The Straits Times, 4 September 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 255 1 RED -WEST CLASH EXPECTED Soviets will try to wreck Jap peace US HOPES TREA TV WILL BE SIGNED THIS WEEK SAN FRANCISCO, Monday. JHE stage is set here for what observers prophesy will be one of the most violent diplomatic clashes between the Communist and Western blocs since the end
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  • 121 1 Jungle press is silenced PENANG. Mon. I>l.NA.\u police celebrated ration D.'v with their l success of the EmerI At dawn today they captured the Commun'st Party's "True News" printing press on a 1.700-foot hill overlookins George Town The police struggled for fi-.v hours up the hill, hacking thrir way through
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  • 59 1 C COLOMBO. Mon. EYLON police have launched an "Operation Anti-Cnuu'-Bun' a new drive to enlist public help m the crusart asainst crime. Plac.ird.s. handbills, slogans and lectures are carrying the caniDaign into every home. The posters ask citizeas to resolve: "I will help the police to prevent
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 125 1 If Mr. Gromyko can prevent the conference from quickly adopting the rules, he will have gained a major strategic victory. Britain's nine-man delegation arrived m San Francisco by air yesterday from Washington. The Minister of State, Mr. Kenneth Younger, who Is leading the delegation until the arrival of
    Reuter; AP  -  125 words
  • 22 1 ALEXANDRIA. Mon.— The Arab League Political Committee today told Arab states to tighten their economic blockade of Israel.— A.P
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  • 117 1 Atom-proof tunnels tor Londoners LONDON, Mon. A SECRET network of tunnels is being built deep under the streets of London the Daily Express reported today. Four main shafts 100 feet deep are to be connected by a series of tunnels. The Express said the work is beine carried out under
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  • 76 1 LONDON. Mon.— A Buckingham Palace spokesman said today that there was no concern whatever over the health of the King. Two physicians, who have attended the King previously, flew to Scotland on Saturday to examine him. "It Is a routine check," the spokesman said. "The
    AP  -  76 words
  • 42 1 An Indian labourer, Kundu, aged 18, and a seven-year-old boy Suppiah were lasi night injured m an explosion behtnd the Mandal Quarry, Singapore. It was stated that Kundu was digging a drain when he struck a buried explosive.
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  • 37 1 KARACHI, Mon. Harry Mitchell, aged 26, Reuter's correspondent m Pakistan, was one of three people killed when a car plunged over a 20-ft. embankment of the airport road 10 miles outside Karachi last night. Reuter.
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  • 27 1 An eight-year-old Chinese boy, Tan Swee Gin, was found drowned m a shallow well near his home yesterday at the 10th mile West Coast Road.
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  • 234 1 Officer on $3 1,000 fraud charge ONE year after they were deposited m a Singapore bank, two sealed bags, supposed to contain £9,000, were opened and £3,700 was missing, it was said at a Nee Soon. Singapore, court-martial yesterday. Lieutenant Peter John Tooley. R.A.P.C. was charged
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  • 132 1 OUNDREDS of leaflets urging workers and students 11 to protest at the exclusion of the Chinese Nationalist Government from the Jap peace treaty signing were issued by the Singapore branch of the Chinese Youth Anti-Communist Resist Russia Union yesterday. The pamphlets were sent to business houses,
    AFP  -  132 words
  • 20 1 A hut m Holland Road, Singapore, which was being used as a store, was destroyed by flre yesterday.
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  • 83 1 but angels missing LUENEBURG, Mon. DR. Hjalmar jßehacht. Hitler's financial expert, who is now acting as financial adviser to the Indonesian Government, said m a letter to a friend m Lueneburg, North Germany, that he felt "like Deing m the Garden of Eden —only the angel* are
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 122 1 HOLLYWOOD, Mon. BRITISH-born actress Ida Lupino will leave for Reno sometime this week to establish residence for a divorce from her producerhusband Collier Young. They were married at La Jolla, California, on August 5, 1948— AP. EDGAR JOSEPH, 16--yi ir-old Singapore schoolboy, who has been
    AP  -  122 words
  • 53 1 JAPANS SI It RENDER signatories stand aboard the U.S. battleship Missouri m Tokyo Bay. Japan, on Sept. 2, 1945. The front row shows (from left) Mr. M. Shigemitsu (then Foreign Minister) and Gen. Umezu (Chief of Army Staff). Both were later gaoled
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  • 187 1 Association 'looking for trouble' MR. M. P. D. NAIR, one of the two War Department employees who became Municipal Commissioners at the last elections, yesterday questioned the propriety of the Singapore Ratepayers' Association m asking about "two Municipal Commissioners m power" who hold remunerative employment under the Crown. Qualifications for
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  • 73 1 GENEVA. Mon.— Land reform was urged m the United Nations today by the United States as a "basic step toward economic development and world peace." Mr. Isador Lubin. American delegate, who submitted the resolution to the Economic and Social Council, said: "The U.S. Government believes that
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  • 27 1 NEW DELHI. Man. Ten people were killed and 17 Injured when a train went off the rails about 10 miles from Delhi today.— Renter.
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  • 73 1 WARSAW, Mon. T>OLAND yesterday ordered 1 the expulsion of a British Embassy official whose name figured m the recent espionage trial of n'ne high- ranking; Polish army officers The Polish Foreign Ministry demanded that the British Embassy third secretary. Mr. L. H. Massey, leave the country
    AP  -  73 words
  • 19 1 HONG KONG. Mon.—Monsignor Henry Paschal Valtorta. Roman Catholic Bishoo of Hong Kong, died today at 68.— Reuter.
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  • 233 1 Reds 'might agree to line' U.S. EIGHTH ARMY H.Q. KOREA, Mon. ,rjEN. Van Fleet, com- mander of United Nations forces m Korea, said today he believed that the Communists would agree to the present battle line being a buffer zone m Korea But he said at the same time that
    Reuter; AP  -  233 words
  • 53 1 SYDNEY, Mon. Nine pits In New South Wales are carrying out an unofficial "rolling" strike striking m turn— in protest against the acute shortage of butter and other basic foods m the state. One or more pits have been idle daily for the past six
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 56 1 British Electro Plating Works Spore Phone 077 <!»A/31-Pen»nt M- EfflßHpi Bmmm w psB Ht ELECTRIC KETTLE W L t H f" r r^pid boiling, md Jf JH^k beautiful line> with JU "I ■P^T^^^H TL *a'fi)f device. BRITISH QUALITY PRODUCTS BY &.G.C. AOVT or THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD.. OF ENGLAND
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    • 16 1 [the guaranteed british fan Obtainable From A// Good Dealers MODERN BATHROOM SUiTei SIMKS t* *-A X-
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  • 1868 2 COMPANY MEETINGS LONDON TIN CORPORATION CHAIRMAN'S SPEECH The twenty-fifth annual general Keeling of London Tin Corporation, Ltd.. wm held on 3rd Sep e.nber 1951 at The Chartered Insurance tnntltiKe, AJdermanbury, London. B.C. Mr. J. Ivan Spent, chairman ol the Corporation, who presided, ■aid: The accounU of the Corporation and the
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  • 'No money, he sold so ...
    • 178 2 MINISTER WAS STRUCK IN PARLIAMENT TEHERAN, Monday. yOUSEF Moshar, Persian Minister of Postf and Telegraphs, last night took sanctuaryinside the Parliament building after a fight with a deputy. He was attacked m the lobby of Parliament* after telling Parliament that It was impossible to supply wireless communications to various parts
      Reuter  -  178 words
    • 121 2 Housewives run their own markets LONDON, Mon. gOUTHERN English housewives are running their own chain of 150 fruit and vegetable markets so successfully that the idea is spreading. All are members of the 400,000-strong National Federation of Women's Institutes and the growing sales network is an extension of war-time emergency
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • Article, Illustration
      48 2 MKT; >!OLLKR. aped 17, flew ti (.onion from Norway, talked for two hours and is now on her wiy to Hollywood. Mette, a blonde ballet dancer, had talked to Mr. Yates, president of Republic Pictures, m London, who decided to ask hei to Hollywi»od.~A P photo
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    • 52 2 CAIRO, Mon. »THE E o 7ptian Cabinet last nisht discussed the United Nations resolution instructing Egypt to lift :he Suez Csnal blockade immediately. Foreign Minister Mohammed Saleh El Din Pasha said afterwards "the United Nations must meet Egypt's demands before it can r. nythinc of
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    • 38 2 CASABLANCA. M:)n A shell exploding pr?:n during mortar firing p a 1 Sefrou, Morocco, ~ve<er" ay killed a H" t p »«nt. i <reant an^ i so'dier of the French 4th R*gimenl of Spahis. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 870 2 T^BBcTpfSwSENTS Applications will be received by the Johore Establishment Officer. Johore Bahru up to noon 20th September 1951 from Federal ClUsens or who are eligible for citizenship within a period of S years for appointment as Veterinary Probationers. Applicants must have passed the School Certificate Examination and must be between
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    • 707 2 AND EQUIPMENT TENDERS we invited for the in'hase of ONE BREHMER" DOUBLEDEMY BOOK FOLDING MACHINE. In working order; ONE "HARRILD" FLAT PROOF PRESS: ONE HAND-OPERATED GRINDSTONE FRAME; together with a miscellaneous collection of roller moulds and stocks, old guillotine knives, and scrap Iron, located at the Government PrintIng Department, Chan
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    • 478 2 t,T. NOTICES CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD TENDERS FOR SCRAP MATERIALS TENDERS are Invited for the purchase of scrap and surplus materials comprising cast iron etc., transformer parts, approximately 2,300 lbs. of copper at Ipoh, scrap and 44 gal. drums at Sitlawan, and 44 gal drums and water tanks at Cameron Highlands.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 341 2 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 8 "Ray's a Laugh"; 8.30 As Spore: 9 Dance Music; 9.30 News; 10 10. 10.10 pm. News lrom "Paul Temple and the Vandyke K. L.; 1.00 pm. Radio Orch.; Affair"; 10.30 ""Music at Night"; 1.30 News; 1.45 2 Dace Music; 11 Close. 6.15 "Four SUrs and A
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    • 63 3 ALL 33 occupants of a Pan American plane crash landed into the sea m shallow water off Kingston, Jamaica. President Soekarno of Indonesia will make a trip to Bangka Island from Sept. 7 to 11. THE "COMMITTEE for a Free Asia" has set uo a private radio station
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    • 53 3 FOLK were killed when two Boeing B-47 slrato.iet bombers rammed over Wichita. Kan- Peronista Party sources predicted yesterday that Eva Peron, icifc of President Peron, will be <iiven a cabinet post if her hitaband is re-elected. THE Japanese Premier. Shigeru Yoshida. visied the VS. Secretary of State. Mr.
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    • 71 3 NINE CHINESE, includine «*»«ht "Hong Kong hotel" employees who went out for a row yesterday, are missing. The first Chinese Amdor to Pakistan, Han ■n\q, arrived m Karachi yfesterday. STALIN has sent a message to Mao Tse-tung on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of VJ-Dav. The Hong
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  • 44 3 BERLIN. Mon. Berlin's three Western commandants today met to discuss the Communist road tax on Berlin's traffic with the West. This tax has been denounced by American authorities as "a new Communist move tc strangle free West Berlin." —A.P.
    AP  -  44 words
  • 280 3 Chances of general war less now, says Eden EUROPE'S STRENGTH GROWING UNDER -IKE* 1 WASHINGTON, Monday. iyj R. Anthony Eden, British deputy Opposition leader, said m Washington yesterday that there was less chance for a third world war now than there was a year ago. "The United States is more
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  • 36 3 Klnc Farouk of Egypt follows Queen Narriman down a stairway, as they attended the opening of the yacht port at Cannes, South France, recently. Queen Narriman is wearing a tight-walsted yachting outfit.
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  • 68 3 LUSANNE, SWITZERLAND, Mon. f\R, SERGE VORONOFF, *J who became famous for his experiments m transplanting monkey glands to human beings, has died here. He was 85. Dr. Voronoff, a native of Russia, became a naturalised French citizen many years ago. He had been living m France,
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  • 183 3 TOKYO, Mon. AMERICAN F-86 Jets yesterday shot down four Russian type MIG-15 planes against two to one odds In what the Fifth Air Force described as the longest Jet fight m the Korean war. Twentyone American Jets and an estimated 40 MIG-15 fighters
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  • 51 3 SAIGON, Mon. A GARRISON of 40 Vietnamese, with French officers, repelled a violent Vietminh attack on Saturday night about 30 miles northwest of Saigon, after severe* hand-to-hand fighting, a French Army communique announced. A Vietminh battalion attacked the garrison but was forced to withdraw after "heavy losses."—
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  • 53 3 MANILA, Mon. riORTY specialists will Oc r sent b y UNESCO to help develop health, education food, engineering, agriculture and science m the Philippines. Mr. W L. Ell's. United Nations Resident Technical Assistance representative here, said this when he returned from UNESCO conferences m Paris and
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  • 57 3 BASRA, Mon.— The X.L.M. Dakota charter plane held by the Persians for eight days arrived at Basra yesterday on its way to Amsterdam. Persian customs authorities had earlier yesterday released the plane which was grounded m Abadan. The plane was under charter to the Anglo-Iranian Oil
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  • Article, Illustration
    93 3 VT. *SEN. SIR FREDERICK EDGWORTH MORGAN, who has been appointed Controller of Atomic Energy— six years and 20 days after the first atom bomb was dropped. Sir Frederick is the first fulltime holder of this appointment. Lord Portal of Hungerford, who hands over the post on Oct. 1,
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  • 126 3 WASHINGTON, Monday. A SUM of $1,000,000,000, on guided missiles, some of which will carry the atomic warhead, is to be spent by the Uniled States before next July. Mr. O. H. Mahon,, Chairman of the House of Representatives Military Appropriations Sub-committee, disclosed
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  • 33 3 WELLINGTON, Mon. The latest count m New Zealand's elections yesterday showed that the Nationalist (Conservatives) Government was assured of an aggregate majority of nearly 50 per cent bigger than In 1949. —Reuter.
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  • 168 3 We're not drifting away' Spender SAN FRANCISCO, Monday. MR. Percy Spender, Australian Ambassador to the United States, said here last night that Australia's alliance with the United States indicated "no drifting: away" from Britain. Speaking at a banquet to celebrate the signing of the tripartite security treaty between the United
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  • 101 3 LONDON, Monday. BRITAIN has demanded formal apology and 28,000 rupees compensation from the Burmese Government for the detention of a Briton without trial, a Foreign Office spokesman said today. The Briton. Mr. E. C. Moment, a rubber planter m East Rangoon, was arrested early tn
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  • 61 3 AMMAN, JORDAN, Mon. AN official delegation headed by Prince Naif, Regent of Jordan since the assassination of his father, King Abdullah, will leave for Geneva to bring Prince Talal back to Amman. Prince Talal, who has been undergoing treatment for nervous disorders at a Swiss
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  • 334 3 LABOUR REBELS 'AIDING REDS BLACKPOOL, Mon. THE president of the Trades Union Congress, Mr. Alfred Roberts, today told rebel Socialists that they were playing into the hands of Communist propagandists. He was addressing the opening meeting of the congress at Blackpool. He said: "In my view and I weigh my
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  • 73 3 LONDON, Mon.. MR. Herbert Barradell, of Paddington Green, I London, keeps hundreds of wine bottles m his cellar all empty. Ranging from a port bottle one inch high to an eight t gallon, four feet six inch high champagne bottle, they i are part of his
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  • 73 3 TOKYO. Mon.— Gen. Ridgway has commuted the death sentences of two Japanese war criminals. They are Hisaklchl Tokuda, a former army medical officer, convicted of killing Ame- rican prisoners m medical 1 experiments. and Tetsuo Tanlguchl. former naval ensign, convicted of participating m the execution of
    AP  -  73 words
  • 64 3 TAIPEH, Mi. n. fHIANG KAI-SHEK called yesterday for stern economies as a means towards balanced budget for Nationalist China. Speaking before high Government officials, Chiang urged strict austerity. "Our belts must be tightened. There is still too much laxity, too much extravagance." He spoke against
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 101 3 From INDIA To Book your forward requirements of Roofing Tiles, Coir Ropes-Oilird Cr Strings, Soaps, Tobacco, Mollasses, Pharmaceutical Products, Cotton Wastes hard soft, etc. Mm BuiUlitif! MtiicrLils C~ Pig-iron from Europe. Contact R. C. GUPTA, Rep. KHANDELWAL BROS. LTD. 21, NUNES BUILDING, Cable; "Straitspex" Malacca St. Singapore Tel- 3177 HEXRY
      101 words
    • 146 3 A perfect co/J meal... is always ready with delicious, best-quality Q.M.E. Ox Tongues from Queensland. .Buy Today! Keep several tins m reserve; and always include popular Ox Tongue m your Foorf Parcels to* U.K. 4 Q.M.E. Ox Tongues U Ib tin $4.70 1 2 lbs 5.50 2i 6.15 (Singapore prices)
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  • 298 4 MEN FROM THE KENYA ARE BACK —ITS LIKE BEING HOME *old hands 5 IJEVER was Singapore more welcome to the crew of a British warship than it was yesterday to the men of the cruiser Kenya when they I arrived for a refit after 13 months' service m Korea. "It
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  • 112 4 All sailors are tough, says bearded padre QN board the 9,00«-ton British cruiser Kenya, which arrived m Singapore yesterday from Korea is bearded 31 -year-old padre. And, he says gladly, he has never held a burial service m the Kenya since he Joined m October last year. Chaplain H. Mac
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  • 169 4 Drums will beat for the 'Koylis' WHEN the troopship Dunera docks at Southampton tomorrow 500 officers and men of Ist Battalion. King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, will be welcomed with martial music played by the band of another infantry regiment the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. The music will mark
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  • 28 4 KLUANG. Mon.— Dr. A. N. Ray. who has returned after a course m Public Health m Britain has been posted to Kluang as Health Officer. Central Johore.
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  • 39 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Mr N A. Cohen. Chairman of the Committee of Review under the Emergency Regulations and Adjutant of the Johore Bahru Home Guards, has returned to Johore Bahru after a vacation In Hone: Kone.
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  • 175 4 THE Singapore Municipal 1 Health Committee yesterday held discussions with Mr. Tap Pheng Geek, delegate of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Tang Cheow Yoo. representative of the United Markets' Association regarding recent protests made against the Municipal decision to ban the
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  • 199 4 Wife 'waved to man next door It! OHAMED Aswari bin Ahmad, a seaman, yester--ITI day told the Singapore Second Police Magistrate, Mr. R. B. I. Pates, that he slapped his wife after he caught her waving to a "man next door *> Ahmad was convicted of causing hurt to his
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  • 30 4 PARIT BUNTAR, Mon. Before his departure to Baling on transfer, Mr. V M Wan Abdullah, District Officer, Ban da Bahru, was entertained to a farewell dinner by Government servants.
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  • 22 4 KUANTAN. Mon. For cycling on the wrong side of the street, Abdul Razak bin Mohamed was fined $9 at Kuantan.
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  • 438 4 T4IE Barnes Report and the Fenn-Wu Report \M feature prominently on the agenda of a three day conference of Directors of Education of Singapore. Federation of Malaya, Hong Kong, Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei which opened yesterday at Phoenix Park, Singapore This was revealed by
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  • 116 4 Faulty education is one of the contributory factors to war. Mrs. Shirin Fozdar, who has Just returned from Bali, where she attended, as representative of the All-India Educational Federation, the recent United Nations Regional Conference, said yesterday, that the delegates had agreed on this during their
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  • 125 4 THE death Irs occurred In England of Mrs. Ann Furze, wife of Mr. H.\>. Furze, former manager of Clovelly Estate. Negri Sembilan. Mr. Furze found his wife lying dead m a room at the Old Swan Inn. Minster Lovell. Oxfordshire. Near by was a damaged electric
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  • 104 4 SHE SELLS STITCHES TO SEAMEN MADAM LEE CHOW TONG. one of the many "Sew-Sew Girls" who ply their trade atone the Singapore waterfront, here receiving another pile of socks to wash and mend, from Daniah seaman Jensen Frode. Madam Lee has carried on this business since early 1946, and is
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  • 135 4 TWO naval ratings, Geoffrey Langton and Joseph F. Key, were charged m Singapore Assize Court yesterday with robbing a Chinese taxi driver m Changi Road, on July 6. They engaged a taxi, belonging to Lee Boon Leong, near the Capitol theatre after midnight and asked the
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  • 29 4 KEMAMAN Mon. A smokehouse at Jakar Xema- man. Trengganu. collapsed j during a storm last night and set fire •to the rubber. The house was destroyed.
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  • 27 4 KUAN7AN. Mon. Madam Chua Chit, mother-in-law ot Mr. Lim Chin Hui. well known Kuantan businessman, has died m Singapore at the age of 46.
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  • 162 4 APART from Britain and the United States, Singapore is well ahead of other countries m youth work and has deeply impressed youth delegates at the World Assembly of Youth Conference J This Is one of the impresisions which Inche Mansoor bin Haji Fadzal, club leader
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 4 V.'.ss A*nes j.unee SingaP .re girl who works for the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the UNO m Bangkok went globe-trott-ing for the past five months and has dropped m at the Colony now for a look at sweet home. She will be off to Bangkok again on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 184 4 r^^^ -A I more POWER to your driving V Spectacular engine performance Tbc Riley ts also available m aa has always set the Riley apart exceptionally lively 1 1 litre modeL from other cars. Toe 2| litre Whichever car you choose you Riley Saloon, for example, with get the satisfaction
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    • 263 4 LaCrcKs nail polish AND iIMSIirK aj||BjpajBJBJBJBJBJp|BJB^BjB^B^BS l/ifl /Vtfak As f^ 9^^^ TIK. n ilrt IO: L. D SEYHCUR &CO INC. 33 Medeiros Bldgs S.^ a—a— s— a— w -w w \<.DeWinS A/mC/D TABLET is usually sufficient to give that much needed relief after a heavy meal away from hor**. In
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 101 4 Festival Britain Exhibition Singapore U.E. Building, 9 a.m. to S pjn. Y.W.CJL, Raffles Quay. Mandarin class. 10.30 am.; ballroom dancing S p.m. YJf.CA.. Orchard Road. Hockey against Sherwoods. 5. 1S p.m.: Malay class, 5.30 p.m.: French claas. 5.30 pjn.; St. John Ambulance parade at tennis p.ivilion. 5. H0 p.m.; commercial
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  • 29 5 Three Malayan Polfce officers have just completed a training course m Britain. They are: AS Ps C M Sunderaj and Bha Tajuddln and Inspector Mohamed bin Samsuddin.
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  • 546 5  -  NAN HALL By THE Hong Kong film magnate Mr. T. Y. Lee, yesterday told a Singapore schoolteacher that her life story would make an excellent international film, but there was Just one thing wrong with it: "The only white man
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  • 148 5 ALOR STAR, Mon. A 15-FOOT python, cap- tured m the Jungle near Baling last week, is now back m the Baling Jungle. Mr. Yee Chew Moon, who bought the python from its captors for $50, changed his plan to take It to the
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  • 115 5 IN traffic offences, constables should first ask the names and addresses of offenders and not for their identity cards, the Singapore Third District Judge, Mr. S. E. Teh. told constable Abu Chik yesterday. At the trial of Ong Kong Chin, a shop assistant, on a
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  • 82 5 A SURVEY of the Pahang River delta for a study of the human and physical geographies of the area has been completed by two students of the University of Malaya. They are Inche Mansor bin Osman. a Raffles College graduate, who intends to join the University
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  • 85 5 Charged with stealing one bag of copra worth $50 from a Tighter In the Inner roads of Singapore Harbour on Sunday, three Chinese and four Indians claimed trial before the Singapore Fourth Magistrate. Mr. P. Claque. yesterday They wert all allowed bail of $500
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  • 74 5 UNION TO CONSIDER NEW CoLA COST of living allowances granted to civilian employees of the Services m Singapore will be the main issue discussed at a special meeting of the Army Civil Services Union Executive Council tomorrow. The meeting will also discuss working conditions which are included m claims submitted
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  • 39 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Two rubber tappers m Ipoh area failed to return from work. They are believed to have been abducted by bandits. Four tappers were als.> reporfed missing m the Kuala Pilah area of Negrl Sembllan.
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  • 54 5 Workers m Singapore do not want to take up jobs outside Malaya, a spokesman of the Singapore Labour Exchange said yesterday He said the department could meet only a fraction of th P demand for semi-skilled workers. This is because Singapore wages are better and workers do not
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  • 133 5 'Slam' bay« b«rus »lanj for a new air t-rvio« to Aostrallt through Singapore an official of th» company told the Stralti Tlmei yesterday. Tha new aenrte* may b« held up btuQM of a ahortage of largar op«raucoal air- The auluies, which completed its route survey some
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  • 174 5 HOMES FOR SQUA TTERS WILL FREE SCHOOL LAND VEONG Cheng School, Singapore, whose building plans have been held up for two years because 150 squatters occupy the site, will build houses for the squatters on a new piece of land. The school site. 150,000 square feet, Is behind Moh Guan
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  • 77 5 From their classroom windows m a converted barrack block at Changi, Singapore, children of R.A.F. and other Service families can see a new $250,000 school taking shape. Expected to be ready early In the New Year, the school wih accommodate up to 350 children of R.A.F.
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  • 84 5 An appeal to the Chinese l m Singapore to donate generously to the SATA Fund was made last night by Mr. Kwek Soan Loh. president lof the Singapore-Sumatra Chinese Importers' Association. Mr. Kwek pointed out that the majority of patients who receive medical attention from
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  • 58 5 A CONSTELLATION which left London Airport on Saturday did not arisive m Singapore yesterday as scheduled owing to refuelling difficulties at Basra. A Singapore airlines official said the plane's arrival might be delayed two days. He would not say whether the fuel shortage was due to
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  • 149 5 ]tf R. Justice Fletcher Rogers told a Chinese m the IT Singapore Assize Court yesterday: "People m possession of revolvers do not carry them about unless they have some mischief to do against some- body." "I have no doubt that you also were intending
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 669 5 'YOU.too.may be one of the MILLIONS who suffer from VITAMINaMINERAL^^/^/ That is why you feel Worn out. Nervous, Irritable, Have head■aches, lose Weight, Worry" '"'^T\^ 1 IB SfPvjflj Try this Proved Way Back to Health 6 Happiness W c ir.icmic. feel nervous, have itapUmr from dttp dovun m tkt Pacific
      669 words
    • 259 5 mk W^ S ""w S^OO)/ GIFT hOR A MAN m wKitv muiLer-oi-pc*rl tor Ijil n>al and white tic darl? pearl lor Ui-xedo. Deji^oed 1 for con ven ieiice witn tlie krementz patented snap bar cuH link and bodvin ftud. > Jewellery Dept. GIAN SINGH'S 30-1. Rafflct Place. Spore Phone
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  • 1069 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues. Sept. 4, 1951 Treaty with Japan l Unpredictable as is the course I of the Japanese Peace Treaty meeting which opens m San Francisco today, it promises to be the most remarkable peace conference of our time. Actually it is not a conference. The draft
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  • 45 6 GREGORY, C. P on I6tl Ahum. 1951. at Bridport, Dorset ifter a long illness. Late of Dull Dnelopment Co. Ltd.. Kelantan FURZE: On Au?. 24th, suddenly, at the O'd Swan Hotel Minster I ovell. Oxfordshire. Am nolly) rirarly beloved wlfi ©f H D. Fume.
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  • 124 6 MR MM N. SIVARAMH th;i-k a'l triends and relatives uhc ■ttrm'ed. aenl *ataabhl present; and ronprntulntory telegrams or thr occasion oi their marriage or BB a« io.'il VR MRS G. D. ALEXANDER J, nk reteUma nnd friends whe -nded. .«ent valuable pre- < ..atory nies«.iKei en the ocens on
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  • 28 6 TOKYO, Mon. Japan's population at' Fhe beginning Of June was 82.200,000. This rfpresented a net natural fncrea?* during May of near'y 100,000.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 1313 6  -  H. R. CHEESEMAN, says who retired as Director of Education, Federation of Malaya, after over 41 years* service m the country T*HE Bfcrnes Report A advocates for the new educational structure of the Federation of Malaya a foundation that is educationally unsound, as far,
    1,313 words
  • Man – in the – Street
    • 203 6 I HESITATE to add to the criticism of the police which has recently been appearing m your columns, being well aware of the difficulties with which those responsible for their conduct are faced. But every issue of your weekly edition carries little i paragraphs' that fill me
      203 words
    • 240 6 HAVING lodged my Income tax return for the year 1951. I was summoned on two occasions to the Income Tax Department by an assessing officer. On the nrst occasion 1 was asked to bring my bank pass book which I produced to the interviewing officer, who, after
      240 words
    • 67 6 I HASTEN to support the suggestion for weekly or fortnightly payment of wages to Government, and other employees W?ekly payment would Involve more work, so I would suggest fortnightly. This course should help prevent Indebtedness. And flnna here pay their employees fortnightly. The idea Is good and
      67 words
    • 261 6 I HAVE driven, owned and parsed cars for jver thirty years m most parts of Europe and the Commonwealth, and nowhere, except m Singapore, have I found free and almost untrammelled parking. That Is why the remarks of the secretary of the Automobile Association of
      261 words
  • 426 6 The ivaxucus Lake jym you notice a flash-back to the Singapore Botanlo Gardens of 1901 In our "Fifty Years Ago" corner recently* i Two persons were stopped t by a policeman while carry* Ing what used to be known to a bygone generation as a 'carpet bag",
    426 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 659 6 CLASSIFIED A6B. FLOOD-BOimilO: A iHotu'i Clinic on v Mivte and Oeorf*. a aaa. COTTRELL: TO Rath. wlf« O Piter, on 3.9 51 (at Kandam Ke bau Hospital), a ten. Ralpl Bruce, a Brother for Keith. STUART: At the Bungsai Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, on Km Bent.. 1951. to Prancea. wife
      659 words
    • 36 6 EVEMKKHT < OPTSCAI (0. f Offering Complete Se> vices essential to Eye Comfort Visual Efficiency. (1) lISIJU AIM.TSIS be^e^eW IW|Tbh I (2) VISUAL riUUIIIB *4fel (3) BUSSES IF lEEDED C.S. CHONG OPT. D. 19 CHULIA ST. SPORE.
      36 words
    • 47 6 Iniroducinq J^H TYPE P.E.40 s^v 5 valve Superheterodyne table ">^V^ receiver for 4.C. mains ATallable at all authorised Pye^^^v y^pt/ Soi« DiMiiboloti \t ANN PENG TRADERS LTD. S9. STAMFORD ROAD. SINCAPORE Factory Ktpuminiiv T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINCAPORC KUALA LUMPUR PENANC ♦Jvi TOPS t^r JL' -f
      47 words

  • 435 7 MANY CHILDREN ARE INVITED An event for future citizens THE youth of Singapore are expected to take a large part m celebrating City Day, September 22, Mr. T. M. Stevens, Municipal Secretary said yesterday. "We want the children to turn out m large numbers to
    435 words
  • 66 7 riVE policemen were injured 1 yesterday when a traffic police van carrying police to duty-points hit a wall outside Raffles Museum. The driver, it is understood, swerved to avoid a trisha. Two policemen. Mat Samad bin Abdullah, 26, and Mohamed Janes bin Salleh, 24.
    66 words
  • 54 7 When the case or Adakan Karupiah. aged 53, who Is charged with causing prievous hurt to Supplah with an axe. came up lor hearing m the Singapore Third District Court yesterday, th e prosecution said that the complainant was still mi n hospital The trial was
    54 words
  • 47 7 Yu Lim Wah claimed trial before the Singapore Third Magistrate. Mr. H. B. Livingstone, yesterday, on a charge of criminal intimidation of a woman, Low Geok Hoon at Siak Street on Saturday night. Bail was opposed and the case was postponed to Sept.
    47 words
  • 206 7 THE SAGA OF MITSU AND HER FAMILY MRS Anne Christensen, an Amer'can. thought she would have no trouble when ghe brought her pedigree Siamese cat Mitsu fflom Ceylon to Singapore last month. Complication No. 1; It was when Mitsu had kittens during the voyage four of '*ni. Her mistress personally
    206 words
  • 123 7 KUALA LUMPUR, M on. A FOOTNOTE to a story m the Straits Times has led to the acceleration of the date for launching the Independence of Mal~ aya Party. The convenor of the meeting to lautlth IMP, Dato Onn bin Ja'afar, told the
    123 words
  • 84 7 woman of Kampong Linting. Johore, who is known by the male name of Abdullah, appeared before the Singapore First District Judge, Mr. W. G. Alcock. yesterday on a a charge of defacing her identity card. She was Zahari binte Mohamed. alias Sharifah Rokiah. alias Abdullah. Mr
    84 words
  • 189 7 Big welcome planned for Rotarian SINGAPORE Rotarians and Inner-Wheelers are planning a big welcome for Dr. Percy Hodgson, past president of Rotary International, and Mrs."Hodgson when they arrive from Bangkok today with their niece. Miss Nancy Ann Smith, on a world tour. Mr. K. M. Engelmann. president of the Singapore
    189 words
  • 37 7 Abdul Razak and Maldeen bin Moosa wer» charged m Singapore yesterday with cheating Badui Kareem of $200. They pleaded not guilty. The case was postponed to Sept 10 They were offered $.sfo ban
    37 words
  • 110 7 COUR Indians and three Chinese claimed trial In Singapore yesterday to two charges of stealing 14 bags of copra worth $700 from a lighter m the Singapore Inner roads on Sunday. The case was postponed for hearing to Oct. S. Ramasamy, V. Parasuraman, M. Bavamathen
    110 words
  • 130 7 |UR. G. J. Renwlck,,a 5,000Iri hour pilot who has betn nying m East* Africa* arrived fu. Singapore yesterday to idn Xhe Malayan Airways. He is the first to arrive, of a ru iv group of pilots, who will fly the Federation Government's Beaver monoplanes on the
    130 words
  • 67 7 SIX Malayan students of the University of Tasmania, invited to the Rectory at Bellerive to enjoy their national dishes, with the Rev. A. F. and Mrs. Thomas. The dishes were prepared by the students themselves. The student? are (left to right): John Liv (Singapore). Lee
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  • 196 7 rpHE Lockheed Superconstellation which carries 110 passengers and is the largest commercial airliner m the world will operate on the 12,000--mile Kangaroo route from Britain to Sydney, calling at Singapore, early m 1953. This Superconstellation will be put into service by X.L.M. Dutch Airways and
    196 words
  • 44 7 Idris Khan claimed trial m Singapore yesterday to fraudulent possession of eight cartoons of cigarettes at Collyer Quay on Saturday night. H P also claimed trial to I offering $6 to a detective. He wa 9 offered $250 bail.
    44 words
  • 231 7 DROFESSOR G. D. Sondhi, 61-year-old director of Youth Welfare Seminar of the United Nations, yesterday praised the Singapore Government for its "foresight" m youth work. Professor Sondhi. who is the founder of the Asian Games m New Delhi, told Mr. R. W. I. Band, secretary
    231 words
  • 146 7 Smoking in buses is for review w THE Municipal Traffic Com- mittee is considering Mr. Nair's proposal to ban smoking on buses. Mr. Nair says it causes inconvenience to passengers on crowded buses and on rainy days when bus windows are shut. The general manager of the Singapore Traction Company,
    146 words
  • 21 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.-A Malay auj^illary policeman wa s shot dekd by bandits In the Segamat area of Johore yesterday.
    21 words
  • 163 7 SINGAPORE civil aviation authorities have sketch plans for a modern air traffic control centre for the $20,000,060 international civil airport at Paya Lebar. Radar and radio-telephone will be among equipment to be used at the centre to control the movements of aircraft. I Radio
    163 words
  • 164 7 Penang got 3 calls to help S'pore THREE times In the history 1 of the Presbyterian Church m Penan*?. Its minister received a call to help the Singapore Presbvtenan Church. The first was to the Key. Charles Moir. the second to the Rev. William Cross, and the third to the
    164 words
  • 60 7 Veloo Sreedharan. aged 36. claimed trial m the Singa- pore Second PcJice Court yescerday to a charge of using criminal force on a Chincsr woman to outrage her modesty at Canberra Road. Naval Base last Sunday Thj. case was postponed to Sept 18 for hearing
    60 words
  • 200 7 Comet may bring jet inventor CIVIL Aviation Department officials are hop'.ng that Sir Frank Whittle, pioneer of the Jet engine, will accompany the de Havlland Comet Jet airliner on its development flight to Singapore early next month There is every reason :o oelieve that Sir Frank will He has flown
    200 words
  • 80 7 FE proviituaai ewnunuiea of the .Stngaooiv I'ravie Union Congress will meet on Thursday to lrranm- the Br« delegates' i ferer:ce on Sept 30 The secretary ot ttie Congress Mr t- Jaji inatha:i, tola the Straits Ti;i es v«teroay the constitution t^ad been sent to fade v
    80 words
  • 47 7 Salim o:n Si:d. n, a iormer War Depiirtmt nt employee, was fined S">o or 14 days' iniDr sonment m th* Singapore Fourth P<»:ce ;oun yesterday f t stealing a broom, worth $4. at the R A S.C Sergeants' Mess. Nee Soon on Aug 10.
    47 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 82 7 Hall's m WINE ff/ QnauzoL Supresn& JBf ttltn&Jonic /festeroZtie/JSH An I\< < ll< nl Toiiit- fur JB B^^^ Mothers after child Birth. JB j^jP Especially effective f JBfc- after Malaria and all Types if,^^,^^ m of Fever, mtj M f V I Agents Bafes JACKSON CO., LTD. Green Peas $*w'
      82 words
      62 words

  • 195 8 Fewer youths now go to China ij^EWER Chinese youths m Malaya are going to China since the introduction of new immigration rules on July 1 which seek to tighten regulations governinp reentry into this country. More than a thousand y had been leaving monthly for China during the half
    195 words
  • 51 8 CAPTAIM L R Ambrose, Sinre manager of Qantas I Airways, left for Brit morning by Qantas BOAC Constellation to attend th.- International Air TransI sodatlon conference m L< ndon H i v ill also visit the Society <h Aircraft Ccnstruct in ion at Farnb>r uitth.
    51 words
  • 92 8 n was held by the B ye of the Governir t cl India, Mr. M. Gopala Menon, at No. 2, Pierce Drive. I lit. m honour of the Justic? of India. Sir H.'rllal K- ma. Lady Kania ar I t!'-:r c'^ughtcr Miss RukBinl K. nia. Among the
    92 words
  • 105 8 A»yANu HAK-\R'S split-set- »nd opportunism which <;ave Singapore their second goal after 13 minutes m the Cup Final on Sunday. Despite being challenged by two Perak defenders. Bakar (third from left) snapped up a pass from Alan King and firsttimed a fiery
    105 words
  • 280 8 POLICE LIEUT. ACTED IN GOOD FAITH' FREED 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Monday. POLICE Lieutenant John Graham Quick was today 1 acquitted and discharged by Mr. Justice Storr m he High Court on a charge of culpable homicide lot amounting to murder by causing the death of 'olice Lt. Patrick Timoney. Mr.
    280 words
  • 61 8 Lidon bin Sulaiman, 21, and Kalahe Lakage Marten. 24. will stand trial at the next Assizes on two charges of armed robbery of $80. a motor car switch key and a watch worth $130 from Low Bee Chong and Ho Kong Chin on June 4.
    61 words
  • 126 8 AN appeal to Singapore voters to check the A electoral lists now open for inspection at various centres was made yesterday by Mr. K. Jagatheesan, mi n^ vn^«-4 Commissioner for City Ward. The old voters, he said, must see that their names had not been
    126 words
  • 47 8 Haron bin Abdul Majid a corporal attached to the Harbour Board Police, claimed trial before the Singapore Third Magistrate, Mr. H. B. Livingstone, yesterday, on a charge of sleeping on duty while armed with a pistol and 11 rounds of ammunition.
    47 words
  • 231 8 jLIfR. J. C. Mathison, the prominent Johore rubber iT planter and Federal Legislatire Council member, spent three months m the U.S. exploding misconceptions held by the Americans about the Malayan rubber industry. On his return to Singa- r pore yesterday, Mr. Mathison, who held
    231 words
  • 236 8 NR A. W. D. James, a member of the Malayan Civil Service, is to be head of the Emergency Information Services when Mr. Hugh Carleton Greene leaves for Britain on Sept. 16, the Straits Times understands. He was formerly State Emergency Information Officer and acting Deputy
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  • 223 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. JLfR. W. Martin McCail, Legal Adviser and Federal Counsel. Johore. leaves Johore Bahru on Thursday i for Northern Rhodesia where he has beer, made SolicitorGeneral Joining the Colonial Legal Service, Mr. McCail came to i Malaya m 1940 as Assistant I Legal Adviser
    223 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 258 8 I 100 H.P. SIX CTLINDBB <g&rSBS& bW overhead valvb engwe Ef liL im^M B ALL NEW ALL STEEL T^^n B[ CkR COMroRT SAFETY CAB JT^^-jH "STRENGTH BBSEBVB" f^^,^ CHASSIS FEATURES Everything YOU and your DRIVERS want Profretjive tpringing: e*tra ipiin«i jjj 9 tntrk come into action ai freight weight it
      258 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 249 8 s/tc Affjuiirifr r//£ coMM/rrtiooir/irf j "^Hjj*"-"* THAVK >()U. IADIf S -V jfiSS^^^^^ A^ HRIfAVITER SHE 11, \\OT~ Yf AR I'M Af RAIQ/ffl m "ar! you-rTTLJi r£EL Mib£RA3LE] THE DOCTOR |SO NORLICKS THF U\L> ONE VVHOpjAOOUT SAYING 'NO' TOID HER I FVFPY niV I' I LAN, TRAIN) THE r^ joilT MUST
      249 words

  • 357 9 NO HOT FEET FOR ME! ByHAGDADUNIN GOOD grooming of the! feet begins with soap and water and goes through massage on to pedicture. In this country, however, it should not stop there! P* ruiK leet. apart Irom ai> aesthetic ai> bad for morale ana bad Tor posture Any extra
    357 words
  • 145 9 BARBARA PERRY, ulthough only 25, is ceieorating her 21st anniversary as an actress. Her theatrical career has bfought her plenty of travelling and this has made her gadget .minded. Barbara has just arrived m London and brought with her a host of new devices including some
    145 words
  • 613 9 NURSE JANET on Mothercraft WHEN baby is born, f whether m hospital or at home, a mother's first reaction is contentment and great Joy. Lying m bed, although her day is quietly full learning the routine and correct methods to feed and bath her baby,
    613 words
  • 490 9  -  SUSAN BLAIR By **THERE are rats In thia x office," I said to my employer. "Rats? Non. sense! I haven't seen any rats." "Nevertheless." I said "The rats are here, I've been dodging them all the morning, and I dislike rats "Buy a few
    490 words
  • 181 9 Keep The Brass Shining r£N searching through the curio shops for brass ornaments one is often dubious about purchasing the very badly stained vases etc., for fear of not being able to clean them. Actually, providing they are not very badly encrusted, it is quite a simple matter. Brass ornaments
    181 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 46 9 vHI i V R^/ Th.s Johore baby is as foil of life as only a healthy yN^yVi tot can be Cries very little and has a wonderful 4V 1 A appet.te- yes, you re right.- another Laaogen baby. X^^/*^^ > x [ACTOCEr/ n 'T*^ L. 4 3/51
      46 words
    • 315 9 P«"d«r m lA c v *7 For'mon Qum~so~jean s^^ ■^N y ia^i« Aac» revelled m its soothing softness BABY POWDER THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED 2-91 =1 LISTERINB Antiseptic answers so I many needs m the home that it could fgjp-~^^ be justifiably called "the Little Doctor"! MINOI CUTS, BUBNS AND
      315 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 358 9 short (5). Straits Timpc CrO^^WOrH 231n one 8 cventb heaven (5). oiidii b 3 imt*^ uobswura 24 I>Tney who only sU4Jd and wait" (Milton) (4.5> I'l, I fZ r— "l 1 1 rr— J r— i rr— i 25. Warwick (4. 2. 3. 8) I 2 3 5 6 7
      358 words

    • 136 10 Stimulated hunt for fuel THIS suddenly stimulated hunt for fuel is the most talked of activity m London and the big towns just now Out m the countryside, everyone is thinking about the harvestmost of which is going to be difficult to save if summer ias iv fact ended In
      136 words
    • 107 10 have been over the sea-wall AT the seaside resorts around our coasts the millions of autumn holidaymakers are. of course, having at the moment what Mr. Micawber would have called a demmed demp time Almost everywhere, for the past fortnight, the sad sea waves have refused to remain part of
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    • Article, Illustration
      327 10 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON: "JJAS the summer broken up?" is a question anxiously asked m this part of the world today." The weather for the past fortnight has certainly been abominable a succession of howling gales, days of almost continuous heavy rain, and evenIngs so chill that
      327 words
    • 174 10 HERE m London— l must report at the risk of boring you- -the most popular autumnal amusement continues to be political speculation (Stock Exchange speculation having been knocked uut by dividend limitation). Most people expect the General Election to be m October and most people expect
      174 words
    • 193 10 IN actual fact, the Tories are enunciating some- thing of a policy— or, rather, the man who Is regarded as a Conservative Prim* Minister of the future. i« trying to do It for them. He, as you may have guessed is Mr David Eccles. He
      193 words
    • 212 10 THE War Office's new manual "Drill (All Arms) 1951," 2s. 6d. t advises instructors: "Always give them the full power of your voice" and "To get the maximum out of a squad, develop a vocabulary of short, < incisive words with < which to impress them. THE
      212 words
    • 153 10 ANOTHER current London amusement is the game of guessing what will happen to the South Bank buildings and exhibits when the Exhibition closes down at the end of September. Perhaps you would like to have th* Skylon for your waterfront m Singapore or for the
      153 words
    • 424 10 Malayan clubmen in exile ONE more London autumnal game worth reporting to you Is that played by clubmen m getting to know the members of host clubs entertaining them while their homp premises are ■being cleaned and redecorated. The Sports and East India Club, favoured by Malayans, contemporary and even
      424 words
    • 278 10 W eather won him a fortune ONE man not In a mood to care much about the odd shillings Is Mr. Mottershead. of Nantwich, m Cheshire. Kept indoors by the v. etched weather, he sought to avert boredom by doing his first football pool of the season His entry won
      278 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 242 10 rut K7/ZsW w^^r^^^^ A Ww^^W m A t/ u aii W^~ m AW m^^^^^Am mw'* wSA\ J^ A ARE ON I |Pn^l TMf Wf P^Mln^iH MARCH! I I^^ WA€sot(m] wLUmO--ryrone Orson \JmMr 'Jr M DEMAND RETURN SCREENIN6 (TWO DAYS ONLY) OPENS TODAY! 11 A.M. 1.36 4 6.45 ft 9.36 P.M
      242 words
    • 363 10 CHARITY PREMIERE fj^) IN AID Of SATA TOW/GHIyW j 9.30 P.M. THING ■•fc/SrVfl sfl KdßsV^kstV HIL. BBBBBBsWa^'' 'JbBBBBbI BBSS *^LsV FOB AMr KSBf YOU 810 Wfc^ 5 f'v BEAK LAUGH 'jjt>, VBMykjk XNt IS DIVIDEND »*4«E^*r^*^^g A srNO! VniTersal-laternational presents The Hilarious New Advvntares M. that Talking Mule "FRANCIS GOES
      363 words

  • 282 11 LONDON. Mon. WITH business receiving nc stimulus from weekend news, most sections of the London Stock Exchange today were under the influence of the approaching end ol account. Movements were mainly small, scattered and to lower levels. In an idle market British Government stocks were occasionally one-sixteenth down
    282 words
  • 54 11 TJONO FATT (Sungel Besi) Limited, which operates a large opencast mine near Kuala Lumpur, belatedly reporting for 1950. showed a net profit of $170,610 (5.7 Cc) but no dividend is recommended. Net liquid assets m Balance i Sheet work out at $212,285. No allowance is made therein for
    54 words
  • 27 11 T'AKUAFA Valley Tin Dredging In August, using two dredges, > covered 250,000 cubic yards In j 1.276 hours to produce 537 piculs i of tin-ore.
    27 words
  • 164 11 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE. Mon. MELBOURNE shares opened the week confidently today, with fairly buoyant prices. The market Ignored the 20 to 25 per cent wool price drop at today's Brisbane wool sales, these bringing prices at that centre Into line with Sydney. Market sections showed
    164 words
  • 220 11 wind m Korea brings a ttvo-cent rise T*HE Singapore rubber market was steady yesterday I largely as a result of news of a worsening political situation m Korea. Business was done at two cents > a lb. higher than Saturday's close. September firstgrade, at a steady close, stood
    220 words
  • 140 11 rpHE pepper section of the Singapore produce market was very quiet yesterday with no transaction reported. Dealers were still cautious. Sellers again lowered their prices by $10 a picul for the white varieties with Laxnpong black unchanged. The copra market was also very quiet, but steady. There
    140 words
  • 244 11 Opening quiet THE Malayan share market opened the week o n quiet note yesterday. Industrials and Rubbers were steady. Tins fractionally easier. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: INDI'STmiALS Bayen Setters Alex Brlcki. Ords 2.60 2.7» Frawr Netvc Orts 185 S9O Henry Waugh 370 3.75
    244 words
  • 180 11 CHIPS m the Singapore Roads and alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns at 4 p.m. yesterday were: Outer Roads: Hal Hsuan, Clavella. Nuttlala. Kedoe. Hoegh Silverlight. Benvenue. La Capirena. Kola, Tjitjalengka. Bandjermasin, Chang Hwa. Tjipanas, Falstrta, San Gabriel. Sandvlken, Inchmull, Bengal. Maron. Daviken, Pronto, Van Heutsz, Frederick Clover,
    180 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1344 11 The Straits Timer 7W* rcrmJwT^ro/ MANSFIELD CO., LVD. (Incorporated m Singapore) BLOB FUNNEL VBUt Canter's option to proceed via other ports to load md discharge cargo lAILINCS to LIVERPOOL. CIASCOW LONDON A CONTINENTAL PORTS Due S,nrs P Sham P^an* Demodocas for L'po. I. C. 23/24 Sept. 7 Avrameden for London
      1,344 words
    • 420 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS To New York and Boston via Ceylon. India, Egypt and Mediterranean Ports. Singapore P Swettenham Penang s.s. "PRESIDENT BUCHANAN" 12/20 Sept. 21/22 Sept. 23/27 Sept. It. 'PRESIDENT HARDINC 24 Sept. /3 Oct. 4/6 Oct. -.V'OOct. s.s. 'SCHUYLER OTIS BLAND" 2/10 Oct. 11/12 Oct. 29 Sept/1 Oct To
      420 words
    • 425 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA UK /CONTINENT Spore P Sham Penang •'Falstria" for Saigon Bangkok In Port "Patagonia" for Bangkok. H'Kong. Manila. Kobe Yokohama 17-20 Sept. 14-16 Sept. 10-13 Sept. Nordhval" for Bangkok 21-22 Sept. 18-20 Sept. "Selandia" for Saigon Bangkok 16-17 Oct. U-15Oct. 10-12 Oct. "Panama" for Bangkok
      425 words
    • 983 11 McALISTEP A CO. TD. 'if U r eUp».o.. Nd 5906 CIXERMAN BUCKMALL KLAVKNSM Li LONDON. HAVHt, ROTTERDAM ft PORTLAND SEAfTLI ft VANCOUVER HAMBURC LOS ANGCLES SAN FRANCISCO. cSSSIL POfl§ Acc#ptlD T* Sou'" •no v^ Colombo. American Port* mi. CITY Of KHARTOUM t 'vrwncen rorit. Spore P.Sh« Penan, 'RANCISVUU C.31-j2/6Sept 7/8
      983 words

  • 348 12 Never so good EACH TEAM MAY GET $5,000 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A SUM of $29,000 a record for Malaya Cup soccer finals was collected from the sale of tickets at the 25th final played at Rifle Range Road ground yesterday when Singapore beat
    348 words
  • 229 12 SINGAPORE Amateur Football Association Council yesterday approved of a reply made by their Emergency Committee to the Football Association Of Malaya declining the invitation to participate In the F.A.M. knockout cup DMBpcttttan which begins this month. Reasons for m,t taking part are many,
    229 words
  • 113 12 HASTINGS, Mon. AN England XI lost six wicke's for an addition of only 37 runs when they resumed play today against the South Africans. England were 171 for three at close on Saturday and Compton declared at the total of 208 for nine after ap hour's pliy
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 47 12 The following will represent the European-Eurasian Combined XI against South China A.A. at •la lan Besar Stadium today: Wood; Benton. Harrison, Morton, Vass. Rorario: Beins, Guthrie, Mac Donald, Murray. G. King, Reserves to attend: Murray J. J. Lawther, Peters, Inglis. Schwartzenburg. Rodrigo.
    47 words
  • 74 12 COLONY WILL PLAY PHIUIPINES AT SOCCER YEARLY PHILIPPINES Amateur 1 Athletic Federation will play Singapore at soccer every year, it .was stated at the Council meeting of Singapore A.F.A. held yesterday The first of this new in-ter-port series will be held next year. Singapore have been invited by Kedah to
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  • 71 12 RUGBY OPENS AT NEE SOON Royal Army Service Corps will begin their Rugby season at 5 p.m. tomorrow with a match against RAF Changi at Nee Soon. RASC XV Is: MaJ. Mitchell; Capt. Byrne, Maj. Moyle, 2'Lt. Lawson. Lt. Luckcraft; Cpl. Isles. Lt. Hart; Capt Forrest, Cpl. Nagle, MaJ. Langlcy.
    71 words
  • 60 12 SAFA PROMOTION RELEGATION Singapore Amateur Fcotball Association Council yesterday decided on a-'foir teams up, four down" for promotion and relegation In First and Second Division Leagues next season instead of the present two up, two down system. In the Third Division A and B Leagues, the new basis will be
    60 words
  • 46 12 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. A large crowd saw lively boxing at tonight's tournament held under Singapore Amateur Boxing Assn. m aid of Johore Bahru Welfare Fund Week. The champions m the main events were Salleh b. Ahmat (bantam) and Chew Tellc Ec (M.N.F.), junior flyweight.
    46 words
  • 179 12 T'RYINO out several new players, x Including som« schoolboys, the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club yesterday opened their hockey season In the Colony by holding Lucky Wanderers to a one-all draw In a keenly-contested game at Hong Ltm Green. The Chinese did well to draw against the powerful
    179 words
  • 237 12 SINGAPORE Gold Cup candidates attracted attention when put through their paces on the third track at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. Fresh from his splendid double at Penang last month. Shaw Stable's Gambar Melayu looked a picture when cantered around by Athol Mulley. He Is
    237 words
  • 643 12 FOLLOWING a day of the Sin ci. i, Dlv. i-i m Tara Street 9.00 Four O'Clock U 9.00 Raj Mahal 8.12 Colonel Daly 8.11 Gambar Melaya 8.10 Kew Gardens 8.07 Toboggan 8.05 J'avance 8.04 Birthday Gift 8.04 Treasure Ship 8.01 Avalanche 8.01 Battleship 7.1S One Three One
    643 words
  • Sentinel's Sprtlight
    • 187 12 I I IyHEN a champion Is faced with a decision I which Involves remaining an amateur loyal I to the country m which he was born or turni ing professional m the interests of a rival j country, there is bound to be a fierce blaze
      187 words
    • 149 12 rpHB decision must be Peng 1 Soon's alone. He has every right to think carefully of his future, and that of hi* wife and I children. If the American Job offers i him security, then nobody can i or should blame him if he ac- cepis least of
      149 words
    • 188 12 Yesterdays p°» tba con- tamed several letters on this subject, each of ihem supporting Peng Soon's Intention to turn professional m America. Let me quote from one of them, which asks what was done for Yap Chin Tee, a t.uc lover of badminton who never failed Singapore, when
      188 words
    • 197 12 /"VFTEN, during this soccer season. I have been a I harsh and hostile critic of the Singapore Amateur Football As- i sociation selectors and the teams they have chosen. I did not think that Singapore put their best available team on the field for Sunday's Malaya Cup final.
      197 words
    • 122 12 puP FINAL CONGRATULA- V TIONS to the president of f I ttie Football Association of Malaya, Tengku Abdul Rah- i man. and the secretary. T. iI Mori, for the tremendous amount of hard work they put i into the cup flnal preparations 3 and for the excellent crowd 3
      122 words
    • 88 12 r while I am handling out: congratulations, a large- I 1 sized packet to the Ipoh Dig- trlct Football league committee for their stern action against three players who turned a cer- I tain match Into a brawl In which spectators invaded the i field to take part.
      88 words
  • 130 12 French Air Force to play SAFA SINGAPORE Will meet French Air Force <Indo-China> soccer XI at Jalan Besar Stadium on November 18. This was decided at the Singapore A.F.A. Council meetIng yesterday. The French Airmen will arrive In Singapore on Nov. 16 to play against RAF. Malaya at Changl the
    130 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 783 12 ULASSIKI ADS. Coniinueo H •rage ATTOMMOOAI m VACANT 3_>3. RIVER VALLEY ROAD. lit double room Full board J CHEQUERS" 418 Thomson Rd. tire onditioned accommodation. »ln«le. double, first class cuisine. 1 i, e;<ra«lnz Phone ***** or ***** HAIEsnER Lodge 295 BalesWell furnished double end single room* with own bathroom and
      783 words
    • 426 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from previous Col.) VEHICLES FOR SALE VAUXHALL 12 1947. Good cond., new British tyres, Insured till May. '52. private owner. $2,900. No dealers please: Watson. Tel 5864. JAGUAR Mark V 3J itre black saloon practically new excellent condition mileage below 200 plastic covers offers to Tan Cheng
      426 words
    • 17 12 THi MOST POPULAR SWISS WATCH Grand ppix > I s.l. a,..h CHUN CHONG. 53. SomH» Bridge Road. SINCAPOM.
      17 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 57 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 0001 hrs (10.1), 1233 (9.2); 0621 (1.6). 1822 (2.3). TOMORROW: 0036 (10.1); 1257 (9.3); 0648 (2ft). 1855 (1.9). SOCCER: Europeans A Eura- si-ns XI v South China at SU- dium; DIV. 2: Cheerful Ladi v i Kott Raja A at BODCA; DIV. j 111 B: RN Kranji
      57 words