The Straits Times, 4 March 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 431 1 15 injured by bandit bomb: Gang driven off KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. gEVEN people were killed and 15 injured when bandits today blew up the east coast passenger train running from Gemas, Johore, to Mentakab, Pahang. The derailment was three miles from Rompin, in south Pahang.
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  • 41 1 TUNIS, Mon. I gIX railwaymen were seriI ously injured yesterday in the most serious act of railway sabotage since the outbreak of the present disturbances in Tunisia. Investigation showed a length of rail had been unbolted.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 142 1 Dockers stop work on Jap vessel SYDNEY, Mon. WATERFRONT workers at Newcastle, New South Wales, today sent their second protest to the Prime Minister, Mr. Menzles, and the Opposition leader. Dr. Evatt. at having to work Japanese ships. Tally workers stopped work on the 5,328-ton Japanese cargo ship Orient Maru,
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 22 1 KARACHI. Mon.-Eighteen people have been arrested in Dacca following the shooting of a police constable and a police auxiliary.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 139 1 CANBERRA, Mon. A USTRALIA and Britain are to standardise their army equipment, organisation and techniques, the Army Minister, Mr. Josiah Francis, announced today. Mr. Francis said that in the event of war, Australia would act in closest co-opera-tion with the British forces and "in the
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  139 words
  • 18 1 Police arrested six people when they screened an area in the Kroh district of Kedah.
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  • 143 1 HONG KONG, Monday. HONG KONG Government indicated yesterday it might permit representatives of relief fund donors from Canton to visit the Colony next week. The Government 'would not explain what difference there might be between the banned "comfort" mission, over which Lssue Chinese rioted
    AP  -  143 words
  • 22 1 LONDON, Mon. CheLsda beat Leeds Utd. 5-1 in a fifth round F.A. Cup replay at Villa Park, Birmingham today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 801 1 Fresh troops keep up swamp hunt as— KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A PATROL of mud-stained, weary Cameronians, who invaded a jungle swamp in Kuala Selangor to hunt 11 bandits, have been brought out of the jungle in a two-day helicopter airlift. It took a
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  • 127 1 YOU CAN REJECT RUSSIA... TOKYO, Monday. 4 COMMUNIST staff officer, Col. Chang, today agreed that the United Nations had a right to reject Russia's inclusion among neutral nations to police a Korean cease-fire. But he declared that the rejection must be based on logical' grounds.
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 32 1 BRUSSELS, Mon. King Baudouin of Belgium left here last night for Switzerland. An announcement said the King planned to stay in the mountains for a UM days Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 27 1 ROME. Mon. Aircraft may be used to parachute food and medical supplies to 800 villagers In the Appenlne mountains isolated by snow drifts. -A.F.P.
    AFP  -  27 words
  • 42 1 KOREA, Mon.— American Sabre jet pilots claimed damage to five Communist jet fighters today in two battles against a total of about 90 MIG-15s over North Korea. The MIGs outnumbered the Sabres nearly two to one.— Reuter. A.A.P.
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  42 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 1 Countess Mountbatten had a radiant smile of greeting for young Recruit Kamal bin Ahmad when she visited the British Military Hospital, Alexandra, Singapore, yesterday. Straits Times pict ure.
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  • 108 1 HONO KONG, Mon. DOLICE clashed with a Chinese cinema audience in Macao, 40 miles west of Hong Kong on Saturday. The incident arose when 20 armed police entered the cinema and ordered the suspension of a Chinese film called "Unite together until tomorrow." Three members of
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 88 1 Ship arrives minus seven crew I THE X.P.M. freighter Kal- mana arrived in Singapore yesterday minus seven of her crew. They are detained in Belawan Deli, where all of the crew of 42 were arrested one month ago. The others were released. A X.P.M. spokesman said: "We have still not
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  • 30 1 ZURICH, Mon. Sir Stafford Cripps is suffering "disagreeable reactions" from special X-ray treatments he has received for a spinal infection, his wife said in a statement today.— A.P.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 26 1 A late report from Johore Bahru yesterday said that one bandit was wounded and two others were probably wounded in a battle on Friday.
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  • 135 1 Riviera plane crash kills 37 NICE. Mon. npHIRTY-seven people were killed today when a four-engine French airliner crashed near Nice and caught fire. The plane, belonging to Air France, carried 33 passengers and a crew of five. It crashed Into an olive field a mile from Nice a few minutes
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  135 words
  • 61 1 LONDON, Mon. Mr. Woodrow Wyatt (Labour) Is asking the Colonial Secretary in the House of Commons on Wednesday what discussions were held with local representative leaders before Mr D. C. MacGlllivray was appointed Deputy High Commissioner of the Federation. He also wants to know why many
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  • 54 1 M ISS Chan Ah Kwong, aged 25, was elected "Tiger Beer" Queen for 1952 at the Air View Cabaret. Singapore, last night. Miss Keong Lai Chan, aged 25, was second and Miss Irene Kum third. Mrs. H. E. Vincent, wife of the manager .of Fraser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 Zj^^TSl 0| AT|M/*1 J TEARS GUARANTII llH£ I 'vßk Qtiomcuiko fefS^ijßiZrS It I wh§ inifOtMOVCD r>W /JTJ^X /If V «j Amcmoiy SG.C [h^Z^S^Sm I $jk O«C»NI2»TlON t -y. -j •'vjjc MALAYA. »yu n■■i "■■■■■■■■■•^■■■'-rf J^VV mk ff7i!J s cv. r t -plus- 9 Wl USIFUI IHELF AftCA I Wm TL
      73 words
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  • 224 2 REDS IN WUHAN ARE 'PURGING THEIR RANKS Top officials sacked, may be shot HONG KONG, Monday. THE number of big Communists who have lost their jobs and, in some cases, been expelled from the party in a cleanout at Wuhan has made observers think a party "purge" may be threatening.
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  • 208 2 LONDON, Mon. THE accidental explosion of I a grenade in Malaya which resulted in the death of a trooper named Burgess had a sequel in the House of Commons when Mrs. Jean Mann. Labour Member for the Scottish Division of Coatbridge and Aldrie, questioned the
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  • 81 2 LONDON, Mon. MR. George Middleton, British Charge d'Affaires in Persia, lfft London last night by air for Teheran, where he will discuss the year-old oil crisis with the Persian Premier. Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq. Now chief British diplomatic representative in Teheran pending the appointment of a
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 80 2 MOMBASA, Kenya, Mon. I^ENYA'S Supreme Court on Saturday sentenced to death an African convicted of killing another native. It is believed to be the first such Sentence in this British eatony of a person who had been tracked down by a dog. The dog miffed
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  • 28 2 AMSTERDAM, Mon. The Indonesian delegation to Holland for discussions on the Union statute and Western New Guinea .left here last night by air for Jakarta. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 37 2 GENEVA. Mon.— Britain has replaced Russia as Europe's largest producer of tractors, and may soon export more than the United States, the world's largest producers, a survey by the U.N. Economic Commission for Europe showed.—UP.
    UP  -  37 words
  • 179 2 TOKYO, Monday. D^LAY and indecision are likely to lose Japan a £5,000,000 British order for steel, trade sources said here today. i- The order, for 109,000 tons, had been contracted at the end of January but the Japanese Government has been withholding approval
    Reuter; AP  -  179 words
  • 73 2 SYDNEY, Mon. T^HE Australian Waterside Workers Federation last night ordered 6,000 striking members to return f o work today. If they do not, return, court action may be taken against the Federation and its branch officials. The strike followed the suspension on Friday ot several
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 2 EVEN IF VIENNA is not M gay v it was under the Hapstmrgs. it can still put on a fine show of revelry at Carnival time The Carnival Queen tor 1952 (above) is a singer i n the Vienna State Opera, Dajpnar Hermann.
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  • 49 2 CAIRO, Mon— The Yemen Government has accused Mr. Wendell Phillips, American archaeologist, of smuggling out a statue of the Queen of Sheba, the Cairo newspaper, Al Assas, said yesterday. Al A&sas said the Yemen Government will take legal steps to get the statue back. AJ.P.
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  • 48 2 LISBON. Mon. RAGING floods yestCTday threatened thousand* of inhabitants with death and starvation in the Portuguese East African Colony of Mozambique. Many people have sought refuge in the treetops on small islands near the coast. Eleven bodies have been recovered by rescue boats.— AP.
    AP  -  48 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 453 2 LAST 3 SHOWS 3-6.15 9-15 P.M. Shaw Bros' Unforgettable Love Story "RAYUAN SUKMA" Starring All Kikmin A. Rahim ■MM A MALAY DRAMA To-morrow R-K-O "ON THE LOOSE" PLI/S ROYAL 6ls ft 9.15 p.m. "BAHAR" (Htntfustanl) RE X JOHORS BAHKU Now Showln« 3.15—6.45 915 "HIONC CHAY YEE" (Mandarin) ATLANTIC GREAT WORLD
      453 words
    • 359 2 NOTICES NOTICE MITRE HOTEL NOTICE Is hereby gtren that the partnership heretofore subsisting between Chlam Wee Liang. CMam Toh Kat, Chlam Toh Tong. Chtam Eng Aun. Chlam Heng Luan alias Chlam Eng Luan alias Chiam Hlng Luan. John Dalton. Ramasamy Athl Pranam. Chiam Toh Moo, Chiam Toh Lew, Chlam Toh
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    • 708 2 NOTICES SABAH STEAMSHIP CO., (1927) LTD. (Incorporated in North Borneo) Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary Oeneral Meeting of the Company will be held at the Registered Office of the Company in Saridakan on March 27th, at 10.30 a.m. when the following will be considered as a Special tesi'.ution
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    • 97 2 -^W' !Kol*-9l fit* JAPAN for your local leave stopping over at BANGKOK in v*t>ichever season your vacation fails Japan /^~~>*. offers manifold attractions for you to see and R|g» enjoy carefree and economical tours. i^ *f% Air, Sea and Rail bookings to all parts of tne VwJ? TEL. *****, 5061
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 150 2 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 10.00 a-m. .meixency New* from KL.; 10.05 "Tiineg from the Shows; 10.45-12 Schools; 1. pm. light Music; 1.30 News; 1.45 Dance Music; 2.-3.20 Schools; 615 "Four Stars A Starlet"; 6.25 U.N. Album; 6.40 Radio Malaya Trio; 6.55 Announcement* 7. News; 7.15 "Can W« Help You?"; 7.30 "Paul
      150 words
    • 131 2 PENANG 9 30 a.m. Schools: 10-2 p.m. As 8*pore; 6. "Melody Time"; 6 JO Children; 6.55 Announcements; 7. News; 7.15 'The JoSUfTord Show"; 7.30 "Jazz Jamboree"; 8. "Popularity Poll"; 8 JO "Film Fare"; 9 "Topical Tempo"; 9.30 News; 9.45 Radio String Ensemble; 10 "lady on the Screen 1 10 30
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  • 148 3 DISPUTE FORGOTTEN UNTIL 'HOUSE' CLEANED CAIRO, Monday. jjMiYPT'S new non-party Cabinet, headed by Naguib Hilaly Pasha, last night suspended parliament for a month after being sworn in by King Farouk. Immediately, the ministers settled down to plan the 4ask of carrying out the
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 103 3 FRANKFURT. Germany, Mon. J^JAJOR James A. Jabara. U.S. jet air ace from Korea, said here last night that if the Allied air forces In Europe had the American Sabre-jets they could beat any Communist aircraft. The Sabre-jet was better In every way than the Soviet
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 50 3 STEYNSBURG. South A erica. Mon.— Three of the quadruplets born here on Saturday to Mrs M A. Rossouw. wife of a South African railroad employee. died last night. Ttie surviving child, a boy. was the first born and weighs lit tle more than three pounds
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  • 41 3 BERLIN, Mon.— Anti-plague measures have been taken in North Korea following "bac- 1 teriological warfare by the United States Air Force." the < East German new s agency t ADN said in a Peking dis- 1 patch. Reuter. J
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 98 3 GENEVA. Mon. BRITAIN is now the largest producer of farm tractors in Europe and is well on the way to ousting America as the world's largest exporter This was indicated today in a 200-page report on world tractor production made by the United Nations Economic Commission
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 27 3 NEW YORK. Mon.—Newspaper executives and information experts from 12 countries are meeting today to continue drafting an international code of ethics for journalists. U.P.
    UP  -  27 words
  • 185 3 NEW MAN TO TRY IN FRANCE PARIS Mon. MANTOINE Pianay. Trans- port Minister in the outguing Govern. i. ent. U to be asked to form a new cabinet, it was officially announced here today. Former Premier Rene Pleven and M. Paul Reynaud have declined President Vincent Auriol's invitation to form
    Reuter; AP  -  185 words
  • 49 3 CANBERRA. Mon.—Australia will spend one and a half million pounds (Australian) on modernising and building up munitions and aircraft factories. Defence Production Minister, Mr. Eric Harrison has announced He said the new plant and equipment wouM be obtained where possible from Sterling sources.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 39 3 KILLED 11 -POLICE AN usher at Poitiers Assizes holds packets containing an arsenic base alleged to have been administered by Madame Marie Besnard to 11 relatives to get £10,000. BELOW: Madame Besnard, aged 59, accused of murdering the eleven.
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  • 67 3 SAIGON, Mon. THE Vietnam police have 1 arrested 205 Communist terrorists In the twin cities of Saigon and Cholon in the last two months. Last week, 23 members of the Vietminh Death Volunteers were arrested, including three leaders and 18 terrorists involved in the January plastic
    AFP  -  67 words
  • 183 3 ....but it's only an exercise NAPLES, Monday. A CONVOY of 40 American, British, French and Italian cargo ships sped through the approaches to Gibraltar tonight under "attack" by aircraft and submarines taking part in th e biggest naval manoeuvres since the war's end. If the
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 81 3 First trip to moon 'can be in 10 years' SALZBURG. Mon. THE first interplantarjr rocket could b e launched towards the moon within next ten years, said the German inventor of the wartime V-II rockets, Herr R. T.. Sundadt. He told a Press conference that a trip to the moon
    AFP  -  81 words
  • 36 3 VIENNA. Mon. Two Austrian newspapers said yesterday that Bucharest, capital of Communist Rumania Ls preparing larg-scale deportations of mlddleclass people. Similar deportations w»»rp carried out in Bndapest. capital of Hungary last year— AP
    AP  -  36 words
  • 200 3 SAIGON, Monday. rpHE French High Command last night said that A it had smashed an attempt by elements of two Communist-led Vietminh divisions to gain a foothold in the Red River delta 30 miles south-east of Hanoi. The Command said hand-to-hand fighting and attacks
    AP  -  200 words
  • 71 3 LONDON, Mon. fPHE Soviet English language J. magazine. New s said yesterday that the economic difficulties of Britain and France were the result of lack !of trade with Communist countries. An article by a Soviet economist, Professor Lyubimov, said: "If only Britain would expand her trade
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 67 3 WASHINGTON, Mon rE Department of Agriculture today estimated the 1951-52 world harvest of rough rice at 336,000.000,000 lb, one per cent less than the year before. The decline was primarily due to a reduced acreage in the important rice areas of India, the department said. Production
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 41 3 PANMUNJOM. Mon. The Communists yesterday handed over to the Allied truce negotiators the largest consignment of mail so far received from Allied prisoners-of-war in Communist hands. Allied officers said there were 1,038 letters in the consignment. A.F.P.
    AFP  -  41 words
  • 57 3 NEW YORK. Mon.— The trial of 16 minor Communist leaders may get under way tomorrow if a federal judge denies delaying motion.* filed by the Reds 1 lawyers. The trial is scheduled to take place in the courtroom where 11 Communist leaders were convicted
    UP  -  57 words
  • 61 3 HONG KONG Mon. Sou Shing-kuen, a four-year-old boy. was slashed to death by the whirling shaft of an omnibus yesterday. The boy. left in a waiting bus, opened the floorboard, fell through and got wedged. On attempting to start the driver heard wailing and found
    AP  -  61 words
  • 41 3 LONDON. Mon Mr. W. Gallacher, former Communist member of Parliament, arrived at Adelaide, Australia today. Australia radio report, cd. He is to attend a youth festival in Sydney this month and will also spend a holiday in Australia.— Renter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 55 3 TEL AVIV Monday. WHEN a pickpocket here checked a purse he had stolen, he took a few nickel coins, but overlooked a ->d of paper before he threw the purse and contents away. That wa s a mistake. He had missed a lottery-ticket which a few
    AP  -  55 words
  • 165 3 WORK on a seven-mile tunnel under Mont Blanc in the French Alps will begin In two months. It will cost U.S $28,570,000. Australia plans an army of 124,500 men by the end of next year. The present strength is 51,385 Michel Marechal, a Frenchman, claims
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  • 46 3 TEL AVIV, Mon. Lydda. the town where the central Israeli air port is situated, not far from Tel Aviv, has now officially been named Lod. Lod is the ancient Hebrew name of the town and is mentioned In the Bible.— A.P.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 26 3 LONDON, Mon.— Lord Marley. Parliamentary Under Secretary for War In the Labour Government from 1930 to 1931. died today. He was 67.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 90 3 pi LUUL e^wumty.. W^rw X ELWOOD refrigerated cabmers are steel-built, threecoat enamelled, and engineered for efficient high temperature storage of essential foods. Capacity of models, designed for home use, cafes, clubs, hotels, hospitals, industrial plants etc ranges from 1.4 cv.ft. (illustrated) to the tuper-size 27 I £s?£i'r r^VA You can
      90 words
    • 137 3 Scot&utch^>e&£ V Straight from /fiSfUm Scotland! these S quick cooking oat WA *fk a ccs provide a «n UpQ^ I* delicious and iuS nourishing breakIjL )mjp& fast with only a jgf 4 iar ew m'nv c Scott's po GE Oats Distributing Agents ■a^i^ Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. iiiiiiiiiiiiic]iiiiiiiiiiiic]iiiiiiiiiiiic]iiiiiiiiiiiit]iiiiiiiiiiiit]iiiiiiiiiiiic]iiiiiiiiiiiinimii a^a^^^^aW.
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  • 220 4 Sent to gaol but 'they deserve to be flogged' A CHINESE woman and an Indian woman who admitted they had poured boiling water over each other's children were sent to three j months' gaol by the Singapore Third Police Court Magistrate, Mr.
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  • 142 4 Fees for all Immunity certificates AS from Apr. 1. all persons reauiring international certificates of immunisation for small-DOX. cholera and vpllow fever will have to Day for thorn, a Singapore Government spokesman said last nieht. Government servants and their families, pilgrims to Mecca, labourers repatriated by the Labour Department and
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  • 81 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Mahmuda binte Sheik Daud was bound over today in the Police Court for six months for attempting to commit suicide by jumping into the sea. Mahmuda told the court that when her husband left for India, he made arrangements for her to draw
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  • 36 4 The Kamala Club, Singapore, will hold a party at its Moulmein Road premises for members' children at 5 pm on Thursday. t There will be games, a cinema show and refreshments.
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  • 62 4 Radio Malaya will stage a Workers' Playtime programme for about 500 workers of the Singapore City Council at the City Cleansing Depot labourers' ".ines. Lorong Lallat. on Friday The show will start at 7 p.m. Radio Malaya is arranging for well-known Tamil stars to take part.
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  • 96 4 Road film gets wrong audience AS part of their campaign to emphasise to drivers the need for care and courtesy on the road, the Singapore Traffic Police nave begun a series of safety first lectures m parking places. The first took place yesterday morning m Empress Place and consisted of
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  • 206 4 LEE Kiok Ngee, a 33-year-old merchant of Armenian Street, was committed to stand trial at the next Assizes at the end of a preliminary inquiry in the Singapore First Police Court yesterday. Lee was charged with abetting his brother. Lee Klok Sioner. to cheat traders
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  • 143 4 His picture shirt is not for court A YOUNG Sikh watchman, in a green shirt printed with pictures of film stars and scenes from films, was cold by the City Police Court Magistrate. Mr. K. J. L. j Jamieson. yesterday, not to wear it in Court. He was a defence
    143 words
  • 252 4 gl'B-STATIONS liable lo load sheddinc today are: DAY Pasir Pan Jane. Reformatory Bd.. Oxygen Factory, CreSMniie, St. James. Miri Rd., Silat Kd., Bnkit Pasoh. 8.A.T.. Trafalgar St.. Anson Rd., Tiong Bahru. Saro St.. Raman St., Peoples Park. Nanson Rd., Lam Soon Oil Mills, Guan Bin. V.F.. Network. IT.E.
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  • 26 4 Coconut oil in Bingaoore has decreased from $17 50 per tin to $14 50 and a quart bottle from 70 to 60 cents.
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  • 39 4 The following have been elected patrons of the Kongkong and Shanghai Bank Local Staff Benevolent Society. Singapore: Messrs. C. L. Edwards, Lim Bock Kee, J. A. D. Morrison. M- D- Scott, and P J. Monaghan.
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  • 31 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Twenty-four Malay families squatting on land off Circular Road. Kuala Lumpur, belonging to the Loke YewTrust, have been told to quit within 14 days.
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  • 84 4 SINGAPORE Civil Defence Headquarters will buy 20 vans to use for rescue work during a waj the Civil Defence Commissioner. Col. L. T. Firbank. said yesterday. Col. Flrbank said that this may be insufficient and more may have to be bought later
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  • 65 4 YWCA, Raffles Quay: Mandarin 9.30 am.; (advanced) 10.30 a.m.: ballroom dancing 5 p.m. YMCA, Orchard Road: termls 5 pjn.; cricket S p.m.; Malay and French classes 5.30 pjn.; judo classes 5.30 p.m.; St. John Ambulance 5.30 pjn. gymnastics 6 p.m. CHINESE YMCA, Selegle Road: badminton 5 p.m.; basketball
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  • 27 4 TELUK ANSON. Mon.—Because he conveyed 50 cases of evaDorated milk without a permit. Lee Kean Leong, aged 28. was fined $100 m Teluk Anson.
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  • 92 4 TO ease the present parking situation in the business sector of Singapore, the City Council 1b to allow vehicles to park on Shenton Way. This tallows a suggestion made fry the Automobile A3-, sociation. The City Engineer has been asked for an estimJ*J
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  • 234 4 Combine or close, village shops told ALOR STAR. Mon. r TWO hundred shops in five Kedah villages have been asked to close and form themselves into koncsia. under an Emergency order for the control of show and movement of commodities. This order comes into effect next Monday. The villages affected
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  • 199 4 Patients meet Lady Mountbatten fiOVNTESS Mount batten \j yesterday chatted and shook hands with about 400 men of the Services in the British Military Hospital at Alexandra She had a cheerful smile and a word of encouragement for all the patients, who included Britons. Malays. Chinese. Indians. Fijian^. Africans and
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  • 94 4 "pHE X.P.M. cargo vessel Karsik. now In Singapore had to change the colour of her funnel to conform with regulations while she is chartered to the Royal Interoceao Lines. Originally, her funnel waa bright yellow with a narrow black rim. During the weekend, the Singapore
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 252 4 SALES MAN IN A STUPORi domt unp£rstanp\__^ BUT NOW HE 5 REALLY _S____V£L\ this letter trom smith s) T=« p^_ mM± m m mmßMmmi rT" 1 COMPLAINING ABOUT Mm M M MM L 3v^ OUR SERVICE- CLEM. L J JU r^_tff V^ yTj 111 1 THOUGHT YOU W£RS\ look. clem,
      252 words
    • 118 4 <^Mgfe>Me monk ca**/ FOR MAGNIfICtNI MO F O R I N Gj^^W^fcs.. MM S /•> "J used to resign WJ^-.^ myself to uxishday Sfe^w Ml- drudgery until JiLytfu' switched to ...Palm Tree Washing Soap.... gentle on j* Irr the hands and clothes <f\ //V ...and 50... Vv 1 V^n! economical
      118 words

  • 236 5 'CLEAR MORRIS— AND QUICKLY' J'HE Singapore Association has written to the Colony Government protesting at the delay in publishing the findings of the tribunal which sat in judgment on the police officers criticised by the Leach Riot Commission last year. The association
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  • 147 5 'Butch, such a tiny one; said Yong fHAT extra case that starts »n their very doorsteps has come the way of Singapore magistrates three times of late. It happened again yesterday. What most hav c seemed a smooth course of justice foi magistrate Mr. H. B. Livingstone's Monday morning was
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  • 114 5 SINGAPORE businessmen doubt whether the sale of land tn Shenton Way can be successful because of "stiff" terms and conditions of sale imposed by the Government About 176,000 square feet of Crown land in Shenton Way and Robinson Road is to be auctioned for
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  • 77 5 Urn Siong Sun, 20, was charged in the Singapore Second Court yesterday with having placed the nozzle of an air compressor against the body of Chua Chian Hock and with having released compressed air "so rashly as to endanger human life". The Incident is alleged to have
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  • 36 5 Dutch ship sails tomorrow The Dutch freighter, Ampenan. will sail tomorrow from Singapore to Indonesia carrying four motor launches for the Indonesian Navy at Sourabaya. These launches were specially built in Dutch shipyards, with extra-powerful engines.
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  • 31 5 MUAR. Mon, Mr How Seng Khlm. Chinese interpreter. Magistrate's Court Temerloh. has been transferred to the SuDreme Court, replacing Mr. Yap 800 Hua who has been transferred to Port Dickson.
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  • 90 5 MALAYAN law students In England who have beer, doing a two-weeks' British Council course on British criminal justice said yesterday that they had found the course most useful. The course was designed v, show the working of criminal justice from the magistrates' courts up
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  • 62 5 PENANG. Mon Penang Customs officers are still Investigating the discovery of 450 lb of opium in a Malayan Airways Dakota which landed at Bayan Lepas airport from Bangkok yesterday afternoon Noarrest has yet been made The opium, wrapped in 89 packets and hidden under the
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  • 62 5 Chan Thim, aged 23, and Lee Lai Kong, aged 26. were charged In Singapore yesterday with criminal breach of trust of a motor car valued at $5,000 belonging to Ng Kah Seng at Nee Soon village on Feb. 6. The prosecution opposed bail, and Chan and
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  • 44 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Chan Tong Chee. an 18-year-old factory worker of Singapore, pleaded euiltv in the Police Court today to failing to report at a police station on Dec. 28 while under police supervision. He was allowed $500 bail oendin" ludgment.
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  • 37 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Tan Oeok Eng, a 40-year-old hotel-keeper, was today fined $50 by Inche Ibrahim in the Kuala Lumpur First Magistrate's Court for falling to enter the names of two of his lodgers.
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  • 87 5 LIONG KONG is now back to normal following n Saturday's riot l»y Communist demonstrators said Capt. A. B. Armstrong, who piloted the first Cathay Pacific Airlines aircraft to arrive in Singapore after the riots, last night. He said the riot lasted about 90
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  • 47 5 KULIM. Mon.— Kulim police have detained another nine Malays in connection with the murder of seven Chinese at Pahau on Feb. 19. Three squatter families now housed by the local branch of the MCA have refused to return to their kampong at Selarong Panjang.
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  • 118 5 The Royal tour band here today THE Royal Air Force Re1 glonal Band arrives In Singapore today in the transport ship Dilwara for a programme of Service and public engagements lasting until mid- April. The band went originally to Ceylon to take part in programmes during the proposed Royal tour.
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  • 51 5 IPOH. Mon.— Mohd Noor bin Shaari, a 19-year-old special constable at the Gunong Rapat resettlement village at Ipoh today remanded tn custoday till Mar 13 in connection with a shooting Incident at the village on Feb 4. He was alleged to have shot Ng Fatt. a
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  • 22 5 The body of a Chinese rubber tapper murdered by bandits has been found in the Rembau area of Negri Sembilan.
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  • 56 5 IPOH, Mon.— Two women, Chong Yoke Yin, aged 22, and Chin Wai, aged 19, were today remanded in custody till Mar. 17 when they appeared in the Magistrate's court on a tentative charge of harbouring armed persons at the Gunong Par! squatter area. The case will
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  • 23 5 KUANTAN. Mon Won« Ah Peng, a woman, wu fined $20 lor falling to register and take out an Identity card.
    23 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 5 MR. POON BOON KIN, fou rth son of Mr. and Mrs. Poon Yew Sun, and Miss Low Ah Lam, who were married In Kuala Lumpur on Sa turday.— Dragon Photo Service picture.
    32 words
  • 177 5 REPLY TO LABOUR THE loyalty of a British subject to his Queen did not come into the question of extending the residential qualifications for Singapore City Counf U/Lre'*??/•U /L re P Rajah the Progressive Party leader in the City Council told the Straits Times yesterday
    177 words
  • 96 5 HE WAS ONLY TR YING TO HELP ACCEPTING ong Ting Keng's story in the City Police Court yesterday that he rode a trisha to help in the search for a missing boy. the Magistrate. Mr. K. L. Jamieson, cautioned and discharged him. Ong was charged with rld- ing a trisha
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  • 204 5 HE CONDEMNS ATTACK ON PACKERS "N Only IM founde d, but actually dangerous", Ll ls how Mr. I. G. Salmond, chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, describes the opinions on rubber packers published in yesterday's Straits Times by Mr. C Prosper Liston, of Penang "The danger of
    204 words
  • 45 5 OH Mon.—Eight armed uniformed bandits last night held up two buses in the Kampar area, robbed the passengers of their identity ?ards? ard 5 apd the conductors of the day's takings and burned the buses. at I SBR Is estlmated at
    45 words
  • 43 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon n? u Local India n Congress will hold a tea party in honour of Dr. N. K. ShJrma. 5 p>m w on March ftiffe Bahru^^ SCh l Dr. Sharma was recently made a Johore State Councillor
    43 words
  • 31 5 PARIT BUNTAR. Mon A 19-yeai -old girl. Kee Ah Al was fined $30 at Parlt Bun tar for not having her change of address endorsed In her identity card.
    31 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 5 MR. W. A. NICHOLAS, chairman of Aspro Limited in London and the Nicholas Proprietries Limited in Melbourne, who passed through Singapore by Qantas-BOAC yesterday on his way to Sydney. Straits Times picture.
    32 words
  • 184 5 He enticed wife of neighbour KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. CHONG Kee Choy. a draughtsman with the army, who enticed away hla neighbour's wife, was today fined $500. i n default live months' imprisonment, by Inche Harun. the Kuala Lumpur Second Court Magistrate. The husband of the enticed woman. Tan Yew Cheng,
    184 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 199 5 Newly Jfslfe& Received Discriminating Women Choose GLAZED FABRICS thrilling New Fashion Fabrics f y R> J j|j Mr 9 i V W^^ SILKS CHIFFONS TAFETTAS SATINS LINENS with all desirable properties. Latfinc frMhnett resistance to Spot and Soil. etc. Visit c 2r c cfc», SLte Hardial Singh c- Sons Ltd.
      199 words
    • 47 5 CAKE CAf J? WHERE A DOLLAR PAYS DOUBLE!! i suits Mmm PRICE OF ONE V STYLETEX of FIFTH AVENUE (U.S.A.) Originally sold at $95/- per suit SPECIAL OFFER i $95/- FOR 2 SUITS fJf/jf rush now to wm£ WASSIAMULL'S WV 31-33 HIGH ST SINGAPORE GENT'S DEPT W^
      47 words

  • 19 6 FTNCK— Suddenly and peacefully on 28tli February 1952. Elisabeth Vlrntnla. in her 70th year. Greatly and sadly missed.
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  • 54 6 MR MRS. KHOO HOCK CHOO thank relatives and friend? for their valuable presents and (rood wishes on the occasion of their wedding. MR. N. O. VALSERG and Mrs. O. Pvrreau wish to thank all relatives and friends who sent wreaths, messages of condolences and attended the funeral of the
    54 words
  • 644 6 Ulic cjim^ Singapore, Tues. Mar. 4, 1952. The Birds Of Passage The Singapore City Council's approval of a resolution urging that the qualifications for membership of the Council should include residence m Singapore for at least seven years out of the preceding ten seems to be generating a disproportionate amount
    644 words
  • 445 6 The Indian Government's budget, presented at the weekend, produced a surprise. There was a surplus on the year's working of over 926 million rupees, a record for many years. The Finance Minister, Mr. Deshmukh, clearly delighted the House of the People with this figure, even although
    445 words
  • 1245 6  - THE HEALTH PROBLEM IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA Dr. C. MANI By Director of WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia tTHE South-East Asia region of the World Health Organisation comprises Afghanistan, Burma, Ceylon, India, Indonesia and Siam. it contains nearly 500 million people more than three times the population of the United
    1,245 words
  • man-in-the-street
    • 374 6 [REFER to a letter headed "The Trouble About I Rice". The writer, who signed himself "M.A.R." md gave Muar as his address, stated that he had :omplained "personally" to the Food Control about ;he quality of some ration rice which was "only *ood for pig fodder". He
      374 words
    • 188 6 YOUR correspondent "Commercial Student" want s to know the development regarding the question of having two commercial and professional examinations a year instead of one which I took up recently. As there were differences of opinion on this subject I thought it best to conduct a survey among
      188 words
    • 71 6 T THINK the Government has missed the boat with the new Employees' Provident Fund Scheme, which is being Inaugurated very soon. Why not a Health Scheme similar to that in practice In Britain, with free medical treatment, sick benefit, old age and widows' pensions? It could
      71 words
    • 204 6 I SHOULD very much like to know in what way Mrs Shirin Fozdar could Justify her allegation (Straits Times of Feb. 29.) that "only a handful of women (in Malaya today) enjoyed emancipation, whereas the masses were still suppressed." So far as the Chinese are concerned, it is
      204 words
    • 97 6 MAY we correct the statement made by "H1,." In your columns of Feb. 27 on making bookings on the Federation Service by Beaver aircraft? > The Beaver carries six passengers. Three seats are freely available for sale to the public. The remaining three seats are reserved
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  • 379 6 Voice of Malaya N Malaya, where many languages are spoken, ften imperfectly by many, it s not uncommon, says a corespondent, for two or even hree languages to be mixed. He gives as an example "iua viahu pakai car peryi umpa kia sai qua ("I am ;olnr
    379 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 756 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. ON 29th Peb «t Youngberg Hospital, to Mr. Mr«. O. A. K.m«koH. a daughter. DAVIS— to Judith. wtfeofLMlle Harold Newsom Davis at Bungsar Hwpltal oo 3rd March a daughter. THE engagement is announced between Mr. Goh Kong Fal. and Miss Lokt Chui Chun of Singapore on 4/3/1952. PERSONAL
      756 words
    • 30 6 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. Offering Complete Services essential to Eye Comfort Visual Efficiency, (1) VISUAL ANALYSIS (2) VISUAL TRAINING (I) GLASSES IF NEEDED C S.^HONG OPT. D. 19, CHIIM ST. S'PORE-1.
      30 words
    • 63 6 TYPE P.E.40 5 valve Superheterodyne tabl* receiver for A.C. mains. Available at all authorised >^\i^^\\ Sole Distributors ANN PENG TRADERS LTD. S9-61 STAMFORD ROAD. SINGAPORE 6. Factory Representatives SINGAPORE J KOALA LUMPUR PENANO MOTION SMITH SON LTD. (Incorporating John Duke A 11. Beekiel Sons) OPTICIANS In attendance: Mrt M. k
      63 words

  • 477 7 Public pledge fullest support for 'wise move 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. LEADERS of all sections of the community today hailed General Sir Gerald Tempter's latest move— the merging of the Federal War Council with the Executive Council. They told the Straits Times today that It
    477 words
  • 147 7 DESERTER DUE FOR RELEASE IS GAOLED A TROOPER ot the Fourth Hussars who finished a two-year term 111 Changi Gaol, Singapore, last August for ai offence under the Arms Ordinance, was sentenced yesterday to another year's imprisonment. William Bowater, aged 22, was found guilty by a District Court Martial at
    147 words
  • 108 7 recruiting teams for the Royal Air Force (Malaya i will leave Singapore today to enlist men m the Federation for training as air force technicians. The first team will be at M. A. A. F. headquarters m Penang on Thursday and Friday. Then it will move south,
    108 words
  • 97 7 TODAY is a holiday for the 1,733 students of the Anglo-Chinese School m Singapore. They are celebrating the school's success m the 1951 Senior Cambridge examinations. Dr. H. H. Peterson, the principal, told the Straits Times that 92 out of the 101 students
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  • 57 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Ang Eng Seng, aged 18, of Singapore, was sentenced m the Johore Bahru Sessions Court to 15 months' imprisonment for possession of 211 b of opium. The opium was found by Customs officers when a car, driven by Ang. was searched at
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  • 32 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Hashim bin Amin was charged m the Sessions Court with mm/r g house tres Pass into military quarters to steal He was allowed $300 ball pending trial.
    32 words
  • 123 7 and she ham seen him since A JPIJ P l^ Y Jr OU r gg h CI ne W man tOld the Chle < s£%si ct SSt Ml£l?L*lhadnot_seMWm.M I 1 ?L*lhadnot_seMWm. who brought an action for divorce against Chan Sai 5?* u?B'u ?8' th
    123 words
  • 25 7 JOHORE pAjmtJ, Mou. Senior Inspector Dahadi, OCPD, Johore Bahru, has b«en transferred ta Bentong. He has been succeeded by Mr. Collyet, A. B. P.
    25 words
  • 210 7 7 WAS GAGGED '—MAID TWE victim of an armed robbery found an identity card while tidying up her house and this led to the arrest of a man, it was said m Singapore First Police Court yesterday. t to the^? ck was a farmer. Tan Ah
    210 words
  • 143 7 gEVERAL hundred schoolchildren of Los Altos. Califorjiia, between seven and 12, sacrificed their Halloween Day "sweet money" and have sent 23 case.-, of presents for Singapore's poor children. The presents have been brought back by Mrs. S. P. Healey, who has just returned from
    143 words
  • 54 7 PARIT BUNTAR, Mon. The accused is well known m Bagan Serai as a bully and a ruffian," said Inspector Ahmad bin Haji Ya'acob of a 27-year-old Indian, Rarnaniyam, who was charged with causing hurt to a special constable. Khor Thian Loke He was fined $200,
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  • 21 7 Thirteen trisha riders were each fined $5 m the Singapore City Police Court yesterday for smoking while carrying passengers.
    21 words
  • 27 7 $2 3/4 m SPENT ON SQUATTERS JOHORE BAHRU, Mon.— Johore Government has spent $2,316,783 on roofing materials for resettlement areas. Barbed wire for perimeter fences coat $432,958.
    27 words
  • 38 7 i C ng pln 8 was fined 5100 m the Singapore City ,J, Court yesterday for riding a trisha without being licensed m South Bridge Road on Mar. 2 and for inter ApSffi'toS?* wWch was
    38 words
  • 131 7 two Chinese girls, aged 9 and 11. were going home on the night of Feb 13 from a ni«ht- school l n Kreta Ayer Street." they w«j- e molested by an Indian along New Bridge Road during a blackout Yesterday, n the Singapore Sep9nd Police Co^irt.
    131 words
  • 37 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Yin Loh Hoin, 22, who pleaded guilty to stealing a complete water pump was toda\ sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment by Inche Ibrahim m the Kuala LrnnDur First Magistrate's Court.
    37 words
  • 31 7 KUANTAN. Mon. K. Subramanlam was charged m the Sessions Court with stealing $10 from a Malay woman. The case was postponed to March 10. Bail of $100 was extended.
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  • 359 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. IifONTY a tough and fearless bandit fighter, today stepped a^ I icop *f r hh s ere wa K««i h *s bushy tail and barked R.,t f'«« tin »fs to friends who gathered around to meet him
    359 words
  • 23 7 A lorry driver was mm-Hor ed by bansL m thT area of Johore The lorn-wa burnt. y was
    23 words
  • 173 7 And now hunt is on for last one ANCE there were five v District Committee members of the Malayan Communist Party m the Muar area of Johore* Now there is only one. On Sunday a squad of the l/6th Ourkha Rifles whose job m the past few weeks has been
    173 words
  • 48 7 LONDON. Mon fAPT. Alan Pemberton, Coldstream Guards, who was A.D.C. to Field Marsh;. 1 Earl Alexander, the British Defence Minister, has been appointed A.D.C. to Gen Sir Gerald Templer, High Commissioner m the Federation. H e is expected to leave for Malaya on Saturday.
    48 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 126 7 What a picture of strength and T\r energy! Here's a man who «Cl > «£1 enjoys good health all the year Sr\L <ff round SevenSeaS pure U?y) cod liver oi> is the finest h natural food which supplies, >y in concentrated form, just Sy^^* those essential fats and 4 A
      126 words
    • 97 7 for the man of action! •WJHEUSgN" COTTON (f2^ Sports JQL Shirts I 7 7|y u| f i i' $12.50 ea. 111 PLAIN COLOURS i OF CREY BLUI11 J CREAM I JJ j $9.50 ea. I I IN ALL SIZES ORIGINAL in DESIGN NEW in APPROACH UNIQUE in QUALITY From The
      97 words

  • 214 8 SUPPORTERS MAY SEEK TO EXPEL COUNCIL THE expulsion of Mr. M. P. D. Nair, City 1 Councillor, from the Singapore Labour Party, is expected to create another split in the party. Several party members, including Labour Councillors, yesterday described the expulsion as
    214 words
  • 207 8 899 JOIN DISTRICT SCOUT GROUP THE North District Boy Scouts' Association of Singapore, organised in September last year, now has a total membership of 899 scouts, wolf cubs, seouters and Rovers, said Mr Tan Boon Hak. secretary of the interim executive committee, yesterday. The association will hold Its inaugural meeting
    207 words
  • 53 8 RAM LINOAM. a SP.CUI constable from the Federation, was yesterday charged before the Singapore Fourth Police Magistral Mr. Su Chew Chye, with stealing -"h^^wel^and Mos Rawan> at Johore Bahru, on Aug 26 last year, He was ordered to ot sent back under police escort to Johore
    53 words
  • 23 8 Bandits stabbed a Chinese tapper in the Segamat area of Johore. The man managed to escape. He is now in hospital.
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  • 26 8 Two buses were held up by bandits in the Kampar area of Perak. The passengers were robbed and the buses set on fire.
    UP  -  26 words
  • 118 8 Inspector remembers a face fHAN Chee Hong, alias v Chong Chee Hong, aged 25, a former special con- j stabls in Perak, pointed to a police gazette showing i his photograph and told I the Magistrate, Mr. R. C. S. Bell, In Singapore First Police Court yesterday that he was
    118 words
  • 38 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— Mr J J. Singh, president of the India League of America, who arrived in Kuala Lumpur this morning was entertained by the Federation of Indian Organisations and the Selangor Indian Association.
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  • 37 8 PEN AND. Mon.— The body of an ice seller, 00l Sum Khee was found floating in the sea near the New Springtide Hotel this morning, 24 hours after he had got into difficulties and disappeared.
    37 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 8 LADY TEMPLER bein» presented with a bouquet by a Girl Guide when she arrived in Kuala Lumpur yesterday with her daughter in a Rf J. pUne from Singapore. Miss Jane Templer is behind her and Sir Gerald, who came to Sinrapore to meet them, is an the extreme left.— Dept.
    53 words
  • 347 8 FIRM MADE $2 m IN 1951 UNITED ENGINEERS, approaching the problems .of 1952 with caution, have already started an economy drive as a precaution against a sudden fall in prices. This is explained in the statement of the cnalrman Mr F G Ritchie, circulated with
    347 words
  • 37 8 IPOH. Mon.— Chong Ah Khuan, who was arrested while trying to pick the pocket of a racegoer at the Perak TurK Club on Dec. 12. was today sentenced to 10 days' imprisonment at Ipoh
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  • 25 8 KUANTAN, Mon. Syed Darus. charged with stealing $1 from a special constable, had his bail extended. The case was postponed to March 10.
    25 words
  • 228 8 Singapore girls urged; 'Drop your shyness' SINGAPORE girls should forget their shyness about entering beauty contests when the competition is for a good cause. Mr. Lionel Cresson, chairman I of the Singapore Rotary committee which wants to raise 350,006 for a school and a community hall for lepers, said this
    228 words
  • 172 8 DONATIONS of $2,735.81 were received for the University of Malaya Fund for the week ending Feb. 24. The fund now stands at $4,765,405.39. The week's donations were: Johore: Staff Education Office. $78- PWD Batu Pahat and Pontian »üb-district, $9; PWD. Kola Tinggl $2- District Officer. Merging.
    172 words
  • 48 8 PENANG. Mon.— Lye Eng Bee aged 22. today claimed trial in Penang to a charge of falling to appear before the board of examination after having been directed to do so. The case was postponed for a week and bail of $500 was allowed.
    48 words
  • 42 8 IPOH, Mon.— The calling I book of the British Adviser, Perak, has been withdrawn following Government's statement that Sir Gerald Templer "considers the practice of keeping calling books to be out of tune with the pressure of events during the Emergency
    42 words
  • 173 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. HATO Musa bin Yunos, re- tired Johore police ASP.. was buried at the Maimudiah Cemetery. Johore Bahru. this afternoon. The *hite draped bier, surmounted b y four white umbrellas, was drawn from his home to the cemetery by members of the Johore
    173 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 175 8 JHE SECRET OP A, C^P^lii CREAMS H.r.'. your twofold V beauty routine: X.T«^ CVE«Y NIGHT, cover your face :I£?*™L!£2£ For fair, lovely skin, you need a twofold beauty care, night Pand morning. For the night, you need a finelymixed blend of to cleanse your skin -Ponds Cold Creani for the
      175 words
    • 410 8 CLEANSING mfafzd^^ RiFRESHIMa DISINFI CTAN^E\jJ^jy DEODORANT SAFE 6. CONOMK pt^^^^% for cleanliness m in every sphere SPIC gives you the utmost aid, Mixed with 3 to 5 parts of plain water according to requirement SPIC cleanses, disinfects and brightens up living rooms, furniture, baths, kitchens, basins, utensil*, crockery and in
      410 words

  • 697 9  -  KATHLEEN HICKLEY By T*HE mother of the small boy who said: But if I can't ask questions what can I ask?" has my entire sympathy. I used to think I had an average amount of general knowledge, until my children began to grow up.
    697 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 9 This attructiv? end niwet cm ikjf jeice:<ery can be bought locatly. The set includes a necklace, bracelet, earrings and dress clips. Brooches are also available and each piece can be houg t separately. Made irom French^ porcelain, and painted, it would look most attractive on a plain black evening frock.
    50 words
  • 386 9  -  SUSAN WISE By A LMOST every fashion expert who has come to Singapore has said that its women are not well-dressed. Unfortunately one cannot deny there is a certain amount of truth in this. Admittedly, many of us have not the money to buy Paris
    386 words
  • 607 9  -  NURSE JANET MOTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA By A MOTHER wrote to me /ecentltf saying she was expecting hei first baby and as she was only two month* pregnant she would like advice as to what cart she should take of herself. DREGNANCY is a normal event, not
    607 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 63 9 [mmmmjl^ for the world's babies fi^cr*^ Here it a chap who will grow up a credit to hit i/fcfcfel mother and father. He is Benny Lim of Penang and hat been fed on Lactogen, Nestle'. Baby Food. flK/^USMV Lact«g«i contaujs pure, fresh cow'g milk and conforms /]M W In everj.iKjortent
      63 words
    • 142 9 'Hri ues t powder in lh c w p For more than 50 yeart Xyt^ j/ babies have revelled in its soothing softness at bathtim BABY POWDER THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED 2-51 ejT^tSS anSfßSHßSiwfl^ t Jim* <£^*'^ Loveliness v Vforvou^^ joocre Withers (J.dft/mrMmnkOrpinwttioH) lto r tt You can ha^filrn^Sf' T-^SJ
      142 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 276 9 Straits Times Crossword sS 1^ *****131 Ljilxl LtFJiJ ItHU fc.VL"3 BITIT"~HMSI 5'5 Sumxnar 7 but n °t quite pre- _1_ Hl_ HI H 1^ ill _Hi 26. Out Lear k confused b»lswB s«5 !KS maJ §5* ran Urn <mJ 1 Dismal advice to the overenthusiasUc (9). gj S^ Egg iHL..
      276 words

  • 1710 10 CROCUSES FLOWER IN SO UTH ENGLAND From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. IN England now the snowdrops are blossoming delicately in the sheltered valleys, the first primroses are out, and the (focuses are opening to make splotches of gold or mauve amidst the fresh green of the garden lawns. At dawn
    1,710 words
  • 254 10 J)K. Charles Hill, M.P in. his newly published "Dictionary of Health," says that the cold virus s almost always near you or on you, and "You can catch a cold from yourself." Baldness he states, cannot be helped In the past baldness wa>often regarded as pun ishment
    254 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 146 10 NOW ON SALE-MARCH "FILMALAYA" TODAY/ 1 1 am- 1 45 4.15-6.45 &9 30 p.m. rejoice to say. the best Crosby picture in months" John Ih'h.iflue (Sunday Times) X > JRjlfc Mint w9A*cucn J*"tf SMITH- TONE BATON aSjj^ CQMFS THE THE THINGS SHE SAYS! AND THE THINGS SHE DOES! yv\/»i/\Ay\A^y\.' gQI
      146 words
    • 385 10 After 2 "Hotise-FuH" \S"aJ^ M'nites!...THE MAGIC T» X J CARPET is off to a Ufitfk-* FLYING START From TODAY! _^i gs^gs^gs^gsSgs^gs^gs^R^ftaMgSßMv*Vkgg<l J, orS* fir^^ o^^K m 1 *^f 'I f^m 11am, 145, A, 6-30 9.30pm wv&w^ COLUMBIA PICIUIES pwMh oc# j& Filmed in J^C^V Co-starring B^ JOHN ACAR WjE PATRICIA
      385 words

  • 298 11 LONDON, Mon. rpHE London stock Exchange was dull today with active interest generally limited by pre-budget considerations. Dealings In the leading Issues were in most cases limited to a few hundred shares, while In some of the less populf.r Issues trading was largely a matter of negotiation. Closing
    298 words
  • 149 11 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Mon. rPHE recovery trend of shares prices was fully maintained on the Stock Exchange today. B.H.P. scrip added a further 9d. to last week's Improvement. Duivlop shares were quoted exrtghts to the new Issue ex-dlvi-dend. The rights had their first quotation at
    149 words
  • 225 11 Market closes easier at $1,083/4 rpHE week-end optimism in better rubber trends x was reflected in the Singapore Rubber Market which opened the week on a steady note. Few foreign orders were received, however and after transactions at $1.11 a lb. for March firstgrade,
    225 words
  • 35 11 LONDON, Mar. 3— Spot 32>,id April 32d., May 31 %d.. June 3O'/ 2 d Apr- June 31 'id., July-Sept. 29Ud Oct.-Dec. 28><id., Mar. c.i.f. 31>4d Apr. ci.f. 30»4d., May c.iX 30%d Market: Easier.
    35 words
  • 34 11 HONG KONG, Mon. pREE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quoted at the close today as follows: US$l HK$ 6.785 (cash), HK56.8.15 (T.T.): £1 HK515.85, one tahil of gold HKJ326.00
    34 words
  • 12 11 SINGAPORE, Mow Mar 3— s4B3 '/i (unchanged).
    12 words
  • 27 11 LONDON, Mar. 3 —Cash ■»J«» £976; Sellers cV,lil' c Forw «""<i Buyers *975»4; Sellers £976; Settlement £976 (down £0!4). Turnoyer: a.m. 30, p.m. 10 tons.
    27 words
  • 75 11 TTHE Malayan Exchange Banks Association yesterday announced apeed rates of exchange to merchants as follows: Bl'YING Air Mall New York 32 13/18 S2°l« > m/'lB ssx&z aw: a wii 3 i 3/is New York T deB £i New T TM6 2i Canada 327/111 Swiss franc* 1421 French
    75 words
  • 144 11 rCEPT for copra and pepper, lower prices were the order in the Singapore Produce Market yesterday. Copra had a steadier undertone, sellers quoting $29^ a plcul for March shipment against tncreased bids at $28 H. Muntok pepper was quoted at $745. and Sarawak at $740. but Lampong
    144 words
  • 184 11 Market Quiet THE Malayan Share Market opened the week on a quiet note yesterday. The volume of business was on a restricted scale. Yesterday's price changes by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: INDUSTRIALS Buyers Sellers B.B'. Petrol 41/- 42/Makivan Cements 1.00 105 McAlisters 4100 42 00 Raffles Hotel
    184 words
  • 55 11 rpHE Singapore Traction Co., Ltd., has declared a dividend at the rate of 7 per cent per annum on the Preference Stock of the Company for the four years ended Sept. 30, 1950. The dividend is payable on March 21, 1952, to holders on the
    55 words
  • 86 11 gHIPs alongside the Singapore Harbour Board, godowns, cr expected there by 7 a.m. today, are: 2-3 Patagonia. 4-5 Sloterdijk. Coal Plank Merkur, 6-7 Steel Apprentice, 8-9 President Arthur, 11 Antilochus, 13-14 Dilwara, 15-16 Deucalion, West Side, Empire Dock Entrance Benveg. 18 Benalbanach. 19-20 Kronoland. N.W. 4 Mawal, N.W.6
    86 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1388 11 MANSFIELD CO., LID. co m •CUE FUNNEL LINE Carrier 1 option to proceed n.i other ports to load jnd ditchjree earco lAILINCS to UVMMXM.. CLASCOW LONDON b CONTINENTAL PO«TS v. O\m Sails P Sham Penang Mettment for Havre AnMocfcait tor Genoa. London, Holland 6 Cla«ow C. II Mar. S Mar.
      1,388 words
    • 403 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS To New York and Boston via Ceylon. India Egypt and Mediterranean Ports. "PRESIDENT VAN BUREN' P s.ilF'oL oSff 2fEJ LX 6/12 Mar. 13/14 Ma». 15/17 Mar. si "PRESIDENT TAFT" 22/29J*ar. 30/31 Mar. 1/3 Apr. To Los Angelc< Atlantic Port* via Panama Singapore P Swettenham Penang "PRESIDENT TTLEU"
      403 words
    • 435 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK. CONTINENT: S'oore P. Sham Penang "Patagonia" for Bangkok, Hong Kong Manila C. 1/2 onij for Bangkok 19/19 Mar. Panama" for Bangkok. Hong Kong, Manila. Kobe Yokohama 1 1/12 Apr 8/10 Apr. 6/7 Apr Meonia" (or Saigon 6 Bangkok 10/12 Apr. FROM lAPAN/HONC KONC I
      435 words
    • 1105 11 McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. lel-phom No 5906 I ELLERMAN*BU«NALL KLAV ENEa. LIMB LONDON. HAVRE ROTTERDAM LOS ANCELES. SAN r*ANCISCa HAMBURC PORTLAND. SEATTLE ft VANCOUViI n6 f2f 2L t U r A North A H*"tic Ports Accepting cargo foi Central Sout* a OF da KHkV COOlS^C O0lS^ Ame Can Por Spore
      1,105 words

  • 732 12 ONLYHARITH,Hm WENG IN FORM By Our Soccer Reporter SA.F.A. XI 3; Fathul Karib 0. TWENTY-two of the Colony's best footballers 1 took the field at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday but they gave us little to enthuse over. It was— for most of the game a halfpace,
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  • 118 12 CT Patrick's School and St. Anthonys School shared honours in their soccer games played on St. Patricks ground yes- terday. The first teams scored a goal each while the second teams played a scoreless draw. St Anthonys stormed St Patricks defence at the start of
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  • 78 12 SEREMBAN, Mon.-Mremw. schoolboy cricketer and State player Boon Oon Lor scored toe first century of the Negrl Be mbilan cricket season "**nb* knccked up 102 runs not out here yesterday when King George V School met the School staff. Oon Lor hit five sixes ana
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 12 THESE anguished looks were caused when goalkeeper Chee Seng and Fathul Karib's Dollah Don both missed a high centre from the left during yesterday's trial match at Jalan Besar stadium in Singapore. On the extreme left, running in, is Rahim Omar.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 91 12 BOMBAY, Mon. TiflSS SHIRLEY Fry of the United States won three titles In the Cricket Club of India lawn tennl s championships here. In the women s singles final yesterday she defeated her Wimbledon conqueror and compatriot, Miss Doris Hart, 6-4 6-3, and In the
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  • 68 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon —Once apain their stubborn defence, in which goalkeeper Amar Singh was the hero, saved Young Men's Sikh Association in their replay against Police Depot for the Selangor knackout hockey competition championship. Despite 20 minutes' extra time there "as no scoring. The first
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  • 31 12 Stanvac Sports Club defeated Chartered B*.nk Sports Club by four goals to three in their Singapore Business House Football Association Division One League played at Shell Ground yesterday.
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  • 23 12 Singapore Chinese F.A's 41st annual general meeting will be held at the clubhouse, No. 10, Farrer Park, at 5.15 pjn. tomorrow.
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  • 151 12 MALAYAN Airways Sports Club scared a «Pnvlnclng threeone victory over Outhrie Sports Club in a Singapore Business Houses F.A. Div. 2 League played at Farrer Park yesterday. The game was dull in first half bat both teams gave good accounts of themselves in tho
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  • 323 12 From EPSOM JEEP PENANG, Mon. gOUND WAVE (Straker) galloped stylishly in a tryout with stablemates Hua Tara (J. Donnelly) and True Nib (Healey) at Penang this morning, clocking 38 3 5 wide out of the main racecourse. Sound Wave gave Hua Tara a two-length start.
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  • 459 12 THE Singapore Amateur Football Association Council last night decided to adopt a proposal by the City Council regarding tickets for games at Jalan Besar Stadium which are cancelled after tickets have Deen soia. In future when a football match is called off owing to rain
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  • 40 12 The Singapore Amateur Football Association's Division 3B league game beween Posts and Telegraphs and Volunteer Special Constabulary was not played yesterday. The referee decided that the CYMA pitch was unfit lor play and postponed the game.
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  • 112 12 SPORTS LETTER A Malayan title fight for aliens? I HAVE read with considerable interest and frankly I am amazed a notice in Friday's Free Press stating that King Kong and Samara Intend to wrestle for the Malayan heavyweight title. As a British all round sporUman and keen boxing and wrestling
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  • 85 12 SOCCER: DIV. 1: Katonf <5aj»r»h W. KeU Raja at Jalan Beaar stadium. DIV. 2: TJB.A. t. BocUHet at CYMA; Kat. Sajarmh 'A* Kota Raja 'A' at BODCA. DIV. 3A: CYMA v. Town Ranters at Geylanf. BUS. HSE. LGE.: Honckong Bank 'B' v. East Asiatic at Farrer Park. FBIENDLIES:
    85 words
  • 106 12 GALLE, CEYLON, Mon. \|.C.C. beat GaUe by six wickets i 1 today. Galle made a fine recovery in their second innings. Schoorman (49) and Senaratna (18) put on 53 rung forr the second wicket and later Fernando (23) and Heyn (61) added 50 for the eighth
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 296 12 DANES TO STUDY WONGINENGLAND CHAMPIONSHIPS LONDON, Monday. DENMARK, beaten by Malaya in the final of the 1949 Thomas Cup badminton competition, are hopeful of challenging Malaya for the coveted trophy in Singapore this "summer. They have already reached the European zone final, in which they should have no difficulty in
    Reuter  -  296 words
  • 179 12 DOMINATING play for a great part of the game, played on a muddy pitch. Young Men's Muslim Association beat the B O.D.C.A. "A" by 5-2 in a S.A.F.A. Division 3B League match played at Geylang Stadium yesterday. The outstanding player wm Ungku Ibrahim. Inside-left for VMM
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  • 55 12 By EPSOM JEEP t?ORT View broke down r Race Six at Pen«hu on Saturday. He strained a stomach muscle In the running and dropped right out of the race. Fort View will be taken out of the active list for sowe time. He may
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1525 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page »> I "\,,,u ion7^*t situations wanted ■msH "SmJiue ""> ri"".S7T ss 1 =»-"«fi»"M; ssss <&. sst. as month inclusive Apply iUUn« v.a Rowl s-po,, M e and experience to Box No A^ C 3 MMODAT ION WANTED experienced Account* Jg^JS£&« n g£Z Clerk with full
      1,525 words
    • 419 12 FOR SALE ALSATIAN Puppies, six weeM old. reg. M.X.A.. Dames only at $100 each. Phone *****. ONE double bed padded bedhead spring mattress one armchair, one settee, true copies Louis XV style. Reply Box No A1 TWO S D 8 Caterpillar CWiie operattn* eulldoier In "««*tag order delivery from Wen
      419 words
    • 43 12 I! THE MOST MAGNIFICENT TIMEPIECE THAT IS TRULY TROPICALISED OR AND PRIX i ELECTION iw l| Self-Winding. f Waterproof. Shock-Resisting. Anti-Magnetic. 17 Jewel* I (Obtainable from All Watch Dealers I throughout MALAYA. SARAWAK and BR. NORTH BORNEO). Sole Agent*: CHUN CHONG Singapore t.
      43 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 32 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAT: High 0314 (8 3) and 170» 16 3> Low 10U 1 2.2 1 and 2129 i5 fti. TOMORROW: 0400 (7 and 1934 It ft); 1138 126) and 2220 .5.7).
      32 words