The Straits Times, 7 September 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 466 1 May pay war damage claims PACIFIC ISLES TO SHARE JAPANESE assets m Malaya, estimated to be worth many million pounds, are to be made available to the Malayan Governments. They will probably be used for payment of war damage compensation. The assets consist chiefly of rubber
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  • 49 1 Man with $80,000 on his head t HIS PENG, the Communist master mind m Malaya, for whose capture the Government will pay SBO.OOO. This pkture of him was taken m London when he attended the Victory Parade as a member of the Malayan contingent. See story m Pa«e 7.
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  • 169 1 Quick on draw —and 2 Reds died KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. QUICKNESS on the draw d the lives of a Euro D»\in estate manager and his ■pedal constable escort and killed twoTanJong Malim dis-tri-t bandits yesterday. The manager was walking among rubber trees on an inn accompanied by his Balay .-ptclal
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  • 69 1 JAKARTA. Thurs.— Official Circles m Jakarta today confirmed that two ships under th? British flag are being held hi Priok Harbour by the Indonesian authorities, according to Aneta news agency. The ships are Tat An and Tonna. They are being held for smuggling a cargo or rubber
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 58 1 NEW DELHI. Thurs— Pollbig dates for general elections m 18 out of the 26 States m India were announced yesterday. Except m the case of Himacnal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Hyderabad Travancore- Cochin, Bhopai and Bila^pur, polling will begin In January 1952. These aeven States will
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  • 121 1 TAIPEH, Thurs. NEW overall plan for underground activities m Singapore, Hong Kong. Macao. Siam. Indo-China. the Philippines and Japan has been drawn up by the Cominform m the Par East. accordIng to an Intelligence report published m Taipeh. Liv Shao-chi. top Chinese Communist after Mao
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  • 217 1 pENERAL Ridgway toda; discuss a new truce coi ing them of his original at sea. To end the fortnighted for an immediate met decide on some other pi negotiations can be c TOKYO, Thursday. y asked the Communists to nference site, later remindsuggestion for
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  • 66 1 CAPETOWN. Thurs. QSCAR, the young bull elephant the King of Cambodia sent to President Truman, dropped dead today. The animal died as the ship on which it was travelling, the Steel Surveyor, was docking here. It was seni by King Norodom Sianhouk Varmen of Cambodia,
    AP  -  66 words
  • 41 1 TOKYO. Thurs.— The Tokyo Government today purged 19 leaders of the Communist Party and m so doing automatically removed three Diet members from their seats m the Japanese legislature. They were charged with "terroristic and undemocratic" activities A.P.
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  • 106 1 HONG KONG Thurs. IIONO KONG Government announced today that Japanese assets In Hong Kong estimated at mor3 than $20,000,000 will be available tor distribution under the Japanese peace treaty. Mr. James Griffiths, the Secretary of State for the Colonies m consultation with the Governor, Sir
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  • 48 1 PARIS, Thurs. Paris police, conducting a morality campaign, made a spectacular roundup of suspicious characters m the Champs Elysees sector 04 Wednesday, but made only nln e arrests One of the aims of the drive apparently wa« to frighten prostitutes off the streets.— AJ.
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  • 86 1 HONG KONG. Thurs. TOLD bars and United States v gold pieces worth about HK51. 200,000 were confiscated m court here today after they had been seized yesterday on two ships leaving for Singapore. One lot was discovered m the engine room of the vessel. Taksang,
    AFP  -  86 words
  • 174 1 New Mossadeq move blocked TEHERAN, Thursday. pEK^IAN Opposition deputies staged an "absentee r revolt" today to block Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq's threatened oil talks ultimatum to Britain. Their absence forced the Majlis (Lower House) to adjourn until Sunday without taking any decision on the proposal. Dr.
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  • 23 1 DOVER. Thurs. Seasickness forced a 21-year-old Turkish student from the University of Tennessee yesterday to abandon an English Channel swim attemDt-
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  • 111 1 NEW YORK, Thursday. DRITAIN was still undecided whether to ask for a "waiver of the 1946 United States loan repayments, Mr. Hugh Gaitskell, British Chancellor of the Exchequer, said m New York yesterday. Mr. Gaitskell was answering reporters' questions on his arrival In New York
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  • 56 1 1 SPECIAL four-page Gold Cup race supplement will be published In today's Free Press. It will include an article by Allan Lewis on early prospects for the big race on Saturday next week and a complete form guide for all horses running at the ineetinr. Book your
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  • 82 1 BLACKPOOL. England. Thurs. LEADERS of the British Trades Union Congress narrowly prevented the organisation from censuring the government today for imposing charges on false teeth and spectacles. A resolution calling upon the government to "abolish these charges forthwith" was beaten by a rote of
    AP  -  82 words
  • 50 1 Lincoln medium bombers of the Royal Australian Air Force were out last night to attack two bandit targets m Perak. One formation attacked a target m central Perak and another, which returned to base In Singapore early this morning hit a terrorist objective m southern Perak.
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  • 738 1 Dato Onn denies British backing K. LUMPUR, Thurs. FIATO Onn bin Ja'afar, convenor of the Independence of Malaya Party, denied today that any high government official, or the British Government, was behind the plan to form the party. He was speaking after a press conference at which he had outlined
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 84 1 i or The Great v}(^ Occasion J j» > Ul&*a^ GIFTS Call at G C. De Silva <s Bros., JEWELLERS 3. Riffln Place, Spore. Ph. MIIS MALAYAN JOCKEYS ASSOCIATION 4th ANNUAL JOCKEYS DANCE IN AID OF LOCAL CHARITIES AT RAFFLES HOTEL Monday, 10th September, 1951 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.
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    • 12 1 MHJ eeas Y*ith. More orange crush please, mummq Children )ove|jii£l ORANGE CRUSH
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  • 286 2 A crystal *a*cr T forertrsf*^- NEW YORK, Thursday. rtR. James B. Conant, a leading World War II atom b»nb scientist, predicted yesterday there would be o« atomic war this century. Dr. Conant was speaking to the American Chemical Society on "An analytical chemist
    Reuter  -  286 words
  • 77 2 REST OF THE WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF... I ITALIAN rii^r. Alette \*4» €«»q*il left for the| I U.S. U seek m revised; peace treaty more m line I with the "soft" terms of I fered Japan. THE Western Allies 1 said In Bonn they were I gradually handing over I
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  • 82 2 PRESIDENT Trnnian I left San Francisco by| plane for Kansas City to inspect flood damage. JAPAN'S Communist 1 Party protested against? I arrest of leading party I members. A Turkish soldier tchoi received 13 wounds m Ko- 1 rea has been invited to\ i the United States. ONE
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  • 23 2 TAIPEI. Thurs— The Chinese Nationalist Government has appointed General Wang Tung-yuan as ambassador to South Korea. He succeeds Bhao Yu-lin.— AP.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 377 2 I mr ONI I»AV OM.V! 1 Shows: S. S.M M 9 .trihoU* ¥y Chaw Brs«. IbsjmM nominee IHTMN OUVIEB FONTAIKE l.i "REBECCA" TOaiOBROW! CcXuavma Pictures •KrVAB.V In dnee*lor HEX JWORE BAKU T^*a» A Sunday at 11.30 a.m. -KEY LABOO" Blarls Today t.W «.»0 pJaV ■MANTHItI KIMARI" (TamU) Atlaatuc Great World
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    • 613 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS GOVERHHreNT OF tiOFnT 1 BORNEO TECHNICAL APPOINTMENTS Applications are invited for the following posts with the Public Works Department, North Borneo Senior Chargehands (Mechanical). Senior Chargehand (Vehicle Electrician), Senior Chargehand (Power Station), Chargehand (Mechanical), Charrehand (Blacksmith), Chargehand (Machinist). Chargehands (Earthmoving equipment). Chargehand (Quarries). Chargehand (Wood working shop* 2.
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    • 531 2 NOTICES StNGAPOtE MUNICIPALITY aYtWEBfiMENT LIST 1952 (Section 62. Municipal Ordinpnce) The Assessment List for 1852 has been completed and may be Inspected ut the Municipal Offices (Room 128) during office hours. The Municipal Commissioners will proceed to revise the assessment at 2.30 pjn. on Friday. 26th October 1951. All objections
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    • 366 2 BY ORDER OF THE SINGAPORE HAMOOTt BOARD AUCTION SALE OF Undelivered Goods Comprising:— Wire NalU. Corr. Bheets, Push Chain, Motor Spares. Laggage Carrier*, Textiles. Provisions. etc. To Be Held At 6JLB. Oodowns Nos. 1, 2. 3, 6. 7 9 10, 11, 12. 15. 18, 21, 24. 31 32. 33, 34,
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    • 350 2 H. M. DOCKYARD, SINGAPORE TENDER NO. 171/11. Tenders are invited for the purchase of WOODEN DUMB LIGHTER No. 503 approx. 40 Urns capacity 45 feet long x 15 feet beam. The lighter is nnflt for /.dmrralty •enrlce. Tender forms will be Issued and viewing permltte.l en application to the Pilot
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    • 153 2 i' i"! r\ FT I Righf through pregnjney ■M^^B {JKTTT^\ I and earliest infancy, it is of f jtC-J""' 1 the utmost importance to ■^Sj^^B|^-__ 1- m^^i mother and baby's health, that mother be fully and S>^^^P^PB correctly nourished. Brand's Essence of Chicken is th« invaluable and pleasant way to
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  • 442 3 New tactics at peace talks FOREIGN TROOPS OUT IN 90 DAYS SAN FRANCISCO, Thursday. A CALL for the withdrawal of all occupation forces from Japan within ■Ml days of a peace treaty coming; into effect was made last night by Mr. Andrei Gromyko, the Soviet Deputy
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  • 176 3 Huks to step up terror MANILA, Thurs. IpLANS for intensified Communist Huk activities for a period of three months have been uncovered by the Philippine Armed Forces, according to reliable sources here.. They include a series of ambuscades and raids and a live-point programme for disrupting the coming elections. Each
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  • 56 3 NEW YORK, Tliurs. THE New York Tirms said on Wednesday that, Mr. John King: Fairbanb, a Harvard professor, has been barred from Japan by the U.S. Army. Mr. Fairbank, who has been accused of helping a Communist spy ring, received a year's leave of absence from
    AP  -  56 words
  • 31 3 LONDON. Thurs. Plans and Prospects of the £1,868--0« M 000 Colombo Plan for economic nevlopme-nt of South anrj Southeast Asia may be rovipwed m London next Jamnrv.— Reuter.
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  • 47 3 MANILA, Thurs.— Two of nine people, whose trial opened yesterday on charges of plotting with the Filipino Communists and Huks to overthrow the Government, have pleaded guilty. They are expected to be sentenced today. Among the accused is Manila Councillor Amando Fernandez. U.P.
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  • 25 3 MANINLA. Thurs.— Leaflets by the "Communist Party of the Philippines' urging voters to boycott the November elections were found In Manila this morning.
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  • 14 3 OTTAWA. Thurs. India has bought 400,000 tons of Canadian whr;at.— A. P.
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  • 57 3 LONDON. Thurs. THE Institute of London Underwriters last night lowered the shipping Insurance rates for ships calling at Chinese ports south of Canton from five to three per cent. The war risks Insurance rates for ships sailing from Canton to Hone Kong and Macao were also reduced
    AFP  -  57 words
  • 49 3 NEW DELHI, Thurs. Afghans will "try to the utmost to resist aggression and all attempts at foreign domination," said Afghanistan's Premier. Marshal Shah Mahmoud Khan Gazi. yesterday. The Premier Is on his way to Kabul after six months m the United States 'or medical treatment. U.P.
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  • 99 3 TALAL BECOMES KING AMMAN, Thurs. JORDAN'S Crown Prince, 42--year-old Emir Talal, was proclaimed King last night 47 days after the assassination of his father, King Abdullah. The Emir was flying home from Switzerland where he had been recovering from a nervous breakdown. He was escorted by his younger brother the
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  • 63 3 HONG KONG, Thurs— A team of seven Japanese has reached Hong Kong on their way home after surveying the possibilities of salvaging Japanese ships sunk m IndoChina waters during the war. They include two divert and representatives of six Japanese steel mills. About 100 Japanese
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  • 41 3 HONG KONQ, Thurs. Thousands of people forming a three mile-long procession yesterday attended what is probably the biggest funeral ever m the Colony that of the late Bishop Henry Pascnnl Valtorta, first Catholic Bishop of Hong Kong. Reuter.
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  • 138 3 Rhodesians say 'no' to Federation NDOLA, Northern Rhodesia, Thursday. 'THE British Government's proposals for the fedex ration of Northern and Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland were not acceptable even as a basis of discussion, a native memorandum said yesterday. The memorandum, presented to the British Colonial Secretary, Mr. James Grifflths, was
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  • 68 3 LONDON, Thurs. HENIS Compton, the England and Middlesex cricketer, is engaged to marry a South African girl, it was announced yesterday. His bride to be is 23-year-old Miss Valsrie Platt. of Isipingo, near Durban. The wedding Is expected to be early next month m South Africa. Compton
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  • 105 3 MELBOURNE, Thurs. A STRICTLY "two-purl-one-plain" man, Victoria's Attorney General, Mr. Thomas Walter Mitchell, knits as he sits at Cabinet meetings. He said recently he had finished a scarf 50 stitches wide and 7 feet four inches Ion; "m a few Cabinet meetings." He is
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  • 59 3 Daily, between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m., after the last of the crowd has left, hundreds of workers prepare the exhibits at the Sooth Bank Exhibition, London, for another day. An electrician here replaces a burntout bulb m the "Mind of Man" exhibit, which shows,
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  • 186 3 Atomic ray may be new weapon TRUMAN CAUSES A STIR WASHINGTON, Thurs. PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S assertion that the United States is considering new and "fantastic" weapons caused speculation today on whether he was referring to the hydrogen bomb or some weapon connected with radiological warfare. Mr. Truman told a Democratic rally
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  • 58 3 MANILA, Thurs. A rnotorship was torn from it* moorings off north-eastern Oagayan and driven out to sea by strong winds during a weekend typhoon. It Is feared that five people aboard perished, according to report* reaching h«-re. No trace has been found of the motorshlp
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 128 3 More beautiful? A Of <our»et No other nail polifh, at any price, V lendi tuch beauty to your nails at CUTEX. Ciitrx contain.- an exclusive new ingrediem. F.namrlon. Your naiU will retain their fjPff^SJM lustre lor dayß. Cutri does not rrarlu peel IW^MirtK Tr off "r laiU. Oion-r from liic
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    • 313 3 The man who Kentish Beer I congratulated S *J\ excellent taste tDCMIIMC \l:%tfifol\ rKCIfILINj 1 jBm/\ KENTISH BEER Singapore prices: Small 65c. Large $1.20 COLD STORAGE 'YOU.too.may be one of the MILLIONS who suffer from VITAMIN&MINERAt/When you're «naerr»c, feel nerrous, have utplant fr%m «W* dvum >• ik, Pi.ifit diuy tfrlli.
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  • 366 4 Appeal fund launched to give nurses scholarships PROPORTION TO AID T.B. VICTIMS AN appeal f and has been formed to give a posttraining scholarship for Singapore nurses at the Royal College of Nursing, London. The appeal will be launched on September 25 with a flag day and a gala premiere
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 4 AIR CHIEF MARSHAL Sir Christopher •urtnej (richt) arrrred m Singapore last night by QaoUs Constellation from Britain on his way to Australia to attend the 30tn anniversary celebrations of the RAAF. He was met at KaUaac by Air Vice-Marshal R. L. Rap*. Senior Air Stall Officer. Straits Times picture
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  • 146 4 Need for nurses at Middleton MIDDLETON Infectious Dbm eases Hospital Is short of nursing stall, and a subcommittee of the Municipal Health Committee has been appointed to »»mt»«t (he problem. The Municipal Health Officer, Dr. N. A. Canton, said yesterday that withhi the last few years, more and more temporary
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  • 96 4 FE Singapore Coroner, Mr Choor Singh, yesterday returned a misadventure verdict at the Inquest on Tay Choo. a 41-year-old woman, who was killed when her attap house collapsed m LJm Chu Kane Road on Aug. 15. Her husband. Ang Llew. a 51 -year-old farmer, said that after a
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  • 27 4 JOHOBE BAHRU, Thors About 65 acres of land has been requisitioned by Government for a re-settlement area at Slmnang Rengam on the Johore Bahro-Ayer Hitam road.
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  • 22 4 The Army Civil Service Union will celebrate its fifth anniversary tomorrow with a dinner *t the Victoria Memorial Hall. Singapore.
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  • 45 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— Foo Kla Wee. manager of Nam Whatt Cold Storage. was fined SIM m the Police Court today for not displaying a pricp list of cigarettes sou by the firm, and another $120 for a similar offence In resppct of sugar.
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  • 38 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— Mr. T R. Hepworth from Kuala Lumpur, has succeeded Mr W M McCall. as Legal Adviser and Federal Counsel. Johore Mr Hepworth was at one time President of the Sessions Cotxrt. Johore Bahru
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  • 33 4 For assisting m the management of a chap-ji-lree on Aug. 29, Tay Kwee Kiat. ageo. 19, was fined $1,000 or three months' imprisonment by the Fourth Magistrate, Mr. P. Claque, yesterday.
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  • 314 4 10 DIED ON 'FORGOTTEN MOUNTAIN Two errors PILOT of the Singapore Standard Dakota which crashed into a mountain m Slam, killing ten people, made "elementary errors of judgment", says a report Into the crash. But the 4,200 ft. mountain which the Dakota hit 3,200 ft. up was shown on the
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  • 147 4 THE Singapore Municipality has lost considerable revenue since raids on hawkers were stopped 17 months ago. states the annual report of the Town Cleansing Department. Last year fines totalling $10,386 were collected by the Municipality for 1,323 hawker offences. Comnarattve fteures 'or ♦►•c previous
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  • 48 4 Malaya's exports of tin and tin concentrates last month totalled 6,176 tons, which beats this year's previous record m March by 188 tons. The cumulative total for the year is 42,935 tons. The United Kingdom maintained the best importer position with 2.293 tons.
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  • 59 4 JENGKU Sri I'tami Tengka Idris Shah, son of the Sultan of Selangor. will marry Tans Amat Mulia Tengkn Bokiah, second daughter of Tengaa Arifl Temeaggonjr hi Pehaft on September If. The ceremony will be at the home f the bride's tether, The hrtaeyvwn hi attach ed
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  • 32 4 M. Moothathamby, aged 33, was acquitted by the Third Magistrate, Mr. H. B. Livingstone, of stealing a bottle of beer worth $1,10 from a Singapore Harbour Board godown on July 8.
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  • 15 4 MUAR, Thurs.— Teh Chong Che was fined $30 at Muar for negligent driving.
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  • 145 4 RIOT REPORT— 'A CHALLENGE' r THE Riot Report is a chal- lenge to all communities for a firm moral stand m the face of any demoralising and degrading influence m Singapore, says the Archdeacon of the Colony, Rev. Robin Woods, m an article In the Cathedral -Courier, t Rev. Woods,
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  • 71 4 Admitting theft of 60 roller bearings, worth $689.43, Syed Abdul Razak bin Syed Abdul Majid, an 18-year-old peon told the First Police Magistrate, Mr. R. C. S. Bell, that he stole them because he was poorly paid. Razak was sentenced to three months' imprisonment, the sentence
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  • 298 4 ECAFE warns Asia of threat THE upward revaluation of currencies is being considered m some countries m Asia and the Far East to combat inflation. This is staled m the economic survey of Asia and Uie Far East for 1950 prepared by Dr P. S Lokanathan. Executive Secretary of ECAFE,
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  • 39 4 A Malay. Awane bin Rais». was knocked down by a motor-car at the 7th mile Bast Coast F.oad. Singapore last night. He received injuries m the face and harris and was admitted to the General Hospital.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 187 4 {^TOLEXg) DVILIIST^^^^^^ The Rolex Masfcrpfccc^ This model is truly the most handsome and complete watch to ever bear the name Rolex and is offered with the impartial guarantee and certification of an official Swiss Government testing station, showing it has passed uncompromising tests which mark it as model of inflexible
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    • 117 4 I lo#esf Arrival of <k^f G/on Singhs J|^^B Crease-Resisting j Heav V Q uafit V jjl MOSS CREPE 15 Lovely Shades. i We $*md Horn*.... NYLON STOCKINSS. Plain and Fishm^t, Packing Free. G*€U€S£hqAs C IWIHII llllpii.i T a v 30-1, Raffles Place, Spore, Phone 5214 > Consult our Expert Ladies
      117 words

  • 473 5 FIERY DRAGON FOR CITY- DAY Chinese plan invasion by 'sea monster 9 A GIANT dragon studded with 7,000 lights will i float m the sea as part of the lighter pro- cession m celebration of City Day m Singapore i on Sept. 22. The dragon will spit at intervals a
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  • 282 5 SECOND CHANCE FOR THOSE WHO FAIL I THOUSANDS of children I I A m Singapore who arei unable to make good m secondary schools will be given a secoad chance 1 when the Education I Department introduces a 'master plan" soon to 1 equip them for useful 1 occupations m
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  • 24 5 > Tnree-way traffic light* at the junction of Mountbatten i Road. Geylang Road and Kal- lang Road. Singapore, began operating yesterday. i
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  • 130 5 '< VUHAT is a fair price? How can we fight inflation? What is a decent living wage? What is the secret of Singapore's prosperity? These are some of the ques--ions that will b e discussed m the 10-lecture course on economics organised by the
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  • 32 5 IPOH. Thurs.— Because o the high cost of living Pera Chinese Chamber of Com merce wants the level c taxable income for purpose c income tax to be raised.
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  • 38 5 The provisional committee f of the Singapore Trade Union k Congress met last night and i- ratified the agenda for the if first delegates' conference to >f be held at Adelphl Roof Oarden on Sept. 30\
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  • 145 5 ALTHOUGH call* for air support by the security forces were considerably reduced In August, never fewer than ten aircraft were out each day to hit bandit targets. The main effort was In Johore, where 28 Individual targets were bombed, rocketted and straffed, the R.A.F. said last
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 5 POLICE OFFICER. Mr. E. J. Linsell. who sailed on the Carthage yesterday for England on leave.
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  • 114 5 150 join a class to be literate \t ORE than 150 adults have enrolled for the literacy class started by the Singapore Council for Adult Education m Outram School, Mr. P. K. Hernon, the Council's organising secretary, said yesterday. They Include policemen, soldiers, hospital attendants, taxi-drivers and a tailoress. Mr.
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  • 177 5 Gift has travelled 12,000 mis. T'HE president of the Sydney Journalists' Club this morning will drink beer out of a silver tankard that has travelled half-way round the world, as a token of esteem from the London Press Club to their Australian colleagues. The tankard, suitably inscribed, was brought from
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  • 93 5 Abdul Rahim bin Abdul Wahab, vho is charged with the murder of an 18-year-old girl, Lee Yuet Kwai, told the Asslae court yesterday that when he wa s turned down by the girl's father, he told the girl: "Your father does not consent to
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  • 40 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs Photographs taken by the Commlssioner-O c n c r a 1 Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, will be shown at the second allMalayan photographic exhibition at the Town Hall. Kuala Lumpur, from Oct. 27 to 29.
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  • 162 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. LIFE is soon to return to Ampang, once-thriving tin mining centre a few miles from Kuala Lumpur, which has been under curfew for four months. Wiring of Ampang village and railway station as a continuation of Ampang resettlement area has
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  • 48 5 UP GOES a 'BLOCK' POLICL', settlers and villag ers help to build road blocks at 4th mile Ampang villas c. Wh«n they are finished the curfew can be lifted and the villagers can go to cinema again after four m onths of "early to bed."— Straits Times picture,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 330 5 Al* Silver Musquash and Can a an Squirrel Fur Coats i are still available. l New Goods Unexpectedly arrived. IS A L E Now Extended to 20th Sept. J I BOKHARA! P A L A C E: Closing tor good BUY NOW AT I GREATLY REDUCED PRICES PERSIAN BOKHARA I
      330 words
    • 122 5 *y BRING them along CHILDREN'S SHOES MADE ON BASIC SHAPES. A-NURSERY "GIBSON" A Lacing Style m Tan Calf j/^\ Leather Sole and Heel. Sixes 5 to 6 $13.25 R-NURSERY BAR B f^K \JM m Tan Calf Leather Sole and Heel. I\ JC^ \fc^* I^^ Sixes sto 6 $13.25 >^ 61
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 123 5 FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN EXHIBITION: U.E. Building 9 a.m.— 6 p.m. Y.W.C.A. Raffles Quay. Ualay class, 9.15 a.m. and 5.30 p.m Continuation class 10 SO ajn. V.M.C.A. Orchard Road. Hockey. Engineer Regi. W. YMCA (at home) 5.15 p.m.; Judo training, 5.30 p.m.; body- building and weight-lifting 5.30 p.m.; commercial classes 5.30
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  • 805 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri., Sept. 7, 1951. A Stockpile Panic It is extraordinarily difficult to penetrate the American mind when it comes to rubber. And this time Senator Johnson and his Armed Services SubCommittee, of "gouging" fame, have really excelled themselves. Stockpile furore, talk of a rubber Pearl Harbour."
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  • 285 6 Persia's fifteen day "uitimatum" to Britain has been postponed. It would be pleasant if this could be accepted as a real change of mind, leading to a renewal of negotiations, but there is nothing to support so hopeful a view. It is probable that Dr. Mossadeq's decision has
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  • 1015 6  - WOMEN, BRICKBATS A NEW PARTY. CHRISTINEDIEMER By- •pHIS is an important year politically for Siam. There is a Keneral election next March, a new Agriculture Labour Party is now m existence, and for the first time m Siamese political history women candidates will be prominent. The new agricultural party, led
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 206 6 OUCH a letter as G.S.W.'s "Income Tax Experts" Is •3 undoubtedly based on facts. The sort of thing he says, as I have had cause to notice, has come to be expected m this Colony, much to our shame. we are ODiigea 10 rat.
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    • 199 6 THE POLICE THE PEOPLE MR. Charles L Ward's letter on pettifogging police prosecutions should not pass unnoticed especially since the views have come from an unbiassed person living outside Malaya. If the police could act with a little tact and good manners, they would surely win the confidence and goodwill
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    • 80 6 TOHILE the Singapore Traffic Police are to be congratulated on the more even flow of traffic over Anderson Bridge on to Collyer Quay, it is still puzzling why the left- hand line is solid and the right hand line broken. Surely this should be reversed? It Is
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    • 118 6 fAST month at a meeting of the In do- Ma lay an Association. Singapore, it was decided, on a resolution moved by the president of the Association, to dissolve. This Association was the only one of its kind which catered for the local-born Indians, and it is
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    • 333 6 THE departure of Miss Rhona Connery Is a serious loss to Radio Malaya. A listener wants primarily to hear without difficulty or strain every word the broadcaster says. Atmospheric conditions often affect listening m Penan*, particularly for those who. like myself, possess only the cheapest
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  • 395 6 Mr. Physick rpHERE can be few people left m this country today who remembe r Malaya's first experience of rice control and household rationing. This scheme was Introduced m 1919, when there was a sudden rice famine. An account of it Is given In the last number
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 830 6 MKDORA: To Nargb, wife of Keki Medora, at K.K. Hospital. on Thursday, 6th September, the gift of a son. STUART: At the Bungsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, on 2nd Sept., ]*51. to Prances, wife of William etuart. Kombok btate, Rembau, N. 8.. a daughter. ACKNOWLEDGMENT MRS. B. M. McCOLL and son
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    • 67 6 DREADER'S igest (AMERICAN EDITION) Tlm Sex Story far ChiMrra How Britain Feels About Korea o Woman— Foifck* of. Etc a Who Said the French Won't Fight! s How ta Marry Well a Tension's Little Trigger Men Ymt Gestures Give You Away I Admire rfce H.mi. Race Book Condensation Florcne* Nightingale
      67 words
    • 91 6 Ir^OPTICIRM Fellow Institute Ophthalmic Opticians (Eng.) Fellow Worshipful Co. of Spectacle-Makers (Eng Freeman of the City of London. By Appointment to H M Forces, South East Asia. 6 Raffles Place Singapore Phone ***** > NO DEEP DIPPtNGTMO GROPING INTO i#V INKY DEPTHS TO FIU. YOUR PEN/ Aw SKRIP'S EXCLUSIVE TOP-WELL
      91 words

  • 144 7 KUALA 1.1 MPI X, ihurs. 1)ATO ONN bin Ja afar said today that the following resolution would be tabled at the formation meeting of the Independence for Malaya Party on Sept. IS. "We, the people of Malaya, here assembled do hereby affirm the unalterable
    144 words
  • 80 7 A [.OR STAR. Thurs.— The ■OeisJ economy and the educational and political position of Malays were so precarious that it was absurd to ■peak of self-government m seven years as visualised by Dato Onn bn Ja'afar. said Inche Ismail Merican. Malay Unofficial, at todays Kedah >
    80 words
  • 63 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— Gan Sin Wan was found m i -:on of 12 slabs of opium weighing 24 lbs. when, h- arrived by car at the Johore Causeway from Singapore th*> Sessions Court hfv was told today Charged with importing this opium Gan said
    63 words
  • 111 7 Onn says 'no' to State rubber KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. DATO Onn bin Ja'afar, Member for Home Affairs and convenor of the Independence for Malaya Party, today said he was personally against nationalising the rubber industry m Mai- "The whole object of nationalising anything is to get more benefit for the
    111 words
  • 48 7 Sect Cheng Hai, a clerk employed by Adelphi Hotel, pleaded guilty m Singapore yesterday to stealing a camera and an exposure me\i worth $700 belonging to a resident on Aug. 21. The case was postponed to Saturday for sentence. Sect was remanded m custody.
    48 words
  • 398 7 MEMBERSMUSTBE 10-yr RESIDENTS Joint action for independence KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. 'THE Independence for Malaya Party will cooperate with political parties, organisations and other bodies m joint action to attain an independent state of Malaya, Dato Onn bin Ja'afar, convenor of the IMP formation meeting on Sept.
    398 words
  • 357 7 'TEMPTED' PA Y OFFICER GETS 2 YEARS' GAOL AN Army officer "succumbed to temptation* because he found life was so expensive m Singapore. Yesterday he was sentenced to be cashiered and to two years' imprisonment. He was 31-year-old lieutenant Peter John Tooley, of the Royal Army Pay Corps, who was
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  • 37 7 LADY GIMSON and Mrs. Malcolm MacOonald, as the latter bade faitwell to Lady Gimson a few minutes before the Carthage sailed yesterday. Sir John Sterndale Bennett accompanied Mrs Mac Donald. Straits Times picture.
    37 words
  • 168 7 mHE general manager of I QANTAS airlines, Mr. C. O. Turner, lg arriving m Singapore tomorrow en route for a spe^al 'Comet' conference to be held next week, m London. Details or the B.O.AJC. Comet's first flight out here, which Is likely to
    168 words
  • 78 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— In the Sessions Court today, an order was made for the transfer of the case against Mohd. Taib bin Osman and Abdul Rauf bin Nahamat to the Juvenile Court When first charged. Mohd Taib was stated to' be 17 years old but
    78 words
  • 318 7 AS far as can be ascertained, the Singapore and Federation Governments do not owe Siam any money for rice bought from that country during the British Military Administration. Singapore Government sources yesterday would not comment, however' on the statement by Mr. Walter Fletcher
    318 words
  • 64 7 HEADS of departments of the Singapore Municipality have been instructed by the Commissioners' Service Committee to keep m close touch with the trade unions of their employees and deal with representations made by union leaders. To ensure uniformity of approach departmental heads are to consult one
    64 words
  • 116 7 Sarawak Govt. rE Sarawak Government yesterday denied knowledge of any claims to sovereignty over Limbang by the State of Brunei. Referring to a statement m the Straits Times of Sept 5 by Sultan Omar All Saifuddin of Brunei that the states of Labuan and Limbang
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  • 40 7 Kwan Chin Yew, aged 24 was yesterday sentenced to one month's imprisonment by the Fourth Magistrate, Mr. p. Claque, for stealing motor cycle tools worth $20 from Ismail hip Haji Mohamed at Emerald Hill Road on Aug. 29
    40 words
  • 92 7 LADY GIMSON LEA VES I ADY GIMSON, wife of Sin- gapore's Governor, left for Britain by the Carthage yesterday. A large crowd was at the wharf. Lady Gimson appeared overwhelmed by the flowers and good wishes shfe received Also on board were Mr. E. J. Linsell and Mr. T. E.
    92 words
  • 67 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.Teh Ah Ch ri was fined $80 m the Police Court today on a charge of rash driting which caused hurt to Lim Yong Chong. Teh wa« driving a lorry loaded with fish from Mersing to Johore Bahru when it got out of
    67 words
  • 58 7 After S. Rajoo and Abdul Hamid were charged with fighting near a Singapore Harbour Board godown on Aug. 24, the prosecutor told the Third Magistrate, Mr. H.B. Livingstone, that the constable who had arrested the men was not m Court, as he had left
    58 words
  • 629 7 CHIN PENG— the man Britain 'trusted' is now a dangerous foe CHIN PENG, secretary-gene-ral of the Malayan Communist Party and master mind of the jungle bandits, was described by Colonel Spencer Chapman m his "Jungle is Neutral" book as "Britain's most trusted guerilla." That was during the Japanese occupation. Today
    629 words
  • 38 7 SEGAMAT. Thurs.— A welfare homp for the aged and poor has been opened m the resettlement, camp at Buloh Kasap Thp cost, $3,200. was shared by Segamat branch of the M.C.A and the village committee
    38 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 75 7 fffc JE SA RD INJS S j M/V 1& IN TOMATO SAUCE %&^Jr ANY VARieTY AMY SOURCE AYAM ARE BETTER! MS i „-->: f \WW W Qiu,i*y v3^^""ii tn- Smmltiss X Binoculars m NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO. I CAPITOL OPTICAL CO. 71 High Street, Sinn jpor«. Cipifol Bid*. Singapore. Phone:
      75 words
      58 words

  • 259 8 P.M. U. CHIEF 'MA Y BARTER S'PORE,PENANG FOR POWER' Rflffll^^H^^^^^HPgoW^s?nem^reve3iesP KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. JNCHE Hashim Ghani, President of the Peninsular Malays Union, was described as a man who was prepared to barter Singapore and Penan? m exchange for personal power by Inche Mohammed Sopiee, former UMNO youth leader and one
    259 words
  • 34 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs The Federated Malay States Chamber of Commerce has recommened to the Federal Ports Committee that immediate steps should to taken to develop port facilities at North Klang Strait.
    34 words
  • 251 8 A FORMER president of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Lim Keng Uan, became the first elected president of the Singapore, Malayan Chinese Association at a meeting of the branch committee held yesterday. Two leading officials of the Straits Chinese British Association. Mr.
    251 words
  • 256 8 rpHE following Singapore candidates passed their third year Normal examinations, 1951: COURSE A. Misses Wong Sook Chlng, SiHoe Sing Leng, Ngal Hong Chee, Lim Tho Lian, Lim Van Leng, Choon Chin Moot, Kathleen Leong, Catherine Lim It Lian, Tow Soon Ai. Lav Soo Nol, Hedwiges Lazaroo, Sarah
    256 words
  • 22 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.— Dr. Robert Hall, part-time Health Officer, Kluang, has been appointed a member of the Kluang Town Board*.
    22 words
  • 43 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.The Customs' Causeway Office. Johore Bahru. will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday for Hart Raya Hajl and on Sept. 17 m honour of the birthday of the Sultan of Johore. Thqse three days are Government holidays.
    43 words
  • 31 8 A donation of $327 has been sent to the Air Day Committee by Lion Limited, being profits made on the sale of Coca-Cola at the air display last Saturday.
    31 words
  • 25 8 They wed in S'PORE MR. V. KANTHASAMY and his bride. Miss Theivani Pillai, after their wedding at Jansen Road. Singapore T eaterday. Straits Times picture.
    25 words
  • 176 8 OINGAPORE trade unions will ask the Colony Gov- eminent to start price control for all essential commodities, to stop further increases m the cost-of-living. I A resolution to this effect will be submitted to the first delegates' conference of the Singapore Trade Union Congress on
    176 words
  • 143 8 Bribery trial of V.S.P.S adjourned TrfE continued trial of two former volunteer special constables, Tang Kwong Siang and Tan Bak Phuang, on a joint charge of accepting a bribe of $200, was postponed sine die m the Singapore Third District Court yesterday, because two prosecution witnesses, the master and the
    143 words
  • 27 8 Five Chinese, four Indians and one Malay were fined $10 each by the Third Magistrate. Mr. H. B. Livingstone, yesterday, for spitting In public.
    27 words
  • 179 8 Blackout areas PLLOWING areas are liable to be blacked out today: DAY Rangoon Rd., Towner Rd., Serancoon Rd., Kolam Ayer, McPherson Rd., Kirn Chuan Rd.. Boundary Rd.. Upper Serangoon, Yio Chu Ka.iß Rd.. r.ovt. Printing Office. Wood Irish Park. Braddell Heixhte, Arthur Rd., Tunjone Katong, Broad rirk Rd.. Telok Kurau.
    179 words
  • 76 8 All. Hukian and Uncle Oliie tet off to Mat's hooae. They found him In the carden. "Why hello:" be exclaimed. "How nice to nee you." "We want your help," hooted Uncle. "B-»kar Bear is ia trouble." "Oh dear, oh dear," uM Mat. "What's the matter?"
    76 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 636 8 :>>♦}♦♦♦♦♦♦'♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦< t See our Latest Arrival j Robot I I AUT 0 M AfTC I TOASTER //^2^s^v/\ 2+++++++++++ I 1 ifiPf I Made In tns;land Easy to operate. Civet you- piping Hot Toait at your J| Table without the usual nuisance. Suitable for AC/ DC mains two-pin plug or a
      636 words
    • 244 8 Fragrant hair. Radiantly healthy hair. Shining hair. Obedient hair, easily managed. That's hair that is cared for by Cotf Brilliantine. This pure brilliantine is made from the finest oils. It nourishes the whole scalp, counteracts the drying effects of washing. Gires the hair itself a soft and even glosa. j~
      244 words

  • 24 9 O te o/ //ie scenes m "Bird o/ Paradise" tcft€» Debra Faycf Acs to tea/Ac across red-ftot stones to prove tier love.
    24 words
  • 851 9 •JHIS has been a cheerful week m the film world, with three comedies, one first-class and two pretty entertaining, coming up for early showing. Best oT the three, oddly enough, was British "Hotel Sahara"' with Yvonne de Carlo supplying the glamour (more than adequately, see
    Thelma Ritter remember her as the viper tongued dresser All About Eve playing plebeian mother whose son marries above himself  -  851 words
  • 133 9 STAGE CLUB IS REBORN week the Singa-\ I pore Stage Club. which ceased to operate I when the Singapore Re- 1 pertory Company started] I up, trill stage its first i production since it was reconstituted tchen the i "Rep" died through lack of public support. The play chosen is
    133 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 181 9 I t-S TODAY I ll am 145 4M BM 9J m^f^^^. v«' Plas Malayan Film Unit's 1 Btf^» 1 "I 1 ALL-MALAYAN s 1 SOth AAA SPORTS CHAMPIONSHIPS AT R.L." Tele: 'ffj^jM J 1 5159 ~m *a 4 JI4 j*.4iTT RKO Kadio 5 Super-Duper I Rbuloui -a** Ferocious, hungry tfBZ
      181 words
    • 311 9 TODAY! H !».:{0 p.n. A FEAST of GREAT MUSIC! »i —m- M-— nc>*— „.1 ,-.._^J y wj.heifetx X| ix cornier /I "sr*— lonnn and music' Hew^Aihambra I Morn. Mat. Sat 9 a.m. "Thr Street With No If Mir" San. 9 a.m. "Task Force" GET THE NEW ALHA.MBRA HABIT! ~r~
      311 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 184 9 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 10-10.10 am. News from K.L.: 1 pjn. Radio Orch.; 1.30 News; 1. 45-2 Dance Music; 6.15 'Forces' F.ivouritw": 6.55 Announcements; 7 News; 7.12 -Reporter's Notebook," by David Martin: 7.J0 •'Personal Choice": 8 Talk; 8.15 "Evening Star": 8.30 "Friday Prom" <Elgar>; 9.30 News: 9.45 "Latin American Serenade": 10
      184 words
    • 383 9 mm mb! I for singers (5). Straits Times Crossword 25 Conduc^j^« aervlce (9) 1 jiM 1 iij ii ii IJ.V.WJ v 1 Laid low (10). 1 2 3 :Hs W 6 7 8 2. Desire for food is mostly H |H iH M smaU m Prance (8). a Sto 3.
      383 words

  • 285 10 LONDON, Thurs. AVERSEAS issues again found favour with buyers and claimed most of the attention In London Stock Exchange. Canadian dollar stocks moved sharply higher on investment support and there were useful gains In Japanese bonds following the latest news from the San Francisco conference. Closing middle prices
    285 words
  • 159 10 Prom Oar Own Correspondent MELBOURNE. Thurs. A HEAVIER weight of telling sent a wide range of Industrial and General shares lower In the Melbourne exchange today. Minings were the one bright spot In the market, with Base Metals and Golds gaining Turn-overs rose above those of the
    159 words
  • 34 10 HONO KONO, Thurs. FREE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quoted at the close today as follows: US$l HK56.64 (cash). HK56.67 (T>; £1 HK515.77; one tahll of gold HKs33l'-i.— UP.
    UP  -  34 words
  • 34 10 r THE Malayan Exchange Banks Association announced yesterday that control direct rates for Canadian dollars were: Buying T.T. 34! i. Airmail (O.D 35 (90 days) 35U; Selling T.T./OD. ready 34 9 'IS.
    34 words
  • 231 10 Prices still rise: five cents a Ih* this time A NOTHER big price rise was recorded yesterday A m the Singapore rubber market, which was still influenced by the political situation. A lot of September first-grade business was done at $1.62 a lb., five cents above Wednesday's close.
    231 words
  • 11 10 I SINGAPORE. Thurs., Sept «._5457 (up $17.87*.)
    11 words
  • 26 10 LONDON. Thurs. Cash Buyers £990, Sellers £997*; Forward Buyers 937*. Sellers £938; Settlement £975 (up £40). Turnover: a.m. 90, p.m. 65 tons.
    26 words
  • 162 10 A RELATIVELY steadier tone prevailed In the major sections of the Singapore produce market yesterday. White pepper remained unchanged, sellers maintaining quotations of $915 a plcul for Muntok and S9lO for Sarawak, but Latnpong black came down to $695. The copra sectoln was somewhat erratic, buyers opening
    162 words
  • 305 10 Sellers' market everywhere DUYINO was brisk m all secu tlons of the Malayan share market yesterday, with an even heavier demand for Rubber shares. With sellers holding off, prices hardened. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: INDL'STBIALS Bmrm shiit. Fraser Si Neav* Ordl |v 40Q
    305 words
  • 172 10 SHIPS m the Singapore Roads and alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowna at 4 p m. yesterday were: Onter Roads: Hal Hsuan. Saltlkov Schredin. Rebeverett, Rio Bamba. Hoegh Silverbeam. Chng Hwa. Van Den Bosch. Chip Lam. Dardanus. Sandvlken, Inchmull. Plducla, Bolssevain, Frederick Clover. Valkynen Maersk, Agapenor. Helnrlch Jecaen.
    172 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1381 10 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Vngapore) blob rutnrai. lime earner's option te proceed via other parts to lead and discharge cargo. SAILINCS te LIVIRPOOL CLASCOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Due Sails P Sham Perwmg Drrr.odoc»t tor L'pool C. 21/24 Sept. 7 Au torn. don for London C. 16/37 Sept. II
      1,381 words
    • 413 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS Ta New York and Boston via Ceylon. India, Egypt and Mediterranean Pert*. Singapore P Swettenham Penang s.s "PRESIDENT BUCHANAN" 12/20 Sept. 21/22 Sept. 23/25 Sept. sj. "PRESIDENT HARDINC" 24/ 30 Sept. OmitT I/I Oct. I* "SCHUYLER OTIS BLAND" 2/10 Oct. 11/12 Oct. Sept/1 Oct Te Loi Angela*
      413 words
    • 391 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK. /CONTINENT "Falstria" tor Saigon b Bangkok c 29/10 "Patagonia" for Bangkok. HKong, Manila. Kobe Yokohama 17-20 Seat. 14-16 Sept. 10-13 Sept. •Nordhv.r for Bangkok 21-22 Sapt. 18-20 Sept "Selandia" for Saigon Bangkok 16-17 Oct. 13-ISOct. 10-12 Oe*. "Panama" for Bangkok. Hong Kong, Kobe Yokohama
      391 words
    • 1015 10 MoALISTER 6c CO.. LTD. r*l*»hon« No 5906 ILXBRMAM BUCKNALL KLAVBNESS LINB LONDON HAVM ROTTEROAM tOS ANCfLES. SAN FRANCISCO. HAMBURG PORTLAND SEATTLf fr VANCOUVER *2L U r A -v. Not j h A»|»n' c Ports Acceoting cargo tor Central o South and Canada via Colombo. American Ports m.%. CITY Of KHARTOUM
      1,015 words

  • 417 11 FA VOURITES MAY NOT RUN >TARA STREET and Gambar Melayu, two early favourites for next week's Singapore Gold Cup race at Bukit Timah, are almost certain to skip the trial over a mile tomorrow, giving the green-light signal to backers to look further down
    417 words
  • 70 11 pKOBABLE line-up for tomorrow's Governor's Cup trial (lm.) is as follows: Tarm Street 9.00 Doubtful. 1 our o'clock II 9.00 Charles. Raj Mahal 8.12 Met loud. Colonel Daly 8.11 Crowe. Gambar Mrlayu 8.10 Doubtful. Kew Gardens 8.07 E. Donnelly. Toboggan 8.05 EMery. J'avanee 8.04 Birthday Gift 8.04
    70 words
  • 150 11 French Band is coming to hand pRENCH Band UaU> Beau Sandy), a nice-looking grey by Beau Port, went attractively m a half-speed workout with Tantalus at Bukit Timah yesterday mornIng. French Band was eager to go but Jackie Talt kept him well In check all the way. This newcomer Is
    150 words
  • 26 11 Leading Jockey Colin Tullota, now holidaying In Australia, U expected return to Malaya In October In time for the Penang Turf Club October Meeting.
    26 words
  • 98 11 T3RIDEFORD, a four-year-old by Falrford. easily has the best record of the Class 1 newcomers entered for the Gold Cup Meeting at Bukit Tlmah— he won four races over varied distances m England but Oular a big good looking four-year-old by The Pelican, strikes me
    98 words
  • 214 11 OELIEVERS m the "horse for course" theory can safely throw m their lot with The Bosun at Bukit Timah this meeting. Thrice this gennlne Beau Son gelding had been successful at Bukit Timah and only at one meeting did he fall to finish m
    214 words
  • 389 11 THERE will be a battle royal m the Class 1, Div. 1 mile handicap at Buklt Timah tomorrow. Snowy Owl 11, Wise Bird, Red Carnation, Brave Wind and Inky Bill are all Gold Cup aspirants but the handicapper has placed 14 horses
    389 words
  • 258 11 Gold Cup Parade. ..3 No horse has yet won the Singapore Gold Cup twice. Will Tara Street, winner of the classic last year, be the first horse to land the rarest of Cup doubles In today's Gold Cup Parade Epsom Jeep presents. TARA STREET Five-year-old
    258 words
  • 68 11 The oil crisis In Persia has caused an upcountry owner to miss the "bargain of the >ear." Negotiations for the purchase of Bob, a very useful staying four-year-old by Bobslelgn, fe.'l through when the BOAC cancelled its regular air freight service tit was. Intended to fly
    68 words
  • 329 11 OANDOWN, Black Velvet and Currency Boy II may stage a razor-keen three-cornered battle m the Class 3 Dlv. 1 6f. sprint at Bukit Tmlh tomorrow. All three are definitely on the upgrade. Sandown has been brought to concert pitch. This three-year-old bay by Watllng Street looked
    329 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 275 11 HARTLEYS JAMS MARMALADES Hartley's Jams and p=^?"^ Marmalades are 'mhJm^? famous throughout -%aV. J the United Kingdom. s^^k^m Hartleys taste J^^^M _w3S them and you'll soon F^l IS see why they re so Sole agents:MACLAINE WATSON CO., (M) LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG marmmm^mBWBWBWMBWBWBWBmBWKBWBWBWBWm HJ-1 V- v Wkf MB^m MB
      275 words
    • 372 11 o/fers YOU o complete PROFESSIONAL find COMMERCIAL training In ACCOUNTANCY. COST ACCOUNTING SECRETARYSHIP. BOOK-KEEPING. COMMERCR To ACHIEVE HIGHER STATUS and a SATISFYING CAREf d. atudy by L.S.A. "lnien»;»e He chad foetal Court** tor the Examinations ol the l«ad>n| racofnltad pro'tn on»l bodies of Accoununts and Auoicor* i Cost Accountant!; Company,
      372 words

  • 1052 12 Singapore fight for 4-2 win LATE GOALS CLINCH ISSUE Singapore 4 South China 8. 4 CROWD of more than 16,000 at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday saw their Malaya Cup champions Singapore beat touring South China A.A. by four goals to two with a great exhibition of second half doggedness after
    1,052 words
  • 512 12 HOCKEY LEAGUE STARTS NEXT WEEK By Our Hockey Reporter THE Singapore Hockey Association's experimental A league begins next week without any fuss or ceremony. As the first attempt of its kind m the Colony, the league is being given a chance to either Drove itself
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  • 209 12 FOREST HILLS, Thurs. |Lf AUREEN Connolly, 16--year-old American Nightman Cup player, became the youngest winner In history of the United States women's lawn tennis championship yesterday: In the final she beat Shirley Fry, the Wimbledon finalist, 6—3, 1-4, 6— 4— Reutcr spring surprises Is the University
    209 words
  • 140 12 Sajarah make sure with 11-0 win KATONG Sajarah "A", by scoring a runaway victory of 11 goals to nil against Cosmos S.C. In their last game of the season on the BODCA gro'ind yesterday, became champions of Division 3B of the SAFA League by virtue of a better goal average.
    140 words
  • 44 12 la a S.A.F. Div. 3A League match played on the CYMA ground yesterday Aston A.C. beat Netajl Memorial F.C. by four goals to one. The scorers (or Aston were: Francis (3), Chong Yew and Chan Seng. Latlff netted (or Netajl.
    44 words
  • 93 12 LONDON, Thurs. RESULTS of English Poot- ball League fixtures played yesterday were: FIRST DIVISION Arsenal Liverpool Chelsea Derby Manchester 11. Charlton 1 Portsmouth t Manchester C. 0 Preston N.I. Blackpool Sunderland 1 Aston VOIa J. West Brow. 1 Neweastlo SECOND DIVISION Barnsley 1 Luton Doncaster 1 Brentford
    93 words
  • 30 12 GLASGOW. Thurs. Peter Keenan. of Scotland became the European bantamweight champion last night here when he outpointed the bolder Louis Romero of Spain over IS rounds. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 161 12 SC. BEATY, Malayan singles runner-up and •Selangor champion, heads the Lawn Tennis Association of Malaya's first ranking list which has hfen drawn ud by the Standing Committee. The L.T.A.M. expect to make this national ranking list an annual feature, and a Ranking Committee will be
    161 words
  • 794 12 v^^^^^^^^i^^ W.^^^«H^h a k^^^i nPHE Swift Athletic Club is undoubtedly ihe most enterprising m Malaya. A But even they seemed to have over-reached themselves with their bold announcement that at the club championships next month 16-year-old schoolboy Chan Onn Lenf will make an
    794 words
  • 204 12 BOMBAY. Thurs A SIX-MAN Indian Tbomas Cup badminton team, comprising fly» players and a manager will leave Calcutta for Singapore on Sept. 14 where they will meet the Mayflower Badminton Party during their brief visit. Cwhmiro Oomnu, manager of the Indian team, told
    UP  -  204 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 811 12 lITCAT VACANT REQUIRED experienced and tnfluental sa .an for textiles, hardware am general sundries. Must be capau c to manage sales department, preferably person willIng to grow with expansion of business. Appiv Rox A7382. B.T. SITUATIONS WANTED EURASIAN WIDOW seek employment with European. Nanny. Write Box No A7436. S.T ENGLISH
      811 words
    • 870 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE 1947 CITROEN Brit, made 36.000 miles Ist offer over $4,000.Apply BOX No A7427, S.T. LATEST Model Ford V 8 1951 four door saloon just arrived m country offers to Box A7401, S.T. 1946 FORD ANGLIA good condition $2,300. Apply Mr. Stevens Llm 137 Orchard Road office hours
      870 words
    • 15 12 /ff^ ERE 1/ 1 v* lint DOM Sol. Aieffii' THE EASTERN AGENCIES (194 V) LTft.
      15 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 53 12 SOCCER: Comm. Lie.: Singapore Dwt. t Eurasians at Stadium: Jnr. Cuptie: Customs v Cheerful Lads at Grylanr; Business Hv. I.i, c: M. Airways v Ounlops at F.&N. ground; Hongkong Bank v Pulau Bukom on padang; United Services Lee.: RAF Changi Lod. Unit t RASC at Chanri. HOCKEY: S.C.R.C. v C.R.E.
      53 words
    • 23 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 0158 liri. <92). 135} (9.2); 0748 1 3.2) 2016 118). TOMORROW: 0246 (B.J). 1428 (1.1): 0820 14.1). 210» (2 ftK
      23 words