The Straits Times, 5 September 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 515 1 Satellite troops poised for action 1,000 PLANES READY FOR NEW OFFENSIVE TOKYO, Tuesday. ALLIED intelligence officers today said strong forces of "Soviet puppet troops" predominantly East Europeans, including East Germans and a 1,000 plane "puppet airfleet" were ready to go into action m Korea. These
    Reuter  -  515 words
  • 51 1 MEN OF THE Ist Battalion, the Royal Norfolk Regiment, march alongside the troopship Empire Orwell at Southampton before embarking for Korea. The unit, under the command of Lt. Col. J.H.R. Orlebar, is to replace an Infantry Battalion of the 29th Brigade.— A.P.
    AP  -  51 words
  • 199 1 European officers ambushed IPOH, Tuesday. rpHREE European officers of the Perak aboriginal areas constabulary were killed yesterday when bandits ambushed their Sakai raft on the Sungei Plus, a tributary of the Perak River m Sungei Cimit They went on Saturday to the Plus valley to
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  • 102 1 TOKYO. Tues. MYSTERIOUS red lights floated over Allied lines on the central Korean front last night for the fourth consecutive night. United Nations officers could not explain them. The lights, one hanging slightly above the other apparently were carried by a balloon or helicopter 2,000 feet
    UP  -  102 words
  • 48 1 lADY GIMSON, wife of the Governor. Sir Franklin Gimson. leaves Singapore tomorrow on the liner Carthage for the United Kingdom. Sir Franklin, who is due to ret ii m November, will first go on leave. Ho and Lady Gimson are to pake their home m York6hiii\
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  • 48 1 HANOVER. Tues. Prince Brntj August, grandson of the Kalaer and head of the H use of Hanover, married Princes* Ortrud of Schleswig H iliteln here today amid ■eenea of splendour unknown m Hanover since It was a royal mt nearly a centucy p R"iitcr
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  • 45 1 PUSAN, Tues. fHE South Korean Government is to build 600,000 houses to replace those destroyed during the war last year. The project will be carried out m cooperation with the United Nations. A Ministry of Reconstruction has been set up.— Reuter.
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  • 110 1 Nair: 'Asked to form new party' MR. V. K. Nair, vice-presid-ent or the Singapore Labour Party, said last night that he had been asked to resign from the Party and lead a new one— th P People's Party. Th P statement followed the Party's General Council nomination of Mr. A.
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  • 47 1 TOKYO, Tues— The Japanese police staged dawn raids today on the Communist Party offices throughout Japan and arrested 17 members of the Provisional Central Committee. The arrest order charged that the party had Issued circulars and secret publications containing anti-occu-pation sentiments.— U. .P
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  • 103 1 RELEASE of four Britishregistered ships.' detained by Indonesian authorities at Tandjong Priok. Jakarta, is expected th's week. Four British and two Panamanian ships have been held m the Indonesian port since August 22. They are the Osco. formerly the Norbay, La Capirena. Torlna. Flying Bird,
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  • 89 1 SOUTHAMPTON. Tues. MR. Anthony Eden, deputy leader of the Conservative Party, who returned today from a month's tour of the United States and Canada, said he thought Americans were perhaps more pessimistic about the possibility Of a third world war than the British "They wanted to
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 65 1 TAIPEH, Tues The Economic Co-operation Administration headquarters has authorised a new U553,200,000 aid to Formosa, the EC A China mission announced. KING OF COCOS. 23-year old Mr. John Clunies-Ross and his bride, 21-year old Miss Daphne Parkinson, leave the All Saints' Church, Fnlham, London,
    AP  -  65 words
  • 99 1 JAKARTA. Tues. pUBBER export duties lor the fourth quarter of 1951 have been set at 0.409 ruplahs a half kilogramme. It was reported today This means a decrease of 0.236 rupiahs. compared with current duties Export duties are fixed for three-month periods based on the average
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  • 162 1 U.S. 'MUST STOCK UP RUBBER' WASHINGTON. Tues. THE United States stockpiled less than one-fifth of its goal of natural rubber m the year ending last June, a Senate Armed Services subcommittee reported today. At the same time the group said reports from behind the Iron Curtain "indicate Russia already may
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 86 1 The search for 16-year-old Singapore schoolboy Edgar Joseph who has been missing from his home In East Coast Road since Sunday has spread to the Federation. His "parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Marshall, said last night: "We will go to any lengths to get our
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  • 41 1 NEWBERG. Oregon, Tues.— Rescuers reached 2J-year-old-Marie Payne last night, about four hours after she had fallen 12 feet into a well. The child was conscious as rescuers brought her up and took her to hospital.— AP.
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  • 131 1 Four executed for A bdu Hah m urder AMMAN, Tuesday. COUR men, condemned for complicity m the assassination of King Abdullah of Jordan m July, were executed m Amman today. They were: Dr Musa Abdullah Hussein, a Docter of Philosophy of London and Berlin Universities who took part In the
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  • 69 1 MIAMI, FLORIDA, Tues. A SHIFT m course today sent a growing Caribbean hurricane towards the already storm-battered British island of Jamaica. Unless there Is another change of direction, Miami Weather Bureau said, the hurricane should strike near Kingston this evening. It is following almost the
    AP  -  69 words
  • 24 1 FLORENCE. Tues. The Sultan of Kedah arrived here yesterday with his daughter. They are on a tour of Europe. —A. P.
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  • 511 1 Russians delay liner 2 hours AFTER 10 Communist China diplomats yes. terdav had delayed for two hours the Immigration clearance of the liner Carthage because they refused to show their passports, they could spare only five minutes for a Straits Times reporter. It was only when the Chinese wei> told
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 167 2 WE'LL MAKE A NEW 'MOON' IN 10 YEARS LONDON, Tuesday. THE first step on the stairway to the stars a man made satellite revolving round the earth like the moon may be operating within 10 years, according to the world's leading space flight scientists who gathered here yesterday. Enthusiasts of
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 126 2 Minister with the black eye may quit TEHERAN, Tues. JJIS left eye heavily blacked, Persian Posts and Telegraphs Minister, Yus»f Moshar left the sanctuary of the Majlis yesterday after 24 hours hiding from deputies whom he said were hostile after a brawl m the Majlis lobby on Sunday night. He
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  • 53 2 CAIRO, Tues. THE Egyptian Government yesterday sacked Sheikh Abdel Megid Selim, rector of Islam's greatest university, Al Azhar. tie recently supported the action of Al Azhar Ulemas (religious teachers) who threatened to resign If they did not receive pay Increases and equal status with tutors of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 325 2 Pt,rtUC APPOINTMENT Applications will be received Dy the Johore Establishment Officer. Johore Bahru up to noon 30th September 1951 from Federal Citizens or who an eligible for citlsrnshlp within a period of 6 years for appointment as Veterinary Probationers. Applicants must have passed the School Certificate Examination and must be
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    • 450 2 NOTICES S.S. GOVERNMENT Yjo 1940 WAR LOAN 1952-1*59 Notice Is hereby given Jfcft the Transfer Register of trie s±ove loan will be closed from 16tA to 30th September, 1951, both jtates Inclusive, for the preparation Of Interest Warrants. By Order. THE HONGKONG A SHANOHA! BANKINO CORPORATION. SINGAPORE. CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL CERTIFICATE
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    • 990 2 MALAY REGIMENT TENDER NOTICE TENDERS arc Invited for the supply of White Canvas Shoes In various slses to the Malay Regiment. Tenders will close at 13 o'clock noon on 15th September, 1951. Samples can be wen on application from Regiment Ordnance Officer, Malay Regiment Port Dlckson. Schedules can be obtained
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    • 268 2 There Jt^ Sooner -^"^\p-K $tjky "JM I «JL^ 7 here Longer You've still time to fly to Britain's Festival Fly to Britain by B. O. A. C. "Q^Ll^, and enjoy all the fun of the Festival. It's m full swing until "the end of September— and many sections run well
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 164 2 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 10-10 10 a.m. New* from XI; 1 pjn. Dance Music; 1.30 News: 145-2 "Lunch-Time Prom"; 6.15 •Science of Life"; 6.40 Radio String Ensemble; 6.55 Announcement; 7 News: 7.12 'This is Communism"; 7.22 Interlude; 7.30 •Rhythm Parade"; 8 "In Your Minds Eye"; 8.15 "Entr'acte"; 8.30 Feature: "Carribean Journey
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  • 120 3 L'INI. holiday makers were believed to have been drowned when their 1., loot mailing boat capsized a mile off Criceieth. Wales, on Sunday night. -m SCIENTISTS from 38 countries are attending the second world conference on Infantile paralysis at Copenhagen. MEXICO police have'freed
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  • 103 3 TWELVE people were m- I jured when a section j nf UM stands collapsed on I Sunday at a bullh'eht m I Panama M STRALIA'S popula- tion was 8.380,000 at the 1 end of March. Her full- i I time strength army 20.600. France and Russia*
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  • 40 3 GENEVA. Tues. ("'ROWING unrest among the 10,000.000 displaced j iM m Germany and la may develop into a threat to world peace. Dr. G. V Heaven Gocdhart, United Nations High CommisBioner for Refugees, said yesterday.
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  • 26 3 BUDAPEST. Tues. Hungarian Roman Catholic dean Lilvan Holpert has been suspended because he opposed the recently negotiated agreement between church and Slate.— Reuter. i
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  • 26 3 LONDON. Tues. Mr. John McEwen, Australian Minlser for Commerce and Agriculture. ari>ved here by »ir tolay for the Commonwealth" sonferenr* on raw materials. -Reuter.
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  • 434 3 Pay claims are turned down ARMS DRIVE IS 'HE A VY BURDEN 9 BLACKPOOL, Tuesday. I UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Hugh Gaitskell, today shocked severely the T.U.C. conference at Blackpool by rejecting claims for higher wages. Wage demands, he said, had to be moderated or
    Reuter; UP; AFP  -  434 words
  • 51 3 JAKARTA, Tues. INDONESIA had not revealed her attitude to the Japanese peace treaty last night the eve of the San Francisco conference. The Premier, Dr. Mo- j hammed Mikiman declined to tell Parliament whether he had given the Indonesian delegation instructions to sign or not. Rev-
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  • 153 3 MELBOURNE. Tues. THE Prime Minister, Mr. Robert Menzies. told Australians today that the forthcoming referendum on outlawing the Communist Party was their "one great chance to deal with Australia's most dangerous Internal foe.' He MM opening the campaign for a -yes" vote In the
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  • 53 3 SAIGON, Tues. French army and navy commandos killed 83 Viefnlnh soldiers, took 15 prisoners and sank 200 sampans m a raid at the Vietminh-controlled coast of Central Annan., the French Army announced. The raid was near Cap Batanean. 200 kilometres southeast of Hue, the
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  • 65 3 BELGRADE. Tues. DEGRADE radio announced last night that one Yugoslav and one Albanian soldier were killed In a clash near the North Albanian border yesterday. The radio said nine Albanian soldiers crossed into Yugoslav territory near the village of Dur. When told by a Yugoslav patrol
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  • 168 3 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Tuesday. MR. Ivan Spens, London Tin Corporation chairman, referred at the corporation's annual general meeting to the "inaccurate and misleading statements" made regarding tin producers by Mr. Stuart Symington, U.S. Reconstruction Finance Corporation Administrator. A report by the Preparedness
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  • 258 3 PERSIA TO SELL FOR CASH TEHERAN, Tuesday. DERSIA is to sell oil to foreign buyers who provide their own transport and pay cash. Kazem Hassibi, deputy Minister of Finance, leaves for Abadan today to try to fix prices and conditions. HUisian RiaKKi, secretary General of
    Reuter; AP  -  258 words
  • 52 3 MELBOURNE, Tues. gIX of 23 United Nations soldiers, who drank Korean sake containing 16 per cent methyl alcohol, died recently, the latest Medical Journal of Australia, revealed. Survivors were treated with alkalis and suffered no permanent injury. Symptoms were sudden blindness and profound shock, said the
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  • 78 3 SYDNEY. Tues. QCCUPATION of a 29-year-old Sydney labourer, Robert Clifford, was getting himself sacked nntil police became interested. ffe has been ar retted and charged with stealing A £49 from four firms. Po- lice allege he got a Job, then
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 253 3 NATIONS MAKE PACT RULES SAN FRANCISCO, Tues. T«HE United States, Bri- tain and nine other nations of the 52 attending the Japanese peace treaty conference m San Francisco today agreed on a list of rules to forestall possible Russian "diversion 1 moves. These would place a rigid limit on debate
    Reuter; AP  -  253 words
  • 51 3 MANILA, Tues. Ninp peo- pie were wounded when a 32- year-old man ran amok, stab- < blng his wife, then hacking J eight neighbours with a i scythe while they were asleep. The man, who is still at large, went berserk m a fit of jealousy.
    UP  -  51 words
  • 41 3 BEIRUT. Tues. JORDAN sources said here yesterday that Emir < Talal, Crown Prince of Jordan, will be declared King on his return from Geneva J where he has been under treatment for a nervous breakdown. Renter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 SOPAC I INSULATION COHKBOARD i SizDS of sheets 3'xl 9 Thicknesses: 1" 2" 3" 4" I i STOCKS CARRIED i I t r Fabulous Rlhp^ln" ii nil mm m I €IIfIWIO MAGNIFICENT!../, fl Goddess Of love FFRnriniiQ In A City Of Sinl ™OST FEROCIOUS _^J DRAMA OF "^9* \NCIENT ROME!
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    • 260 3 Available at all branches: MroTft^* Spore Federation P^R^P^v>^* lein u r $1 30 $1.35 > Caitor pktj. .60 .65 COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. /WJVVMVAV.V.V.VMVW.V,V.V.V.V.V.V.V^ I! OIL- RESISTANT SYNTHETIC f RUBBER PRODUCTS As manufacturers of over 30 years' experience, we have no hesitation m saying > that natural
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    • 211 4 Lavish celebration planned by societies A LAVISH night celebra procession and deco lorries was approved y 215 representatives of C Colony as their contribu Day festivities on Sept. Mr. Tan Lark Sye. Pr Chamber of Commerce sa Join m this celebration, n please the Government, bi we feel proud of
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    • 94 4 QNLY three applications have been made to the Municipality for the construction of arches m Singapore to celebrate City DaySeptember 22. up to yesterday, the last day for applications. They were from the Straits Chinese British Association. Messrs Shaw Brothers and Ho Ho Biscuit Factory. Mr. W.
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    • 72 4 A message of ereetintj and zood wlshen for all Welsh men and women serving m th*« armed forces m Malaya has been sent by the Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales, held last month at Llanrwst It is approved by a gather'ng of more than 10.000 peopip
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    • 301 4 KSfil I RADIO MALAYA listeners m Kyila Lumpur, Klant. Port Swettenham and Seremban will get better reception next year when the new transmitting station at Kajang starts to function. This new station, which will replace the present Bluff Road station m Kuala Lumpur, is expected
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  • 224 4 EMPLOYEES of the Singapore Municipality have been invited to apply for the post of Registrar of Vehicles m class I of the Senior Officers' salary scheme, which falls vacant when the presents registrar. Mr. W. A. M. Watts retires next year. The salary offered is
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  • 185 4 CK)UR hundred and sixty school children have applied for admission to the two new regional schools m Haig Road, during the last two days. At the Haig Road Boys School. 310 boys have applied for admission. Of these 74 have applied for admission Into
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  • 208 4 FIRE CALL CHARGE RUMOURS FALSE RUMOURS among the illiterate that fee* would be charged for calls made through a street fire alarm box or for telephone calls for the B flre-nghtlng service were refuted yesterday by a Singapore Fire Brigade j" spokesman. He said that no bills for I fire
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  • 90 4 KUALA PILAH, Tues THREE youths were recently I charged with failing to attend a man power medical board. Mansor bin Buyong of Kam- pong Birah pleaded guilty In the Police Court to the charge and was fined $100, In default six weeks' rigorous imprisonment. The
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  • 53 4 St. Hilda's Church, Katong. Singapore, is organising a dance m aid of the Dr. Patricia Elliott memorial I Fund, m the S.V.C. drill hall, Beach Road, on Saturday at 8.30 p.m. I Tickets at $2 per person are obtainable at Robinson and Co. 01 at the
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  • 33 4 TELUK ANSON. Tues. A 19-year-old padi planter I Kadir b'n Abdul Rahman, was found dead m a drain at Parit 12. Sungei Panjang. Bagar Terap. Sebak Bernam ov»-r the w£ek-end.
    Bernama  -  33 words
  • 30 4 At large audience attended I the charity premiere of I "Francis Goes to the Races" II last night at the Rex cinema. J In aid of SATA. I
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  • 105 4 QINGAPORE Chinese Buddhists yesterday were asked to stop the old practice of burning joss paper and paper i houses for the dead by the Yen. Narada, a Buddhist priest from Ceylon, who is visiting Singapore. The Yen. Narada was formerly resident priest of Singapore Buddhist
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 153 4 Fin* fabrics mad* Fin* Suits! What can be finer than HAND WOVEN. "V •Ho^iUTVvced 12 Shade*.'., plain, checked A Harring bone and Tailored by..f Fitting Room Air conditioned j. for your comfort N%V.*.'.V.V. i .V.V. I .V.V.W.W. > .V.VAViVbWV I^W? m »j Experience My First airline to «pan the Pacific,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 134 4 Festival of Britain Exhibition: YE. Building 9 a.m. to 6 pro Y.W.C.A. Katonc: Meeting at St Hilda's School at 3 p.m. Handicraft, and Home Nursing Mr* Alcock. Chinese V.M.C.A. Selegie Road: Stall meeting 11.30 a.m.; basket ball, 5 p.m.: badminton, 5.30 p.m.; table tennis. 7.30 p.m.; Chinese chess. 730 p.m.
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  • 244 5 Animal infirmary dropped $293,000 OLD CLINIC MAY NOW NOT BE ALTERED ENOUGH THE $293,000 voted for a new Door of offices and ln6pf tor's quarters at Singapore C.I.D. headquarters m Robinson Road is not enough to Um:-h the Droject. A polK-e spokesman yester- day said: "After
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  • 24 5 Two of the Labour party's c andidates Mr. Lee Yong Mm, East Ward (left), and Mr. A. R. Latarus, North Ward.
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  • 110 5 A MOBILE sarety first exhln organised by the re Junior Safety First Council will begin a tour or I s next week. The first will be the RanRuin Road School when the exhibition will be declared by an officer of the Tr.iTic Police on Monday. i
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  • 41 5 The Smuapore Coroner. Mr. Eingh, yesterday d a misadventure ver- < n Ns Wee Pah, a 30--yar-old labourer, who was hen he jumped from kg lorry m the RA. Station. Scletar to recover his hat on Aug. 9.
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  • 44 5 BANDIT targets m Malacca, Perak. and Pahang were hit by 'planes of Far East Air Force m yesterday's operations. R. A F. Vampires, Hornets and Brigands and R.A.A.F. Lincolns struck at five targets m support of operations by land forces.
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  • 31 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues. Inche Shamlan, Assistant Secretary General. UMNO, has resigned, and is joining the I.M.P. The Secretary General. Capt. Hussein bin Onn. also resigned recently.
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  • 20 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues.— Mahadi bin Yunos. a Singapore driver, was fined $20 m the Police Court for Inconsiderate driving.
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  • 154 5 I." 1 rEICm may be cot off m Ihc following areas today: DAY BtMft Road, Albambra, Raiflet H.,,,-l. Sumbawa Ed., Boon Tat St.. Aljnnid Rd., Sims Avrnae, Paya I.i-Imi- Pumps, Joo <hiat Place. lasM EaSMSti Rangoon Kd., Townrr I.i! M-ranguon Kd.. Kalam Ayer, IM l*l.-i .mi Rd.,
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  • 169 5 rE United Nations Association of Singapore, a movement to promote friendship, understanding and cooperation among the peoples of the world, Is to be formed on Sept. 11 at a meeting to be held at the British Council Hall. Mr. Alex Simpson the Singapore Trade Union
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  • 82 5 Wong Yam of Chop Nan Hing and Yap Kirn Hon of Chop Yong Lee were fined $400 and $750 respectively m the First District Court yesterday for preparing false invoices for leather sold to Haji Hamzah bin Haji Hassan of Muar. on May 7. Wons stated
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  • 63 5 Saniat bin Buanc, of the R-A.S.C. was yesterday fined $75. or one month's imprisonment by the Third Magistrate. Mr. H. B. Livingstone, for stealing a gold ring worth $72 from Salleh bin Adam at Kampong Kallang on Aug. 8. The ring was ordered to
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  • 43 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Tuea Tay Ceow Choo made a successful application m the Sessions Court to have his bail reduced from $2,000 to $1,000. Tay is charged with criminal breach of trust m respect of $1,500. The case was adjourned.
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  • 38 5 Teo Ah Low, 19, and Tan Boon Leong, 24. were fined $35 ana $25 respectively m Singapore yesterday for riding a motor-cycle through the crowd m the Great World Amusement Park on Monday night.
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  • 27 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.— Low Keng Kong, was fined $15 In the Police Court for parking his car within 20 feet of an uncontrolled road Junction.
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  • 191 5 THE Singapore Labour Party yesterday named four candidates for the December Municipal elections. They are Mr. A. R. Lazarus, North; Mr. N. A. K. Jothl. South; Mr. Philip Williams, Rochore; and Mr. Lee Yonu Mln. East. Candidates for the other two wards, the City and West,
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  • 82 5 A spokesman of the Singapore Special Branch said yesterday that his Department was keeping a close watch on local reaction to the Japanese Peace Treaty conference which opened yesterday m San Francisco. So far, distribution of pamphlets vrging workers and students to adopt a go
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  • 191 5 Colony's beauties to attend 'Queen' r SIX of Singapore's prettiest girls will be attendants to Miss Judy Breeni the Festival ol Britain Queen, when she appears at the Cathay next Wednesday. They are Muriel Day, Anne and Sneena Gilmour, Pamela Haggle, Miss Ryder and Mrs. Yntema. It Ls expected that
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  • 51 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. SECURITY forces shot and killed three bandits and captured a woman suspect m the Federation yesterday. The scene of the shooting was not disclosed The bandits were killed at two hundred yards range. One round of ammunition, clothing, food and a blanket were
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  • 27 5 A noiei Keeper m vast Coast Road. Sect Keng Hwa, was fined $100 for failing to register the names of lodgers on Aug. 14.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 194 5 All THE r POWER i YOU ViANIM IN FAIR yW WEATHER I W ~i ■> I^*/^ LmKbHlb P° wer to put you ahead when the •v. y WB weather U fine power that never i /~?\d faHs when the weather Is roufh that T^^y/i fm U the repuution built up
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    • 274 5 i iAv.-.v.v.%v,w.«j*.5%5%%v.*.%%5v>%-.%%%%%%%wv7 -j YOU wonder why we artf selling so cheap? Betausm we arm closing down our Retail Dept. [LAST WEEK ALL 600DS MUST BE CLEARED Farewell Offers J Usually NOW >' American Sharkskia 7.00 f 4.00 a yd. American Suiting 7.90 4.00 I j Printed Lambskin *2 80 1
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 236 5 Straits Times Crossword "30 Ivi ?i 7* it ACEOSS. 8. Desired by those who want .7. Barrie wrote about a little to see a big improvement? (7, 8). one (8). 13. Maxim, possibly (7-3). 9. This fruit is found Id bad. 19. A kind of peach (10). weather (6) ie.
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  • 789 6 Singapore, Wed. Sept. 5, 1951. Allowances For T.B. There are 600 tuberculosis patients m Government hospitals m Singapore there are 3.000 more who are being treated for this disease as outpatients at the hospitals; and of those out-patients there are 1.000 who are seeking admission into hospitals but cannot he
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  • 341 6 It. is an odd thing that throughout the struggle to persuade the two Malayan Governments to treat the battle against the cost of living with the gravity it deserves, no-one has taken up the iniquitous profiteering on rice which keeps neighbouring governments rich. There are some comments on
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  • 1342 6  -  says H. R. CHEESEMAN, THE BARNES COMMITTEE FAILED TO DISCOVER Former Director of Education, Federation of Malaya T*HE same rdftt factor of economic conditions which accounts for educational backwardness m Malay schools accounts also for the backwardness of Malays m English schools m
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  • man-in-the-Street
    • 298 6 T AM a law abiding citizen, well known and respected, I think, by all. I have lived m Malaya, practically throughout m the Cameron Highlands, for the past 23 years. My house is situated m a curfew area at Brinchang and is three miles by
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    • 265 6 MR. NAIR THE MUNICIPAL COMMISSION JUST what does Mr. M. P. D Nalr mean when he says "the Ratepayers' Association Is looking for trouble It is a phrase which is frequently used as a threat. His little tail-piece about "an undignified and frivolous attempt to destroy the democratic way of
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    • 158 6 MR. O. Shelly must be congratulated for bringing to the notice of Penan* Settlement Council the swindle of the "gantang measure." but If he Is asking for the gantang to be banned, he must suggest a more accurate and honest form of measure. Cheating is all
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    • 32 6 MAY we, through the Straits Times, say a bijt Thank You to the Traffic Police for their efficient and courteous service on Air Day? C. H. H Singapore.
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  • 395 6 Sime Ruud Zebu »JK)DAY is a red-letter anniversary for all Singaporeans who were here on Sept. 5. IMS. It seems an, appropriate occasion for th« following note. One day during the internment In the Btme Road camp the internees were told that che Japanese, out of tha
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 747 6 CLASSIFffID ADS. Mr. Mrs. Ollbert Beatty, "Palm Beach", Malacca. I 11/ V "aienorchy". 4.9.51. PPC. ROBEY: On September Ist, at Kuala Lump-ir. to Muriel (nee Russell) and Erroll, a daughter. HELLIWELL: On 24th August. W>l. at Auckland. New Zealand, to Pat (nee Gaddum), wife of Dr. C J. V Helllwell
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    • 106 6 PIANO SOLOS AKTIII R RI BINS THN. DAIISI L'Amour Scrcler, (de Falla). D ***** I iebeslied (Bchumanaji Traumerel (Schumam D ***** Mouvements PerpetueU, Nocturne In Ab (Paure). IGNACE JAN PADEREWSKI. D ***** Prelude In Db (Chopin). Prelude In Ab (Chopin). DBS 123 Beethoven Sonata In D ***** C-sharp minor (Moonlight).
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    • 77 6 L O N OO« yh'/L^jherrin g s A- LV. FRESH omn *'/Hf k If- -~±J^ TOMATO SAUCE C E MORTON (malaya) LTD. Singapore Kuala Lumpur Penang ATTENTION TRAVELLERS FOR YOUR ENTIRE COMFORT STAY AT THE TAVERN (European Residential Hotel) (Open to Non Residents) Cloie to The Lovely Botanical Cardcn Large,
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  • 235 7 *Labuan, Limbang mine, he says BINDINGS CITED AS A PRECEDENI CULTAN Omar AH Sai m Singapore yestei Lahuan and Limbang si sultanate. Sultan Saif uddin was the Straits Times on the the State of Sarawak, and tion of Brunei State* Early In April a Mirl correspondent
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  • 140 7 The Cathay Restaurant, a'hich has been closed for some months, is now being converted into an air-condi-tioned Chinese restaurant, jomplete with waitresses and ibout ten private dining rooms. There will be no European [ood. As the plans stand at present, there will be no dancing
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  • 133 7 Seamen deny robbing driver TEOFFREY LANGTON and v Joseph F. Key. stoker mechanics on the British minesweeper Jaseur denied m the Singapore Assize Court yesterday that they had robbed a taxi driver Lee Boon Leong. of cash, a fountain pen and a wrist-watch at Changi Road on July 6. They
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  • 130 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. A MEETING of the Johore branch of St. John's Ambulance Association was held at the Johore Civil Service Association yesterday when It was decided to form an enrolment sub-committee and a brigade sub-committee. Dr. E. C. Vardy, vice-chair-MB of the State Central Committee of
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  • 177 7 UNIONS PLAN PROTEST rE Singapore Federation of Services Unions, the Army Civil Service Union, the Singapore Admiralty Local Staff Union and the Air Ministry Local Staff Union last night adopted the following resolution: "To hold a mass meeting of all three Services unions m the last week of September to
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  • 61 7 A MOTION seeking the repeal of the Emergency Newspaper Regulation, 1951, will be tabled by Mr. C.R. Dasaratha Raj, (Labour Rochore) at Singapore Legislative Council meeting on Sept. 18. Mr. Raj, m his motion, says: "The Emergency newspaper regulations here restrict the freedom of the
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  • 40 7 Ang Kirn Hock, 33, and Lim Kiah Swee, 29, were yesterday sentenced to three months' imprisonment each by the Fourth Magistrate, Mr. P. Claque, for attempting to collect money for a Chinese w«yj iiT without a permit. <
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  • 214 7 TWO hundred and forty-nine Communist documents were found m a bag of rice carried by Ooi Hong Chee, the Sin- gapore First District < Court was told yesterday. Ooi. aged 21. was sentenced i to six months' imprisonment j for having seditious publica-
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  • 114 7 Tax chief replies Singapore Comptroller of Income Tax. Mr. A. W. Hodges yesterday pro- mi.sed suitable action if approached by members of the public regarding leakage of departmental information or of any other infringement of the law relating to income 4 tox. Mr. Hodges said this m < reply to
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  • 88 7 Fifteen people have passed the examination for entry m- i to Part 1 of the Higher Ser- vices and have qualified for interview by the Public Services Commission. They are: Messrs] Abdul Rahman bin Rahim. Lee Ah Weng, Ton Thlam Hock, K. C. Natarajah, Mohamed bin
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  • 57 7 EXP ORTED RICE COURT TOLD Tan Kirn Bock claimed trial yesterday before Mr. S E Teh, the Third District Judge, m a summons charge of exporting 40 bags of rice on July 15 without a permit. Ang Woon Kang, who was charged with abetting Tan, also claimed trial. Both the
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  • 44 7 Goh Tock Tai was fined $1,000 In default four months' imprisonment by the Third District Judge yesterday for trying to export 72 wristwatches without a permit. Goh said that he was ignorant of the regulations The watches were confiscated
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  • 32 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.— Lim Lan Yang, the owner of a coffee shop, was fined $90 m the Police Court today for not displaying a price list of controlled goods.
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  • 365 7 AN Army officer, who is m a few days, spent nc at a general court-martia pointing out alleged disci books of the Royal Army He was Capt. G.H.T. Sleeman, of the R.A.P.C. who was giving evidence at the trial of Lieut. Peter John Tooley, who
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  • 63 7 J^ COI'NTERFEIT 10-ccnt coin was found among: the 917,810 collected at Kalian* airport «;ate« on Air Day, Mr. Robin Rendle. treasurer of Air Day committee, said yesterday. There were 62 clerks at the 20 selling windows. Each window was supervised by a member of
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  • 108 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. Although the carnival In Johore Bahru is over, the Johore Bahru District Welfare Association is planning a few more shows to boost the Association's fund. On Saturday there will bf sea sports for children at the Scate Welfare Home .where the Army
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  • 149 7 ]W[ORE than 100 book* on j music, ballet and paint- < ing, known as the "Spalding collection on fine arts," have i been presented to the Unl- i versity of Malaya by the University of Oxford. I The form one of many similarly seta that
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  • 50 7 STUDENTS enrolling for th e Malayan history course at the Singapore Chinese Girls' School last night. The coarse, a series of 10 lectures, is sponsored by the Singapore Connril for Adult Education. Seated is Mr. George Bogaars, Junior who will lecture to them. Straits Times picture.
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  • 75 7 TWO Federation Governi beinjf fitted with armi i croft shipyard sit Tanjong 1 tnent patrol launches are our plate m the ThornyRhu, Singapore. I The launches of shallow i draft have had their wheel- houses and windows fitted with bullet-resisting steel I plating. The armour
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  • 54 7 A prominent Swedish naval architect. Mr. JanOl of Traung, who Is on the staff of the Food and Agriculture Organisation, will arrive m Singapore tomorrow. He will have talks wiiii local fisheries officials and make preliminary plans for the designing of fishing boats and the
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  • 55 7 A large consignment of white galter 8 have arrived for the Singapore Police Force and all constables will be fitted out with them soon. A Police spokesman said yesterday "Gaiters became part of the uniform In 1947 but because of a ihortage they were
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  • 195 7 'PAY EVERY 2 WEEKS FOR T.U. CONGRESS YLTHEN delegates from all Singapore trades unions hold a congress on Sept. 30 to elect a general governing body for the Trades Union Congress, it Is expected that the question of fortnightly pay will be raised. If the TU.C. demands that private employers
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  • 61 7 The Postal Department's savings campaign has resulted m $3,898,888 deposits m July and August, with the post staff working overtime. The excess of deposits over withdrawals amounted to $2,019,986 while 12.252 new accounts were opened. In addition to transaction* at the G.P.O. counters, the
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  • 62 7 HARI Raya Haji congregational prayers this year will be held m the open air, if the weather permits, at the Geylang Malay School padang Singapore, on Sept. 12 from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. The All-Malaya Muslim Missionary Society, which is organising the prayer
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  • 128 7 Telephone numbers hyphenated THE new telephone books distributed In Singapore yesterday have the numbers hyphenated to make them easier to remember. The hyphen appears aftei the first two numbers whether the number is four digits or live. The general manager of the Oriental Telephone Co., Mr. R. W. Stainforth. said
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  • 136 7 timber Inspectors of the Forestry Dep.,; were among the six pi i )<• who enrolled last night for the course on Malayan hist cry from 1867 to the prcst which will be given by the Singapore Council of Ad; lt Education The first lecture will be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 39 8 li luuas Mm a rocket slii:i, but it isn t. It's the Skylon ■I I <>M(l<m\ Festival of Britain Thames-side site. A,man is going up a fireman's ladder to change the lamps.
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  • 124 8 PENANG, Tuesday. T 1 S Moment Directorate of Manpower will ask 1 the Federal Chief Secretary whether arrangei could be made through the police for call-up j frona Penang to make "family remittances" to ti) ir dependants Sj far 443 Pemng youths I
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  • 18 8 TAIPING. Tues— For failing to notify his change of address. Chua Kew Huck was fined $25.
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  • 140 8 They want immediate pay rise rpHE Municipal Sewerage la- bour Union submitted a memorandum to the Municipal Commissioners yesterday, asking for an immediate wage Increase. The memorandum states that "the 18 cents basic wage increase granted to Municipal labourers is insufficient to meet the high cost of living and the
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  • 83 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. lAW Heng Meng was today produced before the Kuala Lumpur Second MagisI trate charged with making a l faLse declaration. Law had told the First Magistrate that he had never been convicted before. His finger prints, however, revealed that he had a conviction.
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  • 21 8 KAJANO, Tues.— Mr. S. K. Ponniah, headmaster of the High School. Kajang, has returned from leave In Ceylon.
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  • 52 8 OCCUPANTS DROVE OFF BANDITS 1 IN THIS armoured car two European civilians and two Malay special constables fought a 30-minute battle with 15 bandits at 54th mile Cameron Highlands Road. There are bullet holes m the bodywork, but the armour plating was not penetrated. The bandits were beaten off Straits
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  • 222 8 BRIGGS STEPS UP 'STARVATION 9 WAR AGAINST THE BANDITS 1 Road movements 61 rice banned In the South lOHORi: BAHRU, Tuesday. "QPERATIOx\ Starvation", General Briggs' plan to starve ou{ the bandits, will be intensified m southern tyalaya next Monday. The carriage of rice by read through Johore, Negri Sembilan and
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  • 38 8 A Singapore firm. Messrs S. Lav and Company, was charged m Singapore yesterday under the Companies Ordinance with failing to hold an annual general meeting m 1948. 1949. and 1950. The case was .postponed to Saturday.
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  • 132 8 T»HE Singapore Rural Public Works Department is seeking tenders to widen and line Bukit Timah canal to prevent new erosion. Tenders close on Sept. The Rural Board has made a budget provision of $100,000 to patch up the canal th!& year. A similar
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  • 53 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. SIKH police consUble was charged at Kuala Lumpur today with theft. Mikka Singh, aged 31. was alleged to have stolen a roll of 43 yards of cloth from a shop m Foch Avenue, Kuala Lumpur. He claimed trial. Case was postponed to Sept.
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  • 24 8 TAIPINO, Tues. Caught with a gourd of fermented toddy m the tapping area In Kamuntlng Village. Sinnathamby was fined $20 at Taping.
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  • 95 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A LARGE bandit arms dump, containing anti-tank weapons, explosives, gun cotton and ammunition, has been found a few miles from Kuala Lumpur. All the ammunition were serviceable. A number of arrests hare been made m Penanr since the discovery of bandit printing
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  • 31 8 Singapore Police are m- 1 1 vestigating the theft of several cases of milk and tonic foods from Nestles 1 Products' stall m the Great World during the week-end.
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  • 331 8 SEGAMAT, Tues. JUDGMENT was re- served by the Segamat Circuit Magistrate at the end of an Inquest Into the death of a Javanese rubber tapper, Kassan bin Abdullah Omar, who shot and killed by security forces during a curfew. Rifleman Kalu Ourung .said hat he was
    AP  -  331 words
  • 51 8 Soh Lian Lee, 19. was fined $500 or 12 weeks' taol m Singapore yesterday for having 30 gallons of fermented rira and distilling one quart of samsu without a licence at Jalan Buang Kok, off Pongsol Road. The duty on the samsu waa stated to be about
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 112 8 PPPMMppHfPp^^i^^ OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO RUBBER PLANTERS XTIMUUEX HORMONE LATEX YIELD STIMULANT Stimulex is a latex yield stimulating agent, putting to practical use the discoveries of recent years m regard to the importance of plant hormones m the physiology of rubber trees After 14 years of research by Chemara Plantations
      112 words

    • 714 9 MIDNIGHT is the time when all the toys m ;he world come to life md have their own Dlaytime for an hour. It pou could see them sometimes you would be surprised at the tricks they play. One night I happened to vake
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    • 57 9 Uncle Ollle called mt All and Ruklah'. hou.e one day In. fr«»t ■Ute of excitement. "Oooooh Oooooh!" be booted. Come out Quickly. I think Bakar Bear Is In Uonble." The children followed Incle to a clearing m the Jungle. "Looook at those tracks, he
      57 words
    • 380 9 SIX PRIZES TO BE WON! THIS WEEK Dear Boys and Girls, There ar« two new features m our page this week; firstly, another 'Adventures of Ali and Rukiah' cartoon, which I am sure you will all enioy, and secondly, the Question Box. If any of you would like a question
      380 words
    • 212 9 QUESTION BOX? 'THE first Question Box query arrived m the i office this week. It Is from Hamzah Mohamed of 5 Coleman Street, Singapore. He says: "I usually find such words as U.P., A. P., i and Reuter at the end of newspaper .stories. Can you tell me what they
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 260 9 %^\S\Forstiingth The Rudge is built to be ridden hard, every day m the year. It is world-famous for its capacity to stand up to strenuous use. Yet the RUDGE, m spite of la strength, is light m weight and < amazingly comfortable to ride. A Rudge is a bicycle you
      260 words
    • 12 9 C.C.C. Collect six of these coupons to join the Children's Corner Club.
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    • 23 9 > pLEASE enrol me as a member of Hie Children's Corner Wise Owls Club and send me a badge. MM ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH
      23 words
    • 267 9 YOU'RE SURE TO LIKE Maralyn 111 HUt Maralyn h fine bed-time drink I '"S awl hetpt row to deep toundly. /VSED TO 4DO And nothing could be nicer... Af/IK Oil SIC4H Maralyn it creamy nulk dehoously L A favoured, and enriched with ener- W nd MARALYN ihi pii A IOVRIL
      267 words

  • 306 10 LONDON. Tues. SHARP fluctuations m German Potash bonds provided a feature In the end of account trading on the London Stock Exchange today. Five-point rlsei on renewed speculative Interest were followed by sharp reaction on news concerning the position of Potash industry "and later by partial recovery. Closing
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  • 23 10 DAHMAN Hydraulic Tin m August produced 885 piculs of tin-ore. ITINTA Kellu Tin Dredging m the same month produced 344 piculs.
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  • 155 10 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE. Tues. CHARE prices slipped back In quiet Melbourne exchange trading today. Despite extremely good company profit and dividend announcements, investors were cautious of share price prospects. A world-wide deflationary trend was also evidenced In many commodity prices. Bond'; were quietly firm. Base
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  • 219 10 Dealers felt cautious, prices dropped From A Market Correspondent •THE political situation m Korea and San Francisco continued to Influence the Singapore rubber market yesterday. During the cautious day prices fluctuated within narrow limits. There were some inauiries i There were some inquiries for lower grades. Turn-over was
    219 words
  • 138 10 OMALL business In copra was re- 10 ported In the Singapore pro- 1 duce market yesterday at $39 2 j picul. Further buyers quoted j 839 V* with sellers at $39 V Coconut oil was quiet and easier 1 with buyers at $64.. a picul and tellers
    138 words
  • 189 10 Firm throughout THE Malayan share market continued yesterday with a firm undertone In all sections. Industrials and Rubbers were In better demand; Tin.; maintained their prices. Pticb changes announced bj the Malayan Sharebrokers" Association yesterday were: INDISTBIAU Barer Sailers Praser Ne»\t Pref i.iO IN Ordi l«7i ]D| M
    189 words
  • 36 10 HONG KONG, Tues. pREE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quoted at the close today as follows- US$l HK$6 59' i (cash). HK16.63 |T.); £1 HK515.60; one tahil of gold HK»33O.— UJ».
    36 words
  • 33 10 the Malayan Kxcnange Bants Association announced yeaterlay that control direct rates (or Canadian dollars were: Buying T.T. 34 13/16. Airmail <OD.) 34 15/16 (90 days) 35 3/16; Selling T.T./O.D. ready 344.
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  • 186 10 gHIPS In the Singapore Roads and alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns at 4 p.m. yesterday were Outer Roads: Hal Hsuun. la Capirena. Kedoe. Kola. Opal la. Sangola, Benvenue. Chang :iwa, Falstria San Gabriel, Mai Bente, Loksang. Sandviken, Inc-hm'tll. Bengal. Maron. Heinrich .lessen, Piducia, Frederick Clover. Straal Soenda.
    186 words
  • 28 10 LONDON. Tues. Cash Bayers £939, Sellers £935; Forward Bayers £885, Sellers £887}; Settlement I £95* (down £5). Turnover; a.m. 70, p.m. 59 tons, i
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1384 10 2LD «c CO., LTD. (Incorporated m ii igapor*) BLUE FUMHEL LIME Carrier s option to proc**** ma othor port* t* lead alkdJoifcharg* cargo lAILINCS to LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW LONDON CONT\N|hTAI PORTS Ou* Sails P Sham Panang Demodocus for Lpool C 23/24 Sept. T A ,o Tn don fo, London &c §</j7
      1,384 words
    • 420 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS To New York and Bostoej via Ceylon India, Egypt and Mediterranean Ports Singapore p Swettenham Penang M "PRESIDENT BUCHANAN" 12/20 Sept. 21/22 Sept. 2J 2^s*;'' ..s. PRESIDENT HAROINC 24 So»t./3 Oct. 4/5 Oct. 6 /7,°5!: s.s. "SCHUVLER OTIS BLAND" 2/10Oet. 11/120et. 29Sept/lOct To Los Angeles 6 Atlantic
      420 words
    • 438 10 TIN: $447| A PICUL SINGAPORE. Tues., Sept. 4-J447.87i (a* $2,871) EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA U K. /CONTINENT S'por* P Sham Penang "Falstna for Saißon b Bangkok n Port "Patagonia" toi Bangkok H Kong, Manila. Kobe Yokohama l72OSept. 14-16 Sept. Ift- 13 Sept. "" to, Bangkok 21-22 Sept. 18-20
      438 words
    • 980 10 McALISTER 6c CO.. LTD. Telephone No 5906 ILLIRMAK BUCKNALL KLAVEMESS LINE LONDON, HAVRf. ROTTERDAM ft LOS ANCELES. SAN FRANCISCO HAMBURC PORTLAND SEATTLE ft VANCOUVER and for USA.. North Atlantic Portt Accepting cargo for Central South and Canada via Colombo. American Ports M CITY Of KHARTOUM c .L"..Z. Vpora P S-ham
      980 words

  • 106 11 LONDON, Tues. YESTERDAY'S English League football results were: FIRST DIVISION Bolton W. 3 Mid'broufh 1 < Burnley 1 Tottenham 1 Stoke C. 1 Falnam 1 J SECOND DIVISION Coventry C. X Rotherhaan V. 1 Leicester C. 3 Southampton (Juecns Park R. 2 Blac kburn R. 1 Sheffield Wed.
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 22 11 There will he a meeting at the > Singapore Cricket Club at 5.30 p.m. tomorrow of the Women's Hock»y Section.
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  • 49 11 The effort which raised the hopes of European-Eurasian XI supporters "Sandy" Me Donald's equaliser m the 16th minute with a neat header oft King. But South China scored twice m the second half to win three-one at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 306 11 Com bined XI wilt under tourist fire South China 3; European-Eurasian XI 1. SOUTH China tourists scored their fourth Singapore victory when they defeated European-Eura-sians Combined by three-one at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Dashing centre-forward Dhu Wing-keung scored two jf the tourists' goals. Combined team put up a jreat fight
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  • 85 11 LONDON luesd iv TRISH DERBY winner. Praise Dv Bois, was heavily backed to win the last of the English classics, the St. Leger. at last night's calloveV at the Victoria Club. Last night's closing prices fcr the race, to be run on Sept. 15, were:
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 225 11 T EADERS m Singapore AP.A. Division 3B league. R.N. Kranji. were held to a one-all draw by Tuan Mong 0.8.A. at Oeylang yesterday. If Kranji had won they would have become champions. But now, with 23 points from their 14 completed fixtures they ran si.U
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  • 524 11 committee 'WE NEED MORE CASH FACTION AN irreconcilable split has developed between members of the Singapore Badminton Hall Fund Committee. You can expect a crop of resignations including some "big names" to be made public within the next few days. Thereafter, the future is obscure. Immediate cause of the break.
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  • 699 11 Sportlight by Sentinel were never called for and I Intend not to voice an opinion on the subject In the case of Yap Chin Tee. several badminton officials visited him m hospital and two at least, I know, offered to put up a benefit match for him. Mr. Yap declined
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  • 246 11 T<HE following tie? m the Singapore Badminton Association Junior championships will be played at the Clerical Union Hall this weekend: SATURDAY at 7.15 p.m. Men's Junior single* (Anal) Suadi bin Haji Tahlr (Oentle) v Sadall bin Suro t Merry time). Women's Junior Hhifles (quarter final") Oh
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 345 11 r//<? 5/ra/^ Tim*?j Wednesday, September 5, 1951 J| 'J.\'g H |[i J 2-4.15-6.3t-9 3« p.m. LAST lAY OPENING TOMOMOW If you love excitement. The story of •.girl and three PONT MISS IT. boys who know her best. WCHAW WIOMAWt PAUI DOUGLAS tRn lfllL .m. T^ZiZZZZZI \STEYEHSUWFORD^ cUkud jfStsi <sk*™m& ITALY/INDIA/FAR
      345 words
    • 171 11 aiDORIS DAY (SINGAPORE'S SINGING SWEETHEART) IN THE GAYEST... MOST TANTALIZING MUSICAL! If.'--*'- tLAOrs GfQffii wvio^.^jytfSS^flfaS 1^? EXTRAf 1951 ALL MALAYAN 30th. AAA SPORTS CHAMPIONSHIPS. (Malayan Film Unit NewsreH) STARTS TODAY! 5 Rhythm -Jammed Sessions 11 am.. 1.45. 4.M. CM 9.3* p.m. ON SALE-SEPTEMBER "FILMALAYA^ TAP BJtwyß^Mj RHYTHM YOUR^ gjir OF
      171 words

  • 788 12 taking shape 1 $24*000 PURSE WILL BE A RECORD By EPSOM JEEP AS Gold Cup week at Bukit Timah approaches, stable plans and hopes for a1 the most important "classic" on the Malayan Turf are beginning to take shape, and within the next few days
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  • 165 12 NINE -year-old Dark Brocade died m his stall at Penanf on Monday. This game honest ■printer waa a regular money spinner and In thrre seasons "Darky", as owner Mr. xeo Hock Seng called htm, won six races m the top rlass, earning $46,579 m stakes
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  • 401 12 A RLINGTON (late Ulster Friar), a delightful four-year-old chestnut by Ballyogan, and speedy Nerolia broke 36 for 3 f. m a spectacular gallop on a lightning-fast track at Bukit Timah yesterday morning:. Not since the days of those .sprint "giants" Restriction. Bay Dragon and Royal
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  • 279 12 RAFFLES Institution's third post-war swimming gala, to be i held at the Chinese Swimming Club pool on Friday. Sept. 21, has attracted more than 60 entries and the meet promises to be yet another record-breaking one. At last year's championships, 15-year-old Keith Mitchell
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  • 394 12 GAMBAR MELAYU THE FAVOURITE Gold Cup parade...! Last year. Straits Times racing correspondent, i Epsom Jeep compiled a series on Gold Cup Fro- files, surveying the chances of the classic I candidates. In his summing up he plumped for Tara Street as a good thing with Four o'clock II as
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  • 92 12 Malayan Airways Sports Club team against Dunlop S.C. m the Business Houses Football Association League Cup Competition on Friday at Fraser ii Neave ground will be selected from: Lim Soo Woon. O. Nagua. Syed, Lee Kolc Kong. K. Morley, Thio Yuen Cheng. J. Hawkes,
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  • 242 12 HASTINGS, Tues. fHE match between the South Africans and an England XI was abandoned as a draw. Overnight rain prevented any play on the third day today. England, who were 171 for three 'at close on Saturday, lost six wickets for. 37 runs on a rain-affected cricket
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 36 12 LONDON, Tues.— The match between Hampshire and Sussex at Bournemouth, last of the County championship games, waa abandoned without a ball being bowled owing to a saturated wicket. Hampshire were 143 for three Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 476 12 «TITH. Decanter "In the pad- dock" his next mission Is the $25,000 Perak Gold Vase at Ipoh on October Uninsured certainly looks the dominating figure m the Liberation Cup "trial" at Buklt Timah on the second day (Wednesday, Sept. 12). At the moment I have
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  • 76 12 SINGAPORE Amateur Football Association plan to celebrate their Malaya Cap victory with a tour of the Federation with matches at Koala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. Mr. Son Ghee Soon, acting SAFA president, made this proposal at the council meeting on Monday evening. The council made
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  • 228 12 KUALA LUMPUR. T'J«*. A SPECIAL Coach Fund ht been started by the Amateur Athletic Association of Malaya to engage national coaches from the United Kingdom. Object of this scheme Is to raise the standard of athletics In Malaya by making athletes more "technique
    228 words
  • 92 12 NEW YORIC Tues. T\ICK SAVITT. Americas Wimbledon champion this year, was beaten In four sets by fellovAmerican Vie Seixas m the men's singles semi-finals m the US. championships at Forest Hills yesterday. In the other semi-final Fiarilc Sedgman whipped Art Lar.-<>n m three sets. Results were:
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  • 60 12 After they plr.y All-Singapore it Jalan Besar Stadium tomorrow. South China football tourists will leave for a tour of the Federation. They will fly to Penang on Friday to play Penang on Satunl.iv and on the following day they meet Perak XI at Ipoh. They
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  • 54 12 Kota Raja A' beat Cheerful Lads 5-2 In a S.A.F.A. D:v. 2 soccer match played at St. George's Road yesterday Kota R.ij.i "A" beat tlia Cheerful Lads by five goals to two. Scorers for the Kota Raja wor« Mat Noor (3), Ismail. Ibrahim and Arshad. Cheerful Lads' scorn were Tony
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 795 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued irom fage C) SITUATIONS WANTED EUROPEAN rubber planter, 42, married, nearly 4 years experience, B\.,ii.ioie immediately as assistant Excellent references. Box No. A7386. S.T. ESTATE CLERK. 30 years old. 4 years on Estates lr senior post. Well versed m Accounts, Sheet Factory, Excellent reference*. Available middle Sept
      795 words
    • 838 12 WANTED TO PURCHASE OUTBOARD Motor. About 4 H.P. must be In good condition. Box No. A7381, S.T. KRAFT or sulphide paper wanted urgently must be In reels for paper bags. Please write Durant distributors 23 Long St., South. Strathfleld Sydney. Australia. DOG AT STUD AFGHAN HOUNDS. Young stock for sale.
      838 words
    • 52 12 let Daylight m... ACRYLIC SHEET for easy, efficient and economical lighting m all industrial buildings. 'PERSPEX' Corrugated sheet is available m any of the standard profiles. Existing badly-lighted buildings may therefore be improved simply by replacing a few sheets of the original roofing material with PERSPEX.' Artificial lighting costs will
      52 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 37 12 SOCCER: JNR. CI'PTIE: Fathul Karlb v Rocklites at J. Besar; DIV. SB: Tiong Bahru Rangers v V.M.M.A. at Geylanx. HOCKEY: S.C.R.C. f S. Medical Services Union .at S.C .B.C. RUGBY: S.A.S.C. V RAF Changl at Nee Soon.
      37 words
    • 24 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 0036 hr» 12&7 1931: M4B >2 (11. 1855 .19) TOMORROW: 0114 (t.7). 1323 (9 31: t7lB <a S>. 1933 UB.
      24 words