The Straits Times, 1 November 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 11 The Straits Times
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  • 428 1 They vote for Singapore revival AND MR. LIM IS STILL THERE J]IGHT hundred "rebel" members of Singapore Labour Party met last night and decided to act to stop the party from dying., A resolution was passed setting up a committee to revive the party. All
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  • 138 1 Duchess flies back to S'pore today THE Duchess of Kent returns to Singapore by air from Hong Kong this afternoon. She will not be accompanied b T her son. who will remain in Hone Knne for a few days as the Kifst of the (icivernor. Sir Alexander and Lady Grantham
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  • 39 1 YEW YORK Fri. -A spe-cially-equipped plane will make an exploratory flight over thp North Pole route on tl9 to try out a regular nerclai service for Polar n between Los Angelp.s Europe. It was announest night— Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 198 1 Acid thrown in face of witness IIEW Kai Kwan. an insurJ anc c agent, who gave evidence in a Singapore police court in September in a corruption case, had acid thrown in his face in Hong Mahm Road last night He was taken to hospital seriously injured. Liew with two
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  • 112 1 NAGPUR. Fri. DR. H. B. Khare, a member of the Indian Parliament and president of the All-India Hindu Mahasabha, was arrested in Nagpur today under the Preventive Detention Act to prevent him picketing a cricket match. He had declared his intention of staging "peaceful picketing"
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  • 31 1 MONTREAL. Fri._The International Civil Aviation Organisation announced today that it would move Its Far East and Pacific omce from Melbourne Australia to 'he Asian mainland, probably Bangkok— UP
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  • 180 1 Mau Mau killing defies round-up NAIROBI. Friday. 227 MORE AFRICANS SEIZED AS 227 more Africans were rounded up today, the A Mau Mau struck again at the height of the swoops and brutally murdered an African. This latest victim at Kagumo in the Nyeri district had given information against the
    UP  -  180 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 1 VIENNA has always been a city of waltz?s and the Rebernigg Circus is determined not to abandon this fln« tradition. Karli Rebernigg goes waltzing with a lioness a piece of showmanship worthy of Austria's leading troupe
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  • 27 1 HONG KONG. Fri.— Four junks sank when a strong wind rammed them against one another today. One woman and four children aboard were drowned.— U.P
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  • 11 1 LONDON, Frl.— The Jeddah government has banned liquor.— AP.
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  • 55 1 LA PAZ (Bolivia), Fri. Bolivian Army troops last night occupied buildings and flftces of three companies whose mines will be formally nationalized today Huge flags were raised iti f ront of the premises as •roops took control of the ropertles of the big Patlno, Aramayo and
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  • 36 1 BERLIN, Fri. A Soviet official was killed and several others seriously injured in an explosion in an East German uranium mine at Oberschlama in Saxony, according to the West Berlin's anti-Com-munist paper Telegraf.— Reuter.
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  • 71 1 PASSAGES on P. and O. Steamship Company steamers operating between Britain and Malaya will go up after Jan. 1. New minimum rates will be £157 for first-class passages and £99 for tourist class. Passage -rates from placM on the Continent to Far Eastern ports (including ports in
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  • 85 1 THE HAGUE, Fri.— A Supreme Court ruling today invalidated Indonesian claims for the extradition of exCaptain Raymond Westerling, former leader of the rebel band of the "Heavenly Host" in Indonesia. The court ruled that Westerling is of Dutch nationality and cannot be extradited from Holland, confirming a
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 41 1 BERLIN, Frl. Heinrich Schwind. aged 62, a former Nazi ghetto official, was sent to prison for life by a West Berlin court yesterday for having shbt or otherwise caused the death of a number of Jewish inmates.— A.P.
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  • 26 1 TOKYO, Fri —The new Cabinet named by the Japanese Prime Minister, Shigeru Yoshida today reaffirmed Japan's intention to cooperate withe the Western demorcracles. A.P
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  • 28 1 STOCKHOLM. Fri—Sweden will spend about £155,000,000, or 54 per cent, of her national income on defence during the next budget year, accordIng to preliminary estimates. —Reuter.
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  • 91 1 PUSAN. Friday. rnWO prisoners died and 178 were injured in riots in prison camps on Cheju and Koje Islands this week, the United Nations prisoner of war com- mand announced today. One prisoner wa« shot and killed by a guard when he attacked
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  • 198 1 COLONY'S 3 FOR THE CORONATION CJINGAPORE'S representatives to the Coronation w next June will be Sir Han Hoe Lim, Mr. John Laycock and Mr. A. P. Rajah, it was officially announced last night. And in Singapore, the Finlayson Green to Government House route which will be used for the huge
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  • 75 1 LONDON. Fri THE British Broadcasting Corporation has ordered disc jockeys on its "Music While You Work" programme for factory workers to stop playing a top hit tune "Sugarbusn." Said the BBC: "Sugarbush features intricate handclapping as a part of its rhythm, and some machine shop workers
    AP  -  75 words
  • 78 1 The first post-war Japane&e Consul-General to SinI gapore. Mr. Ken Ninomiya. will lay a wreath at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day, Nov. 9, as civic and military leaders pay their respects to the men and women who lost their lives In the two world wars.
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  • 308 1 Gurkhas grab 2 Reds in Perak KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. fURKHAS pitted i v against the Communist 12th Regiment in the wilds of Upper Perftk yesterday scored a double success. They captured two terrorists alive— one section leader and later killed another bandit. The 1 6ih Gurkhas hay«» been after the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 97 1 RB£j IpN HEN I I LI I ift ta vpHOM 3390 YTAIHENG CO \2j-3 COLMMAM ST leacon ltd. STEVENS ROAD TANGLIN r »!ly developed Building Sites, including Water, Electric, Cas and Sewer connex- ions laid on to each site; asphalt roads and new concrete drains. No Charges. Price, for remaining
      97 words
    • 55 1 It's the real thing E CHILDREN'S F A V 0 U R I TS VX-Jtm&i\ VV «fl kilUnt «pp««l to children. And addition A VKV^£s?V*Wl boino, delightful to Utte Oxltine' pooeuei v«tu«bJ» "2. J*\rtv«;'*'^* nutritive eUmenH o» the (Wit imporUnte »o —tf «Mi \9gjpP Build up your child OVALTINE .A.
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  • 153 1 40 MILLION 'PROVOKED 9 BY GERMANY CAIRO, Friday. LHiYPT yesterday asked the Arab League Political 1 J Committee to meet here at the earliest possible I date to consider the question of West German i ompensation to Israel. An official spokesman said the Egyptian GovI eminent had approved "certain measures"
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 121 1 Coronation: 'Bring in Dominions' LONDON Frl. /CORONATION authorities Vy yesterday were urged to bring Commonwealth countries Into the ceremony by an independent religious magazine, the British Weekly, "It is no longer enough that the Queen of England should be crowned by Englishmei. for she is, separately and distinctly, the Queen
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 51 1 HONG KONG, Fri.— The second of quadruplets born in Hong Kong on Oct. 24 has I aied in hospital. The first quad died on Tuesday. The two others are still living in an incubator. The mother. Lam Shuk Ing wijf i of a tailor, is doing
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  • 144 1 LONDON. Fri. l^pHE Prime Minister, Mr.' Churchill, will revive a 150-year-old custom on Men- j day by giving an eve-of-Parliament. dinner to all his I Ministers who are members of the House of Common 1 Mr. Churchill, who will be i 78 next month, will have
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 689 1 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS ENGLISH LADT. likely to be resident ln Kuala Lumpur for some years, is sought to assist editorially with publications of the Rubber Research Institute and similar work. A monthly inclusive fee of not more than $400 Is payable! regular attendance 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on week-days other
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    • 316 1 NOTICES EX-SERVICES ASSOCIATION OF MALAYA The above association has de* elded to offer a limited number of scholarships to children of deceased or meritorious ex-service-men, for assistance ln attending courses at .he Junior Technical (Trade) Schools. Technical College and Agricultural College. Applications should be submitted to the undersigned on or
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    • 740 1 NOTICES NOTICE PENANG RECREATION CLUB Notice is hereby given to al! persons being holders of Debentures Issued by the above Club that on presentation of their Debenturers on or before the 31st. day of December. 1952. to the Secretary of the above Club, the Club will "pay to the bearer
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    • 679 1 THE NYALAS RUBBER TENDERS ESTATES LTD. Incorpornt** In t*e Colony of P W n TRNDTD MOTiriT Sin<rarore) ltJlutK NUIKt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that thf Annu.l General M?ettnr Tencfers from Class "C- re?ls\?L np!1 o r .,r X, Contractors and abov^ will |'hp NTS. Bul^intr. Singapore. r er«ive^ by the
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    • 143 1 ___________^^*^____^__s?v^^ I ''/__B__________H__________l_ fy' V/ '^'fy 7^» y^KB it 1 J»,J VSIMITV^ From the District COC/VAC "^^fft^^^^ K^c 'Tj ____Hl ______o__L_ COGNAC BRANDY t*^*4 AGENTS MALAYAN AIRWAYS 4 ANNOUNCE THE RE-INTRODUCTION OF SERVICES TO SIBU THERE ARE NOW 5 SERVICES EACH WAY PER WEEK TO SARAWAK NORTH BORNEO I i__a
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  • 312 2 Russian quizzed about return of Korean captives NEW YORK, Friday. BRITAIN and France in the United Nations today asked the Soviet Foreign Minister, Mr. Vyshinsky, whether his' new Korean peace resolution means that Russia still insists that all war prisoners must be returned home even "at the
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  • 172 2 'MAN TURNED BEAST' GETS LIFE TERM BERLIN, Fri. He in rich Sihwindt, 62, described as "a man turned beast," was convicted and sentenced tn life imprisonment today for killing eight at a wartime Ghetto in Poland. Schv.indt, who served as transportation rhiei at the I.oriz Ghetto, had originally hren accused
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  • 27 2 CAIRO, Fri— The British Embassy in Cairo last nigh* ienied Egyptian ports of mutiny and disaffection among British troops in the Canal Zone— Reuter
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 2 PIPERS escort Lard Otgttvv. son and heir «f the Eari of Airli<\ and 19-vear-*ld Mias Vireinii Ryan, da«chtrr «f an American industrialist after their v«Ma< M St. Marparefs, Wefltminster. The Qaeea Mwllim and Priacesi; Marcaret were fiat ihe tfcovsaad »v' ste.
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  • 109 2 MIGRANTS BATTLE POLICE CANBERRA. Fri. rE Immigration Minister. Mr. Harold Holt, said after clashes yesterday betrween worktess Italians and police that Communists were seizing on temporary unemployment among migrants i to foment trouble. He was questioned in the House of Representatives after 300 Italians, demanding work. refußeci to obey police
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  • 69 2 TEHERAN. Fn— The PerPremier. Dr. Mossadeq, yesterday submlf.eß a bill to the Majlis asking for powers for the Ju<tire MirJs:ry to punish former Premier. Goavam E. 5 Sul.anch fcr the events cf July 21 when more I than 20 people were ki.lad. The bill
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 28 2 'Freedom' sought KINGSTON Fri.— A rommiftee of tt<e Jamaican House of Representatives \esterday unsnimousJy agreed* to demand self-povernmtnt for TaT-rura in 1954. just short r.f Dominion status. AP.
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  • 21 2 CAIRO, Fri— Tbe 6d t l>Uwi Government yesterday denied reports that it was preparing to proclaim a republic. AP
    AP  -  21 words
  • 147 2 Children chant Wo meat for Britain' BUENOS AIRES. Friday THOUSANDS of Argentine schoolboys and girls 1 paradfd through Buenos Aires with w>ustks and druifts today, chanting "no nxw meat for Britain unless Britain gives m the Mivnas' (Falk and Inlands). Thcv booed the Uruguayan I Consulate and the Urugua- yan
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 50 2 CAIRO. Fri— The British Gorernmeni lias authorised the immediate release to Egypt of £5-000,006 which, under the ISo! A.iglo-E:yp- r fiS^f^n»nt. world fall due for release m 1983. an official ttatemt-nt .said. I' is ripMTnod to "assist trip Egyptian Government in their pre^H sterling difliculties". Renter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 27 2 LONDON. Fri— The AngloIranian Oil Company has nnounced an interim dividend of five per crnt less tax, which is un changed from last year.— UP
    UP  -  27 words
  • 28 2 TOKYO. Fri The South Afriran Defer- >c Minister. Mr, F. C. Erasmus, tedsy left Tokyo by air for Korea, where be *iv visit Commonwealth onits. «eui«r.
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  • 34 2 HONG KONG. Fri. The South Korean Reoubllo has coDiDleted preparations to establish a branch office of the state-efwned Bank of South Korea In Hong Kong before the end of this year. —Reuter
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  • 83 2 V XKIS Fri. AFKZMCH GX aride, «e--parated from her husband, was arrrstfd today «o a ekarce of tr»ine to Ml! her Frftch lover with an axe Polity took Mrs. R*voiandf Mackinlrr. al jrd iato custody at dawn after finding Ooryc Babillottr. Mini pool of Wood with his
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 188 2 ELECTION NEXT WEEK NEW YORK. Friday MTH the Anerieaa presidential drriion next week, the rival candidates yesterday continued to fight fiercely "•n the Ksrean f rvnf. ReauWiran Dwight Eisenhower and Democrat Adlai Stewenson overnight developed tiiedr controversy on how to settle the Korean conflict.
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  • 118 2 NEW YORK, Fri. "If R. Eisenhower last night I*l accused President Trui man aad Mr. Stevenson of "unrestrained slander" and raid the Democrats are waging a "dirty" campaign "the most scarrllous in Amc--1 rican political history." Mr Eisenhower did not call I the President and Mr.
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  • 277 2 LONDON. Frt. yHE gUtedged section stood out In today's stock markets as the only one to move substantially higher Investors took heart from the farther Improvement in the Sterling-Dollar rate and the gains of up to three-eighths were accompanied by an overall increase In business. Clotkßf prices at
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  • 29 2 LONDON. Oct. SL— Cash Buyers £954: Setters C»SS; Fvwmni Bayer* 4:934; Sellcn £437; Srtt»m». Nt €959 (down €5). Turnover a.m. 45 tttns; p m 20 ions
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  • 34 2 LONDON. Oct 31 —Spot 22\d. DtK. 22'« d. Jan. 22V»; Pet. 22Hd, Jan -Mar 23\d., Apr. -June 22 .d Julj--Sept. 22>^d, Nov. c.i.f. 2J\d, Dec. ci.f 2J=%d Jan. cJ.f. MSd. Market: Steady.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 145 2 Mi &vdqe\mq for Baby? v/ 1 Morhei+ood is worth any price, to be sure, iZA**-v but careful planning Is necessary if you 7/1 '1 want to provide all the things you warrt 1/ I I U for your baby. That s why more and more If mothers are decidng that
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    • 250 2 its nicer TO cftne \^> wiHf a hoirie of m»e ...and if you've unt all your Food Parcels, there* still tots of tittu: to send a HARRODS WINE GIFT VOUCHER Let family and friends choose their favourite wines from Harrod's Mi trouble, no fuss we'll arrange the details/ Singapore COLD
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  • 243 3 Singapore report shows I bright side of the black-outs RESPITE the daily black-outs, the Electricity Department of the Singapore City Council set new records last year in power generated, number of new consumers connected and revenue earned. Figures are given by the City Electrical Engineer. Mr.
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  • 119 3 Specialists to examine ailing Sultan KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. rVO specialists from Penang and Singapore will arrive in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday to attend the Sultan of Selangor, now ill in Bungsar Hospital. After the examination by these specialists it should be known whether an operation can be av'derl The *»ultin
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  • 40 3 KUALA LuMPUR. Fri Marchal Michalle. a 27-year-old Frenchwoman, who did nci obtain an identity card within 30 days afier her arrival in Malaya, was today fined $25 by Inche Ismail in the Kual^ Lumpur First Magistrate's Court
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  • 121 3 The Singapore City Council, which supplies Johore with about two million gallons of water a day at far below cost, is not in a position to demand more, thCity President. Mr. T.P F. McXeice. told the City Council yesterday. He was replying to Mr. K. Jagatheesan (Independent
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  • 105 3 Chemistry unmasked the fraud THE REDEVELOPMENT of bleached writing on a number of letters and forms applying for Singapore Improvement Trust flats played an important part in the unmasking by the police of a widespread fraud. This is stated In the annual -eport of the Department of Chemistry. Federation of
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  • 45 3 TAMPIN. Frl— A technical assistant of the Public Works Department. Malacca, A. R. Nambiar. claimed trial in the Tampin Sessions Court on a charge of dishonestly inducing a contractor. Pang Nyit Chick, to deliver him three cheques for a total of $5.000.
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  • 40 3 JOHOR^ BAHRU. Frl. After a charge of offering a i bribe of $1 to a constable had been explained to him in the Police Court. Low Chen» Knee, a van driver, of Kajang. wa s allowed $500 bail.
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 3 Mrt A B L. i I ARK.. Imtri Oilictf for Kuala Pilah (left), receives the Fiji war club from Capt. V. B. Brown, who made the presentation on behalf of the Ist Batta lion Fiji Infantry Regiment befof* their departure from Negri Sembilan for operational duties elsewhere in the Federation.
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  • 204 3 Rebel students tried to close down the school KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. NINE students, eight Malays and one Eurasian, have been expelled from the Junior Technical (Trade) School in Kuala Lumpur for trying to prevent 30 other students from attending a special 1 class. They were expelled on Monday, Mr. J.D.C.
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  • 137 3 Free cakes for temple children rREE HUNDRED Hindu I children will long remember the opening of the new RamakrLshna Temple. Bartley Road, Singapore, yesterday. To them it was a day of free drinks, cakes and sweetmeats Mr. P. Govindasamy Pillai. a merchant, who built the temple with his $100,000 donation,
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  • 320 3 RUBBER SHIPPERS GET A WARNING By Our Market Correspondent A WARNING against A the shipping of rubi ber lower in quality than j ordered was given in a i message to the Straits I Times yesterday by the chairman of the Malayan Rubber Export Registra- tion Board, Mr. C. F.
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  • 48 3 Koh Kee Leng claimed trial In the Singapore Fourth Police Court, yesterday on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to Tan Wee Tong with a knife on Oct. 28 at RAF. Beletar. He was offered $200 ball. He will appear again on Nov. 7.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 126 3 0f u-r NhM'K milk KrupulousK pure full rream eounlrv milk from t<hirh only tbc J I 1 water ba> Immi rxlrai Ird. J9 L^F N aae NESPRAY milk. AU, tin U [f'\S>&LrV i JVJ yieUs six pinta of full rream liquid milk. I j -~3^fj i And no waste! I
      126 words
    • 283 3 0(516 feo *j .^TJ^^P' J* BHlt»pore Tr\tf Federation Prices **<*4.<* \f \JC* 4. cv. put or H 47 $2 »5 Un W M SOLE AGENTS CHOY BROTHERS (MALAYA) LIMITED SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR IPOH I j 9 Ull ris-gaMjjsX^ I T r^^ |l|i| AM£#tCAS lil I FAVOURITE 9 —Ust^— J deans
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 431 3 SINGAPORE WEEK-END DIARY CHILOBCN'S rAMI»: at Great p.m. Al mertlnsa at 17t Bartlcr TOMORROW p r m.' d l<)"«*p 1 in O P Ad P mi«rOT FU aS d cents "^risLEY CHIRtB H.TJ. Bltate rOUCE BAND: Pub:ie perform.nee „,h Atnrfv rim iso n m fliinr. in m »i rarrfr Park
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  • 57 4 Mr. Justice Brown in the Singapore High court yes-ti-rduv granted* a decree nisi to Mr. O. G. SV-wart. an airport overseer, who sued h'.s •rife, Millicent A. Stewart, for ■i divorce on the ground °f h.Y adultery with Mr. C. W. Galistan. Tii' decree nisi i s
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  • 420 4 MR. J WINS 11-5— AND KEEPS HIS PLACE ON COUNCIL '1 finished business and came straight back' UY 11 votes to five, Singapore City Council decided yesterday to withdraw a motion declaring vacant the seat of Mr. K. Jagatheesan, Independent member for City Ward, for being absent without sufficient cause
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  • 266 4 RENEWED BUYING INTEREST Rubber Market •"pHE week opened with a J. good demand from the Continent and also some orders from the United Kingdom, and prices were marked up last Saturday to .he highest level of the week, says Lewis and Peat's rubber 1 market review. The report that the
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  • 22 4 iOTA TINGGI. Fri. —The esident of the Internatioal Club in Ko:a Tinggi is r^anising a weekly film show ■>r members.
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  • 28 4 KOTA TINGGI, Fri— The State Welfare Commottee held a meeting in the Stare Council Hall in Johore Bahru. Inche Wan Hamid bin Mohamed represented Kota Tinggi.
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  • 186 4 Exposition of body of Saint |?OUR' priests will leave Singapore on Nov. 13 for Portuguese India, to attend the Exposition of the body of St. Francis Xavier, which lasts from Dec. 3 to Feb. 3. They are Father M. Telxcira, Vicar of the Portuguese Mission,
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  • 37 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Frl. Slow Ah Lan who attempted »o commit suicide by lumping into a drain, was bound over in the Police Court on a $100 bond to be of good behaviour for three months.
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  • 94 4 MR. Justice Brown told a debtor in the Singapore High Court yesterday that if he was going to repay $1 865 by monthly instalments of $3. it would take 50 years to clear the debt. S. A Salam. whose total liabilities
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  • 343 4 Police officer punched me. says the ex-informer IPOH. Friday. AN admitted police informer today alleged that during a five hour interrogation by an assistant superintendent of po'ice at the Ipoh CID, he was punched on the ears and ribs and prodded with a Sten pun magazine because he would not
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  • 141 4 A HOLY TREE is hold- ing up work on the Pays Lebar airport site. Th tree a gixnt boa 80ft. l.igh is in the way of the new airports B,oooft. runway. The tree most be moved before the runway can be built, and
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  • 61 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl —A grant to help buy a radio for the tuberculosis ward at Kuala Trengganu was agreed to at the annual meeting of the British Red Cross Society's Trengganu branch this week. The meeting was told that the branch now had 1.323 members. Efforts
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  • 22 4 PENANO, Fri.— Penangs north-east district mukhn council has asked the Government to build an English primary school In Ayer Itam
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  • 475 4 SPMTMMM Uablt to load »ta».l-" ilinf today:— day Boon Tut St A Honied ltd. Slm« Avrnur Pin l.rbar Pumps. Dunmun Kit J»o (hlil Pl.icr .Ulan ¥a»ln litm I un-« CimbmtW Rd.. Ran toon Ittl Townrr Rd. Kirn Kc»| Rd j Sir srrantoun Kd. Kolam Ayrr Srn n-ii
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  • 273 4 Resign threat by Mr. Yap MS. Yap Pheng Geek, 11 L (nominated) threat-! enect yesterday to resign from the City Council in protest against a ruling by the chairman. He said he would not hesi- tate to resign if he was con- vinced that anything dis- i pleasing to the
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  • 61 4 The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce yesterday decided that the gold chain the Chinese community will give to Singapore's first mayor on his election should have suitable Chinese characters inscribed on its pendants. A sketch of the chain was shown to the committee yesterday by Mr. Tan
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  • 53 4 Malayan radio listeners will be able to follow the American election next Wednesday by tuning in to a round-the-clock programme by the Voice of America. Broadcasts will start at 7 a.m. i Malayan tlaie> and finish at 5.30 p.m They will conclude with the official announcement of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 197 4 f. Shows: 3. 6.15 f'.r. I"" Distributed by Shaw Bros, reatest Malay Musical Comedy ANJORAN NASIB" starrine larlam— P. Ramlee D. Harris —A Malay l»r.ima leasr come to the earlier shows to avoid disappointment To-morrow at 11 a.m. United Art'sts "FIKST LEtilON" lAMOND THEATRE 3rd Running Week. 2 Shows: 3.30
      197 words
    • 224 4 MANUFACTURERS SPECIALIZED IN Typp "OM-GOF 200 \f Specially adapted to speedy Arc Welding in the field on every job at low cost. FuHy independent from electric mains supply. For further inquiries: Sole Agents GENERAL TECHNICAL SUPPLIES LTD. FB, UNION BUILDING (4th Floor) SINGAPORE 1 TEL. 7355 erf*** A ioo4 selection
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  • 34 5 MR. MRS. BRIDOWOOD wish to express their sincere thanks for the many kindnesses and sympathy shown by their friends In their great bereavement and for the floral tributes sent to their beloved Maudle
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  • 39 5 X'MAS Parcel for your friends at home or any part of the world. Clngef and Lychee etc. at only $8.00. $9.00. $12.50 postage Included. The Amoy Canning Corp., (Singapore) Ltd.. 118. Cross St., Singapore- 1. Tel: *****, 7850.
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  • She Straits Times
    • 722 5 Stopping Bad Rubber From this morning, rubber shipments from Malaya are subject to quality control. The new regulations should not disturb the honest exporter. They are aimed at the swindler who has brought Malayan rubber into disrepute in some overseas markets. Producers and exporters in general will be the gainers
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    • 264 5 In the Colony budget which is now in the hands of the Council's Finance Committee is a $37.7 millions estimate for the building of Paya Lebar airport. The estimate twelve months ago was $20 millions There has been no explanation of an increase which almost doubles
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    • 113 5 From the Straits Times of Oct. 30th 1902. IN addition to carrying the largest number of outward bound passengers that, ever passed through here in the French Mail, the S. S. Sydney made another record yesterday by actually beating the telegraph in a race from Ceylon. rE
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  • 1115 5  -  CYNICUS -by- IF it is true that the General Council of the Singapore Labour Party now lacks a quorum, then the Party's embarrassment seems to be complete. For the "rebel" group has no party standing while the General council, if it cannot muster a quorum, cannot
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  • 698 5 rIS odd that Raffles never seems to have thought of starting a zoo In Singapore, considering his interest in natural life arw that he founded the London Zoo. As in so many other things, the first people to have zoos were the Chinese. Woo Wang I (or
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 778 5 CLASSIFIED ADS. ROSS: On Oct. 28th. at Penang to Shlrle: wife of J. M. A. Ross, twin daughters. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED 3rd grade Engine drl'er Rembau District. Box No. A 4834. S.T. BABY Amah, preferably Cantonese from 6th December. Phone Fr.-nklln 6321 office hours. EUROPEAN Company wants Dutch Secretary /Stenographer
      778 words
    • 34 5 GERMAN PEN New Piston Filling System and Transparent Large Quantity Ink Holding Reservoir PRICES: $6.50 $7.50 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO., 19, Chulia St.. Slngapore-l Penang Distributors: ENG SENG. MEDICAL CO.. 8, Ah Quee St.. Penang:.
      34 words
    • 44 5 CHATWOOD I^^ST^ED TRAD€ MARK for complete protection <^CK^> WILLIAM JACKS Or CO. (MALAYA) LT[ bTh>T JUST UNPACKED.. Alluring Coloured English Nylon Late* DAUADAC S rrrs IN Enchanting Shades And Designs Always Shop At: MAGANLAL NAGINDAS 6c CO LTD. 85 87. Arab Strret. TH. 3407
      44 words

  • 383 6 'Big three hold talks on> fate of new murder village SEGAMAT, Friday. gTRONG action is likely to be taken against 1,600 people of Pekan Jabi new village, two miles from Segamat, where (omniir terrorists murdered three policemen aid wounded two others on Tuesday morning. The
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  • 267 6 CHINESE SEND NEW APPEAL ON VOTING r pHK Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce is A perturbed that the Government has so far not been sympathetic to a request that resident Chinese be given voting: rights. A chamber committee meeting decided yesterday to submit a memorandum to the Government with a
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  • 178 6 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Fri. yENTURE, the journal of f the Fabian Colonial Bureau, asked today when Singapore will pass its Development Bill. The journal, commenting on the fact that Sir George Pepler is to proceed with his master plan for housing
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  • 86 6 Planter who cheated goes to gaol A 28-YEAR-OLD planter. John Arthur Braithwaite, wa s yesterday sentenced to three months' gaol by Singapore Second Police Magistrate. Mr. D. H. Chapman, for cheating Raffk's HoteC of Insp. Yahaya b'n Mohamed Salleh said that BraithwaitIssuer a $330 cheque which was dishonoured Braithwaite was
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  • 25 6 The Young People's Group of the Bethesda Church at Katong will hold a Youth Rally at 17, Pennefather Road, today at 7 pm.
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  • 210 6 CITY WORKERS READ PAPERS DURING THEIR DUTY HOURS rpHE City President, Mr. T. 1 P. F. McNeice, told the City Council yesterday that city employees were sitting in their canteen and reading newspapers when they should be working. Mr. M. P. D. fJair (Independent Labour South) had said that the
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  • 47 6 Wong Swee Lian, a girl student, drank caustic soda after a quarrel with her chief tenant, the Singapore Assistant Coroner Mr Giam Chong Hing, was told yesterday at an inquest. She was taken to hospital and died a few hours later. Verdict: Suicide.
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  • 35 6 The Vicar of the Portuguese Mission, Father M. Teixeira, states that the Church of St. Joseph is not holding a Christmas dance in Singapore nor is any being arranged under its auspices.
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  • 65 6 Singapore City Councillors yesterday turned down an application from two assistant architects for a rise in pay by $200, to bring them in line with officers in the Electricity Department. The Council agreed to give the President and Deputy President the power to punish or dismiss open
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  • 228 6 PRESIDENT REPLIES TO— AMOVE to prevent the President of the Singapore City Council from criticising the election manifestoes of political parties or independent candidates contesting the City elections was made by Mr. M. P. D. Xair (Ind. Labour— South' t th Council meeting yesterda The
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  • 84 6 'Millionaire' debtor is very ill rE PUBLIC examination of Lira Soo Ban, millionaire goldsmith and pawnshop keeper, which was to have been heard in Singapore High Court yesterday. was adjourned sin« die E Mr. Denis D'Cotta. the Assistant Official Assignee, told the court that the examination could not go On
    84 words
  • 89 6 Four men, E. Manlckam. V Subramaniam. N. Gopal and Mariappan. claimed trial in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday on a charge of being members of an unlawful assembly at the labourers' quarters in the General Hospital on Thursday. They were alleged to have assaulted
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  • 86 6 Malayans pass From Onr Own Correspondent LONDON. Fri— The following Malayans passed their Class 111 Michaelmas Bar finals In London Mohamed Din bin All of Negri Sembllan, Gunn Chit Tuan and Miss Gunn Chit Wha of Kuala Lumpur Y. C. Hwang of Kedah. V. jeyaratnam of the Federation Eugene K.
    86 words
  • 64 6 PENANG. Fri.— Two new villages in Province Welleslcy are busy preparing for their first elections to be held within the next two weeks. On Nov. 7, 300 families in Machang Buboh, representing a total population of 2 000 will go to the polk to elect their own
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  • 40 6 The ratio of death and birth rates in Singapore during the week ending Oct. 25 is one to four there were 191 deaths and 839 births. Fifteen people died from tuberculosis and one from enteric fever.
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  • 213 6 SINGAPORE City Council •3 President, Mr. T. P. F. McNeice, yesterday refuted the allegation of a Councillor, Mr. S. S. Manyam (Ind.North) that three employees were recently dismissed in a high-handed manner by the Deputy President. Mr. Manyam had been misinformed in all
    213 words
  • 55 6 MISS Amy Laycock (Progressive-East) (old the Singapore City Council meeting yesterday that two houses on the same road one in the rural area and the other in the city area had the same numbers. She urg*d that the houses be renumber'"' so as not to cause
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  • 28 6 The Russian-owned freighter, Marshal Oovorov, arrived in Singapore waters yesterday with 5,178 tons of cellulose in her holds, bound for the Red China port of Snanghai.
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  • 78 6 Two civilians, attached to the Army, and two soldiers received Commander-in-Chief's certificates from the General Officer Commanding, Singapore Base District MaJ -General .A. G. OCarroll Scott, at Fort Canning yesterday. Honoured were Staff Sergeant Butterfield, personal assistant to the 0.0.Q for the last 2>/ 2 years; Sgt.
    78 words
  • 83 6 IMI BAK CHOON. aer d 40, said by the prosecution to be the head of the secret "Sar Jee" society, was yesterday sentenced by the Singapore Third District Judge. Mr. H. A Forrer, to two years' Imprisonment for helping to manage an illegal society.
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  • 55 6 The Singapore Police Band's promenade music j programme < 5.30 p.m to 6.30 p.m.) fo r November wll be: Tomorrow (Nov. 2)— Farrer Park; Nov. s— Katong Park; Nov. 12— Botanic Gardens Nov. 14— Kulim Place; Nov. 17— Tiong Bahru. Nov 20— King George V Park Nov. 24
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  • 56 6 Before the departure of the Duchess of Kent from Singapore to Hong Kong, she was presented with a beautiful Chinese scroll, (above) paint, ed by the well-known Singapore artist, Professor Chang Tan Nung. Professor Chang has now received a letter of thanks from the I.adj -in-Waiting
    56 words
  • 69 6 Mr. P. E. (Doc.) Sundaram, friend and confidant of thousands of Shell oilwurkers and their families, died yesterday morning in Singapore General Hospital Mr. Sundararn, who had been a hospital assist art with the company ior 30 years, first at Miri and, since 1947, at Pulau Bukcm,
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  • 66 6 THE FOUR menbers of the Singapore Police Force who received Colonial Police medals from the Governor, Mr. J. F Nicoll. at the Police Training School yesterday. From left they are: Mr. A. H. Frew. Superintendent of Police; Mr F. G. Minns, Superintendent of Police; Mr. A.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 101 6 SUPER-UJPTERPROOF PUTOmRTfC 26.000 aircrew* of the RAF and the R.C.A.F hay« successfully tested the Omega Seamaster. Further science confirms the facts after a 72 hours sta> in a 120 F oven followed b y a sudden immersion in an ice-cold bath the Seamaster's accuracy remains as perfect as ever SOLE
      101 words

  • 215 7 Rubber import delivery orders stopped A SERIOUS dislocatiQn of the rubber trade between Singapore and Indonesia is threatened by the setting up of a board by the Indonesian Consulate-General to handle all rubber imported from Indonesia, on a consignment basis. The Indonesian Trade
    215 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 7 DR. JAMES KANAGABAJ LUCAS, medical officer, Penan k General Hospital. and Miss Rose Kantby Jeyaseylan, a former nurse of Madras Hospital. who were married in Pen&ngMisses Daisy and Jasmine Ponnudurai (right) were the bridesmaids.
    34 words
  • 83 7 Tie Singapore Joint Relief Organisation working committee yesterday approved new draft rules which will be presented for ratification by the general committee later this month The new rules have reduced I the quorum for a general meeting frcm half the number of members to ten. following tw
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  • 56 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Latest quarterly bulletin of statistics for the Malaya n.ining industry shows that bauxite, the ore of aluminium, appears in the production figures for the first time since the war. Bauxite is now being mined at Telok Ramunia, in South East Johore. Outpu' for
    56 words
  • 58 7 A. C6nceiro. a bankrupt with liabilities amounting to $1,450. was granted a disharge by Mr. Justice Brown n the Singapore High Court yesterday. Mr. Denis D'Cotta, the Assistant Official Assignee, told the Court "that Conceiro could pay a dividend of 57 per cent, and that the
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  • 34 7 PENANG, Fri.— A driver. Teh Eng Hoe, 24, was today convicted on an amended charge of dangerous driving and fined $100. Teh was originally charged with causing death by a rash act
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  • 86 7 Sir Patrick is new ABM president LONDON, Fri. riTHE Association of British A Malaya, which has more than 2,000 members, last night .elected Sir Patrick McKerron, former Colonial Secretary, Singapore, as president for the coming year. He got 106 votes against 67 for Sir Sydney Palmer. The new committee Includes
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 70 7 PENANG, Frl.— A suggestion to the Municipal Council that scholarships should be awarded employees to enable them to study at the Technical College or University of Malaya has won first prize of $25 for a clerk In the water depart-rnent. This prize suggestion was put in the
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  • 46 7 GEMAS, Fri— Abdul bin Bakar. a special constable at Gemas police station, was sentenced to two weeks' Imprisonment for desertion. Abdul said he was annoyed when the officer in charge refused to give him leave to visit his kampong and so he left.
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  • 141 7 PETER, 16, IS FIRST MATE— AND CREW Off to Australia in 30-ft yacht A FORMER Malayan Airways pilot, Mr. Norman Padgett, and a 16-year-old Singapore schoolboy, who has had no previous sailing experience, left the Colony together yesterday in a 30-foot yacht to sail to Australia. Kboy is Peter Haggie,
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  • 18 7 SEGAMAT. Thurs.— A woman, Lim Chan, was cautioned and discharged at Segamat yesterday for abusing a constable.
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  • 119 7 OUTPUT OF TIN IS LOWER KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. DESPITE expectations that the last th*re« months of the year will show an improvement on the September figure, it is almost inevitable that Malaya's production of tin- in -concentrates this year will be substantially lower than that in 1951, says the quarterly
    119 words
  • 50 7 toe Meng Kong, a clerk who petitioned for dissolution of his marriage to Chan Bee Llan on the ground of desertion, was granted a decree nisi by Mr. Justice Brown in the Singapore High Cuurt yesterday. The decree is to be made absolute in three months.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 209 7 TODAY CEUk'ltbVt a fiy\ na m 30 r^Mf- WILD T3w rfdfeffiM^ EXCITEMENT. .in the I i DANGER INFESTED kefenokee *,jlft SWAMPLANDS! 20th Century-Fox presents >?LUS! 7ke Art of tht Reiaiuiicc^^^ -BIRiH OF VENUS" in TECHNICOIX>R II tAI Latest B.M. News Showing WU SARAWAK GREETS THE DUCHESS" M()rni nr Today 9
      209 words
    • 163 7 ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON S Matt ThuMuy 7*U From TODAY .^L JH WHIon PfIWEU jywßpA\TWßt 11 am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.30 9.30 pm ITnUy 9 aa "LUCKY STIFF" Tomorrow "DOUBLE CKOSSBONES T>chak«Wr TONIGHT M NITE A TRUE ni TRULY WONDERFUL LOVE STORY! sill feafli" Herbert Did. by Wilcox's z^- Shaw Bros. Anna
      163 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 229 7 SINGAPORE Calling; 8 Take It Prom Here; I w m w 8.30 Music Round the World; 8.45 10 a.m. News: 10.05 Housewives' Evening Star; 9 Joe Rozells; 9.30 Choice; 11—11.30 New Records; Kews; 9.45 Como Show; 10 Palace 1 pjn. Maisie Bailard. Piano: 130 of Varieties; 1030 11.30 Saturday News;
      229 words
    • 248 7 Straits Times Crossword 20 2t 8 1% 25 ACROSS NHI "W 1 It has no real city (10). 8. Parry scaled (anag.) (4-7). 9 Paradise begin* In BraiU l 4). 12. Business, etc.. lor a UveU--10 In th» past (10>. hood (11). 1 French town partly freed («>. 15 One
      248 words

  • 292 8 Order of precedence in the Colony NOW that the Duchess of Kent has departed, it is -perhaps appropriate to question some of the formal ar- rangements made in her honour, in the hope that the j same mistakes will not be made again. I refer specifically to the j order
    292 words
    • 236 8 2OME time ago I wrote you a letter which you published under the heading "Red Malayan cells at work overseas?" I have since read the replies to it from both the Chinese Students' Club and Malayan Students' Association in this part of the world. I cannot
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    • 44 8 BEHIND my house in Ipoh there is an area called Kampong Kuchar This place is overcrowded and is the breeding place of mosquitoes. We wage nightly rear against these dangerous tnemies. Can our mosquitomen not do something about it'? NYAMOK Ipoh.
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    • 141 8 ON Oct. 18 (Deepavali holidays) my friends and I went to a local Indian cinema for the last show. Because of the crowd, which I considered normal, the theatre management telephoned the police for help. Two constables arrived. Seeing the crowd increasing, they phoned for extra
      141 words
    • 134 8 IN a recent paper there appeared a picture of a I Penang resident, aged 71, giving blood to the Penang Blood Bank. At the age of 61 he gave blood to the Singapore Blood Bank Medical authorities have i always said that blood from people over
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    • 81 8 REGARDING certain advertisements appearing in local papers inviting new students to register with certain commercial schools, it has become a common practice to advertise the total number of passes in so many subjects without stating the number of candidates who took the examination. The general public would be
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    • 88 8 I, AS WELL AS many other radio listeners, would appreciate an explanation from Radio Malaya in connection with the frequent "overlapping" of radio programmes: this method, practised by Radio MaKya, often paralyses the listeners' musical choice- programme. I am prompted to write because we were deprived of 15
      88 words
    • 51 8 DO Councillor* who absent themselves frcm duty in order to enable llr m to devilop -their private business, or for other "urgent ptivate affaiis," continu" to draw th salaries allotted by a beneficent Govfcr.-iinent? ROSA DARTLE. Singapore. (Yes, if they are given leave of absence. Ed.
      51 words
    • 69 8 rE double lines painted in the centre oi the road in front of the Cathay Building, Singapore, need repainting. They have faded to a point where they cannot be seen by motorists driving at night. Pending their repainting will the Traffic authorities be fair enough to avoid issuing
      69 words
    • 302 8 The non-communal National School fIIHE Select Committee on X Education has now given its Report on the type of National School which the Federation of Malaya is likeCv to have. The Federal Legislative Council is likely to accept the Report at its next meeting. The National School will then become
      302 words
    • 225 8 DOWN FOR THE THIRD TIME ON Oct. 21 1 went to the Singapore Traffic Office for a driving test. I failed for the third time. I am convinced that I was given a fair deal in the first two failures. But I am not satisfied with the third. To begin
      225 words
    • 388 8 AS one who has been comected with the Malayan rubber industry for the past 40 years, am unible to stomach some of th-> view? reported on Oct. 28 by your market correspondent to have been ex..res ci b, a large section of the
      388 words
    • 240 8 MANAGING MALA YA HALL IN my letter oi Oct. 24 ("t-tucents in London') i mereiy echoed the grievances of the Malayan students relating to their requests for representation on rthe Board of Maragemen of Malaya Hall, and not to he point oi student accommodation, as Haji Eusoff's letter (Oct. 27)
      240 words
    • 72 8 AS far as I know even the untrained teachers of English in Chinese schools !in Singapore get a yearly increment of $12. Would the Education Department in the Federation I kindly explain why the i itep'-hers o' TCneUsh in Chi- I i nese schools ln the Federation
      72 words
  • 207 8 M.C.A. CAN STILL ABSTAIN MR. T. P. YAP (MCA. Polices', O-t 28> w/ote to disprove allegations of commuinJism against the MCA. One can readily agree with him that the M.C.A is not ready to contest the Singapore City Council elections in December. But it is Incomprehensible how the M.C.A. escapes
    207 words
  • 130 8 I AM one of the Asian subordinate staff employed jii a tin mine. Since tbc-e is no mine accommodation available I am forced to ;tay elsewhere and cycle about eight miles daily to go to work. I am granted a housing allowance of $10 per
    130 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 72 8 EXTRA />X Hotc equipped with "mgegage Z3 J^HpH^i^Hl^fli^^^aMM^Hlli^isssssMtfllH v >. -^^^^isssW 9 for the first time un SMITH-CORONA I PORTABLES (Easy payments can be arranaed' TYPEWRITERS (MAUYA) LIMITED^" 132-6. ROIINSOR ROIO. SINGAPORE (o|j |/T n f\ TELEPHONE *****. P.O. BOX. 1152 r rtl ijpn l<>n ICKE YEW BUILDING. KUALA LUMPUR
      72 words
    • 25 8 &o*tte tetter *fo with ATLAS on f.i Distributed throughout Malaya and Singapore by The STANDARD-VACUUM OIL COMPANY, (ineqrrKmited in the US. A- with limited liability)
      25 words

  • 769 9 LIMITED BUSINESS ON SHARE MARKET Petalings drop 35 cents i INDUSTRIALS were steady or. the Singapore Share Marke' yesterday, with tins quietly steady. Business was limited. A feature of ihe market wps n 35 cents drop in Petalings with the announcement cf an interim dividend of 20 r e r
    769 words
  • 84 9 The board of directors of Led311^ Bahru LW. has recommenced fl^-s* an^ flrwl divMrnd In respect ol thp last flnancial year oi => per cfnt. leas tax at standnid ratf payable on Jan 7, 1953. Frjflt. before tax. £48 933: ttl t'32 988: Opn»ral reserve flO.COO; K*r\e& forwrd £29.755.
    84 words
  • 22 9 T O I RS.S Nnn'mbfr rontrap (In f'.s cents): \^> i-«-"nv' Th'tr^aT's r"'sfp- f-lo'im »1 "< "O" 1 BUI norn MtW Si»-*y.
    22 words
  • 51 9 FOLLOWING the imorov<»m o nt in New Yor> and London ove ni^ht. the price jubter incrpas^d by three-eiglith fof a com i S'nzanor^ ye- prday. with November first ajrade clo3iai; at 77£ cents a lb. There wa? a moderate .urncver, with fair inquiry pn "he Irwer
    51 words
  • 129 9 SINGAPORE. Fri. Tin 54.:'..;>2>_.. a picul (unchanged). prices yesterday w. re in cents per ib No. 1 R.fc.S. Sno loosf b. yers T7. ae'lers 77--:; No. 1 RS.S. f.n.b. In oalcs Nov buyers 77'%. s Hers 77 V. No 2 b yers 72'k. scllf
    129 words
  • 56 9 pOPRA was veak i i Sing po yesterday. rttfe s Hers rt •JJHj per plcu' 'oh. an-l r.n •wrs rm-to-i c^'-t \u* oil "-a •a 1 •■fT s-1' rs *M Pe-'T-r r«rlr: rl c'lne'' In prl c by Him <''» P cf-\ Exchi n». «tth Mun»o'< #whit «575
    56 words
  • 36 9 HONG KCNO. Prl. Pre ndrket cur «ncy rx han^e of Hon: Konp dollars tw quoied atht close toca- us foUcvs: UP* 1 ■'"C6.CB"s <c^sh) HKSC.O9 T.T.t HK',l5 65. One tael cf I- 1 H-C'.27^-..
    UP  -  36 words
  • 13 9 M2T nor'RNE. Prl W<X>l sales •ill resume in Brisbane on Monday.
    13 words
  • 120 9 CHIPS. aioni?side th e Singapore Harbour Board iolowoi or rxnrclea iherr at a m :odav are Wll.fn Tuv« Obra li SUnvar Barr :>!6 Coa'. Kant TJipana «'7: 'Jt-echt. ttt- Prrs Van B-ci II: Giaucus :3/'.4 Ant»nor 15 !6 Hmj Ann Wet Bide Emolrf D.Tk 'i-t-rr-e- Soe«tdv'< K!n'.-r M»''j
    120 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1352 9 t.' f* 12 MANSFIELD «c CO., LTD. w. 240s <!° .incorporoted w> S.ngapore, <*J P °d'c" 9C BLUE FUNNEL UNI "IU^JT Carrier's option to proceed vio other ports to lood and discharge eorgo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINCNTAL PORTS Due Soils P S'hom Penong Atreus for Liverpool, Dublin,
      1,352 words
    • 503 9 BF!t LnfE STEAMERS LTD. Far U.K /CONTINENT Spore S'hom Penong 'Zgtf&SSr 1 0 IM NevrcaTt^^fr* Loodon Iff H.v. 12/13 H~. 14/16 Nov. ZZSSSy&E?"- *r*VM H.v 22/24 Nov 2S/27 N.v ZZZoT R one A^im mo Hon,^r e ;^2/2. Nov. 29 Nov/ 1 P^c 2/4 Dec. £^*h'. GC^'. T" Mcv/ TDK I/»DK
      503 words
    • 515 9 EAST Af»*iT»C IMB SAIIINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/U.K./CONTININT S'oore Sham Penona "A<lo" tor Bangkok Saioon .Sw:™: tie tm j;j== -Pretoria" for Bonokofc H/tt Nev "R>rea" for Dioltnrto, Bangkok, S" oon HonaVma Manila ifotv tur'..r.s-i~ 18/11 Dec S/9Oa« See "Kina" for Melbourne, Sydney Brisbr-- l*/3« Oae. 2J/S5 Dae. 20/22 Oac FROM JAPAN/HONGKONG Spore
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      1,031 words

  • 302 10 IT'S STAR SOGCERITES AT LAST Worthy winners of Junior Cup Soccerites 3; Haikowyu 0. gTAR Soccerites won the S.A.F.A. Junior challenge cup at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday after 190 minutes this was the second replay of struggling against Haikowyu IfcC At half time there was no score and it b?gan
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  • 404 10 Today's U.K. soccer By JIM CHAMBERS LONDON. Fri. L7NGLANDS football selectors J will take their lasi look arnund at tomorrow's English League games before picking the national team to play Wales at Wembley Stadium on Nov. 12. It Is expected that one or two of
    404 words
  • 246 10 LONDON Frl. gRITISH fight promoter Jack Solomons sail yesterday he Is satisfied thit Suiar Ray Robinson will fight Britain's Ran y Tu~pin for the world mWdlew»i7ht title. But Suuar Ray himself is not sure. "I know I'm in the fwili«h» of my career." ho sMd
    AP  -  246 words
  • 109 10 SYDNEY. Fri New South Wales are relying on the same team which drew with Queensland earlier this week for the return match which starts here on Nov 7 The 11 plnyers ia 12th man has not been named are: Keith Miller (rapt). Sidney G
    109 words
  • 29 10 The Volunteer Special Constabulary D" Division wiU play a friendly badminton match :ir;unM the Reeuhrs of "D" Division at Tanjong Pagar badminton court at 7 a.m. tomorrow
    29 words
  • 109 10 UK swimming twins may settle in US LIVERPOOL, Fri. BRITAIN'S swimming twins. Jack and Bert Wardrop of Mothenvell, Scotland, left for the United States yesterday to attend the University of Michigan, where they have been awarded scholarships. The 20- year-old twins finished their National Service in the RAF three weeks
    AP  -  109 words
  • 344 10 hCX 0; S.R.C S. THE .'econd elevens of the two Padang clubs played hockey worthy of a senior game -on the SC.C. pitch yesterday. The reward for Rets' beft r spred und tcchn'quc was a 3-0 maigin. Rec took a long
    344 words
  • 61 10 SRC. beat Singapore Engineer Regt. 4-1 in a friendly hockey match on the padang yesterday Recs dominated play almost throughout. S.E.R. were the first to score through Cann. against the run of play but O. Rozario equalised hortly before half time In the second half. Recs
    61 words
  • 187 10 WEEKEND SPORT TODAY RIC.BY ROYAL NAVY v SCC at Bar (ref. Or. Cap! KouK'm RASC v RAF Chang, at Ayir Kajah Rd. (Maj. Duecan) NAVAI. C-ln-t"s XV v CHO "A" at Na i Base (Lt. Cdr. Gray»; NEE SOON i v 3 BOD at St. George's Rd. (f I.
    187 words
  • 123 10 rpHE finals of the Singapore Table Tennis Association's 1952 championshiDs will oe held at the Singapore Badminton Hall tonight starting at sevfn o'clock. Admission will be 20 cen»s. The firs; Asian Table Tennis Championships, to be held at the Singapore Badminton Hill Nov 22-29. promises
    123 words
  • 200 10 gGT. Nipper" Shaw gave one of the most unpopular decisions in a Singapore boxing ring since the war when he declared Billy Jackson (125^^)) a points winner over the Singapore flyweight champion. Lim Kee Chan <1171t>>. In their eicht-roiinder at Happy World Arena
    200 words
  • 31 10 TODAY: H(;h 1003 i» 1 1 and 2247 (9 71. Lo» MO9 ,2.61 and :62: Vl, rOMOCCOW: 1033 .9 41 mid 2331 •»T<- Low 044$ 12.11 and 1700 (Oil
    31 words
  • 63 10 Teachers Training Colletjf's hockey team against Johore English College at Johore Bahru today will be: Soocelaraj; A Rajaratnam, W. Muthu; Himmet Singh. Harbans Singh. Wong Fong Weng; Lcpng Kok Weng. Toh Boon Whye. Chin Kirn Chow. C. Fernandez, Kirn Keng Chin. Reserves: Sardool Singh, Alan Head. Players
    63 words
  • 240 10 SJ.I 1; R.I. GT. JOSEPHS School could easily have got «iie be\'er of Raffles In^tltuflon had It not been for the excellent Roalkeeplnn of R.l's m Alsaxoff In the Inter-school hockey match at S.J I yesterday. St. Joseph's played a nound name th'ousnout and keut Riffles nmninK
    240 words
  • 87 10 JJASE Ordnance Depot thrashed Singapore Chinese R.C. seven goals to two in their SHA Dlv. IA hockey league encounter at Alexandra yest«roay. The Chinese, with ten players only, played well in the first hall to end the period with a 2-1 lead Their defence collapsed
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 634 10 JAVA KIJbTTAftL^ TODAY TEL> 3848 |Pn| «"the Cockpit m '13 TODAY: .{.15-6.30-9. 15 p.m. Wtk Most Dramatic Malay Film! "SELAMAT TtNGGAL yy or 5* >* "(loodbye Sweetheart" (in Malay Dialogue) fr ft Mi Tomorrow 11 a.m. (srri:il) Rail I d!ck kiACv mmmr SINGAPORE RED FUNNEL LINES: HEAP ENG MOH SS
      634 words
    • 186 10 1 i tales aY overbad' Watch lor the LION STOUT advertisement next Sunday! Annual Sale f^ mm Commenring Today (or I month. I *A-v»> I CARVED FURNITURE and TEAK M^J CAMPHORWOOO CHESTS forTl of Finest Materials MwLmIAM and Exquisite Designs V W'l at very reasonable prices. All manu- arturcd In
      186 words

  • 287 11 ONLY DANGER IS DECANTER By EPSOM JEEP NORTHERN CIRCUIT should have little difficulty in defeating a humble lot of top-class sprinters in the Class 1, Div. 1 s}-f. sprint (Race Seven) at Kuala Lumpur today, opening day of the Selangor Turf Club November Meeting.
    287 words
  • 149 11 S. T.SELECTIONS EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER RACE 1 2.00 PICTURE FAN Mr. Tin Grand Dombey GRAND DOMBEY Bekia Picture Fan MR. TIN Grand Dombey Picture Fan RACE 2 2.30 TRENT FALL Texaa Airport HOPALONG Stymie Trent Fall TRENT FALL Airport Thirlmere RACE S 3.0" NEP. DAUGHTER Tito* Meath NEP.
    149 words
  • 176 11 BEAU TEMPS is nicely wound up after his Initial races at Bukit Timah and Ipoh he has been working in great heart and up 4 against a none-too-bright lot of top-class stayers he must have a first-rate winning chance in the Class 1, Div. 1 9f.
    176 words
  • 849 11 OIRTHDAY GIFT retains his form remarkably well-despite advancing years and he is always a possibility in a stamina test. On his recent third to Km port over 1} miles at Ipoh this six year-old must be given every chance in Race Five today. Birthday
    849 words
  • 23 11 Unless there is a change in the weather reports Epsom Jeep, the going at today's races will b e very good.
    23 words
  • 1084 11 Vcceptors and probable jockeys for today's races at K.I. are given below. Double totes will be on Races 3 4 and 8 9. Big Sweep will be drawn on Race 9. Race 1—2.00: Class 5, Div. 3— s| fun. 1 579 Constance Bagby Jr. 8.13 Mr. Kok
    1,084 words
  • 120 11 WELLINGTON, Frl. nPHE united States Davis Cup 1 players Vie Selxas and Straight Clark were yesterday beaten 8-6. 6-2 by the former Australian Davis Cup player Qeorge Worthlngton and John Barry of New Zealand In an exhibition match here. Selxaa and Worthlngton shared sets in
    Reuter-AAP  -  120 words
  • 513 11 STORE CIVILIAN HOCKEY TRIALS ARE A FARCE By Our Hockey Reporter rjiRIAL GAMES in almost every sport usual y proTe nothing. In the case of the Singapore Hockey Association's trials this season they are becoming little more than a farce. Take that first trial held on Oct. 24. A number
    513 words
  • 54 11 NEWMARKET, Frl.— Sir Vlcior Sassoon's Pinza won the seven furlongs Dewhurst Stakes, worth £2,167, here yesterday from a field of nine. Lord Roscbery's Swashbuckler was second Mr. William S. Woodward's Twlrler third. Pinza wen by five lengths with three lengths between second and third. Llberatour
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 53 11 The RAF. Malaya team against Joliore Bahru Hockey Association In a friendly match at Johore Bahru at 5 15 p.m. today Is: Sgt. Ormston; Sgt. Ghrus&le, W C'di. Ru;sell; P/L Wood, P/O Wood. LAC Hashim: W/O Durant. P O Dozey. LAC Charlesworth. SAC Coello. Cpl BlodweU.
    53 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1618 11 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued trom Page 6) VEHICLES FOR SALE 1939 HUDSON, taxed Insured, fair condition. Price $1,000 or nearest offer. Phone ***** Ext. 570. BAN HOE CO.. 191. Middle Road. Singapore. "The house of motor-cycle spares and accessories". iITUDEBAKER Champion Saloon 21 H P 1948. new engine, comp. Ins. May
      1,618 words
    • 83 11 Agents E. NASSIM SONS. ,:xi North Bridge Rd.. S nore HAPPY WORLD STADIUM TONIGHT AT 9 Eagerly Awaited Battle RED SCORPION (Hates Everyone X^ And Everybody) -s^^^p •■^■:piV:# versus Ijlli mm > One Only |fcg* KING KONG W with k Te^nfic^iip^Dortin^rajr^ B. BERT ASSIRATI NATURE BOY <red scorpion) (After His
      83 words