The Straits Times, 13 September 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 261 1 Russians 'beat 9 the British Meteor ISOW AIRCRAFT 'WITHDRAWN 9 TOKYO, Wednesday. PUITAIN'S frontline jet fighter, the stubwinged twin-engined Meteor, has failed to iratth the Russian MIG-15 in action over Korea, said Australian pilots today. Then it was announced officially that the aircraft had begun
    Reuter; AP  -  261 words
  • 112 1 LONDON. Wed. BRITAIN'S aircraft con.tructors showed their finest products at Farnboroußh. Hampshire yesterday—from tiny Army observation aircraft to the giant Brihaxon airliner. Military aircraft dominated th° display, offering a vision of the future. Among them v;is the Canberra twin-iet bomber which broke the transatlantic record.
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 28 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Kampong guards in Kedah ye>:erdav inflicted casualties on bandits who attacked th ir kmnoong. They followed bh'od trails without further eo" f aet.
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  • 35 1 NICOSIA. Wed. British paratroopers and police In lorries were rushed to rescue people endangered bv floods which swept Nicosia today during the worst rain Cyprus has had for years. AP.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 126 1 Marshall quits as defence chief WASHINGTON, Wed. QENERAL George Marshall today resigned as United States Secretary of Defence. He will be succeeded by the present Deputy Secretary, Mr. Robert A. Lovett. Gen. Marshall, aged 70, was appointed Defence Secretary a year ago. He resigned "for very personal reasons." The soldier-statesman,
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 95 1 NEW YORK, Wed. WORLD middleweight champion Randolph Turpin arrived in New York last night from his training camp. 100 miles away, went straight to his hotel, sent his manager for two dozen romic books and announced he would star in his room. He was greeted by a
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 77 1 KUALA LUMPini, Wed. TLiE name of .he Malayan Scouts Malaya's secret fighting o rganlsatlon—appeared for the first time in a Federation police Headquarters communique today. Security forces found a new grave containing. the body of a Chinese with several wounds in his chest in the Segamat area
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  • 64 1 JAKARTA. Wed. TWENTY-EIGHT native civilians were murdered and 12 wounded last night when a bandit Rang of some 200 machine-gunners raided the West Java town of Tjibakay. reliable sources disclosed today. The attackers burned down 50 houses, ransacked the local hospital and official buildings and
    AP  -  64 words
  • 27 1 NEW DELHI, Wed.— A British engineer will help India set up an Institute of Technology to train Industrial engineers and land conservation experts— A.P.
    AP  -  27 words
  • 28 1 Air Marshal Sir Francis Foga r t y. Commander-in-Chief. Far East. Air Force, returned to Singapore last night after vlsltlnt RAJ 1 units in Hong Kong.
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  • 108 1 MISSING BOYS FOUND OIKOAPORE schoolboys, Edd gar Joseph, 16, and Joe Fernandez, 14, who were missing from their homes two Sundays ago have been found in Kuala Lumpur. They had been staying there for over 10 days with Fernandez's relatives. Fernandez, a pupil of St. Patrick's School, wrote to his
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  • 66 1 THE twelve-man mission from the Burma Air Force which was expected in Singapore yesterday delayed its departure from Mingladon, and is now due here today. Bad weather was the •ause of the delay. The mission will tour F.E.A.F. Headquarters and Air Headquarters Malaya, and visit R.A.F.
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  • 34 1 LONDON, Wed.— Lumbago prevented the Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee, from attending a conference of the Labour Party's National Executive, called to make plans for the annual Party conference on Oct.— A.P.
    AP  -  34 words
  • 30 1 TRIPOLI. Wed.— The First Battalion, Grenadier Guards, left Tripoli for home In the troopship Empire Test today, after more than three years service In North Africa.— A.P
    AP  -  30 words
  • 65 1 UOLY verses for the growth and prosperity of Singapore will be chanted in every Chinese Buddhist monastery, temple and institution, to be followed by a simultaneous beating ef gongs at 11 a.m., on City Day. A suggestion for participation in the city's procession was ruled
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  • 55 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— ln the Tampln district of Negri Sembllan yesterday security forces discovered a terrorist's observation post with a perfect view of the surrounding countryside overlooking a military camp. Eight caves were discovered. Later, another five caves with accommodation for 30 or 40 bandits and a
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  • 136 1 TOKYO, Wednesday. (GENERAL Yamashita, "The Tiger of Malaya", who was executed as a war criminal is to be honoured in public at a Japanese Buddhist ceremony in Tokyo on Sept. 15, it was disclosed yesterday. The ceremony was arranged within 24 hours of the
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 54 1 UNITY is strength, so the girls of the Kuen Cheng Fiyh School (TOP) join their spears in warlike dance which they performed at Bukit Bintang Park, Kuala Lumpur, last night to mark the school's 43rd anniversary. Below is one of the "warriors" Yao K-n
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  • 160 1 MALA YS TOLD: 'SHUN IMP' Destructive— UMNO chief KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. T*ENGKU Abdul Rahman, president of the United Malays National Organisation, said today that Dato Onn bin Ja'afar's proposed Independence of Malaya Party was a destructive move. This is the first time the new UMNO president has made an unequivocal
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  • 217 1 Africans begin jungle course T»HE small party of European officers and African soldiers from the King's African Rifles who arrived last week in Singapore are now on a Jungle course, so that they can train the main body of the regiment before it comes to Singapore in January to fight
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  • 43 1 NEW YORK. Wed— Mr. Harold Stassen reported Russian fighter planes roamed the Eastern European skies to shoot down balloons carrying freedom messages. Mr. Stassen, Chairman cf the Crusade for Freedom membership drive, slid the balloons got there.— A.P.
    AP  -  43 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 38 1¥Ali¥*tiU« 106 ORCHARD ROAD' Til 12 4*6 i QsS4 mmmm SPECIAL OFFER UNTIL SEPTEMBER 15 PRIME AUSTRALIAN DUCKS Buy your supplies today ar 4*| £P this specially reduced price. |||I«UJ P er ID Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd.
      38 words
    • 28 1 as ere o CLEAR AN SALE Mow On! The PEKING Co., 81. High St. Spore a I^^^Wfor Light j Aw jd»er>Ugmj|w» of Wj^iim |«ck» fr Co. (Mi\»jm) Ltd.
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  • 217 2 TRAIN CRASHES THROUGH IRON CURTAIN 25 escape to freedom SELO, BAVARIA, Wednesday. A CZECH engine driver yesterday escaped into West Germany with his whole train, carrying about 100 passengers. The driver, who had his whole family with him, brought the train across at the Seld Ploessberg border check point. About
    Reuter; AP  -  217 words
  • 254 2 REST OF THE WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF.... THE KING will cu. short his holiday at Balmoral Castle in Scotland and go to London at the end of the week for farther treatment of his long trouble ITALY'S Red Cross will send a field hospital unit to Korea in October in
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  • 70 2 .MELBOURNE, Wed. AUSTRALIA'S Utopia foun- der, English-born John Greenston said yesterday that "romantic intelligent women are desperately needed" for the party that Ls to seek escapsim. Already 50 men and women have applied for inclusion. They share the wish to find a. Pacific island where
    Reuter-AAP  -  70 words
  • 58 2 AMSTERDAM, Wed. "QIVE him a last chance" was the advice of defence counsel to the judges who tried a 33-year-old Amsterdammer, charged with stealing gold rings. The man got his last chance and promptly broke into his counsel's house while the owner was away on a
    AP  -  58 words
  • 64 2 BREMEN, Wed.— Half a ship arrived in Bremen yesterday from Japan under its cwn steam after a voyage of 12.700 miles in 84 days. It was the rear half of the Swedish liner, Chrlstes Salen. which was cut in two off Yokohama by a typhoon
    AFP  -  64 words
  • 32 2 PASSING THE TIME SK. TSARAPKIN, Russia'* delegate to the United Nations Security Council, reads Prarda as the Council formally calls upon Egypt to lift her restrictions on Sues Canal shipping.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 76 2 Sixty cars await the Princess OTTAWA, Wed. gIXTY cars will be available for use by Princess Elizabeth, the Duke of Edinburgh and members of their party during their visit to Canada in October. The cars will be furnished by three Canadian mass production car firms. They will be distributed across
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 357 2 P^fif 7 MODERN SANITATION IN UNSEWERED THE HYCUA DISSOLVENATOR <r«»jrf <« «rff ronteuwrf mnUarg NO GERMS NO ODOURS j^tttK^^ NO FLIES yl-sf^) NO EMPTYING W^^^Z-gA NO WATER >kj[|~ [jjg SUPPLY "^C*^ Beweru«t material la cnemlcally feansformed into a sterile solution thflt runs into the •on. Where Seweratie Is not
      357 words
    • 224 2 NOTICES NOTICE THE VENUS Theatre, Sentul. Kuala Lumpur will be known as new Empire Theatre operating under a new and separate management from Sept 16th I*sl. The Management NEW EMPIRE THEATRE CO Sentul. HONG FATT (SUNGF.I BESI) UNITED NOTICE OF DIVIDEND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Interim Dividend of
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    • 731 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT Wanted. Confidential Secretaries required at Contingent Police Headquarters Perak. Ipoh Salary Scale W4O 10 300 Cost of Living Allowance as approved by Government from time to time. Qualifications:— Able to type from manuscript draft at 30 words per minute and shorthand not itss than 120 wodrs per minute.
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    • 234 2 100 H.P. SIX CYLIMDER OVBRHEAD VALVE EN6INE ■■■■^B^^^n mm CM COMPORT SAFETY CAB Hj^^^E "STBBN^TH BBSEHVE" *^f CHASSIS FEATURES Everything YOU aid your DRIVERS want Fioticaaife springing: extra springa U 8 tTIICk come into action as freight weight is increased. Tough chassis designed to pjssjasjsssiasjsisssiiississssssssfssisfsi^af^ssisssa carry rated K»J with wide
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 314 2 TODAY'S RADIO cnirADAQP 9.30 News: 9.45 Time Rossi enter MflbArvnci Mns i 0 Dance Music: 10.30 10-10. 10 a.m. News from K.L.; Symphony of Strings"; 11 Close. 10.45-12 school.-.; l p.m. Light nor 1 r-ric Music; 1.30 News; 1.45 Dance BHw %*V9 Music; "Schools; 6.15 "Call- 7jq am -Radio
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  • 358 3 PACT WITH GERMANY WASHINGTON, Wednesday. THE Foreign Ministers of Britain, France and the United States discussed world problems/ particularly a provisional peace agreement with Western Germany, at the first joint session of conference in Washington today. They had before them a draft directive prepared by
    Reuter  -  358 words
  • 157 3 IT'S LIKE MUNICH, SAYS VISHINSKY MOSCOW, Wed. SOVIET Foreign Minister, M. Andrei Vishinsky, handed the French Charge D'Affaires in Moscow today a note attacking French policy on the rearmament of Germany as repeating that of the Munich period Just before the Second World War. M. Vyshinskv had summoned the Charge
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 46 3 HONG KONG, Wed. T-lONG KONG trade amounted to HK5634,900.000 for showing a decrease ot 13.4 per ceni against June. ire and Industry Department reported. its totalling HK5273.--200.000 fell bv 26.9 per cent J»'id imports totalling HK 1331 700.008 by 10.6 per cent.
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  • 52 3 LONDON. Wed London show critics greeted Broadway's Gypsy Rose Lee. the strip tease queen with rude ya\*n yesterday Mos> people who went to the Palladium Theatre last night said she couldn't (1) shock their Aunt Minnie, or (2) get a laugh out of their Uncle Hayseed.
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  • 32 3 MOSCOW. Wed.— The Soviet Army organ. Red Star. calls on political commissars to induce in troops a spirit of "hate" for Anglo-American "warmongers" and demands increased "battle readiness." A.P.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 157 3 NEW YORK, Wed. ANEW YORK detectiVe and a man he was trailing perished yesterday in a mil-lion-dollar flre whlsh raged through a nine-storey office building here. Three men, including the president of a small clothing firm with offices in the building, were later arrested
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  • 81 3 LONDON. Wed. jyjß. Koichiro Azakai, head of the new Japanese Overseas Agency In London, expressed the hope yesterday that a peace treaty between India and Japan would be signed soon. India, who djd not take part In the San Francisco conference. announced on Monday
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 241 3 VATICAN CITY, Wednesday. DOPE PIUS XII appealed to Christians today to unite to fight under one flag against the assaults of "the infernal enemy". The Pope made his appeal in a long encyclical letter addressed to all the Roman Catholic bishops and orelates. The encyclical
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  • 34 3 OTTAWA. Wed.— Canada is now preparing a warning network In case of an enemy ..ttack Canadian Health Minister. Mr. P. Martin, who is in charge of the civil defence, said in Ottawa yesterday.—AFP.
    AFP  -  34 words
  • 263 3 Let's be frank, says an Arab PARIS, Wednesday. LEADING Arab delegate to the United Nationssponsored Palestine Peace Conference criticized the U.S. State Department today for attempts to establish a Mediterranean defence command and said it was aimed only at protecting U.S. and British interests
    UP  -  263 words
  • 63 3 SYDNEY, W- a.— lnsurance .-ompanies here will not encourage a straight "gamble" on the Royal tour, but they are issuing policies to cover business risks involved if it is cancelled. Rates for the 1949 tour, which was cancelled, were 10 to 15 per cent.
    Reuter-AAP  -  63 words
  • 49 3 MELBOURNE. Wed. in four months' search of England and Scotland. Melbourne Tramways Board got only 165 of the 700 recruits wanted as tram crew, said Board Chairman, Mr. R. J. H. Risson. Ireland Is now being explored, he said. West Germany might be next target.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 22 3 NEW YORK. Wed.- Mayor Vincent Impellittert of New York will leave next Tuesday for a "goodwill rislt" to Italy. -A.P.
    AP  -  22 words
  • 117 3 KARACHI. Wed. THE Pakistan Prime Minister. Mr. Liaquat All Khan said, in Karachi yesterday that India wanted to "browbeat" Pakistan Into leaving the peoples of Kashmir "at her mercy" by massing Its forces on Pakistan's border. He was addressing a huge public meeting on the
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 164 3 Labour eases dividend squeeze LONDON, Wed. T»HE Labour Govern--1 ment last night eased up on its plan to control big business dividends in order to help industry' expand. And the Treasury said today that the Government had taken note of the special case of Malayan rubber companies but could give
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 64 3 ATHENS, Wed. /""REBCETS political situation u last night, with most of the rotes counted from last Sunday's elections, appeared as unstable as it was before polling day. Three main parties Field Marshal Alexander Papagos' rally. Gen. Plastiras' Progressive coalition (EPEK) and Premier Sophocles Venizelos' Liberals are emerging.
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 30 3 WINNIPEG. Wed.— lndia's main agricultural problem was to obtain a bigger yield from the soil, a six-man agricultural mission of Indian government officials said In Winnippe \<-sterday.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 I COMING SOON TO THE < f; ss i capitol Jlfc, liTx COUM4OU MCTUtES pc.»~i Ct) —The ittrmr tk...Hm muj lnti of A I Valentino i "VALENTINO TANGO' X\ Cumprliuoa Sunria>. Sept. Ib AkVI S GREAT WORLD CABARET W o.j-nr^/. Silver Cups to Winner and I H tx'joeij-i Runners-up and
      114 words
    • 225 3 L*. GOBLIN -A sl«^4irtf in Utmost value for money, with first-rate quality and efficiency, the new GOBLIN Electric Washing Machine represents a bold challenge to today's prices. A really fine engineering job, with all the reliability for which GOBLINS are famed. Does the full family wash. incJudini; blankets and other
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  • 80 4 FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN EXHIBITION, U.E. Building, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Y.W.C.A.. Raffles Quay, enw sewing class. 10 a.m. Y.M.C.A., Orchard Road, French class, 5 30 p.m.; gymnastics class 6 p.m.: table-tennis, 7 p.m. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE. Stamford Road. Home Nursing class. 5 D.m BRITISH RED CROSS
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  • 154 4 PLANS TO STOP FLOOD AND WIDEN ROADS $6 million on these jobs SINGAPORE Municipal Commissioners are proposing to spend more than $6,000,000 on special services such as sewerage extension, flood alleviation, road widening, reconstruction of bridges and building pedestrian refugees and bus shelters. Of this sum, nearly
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  • 115 4 IPOH. Wed. jyjORE than 50 dance hostesses will compete for the title of JubUee Cabaret Queen and a diamond bracelet during a competition starting on Oct. 1 for a fortnight. The competition is held to mark the sixteenth anniversary of the cabaret. Judging will be on
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  • 58 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed The Batu Pahat District will begin Dreparations on Sept. 2u for the new season's pad> planting. Drains, water courses and "batas" will De put in order at Assam Bubok Olak Batu. in the muklm 0/ Tanjontt Sembrong. Transplanting will begin on
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  • 42 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. Kok Siong was bound over in $150 for 12 months in the Sessions Court for possession of nine tubes of chandu and a quantity of chandu dross in his room at Hock Lam Estate. Oeylang Patak.
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  • 28 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed.— for driving negligently and colliding with a stationary car. Hong Kit Lin. a lorrv driver of Singapore. was fined $25. His licence was endorsed.
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  • 36 4 KIRK BY COLLEGE HEAD MR. ROBERT WILLIAMS, Principal of Kirkby Training College for Federation teachers, who has arrived here for talks with Federation education authorities on the curriculum to be introduced at Kirkby Straits Times picture
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  • 247 4 lI AKI RAY A HAJI dawned wet and dismal in Singapore yesterday. It was almost noon before the sun made an appearance to be hidden by dark clouds and more rain later in the day. Many Muslims braved the rain to pray at
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  • 249 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. MISS Shanti Ryan "the girl with the gift of tongues" leaves Kuala Lumpur tomorrow for a year's study at the Institute of Social Studies in Washington. "This is my big opportunity", said Miss Ryan today. '•The rest is up to me." Miss
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  • 51 4 More than 200 civilian medical and hospital workers in the Army will form a "medical group" on Saturday. They are already members of the Army Civil Service Union but feel that such a iroup wculd enable them to nresent their cases fully to h* nnrent
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  • 42 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Tenders for Federation of Malaya Government treasury bills for $14,300,000 were accepted by the AccountantGeneral. Tenders at the rate of 3/4 per cent a year were allotted in full. The bills will be issued on Sept. 15.
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  • 233 4 i m™ KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. A new resettlement area to house Malays and Indians, with cattle, is to be opened ud shortly in the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur The area, to be known as Kairoong Pandan settlement, consists of some acres of old tin workings
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  • 89 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. STOCKS 01 an ti- malarial drugs in Malaya are satisfactory. It was stated at a recent meetWß of the Malaria Advisory Board Mr J F B Edeson Malaria Research Officer. Institute of Medical Research. TamDin. told the meeting about the liver forms of parasites
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  • 32 4 BUTTERWORTH. Wed. Employees of the Central Province Wellesley Bus Company gave a farewell dinner to Mr. Chua Ban Aun. their manager, who has resigned to go into business.
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  • 189 4 198 NEW FLATS FOR STORE iy iTH tne construction of eight more thieestoreyed blocks of workmen's flats, at a cost of $1,491,000, in Owen Road next year, the S.l.T.'s new housing estate In Kampong Java will begin to take shape. The contractor will start work on these flats officially on
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  • 28 4 More than 10,000 Malayalees in Singapore celebrated Onam, their harvest festival —yesterday. The Kerala Samajam. their social organisation held a meeting at the Rangoon Road School.
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  • 46 4 Dr H. F. Shields, a Hong Kong dentist who has been advocating the formation of "penetration squads" in Singapore, will be flying back to Hong Kong tomorrow Dr. Shields has just comDleted a three and a half-month-business-cum-pleasure trip round the world.
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  • 42 4 Singapore's Film Censor, Mr. Jack Evans, returned to the Colony by air yesterday after discussions with the Hong Kong Government on various common problems. Mr. Evans said one of th» subjects discussed wis Chinese Communist films
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  • 26 4 PARIT BUNTAR Wed. Arulandu, aged 40. claimed trial to a charge of theft of a bicycle. The case was Dost poned to Sept. 24
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  • 92 4 /COMMEMORATION DAY marking the sixth anniversary of the Japanese surrender to the British Forces in Singapore passed off yesterday without the ceremony of previous years. Thanksgiving services and the opening of the Municipality where Lord Louis Mountbatten received the Instrument of surrender— to the public were dispensed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 112 4 nUI "ty/| IN THIi CLIMATE YOU NEED A RELIABLE DEODORANT I Kit trnjuifiei to: L D Seymour Co., Inc., 31 Mcdcuo* Buildings S'pore. BROOKLAX BANISHES CONSTIPATION OVERNIGHT! Children I and adults I lave in delicious lane I Use long-life Blue Gillette Jso± blades -^®fflJßr y\ Buy Blue Gillette blades and
      112 words
    • 199 4 air cert, on Takes a FIRST IN COMFORT with SLUMBER-LOUNGE C\ _VX5^) I/a —The world's most Vl/WnHT**fc modern contribution /V} t0 Aircraft Sleeper DRAWINC-ROOM COMFORT MEANS MORE SPACE FER PASSENCER. v\~f»w \r\\yir~~ specially desicned trats. U\ V\\\ UTENSILS AND FITI.KCS V¥W?9fV9T l Vr^'"3^fc£ afford dining-ro~m iasi J^y^^JbmM&Z* AND COMFORT. /^%^<^^3V^^
      199 words

  • 112 5 Blackout areas DAY. Armenian M. D.C., Tan Chyc PUrr Fort Canning. Sean St./ Waterloo St., SI. Andrews High si. sumford Rd\. Albert St., New Ie« Works, Firestone, Mackenzie Rd., Bukit Timah Pumps, Balestier Rd., Jalan Ampas, 8.M.8.C. Mt Ritchie, Braddell Rite, Seletar Tump*. See Soon, Seletar Wireless, Mrntal Hospital, Trafalgar
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  • 379 5 But new law on aliens 'must not discriminate MR. T. W. Ong, president of the Straits Chinese British Association, and a captain in the Singapore Volunteer Corps, said yesterday "We don't want the Japs back". But some b-isinessmen said Japanese merchants should be allowed Into Singapore
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  • 163 5 'WIN CASE, WE WILL PAY' PLAN EGAL aid for Singapore Municipal employees against whom action has been taken by the Commissioners should be paid only in cases where the employee Is acquitted after trial, the Finance Committee has recommended. A move li also being made to empower the Commissioners not
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  • 63 5 SEREMBAN. Wed. HARON bin Sohot. a rubber tapper of Kampon? Gebok. Mantin. was given the benefit of doubt by the Seremban Magistrate and acquitted of failing to appear for medical examination as required by Director of Manoo-.ver. Haron had told the Court. he was examined by a
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  • 31 5 The Malay Society of Great Britain is to hold a buffet supper and dance tomorrow to overseas Malayan students studying in Great Britain In honour of Hari Raya Hajl.
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  • 67 5 A British professor from /apan will give an address on "Why I Believe in Buddaism" in Singapore at the Maha Bodhi School Lorone 34, Geylang, at 4 pjn. on Sunday. He is Mr. Jack Brinkley Professor of English at the four Tokyo universities Waheda, Taisho. Komazawa
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  • 38 5 MUAR, Wed.— Tee Ah Toh, a provisional driving licence holder, was fined a total of $175 at Muar for dangerous driving, failing to have a competent driver with him and failing to display "L" plates
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  • 104 5 ATEST Singapore property owner to go into the luxury flat business is Miss Kitty Meyer. She now owns the Meyer Flats, near the Sea View Hotel, which are being re-built and will be ready for occupation in December. Workmen are now at work on the
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  • 125 5 He posed as detective court told KOALA LUMPUR Wed. RAJENDRAM wau charged in the First Magfstrate's Court today with impersonating a detective and unlawfully detaining Low Hock Lye. of Ipoh. Low said he was accosted by Rajendram. in Kuala Lumpur on July 19. Rajendram. he said, told him he was
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  • 38 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Sultan of Selangor gave a farewell dinner last night to Sir Stafford Foster Sutton. Chief Justice of the Federation, who is going to West Africa a3 President of the Court of Appeal.
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  • 26 5 MUAR, Wed. Urn Kan Swee was fined $10 at Muar for breaking the curfew. Lau Kang, was cautioned and discharged for the same offence.
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  • 28 5 SEREMBAN, Wed.— A State exhibition of handicraft bv Need Sembilan Malay school boys and eirls will be held at Kuala Pitota hi -:*v School on O--;
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  • 72 5 DEBATE on whether sex education should be taught in Singapore schools will be held by the Kiwi Members' League at the British Council Hall, Stamford Road, at 2 pjn. on Saturday. Speakers for the motion will be Messrs. Lye Chen Fan and Wee Khian m Siong. Messrs.
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  • 28 5 SIR RALPH HONE, Gotwi. or of Nwth Borneo, laying the foundation stone of the first Mock *f permanent shophouses in Jesselton on Monday morning.
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  • 36 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Two police were slightly wounded in a bandit attack on escort vehicles of a food convov in the Kuantan area of Pahang this morning. The escort drove the bandits off.
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  • 31 5 GEMAS. Wed.— Goh Seng Pak appeared before the Tampin Magistrate on a charge of riding a motor cycle in a negligent manner. The case was postponed to October. 12.
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  • 150 5 5 KINDS OF FOOD AT FAIR PENANG. Wed. Swiss, Dutch, Chinese and Muslim food will be sold at the International Fun Fair on Sept. 22 at the Penan* Rubber Trade Association. Anson Road. The Fair, which Is under the patronage of Mrs. Malcolm MacDonald. Mrs. A. V. Aston, and the
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  • 30 5 KUANTAN. Wed— Mustaffa bin Ahmad, who unlawfully occupied three pieces of State land and tapped the rubber on them without permission, was fined $10 at Kuan tan.
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  • 33 5 TAIPING. Wed. Tak Din Kahid a special constable, was charged with deserting from his post at Subur Estate. Batu Kurau. The cas? was postponed to Monday Tak was allowed $200 balL
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  • 222 5 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. MR. D. H. Urquhart, in his report on experiments T1 in Malaya prepared for Cadbury Brothers, sees i good future for cocoa growing there. 1 i Cadbury Brothers are partners with Hanisons and Crosfield in Malayan Cocoa Mr. Urquhart
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 249 5 1..i-l 3 Shows: 3. Ml 915 p.m. ?flth Century FM IbriMinc! Spectacle! Western Drama r.rcfoi-T Perk In "THE CUNFICHTER' TO-MORROW Warner Rro'a VKRDHT' REX JB'WE BAHRD Nov Shnviri at 1 1.00 1.30 4.15— 6 45 4 9 J» p m. TKM.HinUP/VN 1 (Matay) AlUntic Great W«rU Naw Showing at 7.04
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    • 272 5 Your baby needs Glaxo to grow healthy Pui your baby chi <^^^Vv r y^ir, Quo tnd you wiU fin *^^^H|^/ teething time easier and happier for both of you. Foi Glaxo is carefully balanced baby food, with vitamin D and iron added, and helps build strong teeth and bones and
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  • 70 6 MRS. Susan Anne Hogan and family wish to thank all relatives and friends who »ent wreaths and attended the funeral of her dearly beloved husband Leopold Clarence. THE FAMILY of the late Mr. Lee Beng Slew of Kamuntlng thank all friend* and relatives who sent scrolls, wreaths, lent cars
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  • 982 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs. Sept. 13, 1951 The Child Of Six At the week-end Sir Henry Gurney made his first public comment on Chinese and Indian opposition to the Barnes Plan. Speaking at the graduation ceremony of the Technical College on Saturday, Sir Henry said that with some adjustments
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  • 75 6 DARWIN, Wed. "PHE wrecked New Zealand troopship Wahine (4,430 tons), aground on the Maselle Island reef, 260 miles north of Darwin, Is a total loss, salvage experts reported yesterday. The Wahine, carrying 575 troops for Korea and a crew of 80, hit the reef two
    Reuter-AAP  -  75 words
  • 43 6 TOKYO, Wed.— The Japanese Government has decided to send a mission to Formosa shortly to Introduce the Japanese fishing technique. The mission will leave around September 20 and .stay in -Formosa for about a fortnight.— A. F. P.
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  • 520 6  -  GRAHAM JENKINS By SAIGON. THE Communist-led Vietminh, IndoChina's nationalist resistance forces who set up the so-called Vietminh Democratic People's Republic in the French Union State of Vietnam, are becoming the most zealous of Moscow's satellites. French and American experts in Saigon, analysing
    Reuter-AAP  -  520 words
  • 558 6  -  Hal Boyle -By- NEW YORK: THE campaign in Korea in still the strangest in the history of American arms. For two months now more words than bullets have been fired in anger back and forth across that weary peninsula. Instead of trying to call each
    AP  -  558 words
  • man-in-the-street
    • 330 6 •pRIEND of Malaya's" letter on "Malaya, Britain and freedom" was about the sanest piece of political writing I have come across in your correspondence columns since the British returned six years ago. I He m»y be interested to hear that there are quite a
      330 words
    • 315 6 'PICKLED OLD SLANDERS' ON MR. NEHRU "JNDIAN View" has* returned to the attack with the old, pickled slanders against tfie I.N.A and Indian leaders. With his statement about the failure of Indian leaders to "get an army on the Imphal front.' 1 "Indian View' 1 would have one believe that
      315 words
    • 127 6 AS the owner driver of an Austin Ten I often find it impossible to secure parking space when shopping In Raffles Place, Singapore. There Is apparently an easy method of overcoming this difficulty, which is to sport a crown, initial letters, three stars or a
      127 words
    • 77 6 "INTELLIGENCE officers (in 1 Korea) said they had referred to the troops as 'Caucasian' to describe them as non -Asian or European a generally adopted designation in the United States," says a recent news report. May I suggest that In future you refer to the inhabitants of
      77 words
    • 30 6 DONT you think fireworks should be let off on City Day 7 I think it would be an excellent thing to Illuminate the night a bit. ADDY. Singapore.
      30 words
  • 440 6 Alors Ami Hai ohREADERS Of Mi. R. J. Farrers stories of Kelantan must have noticed the unfamiliar terms used for certain features of the landscape in the great padi plain. I have been learning more about those terms from an article entitled "The Kelantan Delta" by Professor
    440 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 773 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. SITI ATIONS VACANT WANTED: Salesgirls for Sewlr,' afaehlM Shop. Apply Box Md A7.;24. S.T. WANTED Junior Stenographer. Apply The Public Insurance Co.. n.ibin.<-on Road VACANCIES arise for Chinese M.:le and*Frmale Clerk/Typists < Joan Tooke's Agency. I Blr"fr. WANTED by leading British I young man to learn account!. School
      773 words
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      51 words

  • 309 7 MASS 'KNEW DEATH WAS COMING' ATRIP to the 81 mile, Bedok Road, revived memories of the escape by Mr. Chang Cheng Yean, who took the party to the slopes of a small hill which has numerous Chinese and Malay graves. Walk ng through neglected Bravo- and lallang growth. Mr. Chang
    309 words
  • 58 7 gHOITS of "fire, fire" Mured hundreds of people yesterday in congested Bali Lane in the Rchore area. Singapore. People came running out of their houses. Two fire ens-nes arrived. The fire" turned out to be vi me joss paper which had. been vet ablaze
    58 words
  • 119 7 DR. F. C. Benham's report on the national income and production of Malaya will be published on Monday. Dr. Benharn is Economic Adviser to the CommissionerGeneral. The survey combines the Federation and Singapore, and gives a detailed picture of production and earnings in everv field of trade
    119 words
  • 15 7 MTJAR. Wed. Found drunk and Incapable, M. Kri.shnasamy was fined $10 at Muar.
    15 words
  • 310 7 Victims of Jap firing parties THE mass burial-places of more than 1,300 soldiers and civilians massacred by Japanese troops nine years ago were located yesterday in Siglap and Bedok areas by a Chinese volunteer and a' school principal. They were Mr. Chang Cheng Yean, former member
    310 words
  • 284 7 RECALLING the days following the fall of Singapore, Mr. Lai told the Straits Times that he was in the fourth and last batch of the massacre parties taken for their last journey to Siglap on Feb. 22. 1942. "I am still marvelling at how I could have
    284 words
  • 23 7 JUDY receives a isekt of llow?rs fr.tni a Mi'>' hoy. shariff bin Masdirt Mai a. Straits Times pleteß.
    23 words
  • 271 7 GIRL FROM LONDON LIKES IT SO MUCH By Our Woman Correspondent T*HE feeling: was mutual. Judy Breen liked A Singapore and Singapore liked Judy. No flashy glamour girl this 19-year-old Festival of Britain Queen from London. She's a sweet unspoilt girl. It was a busy
    271 words
  • 129 7 This is the city with a difference PSTIVAL of Britain Queen Judy Bre«n went on the stage of the Cathay Cinema, last night flanked by 22 of Singapore's most beautiful girls. And the crowd cheered. She wore a mushroom pink model gown with a billowing skirt. Judy said that all
    129 words
  • 190 7 DELAY COSTS COMMISSION MORE MONEY pOR three years Singapore Municipal Commis- sioners hsve been waiting for the Government to hand over officially the esplanade at Cannaught Drive, so that they can start a $450,000 development scheme. The plan is to make this part of the waterfront a beauty spot worthy
    190 words
  • 150 7 NEW RIFLE NOT FOR MALA YA rE new ultra-rapid-firing. .280 British automaticrifle, which recently had its trials before British small arms experts, Is not likely to he issued to troop s in Malaya in the immediate future. A GHQ FARELF spokesman said this yesterday when told that the Straits Times
    150 words
  • 135 7 Federation Government has been asked by two representative organisations of tin miners In Malaya, to consider Inviting the American Government to send aualified men to Malaya, to learn at first hand, the true facts regarding the production and marketing of tin. In
    135 words
  • 91 7 DECAUSE of two large loans D floated by the Singapore Municipality and the Federation Government, Progressive Party Councillor Mr. N. A. Mallal Is not intending to seek permission for the second reading of the Government's $50,000,000 premium loan bonds at present. "If I succeed in getting
    91 words
  • 81 7 TENDERS from would-be hirers of the Pavilion Cinema, in Orchard Road, were opened yesterday but no decision as to the theatre's future has yet been made. About ten days ago, the owners of the theatre advertised for tenders from persons willing to operate the theatre, and enquiries
    81 words
  • 25 7 MUAR, Wed.— A special constable, Ismail bin Wan Chlk, who absented himself from duty was fined $50 or one month's Imprisonment at Muar.
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  • 195 7 KJohn Ambulance Brigade must have more jmen volunteers before any expansion can be thought of, Mrs. P. M. Gerrity, Brigade Adviser, said yesterday. Mrs. Gerrity was asked whether 'penetration squads' as advocated by a Hong Kong dentist, Dr. H. P. Shields were possible in Singapore.
    195 words
  • 88 7 Singapore prefers new books •THERE is practically no demand for secondhand books in Singapore and] many dealers haw changed to selling new books. With new cases filled with j new books, some of the book shops in Bras Basah Road I today appear quite modern and attractive. A Bras Basah
    88 words
  • 32 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Koh Toh Yap. a Kluang photographer charged with attempting to smuggle seven wrist watches, was allowed bail in $4000 ponding trial on Oct. 1.
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  • 41 7 MR. BERNARD WICKSTEED, of the London Daily Express, who flew into Singapore last nigrht. He is here to report the war In Malaya "about which, people in Britain know very little," he said. Straits Times picture.
    41 words
  • 76 7 JNDIANS in Malaya will not be allowed to vote during the general election In India. Mr. M. Gopala Menon. India's representative in Malaya. said yesterday. He said that the only overseas Indians to vote would be members of the Forces and certain Government officials "Thts is
    76 words
  • 35 7 KUANTAN, Wed— Chaim Heng Lean, who failed to register two Malay women in his hotel was fined $25 at Kuantan. He said he had a new assistant who did not know his work.
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  • 25 7 MUAR. Wed.— For selling Ice-cream without a licence at Pagoh. Lau Kim Ho and Ler Keng Suan were fined $20 each at Muar.
    25 words
  • 229 7 Bill to tighten finance law IPART from tightening control over bearer and other forms of securities, there are no new restrictions in the proposed Exchange Control Ordinance, 1951, than there are in tho Finance Regulations Ordinance, 1950, an official of the Singapore Foreign Exchange Control said yesterday. The Exchange Control
    229 words
  • 34 7 PARIT BUNTAR. Wed. Simon. Muniandv son of Supoiah. Pakri and Muniandy. son of Katan. were charge at Bagan Serai with behaving in a disorderly manner by fightinE and were fined $5 earn
    34 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 171 7 Vcur baby will J \-S^~^^^^ love the taste of _^r \(\y Allenburys Mailed >r\*~* yt^~ T XIV Riisiu. They <vlll 'J^^ i^^£ I help his teeth t):r< rgh and en- ■hjr^>«J«^"j* c-mrage liim to I%l^l' ~*^^^^^E^Vm r\A ehov; alibouph l> lfci__* w; **m¥ ~^_^tß quickly and pre- lßttli2?^''Blß^B^^4 Iro m
      171 words
    • 115 7 I ii ijP murphy \J*r radio radios VALVES AVAILABLE FROM S. P. SHOT AM CO., LTD. SINGAPORE I '>vmwiii M .ij»iU' > 0 I I' ».<Ui> Ojn C? i nit cl BISCUITS FOR THE CONNOISSEUR HONEY BAKE 1.35 per tin CINCER NUTS 1.55 WHEATEN (UNSWEETENED) 1.90 WATER BISCUIT 1.90 DIGESTIVE
      115 words

  • 60 8 DOVER, England, Wed. FLORENCE Chadwick swam 1 the English Channel from England to France yesterday the first woman ever to do so. The slim 32-year-old San Diego, California, typist thus became the first woman in history to swim (he Channel both ways. She had crossed
    AP  -  60 words
  • 193 8 No one did the 'double' this year LONDON, Wed. PR the first time since the war an English first class cricket season has been completed without any player accomplishing the "double" of 1.000 runs and 100 wickets. The three nearest to achieving the feat were Vic Jackson oi Leicester with
    193 words
  • 483 8 England have the new blood By JIM CHAMBERS LONDON, Wednesday. EWGLISH cricket at the end of the 1951 season Is J in good shape. Not so much because the national eleven whipped the South Africans 3—l in the Test series, but because England have seen
    AP  -  483 words
  • 166 8 BATTING (Qualification 27 completed innings, av. 41) Inns. NO. Runs Highest Average Ins. Peter May. Cambridge University and Surrey 43 9 2339 178 no. 68.79 Denis Compton, Middlesex 40 8 2193 172 64.50 Fred Jakemim, Northante 41 6 1989 258 no. 56.82. .Tack Robertson. Middlesex 58 4 2917
    166 words
  • 118 8 A MAGNIFICENT game played byRASC left-wing thr?e-quar-te r 22-year-old Byrne, who scored four spectacular tries enabled his side to score a convincing victory over RE. ME. by 25 points (five tries and two goals) to nil in the first Inter-Corps Rugby match of the season played
    118 words
  • 71 8 PENANO, Wed— Penang XI to meet Malayan Indians in the University Fund soccer match on Saturday on Westlands School ground is as follows: Tan Swee Hock. Tan Swee Beng, R. McGregor, Pang Siang Hock, N. Reutens, Chuah Poll Aun, Chuah Poll Beng, Pang Siang Teik,
    71 words
  • 45 8 The annual Singapore Railway Institute athletic sports will be held on the Railway Institute ground at 2.30 p.m. on Sunday. Sept. 16. The programme of 18 event* Includes a number of races for I associate members and children of members of the Institute.
    45 words
  • 164 8 LONDON, Wednesday. r[)M Pearce's XI rounded up the English cricket season at Scarborough yesterday with a thrilling *in by nine runs over the South Africans. The South Africans made a gallant fight after osing half their wickets for 93, including three in one over
    164 words
  • 304 8 RSGC title meet, the draw times npHE following are the draw and starting times for the Qualifying Rounds the RSGC Championship to be played on Saturday and Sunday: SATURDAY First Qualifying Round (first nine) 2.15, E. Anderton D. S. Lucas; 2.20. M. D. Gordon J Y. Ferguson; 2.25, R. J.
    304 words
  • 113 8 Pearee's XI Ist innln;s— lol South Africans Ist innine*— 9s Pearee's XI 2nd innings 248 South Africans 2nd Innings E. Rowan c Bailey b Walsh 36 McClew c Evans b Bailey 9 Van Ryneveld c Evans b Pritchard 6 1 Fullerton c Evans b Bedser 2" Endcan lbw Bedser
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 65 8 LONDON, Wed. YESTERDAY'S English Football League matches resulted as follows: FIRST DIVISION Aston Villa 1 Hnddersfleld 0 Blackpool Preston N.E. 3 Tottenham 1 Burplrv 1 SECOND DIVISION Sheffield IT. 1 Bury 0 DIV. S (SOUTHERN). Port Vale 2 Bournemouth 2 DIV. 3 (NORTHERN) Chesterfield 0 Stockport C.
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 28 8 A special general meeting of the Achilles Club will be held at the King George's Hall. St. Josephs Institution* on Monday. Sept. 17 at 5.30 p.m
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  • 26 8 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Women's Hockey Association will be held at the Singapore Cricket Club on Friday at 5.19 p.m. tomorrow.
    26 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 229 8 of /0 P* C* WJ V/ u I Pnf^vliyi <2 Sturdy limbs, firm flesh, sound n bones the happiness of abound- U ing health these are some of the Q pilts bestowed by this famous food. K J> 1 i»r there is everything your baby S f-\ needs in a
      229 words
    • 157 8 5 WOOLLEN BLANKETS c w I SKY-ROSEPEACH-APRICOT WITH 3 BOUND SATIN RIBBON HEM 60"x80" 3 lbs. $60.50 70 M x9o" 4|lbs. $84.50 90" x 100" 61bs. $118.00 X little's, i SINGAPORE. ,{f>^n^^^>] DON'T TAKE I PTuan^B*mSXfl I quink f m I /</'*' o A 1 P»« points i Immersed U%
      157 words

  • 482 9 ESTHER CHAN'S Asian Cooking in Singapore boiled or steamed noodles are more eommon, crisp fried noodles are a Chinese dish that is always very populas This is how it Is made. Fried cri.p noodltl 1 lb. Noodles i lb pork I lb prawns
    482 words
  • 153 9  -  Magda Dunin by J LIKE, trust and respect my amah too much to suspect her of impertinence. I prefer to take some of her remarks as examples of unconscious humour or merely as ingenuous expression of simple truths. Amah, for instance, has no patience with
    153 words
  • 92 9 A HOLIDAY three-som« it this week's choice, a halter top, a circular skirt and a tiny pair of 'skirt' shorts. For gay daytimes, the halter too and skirt combine to make a cool sun dress, pretty enough for outdoor lunching. The shorts-cum-skirt team with the halter
    92 words
  • 148 9 MY son is very pleased with life this morning, as according to custom, the fairies have brought him twenty cents In exchange for the tooth which he pulled out last night. My daughter, who is three years younger, and therefore not yet of an age to
    148 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 203 9 jf From when I j your baby 2J^ weighs 15 lbs until all y^ 20 milk teeth^O^ are through A* «v>n as your haby weighs 15 lbs., start giving Farex regularly every day. Your baby needs Farex until all 20 milk teeth are through. Farex is the nourishing food every
      203 words
    • 258 9 "Zjgk HO FINER Mm^A i TOOTH PASTE 7O ipi A USTtRINt Tooth Paste helps stop tooth dtcay i Important waysv I. listerine Tooth Paste actually helps remove destructive bacteria, ft. It attacki dull film which holds bacteria against tooth surfaces. 3. It even helps to remove mouth acids! Hurry now
      258 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 360 9 Straits Times Crossword 28. Graphic reproductions cm, .....■■■.■ill DOWN. 1T" a"~S"H4 S 7 8 1. Childlike princess (7). wro mnk w*» 2. Body of constable! (5) Hi H 3. Victorian recruit* received SS»- SS*. l!---.^ a^ as* tne Queen S ald l8)> 4. Eleotro-chemiral product iH present in the rations
      360 words

  • 302 10 LONDON, Wed. T'JDAY in the London Stock Exchange brought a reversal of some recent trends. Ovnseas issues moved lover on pront-taking on recent rises and quiet firmness became fairly widespread* in domestic stocks with textiles, engineerings and electrical issues in steady demand. Clewa middle prices at selected stock*,
    302 words
  • 154 10 Trmm Oar Ow« Cmunifctl MELBOURNX. Wed. SHARP, prices tiimhkut again od the Melbourne market today though a firmer tendency was evident towards the close, with a revival of cautious buying. Some shares rallied after the tieavy price drops of recent days, investors being attracted by the best
    154 words
  • 293 10 Rubber exports to China, once a flood, now a trickle LONDON, Wednesday. DUBBER exports tQ Communist China earlier this year amounted to eight times last year's comparative exports, but now they have been reduced to a trickle. In the first six months of 1951 China bought 67,800 tons of rubber;
    293 words
  • 39 10 LONDON Sept. 12— Spot 48d now.. Oct. 47\d, Nov. 454d.. Dec 45 Sd OcC-Dec. 4141. Jan-Mar. 43 '-..d.. Apr.- June 40*; d.. Sept cj.f. 45"»d. nowu, Sept.-Oct. e.i.f. 45< d. nom Oct. -Nov. 44\d nom. Market: DuU.
    39 words
  • 343 10 Jap rubber industry revives A SURVEY issued by the Industrial Bank of Japan indicates the extent of the Japanese rubber industry's recovery since the war. In Janaary, IMS. the Japanese lufcfcu fcMhsstry bad a total annual uuhsmllh > llj capable of preceding C3.OM metric tons of crude IBWIU. By August
    343 words
  • 38 10 SINGAPORE, Wed.. Sept. 12 (444J7-: cd«wn $12.37 Uwitui £925 a tw> LONDON. Wed. Cash Buyers £925. Sellers £935; Forward Buyers £M24 Sellers £885; Settlement £935 (down £20). Turnover: a.m. 75, p.m. 40 tons.
    38 words
  • 50 10 I£UALA Lumpur Tin in August treated 116,077 cubic yards In 607 hours to produce 350 piculs of tin-ore. rpONGKAH Compound No. 2 last month worked 457 boors, treated 52.023 cubic yards and produced 578 piculs of tin-ore. rilTAlf Tin ni August produced 11 75 piculs of tin-ore.
    50 words
  • 21 10 INSTATE rubber crops are an. nounced as follows, m lb.: July Aug. Kempaa 374.000 259.4W Radetie Est. 15.300 IS.JW
    21 words
  • 34 10 HONG KONG. Wed. JTREE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quoted at the dose today as follows- US$l HK8.67. (cash), HK*6.7l (T.T.): £1 HKJIS.T7; owe tahil of gold HK33l'i.— UP.
    UP  -  34 words
  • 111 10 CHIPS in tbe Singapore Roads and alongside tbe Singapore Harbour Board godowns at 4 p.m yesterday were:— Outer Road*: Hai Hsuan, Waibalong. Manngbama. Hoi Wong, Hong Slang. La Colorado. Querimba, Ansnun. POo Ming. Chang Hwa, Doctur Levant. Inchmull, Hiram. Stanrae Melfoo, Id's, Chong Yah. Van dn Beaeh
    111 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1059 10 MANSFIELD CO-, LTD. ■l-oro tatrd <n S n«*oore| BLUE FUMPTBL LINK oprtoo to proceed »r« olaat »art» fa lei* *"*_*T**"J?T SAILINCS t. LIVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON CONTINfJtTAI POBTS Oue Sa.»» P STwwi Panant r o Lcnaon 1 vi > w. 1 vi. C 24/25 SO* *W». 20/23 r '"^ool°'& cSo-T'. .C.
      1,059 words
    • 301 10 BJBJBJI WEST COAST MALA T A Vessel for Muar Weekly Vmm- tot Malacca TWea Wceklv Vend tor Port Oickson WecfcU Tung Sea* tot Malacca P Oickson. P Swc'tenham Sept. 26 Set. imping tor Penang. T Arnon Sept. 14 for Penang Sept. 14 (AST COAST MALAYA Rcuai for Kuantan Sept
      301 words
    • 429 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS r» New York oarf Boston via Ccyloa. laoUa Er»»t aaid Sincaoorr- Swettonnao) Ponang t.s. -PRESIDENT BUCHANAN' 13/ 21/22Sopt 23/25 Sept ii "fMSIOCNT HARDINC- 24/ 30 Sea*. O-Wt. 1/3 Oct. ii SCMUVLER OTIS BLANO" 2/10Oct. 11/12Oet 29 Sopt /I Oct To Los Antdes Atlantic Ports via Panama Singapore
      429 words
    • 413 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE tAILIMCS ctOM SCANDINAVIA/U K /CONTININT I S'nnt* P S"h»m Penang Pitjgoni* frv Bangkok H Kong Manila. Kobe Yokohama 18-21 Seat. 15-17 S«»t. K. Port "Nordhval" for Bangkok 20-22 So**. 17-I« Sea*. "Selamrla- for Saigon 5 Banfkok 18-1* Oct. IS-17Oct. 12-MOct. "Paaaaw" for Banajiok Hone? Kong. Kobe Yokohama
      413 words
    • 773 10 McALISTER < felephont ELLERMAN o. BUCKNALL LONDON HAVRt, ROTTERDAM HAMMRC and for UiA. North Atlantic Ports and Canada via Colombo nt.s. CITY OF KHARTOUM Spore P. S'ham Penan*. In Pert/ H Sept m.s CITY O» POOMA S'pore P. S'ham Penani IS/20 Oct 21/23 Oct 2-./2«Oet Z S'haai: HarrtteoM 6 Oeettald
      773 words
    • 212 10 tSt CO.. LTD. Ne S9O« KLAVENESS LINE LOS ANCELfS. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND SEATTLE VANCOUVJR Accaotnc cargo tor Central South American Ports ms. FRANCISVILLI S'pore P. S'ham Penanf S Oct 6 Oct. m.i CASTLEVILLI S'pore P. S'ham Penanf 30 Oct./4 No*. S No*. 6 New. Penang: McAlttters Co.. Lt* P
      212 words

  • 1929 11 SINGAPORE RUGGER PROSPECTS...! R.A.F. TEAMS EXPECT TO HAVE GOOD SEASON the keenest of Singapore's rugger teams this season is the Royal Army Service Corps who won the Fraser and Neave Cap and the "sevens" last year for the second year in succession. They have
    1,929 words
  • 53 11 Singapore's victorious Cup soccer team will play Kegrl Sembilan on Sunday, Sept. 23, at Jalan Besar Stadium. The game is a feature in the City D-iy tporu programme. Medals will be given to the players referee and linesmen. Negrl drew three-all with Singapore when they met in
    53 words
  • 84 11 > Esani Elephant looked surprise) t BUt'i so»rsUon. "Don't be silly," he said. "I can walk more quickly than you." "Oh I Yes, said Mat. "I know, bat I wasn't thinking of walking. I 1 was going to «se magic." "MAGIC!" chorused the others. "What
    84 words
  • 401 11 jyjORE than 70 swimmers will vie for honours in the Tiger Swimming Club's third post-war "Swimmers Day" at the Club pool at 3p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 22. For the first time since the inception of "Swimmers Day," the officials have decided to stage this year's men's
    401 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 277 11 I THE MIGHTIESrTI MOST MAGNIFICENT SCREEN I I SI'KCTACLE EVER MADE!... y" I DAILY 5 TIMES: 11 am.. 1.45. 4.M. 6.30 4c 9.36 p.m. HKO Radio's MASTERPIECE OF THRILLS! Fabulous Fabiola" Savage Combat with £&j£^ Jsssfltl dfe -^agggggaJgfcCSVay^Ml >■ sYV^gsV^x jj&^mM )^gMggg&^^* fW !l *j I§J SATURDAY 1 1 INDIAN
      277 words
    • 176 11 LAUGHS GALORt! thrill to D* Carlo's fxofic VEIL DANCE! Fm Hlimiiioi A |H^ Jill YVONNE DeCiRlO |bdf PEIER USIINOV fW% I MVIO IONIINSON j\l C TODAY DAILY/ J 11 a.m.-1.45-4J5-6.45 it, 9.30 pm TEL. S4OO AIR-CONf>iTioTrD FLAMING ACTION AND A RED-HAIRED BEAUTY SETTING THE WEST AFIRE! J Red- Hot ROMAICS
      176 words

  • 1966 12  -  EPSOM JEEP By Uninsured 9 s -bid was too late; Miss Coy pays $1 00 MAKING his run at the top of the straight, lightly-weighted Best Bet (Mawi) swept past his rivals in spectacular style to win the Class 1, Div. 1 6 f.
    1,966 words
  • 997 12 Gold Cup paradc.7 NOT since Grand Prix's year (1941) have we come up against a more open "classic" than this year's Singapore Gold Cup. There will be many each way bets in the race in the hope that a good-priced horse will crop up and
    997 words
  • 369 12 M.C.F.A 3; South China 2 WITH the score s at two-all ten minutes after the Interval Malayan Chinese turned on the heat in the closing stages and. with a 40th. minute goal, beat Soulh. China three-two at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday The game (ell Into
    369 words
  • 153 12 KUALA LUMPUR. W<d. pLAVINO their second rugger game of the season. 8elan«; >r United did well to hold stronc K.L. Services XV to a 14-all draw on the Bluff Road gr~u d ihia evening. Services scored a goal, a try and two penalty goal* to the
    153 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 789 12 SITUATIONS VACANT r»K Ml IRKS KH.AKUINO fLBLIL i in I \l\ IHII WMH I VACANCY available In Bangkok (Thailand) for stenographer-sec-rn.rv must be single with at Senior School Certificate ed.iratlon. preferably holder of British pavport. Free accommo,n provided to comfortable unrttrs passage paid Bangkok Good prospects for right Apply s'ating
      789 words
    • 829 12 VEHICLESS FOR SALE 1947 BUICK Saloon Black 30.6 H.P. 68,000 miles'. One owner, good condition; offers to Box No. A7526, S.T. 1938 FIAT orla Saloon 16h.p. In good running order. Closest offer $900/- secures. Phone ***** after 5 p.m. FIAT CONVERTIBLE, 3,700 miles only, new condition, $3,300 Owner buying larger
      829 words
    • 9 12 WATERPROOF (7amm&&/cA fk Smssllktck Specialists 16 COLLIER QUAY SINQAPORK
      9 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 52 12 S<>( (F.R: Jnr. uotir qnarlcrj Anal: 32 (oy RAMC t Chrcrffl IJtds at ROIM HO<KEY: Virloria SrhoolM ACS. al V.S.: S.C.R.C. Kl^| at .Stmbtwanf. SINGAPORE TIdJ TODAY: 1015 (8.3). 2115 ifl 0325 (1.5). 1546 15 ft). TOMORROW: 1048 <8 7>B (9.8i; 0416 (1 ft.i. 1825 (4j OTHER SPORT I PAGES
      52 words