The Straits Times, 15 March 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 189 1 GOVERNMENT DENIES SCANDAL ON ARMOUR KUALA LUMPUR, hn THfc Federation Government today denied that there was any Malayan armoured cars scandal, as had been alleged m a London newspaper. A spokesman of th e Director of Operations staff said that although deliveries of armoured cars ordered for the polite had
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  • 81 1 Bolivia may get a better offer WASHINGTON Frl nPHE United States and Bolivia have resumed negotiations on a tin contract amid hints that the United States might be ready to increase its price offer Negotiators had little to say after yesterday's session American officials disclosed however that a higher price
    AP  -  81 words
  • 37 1 LONDON, Fri.— The Colonial Office ha s asked for a report from the Government of Hong Kong on a London newspaper story that the Chinese Government has banned export of food to Hong Kong —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 566 1 Singapore told: Don't barter them for dreams gIR FRANKLIN GIMSON, the Governor yesterday became the first honorary Freeman of the City of Singapore and said: "Singapore has been well served m the past by her sons and daughters, both by birth and adoption, and I am
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  • 99 1 BUT HE STILL HAS TO PAY T^HE honorary Freedom ol the City of Singapore bestowed on the Governor Sir Franklin Gimson, yesterday, does not give him the right to a free trip m a bus or a free drink m a Singapore hotel. Nor does it mean, as it did
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  • 16 1 TOKYO Fri -Japans "sell defence land forces'^ will total 300.000 men by 1955 Reuter
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • 55 1 LONDON. Fri. Organised Labour's first big blow at the new national Budget was made today when representatives of Britain s 700.000 coalminers demanded wage increases to offset higher food prices. Mi ne union leaders called the Budget "a n affront to the people and tantamount to
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 32 1 LONDON Frl Britain s bacon ration will b e Increased from four ounces to five ounces a week from Mar. 23, the Fond Ministry announcer) today ,-U.P
    UP  -  32 words
  • 75 1 Police find lost plane: pilot dead JOHORE police after an all-night search yesterday, found the wreckage of the missing Army Auster m Kulai, South Johore. The pilot of the aircraft, an Army man, was dead, and the passenger, a non-com-missioned officer of the RAF., was found injured. The man is
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  • 14 1 MONTEVIDEO Fri.— A 48 hour strike tied up Montevideo harbour today. UP
    UP  -  14 words
  • 186 1 E PENANG, Friday. YEN when Malaya gains independence, it will still need the British, said Mr. Heah Joo Seang tonight when he presided at a meeting called to discuss the formation of a Penang branch of the Independence of Malaya Party. "We want the British
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  • 146 1 WHERE REDS TOOK A REST KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A BIG permanent bandit base has been found near Betong, m South Siam, by a combined Malayan and Siamese police patrol, the Federation Government announced this evening. The patrol found the camp yesterday not far from
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  • 22 1 NEW YORK Fri.-An Air Force C-47 crashed and burned m Alabama today killing five crewmen and seriously injuring anoher UP
    UP  -  22 words
  • 47 1 PARIS, Fri. A French firing squad at dawn today shot two Frenchmen for aiding the Nazis during the war. They were Raymond Monange and Abel Danos the latter a multiple murderer and lieutenant of the dead gangster, Pierre Loutel. "public enemy No. I.'
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  • 57 1 ttl > why not? Whats The Bosu n got that 1 ain't cot? Stamina? Hrn Speed? Well, maybe I better confine myself to stallion shows. I'm the champ at the Ipswich stallion show, see! And my name? Naunto n Victor. And bet you, you don't have a
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  • 149 1 ItfORE than 1,000 new A"* wooden sleeper s worth $12,000 were destfoyed and a railway waggon was damaged yesterday when a lallang fire broke out In the marshalling yards of Singapore railway station. A Malayan Railways official told the Straits Times that the fire probably be-
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  • 707 1 (By a Special Corrs.) SIR Franklin Gimson Governor of Singapore was chaired out of the Victoria Memorial Hall last night by a group* el City Councillors after the reception which followed the conferment of the freedom of Singapore City on him. Councillors
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 149 1 paw H I HEN %V~~ AJ^PHOM 3390 YTAI HENG CO 23 5 COLE MAN ST pOOD hAhMm my Horn important H n th«« you thauld q.i •it «d.qu.t. daily tupply of vitamint and minerals. Your health and f.tneit d.p.nd on il. That It why it n a good plan to
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    • 59 1 Around The Corner From Anywhere A CITY GIVES US FIRST FREEDOM TO I ITS CITIZEN NUMBER ONE More pictures: P. 7 DOLMAR CHAINSAWS The above arrangement v comfortable enough but even more comfortable is the DOLMAR CHAINSAWf Available m sizes from 20" to 60" log diameter and driven by petrol
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  • 279 2 GOTTWALD'S STRENGTH IRKS MOSCOW PARIS, Friday. Czech Premier, Dr. Klement Gottwald, was strong enough, since the recent purges, to be the "undisputed ruler" of Czechoslovakia. His strength worried Moscow, said a former vice-premier of Czechoslovakia, Mr. Bohumil Lausman yesterday. He said Dr. Gottwald "keeps them guessing, and that is what
    UP  -  279 words
  • 176 2 BELGRADE, Fri. Tt/f ARSHAL Tito told a vlsit•l"* ing American leader today that Yugoslavia would fight on the side of the West if Russia started 4 third world war. Marshal Tito made the statement m an interview to Mr. Paul Ginsberg, National Commander of
    UP  -  176 words
  • 39 2 HONG KONG, Fri—British military authorities today discounted a Hong Kong Chinese newspaper's report that the Chinese Communists are moving "crack Infantry, artillery and armoured units" into Hong Kong's 18-mile long border area with China. AP.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 17 2 RANGOON. Fri.— A Burmese cultural mission will leave for Communist China m April.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 30 2 DOVER Fri— The Ameri-can-owned steamer, William Crane Gray, 7,240-tons limped into harbour here today after a collision with the 7,741ton motor tanker Pansio m the English Channel.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 71 2 HOLLYWOOD. Fri. Andrei Skulski. 24, shot himself today rather than serve a nine-month gaol sentence. He said m a note he was held for years m a Nazi concentration camp and was unable to stand imprisonment again. He was sentenced on Wednesday for forgery and
    UP  -  71 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 833 2 NOTICES WATCH ft CLOCK REPAIRS Associated Instrument Manufacturers Ltd., 304, Orchard Road, Singapore can now undertake the repair and overhaul ofall types of Watch Clock movements. A specially equipped department with skilled personnel ensures a satisfactory and prompt service and all repairs are guaranteed. Enquiries should be sent to the
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    • 709 2 NOTICES CHINESE SWIMMING CLUB Members are notified that Receipt Forms No M 7350 to M 7400 Inclusive are missing and are therefore not valid. Y. S. LEONG, Secretary S.S. GOVERNMENT 3<To 1940 WAR LOAN (1952 1959) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Transfer Register of the above loan will be
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    • 685 2 PUPLIC APPOINTMENTS MUNICIPALITY OF GEORGE TOWN, PENANG APPOINTMENT OF MEDICAL OFFICER Applications are Invited from qualified registered medical practitioners for the post of Medical Officer on the staff of the Municipal Health Officer. The Initial basic monthly salary will be fixed according to qualifications and experience on the grade of
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    • 254 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 1% DEBENTURE STOCK 1935/75-85 NOTICE Is hereby given that the Transfer Books of the above Stock will be .closed from 19th March to Ist April, 1952. both days inclusive, for the preparation of Interest Warrants In respect of interest due on the above Stock for the current
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    • 304 2 THE FINEST CAR POLISH you've MR used! CLEANS POLISHES I WL-A Jfever before have you been I AfrjSf •bU to obtain car polish I q fwCWr j BpT I containing Silicone* the J|///I rt "t scientific derivative of glass m^lLflUC DD/irCCC I which now makes child i play mTj%JL'^L il\{j\tt»^J
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  • 433 3 MR. ACHESON WARNS CONGRESS OF RED THREAT TO INDIA "Here is the obvious need for action 9 WASHINGTON, Friday. fHE U.S. Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Acheson, said here yesterday that India was the most striking example of the need for urgent and effective action under the Point Four Programme.
    Reuter  -  433 words
  • 207 3 WASHINGTON, Frl. CRIPPLING cats m foreign aid would threaten America's own security and jeopardise the Atlantic Pact build-up, Mr. Averell Harriman. Director of the Mutual Security Agency, told the joint meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the Senate and
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 92 3 CANBERRA.. Fri. DR. Herbert Evatt. the Australian Opposition leader, yesterday accused the Government of "churlish irrational conduct" m repudiating trade agreements with Britain.It was sheer nonsense toi speak of international insolvency as between Britain and Australia, he said. The Prime Minister, Mr. Menzies,
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  • 48 3 HONG KONG, Fri.— Canton Communist Press dispatches said yesterday that the 10hour day has been fixed as th% maximum work day for shop assistants by the Canton Labour Bureau and General Labour Union, but "in certain trades a 12-hour day I* allowed."— A.P
    AP  -  48 words
  • 63 3 SAN FRANCISCO. Fri. A 15-year prison sentence was passed yesterday on a 67-year-old man convicted of helping to smuggle into this country US$5OO,OOO worth of heroin from Hong Kong. The judge rejected a plea by attorney for probation and proposed the stiff sentence when shown records
    AP  -  63 words
  • 39 3 TUNIS, Fri. Police today arrested about 50 persons in Gabes, Southern Tunisia, where an explosion yesterday killed seven persons and wounded 15. A state of siege was proclaimed In the Gabes area Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 25 3 LONDON, Frl.— Alexandel Clifford, 42 chief European correspondent of the London Daily Mail, died in hospital here today after a long illness. Reuter.
    Reuter; Daily Mail  -  25 words
  • 27 3 MANILA, Fri— About 400 men of the Philippines 19th Battalion will leave for Koi rea late next month or early I m May.— U.P.
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  • 171 3 LEOMINSTER, England, Fri RATS thought the wife in an "eternal triangle." and sent a dead one to "the other woman." The wife, Mrs. Edith Pfuel. 28, was charged yesterday with sending a "noxious substance" through the mails. "It was not a noxious type
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 113 3 Umt.™~ TOKYO, Friday. Nil ED Nations delegates returned to Panmun Jom today on the 249 th day of the Korean armistice negotiations with hope for an early agreement practically abandoned Although official statements remained reticent, feeling on the United Nation s side was
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 25 3 TOKYO. Fri. Countess Mountbatten arrived here by air today to visit American and Japanese medical installations. She will leave for Korea later.— Reuter.
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  • 26 3 LONDON Fri.— Nepal has joined the £1.868,000.000 Colombo Plan for the economic development of South and South-East Asia a s a full member.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 226 3 DRIBERG WIDENS BREACH LONDON, Friday. rpHE National Executive Committee of the Labour Party yesterday discussed the Bevanite quarre) with the party leaders and endorsed the decison to reimpose standing orders, which was taken at Tuesday's meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party. Standing orders demand that merfibers should
    Reuter  -  226 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 3 .SHOWGIRL Joy Clyde, 25, wears a costume admirably suited to the weather conditions then prevailing m Perth. When this picture was taken, there was a heat wave on. §he is m the cast of the Midnight Follies.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 46 3 NEW DELHI Fri.— Groups of more than five were forbidden yesterday in Barailly. United Provinces following serious riots on Wednesday between Hindus and Muslims when several policemen were wounded and 50 persons arrested. The riots started during a Hindu festival.— A.FP.
    AFP  -  46 words
  • 32 3 BELGRADE, Fri.— Four Rumanian officers and two noncommissioned officers, all m uniform, landed m an aircraft at Zemun airport, Belgrade, today and asked the Yugoslavs for political asylum. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 100 3 NEW YORK, Frl. MR. Trygve Lie, secretarygeneral ,of the United Nations, said today that he was less optimistic now than he was some time ago about an armistice m Korea. He told the Press, that he was wondering whether the North
    AFP  -  100 words
  • 184 3 POUND GOES up, UP, UP LONDON, Fri. STERLING strengthen- ed further m world I markets yesterday rej fleeting the favourable i view taken of the British budget. In New York it reached its highest rate since midDecember, when the British authorities allowed freer dealings. The buying of sterling aDDeared to
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 81 3 GENEVA, Fri. THE Soviet Union yesterday proposed to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe that a general meeting be called this autumn to promote EastWest trade. Mr. G. F. Arkadiev, the Soviet delegate, said that the meeting, bringing representatives of European countries together, might "help
    AP  -  81 words
  • 66 3 NEW DELHI, Fri. New Delhi municipal authorities were today looking for a "pied piper" to rid the city of a plague of 2,000 jackals. The animals have been increasing rapidly over the past five years. Municipal jackal shooters have been un- 1 able to keep pace
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 127 3 /.Jiiqher mileage Sole Distributors: SWEE HIN CO. 11. Havelock Rd. Singapore, 1 Factory Representatives: SINCAPORE, 1 KUALA LUMPUR PENANC Chance tor Everyone to own a PHILIPS Radio |€i^%|H on Easy Payments. Can be had by paying from $15 to $50/- monthly Instalments. A \'x This offer will be for a
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    • 509 3 0 I w'^ Wm make KRAFT sandM)tche6 Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd, 2n***^£\. jmjk I rt 2/7 /O tttfilX'* 1 Sealed IsHkl MADE IN |U^A^ ENGLAND SjJtHBSIP« Results of EVERSHARP SLOGAN CONTESTS EVERSHARP EVERSHARP Writing Instruments Schick Shavers IM Prize: Tunku Jaafar Laksamana. Govt. Ist Prise: James Ng, c/o Head
      509 words

  • 289 4 Govt. urged to ease language qualification KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A RELAXATION of the language qualification, a the reduction of the residential qualification from IS to 10 years and the easing of citizenship rules for National Servicemen are three of the principal recommendations made by the
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  • Article, Illustration
    70 4 The man Press photographers have "shot" hundreds of times m the last six years is caught again but among them Th e Governor of Singapore. Sir Franklin Clr.ison. took time off from the reception after he had received the Freedom of Singapore yesterday, to pose with the men who photographed
    Straits Times staff photographer Kok Ah Chong the only photographer not th picture  -  70 words
  • 186 4 In the dark —and 'it's intolerable' they say THE frequent blackouts are becoming intolerable, the Singapore Ratepa\«rs' Association says m a letter t 0 the City Council President. Mr. McNeice. The letter says: "Th«» loss of output and earnings time, comfort and convenience is not easily calculated But it is
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  • 47 4 COURT WARNS PORK SELLER Ong Kan Poh was fined $60 m the Singapore City Police Court yesterday for selling p^rk not obtained from the abattoirs. "You will go to gaol if you appear again on a similar charge." the Magistrate. Mr. K. J. L. Jamieson. warned Ong.
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  • 36 4 A police jungle squad and a fire engine were rushed to a mine m the Tapah area of Pciak on Thursday to put out a fire m an engine shed started by terrorists.
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  • 326 4 rpHE following areas will be liable to blackouts today: DAY Govt. I'milim- Wks.. Woodleigh Park. Bradd. 11 Heights. Arthur Rd.. Tg. Katong. Broadrick Rd.. Sea > iew Hotel. East Coast Rd.. Telok i Kurau. Bedok. Changi IW mile, j Changi Prison. Tanah Mr rah Besar Srlarang
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  • 133 4 BOUGHT $1.75, SOLD $12.55 SHOWING pens with a counterfeit Parker trade mark m Singapore Third District Court yesterday, Mr. T. H. A. Potts, prosecuting, said: "Anything more calculated to deceive could not be imagined." Goh Chin Juay and Abdullah Shamshu were charged with exposing counterfeit
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  • 155 4 Bauxite on way to Formosa rE first post-war consignment of Malayan bauxite for the Central Trust of China, Formosa, will begin loading tomorrow from the former Japanese-owned mines in Johore The 2,300-ton freighter, Ping Tung, belonging to th< Taiwan Navigation Company, is loading 3,200 tons from the Bukit Pasic mines
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  • 79 4 Two motor mechanics. Tung Kok Hon«, 22 and 18-year-old Liew Chong both of Lorong 17. Geylang, were sentenced by the Singapore Third Criminal District Judge, Mr. S E. Teh. to nine months' imprisonment and a year's police supervision, and eight months' imprisonment, respectively for attempted extortion.
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  • 35 4 A cowherd, S. Parldoo. was fined $50 m the Singapore City Police Court yesterday for using his premises m Coronation Road for keeping cattle without first obtaining a licence from the City Council
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  • 33 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Frl Ismail bin Ibrahim was fined $20 In the Johore Bahru Police Court for speeding on a motor cycle and $3 for failing to renew his road tax licence.
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  • 189 4 FIRST YOUTH SERVICE fXJLOUR parties of uni\J formed organisations in the Singapore. Christian Youth Council will be or. parade in the Council's first annual combined service of worship at St. Andrew's Cathedral tomorrow afternoon. Uniformed youth groups will lead the processional march into the Cathedral at 3.15 p.m., followed by
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  • 53 4 A civilian Army employee. Ahmad bin Bujang, against whom a receiving and adjudication order was made by the Chief Justice, Sir Charles Murray-Aynsley, in Singapore High Court yesterday, was ordered to pay $10 monthly towards the benefit of his creditors. Ahmad's liabilities amounted to $1,400.
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  • 110 4 LOO Kwai Seng's honesty cost him the maximum fine of $250 when he appeared m the Singapore City Police Court yesterday for using a house m Kampong Potong Pasjr for making noodles without a licence. Lpo admitted that he knew the last user
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  • 301 4 Templer to outline Govt. plans for crisis KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. rpHK High Commissioner, 1 General Sir Gerald Templer, is expected to make the most significant and important speech of the Emergency when he opens the new session of the Federal Legislative Council on Wednesday. A policy speech, it will outline
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  • 71 4 rfiHE Netherlands Royal Navy 1 frigate. Van Kjnsborgen. will leave for New Guinea today after a two-day courtesy stay m Singapore on her way from Holland. On Thursday evening, a reception was held at the home of the Netherlands ConsulGeneral. Dr. F. A. van Woerden. m
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  • 154 4 THE question of opening a Japanese consulate m Singapore will not arise until ratification of the Japanese Peace Treaty by Britain, a Singapore Government spokesman told the Straits Times yester- day. The spokesman was commenting on a news agency report from Tokyo that a Japanese
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  • 122 4 YMCA, Orchard Road: Cricket (friendly) 2 pjn.; movie circle 8 Chinese YMCA. Selegie Road: Music 2 p.m; badminton, basketball 530 p.m; Chinese chew and educational film show, 7.30 p.m: Launching ceremony of new buuolne fund campaign 5 p.m British Red Crow Handicapped Children's Club: Outing at Katong Park,
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  • 67 4 Cheong Swee Chin, whose wife deserted him m 1944 after six months' married life was granted a decree nisi to be made absolute m three months by Mr. Justice Knight m the Singapore High Court yesterday. Cheong told the Court that he had made two
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 36 4 p King m its own Realm I? X >J Well merited by its tj Quality Unsurpassed 1 KLOSTER BEER j 5r Sole Importers:— LEYTE TRADERS LTD., U 86A, Robinson Road, (Tel. No. *****) it SINGAPORE 1.
      36 words
    • 251 4 V++++4 ♦< CLASSICAL RECORDINGS MOZART— Concerto No 23 m A, X 488 < Walter Gieseking (Pianoforte) with the < Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by He.bert Von Karajan LX8894/6. LXSBB97 MASCACNI Cavalleria Rusticana Intermezzo < TCHAIKOVSKY— The Sleeping Beauty, Ballet-Waltz The Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by George Wcldon DXIBO7 MENDELSSOHN— Rondo capriccioso. Op.
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  • 316 5 POLICE 'TA UGHT' ME WHAT TO SAY-TAXI-DRIVER Opium case: Six discharged Ong Choon Pow> a taxi-driver, had told Singapore First Magistrate, Mr. R. C. S. Bell, yesterday that he had made a statement to the police under duress, six Chinese accused of stealing $400,000 worth of opium at Ponggol last
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  • 188 5 A desire 'not to be first*, which seemed to bold back entrants for the Singapore Rotarians' Beauty Queen competition, at the Great World on Mar. 29. has been cancelled out by the steady now of entries. Many pictures now arriv* every day at the Straits
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  • 87 5 Guthrie Co. entertain i^ELEBRATING their return \j to their new offlcs m Battery Road. Singapore. Guthrie and Co. entertained nearly 600 dealers and contractors to a Chinese dinner at the Southern Hotel last night. The dinner was originally planned to take place early m February, but was postponed due to
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  • 63 5 Singapore Rent Concilition Board yesterday approved an application to increase the rent of No. 40. Robertson Quay and three other buildings! treated as one unit, from $1,000 to $1,500 a month. The buildings, which are used as a store belong to Miss Rebecca Meyer,
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  • 51 5 Chew Keng Tee claimed trial m Singapore yesterday to a charge of fraudulent possession of tinned goods valued at $9 20, near the junction of Holland Road and Tyersall Avenue on Mar 13 He was given $250 bail until Friday when the case romej up for
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  • 65 5 Committee members of the Pilot Association Office. East Wharf Singapore, for 1952 are as follows Capt. R. j j sneddon Capt L. Newlng. Capt. W. Gibson Capt G. Wright. Capt. W. A Balch Capt. J. D Whyte, Capt P M Squre. Capt. E J. R. North Capt.
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  • 55 5 The cargo-passenger vessel "X^ left Singapore for Holland yesterday Among those going on long T eaV L W 5 re: Mr an <* Mrs. a "L,.i, T kin on of William Jacks, Ipoh; and Dr and Sp S p?- W Cha Pman.' from <t a t£« eman
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  • 30 5 me registrar of Vehicles. Singapore, yesterday warned motorists against parking at mght on the right hand side °f the road, with their lights facing oncoming traffic
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  • 44 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Frl— Cheng Boon Seng, a lorry driver, was fined $303 m the Johore Bahru Police Court for attempting to expo r t eight logs, which were controlled articles, without a oermit and for making a false declaration to customs officers.
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  • 43 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Frl.— For not having price tags on controlled foodstuffs, Chia Kit Hah, Kee Moh Chin and Lim Long Hian were each fined. $30 m the Johore Police Court Ang Choon Ngan was fined $40 for a similar offence.
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  • 201 5 So he is spared gaol w an i r. MALACCA, Friday LaSnrn a v r p/° O> H an 18 ye^- Old b y Was sse t approved school foi five years by Mr lusHpp SES'V 11 t B Malacca H h kurt
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  • 122 5 SHE WAS ONLY PL A YING KUALA LUMPUR, Fri DRETTY Yip Ah Chan denied m the Second Magistrate's Court today that she was driving a car m Batu Road at 2.25 a.m. "I was only playing with the steering wheel." she said. Yip claimed trial on charges of driving without
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  • 27 5 me Singapore City Police magistrate yesterday fined 44 Chinese each $15 for keeping pigs around Frankel Estate m Siglap— a prohibited area.
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  • 74 5 THE Cathay cinema m Sin1 gapore this week is screening the latest Issue of the Malayan Gazette, which inclucres the movie shots taken by the Malayan Film Unit cameraman who went on the epic patrol of the Cameronians m North Selangor recently. Filmei under difficult conditions
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  • 118 5 PENANO, Frl TO foster a national putjook, Malayan civics and geography will be among fresh subject's to be taught m the new Normal school for Chinese «»chers to be opened In Penang next month. "Mr. L. I. Lewis Deputy Director of Education (Chinese), told the Straits
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  • 27 5 JOHORE BAHP.U. Fn.~ Kwong Mln Yong. who droVj a car In an Inconsiderate manner at Aver Hitam. was fined $25 In the Johpr* Bahm- Follcfe Coufrt
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  • 218 5 'Quit' order invalid: counsel A NOTICE to quit served by the Singapore Improvement Trust on one of its tenants at Silat Road, Mr. Ton Teck Hin, was described as "invalid" by Mr. Philip Hoalim, counsel for Mr. Toh, In the Singapore First Civil i District Court yesterday. Listening to the
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  • 23 5 Penang Police last night detained a Chinese suspected of being concerned m subversive activities at Bukit Chengkeh m the Balik.Pulau area
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  • 185 5 A RADIO system that started life as a couple ol battered Jap army wireless sets will be back on the air at Changi tonight after eight months of silence for re-equipment. I It is the Changi Broadcastj ing System, which will radiate two programmes,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 244 5 AIR CEUON AIR CEYLON AIR CETLM AIR CEYLON AIR CEYLON V; s RESTFUL ROUTE I 5 Slwmbtr Loungta art Y***"^-^^,^ f rtiuiv* to Air Ctylon. t Al« CEYLON S Mm A CEYLON f Arrive at your journey's end, rested and ref reshed not tired and jaded. Fly Air Ceylon. It
      244 words
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  • 39 6 MM Ar MRS. B. GOMES and f.miily and Mr. Mrs. F. D'Cruz end family wish to thank all liinxr who ga«p assistance, floral tributes, attended the funeral and sent teleprams i^Vryy n^i the death ul Mrs. Olivia D'Cruz.
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  • 727 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Mar. 15, 1952. Conscription Debate Both legislative councils will have before them next week the national service bills. They will be taking, however, somewhat different action. In the Federation the bill goes before the Federal Legislative Council on a certificate of urgency. Tn Singapore, the
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  • 374 6 The freedom of the city of Singapore is an honour which the City Council intends to bestow with great discrimination, the President of the City Council said yesterday at the ceremony m the Victoria Hall which saw the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, become Singapore's first freeman. It
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 6 Pho'ograp'.i by He'dda Morrison KELABIT OF SOUTH-WEST SARAWAK
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  • 1138 6  -  Cynicus by THERE were broken hearts in the vivid story told by a Straits Times special correspondent yesterday of the seven day jungle trek of the 217 villagers of Belum. Was their Journey really necessary? A child of five and a woman of 80 were among
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  • 854 6 STANLEY STREET sits back 3 and listens this Saturday, n a situation which he finds ;xtremely pleasant. The 'olumn Is written instead bv Mr. Lai Kai Joo who, in the manner of a kindly judge summing up, applies his wide Knowledge and memory oi thing Chinese to our discussions
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 754 6 II.ASSIKIKI) ADS. THE engagement is announced b<ivipn Pam?la, eldest daughter r>f Or A; Mrs I. G. Hardlnpe Df T.iipinß. Malaya, and Stephen i.nlv son of the late Lt Coonel J. F. Jame<. I M.S. and Mrs. C. Jiimrs of George, Cape Pru\:ncc. S. Africa ANNOUNCEMENTS FAREWELL party to Mr. X
      754 words
    • 26 6 GERMAN FOUNTAIN PEN stfft New Piston Filling System and Transparent Large Quantity Ink Holding Reservoir. PRICES: $6.50 $7.50 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO., 19, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE f.
      26 words
    • 56 6 pSCp| "J TH£ HONEY BEAR W^^r A member of the *Jspß fhe Honcv Bear or jKB really a bear and rfiort leg* and a very lo 1"^.1 Another member of the XyXyg&mfFj^S&S^A. famous Tiger Medicinal \jsM§ss3! sUn 'A Products "3ALASHIN SAC murphy radio) More Signal... Less Noise SOLE AGENTS: S
      56 words

  • 179 7 European Civil Servants' Association of' Malaya (Singapore branch) is asking the Colony Government to encourage .Asian officers to buy their own houses. This, they say, would be a long-term solution to the accommodation problem facing European officers because it would make more Government quarters
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  • 174 7 'I told you so,' says Sir Sydney LONDON, Fri. I OIR Sydney Palmer, a former !*-> president of the United j Planting Association of Ma- laya. today claimed that if Britain had taken proper measures in 1947 there might not have been any Emergency in Malaya. In a letter In
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 74 7 SHAREHOLDERS of United Engineers Ltd., at the ordinary general meeting In Singapore yesterday, approved the issue of 46.436 bonus shares, and payment of dividends of 7J pier cent, on cumulative preference shares and 10 per cent, on ordinary shares. The directors' report, which was adopted, showed
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  • 77 7 DALPH Naylor, a Singapore City Council engineer, was yesterday charged m the First Traffic Court with causing the death of Mr. G. Bolton. a superintendent at the Singapore Glass Manufacturers' Company, by a iegligent act not amounting to homicide. Mr. Bolton was alleged to have been knocked down
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  • 107 7 I|R. P. P. Narayanan, president of the Malayan ITA Trades Union Council, cabled to the Trades Union Congress m Britain yesterday that the council has complete confidence m Mr. "Alex Josey Radio Malaya's Chief News Editor. The cable asked fo r a refutation of the
    107 words
  • 74 7 NO aircraft will land or take-off at Kallang airport at night during the next two months. The reason general maintenance work and repairs are to be carried out on the runway at night. The ban will begin on Mar. 21 and because of it some
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  • 35 7 A big food and medicine dump has been found m Kedah by a patrol of the Manchester Regiment. They got $2,500 worth of supplies and m the same area found $3,060 m cash.
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  • 67 7 Chia Cheng Sun, aged 23, of Upper Chin Chew Street, was yesterday committed for trial at the next Assizes by the Singapore First Police Magistrate. Mr R. C. S Bell, on a charge of robbery. He was alleged to have robbed Yaow Gek Keng, a woman,
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  • 140 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Pri. TTOE fertile Belum valley m North Perak, which once harboured and fed bandits, is now a forbidden ghost village, with all its inhabitants evacuated its homes broken down, and its crops destroyed. No one, is allowed to go into Belum. now
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  • 139 7 So Mrs. Oon has a question KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. UAWKERS have been selling Federation welfare lottery tickets to schoolchildren on th e Penann 5L H 9° T n a leges m she is io ask at the Federal Legislative Council meeting on Wednesday. i s Mrs
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  • 64 7 PR LEONG ANN, a bankrupt, M A with liabilities of $52,000 was ordered to pay $20 monthly to his creditors by JiwF hie f Ju f tice Sir Charles High Court yesterday. The Assistant Official Assignee, Mr. T. Kulasekaram, said that Er had just sot
    64 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 110 7 (800 I E H oTT j UpPLIANCbQ A* Separat* 'W forms pleasing Ub lable oast rack to hold 10 M sUces of bread Delightfully HfelWaKiL finijshe d m enamelled primrose, black and chromium plated. Horizontal Toa&ter AC/DC $36 00 w£l The Upright Toastei 9 Wk Delightfully finished In enameUed primrose,
      110 words
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  • 192 8 'Lack of confidence In the future 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE number of European-owned rubber estates being sold m Malaya is causing considerable concern, says The Planter, journal of the Incorporated Society of Planters. One large group is selling all its properties and
    192 words
  • 352 8 SERIOUS BLOW AT RUBBER fPHE week has again been active, with fluctuations m price tairly wide. There have been moderate sized orders here, both for America and Continental account, says Lewis and Peat's weekly report. The market has been extremely sensitive and quick to react m either direction to news
    352 words
  • 66 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. KOMANDAN, a Special, claimed trial today m Kuala Lumpur to charges of behaving m a disorderly manner while carrying a firearm and absenting himself from his post. Bail of $250 was allowed and the case was postponed to April 24. The offences were alleged
    66 words
  • 71 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Fri— For the second time, an application for bail for Haji Mahmood bin Pasah was rejected. On the first occasion he was charged in the Johore Bahru Police Court with using a document which he knew to be forged. When the case was transferred
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  • 28 8 BATU GAJAH, Fri.— Mrs. J. H. Ford, wife of the Resettlement Officer, Batu Gajah, has joined the staff of the Sultan Yussuf English School, Batu Gajah.
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 8 THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR of Operations, Gen. Sir Rob Lockhart, talking to a trainee Ibrahim bin Sapto^ from Malacca during his visit to the Federal Jungle Holding Company training centre at Sungei Buloh, North Selangor.
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  • 135 8 RAUB, Fit /GENERAL Sir Rub Lockhart, Deputy Director of Operations, visited Raub this morning and made a tour of inspection of two resettlement areas. On arriving at the Sempalit resettlement area from Kuala Lipis, General Lockhart, who was accompanied by Mr. W. C. S. Correv. British
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  • 194 8 ARRESTED JN DAWN AMBUSH MALACCA, Friday. A DAWN ambush laid by a police jungle squad at A the 19th milestone, Lendu-Masjid Tanah road on Jan 14 to catch a young Malay schoolmaster carrying a parcel containing ammunition was described m the Malacca High Court today
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  • 89 8 ALOR STAR, Frl. SEVERAL squatter families who left their homes last week to escape resettlement, have now returned to the 39th-43rd mile area of the Sungei Patani-Kuala Ketil Road. About 20 families left before resettlement started. Some of them, have since reported at the District
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  • 77 8 PENANG. Fri.— The Second Magistrate. Inche Jaafar, today sentenced a trisha rider. Wong Yin, to five months' Imprisonment for dishonestly keeping four stolen pipe heads meant for the new St. Xavier's school building. A police patrol saw Wong riding in Farquhar Street. Ordered to stop,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 248 8 I NOTHING bttt 5 I I The Best is Good tor you I THE BEST I GOLD DIAMOND f JEWELLERY i Wltn t I THE BEST I WORKMANSHIP are always available here. Convince yourself with a look around. We welcome your Inspection without any obligation. *\C-l>r>a7jmS//iJ and 7!)ifr*fiond 'Dea£e4?K 5
      248 words
    • 271 8 el' Latest Range J 4RRC7IF SHIBXS ci> Made In I/.S.A. J (Genuine) vr CV| II WHITE COLOURS X tP Sizes Range from 14 to 17 CJ/ J You con be sure,... (P ARROW it EASY to Wash and Iron. H <V ARROW uses oily the Finest Cottons, [vj pretested for
      271 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 294 8 Today's Radio J SINGAPORE i 10 a.m. Emergency News From 1 K.L.; 10.05 "Housewives' Choice"; 11-11.30 "New Records"; 1 pnv 'Saturday Ballroom"; 1.30-1.50 News; 2 "Album of Harmony"; j 2.15-5 Racing S'pore; 6.15 Chll- dren; 6.45 "Music with a Lift" 7 News- 7.15 "Listeners 1 Choice"; j 7.50 "Sportlight On
      294 words
    • 280 8 Straits Times Crossword 24 e™ e eats ln GUm im^ m mm mm^^^^ mil 25 Ban Dora and 9 y d (anag.) m 2 3 se DOWN S^ I ~w Ssss 2. Honours Cora with a steed 1^ 3 Sir' Doone (5). ~Z S|Q 4. These race around buoys f5).
      280 words

    • 231 9 'Squeeze' bandits in our midst YTOUR editorial on cor- ruption m S.ngapon: has prompted me to write. This insidious corruption, which indirectly helps the spread of Communism and Is destroying the moral fibre of our public life, must be stopped by drastic means. I have often wondered how a man
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    • 132 9 I CONSIDER the resolution of the Singapore City Councillors at their last meeting to increase the residential period m the City area for a prospective City Councillor to seven years to be most timely. The period should be increased to fifteen years; or. better still, candidature
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    • 455 9 AT THE FOOT OF THE HOUSING LIST APPARENTLY the world's most important news of the day last Sunday was the quest.on whether monkey brains are eaten as a delicacy m Singapore, together with demands for an apology from the unfortunate victims of a gullible and exaggerative journalist. The article m
      455 words
    • 131 9 The nurses lot I WAS amused to read the statement made by Miss E R. Rintoul, reported m I your issue of Feb. 28, on the j subject of the nursing pro- j fession. This, she says "is i well paid," and the nurse assumes "a status which makes her
      131 words
    • 55 9 BEER and spirits, it i s an- nounced, are to go up m price m Singapore. The rea- ion of the rise is an increase I In duty. This, no doubt, is necessitated by the remark- j ably small number of people j m the Colony assessable for
      55 words
    • 100 9 SIR JOHN MR. NARAYANAN MR. Narayanan's statement reported m the Straits Times of March 8. that Sir John Hay's statement was an old-fashioned attempt to be- grudge upward revision of wa<?es or improvements of living standards, is just so much bunk. If Mr. Narayanan were to use his eves instead
      100 words
    • 308 9 WILL ihe Malayan Kail way authorities please enlighten me, and others who travel by train to and from work m Kota Bahru, whether the Travelling Audit Clerks are supposed to detain trains from leaving the .station at the exact time given m the schedule, so that
      308 words
    • 251 9 'BUT THIS IS SNOB CITY' REGARDING your comments on Mr. Helliweh's article. Snob City." I cannot help but support And sypathlse with Mr. HellrWell on his concise and truthful report. I have been m this country foi twelve months now and can honestly say that before coming here I had
      251 words
    • 252 9 r those people who believe m Darwin's theory on j the evolution of life, Mr. Helliwell's recent article ishould cause great concern. Has it occurred to these people that once the Chinese gourmands have exhausted their more primitive form of supplies they might cast their eyes
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    • 287 9 THERE are a few points m the National Service Bill that require clariflc- ation or amendment: The Bill does not state the length of service, it appears from the Bill that the "proper authority 1 has very wide, if not autocratic, powers and that there
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    • 206 9 IN GENERAL the leaders of the various communities are in favour of the National Service Bill. One wonders whether they have, like the Labour Party leader, consulted members of their respective communities before expressing their opinions. It is certain that the public will not regard
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    • 123 9 TiHE -National Service Bills are certainly not welcomed by the simple, humble and peace-minded people of Malaya and the Colony of Singapore. I still don't understand why these war-like preparations should be introduced m a British Colony like Singapore. These are Russian and Japanese ideas we
      123 words
    • 76 9 IN reply to "Man-in-the-Street", we should like to point out that a country which, m the near future, wishes to have "Home Rule" must also learn to defend itself. Why not now, when it ca.n have the services of possibly the finest instructors m the world
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    • 33 9 IF what Mr. Lazarous writes m today's (Friday's) Straits Times i s true, surely the Government should be called on to explain its callous indifference to Indian reactions? NEUTRAL. Johore Bahru.
      33 words
    • 90 9 I HAVE read with much interest "Apple's" le-iter of Mar. 10. "A Chinese Viewpoint." His sugges-.ion that National Service for all Malayans m 1938 could well have stopped the Japanese from occupying Malaya m 1942 is fantastic I would advise him 0 contact General Percival. the then C.-in-C. of
      90 words
    • 179 9 'AN INSULT TO THE INDIANS' IF Indians do not count. If they deserve no consideration m the advancement of the future Malaya, why call them names when. M free men. they leave a place where they think that their future will be one of obligations and no rights? As an
      179 words
    • 98 9 rE terrorists find it hard to get at the soldiers .so they await them m ambush. But by the introduction of national service and conscription all will be "soldiers" and naturally will be a better target for tne terrorists! I hear someone .say "No, nothing of
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 77 9 Crchr-cameo V/yV Sritain s New Light Car has BreC/jT remarkable advantage m visibility Rat/ nd ventilation. ■An all-steel JSSf construction and a smooth flexible 'o' engine, it cruises sweetly at 10 m.p.n. The all-round pet- rormance is excellent and the J I I B W M— l interior finish is
      77 words
    • 73 9 For men. of action... \\*^/Jr y'Y h Men who spend long hours out of doon "T^/il/a^l '"variably select 'Viyclla' Sports Shirts, TVtVW^ A*\ Socks and Golf Hose. They find that these jr^X-^ 05 De ua ity text 'l e< wear "d wear fo» qJ many years. Viyella IF IT SHRINkS
      73 words

  • 289 10 LONDON, Frt. T»HE stock market unprovea steadily throughout the day, although business done was very small. All sections sharea In th« Improvement, though an occasional snare here and there suffered small loss. Closing middle prices of selected stocks, as supplied by special arrangement with Uie Financial Times, were:
    289 words
  • 71 10 SHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns. or expected there at 7 nsn. today, are: 1-2 Steel King. 3 Larantuka. 4-5 Cingalese Prince. Coal Plant Slesffc, 6-7 Benvenue. 8-9 Kambodia, 10 Landak. 11 Beluru. 13-14 Glenearn 15-16 Salawati. 18 Benvannoch. 19-20 Hoeijh Trader. 23-24 Straat Maksssar. 25-26 Gausdal
    71 words
  • 963 10 THERE was a very steady undertone m all sections of the Malayan Share Market yesterday, and although the volume of business continued to be small, transactions m the main were within, or slightly above, quotations. Quotations announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS Ale, aneu. Pr«f.
    963 words
  • 32 10 HONO KONG. Frl. j^HKH market currency ncttta* lot Hong Kona "lollar* ouo»e<i at the clou* tods* follows: DS$l HK$6 77 (cash); HK$6.BO iTT.i: £1 HK515.85. One taM of grid HK$3«O.
    32 words
  • 162 10 One cent drop at close nECREASED foreign sup- port had a quietening effect on the Singapore Rubber Market yesterday. The turn-over, however, was moderate and prices fluctuated around Thursday's closing level. The market was quiet until the close, with March firstgrade buyers at $1.11 Mi a lb-. a
    162 words
  • 43 10 LONDON. Mar. 14— Spot 33d., Apr 33d. May 32< I d.. June 31' id. Apr.-June 32 id.. July-9ept. 30 id.. Oct -Den 29' 4 d. Mar elf 32' id Aor c.i.f 31 J/ d M«'- eJJ 30^ d Market: Barely steady.
    43 words
  • 13 10 SINGAPORE. Fri., Mar. 14 —$482 h (clown SB'/6>.
    13 words
  • 25 10 LONDON, Mar. 14—Cash Buyers £916. Sellers £977; Forward Buyers £977. Sellers £977V 2; Settlement £977 (down £V 2).V2). Turnover: a.m. 140, p.m. 15.
    25 words
  • 68 10 PEPPER prices continued to drop m the Singapore Produce Market yesterday when sellers quoted Muntok at $630 a picul, Sarawak at $625 and Lampong (black) at $550 Copra was again slightly lower, seller^ quoting $27 a picul for April-Ma v shipment against bids at $26. There was
    68 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1424 10 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated m i ngaoorel BLOB FUNNEL LIMB SA*UNCS °to LJVER^OOI'cLASCOw' LONDON 0 CONTINENTAL PORTS Out Sa<l» P Sham Penang Peimit toi Marseilles Liverpool 6 Clas«ow Mm. IS/16 Mar. IT/1* Utystes for Havre L pool ERdt. Apr 4 Apr. 6/9 Ape. 10/H TcC L ytlO<rt Mar 24/2. Ma.
      1,424 words
    • 427 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS To New York and Boston via Ceylon. India Egypt and Mediterranean Ports. S.ngapore P Swettenharm //:"/>"" s.s "PRESIOF.NT POLK" M 15/17 war. s.s. "PRESIDIjNT TAFT" 27 Ma. 2 Apr 3/4 Apr lft °.l. l l i n II "CUBA VICTORY" 7/9 Apr 10/13 Apr To Los Angeles
      427 words
    • 434 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE >AILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/O K./CCNTINtNT: Spoie S>>art. "•nant "Fioma" tor Bangkok 18/18 Mai ■Panama" for Bangkok Hong Kong. Manila Kobe Yokohama 1 1/13 Apr */10Apr 6/7 Ap. "Meonia" for Saigon Bangkok 11/HAor "Malaya" for Bangkok Saigon .imu... Hong Kone T. 18/19 May 15/17 May U/14Ma» ItOU lAPAN/NONC «ONC
      434 words
    • 1072 10 McALISTER 6c CO.. LTD. Telephone No. 5£06. ELLIRMAN BOCKNALL LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM HAMBURG. and for U.S.A.. North Atlantic Ports and Canada via Colombo CITY OF KHARTOUM Spore P. Sham Penang 19/25 Mar. 26/28 Mar. 29 Mar/I Apr. Carls Hall. CITY OF LILLE t S pore P. Sham Penang 23
      1,072 words
    • 52 10 KLA'BMESS LINE LOS ANCILES. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND. SEATTLE VANCOUVER Accepting cargo »or Central South American Ports m.s BOUCAINVILLt Spore P- Sham Penang 10 Mar/4 Apt. 5 Apr. 6 Apr. M.S. SUNNVVILLt Vpore P- Sham Penang iO Apr/4 May 5 May 6 May P. Sham Anglo-French Bendixscns LI4. P.nanic McAlister b
      52 words

  • 444 11 Robinson earned this dollar the hard way GREAT OLSON BID SAN FRANCISCO, Fri. gUGAR RAY Robinson, using all the cunning he has learned in a decade as a fighter, finished fast in the closing rounds to retain his world middleweight crown last night with a unanimous 15-round decision over challenger
    444 words
  • 234 11 i (From a correspondent) r LONDON Fri. E Malayan Badminton Association of England, a party of Malayan students now studying in England, beat St. Paul's Badminton Club. Dingle, by six games to four in a friendly tournament played at the Malayan Teachers' Training
    234 words
  • 102 11 CARDIFF. Fri.— For their match against France at Swansea on March 22. the Welsh Rugby Union selectors have chosen the same team which beat Ireland last Saturday and won Wales the triple crown. Victory over France would give them maximum points for their international programme
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 50 11 The team to represent Jollilads in a friendly soccer match the Jolliladj- against R.A.P. Tengah at Tengah on Sunday will be selected from: Achuthan, Rasak. Merah. Narayanan Gheni, Salahudin, Edwards Rahman. Mohamed Yusoff Dollah Vjiyananthan. Ebrahim, Vaithylingam. Raju. Boon Tat. Sintha. Transport leaves Tg Pagar at 4 p.m
    50 words
  • 81 11 Sinhalese Association teams In their nome and home fixtures at St Andrew s School grounds Woodsville on Sundav are: V'« Preddenf, XI: Abeysekera Bob Peries K. S. Williams. L Prugtniet A Anthonisz, E O Wijesinghe A Fernando. S. Piyadasa. A. H Mendls. D Jayakodv O Rosavro B
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  • 62 11 Singapore Chinese Recreation Club team to play the S.C.C. at cricket on the padang tomorrow will be: Wee Chong Jin (capt.), Eu Cheow Chye, Ang Earn Hock, Ong Swee Lau, Khoo Ong Lee, Chua Eng Cheng. Chua Kee Meng. Tan Huck Chuan. Wong Slew Choon. Cheong Thiam
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  • 30 11 In a friendly soccer game played at Geylang on Thursday. Geylang English Afternoon School beat Kota Raja Malay School I—o.1 0. Lim Hock Chuan scored the goal.
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  • 361 11 LONDON. Fri. rREE Malayans are among the eight seeded players for the men's singles in the all-England badminton championships to b e held at the Empress Hall. London, from March 19 to 22. Wong Peng Soon, 34-year-old holder of the title, is strongly favoured
    Reuter  -  361 words
  • 149 11 English want eye to be on the ball LONDON, Fri. SHERRY Koehnke, 17-year-old American junior table tennis champion, was told yesterday she can play m panties any time she wants to providing she shows up for the English open championships m "regulation uniform". Miss Koehnke, who has been waging a
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  • 38 11 Jollilads held Singapore Harbour Board R.C. to a one-all draw In a friendly soccer match played at th c Keppel Harbour Boys Club yesterday. Scorer for Jollilads was Ebrahim and for S H. 8.. Satfeh.
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  • 253 11 TP Singapore's ace swimmer and Asian Games triple champion, Neo Chwee Kok. competes In the Olympics 100 metres freestyle, he will have to swim In the heats and semi-finals on July 26 and the final on the following day If be qualifies for It. The Singapore Olympic
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 11
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  • 270 11 But F N made hay at the Valley RAIN WASHES OUT SAFA GAMES— YESTERDAY'S shower washed out all Singapore A A.F.A. League fixtures. The inter-school match between St. Andrew's and St. Anthony's was also postponed. However, at River Valley Road, players in the Business Houses Div. I game defied the
    270 words
  • 172 11 The Young Soccerites soccer team to play against Anslo-Chinese School in the S A.F.A. Youth Competition at Jalan Besar Stadium today will be selected from: Boon Ohune Llm. Han Men»r Juan. Llm Ah Chye. Sim Yansr Huat. P K. Samv. K. Ramachandran, Lee Yonp Kong (capt).
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  • 55 11 The following will represent I.A. at cricket against R.AP. Seletar tomorrow at 11 a.m at I.A.: Madari (captain), Thivy, Gupte, K. Madari. Kajilt Dr. Abraham. Bhatri. Dr Menon, Verity Gill. Sitharam, Hyder S'tha walla. Res: M. U Pa'tel, Ashraf. Umpire: Soin The I.A. v. Y.M.G.A. game scheduled
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  • 17 11 Singapore Rifle Association will hold a spoon shoot at Scletar Range at 8.30 a.m. tomorrow.
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  • 20 11 LONDON, Fri.— ln a Div 1 League soccer match yesterday. Arsenal beat Charlton Athletic by 2-I.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 459 11 j^i&VfTfiTft^^i NOW 11.1 1. rllvl. la showing 11 a.m.. 1.30. 4. 6.45. Ir?^p3~— y'vi THE FUNNIEST PICTURE IN SS 4\3i' TOWN! II g^^< MacMURRAY eieanor PARKER L MILLIONAIRE FOR rZ&W WITH RICHARD CARLSON il'i 1 Morn Matinees At 9 am Today: "13 RUE IHADELEINE I- 7= Tomorrow: "Whispering Smith"
      459 words
    • 236 11 ft DAILY! jflßiFlt^^rT^f^f^fci lil 6'3o>6 30> ss 30 "Antara Senyum Dan Tangis" A Malay Film Production Distributed by Shaw Bros. ACTUALLY FILMED IN MACAO! j ®LjK3Bf JEFFCHANDUR EVELYN KEYES X «^O| Hy 0 <I/Wf i/««lU Make this your "MUST" for this WEEK-END! > v "-^BwSSBHMQfcI Distributed by Shaw Bros. t\
      236 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 391 12 Has yet to show his best form By EPSOM JEEP TtfO Malayan horse since the war has captured the imagination of race-goers more than The Bosun. Time and again he has strolled away from his opposition at the end of a race. I doubt if
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  • 155 12 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER RACE 1 2.15 MAGIC OAK Masterman Black Velvet MAGIC OAK Black Velvet Maaterman MASTERMAN Mafic Oak Black Velvet RACE 2 2.45 WAIKIRI Proctor The Monarch WAIKIKI Bay Street Cardinal Puff WAIKIKI Bay Street RACE 8 8.15 ASSIZE, My Linf Galway Greer RETINUE
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  • 218 12 Waikiki is the best bet of the day BEST bet In today's card at Bukit Timah is Waikiki In the Class 2, Div. 4, 6f. sprint (Race TwoK This three-year-old has trained on splendidly since his good second to Wonder Lad over the Bukit Timah 6f. m January. Waikiki (late
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  • 17 12 LONDON. Prl Newport beat Oxford University by 9-0 In a Rugby Union match yesterday.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 730 12 GESTURE won his last start over 6-f. at Kuala Lumpur m such convincing style that it will need a pretty smart Class 2 sprinter to topple him m the Class 2, Div. 1. 6-f. sprint (Race Eight) at Bukit Timah today. Sporting Gesture strikes
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  • 34 12 AT B. TIMAH TODAY rpiIERE was further rain In Singapore yesterday and Ibe going at Bukit Timah today wiU be heavy. Today's best bet: Waikiki In the 2.45. Best loiig-shot: Giltedged In the 5.25.
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  • 1082 12 ACCEPTORS and probable jockeys at Bukit A Timah today, first day of the Singapore Turf Club Spring Meeting, are given below. Horses scratched from all engagements are Hypnotism, Oregon, Battleship and Empire Rose. Raec 1—2.15: Class 2, Div. 2—6 Furs. 1 111 Masterman J Donnelly 9.00 Dato
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  • 222 12 By EPSOM JEEP CHANTILLY has done enough m his few outings over a mile and beyond to convince his trainer that he shelters a stayer with a bright future. This nicely-bred four-year-old by Ardan (sire of same of Marcel Boussac's brightest classic hopes this season)
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  • 156 12 THE AMATEUR TIPSTER |llll[3IIIIIIIIIIIIKlllllllllllllHIIIHIIIIIIItt I Indroducing— HHHERE is a cynical charac- 5 ter on the sports desks g who maintains, loud and long, that m racing the punter might Just as well E back a horse because of the 3 colour of Its eyes, or th« eie- gance of Its
    156 words
  • 185 12 Princeling will keep on winning PRINCELING (Race Severn haa kept up his form remarkably well since his maiden win at B. Timah In July last season and In his last race, at Ipoh last month. Princeling simply toyed with hla opposition over 6f. Nicely positioned behind the pace, he shot
    185 words
  • 95 12 CAIRO, Frl. AMERICA'S Doris Hart yester- day won the women's singles title In the International lawn tennis championships of Egypt. In an all-American final she beat Miss Shirley Pry, defending champion, 2-6, 6-1. 6-2. Jaroslav Drobny of Egypt entered the final of the Egyptian International lawn
    Reuter; AP  -  95 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 847 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continue from rage 6) SITUATIONS VACANT JUNIOR CJerk wanted— must be good at figure*. Apply P.O. Box 499 EUROPEAN Assistant required with not lew than 3 years planting experience. Salary $750 rising to $850 pjn. COLA single $150 married $225. 6 months leave and passage UK after 3
      847 words
    • 836 12 HOUSES LARU run 9/il.e. FOR 8ALE: Two new freehold rer Houses. MS. Gas, Elect. Water, 2 mi. from 3.P.O. Immediate occupation. Apply 120, Balestter Road. AVOID D.K. Taxation. Farmhouse oflered In the Isle of Man. with two reception rooms. 4 bedrooms, electricity, water, garage and garden Freehold. £3.000. Apply Box
      836 words
      5 words
    • 110 12 sap® FOR DEPENDABLE TIME has 4 "worry tree" features. -1. 100% waterproof I 2. Patented Shock-protected 1 3 Beryllium Balance 4. Movements exclusively designed for accuracy. The first name m WATERPROOF watches I with 14 kt gold rim mObtainable trom all watch dealers throughout Malaya. TONIGHT -WRESTLING NIGHT HAPPY WORLD
      110 words