The Straits Times, 12 September 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 1 ...Mlsi Judy Breen, Festival of Britain u en s *f p pinc out of the BO AC Cobs tfUlttw, at KaUan e airport, Slncapere, vwtcrdar S4r»U»Time« picture. THE FEBTIVAL QUEEN STEPS OUT
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  • 318 1 Radar check shows pilot mmde a mistake SO THE REDS GET AN APOLOGY TOKYO, Tuesday. ITNITED NATIONS headquarters admitted tonight that an American bomber strafed and bombed the truce conference city of Kacsong yesterday. And they expressed regret. The admission followed a series of rejections of
    Reuter; AP  -  318 words
  • 60 1 LONDON, Tues. SiOMMI'NIST generals Kim Vj II Sung (North Korean) and Peng Teh Haui (Chinese) told Gen. Ridg»i v that his suggestion for transferring the cease-fire talks from the Kaesong ■r- i was "unacceptable. The reply, in a letter to General Ridgway. was reported in London
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 179 1 Persia sends 'get out' ultimatum TEHERAN, Tues. BRITAIN'S economic quarantine of Persia strengthened an';-Mossadeq sentiment in TVheran today as the ailing Pivmier's "give in or get out" ultimatum was sent on a roundabout lourney to WhitekalL The ultimatum— threatenIn" to revoke the residence permits of the 300 Britons still in
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  • 32 1 SAN FRANCISCO. Tues The Japanese Premier. Mr. Shigeru Yoshida. will leave by air todav with his party for Tokyo. They are due to reach Tokyo on Thursday.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 92 1 USERS of Johore Causeway may be checked by Immigration authorities the prolonged discussions between the Federation and Singapore Governments on the application of immigration laws continue to produce no agreement. Every effort Is being made to find a compromise. Complete control of traffic would add
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  • 48 1 RANGOON. Tuei. A PLAN for the Joint work ing of Burma's oil Is expected to emerge soon* from talks between the Burma Government and the Burmah Oil Company Ltd. Sir Kenneth B. Harper. Chairman of the Company, will lead a delegation here this month.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 199 1 Judy, the Festival Queen, arrives BRITAIN'S Festival Queen 19-year-old Kensington typist, MJ*s jndy Breen, new into Singapore last nlrht from Sydney on the last lap of a 26.0*0 mile round-the-world tour. Dressed in a Plain white blouse and *reen flowered skirt. Miss Breen stepped off a BOAC Constellation and said
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  • 57 1 The King: Palace statement LONDON, Tues. A Buckingham Palace spokesman said yesterday that the King Is continuing to lead a "normal life" despite Press speculation that he is seriously ill. The King made a trip by train from Balmoral to London on Saturday for an X-rav examination. He then flew
    AP  -  57 words
  • 138 1 NEW AIR CHIEF FOR MALAYA THE names of two Air Offl- cers who will shortly take up appointments with Fai East Air Force in Singapore were announced by the RAF last night. Air Vice-Marshal George Holroyd Mills, head or the Brit'.sh delegation to the Western Union MiHtarv Staff Committee, will
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  • 66 1 LONDON. Tues.— A 14-year-old boy yesterday saved his mother and his two-year-old niece when he saw the outside wall of his 15th century home at Hereford begin to bulge. He pushed them into a pas* sage and the 'jack of the house fell. The house
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 35 1 NEW YORK, Tues. An atom bomb for use by planes based on aircraft carriers has been developed, Admiral Lynde McCormick, Commander of the United States Atlantic Fleet, said to New York. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 77 1 HONG KONG. Tues. r|»HE Chinese Manufacturers X Union said today that so far 135 manufacturers have applied to take part the forthcoming exhibition of Hong Kong products in Singapore. Ninety-nine Chinese manufacturers have submitted samples of their products to the union which thev Intend to exhibit In
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 29 1 RAF. Brigands and Sunderlands bombed and strafed bandit targets In Perak and Selangor yesterday. The sorties were carried out In support of ground forces.
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  • 20 1 HOLLYWOOD. Tues.— Lana Turner said yesterday that shf. has separated from her wealthy sportsman husband. Henry J Topping.— A.P.
    AP  -  20 words
  • 88 1 LONDON, Tues. T*HE 8.8.C. are seeking Buckingham Palace approval of their plan to broadcast excerpts of a speech the Duke of Windsor is making in London on Sept. 28. That night the Duke is the guest at the dinner of the Book Publishers' Representatives' Association.
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 93 1 LONDON, Tues. A BUB overturned on the Victoria Embankment along the River Thames, In central London, today after colliding with a tramcar. »oout 20 people were In- jured, Wo seriously Both vehicles vMte badly damaged and traffic was diverted. The double decker bus lay across both
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 219 1 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. TIE Western Big Three Foreign Ministers were reported today to be considering creating a Western military pact as the last major link in the world's global defence system. United States. British and Freuoh diplomats are seeking a »>ian to swing the Middle
    UP  -  219 words
  • 207 1 JAPS CAN NOW 'LEG ALL Y' ENTER STORE SINGAPORE Executive Council will shortly discuss the entry of Japanese subjects into Singapore. which technically became legal again with the signine of the San Francisco peace treaty. Mr S. E. King, Director of the Malayan Immigration Service, said yesterday that the matter
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  • 66 1 TOKYO, Tues.—Anti-Jap-anese actions feared in Australia are causing concern to the owners of the first Japanese ship scheduled to sail there since the war. The Dai-Ichi KaLse n line has received permission to sail the'.r 8,200-ton Orient Maru to Australia next month. The owners said today
    Reuter-AAP  -  66 words
  • 34 1 I VANCOUVER, Tues— A Canadian delegation may go to Tokyo next month to begin talks with Japan on a fisheries treaty, Mr. R. W. Mayhew, Canadian Fisheries Minister, said last night. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 112 1 'Tiger Men' defy Siam police BANGKOK. Tues. FIGHTING was reported continuing today between police and a bandit "ana. the Tiger Men, who have defled attempts to drive them out of their mountain lair n Prachuabkrikhand Province, South Slam, for nearly three weeks The bandits are holding out with sub-machlneguns and
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 55 1 BELIZE, British Honduras, Tues.— Four thousand antiBritish demonstrators packed narrow streets of Belize yesterday singing "God Bless America." At the same time, a smaller band marched to Government House with an address of loyalty to mark the 153rd anniversary of*, the Colony's association with Britain. There were
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 280 2 DIAMONDS estimated worth over £10,000 were found missing when a British Oversea Airways Corporation Constellation from London arrived in Bangkok last Friday, police disclosed. The diamonds had been consigned from London to a firm in Bangkok. When the plane arrived in Bangkok, five bags of mail were
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  • 49 2 REST OF THE WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF... JAP FILM FIRST A JAPANESE film Raaho Mon (In the World) won the first priie at •m International film show in Venice. UNITED NATIONS Kashmir mediator, Mr. Frank Graham, has had another meeting with 'Mr. Liaquat All Khan, the Premier of Pakistan.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 280 2 OPCNIKXi TO-DAY 3 3. ».15 9.15 »JB. Ntk Ceatavy Tmx TarMtag! tjectocse! W«s*sra Gregory Pwk la "THE GUKFIGHTE* HMUiu an onr Itlvstlm Patrons ■a* trim** sWaaaat Hart Baya H.Ji REX "MRE BAM! New Showing at U.Ot— l.»- 4.15— «.4I A9.Ms.rn. PFNGHroUPAN" (Malay Atlantic Great World Marts Taaay at S.H—TM IK
      280 words
    • 864 2 NOTICES NOTKE Take notlo» that YAP JOO KONO untU rsx-ently our Van Qalnisnnn Is n» .'ooger employed by us »nd Is not authorised to contract any batlneai on our behalf. BtA 81MB. DARB^ A CO. LTD.. IPOH THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD WOTICE ta hereby tfwn that, la accordance with Uie
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    • 269 2 NOTICES NOTICE THE VBNDS Thealre, Sentul. Kuala Lumpur will be known as new Empire Theatre operating under a new and separata management from Sept. Kth 1951. The Management NEW EMPIRE THEATR2 CO.. Sentul. UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA, SINGAPORE Applications are Invited for appointment to a Lectureship and Chief Assist an tahip
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    • 789 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICirAUTY i TENDERS (Foe particulars oeo Tender Room. I Grcand Floor, Municipal Ofiee) WATER DEPARTMENT: Supply or Chlorinating and AmmoulaUng Equipment. Close 4 pjn.— 5.11.51. ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT: Supply Of S.OOO A.C. SINGLE PHASE HOUSE SERVICE METERS Specification from Electrical Engineer"! Office (Boom 109). Deposit (50/-. Close NOON —1.10.51.
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    • 355 2 I PLANT AND I MACHINERY AVAILABLE fROM THE LARGEST v STOCKS JN GREAT BRITAIN PROCESS PLANT PUC MIXEKS TWO Vertical OPEN TOP PUC MIXERS. 2 2* dia. x 2 2" deep. Cm" Iron construction. Overdriven paddle type aci'ator driven through beVel gearing by fast and loose pulleys. Bottum slid* discharge
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 208 2 Today's Radio SINGAPORE Harl Saya Haji Holiday. 9 a.m. "Housewives' Choice"; 1 News from K.L 10.05 Malay; 1 p.m. Heinz Alexander at the Hammond Organ, Capitol Restaurant; 1.30 News; 1.45 "Lunch-Time Prom"; 2.10-5 S'pore Racing: 6.15 "Nature Club"; 6.40 Radio String Ensemble; 655 Announcements: 7 News; 7.12 "This Is Communism";
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  • 158 3 WE'RE GROWING RICHER TRUMAN WASHINGTON. Mon. PRESIDENT TRUMAN said today the United States was stronger economically than ever before. In 1 denounced as "lies" suggestions that the Government was spending its wav Into bankruptcy. Those who spread the story of possible bankruptcy were trying to frighten voters— "particularly as visions
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 100 3 PUSAN, Tues. TiIREE senior South Korean officers have ~een indicted bofore the Taegu central military court on charges of manslighter of civilians and of interfering with the official invesitgation of the Kochang massacre. Two of the accused are Brigadier General Chai Tokshin. Commander, and Colonel
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  100 words
  • 449 3 CONSERVATIVES SAY SOVIET WANTS TO AVOID WAR LONDON, Tuesday. THE Conservative Party suggested yesterday that Russia appeared to be planning an expansionist programme without resorting to force, but might decide on war in the next two or three years. The Conservative view was similar to a statement made two days
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  • 45 3 CAIRO. Tues.— A fisherman dipped his net in the Nile^ and brought up a sorry Dack of letters. investigations disclosed that a weary postman tossed the letters over Kasr El Nil bridge to avoid the trouble of delivering them.— A.P.
    AP  -  45 words
  • 41 3 BANGKOK, Tues. About 3,000.000 ticals (about £56,000) allegedly being smuggled out of Siam was found in a coal dump of the Norwegian Teasel s.s. Sandviken, yesterday, customs officers said. The vessel was bound for Hong Kong. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 99 3 BERLIN, Tues. A Soviet officer and soldier driver, who were held by the Americans here last night after a zonal boundary shooting incident, were returned to. the Soviet authorities today. The Russians broke through a zonal barrier with their car. Soviet guards and East German policemen
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 31 3 NEW YORK, Tues.— ViceAdmiral Lynde McCormick, Commander-in-Chief, United States Atlantic Fleet, said yesterday he believed that evenually all American aircraft carriers "will be equipped with atomic bombs."— AP.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 299 3 LONDON, Tuesday. ]LfR- Kenneth Younger, British spokesman at the iTI Japanese peace treaty talks, said in London today that any attempt to restrict Japanese production would probably, in view of economic conditions, lead to a resurgence of militarism and fascism. Mr Younger, speaking at
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  • 53 3 HONG KONG. Tues. KWOK WAH, decided to call at his office after playing mahjong until midnight but he couldn't wake up his coolies to let him in. So he dialed 999 and reported a robbery. He was yesterday fined HK$2OO for "wasting the public's time and
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  • 30 3 LONDON, Tues. The Prime Minister of the Libyan Provisional Government. Mahmoud Bey Mustasstr. arrived in London yesterday on a week's visit, mainly for medical consultations.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 65 3 CALCUTTA, Tues. rK>UR masked gunmen In the steel town of Jamshetlpur yesterday seized a stationary van containing Rs 313,000. killed one of the occupants. wounded the other and threw him out. and drove the van away. They fired tear gas shells to keep the crowds away.
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 49 3 ZURICH. Tues.— No more communiques are to be issued on the health of Sir Stafford Cripps, Britain's former Chancellor of the Exchequer, his doctors here have decided. A final communique said: "Sir Stafford Cripps' most recent tests showed that the general condition Is maintained."—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 125 3 PARIS. Tues. THE United Nations Palestine Conciliation Commission is putting forward for the first time a comprehensive orooosal of its own for peace between Israel and the Arab states. It will be considered by a conference organised by the Commission which starts its formal meeting
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 231 3 Strings attached, but WASHINGTON, Tuesday. THE International Monetary Fond today promised its 50-member countries it would provide more aid out of its $800,000,000 pool of currencies but it attached strings. The* condition* will be that those seeking aid shall adopt anti-inflation programmes to put their
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 67 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. PONGRESS will be asked to vote another $8,000,--000,000 for a gigantic military programme including fantastic devices capable of "conquering the atmosphere" Senator Joseph OMahoney said. Mr. OMahoney, Chairman of the Military Spending (Sub-committee, said that If the new funds are granted, more than
    UP  -  67 words
  • 20 3 HONO KONO, Tuei. Peking radio last night demanded new talks to work out a pesce treatv for Japan.
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  • 139 3 Japs win top film award VENICE, Tues. A JAPANESE film about a religious man's struggle to keep faith in his fellow men has won the Grand Prize at the 12th annual International Film Festival. It was Judged the best 1951 film out of 29 films from 14 countries last night.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 119 3 Closing Down Prices at CLOSING DOWN SALE < NO FURTHER EXTENSION j LAST FOUR DAYS I All our clients are requested to forward all correspondence to J. T. Chanral (S'por^i Ltd.. at 65 Arab Street, Sin?™ >r.'-7. after 15th September 1951. ADVANTAGEOUS OFFERS American Sharkskin 45" 3.80 per yd. American
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    • 388 3 k OISH FIT FOR k KING ROAST DUCK Wash, tinge, and clean a 5-pound duck; mien j with salt and pepper rub with garlic Fill with cored and quartered applea mixed with raisins Alternatively, stuff with celery and onions, two tablespoons of chopped onion to every cup of chopped celery.
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  • 58 4 A four-year-old Chinese girl, who was fond of playing on the riverbank near the Sin Chew Sawmill in Lavender Street, was found drownc 1 in Kallang River on Sept. 1. The Singapore Coroner, Mr. Choor Singh, returned a verdict of death by misadventure yesterday after
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  • 37 4 Mr. R. F. H. Caddick. Assistant Trade Union Adviser. Federation of Malaya, will address the Kluang Branch of the Johore Estates StaS Union at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday at the Kluane Indian Association premises.
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  • 211 4 Road where police want a IS m.pJh. limit fHE Public Works Committee of Singapore Municipal Commissioners will be asked at their meeting on Friday to consider whether a footpath should be made along Sophia Road for the safety of 3,000 schoolchildren. The acting
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  • 96 4 QUESTIONS regarding a letter to the London Times on certain aspects of the December riots by Mr. F. Gordon Smith, Chairman of the Public Services Commission, Singapore, will be raised at the meeting of the Legislative Council on Sept. 18 by Mr. H. J. C. Kulasingha
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  • 80 4 While walking along a lonely Jane one night, Hee Chec Lip, a young shop-assistant, was held up. robbed and assaulted by Lee Ah Hong; and another man. It was alleged in the Third District Court vesterday. Lee was sentenced to two vears imprisonment to be
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  • 36 4 Singapore Sikhs will hold a tea party at the G.H. Cafe on Sept. 15 at 4 p.m., in honour of Lt. Col. O. S. Gill, president of the Guru Nanak Sat Sane Sabha. Madras
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  • 27 4 J. B. Priestley's Dlay. The Inspector Calls, will be the next production of the Little Theatre. It will open at the end of October.
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  • 89 4 DRITISH Overseas Airways' de Havilland Comet, the firsi Jet airliner, will leave London on Oct. 7 for Singapore, via Calcutta, Rangoon, and Bangkok on its twelfth proving flight. These 'de/elopment flights' are to enable engineers Dilots and other experts to test the conduct
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  • 38 4 Mr. Joseph Lin ton, Israel Minister to Australia, passed through Singapore yesterday by air from Sydney on his way to Jerusalem on leave. He was met at Kallang by Mr. Thomas Critchley, Australian Commissioner in Malaya.
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  • 219 4 SINGAPORE'S Municipal President, Mr. T. P. F. Mc- Neice, returned to Singapore with his wife on the Oranje yesterday with the announcement that "anybody who puts out the story that Britain is starvine should be strangled." Mr. McNeice, who spent six months leave In Britain
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  • 125 4 ABDUL Gaffoor. aged 37 denied in Singapore First Police Court yesterday that he made and published imputations against Mr. Mirzu Abdul Majid with the intention of harmine his reputation. Mr. Majid said the alleged imputations had resulted in his defeat in the recent
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  • 72 4 MRS. T. P. F. McNeice, said food and clothing were much cheaper in Britain than in Singapore. She said. ■'The food situation, too, has greatly improved since I was last there in early 1548. "Fruit and vegetables were cheap and plentiful and they had a wonderfully fresh
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  • 112 4 The following will serve on the Board of Visitors, Bukit Timah Home, Singapore, for three years:— Mr. Justice T. A. Brown (Chairman), Messrs. S. H. Yang, D. T. Assomull, Rowland Lyne, Andrew Lee, Dong Chui Sing, O. V. Santhou, Lt. Col. E. J. C.
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  • 211 4 JT was a mere fluke that enabled the Social Welfare Department to give the address of a former Singapore girl, now living in Britain to a Japanese who recently wrote to "The Mayor of Singapore" asking lor her address. The Japanese said in his
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 172 4 Better performance a? receiver lower cost is the aim Singapore $250/--of this latest addition Federation $265/--to our range of Over T Sattsbv seas Bandspread Re- battery ceivers." Singapore 67/Fcderation 75/ADVT. OF THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD. OF ENGLAND 'jINCAfOM V^MAt ACCA^^KOAIA^IUMPOB irOH *T* PENANC TANGO" COMPETITION^ (HJMMI NIGHT— SETT. 16)
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    • 176 4 i lu^^^^^a^DK^^^^^^^S Cathedral of Notre Dame in the heart of 2000 year-old Pari«! You fly by luxurious Clipper* via Manila to Beirut. From there you have this choice of scenic routes Choice No. I—By1 By Pan American's double-decked "Strato" Clipper direct to Rome and Paris. Choice No. 2— By Pan
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 103 4 FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN EXHIBITION, Singapore. U.E. Building. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Y.W.C.A. Raffles Quay, Katonp group meet at St. Hilda's School 3 p.m. for handicraft; home nursing 5 p.m.— Mrs. Alcock. YJW.CA. Orchard Road. Singapore Chess Club, 5 p.m.; Malay conversational class. 5.30 p.m.: ludo and body-building. 5.30 p.m.;
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  • 93 5 pEOPLE living in two roads in Singapore may remember Sept. 22, City Day, as the day the names of their roads were chanted. The roads are Race Course Road and Race Course Lane near Farrer Park. They were originally named after the old
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  • 64 5 Cousins in 18 minutes TWO girls have been born within 18 minutes of each other to a Singapore woman and her sister-in-law at Kandang Kerbau Hospital. The mothers and babies who have adjacent beds in the hospital, are being attended by the same doctor. The babies were born to Mrs.
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  • 281 5 7/ will mean prosperity for a CITY A RTISTS are busy designing the 350-foot fiery dragon which, illuminated by 7,000 lights, will "invade" Singapore from the sea as part of City Day celebrations on Sept. 22. The dragon, made of multi-coloured cloth, and a work of
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  • 48 5 Boy ignored advice died FH Ip Meng, an 11-year-old schoolboy fedi from a rambutan tree when a branch snapped and died later, it was stated at a Singapore inquest yesterday Toh's mother and his sister said they had often warned him not to climb fruit trees. Verdict: Misadventure
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  • 101 5 A "watching briet for Singapore will be held oy Mr Andrew Gilmour. former Colony Economic Secretary and now seconded to the Commissioner General's office, when he goes to London to attend the Commonwealth conference on supply and production which oDen s on Sept 24 Mr Gilmour
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  • 77 5 Singapore Stage Club's he«v comedy. "You can't Take It With You." will open at the Victoria Memorial Hall tomorrow night. It will run for four days The Dlay was first produced in America in 1936 and in London in 1937. Later, a film was made starring Lionel
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  • 28 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. Inche Harun, A.S.P., is acting as O.S.P.D. Johore Bahru in place of Mr. S. Drapkin the O.S.P.D. who Ls ill in hospital.
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  • 22 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues.~ Chonß Seitg, was fined $35 for Inconsiderate driving. He had collided with a motor car causing $1,000 damage.
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  • 76 5 Delegates from Japan, as well as representathes from the Department of Agriculture, Malaya, the UK M i?^ r £L Food and the Colonial Office, are among those attending a cocoa conference which opened in London yesterday. The conference will discuss cocoa growing In the Far East.
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  • 206 5 THE United Nations Association of Singapore was CoS e U eSt f day at a meetin S ln the P BriS council Hall of more than 100 representatives nf terim committee, Mr. Alex Simpson, who is also Singapore s Trade Union Adviser urged those present
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  • 97 5 TAN Ah Hock who admitted yesterday four previous convictions for plckpocketfng wa* sentenced in Singapore to two years' Imprisonment followed by two years' police supervision, for a similar offence in a bus at Geylang Road on July 28. Chan Lip Ji n said he felt his
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  • 50 5 City Day, Sept. 22, will be a memorable day in more ways than one to Mr. and Mrs. Tan Siong Hoon of Singapore. It «s also their first wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Tan were married at Kampong Kapor Church on Sept. 22 last year.
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  • 22 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues The Federation of Chinese Chambers. Johore. is planning to contribute further to build schools in re-settlement areas.
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  • 50 5 Sixteen stall-holders and nawkers were fined $20 each in Singapore yesterday for having "unjust" dachings. A pork-seller, Foo Poon Leong, of Syed Alwi Road, was fined $250 for wilfully tampering with his daching. It was stated that the measure was 1834 per cent In his favour.
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  • 119 5 A CHINESE from Muar, Johore, will try in Singapore today to locate the grave of 73 Chinese volunteers massacred by the Japanese and buried at 7 1 milestone I East Coast Road on Feb. 28, 1942. The Chinese, whose name is being withheld was the
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  • 223 5 Hari Raya— not quite so gay THOUSANDS of Muslims will celebrate In Sinja--1 pore today the festival of Had Raya Haji— in celebration of all who have made the pilgrimage lo Mecca. At least 5.000 Muslims will Rather at the Sultan Mosque for the prayer which will begin at 8
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  • 120 5 THE Singapore Chinese Recreation Club will stay at Hong Lim Green until an agreement is made with Government over land offered them at Tanjong Rhu, Mr. Evan Wong, secretary of the club, said yesterday. Although the Estates and Fire Brigade Committee of the Municipal Commissioners decided
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  • 143 5 FRIENDS SEE GIRL DROWN SEREMBAN, Tues. OIK panic-stricken Chinese girls yesterday afternoon watched helplessly as another Chinese girl struggled in a 20-foot deep dilapidated mining pool near Seremban. They were unable to help because they were either terrified or could not swim themselves When help finally arrived, the dlrl was
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  • 30 5 Air Commodore J. L. F. Fuller-Good, Air Officer Commanding the R.A.P. in Malaya, has moved in to the A.O.C.'a official residence at 55, Cluny Road, Singapore 10.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 242 5 MO CARPCt: n. The Aise old carppi iuukci as shocked "All that pomp nnd splendour, your Majesty", he cried "and yet no carpet!" The king bowed his head In shame, as he summoned his cnnrtirrs and whispered, "t'lilck. you fools. Phone ***** SHROFFS Carpets AGENCY SHOWkOOM 47/49 STAMFORD ROAD SINCAPORE
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    • 395 5 tht makings of high adverfrrt Some friendship! have the makings of high adventure. When a man and a woman embark together on a voyage of discovery, who knows what enchanted worlds they '^V will chance upon. And, like all explores, f^ 'V x f they will think they got there
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  • 799 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed. Sept. 12, 1951. Progress In Sarawak There is no public debt This happy sentence in the rawak Government's report 1950 will be noted in Malaya with envy. It is a position of splendid isolation, anc although Sarawak is unlikely to claim any special virtue by
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  • 347 6 The story of purge and mass murder which has come out of China in the past few months has not been exaggerated. I Travellers who have returned have confirmed to the last detail the terrible accounts of r mock trials and brutal killings which began in Manchuria
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  • 667 6  -  Herman R. Allen By ANE of those imagina- tion-capturing stories that pop up once in a while has come out of the wilds of the BurmaChina border country. Nationalist Chines* military informants at Taipeh, Formosa, spe \k cautiously of 15.000 Nationalist troops stabbing Into rted-occupled Yunnan Provinct
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  • man-in-the-street
    • 283 6 T FAIL to understand why it is that after three years of Emergency police lieutenants and other ranks are still obliged to drive in open and unprotected vehicles through areas which are known to be dangerous. Is it that the police are considered immune from the
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    • 168 6 THE difficulties encountered in the registration of voters for the Municipal elections were great. Having obtained a small electorate what is going to happen now when the hunt for candidates starts It is already restricted by a clause which forbids Government officers standing as candidates. Thlg
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    • 72 6 WVIERE would be no need to Check up dn the exact fares, or Issue, of S.T.C. bu? frck,ets If there were a.. monthly draw of. the ticket. numt)ers Lssued, with priaes awaided to the holders. The tickets would certainly be claimed and .retained by ;rav*ilerfs* fa those
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    • 226 6 I FULLY endorse "CKf's." remarks on the police. Recently two .constables in Tanglin district asked a shopkeeper why he placed a box of dried beans on the edge of the pavement. He told them that the beans were wet and had been placed
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  • 413 6 himbrcl Shooting THE second of a series of articles on "Sport With The Bhot Gun In Malaya" appears in the latest number of the Malayan Forester. Ito merits a wider outdoor readership in the pages of tht The Planter. In this article the author, "Pelandok," writeg on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 920 6 LYLE To Prtactlla Claude Lfte M.CJS. at Singapore on 10th &V 1 a son. DRAPER On Sept. 11th to Clem, wife of John Draper at Bungsar Hospital, a son. CLARKE. To Aida wife of Andrew Clarke, at D'CotU's clinic. (ii l i:m Sept 1951. a son. Fari.t»h Vincent THE ENGAGEMENT
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    • 97 6 "MOBO" TOT— CTCLE The smallest and cheapest real Juvenile Bicycle In the market. Fitted with two special safety wheels to keep the bicycle and rider right side up (can be easily detached when not required) It has enclosed chain drive, adjustable saddle and comfortable handlebars and grips. Solid tyres fitted—
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  • 348 7 St. John workers to tour remote areas THEY TAKE OUT TEETH AS WELL MALAYA may soon have a touring team of St. John Ambulance men giving free medical aid to people in remote villages in the Federation and islands surrounding Singapore. The team
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  • 45 7 MR MALCOLM 9 MACDONALD, the Commission-er-General, passes a complimentary remark about Princess Meriam, daughter, of the Sultan and Sultanah of Johore, in the Oranje yesterday while the Sultanah and the child's English nurse. Miss E Ethrington, look on.— Straits Times picture
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  • 294 7 $500, 000 police depot extension KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. A $500,000 extension to enable the Federation Police Depot in Rifle Range Road, Kuala Lumpur, to take 2,000 recruits at once 900 more than ever before has just been completed. Classes are being held In the new extension,
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  • 45 7 Aragappan Kanson and Danam Marlappan were charged in Third Police Court yesterday with the murder of Govlndan Amassie at the Singapore Harbour Board labourers' lines in Nelson Road on Sept. t. No plea was taken. The accused were remanded until tomorrow.
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  • 17 7 A 51-year-old labourer Kannapathi. was found dead in his house in York Hill. Singapore, yesterday
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  • 88 7 Chinese want break with Reds SINGAPORE Ch'nese associations and guilds sympathetir to Chiang Kai-shek jrav ask the British Governin nt to withdraw recognition of Communist China when they celebrate the Double Tinth anniversary on October 10 Representatives of more than 100 organisations yestrrday appointed a 35-man romnvttee to make arrangements
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  • 43 7 The Overseas Pakistani League of Singapore observed the anniversary of the death or Mr. Mohamed All Jinnah. founder of the Muslim League, uith bum prayers at the Sultan Mosque last night. I ater free meals were distributed to the poor.
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  • 156 7 Governor's liberation day message 'THE sinister attacks of Communism on the democratic way of life have made the bright hopes and visions of the future more difficult of achievement. says the Governor. S 1 r Franklin Gimson. in a Commemoration Day message today marking the sixth anniversary of the liberation
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  • 29 7 Llau Thiam Hock. 19, who absconded and failed to obey a summons, was bound over for six months ln $200 in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday.
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  • 31 7 Tan Hu a Min. a 57-year-old woman who aJlowed opium smoking in her nous* 'n^ Ma ude Road, was fined *400 or three months' in prison ln Singapore vesterdav
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  • 78 7 The first post-war examination of the Institute rt Commerce of Great Britain will be held l n Singapore on Oct 1 Examinations will be conducted in two stages—intermediate and advance For an Associate degree, candidates must have five years 1 ousiness or professional experience and sit
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  • 126 7 ASKED by a defence counsel at Singapore Assizes yesterday what he thought of his father living with mistress, a 17-year-old Chinese said: "What can I say. It is ray fathers wish." The youth was Chua Choon Klat. son of Chua Hock Seng, who was Riving
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  • 45 7 Two Malayans are among the 77 engineers and scientists from 30 countries who are now touring VS. Industries They are Mr Walter Hoisington of the University of Malaya, and Mr. John Peel of the Dunlop Research Centre. Batang Malaka. Negrt Sembilan
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  • 33 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues Mohamed bin Kadir. an eating shop assistant of Ren gam wa s charged with attempted smuggling of perfumery valued at $36.40 He was allowed $100 bail
    33 words
  • 216 7 THEY SAW, THEY TOLD— $6,000 partv f v, KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. A ni" Of °?f rvant P e °P le wno saw three faces peering at them from the blukar and immediately made a report to the police, will soon receive rewards totalling $6,000 soon receive Their information, given to
    216 words
  • 93 7 TWO squatters yesterday agreed In the Second Civil District Court to have Judgment made against them in favour of Messrs Credit Foncier D'Extreme Orient for possession of land originally rented to them at $2 a month. They were Lim On* Kee and a woman.
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  • 43 7 Sir Henrv Gurney. High Commissioner of the Federation, accompanied by Lady Gurney. Sir Ralph Hone. Governor Of North Borneo, and Mr J. Ellis. Chief Secretary of Sarawak, have arrived in Singapore for routine consultations with the Commissioner-General Mr Mslcolm MacDonald.
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  • 50 7 TWINS WENT FOR ICE— ONE DIED MINE-YEAR-OLD twin sisters went out on Sept. 3 to buy ice-balls but only one came back. The other. Tan Swee Jin, of West Coast Road, was found drowned in a well, it was stated at a Singapore inquest yesterday. ,A misadventure verdict was recorded.
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  • 39 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Mr. Dan Judah and Miss Jnan Curtiss will give a combined lecture and exhibition, on ballroom dancine to members of the Ma'llsters' Club, at a social at the Rainbow Cabaret Kuala- Lumpur, oil Sunday.
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  • 234 7 Princess Meriam is home JOHORE yesterday had its first glimpse of Princess Meriam, curly haired, fair complexioned daughter of the Sultan and Sultanah of Johore, and said: "She is beautiful." Princess Meriam, who will be one year old next Tuesday the day after her father's 78th birthday arrived in Singapore
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  • 108 7 attempt by Singapore Labour Department to end the deadlock in negotatlons at Hindhede Quarry failed yesterday. Twenty policemen stood by at the quarry during the talks but there was no trouble. The Singapore Granite Workers' Union has turned down a proposal by the company to pay
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  • 125 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. CEVEN thousand children from the English, Malay, Chinese and Indian boys and girls schools in Johore Bahru lined the route from the Johore end of the Causeway to Pasir Plangle today. They were there to greet the SuKan and Suttanah of
    125 words
  • 150 7 S'pore free health scheme T^HE proposed contribu- tary medical scheme for Municipal workers may be scrapped and replaced by a free noncontributary scheme. This free Bch;me, if introduced, will bring Municipal employees In lire with workers In Government service. It lg expected to cost the Municipality $250,000 a vear. Under
    150 words
  • 51 7 Malaya Imported 840 tona of tin from neighbouring countries last month, the cumulative total so far this year being 7,297 tons. Most of the Imports came from Siam 646 tons of concentrates as compared with 128 tons from Burma, and 23 tons from
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  • 60 7 A 17-year-old Malay youth stole two alarm clocks and a pair of goW ornaments from a shack in Sumbawa St. on Aug. 5 and sold them to i secondhand dealer in Mosque St. it was stated !n the Third District Court yesterday. The youth. Buang bin
    60 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 56 7 Good Comport/ otts wth a bouquet one If a departure from the f/ef&^S&t^^ usual m liqueurs, flvf^iS&xL provides a memorable ft^h ts/f enjoyment as an afterdmner liqueur. WORLD FAMOUS SINCE 1818 RADIO r^n PERFECTION rM I 6 New Type Valves 4 (Walnut) Model 5112 r^ilViVl r%r\nt* Singapore G» Ponang $279.00
      56 words
    • 73 7 f§K, Here's the i> \^*y latest in smart > /rW/f)^ footwear J "ANNETTE" COMFORTABLE CASUALS AS f' r ILLUSTRATED, IN RED, WHIIV, BLUE. FAWN AND BLACK ALSO MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. P $35.00 to $39.50 pair i: AIRBORNE SHOES I SOLE AGENTS U SINGAPORE f" HENRY radio ho«se
      73 words

  • 89 8 Consular offices in the Colony will be immune from search by the Police and others if the Consular Conventions Bill, which is to be introduced In the Legislative Council, is passed. The Bill confers upon consular officers of foreign States certain powers relating to the administration of estates
    89 words
  • 34 8 MUAR. Tues. For using a Drivate car for hire at Gersik. a driver. Mok Kok LaiiK. will Day a fine of $75 or go to Drtson for two weeks at Muar
    34 words
  • 421 8 Trafflm^plain^inique^ KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. T'HE Kirkby training scheme is an admirable idea", Mr. Robert Williams, newly-apooint-ed principal of the Federation's teachers 1 training college at Kirkby, Lancashire,, in Kuala Lumpur today. He is here for talks with the education authorities. "The scheme which the
    421 words
  • 33 8 MR. STEVEN L. VELGE. offlcer-in-charge. Geylang Fir* Station, and Miss Valerie Jean Balhetchet, of Singapore, after their wedding at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Singapore, yesterday. Straits Times picture.
    33 words
  • 187 8 JYJ R. D. Robertson, Municipal Commissioner, said yesterday that he was not satisfied with the way the buying: of steel for Singapore new power station had been carried out. He was replying to a statement by the agent for the contractors that the steel was
    187 words
  • 102 8 Thousands apply to join IMP KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. DATO ONN bin Ja'afar told the Straits Times tonight that thousands* of people from all over the country have sent in completed enrolment forms to join the Independence of Malaya Party. He said that among those already enrolled were: Sir Hussein H.
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  • 26 8 SEGAMAT, Tues.— For failing to repair his house as told by the Town Board Lim told by the Town Board, Lim at Segamat yesterday.
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  • 26 8 SEGAMAT. Tues. Tan Ong, a 52-year-old woman, was charged at Segamat yesterday with unlawful possession of latex. She was given ball of $700.
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  • 121 8 MOST Singapore shopkeepers yesterday approved Government's decision to introduce compulsory price tagging. They said: "It will help to weed out shops who charge high prices" But some said It was a wast* of time. Compulsory price tagging will begin next week, first with food and then
    121 words
  • 146 8 Blackout schedule today Substations liable to load sheddine: DAY If AH Kin, Fred Water house. Industrial Ga»e*. Kilburn Estate. Dunearn Road, Singapore Turf Club, Ewart Park, Holland Road, Adam Park, Gallop Hill. Wayani Satu, CbaUworth Road, Peirce Road, SomervUle Estate, Leedon Road. Victoria Park. Nassim Hill, Dalvey Road. Paterson Road,
    146 words
  • 137 8 VEW public assistance rates are now being paid to 11 the aged, the permanently disabled (including advanced T.B. patients), widows, orphans, and temporarily disabled, by the Social Welfare Department, Singapore. There are two rates under the new scheme. Under the higher rate the applicant
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  • 64 8 Al2-MAN liaison mission from the Burma Air Force is due at Changi airfield, Singapore, this evening for a week's visit to Far East Air Force and the RAT. In Malaya. The mission consists of seven officers and five N.C.O.S. Each represents administrative or operational sections of
    64 words
  • 72 8 More than 400 people attended the Eclipse Badminton party at Raffles Hotel, Singapore, last night in aid of the Singapore Badminton Hall Fund. The hall fund Is about $400,000 short of the money needed to build a worthy hall where next year's Thomas Cup final could
    72 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 228 8 AT HARI HAY A HASl"—** NEVER BEFORE... HAS THE SCREEN BROUGHT YOU SUCH LAVISH SPECTACLE... SUCH TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT! doom In ih* Qplo* fIM Wi mm agonitlnf mo- ■BBpHaMBP^J Mtntt of mortal 0 T A ""W combat! W^^^^W^k~' f Fabulous ...Goddess Of Love In A City Of Stn| KKO k.iuios Super
      228 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 267 8 Straits Times Crossword «i pt j~i 14 15 16 H 19 20 iH"^~ 22 23 24 ACROSS. 6. —and very much upset thla 8. Make a mtlm of light ex- h p g? l Sr. gi. l 1 p ate (4. 4). plosive noises (8). rvp-notir MO) 9. The need
      267 words

    • 274 9 Fill IN The Missing Line PRINT THF NAME OF A CERTAIN ANirVSL IN THE CENTRE ROW OF SQUARES SO AS TO SPELL RVE THREE t LETTER WORDS RJEAtHNG DOWNWAKDS ]I Dej Hoys and Lur s The winners of the 'Sum Contest" are: Loh Ah S«e. J| aged 8. 10 Batu
      274 words
    • 113 9 HERE are the results of the Poppy Day Poster Con- i test for Singapore children. There are three first prizes of $25. and three second prizes of $10. English: 1. Llm Cheng Kim. Standard VIII b. Methodist Girls 1 School. 2. Lee Swee Khiang, St. j Anthony's
      113 words
    • 768 9 Mystery Of The Jewelled Kris "THAT'S the place!" A shouted Wong, Hoo excitedly. "Come along all of you. Hurry before It starts to rain.'' The other Scouts of the Owl Patrol clustered round Wong Hoo. They were standing at the crest of a hill, and below them, almost on the
      768 words
    • 79 9 "Giant! What Giant?" romrrd Eianl Elephmnt. "Is be bl«rr than meT" "We don't know," replied Ail, "but he has taken poor Bakar Bear away. We are folng to rescue him. Will you com* too?" "Of course I will. Where la he?" bellowed Ezani. "Wou d
      79 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 162 9 Watermarfs Li/^nfl^T! RE t|les r^r^^\ Excellent Tot y^^^A o/f/Af W% /nUUuLto NAVL /NSK^^^k^^ByA/ll)/SPmARIES WGLANpX^^^^ DRUG STORES. \\v\w u li/i WllilllJ f/ ,Qj£' fi MING OWNS A ESTATE. HIS TWO SONS HELP HIM I ;l l jW'ftimri WITH T^E DAILY WORK ON T^S SMALL HOLDING. TAPPING STARTS At' DAWN WORK CONTINUES
      162 words
    • 28 9 DLEASE enrol me as a member of rhe Children's > Corner Wise Owls Club, and send me a badge. 1; NAMS l< |i ADDRESS j DATS OP BIRTH r
      28 words
    • 164 9 YoufAsmile will be in trouble .g J7 Vof the lUNIOR TE K and the modern, regulai \\ii v'-\ toothbrush ritt behind Throw away your V V •M fMkKMted brush V, V\ the r rtl Y^^\ \f\ Hiem thoroughly TI K »h..,-h«,d fi.A^\ thUf t> reVentin <l \*A infection. vm tt
      164 words

  • 306 10 LONDON Stocks LONDON, Tues. rOLLOWINO a hesitant a start markets developed a little more active interest and closed with firmness In many sections. Early uncertainty was due to latest developments In the Persian oil situation and to the fact that much attention was being given to the settlement of business
    306 words
  • 35 10 HONG KONG, Tues. pREE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quoted at the close today as follows: US$l HK6.65^4 (cash), HK»6.68>4 (T.T.); £1 HK115.78; one tahll of gold HKS332%.— UP.
    UP  -  35 words
  • 165 10 From Oar Own Correspondent. MELBOURNE. Tues. ALL sections of the Melbourne share market lost ground at the Stock Exchange call today. Market leaders. Banks. Breweries and Motor Car Distributor shares were hit Engineers and Retailers also went lower. Mining were variable, halting their steady rise of the
    165 words
  • 228 10 Pro fit-takers unload, prices drop sharply From A Market Correspondent A SHARP drop of 8 J cents a lb. was recorded in the Singapore rubber market yesterday. Easier conditions prevailed through profit-taking and selling pressure from the Federation and locally. A fairly large yolume of business was don*
    228 words
  • 36 10 SINGAPORE, Toes.. Sept. 11— 5457.25 (op $11,124.) London: £945 a ton LONDON, Toes. Cash Bayers £945, Sellers £950; Forward Bayers 905, Sellers £907} Settlement £955 (unchanged). Tarnover; a.m. 95, p.m. 45 tons.
    36 words
  • 127 10 BUSINESS was done in the Singapore coconut oil market yesterday at $65% a plcul with further sellers at $66. Copra was generally steadier, buyers opening at $39 but rising to $40% a plcul. Sellers were firm at $41%. Pepper was quietly steady, sellers maintaining their prices at
    127 words
  • 57 10 MANCHESTER North Borneo Rubber announces that its Kinarut Estrf e has been sold for £58,333. It consists of 3,418 acres, Of which 1.314 acres waa planted with rubber, but that figure may not be accurate owing to losses by erosion from the sea and the
    57 words
  • 52 10 PUTHRIE Company announce v the following outputs from estates and mines in the Outhrle Group, for August and to date 1951 in that order: Rubber (lb). 5.723.584; 48.163.--64*. Black tea (lb.). 143 000. 1.131.000 Palm oil (tons). 1,090. 9 090. Palm kernels (tons), 310. 3.643. Ton-ore fpicirsV 1.176.
    52 words
  • 219 10 Conditions good throughout F)EMAND for Industrials in the Malayan share market continued unabated yesterday. Prices in this section again moved up. Tins were steady, and Rubbers were well supported at current prices despite the fall in the commodity price. Price change* announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association yesterday
    219 words
  • 52 10 ALTHOUGH the crop harvested from Coalfields estate (Remfield Rubber Estaies, Ltd.) last year was 15.000 lb. less than in 1949, the estate coat was £4.030 more, says the chairman, Mr. E. B Skinner. The higher cost was due largely to the Increased cost of labour
    52 words
  • 36 10 HARRISONS Crosfleld (Malaya) announce the following Aueust rubber crops, In ft: Aiienby 33.000 Benta Est. 97.000 Jeram Kuantan Est. 81.500 Kundonsr Est. ***** Mentakab 73.000 Sungei Bagan 150.000 Sandyrroft 17.400 Taniong Pau Est. 54.000
    36 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1373 10 iln»ipotatad m Smgapc*a) BLOB FUNNEL LINE Carrier's option to proceed via ettier parts to lead and 4'*£"*» "JRI SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Due Sails P Stiam Penan« A H^T!°'.. U rT. 6 5«.t.12/1. S*t.l4/17* "tZZJ* 1 N^'. C. 24/25 S^Mi $^.20^ 'TiXooTe. oJSSJi"'.. 6.«/7 Sa#t.M Sa»t. IJ/U
      1,373 words
    • 391 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS To N.w York and Boston via Cr«on. India Egypt and Mediterranean Port* Sincaoote Swctttrtfwm Pana«i "PRESIDENT BUCHANAN" 11/20 Sept. 21 S 1 "i Set' s.s. 'PRESIDENT HARDINC" 24/ „9!",'*;*.. ,oJ,/iw I*. "SCHUYLER OTIS BLAND" 2/10Oet. H/12Oet. 29 S«pt/1 Oet To Lot Angc4.s Atlantic Port* via 1
      391 words
    • 424 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANOINAVIA/U K. /CONTINENT S'oora P S'ham Penang "Patagonia" for Bangkok. H Kong Manila. Kobe Yokohama 18-21 Sept. 15-17 Sept. In Port "NordhvaT for Bangkok 20-22 Sept. 17-19Sept. "Selandij" for Saigon Bangkok 18-18 Oct. 15-17 Oct. 12-14 Oct. "Panama" foi Bangkok Hong Kong. Kobe Yokohama 19-24
      424 words
    • 1047 10 MeAlafS! EM (1b CO*. LTD. No 5906 KLAVENESS LIME LOS ANCtLtS, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND SIATTLJ ft VANCOUVIR Accepting cargo for Central ft South American Ports m.s. FRANCISVILLI S'pore P. S'ham Penanf 5 Oct Oct" ms. CASTLfVILLI S'pora P. S'ham Penan* 10Oct./4Ne*. S Nov. < N««! Penang: McAlisters ft Co.,
      1,047 words

  • 165 11 ATHLETICS, HOCKEY SOCCER City Day sport rvNB of the highlights to commemorate Singapore City Day (Sept. will be a "Pestival of Sport" to be held on Sept. 22 and 23. On Saturday, Sept. 52, Singapore A.A.A. will stage a Services versus Civilians meet on the padang with a programme of
    165 words
  • 97 11 The six-man Indian Thomas Cup team, who are scheduled to arrive In Singapore on Saturday enroute to Australia, will participate in a friendly exhibition match against the Mayflower BP. at the Happy World Stadium at 8 pjn. on Monday. Part of the proceeds will be donated
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  • 20 11 The Sionx 800 A A., three -ball billiards championship final will be held on Saturday at 8.15 p.m.
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  • 392 11 Bin Keng plays great game KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. COUTH China soccer tourists today suffered the worst defeat of their tour so far when they were beaten by six goals to three by Selangor at Headquarters Malaya ground. The result of this evening's game was the
    392 words
  • 242 11 Malay, 2 Royal Nivy 0 TWO smart goals one in each half— by inslderlght Ismail Yusoff gave Malays victory over Royal Navy In a Community League match at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday With centre-forward Awang Bakar subdued by a vigilant Ingham, Malays' attack lost much
    242 words
  • 310 11 Gold Cup parade....6 l)IQ-RACE specialist Marinus van Breukelen has had more Gold Cap winners in his stable than any other trainer. His past winners were Punkawalla (1932), Fiesole (1934), Coolpt (1939) Grand Prix (1941) and Longchamps (1949). The veteran trainer has a four-horse team
    310 words
  • 294 11 yHE two English hockey internationals, Lt.-Col. A Dickenson and Capt. Reynolds, gave a food account of themselves in their first major match of the season on the padang yesterday when Singapore Recreation Club defeated Singapore Cricket Club two-nil in a friendly encounter. 11
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  • 57 11 JOHORE BAHKU, Tues.— At a eeting of the Federation of Chinese Associations Johore, it was decided to hold organised basketball competitions throughout the State with a view to selecting men and women teams to represent Johore In the Malayan Chinese Basketball championship meeting to be held at Kuala
    57 words
  • 37 11 Following will represent S.C.C. "A" against Singapore Engineer Regiment at hockey on Friay. on the Padang: Bleeck Lloyds (Capt.), Baverstock, Ede, Lowe, Macrea, Lamb, Jameson. Halgh, McMullan and Hayes. Reserves' CoUings J. E. Lloyd.
    37 words
  • 33 11 NEW YORK, lues —The world middleweight title f.^ht between Randolph Turpln and Sugar Ray Robinson wIU take place tomorrow night at the Polo grounds (Singapore time 9.30 a.m. Thursday). A.P.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 18 11 Entries are Invited from members of the Chinese Swimming Club for the annual billiards competition.
    18 words
  • 296 11 A LOVELY left foot cross by Dover. RAF Twigahs centre-half, upset the redoubtable Marine Dept XI in their Junior Cup tie quar-ter-final game on the BODCA ground yesterday, the match ending In a one-all draw. Marines had won a! their earlier Cup ties. The Marines
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 315 11 Wishing All Muslim Friends and Patrons A Selamai Hari Raya Hafi fUUa China Navigation Company, LTD. "ANSHUN' Sailing from Singapore on 13th September for Penang, Port Swettenham, and return to Singapore (duration approximately 7 days). SPECIAL ROUND-TRIP FIRST-CLASS FARE $120 Per Head BOOKINGS: MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Telephone 2405 HOEGH-KNUTSEN LINE
      315 words
    • 137 11 Economical performance, reliability and comfort You should see this little y car in action: see the way it rTTi I*—v~1 v~ d" 1 w' tn steep hills and A '-J JtK^^\%~c\ rough roads, as well as r"^*^^^"^ f fSr *>W<r\g in and out ot twn MA* yj^^\ /Jg( traffic with
      137 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 315 12  - Arlington has beating of Uninsured in sprint EPSOM JEEP AT HIS PEAK HAS 20-LB PULL By ARLINGTON (late Ulster Friar) Is clearly a sprinter above the average and I regard him as an extra good thing against the heavily burdened Uninsured, and Vincent, in the Liberation Cup trial over 6f.
    315 words
  • 138 12 EPSOM JEEP. CALL BOY. POINTER. Race 1 HOPALONO HOPALONO BREVITY >.M Tuitullla Tuitullla Hop.lonj BrcTlty Brevity Tuliuilla ARTISTS NEPTUNE'S ARTIST'S Ra*e RIFLE DAUGHTER RIFLE I t.M Nep. Daufhter Artist's Rifle H»umm Klngsgrove Ad nlral Nep. DaujMrr 1 EVERGREEN EVERGREEN EVERGREEN "i Jeannette Bab* Jeannetle B>b» A. T.
    138 words
  • 1375 12 a CCEPTORS and probable jockeys for today's races are given below. Double Tote will be on Races Six and Nine; Big Sweep will be drawn on Race Eight. Race 1—2.00: Class 3, Div. 4—6 Furs. 1 000 Blondie Lansdown 9.00 Mrs. E. O'Keefe Heddle 3 000 Ashok
    1,375 words
  • 185 12 AT B. TIMAH TODAY going at Bukit Tlmah is likely to Im very good The weather waa threatening yesterday, bat there waa only a light shower at Bukit Timah. TODAY'S BEST BET: TrobeHa in the f.W. BEST LONG-SHOT: O*r Friend in J 31. (6f) at Penang in August stamped him
    185 words
  • 120 12 LONDON, Tues. The Begum Aga Khan's Praise du Bols la now clear favourite for next Saturday's St. Leger at Doncaster. At last night's Victoria Club callover the colt closed at nine to two. This followed very favourable reports of his workout over the full distance
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 1087 12 Evergreen (ttace rnreei and Artist's Rifle (Race Two) should make sound each-way wagers. Race One UREVTTY, Tultuilla and Hopa- long, who finished behind MiUendeo on Saturday, should dominate the finish here. Hopalong, a big well-made three year old by Fairy Prince, gave a fairly Impressive showing
    1,087 words
  • 186 12 OILLDAW and Nerolia, two well performed top 13 class sprinters, should fight out the finish of Race Four, the Class 1, Div. 2 6f. sprint at Bukit Timah today. Billdaw is one of the most consistent three year olds in training. He has won
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  • 17 12 SENTINEL'S SPORTLIGHT wfll not appear until Sentinel's return from sick leave.
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  • 140 12 Abbeystead best suited in mile race A BBEYSTEAD battled on genuinely when he went down to Ursus and Sicyon over 1> A miles at Buklt Tlmah in July and on that display I give him a good chance in Race Seven today. Today's race Is over a mile, which should
    140 words
  • 81 12 TORONTO, Tu«— The M.C.C. touring team won the "Ashea" when they beat Canada by 141 runs In the third representative cricket match here. The "ashes," remains of a totem pole, were presented to the M.C.C. captain, R. W. V. Robins, after the match. The tourists who
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 62 12 LONDON. Tues. Y-ESTERDAY'B English I Football League matche« resulted as follows: FIBST DIVISION Aston Villa 1 Huddersfleld Blackpool Preston N.K. I Tottenham 1 Burnley SECOND DIVISION Sheffield V. 1 Bury DIV. 3 (SOUTHERN). Port Vale 2 Bournemouth I DIV. 3 (NORTHERN) Chesterfield 0 SWxkport C. 1
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 813 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued trom Page SITUATIONS VACANT DRESSER: Grade II or 111 for healthy estate; pop: 800. mostly Indian. MPIEA salary scale plus C.O.L. 30% plus $20. Emergency leave and allowance Provident Fund. Bonus. Modern quarters. Send copies testimonials; state age, previous experience, when free. Bos No. A7511, S.T. VAN
      813 words
    • 877 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE CHEVROLET Black Saloon Reg. '47 ***** miles good condition new battery Any trial owner Ipoh area. Offers over $5000 Box No. A7466. B.T. HUMBER HAWK, first rag. 23.8.50 13,000 miles, white sidewall tyres, plastic cushion covers, excel cond What offers? Box No. A7500, S.T. 1947 VAUXHALL Fourteen
      877 words
    • 13 12 (Az/rtmji&to Ik I SmssWakk Specialists /6 COLLVER QUAY SINGAPORE \l (W) Le^coLLyEß qu'ay^sTngapore
      13 words