The Straits Times, 1 March 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 368 1 Near the record and Tempter wires: Keep it up KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE century went up today In February's anti-bandit war with a great victory by Commandos near Rawang, Selangor. The Commandos killed five and Security Forces are! near to beating last April's record monthly kill of
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  • 157 1 IPOH. Fri. i I KOPI-AN consulting mechanical engineer, Mr. ll^htair .Murray Lees. a»cfii 38, was killed today in a bandit ambush on Heaw"o,l tin and rubber estate. Sungri Siput. Perak. where he had cone to inspect the rngint of one of the ChiMM Irssees. Mi
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  • 39 1 TEHERAN, Frl. The Persian Government Is stripping Its offices of carpets to raise money. And It will sell 1,000 of its cars. Persia's financial position has worsened since nationalisation of oil cut off foreign revenue. A.P.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 39 1 CAIRO, Fri. Egypt has pledged political, economic and social co-operation with the United States, and the United States has promised to continue and expand technical aid to Egypt, a Government spokesman disclosed last night.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 30 1 PARIS. Frl. The war In Indo-China has so far cost Prance, with a population of 42.000.000, the equivalent of £26 for every man, woman and child —Reuter.
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  • 17 1 COLOMBO. Fri— lndonesia will shortly open a legation in Ceylon. It was announced here— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 20 1 Bandits fired on the police lieutenants' mess at Tronoh. Perak. The police fired back and the gang fled
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  • 72 1 'IKL whose next birthday will be in 1956 is Our Guat Chew, one of the 18 Leap Year babie s born in Singapore yesterday. First reports said four Leap Tear babies were born m Penang, five in Kedah, and 16 in Ipoh, Perak. In Kuala
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  • 90 1 HONG KONG, Frl. THE Hong Kong Government will grant a HK $2,500,000 loan free of Interest to the Hong Kong Antituberculosis Association to build a hospital. Dr. X C. Yeo, Director of Medical Services and president of the Anti-Tuberculosis Association said. This
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 42 1 NICE. Fri.— The Aga Khan who had two heart attacks was carried on a stretcher from an aircraft when he arrived at Nice Airport today to return to his Cannes home the Villa Yaklmour from India Reuter.
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  • 34 1 YORK Frl.-A Meteor je fighter crashed Into a Yer mental hospital today mis sing a crowded male ward t les. c than 20 yards. The Dilo was killed.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 41 1 CANBERRA, Frl. JN the first seven months of the current financial year Australia had an unfavourable trade balance of A £269.667,000. In the corresponding seven months of 1950/51 there was a favourable trade balance of At 90.863,000— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 147 1 SUIT AGAINST UNION NEW YORK, Friday. 4 FORMER employee of the United Mine Workers filed a $350,000 suit against the union yesterday claiming that it dismissed him after he refused to murder two mine owners at the command of a personal agent of Mr. John
    UP  -  147 words
  • 83 1 rpHE Federation High Com1 missioner. Gen. Sir Gerald Templer. flew to Singapore from Kuala Lumpur yesterday to meet Lady Templer ar,d his daughter Mis s Jane Templer, who are expected to arrlv P in the Colony by air today. Gen Templer was a guest
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  • 44 1 SYDNEY, Fri. Sixty-four overseas and inter-state ships were idle today in Sydney when 6,000 waterside workers went on strike. The stoppage Is a sequel to the suspension imposed on the workers following a dispute on an inter-state freighter. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 150 1 FRENCH GOVT. RESIGNS PARIS, Fri. r £&£'Jttench Government reapned early today after toopftNational Assembly had defeated a tax proposal designed to enable France to meet its commitments to Western defence. The Prime Minister, M. Faure, submitted the resignation Of his flve-weeks-old Cabinet to President Vincent Auriol who accepted it so
    AP; UP  -  150 words
  • 59 1 LONDON, Pri. A CONSERVATIVE Member of Parliament wants to know what atom secrets Professor Bruno Pontecorvo took with him when he vanished in 1950 from Britain's atomic research centre at Harwell, Berkshire. Brig. Terence Clarke wants the Minister of Supply, Mr. Duncan Sandys, to say on what
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  • 99 1 LONDON, Frl. A PARLIAMENTARY bill to outlaw the vaudeville hypnotist from the British stags was published today Dr. Somervllle Hastings Labour Member of Parliament and leading surgeon Is seeking t o prevent hypnotists from using their powers on members of the public for entertainment. Last
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 133 1 SUNGEI BAKAP, Prl. A 22-hour curfew was Imposed on Sungel Bakap village In the Nlbong Tebal district of Province Wellesley from last evening. SUNGEI BAKAP, Prl. A 22-hour curfew was Imposed on Sungel Bakap village in the Nlbong Tebal district of Province Wellesley from last evening. Except
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  • 53 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. Malaya produced 4,743 long tons of tin in concentrates last month, compared with 4,989 long tons for December last year. The quantity produced included that turned out by dualang washers. Stock of tin metal and tin in concentrates at the end of last month
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  • 48 1 LONDON. Fri.— Mr Lester Pearson. Canadian External Affairs Minister, has decided not to accept the post of secretary general of the North Atlantic Pact Organisation, a well-informed source said today Sir Oliver Franks. British Ambassador in Washington, has already declined the appointment. Reuter.
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  • 179 1 TOKYO, Friday. ADMIRAL C. Turner Joy, chief United Nations armistice negotiator in Korea, said in a statement published here today that the Allies had lost the military advantage in Korea and must now negotiate from a position of stalemate. The Admiral told an
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 206 1 TERRORISTS HALVED HIS WELCOME KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. P3UR hundred Home Guards were to have welcomed the Deputy High Commissioner, Mr. D. C. MacGillivray, at Batu Laut, Selangor, yesterday, but only 200 of them could make it. Bandits had been spotted half-an-hour before Mr. MacGillivray's arrival, so it was a case
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  • 122 1 Singapore will be base for 'danger' envoy CANBERRA, Fri. ]y|R. ALAN WATT, permanent head of the Australian External Affairs Department, will go to Singapore in view of the "great significance and potential danger to Australia" in South-East Asia developments. He is expected to arrive in Singapore next Thursday and will
    AP  -  122 words
  • 28 1 MILAN, Fri. Six people were killed and eight injured when a lorry swerved into a queue at a tram stop In Milan today.— Reuter. M
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  • 222 1 Clamps put on rice moves KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. STRICT controls of the sale and the import and export of "free" rice in Selangor will be imposed from Mar. 17, it was announced in Kuala Lumpur today. Under the order, no free rice will be allowed into Selangor by land except
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  • 30 1 TAMPA, Florida, Fri. A Negro has been released rrom prison here— l 9 months after he had been found not guilty of murdering a white man.— Reuter.
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  • 31 1 TAIPING. Fri.— Taiping cadets of the Junior Red Cross will be out from tomorrow to Mar. 8 doing odd Jobs to raise funds for the Red Cross Society.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 in M |«r^ yi^PUOMt 3390 \TAI HENG CO X 3 S COLMMA.N ST m——™•M■■lßßJ B BJ SEACON LTD. "SEACONOMIC" THE BEST HOUSING VALUE FOR NEW FACTORIES OR NEW DEVELOPMENT SCHEMES, CONSULTSEACON HEAD OFFICE 4, Meyer Chamber Telephone *****, Raffles Place, S'pore-l. hO. Box 566
      44 words
    • 33 1 It's the real thing Just One Cake^Ommy £eawyowi L^J^Hr' fIJH BJflT&iP't XI C AiVi AY toLi uiNit for Spore ft Malaya TOI $OAf ■wftwtfw*. wv. OF beautifui woME SINGAPORE. IPOH. fIMANOi X l.l'MPl'B
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 450 2 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN lhat Madiun LILY CHIANO the mre of LEE IECK HIN U now u.viw apart from her said husband ».io has left her home. By mutual ■oilsi nt the parties have no fur.her relations with each other and »:11 not be responsible for each >lher's
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    • 345 2 NOTICES NOTICE I have the pleasure to Invite all friends and students to be present on the occasion of the opening of The Orient School of Commerce by Mr. M. P. D. Nair (City Councillor) at 5 p.m. 2nd March, 1952. Pern's Paul (Manager). 373E, Alexandra Road. THE GOVERNMENT TEMPORARY
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    • 861 2 NOTICES NEW SCUDAI, LIMITED (Incorporated in the Colony of Singapore) DIVIDEND NO. 18 NOTICE IS HKRBBY GIVEN that a First I^erlm Dividend of 10% less 30% Singapore Income Tax for the year ending 31st March, 1952, on the Shares of the Company has been declared and. will be paid to
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    • 274 2 NOTICES LEONG CHUAN CO., LTD. SINGAPORE Se Low «f Share Certificates Application has been made to the Directors of this Company to Issue two duplicate certificates, one for 540 shares and one for 10 shares, both of $100 each fully paid up In the above Company, registered in the name
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    • 802 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMI_Im EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, NEGRI SEMBILAN Applications are invited from Federal Citizens for appointment to the post of Assistant Inspector ot«- .Chinese Schools, Negri Sembilan. 2. The salary scales are $200 xlO 310/ B /325 x 15 445 with a non pensionable allowance of $30.00 p.m. in addition. 3. Candidates
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    • 796 2 NOTICES KUALA LUMPUR MUNICIPALITY Applications are invited for the following vacant appointment In r i the Office ot the Municipal Engineer, Kuala Lumpur, n Technical Assistants. Candidates a j-hould possess the Diploma of the Technical College, Kuala Lumpur, and have passed the 2nd Technical Examination of the Public Works Department
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    • 116 2 L MORNING MATINEES '©da T at 8.3t a.m. "King of Texas Rangers" Tomorrow -9 a.m. "Brimstone" TODAY! 11 a.m.-1.30-4-G.4> and 9.30 p.m YOUR THRILLING WEEK-END ENTERTAINMENT! /yTjfl I 1 I the mystery thi.ller 2 M^-m^mW fft V^^% shook ■mVYJLrT3*%« Nation! Iliij SHOWING TOGETHER WITH M-G-M't TRUI-Llf I AOVENTUM STORYI jH
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  • 241 3 Tries to refute challenge from Churchill LONDON, Friday. CHALLENGE from Mr. Churchill that many think may split the British Labour Parly wide open led Mr. Attlee, the former Prime Minister, to issue a statement yesterday admitting: that the Labour Government made a secret pact with
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  • 100 3 BOLIVIA SEEKS BACKING BUENOS AIRES. Fri. BOLIVIAN Ambassador, Berto Palza Soliz, has presented a note to the Argentine Government asking for their support to secure higher ppriese s for tin exports to America and to end what is termed "a typical case of economic aggression The note said the United
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 155 3 LONDON, Fri. MR. Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretary, told the Hou* of Commons yesterday he regarded the agreement on Germany's financial contribution to defence reached la talks In London. Lisbon and Bonn as a major step to strengthen western defence and to establish a new
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 49 3 LONDON. Fri.— Talks on the Anglo-Persian oil dispute between Mr Robert Garner, vice president of the World Bank, and British ministers and officials. ended here yesterday with a meetIng between Mr Garner and Lhe British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden.— Reuter
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  • 20 3 NEW DELHI. Fri. Mrs. Roosevelt yesterday placed a wreath on the spot where the Mahatma Gandhi was cremated.—U.P.
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  • 42 3 RIO d e JANEIRO. Fri. A BRAZILIAN airliner crashed 400 miles from Rio de Janeiro yesterday, killing 17 and injuring 14 of the 32 people aboard The fate of the remaining passenger is not yet known. —UP.
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  • 33 3 NEW YORK. Fri The Asian-African bloc of 16 nations will demand in the United Nations Security Council next week Council intervention In the TunisFrench dispute over home rule —A.P.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 112 3 CANBERRA, Friday. T»HE Bill ratifying the Japanese peace treaty x passed all stages in the House of Representatives yesterday amid scenes of wild disorder. The Labour Party fought the bill to the end. but Labour moves to have It postponed for six months for
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 35 3 WASHINGTON. Fri. The United State- Court of Adpeal has unanimously upheld the death sentence passed on Oscar Collazo, Puerto Rican fanatic who tried to assassin, ate President Truman 16 months ago.— A.P.
    AP  -  35 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 3 AT THE AMBASSADEURS in Cannes, lion tamer Manzana passed an unhappy quarter of an hour when his pet lion closed his mouth during the act when the trainer's head was inside it. Picture shows Manzana strugglfag to escape from the lion. %VP% V P picture.
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  • 287 3 Reds a menace to India— Nehru 'SO MANY KNOW SO LITTLE 9 NEW DELHI, Friday. TYIE Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, declared A yesterday that, despite left-wing gains in the recent elections, he was convinced that for India Communism would be "utterly disruptionist and I I injurious". I Mr. Nehru
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 101 3 gLACKENED areas on this map represent thr> sectors in which candidates of the Indian Communist Party won overwhelming majorities of Parliamentary and State Assembly seats in the recent general elections. The shaded areas represent sectors in which the pro Communist Peasants and Workers' Party of Hyderabad
    AP  -  101 words
  • 36 3 OTTAWA. Fri— Mr Vincent Massey wa s installed yesterday as Canada's first Canadian-born GovernorGeneral. He succeeds 17 Britons in the post. His immediate predecessor was Viscount Alexander, now British Defence Minister Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 67 3 I S M A I L I A, Fri. Coldstream guardsmen shot it out with a dozen Egyptians discovered digging up cables on the Port Said road, about four miles north of Kantara last night, a British military spokesman at General George Erskine's headquarters reported tonight. The
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 54 3 RANGOON, Fri. A textile glut is threatening many Burmese with bankruptcy and the Government has offered to buy "overstocks", it was announced today. The move is expected to help dealers to pay off pressing debts and add liquid funds to banks whose warehouses are filled with
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 30 3 ROME, Fri. Ten people were arrested yesterday after demonstrating outside a theatre showing "Rommel the Desert Fox." The film had been withdrawn in other cities because of demonstrations.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 126 3 TOKYO. Fri. JAPAN'S opposition political parties claimed last night that Japanese independence was jeopardised by the United States-Japan administrative agreement signed in Tokyo yesterday. The agreement covering administrative details for the United States-Japan Security Pact, provides for Joint action against any imminently threatened hostilities In
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  • 68 3 CANBERRA. Fri. M EMBERS of Parliament voted themselves salary Increases and increased taxfree allowances yesterday. The 183 members will now receive A £3.290 a year, a rise of A £s6o, plus allowances, up to A£2,016. The Prime Minister's salary has been more than doubled*, from A
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 46 3 FRANKFURT, Fri. The Germanslwill take over bombtorn Heligoland tomorrow. And they will promise never again to turn it into a sea bulwark against Britain. The Island had for the past seven years been a practice target for British and US. bombers.— AJ».
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  • 35 3 HONG KONG. Fri Mr! Tan Kah Kee. former Singapore industrialist, is described by the Communist news agency as "chairman of the Relief Society for Overseas Chinese in the South Seas."— A.P
    AP  -  35 words
  • 84 3 WASHINGTON, Fri. DETALIATION to resttic- tions imposed on movements Qf foreign diplomats in Russia was discussed at the NATO conference in Lisbon, it was said in Washington yesterday. Most of the 14 member nations favour counterrestrictions. It is expected that the Soviet Ambassador
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  • 114 3 LONDON, Fri. rE Bank of England has made a further move to speculation against sterling, restrict credit and to curb It has told the British banks that drafts under letters if credit subject to exchange control must not be for more 1 than 90 days. The previous
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 111 3 f^^^ MILLER CYCLE I li DYNAMO Lighting %et% ikY c wor d design 7 ft« and, to m il lion 1 of cyclist*. Hi* MILLER L It "TO trade-mark it an unfail■■^v *>^ M^^K\ S«*"»»ee of conS^^^^'^BPV j srant quality and reliabigm*j MILLER seti are streamlined in *"PH' appearance, impressive
      111 words
    • 151 3 Scot&utc& 7>est 5k lM q u c k cooking oat *pf% flakes provide a jM &tfS delicious and Jm JjJ nourishing breakfitful asf with on v a Kffi few minutes Scott's """"Oats Distributing ARents Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. The PORT of LONDON AUTHORITY A Self-governing Public Trus.for Public Scrrict
      151 words

  • 2951 4 J'OLLOWING are the i? lull list of results of I the .fhool Certificate E\tminution for 1951: Figure after the name indicates the grade in which the < date pasted (1) for > Grade One. »2) for Grade < Two ;ind 3» for Grade Three. Letters
    2,951 words
  • 2877 4 Eugene Tan Soo Hee IP: eln); Tan Teik Suan (P: eln); Wong Heng Chor (C:-eta); Yap Yew Seng (C: eln); Ponnampalam s/o Iyamperumal t.P: eln>; Ooi Tiong Lee (.3; Yee Teck Hsing i 3 Dawson, V.A. (.P: eln); Jjagar Singh GUI (C: Hindi, phi; Ramachandran s/o M. Nagaretnam
    2,877 words
  • 1176 4 BOYS SECAMAT < Govt. English School ***** Pang Yong Sneak (1>; ***** Gopalakrishnan s/o Jaganathan (3): ***** Harun Bin Is- mail (31; ***** Lim J. (2); ***** Urn W. (2); ***** Mohkam Singh s/o Najar Singh (2); ***** Tan Bok Seng (3). Private Candidates ***** Ng Kwee Choon (C:
    1,176 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 180 4 %;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<«<<<<<<<«<«<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<«««««««««*«««««««« < <«««« < «<« < < < «<<«« <<<< <<<w<<<<« <4 New Arrivals Latest Designs WILSON BROTHERS, FAULTLESS WEAR, i SHIRTS, UNDERWEARS AND TIES f»iy lo lr.» I —-r i C.mfert* bU c»Mac« reuliini Shirts or« mod. Ire* Eodl ot man f Fo ltl^*' on U cu.tom pottom
      180 words
    • 328 4 Announcement \Jzr Retail prices tf H.M.V. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES will be elective fro* March Ist 1952. 230 240 volte or 110/120 volt* A.C. AC/DC Model No». Description Pri«a 1C.5 Electric Iron No. 5 23.5» 1C.5 Electric Iron No. 5 25-50 1C.6 Electric Iron No. 6 MJI 1C.6 Electric Iron No. 6
      328 words

  • 212 5 EXPORTER RACES CLOCK —AND SAVES $80,000 PENANG, Friday. gT REAMS of lorries passed through Penang and H u tkr worth pier from early today as rubber exporters fought against time to clear 5,000 tons before the new planting cess comes into operation
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 5 .l^ 5*5 N CHOWN S. vice-chairman of the St Andrew's Mission Hospital Linen Guild, presents a bouquet to Lady Pogarty (right), wife ?f the C-;n-C Far East Air Force, at a bridge and mahjong drive at Air House, Singapore, yesterday. in aid of the guild. Straits Times picture.
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  • 107 5 A LABOUR move to establish a Whitley Counctl to negotiate for Council staff was withdrawn at the meeting of the City Council yesterday. Mr. V. K. Nair (Labour South), who introduced the proposal as an amendment, said he would bring it up at the
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  • 48 5 Lee Poh Helng claimed trial In the Singapore First Police Court yesterday before Mr R C. "S. Bell, the magistrate, on a charge of cheating Mohamed Hussain Kadusah of $553. The case was postponed until Mar. 8 and Lee was offered bail of $5,000.
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  • 47 5 Twenty-five thousand new accounts were opened wLth the Post Office Savings Bank in Singapore last year and depositors now hav P $33,750.000 to their credit, figures Mssued yesterday reveal In 1951 savings increased by more than $6,000,000, compared with $1,000,000 !n 1950
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  • 295 5 'NOW YOUTH IS AT THE HELM 9 yHE first Youth Week sponsored by the Singapore R Youth Council will be wound up this afternoon with a rally at the Raffles Institution grounds in which 1,200 youths from 24 organisations will take part. Four-hundred boys
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  • 133 5 A MESSAGE from the Secretary of State for th e Colonies. Mr. Oliver Lyttelton, In reply to one sent by the Singapore City Council on the Queen's Accession to the Throne, was read by the City President. Mr. T. P. F McNlece. at yesterday's
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  • 60 5 Executive Committee members for 1952 of the Singapore Council for Adult Education are: President. Professor P. Mason; vice-president, Mr. Lee Kong Chian; secretary, Mr. J. Le Prevost; treasurer Professor R. E Holtum; committee: Messrs. P S Raman, R Lyne. N I Low, E. S. Moorthy, Sandy G Pillay,
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  • 138 5 MORE POWER FOR NEW CONSUMERS SINGAPORE City Councillors yesterday increased the electrical power rationed to domestic consumers from 150 kilowatt hour units per month to 250 units. The increase will allow householders to use their refrigerators, hot plates and electric irons. Mr. Duncan Robertson (Progressive South) said that many people
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  • 122 5 1, 700 pay tribute to founder y[R. Yap Pheng Deck, Singapore City Councillor, yesterday joined 1.700 students and teachers of the Anglo-Chinese School in paying tribute to the late Bishop Oldham. the founder. The occasion was the 66th anniversary of Founder's Day which falls today. Speaking at the chapel service
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  • 73 5 St. David's day ceremony AT 7.30 this morning Padre Lt.-Col. B W. M Price. President of the Singapore St. David Society, will lay a wreath on the Cenotaph on Connaught Drive in memory of all Welshmen who fell in the two world wars Men from the three services and Welsh
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  • 33 5 Paya Lebar Road between MacPherson Road and the entrance to Paya Lebar Road pumping station will be closed to through traffic for about six weeks, because a sewer is being built.
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  • 104 5 TODAY VMCA, Orchard Road: Tennis 5 p.m.; Singapore Chess Club 3 p.m; Movie Circle, 8 pm CHINESE YJW.C.A. Selegle Road: Music, 2.30 pjn.: badminton basketball, 5.30 p.m.: Chinese chess, educational film show, 7.30 p.m.British Red Cross. Handicapped Children's Club outing at Katong Park. 10 a.m. C.YJM.A. (Church of
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  • 192 5 gUB-STATIONS liable to load shedding today are: DAir Kolam Ayer, MacPherson Road Kirn Chuan Road, Boundary Rd.. Florence Rd., Upper Serangoon. Ylo Chu Kane Govt. Printing Offlre, Hoodleigh Park. Braddrll Heights Atlas loeworks, Happy World, Asia Rubber Co., Sims Aye. Sawmill. Shell Co., Ue Rubber Works, Mountbatten
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  • 157 5 RED ARSONISTS COST COLONY $5 MILLION rjOMMUNIST-inspired arson in Singapore last year declined steadily, and the total damage was under $5,500,000, said Mr. T. P F. McNeice, presifo?/ Of Sin a Pore cit y Council, in his report for 1951, tabled at the council meeting yesterday. Of this, $2,190,586 represented
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  • 176 5 EARLY 50 tenants who are to move from the Al Paya Lebar airport site registered with the Singapore Land Office yesterday for land at the Bedok resettlement area. The register will close next Friday. Mr. S. O. Burlock, of the Land Office, told the
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 5 th J..H R rI IN AJA RAZMAN A.D.U. to the Sultan of Perak »ii ss Lee Siew Lian ibl ri?ri» Of J erak> nd MJM J F Huntsman, president of Perak Danci Association at the chanty dance organised^ by the Association. In aid of Perak Ant?-TB Fund at the Celestial
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  • 25 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Frl <nche Rahlm bin Kiman Senior Customs Officer Johore Bahru. will retire from the service tomorrow after 26 years service.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 r <yj P.Si\ COOLING r<&§& BREEZE 3/4 ,X l I—ti^1 ti^ ELECTRIC FANS MADE IN ENGLAND ADVT. OF THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. LTD. OF ENGLAND lINCIPOM MALACCA KUALA LUMPUR PENANG A strong^ clear >f^ j^M Vh^a j^fli M\\ eav y sleepers choose the fi^gja Bb specially large bell. A 30mJ|
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 69 5 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 10 a.m. Emergency News from K.L.; 10.05 "Housewive's Choice": 11-1130 "New Records"; 1 p.m. Saturday Ballroom; 1.30—150 Newff; 2 "Album of Harmony": 2.15-5 Racing, Penan*; 6.15 Children 7 News: 7.15 "Listeners' Choice": 7.30 •'Spotllstht On The Emergency"; 8 "Pau^ Temple and the Jonathan Mystery"; 8.30 "Loyal and
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  • 61 6 MRS YVONNE VALBEUU. Gah.sian, at 6. Rose Lane Singapore on Feb. 29th after long Funeral 5 p.m. today fit Biri.iriitri. HEATH. CAMILLA MAY. age 42, belowd wife of Sydney George passed away suddenly at her residence J. 3. Ottawa Road. H.M. Naval Basr, Singapore, on 271 li February.
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  • 26 6 MR. MUS M S. MANIAM of Seremban all those who attended, assisted and gave valuable presents on the occasion of Mm ii recent wedding.
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  • 792 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat. Mar. 1, 1952. The Lords And Malaya The learned Malayan debate in the House of Lords will have been of some good if it has been adequately reported in the restricted columns of London newspapers. There was very little in it that was new, or
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  • 282 6 Intensive talks in London, Lisbon and Bonn in tne pas: two weeks have lifted the gloom which had begun to settle on European defence plans. There is still much to be done in Paris and Bonn. but the framework of the European Defence Community has been completed,
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  • 1220 6  -  Cynicus -by- jWER the radio, as was the case on Tuesday, the perennial question of the emancipation of women always seems good for half an hour of jibe and amusement. The facts well what are they? In Malaya today there are over 5.000 married "women" aged
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  • 811 6 \TO story of Singapore would be complete, sure- j ly, without some mention or those travellers of more leisurely times who came here for a few weeks and then re- 1 turned to their native land and wrote a book. Most of their accounts were j shallow. Even more
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 784 6 TAN-KOH: Mr. Tan Beng iai (Ben), third son of Mr Mn. Tan Wee Kee. to Miss Koh 8wee Noi (Ivy), younger daughter of Mr. A Mrs. Koh Klam Boon. CHIA-ANO: The engagement Is announced between Mr. Chla Lianjr Seng, eldest son of Mr. Mm. Chla Choo Ohee, and Miss Rosalind
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    • 25 6 GERMAN FOUNTAIN PEN New Piston Filling System and Transparent Large Quantity Ink Holding Reservoir. PRICES: $6.50 $750 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO., 19, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE 1
      25 words
    • 73 6 it's a F^*jL* WE BLACK TULIP j|| jM^p* tural Society of Haariem .*J?4j™*5^^' which was never claimed, of £S,000 for a Black Tulip. This was during the "Tulip E.A.T madness of Holland in the 17th c«ntury when fortunes were and lott in tulip bulbs. W W&S^I/^ C^^r^^jk. TICIR BALM
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  • 201 7 7 YEARS IN CITY— BEFORE THE POLL The law may change for men who want to be councillors I1I 1 HE Progressive Party won a 16 7 victory in the Singapore City Council yesterday on its move to increase the residential qualification for City Councillors from three to seven years.
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  • 23 7 COUNTESS MOUNTBATTEN pictured at Railing Airport yesterday with Dr. W. J. Vickers (centre) and Dr. G. Haridas.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 143 7 PENANG. Fri. PLNANG'S new elected councillors paid tribute today to former nominated Commissioners. They unanimously approved a motion by Mr C. O. Lim (Radical, Kelawei), expressing pride In "our lineal descent." Mr. Lim moved that the Council record its appreciation of long; and valuable
    143 words
  • 54 7 Yap Foo Chone was alleged to havp stolen $24 worth of cobbler's tools belonging to Chan Kim Seng at Rangoon Road on Feb 17, it was stated in thp Singapore First Police Court yesterday. Yap denied the allegations and was offered bail of $250 Dendinir
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  • 79 7 Ah application by Lee Wee Loh for leave to appeal against a conviction and sentence of seven years' r.i. for robbery, was dismissed bv the Colony Court of Appeal yesterday A similar application by a Ceylonese. Kulahe Lokuge Martin, 24, for leave to appeal against a
    79 words
  • 33 7 Applications for admission to Primary I classes in Government and Aided schools in Singapore in 1953 should be submitted direct to the school concerned between April 1 and June 30. 1952.
    33 words
  • 141 7 pOUNTESS Mountbatten of Kj Burma, chairman of the St. John and Red Cross Services Hospital Welfare Department, arrived in Singa-* pore by Qantas-BOAC yesterday on a totrr of the Far East and Korea. During her six-day stay in Singapore and the Federation, Countess Mountbatten will inspect
    141 words
  • 68 7 Lady Fogarty. wife of Air Marshal Sir Francis Fogarty, i Commander in Chief Far j East Air Force, held a bridge j and mahjong drive at Air House in Singapore yesterday in aid of the St. Andrews Mission Hospital Linen Guild More than 260 women attended
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  • 55 7 NIBONG TEBAL. Fri.— Kok Kew Fa 68-year-old fisherman from Pulau Aman who set out for Simpang Ampat with his son to do some Chinese New Year shopping, was knocked down by a lorry and killed instantaneously. In Nibong Tebal yesterday the Coroner. Inche Abdul
    55 words
  • 25 7 Terrorists set fire to two buses in the Kluang area of Johore. A P.W.D. lorry was burnt in the Tapah area of Perak.
    25 words
  • 75 7 QRDERS received for the Malayan Chinese Assov ciation's eighth lottery to be drawn on April 20 have exceeded the two million mark. "The first prize," said a spokesman today, "will probably be in the neighbourhood of $400,000, with a corresponding increase in the I
    75 words
  • 45 7 Singapore's City Councillors yesterday gave formal approval to the granting of the Freedom of the City to the Governor of Singapore. Sir Franklin Gimson The City President. Mr. T P. F. McNeice said the "freedom ceremony would take place on March 14.
    45 words
  • 59 7 For stealing 55 universal Joints, worth $1,000. from a shed at the Base Ordinance Depot.. Katong, on Jan a.a. a driver. Low Ah Hee. was sentenced ro six weeks' imprisonment by the Singapore Fourth Police Magistrate. Mr. Eu yneow Chye.' yesterday. Low gav c
    59 words
  • 23 7 KLUANG. Fri Lim Ah Bee. Mah WJng and Lee Wah were fined $25 each for possesing food in a restricted area.
    23 words
  • 350 7 JUDGMENT RESERVED ON 6 SINGAPORE Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday reserved judgment in the appeal of six Malays under sentence of death on a charge of murdering Cpl. J. W. Davies, R.A.F., in the riots. Cpl Davies who was in a i bus, was dragged out
    350 words
  • 61 7 IPOH. Fri. MORE than $5,000 was raised for th e Perak anti-tuber-culosis fund by Perak Dance Association with a ball at the Celestial Cabaret last night Among those who attended was the Sultan of Perak. There were spot and novelty dances and a waltz and tango
    61 words
  • 31 7 Of 165 deaths in Singapore during the week ended Feb 23, tuberculosis caused 24 and pneumonia 23. In the same period, 675 births were reported.
    31 words
  • 31 7 A motor lorry caught fire at St. George's Avenue off Lavender Street, yesterday evening through a short circuit. The driver put out the flre befor* the Brigade arrived.
    31 words
  • 72 7 Two Punjabis, Kartar Singh and Sunder Singh, under sentence of seven years' imprisonment each on a charge of culpable homicide not amountine to murder were cleared In the Colony Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday. Kartar Singh and Sunder Singh were alleged to have caused the death
    72 words
  • 135 7 A IR Vice-Marshal H. L. Patch yesterday took the salute at Changi at the passing out parade of 20 recruits of R.A.F. (Malaya) under the command of F/Lt. J. R. Dowling. After the march past, A. V. M. Patch told the recruits that they,
    135 words
  • 49 7 The Singapore Rent Conciliation Board yesterday fix- i c "^"tkjy rent of the Medical Hall in Battery Roa* at $1,000 from Oct. 1 last year. The landlord. Miss Rebecca Meyer, had asked for an in"ease of rent from $875 to $1,700 per month
    49 words
  • 53 7 Chin Fong Loong. aged 29, of Tanjong Pagar Road, was charged in the Singapore First Police Court yesterday with selling 1.000 counterfeit Indonesian rupiahs to Zari bin Abdul Hadin on Jan. 27--H e claimed trial and was offered bail of $5,000. The case was postponed
    53 words
  • 19 7 Official mourning in Singapore for the late King will continue until May 31, yesterdays Government Gazette said.
    19 words
  • 250 7 CONSTABLE HAD DRINKS WITH REDS— court told KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. J^ SPECIAL constable who was said to have been the ringleader of a group of "specials" who consorted with bandits, stood in the dock in the Supreme Court here today: He was Ahmad bin Salleh, who was charged with consorting
    250 words
  • 119 7 gINGAPORE Government will be asked to consider setting up a permanent committee to review the Colony's election machinery, said Mr T. P. F. McNeice. at yesterday's Singapore City Council meeting in reply to Mr. M. P D Nair (Labour South). Mr. Nair said: "The committee
    119 words
  • 180 7 Chinese told: 'No special class' THE Colonial Secretary, 1 Mr. W. L Hl v the, has told the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce that the Gove: .iment could not accept a proposal made by the Chamber to create a special class of citizenship, which would confer f«H citizenship rights on
    180 words
  • 48 7 Master P. Chachinadaden, a standard II student of Monks Hi'l School, has been awarded the first Indo-Mala-yan Association scholarship for 1952. Scholarships worth $500 each ?re offered to Singapore born Indian boys under the age of 11. They cover expenses for eieht years.
    48 words
  • 42 7 Lee Slow Hing, aged 29, who admitted in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday stealing four pairs of leather soles worth 64 cents, was sentenced to a day's simple imprisonment and fined $50 or two weeks' rigorous imprisonment.
    42 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 62 7 lll '»'''iiimiiit3iiiiiiiiiiiic3iiiiiiiiiiiicjiimiiiiiiic:iiiiiiiiiiiic:imiiMi!!ic3mniiMiiig REDUCTIONS IN j GLASSWARE j 1 DECORATED WATER SETS 1 JUG 6 TUMBLERS j USUALLY $16.50 NOW $12.50 ETCHED FINGER BOWLS USUALLY $2.00 NOW $1.00 WATER BOTTLES WITH TUMBLER TOPS AMBER, PINK CLEAR GLASS I USUALLY $3.75 NOW $2.75 I -iiuiJiiiiiiimiitJiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitMimiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiicjiiHiiiiiiiitMiimiiiiir (BUSH RADIO A BUSH RADIO PATENT DEVICE
      62 words

  • 326 8 NORMAL TRADING WELCOMED IPOH, Friday. f)ESPITE Mr. Churchill's steel-for-tin agreement, Malayan producers would prefer a resumption of normal tin buying by United States consumers i n the open market, said Mr. J. T. Chappel, chairman of Petaling Tin, at the company's
    326 words
  • 145 8 The case of the typhoid victims DETAILS of the 30 people stricken with typhoid followine a Chinese dinner were given yesterday by the President of the Singapore City Council. Mr T. P. F. McNelce. in his administration report for 1951 Out of 100 persons who attended a Chinese dinner in
    145 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 8 AIR VICE MARSHAL H. L Patch talking to a recruit of RA.F. (Malaya) during the passing out parade at Changi. Singapore, yesterday. Next to him i s Canon R.K.S Adams of St. Andre w's School, who accompanied him during the parade.— Str aits Times picture.
    45 words
  • 34 8 PENANG, Fri ApDeaLs by trisha owners and riders to j the Municipal Council to reconsider an earlier decision not to renew expired riding licences are to be studied by a special committee.
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  • 17 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Frl A dance will be held at the Royal Johore International Club tomorrow.
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  • 220 8 UMNO-MCA ALLIANCE: JOHORE BAHRU, Friday. MR. Lai Kai Joo, who was today elected chairman of the Johore branch of the Independence of Malaya Party, said the UMNO-MCA alliance was designed to impede the progress of IMP. Many, ne said, had been misled by that alliance
    220 words
  • 87 8 Making good progress KUALA LUMPUR. F'ri. GOOD progress has beei made in building thi Malayan Cement Works a Rawang. Selangor. report Mr J. Drysdale, chairman o the company in a stateinen Issued today. All security mea»ures in eluding a permanent p^lici post. hav e been complete< and are in operation
    87 words
  • 54 8 KUALA LUMPUR Fn The Postmaster General Malaya, announced thai from tomorrow the revlsec insurance fee s payable or insured letters and boxe and insured parcels to over seas countries will be 2i cents for the first $100 anc 15 cents for every additions $100 or part of
    54 words
  • 129 8 TRADER IS FINED $120,000 PARIT BUNTAR, Fri. T7HOO THING KUAN, who described himself as a businessman, was at the Sessions Court yesterday fined a total of $120,000, or four years' imprisonment, for abetting two fishermen, Kee Kirn Chooi and Khor See Lock, to harbour a total of 85% picuLs of
    129 words
  • 441 8 DELAYS ARE 'CURSE'TOCITY COUNCILLOR MR. Yap Pheng Geek (Nominated) told the City Council at ite meeting yesterday that there were complaints from the public about the "snail's pace" at which certain matters were dealt with by Councillors. These delays. Mr. Yap said, made the work of a City Councillor "a
    441 words
  • 39 8 The only passenger on board a small motor vessel bound for Indonesia from Singapore yesterday, was discovered to have 20 tahils of gold worth about $4,000. The passenger, a Singapore Chinese, was going to Indonesia.
    39 words
  • 219 8 AMERICA STILL NOT A BUYER THE announcement over the week-end of the freeing of the American rubber market wa s not received with quite the enthusiasm expected. This market showed some improvement, but selling on the, London market for American account caused a sharp and unexpected fall, says Lewis and
    219 words
  • 73 8 Less than one month after several thousand motor-car spare parts were discovered in the cargo vessel. Sandviken, as she entered the Singapore harbour. Customs officers yesterday again found more hidden on board, just before the ship sailed for China ports. After a thorough search of the
    73 words
  • 21 8 Five Chinese, one a woman, have been arrested in the Kuala Kangsar area of Perak as suspected bandit helpers
    21 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      53 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 78 8 The Straits Times Cross word is held out today because of pressure on space. VESTERDAY*S SOLUTION: PAROLE DH 9 P A N I X L OMEKEgoIEIiNiMI USD ABB E TR I M E N T UKA*l>l«**sNtißttT LANOAUEN TS X E R I E A**ggDgttSAlns!jftß R A D I UIC ASTAWAYS
      78 words

    • 387 9 YOURY 0UR leading article of last Wednesday, "Information Received", was most balanced in its assessment of the importance of the information which has lately been reaching the security authorities and which has been acted upon, is it permissible to carry your comment a stage further and
      387 words
    • 102 9 staying in cubicles which are realty unfit for £?n££ habitation. The thought of S I T awommodatfoif "cu ce c ff h DvD vt al tt w hh a P y clean and spacious JSSSSS^S reuef_but_the_long silence of the S.I.T is very de-
      102 words
    • 115 9 I READ that .Malaya is to help solve the sterling blocs problems by imposing new controls on "luxury soods." I n the list of such goods are included Dencils and pens Now how on earth do these become luxuries? Why not Include real luxuries in the
      115 words
    • 123 9 MR. Urn Yew Hock. President of the Labour Party of Singapore and President of the Singapore Trade Union Congress, moved a motion tn the Legislative Council on Feb. 20 asking Government to allow its workers' unions to affiliate to th e T.U.C. When Mr. Blythe the
      123 words
    • 176 9 He fears U.S. policy in Asia JVfR. Dulles's recent radio statement on China does, unfortunately, confirm our fears that the American Government's policy towards Asia is self-interested and imperialistic. He says that the United States ought not to leave the Chinese mainland under Communist control. What does he mean by
      176 words
    • 375 9 \ll. hrn Mm ether vrhi cles for hire are fitted with speedometers to enable passengers to know the distance they have travelled. My friends and I can't understand why trishaw owners are not forced to fit proper speedometers. Most trishaw riders are illiterate, and some are rough.
      375 words
    • 208 9 [The granting of a badminton hall loan was referred to in the Singapore Legislative Council as the "kind of finance found only in Alice's Wonderland" "Can't we build a little faster?" said Labour with a wail, "The Thomas Cup's close by us. its treading on our tail.
      208 words
    • 326 9 The squatters' return for co-operation "^THOUGH the so-called squatters have now mostly been physically resettled we are now faced with the human problem, and this can only be solved by methods which spring from the heart rather than from the mind". These words, broadcast by the High Commissioner, are words
      326 words
    • 140 9 REGISTER OF VOTERS: 'HARD JOB' \^HILE I support TH.H.'j view that automatic registration of voters would do away with the unfairness of people being wrongly -struck off the electoral rolls, perhaps he did not see an item in your paper a few days back to the effect that "official quarters
      140 words
    • 65 9 CASES have occurred during the last few months in which drivers of vehicles have, for one reason or another, killed pedestrians. Such drivers have been brought to court and fined and have had their driving licences suspended for a period These should surely have been indicted tor
      65 words
    • 149 9 |p was with regret that I 1 read your eu.ioriai Fires of Nationalism." Because a section of Scots people wish our new Queen to be styled "Elizabeth I of Scotland" in Scotland G.E.K makes out that Scots are petty and quarrelsome You in turn confure the
      149 words
    • 98 9 THE corruption, inefficiency, or otherwise discourteous behaviour of Government and Municipal servants has otten been brought up in your paper. But inevitably the heads of departments come forward and put the blame on the public, complaining that unless the public comes forward to give evidence nothing can
      98 words
    • 177 9 The argument for a Wages Board THERE is no doubt that a Wages Board, as suggested by Mr. J. John in the Straits Times a few days ago. is long overdue. In fact it is the moral responsibility of the Government to see that workers receive adequate wages for their
      177 words
    • 141 9 MEN FROM CEYLON IN NEGRI IN reply to the letter of Feb. 23 headed Vacancy Ex- 1 pected in Negrl there ls no disagreement between the President and the Vice-Pre-sidents of the N.S. Ceylonese Association so far as anyone In Negri Sembilan !s aware. Ceylonese Federal CitiM should study the
      141 words
    • 90 9 JAFFNESE OTHERS I WAS amused to read "Cey- lonese Federal Citizen's" letter What he asks for is not Ceylonese. but Jaffnese, representation in the Negri Council. Calling for Jaffnese representation on the Council of any State at the present Junctures is wholly mischie- vous. Gone are the days when Kuala
      90 words
    • 84 9 THE writer would like to record the helpfulness shown towards him by :he staff of the Australian Acting Commissioner. Sin g a pore, when he called to make inquiries, on behalf of a Sikh friend in Perak, anxious to enter Australia. It is such cheerful cooperativeness that makes
      84 words
    • 139 9 TF I remember correctly it was Mr. Thio Chan Bee who voiced in the Legislative Council some months ago the desire for a "new look" for Malayan, or at least Singapore, postage stamps. Why was the subject shelved? Malaya has many industries, tin mining. rubber
      139 words
    • 108 9 PERMIT me to say a .ew I words about the Indian programmes of Radio Malaya. Almost every listener has the same cry of dissatisfaction with the announcements made by th P Tamil announcprs in Hindustani programmes Tamil announcers mispronounce almost all names r 'f singers and films,
      108 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 87 9 L^i CASIROL mNu I SOUTH AFRICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 250 c.c. Class Champion X 350 c.c. Class Champion ■ft 500 c.c. Class Champion KANDY ROAD RACE, CEYLON 14th OCTOBER, 1951 Novices Handicap up to 350 c.c. Motor Cycles Ist Clubmens up to 350 c.c. Motor Cycles Ist Clubmens up to 500 c.c.
      87 words
    • 7 9 SKA v <SY ILW^M m W acS'
      7 words

  • 252 10 LONDON, Frl. /^LOSING middle prices, as supplied by special arrangement with the Financial Times were: UMM Consols 601 +i Funding 4% M War 3»% 181 HANKS Chartered Hbt 10 Mercantile i £25 > i£12 pd I 191 Hongkong '».2Sl 84/- Eastern i£fi 64 IVSl'RANCE Com. Un. mts i
    252 words
  • 10 10 SINGAPORE. Fri. Frb. 29 —***** (down SU)
    10 words
  • 27 10 LONDON. Feb. 29— Cash Buyers £976; Sellers £977; Forward Buyers £976; Sellers £977; Settlement £976 1 2 (up £2). Turnover: a.m. 15, p.m. 5 tons.
    27 words
  • 35 10 HONG KONG. Frl. FREE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quoted at the close today as follows US$l HK$6.7B (cash>. HK $6.81 (T.T.); £1 HKSIS 85. one tahil of gold HK5325.C25.
    35 words
  • 910 10 fHERE was an over-all lack of interest in the Malayan Share Market yesterday. The dull conditions were attributed to the cautious attitude by London operators pending publication of the United Kingdom Budget. Yesterday's quotations were: MM ■> I Kl II > Boyrr» -rllfr. Airx Brickl. Pref 2 10
    910 words
  • 69 10 CHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns, or expected there by 7 a.m. today are- 1-2 Arendskerk, 4-5 Sloterdljk. Coal Plant Larust, 6-7 Tarlfa, 8-9 Benlawers, 11 Antilochus. 13-14 Glengarry. 15 Hong Tat. 16 Kimanls, 18 Benalbanach. 19-20 Charles Lykes. 21-22 Incharran. 23-24 Karslk, 25-26 Tdomeneus. 27-28 Okhla.
    69 words
  • 184 10 Quiet tone throughout FOREIGN orders In the f Singapore Rubber Market continued to be limited yesterday, and the volume of business was again on a restricted scale. The tone was quiet throughout, and fluctuations were between $1.08 and $1.0934 a lb. for March firstgrade. There was evidence of
    184 words
  • 35 10 LONDON. Feb. 29. Spot 33d., April 32% i.. May 31 U&.. June 30% d.. Apr-June 31' 2 d.. JulySept 30d Oct.-Dec. 29d.. Mar. cU. 31V4d., Apr. c.i.f. ZVAA.. May c.i.f. 30\d. Market: Quiet.
    35 words
  • 112 10 A STEADIER undertone was reported ln the Singapore Produce Market yesterday. Main Interest was centred on peppers and after loose parcels of Muntox changed hands at $730 a plcul, sellers pushed the price up $10. and Sarawak to $735 a picul. Due to arrival of more stocks,
    112 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1410 10 .4 ANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. llnrocoo'ii'pd in Singapore) BLOB FUNNEL LIKE C.rri.r option ro proceed via ottict porti to iojd and dtwharf. urge. SAIUNCS U MVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON fr CONTINfNTAL PORTS Due Sails P Shjm Penant Mf '»M for H*«t» b .1 C 16/17 Mm 4 Mm S/S Mm 9/13
      1,410 words
    • 422 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS To New York and Boston via Ceylon, India Egypt and Mediterranean Ports. Singapore P Swetteoham Pefl an J lr s.s. PRESIOENT VAN BUREN" in/I j v,, s.s "PRESIDENT ARTHUR" 3/9 Mar. IS/17 Lai,' s.s. "PRESIOENT POLK' 6/12 Mar 1 3/14 Mar. ''/"Mar s.s. "PRESIDENT TAFT" 22/29 Mar.
      422 words
    • 450 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE MUMBM FROM SCANOINAVIA/U K./CONTINEHT I Spore P. Sham Penang "Soiandia" tor Bangkok 2/2 Mar "Pata«onia" for Bangkok. Hong Kong Manila 2/3 Mar. "Fionia" for Bangkok 18/18 Mar. "Panama" for Bangkok. Hong Kong, Manila, Kobe 5 Yokohama 11/12 Apr S/lOApr. «/7 Apr. •'Meonia" for Saigon Bangkok 10/12 Apr.
      450 words
    • 1118 10 McALISTER tit CO.. LTl>. telephone No 5906 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL KLAVBNES9 LINE LONOON HAVRE ROTTERDAM M ANC ELES. SAN FRANCISCa HAMBURG PORTLAND SEATTLE VANCOUVII £.i£n£> "O"'" O *««ol.n« cargo to, Central Sour*, and Canada via Colombo American Ports CITY OF KHARTOUM. c/ TLIV aLI Spore P Sham Penane S pore P
      1,118 words

  • 558 11 Som Pong stages grand finish By Our Boxing Reporter A GRAND-stand finish by the grand "old man" of A the Malayan prize ring, Som Pong (143 lb.) in the last four rounds saw him earn Referee Nene's popular decision of a draw with Golden
    558 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 11 DANIEL SNG receiving an award for athletic prowess from Mrs. Peterson, wife of the principal of the AngloChinese School' during yesterday's celebration of the school Founder's Day. Straits Times picture.
    30 words
  • 188 11 SCORERS and starting times for too 1 h tUi q U aJiL ying round ot th« I&land Club Championship over 36 holes on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning are (Sunday times in brackets):— Ist TEE i S wUr^ ay: 23° pm 1922 am J. W. Y.
    188 words
  • 49 11 KHORE BAHRU. Fri--Ms»lori T. Ward has taken over the Golf captaincy at the Royal Johore International Club. Johore Bahru i The annual matches fcr the Clubs cups and Inter-Club matches will start in Maich. Notices of such matches will be posted on the Club's no* Ice board
    49 words
  • 22 11 (8.9): Low 0750 (1.2) and 2002 (2.81 TOMORROW: 0207 i 9 ftrTnd 1458 •8 ft); 0830 (1.4) and 2027 (3.6)
    22 words
  • 406 11 Farelf hockey tournament A PENALTY jjoal SC ored in the 13th minute of the second half *aye Singapore District a 3—l victory at Tanglin yesterday, over Malaya District pVJiiJ?.? 8 1 5 116 wooden-spoonists in the annual Lr trlan ßulai" hockey tournament Malaya District have now
    406 words
  • 202 11 Rovers Jnrs. pile up a cricket score By Out Soccer Reporter DOVERS Juniors, in a try-out against Frjiser Neave S.C. at River Valley Road ground yesterday, won their soccer match by the startling margin of 14-1. Young Tommy Mission put five shots past the F N goalkeeper. Mission, I am
    202 words
  • 153 11 JN the seml-ftnals of* the Singapore District Inter-Unit boxing, held at Tanglin Gymnasium last night, R.E.M.E. beat R.A.S.C. by 18 points to 15. R.E M.E. will now meet District Signals Regiment in the finals on Friday, March 7. The nights results: LUht-»eltcr»eigßt: (Ist 4ria p te
    153 words
  • 23 11 Passes tor Jalan Besar Stadium ;or the 1952 season may be collected at the Stadium between 4 and 5 pjn. today
    23 words
  • 173 11 The Singapore Recreation Club, with a ten-man team, trounced the City Coupe* »er»iees Unioß »-0 M a soccer 7 frtennipoif Padang yesterday. i RrWlgo, Recs' inside-left, opened the scoring seven minutes froni the start. Outside-left Pox hi><s centre-froward Stevens followed with two quick goals. Ste\ens
    173 words
  • 352 11 SCOR TURF CLUB PLAN KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. DUILDING of new quarters for syces and labourers u and new stables and other extensions were mentioned by Mr. D. T. Waring, chairman of the Selangor Turf Club, in his statement at the Club's annual general meeting held
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  • 141 11 TODAY. HOCKEY: Farelf inter-District tourney: Singapore Dlst. v. Hong Kong at Tanglin. SOCCER: Div. 1: Pulau Brani t. Indian B.C. at Jalan Besar. YOUTH TOURNEY: Hot a Raja School t. Serangoon EngSchool at J. Besar 4 pjn. SAFA Jnr. Lge: Customs t. Tun Mong at Geylang; Marine Dept.
    141 words
  • 70 11 The Island Club's January Bogey Competition held over 'he week-end resulted In a win for Philip Lee In the "A" Division with a nett score of l Up. The "B" Division winner was H. G. W. Peace with a nett score of 1 Up. The
    70 words
  • 54 11 PARIS. Prl. Germany's Rla Baron and Paul Palk won the world pain figure skating title last night with 102.1 points, according to the official results. Karol and Michael Kennedy of the United States were second with 97 points. Jennifer nnd John Wicks of Britain were third
    54 words
  • 60 11 The Khalsa Association will hold a home-and-home cricket match on their ground at 10.30 ajn tomorrow. The following pavers who have b°en invited lo take part: IferdUl Singh's XI: Wr.zir. Rirjit, Balbir, Jaswant, Tharam, Darsham, Baktawar, Prlt m, Bnra, Surdagar, and Him. (katr Singh's XI: Mnkhan, Balwant, AJit,
    60 words
  • 47 11 Jollilads soccer XI against H.M.S. Loch Qulch at H.M. Naval Base ground at 5 p.m. tomorrow win be picked from: Narayna. Archuthan, Rasak. Mohamed Yusoff, Ghani. Sintha. Met ah, Ebrahim. Edwards, Rahman, Boon Tat. Dollah, G. Khrishnasamy, Govlnda Nalr. Transport leaves Tanjong Pagar at 4 p.m.
    47 words
  • 47 11 BOSTON, Prl.— World welterweight champ'on Kid Gavilan of Havana, Cuba, his face a bloody mask from a severe eye cut, squeezed out a split decision over choirboy Don Williams of Worceser, last night in IP-round non-utle bout at the Boston Garden before 12,212 fans.— UP
    UP  -  47 words
  • 46 11 KUALA LUMPUR, t cFt\.—Al-,c Ft\.— A1-, Ijayugh J,en minutes, extra time 'each U'&y Vis played'; tl*e> SeVangor i Hookey Association „|uw*k-9tit tournament linal, between Police Depot and Young Men's Sikh's Association, ended in a scoreless draw on the Kuala Lumpur pndang thin evening.
    46 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 541 11 I^^V THE MERRIEST SHOW" IN TOWN •fc^Rfc* Laughable Times l^^GrS^^V DAILY! />^!lWw »*••»••i4s-4is» i45 4is J^3JJjf\^fi> I 6.45 9.30 p.m. vZk-T^tf Starring jgfcT^^' CROSBY 'jA «b Wyman SMITH •^^^^P* FRANCHOT TONE and introducine ANNA MARIA ALBERC.HETTI Sensational teen-age soprano PLUS! Latest Malayan Gazette— special pictures of PARATROOP OPERATIONS K. L.
      541 words
    • 222 11 TODAY 9 a-m. -THAT DANGCROUS AGE" Totnorrsw "FLAME THE ARROW" Technicolor U a.m. 1.45. 4.H, TODAY 6.30 and 939 p.m. m. SAMUEL GOLDWYN™,, (6D tit Mtt Mviii stuy ot sir day WaWTWXD 99 ■aaaaal A J^^^a»§^^ IMIM MIOBEWS OOSOTHY IUURF'"- r«tt£Y GfEANGER PreGY DOW Jtil>l>f£> ATTRACTION Special TECHNICOLOR Featurette Showing
      222 words

  • 329 12  - Magic Oak napped for third victory EPSOM JEEP By EARLY SPEED BIG FACTOR OVER 5\ ffcJNAmi, Friday. MAGIC OAK won his two races at Ipoh in such stylish fashion that I nap him 10 complete a hat-trick of wins in the Class 3, Div. 1, 5Jf. handicap (Race Five) at
    329 words
  • 1496 12 ACCEPTORS and probable jockeys for today's races at Penang are given below. Scratched from all engagements: Malleable Mouldings, Miss Coy, Rio Grande. L'Apache, Sailing Fair Flower, Martini, Eden Rock, Irish Fame, Nanette and Restriction H. The Big Sweep will be drawn on Race Nine. Race 1—2.00: Classes
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  • 1136 12 PENANG, Friday. VH ELY-WEIGHTED Constellation (Race Eight) looks one of the best bets in tomorrow's card at Penang. This four-year-old may never aspire above his present class but he is definitely a useful sort down where he is. aii mruugn last season Constellation never
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  • 163 12 'Dope evil is being fought' KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. AN assurance that the StralU Racing Association Is taking active measures to try and stamp out the doping evil was given by Mr. D. T. Waring. Chairman of the Selangor Turf Club, at the annual general meeting this evenIng. Mr. Waring said
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  • 145 12 ANGLO-CHINESE School, Singapore, yesterday honoured five of its students with awards for their athletic achievement* last year In a presentation ceremony during the celebration of Pounders Day. The students were Daniel Sng. Chan Onn Leng, Raymond Nicholas. Tan Soo Hlan and Loh Kan Yue. Daniel
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  • 203 12 PENANG, Friday. rtENTUNNY has been working in such great heart *J that I regard him as an extra good thing in Race Four tomorrow. Like most of the Denturius stock on the Malayan Turf. Dentunnv has plenty of speed and he will certainly be at home
    203 words
  • 174 12 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER PRINCESS DALCROSS PRINCESS RACE 1 BEAU BEAU 1.00 Garnfair Princess Bean Dalcrota DaleroM Atom Boy Garnfalr TALKIE CHRISTMAS TALKIE RACE t KNIGHT 2.11 Bekas Talkie Claudia* De Win De Win Cinema RACE S TRENT FALL BARNSTAPLE TRENT FALL S.M Rroadway Bill Broadway
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  • 141 12 Batavia to make amends PENANG, Frl. gATAVIA has certainly been an expensive failure. Twice he was backed as an extra good thing at Ipoh and both times he let his backers down. If Batavia is to win anything he gets in Race 10 today. This strapping New Zealand-bred bay will
    141 words
  • 32 12 THERE has been a sudden change in the weather in Penang. Rain fell on Thursday evening; and yesterday morning- and the going today is likely to be yielding, reports Epsom
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 846 12 CLA&oiFIED ADS. Continued trom Page ■> srri'ATlONS WANTED QUALIFIED Accountant, speclallMMi: In Income tax accounts, undertakes writing up of books, auditing etc. Replies to "Confld>n'l»l" Box AIIM ST. QUALIFIED Dutch Planter, •ixteon years experience, seeks poittion. Prefer Chinese owned estate Available Immediately. Box No A991. S.T.. K.L. r-XPERT barber having
      846 words
    • 407 12 CLASSIFIED ADS VEHICLE FOR SALE STANDARD 8' 1947. registered June. 1947. excellent condition, regularly serviced, Insured Oct 1952, best offer over $2,200 secures. Ring 2401 Ext. 307 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE 5 BEAUTIFUL Purebred Alsatian Pups 8 weeks old. Female. $120'- each Call for appointment *****. MANILA Cane Suite
      407 words
    • 161 12 The first name in Waterproof witches with i 14 kt gold rim RECORD SUPER i has 4 "worry tree" features. 1. 100% waterproof 2. Patented Shock-protected 1 3. Beryllium Balance I 4. Movements exclusively designed for accuracy. 1 Obtainable from all watch dealers throughout Malaya. C i Malayan Heavyweight Championship
      161 words