The Straits Times, 16 March 1952

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 LARGEST NETT SALES IN MALAGA THE SUNDAY TIMES Sunday Edition of Til* Straits times Singapore 9fm fMii No. 867. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1952. PHICE FIFTEEN CENTS.
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  • 361 1 Police on alert in the streets BANGKOK. Saturday. ALARM spread throughout Bangkok tr. 's afternoon as armed police took up strategic positions in the capital. With memories of the coup d'etat of late last year still vivid in their minds, the public stayed off the streets
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  • 556 1 RAF Guinea pigs off into jungle A PARTY of seven RAF. "human guinea pigs will set oft tomorrow for a seven or eight day trek through some of North Borneo's wild jungle and swamp country tc rest new survival equipment for crashed aircrews. They will have
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  • 57 1 BOMBAY, Sat— Several of India's cotton kings crashed yesterday as fine cloth prices in Bombay's wholesale markets fell from 10 to 25 per- cent. The Bombay Government took the unprecedented step of allowing forward trading in the stock exchange unti March 27 to meet the slump
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  • 59 1 THIS R.A.F. eaercne to test jungle survival kit ii taking place across the hunting grounds of the last tribe* to give up Lead-hunting, and in the home territory of such animals as the clouded leopard. the giant orang utang. the rare rhinoceros and frying snakes
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  • 55 1 The High Commissioner' for the Federation, Sir Gerald Templer, who attended a routine conference at Phoenix Park yesterday returns to Kuala Lumpur this morning. The conference, called by the Commissioner-General. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, was also attended by the Governor of Singapore. Sir Franklin Gimson, and the
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  • 23 1 NEW ORLEANS, Sat— Movie star Gary Cooper was reported "very weir following a hernia operation at the Foundation Hospital yesterday.—A.P.
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  • 201 1 'Why I like the British' TOKYO. Sat. rDAY a voice from one of the lowest paid Japanese workers was heard say) "Britons, you are treat." The Kanagawa Shimbun. Yokohama newspaper, carried in v s readers column this letter: "I am one of the. coolies working on a day basis as
    AP  -  201 words
  • 35 1 BLOEMFONTFIN, Sat. Oirl Siamese twins, born to Mrs. Aik-mp at Clocolan. Oranee Free State on Mar. 1. were reoorted yesterday to be doing well thoueh they have lost 10 ounces in wet«rht.— A.P.
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  • 32 1 LONDON Sat.— Mr. Morgan Phillips, secretary of the Labour Party, today sent a circular to all local sections of the party asking them to protest against tn P new Budget—A.P
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  • 203 1 1 0-second earthquake felt in Singapore CJINOAPORE felt a 10-second earth tremor in the southern part of the island about 6.50 p.m. yesterday. No damage was reported. The tremor was not recorded by the Meteorological Department which has no seismograph. But the Assistant Director of the Malayan Meteorological Service. Mr.
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  • 111 1 rtt Brst helfcoater "iirlttfkt m of the Emergency Was just been made, the BJLF. ssid tost night. A civilian reported f to* Grik police that Ms ear nad been stopped by f r terrorists on a lonely section of romd oatside the town A police
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  • 26 1 LONDON. Sa>t.— Allied occupation soldiers have fathered 94.000 illegitimate children In Western Germany. Mr. Reginald Sorensen. Labour Party Member of Parliament, said today —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 30 1 HONQ KONG. Sat Wu Pc>liang. superintendent of the two hospitals in Canton operated by the Communist Department of Health, has been arrested in the anticorruption campaign.— A.P.
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  • 163 1 ISMAILIA Sat. GEN. Ersklne. Commander of the British troops in Eg" t has agreed "in principle to lifting the British military cordon In Ismallta on the north side of the Swefct Water Canal British Military Headquarters announced here today. Barbed wlr> barricades and ■tioonj— HtllLrw withdrawn
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  • 66 1 rVtfMiM Attache Vassilii KssAmcMm* (left) m intro daced to a total of strength again** hit American colleague. Lranard Os«i. at a nceptien to Mavav attaches given by Swodun Hary chief Admiral Strombech m Sucfcfcelw a few djyt as*. Uoking are. left to right: Csnimindsi Cas*atn Ira*
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  • 331 1 Extraordinary, says judge THREE former women attendant* of the Woodbridge 1 Mental Hospital, Achiamma Alayapoan, Tang Yang Eitg and Soli Eng. who appealed against ••Bee Court sentence of three months' imprisonment en a charge of Hi-treating Teh Ah Sick, a mental patient, won their appeal in
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  • 45 1 Farouk and the 2-headed baby CAIHO. Sat. If ING FAROCK will nay all expenses for- an operation on Fatbia Bayonmi, a two-headed baby girl born recently in Alexandria. The Cairo newspaper said that King Farouk had ordered Doctor Nakib of Alexandria hospital to operate. A.P.
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  • 89 1 CAIRO. Sat. THE Egyptian Prime Minis--1 ter, Naguib El Hilaly Pasha, today denounced the Wafd Party former governing party— {or "fomenting sedition" in the nation. Broadcasting to the nation on Constitution Day, he said: "The Wafd Party, in demanding the immediate lifting of martial law, which
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  • 327 1 TIME' spells TROUBLE here chukop tuan" (Time I gentlemen please) will be heard more frequently at closing time in the bars, restaurants and hotels of Singapore, for the Singapore Customs and Excise Department is beginning a campaign against "late drinking." Those of you who like that last round before midnight
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 60 1 We have always in Stock WATCHES CLOCKS of popular make* designs at reasonable Price* KHALIR JEWELLERS. 1 1 The Arcade. S >«*e I Phone *****. The CHOICE OF SMART HOUSEWIVES ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES (Made in England.) Large Capacity Electric Wringer Super "Servls" Agitator Full-size Washing Tub (9-lbs capacity) Minimum Control
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    • 104 1 pp«'"^l\ECO Amazing! Unbelievable! Fabulous! t Mfl ix Factor's NEW... A feu /igbi ilrttr, tf PmSiH... f "I imtubtd it nb )»ur Jtufrrlif).,. f trtMti mugii inmplr.\it* Itir/inrii. X/\ T'ie cream-type make-up sensation in the easy-to-use snivel stick Your skin will look fliwless...fccl M^f gloriously ruturil.even retVeilied, nevef i^«*5f^K drawn, tight
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  • 1757 2 The Conquest of Space It may come within our lifetime THE FIRST OF A REMARKABLE SERIES OF ARTICLES ON THE UNIVERSE THAT OUR CHU.DREN MAY ONE DAY VISIT £OME with a scientist on one of the greatest adventures awaiting mankind a trip to the planets by rocket plane. Incredible? Far
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 •—WONDER WHEELS N? 5 BflHßaißavßWßasßvavavß^BVßHa^BißlßißVHaVßHa^^^^^iß^^n HvT^^^^^^^^^^uqqß^^^^^^^^^bihmh^p^^k^^& il giant, modern plating nM(*jj}ffl)P^^^HfnlHP^ l ''|j[!i ESßvtii 'r* tanks at the Hercules 'jy factories. one of the huge hercules PLATING INSTALLATIONS MXHercules JJ SOLD BY ALL LEADING DEALERS THE HERCULES CYCLE MOTOR CO. LTD.. BIRMINGHAM. ENC AND ttfttSENMr/VES:— T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD.,
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    • 14 2 NEXT WEEK: What the moon really looks like, and a trip to I Ma»».
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    • 159 2 4 alWi^^^ Oentofte n jsi* ■BHf Molucca, J4* h j*fc j{ I weH ha J a an o var v. 1952. mm f er *<x ana L° Wen oooa Wm TJt B M. BY bH :< "tr y^ > R T)o^* ii-»^s I your I litter H Once the bottle
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 3 Mr lan Keith-Fraser, ot Patter son and Simons. Penang. and Miss Anne Hawson, of Perth. W. Aus tralia, who were married at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Singapore, yesterday. Sunday Times piet< re
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 3 Mr. John Alexander Nelson and Miss Gerald. nc Florence Fay Dobb who were marritd at the Presbyterian Church in Singapore yesterday afternoon. Sunday Times picture.
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  • 72 3 "»NG Lye Soon, owner of a provision shop in Desker Road, was yesterday fined $200 in the Singapore First Polfce Court for spiling beer without a licence. On Nov. *»l last. Ont; was arrested when he was seen serving beer to two Indians and a
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  • 366 3  - Wonder powder may cut cost of living C. T. BOON By A REVOLUTION in Hie system of feeding animals and poultry in Malaya will take place this year when steady supplies of the wonder powder containing aureomycin and Vitamin 812 are imported from America. If experiments are successful this may
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  • 157 3 7 was not elected/ he says JOHORE BAHRU, Saturday. N K Sharma was entertained yesterday by members of the Johore Bahru Indian Congress at the Public English School )ohore Bahru, on the occasion of his Mr. N. M. Roy. the president of the congress, said the
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  • 73 3 HONG KONG, Sat. AN English businessman in Shanghai ha s been detained by the People's Court because the directors of brewery of which he is chairman had been unable to find the money needed to piy staff wages. He is Mr. R Gordon, dim oi
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 73 3 The annual general meeting of the East-West Society was held at the British Council Hall last week. The following office-bearers were elected President and chairman: Mr. P. S. Raman: Vice-presi-dent: Mr. P. K Hernon; Joint secretaries: for minutes. Miss M. Keel, for programme: Miss E. N. Urn;
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  • 112 3 SINGAPORE AMAHS IN WAGE RACK ET SINGAPORE housewives are facinc another oroblem— the amah racket. Many amahs are demanding exorbitant wages. Their wages fall under two categories, those of the cooks and the household workers. The wife of a hading Chinese banker said: "Make certain they do only the lob
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  • 200 3 STEPS will be taken at the annual flower show of the Singapore Gardening Society against damage, theft and the clipping of leaves from valuable plants for propagation purposes, Mr. M. Lewis, secretary of the society, said yesterday. The exhibits will be roped off. he added,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 200 3 Cathedral of Notre Dame in the heart of 2000-year-old Paria! Yon fly by luxurious Clipper* via Manila to Beirut From there you have this choice of scenic routes: Choic* No. —By Pan American's double-decked "Strato" Clipper direct to Rome and Paris. Choice No. 2 —By Pan American Constellation Clipper direct
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    • 357 3 The Only Pain Reliever containing Vitamin Bi f&K. If T°u ■re suttenng rran a Cold, Jm^^^. liP-Sl Chill, Headache ot Nerve I'aia V I ar( '"king YEAST-VITB W^ I Tablets AT ONCE You will be Mrr^ 1 »V overjoyed at the difference it Q makes to you. Your Pain, Cold,
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  • 347 4  - Smart women at Bukit Timah yesterday MA UREEN MALLAL Byi The uncertiin weather, the 1 enormous crowd cars were forced to park all along I)u in mi Road and the usual cosmopolitan quality of the Singapore race crowd produced a variety of .vomen's dress fashions to delight the eye at
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  • 221 4  -  Mark Foenander By jygALAY folklore has innumerable stories of the Malay kris but nowhere can one get accurate information about where, when and how those of the uncommon varieties were made. The two best known of these are the Kris Majapahit and the Kris Pichit. Four
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  • 516 4 THE Sword of Damocles is poised over the heads of the occupants of the Dusun. At the time of writing it is not yet known whether or not they will be allowed to live there any longer. A A LOVELY smell pervaded the Dusun for some
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 195 4 THE NEW AUSTIN A4O c) Ikl \h lift c) 15 U Iho instruments and controls are easy to read, easy to reach; the seats are separately ~^^^MB adjustable over a wide range. The deep seats give firm, restful support the door width and height make it easy wtct'iiv' to get
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  • 400 5 YMCA starts new drive THE PROPOSED SINCAPORE CHINESE V.M.C.A. 1 million-dollar building project in the Telok Ayer Basin area at Prince Edward Road has been designed to meet the needs of an estimated 250,000 youths who are constantly exposed to contact with secret societies, cabarets
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  • 44 5 UR. Eu Cheow Ciiye, magis- trate and district judge. Singapore, has been appointed Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court, in place of Mr. E. H. D'Netto, who is on leave. Mr. Eu is a Bachelor of Laws of London University and barrister-at-law (Middle Temple).
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  • 97 5 lIUSSAIN yiij ciaHor, an 18-year-old mail boy employed by the X.L.M., was yesterday sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment in the Singapore Second Police Court for stealing 20 s arong? valued at $150 from the X.L.M. store at Kalians Airport on Feb. 29. On a second charge
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  • 33 5 JOHORE BAHRU Sat.— Lim Pat Kit. agent of Chop Yau Sung, Johore Bahru, was fined $2,500 in the Police Court today for attempting to evade duty on a consignment of medicines.
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  • 107 5 THE Singapore Labour Exchange found jobs for 795 people last month. A total of 1.292 persons registered with the Exchange for work in the same period. A survey of the first six months working of the scheme for retraining and rehabilitation of disabled
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  • 474 5 SINGAPORE listeners can look forward to some varied and interesting programmes this week Tonight's Theatre, for instance, presents in dramatised form the story of one of the noblest adventures in the histoiv ot mankind, the Scott Antarctic Expedition. Dr. Wilson, the explorer and naturalist, was a
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  • 303 5  -  Our Theatre Correspondent By rE Singapore theatre is coming back to life Last j veek, the REME Dramatic I Society presented a light comedy: this week the Arts puts on a classic tragedy and la- er in the month the Little j Theatre stages a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 261 5 i^^svvCTTkT T f¥7r? it FOR OVER I I I I BH I I 'Ski iinnnnnH-^ 1^ J_iil .Lj i I*! The Company issued its first policy in =ra 1871—81 years ago. Today there are more than 1.800.000 policies in force in \m the twenty countries around the globe }k<} where
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    • 68 5 MM -«i fffi LA G'f**' m m^ mm m m I Ar Made from purest, richest ingredients, is it any wonder that PARKINSON'S SWEETS and TOFFEES are so delicious! Singapore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd. CROSLEY B| C~l IMMITATED jBI» NEVER EQUXLLED BY ANY! THE WORLD'S FINEST REFRIGERATOR! Awarded Ist Priie
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  • 536 6 By a lawyer SEVERAL readers have written to me to inquire why it is that car drivers who kill persons on the roads are sometimes charged with negligent driving and not with manslaughter. The explanation Is that it Is not necessarily manslaughter, or indeed any offence
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  • 702 6  -  PATRICK KEITH By THEY seemed so innocent, so happy, so contented. Just two blind girls with an old dulcitone. Mary sat at the .little instrument, lightly tapping out the sweet, tinkling notes. She was nummmg. At her side stood Elizabeth singing in
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  • 633 6  -  BILLY BUDD By I AM willing to bet a thousand fishtail Cadillacs to a spoonful of monkey brains that Mr. Aneurin Bevan will be undisputed boss of the British Labour Party this time next year. And that means in all probability, Prime Minister Bevan by 1956
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 253 6 /S 4ii lit az If you want to keep healthy, full of vitality and energy, you must take a bottle of "SERRAVALLO'S TONIC" now and thon. It builds up a reserve of strength and health that will delight you. You can feel it doing you good from the first dose.
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    • 256 6 YourAsmile will be in trouble .0&) __lsM_3a_^ If she can't \IOOOOOOOOOJ7 Th JZhZ" J7 \of the JUNIOR TE K "^^^ca*- 3 '^and the modern, regular 1\ \v\\ toothbrush fits behind Throw jwjy you/ y\ Vi old fjthioited bruih V, A the reet cleaning \(A them thoroughly See how V \s\
      256 words

  • 1281 7 The feminine point of view— 3 WHAT CAN BE DONE TO INCREASE THE INFLUENCE OF THE FEMININE POINT OF VIEW? HERE the Conference was brought up at once against the pro blem of marriage and/ or a career. It accepts that nearly all girls wish
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  • 570 7 JANE LEE'S HUMAN CASEBOOK' JANE LEE answers your problems in this page each week. If you have a query send it to "Human Casebook," Sunday Times, Singapore. Miss Lee regrets that she cannot answer questions by post. I AM 25-years-old and am Tery much In love with
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 215 7 Thank CJOLTO for my sparkling teeth Cool.mlnty /f^ljo&Htyß!?jmJBl^R Kolynos foam cleans t your teeth, reaches f I t hose taMdan surfaces whertt Jlb: '"^nin^B decay ao often starts. j i^^P*'*^v'!f Half an Ijicb on your mikj\ ST-sSjjk.. enou«-h. That's why •iw^Hf' w teeth need *j|^B|^ _j| Kolynoa to keep then
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    • 363 7 HEADACHE, PAIN, FEVER tote* RELIEF^^^k •■^J^/j^yiMr^, I? Mblet. -^fZ\U '^2 \S> JR) bring £*gL VI J if tm4 riiey are 'ASFRO' fablers are so very fcLfy v •ffectiwß because of their high Vf^ i > <l«aliry and because each tablet f it tpwciaM* sealed in 'Sanirape' which protects from the
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  • 747 8  - CHARLES DICKENS WOULD HAVE BEEN DELIGHTED HUGH RANSON A newcomer takes a look at Malaya, and says By AFTER a fortnight In Singapore competing with the unaccustomed humidity, my wife, tossing restlessly upon her pallet, uttered despairingly a cri de coeur "I think that man Raffles must have teen demented".
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  • 270 8 Smoothing wrinkles with an IRON! EVER thought of having your face ironed? Yes, it's the last word in beauty treatment in London these days. The lr*n is tiny just over an inch long and shaped exactly like the iron you use at home. The skin is first thoroughly cleansed, then
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  • Article, Illustration
    68 8 Like every orlier little boy inywh.-re in rti t world, Bae Soo Bong, lix-year-old Korean, looks on his bet+i as a punishment. But it h something more than soap and water he is receiving it is daily hot-water therapy tub which is helping to restore the me of his left
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  • 222 8 A YOUNG man i s walking about the streets of London today a normal, healthy, living example of the miracle of modern surgery. For beneath his heart he has a Sin. -long section of the aorta a main artery which once belonged to somebody else.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 354 8 /oW^K^^ THE TWOFOLD WAY TO A rVV-r^>yl A lovelier, fairer <kin can be yours, if you (MtLjMM^tyML^^S^ J W(li follow this famous twofold beauty care, /Iwi, *\^L r~^^lf usin S P° nds T wo Creams. yJi^lijQ?Pl^\ afei^-^r^^S^ Every skin needs two creams onc for (s^ cleansing, and one for protection.
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    • 288 8 you MSw were there 4MHL IWIIi rtl '*9?m^MHH| a ainous restaurant in IJt jJB glamorous Hollywood, you will Hp **J c smarteft *> loveliest I women in all America! Ask a <#SSs]b»l v ?ll "ome of them: "How do you £v ■WP^JC^Tv 1 S e such a lovely perm? BJESOt^St
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  • 901 9  -  Nan Hall IT ail started over some eggs One w!<:ness said it was because the eggs were bad. Another said it was over a question of sharing the eggs. A third said It was because she was teasing a man about not even being able to boil one. At
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  • 38 9 Six hundred and fortyseven babies were born in Singapore during the first. week of this month. Total number of deaths during the period was 206. Of these 119 were males and 97 females.
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  • 408 9 QSMAN Sah, 76, is fighting a lonely and losing battle in Singapore against the onslaughts of modern civilisation, especially the motorcar. Osman, the only man in the Colony to have a licence for horse-drawn carriages one of Singapore's few remaining links with
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 9 Mr. Teo Whee Hong, of Singapore, heiptag his bride. Mis* Lira Siew Kiow, to cut the wedding cake after their wedding at Adelphi Hotel yesterday. Sunday Times picture.
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  • 292 9 'Unhappy Valley' men back KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. ONE hundred and fifty tired, strong, almost silent heroes of the jungle returned to Kuala I umpur from the "never-neve. valley of Belum today and said: "It was almost a picnic compared to some of the jobs we've done." And that in spite
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  • 20 9 SEREMBAN. Sat. The funeral took place at Kampong Tengah. near Sri Menanti. yesterday of Raja Haji Tachik.
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  • 376 9 A pretty face and a cruel heart KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. BEHIND that pretty face of yours is a very cruel heart," said the Kuala Lumpur Magistrate, |Inche Harun, when he sentenced Rosalind Lee, a telephone operator, to seven days' simple imprisonment and a fine of $500 for wilful assault of
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  • 332 9 Turn over a new leaf KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. A THOUSAND little vandals in the Ampang resettle ment area, five miles from Kuala Lumpur, have suddenly begun to behave like "nice little children." Until recently, thej have been "terrible scamps," who spent their free time trying to break
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 192 9 K.B. TABLE MODEL A ict of universal eppeal with v 4 exceptional selectivity and tone. f? j n c 1 v^*^ A smart compact set realistically Eaß^rawS^HHisSiBSH3EH selection of programmes. Sfi^B^^^^^^^^^^^^vf^^i Sole Distributors tot Singapore lohore Bitiru MALAYAN RADIO SERVICE CO., 10, ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 9. most famous skin treatment.
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    • 43 9 I The W xse Take a tip from London ancf g^ r look for the Cat and Barrel -jjj^: WCrrrr^"^^^^^^^*^ bottle. Vhat's the way to spot \A VmUBKSL I CORDIAL OLD TOM FINEST DRY GIN BOORPS FINEST LONDON SOLE AGENTS: JOHN LITTLE CO^LTD^
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  • 560 10 THE SUNDAY TIMES SINGAPORE, MAR. 16, 1952. A new red light A GLOOMY week. Britain is shocked by a harsh Budget; Australia and New Zealand announce drastic cuts in their imports, Canada faces a grave shrinkage of her overseas markets. The effects of these restrictions will be felt in every
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  • 1109 10 The Mountbatten millions how they grew THE PEOPLE WHO MA V BECOME THE POWERS BEHIND THE THRONE JJEHIND the Queen, giving her the closest support in carrying the burden of responsibility that now lies upon her, stands the Duke of Edinburgh. His views must influence her greatly. Who stands most
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 10 This week's Mist Malaya is Miss Helen Pueh of Yong Peng Estate, lohore Address your entries to: "Mi i Malaya. Sunday Times, Cecil Street, Singapore, I.
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  • Sunday Times POSTBAG
    • 331 10 IrHINK the Chinese do enjoy monkey flesh, but they are not alone. There are at least three or four other nationalities who relish It In one form or an other. As for dogs, 1 know that when I was compelled to occupy a "flat" (above a coffee-shop) In Albert Street.
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    • 124 10 YOUR correspondent 'Ashamed Lam.' accuse* student teachers and schools of lacking civic sense. But his letter Just bolls down to this: that the student teachers and schoolboys were looking at the two accidents without any civic sense, but Mr Ashamed Lam, having civlr sense, was also an onlooker
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    • 57 10 WHY doesn't Malaya issue a set of pictorial stamps over-printed only with the word "Malaya", instead of adding Selangor Perils, Singapore, etc? This would be less confusing for overseas collectors. Incidentally, my pen pal in the VS.— Ed Peterson 1265 Harrard Building, Los Angeles, California— wishes to exchange stamps
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    • 289 10 I WAS surprised to read in the Sunday Times that a 6- cent Malayan B.M.A stamp with overprint inverted Is worth between 51.000 and $1,500 About two years ago 1 was offered several copies of .his stamp at $35 each and refused to buy as, In my opinion
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  • 339 10 SYDNEY, Sat. BEHIND the stunned, puzzled reactions to Canberra's slashing of imports by 40 to 80 per cent is the realisation that we aren't producing enough to justify the luxuries we enjoy the bulk of them imported— and that we can no longer depend on credit. Exports
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 222 11 PENANG. Saturday. "fHE acting Director of Medical Services, Dr. R. D. Cross, said today there was no legislation against the sale or consumption of monkey flesh and other animal food unless a deleterious drug was used in its preparation. "Even if
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  • Article, Illustration
    77 11 Three Singapore schoolboys, who were publicly commended by the acting Commissioner of Police. J Mr. N. C Morris, yesterday morning at the >lice Training School for "their public spirit, courage and initiative," line up for Hie cameraman after receiving their commendation c« rtificarei. They are from left: Tham Khai Wong.
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  • 115 11 AN observant woman, who remembered a lorry number and told the Police recently, helped the authorities to find $2,000 worth of stolen property Police Superintendent. Mr. B Lewis said: "If she had not told us. we might never havp found the property". He refused to
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  • 28 11 The University of Malaya Students Council held a successful dance at Oel Tiong Ham Hall 'ast night. The dance brought the Hilary Term to a close.
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  • 264 11 CTRAY and unwanted dogs or tick animals in the streets and kampongs in Johore Bahru need no longer be hungry, ill-treated or suffer. For they have a kind friend in the South |ohore branch of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
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  • 132 11 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat Mmii, a dance hostess of the I Happy World, Singapore, was in tears today when she appeared at the Sessions Court charged with -toeing in possession of 56 lbs. of opium, valued at $22,400. She gave her name as Teo Soh Wah and pleaded
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  • 34 11 IPOH, Sat.— Leading Ipoh residents last night met Mr A.R. Malcolm, managing director of the London Borneo Company Ltd. at v cocktail party given by the local branch at the Ipoh club
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 11 Mi. and Mrs. Yap te Stew, married at the Singapore Registry, are now honeymooning in Australia The bride wa s Miss Lillian Nr. eldest daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. Nf Sui Cam of Penang and the bridegroom is the second son of Mr and Mrs. Yap Twee of
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  • 223 11 MALAYAN film censor. Mr Jack Evans. yesterday morning saw a two-hour runthrough of the flrs; Chinesemade anti-Communist film to be brought into Malaya Imported from Hone Kong where it is said :o have been made, the film, called "Accusation." is a vivid deplctmen. of the
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  • 158 11 rE Communist Government in China does not only censor outgoing mail. but In its police flies are copies of all foreign letters addressed to Individuals in the country. This was disclosed to the I Sunday Times yesterday by Rev A.E. Clayton, who nas spent
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  • 240 11 SPECTATORS at a presen£s tation parade at the Singapore Police Training School in Thomson Road yesterday watched three unassuming schoolboys being publicly commended by the acting Commissioner of Police. Mr. N. G Morris, for their "public spirit, courage and initiative." Tham Khai Weng, 15.
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  • 64 11 Singapore Ciumber ot Commerce Rubber Association noon prices yesterday (Mar 15), were cents per 1b: Buyer Seller No 1 R.S.8 Spot lOOM 113'-. 114 F.o.b. in bales Apr No. 1 R.S.8 110-\ 111 1 No. 2 R.S.8 108'4 108% No. 3 R.S.8. 106 1O6'« R M A i
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  • 12 11 SINGAPORE. Sat. Mar. 15— 5481% (down $1)
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 37 11 citizen QN NATIONAL SERVICf \^Sk BLUE MAROON 'kv grey GLACK (}R \|jß^ REFILLS BLUE RED GREEN A BIKi) rnUDUC. WITH fHt WORLD WIDE BIRO REFILL SERVICE Distributors m Malaya: DUNCAN ROBERTS ITO IK Butter* Rd. Sin««nn^.. mi!!!!l!!1l!l!H
      37 words
    • 256 11 Rj^t .t'3 Ek more signal 1 jH ]jajL s Rs U*KfKR> \i» v <^'l^^B Reception on a Murphy ia ■2?'ls™lit"fc_ comparable to the cryjtal sZ&mX^^ »>uJ#''^V^Vi clarity or pure mountain si I rf M JSJ HI rSjbui'!-'' Ruflsl Distributors For Singapore Distributors tor lohore Bahru KOSTER CO., LTD. KIM PONG
      256 words

  • at your Leisure
    • 394 12 72 men a dog in saga of the swamplands FOR the space of ten short minutes cinema 1 goers all over Malaya this week will see some epic closeups of the bandit busters at work men of the Cameronians up to their necks in swamp water in the green hell
      394 words
    • 67 12 CIX members of the "swamp petrel" see* above after being evacuated by helicopter. The picture on the left shows GiMeronians destroying a bandit rest hut tmimd in the centre of the swamp. lohn Bebague, reviewing a newsreel of their adventures I says ft Is an example of
      67 words
    • 659 12 OATS off to the Hollywood '-bodybuilders' 1 for awakening, at long last, a little spark of real talent in that great gormless hulk, Stewart Granger. The first to benefit from the discipline of an American studio was Michael Wilding, who lost 11 his silly mannerisms
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    • 278 12 SHAW Brothers, Ltd., Singapore, have received urgent Instructions from London to destroy a "still" from a film on tl pioneering of supersonic flight "The Sound Barrier," which will be shewn in Singapore soon. The "still" is a closeur of one of Britain's latest jet flfhters, the
      278 words
    • Article, Illustration
      123 12 XJAVE yon tried our new Kirn 11 costless yen Htk week we ar« prinUnc MMi from famous films. Your Job Is to HenoUy them sad send as Itaetr tNfca. Prlsea of $25. $15, SlO and $5 will be awarded to the first •oar eomct entries opened on Tharsday
      123 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 151 12 Morn Mat TODAY At 9 a.m. "Whispering Smith" <• i|| OPENS TODAY.' 11 a.m., 1.30. 4. 6.45 9.30 pm. RETURN SCREENING -BY REQUEST for a limited Season only NEXT CHANGE %J^taßiiij^2"^&^J^^jJi^u^nn^^^aj^^^Uap an^ ra^f /B w/Krj JP^^C^H SnV an* SHHMSIBMMnVHHHLmILn^Lnv^ 2a I TODAY! 11 a.m., 1.45. 4 15. 6.45 9.30 p.m.
      151 words
    • 454 12 TODAY 9 a. hi. Anna >eagle as "ODETrE" NOW SHOWIHGjBjI 1.45, 4, 6.30, 9.30 DORIS DAY 18 BIG NAME in Warners' I S>^_ < J?V Guest Stars! T O N fcHT^»TNITE^^ "Father Marries Again" in mand.vrin > PRERELEASE PRE^lftE^ TOMORROW 9.30 p.m. *%S\ Streetcar IJBn Named ■r ifl»- -won ALL
      454 words

  • 206 13 '."'AvE you entered tor the Sunday Times Camera Competition yet? A prize of $15 is offered for Mm best picture of the week, and runners-up get $5 each. There is an additional prize of $25 for the best picture of the month. Send your entries to "Camera Competition,"
    206 words
  • 902 13  -  RAYMOND THOMAS By MOW that we have learnt how important it is to set our exposure meter In relation to the particular developer formula in it becomes imperative that we take a closer look at the other partner in this all important combination before proceeding a
    902 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 57 13 TOUGH W RELIABLE GOODYEAR GiANT TYRES THERE'S A GOODYEAR GIANT SPECIALLY BUILT FOR EVERY TOUGH TRANSPORT JOB V The highest standard of home hygiene is assured by the use of Mansion.' the fine wax polish which gives such a quick brilliance and thoroughly cleans the surfaces of furniture, floors and
      57 words
    • 196 13 HORSE jj^l Scotch Whisky Hjjjgl| HPHE purpose of signs is to tell without words. This white horse symbolises Scotch at its very finest whishy w mp#rt distilled, blended and y, r jk./. v <i 8t k re i.S? r ScO t§mCn JOSEPH TRAVERS in the traditional ways TTr that they,
      196 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 192 13 A LOCAL CROSSWORD \Z IT !g I^^^^^^^^B^^(s)^ ii ACKUSB niaur ire v i,r.i... J o 1 Seen ovei Singapore, noi in the jungle (&.4.) 5. She lives in OOWN convent. (3) 6 Tease (3) 8. In x A Dlano needs 3 2 Pleasant ie«- v*» 10 Powder milled between
      192 words

  • 1159 14 Y.G. brought unhappiness and dread to Bill Speakman pRIVATE William Speakman, V.C., is going back to Korea at his own request. "The sooner I get back to my pals the better", he says. "I am tired of being pestered". From that day in December last year when he was suddenly
    1,159 words
  • 375 14 RECENTLY —February 29 to be exact tracked down Soma to a lighthouse off Souther.d Pier, her latest hideout. But London's notorious crime queen was much too excited to tell me more about her sordid life in the underworld. She was pacing up and down her exotieally
    375 words
  • 334 14 Marie Cough's cookery corner f|UESTION No. 1. r«OULD you please give me a recipe for a really good curry? There are many brands of curry powder on the market, but some seem very Inferior. Answer: By answering this question I feel that I mm
    334 words
  • 15 14 Altering only the jear in the date, receipt would read: February 29. 1991.
    15 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 132 14 lour own £ood taste Ww tells you why this is 1 tne world s most wanted pen fA h Gyvew j^mK\ Parker 51 C^/L The sleek, distinctive design of this pen instantly I» xlr^x^<Jlß >V identifies you as owner of the world's finest. New J y^* m'\ Parker "51", with
      132 words
    • 350 14 ■M Ukl hat pleasure in announcing the introduction (subject to Government approval) of special TOURIST Class Services across the North Atlantic commencing from Ist May, 1952. By a combination of our standard ARGONAUT services between Singapore and London and our tourist class CONSTELLATION services between the United Kingdom and the
      350 words

  • 1056 15  -  J. WICKENDEN By THERE is something you can do at once, to prove to yourself that everyone has the power to improve his sight without outside help. Some people have been able to gr.isp the natural methods of improving their eyesight so quickly that
    1,056 words
  • 737 15  -  KATHLEEN HICKLEY A strange liltle story told by '"THIS witchcraft stuff x What do you think of it? Pure suggestion isn't it?" I asked George. He hesitated. "I don't know", he said slowly. "I used to think so, but now I just don't know". I suppose
    737 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 281 15 How the famous Bennett College can help your career through personal POSTAL TUITION 'Trp you iFn. that >ou cannot pass the X exams whfch will qualify you in your IN WHICH OF THESE trade or profession, if you are handicapped |j£§ ygyp FUTURE in your career by missed educational opportunities
      281 words
    • 201 15 ALL OVER THE WORLD Good mornings begin with Gillette The lads in the land of the thistle Were once gravely troubied with bristle, But now with the saving On Blue Gillette shaving UP/^TIJ an< ie com f ort °f usin S a blade lv, 1 i^P*" IB]) sharp as a
      201 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 306 16 Acid Stomach? It can be very unpleasant whan excass stomach acid does not permit you to •njov a meal without suffering discomfort but luckily there Is a safe remedy that brings quick relief 1 BISMAG (Bisurated Magnesia). It neutralizes the excess acid and enables you to digest without sufferIng stomach
      306 words
    • 572 16 End Rheumatism While You Sleep If you suffer shano stabbing pains, v MJlmi Joints are swollen. 1 ri i-ltv^lfl l show s your blood /^T^TaSM Is poisoned tlirovißh l|V''.'/'-jflnjy faulty kidney ail lon. JL\,>',' J^^ Other symptoms ot Kidney Disorders are Backache, Aching Joints and Limbs, Sciatica, Neuritis, Lumbago, Getting
      572 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1080 16 by Edgar Rice Burroughs r^Mff^^^^^t ?JMH Tmß WMiTC «\6V* SCABCM *O« TM6 LAND O* TH6 [jTJA J^"">Ffe\ YJ^' Ty^W-. ff f 'JS^ ,'rri.e ,v.£N was DELAVEP vwen Tu^kSß COLLAPS6O XlM* H^'/lji 2 *)//>■ PffOM PEvEff. *6OO», o .*B CONVINCING frJt^^^ft^r 'Z^&u^Z*\, s<S/^^ rrni^iti >c au *wr wmu roueeruev. {^^^^^J^^^K^ the
      1,080 words

  • 704 17  -  CUBBINS By iiuusewives are mystified by the appearance cf unra"'or.ed H-eggs on the market. H stands for 'Hatching' indicating they were originally sold for that purpose British News ilem. 'IT) like an esg", the housewife said. The grocer only shook his head. The hou&ewire said "Don't
    704 words
  • 223 17 31 BARS IN ONE SQUARE MILE IT is becoming easier to go "pub-crawling" irt Singapore. Within the past two years there has been a steady increase in the number of bars and licenced coffee shops. A recent check showed that within an area of about a square mile bounded by
    223 words
  • 83 17 ANEW attempt is to be made shortly on the altitude record for V-2 type rockets. It is being fired by the US Naval Research Laboratory in collaboration with engineers of the Glenn Martin Aircraft Company— who buiit the rocket, Viking No. 8. The record of 135 miles it
    83 words
  • 819 17 Roy Morrell, Professor of English at the University of Malaya, writes about Ibsen's famous play, "Ghosts," which the Singapore Arts Theatre presents this week. A DOLL'S HOUSE is the play of the woman who walked out; GHOSTS which the Singapore Arts Theatre have chosen
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 270 17 //Jfyh, »i3Mi* on your ACT NOW! Hair falls out because the roots are starved of their vital food. That's why you need Silvikrin, urgently. For Silvikrin contains, in concentrated form, the fourteen essential hair-formingsubstances. Massaged into the scalj^ Silvikrin richly nourishes the hair roots and soon hair grows again with
      270 words
    • 229 17 (gROLEXg) The watch people ask for by name DATE.HST The Mn i| aS rl |wcc This model is truly the most handsome and compiett *>■„ n 10 ever bear the name Rolex and is offered with the impattal guarantee and certificat'on of an official Swiss Government testing station, showing it
      229 words

  • 949 18  - Thomas Cup: Lim is not optimistic 'CRUSADER' [IM Chuan Ceok, chairman of the Malayan Thomas Cup selection committee, is not optimistic regarding this country's prospects of retaining the trophy. The reason he gave me last Sunday was that the Malayan Thomas Cuppers were only half as fit as they were
    949 words
  • 858 18  -  MANNING BLACKWOOD Scrutineering: A batch of critical letters By I HAVE been taken severely to task for expressing my opinions about the Dyneam Road meet of the Singapore Motor Club on Feb. 24. The nrst denigration of my theories about scrutineering came from Mr. J. K. L
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 429 18 The high engineering skill entailed in the construction of the set produces a high sensitivity performance, greater signals, and excellent quality <| jfj J Model t>t.">o' Price 5295 less 10^ for Cash (Federation— Duty Extra) Instalment? Arranged Sole Agents: HOE BOON lEONG CO. LTD., >.:, Thomson Road Singapore 11 Phone
      429 words
    • 196 18 20 for Sn ets. In Singapore !^a^: V 2f for 7« -t«. In Frdrrytion A sealed outer casing of moisture resistant plastic. An inner one of metal foil. Inside twenty Capstan, in prime condition. Ensur' ing, in this new handy packing, maximum enjoyment of your favourite cigarette. mV KsSy---'' J§sSv>rssml
      196 words

  • 71 19 Across.— l Tiger Moth. 5. Nun 16, Tease 8. Antic 10. Flour 12, Veer. 13. Etna. 14, Array 15. Nasty 16. Boleh. 20. Asset 24, Atom 25. Else. 26, Shout. 37. Pease. 28 Een. 29. Cad. 30. Rye whisky. Down.— l. Tuner. 2, Inter. 3, Trots 4.
    71 words
  • 516 19 Late Kirn San goal decided S.C.F.A 2; Business Houses J. SCRATCH Singapore Chinese F.A. won a touch-and-go affair by two goals to one against Singapore Business Houses F.A. at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. After a hard-fought first half in which the teams shared honours
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 19 STRETEN. the Luton Town goalkeeper, runs out to father safely, cutting short Arsenal's left-wing attack from Roper and Lishman. Arsenal won this Cup-tie last Saturday by 3-2. Popper picture.
    29 words
  • 308 19 LONDON, Sat. IT K. League soccer results are as follow: FIRST DIVISION Bolton 3 Chelsea 0 Burnley 0 Derby County I Charlion 0 Manchester C Fulham 0 Arsenal 0 Manchester IT. 2 Wolves 0 Middlesbrongh 1 Blackpool 0 Newcastle 3 Portsmouth 3 Preston 2 Aston Villa 2
    Reuter  -  308 words
  • 39 19 IPOH. Saturday— Anglo-Chinese School trounced Junior Technical School 10-0 in the Hussars Cup inter-school soccer competition here on Thursday. ACS. will meet either Sultan tdris Teachers" Training College (Tanjong Malimi or ACS. 'Kampar) In the semi-finals.
    39 words
  • 47 19 A CS, Parlt Buntar, beat Buklt Merlajam High School twonil at soccer High School two-nil at soccer on Wednesday. ACS opened scoring in Qic fifth «nl:wte through Eng Wan. In the closing stages ACS made Mire of victory with another goal by Osman Embi
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  • 70 19 Ramnad District soccer team lost to Rawang Tin Sports Club by four goals to three In a Div. 3, North Selangor League soccer match yesterday, after leading by 1-0 at the Interval on the Bluff Road ground. Kuala Lumpur. Sentu! Works Sports Club and United Malay National
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  • 39 19 Teachers Training College lost 3-2 to IRC at Fairer Park yesterday. The T.T.C. were leading two-nil at half-time, throur £eck Klne and George. Indians nit back with three second half goals by Bala. Nadarajah. Vljay Nathan.
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  • 105 19 The Al Costello-King Kong fracas at the Happy World Stadium last night ended sensationally when both wrestlers knocked each other out simultaneously in the fifth round. The Incident caused a near riot and several people were Injured in the mad scramble to get a close view
    105 words
  • 76 19 Playtn? with four reserves. Dun lop Sports Club drew one-all with Breweries S.C. In a Singapore Business Houses PA. Div. 3 match played at Thomson Road yesterday. First half was scoreleas but in the second half each team got a goal, both from penalties. Lake
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  • 23 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. After declaring at 164 runs for seven wickets. 'Selangor Club defeated Sclangor Non-Benders by 34 runs on the padang today.
    23 words
  • 235 19 The Singapore Gun Club's weekly sliver spoon shoot of 10 birds double rise trap and 30 birds single and double skeet was won by Mr. A. J. Bra^a with 45 out of passible 50 (or trap and 83 out Of possible 100 for skeet plus handicap
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  • 226 19 ALOR STAR, Saturday. A SINCE goal scored by their centre forward Sian r Teik seven minutes from the end gave Penan* a one-nil victory over Kedah in the Northern section semi-final of the F.A.M. Cup here today. A crowd of 2,500. Including the Sultan
    226 words
  • 114 19 rIS year's Malayan Amateur Athletic As- sociation's championships i will be held at Ipoh on Aug. 15 and 16, and the Singapore championships on July IS and 19. Should any Colony athletes participate in the Olympic games to be held in Helsinki in July, they
    114 words
  • 71 19 ¥N a friendly table tennis tourna- ment played at Batu Pahat on Tuesday. Seagulls beat the Government English School by 7-0. At basketball the schoolboy led until the last quarter but tjn Seagulls staged a recovery in the closing stages to win by 4' points to
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 565 19 LOW COST FLOORING! You can have beautiful ARMSTRONG'S ACCOTILE FLOOR AT LOW COST— by laying the tiles yourself! It's not difficult and the necessary tools and adhesive are inexpensive Let us help you design an attractive floor and show you how much you'll save by doing the work yourself. as
      565 words
    • 402 19 %)uitsjA{ Tailored at HARDIAL SINGHS' 1 from a comprehensive range of Quality 1 Suiting, Garberdines, Worsteds, Palm Beach, Taylori Dinnovel Linen, tested crease-resistant etc., etc. An assurance I V r l| wy&*~f JP Fabric that is the Life of the Suit Style and Tailoring that are the 1 Heart and
      402 words

  • 2403 20  -  EPSOM JEEP Curlew wins Cup trial; Astute Monarch pays day's best dividend By JOCKEY ROY Percival, back in the saddle after a month, made great come-back when he brought home four winners for the van Rreukelens on Congo, Gold Rise, Curlew and Rising Glory at Spring
    2,403 words
  • 58 20 Total pool: $463,785. 1st No. *****3 (SiOK.70.' < 2nd No. *****7 ($104,351) 3rd No. *****6 (S 57.973) Starters ($6,441 each) Nos. *****9. *****6. *****1. *****4. *****0 *****8. *****8, *****4. *****1. " inn prizes ($3,478 each) Nos: *****5. *****6. *****9. *****4. *****8. *****1, *****9, *****5. i *****7. 3.V!371. DOUBLE
    58 words
  • 374 20 SOM PONG'S BROTHER TO BOX IN SINGAPORE Sunday Times Boxing Refwrler. NAI v'ithool, 20-year-old brother of Som Pong, the "grand old man" of the Malayan prize ring, will make his ring debut in Little Nene's promotion at the HaPDv World arena on April 4. Vithool, a bantamweight, will be fighting
    374 words
  • 63 20 IPOH, Sat. DLAYING neir first game In Ipch on Friday, the China Bailee' ball Team defeated an Ipoh Combined by 56 to 45 points In a very evenly contested match. The first quarter saw both teams level at 11 -all but In the next
    63 words
  • 52 20 MELBOURNE. Sat. Hydrogen won the St. Leger Stakes ot A) 3.500 at Fleming ton racecourse today In a field of three. He beat Lady Havers by five lengths over the one mile and sis furlongs. High Law was a further seven lengths behind, last of
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 48 20 npENNIS will soon be In full awing at tne Royai Johore International Club. Syed Hashim bin Abdullah, who was recently appointed tennis captain of the Club, states that tournaments and inter-club matches are being planned. The first match will be between the Club aad the Army.
    48 words
  • 43 20 Secieiane* of clubs In S.A.P.A. junior leagues are reminded that If they have any complaints or suggestions they should get In touch with either of their delegates to the S.A.P.A Council. Inche Rahim Sattar or Mr S. R. P. Naidu
    43 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 94 20 MODERN KODAK BOX CAMERAS EASY TO USE-M£XPENS/V£ TO BUY lilY awi SIX-20 BROWNIE C B 5^ B f{? Has fwo 'arge views' lr| derv plunger shutI^Ji I 111 W^^^wawl er release >ime ex BwßwMllllwafißwt posure lever takes. LwßwMli I ■a'wsaT™^! pictures on Kodak S'strt Pr.ce $1 500 With clever built-in
      94 words
    • 182 20 ISOLETTE J O.MIIINI MOOIIt »V*.l»Sl I f PATERStW^rrrtONS &CO 4-TO^, J PI CURE IALUtIN ■■gl "^fck- J 8 i *jWiljffi^ t f> 9 i SWSW the lovelight in a girl's eyes, for instance There are some things that can't be kept secret. The lovelight in a girl's eyes, for instance
      182 words