The Straits Times, 10 April 1952

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • 174 1 20,000 people now back on full rice ration TANJONG MALIM, Wednesday. •pHE 22-hour curfew imposed on Tanjong Malim two weeks ago was lifted today by Sir Gerald Templer. %The 20,(HH) people in the district will also rcI their full ration of five katis of rice^— but
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  • 448 1 TANJONO MALIM. Wed 'THE band of the Royal West Kents played this afternoon as home and kampong guards, men and boys of the town, and 400 students of the Sultan Idris training college marched on to the padang for their
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  • 236 1 INDOORS, BUT CURFEW OVER TANJONG MALIM. Wednesday. THE people of Tanjong Malim, confined to their homes for 308 hours m the last two weeks, today suffered m silence as they waited and watched from their houses for the end of the hated curfew. It
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  • 26 1 The STRAITS TIMES and the SINGAPORE FREE PRESS will not be published tomorrow. Good Friday Both newspapers will be published on Saturday, Apr. 12
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  • 72 1 PARIS, Wed. r THE French Government last night won the ninth and most difficult vote of confidence on the proposal for an amnesty for past tax evasion. The voting was 250 to 237 according to semi-official figures. Earlier, the Premier. M Pinay, won the eighth confidence
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  • 23 1 LOS ANGELES Wed Detectives killed a man fleeing from a house with a child's money box containing $51— A. P.
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  • 48 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wed— Mr. Tom Driberg (Labour) will ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies on Apr. 23 what steps are being taken m chemical spraying for destroying undergrowth m Malaya, to ensure that food crops are not destroyed at the same time.
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  • 153 1 r ;f TOKYO, Wed. ORlTAlN's Far Eastern land Ja> force commander, General Sir Charles Keightley. today predicted "an uneasy peace" would be reached in Korea within six months. Gen. Keightley, who is here on a visit from his Singapore base, said he had formed this
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 31 1 LONDON, Wed. A deputation from the Lancashire and Merseyside "Industrial Development Association, with Members of Parliament, discus?e d the textile situation with Ministers hi London yesterday.— Reuter.
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  • 53 1 LONDON. Wed pOL. R. PALMER Bey. a V British military specialist attached to th e Jordan Arab Legion, was murdered in his nousp at Amman today, an Arab Legion spokesman said today. Col. Palmer. It was stated in London, was a local contract officer with the forces
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  • 111 1 VATICAN CJTY. Wed. rPHE official bulletin of the Roman dtrgy *aid today: "It is difficult to excuse from mortal sin anyone who uses psychoanalysis as a method ulcure or who Submits to &ucb a cure. 'The psychoanalytic method easily becomes a school of
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 23 1 LONXXJN, Wed— Colonel E R. O. Sucsmith has been appointed Chl(rf-of«-$taff at Far East Land- Forces headquarters, effective this month.
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  • 41 1 CALCUTTA, Wed. The British Colonial Development Corporation representative, Mr. F. R. Skermer, discussed with the Indian Government the question of the employment of Indian workers m rubber, hemp and palm oil plantations m British North Borneo.
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  • 156 1 LONDON, Wednesday. yyEARY M.P.s left the House of Commons early this morning after reaching only the ninth line of the National Health Services Bill m a debate lasting 15 hours. The 8111. which puts charges on dental and certain medical treatment, contains
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 286 1 7.30 knock on door starts the arrests TANJONG MALIM, Wednesday. 40 CHINESE suspected of being bandit couriers or food suppliers were arrested m Tanjong Malim today as the High Commissioner, Gen. Sir Gerald Tempter, announced the end of the 22-hour curfew which he personally imposed exactly two weeks ago. The
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  • 167 1 IN LONDON: M.P.s fight punishment LONDON. Wed. A MOTION, signed by 12* Labour Members of Parliament, protesting at the imposition of collective punishment on Tanjong Malim wa s tabled in the House of Commons last night Among those who signed the motion were Mr. Tom Driberg, Mr. Woodrow Wyatt, Mr.
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 62 1 NEW YORK, Wed. NEW YORK Radio quoted despatches from La Paz, Bolivia, today stating that a revolutionary movement had succeeded in Bolivia and members of the military junta government had been arrested. A broadcast from Radio La Paz heard in Washington said the Army and police had
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 305 1 -And now the penalty is faced by others KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. qTOE THREAT of similar treatment as Tanjong Mallm hangs over thousands of Chinese. Malays and Indians living on the northern outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. They have until tome-vow morning to give Information about 60 bandits who have been encamped
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  • 34 1 STOCRHOLM, Wed.— Two more Swedish Communists one a town councillor and the other the head of a local defence squad have been arrested on suspicion of spying for the Soviet Union.— Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 18 1 SUVA jewiuers Mats VjMßCfiofce? Fred spring salmon smoked salmon halibut sole fillets CANADIAN FISH from COLD STORAGE
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    • 95 1 G ANTHERS (Or California) RAYONLASTEX SWIMSUITS FOR GIRLS Slsea: 7 to 14 to be cleared at $12 each Obtainable at:— SEASON TRADING CO. 57 Htfh Street, Sinfapore-6 Tei. ***** AY. SERIES ENGINES "^p?^ Single and Twin Cylinder Easy hand starting Three to Five and Six to Ten B.H P at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1203 2 PUBMj A9MWTMENTS from suitably qusJlnW jht.- on» or retired Technical Assistants fat appointment as Technical Assistant on a temporary month- tomonth basis. Salary will b? payable within the Tlmesca'e of $210- A 10-300 B a r 315-A15-390 according to qualifications and previous experience. Cost of living allowance and other allowances
      1,203 words
    • 930 2 NOTJCBg THE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO., LTD. Notice Is hereby given that the Transfer Books of the above Company will be closed from the 1 18th of April to the l»t of May. 1952. both days Inclusive, preparatory to payment of interim dividend By Order of the Board, P. 8.
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    • 407 2 NOTICES I NOTICE HONG LEONG CO., LTD. 258. Beach Road. Singapore Wish to inform the public that the following receipt Nos. from 421 to 500 hav e oeen lost and will be treated as cancelled. P. W. D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Class A Registered Contractors will be received by
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    • 500 2 NOTICE 'MESSRS. GHEE SENG COMPANY of 8, Rochore Canal Road, have been appointed Official Stockists for Singapore and Malaya for Genuine Austin Spares for the undermentioned Austin Models. Austin 7 up to 1937. Austin 8 up to 1946-48. Austin 10 up to 1947-48. Austin 12 up to 1947-48. All Trade
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    • 315 2 THE NEW SERENOAH RUBBER CO., LTD. (Incorporated In the Federation of Malaya) NOTICE Is h-ereby given that the THIRTY-EIOHTH Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders will be teld at the Company's registered office. No. 1, The Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on Friday 25th April. 1962 at 10. TO am. AGENDA 1.
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  • 350 3 But exports to Britain ban is lifted WASHINGTON, Wednesday. PRESIDENT Truman early today took over on behalf of the U.S. Government the whole of the country's vast steel industry in a dramatic effort to avert a nation-wide strike of steel workers. But. within 30 minutes
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  • 195 3 CHURCHILL FACING ANOTHER TORY REVOLT LONDON. Wed. PRIME MINISTER. Mr Churchill, today faced formidable pressure from 48 Conservative Members uf Parliament. Including Influential figures in thp Conservative Party, who arc demanding that the Government at once carry out Its election pledge to denationalise steel and road haulage. Phe move is
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  • 38 3 BERLIN. Wed. An American soldier who, the Communists said, deserted to the East "to be a peace fighter" almas t two years ago. has been recaptured m West Berlin and is facing court martial trial.— AP
    AP  -  38 words
  • 16 3 I BONN. Wed. West Germany plans to build aboit pWOOOO houses by IS.i.i
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  • 107 3 U.N. ships bombard Red targets TOKYO, Wed. UNITED STATES battleship Iowa ended her retirement since the Pacific War and Joined the United Nations naval forces off North Korea yesterday. Moving through thick fog in the Japan Sea, the U.S.S. Iowa fired 145 tons of shells on Communist shore targets More
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  • 29 3 NEW YORK, Wed. The Appeal Court refused today to review the death sentence of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, the husband and wife who spied for Russia
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  • 28 3 WASHINGTON. Wed.— The I Senate Foreign Relations Committee will start voting on its version of the government's $7,900,000,000 foreign aid bill on Apr. 16.— Reuter
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  • 48 3 EAST LONDON, Cape Province, Wed.— Turee Africans, delegates to last Sunday's protest meetings here against the government's racial discrimination legislation, were found guilty today of travelling from one province to another without authority The accused were each fined 10s. or seven days imprisonment.— Reuter.
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  • 18 3 LONDON, Wed. Persia will sell 2.500,000 tons of oil to Denmark. Norway and Finland.— A.F.P.
    AFP  -  18 words
  • 21 3 BONN. Wed. Hans von Hen tig, first German postwar ambassador to Indonesia, will leave for Jakarta shortly.— A. P.
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  • 22 3 PORT LOUIS (MAURITIUS), Wed. Fourteen cases of infantile paralysis have been registered here m the past 24 hours.— Reuter
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  • 20 3 ANKARA, Wed. For the first time m history Turkey Is establishing diplomatic relations with the Vatican.— A. P.
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  • 20 3 NEW YORK, Wed. Margaret Truman denie s a report that she will marry this year. U.P.
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  • 182 3 REST OF THE WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF RECRUITING for Britain's *V 900.000 Home Guard, a part-time volunteer force to prevent sabotage in wartime, is to start on Monday Apr. 28, the War Minister, Mr. Antony Head, announced on Tuesday. A SECOND balloon, carrying equipment for studying cosmic rav activity in
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  • 45 3 LONDON, Wed. Queen Elizabeth has become Colonel-in-Chief of several British army regiments in succession to her father. They are The Life Guards, the Royal Horse Guards, the Royal Engineers, Grenadier Guards. Coldstream Guards, Scots Guards, Irish Guards and Welch Guards. Reuter.
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  • 119 3 NEW YORK, Wed. THE Tunisian representative at the United Nations said yesterday Tunisian nationalists were now seeking not only self-government but the cancellation of all treaties with France. Mr Mohammed Bahi Ladgham also appealed to the United States to support an African-Asian demand that the
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  • 16 3 MANILA, Wed. Another Formosan fishing vessel has been seized m Philippines waters. A. P.
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  • 20 3 ROME. Wed. Over 1,400 children were killed In Italy last year by abandoned mines and shells.— A. P.
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  • 22 3 NEW YORK, Wed.— First delivery to the UJ3. Air Force of a new Sabre F-M fighter was made yesterday A.P.P.
    AFP  -  22 words
  • 143 3 NEW YORK, Wednesday. A SIX-FOOT model of the Flying Trader was shown m the courtroom as a government exhibit yesterday during the trial of Captain Franklin Weaver, charged with the manslaughter of William Harvey, steward, while the ship was off the Japanese coast last
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  • 349 3 DEAL ON 'NEW GROUND' MOSCOW, Wednesday. V|K SIDNEY SILVERMAN, Labour M.P., how atx"* lending the world econom c conference in Moscow, last night announced the conclusion of a trade agreement with the Chinese delegation to the value of £10,000,000 on each s de. The goods
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  • 103 3 TOKYO. Wed. AMERICAN troops embarking at United States ports for the Far East are beinc warned to make no mistake about the fact that the war with Japan is over. In a record broadcast welcome to futur P contingents of United States forces. General
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 3 PUSH-BUTTON DESTROYER: H.M S. Daring, one of Britain's latest destroyers,, is a vessel m which the technique of remote control has been very fully developed. Picture shows: Ratings on board H.M S Daring load the "squid" anti-submarine device. The projectile is fired from aft on the ship although It explodes
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 123 3 l^^^^^^^^^^jw \3j^r^Tj 9 SSr Jff SSk W 4 j M HE jfIBJC Mia SM I jSsbbbl l^ aE f COVENTRY Startfy, imooth rynnmg tr»uMi tr*« r*b«t "Victar" 4-<trofc« fingU crfcarfcr Dicml Engin* gives you iBsBP^AUT h P«rfofm«iie«. Po«ir Jr\^ B I *3 itKxteU rang* ir»m 1 ■T^Sifcy^ MMHtssß pßP^^ VICTOR
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  • 359 4  -  JANICE PORTER By OTHAT different me- mories are awakened by the word "Easter"—the coloured eggs of our childhood, with our names written on them in shiny white icing to lick slowly. I have been thinking a little of the Easters spent in various lands, beginning
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  • 169 4 Since his appointment the new High Commissioner has covered a lot of ground. Here m pictures taken on his recent J oho re tour is a sample of rh.sneavy ormoured car belonging to The 1 3/ 18th Templer (second from left) on his tour. On the left
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 53 4 1 >^>^^^"vJv^ x l/ vt* j There is always a most efficient way to do a job 1 T# t ii i i i w ML n.ii i^i^k^a^k^i^a^a^aMßkaVkMVß n I ff j I i r~*"*w mm v sr~~^i w I n l ll n-» u Li ool a 11 n
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    • 200 4 BETTER BILLIARD TABLES by BURROUGHS WATTS LTD. Reconditioned Billiard Table* of superb quality. y\L' As used for major international championship games all over the world SPECIAL FEATURES INCLUDE "BURWAT" STEEL VACUUM CUSHIONS E) GENUINE WELSH SLATE bF. Price Inc. full accessories L SIZE 9* 0" 4' 6" 170.00 $2250.00 Sole
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  • 872 5 He went to India in Japanese submarine as saboteur POSTAL CLERK SUES GOVERNMENT KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. A FORMER FMS Postal Services clerk who durjng the Japanese occupation went to India m a Japanese submarine for underground activities, today sued the Federation Government for $14,880 as arrears m salary and damages
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  • 339 5 TENANTS RETURN 41 FLATS TO TRUST THE Singapore Improvement Trust was yesterday given judgment by consent In a Singapore court for the possession of 41 flats in which the tenants had continued to live after the expiration of notices to quit served on them. The applications by the Trust were
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  • 180 5 "T'HIS is an unfortunate case and the man today stands in the position of a rent' collector to the City Council," stated Mr. H. E. Hilborne in the Singapore High Court yesterday for Jagdeo, who was appealing against a fine of $500
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  • 42 5 Tungku A mpuan Besar ill JOHORE, BAHTU. Wed. Tungku Ampuan Besar. sister of the Sultan of Johore suffered a stroke today This evening she was said to be recovering. Tungku Ampuan Besar is the eldest child of the late Sultan Abubakar. I
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 5 THE DUTCH FRIGATE Johan Maurits Van Nassau sailed into Singapore early yesterday proudly displaying a shark's tail nailed to her bows the first »«d only one she caught during her ten months m Dutch New On'nea Cpl. Eduard Lap caught the shark with a rod from aft of the ship.
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  • 133 5 Y.W.M.V Raffles Quay: Malay class, 5.30 p.m.; dressmaking, 10 am.; French class. 10 a.m. s Y.M.C.A. Orchard Road: Johnnie Johnson's art exhibition, 10 a.m.; games from 5 p.m.; French and commercial classes. 5.30 p.m.; service of sacred music and rededication at Wesley Church, Stainer's "Crucifixion" by the choir,
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  • 20 5 IPOH, Wed— One case of urban typhus occurred m the Ipoh area during the week ending Apr. 5.
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  • 169 5 2 BOATS FOR SEA SCOUTS AFTER a lifeboat, the Sea Shell, was launched at Tanjong Pagar Dockyards yesterday, she was handed over with a dinghy, the Sea Rover, to the Singapore Trafalgar Sea Scouts. The boats were presented by -Shell Company and AngloSaxon Petroleum Company (Eastern) Limited to foster interest
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  • 67 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed.— To relieve congestion and bottlenecks on certain roads in Johore Bahru town, the Town Board plans to, introduce one way traffic schemes at Jalan Tan Hiok Nee, Jalan Dhoby, Jalan Pasar, Janan Pahang and Jalan Wan Jasoh. The public are asked for their
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  • 239 5 SERVICE BEFORE STATUS, HE SAYS KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. STUDENTS of the College of Agriculture a8 Serdang, Selangor, were told today by Mr. O. J. Voelcker, Director of thd Department of Agriculture, that they should lay accent on "service" rather than "conditions Mr. Voelcker was replying to a statement last week
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  • 109 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Wed. ALLEGED to have caused three deaths when his lorry crashed Into an attap house two years ago, Ooi Ah Bee was produced in Bukit Mertajam Court today on f /e counts. He was charged with causing the -deaths of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 152 5 S| cvftOtfX If ILtchclors Chicken Noodle Soup is a mfcflTT^f'f&l J f delicious chicken broth, containing nour- l^m^rU^JJjTtmJ parsley. It's so easy to serve; you just put |fljV^j/7/K^fl the contents of the packet into i J pints [m BL'r'^J^BFl 50 cents per pkt. X BCS-3-785-50. BATCHELORS PEAS LTD.. ENGLAND yfoft*
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 126 5 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 10 a.m. News: 10.05 'Music While You Work"; 10 45 "Jack Smith Show": 11-11.30 "London Studio Melodies"; 1 p.m. George Melachrlno Orch.; 1.30 News; 1.45-2 Ouy Lombardo Orch.; 6.15 ■Calling All Hospitals"; 6.55 Announcements; 7 News; 7.15 "Radio Scientist": 7 30 Radio Orch.: 8 "Calling All Forces";
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    • 108 5 7.30 Hit Parade; 8 Talk; 8.15 Evening Star; 8.30 Friday Prom; 9.30 News; 9.45 Latin American Serenade: 10 The First Good Friday; 10.30-11 Take Your Partners Please. KUALA LUMPUR 10 am -1.45 p.m. As S'pore: 6.15 "Happy Anniversary"; 6.557.30 As S'pore; 8 "The Lady on the Scieen"; 8.30 "Thursday Symphony";
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  • 115 6 Stores expect little business rpHIS year's Easter celebrations m Singapore will be on a moderate scale, although there have been heavy air and sea bookings by holiday makers. Unlike previous years, Colony stores expect little business due* to the "poor
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 6 THE TRAP that caught the monkey Yap Seng Chin adjusts the box with which he caught the stray monkey on the rooftops >n Robinson Road, Singapore yesterday. Straits Times picture. Story Pace 9.
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 6 Mn J P. CHOY of Hong Kong, who after winning a car m the Penang St. Xavier's Fun Fair, has donated $1,750 to the school orchestra.
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  • 113 6 SEREMBAN, Wed. A SEVEN -HOUR curfew has f\ been enforced by Seremban Police in the following new village areas in Seremban district which have been declared controlled areas: In and within a radius of hall a roil? of the perimeter of Paroi, SIkamat. Pantal Rasah, Mambau.
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  • 69 6 BISHOP Basil Roberts, former Bishop of Singapore, who ha s just returned to Britain after a tour of the Far East, said he travelled 150 miles m a motor-bus m Malaya through bandit-infested country. Describing his tour, he said, "Within 48 hours, temperatures fluctuated between
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  • 63 6 At the annual general meeting of the Singapore Lighter Owners' Association, the lollowing office-bearers were elected. Hon. Presidents. Messrs. Chionh Oh Mee, Tan Chwee Peck and Lim Kok Tai. President. Mr. Ong Slong Bee. vice-presidents Messrs. Lim Kah Cheng and Chua Hong Hoon. secretary Mr. Soh
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  • 45 6 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. Chia Chong Hup, Liew Chee, Wong Sam and Liew Hoi were each fined $25 for breaking the curfew. They told the court that they went out to attend to a cow which had just giver birth.
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  • 31 6 KUANTAN, Wed.— Mrs. D j F. Thompson, wife of the District Officer, Kuantan, gave away the prizes at the annual prize day of Abdullah Scho~' at the Sultana Theatre
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  • 18 6 PARIT BUNTAR, Wed. Ding Gong Gong was fined $100 m the Parit Buntar court for negligent driving.
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  • 176 6 EASTER services in Singapore are as follows: ST. ANDREW'S. CATHEDBAL: MAUNDY THl RSDAY-Matins. 6 45 a.m.; Choral Eucharist. 7 a.m.; Evensong and Devotional Address 8 pm. GOOD FRIDAY— Manns and An:. Communion. 7 a.m.; Children's and Family Service. 9.30 am Three Hours' Devotion 12 noon. EASTER EVE: Matins
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  • 112 6 CHIRCH OF THE IMMAClLATi. Conception: Thursday: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 7.30 p.m. followed by the Maudatum at 8 p.m. Good Friday: A Mass will be sun* at 7 a.m. and at 3 p.m.; Service of the Way of the Cross. Eatler Sondir: High Man
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  • 52 6 SEREMBAN. Wed. At next Tuesday's meeting of the Negri Sembilan Council of State, the State Secretary, Capt. Mohamed Salleh, will move that a Finance Committee be appointed consisting of the State Financial Officer as ex-offlcio Chairman and all the Unofficial members of the Council of State,
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  • 168 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. /X)OKERY classes for young women are to tie started by the guidance sub-committee of the Selaneror State Welfare Committee. A sub-committee report states that two weeks after it took over the running of the Kuala Lumpur Servants' Bureau It
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  • 29 6 MRS JfcAN CHANDLER, the first of 50 Red Cross volunteers who will work m the Federation, arrived m Singapore yesterday Straits Times picture.
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  • 125 6 OEfJANCf-BORN Mrs. Jean Chandler the first of 50 Red Cross volunteers who will work m Federation resettlement camps i arrived m Singapore from London yesterday morning and left eight hours later by plane for Ipoh. Mrs. iftiandler, whose operational area will br Batu
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  • 73 6 PARIT BUNTAR, Wed Stating that there had been an increase in fowl thefts in the area. Inspector Ahmad bin Haji Yaacob pressed for a deterrent sentence when A<*shad bin Haji Karim pleaded guilty to a charge of theft of stveji fowls from Hashim bin Mohamad at Titi
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  • 38 6 TAIPING, Wed. Crowds of parents and well-wishers attended the opening of ;?ie two-day Art and Handicraft Exhibition by King Edward VII School yesterday. The exhibition shows the workings of the English school system In Malaya.
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  • 43 6 MU AH Wed. Alwee bin Sahat, a bus driver, who was wounded m the leg when bandits fired at his bus at the Yong Peng— Batu Pahat Road, was awarded $2,880 compensation* by the North Johore Commissioner for Workmen 'a. Compensation
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  • 298 6 UNITY POSSIBLE, SAYS MCA THE Malayan Chinese Association should strive for the creation of an independent state of Malaya, including Singapore, within the British Commonwealth, says a statement issued by the association. Those who regard this country as their home and the object of their
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  • 88 6 Malays plan a language society MORE than 100 people are expected to attend the two-dav conference of the All-Malay a Malay Linguistic and Literary conference at tt> Sea View Hotel, Singapore, on Saturday and Sunday. About 20 societies from the Federation and Singapore will each send three delegates to the
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  • 33 6 MUAR, Wed.— Four men, a woman and a boy were charged at Muar with breaking the curfew at Bukit Kangka. The boy was fined $5 and the rest $15 each.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 192 6 f*T hi 111 1 ptj-- t yr ry. /ami W'/M aainwit"" yow cjet so v*aajcX\, m^ve out/ A tkfL /M£»w?c! ck^uL i^cju, So wuuudh i*c<jre Udto bt,\ More power when it is most needed at the start and on the hills, thanks to the famous Minx plus-power engine. More reliability
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  • 245 7 DEADLOCK ON CITY WAGE DEMANDS THE Singapore Federation of City Council Labour Unions is going ahead with plans to call a strike after a deadlock in talks between the Federation secretary, Mr. S. Rengasamy, and the City President, Mr. T.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 7 MISS CHU YUNG YUNG, former Shanghai singer, asks for good luck from her two "lucky mascot' dolls. Sh« will be giving a concert at the Majestic Theatre, Penang. tomorrow. Straits Times picture
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  • 61 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. A CIRCULAR asking for donations to help the Malays in Tanjong Malim. was sent yesterday to members by the UMNO headquarters in Johore. Malays in Tanjong Malim, said Inche Zulkifli bin Mohamed Hashim. the acting secretary-general of the UMNO, were poor folks who lived
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  • 58 7 A 12-year-o!d boy and two women aged 71 and 52 were burned last night when the radio set m their house at the 14th m.s. Mandai Road. Singapore, caught fire. The women were slightly Injured, while the boy had severe burns on both hands. AH
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  • 90 7 Schools put on Easter pageant PENANG. Wed. FR the first time since the war, Methodist Mission schools in Penang will combine to stage an Easter pageant today and tomorrow. Taking part are postSchool Certificate boys and girls of the Anglo-Chinese schools Fifteen students will enact the principal roles in Marguerite
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  • 220 7 SUBSTATIONS liable to load shedding today arc: DAY C'avanah Rd. t'ollyer Quay, Victoria Memorial Hall 1 2, Prince St. Market St., Raffles Place/Malacca St., Boat Quay, Union Building. Home Pipe, Rheem. Ford, Bin Seng, Wire Mesh. P.W.D. Quarry, Nanyang Mfg.. Buklt Panfang, National Carbon. Princess Elizabeth Estate, Dairy
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  • 69 7 A mission hall in Havelock Road, Singapore, will be dedicated by the Archdeacon of Singapore, Ven. Robin Woods, at 6 p.m. today. The hall which is connected with St. Andrew's Cathedral, will hold children's and evangelistic meetings. On Apr. 17— and every Thursday thereafter— a doctor and
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  • 27 7 KUANTAN, Wed.— Lee Soon, Yeo See Fong, and Yap Choon were each fined $15 for causing obstruction to the back lane at the Kuantan market.
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  • 123 7 fN PREPARATION for the Comet jet airline ser1 vice to the Far East, four high-speed refuelling vehicles, each costing about $80,000, have been designed and built by the Shell Company at their Kallang garages m Singapore. The vehicles called "Thornets," can refuel at more
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  • 236 7 More 'squeeze now, says Sir Thomas From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. ALTHOUGH there were fewer crimes of violence so far as the Traction Company was concerned, there was a general increase of corruption m Singapore reflected, m the case of the S.T.C., m an increase m "squeeze"— Sir Thomas
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  • 37 7 JQHORE BAHRU, Wed j Fourteen Indian labourers, of Ulu Tiram Estate were each fined $5 lp the police cowt today fdr gamf ling. A pack pf cards and $5, exhibits in the c«e. were confiscated.
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  • 82 7 MENTRI BESAR FOR U.S. THE Mentri Besar cf Kelantan, DatO' Nik Ahmed Kamil bin Haji Nik. Mahmood, is the recipient of the second USIS Leader Grant scholarship for Malaya. Dato Nik Ahmad will leave Singapore by plane on April 24 for a three months' tour of America. He will study
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  • 211 7 3 ARRIVE TO SHOW BRITISH RADIO TWO General Electric Company officials from London arrived in Singapore by BOAC Argonaut yesterday co make arrangements for a big British radio exhibition at the Happy World later this year. They were Mr. A. E. Frost, O.E.C. Radio Export Manager, and Mr. F. W.
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  • 64 7 TAIPING, Wed. Office bea;-rs of the Young; Men's Hindu Association Talping, are: President. Mr. Arumugam: vicepresident, Mr. Chlnniah; secretary, Mr. S. Sabaratnam; treasurer, Mr. Nadarajah; auditors, Mr. T. Kumarasamy and Mr. Ponnampalam; committee, Messrs. K. Chelliah, K. S. S. Maniam. Kathigamar, 9. Ampalam and Manickam; temple manager,
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  • 26 7 KUANTAN, We d.— For allowing their cattle to stray within the town board area, Sanipillai, Muthu and Duraisamv were each fined $15 m Kuantan.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 157 7 Pn'^opicalized! Shave in comfort 1 /anywhere W ith j theREMINGTON(votv) Other models available? *-^S" tt*9 Singapore: prices from $78/- ~^w Jp^ Federation: plus $10/- (for m *mmr*'^0 Customs Tax) REMINGTON RAND INC SINCAPORE KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PENANC John Lirtle's Bldg. Mountbarten Road. 94. Brewster Road. 15. Beach Street. (2nd floor),
      157 words
    • 166 7 1848-1952 IN CONVALESCENCI "Serravallo's Tonic" is most willingly taken by all patients on account of its pleasant taste and it is easily digested. After a course of this preparation the general system is braced up, the blood greatly improved and the amount of red corpuscles increased. In convalescence it is
      166 words

  • 92 8 MRS. NO 800 BEE (nee Madam >oh Neoh) passed away penrrfully at the ripe age of 85 years on April, 6th, 1952 at 115 p.m. at No: 2, Upp.r Museum Road. Talping. She leavrs behind 4 sons Messrs. Ng Aun Cheng, Nk Au n Chong, Ng Aun Chuan. Ny
    92 words
  • 92 8 FATHER TELESPORE GOMEZ, Thumbay, Kazhakuttam grat-1 fully thanks all his well-wishers. who have been participating In his happiness on the occasion of i his ordination to The PriestHood and First Holy Mass. MRS. Oilroy wishes to thank all friends who sent flowers and messages of sympathy and whe attended
    92 words
  • 48 8 IF it'i a Duncan's dress li'a j GUARANTEED washable. All materials pre-washed to ensure' co'our fastness and avoid shrink- age. Over 1,000 morning and •fternoon frocks. Including a! larjie selection of maternity dresses. No two alike. Duncan's 11. D Almeida St., Spore, l (Just off Raffles Place).
    48 words
  • 665 8 The Straits Times Singapore, Thur. Apr. 10, 1952 Franchise Citizenship 1 siderrd approving fhe electoral principle provided there were a number of reserved seats for each non- Malay community to ensure that they would not be swamped by the Malay vote. The danger would be, of course, the encouragement of
    665 words
  • 398 8 About forty arrests were made in Tanjong Malim yesterday, and in the afternoon the 22 hour curfew was lifted. The area as a whole is now under house curfew*from midnight to five in the morning, with a dusk to dawn curfew in parts of the district. There
    398 words
  • 1132 8 From a Special Correspondent LONDON. P^EW piecegoods mer- chants in Malaya, worried though they may be over the state of the market, will have been losing a night's sleep because of their difficulties. Yet the problem kept the lights burning all night at Westminster
    1,132 words
  • 355 8 THE tiger population of the 1 King George V National Park is now about 150 pairs says Mr. C. S. Ogilvte, the Park's superintendent, in diary notes quoted in the Federation of Malaya Game Department report. There are also small herds of elephant, and two
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  • 579 8  -  ROBERT TRUMBULL By MADRAS. EXAMINE and drought, striking at the heart of the huge Southern Indian Stafte of Madras, have left more than 10,000,000 Indian peasants in acute distress for food and water, according to th e State Governor, Sri Prakasa, on his return from a
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  • 364 8 On the Margin Double Dutch THE Dutch wife is still with us, we fear. When the subject of this peculiar bolster was first raised by a correspondent or. April 1, we had an idea that people might have much to say on it. Among the letters that have flown in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 434 9 'Grave trouble 9 warning then the shares drop to $1.90 THE Kaub Australian Gold Mining Company may have to close its mine because of grave financial difficulties, shareholders were told yesterday. A circular from the secretaries, Charles A. Clarke and Son, said that
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  • 38 9 MR. W. L. BLYTHE, the Officer AAvninisterfng the Government, Singapore, is seen looking over rare Chinese paintings exhibited at the Chinese arc show m the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce yesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 333 9 ROAD VICTIMS SA W RASCALLY QUACK— COURT A RASCALLY quack supplied worthless prescriptions for fantastical fees to people injured in a road accident, said Mr. Justice Rogers in Singapore High Court yesterday. Three Chinese who received injuries in an accident in Pasir Panjang Road on the night of Sept. 26,
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  • 240 9 THEN THE OPIUM WENT UP IN FLAMES rpHIRTY pounds of raw 1 opium, hidden under the bonnet of a car, burst into flames before it could be smuggled into Johore. the Singapore First District Judge, Mr. Tan Ah Tah, was told yesterday. The driver, of th 0 car Tong Chen
    240 words
  • 72 9 The Social Welfare Department investigated five cases of ill-treatment of children In Singapore last month. In one case, a 16-year*-old youth reported to Social Welfare that his adopted parents held him •'upside down w4th j my head m water.' 1 The youth also said that he had
    72 words
  • 73 9 Rail income in Feb. was $4,401,898 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. MALAYAN RAILWAY revenue for February was $4,401,898, compared with $3,850,924 for January. Passenger train fares accountcJ for $1,015,259 and goods train :r«ight $2,468,260 while revenue from wharves was $660,486. ferries and road services $89,210, and rents and miscellaneous $*****3. Eighty-five ships
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  • 55 9 Kuppusamy Arumugam. who appealed against sentence of six weeks' Imprisonment for housebreaking and theft, was cleared of the offence on appeal m the Singapore High Court yesterday Arumugam was alleged to have entered the kitchen of a house m St. Francis Road and removed a thermos flask
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  • 51 9 A fine of $1,000 imposed m I the lower courts 'on Aik Hoe I Co.. Ltd.. on a charge of storing rubber at 394, Kirn !Chuan Road, without a ll- cence. was yesterday coni firmed on appeal by the Chief Justice, Sir Charles 1 Murray-Aynsley. In Singapore High
    51 words
  • 84 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. An appeal has been made to all residents in Johore Bahru town to take an active part in the first elections to the Town Council. The appeal is signed by the Government Junior Staff Union. Johore Bahru Chinese Reading Circle, UMNO, Rotary Club,
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  • 87 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. ACTING Puisne judge of Kedah and Perlis, Inche Abdul Hamid bin Mustapha, has been made a Puisne judge of the Federation of Malaya. He is the first locally-toorn officer to be appointed to this post. Inchp Abdul Hamid, who is 49 years old. joined
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  • 154 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. UOME GUARDS battled with three armed bandits 11 m the Kuala Langat area of SELANGOR last night and made them flee. The bandits left food supplies they had collected. Gurkhas believe they wounded two bandits in the Kluang area of
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  • 48 9 PARIT BUNTAR, Wed. Death by misadventure was the verdict returned by the Coroner, Inche Salleh bin Eckhardt, at the conclusion of an inquest on a cyclist, Oopala Pillay, aged 35, who was knocked down by a lorry at Sungei Gedong on the night of Jan. 23 last.
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  • 309 9 AN AWARD made by the Collector of Land Revenue, Singapore, for 118 acres of land acquired by the Crown from the Singapore United Rubber Plantations at Yeo Chu Kang Road for the R.A.F. wireless station was contested m the High Court yesterday. The applicants. th
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  • 75 9 rpHREE Indians were injured when the car they were travelling in overturned at Kampong Bahru Road, Singapore, last night. One of them was admitted to hospital. Mr. B. Williams, a traffic clerk employed by the Singapore Harbour Board who was j passing by, rendered first-aid
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  • 172 9 TWO-DOOR BUSES PROPOSED A PROPOSAL that all orani- I buses and trolley buses in Singapore should b P fitted with two doors one for entrance and the other for exit will be made by Mr. H. A. Jivabhai. at the meeting uf the Vehicles and Traffic Committee of the Singapore
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  • 48 9 Paul Manickam Raj, a 26-year-old delivery clerk of the Express Transport Company, was sentenced to 17 months' imprisonment by the Singapore Third Criminal District Judge, Mr. H. A. Forrer yesterday, for criminal breach of trust of piece-goods valued at $13,679.23 belonging to his employers.
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  • 60 9 The work of renewing identity cards, repairing torn cards and entering a change of address will be continued after the Easter holidays, a spokesman for the Registration Office in Singapore said yesterday. He said there are still a number of identity cards that need replacement before the
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  • 30 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed.— Professor E. Holttum, Past Rotary Governor of Malaya, spoke on botany In Malaya to members of the Johore Rotary Club at their weekly meeting yesterday.
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  • 44 9 One hundred dentists from all over Malaya at th e annual general meeting of the Malayan Dental Association *J? n d m Singapore next week. wfTl decide whether or not to admit members of Her Majesty's Foree s to th e Association.
    44 words
  • 148 9 AN empty wooden box, a mirror and a patient man ended a two-day- hunt for a stray monicey on the rooftops of 80-foot high buildings In Robinson Road, Singapore. Yap Seng Chin, aged 22, a clerk, spent three hours m a room on the top floor
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  • 267 9 IPOH, Wed. rpHE Deputy High Com- missioner, Mr. D. C. MacGillivray, today took his first river trip in Malaya when he travelled in the Sultan of Perak's $35,000 motorboat, Sri Andalan, from Parit down to Layang Kiri. It was his first visit to Perak. and at
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  • 49 9 K U L I M. Wed.— Charged with using criminal force with intent to outrage the modesty of Choo Ah Heng, a shop assistant, Tan Kim Seng, said in court today that he and the gin were friends and were "only fooling about." He was fined $50.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 196 9 THREE FISH DELICACIES BY MAKAN KETCHIL j^^^^ C 6 E MORTON MALAYA, LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA-LUMPUR PENANG lißh MULLARD Rod*Ksi^ f such a pleasure A VERY high standard of performance at a very reasonable cost is provided by this Mans and 6-Volt Battery Receiver. With its 5 Milliard valvas and 4
      196 words
    • 94 9 2 SPECIAL I END OF SALE I OFFERS! LADIES HANDKERCHIEFS WHITE HEMSTITCHED EDGE $2.95 per dozen PRINTED COTTON Assorted Colours $3.95 per dozen Oddments m Ladies Underwear CORSETS, NIGHTIES, KNICKERS and $ups AT HALF PRICE Bargains for Lampshade Makers PETERSHAM RIBBONS 4 cts. TO 8 cts. per yd SILK CORDED
      94 words

  • 235 10 'BEST BRAINS' W NEW ORGANISATION A PANEL of experts to fight tuberculosis is to A be formed soon, Mr. E. M. F. Fergusson, chairman of Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association, said yesterday. SATA, he said, had the best medical brains m Singapore for
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  • 140 10 Sick survey report is ready THE first draft of a report 1 on a pilot survey of illness In the Colony has been completed, reports the Singapore Social Welfare Department. Copies of the draft will be circulated to members of the Social Security Working Party,, Government departments interested m the
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  • 29 10 KUANTAN, Wed.— Sew Kat I. am. a woman, and Alwi bin Lodong were each fined $3 for leaving their bicycles unlocked m frcut of the Sultana Theatre.
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  • 53 10 MALACCA, Wed.— Private W. I. Hiscoe of the Green Howards was fined $75 m Malacca today for using criminal lorce on a police sentry and on a policeman and resisting lawful arrest. Hiscoe was with another soldier, Riley, when the offences were committed. Riley was fined
    53 words
  • Article, Illustration
    52 10 THE JAPANESE flag was seen for the first time since the war m Singapore when the Komei Maru, under Captain Masuro Okado. (above) came into the Colony flying her national flag. Previously all Japanese ships had flag of the Allied Control Commissions. The Komei Maru brought 7,089 tons of coal
    Domei  -  52 words
  • 57 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. THE CONDITION of the Mentri Besa r of Negri Sembilan, Dato Haji Abdul Malek bin Yusof, who had an operation this week "had given rise to some anxiety" during the past three days, it was stated by the Negri Sembilan Government today. However,
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  • 138 10 EAST ASIATIC'S REPORT TIRADE of the East Asiatic Company Limited m A Malaya last year was severely handicapped by the troubled situation, says the annual report of the company. The report adds, however, that nevertheless the Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur branches, and the affiliated offices
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  • 83 10 $100-m. for Jap textile quota HPHE Singapore Government has reached complete agreement with all three Chambers of Commerce in the Colony on the operation of the quota of textiles trade with Japan during 1952, Mr. T. Van der Gaast, Deputy Secretary of Economic Affairs, told the Straits Times yesterday. The
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  • 24 10 KUANTAN, Wed.— Naimat Khan was fined $20 m the Kuantan court for allowing seven cows to stray at Telok Sesih Road.
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  • 86 10 TIED GOLD ROUND HIS WAIST DURING a routine check on the crew of the Thong Hong, revenue officers found two gold bars tied round the waist of Loi Chee Ann, the Singapore Relief Judge. Mr. S. E. Teh, was told yesterday. Loi was charged with attempting to export two gold
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  • 31 10 Tr> HORE, BAHRU, Wed.— Manikam, a police supervisee, who did not report to the police, was sentenced by the Johore Bahru Police Court magistrate to two months' imprisonment.
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  • 220 10 SAILED YACHT SINGLE-HANDEL FROM SAIGON 'THE 33-foot yacht Marie Therese, with her owner A who is also the one-man crew, Bernard Moitessier, on board, arrived in Singapore two days ago, after a 10-day voyage from Saigon. Today, the lone voyager, who is on his second long sea journey, is celebrating
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  • 183 10 Barber used scissors to stab girl A BARBER, who stabbed his chief tenant's daughter in three places with his scissors, inflicting a 3 Vi -inch wound in her stomach, a 2 1 4 inch wound in her breast and a one-inch wound in her shoulder, was gaoled for day and
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  • 79 10 IPOH, Wed. Labourers at the Ipoh aerodrome this afternoon caught an 18-foot python which had just swallowed a whole young goat and was taking his usual post-meal siesta near the concrete runway. Using a noose, three labourers finally had the reptile trussed up securely after
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  • 48 10 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. Kua Mia Soh, a labourer, who rode a motorcycle m a negligent manner and without a licence and third party insurance policy, was fined a total of $105 m police court today. Kua had collided with a lorry and broke hjs arm.
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  • 120 10 WORKERS' DEMAND REJECTED A DEMAND for threa months' wages as compensation by the 240 dailyrated workers of the National Carbon (Eastern) Ltd., who were temporarily retrenched on Tuesday, was turned down by the company yesterday. After a two-hour discussion with the workers at the Singapore Labour Department, the management said
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  • 114 10 rE Singapore Improvement Trust expects to get all the Information it seeks about the manner in which some people had obtained tenancies of S.I.T. flats, although some tenants had been warned over the telephone by anonymous callers not to talk. These tenants
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 102 10 !Wi NOW SHOWING vo 145 4.oo^3o^2o^^^\ mb^nr^\ Ti^^lMlPft wOVOffISL' J j& f iv i biirt lali*&iJk T[ f *r^T 11 All fIS-l-*^ A trt 6MEW NLAIO KIEION MOORL 6E016E TBBUS Pgy^ 1^ Jslk ~Qs£frJgWf#6WM H.OO. 1.45, 4.00, 6.30, 9.30 ••"^V^^Re |n P^\ ii I^^**— "V^^X^V^^^^ l^lliA MQWMG ..45,,0 9.30 *TllP
      102 words

  • Entertainments Page
    • 615 11 ONE GOOD IDEA IS NOT ENOUGH BRUCE FRASER talking about FILMS RATHER a lot of film companies, specially British ones, obtain v script with a single idea, often quite a good one. and then rush into celluloid without adding the necessary ration of secondary ideas m the way of dialogue
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    • 547 11 The fashion for the epic has returned to Hollywood on a tide of box-office success, and M-C-N/i, hankering after the superlative as always, have spent three years producing "Quo Vadis," a story of ancient Rome, whose scope can be judged by the fact that
      547 words
    • 329 11 HERE aacr c pocket reviews of the best films at present n circulation, m Singapore and the Federation. Three stars indicate an outstanding picture, two means above average, and on? star indicates good entertainment. A Place In The Sun. Outstanding direction, photography and acting make
      329 words
    • 12 11 Collect six of these co#p<ins to join the Ctiildren'a Corner Club.
      12 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 190 11 I HOLIDAY! MWTE SHOWS TOMORROW M'NITK "AWARA" in HINDUSTANI N. B. Advance Cash Bookings Only DORIS DA Y Mf^\' I DREAMY SONGS R including H SATURDAY M'NITE M^ U. I. present* S Viveca Lindfors E^ a* SINGOALLA Wild, Tempting, Tempestuous in jH PHONE *^9| THRILLING ACTION OFF^THE KOREAN COAST! mgk
      190 words

  • 226 12 IN a district not fifty miles from Kuala Lumpur there has recently been gazetted an order forcing a number of estates to fence round their labourers' lines Some of these estates are in safe areas, no doubt because there is no jungle nearby and there have
    226 words
  • 265 12 HOW delighted Mr. A. Helliwell would have been had he been present at the Singapore Padang last Saturday afternoon on the occasion of the Combined Services-Civi-lians cricket match. Ruin had stopped play at 12 50 p.m. after the Services had "bundled out" the Civilians for
    265 words
  • 108 12 I ADVISE the good people of Singapore not to worry overmuch about the reports of monkey brain feast s appearing m the London Sunday newspaper The People. The People, Daily Mirror and Sunday Pictorial are newspapers well known for their addiction to cheap sensationalism. All three newspapers publish
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 592 12 A FEW SHOTS IN THE DARK MY writing will not in any way hasten the day when blackouts are a curse of the past. One may, with, as much hope of success, ask for the moon. But, notwithstanding the futility of complaint, is it not reasonable at this time to
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    • 53 12 COR many nights the resi- dents of Siang Lim Park (Oeylang) have been disturbed by the continuous barking and howling of dogs. We understand that this nuisance is being committed by unlicensed dogs. Will the authorities look into this matter and do the needful immediately AHMED
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  • 354 12 Bit of a mix-up in the traffic laws MR. McNEICE was right when he said that there was a bit of a mix-up in the traffic laws. The Road Traffic Ordinance, 17 of 1941, section 2, says that the highway authority is the City Council, but section 70 (1) shows
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  • 213 12 A SHAMED" asserts that ten stubborn doctors refused to render medical aid to his idling father-in-law. The present attitude of these professional men is I truly an insult to the noble profession. Perhaps the Medicai Association would consider disciplinary action if the names and addresses of these practitioners
    213 words
  • 68 12 r THERE would be no heavy traffic during lunchtime in the area of Bras Basah Road, Victoria Street. Queen Street. Waterloo Street, Middle Road and Stamford Road if the present interval-times of schools of the above area were arranged either before 12.30 p.m. or after 1.30 p.m. and
    68 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 12 Photograph by Hedda Marrison, FREAK OF NATURE— Batu Sapi ("Ox Rock"), near Sandakan, North Borneo.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 343 12 LbV aT* rs' mi of *O^a^v^eil m m flßbcS^l 7'f leal* I zUrQSfflVi 9 Sm S' JvV7 /'N K'JI tff&Saßl f I■! J H| 5; Are you just wishing? I'hose new cars are really something I And nowadays you can iust about walk m ao3 drive off m one IF
      343 words
    • 432 12 Sole Agents: MONTOR LTD., Arcade. Singapore Ids: 5891/5892 EjiaWished 1904 PHOSFERINE for a new MwSji appetite! J#w%) When the appetite fails, the vital resources g^^^svi*3£V i l~^i.. > 1 of the body foil to be replaced. Mental and <=^^>^~ to- j^p-^ physical energy sag. Resilience weakens. The cheerful rebound to
      432 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 397 12 this— so were the blind mice Straits Times Crossword K to be m ja Pan <«. 28. A Spoonerism Is one 12 3 4 5 M 8 (4, 2, 3, 6). DOWN K~3 *SSi 2 plu 8. herb or twist (7). illwllilllllltllillll 3. This deputy seems to be of l__
      397 words

  • 252 13 LONDON, Wed. ALTHOUGH the market tone continued to improve, trading was again small. Industrials showed widespread gains though advances were halted owing to thin trading. Closing middle prices of selected stocks were: Coo»oU M4 Funding 4% 97j War 3|% 1* if BANKS Chartered (£5) 81 Merrantil* i£3b: i£:2>
    252 words
  • 31 13 LONDON. April 9.— Spot 32\4d.. May 32Hd., June 33d., JulySept. 31Vid.. Oct.-Dec. 30d., Tan-Mar 290... April c.l.f. 32'^d. day til. 31 "id.. June c.i.f. 3VA6 Market' Hesitant, after firm.
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  • 28 13 OATU Llntang Rubber Co Ltd., D produced 74.300 lbs. during March. The Parit Perak Rubber Co.. Ltd. produced 33.890 lbs. over he same period.
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  • 175 13 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE. Wed rpHE improved inquiry lor market leaders was s ill more noticeable on the Stock Exchange today. Several key issues which had been marked back sharply made good recoveries. Second rank stocks participated m the Improvement. The Sydney Exchange also showed a
    175 words
  • 194 13 Lower grades in better demand From A Market Correspondent E^EW orders from abroad were received in the 1 Singapore Rubber Market yesterday and conditions were generally steadier than on the previous day. Turnover was again moderate, and prices fluctuated narrowly between $1.10 and
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  • 11 13 SINGAPORE, Wed.. April 8.—5477 a picul (unchanged).
    11 words
  • 25 13 LONDON. April 9. Cash Buyers £862; Sellers £962 >/ 2 Forward Bayers €964; Sellers £965; Settlement £961; (up Turnover: a.m. 40; p.m. 5 tons.
    25 words
  • 76 13 ABOUT 20 plculs of Muntok white pepper changed hands m the Singapore Produce Market yesterday at $575 a pleul f.o.b. sellers remained unchanged at that level, wbllt Sarawak was also unchanged at $570. Only Lampong (black) dropped $35 to $425 a plcul through continued lack of enquiries.
    76 words
  • 33 13 HONG KONG. We-1. pmEE market currency exchange x for Hong Kong dollars was quoted at the close today as follows: US$l HK56.525 (cash); HK56.55 (T.T.); HK?l5.B!>. One tael of gold $305.5.
    33 words
  • 161 13 $1.55 plunge by Raub Gold FEATURE of yesterday's Malayan 'Share Market was the plunge of Raub Gold Mine shares from $3.45 to $1.90 buyers on the report distributed to shareholders bv the Company's secretaries. Tin shares generally were Irregularly higher, whilst Industrials and Rubber fi remained quietly steady.
    161 words
  • 45 13 The Klnta Tin RWies, Ltd., and Tanjong Tin Dredging, Ltd.. have declared Interim dividends of 10 per cent and 25 per cent respectively for the financial year endIng Dec. 31, 1951, both payable on April 10 to all shareholders registered on Mar. 13.
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  • 22 13 The output of the Renong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. drfdges during March 1952 was 1,154 plculs of tin ore.
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  • 194 13 CHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns, or expected there at 7 a.m. today, are:— a Empire Orwell; 4 5 Benmacdhui; Coal Plant: Komei Maru; C- 7 Templar; 13/14 Rajula: 16 Kator.g; 19/20 City of Norwich; N.W. 2: Mawal; N.W 4: Selangor; 21 22 Rajah Brooke; 23 24
    194 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1569 13 MANSFIELD 6t CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LIMB Carrier s option to proceed via other port* te load and discharge cargo. SAILINCS to LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW LONDON b CONTINENTAL PORTS. Due Sails P.S'ham Penang Clytoneirs for Cenoa, London, d b Hamburg Apr. 9/11 Ulysses t O r Havre L'pool
      1,569 words
    • 466 13 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS To New York and Boston va Ceylon. India. Egypt aM Mediterranean Ports Singapore P Swetter>harr •'enang Cdns 23/24 ss. "CUBA VICTORY" Sals 14 Apr 15/16 Apr 17/19 Apr s.s. "PRESIDENT lOHNSON' 15/21 Aor 22/23 Aor 24/25 Aor s.s. "PRESIDENT MONROE 23 Apr/1 May 2/3 May 4/6 May
      466 words
    • 393 13 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANOINAVI A/UK. CONTI NENT S pore P Sham Penartß Panama for Bangkok b H Kong 14/16 Apr 12/13 Apr 9/11 Apt 'Meonia" for Saijron 6 Bangkok 19/2) Apr •Korea" tor Bangkok Saeon Hong Kong 27/28 May 24/26 Mat II /23 Mm •Kina" for Banßkok Sa
      393 words
    • 1030 13 MeALISTER 6t CO., LTD. Telephone Ne 5906 KSTSS-r JtSSff HAMBURC LOS ANCELES, SAN FRANCISCO, and for USA. North Atlantic Ports PORTLAND, SEATTLE b VANCOUVER and Canada via Colombo Accepting cargo foi Central b South CITY OF LILLE t American Ports P. Sham Penang «UNNVVILLk In Port/10 Apr. 11/12 Apr m
      1,030 words

  • 502 14 S'gor badminton fans are angry DROPPING OFKEL FONG CRITICISED KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE SUDDEN decision of the Malayan Thomas Cup selection committee to drop Lim Kee Kong, the Selangor badminton runner-up and a member of the 1948-1949 Cup side, from the list of "probables" for final training in Singapore, has
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  • 252 14 Singapore heat too big a handicap: EDDIE EDDIK Choong. who was beaten by Won* Peng Soon in the All-England badminton championships list month, had some Interesting comments to make yesterday on the Thomas Cop. He thoufht it wa s not quite fair for challengers to play in Singapore and said
    Reuter  -  252 words
  • 45 14 Nigel Howard to lead Lancashire M^NCHFsrFR W*d— Nlije. Howard hai ncwrrt from pleurisy which krni him out of thr concludlnii mat-.'li-es af the M c C train's tour of India and Cevtoa. and has accepted an in vltation to Irad Lanca»hlr» again thl< •nniin-'i H-''iier
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  • 41 14 The Nanyang Slang Pau is to pluv -he south China basketball team from Hong Kone- at the Htppv World Stadium tomorrow at 8 30 p.m The proceeds of the gate are to go to the Singapore Join Relief Organisation
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  • 31 14 HONO KONQ Wed The Colony's swimming team taking part In the Olympic Games In Helsinki will leave here by air on July 11. it was announced here yesterday —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 69 14 Chaplin was m flne form for RNAS Sembawang yesterday, scoring 70 runs and taking three wickets for 37 m a cricket match against 6th Minesweeping Squadron at Sembawang yesterday. RNAS won by six runs. RNAS batting first scored 143 for S dccl. Chaplin 70. Dunn
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  • 30 14 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed.— J.B. Chinese on Sunday drew 1-1 with Muar Chinese m a inter-District soccer match played here Scorers: Meng Tuck for Muar: Ah for J.B.
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  • 149 14 LUCKNOW,, Wed. INDIA'S selection committee for th« Thomas Cup yesterday announced the names of eight players from whom a team of seven, captained by Davlnder Mohan, will be selected In May India, winners of the Pacific zone, meet Denmark, who won the European zone, for the
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 119 14 COPENHAGEN. Wed. JORN SKAARUP (Denmark) beat Eddie Choong (Malaya i 7-15. 15-9. 15-7 to win the Danish men's singles badminton championship here last night. Choong disappointed after winning the first game. He lost many points through faulty footwork and stumbling "whereas the Dane played admirably and scored
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  • 227 14 By Our Soccer Reporter r[E S.A.F.A. selection committee has come up with some surprises m the Singapore "A" team for the match against Aryan Gymkhana at Jalan Besar stadium next Sunday. It clearly reflects anxiety over Singapore's Malayt. Cup forward line. The regular Cup right
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  • 107 14 S.A.F.A. reception ground squads S.A.F.A. reception and ground tquadfc (or tills Hiion. under tht rlitlrmin•hip of Soh Glut Soon, are: Reception: Clioo Kwal Low. Ye» Cheok wah. D. K. Samv C. B. Ian S. R. P. Naldu. Adam Iia Oround squad No. 1: Ibrahim Iaa B. A. Rodrigues. Tan Kong
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  • 285 14 Chinese Athletic 3; Katong Sajarah i. ASTING the pace better, Chinese Athletic just J managed to wrest f >11 points from Katong Sajarah m the S.A.F.A. First Div sion match at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. Prom the outset the game wu a ding-dong
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  • 87 14 COMPETING with some of the latest models of raring cars and "specials" at the Ipoh speed trial on Sunday will be two pre-war Lagondas that have been entered by an Ipoh doctor for the Ipoh speed trial next Sunday. One of them (above) is a 4'
    87 words
  • 94 14 LONDON, Wed. WALLY Thom, British welter- weight champion, drew over 10 rounds with middleweight Danny Womber of the United States, at Earls Court last night. Thorn has Improved considerably since winning the British title and on this form will be difficult to beat In the welterweight
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 33 14 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed.— The Johore Cricket Club open their season with an away match against RAF iFengah) on Sunday. Johore will be led by the new skipper, J AUport.
    33 words
  • 34 14 BASC Schoo: (Nee Soon) beat A.C.C. or 87 runs in a friendly m»tch at Nee Soon yesterday. ■ASC 1M > Burden 53 retired). A.C.C fl 'Ewer* 25 no, Homer eight for Ml.
    34 words
  • 111 14 AFTER holding Wonder Lads to a one-goal lead m the first half, Windsor Rover» went down 3-0 yesterday at Oeylang stadium m a BAFA Div. 3A match. Windsor Roveri. who drew with Rovers "A" 3-3 In their flrst match, had themselves to blame They had
    111 words
  • 53 14 Today's S.A.F.A. Dlv. 2 match between Kota Raja "A" and Marine Dept at the BODCA ground, and the Dlv. 3B match at the CYMA ground, have been postponed. The S.A.F.A. Dlv. 2 match between Chinese Athletes "A" and K-ong Sajarah "A", scheduled to have been played on the C.Y.M.A.
    53 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 122 14 f|>^^^^^ FOR THIS PEN HE'LL DISCARD \lL*. ALL HIS OTHERS! NT\ 1 M ri M j INSIDE... |^-fc 1*1 7~ £^,"Wt I I For successful giving— there could te no finer choice. New "5l" i CUCAT ij fl i-* \\l f\ 1^ I 9 alone brings the new pleasure oi
      122 words

  • 668 15  -  SENTINEL By PLANE SEATS FOR X BAHRU BOOKED THE Singapore Corinthians —they have certainly made a slambang entry into Colony soccer —have booked seats for players and officials on Malayan Airways planes to Kota Bahru, where they intend to play a series of charity soccer
    668 words
  • 96 15 Today-s V.M.C.A. tennis ties at Bras Basah Road courts: Men's singles: Ong Chew Bee v A. W. Arnold. H. Ramanathan v Tan Pul Kee, A. M. Murphy v O. T Holloway. Koh Boh Aik v A. L Alsagoff. Y. P. Wee v Llm Hee Chin. Men's
    96 words
  • 102 15 The fnl^wing will represent Teacher* Training College In two friendly cricket matches to be played during the week-end. Against University of Malaya at Sepov Lines tomorrow at 11 a.m.: P. Rajendram. Ajlt Singh Oil: Wong Fong Weng. Jayes Aerla. Balachandran. J. Almeida Avtar Singh. Soocelera]. D.
    102 words
  • 27 15 In a friendly soccer match at Farrer Park yesterday H. M. Dockyard beat Town Rangers 5-0. Scorers were Sivam (2), All. Mutthusamy and Paul.
    27 words
  • 99 15 KUALA LlMPl R, Wed. 'pWO players wero suspended by the Disciplinary Board of the Football Association of SeUngor at their first meeting this season held recently, the Association announced today. Jaffar (Police Depot) was barred for one month from March 23. Re was sent off the
    99 words
  • 197 15 MCC urged to take full control LONDON, Wed. A PLEA for the Marylebone Cricket Club to become the governing body of cricket in England, "with full and absolute powers of control and responsibility," Is made in a letter to yesterday's Times from Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein. Comparing various
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 92 15 IN a one-aided game chartered Bank S.C. beat Mansfield SC 7-0 In a Singapore B.H.FA. Div 1 match at Thomson Road yesterday Mansfield were saved by Francis Ooh who played a brilliant game In goal. Chartered Bank scored through C Marshall (3). Salleh (2). Hock
    92 words
  • 98 15 TODAY BOXING: Inter- Services (India Cap) finals— S.V.C.— 8J» p.m. SOCCER: Business Houses, Slme Darby v Pulau Bukom Shell g round: OTEC "B" t Bousteads— Clerical Union. Div. 1. S.C.C. v Kota Kata J. Besar; Div. 3A, Yf Companions t Blue Rovers Geylanr. BASKETBALL: Prise* v H.K. A
    98 words
  • 170 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. T*HE F.A.M. Cup semi-final between Selangor and Johore fixed for Friday on the TPCA ground has been postponed to Friday, Apr. 18. The postponement was made at Selangor's request, the reason bein? that the TPCA ground Is being used for the
    170 words
  • 210 15 Army and R.N. share honours INDIA CUP BOXING ■^AVY and Army snared honours in last night's semi-finals of the Inter-Services Individual and team boxing championships held at S.V.C. Drill Hall. They each won four bouts with the remaining two bouts going to the RAF. Three fights ended in knockoats. Sgt.
    210 words
  • 419 15 V.I. Old Boys 4; St. Johns Old Boys 1. KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. GETTING a scorching pace m the first half which ■3 completely subdued the fighting S.J.I. Old Boys and earned a commanding 3—o3 0 lead, Victoria Institution Old Boys wrested the
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  • 430 15 68 entries for Jubilee golf title KOALA LUMPUR. Wed. CIXTY eight entries, believed to be a record, have been received tor the Jubilee Malayan golf championship to be play«d on the Selangor Golf Chib course during the Easter holidays. They Include the present holder, K R. Jackson, and six previous
    430 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 147 15 Ferranli I Movintf Iron Instruments sole distributors: SIME, DARBY C, CO.. LTD. Mt ana ttglnnlntt N*. "7 jW When, m 1854, -nrn^^Ml Che remarkable cricket match was played /jtff^ W\ on the Goodwin Sands between the Gen tle[fff^M krt men of Walmer and the crew of the Deal mil {ML
      147 words
    • 114 15 IHUNTLEY PALMERS I first name you tlu*k c t BISCUITS I «U MIHIT rUHEIS IIICVITS All NAHHMCTURID IN ERCUND j 4twt: MALAYA: Sim, Dtrby Co. 1(4, Slnjapor. GshS MACHINE Se nts: SHROFFS (malaya) LTD. AgMKy Showroom: 47-49. Stamford Road, Singapore. Tel: *****. 139 Baf» Road. Kuala Lumpur 32, Bishop Street,
      114 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous

  • 2291 16  - Two 3-f igure winners at Ipoh second day EPSOM JEEP By CHERRY LING TAKES TOP SPRLVT IPOH, Wednesday. rHERRY LING, cleverly handled by Harry McCloud, got through on the rails in the last few yards to beat No Regrets by a head in the $15,000 Class 1, Div. 1, 6-f.
    2,291 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 16 BELLA MARIE (Spencer) gifts a horse laugh perhaps he was sharing a Joke with The Amateur Tipster after landing the first race at Ipoh yesterday to pay $115 for a win Straits Times picture
    34 words
  • 44 16 Total pool: $*****5. Ist. No. *****8 ($117,044) 2nd. No. *****5 58,522) 3rd No. *****7 29,261) Starters ($3,251 each): Nos. *****1. *****7, *****2, *****2, *****3, *****3, *****9. *****5, *****2. Consolation ($2,000 each) Nos. *****0 *****5, *****5, *****6. *****5. *****7, *****5. *****5. *****9. *****6.
    44 words
  • 140 16 rpHE British Ryder Cup golfer, 1 Max Faulkner, said m Singapore yesterday that he hoped the Colony would arrange a professional tournament for golfers on their way to the MeWAltans Wine Tournament m Sydney next year. Faulkner arrived m the Colony by Qantas-BOAC yesterday on bis
    140 words
  • 642 16 ENTRIES FOR SELANGOR T.C. APRIL MEET KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. f)NE HUNDRED and sixty-six entries have been received for the Selangor Turf Club's April meeting to be held on the Apd. 19, 23. 26. They comprise 89 Class Three horses and 77 Class Four horses. The entries are: Class Three 1st
    642 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 800 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. ■Cobl Irom Page h< MM ATIONS VACANT WANTED Compounder for a Cllnlr Box No. A1893. ST. POSTAL CLERKS (Male) In the Pc*ul Services Depart- i ment Singapore Applicant* muft (at be locally born and locally educated <b) be ovr 1« but under 26 years of age <c) have
      800 words
    • 732 16 TUITION MALAY Conversation Course begtns 5.30 pjn. l«th April; V.M.C.A. "A" Orchard Rd. open to all. LEARN to drive well. Expert coaching given. Car supplied, per hour only. Please write Box No. Al9OB. B.T. ADMS. to Beginners Class Bk.-Kpg. STiand Cloae 10th. Typing any time 125 Machines all latest models,
      732 words
    • 410 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE LA§T DAY of fale at Mulchands Final Redactions. Don't miss this opportunity, 82-1. Bras Basah Road. OOLMET Pen Writes m 3 colours from one pen $4.50 Postage 80 els Chart A Co. (P. 8.123) 29 Robinson Rd 9'noTe "FOR SALE: Red Dachshund pups, 1 *****. 1
      410 words
    • 63 16 MORE SPORT PAGES 14 IS wki Ha\ A reliable Traveling Clock with a fully jewelled 6-Day Swiss movement. From $6C .^^^^^^m *J De Witt's Man Zan Is A I purely and simply a fj Pile Ointments soothes \jW^^ eas y use 2^ Kr is very effective. A'PeWITT" PRODUCT DEPENDABLE ON
      63 words