The Straits Times, 8 April 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 351 1 —and seven more boxes of secrets reach Sir Gerald KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE FEDERATION GOVERNMENT confirmed today the first arrests of men suspected of aiding the Communist terrorist gang which has terrorised the curfew town of Tanjong Malim and murdered its inhabitants. More arrests are expected.
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  • 96 1 PEKING TRADERS 'GENUINE' MOSCOW, Mon. BUSINESSMEN of the* British group attending the Moscow economic conference yesterday said there were chances of Britain doing immediate and good business wi'h China. They said they were satisfied the Chinese had genuine business-like intentions. The British said contracts could be secured quickly for the
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 18 1 LONDON, Mon. Russia Is giving Poland a 30-storey skyscraper "palace of culture and science."— Reuter.
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  • 101 1 MELBOURNE. Mon. rpHE AUSTRALIAN External X Affairs Minister, Mr. Richard Casey, today said he would discuss immediately with Red Cross and other welfare organisations a request for Australian welfare officers to be sent to Malaya to help in the resettlement of nearly 500.000 Chinese. Mr. Casey,
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 60 1 LONDON, Mon.— The United State X will hav ft provided about £150.000.000 for the two years ending June 30 next, for economic assistance to the countries associated with the Colombo Plan, it was learned here today. Slightly less than half of this will be in
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 22 1 LONDON, Mon.— The Queen today received Mr. F. J. Nicoll, Governor-designate of Singapore at Clarence House.— U.P.
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  • 26 1 LONDON. Mon.-Mr. Churchill said today that he would welcome a meeting with Marshal Stalin and President Truman If the circumstances and situation were favourable.— Reuter.
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  • 20 1 CHICAGO. Mon.— Joe Louis, former world heavyweight boxing champion, last night supported Harold E. Stassen lor President. A.P.
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  • 23 1 VATICAN CITY, Mon.— The new Indonesian Minister to the Holy See, Djoemmana Wiziaattadja. today presented hU credentials to the Pope.
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  • 151 1 SYDNEY. Monday \MR RICHARD CASEY. Australian Minister tor a External Affairs, said here today he had told President Sukarno of Indonesia that any change in the sovereignty of Dutch New Guinea would have a "devastating effect on Australian opinion.'* (Western New Guinea was the
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 23 1 SYDNEY, Mon.— The first Canberra jet bomber to be made in Australia will be completed in Victoria next October.— Reuter.
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  • 551 1 It is only a fairy story, say clubs in Singapore SWIFT reaction to The People's story came from the Thor Guan Club, Cross Straet. Singapore. The secretary said, "As our club happens to be over a shop near the Victoria Memorial Hall, I wish to state
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 1 THE QUEEN and the Duke of Edinburgh arrive at Buckingham Palace from Clarence House for an investiture for those most closely connected with th* funeral t.l h?r father. Many of the recipients were awarded the Royal Victorian Medal which is made for personal services to the sovereign. A.P. picture.
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  • 31 1 LONDON. Mon. Arsenal reached the final of the F.A. Cup competition today when they beat Chelsea by 3-0 at Tottenham. The goals were scored by Cox (2) and Lishman.
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  • 22 1 MANILA. Mon.— Huk raiders struck at two points In central Luzon yesterday, killing one civilian and kidnapping a lieutenant.— AP
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  • 18 1 TOKYO. Mon. Princess Kambhai Barni of Slam today visited the Emperor and I Empress. U P.
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  • 49 1 ANCHORAGE, (Alaska) .Mon.— Two United States Navy patrol bombers with 24 men aboard have landed 60 miles from the North Pole. One plane will test the possibilities of landing heavy planes on the polar ice cap. The other is grounded by engine trouble. AP.
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  • 135 1 H.K. FIRM SUES SHIP LINE HONG KONG, Mon. IN the first case of its kind since the United States put an embargo on goods destined for Communist China, the embargo instructions were offered in derence in an action for damages in Hong Kong Supreme Court today. Defendant in the action
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  • 27 1 NEW ORLEANB. Mon. Russia has ordered electric current cuts In Soviet and satellite rural- area during the peak broadcasting hour" of Voice of America.- -U.P
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  • 85 1 NOTTINGHAM, Monday. RACEHORSE owner Frank Cotton belieyes in the educational Influence of the cinema. He made this clear when this morn in c he took two horses to w r the Him of the Grand National at a Nottingham cinema. He stood the horses hi an aisle
    AFP  -  85 words
  • 479 1 Chase in street after shooting PENANG, Monday. A GUNMAN chased by a policeman and a detective ran into a Chinese school -t* this morning, and shot himself when he found himself trapped in the school library. i He was Lam Yew Cheong, 22, who
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  • 29 1 LONDON. Mon. Queen Mary 84-y ear-old grandmother of the Queen, was stated today to be recovering from the chill which had kept her Indoors over the week-end neuter.
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  • 40 1 CALCUTTA. Mon.— A peaw treaty bpoeen India and Japan is experts to be signed at the Htest by tie end of thin month, Taizo Ishlzalca. Jesw-r or a IJ-ratn J*Dane*e industrial mission to lndUi.*sald tdoy.— Feule 1
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  • 187 1 3 more bandits killed by tips KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. INFORMATION from the public led to the killing of three Segamat, Johore, bandits by a patrol of the First Cameronians yesterday. The Cameronlans laid an ambush on an estate and the three bandits walked into It All were killed, and a
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  • 49 1 LONDON Mon. Police prevented about 60 coloured and white students from staging a march on South Africa House in the centre of London today in protest against the South African Government's racial policy. The demonstration was organised by the British Students Labofr Federation. Reuter.
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  • 37 1 NEW YORK, Mon.— More than 1,500 people were driven from their homes and millions of dollars damage caused when the Missouri River and its tributaries overflowed their banks In the northwestern states yesterday.— Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 ii B "I enjoy them best y jk irritants in check." Ask lor «Ju Maoner ami enjoy tin* Virginia leaf at iU cooietf «u4 smooth*-*!, freed from ta| barahnr*- and irritant* »y tkr exrlutm M^S filter tip. When you ojwin the gay tcariet M\lH A tin, you are sure to
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    • 12 1 RfprnenUUvM: W. G THURSTON A CO Koala Lampnr, Singapore I STEEOwirpOWS I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 848 2 AUCTION SALE OF SINGAPORE PROPERTIES To Be Held in our Sale-Rooms, Nos. 4 4-1. Collyer Quay, On TUESDAY, Mh APRIL. 1952. at 2.30 p.m. I*2 EAST COAST ROAD. Frankel EsUte* 2 lots of Freehold Bungalow Bulldinß Land off East Co«d Road. Approximate areas 7.966 sq feet and 8.516 sq. feet
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    • 568 2 NOTICES NOTICE OF REMOVAL CENTRAL PLUMBERS CO., formerly of Hereen Bldg.. Orchard Rd. have from April 4th, 1952. removed to 270. BALESTIER H.D.. TBLEPHONS6391 NATURALISATION NOTICE is hereby given that I. CHONO WEB CHONG" aJias CHINO JWEE CHIANO alias CHINO LAU SI of 155B (m22) Aroozoo Avenue, Singapore, am applying
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    • 721 2 NOTICES SULOH RUBBER ESTATES, E LIMITED (Incorporated in the Federation i of Malaya) NOTICE is hereby given thai at the Annual General Meeting u held on the 4th April, 1952 It was resolved that the Final Dividend 1 of 5% recommended by the c Directors for the year ended 31st
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    • 537 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, SINGAPORE TEACHERS UNDER TRAINING APPLICATIONS will be received up to 30th April, 1952, on forms obtainable from the Principal, Teachers' Training College. 126 Calrnhill Road, Singapore 9, for appointment as teachers under training. A. Educational qualifications: (1) Cambridge School Certificate with credits In English Language
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    • 364 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT TRUST TENDERS FOR NEW SHOPS OFFICE PREMISES. •-STOSEY BUILDINGS AT UPPEE PICKERING STREET Singapore Improvement Trust Invites tenders for the tenancies of the following business premises in Upper Pickering Street:— (a) 15 shops on the ground floor. (b) 10 Offices on the first floor. (a) Shops. The
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    • 231 2 NOTICES THE PENANG TURF CLUB SUMMER MEETING. 1952 SATURDAY, 3RD MAY, 1952 THURSDAY, «TH MAY, 1952 SATURDAY, 10TH MAY, 1952 ENTRIES close at 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday. 23rd April, 1952. Financial Year 1st September. 1951 to 31st August, 1952 are now open. Annual subscriptions gentlemen $10/-, ladles $5/-. Application
      231 words
    • 136 2 LAST 3 SHOWS 3. 6.15 9.15 p in. FRANK OAPRA'S PRODI'C TlOlf Irreshilble entertainment "MEET JOHN DOr Starring Gary Barbara COOPER STANWYCK To-morrow DHtrikulel by SHAW BROS. "I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS" ROYAL S.M-7.39 \> m. "KAITHI" (TaaaMt REX JOHORB BAHRO New Showing 3.0* 7.30 p.m. •PARIJATHAM" (Tamil) ATLANTIC GREAT
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  • 267 3 1,000, 000 men in vital industries may walk out WASHINGTON, Monday. gTRiKES and strike threats involving roughly 1,000,000 workers today gave the nation one of its biggest labour headaches since the record outbreak in 1946. Officials made no secret of the fact that the situation is
    UP  -  267 words
  • 149 3 GEN. RIDGWAY MAY TAKE OVER FROM EISENHOWER WASHINGTON, Mon. GEN. Ridgway and Gen. Gruenther are being considered lor the job of Atlantic Pact Commander if Gen. Eisenhower resigns to enter politics, informed sources said last night. If (len. Ridgway is chosen, Cen Mark Clark will probably replace him as I'niteil
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  • 53 3 TAIPEI. Mon.— There were no bills to pay for children born today in governmentendowed hospitals in Formosa. This was one way in which the government marked what was proclaimed as "World Health Organisation Day."— a tribute to the organisation for its support of health programmes
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  • 16 3 LA ROCHELLE, Mon. A n r.tingent of American troops arrived here today. UP.
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  • 41 3 SYDNEY, Mon. A 2.333lb white pointer shark was caught yesterday by an Adelaide big gam c fisherman. He claims a world record The shark tried to bite the ooat's propeller and had its Jaws smashed. A.F.P
    AFP  -  41 words
  • 155 3 WASHINGTON, Mon. MR. ROBERT L. F. SIXES, chairman of the Hous? of Representatives Appropriations Sub-committee, said that America was at least on a par with Russia and other nations in developing germ warfare After hearing secret t«xtimony before the sub-commit-tee. Mr. Sikes said
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 36 3 BRISBANE, Mon. RAIN fell over 40,000 square miles of Queensland's northwest sheep and cattle country today, ending the worst drought in 50 years. Graziers said it would save thousands of starvin* stock. Reuter.
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  • 57 3 COCOS ISLANDS, Mon. Two Royal Australian Air Force men and cne Royal Navy rating are missing, believed drowned, here late yesterday, after a two-hour struggle to rescue a surfing party of five Navy men wrn got into difficulties in 15-foot high waves. Little hope was
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 38 3 LONDON. Mon.—Westminster Abbey has been equipped with electronic security device^ apparently to safeguard the historic Stone of Scone. The Stone was removed from the Abbey by Scottish Nationalists on Christmas Day iyou. v.*
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  • 38 3 MANILA, Mon. The inhabitants of Northern Agusan province, in Mindanao are fleeing from their homes to escape head-hunters About 700 head-hunters, led by six chieftains, have killed 18 people in recent months.— Reuter.
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  • 48 3 WASHINGTON, Mon.—Britain, the United States and Canada have decided to make public some of their atomic secrets— but none of them will aid "rival nations." The Atomic Energy Commission said the information included new facts on uranium and platinum key atomic materials. Reuter.
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  • 75 3 L_lL Li iil Jl jdf LONDON Monday. GHWHS it p pb^cetßani baWrofred Irith laughter wrlen 1 |ne*gJ«tar player clutched.. the J»fcrcphone, groaned arid Slta to the floor. Tlvy laitgbtd, rP'Jder, whea -t:i*? duyble ba?s player grabbed tlie- fc&l»r ahd yelfcd h§»was istuel." They were »t«l laughing when
    AP  -  75 words
  • 230 3 INDIAN ENVOY MEETS STALIN MOSCOW, Monday. THE Indian Ambassador to Russia, Mr. S. Radha1 krishnan, who saw Marshal Stalin for half an hour on Saturday, yesterday said: "There is no outstanding problem now dividing the world which cannot be settled by discussion and negotiation. I
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  • 50 3 LORD NOFL BUXTON aged 33, trying to walk across the Thames to prove his theory that a Roman ford still exists. Lord NoelBuxton made the 309-yard crossing in 17 minutes after swimming part of the way where the ford has been washed, away. A. P. pictwe.
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  • 50 3 BOGOTA, Mon. Gunmen yesterday killed eight members of an official party after conciliatory talks between political faction^ at Libano. The party included Senor Enrique Urdaneta, youngest •?on of the Acting President of Colombia, and Senor Fran- Cisco Gonzalez Torres, Governor of the Department of Tollma.— Reuter.
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  • 44 3 TOKYO, Mon— Police today reported continued acts of violence in what the Government claims Is a planned Communist policy of action and sabotage. Police said recent raids had turned up a Communist booklet on how to make fire bombs.— Reuter.
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  • 36 3 MANILA, Mon.— Five children were burned to death here last night when fire destroyed squatters' dwellings, ings. The mother found the charred bodies on her return home from a. visit. A.P.
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  • 18 3 NEW YORK. Mon. The United States government collected U5511,000,000,000 in taxes last month a record. AP.
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  • 96 3 THIS PIECE OF PAPER, "found" by a schoolboy in a London street, put Scotland Yard on the alert, made private telephones between Harwell Atomic Research Establishment and the Home Office buzz with excitement and made Several very important people in Britain look foolish. With the paper
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 128 3 i UMINQUS CtM NT FOR SPEED RESISTANCE STRENGTH Ciment Fondu is ultra-rapid-hardening Cement rock-hard and ready to carry ,gg -^v its load the day after placing. Makes an exJfjjWOTQi cellent refractory concrete HNJfWnf capable of resisting temgjMuJgg peratures up to 1.200 ■^siaP* degrees centigrade Full liilfi'l!" 11 particulars and varied
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  • 267 4 SINGAPORE MERCHANTS GET ASSURANCE AN assurance to Singapore merchants that within the next two months trade between the Colony and Indonesia would improve with mutual benefit to both countries was given to the Straits Times yesterday by Inche Taher Ibrahim. Indonesian Trade
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  • 78 4 3OUT 15,000 lb. of Easter li. <gs are now on sale in .apore. importers told „.c Straits Times yesterday. The eggs, brightly decorated with chocolate and plastic shells, contain toffee and chocolate. Prices range from 60 cents to $7.50. Malayan Airways report "bookIngs closed" during
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  • 24 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Dato Syed Abdul Kadir bin Mohammad, Mentri Besar, Johore, has been admitted to the General Hospital. Johorr Bahru.
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  • 82 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Unlike in previous years, when there were four days holiday in Easter in Johore. only one day has been gazetted a holiday this year. This is on April 13. Easter Sunday. Friday is the normal weekend holiday. In former years, Easter Saturday was a
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  • 31 4 TAIPING. Mon. Local English schools will close on Thursday for Easter vacation The King Edward VII School will hold an Art and Handicraft exhibition tomorrow and Wednesday.
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  • 39 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon.— Manikam. convicted in the police court of the theft of a battery from a lorry, was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment followed by one year's police supervision. Manikam had sold the battery for $15.
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  • 112 4 Malay boys learn pottery JOHORE BAHRU. Mon •THE offer made by Goh Ban Huat Pottery Works, Segambut, Selangor. to train Malay boys In pottery making has been accepted by the Johore Government. Two boys have been sent to the pottery works. The training Is given free of charge. The firm
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  • 124 4 RETURNING a misadventure verdict on Mohamed Ashik, a musician* who was killed while returning from a cabaret at 12.30 a.m. on June 4on a motor-cycle ridden by Jaffar bin Long, another musician, the Singapore Coroner, Mr. E. Ebert, yesterday suggested that Jaffar should be prosecuted
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  • 54 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. FVE Sakals held on a charge of murdering Gunner O'Leary were brought before •the police court for a continuation of the preliminary Inquiry and again remanded because Mr. West. A. S. P was not available to give evidence. The O'Leary case was again mentioned
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  • 52 4 IPOH, Mon. Lok Seng, aged 55, of Jelapang, was sentenced to five weeks' imprisonment for offering a 60 cents bribe to a special constable on Jan. 23. He was acquitted of fraudulent possession of suspectec stolen cooking pans and tins at the 6th mile
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  • 216 4 HE WANTS BEST BRAINS BEHIND OUR ELECTRICITY A SIX or eight man board, comprising the best of the Colony's brains and bus ness ability and entirely free from any political considerations would be the proper body to control Singapore's electricity undertaking, Mr. E M. F. Fergusson, chairman of the Singapore
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  • 72 4 PENANG, Mon.— Until a directive Is received from UMNO headquarters, Penang UMNO will defer action against members who have Joined IMP.Mr. Zalnul Abldin, chairman of Penang UMNO, today said that this was unanimously decided by the executive committee yesterday. "When the directive arrives we will meet to
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  • 116 4 Mr. Payne crosses his fingers ARE-BLADED turbo-gene-rator rotor which has been re-conditioned in Britain was unloaded from, the- Perseus in Singapore yestercay and will be workIng in about a week. The City's Electrical Engineer. Mr C. C. Payne, yesterday said; "The rotor should help a little, but one is almost
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  • 135 4 Y.W.C.A. Raffles Quay: Mandarin, beginners class, 9.30 a.m.; advanced class, 10.30 a.m ballroom dancing 5 p.m. V.M.C.A. Orchard Road: Exhibition of paintings by Johnnie Johnson, 10 a.m.: games from 5 p.m.: St. John Ambulance parade, 5.30 p.m.; final rehearsal for •'Crucifixion" choir at Wesley Church. 8 p.m. CHINESE
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  • 67 4 Your views— in 16 copies KUALA LUMPUE. Monday. THE FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE Council's Select Committee appointed to consider the National Service Bill is prepared to receive written representations from the public, the Government announced today. Representations should be made to the Clerk of Councils, Council Chamber. Maxwell Road, Kuala Lumpur, not
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  • 173 4 ESTATE IS NOW PUT ON MAP THE 1,173 occupants 3f 1 the 84 Hats and 102 artisan quarters on the isolated Princess Elizabeth Estate, Bukit Timah, Sngapore, have had many of their grievances dealt with within a week of complaining. They had petitioned the Government for security arrangements and for
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  • 100 4 PENANG. Mon. MORE initiative and imagination should have been shown In tackling the problem of overcrowding in Penang schools, said Dr. Arifl in the Settlement Council today. 'Seven years after the war, parent* am today still going from school to school trying to get their
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 206 4 > up [Of Ye«— MACLEAN BRAND STOMACH POWDER quickly relieves indigestion. Keep a bottle fc; always handy and take a d-we whenever youQjjj are troubled by flatulence, heartburn, nausea, stomach pains, etc. Countless thousands rely on MACLEAN BRAND STOMACH POWDER— MW you can do so with every confidence. Get a
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  • 301 5 'Motorists pay a very fair revenue' QOVERNMENT should provide car parks before it starts to drive parked cars off busy city streets, said the president of the Singapore Automobile Association, Mr. P. J. "Paddy" Darnell, to the Straits Times yesterday. "Motorists pay
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  • 145 5 Addict made sure he would die A 47-YEAR-OLD knifesharpener, Goh Ah Chiew, drank caustic soda and to make sure he would die, he slit his throat with a knife, the Singapore Coroner, Mr. Choor Singh, said at an inquest yesterday. Goh was described a s an opium addict by Probationary
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  • 68 5 Ang Kirn Keow, a 17-year-old girl, was yesterday brought before the Singapore Second Police Magistrate, Mr. R. B. I. Pates, after she was alleged to have bitten off the ear of a woman. See Oi Peng. at Victoria Street last Sunday. Ang. who was tentatively
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  • 67 5 Ong Thian Teng, a 42-year-old labourer, who was unable to support his wife and four children jumped into the sea off Katong on Mar. 29 but was saved by a fisherman. In the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday he was bound over in $50 to be
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  • 68 5 Singapore Clt v Councillors have approved a $375,000 programme for resurfacing roads in the City this year. Among the major roads to be repaired are Telok Blangah Road, Victoria Street frcm Stamford Road to Middle Road, Tanjong Katong Road from Geylang Road to Dunman Road. New
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  • 62 5 The Malayan Forum on Radio Malaya tonight at 8.30 will discuss whether films need censoring. Those taking part under the forum master, Professor E. H. O. Dobby, are Mrs Loh Poon Lip. of Singapore. Mr. Jamit Singh, of Padang Rengas, Perak, who is now at the University
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  • 32 5 SEREMBAN, Mon Twenty-three Indian labourers were today fined $20 each for gaming in public at a nursery station, Rantau Estate yesterday. A sum of $121.95 seized was confiscated.
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  • 45 5 IPOH, Mon.— Bandits in the Kuala Kangsar area stopped a lorry i n the Chegar Gala Division of Kati Estate, made the driver dismount, gave him Communist documents to be handed over to th e manager and then burned the lorry
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  • 144 5 ART INSTITUTE FOR S'PORE CG's hope HPHE Commissioner-General, Mr. Malcolm MacA Donald, expressed the hope yesterday that Singapore would one day have a proper art institute staffed by trained artists who would pass on their where he opened Mr. "Johnny" Johnson's art exhibition of 40 oil paintings. Mr. «la: Donald
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  • 62 5 IPOH, Mon. A 24-HOUR curfew has been imposed in the Ulu Johan Valley of the Batu Gajah area. Ulu Johan, which was a controlled area before the imposition of the curfew, is a deserted place and has no inhabitants. The curfew is to ensure that
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  • 60 5 TAIPING, Mon.— Mr. B. M. de Silva, a Barrack store accountant, attached to RASC barracks office, Taiping, has been awarded a C-in-c FARELF certificate of commendation. Mr. de Silva has been working for the War Department since 1942. From the commencement of the Emergency he has been
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  • 53 5 Judgment by consent was entered by Mr. H. E. Kingdon in Singapore Civil District Court yesterday in a claim on a returned cheque for $300 brought by an JJidlan businessman, Mr. G. F. Bandukwala. against Mr. K. T. Chew. Chew is to repay the amount by monthly
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  • 243 5 CUBSTATIONS liable to load shedding today are: DAY St. James, Silat Rd., Capitol, I George St. Static, Upper Cross St./ Pagoda St.. Upper Hokien St Pickering St./ Church St., Upper Circular Rd./ Carpenter. St. Cavanah Rd./Collyer Quay, Victoria Memorial Hall 1 A 2, Prince St./ Market St.,
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  • 242 5 THREE HUNDRED Singapore school boys and girls have been enrolled as members of the junior link of the Colony's British Red Cross Society. The link— the first of Its kind to be formed in the City —will train school children in Red Cross and
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 5 SHANGHAI-BORN SOPRANO, Miss Chen Li Chine. who will give a recital in the Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore tonight. Straits Times picture. t
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  • 66 5 Mr KUANTAN, Mon. 'FHE Kuantan Methodist Youth Fellowship will send 11 delegates to the M.Y.F. Institute in Singapore next week. The fellowship raised money for transport expenses of th» delegates by staging a concert on two nights. Large crowds attended the performances which Included conjuring tricks, plays,
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  • 80 5 A Singapore City Council employee, who offered In the Civil District Court yesterday to repay a Judgment debt of $132 and costs by monthly instalments of $1, was ordered to repay by monthly instalmants of $10. The order was made by Mr. H. E. Kingdon against
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  • 49 5 ALOR STAR, Mon. The Kedah Youth Council will hold Its second annual general meeting at the Sultan Abdul flamld College Old Boys' Association. Alor Star, at 4 p.m. on Thursday. Members will hold a buffet dinner and dance at the college assembly hall on Wednesday.
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  • 35 5 IPOH Mon.— A truck carrying six policemen wa* fired on yesterday at the 39th mile Kuala Kangsar-Manong Road by bandits from a high bank on the east side of the road.
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  • 24 5 TAIPING, Mon. Inche Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rani has assumed duties as Building Inspector, attached to the Town Board, Larut and Matang.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 184 5 for O^U^lfolM* at HARDIAL SIMGHS Time and Fashion changes bat at Hardial Singh*' SILKS I have always been Beautiful, Reliable Smart Z Mwl JS^w M X it v r LW A* 'm m^Sm i»-»^A- >v« r C it ,'d «3 v Mr m 4Mfl *3 Ik 2 V J m
      184 words
    • 187 5 Now I clean my breath while I clean my teeth with COLGATE DENTAL CREAM V JSJ^sf/^ because the dentist COLGATE DENTAL CREAM makes a special kind of Foam. This cleans away all the tiny pieces of food that get caught between your teeth. COLGATE'S keeps your Breath Sweet, your Teeth
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  • 38 6 KANDIAH 81NNADURAI. Drainage Irrigation Dept:. J.i«ln died cr 2-4-52 In Malacca after a motor-cycle accident. His family deeply mourns the lc»s and thanks all those who smt wreaths, messages of Oontioltiice and assistance given Ht the funeral.
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  • 63 6 AC KNOWLEDGMENT MRS. G. C. STEVENS wishes to ihirnk her many friends for tin I: kindness shown in her late benavement and is graceful fcr hi; h lp piven her part cularly the blood donors and those who looked after her and her children, those who sent wreaths and lett<
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  • 728 6 (Pit Straits Simrs Singapore, Tues. Apr. 8, 1952. MoscowTrade Talks The obvious criticism to make of the economic conference in Moscow is that if Russia were really interested in increasing normal trade between the free world and the iron curtain countries, the Kremlin would have proposed talks on a government
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  • 316 6 A report for 1949 published in April 1952 can hardly be considered a genuine source of news, yet some points which are made by the Health Officer of Singapore Municipality (as it then was) deserve notice. One of them is that about thirty per cent, of the persons
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  • 58 6 PERTH W.A., Mon—Firemen battled for three hours today to control a blaze In the 8.000-ton British-owned freighter Swan Valley, which brought a cargo of 9,000 tons of Indian coal to Australia. The Swan Valley berthed at Fremantle today after a journey of 750 miles— with
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 739 6 Facts about the visas DURING the past few days tlie Press have given prominence to a number of oases of aliens applying for entry into the Colony, which applications have been refused by the Immigration Department In the interest of the general public and in fairness to the officers of
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  • man-in-the-Street
    • 598 6 pLEASE allow me to reply to "Old Straits Chin- ese's" letter on Tanjong Malim in last Friday's Straits Times, and also to thank K.H.L. as a rightthinking gentleman for his letter on collective punishment. I should like to tell "Old Straits Chinese" that we in
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    • 52 6 r would be appreciated by a public which suffers from rain and hot sun if the Singapore Traction Company buift a l° n 8 shelter on Collyer Quay at the bus stop near the entrance of the Arcade. Here many people get on their buses.
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  • 190 6 rE affairs of the Malay settlement, Kampong Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, are not so much maladminlstered as not properly administered in a manner befitting a settlement which harbours a host of Federal. State and Municipal Councillors. In the first place, the Settlement Committee has no proper
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 6 Th« four Wolf Cubs carried on eating as Sir Gerald Templer, Chief Scout of the Federation of Malaya, stood over them at Castle Camp, Koala Lumpur.
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  • 140 6 pOMMUNALJSM in any form should be eradicated in the bud. Once the propounders of this creed are let loose no-one can tell the damage that will be caused. The seed s of communalIsm were sown during the Japanese regime by the Japanese themselves in favouring one community to
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  • 396 6 Judgment WHEN Mr Justice Mat hew. Chief Justice ol the Federation, opened the reconstructed Supreme Court building in Penang last Saturday, he had one or two things to say about the justice of the good old days that seem to u s to be worth retailing. Regular
    396 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 743 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. CIbmMM Form In Pi- t HAH RIBS at Kandang Kerbau Hospital on 6th April to Mr. Mrs Harries a daughter Linda. GOLDTNO: U> Diana, wife of Krnneh. at the Youngberj; MemoI H spitai on 6th April, a i r Joanna. KH »t Bungsar hospital on fou. th April
      743 words
    • 32 6 fVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. Offering Complete Services essential to Eye Comfort Visual Efficiency. (1) VISUAL ANALYSIS I (2) VISUAL TRAINING (3; oLASSES IF NEEDED C. S. CHONG OPT. D 19, CHULIA ST. S'PORE-1.
      32 words
    • 117 6 /^%RE MORE SHIPS ARE BEING WIRED WITH liRELJLi LieneraL /^JW^!^ Every ymrd of Pirelli- Jj /jj/ljjj j|lf| CTm™ General cable i» Uckcd 1 1 ffflj IfplW? I GET IT FRnUI by miny y««r» of wide, I WM IIWIEI I WUI rnUWI experience, wmch.n.l 111 THE carefully nipervised pro- n|H y^L
      117 words

  • 215 7 New Chinese party send team to get local support THE Third Force, a new Chinese political group, anti-Kuomintang and anti-Mao Tse Tung, with headquarters in Hong Kong, is believed to have sent an underground team of former politicians and military leaders to Singapore to gain
    215 words
  • 124 7 TRAGEDY AFTER A PICNIC IPOH. Mon. A PARTY of schoolboys returning to Ipoh in a station wagon after a picnic in Taiping were involved in an accident yesterday evenIng, resulting in the death of one boy and injury to several others. The dead boy was 14-year-old Yeong Slew Thong, a
    124 words
  • 49 7 MRS. 1 X NASSIM (left) says goodbye to two tearful young friends, Marilyn and Janice Truscott, and their mother before the Maetsuy cker left Singapore for Australia yesterday afterno on. Mr. and Mrs. Nassim are going on six months' leave to Australia— Straits Times picture.
    49 words
  • 190 7 'WE WELCOME THIS OFFER 9 DIRECTOR of Medical Services, Singapore, Dr. W. J Vickers, said in a broadcast .last night on World Health Day that the World Health Organisation was prepared to back up the efforts of Singa-P'i-e's medical plan by supplying technical assistance and
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  • 185 7 WORK-FOR-ALL PLAN TO BEAT ANY CRISIS <TWE Singapore Labour Department has made 1 plans to meet any unemployment crisis in the Colony, the Labour Commissioner, Mr. G. W. Days, told the Straits Times, yesterday. He added that the Government planned to introduce a temporary scheme to train unskilled workers to
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  • 58 7 The Singapore and Kuala Lumpur offices of Muller and Phipps (Malaya) Ltd., will be closed today as a mark of respect for the late Mr. L. E. Phipps, chairman and founder of the parent company. Muller ana Phipps (Asia) Ltd., and Dayton, Price and Company Ltd.. who died
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  • 76 7 Several Singapo c coffeeshop proprietors have decided to donate their gross income from a single day's business towards the Singapore Chinese V.M.C.A. milliondollar building fund. Six proprietors have already sent donations since the campaign was launched on Mar. 15. Donations towards the Chinese V.M.C.A. building fund
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  • 51 7 Described as a professional pick-pocket by Inspector T. S Zain, 24-year-old Phoon Keng Wah was yesterday sentenced to three months' imprisonment by Singapore Second Police Magistrate. Mr. R. B. I. Pates, for stealing two pens from Goh Kirn Choon In a bus along High Street on Mar
    51 words
  • 131 7 BRIGADIER E.K.G. Sixsmith, Chief of Staff, British Forces in Hong Kong, arrived in Singapore by CPA yesterday to take over as Chief of Stan, Far East Land Forces. I He will succeed Maj-Gen. J N H. Poett, who leaves for Britain on Saturday to
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  • 59 7 The RA.F. said yesterday that the Indian civilian struck dead by lightning at Tengah RAF Station on Saturday was in his house in the Station civilian lines, at the time of the fatality and was not working on overhead electric wires. The statement said that the
    59 words
  • 59 7 Persons given sugar for in- i dustrial purposes by the Singapore Government, are warned that action will be taken against them if they acquire it without a special permit. They must also keep a j stock record showing when and where their sugar was acquired, the quantity
    59 words
  • 30 7 Students who went to the United States in 1951 from the Asia-Pacific area were more than double the number for the preceding year They included 16 from Malaya.
    30 words
  • Article, Illustration
    58 7 IHKKfc. GERMAN members of the Frenth Foreign Legi on Helmuth Schneider Wlhehn HoUerith and WiHi Ra dzuweit, who jumped overbo ard from the troopship Loufcw TPMteur on Saturday on its way U Indo-China. They swam ashore and hid in Singapore until the liner left for Saigon. Then they gave themselves
    58 words
  • 39 7 Ramalingam Nadayason was charged in the Singapore First District ~ourt yesterday with housebreaking and stealing $15,000 worth of textile, including 15 dozen brassieres at Robinson Road on Sept. 28 last year. The case was adjourned until today
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  • 73 7 ■THE Straits Chinese British 1 Association of Singapore has awarded its Volunteer Memorial Fund scholarship to Tan Thian Hock, a Standard VI pupil in the Victoria Afternoon School. The scholarship, with an annual value of $100, is offered to cover school expenses of a student for Jive
    73 words
  • 84 7 As he was led away by the police to serve a sentence of nine months' imprisonment, Carl Murray, sfeed 18, stepped out of the dock in the Singapore Second District Court yesterday to kiss his mother. As he was led in tears out of the
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  • 84 7 Mr. K. M. Engelmann, president of the Singapore Rotary Club, will lead six Rotarians from the Colony to the Rotary District 46 Conference at the Majestic Hotel in Kuala Lumpu r during the Easter rrolidays from Apr 11 to Apr. 13. The other delegates aa
    84 words
  • 109 7 TI/fEMBERS of Singapore's new children's society will meet in the Social Welfare Department council chamber at 5.15 this evening to discuss the first steps to be taken to help guard the Colony's children from illtreatment. The society, suggested in a letter to the Press signed by
    109 words
  • 172 7 Comet to be a regular visitor rE de Havllland Comet jet airliner now in preparation for Its regular Far Eastern service, will be a frequent visitor to Singapore during the next four months. The Comet will start next month a series of development and training flights to Singapore, Qantas-BOAC announced
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  • 42 7 The Kamala Club, a social organisation for Indian women in Singapore, is organising a Kamala Bazaar at its premises in Balestier Road on May 31. >Half of the proceeds of the bazaar will go to Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association funds.
    42 words
  • 236 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon LEADERS of the Malayan Chinese Association, Malayan Indian Congress and Peninsular Malays Union today discussed a proposal to send a joint deputation to the High Commissioner, General Sir Gerald Templer, on Tanjong Malim. They met for more than an Hour and
    236 words
  • 27 7 The Teachers' Training College Student Christian movement in Singapore is holding a terminal service rt the College hall in Cairnhill Road tomorrow at 5.30 p.m.
    27 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 26 7 m BSSr Wl Ml S ton «f»» .VffVWW'^.* WATERPROOF WATCHES LEICA inf i&^tf— j S.I M 1.5 Summarit and comprehensive range of accessories always in stock.
      26 words
      106 words

  • 309 8 'Second wife' wants share in estate MADAM YEO SIEW NEO, wh<* claims a share in the estate of the late Mr. Lee Siew Kow, a Singapore rubber dealer, as his secondary wife, told Mr. Justice Rogers in Singapore High Court yesterday
    309 words
  • 256 8 Unofficial want two more seats PENANG, Mon. WHE addition of two official ■1 members to the Penang Settlement Council was questioned by Dr. N. K. Menon (Indian, unofficial > In an adjournment speech today. He suggested two more unofflcials should be appointed to maintain the balance. Dr. Menon asked if
    256 words
  • 88 8 ALOR STAR, Mon. Recruiting for the British Army and the Malay Regiment will take place in Kedah this month. A' recruiting officer from the Malay Regiment will interview applicants at Bandar Bahru on Apr. 16, at Sungei Patani on Apr 17 and 18. at Alor Star
    88 words
  • 94 8 PENANG Mon. rE Penang Government has no plans to Increase the establishment of Special Grade and Superscale posts in Its clerical and administrative services Dr Lim Chong Eu, (Chinese Unofficial) was told in a written reply tabled before the Settlement council today The statement added that
    94 words
  • 66 8 IPOH. Mon. Alias bin Ismail who stayed with some special constables at Kampong Bahru, Ipoh. on March 24 wa s today sentenced to four months imprisonment for stealing a bicycle valued at $250. Alia s was seen to ride away the bicycle belonging to Mohamed Noor
    66 words
  • 146 8 UMNO youth in Malacca make a row MALACCA, Mon. MALACCA UMNO Youth League members at a meeting today decided they will neither eat nor drink at any of their meetings until Malaya gains inde- pendence. They also decided to collect money with other Malay associations to put up a building
    146 words
  • 146 8 T^HE number of buildings under construction in the x city area of Singapore last year 2,025 was an all-time record, the City Architect, Mr. W. I. Wat- son, told the Straits Times yesterday Similarly, the number ofi building plans submitted— 2.514 and th e number
    146 words
  • 372 8 OFFICER, CORONER DISAGREE KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A NATURAL causes verdict with no one to blame was recorded today by Raja Ch k Jaflfar, Kuala Lumpur Second Court Magistrate, on Mrs. Jennifer Doyle, 47-year-old Anglo-Burmese wife of a British Army Intelligence officer. The magistrate held that Mrs.
    372 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 8 MAJOR I>. HARVEY, of the Army Public Relations, demonstrates his skill »t archery to Boy Scouts at Castle Camp, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday. Straits Times picture.
    26 words
  • 29 8 Lam Hong, aged 51 years, a Singapore City Council road sweeper, collapsed and died in front of the C. H. Cafe in Battery Road yesterday morning.
    29 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 307 8 YOU.too.may be one of the MILLIONS who suffer from VITAMINtMINEIUUdfe/faw That is why you feel Worn out. Nervous, Irritable, Have headaches, Lose Weight, Worry" Try this Proved Way Back to Health C Happiness W>ieny<«j > rtini«mic,fer!nenroM,km»e —fim*t frm dttf Jvw* m lit rVr;/l finy spclU, no energy for «r«rk tr
      307 words
    • 172 8 Colours safe in water PYRAMID T>AOI HAM HANDKERCHIEFS In white and coloured Jor men and women A TOOTAL PRODUCT See Recutercd Trade Mark Label on erery handkerchief JHHBB3B.W TOOTAL OtARANTKKO PYRAMID VaUyaa atepre#enUtiTe«: WM. JACKS CO., (Malaya) LTD. 1T54. "Your honoured and PSfc^ revered grandfather has jtt I such strong,
      172 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 82 8 SINGAPORE 10 ajn. News; 10.05 ■'Tunes from the Shows"; 10.45-11.90 "Rendezvous with the Stare"; 1 p.m. Radio Orch.; 1.30 News; 1.45-2 Carl Fischer Orch.: 6.25 "U.N. Album": 6.40 Radio Malaya Trio: 6.55 Anncuoements: 7 News; 7.15 "Can We Help You?": 730 "Adventures of P.C. 49": 8 "Bing Crosby Show": 8.30
      82 words
    • 87 8 S'pore; 7.15 Light Music; 7.30 "Record Review"; 8 "Music from Stage and Screen"; 8.30 "Malayan Forum"; 9 "Take I* From Here"; 9.30 News; 9.45 Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians: 10 "Opera Concert"; 10.3011 Dane; Music. PENANG 10 aJn. News; 1 p.m.-2 A« S'pore; 6 "Melody Time"; 6 JO Children; 6.45
      87 words
    • 87 8 B.B.C. GOS 5.25 pjn. "Science Review": 5.45 Paris Conservatoire Orch 6.15 "Sparta Round -Up";- 6.30 News News Talk; 6.45 "Dally Quotation"; 6.50 "Prom the Editorials"; 7 "Forces' Favourites"; 7 JO Stanley Black's Orch.; 8 "Ulster Magazine"; 8.15 "Letter from America'; 8 Jo Newg Home News; 8.45 BBC MidlandLight Orch.; 9.30
      87 words

  • 504 9 FROM AN ESTATE| BUNGALOW ALL old bungalows are inchned to harbour centipedes and scorpions due to tile cracks and crevices, and our present one is no exception. But I daresay we do not get bitten In the country any more than town dwellers. I
    504 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 9 Six months ola 00/ .<■ v, uauytt.ei o] Mr. Una Airs. -lumuiiirfHW. of 150 Macphersai Road, Singapore, wins this toeek's $5 prize for the bonniest baby.
    25 words
  • 15 9 Collect six of these coupons j to join the Children's Corner i Club. I
    15 words
  • 584 9  -  ALAN GARDNER By THE first of 50 women Red Cross volunteers who are to work in the Malayan bandit country is Penang-born and the daughter of a former leading member of the firm of Sime Darby and Co. She is tiny, fair-haired. 38-year-old Mrs.
    584 words
  • 535 9  -  NURSE BRIDGET MOTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA aj££&&&£Z By £&&&&is&^ EVERY baby needs opportunities for exercise, and once Baby is four months old you will be wise to include set periods in his timetable when he can stretch and move to his heart's content; before his bath
    535 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 60 9 2i>,, I/Mr I y *dr %f W^S^^I FOR THE WORLDS BABIES |j^^^^^ MaArof Mohd. Taib. of Seta|>ak, Kuala Lumpur, is Jf^X an example of tl.e health and strength babies develop when fed on Lactogen. »7 Laclogen has given him all the constituents in the right proportions, to build a sturdy
      60 words
    • 158 9 c sf powder in l/i e w Ot !d V W For more than 50 years \^ohi" jJr^s^ babies have revelled in its ~^f soothing softness 0 ai bathliiM BABY M POWDER THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED 2-51 jESr JM m W^ It" 1 I^7*^^^ m til MADE IN ENCLAND SnuK
      158 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 347 9 »i T* f* J 28. It is used promptly in 3 btraits Times Crossword ircies < 5 UUnn ■iuui ii I, I I. I I. I t- I T RS^SS& 2. Proverb cf our era? l»). HU 3 4 H i 3. Her cat lit in an affected S^§3 1
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  • 625 10 FINAL GALLOPS FOR TOMORROW From EPSOM JEEP, IPOH, Monday. Vf OST of the top-class sprinters engaged on the iTI second day of ti»e Perak Turf Club's Easter Meeting on Wednesday were given their windingup gallops on a rain-soaked track here this morning. There were some
    625 words
  • 71 10 COPENHAGEN, Mon Eddie Choong. the Malayan student who was beaten finalist in the recent all-England cliamplonshlps, reached the men's singles semifinals of the Danish international badminton championships here yesterday In the quarter finals he defeated Poul Chiistensen. of Denmark 15-6. 15-3. E. L. and E.
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 16 10 WIMERBUX, (Prance). Mon.— England yesterday beat Prance 2-0 in an International hockey match.
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  • 86 10 Hong Kong South China basketball team who lost to Singapore last week were again beaten ln the Par East Triangular tournament last night at the Happy World stadium. South China lost to PRISCO of Manila by 59-45. The championship will be decided between Singapore and
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  • 530 10 Colony XI v. Selangor By Our Cricket Reporter TpHE past week-end's cricket match between Singapore Civilians and Combined Services, which ended in moral victory to Services, made it quite clear that a Colony side this year will carry an attack that can be rated little
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 10 SGT DAVENPORT (left) and Capt. Reynolds, stars of la*, weekend's Semces v Civilians match, are in Colony side trf play Selangor this weekend.
    23 words
  • 125 10 Singapore Selangor Xls T^HE two teams for the cricket match between Singapore and Selangor, to be played on the S.C.C. padang on Saturday and Sunday, are: Singapore: Wee Chon* Jin (rapt.), Cast. F. L. Reynolds, F/Lt. G. W. Wood, M. Thillagaretnam, Cheong Thiam Siew, Angr Earn Hock, H. Perera. S.
    125 words
  • 68 10 SEREMBAN. Mon.— Negrt Bembilan Ceylonese beat Port Dicksor. R.C. b" ten wickets in a cricket match at Port Dickson yesterday. P.D.RC were skittled out for 39. only Edmonds (10) and Pereira (10) making any show. V. Somasundram took six wickets for 12. Ceylonese opening
    68 words
  • 44 10 AUGUSTA. (Georgia) Mon Sam Snead, American Ryder Cup player and former British open champion, won the Masters Open Golf tournament for the second time here yesterday. Bobby Locke (South Africa), former British open chaaipion, tied for 19th place. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 134 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A DONATION of $5,000 was made today towards the construction of the Selangor Badminton Hall by Messrs Brand and Company. Accepting a cheque for that sum on behalf of the Selangor Badminton Association, Mr. Khoo Teik Bee, President of the Badminton Association
    134 words
  • 230 10 Boxer Steve is offered 125 mph motor-cycle— but can't accept rPOH. Mon. A TRIUMPH Thunderblrd of 650 cc, capable of a maximum speed of 125,. ph., is available ln Ipoh for Steve Brian, the Australian boxer, to ride In the" Ipoh Speed trial on Easter Sunday. Mr. Lam Theng
    230 words
  • 184 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. JOHN Niven, former RAF title holder, gave a pointer to his chances ln the Malayan golf championships this weekend by setting up a new course record for the Selangor Golf Club championship course on Saturday. Playing l n his
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  • 110 10 N. Perak tennis TTAIPING. Mon HE annual North Perak tennis championships, which begin here on Friday have attracted a strong entry, and good tennis is expected. In the open singles, Moses Tay (Sitiawan) who won the title last year, is favourite to win again.
    110 words
  • 29 10 SEREMBAN, Mon.— N.S. Chinese R.C. beat H.Q., South Malaya District by three gamrs to nil tn a Chang Seng Long Cup tennis tie played here yesterday.
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  • 223 10 CWIPTS Athletes Association's reprrsentatives against the Police Sports Association and R.A.F Seletar In their triangular athletic meet to be held on the Victoria School ground on Saturday at 3.30 p.m. will be: 880 yards: A. Pancharatnam, M. Balasubramaniam, and Sgt Robbins. High jump: Ronnie Sng,
    223 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 186 10 LONG AWAITED!... LONG TO BE REMEMBERED! JL THAT FOREIGN »W legion breed I tlv^H 0F MAN BUS If '^A B BRAhD 0F I FROIVI TODAY r\ 15 Times II -JP^ 4.00 j .4wk.\ SaDtRS V FO«TVI€- JQ THE OEVH OF Trf ifGION ROUGH AS W«« B*- _/W0 the DAUGHTER GAME
      186 words
    • 317 10 OPENS TODAY! 1! a.m.- 1.45-4.15-6.45 930 p m ROUGH AND RUGGED TEAM FIGHTING ITS WAY TO JUSTICE AND FREEDOM! M fj^^L Ccdiiorttla was rUx**** HERBERT J. YATES presents Ef i B^R^atf Efl «Ib% Fm i hi bY #^t DFDITRI If* V Kill IT UDLjI^/ < FORREST ADELE ESTEUTA TUCKER MARA
      317 words

  • 263 11 LONDON, Mon. *T*HE Stock Market was discoui «glng today both in price movement and business. After midday, industrials Improved and regained some earlier losses. Closing middle prices of selected stocks were: LOANS Consols Ml —I Funding 4% »7 Wmr 3i% let t BANKS Chartered <£S> *i t Mercaoille
    263 words
  • 162 11 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Mon. SHARE prices fell sharply in Melbourne and Sydney today. There was little activity, buyers were cautious and sellers had to reduce their limits to dispose of shares Turnover of shares was low. Bank share prices suffered steep declines in Sydney. Leading
    162 words
  • 207 11 Trade support slackens after early enthusiasm From A Market Correspondent NEWS of the possibility of the United States relaxing its policy to allow for the use of more natural rubber reacted favourably on the Singapore Rubber Market yesterday, when the tone steadied and buying
    207 words
  • 65 11 DULL conditions prevailed In the Singapore Produce Market yesterday, but prices, except to a few major sections, remained unchangCopra was easier, sellers quoting $26 a picul for April shipment and $25 for June, with buyers at $1 less, according to Lewis and Peat. Coconut oil remained dull
    65 words
  • 26 11 SULOH Rubber Estates Ltdoutput for March totalled 13.023 lbs. all grades. The Ayer Mo'ek Rubber Co., Ltd. produced 30,098 lbs. in the same period.
    26 words
  • 33 11 LONDON, April 7.— Spot 32'*d., May 32»4d.. June 32 id.. JulySept. 31 Ud.. Oct.-Dec. 30d., J»nMar. 29d., April, c.i-f. 32d., May c.i.f 31^d., June c.l.f. 31"* d.. Market: Steady after arm.
    33 words
  • 34 11 HONO KONO, Mon. FREE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars wn quoted at Ine close today a» follows: US$l HKW.44 (cash); HK$6 465 (T.T.) HKIIS J5. One itael of gold HK5307.00.
    34 words
  • 94 11 Quiet opening THE Ma 'ay an Share Market opened the week on a very quiet note yesterday Only a few price change* were recorded. Yesterday's price changes by the Malayan Share Brokers' Association were: INDI> B T m ,ir. L9 S.. te r. Gammons 2™ 2 Robinson Co.
    94 words
  • 14 11 SINGAPORE. Mon. April *7 —$4771 a picul (down $1)
    14 words
  • 25 11 LONDON. April 7.— Cash Buyers £9591; Sellers .£9601: Forward Buyers £9621; Sellers £963; Settlement £9611 (down £3). Turnover: a.m. 21; p.m. 40 tons.
    25 words
  • 77 11 THE Malayan Exchange Banks Association yesterday announc- ed the following changes In the agreed rates of exchange to merchants BL'YINO Air Mail T.T. OJ>. »0 d/st N. York 33 33V4 33 Canada 32 15/16 32 7/16 32 11/16 Trade Bills N. York 32 5/16 SELLING T.T./0.D./Re*4y New
    77 words
  • 192 11 CHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board ROdowns, or expected there at 7 a.m. today, are:- 1-3 Falkefjell; 4-5 FernskJe: Coal Plant: Komel Maru; 6-7 Templar; 11 Bangor Bay; 13 Tung Song; 14 Relau: 15 Senal; 18 Denblgshlre; 19 Kampar (KPM); N.W.2: Membau. N.W.6: Reneam; N.WB: Rawang; 23-24 Fengnlng:
    192 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1473 11 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Sinxaoorei blob rvmnv likam r»«rta«rgM ftsaaqm*. Urr—»orH.vr.6L'poo. Apr. 10/12 Clr^nd tt C C H^mbu 1 rr JOn> Apr. 8/10 Apr. 11/11 r r!r. l -p i J°' M a^or...Apr. 9 Apr. 14 Apr. 15/17 Apr. 18/211 At c££J O Apr. 19 Apr. 22 Apr.
      1,473 words
    • 467 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS To New York and Boston ma Ceylon, India. Egypt and Mediterranean Ports. Singapore P Swettenham Penang s.s. "PRESIDENT TAFT" S',!°.*. pr s.s "CUBA VICTORY" 9/14 Apr. J'^JJ s.s. "PRESIDENT lOHNSON" 15/21 Apr. 22/23 Apr. 24/25 A»r s.s. "PRESIDENT MONROE" 24 Apr./2 May 3/4 May 5/7 May To
      467 words
    • 422 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK /CONTINENT Spore P Sham Penang "Panama" for Bangkok 6 H Kong 14/16 Apr. 12/13 Apr. 9/11 Apr. "Meonia" for Sa.gon Bangkok 19/21 Apr. K £nV K°ong BanBk k Sa I n 17/28 Ma, 24/26 Ma, 21/23 May 24/25 M. 22/23 Me 20/21 I— FROM
      422 words
    • 1016 11 McALISTER <Sc CO., LTD Telephone No 5906 ELLBRMAN «c BUCKNALL KLAVBNBSS LINB LONDON HAVRE ROTTERDAM b fRANCIico and for USA.. North Atlantic Ports PORTLAND. SEATTLE VANCOUVER and Canada via Colombo Aoceptmg cargo tor Centra; South CITY OF LIU.E t American Por.s P- Sham M.s. SUNNYVILLE In Port/9 Apr. 10/11 Apr.
      1,016 words

  • 415 12 BUT NO CUP, AND NO TOURS rpHE newly-formed Singapore Corinthians club, which was accepted by an emergency committee in March as an affiliate of S.A.F.A., were restricted yesterday by the S.A.F.A. Council to playing friendly matches only. They are not eligible for competitions or to go
    415 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 12 HAMID (Bodca centre-half) makes a vain effort to head clear after Mitchell had scored from a corner Mouna (S.C.C.) 's seen on th«> ground, with Aadalia (Bodca goalie) in a surprised attitude. Straits Times picture.
    35 words
  • 361 12 S.C.C 5; 80DCA..?... 2 YESTERDAY'S BAJA. First Division league game between the Singapore Cricket Club and 8.0.D.C.A., played at the Padang, treated the large crowd to a lively and robust encounter in which S.C.C's tireless persistency won the day against BODCA's superior technique.
    361 words
  • 330 12 MUCH better combination enabled Malaya Publishing House S. C. to Deal Stanvac S. C. by 4-2 in their Singapore B. H. F. A. Div. I match played at F. N. ground yesterday. This was the first league win for M.P.H. and Stanvac's first defeat.
    330 words
  • 291 12 S.R.C. 3; Chinese Casuals 1. VLTITH a forward line that played ragged soccer, half backs who were rarely in posit on, and a defence that laboured doggedly but not very efficiently, it was no surprise that Casuals went down 3—l to the Recs in their
    291 words
  • 69 12 SOCCER DIV. 1: Tiger S.A. v Indian B.C. at J. Besar. DIV. 2: Star Soccerites v I.R.C. 'A' at BODCA. DIV. 3A: Social AJ>. v BalesUer C.C. at CYMA. Div. SB: Customs v S.V.S.C. at Geylang. /BUS. HSE. LGE.: Oversea Chinese Bank v S.C.S 'B at Farrer Park.
    69 words
  • 310 12 T ATEST positions In the S.A.F A leagues are: S.A.F.A. FIRST KM VISION P W D L P A pte Fathul Karib 6 4 1 1 16 5 0 Rovers 4 3 1-947 Kota Raja 4 3-1986 Kat. Sajarah 6 3 3 7 11 6 Tigers 3
    310 words
  • 621 12  -  EDIN PETERS By IUHEN the Empire OrweU sails for Britain on Thursday among the passengers will be 38-year-old Flight/Lt. W. J. Randall, Staff Physical Training Officer of R.A.F. Malaya. He leaves with mixed feelings, for although he is looking forward to being in England again,
    621 words
  • 928 12 This is a clear case for second thoughts By SENTINEL SINGAPORE Corinthans, that most controversial of clubs it is composed *3 mainly of ex-Kota Raja stars was the subject last night of a strange give- with-one-hand-and- take-away- with- the-other decision by the Singapore Amateur Football Association. They were accepted
    928 words
  • 57 12 NICE, Mon.— Australia's Frank Sedgman yesterday won the Beaulieu international tennis tournament, beating Philippe Washer of Belgium 6-1, 6-3, 6-3. Sedgman and his wife von the mixed doubles title by default as Miss Jean Curry and Owen Wlllians could not play. Washer and Jacques de Chant
    AP  -  57 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 831 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from 6) Clasalfled Ftm la Pg. t ACCOMMODATION VACANT DOUBLE room, suitable family, with full board. Also single room. 15, ScotU Road. Tel *****. TO LET: 3 bedroom house. Rent $275-. Furniture to be taken over. Box A1875, S.T. DOUBLE accommodation offered In European household, board, laundry,
      831 words
    • 424 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE one 1951 Singer Sports 13 excellent condition extras 4.000 miles price $4,500 or will trade for small closed car same quality. Apply P.O Box 699 FORD V 8 LATE 1*46. one -iwner. well-maintained, complete overhaul reduco, and new Vlnatex upholstery 10 months ago.
      424 words
    • 5 12 MORE SPORT IN PACE 10
      5 words
    • 68 12 .liiuujiiiiiih. i.j millirjIlllllllllllullimilllllHIIIIIIIIIIIirjIIII'J: World-wide Symbol I ELECTION'S Rnest Watches Melectionl i QUALITIES OF A GREAT TRADE-MARK I PRECISION OF THE MOVEMENT. Obtainable from all Watch Dealers} I 5 Sole Agents: CHUN CHONC Singapore 1. -'iiiiicjMiiiiiinHCiiiiiiiiiiiiicjiiHiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiciiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiinirl 3. 75-6. 30-9.75 p.m. SAMIA GAMAL fcfcST in a Film which made her Ak a
      68 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 26 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: High 0945 (7.8) and 2225 (7.9); Low 0354 (3.2) and \eO9-tl.7). TOMORROW: 1024 (8 2) and 2246 (8.2); 0421 <2.4) and 1S38 C1.71.
      26 words