The Straits Times, 19 September 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 290 1 Liaison officers meet HOPES OF TRUCE RISE AGAIN TOKYO, Tuesday. A LLIES and Communists today agreed to send liaison officers to a new meeting at the "peace bridge" of Panmunjon possibly foreshadowing an end to the 26-day-old break m truce negotiations. Yesterday and early today
    Reuter; AP  -  290 words
  • 1079 1 PENANG STA YS IN FED.. SA YS MR. GRIFFITHS PENANG, Tuesday. THE Secretary of State for tho Colonies, Mr. James Griffiths, has rejected the two-year-old petition of the Penang and Province Wellesley Secession Committee asking for the withdrawal of the Settlement from the Federation. "Penang's fate is indissolubly linked with
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  • 78 1 ZURICH. Tues. SIB Stafford Cripps' doctort said today that he ls now cured. A statement issued by them said: "A special test In the bone marrow has revealed no traces of Sir Stafford's former grave disease. His condition is highly satisfactory.'' Sir Stafford Cripps, former Chancellor
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 86 1 SYDNEY, Tues. PRIES of "Heil Hitler" greeted the Prime Minister, Mr. Robert Gordon Menales, when he rose to address a meeting last night. The meeting was called to put the Government's case for outlawing the Australian Communist. Party. Australians will have a referendum on September
    Reuter-AAP  -  86 words
  • 244 1 'WE MUST FIGHT FOR PEACE' MORRISON OTTAWA. Tues. MR. Herbert Morrison, ish Fori .gn Minister, said m Ottawa last if that the West could not ignore the thn .it from the "vast armies and destructive ideas of Moscow imperialism". Broadcasting to the Canadian people. Mr. Morrison added: "Unless we are
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  • 65 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues USE of the gantang meai ire m the s:;le of rice is prohibited (throughout the la Government Btateraent t.aav Complaints had recently I Published m Penang P"> tiers were the gantang measure. i.' il ra must sell rice only by weight m katis
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  • 68 1 TOKYO. Tues. QENERAL Matthew B. Ridgwav today visited Emperor Hirohito at the Imperial Palace— the first visit ever paid by the Supreme Commander of the Allied powers m six years of the Occupation. He was accompanied by Mrs. Ridgwav and the United States Ambassador Mr.
    Reuter-AAP  -  68 words
  • 146 1 JOHOR_ BAHRU. Tues. ONE company of a Jungle police unit, 120 strong, who are m training at Tampoi. failed to muster for parade this morning and were not found m the training camp. A senior a police officer who waa contacted today said that
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  • 95 1 MR. Thio Chan Bee, speaking on the adjournment at the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday, welcomed the formation of the Independence of Malaya Party, which rises above race, colour or creed. "We wish that this thing will spread more and more because unless we can rise above
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  • 33 1 TAIPEH. Tues.— Todav was the twentieth anniversary of the Mukden incident which led to Japan's conquest of Manchuria and establishment of the now defunct puppet state of Manchukuo.— A P.
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  • 198 1 'IMP WONT AFFECT US'—PMU IPOH. Tues. fftHE formation of the IndeX pendence of Malaya Party will m no way affect the membership of the Peninsular Malays Union, said Inche Hashim Ghani, the PMU president, todayT Inche Ghanl, who arrived here yesterday on a two-day visit, said that the 25,000 members
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  • 100 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. CIX bandits, dressed m black, abducted a 16-year--0 old Chinese girl rubber tapper m the Triang area of Pahang yesterday. Her body was found later; she had been strangled. I Police headquarters announced today that two more bandits have surrendered. In
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  • 386 1 XI ALA LUMFUS, Tuesday. rpUNGKU Abdul Rahman, the president of the A United Malays National Organisation, had obviously not studied the constitution of UMNO, Raja Ayoub bin Raja Haji Rot, chairman of the Kuala T.umpur Division of UMNO, said today. Raja Ayoub said he was
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  • 64 1 LONDON, Tues. BRITAIN'S weekly meat ration, which was raiseto 2s. 2d. worth yesterday, will be cut to 2s. next week, it was announced last night. The 2s. ration will last for two weeks and will then be further reduced to ls. lOd. worth for two
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 177 1 SINGAPORE Legislative Councillor, Mrs. Elisabeth Choy, broke down In tears at the Council meeting yesterrlny while she was referring to atrocities committed by tbe Jananese during the occupatior Overcome by emotion, she broke down tn tears, and sat down leaving her speech unfinished. Speakuii;
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  • 258 1 Arrests in plot against Shah TEHERAN, Tues. PERSIAN police have arrested ex-deputy Premier Aii Motaardi and a former chief ol secret police and are looking for a "secret list" of other men, for pl >tting to overthrow the Shah, a government spokesman said toni Several members of parliament are believed
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 460 2 SINGAPORE PROPERTIES Including Chang. Seaside Land, to be held In our Sale-Rooms, Nos. 4 <tc 4-1. Collyer Qua v. on TUESDAY. 25th SEPTEMBER. 1951. at 2.30 p.m. 1. Nos. 349 <*t 350 PASIR PAN JANG ROAD. Statutory Grant land and Bungalows. Areas 32.862 sq. feet and 7.203 sr feet respectively.
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    • 655 2 THE MALAYAN EXCHANGE BANKS ASSOCIATION All members of ahe above Association In the Colony of Singapore wiU be closed for business 1 on Saturday. 22nd September, I being a Bank Holiday. NOTICE Please be advised that Mr. I Kam Kok Cheng has left our employ on 14 th September, after
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    • 721 2 NOTICES P. W. D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Class "C" upwards registered contractors will be received by the State Engineer, Selangor. Kuala Lumpur, up to 3.00 p.m. on 39th September, 1951. fos various works In connection with the' deviation of Glnting Simpah Road at 20M. OCIi to 20M. 15CH. and
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    • 680 2 PUBLIC APPOINTfoFNT THE SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT TRUST Invites application" for the post of Personal Assistant to tbe Manager. Applicants (male or female) should be British subjects, not more than 35 years of age. Essential qualifications: (a) School Certificate, (b) Shorthand (100 w.p.m.), (c) Typewriting (SO w.p.m.), (d) At least five years'
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    • 258 2 m A* j»"£Amm\ __P*a. s *e*_ f JmM*r^JrarA C^_ Ik>\ fcK^_^ 4*^__ mV* M* f^|S' A^~ flS^/ JkMa mmr *^j^mwA an q y^\\ For Your Convenience Ij 9 Right m the Centre ■fl OT SinCJCipOre there's a very complete >_/ v L. information and bookings service covering all Q ANT
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  • 255 3 JttxilP GEN. RIDGWAY'S OFFER TO COMMUNISTS- to help get Korea peace LONDON, Tuesday. IF the Communist command m Korea refuses to resume the cease-fire talks, the United States, Britain and France may appeal to Russia to use its influence to end the war, a
    AFP  -  255 words
  • 142 3 U.K. LOAN TO BURMA FOR OIL VENTURE RANGOON, Tues. "BRITAIN has promised to lend Burma £2,500,000 towards financing the Burmese Government's share m the propos 1 oil venture with the Burmah Oil Company for producing and refining the country's oil. lon was conveyed to Enrma's Premier, Thakin r I week
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 61 3 BERLIN. Tues. JT AST German police last night stopped for the first time a west bound mail railway from west Berlin at the Ea.s; German inter-zonal border checkpoint at Marienbom. The mail would be "specially checked." the East German police tcld officials m the train. Three
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  • 28 3 LONDON. Tues. A Rumanian military tribunal- has sentenced Agostino Pacha, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Timisoara, to 18 years' imprisonment for spying for the Vatican." Reuter.
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  • 187 3 VICTORIA FALLS, Rhodesia, Tuesday. DRITISH and Commonwealth leaden began a secret conference here today on the formation of a great new Central African state, federating North Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland. The Commonwealth Rel&- »m^ m^ m^ m^ m^ m^ m^ m^ tlons Secretary, Mr.
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  • 219 3 Colonies' blind to be trained LONDON. Tues. SIX research teams of scientists are to go to Brlt4sh colonies to enquire into blindness and the control of pests that cause it. it wag learned today In London. First of the teams will go to West Africa m 1952. Others will be
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 106 3 12 DIE IN REFINERY EXPLOSION WOOD RIVER. Illinois. Tues. TWELVE workmea were killed and at least 32 Injured In an explosion and fire that rocked the Shell Oil Company's huge refinery at nearby Roxana late last night. Most of the dead and Injured belonged to a night crew which was
    Reuter; UP  -  106 words
  • 99 3 NEW YORK. Tues. THE New York Times waa 100 years old today. First published on September 18. 1851, m a windowless office m downtown New York, It now occupies a huge plant m the heart of the city, near a square which bears its name. The early
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 65 3 BONN.'TufcS. ►pHE Western German Chancellor, Dr. Konrad Adenauer, last night withdrew a speech already recorded for broadcasting m which he rejected East German Premier Otto Grotewohl's suggestion of new talks on unifying Germany. An official statement said the speech was withdrawn for "purely technical reasons." Government
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  • 203 3 HONG KONG, Tuesday. AN explosion at Nanning, Kwangsi province, on July 23 which killed 22 people was described m Hong Kong today as the most serious act of sabotage m the province since the "liberation", nearly two years ago. I The Communist Press said
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  • 22 3 TOKYO. Tues.— Japan will start direct radio telegraph service with Bangkok and Saigon by the end of this year.— Reuter.
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  • 73 3 MELBOURNE. Tues. piGEON fancier Dour Evans of Richmond. Melbourne, trapped the bird hovering over his loft, and thought he had a £160 homing race prize "m the bag". The bird was his— bat it was one he entered three years ago for the same
    Reuter-AAP  -  73 words
  • 55 3 COLOMBO, Tues. DR. F. T. Wahlen, Agriculture Director of the Food and Agriculture Organisation, said here today: "It ls safe to assume the world will number over 3,000,000,000 inhabitants by the year 2,000. Ht was addressing delegates of the 13-nation regional meeting on land
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 26 3 THE BELGIAN JUGGLER tharly Wood performs with fire clubs while riding a uni cycle at the lakeside theatre m Battersea I'estiral Gardens.
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  • 101 3 LONDON. Tues. THE BBC. Corporation said yesterday that BBC and Voice of America news broadcasts are being listened to throughout Russia despite jamming and penalties for people caught "spreading rumours from ab.oad" There ls good evidence, too. that Soviet occupation troops In Germany and Austria
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 290 3 REST OF THE WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF DOCTORS have given np hope of roi_iifg Heather William*, aged 3, of Sydney, who hss been m a come for 8 1 months after an attack of encephalitis. THE CAPTAIN of a Japanese vessel, the Kyoyo, haa been fined £(A) 500 and the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 108 3 ammmmammmmtamaaaammtmmmmwz. Palanled Snap-bar for eo»y iniertion FINELY MADE... (ON VENIENT... SMARTLY DESIGNEt) Krcmenlz jewelry has enduring riclines9 because it is made witii an overlay oi hard rolled' 14 Kt. gold. GIAN SiNGHS :0 1 RaffffSM Place Phone 5214 5. maaaaaammmatmmmmmmmmi Hot or Cold spells p^rJKj For a piping hot drink
      108 words
    • 254 3 The man who Kentish Beer ii 1 congratulated s excellent taste FREMLINS HS KENTISH Singapore prices: Small 65c. Large 31.20 COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd. OIL -RESIST ANT SYNTHETIC RUBBER PRODUCTS As manufacturers ot over 30 years* experience, we have no hesitation m saying that natural rubber is
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  • 72 4 A WEEK after he had stepped on a rusty nail at a farm m Boon Teck Road, Tai V.'ai Tow. aged 11, died of tetanus, it was stated at an inquest m the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday. It was said that Tai stepped on the
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  • 531 4 LAYCOCK CALLS OFF MOTION J_E Singapore Legislative Council yesterday pat off a decision on whether the cost of Japanese internees Jn India should be met from Japanese assets m Malaya until it was definitely known how much these assets would realise. After it was pointed out*
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  • 386 4 COUNCIL NEWS IN BRIEF rpHE silence of the Federation Government over the number of premium bonds it has issued meant that the scheme was a flop, Mr. John Laycock (Progressive Katong) said at Singapore Legislative Council meeting yesterday. Mr. Laycock said that the Federation
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  • 63 4 F*UM i..->S MARIAM oi Johore, celebrated her first birthday as the guest of the wives of the Malay Hikers if Johore Bahru at a Tea Party held at the Royal Johore International Club yesterday. Thc Princes j m the arms of her nurse arrived
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  • 113 4 THE Finance Committee of the Singapore Legislative Council has allotted a sum of $300,000 for the extension of the activities of the Food Control Department, according to a statement tabled at yesterday's meeting of the Council. This expense has become necessary, said the statement, by the
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  • 130 4 »T_E Singapore Government may buy Australian meat through the Ministry of Supply, m a bid l 0 bring down the cost of living. A Government spokesman said yesterday: "We understand that m the trade Singapore and the Federation are regarded as 'first class' markets, and
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  • 142 4 Japs in India cost S'pore $4,644,000 •pHE Finance Committee of the Singapore Legislative Council has approved sum of $4,644,972 to be paid to the Government of India as Singapore's share of the Indian claim for maintenance and repatriation of Japanese internees m India. In a statement tabled at the meeting
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  • 48 4 Flowers for 'girl of the year AUSTRALIA'S Girl of ths IcY, 19-je-v-oli Diann> Bowser (l*."t) glvos a wide smile as she received a bouqaet o f 4(— 7«rs fro;?. Mrs. J. Lawler when she appeared on the stage at the Capitol hut nig hi— Straits Times picture. i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 179 4 W^i, t MO CARPET "Impossible l exclaimed the wise old carpet maker "Such a nice aircarft and no carpet'" Some one will get it m tip neck for forgetting to 'phone ***** SHROFF'S Carpets AGENCY SHOWROOM 47 49 STAMFORD ROAD SINCAPORE TEL. ***** E. EDUCE SAFELY p c :idbomen. thick
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    • 282 4 TO "*-jkM 1L and all Europe Only the Clipper* way offers you such comfort, convenience, experience When you fly Pan American to Europe, you get .ill this: Luxurious Clipper service to Beirut from tl.cre your choice of two scenic routes through Europe-. By Pan American's double-decked "Strato" Clipper direct to
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  • 414 5 Film Censorship Board for S'pore plan FOUR MAY DO THE WORK OF ONE A RECOMMENDATION that the work now done by the Official Censor should m future be entrusted to a Board of Film Censors, comprising a chairman and two other censors with a secretary, is made by the Singapore
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  • 166 5 BANDITS LOST 183 IN AUGUST KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. SECURITY forces killed 91 £5 bandits, captured five, wounded 63 and accepted 24 surrenders m August. They also made 185 contacts with bandits m the month. Bandit incidents totalled 546; 202 major and 342 minor. Among the security forces, auxiliary police suffered
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  • 157 5 Loses claim over rooms QWNER of a house m Lorong j Engku Aman. off Gevlang Road, los: his claim m Sln- siapore High Court yesterday ior possession of two rooms, occupied by an Indian Mus- lim woman. Bibi. and two o'hers. Jumir Ahmad, the owner, brought the action on the
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  • 60 5 Mrs. T. P. F. McNeice. wife of the Singapore Municipal President, will, open the exhibition of oil paintings by Mr. Yankee Leon*, m the Victoria Memorial Hall at 6.30 p.m. today. The exhibition is beini* sponsored by the Straits British Association. Singapore Part proceeds will be
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  • 52 5 The British Ambassadordesignate to Japan, Sir Maberly Ester Dening, arrived m Singapore yesterday on the Corfu on his way to Tokyo. Sir Esler, who is accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Miller, was met at the wharf by the Deputy Commissioner-General for Foreign Affairs, Sir John
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 5 The strike notice served by the Singapore Hindhede quarry workers on the comDany ends today. The workers meet, today to discuss plans. TKE COMMISSIONER of Police, Sarawak, Mr. Patrick J. Shannon, who arrived m Singapore yesterday aboard the Corfu on hla way back from leave m England. Straits
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  • 185 5 $10,000 TO AID SINGAPORE Legislative Council yesterday approved $10,000 to start a scheme to rehabilitate and re- train disabled workers m Singapore. The scheme, approved last year, provides for the retraining of 10 disabled people a month It is estimated that the average re-training period will be three
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  • 175 5 BLYTHE AGREES TO HOMES ON EASY TERMS \IR. W. L. Blythe, the Colonial Secretary, agreed, iTi m the Legislative Council yesterday that more houses should be built for sale on easy terms. He was replying to Mr. Thio Chan Bee. Mr. Thio advocated a change m Singapore Improvement Trust policy.
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  • 51 5 THE grenade thrown by an unknown person near the Governor Sir Franklin Glmson last year was split by the height of Hs fall on a concrete floor, resulting m the Governor escaping with grazing injuries. This fact is recorded m the Colony annual report for
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  • 178 5 J^T the trial of four Malays and a Chinese, alleged to have been concerned m the theft of a lorry load of rubber at Woodlands Road on February 10. this year. Mr. K. C. Toh submitted yesterday on behalf of Seah Bun Kiat that
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 481 5 m -'.»a__f ttmata today. Minns: 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m. l '.•ide.n Films I iline Drama! "SEVEN DAYS TO MOON" St.irrii' fury lnnr« Olive Sloane Andre Morell RSX '*E BAHRU <t Only at 3 15, «.«5 15 p. tn. "DEPORTED" Atlantic (.rest World IM c-,.> tit 7.00 9.15 p.m. '•i: tlNno-V
      481 words
      3 words
    • 319 5 BOKHARA j P A L AC E j Closing for good m m Last 2 days NO EXTENSION a Your Last Opportunity I fo buy now PERSIAN, BOKHARA I INDIAN CARPETS FUR I COATS a I HOTE ii a A law SUva Ma*aa..h aaa C.a.di.a Sq.i.r.l Fa. Ca.r* a. ...M
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 96 5 FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN EXHIBITION. Singapore, O.E. Building, 9 am. to 6 p.m. Y.W.C.A. Raffles Quay: Katong group meet at St. Hilda's School S p m. for handicraft; home nursing 5 p.m. Mrs. Al cock. YJH.C.A. Orchard Road: Combined Staff meeting, 11 a.m; Cheaa Club 5 p.m.: Malay conversation class, 5.30
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  • The Straits Times Singapore, Wed. Sept 19, 1951
    • 672 6 The Singapore Government* readiness to amend the Emergency (Newspaper) Regulations which the Legislative Council passed so recently with only one dissentient vote is itself an effective answer to the criticism which these regulations attracted only after they had been approved. The amendments should satisfy everyone.
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    • 404 6 Ten Per Cent At The University After the last Convocation at the University of Malaya comment was made m these columns on the distressingly small number of Malays among the new* graduates, and on the fact that there were no new Malay doctors and dentists at all This problem was
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  • 1207 6 THE Colony of .Singapore Annual Report for 1950, published yesterday, is the fruit of painstaking research, a book of useful reference written and printed m an attractive style with an eye to details of interest to everyone. The frontispiece of Raffles Place, taaken
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  • Man-in-street
    • 468 6 jytUCH has been said about Chinese education m this country its usefulness and its future m the criticisms of the Barnes Report. It certainly is right that one should wish one's children to have some knowledge of one's mottier tongue. Every thinking Chinese will i want to educate
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    • 125 6 JN regard to your timely leader on tin, "Answering Back," you surely do not expect the Government to make any definite or straighthitting statement about the baseless and tendentious charges of American Big Business when members of it, the Government, can utter the following fatuities— Mr. Mac Don
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    • 337 6 JN the past I have treated with a certain amount of dubiety letters of criticism against the Goevrnment. In view of what has happened to my husband, however, perhaps the criticisms were more than justified. I The following are the facts: My husband acted as head
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  • 402 6 On the Margin Malay Cattle IKE any uther town-dweli- er. I have always thought of the bi i train 9% the typical draught animal of Malay kampongs. and certainly m the Malacca area one sees only the patient and cumbrous "kerbau*' harnessed to tho. plough In the Melds or to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 844 6 I.ASS.KIKD ADS. BIRTHS MACFARLAHE: To Blaabeth. •rife of John, at K.K. on 18th *mt daughter (still born). WYATT-SMITH: To Peggy, wife of John Wyatt-Smlth. at Eunpsar Hospital, on 18th Bept.. a daughter. ENGAGEMENT IN IPOH on 16. f 51. Yam Kong, third son of Mr. ft Mrs. tin Seong of
      844 words
    • 108 6 ♦r** COLUMBIA /^Ctoe^att o DORIS DAY. 2888 Llfe'a desire. Very good advice. 2887 You love me. ***** aheep. 2861 Do. Do. Do; Would I love yon. DINAH SHORE. 1820 So ta love. Always true to you to my fashion. ITB7 "1811", I'll always love you. 2718 Once In a while.
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    • 109 6 m m ___P__? my m_r axmmnk L__ mt taw -__f a ~3__al Wt\MMWa^^^ wa m at 9. aa j ~f|| a?W 38 cJomler Cy lease! yes, powder me all over, Mummy, with that lovely Cow Gate stuff! Baby loves the new Cow Gate Baby Powder m its charming blue and
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  • 395 7 cost millions, he says ND UP lIOf/J^^^H GO TAXES W would cost Singapore Government $6,000,000 to $7,000,000 for the rest of the tear to subsidise the Colony's rice supply and l eep it at the present price level, the Colonial lecretary, Mr. W. L. Blythe, told the
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  • 54 7 On board the MV. Glengarry, berthed m Singapore on Sept. 17, Tan Seong Soon, 'of Pitt Street, stole ten pieces bf lipsticks, worth $15, belonging to the master of the Vessel. I Tan, pleaded guilty m the Singapore Third Police Court westerday, and was allowed 5200 bail
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  • 278 7 Keep out of politics r Irman and members of Singapore Public 1 ices Commission should take no part m he i pjiiii Mr. John Laycock (Progressive i id m the Legislative Council, yesterday. a tnis aiur q by Mr. H. J. C. ha (Progressive l Timah) about a letter en
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  • 60 7 fHE Singapore Government has begun an Inquiry into the difference between the actual c.i.f. costs of British motor cars, and the retail prices now being charged m Singapore and the Federation. The Straits Times understands that a letter has been written by Government to the Singapore Motor
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  • 35 7 WORKMEN were still busy yesterday building the arch across Connatigbt Drive, near the Cricket Club, as part of the City Day celebrations m Singapore on Saturday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 46 7 Ujagar, .on of Krishnan Singh, ciiarged with criminal breach of trust as a public servant of a total sum of $75 at the Hindu Cemetery, Aljunied Road, Singapore, was rtot present m Court when the case came up for hearing yesterda.,
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  • 20 7 Dr. and Mrs. E. Noronha, of Kuala Lumpur, returned to Singapore yesterday after a short holiday m Australia.
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  • 1171 7 PROPOSAL NOT A 'RED HERRING'— BLYTHE SINGAPORE Government proposes to amend the Emergency (Newspape *3 Regulations, 1951, and set up an advisory committee to hear appeals, tl Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. L. Blythe, said at the Legislitive Council meetii
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  • 49 7 'J'HE Progressive Party of Singapore will award a City Day scholarship. The recipient will be a poor and deservinc pupil of one of the local scho Is. Mr. John Layccck. vicepresident of the Parly, h s already donated $100 to this scholarship fund.
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  • 112 7 $54.6 M.paid. paid out in war damage claims THE War Damage Claims Commission have paid out $54,591,582 to claimants up to Aug. 31, Government said yesterday m reply to questions by Mr, Thio Chan Bee (Prog.— Balestier). "First dividends have been ideclared for categories of claims and these are now
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  • 28 7 PENANG. Tues.— The next meeting of the Penang Settlement Council will be held In the Peel Avenue chamber on Monday. Oct. 15 at 2.30 P.m.
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  • 119 7 DOLICE patrol cars were called to the Capitol theatre last night to control the hundreds who jammed the cinema m an attempt to see the film premiere "Valentino" after the house had been sold out. Order was quickly restored. Before the show commenced, queues wound several
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  • 21 7 Printing the booklet "The National Income Of Malaya" compiled by Dr F. C. Benham, cost the Colony exchequer $22,000.
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  • 407 7 TOASTS TO END 13 GALA HOURS T_E Commissioner-General. Mr. Malcolm x Mac Donald, will propose the health of the City of Singapore at the banquet on Saturday to end the celebrations m connection with the presentation of a charter making Singapore a city. Mr. A. P. Rajah has been chosen
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 89 7 MO®jON j m**^ LONDON LTherrlngs /I A I* 1 FRESH on m '/il lf,.f TOMATO SAUCE "V S -^__^__^_^_flwS ""cO \l, t:\IS C E MORTON (MALM) LTD. S.n,.?,porc Kuala Lumpur Penang j|i. 1 !BDB____-S_liHa_a, L'ADLEiI-STUTTCART": the world famous German I k Piano with Excellent Tone! I a I *> I
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    • 220 7 BROKE HER ARM BUKIT MERTAJAM. Tri s. —A 18-year-old Chinese school pirl. Tan Ah Nya, is now m Bukit Mertajam Hospital with a broken risht arm when she was involved m a cclli-ion with a lorry aft B"k>e Ten-rah vpsfprdny "i'crncc^ jtsssii V FEATURING THE NEW 1 MODEL H.I. I
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  • 290 8 'Exempt playing fields from assessment' GINC AI'ORE Municipal Commissioners came m for some sharp criticism during an a ;1 l address by Mr. John Laycock (Progressive Katong) at yesterday's meeting of the Legislative Council. Referring to the Press agitation over the delay In amending the Municipal
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  • 151 8 Blackout areas Cl ROTATIONS liable to load shfcidint today are: DAY I'aya I. clear Pumps. Joo (hist ttmOO, Jala— Kunos. Rangoon n>a J, I owner Koad, Serangoun i: id. Kolani Ayer. McPhrrson I? ad. Kirn Cliuan Road. Roundary R id I ppe-r Serangoon. Yio C'hu X 11 I'oad. (.ovt. Printing
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  • 59 8 Fo;ir representatives of the Singapore Legislative Council two Officials and two Unotficials werp elected yesterday to serve on the Court ot the University of Malaya They were Mr W L. Blythe the Clonial Secretary Mr W C Taylor the Acting i Financial Secretary. Mr Thio
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  • 36 8 Mr. G. Davies of the Malayan Civil Service has been i appointed private secretary 1 to* the Governor of Singapore with effect from Sept. 10. He takes over from Mr. J. L. M. < Gorrie. <
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  • 78 8 THE Exchange Control bill had Its first reading at the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday. The Acting Financial Secretary, Mr. W. C. Taylor, said he might move the bill be referred to a select committee at the r. f meeting of the Legislatl luacfl for detailed
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  • 96 8 An eight-year scholarship for study from Standard Two to the School Certificate Class will be awarded to a poor boy or girl of any nationality under 11 years by the Pasir Panjang Rural District Committee of Singapore. The scholarship has an annual value of $62.50. It has
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  • 189 8 I^HE press on which the banned Malay newspaper Melayu Raya was printed has had its licence returned. But it is not yet allowed to be used io print newspapers. A Government spokesman sa.d yesterday: "The licensing of printing presses, as opposed io permits to produce
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  • Article, Illustration
    62 8 TBI THREE-STOREY building on the site of the former Hotel Van Wijk, a Singapore landmark, being built for the Convent of the Holy Infant Josas at Stamford Road, will be completed shortly. The building will accommodate 700 children m English and Chinese claMes. This Straits Times picture was
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  • 104 8 'WE DON'T KNOW -BLYTHE ■pHE Singapore Government has no knowledge of any sum having been surrendered to the Japanese by the Chinese banks of the Colony m February 1942, said the Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. L. Blythe, m reply to a question by Dr. C. J. Paglar (Progressive—Chang!). Dr. Paglar
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  • 20 8 COLQ FIRM GO fHE subsidiary 1 j secondary indirl realised, reveals thi i\luminium artlcll confectionary," plastic showed an increase ii
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  • 75 8 THE present improverrfl rate of two per cenfl the annual value of houses' buildings, lands a tenements within the Muni clpallty of Singapore wl continue for next year r weU. On a motion by the Muni clpal President. Mr. T. P. J McNelce, the Legislate
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  • 251 8 There was a large attendance at the funeral yesterday at Bidadari cemetery of Singapore's first locally-graduat-ed worna n dentist, Mrs. Lillian Ng, who died on Monday. Many doctors and dentists were among the mourners. Dr. H. B. Amstutz took the service. Mrs. Ng was the first
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 209 8 iv i atm i^ f/we your ou/n Comp/ete E/ecfr/c /p^ r^m I Workshop Equipment rvr /ess I tficin $/50/' (Pf,< sub cci io a,terai on) fefel' 1 l tr7 'w isas I NEW JOY AND PLEASURE /^oX^^^mM^^ W* I FROM MAKING THINGS AT HOME S^xt^Swmt V&< Here is the means
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 171 8 SINGAPORE New Federal Legco Meeting ConcerU"; 8 "Work and Worship"--10-10.10 am. New. from EX.; SXT_J2 Muslcf/l c^mT*"'' 815 BSO Ne 10.45 to 13 Schools; 1 pm. Dance Home News; 8.45 "Understudy Music; 1.30 Newt; 1.45 "Lunch- Call" (play, by Eric Wright); 8.30 Time Prom": 2-3.50 Schools; 6.15 7.30 am. "Radio
      171 words

    • 875 9 AFTER receiving the mysterious note, Hung Wan took the Scouts back to the verandah. They clustered round him, listening eagerly. "As Wong Hoo has told you." he began. "I am a collector of art treasures. It used to be my living, and now that I have
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    • 260 9 that you must seal your envelopes and use a ten cents stamp. Yeow Kok Wah has written telling me about his holiday which he spent on Frasers Hill He really made my mouth water when he described haw he went strawberry picking. He
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    • 277 9 USED not to like the 1 little chichaks that run across the ceilings snapping at mosquitoes that is, until I went to Bangkok. My stay was very short. I was changing planes there and arrived m the heat of the afternoon. At six o'clock the rain began. It
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    • 230 9 TERESA Ng Kirn Hoon of 1 Singapore wants to know why deserts are so hot during the day time that m some places it is impossible to cross them bare-footed, and why grass cannot grow In these places. I)EESRT is a term used for land which does not
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 350 9 ?<r*%S Sa^Jo? S CAMPBELL .< CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP. tempting combination uf chicken and noodles— plenty of both! Campbell's cooks make Chicken Noodle Soup with I lump, lull-breasted chickens, simmered slowly till the glistening broth is rich with golden goodness. Homey egg noodles and tender pieces ol chicken are added to
      350 words
    • 195 9 |fi| STAMP CORNER _Bfefyfi<V»— I I CAME across an interesting stamp the j othar day, it has a mystery attached to It \my M\\\ which nobody has successfully explained. This stamp was issued m Trinidad m the middle of the 1 800's and was known as tne Lady McLeod The
      195 words
    • 194 9 mmjl M k e §r- ys sure 0f... i^^^^^^l^L^A^\ Use Gibbs S.R. Toothpaste to make 4s\Wt your teeth sparkling' white and protect Je^^W tb c health of your gums. The sodium ricinoreate m Gibbs S.R. forms a barrier V trM /against germs so for strong white teeth rf»M_ 80und hea
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 122 9 Adventures of Ah and Rukiah ,p i -y 1 "Now the leaf h a 1 aii: i., ic:<i,ic powers." s-id .'.loosedeer crossly. "We shall hi.Te to iry else" "Yoa'd better make us our right sise," sugjesied Kukiah. "Then we can Jast step dowa." Mansoor Mousedeer waved his left forefoot, and
      122 words

    • 734 10  -  By NONI WRIGHT WITH his art at his fingertips Mr. Wu Tsai Yen has come to Kuala Lumpur for the first time to prepare for an exhibition to be held next month at the Chinese assembly Hall. For Mr. Wu Is finger painter one
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 190 10 ■■Ba^.. I ALONE... ow i*A<? Isle of Capri! THEY FOUND HAPPINESS BY FORGETTING THE 7 _Mfc PAST. ...AND im\V >* W\ LIVING FOR THE "©V _rJI MOMENT i___H~ fMtmm\mMmtaW 9%% EL_ V T^ Tt_ m <*» —a. V^aagp^pay j >.^T vlt^^.<MP*| H|v «a_____. M^H^Joan Joseph [bntaine (gotten ______Pfl A _fl_
      190 words
    • 357 10 k5 11 a.m., 1.45. 4.09. 6.30 9.39 p.m. The MAGNETIC I»ERSONALITY of I x 4£u/e^h CO to jrzijfm B W Bpf* ?\y and a W W air tmMmi AmMa MoAmx WOrld of J f^J Unl VL women i& f i 3—r moKdL *'8 h |__9 f Jv* Recreating JQ r_^»i^_fc
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 130 10 I Straits Times Crossword [•T I? I nn I* iii tti [r~| vr~ 1 _llMijii|liHl '8 «9 20 11 ____B_p_p_p_ ri i n ri H-n n n 1.. .aa/ 4 0 88 4 W »t flUl SPOOd (6) i, a th l L ovely a-! ear Her IS. Among sing
      130 words
    • 44 10 tomorrow. YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION: fIIHiOOODORACII AlU||Clg|AMo|o|T IBIIOU (■■RETOUCH B«MHuHiiRfIo«LBR goon sßc H Aiyco H i|l'|T|L|S|itl>|. «v m MEN Tils E R i r MM c MUHf t HH a 0 A BISICOMI AFTER AKLMB|L»A*RBR|it POUATTERSBs LA 88 llßlllAlslHlNll NEBULA RgBMER son _l.Mi|olMLli|o ||FR ER APHAELITEg
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1383 11 MANSFIELD tse CO., LTD. (Incorooreteo at Smgapoee) BULB FUNNEL LINE Carrier s option to proceed vl. other oorts to lead and discharge erg*. SAILINCS to LIVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Duo Sail, P S'hem Penang •h.rnia, tor Naples 0 -,l .'C 25/26 Sopt. H 20/23 Perseus lor Marseilles. lvshool
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    • 2025 11 LONDON I RUBBER MARKET Malayan STOCKS Purchases, inquiries and shares MA mcS„te w „a s£& rumours raise prices tradini? today. The foreißn tf2___| Aa .n oil bon< _f cti u_ a taurt_,t al _?d T s^ Singapore rubber market steadied yesterday f »W" "*y ,n afSr an initial period ot
      2,025 words
    • 1074 11 McALISTER CG., LTD. Telephone No. 5906 BLLERMAN <- BUCKNALL KLAVENESB LINE LONDON HAVRE, ROTTERDAM kOS ANCELES. SAN FRANCISCO HAMBURC PORTLAND SEAfTLi 6 VANCOHVIg and tot U_A.. North Atlantic Ports Acceotine cargo tor lentcai r, c. n irand Canada via Colomlx Amertcan Ports m.s CITT OP POONA m.s FRANCISVILII Spore P.
      1,074 words

  • 500 12 Colony welcome in Olympic Council BUT ONLY ON OUR TERMS, SAYS FED. THE TENTH ROUND: Sagar Ray Robinson, eye cut and blood atreamlnc down hla face, decide* It'a now or never, ao over goea hla right to Turpin'a Jaw and down goes the champion for a ninecount. Turpin, defenceleas when
    500 words
  • 328 12 QINOAPORE Cricket Club B had a flying start m the Colony's senior hockey league yesterday when they whipped Singapore Chinese Recreation Club by four goals to one In a thrilling game on the Padang. Better teamwork and the opportunism of left-lnslde Von Lldth who
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  • 277 12 DUSINESS House Football League, and Cup rivals, Hongkong Bank and Fraser and Neave, were again back where they started when they drew two-all In their semi-final replay at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Extra time of ten minutes brought no goals. There will be another replay to
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  • 26 12 St. Andrew's School, Singapore, will hold their 16th annual swimming carnival at the new pool of the Chinese Swimming club tomorrow at 2.15 p.m.
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  • 20 12 TODAY: 0055 (10ft.), 1253 (9.3); 0657 (2.6), 1907 (1.3). TOMORROW: 0129 (9.3), 1318 (9.2); 0721 (3.3), 1941 11.3).
    20 words
  • 82 12 The September Mixed Foursome* competition p-ayed on Sunday resulted m a win for Mr*. Olid and O. W. McMuJan with a score of 69 nett. The fol'.owlug were some of the best card* returned: Mr*. QIM and O. '.V Mcl 90— Jl-89; Mr*. Oobley and W. P.
    82 words
  • 64 12 The Singapore M.V.aya Cup team to meet Negri Sembilan at JaTan BtsaT on Sunday wkV. be: Chee Seng: David*. Teow Keng; Vass. Harith. Hln Weti): shiritf afadon, Boon Seong^ Awaag BakaV. Boon Leong. At_n King. Reserves: Yew Chang. Boon Leong, Ah Hoe. R«hlm Omar,
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  • 239 12 LONDON. Tues. rpHE MCC team to tour India, x Pakistan, and Ceylon left London by train thla morning to join the B.S. Chusan at Tilbury. The ship sails for Bombay later today. The 16 players, who will be captained by Negel Howard, all looked flt
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  • 5 12
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  • 289 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. AMATEUR Athletic Association leaders m the Federation are upset about a statement by Mr. E. Strickland of the Singapore A.A.A. that an English A.A.A. honorary coach ls due m Singapore next January to coach Colon., athletes for four weeks. "The AAA.
    289 words
  • 59 12 I LONDON, Tues. Charlton Athletic beat Stok* City by two .coals to one m an English Football League I»v 1 game at Stoke yesterday. Other results were: Division II: Cardiff C. 1. Sheffield U. 1. Division 111 (Northern): Bradford 0, Carlisle U. 1; Mansfield T. 1. Rochdale 1.
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 799 12 SPORT CREATES ILL-WILL, HE SAYS Today I turn over the Sportlight to a guest columnist, a youthful reader who has some unusual and forthright views on the state of sportsmanship m Malaya. Today's columnist, Aziz Karim, was prompted to write what follows by my remarks on sportsmanship m
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 809 12 CLa. *J)S. (Conn mgt 61 SITU ATI C V VAC ANT TEMPORARY ASSISTANT SECRETARY m the Secretariat tor Economic Aflairs. The appointment will m the first Instance be for six months on a month-to-month ba>is on a basic salary of from 1500 to $625 p.m. plus CO L. and local
      809 words
    • 410 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from previous Col) VEHK'LFS FOR SALE 1950 HILLMAN MINX, re*. Feb. 'SO. done 18.000 miles complete with Rom?c radio, price $5,800. Can be seen at 26. Upper Circular Rd. 1 NEW "6 80" Wolseley Saloon, black, reg'd July 1951, mileage 3 500. Comp. Ins. July 1952, $6,800.
      410 words
    • 32 12 I vmrfi:'' THE NYLON STRINGS FOR PERFECT SERVICE Resilient and lively Do not fray or split .^^-I^V Unaffected by dampness L^^J or downpour IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (MALAYA) LTD. cr_— i _>—————- OPS- 1
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 69 12 SOCCER: Bus. Hse. K.O. Comp.: NTS v. Shell at Police ground; M -Airways v. Dunlop at Farrer Park. HOCKEY: Snr. Lge.t CSC v. RAF Seletar at Seletar; Jnr. Lge C RE (S v. REME at REME. Friendly. SCRC v. Indiana at I.A; SRC v. RAF Tengaij at SRC. RI'C.BY: SCC
      69 words