The Straits Times, 12 March 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 1282 1 Big import slash but a tax relief LONDON, Tuesday. (CHANCELLOR of the Exchequer Mr. Butler today hit at all levels of society m Britain with a drastic "save the oound" budsret. He slashed food subsidies by about a third, made a further cut m
    Reuter  -  1,282 words
  • 185 1 £1 60m. cut in food subsidies FOOD SUBSIDIES would be reduced to £250,000.000 a year, a reduction of about £160.000.000 Slashing of the food subsidies would mean increases m a wide range of food prices which might well cost an average of about one shilling and six pence per head
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  • 28 1 MILAN. Tues— Alfa Romeo announced m Milan last ni-ht that it will not enter Its racing cars m any Grand Prix event this year. -Reuter.
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  • 52 1 B LONDON Tues. RITAINS imports exceeded exports by £53.000.000 grass m February, the Board of Trade announced today The excess was low compared with £65.000.000 m February 1951 and a monthly average of £109.000.000 m the last six months of 1951 but 1952 February had only 25
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  • 53 1 ANO PENG KWONG aged V 23. staggered into the Telok Ayer police station last night with blood streaming from his right shoulder and reported that he had been stabbed. He told police the stabbing took place In Peking Street and then collapsed. He was sent to
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  • 30 1 BRUSSELS, Tues.— Admiral Lynde D. McCormick. U.S.N., Allied Supreme Commander for the Atlantic, arrived here today for three-day talks with Belgian Oovment and defence chiefs. Reuter.
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  • 183 1 'Can't guess next move'— Ridgway KOREA TALKS 'TR YING MUNSAN, Tuesday. THE U.N. Supreme Commander, Gen. Ridgway, 1 today said that the Korean truce talks had reached a stage where it was Impossible for him to guess what would happen next Gen Ridgway said he haa come to Korea to
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 130 1 TWO HURT WHEN ROOF FELL CHINESE woman jnd tier two-year-old son were injured last night when part of a compound house m Balestier Road. Singapore, collapsed. The house— with 51 cubicles *iad been condemned since September last ytar, but last nisht there were still 250 living m it. Lim Ah
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  • 54 1 BANGKOK Tues.—Contraband gold and diamonds worth over $50,000 have been seized b y the authorities here on a KLM plane from Singapore. The gold and diamonds are said to have been found m the possession of a Chinese passenger, Lleng Slew Man who Is now
    AFP  -  54 words
  • 56 1 TUNIS, Tues. A curfew from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. was imposed on the Arab quarter of Tunis today following the murder of a French soldier last night by a bomb said to have been thrown by Nationalists. The curfew Is the first imposed since the Nationalist
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  • 25 1 MANILA, Tues. As the Hlbok-Hibok volcano threatened to erupt any minute, the Volcanology Committee met today to form new precautionary measures.
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  • 16 1 ADDIS ABABA. Tues —Emperor Haile Selassie today inspected 600 Ethiopian troops leaving for Korea.
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  • 59 1 SAIGON, Tues.— lt wa R officially stated here last night that only 8 people were killed and 26 injured In the derailment of a train on Monday between Phnompenh and Battamoang. An official source said that a mistake m the transmission was responsible for the
    AFP  -  59 words
  • 113 1 LONDON, Tues *pHE War Minister. Mr. Anthony Head, moving the Army estimates m the House of Commons yesterday, said that for the coming year the Army wanted £491.500,000 and 555,000 all rank*. They not only *wanted a substantial number of regular soldiers but also to encourage
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  • 17 1 MELBOURNE, Tues.—Melbourne dockers ended their four-day strike today on the Instructions of union officials. Reuter.
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  • 22 1 HONG KONG Twm.— The Chinese Communists are employing Japanese prisoners of war to construct an airfield In Kwangtung Province.— U.P.
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  • 95 1 That drink will cost more now LIQUOR and imported beer became dearer m Malaya from yesterday Government announced that import duties for whisky had been increased by $9 and brandy $8.50 a case of 12 bottles. Duty on imported beer is up from $2.80 a gallon to $4 —an increase
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  • 103 1 SAIGON, Tuesday. pRENCH Surete and Vietnamese security units r are trying to run down a large number of Vietminh agents who have infiltrated into Saigon and its twin city of Cholon. Since Jan 1. police have arrested 250 terrorists here. Some were identified as
    AP  -  103 words
  • 158 1 BANDITS MADE COUNCILLOR LIE IN DRAIN KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. DANDITS stopped a Federal Legislative Coun"cillor on the main Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur road yesterday and took his identity card from him. They then ordered him to lie m a drain for half an hour. The bandits appeared two-and-a-half miles from
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  • 127 1 Big slump in Indian gold prices NEW DELHI, Tues. WHAT appears to be the first stage of a general trade recession m India is causing grave disquiet here. In the past four days tbe prices of bullion have fallen between 29 and 25 per cent., and those of Jute, oilseeds
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  • 39 1 PARIS, Tues— Paris Stock Exchange clerks went on a one-day strike today hi protest against the slowness of stock-brokers m giving agreed wage Increases. The only stocks quoted were those depending on Exchange agents. Reuter.
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  • 34 1 NEW YORK, Tues—Communist guerillas operating m South Korea have been reduced by nearly 75 per cent. General Matthew Ridgway, United Nations Commander m Korea, reported to the United Nations today
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  • 180 1 BEVAN WINS VOTE ON PARTY DISCIPLINE LONDON, Tues. AMOVE by Mr. Attlee and other Labour leaders to impose drastic discipline on the left-wing Bevanite section of the Party was defeated today at a private but stormy rnwtlne of all Socialist MPs. The vote was 172 to 63, Moderates who wanted
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 42 1 HOLLYWOOD, Tues Rita Hayworth last night denied that she and Prince Aly Khan might become reconciled She said that Bombay newspaper report was just another of those Idle rumours. "I don't know how they get started."— Reuter.
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  • 21 1 MELBOURNE. Tues.^Sixteen students from Malaya, Ceylon and India are now studying m Australian universities under the Colombo Plan.— A.P.
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  • 23 1 KEY WEST, Tues.—President Truman* will sto to New York City on Saturday to address a meeting of 3.000 editors.— Reuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 Lite '""TJ^tf/C 6m> P. H. HENDRY Manufacturing jeweller. |>. ttorlh Brtdgf Rd.. 8por«, >. GOLD FLAKE 5* ft f op ore: $f 80 per t/tr 35 cfs per tO s pocket fr&erot/o* S/ 'O5 per tm <tO cts per tOs packet
      39 words
    • 50 1 [JUI VALUE MOOCL (ISIS tor AC muiu MOOIL for AC DC MM M BUSH R AD!O4 Sol* A|M» BRIGHT RADIO Co.. 301, Orchard Road, Singapore J EsW F fV>^ »T '^V r \from your The ideal temperature for serving Beer is 50°F Never cool your Beer below freezing point
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  • 275 2 'One life is not enough' NEW YORK, Tuesday. death threats were made today against the family of murdered Arnold Schuster, the young salesman who found bank robber Willie Sutton, while every policeman m New York; joined i« the city's greatest manhunt for the killers.
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  • 54 2 [SUICIDE BID FROM SKYSCRAPER ON THE LEDGE of a 47th floor office building m Cincinnati, U.S.A.. sits a Ne/jro youth threatening to throw himself over. He was pulled to safety by his father and a priest. The youth, Robert M. Jones, said he wanted to destroy himself because be had
    AP  -  54 words
  • 134 2 NEW YORK. Tues. rE Bank bandit Willie Sutton turned philanthropist yesterday and set up a trust fund to fight Juvenile delinquency and help to rehabilitate exconvicts He signed an "indenture and deed of trust,' 1 drawn up by his lawyers setting up
    AP  -  134 words
  • 64 2 MELBOURNE. Tues. A prominent Australian race horse owner and trainer, R.A Lee. has been disqualified for six months for administering whisky to his horse before a race. Lee was caught by the district stipendiary m the act of giving Met roli te a drink of whisky.
    AP  -  64 words
  • 45 2 COPENHAGEN. Tuen. King Frederik of Denmark, conducted the Royal Danish Theatre Orchestra at a private performance today. In the audience were Queen Ingrid. Queen Mother Alexandrine, diplomats and friends of the Royal family Sir Malcolm Sargent was specially invited guest.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 48 2 NEW DELHI. Mon.— The Food Minister. Mr. K. M. Munshi, has warned all states In India to get ready to fight a locust invasion likely to start m May. The government ls buying two helicopters to carry out reconnaissance, dusting and spraying. A.P.
    AP  -  48 words
  • 33 2 TEHERAN. Tues— A Government spokesman told th« Iranian Senate today that the government was aware of the attempts by Persian Communists outside the country to establish contact with Communists inside. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 121 2 BRUNSWICK. Tues. rpHE prosecution ended ita X slander case against neoNazi Otto Ernst Remer yesterday, demanding that he be found guilty to vindicate Germans who took part m the anti-Hitler underground. > Remer. who was promoted from major to major general after crushing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 982 2 LINGGI PLANTATIONS UMITED FMYSLXTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 26th MARCH, 1952. SIR JOHN HAY'S ADDRESS. In my statt—nt t« you last) yar I ohaervted that the history of the Rubber Plantation Industry is characterised *7 *h*rt spells of high prosperity followed fey long periods of naaaf** fortune or misfortune. The troaH
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    • 921 2 1991, our Accounts have shown a total profit of £1,412,228. Of this. £760.181 has been provided for Income T_x and Profits Tax. i.e. M per cent, and £128,972, t per cent, was required to meet interest charges on our debentures. A total of 83 per cent, of our profits t»
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    • 799 2 and ratified m the year 1930 by the Companies concerned. In March, 1936, Oil Palms of Malaya, Limited, had an opportunity of acquiring an adjoining estate of 3,009 acres (2,000 acres upkept:, 1,000 acres upkeep abandoned), for the modest consideration of 25.000 fully paid £1 shares Although this opportunity was
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    • 547 2 WATCH ft CLOCK REPAIRS Associated Instrument Manufacturers Ltd., 3*4, Orchard Road. Singapore can now undertake the repair and overhaul of all types of Watch A Clock movements. A specially equipped department with skilled personnel ensures a satisfactory and prompt service and all repairs are guaranteed. Enquiries should be sent to
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    • 115 2 t ®^i^ltC¥Eßm£jhKk Imjl j ffipst TA-'Frir J W^X V *>■+ "I Jit A > J^^mS^^ Uj ai!» -ill alflS hS SiMii^p^—^f^ J9 v— Jbi^. ji J 3M^— "^^i^^ 9fk^ /T y mm *xm^m^^—lsC2 3 ~^Z2f- 3^" s v"> T-»_L jpssTß Bgi JavQoaa\V\ iß^^^HHf a^Kb^ S^^aV a«a»fia-*^s^^ a ■•vvvC^Hi^. U'ip fjtas
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  • 406 3 Note proposes speed-up of peace treaty LONDON, Tuesday. RUSSIA has sent to Britain, France and th< U.S. proposals to speed up a peace treat) with Germany. She asks for immediate four power talks to* draw up a draft treaty. Russia said the treaty must be
    Reuter  -  406 words
  • 167 3 Police quell fresh Negro riots JOHANNESBURG, Tues. pOMCK armed with sub1 machine funs patrolled the railway track dividing the native quarters of the citjr last night, ready to «uHI any fresh outbreak m the rioting between Zulu ■nd Basu to tribesmen The flfhting, which broke out on Sunday night and
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 48 3 TOKYO. Tues— Scores or ouses weakened by last eek's heavy earthquake tllapsed yesterday when a larp tremor jolted Hokkaij and Northern Honshu At least 17 people were rented injured and possibly 3 houses demolished Four people jumped from )stairs windows and were verely injured— AP.
    AP  -  48 words
  • 51 3 LONDON, Tues Mr. lurchill was questioned m c Common s yesterday on c possibility of talks with irsha! Stalin and Presint Truman to reduce rid tension. Kr. Churchill replied: here has been no change the situation since I reed to a similar question Jan. 29." Reuter.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 22 3 IIEW DELHI. Tues. A >anese Government-spon-ed Industrial mission of 13 I arrive here tomorrow on our-week tour of India.—
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  • 127 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. THE Indonesian American tin discussions resumed today amid Indications that the United States might be willing to raise slightly the prlcp for the metal. The negotiations broke down two weeks ago when the American Reconstruction Financp Corporation would pay no more than
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  • 40 3 TUNIS, Tues.— One person was killed and four injured m an explosion m a Tunis police station last night. In Oabis, seven persons were arrested following the liscovery of an armed plot igainst French authorities.—
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  • 28 3 TAIPEI, Tues— Five per sons were executed m Taipe today, four as convictei Communist agents and thi other on charges of havini raped a nine-year-old girl
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  • 26 3 ARIES (France), Tues.— A sea mine m a load of scrap iron exploded m the Tall yai>s here today killing five workers.— U.P
    UP  -  26 words
  • 146 3 EX-SGT. IN POWER IN CUBA HAVANA Tues /GENERAL Zaldlwar Fuigeni\l Co Batista. Chilean-born former Army sergeant, was today firmly m power foi the second time m Cuba, after yesterday's almost bloodless coup which ousted President Carlos Prio Soearras General Batista named himself Prime Minister m a Cabinet he announced today
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  • Article, Illustration
    82 3 PRESIDENT AURIOL held a reception at the Elysee Palace, m Paris, for Members of Parliament and of the Assembly of the French Union. Here are seen, left to right: Mme. Jean Masson, wife of the Secretary of State for Technical Training; Pbungba Nghia. French Union Councillor: Uguyen ll ui Lai.
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  • 18 3 ATHENB Tues.— Gen Nicolas Plastiras. Greek Premier, is seriously HI and his condition is deteriorating— A.P.
    AP  -  18 words
  • 61 3 WASHINGTON, Tues Sir Frank Whittle, inventor of the jet engine, who said $?n? nt W0U >X. B t0 tne Unlte States this month to join an American manufacturer will not be coming after all' Instead, he will start a four-month inspection trip of British
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  • 66 3 KARACHI. Tues Officials of the 13 member countries of the Colombo Plan including the U.S., met here today to arrange the fourth session of the Plan's Consultative Committee, meeting here on Mar. 24. The leader of Pakistan's delegation Said Hassan, was elected chairman of the preliminary conference,
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  • 187 3 MANILA, Tuesday. T»HE Philippine Armed Forces' Chief of Stall Ma J. -Gen. Calixto Duque, has alerted the army for possible Huk attacks on the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Red-led dissident army on Mar. 29. I The Huks had previously staged simultaneous raids
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  • 58 3 TEHERAN. Tues. Thirty members of the Moslem terrorist organisation, Fedayan Islam, began a hunger strike yesterday to try and force the authorities to bring them to trial or free them They were rounded up and gaoled after the former Deputy Primp Minister. Hossein Fateml, had been
    AP  -  58 words
  • 31 3 YOUTHS STRIKE GLASGOW, Tues.— More than 2,000 engineering apprentices m the shipbuilding industry here ignored their union's advice today and went on strike for a $2.80 a week wage increase.— Reuter.
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  • 145 3 STUTTGART. Tues. I OCAL elections, regarded a s an unofficial test vote, today gave a clear-cut victory to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's West German coalition and th e Federal rearmament policy final figures revealed j The result smashed the hopes of Dr. Kurt Schumacher's Socialist Opposition.
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 24 3 MOSCOW, Tues.— lzvestia report the death of Patrlach Irinarchi, 71, Archbishop of Moscow and all-Russia primate of the "Old Believers" Church.— UP..
    UP  -  24 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 117 3 Good ]?rearl needs Australian Co., Ltd. L» INDUSTRIAL RUBBER HOSES for MINING INDUSTRY I m /*&S^^^^\ Armoured or Plain J iS^-*-— ""^Sl^ uc on Hoses V« Hi h P'essu'e Hoses wSn" ~imJ Hydraulic Hoses ■ff^ >r HZ Latex Hom> OT^T-^T^P) Palm Oil Hoses n^r—^^mfi Coconut Oil Hoses jS^ O *^SL
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 77 3 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 9.30 a.m. 9.55 Schools; 10 Emergency News from KI.; 10.05 "Women's Magazine"; 10.45-12 Schools1 p.m. Dance Music: 1.30 News; 1.45 "Lunch Time Prom"; 2-320 Schools; 6.15 "Nature Club"; 6 40 Radio String Ensemble; 655 Announcements; 7 News; 7.15-7.25 "This Is Communism"; 730 "Radio Rhythm Club": 8 "The
      77 words

  • 231 4 TWO HUNDRED AND FIF XV people slept m this Singapore house last night after part of it had col singapo c lapse d.— Straits Times pictur^ hat the charge vti uniouiiucu 10 official withdrawal was made Unable to fix contracts with Bolivia and Indonesia and possibly •ealising the Importance of
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  • Article, Illustration
    6 4 Malaya's 1951 trade Jheartentag, bat Jature^
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  • 13 4 Kirkby students tour England SOAP FACTORY HAS NO BAR TO SUCCESS FOR 700
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  • 160 4 IN about eight weeks, nearly 1 700 Malayans will start work m the new I'nilever 1 j-acre oil product factory outside Kuala Lumpur with nothinc to stop them from reat nine executive lev«:. Kcxt Wednesday, Mr. Paul Kykens, chairman of the j Dutch L'nilever Company, Tice-chaimian of the British company
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  • 61 4 Singapore's Deputy Secretary for Economic Affairs. Mr. I R M. Willis, returned to the Colony on Sunday after investigations and discussions In Siam regardine delay m the delivery of rice supples His report will before the next meetng of the select committee of the Legislative Council which Is the
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  • 279 4 MALAYA'S 1951 trade Bgures— which beat M the record of 1950-were heartemng and eminently satisfactory, says Mr. v. Grantham, chairman of the Chartered Bank of replanted. Mr Grantham says a significant element m Singapore's Internal economy was the inflation which followed high prices and then the almost insatiable demand for
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  • 25 4 From A Special gjngjg^SLto. OTUDENT teachers at tUrkby who have had a S week's holiday, visited Southport, Blackpool. Liverpool and the Lake Distric^ SHOW PLANNED
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  • 22 4 TAIPING. Tues.— Mr. S. R Chelvanayagam, of the Telecoms Department. Taiping. has been transferred to Klang as Technical Assistant. RUBBER PRICE DECLINE
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  • 69 4 LONDON. Tues. The decline m the price of rubber has resulted from an announcement of a cut m United States synthetic which caused some surprise m London m view of the recent; Increase m the Canadian quotation for synthetic A further widending of discounts on forward landed supplies m Ix>ndon
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  • 184 4 The Straits Times Wednesday, March 12. 1952 The students have been overwhelmed by the hospitality of the English people. J The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Liverpool held a civic reception at the Town Hall for them. < The students were Introduced to the Lord Mayor by Mr. G.
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  • 221 4 NIGHT jalan Pek ha^{, a r a Raffles' Btotel! Sumtawa Rd^Boon Tat St.. AU«nld Re.. Sims Avenue ray* Lebar Pumps, J Ra Ch < a n £i', Towner Rd^Serangoon Rd.. Kolam lylr MtPherson Kd., Kirn Ch«jn Rd Boundary Rd., Florence Rd.. BSTcJSr SSL, BS Merah Besar Selaranr B."« k »j
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  • 297 4 Blackouts schedule UJALA LUMPUR, Tues. ANI bin Ali, a 25-year-old special constable iescribed as a "stupid person", who broke into a European engineer s house and stole a submachine gun, two handgrenades and 8& rounds of ammunition, was today sentenced to death by Mr. Justice Wilson m the Kuala Lumpur
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  • 476 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Tuesday. ¥TTDGMENT was reserved m the Johore Bahru Jh^ti Court today by Mr. Justice Storr m the iJ?m fm- damages by the Malayan American fftattSted again^ m th ny General EleCtrlC The claim was a sequel to the collision between a M. A. P.L. and G.E.C. lorry at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 93 4 DUNLOP A KJPW TRADE I t^\^^r I V HE DU-.U* RUBBER CO. (MAU.VA, LTD.. S.N6APORI. KUALA LOMPOR. <•*"-* Convenience It's yours when you fly S^ Hgg Pan American to the U.S.A. Jt^^-^ -f ato- Oipper.* for th. U.S. A. t.k. or ytm c« ipand .few day. m th. off 1
      93 words
    • 93 4 Distinguished f f Ik >*■ I Warned a<§ ijlt Distinguished T T§f. I f *a\' I 111 I 13 e3- F 1 Hit fc^" I^— 11' ill p m 1 1 ji TAILORING DEPT. Oian Suujhs To'-I^FLE^'p^rf VPORE I- TEl"s2l4/5* ll\ 4^* yi> S^^^f J y/WHATABOUT T^ I k y|
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  • 271 5 No self-government without conscription, says Rajah 'TIME WE SHED OUR BLOOD FOR MALAYA' RATIONAL service was an inevitable part of self-government, said Mr. A. P. Rajah, Singapore Councillor, and one of four people who discussed th e National Service Bill with Professor E. H. G. Dobby on the Radio Forum
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  • 116 5 1181 18 labourers share$97,536 first prize IPOH, Tues. AMANDORE and 17 Indian labourers of a working gang of the P.W.D. Ipoh, struck the $97,536 first prize m the Penang Turf big sweep on Saturday. jThey had bought four tickets from their Chinese overseer and ticket No. *****9 won the nrst
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  • 202 5 A MIDDLE-AGED Chinese tenant. Chi a Teng Geok told the Chief Justice, Sir Charles Murray-Aynsley m Singapore High Court yesterday: "i have a large faml»y and I have nowhere to go If we were forced out of the house we would undergo great hardship."
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  • 168 5 A 21-year-old labourer Woh rk Lye Huat alias Ah Lek of Tiong Bahru wa s convicted m the Singapore Third District Court yesterday on three counts of "pick-pocket" thefts and sentenced to a total term oi 18 months' imprisonment and two years' police supervision on His
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  • 28 5 IPOH Tues.-Mr. Yeoh Ah Hun. of the Tow n Board. Tanjong Malim, ha s been transferred to the Klnta Town Board as Market Superintendent. Ipoh
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  • 108 5 BSEREMBAN, Tuesday R. Patton, aged 26, former member of London *Jfoi p Ut^ n Pol i ce and until recently assist- ant 0.C.P.D., Ce^mban, was today sentenced to one days imprisonment and fined $1,000 or six sof SMO? 800 1601 fOf "riminal breach of i The
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  • 138 5 WHEN 64-year-old Wong Fook Kit got up very early on the morning of Dec 15, h e opened the door to his wife's room, and found her hanging from a beam He cut her down, then woke his children up, savingYour mother Is
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  • 25 5 TAIPING SERVICE ii'OH. Tues.—A Presby'erian service will be held In < the Freemasons Hall, Swet- j trnham Road. Taiping. next i 1 Sunday, at 7 a.m.
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  • 183 5 THE Johore Badminton Association will give Singaporeans a chance to get a "preview* of Thomas Cup form at the Great World on Saturday Mar 29, when it will stage an exhibition series between Ong Poh Cheone Hock Lens. Ismail bin Marjan and other 1951
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  • 227 5 'Doomed' shops to ask for time 'WE WANT TO HELP BUT.... 9 T m^ ALOR STAR, Tuesday. WO hundred Kedah village shops which have been ordered to close down and organise themselves into kongsis by Mar. 15, are to appeal to the State Government for a 20-day extension of the
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  • 169 5 Shot two 'in case they were alive 9 SEGAMAT, Tues. LT. Roy Samson, platoon commander of a Federation jungle company, told the Segamat Coroner today at the continued inquest un two brothers. Low Kok Hoe and Lok Kok Soon, that he shot two men lying m the Bekok-Bantang road to
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  • 24 5 PENANO, Tues.— Penang police yesterday detained a Chinese at Bukit Changkat In the Ballk Pulau District. He was suspected of subversive activities.
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  • 149 5 'OLD MARKET MA Y BECOME A RESTAURANT ANE of Singapore's oldest markets at Robinson* w Road, known to the Chinese as "Lav Passat" (eld market) is to be turned into a restaurant Proposals will shortly be put before City Councillors to abolish market facilities m the buildintr and provide Instead
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  • 170 5 Housewives triumph as secretaries fTWO Singapore housewives were overjoyed yesterday to learn that they were the only candidates m Malaya since the liberation to pass the final examination of the Incorporated Secretaries. London, held m December la«t year. They were Mrs. Koh Yoke Wah, wife of an Army clerk, and
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  • 77 5 IPOH, Tues. rE Mentri Besar of Perak Datoh Pangllma Bukit Gantang. is on one month's duty leave m Penang, drawing up the second part of the laws of the constitution of Perak. Once a week he reurns to Ipoh to attend the State Executive Council meeting
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  • 42 5 A woman, Sng Swee Huay (53), victim of a hit-and-run lorry at the Junction of Bencooten Street and Jalan Besar, Singapore, died m hospital last night. Eye witnesses to the accident snould contact Inspector Kadir of the Traffic Police
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  • 48 5 johore BAHRU, Tues. Raja Omar bin Chik, Clerk of Council of the Johore Executive and State Councils, has gone on leave before taking up an appointment at Batu Pahat. He is succeeded by Inche Zainab bin Mohamed, former secretary, Town Board, Batu Pahat.
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  • 152 5 4 'weekend' bandits hanged for murder KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. F 0U "weekend" bandits, r..KK wo f ke <i on a Penan* rubber estate and "exterminated" a Chinese man who was not sympathetio to the Communist Party were hanged m Penaof Prison today. The four Communists, Loh Soon Fook, Loo Najn
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  • 43 5 Miss Liang Geok Puay, daughter of a Singapore journalist, Mr. Liang San Han, was married over the week-end to Mr. Poh Keng Cheong, a businessman. The wedding took place at Mr. Liang's residence In Anson Road. Several hundred guests attended.
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  • 117 5 IPOH, Tues. YIP KAM HOY. the driver of a car m which two passengers, a woman and a boy, were wounded wheti a Malay constable shot at it, appeared m Ipoh court today. He claimed trial to a charge of failing to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 350 5 REX JOHORE BAHRU Now Showing < IS. C4S A 9.15 p.m "BKST OF THE BADMIN" (Teeiinicolor) ATLANTIC Gr«t WorW. Now Showing 7.00 A 9.15 p.m. •OH! SUSANNA- (Tricolor) *"**l S.OO. 11l A »15 "RHABISTAN" (HirtdaaUnl) Slarring. Shyam. Nueen. BIN New WorUL Now Showing S.OO A 9.15 "INVISIBLE MONSTER* (Serial) ONLY
      350 words
    • 125 5 these shoes J golf /lyf 1 c//cdJZe>t^ SHOES I P p9H I Na 1675< BURCUNDY I AND WHITE 3C "AQUATITE" I •*"aijJ I A$ illustrate<l J IL'V d«WSL jM IRub b c r Heel V LBS* ate. I Norwegian Style \> I Upper. Crip-edge J v> sfl I Rubbel Sole
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  • 98 6 MILTJS.— On March 3. suddenly In London. Evelyn Maud Gottlieb, younger daughter of the late Commander J. F. Mills. IM/LX, R.N. (Retd). formerly of Malaya. OLIVIA D'CRUZ. wife of late J. M. de Crux and eldest daughter of Mr. Mrs. B. M. Gomes passed away peacefully yesterday 12.30 ».m
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  • 807 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed. Mar. 12, 1952. The Butler Budget Mr. Butler's Budget is a hard one, but no harder than the crisis has demanded. Indeed it may not be hard enough. The Chancellor estimates a £538 million surplus, less than Sir Stafford Cripps bndgetted for m 1948, and
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  • 331 6 Hitting Back at the Reds Why should Communist diplomats and newspapermen have the freedom of Britain and the U.S.A. while their British and American coun-ter-parts m Russia and some of the Russian satellite countries are prisoner guests cabined, cribbed and all but confined Yesterday Britain and America hit back. Immediate
    331 words
  • 431 6 GROWING EXOTIC ORCHIDS I HAVE seen the letter by "Flower Lover". Although I do not like prolonging this discussion I think I should .reply to that letter. First. I did not start this correspondence. Somebody put m an article m the Sunday Times saying that I had been irresistibly attracted
    431 words
  • man-in-the-street
    • 374 6 rSN years ago Malaya was under the Japanese heel. Today it U a free and peaceful country. Many find here the happiness and the* liberty denied to them elsewhere. Conditions of living compare favourably with many other parts of the world. And the citizens
      374 words
    • 175 6 I WONDER how many of your readers have noticed the parallel between the Labour split m Britain between Messrs. Attlee and Be van on the rearmament question, and the reaction to the National Service Bill of the different groups m the Singapore Labour Party. Mr. P. M.
      175 words
  • 767 6 Mr. Williams and the birds of passage YOUR editorial of March 4 was a very poor attempt at covering the real issue involved m he approval of a resolution by the City Council to extend the residential qualification of candidates seeking election. In your editorial you discussed the citizenship rights
    767 words
  • 511 6 Question on Governmen t housing I REFER to V.EJjys letter on the Government housing shortage m last Saturday's Straits Times She seems under the impression that senior officers like her husband have had to live m hotels while post-war recruits to Government have been allotted houses immediately on arrival. T
    511 words
  • 129 6 T AGREE entirely with Mrs Fitzgerald's letter on Government housing. My wife and small son and I had a very similar experience on arriving m Malaya and, although we did obtain a house fairly quickly, it vas little better than a barn, full of flies, ants,
    129 words
  • 420 6 Trishaw directious H[E seem to have got into rather a rut at the foot of a jack-fruit tree, but a letter from Mr. Lim Chong Hum surely deserves to be quoted m answer to the story of Singapore of 40 years ago wiiich was given yesterday by
    420 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 784 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. AIXOI— To Thyra and Frank Allen, a aon. at toe Youngberg Memorial Hospital on tne 10th March. TAN: To Malsie, wife of Marden Ttn, at College PI»C- Hospital, Washington. U.B.A, on March 10th— a Son CLARK. On the tth March at tl, Queen."- Oate. London, 5.W.7., to Kathleen,
      784 words
    • 45 6 lIURMTIIIUI GENERAL® ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. (Made m U S.A.> 10 cv. ft. Model LF-10 $1400.8 cv. ft Model NB-8 $1021.Model NCS-8 $1200.Model LC-8 $1200Model NH-8 $1680.6 cv. ft. Model NC-6 875.Easy Payments arranged. Delivery: ex Stock. T. M. A. LTD. 61/63. High Street, Spore 6.
      45 words
      131 words

  • 481 7 Exodus is a coincidence, says shipping agent KI'ALA LUMPCR. Tads. MB. S. O K. Übaidullah Federal Legislative Councillor and president of the Associated Indian Chamber of Commerce of Malaya, today said that he resented suggestions that Indians were dodging conscription. Mr. Übaidullah. a shipping agent, said
    481 words
  • 259 7 THE Representative of the Indian Government m Malaya, Mr. M. Gopaia Menon, yesterday told Indians m Singapore and the Federation to regard national service as the duty of every citizen, irrespective of race. "Indians m Malaya should do
    259 words
  • Article, Illustration
    47 7 SEVENTEEN -YEAR-OLD Miss Alice Tay, Singapore's representative to this year's New York Herald Tribune High School Forum, tells America about school and home life m Singapore m a broadcast interview. Her interviewer, Inche Ahmad Hussein, is a former member of the Straits Times editorial staff, m Singapore.
    47 words
  • 67 7 NEARLY 3.000 Indians will be leaving Malaya within th e next right days for India. They will be sailing m the Jaladurga and the Rajula A passage official of one large shipping company said yesterday: "Indians are rushing to book passages hack to India
    67 words
  • 135 7 DISSATISFACTION over the management of her father's estate by her two brothers as trustees led Madam Lim Siew Kheng to apply to the Singapore High Court yesterday for the appointment of new trustees. The estate was that of Mr. Lim Peng Siang, a director of the Ho
    135 words
  • 69 7 Ram Govinda PiHai was yesterday charged m Singapore with cheating Khusi Mohamed of $500 at D'Almelda Street. Singapore, on Sept. 5 last year. He was alleged to have dishonestly induced Khusi Mohamed to deliver $500 m return for a cheque for which he had no
    69 words
  • 44 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.— The Working Committee of Johore branch of the MCA will give $1,000 to the Malay School Building Fund of the Kulai re-settlement area. The committee agreed to help to build Malay schools m re-settlement areas m Johore.
    44 words
  • 41 7 Mr. Ec Sim Mong. Assistant Superintendent of Police. Singapore, who sued his wife. Tan Hock Neo. alias Ah Eng. for a divorce m the High Court, was granted a decree nisi by the Chief Justice. Sir Charles Murray-Aynsley. yesterday.
    41 words
  • 27 7 Two hundred Fijian soldiers m Singapore were invited "oy the Cathay Organisation yesterday to see the technicolour newsreel "The Funeral Of King George VI.
    27 words
  • 24 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues.— The Emergency Tenants Registration Regulation is applicable to Bakri, Sagil, Lenga Grisek and Bekoh Belading m the Muar district.
    24 words
  • 27 7 A farewell sermon will be preached by the Rev. W. Bernard Eales at St. Hilda's Church. Katong, on Sunday at the 8 o'clock Communion service.
    27 words
  • 144 7 THEY'LL DECIDE ON N.S. THE Parliamentary Committee of the Singapore Labour Party will meet on Saturday to discuss its attitude to the proposed to place a resolution on National Service before the Party at its annual conference at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Mar. 23.
    144 words
  • 73 7 ONE IN 41 OWNS MOTORCAR ONE person m every 41 m Singapore owns a car. Registered cars at the end of February totalled 24,419. There were 1,008 new cars licensed last month an increase of 299 over January figure. Registered buses totalled 433 and taxis 1,591. A total of 130,073
    73 words
  • 89 7 ¥>ROFESSOR E. S Monteiro, of the University of Malaya, was re-elected president of St. Anthony's Old Boys' Association. Singapore, at the fourth annual meeting recently. Other office-bearers *re: vicepresident: Mr. Leong Pong San, secretary: Mr Ho Pook Seng (reelected), treasurer: Mr. Tan Choon Chye (re-elected), auditors: Mr.
    89 words
  • 125 7 IPOH, Tues. FEDERATION trade union leaders will meet m Ipoh on Sunday, March 30, for a central committee meeting of the Malayan Trade Union Council. Mr. P. P. Narayanan, president of the M.T.U.C.. will preside. Among the subjects to be discussed will be
    125 words
  • 78 7 Forty-four families living In Frankel Housing Estate. Changi have been assured of sympathetic consideration of their request for antl-malarlal service, a fire alarm and electric power This follows a two-hour discussion which the estate dwellers' representatives had on Sunday with two Singapore City Councillors Mr. Chan
    78 words
  • 148 7 A SPECIAL committee of the Singapore City Council has recommended that there should be no more concessions to charities for the use of the Victoria Theatre and Memorial Hall and Jalan Besar Stadium. The recommendation will be considered by the City's Vehicles and Traffic
    148 words
  • 29 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.— Tan Yew, a hawker, and Lim Kong, a tapper, were fined $10 each by the Johore Bahru Police Court Magistrate for fighting m public.
    29 words
  • 130 7 ABOUT 1,300 servicemen and their families, who lelt Singapore harbour m Empire. Windrush on Sunday morning, thinking they were bound for Britain, are still i Just off Labrador Point, outside the harbour, and likely to be until Friday. A "spot of bad luck" In the shape
    130 words
  • 108 7 Banana hunt ends in tragedy A FINDING of death by misadventure was recorded m the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday on Raymond Ephraim, a 11-year-old schoolboy, who was killed by a falling wall outside a house at Devonshire Road on Dec. 15 last year. Raymond went with three friends to pluck
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  • 21 7 For spitting m court, Lim Siak, aged 38, wnr. fined $20 In the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday.
    21 words
  • 257 7 CALL-UP MEN MAY GET CITIZENSHIP KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. MR. D. J. Craggs, Deputy Controller of Manpower, hinted today that Government may consider granting Federal Citizenship to men who have completed national service. Mr. Craggs told the Straits Times: "I cannot anticipate what the select committee will recommend on the Citizenship
    257 words
  • 82 7 Mr. George Holt w^ elected president of The Society of Yorkshiremen m Malaya for 1952 at the annual meeting held m Singapore recently. Oner office bearer* are vicepresident: Mr. Roland Lyne, hon. secretary: Mr. W. P. Machln, hon. treasurer: Mr. C. H. Bone, hon. auditor: Mr. W. Greenwood.
    82 words
  • 186 7 Mr. Thio queries lack of doctors SINGAPORE Government will be asked about the shortage of doctors and the efficiency of the medical service by Mr. Thio Chan Bee (Prog., Balestier) at the Legislative Council meeting next Tuesday. The Government will be asked whether the University of Malaya can produce enough
    186 words
  • 76 7 BOMBERS and rtghters loln ed forces to pound t targets In two heavy at m the Federation yes'erday. Brigands from Kuala Lumpur Hornets from Butterworth and RA.A.F. Lincolns from Singapore converged on a target m North Selangor. Two formations of Vamp.res from Singapore and one of Lincolns
    76 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 60 7 ct \cd accompanied 455$ perfect dinner J| BLUE Jll I IN y LIEBFRAUMILCH H. SICHEL SOHNE For expert advice on the selection of suitable wines for your next dinner party please 'phone our wine specialist Singapore 5324 THE EASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD. Specialists m choicest wines. "HIS MASTERS VOICE* 9
      60 words
    • 30 7 Iff *'*V\ iiflSfJ* &U a mk FABRICS LYSTA V PLAIN PRINTED $3.50 YD. TOBRALCO PLAIN PRINTED $3.80 YD. T ittle SjNGAPOREJI^ mm Imm WO 9f All MSWSAtIES i OtUQ STOiCS
      30 words

  • 389 8 A.S.P. 'DID NOT DEMAND MONEY 9 IN $400,000 OPIUM CASE Detective deities inventing $50,000 bribe offer ALLEGATIONS that a Chinese A.S.P. had demanded $50,000 from Lim Peng Koi m November last were denied by Goh Ah Pok, a detective, when he was cross-examined for 88 minutes by Mr. M. B.
    389 words
  • Article, Illustration
    150 8 GIANT siz c models of precision instruments are being used by the R.A.F. to train cadets of the Malayan Air Training Corps. With the aid of these models, 90 cadets of Victoria School, Singapore, last night began learning to use micrometer and vernier. The "precision instrument" course, which began a
    150 words
  • 195 8 Work starts next week at Paya Lebar "THE first spadeful of earth from the site of Singapore's long-awaited multimillion dollar airport at Paya Lebar will probably be dug next week to make the foundations for the small wooden hut m which the resident engineer. Mr. J. J. Bryan, of the
    195 words
  • 36 8 KUALA KANGSAR. Tues. Miss P. T. Liang. a graduate of Columbia University/ exhibited oil paintings m aid of thpAnti-T.B. Fund. The display was sponsored by the District Officer. Kuala Kangsar. Mr. C. B. Molony.
    36 words
  • 125 8 WAR AGAINST SMUGGLERS TWENTY-five additional preventive officers have been signed on by the Singapore Customs Department during the past three weeks and are already m the fight against the big-money smugglers. Fifteen more have "been selected provisionally, but have not vet toeen signed on. Yesterday,
    125 words
  • 183 8 'LOST CAR AFTER IT WASFOUND T'HE alertness and initiative of a Malay corporal m charge of a radio patrol car. yesterday resulted m the recovery of a car even before the European owner knew it had been- taken for a ride from its parking point outside Adelphi Hotel, Singapore. Two
    183 words
  • 25 8 MUAR, Tues. Eng Seng Tong and Kasman bin Haji Abdul Oani were each fined i $10 at Muar for fighting at Jalan All. >
    25 words
  • 295 8 Council is divided on pomp or plainness CINGAPORE City Council- lor s are divided on the question of whether they should wear robes of office when they attend ceremonial functions and inquiries ace to be made by the City President, Mr. T. P. F. McNeice, a s to whether the
    295 words
  • 84 8 BUTTER WORTH, Tues —A former police constable, Hamzah bin Mohd Said, was today committed to stand trial at the next Penang Assizes on a charge of murdering a farmer, Ng MoyHo. on Nov. 17 last year. Ng, who was alleged to have been killed with an iron
    84 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 125 8 innn i- 1W GYRO-MATIC DODGE TINT SAFETY y*<*. TRANSMISSION GLASS /^■fc Jto^ No more manual B ear rh is soothing green tint Mgl 8 sedans are available with IM. many NEW features incor- h e*t and makes 'or comporated m this new fortable driving on the series hottest of days
      125 words
    • 446 8 '/%fT uvs FOR YOUNC AND JL/(g> 1 1 I OLD WHO ARE Wil A lif "RUNDOWN" NERVOUS OR DEPRESSED. Sufferers from nervous exhaustion, lassitude, loss of appetite, and lowered vitality will benefit considerably from the restorative properties of Allenburys ViNuphos. Vi-nuphos is an excellent aid to the restoration of health
      446 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 317 8 Straits Times Crossword i| 12 I [T"~| [4~-| TiT"] TeH p~T [a~^ 9 IB" II 12 I|| 15 14 15 i^| 16 IT 19 |H 20 22 111" 2 25~ 26 H| 27 28 "i .< ACROSS last (5* 1. Table salt to stun (anagj 12. Noise under a Doy
      317 words

  • CHILDRENS CORNER A Mystery Is Explained
    • 454 9 1M ENG KHENG, of Singapore asks vie what happens v:hen the sun suddenly stops shining. I THINK Eng Kheng must be referring to the total eclipse of the sun which occurred on Feb. 25. Scientists from 10 nations gathered near Khartoum, m tho Sudan to study and
      454 words
    • 357 9 Dear Boys and Girls, We are holding a drawing I contest this week, which I know will please many of you who ire so clever with your penctls I want you to draw Uncle Oltie the Wis# Owl I He may be flying, or perching |on the branch
      357 words
    • 411 9  -  UNCLE BILL W__m .cri^ANY as lusi commemoraml I another international humani- tariart on a stamp This time I it is Johann Heinrich I Pestatozzi who was born m I Zurich, Switzerfand. on I lanuary 12th 1746. Pestalozzi spent his ear- nest years thinking up f schemes tot
      411 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 274 9 f S~\ S~\ ID M m 'Ski This Pleasont Ointment Fights C% Colds m 2 Direct Ways at Once! j& NOW YOU CAN end cokls quickly and safely th« |fl|m modern way— with Vicks Vapoßub. Thfs pleasant f R^vat^ powerful ointment Is famous all over the world be f l^^^
      274 words
    • 44 9 c. c. c. fnirect »v oi these coupons to join the Children* Corner Club I D LEASE enrol me *t member of Hie Children ;> r Corner Wim Owl* Qub. and tend me a bad**. < NAYS < I ADDRESS 1 j J > DATS OF OJ MTU
      44 words
    • 209 9 lfiif>iiwiJ! uLUMJLy m VLHTMW- T« n ">VAttD JOIN ME j \fTHOCUPSOF\ (rWS fISP^/^M/^^M^j! milo and mere JffQji \i OMSPa/c/ol^ir^^ \jt^ -&£rt&id TONIC FOOD DRINK tS\ ¥Mju^OAD£XfU^K-yiM MJLMKXALS AW I ■^\SuPEXtOK.A*D MILO DOES jRwT>/f»»;'/ l^^^S^ r> i atai i I <II Drmk MILO, L o^^ morning, noon /^°^3^/ and n-ight!!! Ntp£££«s*/
      209 words

  • 299 10 LONDON, Tues. WITH dealers awaiting the budget, the only change worth noting m the Stock Market today was the tendency to move away from domestlp into overseas Issues Closing middle prices of selected stocks, as supplied by special arrangement with the Financial Times, were: UMM Consols Mi +i
    299 words
  • 36 10 THE foil address which Mr John Hay is to teske nhen he presides at the annual meeting of l.lnc'l Pl.ina'ioTis Md. m London, on Mnr. ZH. win be found on Parr 2
    36 words
  • 166 10 From Our Own Correspondent MrXBOURM"' hs»B SHARE prices, were marked up over wld<» r«n°e of '.ldustrr In a buoyant Stock Exchange Market day Car dlstrihi.Mno *h»rps -vere the main excepMon iithough falls here were no* marked. Textile stocks ro*e spectacularly Almost 2fi srocks m -.his etvup advanced.
    166 words
  • 197 10 3 /4-cent drop at close AFTER opening quiet m sympathy with London, where the price fel] more than 5 cts. a lb., the Singapore Rubber Market steadied m the afternoon yesterday with prices fluctuating around Mondays close. I Much of the support camel from
    197 words
  • 12 10 SINGAPORE, Tues. Mar. 11.— 5484 (up %\V H
    12 words
  • 24 10 LONDON. Mar. 11.— Cash Buyers £983: Sellers £984: Forward Buyers £983: Sellers £983*; Settlement £982 (down t.J) Turnover: a.m. 100. p.m. 25
    24 words
  • 88 10 t BOU'J 30 picuis of Muntok 1 white pepper changed hards m the Singapore Produce Market yesterday a' $680 a picul i loose F. 0.8. Grade was quoted by s«lv ie:s at $790, $15 less than on Moi'day. and Sarawak was offered at $685 a picul. Only
    88 words
  • 43 10 LONDON. Mar. 11 —Spot 32 2 d., April 32'/,d.. May 31\d.. June 31d., Apr. -June 31 s id.. July-Sept 29=", d.. Oct.-Dec. 28*; d. Mar. c.l.f. 31* id., Apr. c.i.f 30% d.. May c.l.f. 30 V 4 d Market: Steady, quiet.
    43 words
  • 48 10 LONDON. Tues ryHE Ea>t Asiatic Comjfeny de1 dared a dividend of 14 per cent, as against 10 per cent the previous year. The ISral balance, after administration expenses, taxes, etc.. was Kroner 21 3 millions, ss against Kroner 10 7 millions m 1950.
    48 words
  • 126 10 Transactions restricted DRE-BUDGET uncertainties restricted the volume of business m the Malayan Share Market yesterday, although prices remained steady m all sections. Yesterday's price changes by the Malayan Share Market Brokers' Association were: ism >i ki \i «i Barer* srllrn Fraur Neave Ords 3.70 S 80 id Gammons
    126 words
  • 70 10 \|ALA\.t imported 31.150 tons of ruboer from neighbouring countries last month. 3.531 tons less than m January. Of this amount. Singapore imported 27.265 tons, of which 15.541 tons came from Rhiouw and Ltnpßa Islands of Indonesia. Another 4.810 ions were imported trom Java, and 1.549 tons from
    70 words
  • 37 10 HONO KONG. Tues. yHEr msrltei <-nrrein > v 'xchHaKP fOf Hone Rons 1ol!ar« <**-• ■lUriffi m thr> r>|o*e 'nfla* follows: US$l HK$6 8025 (cash> HK$6 83 (T.T.): £1 HK$l5 85. one (ael of gold HK $324 375
    37 words
  • 149 10 CHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board god owns, or expected there by 7 a.m today, a-e: 1-2 Sir John Franklin. 4-5 Benattow. Coal Plant Slesvig. 6-7 B'eel Fabricator 8-9 Bentong. 12 Kajang 13-14 Shlllong. 15-16 Ltmburn. 18 Benvannoch. 19-20 Umaria. 21-22 Raiah Brooke. 23-24 Straat Makassar. 25-26 Euryades.
    149 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1326 10 MANSFIELD 6, CO., LTD. BLUB FUNNEL LINE C*rr i oftiiin to pipcrrd «i» othoi port* ro toad ana itra*n*ic» cargo SAIIINCS to LIVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORT) 000 Sail* P Sham Pennau. MeiampH* toi nave r> 01 Mar 11/13 Euryadet <m I'verrjool r .i4sgov» C 25/26 Mar 12 Pelem '<>.
      1,326 words
    • 430 10 PRESIDENT LINFR SAILINGS To New York «nd Boston via Ceyiftn India tgvot «n«Mediterranean Ports Sincaoort- p bwettenham "enang Cdets 11/14 »t PRESIDENT POLK' Sails 12 Mar 11/14 Mar 15/17 Mar SJ. "PRESIDENT TAFT" 2431 Mar 1/2 Apr 3/5 Apr S.S. "CUBA VICTORY 2/9 Apr 10/11 Apr To Los Angeles b
      430 words
    • 439 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE tAILINCi i-ROM «CANOINAVIA/UK./CONTINENI Spore P Snarr. Penang 'Fionia tor Bangkok 18/18 Mar 'Panamt" to. Bangkok Hong Kong. Manila Kobe Yokohama 11/13 Apr 8/10 Apr 6/7 Apr -Meenia" tor Saigon Bangkok 11/13 Apr "Malaya" tor Bangkok Sagon Hon. Kont !T. IS/l9Ma» 15/17 May 13/14 May FROM tAPAN/HONC KONC
      439 words
    • 1129 10 McALISTER <Sc CO., LTD. irlrslM*. No >906 BLLBRMAN BUCKNALL ULAVBNMS LlNt LONDON HAVRE ROTTEROAM t, M ANCILES. SAN FRANCISCO, M to. USA Nort" Atlan.K Port, PORTLAND -SEATTLE b VANCOUVER and Canada j\» Colombo ActeDt^ng aigo tor Central b South CITY OF KHARTOUM ■> American Ports Spore P Sham Penang m»
      1,129 words

  • 517 11 By EPSOM JEEP IJORSES entered for the Singapore Spring Cup (1-m. on March 22) got down to serious training at Bukit Timah yesterday and I liked none better than The Bosun who cut down Privateer with surprising ease m a mile workout.
    517 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 11 MOMBASA (o B the rails) with George Straker up and Floor Show (Mulley) reach the post together m the Kedah Cup ki Penan* on Saturday. It was the first Meadheat *f the season.
    33 words
  • 341 11 Avilor, Cobro and Pink Treasure COME promising newcomers have been entered for the Singapore Turf Club Spring Meeting (Mar. 15, 19 and 22). A feyr ar e already In earnest work and appear capable of scoring early m the season. They include Avilor, a French-bred four-year-old by Vatellor (sire of
    341 words
  • 93 11 SAN FRANCISCO, Tues. MIDDLEWEIGHT cham p 1 ono n Sugar Rej- Robinson boxed his final practice rounds today for his title fight against Carl fBobo) Olson on Thursday nijht. Promoter WlUlam Kyr.e will Hive Robinson US$l, the champ's s»"jje of the purse. Profit* ?o to tii*
    93 words
  • 37 11 IPOH. Tues— Perak will Jnvite one of the overseas teams taking part In the Thomas Cup tournament m Singapore to play m Ipoh against Perak after the Cup challenge round is over.
    37 words
  • 24 11 LOWDON. Tues. Yesterdays &o«rer result: Division Three (North): Halifax Town 0. Bradford 0 (replay of match atoruioned on Jan. 26) —Renter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 311 11 Fairy TAKE (late Aesop's Fable), a newcomer, showed a beautiful turn of speed when he ran Sf In 38 2/5 one of the fastest workouts at Bukit Timah yeeterday morning— ln a tryout wltfa the weUperformed Marcher Lords (Woods A four-year-old bay by Fairy
    311 words
  • 412 11 Op«.-a, running the last it la 41 Vasco da Oama. looking fit a"/) frah alter a q?ell, went attractively at threequarter pace over 4f. Vaeco da Gama's last race was at Ipoh In October last rear when be ran the useful Good Gaatole to
    412 words
  • 65 11 JOCKEY Doug MePhersoe back from a vacation In Australia, will have his farewell race meetfox at the fltagapore Turf Club's Spring meet at Bukit Timah. Ke plans to start a stud farm. Jockey Charlie SSery has returned from West Australia and wSI ride at Bukit Ttawh.
    65 words
  • 53 11 LONDON, Tuts.— The Welsh team to play Ireland at Swansea m an international soccer match oa Mar. 18 will be: Short t (Plymouth), Barnes (Arsenal), Boltwood (Cardiff), Paul (Manchester City), Daniel (Arsenal). Burgess (Tottenham Hotspw), Fotukas (Newcastle United i. Morria (Bantey). Ford (Sunderland), Allehnron (Swansea! and Clarke
    AP  -  53 words
  • 33 11 IPOH, Toes.— The South China basketball team from Hong Kong now touring Malaya will play two rames In Ipoh against Ipoh Combined and Perak Combined on Mar. 14 and 15 respectively.
    33 words
  • 313 11 riOLD RISE (Ptrdval) went about his work with mat relish on the training track at Bukit Timah yesterday morning when be broke right away from Tryas (E. Donnelly) at the end of •Ptandld Iryout over If. tn Oold Rise was out m front m a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 491 11 9th DAY TODAY! A COLUMBIA PICTURE m GLORIOUS COLOR Starring John Arar Patriot a Medina Lucille Ball p^DAHYat n-i.4S-4-t.ii-t.M— e==^^a»M gf^3f^l gWTr a»M B NEXT _j^ CHANGE MORE y»STARS, SONGS y r)»? OTHER MUSICALS <i PUT TOGETHER! wabner Bros DOKIS WY GOtHM m WM m ZZ*»~' Jpsfi Tll^~iihiiiiiiiiiiiii lii nun
      491 words
    • 143 11 DAY! r*-»|r I ».3TC m PLUS! THE FUNERAL QF KING GEORGE VI In TECHNICOLOR (A 29 mm. 2 reeler) Starts TOMORROW! AIIION MM ot^B7SlMßr> N <ftg^r ""^Bk i BBfliacir^Bw t jA I T 3i t ailaGl^aMßlßaJf aC IflßKa JIM Ml WM m& -HRKSTIUSI TODAY MtLY/ 11. 1.30, 4. 6.45 and
      143 words

  • 262 12 Cup challengers may get $50,000 1 MALAYA'S SHARE WILL BE LESS KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. MALAYA'S opponents m the challenge round of the Thomas Cup are likely to receive about $50,000 from those matches and the inter-zone final. They will certainly be better off financially than Malaya, who will share equally
    262 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 12 DITCHBLRN, Tottenham Hotspurs goalkeeper, leaps to a flying save against a Derby County attempt at goal during a First Division match at White Hart Lane, London, on Mar. 1. Spurs won 5-0. Reuter picture.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 89 12 SOCCER DIV. 1: Katong Sajarah v Fathul Karlb at J. Besar stadium. Div. 2: RN Kranji v K. Sajarah •A' at CYMA. Div 3B: P T v S.V.SvC. at Geylang. Youth Tourney: St. Andrews School v YMMA Boys at J. Besar 4 p.m. Bus. Hse. Lee.: Sime Darby
    89 words
  • 119 12 Jacks fight hard for 3-2 victory JACKS Sports Club had to fight very hard for their three-two victory over Singapore Cold Storage S.C. "B" at Farrer Park yesterday In a S.B.H.P.A. Div.3 match. Jacks scored first m the 12th minute, through Boon Yong. Plve minutes later Shaik Mohd. equalised for
    119 words
  • 63 12 GL SGOW, Tues. r THE draw for tne semi-finals of the Scottish Cup made yesterday Is: Third Lanark v Dundee at Edinburgh. Rangers or Mother well v Airdrie or Hearts at Hampden Park, Glasgow Matches to be played on Saturday March 29. The fourth round replays between
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 88 12 Singapore's wrestlers, led by King Kong, will appear m a programme at the Great World arena on Friday, March 28 at 9 p m to raise money to build a Community Hail for the Leper colony. In addition to the All-in Wrestling programme will be some feats
    88 words
  • 78 12 A GOAL scored four minutes r before time by Terence Fernando, Tempenis Rqpers' insideleft, earned his team a creditable one-all draw with Wonderlads m a SAFA Div. 3A League fixture played off' at CYMA ground yesterday. Wonderlads were In the lead at half time through
    78 words
  • 250 12 rpHE Singapore Chinese Pootx ball Association play their first representative match of the reason, against Business Houses PA at Jalan Besar stadium, on Saturday. Sixteen S.C.P.A. players have been invited to turn up. Th© team will be 'hosen Just before ire came They are: Chee
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  • 94 12 |N a S.A.F.A. Dlv. 2 game at Geylang Stadium yesterday, Marine Department beat Woodbridge Mental Hospital 6-1. After ten minutes Sharlan scored for Marine Department, closely followed by another from Ibraham. Then Mental Hospital attacked and Ismail scored the only goal they were to get.
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  • 110 12 A ten-man Rcffles Institution side went down to St. Patrick's Institution by 2-0 m a friendly inter-school soccer match played at St. Patricks Institution ground yesterday. Raffles did well m the first half to hold the Saints but after re.umption St. Patrick's long and continuous
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  • 74 12 'J'HE Singapore United Services Football Association's Junior Division League matches played yesterday resulted as follow: RAF Maintenance Unit beat RASC Head Quarters by 1-0. Larimers scored the only goal of the match. At Sembawang, RAF Tengali beat RNAS Sembawang by 3-1. Scorers for Tengah were Green (2) and
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  • 214 12 F:e Singapore Cycle Racing Association has drawn up a busy programme for the current season including massed-start road races, time trials, a hill climb meeting and grass track championships. The biggest event m the racing programme will be the annual 125-Mile Massed-Start road race for
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  • 252 12 Gubbins' parting gift four goals UNITED SERVICES SOCCER POl R goals by 20-year-old Ralph Gubbins, who 1 leaves for Britain next week, enabled R.A.F. Changi to win 6—l against G.H.Q. m their Singapore United Services Football Association's Senior Division League match played at Tanglin yesterday. Gubbins, at inside-left, was the
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  • 80 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Toes. piRST battalion, Manchester Regiment, may be confident of winning the Malaya Districts Inter-unit boxing championship at the Chinese Assembly Hall here on Thursday night, bat their opponents. Royal West KenU, have other Ideas. Rojai West KenU were the British Army
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  • 47 12 LOS ANGELES. Tuesday. Ted Schroeder, United States Davis Cup player and 1949 Wimbledon champion, today announced bis retirement from Davis Cup and major championship competition. Schroeder, now 30, said he was 'bowing out of big time tennis" for purely personal reasons. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 338 12 Kota Raja 1; Indian R.C 0. nULL, unmethodical and rough footbaU was all that the Jalan Besar "regulars" got for their money watching yesterday's S.A.F.A. First Division match between an almost raw Kota Raja side and the Indian Recreation Club. Worse still, play wa s
    AP  -  338 words
  • 32 12 LONDON, Tues. WONG Peng Soon, after having a busman's holiday watching the Surrey badminton championships daring the weekend, has begun training at Wimbledon for the AllEngland championships.
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  • 1038 12 IS i*^^^^^^^^i i^^^^SBl rpHAT disgraceful incident at Jalan Besar A stadium on Monday in which a bunch of players were involved in a brawl, must be dealt with ruthlessly and quickly by the Singapore Amateur Football Association. Any laxity will undermine S.A.F.A.'s authority. The scene at the
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  • 34 12 The York Bbdv Building Club will meet a combined R.A.F. team from Changl and Tengah m a boxing match at the Police Training School on Wednesday. Mar. 26. Admission will be free.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 840 12 CLASSIFIED ADS Continura troro face 6) SITUATIONS WANTED CHARTERED accountant. Englishman, wide experience of service acriuinttt g organisation and adm^nistnitlon reeks appointment as secretary or accountant to business firm <)i club Box No. A1373. S.T. -KNIOH RiantuiK executive, recently retired age 60. would consider returning to Mmaya if offrreo sufficiently
      840 words
    • 872 12 VEHICLES TOR SALE I MORRIS Minor 4-Door Saloon. j Green colour. Brand new. Under 500 miles Taxed, fully Insured Feb 53. $4,700. Apply Box No A1344. S.T. AUSTIN BH.P. November 1947 ***** miles carefully maintained i tin condition excellent, Immediate delivery to highest bidder. Phone 5194 Ext. 15. VAUXHALL Six
      872 words
      6 words
    • 42 12 ETERNfI-MGTIC No other watch winds itself iL^/tr as smoothly, as quietly, and with- iSi^H mKm^J out interruption as does the Eterna Matic. For no other watch contains the ingenious patented kail bearing winding principle. HUH Getmmeters Ltd., 16, Collyer Quay. Singapore, 1.
      42 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous