The Straits Times, 1 October 1952

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • 1147 1 THE DUCHESS FLIES IN Quiet dinner— and then early to bed GUNS BOOM AS PLANE LANDS AND 2,000 CHILDREN CHEER rpHE Duchess came to Singapore yesterday. Two thousand children cheered and waved flags after her airliner landed at Kallang airport. And 21 guns boomed out a Royal salute. The reception
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  • 142 1 LONDON, Tues. DRINCESS Marina. Duchess of Kent, with her schoolboy son, the 16-year-old Duke, will take to the Far East a sense of participation In the affairs of a united family cire'e. The Times, said today in a leading sirticle. Wherever she rops she
    Reuter; The Times  -  142 words
  • 106 1 LONDON, Tuesday. T<HE EVENING NEWS in an ed.torial today headed "The Duchess in Malaya" says that General Sir Gerald Templer is right in allowing the Duchess of Kent to visit the country at this time. The paper said it thought the visit would achieve ais
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  • 14 1 CLIVEDEN Tues.— Viscount Astor, British publisher died today. He was 73.
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  • 91 1 SECURITY measures around Kallang airport were completed two hours before the arrival of the Duchess Uniformed and plain clothed police began screening people In the terminal building. Those without passes and badges were asked to leave. A 12-year-old pupil from St. Patrick's School, who had walked
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 j^HHA) VN%> 'yi Vo« and *^Hy^ A en r Her P H HENDRY Manufacturing leweller 7tt North Bridge Rd.. S'pok 6 3 bogged '"i'J hm '»*"tm,,cd n lcir m rr ,M/, r 6f5 H C '^ttcsi ntkmld m Singapore: $2.10 per tin. Federation: $2.30 \n\ in. sE-aTT"
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    • 60 1 |]H value MODEL EBS.II tor AC Ml MODEL KU.IS for AC DC ma.nt A BUSH RADIOS Sol. A|lntl BRIGHT RADIO Co 301, orchard Road, Singapore 9 The Toast of Malaya! We rejoice with all Malayans la welcoming Their Royal Highnesses The Duchess of Kent and The Duke oC Kent FRASER
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 226 2 KM f>.W f&k MR 1 r 4m His hair's no problem, now! PS Glotrora keeps \jf% it neat and frp^^^^ well combed II VOMR OWN \j\ [»mu7»»| IMilllllll BX 6irA v3^ ONE M Ui MONTH |gL- r J;'jl only ll- I To introduce RECORD CHANGER Three Wondeiful Combinations. Prices include
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    • 955 2 LONDON TIN CORPORATION CHAIRMAN'S SPEECH Tile twenty-sixth annual gen- i tral meeting of London Tin Cor- poration, Ltd., was held on Sept ember 19 at The Chartered In- < surance Institute, Aldermanbury. I I.niiii 11. I Mr. J. Ivan Spens. chairman or the Corporation, who presided. I •aid:— Accounts '1
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    • 964 2 continuing effort to maintain production under difficult circumstances. An official United States Government, Mission visited Malaya last year and complimented the producers and miners on their patriotic efforts to keep production going in the face of Communist terrorism." and (2i "a price that users of tin can afford to pay
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    • 889 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Applications are Invited for the Tost of Chinese Temporary Translators In the Johorp Police Contingent. The salary pavnble Is $240 p.m. plus approved Cost of Living Allowance. Candidates should be In possession of the fol- J lowing qualification* (1) Cambridge School Certtfl- i cat* or the equivalent thereof;
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    • 716 2 NOTICES NOTICE Admission for 1953 to all clas es 'rom Primary I to Standard VII t closad In the Anglo-Chinese Afternoon School. Seremban. Hir-re Is no possibil.ty of forming; i new c!av as there Is no classcorn available. NOTICE It Is hereby notified for general nformntlon that MR. TANG SZE
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    • 731 2 TENDERS CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDERS (For particulars see Tender Room. fir.und Floor, City Hall) WATER DEPARTMENT: Supply of Diesel Boiler Fuels, Lubrl- i cants. and Diesolene for the year 1953 for Water Department. Deposit $50 Close NOON —15.10 52. ENGINEER'S DEPARTMENT: Supply of <a) Coarse Sharp Sand for
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    • 588 2 TENDERS P.W.D. TENDER NOTIcT TENDERS will be received by the State Engineer. PWD Perak. Ipoh. up to 3 p.m. on 3rd October. 1V52. for the Sanitary Installations at the Police District Headquarters. Slim River. Full particulars are obtainable from the Executive Engineer. South Perak, Tapah. MUNICIPALITY OF KUALA LUMPUR TENDERS
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    • 170 2 NOTICES CHANGE OF TELEPHONE LINDETEVES (M) Ltd. Kinis. Lumpur wish to notify our business associates and friends thai our Telephone No. has been to 6241. 6242 as from Sept 30th. Please note this change In your directory. LEE WAH BANK, LIMITED (Incorporated In the Colony of Singapore). NOTICE IS
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  • 255 3 Labour Party voting puts him at the top LONDON, Tuesday. ]y|R. ANKURIN BE VAN'S Left-wing group in the Labour Party won a big victory at the party's annual conference in Morecambe today in the voting for the party executive. Mr. Bevan and his followers were voted
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  • 170 3 President accuses Ike of "grave blunders" NEW YORK. Tni-s PR] [DENT Truman on hi.s (jinpa^n train today accused the Republican presidential candidate. Mr. Eisenhower, oi endangering the United States by "crave blunders?' when he was commanrlincj general in Europe. Mr. Eisenhower's actions, ho .s:iid. had left the nation unaware o[
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  • 25 3 ISLE OF CAPRI. Tues Gen. George C. Marshall will fly to Tunisa on Sunday to inspect the American war cemetery at Carthage. A.P.
    AP  -  25 words
  • 46 3 KING TLISAI. of Iraq ion lie |g pictured with the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles and Princess Anne at Balmoral Castle, Scotland. The boy king was a guest of the Queen at Balmoral for two days. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 189 3 YOU HAVE NOT PAID IN FULL, JAPS TOLD LONDON Tues. rpHE London Daiiy Express X commented editorially today on the "Jubilation tr the City of London'' because the Japanese are to pay off on their bonds. But. the newspaper demanded, "when is Japan going to pay her debt' to "the
    AP  -  189 words
  • 73 3 TOKYO. Tuesday. fiHE EIGHTH ARMY tonight acknowledged the loss of another Korean central front hill position under the sustained new Communist offensive action which began on Monday. Communist attacks, which continued today, had now thrust defenders off three peaks, the Eighth Army said. United
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 56 3 WASHINGTON, Tues— The United States yesterday agreed to buy between 6,000 and 7,000 long tons of tin from the Bolivian Government at 117.5 cents (US) a pound, f.o.b. at South American ports. This corresponds roughly to the same overall price the U.S. agreed to pay
    AP  -  56 words
  • 26 3 LONDON. Tues— The Prime Minister. Mr. Churchill will fly to Balmoral on Wednesday to stay two day s with thf Queen
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  • 38 3 HOLLYWOOD, Tues—Comedian Eddie Cantor collapsed in his home after completing his season's first -sion show, his doctor yesterday. Cantor, who Is 60. is in hospital for observation. He is suffering from exhaustion ans overwork. A.P
    AP  -  38 words
  • 28 3 TOKYO. Tues— The Far East Nr.vy headquarters today announced that the cruiser Belfast *-as r*>t i: rnlng to Britain after 400 days in Korean waters— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 179 3 NEW YORK. TUESDAY. INDIA and Pakistan have told Mr. Trygve Lie, Secretary-General, that they are prepared to accept a mediator to try to solve the six-year-old dispute over the treatment of Indians and Pa' Istanis in South Africa. i i The
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 18 3 HONG KONG, Tues—China's long-heralded Asian Pacific Peace Conference will open in Peking on Oct. 2.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 22 3 KINGSTON, Jamaica, Tues. —Three mothers have given birth to triplets in the same Jamaican village in the last week. A.P.
    AP  -  22 words
  • 119 3 U.S. not told about British atomic test WASHINGTON, Tues. BRITAIN has told the United States nothing about her forthcoming atomic weapons test in the Pacific. "All we know about the British tests Is what we read in the newspapers," said one official, "and we read them wtry carefully." The United
    AP  -  119 words
  • 98 3 BIRMINGHAM, Tues. A PARTY of five journalists, representing newspapers in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong, were received by the Lord Mayor of Birmingham. Alderman T. H. Bowen, today. They met Municipal and Government officials and visited Government institutions, including a health centre and a secondary
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 59 3 KANSAS CITY, Tues. AGITATED man called at the City Hall and said that his wife ran off with another man a week ago and that he wanted them arrested immediately. "Why have you waited so Ion??" he was asked. "I have just discovered that they took SIS <Mv.J
    AP  -  59 words
  • 380 3 Reduced trading in Jap bonds LONDON. Tues. TjKJREIGN bonds were again thr ay main focus of attention on (he I London Stock Excbang? today. Trading in Japaneae bonds was on a much reduced scale compared with yesterday, with more jof a tendency to take profits. At the close
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  • 26 3 LONDON Sept. .{0 Cash Buyers €962; Sellers £964: Forward Buyers £952; Sellers £953; Settlement £962; (up £1). Turnover, a.m. 15 tons; p.m. nil
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  • 33 3 LONDON. Sept 30— Spot 32d Nov. 23d.. Dec 22d Jan-Mar 21 3 «d Apr-June 21 '.d July-Sept 21 L »d.. Oct. elf -1. Nov. c.i.f. 22d Dec. ell. 217*4. Market: Quietly
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 128 3 ARGONAUT SPEEDBIRD Hilt f\sJt£M' r w* f HONGKONG 8.0.A.C. !t now op*r«tinq rtquUr twice w**My Mrvicat b«>w«*n Singapore and J«p«n. via Hong Kong. Stop-off facilities are Available at no additional air patiage ratal enabling you to remain over in Hongkong for butinatt o< pleeiure. Travel in deep-teated comfort, flying smooth
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  • 370 4 THE 'HEADS I WIN TAILS YOU LOSE' TAX MEN Company chairman criticises dept. T«11K "heads I win tails you lose" attitude of the Income Tax Department is severely criticised by Mr. T. Ajjten; chairman of Fraser and Neave, Ltd ,in his annual statement to shareholders. "If a taxpayer finds he
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 4 THE DUCHESS OF KENT, accompanied by (apt J. il. M Dick, R.A inspecting the guard of honour after her arrival in Singapore. Straits Times picture.
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  • 126 4 Chinese to aid Djambi fire victims TIE Singapore Overseas Chinese Importers and Exporters Association, ac a meeting yesterday, formed a ,sub-c(immlttr of rcprsentatives from 15 Teochew and Hokkien firms lo raise funds for the flr e victims of Djambi. a port in East Sumatra. llic n.'scK'iation ml tcttag \ip n
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  • 78 4 KUALA LUMPUR. TIMK Chai Mcc Kian^. alias Kean Kong. BOtorioua terroust who con mancfd 39 lati"--pendent Plazoon of ti;c CJommunist army, was tttot dead yt.sterday by two lf-y«ar- ikl National Servicemen ol tti«* Qrcea Howards. They were Private Thomas Brown and Private Peter Hogart. Clutched in his
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  • 113 4 COLONEL WITH GUN FINED PENANG. Tues. HOLDING that the defendant in a fit of anger might have intended to cause alarm to the complainant, the Penang Second Court Magistrate, Mr. J. A. Black, today fined Lt. Col. E. G. Bailey, of the Imperial War Graves Commission. $25 on a charge
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  • 56 4 1POH. Tuesday. A 22-YEAR-OLD cook bumped his head against a "live" electric wire while he was repairing the rwof of a house in Jalan Kendahara yesterday. Goh Kins Liau, the cook, lost consciousness -md was rushed t» hospital. This moraine, however, he was is fit an errr
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  • 60 4 PENANG. Tues. Malay businessmen in Bayan Lepas, Penang, may soon open a rice mill to enable planters in the area to miJI their own padi. This new venture is expected to start next month. It is understood that machinery for the mill has been ordered and
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  • 25 4 MUAR. Tues.— Sim Hwee Ching was fined $20 here for carrying goods in his Jeep at Sungei Mat! without a haulage permit.
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  • 341 4 BIG INCREASE IN SALES rIE accounts of Fraser and Neave, Ltd., show a profit for the year of $2,276,292. after providing for income tax and a special charge of SW3.WO for plant replacement. This compares with $2,010,916 for the last financial year. The balance, available
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  • 93 4 NEW LAWS ALLOW DOGS TO BE MOVED IPOII, Tues. I )(>«.. s can now be moved from one rabies-infmtetl area to another within the Federation, under new icgulatMUs, said an official of the Veterinary Department. Certain conditions must, however, be filled Dogs must be quarantined for 3v days and vacctnated
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  • 70 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. AHOUSE-to-house search for unvaccir.ated and unmuzzled dog's will begin tomorrow in Kuala Lumpur. For the first few days, the campaign will be "a little restrained" because of the visit of the Duchess ar.d Dukt of Kent, the Straits- Times was told today.
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  • 88 4 Two Singapore companies jl the Boys' Brigade will h->.-j Jieir annual inspection and display on Saturday. The Cit> s Fire Chief, Mr. J. O Shaw, will Inspec: the 3id Company on the Wesley Ctiirch .■nund in For. Canting Rood R' 4.30 p.m. Mrs. Shaw will give jivay
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  • 41 4 BATU PAHAT, Tue,;.— Mr. I. Goodwin, Administrate Officer, Batu Pahat, will ;>on be transferred to Paiang as State Development officer. Members of the Bandar ?engarram Club, Batu Pai?.t. entertained him to a aieweU dinner at the club.
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  • 45 4 BATU PAHAT. Tues.—Fourteen Scouts were invested as Rovers before the Scout 3tate Commissioner and Deputy Camp Chief. Malaya. Syed Esa bin Alwee, at Government English School ground. Batu Pahat. A total of 111 Scout ers also received their warrant cards.
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  • 32 4 SEGAMAT, Tues. Robert Goh. 25. an assistant resettlement officer, was charged here with causing hurt to an auxiliary on Eldrei Estate through handling his carbine in a negligent manner.
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  • 258 4 SI BSTATKMS llakla ta lacddiai 3 taday:— Ml lin !•<■ Fl/F I jnnmi. Seas it. •Vatarlaa St. St. Aadr»»«. Mtife, staa»ior<J Rd. Albert St. Short St.. N«« v"- Ira Waft. U..| las Piarr ■rnlaar MuAtuic Rd. St., Hal«ti.-r fed. Jalan Aiupa, Hue iii-.uit rartory
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  • 268 4 BOY FORCED TO PAY $2 AS GANG 'FEE' A 15-YEAR-OLD boy yesterday told the Singapore A Third District Judge, Mr. 11. A. tha or five months three youths took S o his p i money from him each month as a fee for their eanjj. Tan Thiam Koe was
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  • 140 4 IPOH. Tue* A ROMANCE tnat tx gin lour yeaii r.go in ho ;g Ko:ig euimla t;,) at :if i Cnuivn of St. Michac] today w:t,i tae m :rv ;i;c ol M-s Marie Cliv ig ,s»u Fong aul Mr. SLepien L.c# Pnak S
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  • 19 4 SKGAMAT. Tues Liow Chiow Chong. 18, a cyclist was fined $5 here for ignoring a trnffic signal.
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  • 24 4 PORT DICKSON. Tues.For failing to muzzle h s d )^s Lv Pah Lee. of Sungei Pekk was fined $50 at Sepang.
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  • 44 4 bEjAMAT, rues -I do not wish to proceed with the case." Koh Ah Gee, the co lplainar.t tcld (lie Beganat Mr.qbtrate when ach i f assault attaint a driver. Ong Kee Ching. 2P, came up tor hearir.p I Ong was a quitted.
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  • 108 4 Captured after woman scrodni KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. CONVICTED Sakai terrorist. Ah Sin, w if hanged in Taiping gaol this morning. He was captured by a patrol of the Ist M nchester Regiment in Perak ni May 21 thic ve.r The patroi heard noises in the bushes and
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  • 70 4 SEREMBAN, Tues For having a defaced identity card, Acnar bin Tahai ..n aged aborigine, was fii.t-d $5 today by iiaja Suleinmn, the Seremban Magistrate When Achar told 11. |a Suleiman that he did not have a cent, tlie macistr.te r.sktd him how he came
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  • 21 4 SEGAMAT. Tues. Four voutns Ayadurai. Acmthan Somasundaram and Pal.nasamy were fined $t a< *r.n »ere for 1-rMi in nub'lo
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 167 4 J Jul^tt^ "TORTURE CHAMBER" TESTS r f'lfflHMni-- DUPLICATE THE WORST ROAD li^p^i|r4h conditions and prove #^HF\"j the superiority of W^UV^" TIRES for all VEHICLES Vfiltl m^S" i))|: T r «utted, rocky roads are your biggest tire problem, try Firtstone aßty > VjT^^ J|^-aVg 1 <l' >i'"i r how imn.h longer
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    • 2 4 BtiAAjL^ftj^Jaaate^AUaTJaTMAi^MAJ^MafciJaiai^a^^^aaaaaai^ «a^a—^v
      2 words

  • 257 5 HE SPENT THREE MONTHS IN A RED HELL Journalist went for weekend cruise but— pOR 51-year-old journalist Mr. J. W. C. Josling, a week-end yacht cruise turned into a three-month nightmare in Red China prisons. Mr. Josling was taken prisoner by Communists last March while sailing a yacht from Hong
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  • 131 5 The right spirit, says MacG to Home Guard KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. \IK D. C. MACGtLLI--ITi VRAY. the Deputy High Commissioner, told the Knmpon^Saga Hume Guard in Pahang yesterday: 'You have got the spirit, and when you also have the arms and training, then we need have no fear of the
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  • 114 5 Results of the Education Week youth drama competition in Singapore are: JINIOR SECTION: I. St Mar■ji'.refs School: 2. Telok Kurau English School: 3. Katong Convent. INTEBMEDIATE SECTION: 1 Convent of the Hply Infant Jesus. 2. Raffles Girls' School; 3 Tanjong Rhu Girls School. SENIOR SECTION': 1
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  • 63 5 A request by the Government and City Council Labour Unions for an increase in '.vages and allowances for skilled and unskilled daily and monthly rated workers in the lower income group has been rejected by the Singapore City Council. The Council states that recently increase wages and
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  • 43 5 Loh Boon Piah. a Singapore Improvement Trust clerk, was yesterday committed, in the First Police Court, to stand trial in th e High Court on charges of corruption, forgery and attempted forgery. He was allowed bald of $4,000
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  • 148 5 JOINT ARMY— RAF ASSAULT NEAR KL And that explains the bombs KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. DOMBS which rocked Kuala Lumpur yesterday "and today were aimed at a Communist gang operating near the Federal capital, it was officially stated today. The Army had asked for the air strikes as part of a
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  • 90 5 Ibrahim bin Abdullah, a! watchman employed by the Straits Trading Company at Pulau Brani. was carrying away 188 pieces of smelted tin in a cardboard box when the bottom of the box gav e way, scattering the tin on the ground. Yesterday. Ibrahim was sentenced
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 5 fL.ius and /f NN \\T» will give added colour to the colourful ceremony on Singapore's City Hall steps today when the Duchess of Kent is made a honorary freeman of the City. This Straits Times picture, taken yesterday, shows a workman fit ting the last pennant in place on a
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  • 240 5 Man claims he spotted driver of murder taxi YAP AH KOW, "the king of spotters", yesterday told the Singapore Second Police Mag strate, Mr. D. H. Chapman, that he recognised Teo Ah Tai as the driver of a taxi by which two unknown Chinese got away after murdering a man.
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  • 90 5 Lim Kong Tiong, a Crown witness, yesterday told the Singapore Relief District Judge. Mr. J. B. Jeyaretnam how two men approached him and asked him to help them rob a house. He was giving evidence against Chua Keng Yin, alias Ah Yin. and
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  • 39 5 IPOH. Tues— Of 37 peope who gave bCoo<i to Ipoh blood bank in Sept.. 27 were British Servicemen. There were only two Chinese, three Indian. two Malay, two British civilian and one Eurasian donor.
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  • 61 5 Five hundred people will be lble to eat and drink at the Singapore Esplanade Restaurant, which is expected to begin business on Nov. 1 The Singapore City Council will buy 125 tables and 500 chairs for it. Nearly 2,000 people have applied for the 21
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  • 120 5 UNDER Emergency regulations on th c detention of per> vns In the first division o f Sarawak, which have been gasetted, a Board of Inspection will hear any complaint a detainer may make. Those detained will be accommodated in a part of
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  • 148 5 BANDITS NOT IN ACTION KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. SEPTEMBER was the quietest month for nearly three years in the Federation's war against Communist terrorism, according to an Emergency Information Services spokesman today. There were only 58 major Incidents, almost half the major Incidents last month. In
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  • 157 5 ¥\R. J. J. Hartland-Fwann, I Lf of Birmingham University, has been appointed leci turer in philosophy at the > University of Malaya. He will fly out to Singapore in time for lectures In the new academic year next month. This will be the first time the
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  • 18 5 The SiHf«POW Deputy Registrar of Vehicles. Mr. B. C. J. Buckeridge. has been oromoted Registrar of Vehicles.
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  • 89 5 ON Coronation Day. a special issue of 10-cent stamps will be placed on sale in Singapore to commemorate the evrnt The colour of this issue will be the same as the present 111-cent stamp, and it will bear a framed portrait of the Queen in Mack,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 193 5 voMmu mm BX 616 A lf| -r7 For One Month Only! feS^r From Ist Oct. BX 5,6 A T intr dv t^e improved Si jlj RECORD CHANGER l^-'T'-'. I Three Wonderful Combinjf.ont. ii ■afiajft, f Prices include R.idio tr Record Changer 8X416A Spore $290 Fed $34 5 8X516A S port
      193 words
    • 49 5 This year we have > THOUSANDS^—^{M 1 W I O N() \v \mSm in a bigger and oTTW* B better than ever \J*- J TOYS TO THRILL GIRLS &S(ILJf x AM) BOYS OF ALL AGES J^22flf£^ and sonic for Daddies too! Come to /^H^S^flS /^ty 7*^£ and see for YOURSELF
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 221 5 SINGAPORE £3*22 H^- _£^j M•— am. Schools. io New s Concert: 930 News* 945 Peflera- 1 News: 9 Happy Anniversary; J2'2« Composer of the Week; tlon Armoured Corps; 10 Solo 30Nms 9 45-10 como Show 10.30 Time To Dance; 10.43-12 and Ensemble: 1030-11 Music for Schools; 1 p.m. Jerry Gray
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  • 117 6 Pensioners get another increase SINGAPORE Government w pensioners will have another 10 per cent temporary increase on therr pensions Those who retired in 1952 are not eligible for this Increase. The payment will be In the form of an advance on service pensions and retiring allowances of $250 a month
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  • 276 6 If the war in Korea spread VEO Jin Guat, the owner of a match factory and a goldsmith's shop, whose indebtedness amounted to $3,942,753, told Mr. Justice Knight in the Singapore High Court yesterday that last May he remit!* u to Hong Kong about
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  • 54 6 The captain and officers < the four-masted Brazilian naval cadet ship Almirante Saldanha were host to 300 guests aboard their vessel last night at a cocktail party. This was a farewell gesture for hospitality received in Singapore just before the vessel sailed for Jakarta and Darwin on
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  • 73 6 PENANG. Tues.— A Penang leacher, who recently gave up a British Council Scholarship to Britain, has now been awarded a Federal Government scholarship to the University of Malaya. Mr Chang Mm Kee. of the Penang Free School, left today for Singapore to join the
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  • 105 6 AN airline ticket was one of the things which a Chinese lost in a housebreaking theft at the South Asia Hotel in Bencoolen Stroet, Singapore yesterday. He also los; a wrist watch. a pen. two pairs of trousers and his identity card.
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  • 56 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Selangor and Pahang health and sanii&ry inspectors have formed a union. The following were elected office-bearers: Chairman. Mr. Joll.- Cho Nyeh Yew; secretary. Inche Mohnneti liias Abbas: treasurer. Mr. Won? Slew Wah; committee. Messrs W. I. Daniel. Moey Lian Thoon. S S. Math*. V.
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  • 158 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. OPERATIONS will begin next month on the biggest Malay tin mining project in Ihft country the Setapak Sharikat I umhong Ltd. The $250,000 rompam was fl"ited last year and about i'ri 0,000 has' already been raised. Its application for a
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  • 193 6 pOUR of the crew of the aircraft that brought the Duchess of, Kent and her son to Sing»|(** from Karachi well re«*«*er thfc: last occasion they carried members of the Rx>yal Fanv, en the same plane. Radio Officer Paddy Carstairs Engineer Olfic«r F. Malllnson, Flight, Stewart!
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  • 48 6 ..lit. f. 1) >i Vi.K \BLfc. L»« |»v C.tVO., Joh,,rc. i>re v the shield for best results in shooting by companies to Inspector Kylasam. of B Company at the passing -out parade of 600 special constables at the State Training School. Kulai.
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  • 254 6 FIRST TIME IN JOHORE JOHORE iiAIIKr. Tuesday. THE RECENTLY-OPENED State training school for Special Constables at the 26th-in:lc Johore Bahru Aver Hitam road this morning held its first passing-out-narude. The Deputy Chief P >!i:e Officer. Jnhore Mr. F D. Marrable. inspected 600 soec;al constables from
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  • 42 6 MUAR. Tuct -Tan Toon n re. 23, m I kkornd with criminal breach of trust of $60 helonginp; to his employer, A. K. D. Silva, at Aver E-tatc. and the erse was postpo u-d to Oct 25.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 110 6 TO INTRODUCE PHILIPSr^^ price is available for one month j*&ti l»'\ 41 n -A <$%$%& The 8X616A, six Wfi^s% *****11 l bitjuer set in com Valves, full band- |I|l|||§ Rli^ 1 h '"< ltl <>" lh tht spread, fly-wheel tunRecord changer, the ma in a beautiful HX:>W.\. six Values, wooden
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 254 6 II k (III Mil. I .1 --ri>KK xor.tuv in i.. pki* Lunm B H ni 1 g m < Kl VMlKI IV MISSION il<> I UAL I IN M <.l II U. I i Mimoria. Hal.. 3o m Mt'inlM Mi In/ 10 0 in WIMLET CHI lit II: t., r
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  • 114 7 HE TRIED TO CHEW UP TERRORIST DOCUMENT BUTTERWORTH. Tues. A CYCLIST arrested, for a minor offence was chewing something when taken to Kulim Police Station. A lance-corporal asked the man to open his mouth and found inside it a crumpled piece of paper. Today, the man, a 65-year-old timber labourer.
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  • 50 7 The executive committee of the Young Malayans Club. Singapore branch, will hold its monthly meeting on Friday at the British Council Centre. Stamford Road, at 6.30 p.m. School representatives are requested to attend the meeting which will discuss plans t" raisp funds for the club -"tivities.
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  • 397 7 The last plea of a murdered planter— AFTER murdering her husband, bandits poured petrol over the armoured car containing Mrs. R. E. Bogle, her three children and two injured special constables. They were about to set fire to it when a rescue
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 7 AN i)i l> II.MX STRAITS CHINESE Wr.IIUIM. which is becoming a rarity for present day Singapore, was arranged for Mr. Cheah Ch ye Bee and Miss Irene Yeo Peck Neo, at Eng Watt Street, Tiong Bahru, yesterday. —Straits Times picture.
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  • 40 7 IPOH. Tues.-Ng Khye Kun. ;iged 21. and a girl friend. Choc Yong Hue. who were going for a cycle ride last night were fined $15 each at Ipoh today for contravening j 'ho cycling ban in the town
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  • 38 7 Leona Swee Kong, aged 23. 1 who hit a police constable with a clog, was yesterday bound over for three months by the Singapore Fourth Police Magistrate, Mr. E. H D'N^tto.
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  • 20 7 The 13th anniversary celebrations of Lian Bin Sia will be held on Saturday at Onan Road. Singapore.
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  • 167 7 Haji Abdullah bin Haji Yusof, of a mobile squad, yesterday said that a mob of 50 to 60 women attacked him as he was searching a man he suspected of carrying: caustic soda acid. The women were on strike at the National Carbon i Eastern),
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  • 79 7 Adln bin Abdullah had b«en ordered to stay indoors, but he went to a midnight premiere instead In the Singapore Third District Court yesterday, Adin pleaded guilty to failing to comply with the Colonial Secretary's order to remain in his house at Mount Emily Road on
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  • 37 7 The monthly meeting of th e St Andrew's Mission Hospital' Linen Guild will be held in the new Cathedral Memorial Hall today at 10 a.m. Members of the committee will meet earlier at 9.30 a.m
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  • 23 7 A further 5179 persons were vaccinated in Singapore yesterday bringing the total to 375,196 since the campaign started 41 days ago.
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  • 50 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues L Cpl. Khalld bio Haji Abdul Hamid was charged here with corruptly accepting $40 from Chong Ngong Soon to restrain from troubling and causing him inconvenience in connection with a new building he was erecting. Khalid was allowed $500 bail pending trial.
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  • 41 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues.— Mr. J. N. Wilson, of the Drainage and Irrigation Department. Kelantan, succeeds Mr T. E. Emmett as State Drainage and Irrigation Engineer when the latter goes on transfer to Kuala Lu mpur on Oct. 8
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  • 38 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.— Sirat bin Haji Sebak was allowed $500 bail here when he was charged with committing extortion by putting Kee Seng, of Saleng new village. Jn fear of arrest and obtaining $10 from him.
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  • 137 7 A feast of father's prize chickens ends in the dock KUALA LUMPUR. Tups EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD Thanabalasingam got alone very well with a say young crowd of friends and when some of them visited him last month he decided to entertain them at his father's exoense. He co-'lch hear*v wal
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  • 196 7 PENANG. Tuesday. PENANG'S hunt for its Public Enemy No. 1, On* Khoo Hen?, has been extended to two other States in North Malaya. Today, posters announcing a reward of $75,000 for Ong's capture were distributed throughout Penang Province Wellesley.
    196 words
  • 80 7 NO FLAGS ON 'DOUBLE TENTH' rE Singapore Government has refused an application by 41 Chinese guilds and trade associations for permission to fly the Nationalist flag on "Double Tenth." the 41st annivfrsary of the Republic of China. The application, made by a committee, asked "or permission to fly the Union
    80 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 313 7 (Community <^late I Hampton (Sourt m* An Exclusive Twentieth Century Design by Community Plate Craftsman AB Communir> Plate Knives are made from the very finest Sheffield Stainless Cutlery Steel. The workmanship as on all Community products is Hut of skilled master-craftsmen. To ensure the fi.icst effects Community Stainless Knives have
      313 words
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  • The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Oct. 1, 1952.
    • 672 8 The details which have been given by the acting Cimmission<T of Prisons concerning the .n-atrm-nt of opium addict* confined in Outram Road Gaol as a result of the recent intensive drive against the opium dens encourage a hope that, with one or two qualifications, the richt
      672 words
    • 404 8 It would be wrong to interpret the cheers which greeted Mr. Bevan's violently antiAmerican speech on the opening day of the British Labour Party conference as the keynote for subsequent proceedings. The less vocal, and probably larger, section of the delegates will be realistic, enough to
      404 words
    • 15 8 .sMont Trurr«nn ■':*'T<lay see* t"r hdav <»r»<"i^rv* to the King of Nepal. -UP.
      UP  -  15 words
  • man-in-the-Street
    • 301 8 ANZUS AND THE BRITISH THE exclusion of Great Bri- tain from the deliberations of the ANZUS Pacific Council is a matter of deep import for the powers that be In this Colony which, though geographically nearer Australia, Is bound more deeply and firmly by ties of love and admiration for
      301 words
    • 113 8 WHILE not In any way doubtin? MRs Adrian Gibson's remarks in your i^sue of Sept. 25, on the British solc'er's love of '?ocd old steak and fish in batter with bags cf tomato sauce." I >hou!d be ?l2d if you would r ant me sufficient space to
      113 words
    • 228 8 I READ with surprise a few days a?o two Straits Times reports on the price of books, occasioned by the visit of Sir Stanley Unwin to this Colony. As far as my firm is concerned I consider it my duty to Malaya and to the people
      228 words
    • 285 8 THE Singapore police ar c rounding up the opiumsmokers, the Federation Government is hounding the money lenders out of burin?ss and the Catholics are forming a Legion of Decency. Off and on for the past 25 years the opium habit, ihe borrowing habit and the habit of
      285 words
    • 237 8 EXPOSURE TO THE PUBLIC GAZE rUR correspondent "Clean" speaks to the point he criticises the semi-nudity In which some female visitors to Malaya i (both temporary and more than temporary i make public appearance. If it Is their desire to attract attention, they certain■ly do so. They also leave a
      237 words
    • 83 8 WITH reference to your edition of the Straits Times dated Sept. 23. I have to bring to your attention an inaccuracy in a piece of news On Page 4 is an item under the heading "Red Girl was in Man's Clothes." In the context of the
      83 words
    • 419 8 Mechanics of raisins a small loan FREE Thinker's" letter in your issue of Sept. 26 has caused me much indignal tlon and should not be left i unanswered. He wants tht Government to tighten Gene- j ral Orders and calls on the Government to come down 1 ke a ton
      419 words
    • 645 8 Freedom: the role of the Malays AS a Malay I am concerned over this agitation in the local Press, and at Government level. for throwing open the door of ttae Malayan Civil Service to non-Malays. It is the convenient fashion nowadays to decry any effort on the part of the
      645 words
  • 462 8 On the Margin Suspense The rmttpllr CottcaftM bag apparently missed the boat: After believing blnuell to have Garnered a market, he fincis btnuell wit.i a niut in hand. lie explains in a letter which we can 6u no better than quote in full: "Sir, 1 am grwMlf concerned to rearf
    462 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 861 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. MARSH. To Mignon. wife of Jim Marsh the gift of a Daughter. Both well. St. Leonards Grange, Beoley. Redditch. Worcs. GRAVE: On 29th September at Bungsar Hospital, to Dorothy, wife of George, twin sisters for Dhvid. Both 6.10. All well. ANNOUNCEMENTS YOUR HEAD can be your prettiest accessory
      861 words
    • 26 8 ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE U J Price $500.00 Each Easy Ptiynwnts: Cash Down $100.00 10 montMy p^vircnM of S 40.00 T.M.A.LTD, 61 63 Hi?S Street. Sin-»ap-re 6
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  • 125 9 Colony visitors can apply now rnHE SINGAPORE Government announced last ■i- night that a limited number of seats along the Queen's Coronation procession route will be sold to visitors from the Colony who have not been officially invited. The seats, mostly uncovered, will be on
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  • 46 9 4 DRESS rehearsal of the youth rally which the Duchess of Kent will attend on Oct. 11 will be staged on the Padang on Sunday at 8.30 a.m. The programme will include demonstrations of folk dancing, physical training and a uniformed parade.
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  • 113 9 an Indian labourer, yesterday had his first glimpse of a member of the Royal family— the Duchess of Kent. He said: "Th e great lady looked beautiful." He saw the Duchess, her son, the Duke, and their party drive past the Junction of Norfolk and Rangoon
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  • 51 9 rll Commissioner of Police in Singapore, Mr Nigel G. Morris, issued an order of the day to his force yesterday. It said: "A special responsibility devolves on you all today. The discretion and efflcienry of the whole police forer will be on trial during Her Royal Highness'
    51 words
  • 389 9 'LOVELY IS THE VERDICT ON THE DUCHESS By Our Woman Reporter "I OVELY" was the word for the Dv hes, of Kent when she arrived in Singapore yesterday. This was the verdict of the women who wat.hed her on the drive into the city. The Duchess looked smart in a
    389 words
  • 221 9 City Hall doors close at 3 today SINGAPORE City Hall will close all dd'irs. except the front entrances at three 'hi* afternoon. Tl<!s v a security precaution for th e ceremony of presenting th r Duchess of Kent with th<> Freedom of the City, which be-ins at 5 p.m. Exrv
    221 words
  • 27 9 The Singapore rubber market will rlrsc at one p.m. today because of the conferment of the freedom of the City on the Duchess of Kent.
    27 words
  • 222 9 pUPT. W. W. C Griffiths. .j skipper of the BOAC Argonaut. Atalanta. which brought the Duchess _>f Kent to Singapore yesterday, is no stranger to flying Royalty. Ie flew the Duchess of Kent to Paris in 1938. but. he remarked yesterday, with a
    222 words
  • 81 9 r -NIGHT, the first of four official dinners In honour of the Duohess of Kent will take place at Government House. The GoTernor of Singapore has Invited 48 persons from all sections of the Colony for the dinner which will be repeated on Oct. 11 with
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 75 9 Mil NE: To Auc".rev, wtlr of Ronald Milne, .it K.K. Hospital, on 30th Sept.. a son. David FLAGS OF T? !E BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND EMPIRE FROM -OS TO $9/50 JUST UNPACKED FLAGS Oi\ STICKS pennant streamers red-white blue buntim; MADE IN BRITAIN little^ SINGAPORE 1. ■■■■■■■'■■■■■■■■■r Traditionally the BEST! Fine
      75 words

  • 54 10 LONDON, Tues— The Duke of Windsor had an X-ray examination at a London hospital yesterday a few hours after arriving from France on a private visit to his mother, Queen Mary. A member of his personal staff said: "There is nothing wrong with the Duke. The examination
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 54 10 NEW DELHI, Tues— lndia has placed orders for rolling stock worth nearly £9.000.000 in Belgium. Italy, West Germany and Austria but none in Britain "This Is because Britain cannot accept them on a firm price basis," Mr. A. K. Chanda, financial commissioner of the Indian
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 226 10 Rearming of Germany to stop Russian designs LONDON, Tues. rpHE Foreign Office said yesterday that the decision of the Western powers to rearm Western Germany was spurred by their determination "to prevent further Russian expansion to Western Europe before it is too late." It stated in a pamphlet that the
    UP  -  226 words
  • 168 10 'Reds in my unit, says security chief WASHINGTON, Tuesday. fEN. Walter Bedell Smith, head of the Central Intelligence Agency, said today: "I believe there are Communists in my own organisation." Gen. Smith made trie state- i ment while giving deposition I In a U.S. $2 mill-On <Ms 6 million) libel
    168 words
  • 29 10 SYDNEY, Tues— There are only 46,638 aborigines in Australia now, compared with 300,000 in 1788, state official statistics. There are about 27,179 half castes.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 57 10 WASHINGTON. Tues.— The Secretary of Commerce. Mr. Charles Sawyer, warned that traffic accidents might kill more than 40.00Q people this year. He yesterday set up a 12 man advisory committee on highway safety. Mr. Sawyer said that more than 1.000,000 persons have been Injured In
    UP  -  57 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 10 THE R.A.F. Hastings which crashed in Greenland, marooning 12 men on the ice. The men, who put up tents round their plane, wave to the crew of a relief aircraft Reuter picture
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 372 10 OUTLOOK FOR RUBBER rIERE are hopes that the conference of the work ing party of the Robber Study Group, which is to meet again in London on Jan. 5, will lead to an agreement, say a Dutch rubber authority in Amsterdam. Producers of natural rubber,
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  • 87 10 LONDON. Tues.— WHITE-HAIRED Mrs. Helen Mary Stacey, aged 87. placed the brown rug over her knees, put down her cup of tern, and settled herself In her comfortable armchair before the fire. In a little while, the tea was gone, the nr c was
    87 words
  • 38 10 MADRID. Tues.— One sailor was killed and th e captain and mate wounded yesterday when a Spanish naval deepsea tug was hit by a practice shell during Spanish navy exercises off Cartagena, south-east Spain. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 64 10 He ignored the Anthem— fined MELBOURNE Tues. A DANCE at Ballarat (Victoria) ended the band played "Rod Save The Queen" and all but one man -stood still. He walked across the dance floor. A constable at the dance arrested him on a charge of offensive behaviour. The magistrate next day
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 39 10 KARACHI. Tues. -Britain has offered Pakistan 9.000 tons of wheat to meet a temporary food shortage, an official source said. A ship carrying wheat from Australia to Britain has been diverted to Karachi A. P.
    39 words
  • 22 10 OSLO. Tues.— The Norwegian Ministry of Commerce announced yesterday that newsprint rationing will end as from Oct. 1. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 165 10 FRANCE HIT FOR POORNATO DEFENCES PARIS. Tues. GEN. Ridgway said yesterday that there was a ser|ous lack of Allied air base facilities in Western Europe and put the blame mainly on France. The Allied Commander-ln-Chlef said that even by next summer, the Allies would not have the "minimum" of air
    UP  -  165 words
  • 92 10 TOKYO. Tues. DELEGATES from 18 nations attending a Buddhist conference today urged pardon or clemency for all war criminals convicted by the Allies. A resolution called for the release of all gaoled war criminals and clemency for those sentenced 1 to death About 200 Japanese,
    AP  -  92 words
  • 49 10 BRASSANO DEL CRAPPA. (Italy), Tues.— A large cache of arms was uncovered last night in an abandoned house on the outskirts of this Northern Italian town. It included 19 machineguns, three rifles, two revolvers, 119 handgrenades, and several thousand rounds of ammunition, all in good conditlonA.P.
    AP  -  49 words
  • 44 10 HONG KONG. Tues— The 2.H00-ton British ship Hunan arrived from Tientsin today with 23 foreign passengers, including an Austrian Jesuit, Fr. John Kronthaler, expelled from Kingshen. Hopei Province. Nine other Catholic missionaries, who left China voluntarily, were also on board— A.P
    AP  -  44 words
  • 37 10 TOKYO. Tues. A new druj for leprosy, credited with 49 cures in Japan, will be shipped to tne state leprosarium in India, state officials of the Mount Minobu leprosarium in Tokyo. U.P.
    UP  -  37 words
  • 23 10 BRUSSELS. Tues. Mr. Shofl Arakawa. Japan's first postwar Ambassador to Belgium, presented his credentials to King Badouin at Brussels yesterday. -Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 22 10 VANCOUVER. Tues—Students used tear gas to break up a strip tease act at the University of British Columbia.— A.P.
    AP  -  22 words
  • 20 10 COMO, Italy, Tues.— Free funerals for all people dying here have been authorised by the city council.— A.P.
    AP  -  20 words
  • 158 10 LONDON Tues. PARENTS and educators can stop worrying a team of British psychologists said here yesterday that television U good for teenagers. Reporting on a survey of viewing habits among Coventry teenagers, the psychologists praised television for keeping youngsters at home when they would otherwise spend
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 230 10 TREAT YOURSELF NOW TO THIS tjjSjlj LASTIHG WRITING PLEASURE! jfflM f> L /Hf DECADES AHEAD IN DESIGN New "51" brings you more in performance than bf any pen ever created. Filling is wonderfully simple. j^ O^ ,/M The ink is metered from a visible supply— metered in a Ivlv/^ I
      230 words

    • 323 11 Grand Prizes To Be Won Dear Boys and Girls, I had a v.sit from a young poet the other day. She is Wise Owl Yotanda Locke, who lives in Penang, and attends the Convent School there Yoland.i was ho'idaying in when she came to
      323 words
    • 1111 11 FJLAMES SPREAD AS THE BOYS ESCAPE The five chums of the Rover Patrol are almost wrecked when out sailing. They land on an Island where they are seized by gang of wreckers, and locked In a house. They awake that night to find a false
      1,111 words
    • 317 11 IREAD a very interesting book last week about a family of tigers living in the Indian jungle. The book is called "Sons of the Tiger." and is written by Patricia j Chase a girl who is not yet 20. The story tells how Ranji and Khandi, two young
      317 words
    • 27 11 WaJLt£CI example oj wj 'j c.j. ,:.t-n. he i;\. A short-haired Chinchilla, lies in his basket at the Crystal Cat Show, held in London recently.
      27 words
    • 309 11 AGOPALAKR1SHNAN writes: "Are there people living on other planets? If the answer is l N0,' then how can you say that flying saucers are from other planets?" WELL Gopalakrishnan, to to answer the last part of your question first. I don't think anyone ever
      309 words
    • 304 11 THERE is rather c:n interesing s ory connected uith the Cey'.on 6 cent stamp that was issued in the reign of the late King George V. The stamp depicted a bird's eye view of the magnificent Colombo Harbour, and there were murmurings that the picture gave too
      304 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 282 11 -'go* 10 «^T Alka-Seltzer's effective painreliever starts to work at once to bring li i you welcome relief ...and its effervescence ;o *ifo i helps speed that relief. It's simple as 'one, *^-i two, three"! One -drop "one or two Alka- C^ c* I [U^l Seltzer tnblets into a glass
      282 words
    • 198 11 TAN, WHERE ARE Iwtv m /mm I/* l YOU OOmwSZ&JSS M 'L 0 9XI WHAT? YOU COffEE II DON'T KNOW MILO? M^'V* V N ~Twl^k V vJ\ AND JOIN ME IN (TWO CUPS OF\ _^^>l. [THIS CERTAINL\\f*mQ. MILO AND MILK i^3l \WS DEUaOUSSfojpKfi I £^(LJ /MILO FORT/F/ED\ jgfrh L^C/qfeal I
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 207 12 THIS IS NORMAN HARTNELL '|H£SE are some of the dresses designed by Norman Hartnell for the Duchess of Kent to wear during her tour. The Duchess, before her marriage a Princess of Greece, is well known as a leader of fashion. TOP ROW, left to right:
    207 words
  • 523 12  - Just one of the pupils most of year JUDITH SIMONS By MOST of the year sh e is just one of the 90 pupils at a very smart school for girls. Like the rest she wears a white shirt, blue tunic, a brown hat and a camel hair coat But
    523 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 593 12 Built to do the toughest jobs'. LOW RUNNING COST 3 MODERN FRONT END STYLING "HYDROVAC" SERVO BRAKES 5 SPEED GEAR BOX CYCLI^CAMIAai CO., (1926) LTD. SINCA'ORE KUALA LUMPUR Represented throughout the Federation. is tha only one which presents (illj^. jMlßffijirflH ms Trdn^mission throughout for making '-i LTIPLICATIONS (> i and
      593 words

  • 1501 13  -  HARRY MILLER Struggle in Indo -China— No. 6 »y THE Federation Regiment for the defence of the Malaya is in the process of formation. In Indo-China, the three states of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, each possesses its own army for internal defence. The most urgent job, however,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 371 13 (6). Straits Times Crossword ThTbuS^.w mue 4>. 36. One of a ruling clas« (10). 27. Newt* (4K I i -> I Ist la Ik RWSM. I I, I I. 1 '1 28 Not atcusomed (•> 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 29 The boy In the comer is In
      371 words

  • 226 14 3[4 cent loss at close Uy cur Market Correspondrnl RUBBER was quiet on the Singapore market yesterday and October first s;rade closed at 75 'i cents a lb a loss cf 3 4 of a cent on Monday's price. The market prire throughout 'he
    226 words
  • 22 14 VO. I B.S.S October (In VS. W r-n*s):— Friday's Monday's rinsing clo*in« ?7."0 bid 16.90 nom. !7.7.-, a«=k«-d. M*rk-1: Ea»v.
    22 words
  • 247 14 By Our Market Correspondent INDUSTRIALS were easier on the Singapore Share Market yesterday, with tins quietly steady. In the latter section, there was a dearth of buyers at the close with sellers predom; nating. Price changes announced by the Malayan Share Brokers
    247 words
  • 14 14 SINGAPORE, Tues. Sept. 30.— 5483 a picul (up 25 cents).
    14 words
  • 131 14 The -promlslns confectionery venture of Fravr and Neave ltd. had to be closed down a' md of l»5l for the WV-a-ta-reasons etv»n in the statement of 'he Ch'l'mfln. Mr T. Alk n 1.-Sikt hrd to rx'Thnsfd at a j G-vernment controlled orlc- i r
    131 words
  • 73 14 Business was done in copra in Singapore yesterday at $29\ f.o.b. per picul. with buyers at $29', and sellers $29 V Coconut oil was $45.50 buyers and $46.50 sellers. Black Lampong prpper was unchanged at $505 a picul, while Muntok i white i was down $5 to $595
    73 words
  • 34 14 HONO KONG. Tucs. Free market currency exchange of Hong Kong dollars was quoted at the close today as follows: UStl HKSG.3O' 4 (cash). HKSC34 (T.T); HKBIS 88. One Uel of gold HKS2M>i.
    34 words
  • 168 14 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE. Tues. SHARES transferred at steady prices on the Slock Exchange iLday. Front rank l&su.'s tended to Improve, but gains were narrow. TT.-jre were few large transactions. Mining shares fluctuated irregularly. Another long line ol compan reports gave a general
    168 words
  • 27 14 MELBOURNE. Tuts. InWm>, Mnrke; maintained its flim tone in Sydney and Me.bourn today. In e-Tly deals, a season's pi ak was touch -d In Syane..
    27 words
  • 181 14 CHIPS. RfeMgjßatj ttir Singapore H»rbour Board nodowni or cxprcti d there at Tarn today. are Cantou 1/2: Be.lrrophon 4/3- Bradevere.i Coal Punt. Pranclsvllle 6 7 Stentor 8.9 Tn-vofcP K. Hal Lee 13: Staovac B 526 14: Ordia 15/:*: Islander Wr»[ Sidr Empirr Dork Entrance. TJimrnIrnic 18: TJibadak K/20- Tung
    181 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1382 14 to. 24U MANSFIELD «c CO., LTD. f* mos (10- lines' < 20 Passage n All other BLUE FUNNEL LINE °">" SAILINGS°Io LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Due Soils P Shorn Penang Tclei>«' 1 -ii» to. I iv?rpool Holland Sept. 30/Oet. 1 Agopmm for Liverpool Dublin G. 33/34 Oct. 4 Oct.
      1,382 words
    • 529 14 BFN LINE STEAMERS LTD. For UK /CONTINENT Spore Shorn Penong Benn»vh to' R»n<vi. A^om.outh I |7m?l. Gla^ow C l 3/24 4/ S Ocl 4/ 7 Oct. H7m~fX f ~Hu,r d n R tePdO <"»■ <*' rS-SWK'ttrr 1 **'»<*, »,»o« t *,»o« SSo^ aST 1 LOOd n 17/2, Oct 24/24 Oct
      529 words
    • 481 14 EAST ASIATIC LIME SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/UK /CONTINENT Score P Sham »mioc 'Panama" tor Bangkok Saigon H-^okong. Mi-iila. Kobe v^koHoma 6*" *V« "Lolandio" for Bangkok I "2 <f l/Tn.v 11/11 Oct "Magdala" for }ongkok 2/ 1 Nay 1/ 1 Nev 11/11 Oct "Asia" for BoiqkoV Soioon v£o£m°o M KOt> "l M
      481 words
    • 1094 14 McALISTER <Sc CO.. LTD. TEL: No. S9oo ELLEKMAN tV BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON. HAVRE ROTTERDAM LQ$ AN( fl(s JAN IDANOSCO# ond for USA. Nor," Atlanta Port, '<>"LAND. SEATTLE I VANCOUVER. one" Canado via Colombo Accreting cargo for Central 1 South "CITY OF MANCHESTER" American Ports Spore p Shorn Penong "FRANCISVILLE"
      1,094 words

  • 130 15 FOONGSEONGCUP TIE AFFECTED KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. PLAY in Kuala Lumpur's new $225,000 badminton hall has been bunned by the Kuala Lumpur Municipality. This was because it did not possess a "theatre licence" reauired for halls catering for public Ktainment. i letter to the Selangor Inton
    130 words
  • 151 15 Chwee Kok beats own record mWENTY-YEAR-OLD Neo X Chwee Kok. Singapore's only swimming representative at the Olympic Games at Helsinki this year, had little difficulty in w'.nning the Singapore Amateur Swimming Associations 1.500 metres freestyle chamoionshlp at the Singapore Swimming Club yesterday in the record time of 20 mm. 9.5
    151 words
  • 383 15  -  NORMAN SIEBEL From COLOMBO. Tuesday /CALCUTTA Football Club— not Ceylon Barbarians as anticipated will meet Singapore in the semifinal in the All-India Cut rugger tomorrow. Calcutta, a heavy spirited side, today upset the fancied Barbirians by a penalty to nil. There was a.
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  • 147 15 INDIAN AssoclaUon beat GHQ 1 PARELF 4-0 In a Div. IB SHA Leogue hockey match at the I. A. ground yesterday. I.A. opened the scoring on the 6th minute when Chlranjlt 9ingh. the outside left, scooped the ball high over trie heads of GHQ defenders Into
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  • 78 15 At the annual general meetlrß of the Wonderlads Sports Praty the following officials were fcr the 1952-1953 season. Patrons: Dato C. J. Paglar, Capt p. J Osmond, Mr A. P. Rajah. Mr. K Jagatheesan and Miss Amy Laycoek. President: S. P. Samy (re>-» elected); secretary: O. S Samv
    78 words
  • 83 15 Can Eng Seng School will be holding their 26th annual athletic mertinc un Monday Oct 6 at 3 pm. Old boys are reminded that they have two events and entrie* c^oae 'n tr.p Held For those atill in schoo: :he O'.d Boys event la Hie
    83 words
  • 72 15 NEW YORK. Tues.— Lee Sala won a ten -round decision here last night over Norman Hayes seventh-rr.nked middleweight who is flying to Paris for a return bout with Charles Humrt. Hume? scored a disputed victory over Hayes in Paris last winter. Sala nearly finished Hayes in the second
    72 words
  • 40 15 in a SAFA Div. 3A match at C.V.M A ground on Monday. Indian Brotherhood Socle'y beat Rovers Juniors by two goals to one, Logonathan scored both goals for Indians while Hussein scored fcr Rovers Juniors. David Llm refereed.
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  • 26 15 Hongkong Bank "B" were given a w»lkover by East Asiatic S.C. in a Singapore B.H.F A. Cup match at Farrer Park on Monday.
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  • 37 15 KUALA KANGSAR. Tues— At a meeting of the Kuala Kanpsar District Hockey Association. It was unanimously decided to run a league as in previous y?ars. Entries fT the league will close m cct. 4.
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  • 68 15 St. Anthony's Boys School will hold its third swimming carnival on Oct. 8 at 2 p.m. at the Chinese Swimming club. There will be two events for Old Boys 50 metres free style snd 200 metres breast stroke. Those wishing to compete are asked to contact
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  • 78 15 P*ORMER Malayan ar.d Singapore champion M. M. Paterson regained the Royal Singapore Golf Club championship on Sunday when he beat J. H. Anderson by four and three in the 36-hcle final. Paterson has now won the title seven times. He first won it In 1931. Anderson
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  • 92 15 /CHINESE ATHLETIC "A" beat Rocklites by five goals to three. In a SAFA Div. 2 match st C V.M.A ground yesterday. Chinese combined well and slammed in two goal* in the first half through Hean 900 and Quintas Chan. After the Interval. Rocklites most outstanding player. Osman
    92 words
  • 50 15 Revjlls of the recent Stimac Finplovers' League table teana tournaSiacies: champion Tan M:aog Siam: runner-up Simon K N Hew Douklrv champion- Simon K N. Hew and Aag Foo Sang; ruaners-up Tan Miang Siam and Lee Ah Chio Vrierasts' siogtos: champion Quek Liam CSiua; runner-up Tan Soon Pau
    50 words
  • 224 15 By Our Hockey Reporter TfflE Singapore Cricket Club, defending eh mp o is 1 in Div. 1A of the Singanore Hoc'tey As oc'at on league, were held to a 1-1 draw by Latin* Wand:rers on the padanr yesterday There was no score in the first half.
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  • 63 15 In the annual soccer match Played for th» Lee Cheon Eng Trophy Anglo-Chinese School Present Boys held the Old Boys to l-i draw on the Clerical Union ground on Monday. Ihe trophy w«s given away by Dr Tay Peck Eng ACS. Present Boys sAr d
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  • 48 15 The Singapore Hockey Association will hold a conference for umpires at the Singapore Recreation Club en Tuesday. Oct 7 at 6 p.m. Affiliates of the SH A. are askerl »o send their umpires and Interested members to attend this meeting which would prove very benefl^al U>-»hem.
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  • 26 15 Singapore Recreation Club beat Teachers Training College by three goals to nil in a S.H.A. Div. IB match on the padang on Monday.
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  • 50 15 Vo.unteer Police XI for their SAFA William Ho Jamea Teo. V Nadaralah. Samal Sahib Shaiali D Kes«AL i -r Kl 2 Pon Luk LuO" Charlie Tan. Hum Wye Hoont Philip Janus Perera A U Miranda. Chan Soon Ann A J Ferrao D Hack Oowndaswamv and Sunny Taa
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  • 50 15 The S»ptemb~r R.S.O C. Mixed Foursomes Competition p'av d on Suno'ay afternoon was won by Mrs. Cu-ran J. Y. Ftrgus?n (33%). Other cards returned were:— Mrs Macmlllan R. O. Gray <35>. Mr A Mrs. J. P. Pearcy (35*.,). Mr. Mrs. R. Cralk ,3fi>. Miss Ackers ARM Youn* (36).
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  • 934 15 COLONY RUGGER WILL MISS FIJIANS rE "Flying Fijians" of the I Ist. Battalion Fiji Regiment gave Singapore rugger a wonderful boost late last season in the seven-a-side competition and later in a full team game against Singapore Cricket Club Their robust non-stop game, running opportunism and speed has set a
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  • 332 15 OWEEPING everything before them in a non-stop "friendly" rugby match at the R.I ground yesterday. St. Andrew's School over helmed Raffles Institution by 20 points (five tries and a goal i to three points try)Saints, with the exception of a brief period alter the
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  • 210 15 Sime D arby win 4-2 in cup replay PLAYING with better combination, Simp Darby S.C. beat Borneo Motors 4-2 in a Singapore B.H.F.A. Cup replay at Farrer Park yesUrIn their previous encounter Borneo Motors managed to hold the formidale I Simp Darby side to a^ goalless draw. Sime Darby kicked
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  • 69 15 The team t o ren-flsent YMC A against Ceylon Sp >rts Club in t> Singapore H'ckrv Association Div 1A match to be played on i lie C.S.C. ground at S.lO p.m. today ill be chosen from the following: L,?o stew Poh. s. Ysgorajaa, McGready. H^rry I.elah M Mosa,
    69 words
  • 55 15 SRC. "A' f beat Wanderers three-nil In a Singapore Hockey Association Div. 2B match at the S.R.C. ground yesterday. Left -wicker Valberg gave S.R C. the lead five minutes after tha start. After resumption, centreforward Laßrooy slammed in two line goals Umpires: P. Mi/Dc and
    55 words
  • 41 15 Chinese were awarded a walkover by Indonesians, who »«re unable to field a full team for a SAP*. Community League game whic.'i was to have been pl:«\»d at Jalan Be-ar stadium yesterday. CMafM thus become runners-'jp to Ma'ays.
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  • 26 15 The S.A F.A. Div 2 MCCSf match between Tarr.i! Brothirhood Association and Woodbr.dpe Hospital at Geylang str< visterdav was postponed. Neither I team turned up.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 519 15 POPPY DAY APPEAL- 1952. "MISTAKES MISFITS" will be on sale at St. Andrew's War Memorial Hall on Wed. 29th Oct. 10.30 a.m. -4.30 p.m. Admission 20 cents. !f Readers have any clothes, toys, mairaz nrs. books white elephants which they would like to donate to this Sale please contact either
      519 words
    • 88 15 -\r\&st Fooc tYou get it when you fly Pan American to the U.S.A. (via Manila) When mealtime comet around aboard touch to your meal. Pan Americas the "Straio" Clipper** you feaat like iervea you a fine California uhle wine! a king! On tender broiled chicken or All free of charge.
      88 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 26 15 SINGAPORE TIDES TOD%T: 0120 .8 8.. f.M 13 41: !Joi l»:ii 1930 i>.4l. TOMOEROW: 0201 >8 2i. Q-.29 3 9i 1333 19 i 20:5 <1 t<
      26 words
    • 132 15 s«M |R: Caldbeck Cup. Navy v I'lster Rifles (Hone Honf) at Tanglin. Intrr-trrTlcca triarvtul»r tourney, RAF R.N. at Trnf*h. SAFA Div. 2, KoU Raja 'A' v. hrtrfnl Latin at (irvlanc; Div. 38. HaikowTU t sub Police— at CYM.A. HOCKEY: Div. TA\ YMCA v. CSC— at CSC: Div. I'B\ KhalM v.
      132 words

  • 262 16  - EARTHQUAKE A GOOD THING EPSOM JEEP His fine early pace a decided advantage By gARTHQUAKE is accepting and, with a handy handicap mark of 7.12, he should be a good proposition in the Class 1, Div. 2, 5{ f. straight sprint (Race Six) at Ipoh today, third day of the
    262 words
  • 974 16 ACCEPTORS and probable jock v for today's races at Ipoh are given below. The Big Sweep will be drawn on Race 7. There will be no Double Tote. Race 1: 2.3o— Class 2, Div. 4—6 Furs. 1 506 Modest Flutter Russell 9.00 Mr. Yeap Hock Hoe Manning
    974 words
  • 154 16 Nothing to beat Ever Victory P>ER VICTORY (late Astyanax I III), a French-bred four-year- I old by Astrophel. is definitely a youngster with a bright future. On Sunday he simply ran through his opposition in the last furlong to win drawing away. If Ever Victory saddles vp and he should,
    154 words
  • 509 16 INDELIBLE, I hear, may not be starting this after- noon and, in his absence, Muffin Man looks a good thine for Race 7. When Indelible won on Sunday. Muffin Man <ln the same race) was only a length and a head away. Young
    509 words
  • 97 16 LONDON. Tues. Jack Wardrop. 21 year old Motherwell swimmer who U in the Royal Air Force, established himself last night as one of the finest allround swimmers in the world when he broke the British 1.000 yards freestyle record Wardrop clocked 11 mm 40 see beating
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 63 16 LONDON, Tues. Yesterday* UK. football results: Glasgow Cup final: Rangers 1 Patrick Thistle 3. League 111 (Southern): Bristol Rovers 3 Norwich City 1. Coventry 1 Exeter 0. League 111 (Northern): Crewe 4 Chester 1. Halifax 2 Oldh\m a, Mansfield 3 Darlington 2. Stockport 3 Carlisle 0. York
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 40 16 BAN FRANCISCO. Tue» Dick Savitt won the Pacific Coast men's singles title yesterday, defeating Art Larsen 10-8. 6-3, 6-4. The women's championship was won by Bhlrley Fry. who defeated Thelma Long, the Australian rhampion, 7-9. 8-2. 6-4 A.P.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 27 16 BOMBAY. Tues. Gajanan Hammady and ManoJ Guha retained the West India men's doubles badminton championship by beating Devinder Mohan and Henry Ferrelra 15-7. 15-6— UP
    UP  -  27 words
  • 359 16 BELOW are weights for seven races on Saturday, last day of the Ipoh Gold Vase miTtine. The Gold Vase handicap was issued yesterday CL. 1. DIV. I—61 6 V. Chantllly 9.13 Retinue 9.12 Tara Street 9.10 Rebuke 8.13 Free Entry 8.10 Pedometer 8.09 King*
    359 words
  • 140 16 lace 1 2.30 CORALITA Trimttyle Break of Dawn KPSOM JEEP BREAK OF DAWN .ii. .hi.« Modeii Flutter CALL BOY POINTER CORALITA Break of Dawn Modest Fluter Race 2 3.05 LILLYPAD Gay Carnival Tarian LILLYPAD Apollo II Gay Carnival GAY CARNIVAL Tartan Gelfanc Star lace 3 I.EFEBVRi: Fairy
    140 words
  • 222 16 KUALA 1.l Ml 1 K. Tuesday. THE FEDERATION'S biggest dub building— the $1,500,000 Selangor Chinese Athletic (Chen Wu) Association will be opened in December. Furniture for the 3-storey building, which stands on an eight-acre sits next to Coronation Park and overlooking central Kuala Lumpur, is
    222 words
  • 179 16  - Cypress Point strides out in fine style EPSOM JEEP From QOLD VASE prospect Cypress Point (Elleryi went in fine style In a half speed spin over .six lurlongfi with King's Rhapsody (Fry) for company on the train* ing track yesterday mornr j'. Steudily gathering .speed a: the far bend. Cypress
    179 words
  • 44 16 LONDON. Tues. Yesterday* rugby results were: Rut-by Leagae (county match): Cumberland 8 Yorkshire 7 Rurby Union: Coventry 13 Nuneaton 0. Llanelly 1. Ebbw vale 11. Newbridge 3 Aberavon 0. Newport 12 Cognac and Nantes 11 Penzance and Newlyn 9 Bath 8. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 39 16 .LONDON, Tues —Bobby Locke South African holder of the British open golf championship, underwent an operation yesterday. Hlsftconditlon was reported "Quite satisfactory". Locke has withdrawn from the Dunlop Masters 71 -hole golf tournament on Oct. 8-9. AJ»
    39 words
  • 62 16 SYDNEY. Tues Abbots Fell, who fetched 30.000 guineas when sold at the end of his racing career in England, dropped dead at Prince's Farm stud. Castlereagh. The stallion, aged 11 years, was sired by Felstead from Lady Abbess, and was great-great-grandson of "wonder horse" Carbine. Abbots
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 857 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page 8) ACCOMMODATION VACANT VACANT furnished accommod'U>. H with cooking facilities Katong area, suit service couple. Phone *****. "COSMOS". 17, Scotts Road. One large double bedroom, private bathroom, private verandah, vacant now and tingle room Oct 15th. BEI.F-CONTD furnished cottage (bedr'm) sltt-r'm, bathr'm, 2 suit
      857 words
    • 902 16 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE 156 A RANGOON ROAD, three bed rooms, dining, sitting, verandah and compound, freehold, vacant possession, 3.398 sq.ft. Apply 119, Serangoon Rd., Tel. 4948. FOR SALE new terrace houses off Upper Serangoon Road 6th m.s. 3 bedrooms, sitting and dining rooms, etc. Hire purchase terms arrangeable. For
      902 words
    • 5 16 MORE SPORT IN PAGE 15
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    • 53 16 let Daylight in... ACRYLIC SHEET for easy, efficient and economical lighting in all industrial buildings. 'PERSPEX' Corrugated sheet is available in any of the standard profiles. Existing badly-lighted buildings may therefore be improved simply by replacing a few sheets of the original roofing material with 'PERSPEX'. Artificial lighting costs will
      53 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 125 16 TODAY'S GOING The weather in Inch is at present unsettled. There wu rain yesterday and the goinr is likely to be soft. As a three-year-old in England he won over the Ayr 6f. straight I course In the record time of lmtn. I 11-15. Three old campaigners Ra-Ll. Brownsbay and
      125 words