about moving some women into the armed
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  • 136 12  -  CHAN CHIN BOCK By ACCORDING to tradiA tional belief a Chinese who does not treat the written page with due respect may gradually lose his power of judgment. This strict reverence shown to paper on which Chinese characters have bpen written, stamped or printed is a
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  • 321 12 IN China there exist one hiird r od or more 'Letter* p.l -Paper Societies' wtjose n*aln object is to sscur* thp Chinese character from Irreverent use Each of these societies employ agents to go about the streets collecting old lettered-paper. abandoned account-books, old advertisements, out-dated magazines etc.
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  • 88 12 npHE presidents of these I Lettered-Paper Socleties are more often than not the learned, talented and the influential. They believe that by reverencing lettered-paper they only show a proper respect for the ancient sages who invented them and taught their use Hower the majority of Chinese unite in
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  • 93 12 From a correspondent in Cairo They have declared themselves a political party under the new laws regulating oolitical activity in the Kingdom of the Nile, and already Neguib has had a taste of Doria's feminist movement. He had been Egypt's boss for only a few days
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  • 132 12 POM the Council of Ulemas of Cairo's Al Azhar University a sort of Muslim supreme court of Justice— came recently a grim fatwa (Koranic interpretation i. barring 150.000,--000 Muslim women from votinK or holding public office The teachings of the ProDhet. declared the elders clearly laid down that
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  • 165 12 f)ORIA Shank, addressin? the international Council of Women at their congress In England, said that nevertheless she was "most optimistic" about getting the vote for the women of Egypt" She does not underrate the opposition the movement has aroused, but she has faith that Egypt's new strong man
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 274 12 Last PHON€ WmA^M^ JRW^] n am L 45 1?S^lTl mgmp^,,Lana Turner- r?£Z*+¥w Fernando Lamas j STARTS TOMORROW! ll Book Now! and ALL THE GLORY! ALL THE SPECTACLE! AT LAST ON tTHE SCREEN! Jt| JObKca t n r X~Jh J(mh M-G-M SIR WAtTCW SCOTT-S «|*k Technicolor /T~~~^i. ■'§jk Taylor -Ma Fontaine
      274 words
    • 253 12 TODAY TOMORROW ONLY! J| MALAY FILM PRODUCTIONS' if "LUPADARATAN I Starring ROSENANI /WJ SEASON FROM THURSDAY! C lor f **Jt B^^ AT LAHSBURY KNOWLES wtnt* thru unftfd a, I LAST 145 40 I day! fm(&m/S&K!i-{k 6 30 93 I "THE GREEN GLOVE"— Released thru U.A. Starring GLENN FORD I PLUS!
      253 words

  • 1010 13  - A musician in- love with life WNI WRIGHT CAMPOLi— portrait of a virtuoso By pUOYANT. .maffecteCi iJ v.gorous and iuv al. C;imp3l: is I win maki's yj'.; feel I and batter just for the i-g-Ho radiates the impression of being in love with life, insatiable in his search for new
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  • 300 13  -  A MUSLIM §y CORRESPONDENT TOMORROW is the fes- tival of Mandi So far. one nf the four major Muslim festivals of the year. Early in the morning locs Mu-iims, men. women nnd children, will wend their way towards the sea-shore, or to a river, lake o
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  • 440 13  -  WARREN BENNETT By rpHE desert is not motionless. It grows, slowly perhaps In the span of any one man's life but it stretches out a sandy, pitiless hand to paralyse the land around it. More than a quarter of the earth, scientists estimate, is either arid or
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 189 13 i 17-ib. Speed Freezer! GENUINE HO7PCINT QUAUTT fc»11 km t* m« tius new lowpriced Ilotpoioi lv appreciate what a Ktvzt oualiry value at is... the kintl ot top-quality you expect from liotpoinL litre's die same 11-strrl construction found %m dc !uu models, the fame beautiful Cal£lo» enimcl 6nish that won't
      189 words
    • 251 13 LIU I ALL-STEEL rill 9 belvedere IB I I St^cbK p- SSh il f THEworI d f a m o v s Bj Uh j£i t 1 "500" four seater with IQJ) J&f tfci utilitarian comfort. Vf\ «f < «^jB^^^ia»aa»^^^ J& X? 50 M.P.G. PROGRESS MOTORS LTD. ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE
      251 words

  • 507 14 1,500 tons of biscuits every month TIIYE HONG FACTOR Y'S BIG EXPANSION PLAN TWENTY-THREE years ago, at the age of 19, a Singapore Chinese businessman, with one brick oven in Neil Road, produced 20 tons of biscuits a month. Today, this fcusinessman. Mr. Lee Gee Chong, is the Chairman and
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  • 208 14 MR. LIEN TING-CHOW came to Malaya as an immigrant at the age of 14 Today he is Manasing Director of the Overseas Lnion Bank, Limited, which has an authorised capital of Sltl.--000.000, and Governing Director of Wan Uin and Co., Ltd., big rice, flour and
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  • 313 14 Burma wants more trade with Malaya By Our Market Correspondent THE UNION of Burma Consul in Singapore, I Ba Thaung, believes that Singapore's trade with his country can be considerably increased. Through Singapore, must come, says U Ba Thaung, the goods, particularly steel, which will help Burma in her industrial
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  • 63 14 BURMA is Malaya's best customer for coconut oil and this is largely accounted for by the fact that Burmese ladies have a preference for dressing their hair with this oil. It is also extensively used for cooking and soap manufacture and several minor purposes. In
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  • 205 14 ECONOMIC reporter, Mr ■C> Masao Takakura, of the Jiji Press, Tokyo, painted a gloomy picture of the future of the Japanese textile industry in Singapore last week. Mr. Takakura said that Japan's exports of textiles normally formed about 50 per cent of
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  • 142 14 |N Burma Indications are that the planted rice acreage in 1952-53 exceeds from 2 to 5 percent the 1951-52 acreage. Timely early rains have permitted seeding and transplanting at the most favourable time. The year-end carry-over of the 1951-52 crop, which will be available for expori
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  • 84 14 The UJS. Department of Agriculture has announced an increase of 100,000 to is in the quantity of quota sugar that may be made available in 1952. This brings the total of the sugar quotas for all domestic and foreign areas to 7.800,000 short tons, raw value
    84 words
  • 32 14 India has decided that the export of drawing instruments and appliance of indigenous manufacture can from now on be licensed frert to aW permissible destitution, r>- presentation of shipping MB*.
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  • 45 14 Total business investment In India during the period of about fire years, beginning on August 15, 1947, has been of the order of Rs. 4,000--mUllon. The Controller of Capital Issues has, during this period, consented to 1,907 applications, involving Rs. 3.993-million.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 217 14 |HL )^gjrta^aajßj n^^BV ß^a?^^^ >B^aio* 1 r fetrolani diesel F pottfer units for W small and W W craft V Ml Agent}: -^maSW //v^v^^^ if This valuable diuretic pr spared sprriallv to relieve RHEUM A TIC V^^^^r' PAINS. LUMBAGO, SC/A T/CA BACKACHE I What a difference V jj^ik DeWitfs Pills
      217 words
    • 453 14 y «/7 M V afl^^ la^K^B^Hk^iwa SI •X LM ml \m m \m^ ■sßwflafl siiHb^^^bV^siiiH^A^ K^^^^^3aaßE3>Dßlßr^i iT t IT* ■*1 m Jhnn3 [^jnO^rts;^'"' thct tan <••«•' Instantly »'»•> J~^— l^3Sp^'^^^^r fht »«ov»l» ton««nfrotion ot tQ/F V .et so wonderfully flent'e that It connot Mi Harm *v*n bobias' dtlicot* skin t
      453 words

  • 146 15 78 1/8 cents at close RUBBER gained one-eighth of a cent on the Singapore market yesterday, November first grade closing at 78'g cents a lb. The market was generally quiet with small business passing. Closing prices yesterday were In cents per lb. No. 1 R
    146 words
  • 40 15 Sungel Kinta Tin Dredging 'itd. produced 169 plculs of tin and the No. 3 dredge of Ipoh Tin Dredging. L'd.. (Puchong section) produced 160 plculs In October. The Kuala Reman Rubber ■^states. Ltd.. obtained 123,10 pounds of rubber.
    40 words
  • 131 15 CHIPS, alongside the Blacmpore Harhour Bn.rd i..uj_ mmrtr* bour Board sodowsM. or expected ther P at 1 today. are: Corfu 1/2: Hacuba Baron Ephlnstono C P.. Boma:i 6/7: Benartv. 8/9. flapia 11 OvrrUeat. 11/14 Breconshire. IS 16: Shiako Maru :8 Troi us l»/J0. Is:aisder 11/23- Mentor 13/24 Jaia-.-opal
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  • 285 15 B y Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE'S entrepot rattan trade, which is nearly a century old. Is facing virtual extinction, which could only result in hundreds being thrown oat of work, because of the c\ innint down of the export of non-graded rattans front to Singapore.
    285 words
  • 133 15 Fair business in tins and industrials T*INS were firm on the Singapore Share Market yesterday, wiih Industrial* steady and (air business passing. Price change announced by the Malayan Share Brokers' Association were: IN'DISTBIALS Borers Beaters Saitern Onlted 37 50 38 SO Fr.iser Ai Neave Orda J. 42 2.47 II Colt
    133 words
  • 121 15 Fr*m Oar Own C«rresp«ndrnt MELBOURNE, Mon. pRICBS were steady lo firmer on the stock exchange* tn Sydney ai.d Melbourne today. Business was of moderate proportions. C.osln* midd-r pr)rr» of atCectfd stocks. aX Id Austra l»n currency mc.uaca Loan 3i", 1946-59 £B1| Loan S|r, 195S-59 «H| Australasian
    121 words
  • 40 15 MBLBOORNE. Mon. T» wocl markets retained their strong tone In Auckland, Mclbourne ar.d Sydney today. Buying was fairly general, but Japanese interest* were particularly active In Sydney and Melbourne. Competition fcr the better fleeces and crossbred was strong.
    40 words
  • 53 15 DOTH copra and coconut oU were dull in Singapore yesterday. with no bualneaß reported. Copra: buyers $35 fxi.b. a picul; sellers 536. Coconut oil: buyers gsa fn h sellers $56. m'«™_^ prr«rlri» Exehan*Stngmpore P"*l-"* Bain?: Pepper, all varieties up $5; Muntok (white) $»55 a picul se'lers; Sarawak $550;
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1322 15 T MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. (1° I ncs Uncorporotrd In Singapore) 'j[Jl BLUE FUMMEL UNB Deat*. Carrl*r's option to proceed via other perh ta load and dleehorge cargo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW. LONDON 4 CONTININTAL PORTS Due Soih) P. S'hom Penang Anterior for Gmoa. Liverpool. Hovrc, Hollond Hamburg Nev. 11/12
      1,322 words
    • 498 15 TIN: $473 i A PICUL SINGAPORE, Men. Tin price today was $473.25 a picul (down 37Vs cents). BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. Fe» U.K./COMTINENT Score P. S*hon> 'not Imnoe *nt Liverpool. Dublin Qosoow, Rott«rdom C. 31/31 11/13 Nov 14/1* Nov. UBenarty for Havre, London. Newcastle. Hull G. 0/9 13/14 Nov 13,17
      498 words
    • 517 15 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAIUNGS fBJOM SCAHOIHAVIAH/0.1t./COHTIMfriT S'oora P S'riom Fanong "■*a»arla" for Bongkok 17/19 May "Korea" for Djakarta. Bongkok. Saigon, Hongkong. Momlo. Kobe Vokohom? 10/11 Doc Oa* Dae. "SesatMtta" for Bongkok (possengars only) 14/1 Dae. "sTtaa" tor Melbourne. Sydney Brnbone 'not loodtng kxol eoroo) IS/Jt Dae a/14 Doc 1»/11 Dae.
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  • 376 16 Asia Minor may twin first time out EPSOM JEEP By BEAUTIFULLY bred three-year-old who is likely to make the top grade is Asia Minor. This stylish bay by Tehran out of Neandria, a Nearco mare, is coming to hand rapidly and 1 expect to see him make a bold bid
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  • 329 16 m f AOIES FLAME, whs was left lJ at the barrier in four oat of her aix outings th.i season, has been "black-listed" for three months. She has been withdrawn from the two sprint events at the St. Leger meeting at Bnkit Timah. Ladies Flame started
    329 words
  • 219 16 Real lest for Civilians in today's game POPPY DAY FUN? ■yHE annual hockey encounter, 1 Combined Services v Civilians, to be played far the Poppy Day Fund at the S.C.C. today should provide one of the closest contests In years. Services boast two internationals In their side Lt. Col. Dickinson
    219 words
  • 660 16 BELOW are the weights lor Saturday, first day of the Sinfapore Turf Club*! November meeting: Cl. 1, Div. 1-1 M. Woodrote Inn 9.07 Snowy Owl II R.lO Aeoebor 8.»9 Kinjnort R 08 Col. Whatnot 8.07 t'nlnsnred 8.07 Bean Temps 8.116 Col. Daly 8.05 Jennesse 8.04 Pannlter 8.03
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  • 42 16 yili: Women's i'appy Day t und match, postponed from In* :>tli will be played on the SCC padang at 5.15 p.m. tomorrow. Ticket* boofht for last Wednesday will be valid tomorro* Tickets will also be sold at the fate.
    42 words
  • 183 16 piGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD Cheong Quee Huat was awarded the E. H. Wilson cup (for the most outstanding rugger player of the season) at the Raffles Institution's sports prize presentation day, bald at the school hall yesterday. The principal, Mr. P. P. Uowitt. gave away the prizes and
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  • 39 16 SYDNEY. Mon. New South Wales, the Sheffield Shield champions, won their return match with Queensland here today by nine wickets. Scores: NSW 260 and 65 for 1; Queensland 02 and 232 (Tallon 84).— Reuter. AAP.
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  39 words
  • 40 16 MELBOURNE. Monday. Rain washed out the third day's play in the match between Victoria and the South Africa touring team here. Sccres: Victoria 138 and 159; South Africans 113 and 16 for one wicket. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 36 16 In a Div. 2B hockey league match played at Sepoy lines yesterday. University beat Singapore Medical Workers by 2-0. The scorers were Sethupathy in the first half, and Khlm Yin after half time.
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  • 190 16 S.R.C. 2 RNAS ISembawang) a A SINGAPORE Recreation Club hockey XI were not pressed to beat Royal Naval Air Station Setnbawang by 2-0 in a hockey friendly at B.RC. yesterday. Br.' Jupe's good goalkeeplng and Rocs' own Indecision in front of goal kept the
    190 words
  • 570 16 Ceylon S.C 2; S.C.C t. IN sixty minutes of fighting hockey on the padang yesterday, S.C.C. (last year's First Division league champions) went down to a two-nil defeat to Ceylon S.C. in their Div. 1A decider. Ceylonese deserved victory, every bit of it. Ceyloneae
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  • 93 16 HONO KONO. Mon. rpHE team to partlclpate In the Asian table tennis championships In Singapore received an unexpectedly severe drubbing from local pluyera last night. Out of nine matches played, the visitors were able to win only two. Most surprising result was the defeat
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 311 16 CHAY SETS EMPIRE RECORD CHAY WENG YEW, 24-year-old featherweight who scored Singapore's only point at the Olympic Games at Helsinki, broke the Empire record when the Singapore Amateur Weight Lifting Federation championships concluded at Happy World stadium last night Weng Yew's total of 705 pounds was 20 pounds better than
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  • 52 16 MADRID. Mon r>OY Ankara. British Bmpirs featherweight champlcn, was outpointed over 10 rounds by Luis Romero. former European bantamweight champion, last night. The decision reversed the result of a previous encounter in Madrid In July 1930 when Ankara beat the Spaniard, the referee stopping the Hght In the
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  • 25 16 Mrs. J. Strahan beat Mrs. E. MiMulian 7 and 5 In the final of the Island Club's Stam Cup competition on Friday.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 776 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued trom »*ai?e 8> SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED a S-Oesman able to type and deal with correspondence. Some known dgp of Chinese pre-f.-rablo. Oood prospec's to the suitable applicant. Quarters and food free. Apply Box A 5059. S.T. SITUATIONS WANTED EUROPEAN Lady, experienced ■WllitlTJ boolckeepcr seeks responsible posltior ln
      776 words
    • 694 16 HOUSES a LAND lOK SALE SOUND CONSTRUCTED new bungalow at Carmlchael Road. 5 miles from G.P.O. Substantially build of brick. 3 cool bedrooms. bathroom, dining 6c livlngroom. Servants quarters and a Car Porch. Water Electricity Installed. No modern sanitation. Area 5.802 sq. ft. Freehold. Vacant Possession. Selling Price $45,000/Only. Singapore
      694 words
    • 31 16 maintained flr I sf^f^ ft i t a Bunk i it "Wa/'tm di lhe b(sl Jj in, htmld M Singapore: $2.10 per tin. Federation: $2.30 per tin. AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT MALAYA BORNEO
      31 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 28 16 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: High 0618 hrs (7.1) and 1725 (7.1);- Low 1136 (5.4). TOMORROW: High 0716 (7 4) and 1900 (7.1t; Low 0015 (3.5) •■-r. 1323 <4.8 1.
      28 words