The Straits Times, 22 January 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 397 1 Guns and tanks go into action U.S. WILL PROTEST AT NUN'S MURDER BY GUERILLAS CAIRO, Monday. gun battle between tank-led British troops and Egyptian guerillas raged in IsmaMia last night, Arab sources reported by telephone. They said the battle was going on "with the same intensity
    Reuter; UP  -  397 words
  • 72 1 SGT. JOSAM. with rifle, and Set. Godney (above) m vest and trousers, dance to a marching song of Nyasaland on board the troopship Devonshire yesterday. BELOW: Ricky— daughter of a warrant officer with the King's African Rifles offers her favourite toy a large African stuffed monkey, to
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  • 41 1 NSW DELHI. Mon. Authoritative circles in New Delhi today denied a London Press report that India had warned the Western Power* that Ru.^sia would go to the help of China if she were attacked from the air. Renter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 40 1 LILI E i France*, Mon. Twenty -nine-year-old Algerian bcxer Mustapha Moustaphaoui. former flyweight n of France, died in here today from injuries received when he was knocked out in a bout in nearby Roubaix last night. UP
    UP  -  40 words
  • 48 1 WASHINTONG, Mon.-The U.S. Secretary of the Navy, Mr Dan Kimball. said here last night that the Russian submarine fleet had been expanded since the war to between 300 and 400 vessels. American submarine strength had grown from 70 to about 100, he said.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 23 1 COLOMBO. Mon.— A shipment of 450 tons of rubber for Communist China Is to leave Ceylon shortly! shippers said today.— AP.
    AP  -  23 words
  • 140 1 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Monday. OANDITS murdered two men and a woman when they raided their home at Kampong Aston, near Bukit Mertajam, Province Wellesley, last night. The victims were Lee Doh Nam, 63, clerk and letter writer; his sister Lee Ah Thye, 60, and
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  • 240 1 GENERAL HAS TO HURRY A N hour before they were expected, the two battalions of the King's African Rifles, slipped into Singapore yesterday to .tace the prospect of disembarking at four this morning and being taken to their camp in Johore. i The G.O.C., Singapore District,
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  • 38 1 NEW YORK, Mon. Lieut, Col. Anthony Story, for nearly seven years one of General Mac Arthur's principal aides, has resigned from the U.S. Air Force to take a job with a distilling company— A.P.
    AP  -  38 words
  • 66 1 KOREA V.C. IN STORE TODAY I*HE second winner of the Victoria Cross in the Korean War, Private William Speakman, of the Black Watch, is due to arrive in Singapore by air today on his way home. He left Tokyo by Hastings hospital plane last night. An agency report said that
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  • 77 1 TOKYO. Mon. Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida had a conference with Emperor Hirohito today and told him that the allowance for his family in the fiscal year 1952 would be 30.000,000 ye n (£30,000 sterling) This was an increase of 1.000,000 yen (£l,OOO sterling) over last year.
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 59 1 SEREMBAN. Monday. MR JUSTICE Abbott received a pair of white gloves at the opening of Negri Sembilan Assizes today from Federal counsel, Mr. D. C. Jackson, as there were no criminal cases to be heard. The judge said he hoped that with changes in overall direction
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  • 159 1 S_ TTT: SAIGON, Monday. EVEN bombs thrown by Communists riding bicycles exploded in Saigon's crowded streets today injuring 24 passers-by and damaging Government buildings. Eight of the injured were reported in "serious condition Six of the timed plasiic charges exploded almost simultaneously. The seventh went
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  • 241 1 WASHINGTON, Monday. PRESIDENT TRUMA^J today said he would ask Congress this year to authorise a start on a new "fantastic weapons" atomic programme to cost between $5,000,000,000 and $6,000,000, in live years. At a Press conference on the $85,400,000,000 budget for 1952/53 sent to Congress today,
    Reuter  -  241 words
  • 122 1 The other side got the secrets BONN. Germany, Mon. DELIVERY of copies of secret minuted of four West German Cabinet meetings to the Socialist opposition was admitted in court in Bonn tcday. Johannes Kaiser, formerly a clerk in the office of Chancellor Konrad Adenaur. said that he had given the
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 25 1 BAGHDAD, Mon. Two Iraqi Jews sentenced to death by a special High Court in a bombing case In Iraq, were hanged today.— Renter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 57 1 Korea Reds reject truce proposals TOKYO, Mon. 'JJHE Communists, in two flat statements today rejected categorically United Nations proposals for an armistice settlement. The phrasing in the two separate sub-committees was almost identical. They would "reject for ever" United Nations desire for a ban on airfield building and would "insist
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  • 34 1 MUNSAN, Mon. 'THE United Nations Command today admitted that four Allied planes last Friday bombed the highway bridge where the Communists had said that a Communist truce delegation convoy was attacked.
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  • 25 1 TAIPEH, Mon.— Nationalist China today appealed to the United Nations for relief for 3,500,000 refugees who had escaped from the mainland. —Reuter.
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  • 169 1 HONG KONG, Mon VINE crew members were drowned last nigfrt as the Britisli freighter Taikinshan was abandoned on tha treacherous north reef of the Paracel Island* group. A message from the frigate H.M.S. Alert, which picked up 64 survivors, said that Capt. Robert Wherry
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 96 1 r j -v CUSTOMS jn !i i to sea today 'o three Eurasian I > since Sunday aiu jn m j small rowing boat. The. boys lefi V a it 3 p.m. and when they dirt not return their pare.;^ told tK« Customs and ihp
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  • 237 2 SIAM IS ROUTE FOR CHIANG'S GUERILLAS RANGOON, Monday. A MERICAN-armed Chinese Nationalist troops from Chiang Kai-shek's Formosa stronghold daily move through Siam to join Nationalist Gen. Li Mi's forces in the Yunnan province of China, reports received from the eastern frontier said today. Li's troops, remnants of the civil war's
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 24 2 HAMBURG, Mon. The American freighter Thomas Sim has struck a mine at the mouth of the Elbe River. No one was injured.
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  • 135 2 REST OF THE WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF CO IK persons were killed 1 and 19 injured when a railway handcar "ran away" and crashed into a freight train on a steep grade in the mountains east of Lima, Peru. This year's anniversary of Lenin's death in 1924 was no longer
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  • 67 2 NEW YORK, Monday. A CHILD S mittem lying on the ice led searchers to a hole from which they recovered the bodies of a university student and four children 660 feet off the shore of frozen Cayuta Lake, in New York State. When last seen
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 283 2 wonderful ..Aour^ llfwl £eje£wondcriu\ flottering PAN STIK* Max Factor s new cream make-up Peck as wonderful as it looks. Creates lasting, radiant, flawless complexion loveliness. Your skin feels supple, soft-to-toucb, never drawn, tight or dry, never becomes greasy or shiny. MAX FACTOR HOLLYWOOD •►on Stil irodtmork; intent Mo. lector Hollywood
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    • 797 2 NOTICES LUNAS RUBBER ESTATES, LIMITED (Incorporated In the Cokmy of Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on the Bth February. 1952. at 12.30 p.m. the Directors will recommend for approval payment of a Final Dividend of 40% less
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    • 204 2 NOTICES MALAY REGIMENT TENDER NOTICE TENDERS will be received at RHQ The Malay Regiment Port Dickson, up to 12 o'clock 31st Jan "52. for the Supply of 100 Covers Water Proof Khaki Green 20" x 2" x 14' r* for 4 x 2 3 Tonners. Tender forms c«n be obtained
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    • 546 2 NOTICES i KRAMAT TIN DREDGING, LIMITED (Incorporated In the Federation of Malaya) Notice Is hereby given that a dividend, the forty-fourth, of one shilling (la/-) per share, leas income tax at the rate of thirty per cent, has been declared due and payable to shareholders on the register at the
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    • 126 2 wla A -^**^*^C ll *r Appoiotmtnl «fs vL^"^%t\iirljlha Cm Dhiiticr* Gordons Stands SuptefKZ stop corrosion! /^*SJiSm MAINTEHfINCE f jS§io If BY METAL SPRAYING YOUR IRON AND STEEL EQUIPMENT We are operating a metal spraying plant with "Schoop" wire and "Schori" powder pistols, and carry stock of aluminium, xinc and brass
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  • 508 3 Mr Truman puts forward a twofold plan WASHINGTON, Monday. PRESIDENT TRUMAN told Congress today that the United States must continue its economic and military aid to Asian countries because of "vulnerability to internal .and external aggression" in that part of the world. In his amiua!
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  • 245 3 U.S. hopes for tin deal No. 2 A LONDON. Mon S a sequel to the AngloAmerican agreement, Amerlcai::: will try to negotiate contracts M soon aa possiole with Indonesia and reports the Financial v> es Washington corresent. says the Administration ->eful it can obtain $1.18 the Indonesian mission in Washington
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  • 41 3 REPORTS ON FORMOSA Mon— The head of the Japanese Overseas Agency in Taipei, Shichishiro Kirn ira, today conferred with the Prime Minister, Mr. Bbigrrm, Observers believe he reported to the Premier o: Nationalist China's attitude toward treaty relations with Japan. UP.
    UP  -  41 words
  • 126 3 TEHERAN. Mon. FRSIA accepted $23,000,000 in United States Point Four aid yesterday to help develop the nation's economy. The Premier, Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq, after hesitating for weeks, has written to Mr. William Warne, U.S. Point Four administrator here, saying that the Cabinet has agreed to the
    UP  -  126 words
  • 155 3 NEW YORK. Mon. ]y|R. CHURCHILL spent yesterday working quietly in an apartment of his old friend Bernard Baruch. where he is staying till he sails home in the Queen Mary early on Wednesday. He worked on State papers he was too busy in Washington to
    UP  -  155 words
  • 54 3 m* w CANBERRA, Mon. J^JR. Menzies, Australian Prime Minister, announc- ed yesterday that a Cabinet committee will study a report by Mr. Henry Basten British harbour expert, on speeding-up the turn round of ships in Australian ports Mr. Basten was chairman of the Singapore Harbour Board from
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  • 40 3 PERTH, Mon.— Marble Bar, in the north of Western Australia, has had its 73rd successive day above 100 degrees fahrenheit. The town's record is 160 successive centuries, set up between October 1923 and April 1924.
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  • 40 3 HELEN WINSTON, an American actress, volunteered to have her hair shaved off for her part in th* film. "Botany Bay." BELOW: She wears a wig which th P studio provided until her own tresses crow Mala
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  • 122 3 TUNIS. Mon P3LICE repulsed about IUU young Tunisians who tried to enter the French quarter of Tunis yesterday. Ther> was a brief scufllp in which some windows were broken Police precautions were relaxed as tension diminished Dockers of the Communistled tradp union were on strike
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 101 3 CRIMINAL MAY HELP POLICE MANILA. Mod IICHIRO Eumura, a Japanese serving lire Imprisonment for war crimes, may be sent to Lubang Island to try to contact four Japanese stragglers discovered there a week ago The police have asked the Director of Munting Lupa prison to lend Eumura to them so
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  • 103 3 PARIS, Mon. lEAN Letourneau, Minister J for the Associate States of Indo-China, and General Etienne Jean Valluy, Inspeci tor-General of French overseas Forces, are planning to leave for Indo-China on Wednesday. General Valluy has been 1 ipped as successor to Marshal Ide Lattre de Tasslgny
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  • 29 3 LAUSANNE. Mon King Talal of Jordan arrived here from Italy yesterday with his Queen and a party of 15 for a short Swiss holiday.— A.P.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 21 3 JAKARTA, Mon.— Six Indonesian Journalists yesterd- v returned from an eightmonth tour of the Netherlands and Western EnropeA.F.P
    AFP  -  21 words
  • 165 3 THIRD PLANE MISSING NEW YORK, Monday. pORTY-two people were feared killed, and at least r 61 injured, in two plane crashes within the past 24 hours. Eight more were missing in a third plane. An American airliner bringing serviceman home from Korea overshot
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 144 3 No royal romance, they say LONDON, Mon. I ONDON newspapers decided over the weekend that Princess Margaret is not going to marry the Earl of Dalkelth after all. Last week it was reported I that the son of the Duke of Buccleugh was about to be engaged to the Princess.
    AP  -  144 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 253 3 f fat dole STOMACH TROUBLES f^§gjg?|] THERE is nothing The famil, ,t,«-b, j^^g wi&JLSSf g.'iS for prompt relief of |^£**»«0 for speedy reJiel lunir ctTinki WMUfittfl^ when the stomach is upINDIGtHION SSSEa^ set Indigestion, flatuGASTRIC ACIDITY SOUR I JjJjM^ 'ence, heartburn, and all STOMACH HEAtTtUtN ~?S!»rK»<«g such common symptoms DYSPEPSIA
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    • 210 3 CHINESE NEW YEAR without DOCKS y and CHICKENS! They're plump and tender, HH with plenty of tasty meat. ilia. Compare the prices for W© yourself! COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. moRPHY InP RICHflRDS y&* ELECTRIC TOIISTH^^ /LA TRADE ENQUIRIES TO: SANOIL ANDS BUTTERY <e CO., LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG
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  • 374 4 Missing soldier is found with suicide letter A BRITISH soldier who was missing from his unit in Tampin for about a month was arrested in Singapore with a suicide letter addressed to his mother. While in the Colony, Corporal John Thomas Dobson, of the Green Howards, left his rifle and
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 4 SOME of the aged ever 60 year-olds line up to ret their New Tear gifts of rice, sugar, condensed milk, face towel and $2 each at the Great World yesterday. Shaw Brothers acted as the "Good Samaritan" to bring cheer to the poor for Chinese New Tear— Straits Times picture.
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  • 267 4 U7OMEN of all races yesterday were asked to send in requests for items to a radio feature, "Women's Magazine," which will be broadcast for the first time tomorrow at 10.5 a.m. Radio Malaya's woman announcer, Audrey Isherwood. who Ls arranging the programme, said it was
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  • 55 4 An ladtan labourer. Raman Chinnlah. who was alleged to have used criminal force on his neighbour's 8-year-old daughter with intent to outrage her modesty, was acquitted yesterday In the Singapore Third District Court The girl alleged she was cooking when Chlnniah rushed Into the kitchen and
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  • Article, Illustration
    83 4 THIS is nut part of the crasy train track in an amusement park but th* Maluyar Railways track bent and battered between Seta mat and Gtn^nj, in Vorth Joh«re. as a result of the floods which cut Malaya In two. The floods which t«ok pla<v 1* days age. Inflicted the
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  • 115 4 EARLY on Sunday morning, the 5,000-ton British freighter Admiral Chase was towed into Singapore's Eastern Anchorage by the salvage tog Caroline Moller. Wtihin three noun they were off on the last stage of the voyage to Hone Kong. Sight days before, the Admiral
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  • 150 4 Plans for the Gimson ceremony A RRANGEMENTS for th? x\ ceremony at which the Freedom of the City of Singapore will be conferred on the Governor, Sir Franklin Girasoa, were discussed by the Finance and General Purposes Committee of the City Council yesterday. No date hu Men fixed for the
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  • 97 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. piFTT Kuala Lumpur Muslims, beaded by an Imam, today signed a petition to the State Secretary. Inche Othman bin Mohamed. protesting against the decision of the Federation Cinematographic ApDeal Committee to approve the screenine of "David and Bathsheba". The film, which caused
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  • 290 4 MR. HOLT HAD BUSY TIME AUSTRALIA'S youngest cabinet minister, Mr. Harold Holt, said last nitfit cm the eve of his departure from Singapore, that there was "a quality of excitement" about this city which lie had felt only in Paris and Sydney. Forty three year old Mr. Holt, Minister for
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  • 23 4 PENANG, Mon— A 19-year-old labourer, Marimsingam, was knocked down and killed by a lorry while cycling hi Sungei Pinang Road.
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  • 80 4 VWCA, Raffles Quay. Ballroom dancing, 5 pjn,. Mandarin (beginners) 9.30 sun.; Advanced. 10.30 «..m. it'MCA. CrenarC Road. Tennta. 5 p.m.; *IYP Institute Committee meeting b p.m; Malay, French and Commercial Classes 5.30 p m: Judo class 5.30 pjn; Choir practice 8 p.m. CHINES E YMCA, Oelepe Road Badminton
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 188 4 spf C/Al OFFERS /or /te CHINESE NEW YEAR Af HARDIAL SIN6NS* Everything at most attractiv prkis Swiss Fancy Voiles 36" Swiss Ptd Voiles 44" Shanghai Silk Brocade 42" Moonbeam Crepe 44" 55 Lovely Tricot Nylon Slips with Knickers to match. all are at your NEW STORE and all are at
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    • 217 4 Now I clean my breath while I clean my teeth with COLGATE DENTAL CREAMj because my dentist &M t^flf told me— «b When you eat, tiny pieca of food get caught between yowr teeth/They came bad breath and tooth dbcay. Colgate dewtai. cream makes a special kind of foam. This
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  • 330 5 Plan aims to end traffic chaos A ONE-WAY traffic experiment in the centre of the city is contemplated by the Public Transport Committee of the Singapore City Council. The chairman of the committee, Mr. Duncan Robertson, who represents the South Ward, said
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  • 49 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Neoh Soon Kirn, a squatter, admitted in Johore Bahru police court that he hawked fowls and ducks for sale without a licence and said he wanted money for the New Year. He was fined $5 and four fowls apd two ducks were confiscated.
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  • 115 5 IPOH, Monday. A MALAY should be appointed Deputy High Com- missioner for the Federation, said a resolution passed at the annual meeting yesterday of the Ipoh Youth Section of Perak UMNO. The resolution is to be forwarded for discussion at the UMNO
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  • 170 5 Tempter's cousin is modest JF a Dakota had uot Mown over Sembawang airfield yesterday with a load of 13 paratroopers, fhe whereabouts of Major Fred Tempter, cousin of Malaya's new High Commissioner, Gen. Sir Gerald Templer, would probably have remained a mystery to local reporters. Major Templer was one of
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  • 34 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Chua Cheang Choo, a vegetable gardener of Singapore, was charged in the police court today with possessing 30 lbs of chandu. He was allowed bail $10,000 in two sureties.
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  • 154 5 r £HE city's Traffic Chief, Mr Haxworth, confessed himself baffled yesterday by motorists' reactions to the two experimental yellow lines he put down in Beach Road and Orchard Road (outside the Pavilion cinema) last week. Like rabbits facing a snake, he said, motorists appear to be mesmerised and
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  • 147 5 IIIR. M. R. S. Naidu, vice-president of the Singapore iTI Regional Indian Congress, resigned yesterday, because he felt that recent decision of the Congress executive committee to invite an out side man U) preside at a Republic Day celebration meeting on Jan. 26, was a
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  • 79 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon When asked why he did not attend court on a charge of giving false information to a police inspector, a special constable, named R. Kamaravelu. told the Johore Bahra magistrate that the manager of the estate where he was stationed had refused him
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  • 29 5 PENANG, Mon.— The next meeting of the Penang Settlement Council will be held at the Council Chamber, Peel Avenue, Penang, on Monday, Feb. 18. at 2.30 pjaa.
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  • 19 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Inche Ahmad Perang, Stite Financial Officer, goes on long leave on Feb. 1.
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  • 132 5 Army to send more to 'theline' (THE War Office ManI x power Committee began work at Tanglin i Barracks yesterday to Jget every available sol,dier into the front line I against the bandits. Headed by Lteutenant- General C. B. Callander. tnp i committee is investigating i how few military personnel
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  • 35 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon There will b e no electricity for Klang and Port Swettenham for two hours on Sunday. The Central Electricity Board announced this today saying essential maintenance work is the reason.
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  • 129 5 CITY HALL TO HA VE 'ASK ME' DESK THE first steps towards establishing a General Inquiry Bureau in City Hall will be taken soon when a City Council officer will be stationed on the first floor to help the public, Mr. T. M. Stevens, the City Secretary told the Straits
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  • 303 5 Sub-stations liable <o load sheddine today are: DAY Nanson Rd., Lam Soon Oil Mills, Guan Hin, I.K. network, IK. Factory, -River Valley Rd., KilHney Rd.. Orchard Rd., Armenian St. Static. Adelnhi. Capitol, Newton 1 A 2, Wayang- Satu, Chancery Lane, Balmoral Rd., Dalvey Rd.. Chartered Bank, China Bank,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 166 5 Roller skates, express trains and typewriters all run lighter and therefore faster with the world-renowned Swedish ball-bearings. This is one of the reasons for the famous "feather-touch" of Halda, the Swedish precisionbuilt typewriter. There are no fewer than 49 Swedish ball-bearings in Halda to help you type faster with less
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    • 270 5 r w^^^_-^ ...p OND S/ CREAMS 1 Your twofold 'iMauty discipline': I EVEtY night, cleanse your skin with You "«d two creams to steep your ildn fair and lovdy Pond's Cold Cream. Cover your face I with this rich, oily cream, and smooth M one for cleansing, and one for
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  • 47 6 MR. MRS. QUAHE HUP BWEK wUh to thank all relatives urn! friends for the valuable gifts.; on the occasion of their marriage MRS D. C. BAKER thanks, friends for their kindness and sympathy accorded to her on the Hidden loss of her husband on 16th Instant
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  • 583 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues. Jan. 22, 1952 K.L. Election Campaign From a relatively quiet beginning, Kuala Lumpur's election campaign has developed into a struggle of unexpected interest. Malacca accepted the franchise, but did not use it- Penang campaigned and went to the polls on matters of almost exclusively local
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  • 512 6 The Left Wing and China When Parliament sits again next week, Mr. Churchill must expect a Labour attack on one at least of the undertakings he gave to President Truman. The Bevanite group, whose influence has grown since the general election, will press for an early debate on Mr. Churchill's
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  • 648 6  -  LARRY ALLEN By SAIGON. pRENCH planters in Indo-China are doing two things at one time getting rubber to the outside world and fighting a war against the Communist led Vietminh. They produced 50,000 tons of rubber in 1951. They did it with one hand
    AP  -  648 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 828 6 Freedom: its theory its red herrings AT recent Municipal elec- tion meeting on behalf of I.M.P. candidates, leaders of the I.M.P. who were present took the opportunity to reply to the demand that the I.M.P. should define its attitude on the question of Malaya remaining within the Commonwealth. Mr. Ramani
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    • 196 6 1 refer to a letter in last Saturday's Forum headed "A Humpy, Lumpy Jalan". Mr K. P- Chandrasegar says that during the recent City elections I promised to ask for the reconstruction and repair of the bad roads and lalans In Singapore. I do not remember
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  • 443 6  -  A. T. STEELE -By KHARTUM. IN the welter of politics in the Sudan it is hard to be sure of anything. Political thinking in this country is confused and dispirited And political thinking as such is still a monopoly of a few. With the great
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  • 454 6 Malaysiuu rulers nECENT correspondence on Malaysian history .-.howed a sharp divergence of opinion among Straits Times readers on who used to rule what th« School of Oriental and African Studies calls "the Islands." One letter In particular, from Mr. E. R. S. Boyce of Banting, seems to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 776 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. Unsifted Form In Paf« CLIFTON: To GLORIA, wire of B P. CUfton. »t K.K. Hospital, on l»th January. 1952. a •on. Paul WEBSTER: On 14th January, al t»w Maternity Home St. Heller. to MARY BARBARA (nee WlndeatO. wife of H. W. A. Webster, a son PERSONAL ABC I
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    • 31 6 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. Offering Complete Services essential to Eye Comfort Visual Efficiency. (1) VISUAL ANALYSIS (2) VISUAL TRAINING (3) GLASSES IF NEEDED C S. CHONG OPT. D. 19, CHULIA ST. STORE!
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    • 52 6 IDEAL FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR BANDSPREAD JUNIOR Model PE 37 for AC Mains 4 Valves Model 37 B 4 Valves for Dry Battery Operation "Fully Tropicalised Available from All Pye Dealers ■*>.« Oistnboton: ANN PENG TRADERS, LTD. 59-61 STAMFORO ROAD SINCAPORE 6 Factory R»pr«sentatives: T.Y. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINCAPORE 1
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  • 278 7 VEGETABLES TWICE AS DEAR AFTER RAIN Farmers say: Our crops lost in floods fHE heavy rain in Singapore has sent up vegetable prices by 20 to 50 per cent. It wil] be another three months before farms in the Colony recover, said Mr. W W Jenkins Deputy Food Controller, yesterday.
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  • 162 7 'Kir kby plan not waste of money' I II h KirUby College training scheme for 300 .Milayan teachers was "not a waste of money" the Federation's Director of Education, Mr. L D. Whit field, pud on his return to Singapore yesterday by Qantas BOAC from London. Replying; to critics' of
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  • 24 7 MUAR, Mon. Tan Tow Lok, a coffee-shop assistant ■ri fined $25 for breaking i the curfew at Sagil. Tane- I kak j
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  • 55 7 The newly-formed Malayan Breweries Workers' Union will Join the Singapore Trade Union Congress and the Singapore Adult Education Council. This was decided at an informal meeting of the unlor. held at the brewery labourers' quarters at Alexandra The meeting, which was attended by about 100 workers
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  • 76 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Rev. R T. Holtby. Nee Soo:, Garrison Chaplain, Singapore who has also ministered U the congregation of st Christopher's Church, Johore Bahru, preached his last sermon at that church on runday. After the service Mr. C J Stephen, on behalf of the parishioners,
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  • 58 7 ffehHey. C.-in-C. Far East Land Forces, flew to Sarawak ye^ rd 4jv on a routine MSt Sir Charles will see there! the presentation of the! rIIT Ci T to Awan An Rawang who was awarded it for gallantry against the tH wnile on Pa'™ l with
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  • 77 7 JOHAN bin Abdullah was in Singapore Relief District Court yesterday gaoled for a year for breaking into the house of Chan Soon Tiew Inspector Jacob said that Chan was sleeping on the verandah of his house on the first floor. H e woke
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  • 94 7 Civil engineering Is not a "f et en Quick" profession. Mr. V. W. Frampton, a director of Seacon. told his audience at the Paya Lebar Methodist Church last night in the first of a series of career talks planned jointly by the Singapore Rotary Club
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  • 25 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon.— ln a battle in the Batu Pahat area of Johore yesterday bandits flung a handgrenade and wounded a Gurkha soldier.
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  • 114 7 lIGHT aircraft of the R.A.F.'s Far East Communications Squadron searched for hours yesterday off Singapore for a converted ship's lifeboat, believed to be broken down, and missing with one man aboard. The boat left Singapore on Sunday night with a Chinese mechanic as Its sole occuPant,
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  • 31 7 Goh Thlan Chew aged 29 charged In Singapore yesterday with having 7 lb. of opium In Hill Street last Saturday, claimed trial and was allowed $7,000 bail until Friday.
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  • 179 7 Soldier is bound over CUALA i iimptto KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. I^uala LUMPUR amusement parks had been made Tnr.h P w s f by Malay soldiers, said wlfiif l Un> i* c Kuala Lvm Pur Second Magistrate, Sfh r iT^ P ver Bah nidin bin
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  • 41 7 Three Singapore women. Mrs. Thlo Chan Bee. Mrs R. W. I. Band and Mrs. R. c. H. Lim, have been nominated members of a panel of adyteere to the magistrate of thp Juven le Cburt i t
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  • 53 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. A meeting of the Johore Executive Council was held at the Council Chamber, Jonope Bahru, on Sunday The Tungku Mahkota presided in the absence of the Sultan. This is the first meeting oi the Council that the Sultan nas missed since his return to
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  • 75 7 SOO Kow, a labourer, was gaoled for six months by the Singapore Relief District Judge, Mr. Eu Cheow Chye, yesterday for breaking into a store used by the Malayan Construction Company. Inspector A. D. Jacob, prosecuting, said that Soo was arrested by two detectives at Kampong TJahru
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  • 75 7 Bail of $250 was offered to Lee How, aged 72. in the Singapore Relief District Court yesterday when he claimed trial on a charge of causing the death of Foo Ah Fu 25. through a negligent act not amounting to homicide. Lee is alleged to
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  • 38 7 MX. LEE SIEW YEJS, Editoi of the Singapore Free Press, helps his bride. Miss Tan Eng Lin, cut their weddi-ng cake at the reception at the Celestial Dance Hall, Ipoh on Sunday. Straits Times picture.
    38 words
  • 150 7 w DAPER "gods" which cost only a dollar a piece x have practically replaced their wooden counterparts in Chinese homes, and the trade of "godmaking'' has been very poor for the coming Chinese New Year, said Singapore's manufacturers at ih«i« YESTERDAY Very few Chinese
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  • 93 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. MR. R. G. K. Thompson, Secretary for Chinese Affairs, yesterday opened the school at Ulu Tiram, one of the largest in a resettlement area Costing $53,000, of which Government gave $28,000 the school, can accommodate 350 pupils. There are also quarters for the
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  • 79 7 Mr Muttiah John Appadu- rai, a postal clerk, was granted a decree nisi in the Singapore High Court yester- day on the grounds of the adultery of his wife. Mary Amirtham John Tne couple were married in 1931 and have two sons In April 1942, Appadurai
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  • 120 7 The Postmaster-General, Malaya, announces that with effect from Feb. 1. parcels which do not bear a request for abandonment or for delivery at an alternative address will be retained at the Post Office for 15 days from the date of receipt Any parcel which cannot
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  • 25 7 The Commissioner-General Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, left Singapore by air yesterday for Sarawak. He will return in a few days' time.
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  • 153 7 jyfR. HAROLD Holt, Australia's Minister for Labour and National Service and Immigration, made a lightnftK tour of the RJULF. In Malaya yesterday, and topbed it off with a four-hour operational flight to hit bandit targets In Northern Perak. Mr. Holt fl«w;frtm'Sih*»- pore to Kuala Lumpur to
    153 words
  • 162 7 A VIEW of the aged men and women awaiting their turn to receive gifts from the Shaw Brothers Straits Times picture. T W O thousand people all X over 60 years of as<> received a Chinese New Tear present yesterday from
    162 words
  • 90 7 S'pore 'Div I' men to form Assn. lOCAL senior officers in Division I of the Singapore Public Services ar e to form an association "to promote and protect thpir interests and enable their point of view to be brought to the attention of government." A meeting to form the Singapore
    90 words
  • 42 7 t>apt. Cyril Falls, wel known military observer an Professor of th P History r War at Oxford, will give word portrait of General S Gerald Templer. new Hig Commissioner for Malaya a 8 o'clock tonight over Radi Malaya.
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  • 146 7 £N American camera man who has arrived here to make a colour fllm-shori of Singapore, hopes to ge» some first-class pictures ol Chinese New Year celebra- He is Mr. Ed Drews, roving representative of Dudley Pictures Corporation, of California, makers of a travelogue series culled "This
    146 words
  • 48 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Mor..— There was a large attendance of Mb lays at UMNO Hall when Inchf- Isni bin Ismail and Incht Sardon Zubir spoke on Council elections. Malay women asked several questions regarding voting and asked for information regarding qualifications for women voters.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 68 7 CRAWFORD'S DELIGHTFUL BISCUITS jFV JpjTSH Gaff {^^^fi,^S| iljl *i/UmK? y jffi^rSf'fcffifro A v* M L- /A I I v^HAL*ntno 4 O'CLOCK AFTERNOON TEA BISCUITS TRI- FRUIT SHAPES NO. 1 2 TINS MARIE ASSORTED SHORTBREAD GINGER NUTS CHEESE VARIETIES ETC. Available at all first-class dealers Agents:- 1 JACKSON CO., LTD. HAU^;
      68 words
    • 66 7 SPECIAL OFFER FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR RICH RUBY GOLD LABEL "TINTARA PORT" 2 bottles for $7.50 Usually $5.00 per bottle WINE DEPT. ROBINSONS (Incorporated in Singapore) «<<JV MOON STAR COOKING FAT i V^'ifib^W (Snow White Quality) V-"rfgSMr**>\ Hygitiiically *nd Scientifically P'epared Supplied largely to A k**** tJ^'"*' LA Factor!**, Bakeries.
      66 words

  • 173 8 Big waiting list keep* staff In hotels CEVENTY-FOUR out of 633 senior officers in the Singapore Government service are living in hotels or boarding houses, awaiting their turn to move into Government quarters. Some have been waiting for four months and will probably
    173 words
  • 77 8 MR. JOHN MIDDLETON, an engineer who has been in Singapore since 1949 with Wlmpeys, will be leaving on the French liner. La Marseillaise, on Feb. 4. Beginning his early career in Palestine, he later spent some years in South America, Utter in Iraq. H e said:
    77 words
  • 181 8 MCA MAY APPOINT SUPERMAN IPOH, Mon. JLffR. Y. C. KANO. chartered accountant, may be appointed "Superman" to supervise the re-organisation and streamlining of the Malayan Chinese Association. The president of the Perak branch MCA, Mr. Lav Pak Khuan, said today that Mr. Kang will be leaving shortly for Kuala Lumpur
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  • 182 8 PENANG, Mon. A FIVE-POINT plan to "consolidate" the co-operative movement in Northern Malaya was announced today by Mr. R. C. Gates, Assistant Commissioner for Cooperative Development. He told the Straits Times the movement had progressed slowly last year and it was proposed to concentrate on
    182 words
  • 196 8 DAMAGES of $8,500 were awarded In the Singapore High Court yesterday to a young Chinese widow, her son and her mother-in-law as a result of the death of the husband, Ng Scow Hee. a pork seller, in a lorry crash on May 4 last.
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  • 81 8 AN anonymous letter sent to the Singapore Social Welfare Department wag said to have led to Inquiries about an eight-year-old Chinese girl, who it was alleged In the Second Police Court yesterday had been kept as a "mvi tsai" (slave). A woman, Teo Peck Hoon. aged
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  • 229 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. SHOULD high Government officials and "ministers'' dabble in the Kuala Lumpur municipal elections when they should be using their talents in the offices for which they are highly paid? This was the question raised by Mr. R. P. S. Rajasooria at an election
    229 words
  • 101 8 Youngest candidate is a woman KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. MR. T RAJENDRA, a Municipal Commissioner and IMF. candidate for Bungsar Ward, pledged last night to improve the conditions of the ward it he were elected. Mrs. Devaki Krishnan, the youngest candidate, who is also standing for Bunsar Ward, promised to work
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  • 41 8 Mr. S. T. V. Llngam, of HQ., 223 8.0.D., is acting president of the 8.0.D.C.A. and committee member of the Ceylon Tamils Association, Singapore. He is not the acting president of the Ceylon Tamils Association, as stated last week
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  • 70 8 PENANG, Mon. PH3R the first time in Penang, an elected Municipal Councillor, Mr. Lee Thean Chu, today sought a court order excusing him for not having submitted his statement of election expenses, as required under the Municipal Elctions Ordinance. On an application by Mr S. Matthews-Killam,
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  • 69 8 IPOH. Mon.— Mr. D. W. G. Montgomery, former "Malaya Cup" rugby star, has arrived from Kuala Lumpur as Assistant Comptroller, Customs Department, Perak. Mr. C. O. Williams is now Senior Customs Officer in charge of revenue (East Perak). Mr. A. G. Robertson, Senior Customs Officer, has
    69 words
  • 56 8 BUTTERWORTH, Mon.— The Resident Commissioner, Mr. R. P. Bingham, will present national service badges to members of Butterworth Company of the Auxiliary Police on the padang on Wednesday. He will be accompanied by Penang's Chief Police Officer, Mr. I. S. Wylle. The Federation police band
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  • 108 8 MR. O. A. Atkinson, Colonial Liaison Officer for Housing and Planning, arrived in Singapore yesterday to study the housing and building situation. He Is on a tour of British colonial territories In the Far East He said at the airport that he was going to see
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  • 27 8 KUANTAN, Mon.—Yahaya bin Kuleb Mohd. Sidek, a special constable of Jeram Kuantan Estate, was acquitted of unlawful possession of .303 ammunition. The prosecution withdrew the charge.
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  • 86 8 BALAKRISHAN Govindasamy. Honorary secretary of the Malayan Airways' Sports Club, was sentenced to eight months' imprisonment in Singapore yesterday on a charge of criminal breach of trust of $595 last November. The money was collected by Balakrishan at the Singapore Business Houses Football Association's dance at
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  • 35 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Chew Moi Lam, a Singapore contracto;, and Gaw Saw Kian, a Singapore- Insurance agent, were each fined $15 at Johore Bahru today for parking their cars at night without lights.
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  • 42 8 PENANG, Mon.— Special Constable Abdul Ohanl pleaded guilty today to being absent himself from duties between Dec. 10 and Jan. 6 The First Magistrate, Mr. C. I. Wernham, deferred sentence till Jan. 31 and granted ball of $300.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 205 8 For the whole family Viyella "IF IT SHRINKS WE REPLACE** Clydella "IF IT SHRINKS WE REPLACE" For Eastern ways and Eastern climate*, wis« mothers rely on 'Viyella' and 'Clydella' %vorld-renowned fabrics for their own clothe* aud for the whole family. MAM IN IHOLANO »V til KM HOU.INJ COMPANY UMTOO, NOTONOMUt
      205 words
    • 247 8 -^fey The Car <^^^^^« that creates enthusiasts..* LIMITED STOCKS NOW AVAILABLE Rfley owners constitute special class of motorists —a Tery particnto and exacting class. Their unwritten motto is, "Once a Riley own* always a Riley owner", for possession of a Riley generate* and devclopi enthusiasm. In a Riley the wide-world
      247 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 97 8 SINGAPORE 10 a.m. Emer^ncy News Irom K.L 10 05 Light Music; 10.45— 12 Schools, 1 pjn. Light Music; I 30 News; 1.45 Dance Music; 3— 3.20 Schoota; 6.15 "Pour Stars and a Starlet"; 6.30 O.N. Album; 6.40 Radio Malaya Trio; 6.55 Announcements; 7 News; 7.15 "Can We Help You?"; 7.30
      97 words
    • 93 8 •'Hawaiian Rhythm"; 2.00—3.20 As S'pore; 6 "Mall Bag"; 6.55— 7.15 As S'pore; 7.15 Old Time Dance Music; 7.30 "Record Review", 8 "Musk: Prom State and Screen"; 8 JO As 9'por« 9 "Take It Prom Here"; 9.30 News ;V 45 Night's At The Opera; 10.30—11 Music Por Dancing." PENANG 10 a.m
      93 words
    • 94 8 on the Screen"; 10.30—11 "Music at Night." BBC GOS 9 30 aJn. News; 9. 40— 9.45 Prom The Editorials"; 6.15 pjn. Sports Round-Up; 6.30 Newi News Analysis; 6.46 UJJ. Report; 6 50 "Prom the Editorial*" 7 "Force* 1 Favourites"; 7.30 "Music for Dancing"; 8 15 "Letter from America"; 8.30 News
      94 words

  • 641 9  -  NURSE JANET MOTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA D\ yyiTH certain children attacks of acidosis or biliousness occur from time to time. They always follow after unsuitable food, excitement, or physical fatiRue. It is usually found that such children are highly strung. Naturally I take it for
    641 words
  • Article, Illustration
    6 9 MQes. aged 5 -Paul Popper photo.
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  • 239 9 By HOUSEWIFE HPHESE days, owing to the servant shortage, especially in the Federation, the housewife finds that she has to do quite a lot of the work herself. If she is lucky, her, husband might offer to help with the spring cleaning. Most modern men
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  • 94 9 A movie nail in Milan is reserved for children under 15 and adults can only get admittance "if accompanied by a child." It is called the "Gnomo" (Dwarf) arid its name was picked in a referendum coriducted among the pupils of all primary schools of this northern
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 89 9 W MADE IN ENGLAND Snug fitting Nod -chafing Perfect Hygiene with complete security. SOFT, SAFE, SOLUBLE AVAJLABLE AT ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS. n/ rOOTH PASTE MOUTHWASH > SOLE DISTRIBUTORS: SIME, DARBY I mk^ x^ M m. BY n XV& s r jf It is easy to see Baby Marie is
      89 words
    • 97 9 after a bath comes the tender caress of the kindest powder in the world V BABY POWDER THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED 11 DELICIOUS CENTRES <=3 \k THICKLY COVERED WITH /fIg^FULL CREAM MILK CHOCOLATF J (YOU. too, may be one of the lIUIONS who suffer from VITAWINiMINERAI^/fc/^/' That is why you
      97 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 217 9 23. It Is laid by our betters Straits Tjmes Crossword Take _to ClUiage X (4) 25. Pile made by Dlclcens («>. K&v t p "t c rfL 1, K^x-Ab Snub from France (9). i| 4 5 7 HU 28. Stick— at the wicket (5). I I I 29 Aintree'» finest
      217 words

  • 295 10 LXDNDON, Mon. THE boom in Oerrran bonds on the London Btock Exchange continued today Dawes and Young loan again encountered acttVe deniand based on hopes of an early settlement of the German external debt question. Closing middle prices ot selected stocks, as supplied by special arrangement with The
    295 words
  • 39 10 rFHE Malayan Exchange Banks Association announced yesterday that agreed rates of exchange to merchants for the Canadian dollar were: Buying T.T. 32 1516, Air Mall 10.D.) 1331/16. (90 days) 33 5 16; Selßiag. T.T./0.D., ready. 33^4.
    39 words
  • 164 10 From Our Own Correspondmt MELBOURNE. Mon. CHARE price* had an easier trend when trading was resumed in the Melbourne and Sydney Stock Exchanges ,odav. Falls ranged from Id to 2s on a £1 share. Selected issues held or ?atne<2 a little ground but the rises were mainly
    164 words
  • 238 10 Business little but prices up slightly rpHE Singapore rubber market was slightly A steadier on the week's opening, mainly on account of Federation sellers' reserve. There were better inquiries for lower grades. A very small volume of business was reported at prices about half a cent a lb.
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  • 39 10 SINGAPORE, Mon., Jan. 21— 5477 50 (down $2,624 London: £968 a ton LONDON, Jan. 21. Cash Buyers £968. Sellers £970; Forward Buyers £9671. Sellers £968; Settlement £970 (up £4). Turnover: a.m. 60. p.m. 45 tons.
    39 words
  • 127 10 rpHE Singapore produce market opened the week on a vcy quJet note yesterday. 8ellers In most sections remained unchanged in price with the exception bf copra which moved down to $374 a P* cul tor Jan.-Peb. shipment. Coconut oil was offered ai (63 a plcul without attracting
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  • 205 10 Quiet and steady QUIETUY steady conditions prevailed in all sections of the Malayan share market yesterday. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokrrs' Association were: INDUSTRIALS Bayers Sellrrt O'town DUp 2.M 2.70 W Hammer 40.00 41 00 Hkong S'hal Bank iH-kongreg.) 840.00 880 00 cd Malayan Cements 1.17
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  • 35 10 HONG KONG, Mon. FREE martet currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was minted at the close today at follows: US$l HK56.63 (cash), HK16.67 (T.T.): £1 HK515.85; one tahll of gold HKI326— UJ».
    35 words
  • 187 10 CHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godown, or expected there by 7 a.m. today, are: 'i Canton, 4/S President OarfleW. Coal Plant Lan Chow, 6/7 President Buchanan. 8/9 Eurymedon. 11 Devonshire, 13/14 Olenartney, 15/16 Kronoland, 17/18 Oregon Mail, 19/20 Maetsuycker. 21/22 A.D.C. 742. 23/24 Bengkalis. 25/26 Kamuning. 29/30
    187 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1292 10 MANSFIELD dc CO., LTD. iirvorpmateo m *ngapore) blob wvmiMM. urn C«NM iVim >'«h< v»a ether ports t« lead end discharge «*»fe. tAuiNCsXiivi«root clascow ionpon b continental port* L\je Sails P Sham Penang M"ci««ot»M "ci««ot» tO< V 00 C U/14 |m. |an 24/2* lan. 2T/Feb. I .^ot^*&"rpool C 29/10 M Feb
      1,292 words
    • 417 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS To Now York and Boston via Ceylon. India Egypt ane Mediterranean Portt. Singapore p Swe'tenham Penani s.s. "PRESIDENT BUCHANAN" Sails*' 26 lan 27/29 lan 10 |a"/l Fob ii SCUYLER OTIS BLAND 24 lan. /I Feb. Omit. ..r.TLi. s.s "PRES HAROINC" 2/8 Feb 9/lOFeb 11/11 Fob To Lot
      417 words
    • 446 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE IAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK /CONTINENT: S'poro P Sham Ponang 'India" for Bangkok, Hong Kong Manila. Kobe Yokohama 1 /4 Feb ll|aii./2Feb 27/10 lan MsreHa" for Banekok Hong Kong. Kobe Yokohama 18/2OFeb 16/17 Feb 14/15 Fob ■Pataconia" for Bangkok. Hong Kong. Manila 26/27 Feb SrJandia" for Banfrkok 27/28 Feb
      446 words
    • 1051 10 McALISTER dt CO.. LTD. Telephone No 5906 ELLBRMAN 4k BUCK* ALL KLAVINIBS LIMB LONDON. HAVM JOTTWDAM VAHCOUV& and fo, USA H X£ C A,,,n,,c Pom. P"'. r Jth and Canjda via Colombo .3. CITY OF COV.NT-.Yt MCISVILLI Spore P Sham Panang Spot* r Sham p fi af 1 8/14 Fab
      1,051 words

  • 1176 11 HOMEMADE VACCINE SOLVES FOWL PEST There are ambitious young men, but,.. 5-million doses were turned out in 1951 From A Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. IN a laboratory the size 1 of a large bathroom, the Federation Is turning out enough Ranikhet vaccine to supply not only its own needs but
    1,176 words
  • 689 11  -  James Bartlett By 'THE young man who A wants to get on usually has a girl to push him. So say the men who run Britain's "fifty lessons-by-post" schools. With the New Year only a week old these salesmen of success in your
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 11
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  • 83 11 The ornamental ceiling in the great hall of Euston, London, railway station the largest of its kind in the world is to be redecorated to a colour scheme proposed by Us designer 105 years ago Placed end to end, the intricate tracery of scaffolding tubes now
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 327 11 A LANDMARK IN MOTION PICTURE HISTORY Moira Shearer Robert Helpmann LeAnidr Massine Ludmilla Tcherln* in Powell-Pressburger's Booking Plans Open For iiuij GALA PREMIERE Monday February 4th at 930 p.m. TODAY s^yWS3^^9/^^5K 45 400> Jinr Wvman Kirk Douglas Gertrude Lawrence Book How for THURSDAY! "FOUR IN A JEEP "Full (i, understanding
      327 words
    • 168 11 5400 AiO-CONDiTIONFP THE SCREEN'S CRE AT ACTION 3 ff X% ft j I fll tL. Ml CAJ€RON AMUIi"ii)TF FORRESI TKKQt I CHINESE NEW YEAR ATTRACTION/ >> Carnival of Fun for Everyone ip HELD OVER! bMr TECHNICOLOR A Paramount Picture TODAY 11 a.m.-1.30-4-6.45 &9 30 p.m. i NExT Psi^S3s2i22 change! CHINESE
      168 words

  • 486 12 CHuan Geok optimistic after Ridley gift 'JUST THE BOOST WE NEEDED' OPTIMISM, as bright and shining as the hot U sun overhead, was the keynote of a gathering of 12 men and a woman on a nearly bare expanse of land at Guillemard Road^Singapore, yesterday morning. The people were members
    486 words
  • 100 12 SINGAPORE Recreation Ciub "A" ran out easy winners over the Singapore Engineer i Regiment by four goals Ni nil In a friendly hockey match play- i ed on the S.R.C. padang yester- j day. This was largely due to a fine game played by R. Mosbergen,
    100 words
  • 180 12 SHEFFIELD SHIELD NSW likely champions this year SYDNEY, Mon. TWEW South Wales beat West Australia by 250 runs with a day to spare In their Sheffield Shield match here today. They are now in a commanding position to win the Shield. Overnight with five second In- I nings wickets standing.
    Reuter-AAP  -  180 words
  • 46 12 Following will represent Singapore Cricket Club "A" against GH.Q. FARELF in a friendly hockey match at Tanglln Barracks at 5.15 p.m. today: Mathot; Welschen. Grimberg; Ede (capt.). Lloyd, Macrea; B. R. McMuUen. Ter Haar, D. W. McMullan, Keelan, Hayes. Reserves: Francis and Perry.
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  • 51 12 IPOH, Mon. The Perak Turf Club's first meeting of the year will be held on Feb. 16. 20 and 23. The unlimited and casn sweep ticket* will be dra*n on the corresponding posponed dates. Entries for the meet close on Feb. 6, Instead of Jan. 30 as previously
    51 words
  • 221 12 Buckley best in R.A. win over S.C.C. ROYAL Artillery, Blakan Mati, can consider themselves lucky to beat the Sin?~.pcre Cricket Club A" XV on the Padan? yesterday when they won by five points (a goal) to throe «a penalty goal). It was a real "Monday afternoon" game with little skill
    221 words
  • 142 12 NAGPUR, Mon. Central Zone are facing defeat against the I touring MCC team at close of play today. The tourists hit 296 today In reply to Central Zone's first In- J nings of 134 and by close today the home side had lost two wickets for
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 49 12 UNDERGRADS WIN AT SOCCER The alumni and the undergraduates of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Malaya met at cricket and soccer during the weekend. The cricket was drawn, Undergrads scoring 157 for seven (dec.) against the Orads' 81 for six wickets. At soccer Undergrads won fourtwo.
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  • 62 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Federation final of the Pra-ser and Neave Cup rugger competition between Malayan Scouts (Special Air Service) and 40 Commandos will be played In Kuala Kangsar, Perak. on Wednesday. The winners will meet Singapore Engineer Regiment on the Kuala Lumpur Padang on Feb. 2
    62 words
  • 26 12 BOXING: Amateur championships (semi-tinals) at Police Depot. HOCKEY: Junior k.o. competition, Latin* Wanderers v University at Sepoy Lines; SCC 'A' v GHQ at TanfUA
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  • 86 12 SYDNEY, Mon.— Len Dittmar von the Australian welterweight Doxing title tonight by outpolntng Tommy Burns In a gruelling jontest. Dittmar was often In trouble after being floored in the first round, but he used his longer reach to outbox the aggressive Burns. The new champion, who
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  86 words
  • 37 12 ADELAIDE. Mon.— Dick Savitt and Ham Richardson of the United States beat the West Australians. Clive Wildertpin and John Blacklocfc. 6-4 6-3 6-0 In first round play for t»? Australian tennis doubles title —A P
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  • 197 12 rpHERE were four knockouts In the preliminary round, before the semi-finals, of the Singapore Novices Amateur Boxing Championships held at the Police Training School boxing stadium last night. The best fight was between Cpl. Steadman (Army) and T. Mercer 1 (Navy). Both fought toe to
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 12 tennis once every week by well-known tennis piayere.
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  • 345 12 MELBOURNE, Monday. A CENTURY by left-hand opening batsman Allan. R ae his second successive 100 in first-class matches— helped the West Indies to get within 60 runs of Victoria's first innings total of 387 here today. At close Victoria were 128 for 3. The
    Reuter  -  345 words
  • 32 12 A special games meeting of the SRC will be held at the Club on Thursday at 5.30 p.m. to elect captains, vice-captains and conveners for Cricket. Football, Tennis, and Athletics^
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  • 23 12 TODAY: High 0457 (8.2) and 1858 (6.6); Low 1155 (3.3) and 2324 (5.7). TOMORROW: 0559 (8.2) and 2109 (6.9): 1332 (2.9)».
    23 words
  • Sentinel's Sportlight
    • 853 12 SOME time ago this column questioned whethe* Straits Racing Association officials were sufficiently vigorous in their efforts to stamp out doping on the Malayan Turf. Since then the S.R.A. has been silent. I can appreciate reluctance to make public any new measures that may be contemplated, but
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    • 145 12 "KEO Chwee Kok, Singapore's "wonder boy" swimmer and the Colony's only nomination so far to the Olympic Games, is embarrassed. Cause of the trouble, according to Chwee Kok's coach, Kee Soon Bee, are unfounded reports which have appeared in newspapers (not this one) recently. One report
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  • 40 12 R.N.A.S. sembawang beat 8.0.D. "B" by four goal* to nil In a semifinal match in the S.H.A. Junior knockout competition yesterday. Sembawang ley by 3-0 In the first half. The scorers were Hood Akers, and Browne (2).
    40 words
  • 47 12 There will be no advance sale of tickets for the annual North-South rugby classic which will be payed on Saturday at Jalan Be<ar Stadium. All ticket* will Le sold at the gate. The prices w l l Main stand »3; other stands 50 cents.
    47 words
  • 172 12 THE Singapore badminton championships for 1951 will be brought to a close on Thursday when th< finals of the last three events will be played off a1 the Happy World stadium. The finals are: Men's Singles: Wong Peng Soon (Mayflower) v Ong Pon Lim (F
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 819 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. i 'iiTiiwiii'fi tnitn P*tt l»»«l«pd hr« P»«e F' FCTRIC AL .Engineer, six years .cnce Lighting. Installation, and Medical apparatus French Spanish and knowledge m other local languages, seeks posii in FecVration or Singapore Apply Box No. A873, ST.. K.L AM OMMOOATION VACANT UNFURNISHED bungalow, mod g*n. Europeans only.
      819 words
    • 27 12 Watches Known all ortr »n« world ELE CTION I f i] —^ffP^^^T Precision of the movement Qualities of a great Trade-Mark? Sole Agentt: CHUN CHONG Singapore 1
      27 words