The Straits Times, 1 September 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 226 1 Kaesong 'violated 9 'PROVOCATION IS AUDACIOUS 9 TOKYO, Friday. ITNITED Nations headquarters today said that the Communists had alleged three new violations of the Kaesong neutral zone one by a flare-dropping B-26 and two others by Allied ground forces yesterday. A Communist liaison officer delivered
    AP  -  226 words
  • 229 1 WE KNEW IT, SAYS FOREIGN OFFICE I LONDON. FTL mHE Daily Herald, organ of 1 the Labour Party. s ald as told the Fore'gn i ;e where the missing diDonald Maclean and Burgess, are hiding— and the) Rot there. The Foreign Office replied the same information has the hands of
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  • 72 1 WELLINGTON, Fri. A beciag Nazi saluting crowd surged against a police barm" In an M »mnt to overturn Prime Minister Sidney" H illand's car last night as he 1 a threatre where he had Riven his final election ad■i dress Polling m the New Zealand feneral
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  • 31 1 SYDNEY. Fri. The 6.397-Pru-ific Islands careo teer Bulclo. was beached on ▼ednr.idav when her careo of topra was damaged by fire. Iwfcs refloated m Sydney H i-'-mir today —Reuter-AAP.
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  • 136 1 London to Karachi —12 hours KARACHI, Fit CAPT. A. Majendie stepped from his De Havilland jet Comet airliner on Karachi airport today 12 hours and 13 minutes after leaving London Airport. Ho said he had hoped to do the trip In under 12 hours —"but we had no tail winds
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  • 56 1 WASHINGTON, Fri. PRESIDENT Truman lnvok- ed the Taft-Hartley (Labour Control) Act last night m a bid to end the nation-wide copper strike. The President set up a board of inquiry to investigate the circumstances of the strike of 58,000 mine, mill and smelter workers and
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  • 41 1 Air Marshal Sir Francis Foga r t y. Commander-in-Chief of Far East Air Force, flies from Singapore on Monday for a short visit to air units m Hong Kong. He will be away for about a ■jerk.
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  • 56 1 WASHINGTON. Fri. State Department cancelled yesterday's scheduled lend-lease settlement talks with the Russians because it received a "long, complicated, windy note' on the subject from Moscow a few hours earlier. The U.S. has demanded that Russia pay US$BOO,OOO.--000 to settle the US$ll,OOO.--000.000 war debt, but the
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  • 39 1 SEVEN FASTI IN PROTEST CAIRO. Fri.— Seven Egyptians— including one girl who have gone on a hunger strike "until Egypt denounces the 1936 Anglo-Egyptian Treaty." last night called upon all Egyptians to stage a 24--hour protest fast next Tuesday—AJ\
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  • 57 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Fr.-The Federation Police headquarters announced today the name of the Police Officer who was killed m the Tampin district of Negri Sembilan on Wednesday when bandits fired on the Land Rover m which he was travelling He was Police Lieut. R. Watson His
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  • 25 1 PRETORIA, Fri— South Africa and Western Germany reached complete agreement m trade talks held here this month, an official statement said yesterday. Reuter.
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  • 199 1 She offers her life as a film story A 28-YEAR-OLD Singapore woman teacher i yesterday offered her own life story to the j Honr Kone film magnate. Mr. T. Y. Lee. to use as an ideal cosmopolitan plot for the type of international film he proposes to produce m Singapore.
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  • 37 1 KARACHI, Fri. A senior Indian police official was arrested m Lahore on a charge of espionage, it was officially announced today. His alleged Pakistani accomplice was also apprehended, the announcement said. A.P. 1
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  • 34 1 MANILA. Fri.— Thirty-three Huks were lulled and 49 captured by Government forces m two separate actions In Luzon yesterday. Four soldiers were killed and eight wounded In the fighting.— U.P.
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  • 116 1 RIVERSIDE, California, Frl. HELENE Troy Arlington, aged 40. author of "Pawprints on my Heart" and other dog stories, will tonight remarry the man she renounced lour months afco because she said he was not a "true Buddhist at heart." She married Masefieid Thomas Arlington, 59; In
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  • 33 1 The Sultan and SulUna of Jahere with their baby f~ daughter Princess Meriam. pirtared lost before they boarded a boat-train at Waterl— to return to Malaya.
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  • 215 1 LOCKHART BACK IN HARNESS From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Friday. pENERAL Sir Rob Lockhart picked a book from a shelf m his Surrey home today. It was called J Return to Malaya written by his elder brother Robert. But General Lockhart will lot be returning
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  • 109 1 MOTHER FLIES OUT 8,000 MILES IPOH. Fri. MRS. FENTON, who flew out from Jersey, m thvji Channel Islands, io ,see mfi jolice lieutenant son, seriou^ y wounded by bandits, wai at his bedside at the Batu Oajah Hospital yesterday fvenlng. Police Lieut. F. Fenton was wounded m an ambush on
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  • 31 1 TOKYO. Fri. The Japanese delegation to the Japanese peace treaty conference, headed by the Prime Minister. Shijteru Yoshida. left Tokyo today by air for San Francisco.— Reuter.
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  • 28 1 SEOUL, Fri. A Canadian court-martial today sentenced 22-year-old Priyate Donald Michael Oibson to two years' imprisonment, less one day, on a charge of attempted rape.— Reuter.
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  • 20 1 CHICAGO, Pri. Japanese who survived atom bomb radiation have recovered their fertility, four America n doctors reported he
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  • 151 1 inilw xunrv, friaay. TTOE Governor of New York, Mr. Dewey, said yesterx day that the non-Communist nations must draw a Pacific frontier line and promise any transgressor "j.he same kind of bloody nose you get m Korea." -i "That isn't cheap and it isn t
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  • 349 1 FREE BRITAIN FROM U.S., SAY CRITICS LONDON, Friday. FINAL agenda for the British Labour Party's conference, announced today, includes 37 resolutions critical of foreign policy, many urging Britain to loosen its ties with the Vnited States. The conference, at Scarborough between Oct. 1 and Oct. 5, is expected to
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  • 25 1 Dr. W. M. Clyde, director of economic activities at the Commissioner-General's office, has been appointed rice adviser to the Foreign Office m London.
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  • 116 1 NEW DELHI. Frl. HEADHUNTING Burmese Naga tribesman. wtvi crossed India's Assam I this summer and killed 93 Indian tribesmen, carryit'k, off their heads, were simply "engaging m one of those yearly exhibitions of tMe exuberance of these vital, dynamic people on both sides of the border,"
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  • 77 1 LONDON. Fn BRITAIN disclosed a few discreet details yesterday of a new Vlckers Valiant Jet bomber. The valiant, believed i ;ipable of carrying An atomic bomb, Is the RAF's first fourengine jet bomber and performance trials have been described as "quite fantastic. The key facts
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 Bi~4* 7 PHONE 3i»O TAI HENG CO 133 5 COLEMAt^T i SIEACON LTD SEACGNOMIC HOUSES ;\re ktMf b'.iilt at all prices from $10,000/ to 540.000/- BuilJinq Utate Development LET SEACON DO IT. Prepare ia>K>u. and sub-divisions of Estate obtain approval for lay-out, roads, drains, septic tank, put up Seaconomifc Hi
      93 words
    • 99 1 Around The Corner From Anywhere Brylcreem to be sure makes a fidy difference to your hair 'Let Brylcrcem look after your hair and you're J^| bound to benefit for Brylcrcem gives your hair this fa doubU benefit. zBK |1) Day long MiurtMU. U) UsNn^ hair h«ai*. Betides setting the hair
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 323 2 AUCTION SALE OF Flint Papers, old Newspapers, a quantity of Textile, Condensed Milk. Sardines, Sandwich Wafers, Refrigerators. Safety Rt-zors, Sanitary Sc Electrical Equipments, ■ewing Machine. Bicycle, Radio, Linoleum, Confectionary. Hats, Fountain Pens, Leather Dress Packs A attach* cases, etc. To be ImM at our —lew Woe. 14 A 11. Robtmon
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    • 977 2 NOTICES LOST SHARE CERTIFICATE Application has been made U the Director! of Batu Selangoi Tin Dredging Co Ltd., to lssui to the Estate of Choa Kirn Klet (deceased) duplicate certificate! for 2.000 shares numberec *****8/*****7, upon the state--1 meat that the original certificate 1 have been lost or destroyed. Notice
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    • 850 2 NOTICES SJ. GQVBffIMENT V/o Y9U i WAR LOAN 1952-1959 t Notice Is hereby given that the Transfer Register of the above loan will be closed from 16th to C 30th September, 1951. both dates i Inclusive, for the preparation of Interest Warrants. By Order, THB HONGKONG St SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION.
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  • 255 3 LABOUR ENVOYS WILL COME EAST iiMt LONDON, Friday. THE British Labour Party is sponsoring a plan tor Socialist parties of the world to help build up Socialism m the Far East, it was learned here today. The plan was accepted at a secret meeting
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 53 3 ....Now they'll live in a prihete house SAN FRANCISCO. Fri TIIK Soviet dfleßation yesterday cancelled their reservation for 28 rooms at Hotel Saint Francis m San Francisco. The Soviet delegation has now rented a private house situated about 30 miles from the centre of the city. VF.P. FOOTNOTE: The house
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  • 66 3 LONDON, Fri. BRITISH cured herrings hav3 been sold to Russia lor the first time since the war at below cost price to re-enter the Russian market It was announced yesI But. at'empts to make the United States "kipper-con-sc.ous" has been less suceessfal and exports of smoked
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  • 33 3 RENO. NEVADA, Fri.— Blende Film beauty Patricia Knight, 31, yesterday divorced actor Cornel Wilde on grounds of extreme mental cruelty. She was awarded custody of their daughter, Wendy. B.— A.P
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  • 17 3 VATICAN CITY. Frl.— The Pope is suffering from an attack of laryngitis. AP.
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  • 86 3 Persia may seek UN aid GENEVA, Frl. riSIA'S delegate yesteruay asked a United Nations committee whether It could assist his Government "m recruiting the technicians needed to help operate the nationalised oil Industry m Persia should we make such a request." The delegate, Hussein Navab, was speaking during a debate
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  • 36 3 MR. WINSTON CHURCHILL about to board a train at Geneva Station for Venice. He had spent five days of wet weather m Annecy. South France. Mrs. Churchill accompanied him. A.P. picture.
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  • 76 3 Will say 'no' to German army PARIS. Fri. *pHE Foreign Minister, M. Robert Schuman. pledged to the French National Assembly yesterday that he will not agree to the creation of a German national army and will insist m the Big Three Washington talks next month that German units be incorporated
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    • 96 3 Bus goes off road -29 die TWENTY-NINE people were killed and 20 injured on Thursday when a but rolled oft a mountain road 1,600 feet up between Kazeroon and Bushire. m Persia. Mr. Eric Shipton, the British mountaineer and his party which is to explore the previously untried south-western approach
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    • 90 3 The Shanghai military control council took over the British-owned Shanghai race course on Aug. 27. lIL'KS ambushed an army truck on Thursday near Famy, Laguna Province, In the Philippines, killing three soldiers and three civilians and wounding 12 others. TRADE EXPERTS from East and West Germany have
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  • 51 3 BERLIN, Fri.— Armed Soviet soldiers and East German Peoples Police have twice invaded French sector territory m the last 24 hours, French authorities said yesterday. On both occasions they were chased back over the sector boundary by French military police guards and west German civil police.
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  • 168 3 WASHINGTON, Friday. r TKE National Production Authority has advised x rubber manufacturerers that restrictions on the normal use of rubber for civilian purposes may be removed m the first quarter of next year. mis follows the agency s lifting of curbs on the use
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  • 55 3 £6 26 mil. they cannot claim BONN, Friday. DRITAIN, France and the nitcd States High Conimisu sioners yesterday signed a law tellinr the Germans that they could not claim back any of their foreign propert t which had been forefeited as reparations for the war. German sources estimate this property
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  • 144 3 NEW DELHI, Friday. MR. Nehru, the Prime Minister, told Parliament today the Asian countries may hold a Japanese peace conference of their own after the Americansponsored conference m San Francisco ends. Vnk... »U »V.l. Mr. Nehru said earlier this week that India, which is
    AP  -  144 words
  • 204 3 NEW YORK. Friday. D I SSI A was today believed to be planning a strong x% attack on Britain m the United Nations for continuing to keep troops m the Sues Canal zone. British delegation sources said they expected the Soviet onslaught to be
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 97 3 LONDON, Fri. 11 -year-old London girl had the sweetest surprise of her life yesterday. She was measured for a stick of candy, and was given one just as long as she Is tall something over four feet.. Reason: She was visitor No. 6,039,196
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  • 136 3 DAY New World, Bendemeer Road, Ban Hock Leone Oil Mills, Neil Rd.. Jalan Pekan. Jalan Sultan, Beach Road, Alhambra, Raffles Hotel, Sumbawa Rd, Boon Tat St., Aljanied Rd., Sims Ay., Joo Chiat Place, Jalan Vunos, Rangoon Rd., Towner Rd., Scrangoon Rd., Kolam Aver, McPherson Rd.. Kirn Chuan Rd.,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 159 3 /M«|k The World's Best Pedigree Prams Built like Cars with steel Luxuriously upholstered Sprung. Reasonably Priced. Madr In 4T Britain b. over 20 :wtm&. Obtainable from all Stores. Fa- ;ory Representatives: T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SIKJAPj..!}— KUALA LUMPUR— PENANC. VI m ««?W™ A fc Eack HallviU Vitamin Pill cnnulns
      159 words
    • 70 3 I JL-* we have •<«••• |sth Septewb*' aC eounl recip*' l $onie int erestinB comers eus »or«er, Chinese -P« £U f cc t^re .o Iff- W e f H yet ce cc,ve<. »H. y Oo ck. YO« Singapore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd. n\Milr^iKJ^U<i\i^^ "Golly! doesn't your iKVx K>R bright and
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 245 3 TODAY Air Display, Kullang airport, 2 p.m. V.W.C.A. Flag Day. Festival of Britain Exhibition, rj E Building. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. V.M.C.A. Cricket. V.MC.A. vs. C.R.E. (N) away 2 p.m.; V.M.C.A. I vs 223 8.0.D. (Army) home 2 p.m., i Chess Club 3 p.m., Mo' Is ClrcU film show
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  • 173 4 "BUT YOU NEVER CAN TELL"— THE "met" men expect good weather today for Singapore's Fourth Air Day. But they are not too definite about it. "You can never tell m a climate like Singapore's," said one of them. A large crowd of
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  • 154 4 Now Daphne is 'Queen' of the Cocos JOHN CM NIES-r.OSS LONDON. Frl. a lot of trouble, 21--year-old Daphne Holmes Parkinson yesterday became a "Queen." She was married to the "King" of the Cocos Islands. 23-year-old John CluniesRoss. who came all the way from bis little "kingdom.'! a sDeck of coral
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  • 71 4 A middle-aged man and his wife, who left Singapore m the Gorgon yesterday will start a more adventurous r ney when they reach nantle. They are driving t'-.sir car pi] the way across to Af°lalde, New South Wales. They are Mr. H. J. Barnard, former Chief
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  • 138 4 QUESTIONS about the letter to the London Times from Mr. F. Gordon Smith, chairman of the Public Services Commission. Singapore, on the Press and the riot reports, will be raised m the next meeting of the Colony Legislative Council by Mr. John Laycock (Prog.. Katong). Mr.
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  • 51 4 Births outnumbered deaths by almost three to one m Singapore last week. There were 231 deaths reporled, 35 lr.ore than the previous wesk. In the same period, there were 671 births. Chief killers were still pneumonia and enteritis .vi|.h 35 deaths each. TuberI virsis claimed 24
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  • 235 4 I^XPERT advice on social security which was given by Mr. D. S. Gerig of the International Labour Organisation to the Singapore Inquiry Commission on Retirement Benefits for Colony workers is being studied by the Commission. Mr W I. GalletJy. secretary to th« Commission, yesterday
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  • 163 4 AFTER taking a police party to the scene of an alleged murder and showing them the corpse as of Krishnan Paramu, Kesavan Sivarajah. 26, admitted the crime and stretched out his hands to be handcuffed, it was alleged m the Singapore Third Police Court
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  • 98 4 A SINGAPORE Government officer, Mr. R. C. Hoffman, who is m Britain on a departmental scholarship has been appointed a part-time lecturer m law at the Southampton University Coueye. Mr. Hoffman becomes the first colonial student to be elected to an assistant letureship m law m
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  • 41 4 Alleged to have misappropriated a bicyeflp valued at $50 belonging to Ng Tong Keng. Ng Cheong Tee claimed trial m the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday. The case was postponed to Sept 10 Ng was allowed ball of $200.
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  • 61 4 HE SEEKS A RUSSIAN MR F. 1. STORHfck. Administrative Officer of the Singapore P.W.D.. who bu been appointed organising secretary of the ECAFE conference on trade promotion which will meet m the Colony from Oct. 9 to Oct. 18. Mr. Storkey will have to recruit 40 local staff interpreters, including:
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  • 158 4 AFTER 25 years with the N. V. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij (Royal Packet Navigation Company) at various stations m South-East Asia, Mr. L. Meijer, Singapore manager, left the Colony by the Aagtekerk yesterday for Amsterdam on retirement. Mr. Meijer will be succeeded by Mr. J. W. Brand,
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  • 124 4 SINGAPORE Musical Society is looking for four soloists for Handel's Messiah, to be performed m December. They want ft soprano, a contralto, a tenor and a bass. An audition has been arranged on Tuesday, Sept. 11. at the H.M.V. Studio. MacDonald House, at 5.30 p.m. Mrs.
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  • 48 4 Lee Kirn Tee, aged 24, was m Singapore yesterday gaoled for seven years for robbery at a shophouse m Balestier Road. Ho Bak Hui, aged 18, who dishonestly retained two rings, worth $30, part of the property stolen from the house, was gaoled for two years.
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  • 216 4 THE rubber market hus been very erratic this week, influenced chiefly by political news which has blown hot and cold, says Lewis Peat's market report issued yesterday. Manufacturers have bought fair quantities of remllled grades and there were some purchases by the G.S.A. Orders were also received
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  • 35 4 Mr. G. W. Webb, acting Secretary for Chinese Affairs, Singapore, has been appointed Registrar of Societies. Mr. Chin Boon Kwong and Inche Abdul Karim bin Mohamed SharifT have been appointed Inspector of Schools
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  • 29 4 Mr. S. F. Ho (Nominated) away from the Colony since April 13, cannot return until Oct. 15. His application for extended leave has been sent to Government-
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  • 22 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Pri.— Dr. N. K. Sharma. Senior Ophthalmologist. Johore, has returned to Johore Bahru frcm leave m India.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 335 4 I ([gh SAT A WE« I VT/ PROGRAMME -^r «A Ak^r/ iii.. air V TOMORROW! Garden Fete and Funfair [T^' Commencim 2.30 pa. at MOUNT ECHO, 325, Tanglin Rd f, A PROGBAMMK includes BADWINTON EXHIBITION rickets at Robinsons Entrance ■hrfP Adults $I.oo— Children Me. U ,aJ f^L FRANCIS goes to
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    • 213 4 v MOTOR-WISE MEN AGRtE.j for extra engine power -change to CHAMPION ("Champion* makm a big diff*r«fK* m eegie* power," *ayt Of. Attil« Infante I View el Rio ac Janeiro, "and the greater the power m my liocior,] naturally the lasler Iti work geti done. Just try a new let oi
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  • 560 5 'We pay through the nose COMMISSIONERS TOLD JF Singapore Municipal Commissioners do not control the buying of steel for the Pasir Panjang power station they will be "assisting the black market." Mr. Duncan Robertson (Progressive South Ward) said this at the Commissioner's meeting yesterday. He was
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 5 MA. I' \l I S. HENSHAW, assistant chief of the division of International Health, USA. Public Health Service, who has just spent a busy 24 hours m Singapore visiting the Family Planning Centres, and reading all relevant flies on the subject. He recently attended the scientific technical and econoomic conference
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  • 100 5 The Colony's exchange control machinery is to be brought m line with the United Kingdom exchange control regulations when the Exchange Control Ordinance 1951 comes up for first reading at September's meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council. The proposed bill will confer powers and impose duties
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  • 27 5 Other speakers on the adjournment were: Mr. M.P.D. NAIR (LabourSouth) asked if smoking could be prohibited m public buses. Matter referred to the Traffic Committee.
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  • 51 5 MR. SOH GHiCE SOON (Pro-gressive-West) said pirate taxis operated m Tionx Bahru and other areas of Singapore. Matter referred to the Registrar of Vehicles. Mr. Soh also said that some hotels, springing up m residential areas, were being put to immoral uses. He said he would submit a
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  • 37 5 Referring to wage increase paid out of the Rate Fund. MR. J. M. .lUMABHOY Independent-City > warned that Commissioners would not be able to carry out any special services unless a subsidy was mad* by Government.
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  • 41 5 MB. C. F. SMITH said he was concerned at the leakage of confidential Municipal matters to the Press and urged that strict measures be taken to stop it. Mr. Ward said steps were being taken to stop this.
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  • 38 5 Munawar bin Madi was yesterday acquitted by the Singapore Fourth Magistrate. Mr. P. Claeue. on three charges of cheating Saiman bin Taikarono. Kasmurl bin Saat and Kasmat bin Hassan o $67 at Sime Road on July 11.
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  • 46 5 GOOD wishes to Mr. Norman Ward, Acting Municipal President were expressed by Singapore Municipal Commissioners yesterday. Mr. Ward will leave for Penang soon to be Municipal President "when Mr. T. P. F. McNeice returns from leave to resume his post as Singapore Municipal President.
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  • 186 5 MR. ESS CARRIES ON THE RIOT ROW— TTHE Singapore Government statement on the riot A debate m the Legislative Council was "rather odd", said Mr. C. F. J. Ess, leader of the Progressive Party m the Municipal Commission, yesterday Mr. Ess referred to the
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  • 59 5 The Ist Singapore (Trafalgar) Sea Scouts is starting a special drive for funds for their "down-and-out" group. Mr. A. L. Brown, secretary, yesterday asked for gifts an*] prizes for the Group's social and dance to be held at the Singapore Volunteer Corps Hall on Oct. 20. The prizes
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  • 33 5 Lee Mvi Slang was yesterday fined $35 or 14 days' gaol for having three quarts of dutiable samsu In a hut at Jalan Sam Kongsi. off Tampenis Road oq Thursday.
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  • 15 5 The number of new registrations for the Municipal electoral roll Is 11.855.
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  • 64 5 SINGAPORE schoolchildren will be able to use Mount Emily swimming pool free for one week as part of City Day celebrations Municipal Commissioners 'agreed to this yesterday A suggestion by Mr. Yap Pheng Geek that longservice certificates be presented to Municipal employees of 21 years'
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  • 37 5 Mr. S. S. Manyam (Progressive North > referred back a decision prohibiting lorries from using Kampong Java and Keng Lee Roads. Commissioners agreed. Mr. H. J. Rat (Nominated) Wl t .i ll sevpi nonrhs* leave
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  • 223 5 DAYMENT of a special allowance, m addition to salary, cost-of-living allowance, expatriation pay and other current allowances, to senior officers of the Electricity Department was approved by Municipal Com/nissioners yesterday. suDject to tne approval or the Governor, payment of the special allowance will start on
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  • 294 5 The man with car must go by bus SINGAPORE Municipal Commissioners had reached the cross roads where either they or their employees had to decide what should be done about Municipal administration, said Mr. D. Robertson (progressiveSouth), yesterday. The Commissioners debated a motion by Mr. S. S. Manyam (Progressive North),
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  • 34 5 Commissioners referred back a decision approving the buying of a diorama of the ?asir Panjang Power station r or 100 for exhibition by the I Commissioners' consultants I it the Colombo Exhibition.
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  • 147 5 COLONY LOAN NOW $8.3 MIL. J^|R. Norman Ward, the acting Municipal President, yesterday again appealed to the public to subscribe to the Singapore Municipality's $30 million loan. Mr. Ward said, at an ordinary meeting of Commissioners, that m the nine working days since the loan was launched, applications for $8.3
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  • 168 5 WARNING that Commissioners would be the •laughing stock of the world" if their examinations were subjected to political pressure was made by Mr. Yap Phens Geek (Nominated). J He was replying to queries by Mr. 6. 6. Manyam and Dr. P. T. Nathan (Independent Rochore) who asked
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 167 5 I Singapore Pricr* JBLACKfmVHITE MAOI IN (NCLANO JSOUfifiENTSi 1 CHOV^BROTHERS (MALA YAQjHITEik ZINGAPORE^K UA 1. A*J. UMPU R ~IPOH I Sole Representatiyes GETZ BROS. CO. PENANG -KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE IP \Soapinrf "dulls hair. Halo glorifies it! I^H iA^R^B^K^^ a cream J"fJj^ g^T I Halo cannot leave '£lm jB dulling, dirt-catching
      167 words
    • 154 5 1 i y* fy TIME FLIES but you 'II enjoy your ROUND TRIP to HONGKONG i b y P.^ O. Special Ist. Class Fare (Including 4 days living aboara m Hongkong). $600/--from PENANG or SINGAPORE For particulars ap»'>/ ISLAY KERR CO., LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG. Tel: ***** Tel: 1086 'Jy'] \\l
      154 words

  • 49 6 MRS. E. PENNEFATHZR and I thank relatives, friends for MMH mersageo. f.oral tributes up-1 Attendance at funeral of the late Mr. Cbarles A. Pennefather nti.l (x press gratitude to Dr V/ 'mm Heog. Prof. O. Ransom* find staff of Ward 21 OH. for Untfßtai shown curing ais long
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  • 952 6 She Straits Times Singapore, Sat. Sept. 1, 1951. In Spite Of It All One night recently three men m jungle-green uniforms railed at a hut on Penang Island and took away two brothers. Wong Ah Cheng and Wcng All Sai. The next day the bodies of these two men were
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  • 188 6 IHK La'iEST CAR IN SINGAPORE (From the Straits Times Ah*. 26-Sept. 1. 19*1.) TPHE latest motor ear on the road jibbed obstinately and refused to negotiate the mild descent. Every effort to start it signally failed, m spite of the freely profferre: 1 assistance of the onlookers
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 6 Photo oraph by Yong Peng Siong. AN ARTISTS STUDY IN UNSTUDIED DESIGN
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  • 1077 6  -  I Cynicus by T<HE Singapore Govern- merit was not well advised when it issued Us statement refuting, Insofar as it could, the criticism of The Timesand the Manchester Guardian concerning the Council debate on motions arising from the Report of the Riot Commission. What the British
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  • 1081 6 fHE case of Caplain William Barton, who died m Singapore this week, was one of those personal tragedies ef the Japanese occupation of which so little has been written and for which so little has been done since the liberation. Having come to Singapore as far back as 1904,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 774 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. RATNAM SAVITHIBI. At brides residence on 3.1.51 at Bal.mnoda Ceylon Mr S. Ratnaas ot the Amalgamated Engineers Sin-a-auore son of Mr. R. Somasun- < (Malayan I>—lnner) and Mrs R Somasundram to Miss -hlrt eldest c'auehter of Mr. 8 Rajadurai teacher A.CA Klaag and late Mrs. Rajadurai. Reccvt'on at
      774 words
    • 31 6 EVERMKHT OPTICAL (0. Offering Complete Set vices essential to Eye Comfort Visual Efficiency, (1) VISUAL MM.YSB (2) VISMk DMINIRS (3) GLASSES IF NEEDED C.S. (^IONG OPT. D. 1», CHULIA ST SPORE.
      31 words
    • 47 6 Flo you know.. that tigers hunt main.y by sight and sound, and their powers of scent are wffii Aj^ mEF&+\ unmatched by any I vJul^^j^^' other pain reliever I for Headache! \£>£'f^ Neuralgia, Colds I and nAental strain I tit mart fuma fmily of TIGE& mdicaul products
      47 words

  • 406 7 But improvements needed first I ONE-YEAR DELAY MOVE DEFEATED ANK-YVAY traffic for the central area of the City was accepted m principle by Singapore Municipal Commissioners yesterday, but its introduction will depend upon certain traffic improvements which are to be tried out first. Commissioners voted
    406 words
  • 93 7 IN Singapore Bankruptcy Court yesterday C E. Williams, a shift engineer red at the St James' pi jit .station, whose liabilities totalled $4,800 attributed his indebtedness to borrowing at h-avy interest from cne moneylender to pay off "T. Williams who is now payln« $50 monthly
    93 words
  • 41 7 JOHORE BAHRU Fri. —A record crowd turned up at the carnival m aid of the Johore Pi'iru District Welfare Astocfvjon'a furd last night. Th? carnivn.l is open from 6" m r'rry day. It will <•'<■•* on Sunday nieht.
    41 words
  • 45 7 RADIO uVteners' criticism of women announcers as having ".supercilious accents" was directed against English, not Malay. Chinese or Indian women announcers, inquiries revealed yesterday. Asian women's voices are regarded a s very appealing. The women get much fan mail from men listeners.
    45 words
  • 155 7 OF the 5.000 bodies to be exhumed m the next three months at Tai Sun Cemetery, Orchard Boad. only 25 have been claimed by relatives for rebnrial. "Many of trie graves are so old that it is difficult to trace descendants because even relatives have
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  • 241 7 Big demand for co-op in Federation BACK pay to labourers and "'Operation Starvation" had caused a sudden big demand tor co-operative shops on estates and mines. Mr. M C ff Sheppard. Organiser of Co-opera-Uv* Shops, said m Kuala Lumpur on Thursday. Co-operat:\> shops m trip Federation had more than doubled
    241 words
  • 46 7 MR. L. MEIJER (Iftlll r^.. td fcht.MFWe I IS. c. iue X.P.M. chatting with his successor. Mr. J. W. Brand (centre), on the Aagtekerk esterday. Mr. Meijer is returning to Amsterdam. At r iffht is Mr. E. Rab'e. assistant manager. Straits Times picture.
    46 words
  • 392 7 WITNESS WHO LEFT COUNTRY KUALA LL'MPUR, Friday. A MINE manager told the Kuala Lumpur Coroner today that he sacked on the spot a mining engineer who tried to prevent him phoning the police after a kepala had been been shot dead. He was Mr.
    392 words
  • 123 7 Extravagant life made a bankrupt AN Indian carpet merchant, T R. Samiwalla. told the acting Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Brown, m the Singapore Bankruptcy Court yesterday that during the Japanese occupation he made money on the black market and led an extravagant life. Samiwalla. whose liabilities were $11,000. said that
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  • 135 7 They have a holiday —twice CHINESE mechanics In Singapore, who took holiday on Aug. 27 to observe th« birthday of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, will take another hoilday on Sept. 27— for the same reason. So said an official of the Singapore Chinese Mechanics Association yesterday. After celebrating Confucius birth
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  • 76 7 THE Straits Chinese British Association has been permitted to build an arch for Singapore City Day celebrations. It will be m Stamford Road, between St. Andrew's Cathedral and Raffles Institution ground. This is the first application to be approved by the Municipal Architect, Mr. W.
    76 words
  • 84 7 /^ABLE and Wireless are to p* provide, facilities for receiving aid ending otfrrseas telegrams atv Kallang airport from thU^moiith. The new. cable office will be near the foot of the lift well m the main terminal building It will be open from 15.30 a.m to 10
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  • 66 7 Ng Ohi Hiong, a charcoal and firewood seller, was yesterday sentenced to two months' imprisonment by the "Singapore Second Police Magistrate. Mr. R. B. I. Pates, for taking $175 worth of charcoal belonging to his employer, Chla Kei Seng. Ng sold the charcoal and kept
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  • 216 7 TOP REDS GAVE FRIENDS AWAY KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A LL mobile units of the Psychological Warfare Department were mobilised yesterday and today m a Federation-wide campaign to tell the people the truth about the September 1 Batu Caves incident. Every year on Sept. 1 the bandits commemorate the Japanese massacre
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  • 89 7 IIOUSEBREAKING m Eng 11 Hoo n Street area decreased after the arrest of Lee Khoon Bock, Mr. M. C. Boyle. ASP., prosecuting, told Singapore First District Court yesterday. Lee was sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment for housebreaking and theft to begin from June 13, the day of
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  • 38 7 Mr. Geoffrey Mustard and Mrs. Mustard last night gave a cocktail party at their Lornie Road home to the International Air Travel Association delegates who have been attending a conference m Singapore. About 70 guests were present.
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  • 36 7 JOHORE BAHRU Fri Lance Corporal Ghani bin Busu. of the RASC Nee Soon Training School. Singapore, was acquitted m the Police Court today on a charge of attempting to smuggle 18 cartons of cigarette*
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  • 60 7 TWENTY-FIVE tons of 1 raw synthetic rubber has been imported into Malaya from the United States by a leading Singapore Chinese manufacturer of natural rubber goods. The synthetic rubber is used to produce oil-resist-ing products. The manufacturer told the Straits Times yesterday that the use of synthetic
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  • 109 7 Best-ever business for airway \f ALA Y AN Airways flew 13,222,010 passenger miles —the highest m the company's history— and more than 53,000 passengers without an accident m the first six months of this year In the 12 months to April nearly 100,000 passengers flew m the arline's aircraft m
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  • 76 7 i.ii-i IS Mrs. Andree Michele Mills, who wants to be a receptionst to delegates at the coming ECAFE trade promotion conference m Singapore. Qualifications required are: a well-eroomed appearance. patience, tact and command of English and a foreign language. Mrs Mills speaks English, French and
    76 words
  • 30 7 A. J. Mallender, a mercantile assistant, was acquitted yesterday by Mr. S. E. Teh. the Singapore Third District Judge, on a charge of failing to obtain an identity card.
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  • 193 7 Sobbing mothers tell of crash T»WO mothers, Mrs. Amy Alphonso, 36, a Government Health Nurse, and Mrs. Joyce Ganderton, 28, who had narrow, escapes when a twinengined R.A.F. Hornet crashed on East Coast Road on Aug. 10, wept In the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday at the Inquest on their children
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  • 45 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri Ang Cho Huat and Ang Ho were charged In the Police Court with abetting iti offer of a bribe to a constable so that he would not arrest a lorry attendant. Their trinl was fixed for Nov. 21.
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  • 31 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri.— T.-.y Ah Lam. of Singapore, WM fined $10 m the Police Court, for carrying men instead of building materials m accordance with his haulage perrnt.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 140 7 Decca PORTABLE GRAMOPHONES Junior model CO $55 VM^HflAl ■ry model 60 $60 rE^»» T Sinior niHiicl .so $75 Double coring /^9SKFrB The Drcca Gramophone Co. Ltd London makers <>f the famous Decca Brunswick records Oht. tillable from all Musical Dealers throughout Malaya Sol< E. S. ISAAC CO., LTD. 168A street
      140 words
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  • 64 8 The Singapore Government warned last night that no person is allowed to buy sucar except by a ra'ion card j or a special permit from the Controller of Supplies. Any person who has acquired sugar by any other I means Is required to declare these stocks by
    64 words
  • 49 8 Receiving and adjudication orders were made by the Acting Cni^f Justice. Mr. Justice Brown, m Singapore Hi?h Court y?s:erd2y, against Lee Thiam Puah. Les was adjudicated a bankrupt on the petition of Tan Chong Chew, to whom lee owed on a judgment dPbt $33,500 i
    49 words
  • 53 8 Sisnor Guido Cevenini. who is returning to his former job as manager of the Blitei Hotel, was married to an Italian girl, m Bologna, on Aus. 23. His brother Nino, now man;scr of Raffles Hotel, is returning to Italy. The noneymoon is being spent m Venice and
    53 words
  • 988 8 '2 HAD BEEN UNDER A STRAIN* KUANTAN, Friday. FRANCIS Lafferty, A.S.P., at Kuantan, Was convicted m the Dungun Sessions Court of voluntarily causing hurt to Hoo Hock Hai for the purpose of extorting a confession from him that he had consorted
    988 words
  • 59 8 "ANDREW," portrait of a little ro<r with a freckled ard :n'schie*oii&. lookirva Igce. has iia/Vruefl ir«.i? vtacrs «> t.«» Int7--s-rvtrs Grcsa of Phorography at the British Coun- cil hall m Singapore. But no one knows who he is. And the photographer Capt. J. G. Prior, who
    59 words
  • 144 8 THIRTEEN would-be "festival of reunion" wedding x couples had a practical lesson m courtesy and social service when they appeared as ushers at a Singapore Chinese V.M.C.A. charity sports show at the Happy World stadium. This was stated yesterday by Mr. Homer Cheng, president
    144 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 224 8 j| DAILY 5 SHOWS.' 1 ENTERTAINMENT fcii WIltN THE KINO of J wL^S* 9 30pm THK DANCE AND M Wr^x I Mil (JIHN Ol M S SONG TEAMED J/^T^R I TOGETHER! < A FRED Mf -j^ JANE S Astaire Powell cmo»«v (outarrinc PKTKR I.AWKOKI) S\K All If I Xl HILL
      224 words
    • 344 8 W.^iyJMJI.L'.MjJI 2-1 15 0.3» -H JU pm LAST DAY OPENING TOMORROW Ba^aW .B^aW^aV WW^ I aB x'JC" aa|H t mimu« umi a^a^tf jjrJyFARRAR jji L W "/STiFMEN "MURRAY V m^ *!lmw^ KAY WALSM IK 'fi WILLIAM FOX 1 jMUjUtVi?Ultoul A t i; MAURICE M HUGH STEWART m\ AEUROPA ANTHONY PtUSSIER
      344 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 97 8 Straits Times Crossword J 2 lJ 3 *J 4 L |s *J 6 ipM*ib i 9 J~i!i"IZZ bn~r i i if hi ACROSS overturned cart could well 1. Free an M.A. with patience ;(J ft (6) ll0) 17. "He prayeth well, who love.l 8. I led the unemployed (4). well
      97 words
    • 226 8 Today's Radio lU— lO.lO a.m. News trom K.L.; 1 p.m "Saturday Ballroom": 1.33 News: 1.50 Plantation Music: 3 "Album of Harmony"; 2.15 5 XL. Racing; 6.15 Children: 6.40 Fred Waring his Pennsylvanians. 7 News; 7.15 "Police and the People"; 7.20 "Listeners' Choice' 7.50 "Spotlight on the Emergency"- 8 "Prize Packet";
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    • 429 8 CHURCH SERVICES ANGLICAN st. Andrew's Cathedral: 7 a.m., Holy Communion: 8 a.m.. Choral Eucharist. Preacher: The Archdeacon; 9.30 a.m.. Family Service; 10.30 a.m.. Choral Matins and Holy Baptisms. Preacher: The Archdeacon; 11.30 a.m.. Holy Communion; 5.30 p.m.. Evensong Sermon. Preacher: Rev R. Holtby. St. Paul's: 8 a.m.. Choral Eucharist. Preacher:
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    • 363 9 GENERALS IN AN ENDLESS EMERGENCY IN last Saturday's Forum was a letter signed by "Mallu," m which the statement, roughly, was made that "Generals come and Generals go, but the Emergency goes on for ever." One of the first Generals came here with a reputation for desert warfare. No doubt
      363 words
    • 116 9 IT ii DOW Urn practice of the Electricity Department m Scrcmban to send out leaders to take readin--; nrd submit statements to consurr.rrs at the middle of ths month. A clause m the statement ■an that payment must be made within seven days or the supply
      116 words
    • 177 9 THE STUFF TO GIVE THEM: BLOOD like that headed 'Angel' gives his blood" m Tuesday's Straits Times is just the publicity Singapore requires for its apathetic Ijublir. i myself was afraid, and my excuse to friends was that the Blood Bank considered me anaemic m 1940. A picture m the
      177 words
    • 221 9 JT u.^ed to be a foregone conclusion that the hours between 2 and 4.30 p.m liculd be free from interruption m private homes, particul rly during the week-end, and particularly m what used to be called 'European residential areas." There are no such places now as
      221 words
    • 186 9 The S.T.C. bus users' troubles 17VER since the S.T.C. received the monopoly of transport routes m the city of Singapore bus users' troubles have multiplied: (i) Strikes have resulted m complete disruption of the transport system. (11) Slower and fewer buses result m crowding, and hence mishaps. (iii) On rainy
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    • 57 9 YOUR report, m Thursday's Straits Times, of Uje unpopularity of women radio announc&rs is indeed surpristn?. Women announcers are employed all over the world. Their voices are very pleasant to hear and I feel that many listeners will find it a lo?s If u v r-r
      57 words
    • 281 9 INDIA'S Prime Minister, Pandit Nehru, has 1 declined to send a representative to the San Francisco conference to sign the Japanese peace treaty. He has done so for reasons of his own. His arguments are indeed queer unless, of course, he has preferred not
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    • 111 9 *7VERY day one sees tjiat ary rountain which now stands m the Esplanade among the hawkers' chairs >nd benches. Won't the Municipal Commissioners improve the Empress Place area with this memorial of a gentleman who gave us water m the eighties by transferring It to :he
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    • 403 9 WANTED: A MALAYAN LEADER WHEN Malaya is eventually handed over to the Lords of Misrule the present Government will be largely responsible for the resultine mess through having allowed leadership to go by default. The Press devotes much of its space to free advertisement of demagogues, but how often do
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    • 55 9 LOW FLYING THEN NOW THE letter signed "Jitters" published m Thursday's Straits Times is so reminiscent of many written to the Press during the *****. The writers were, however, all too thankful to hear aircraft manned by their countrymen or their allies carrying out similar manoeuvres during the six years
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    • 165 9 MR. Lim Bong Gan's complaint of Tuesday, regarding the Malacca Town Bus Company service, is not quite justified. Admittedly its times are irregular, a thing which can be rectified m due course, but fares of three, six, eight, etc., cents are impracticable and inconvenient. Formerly the rate
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    • 87 9 I AGREE with what has been expressed by "'L' Driver." Really, it is too ridiculous to have such a long waiting period for a test. Fortunately, m my case, I have no need to incur the expenses of a paid driver. But the
      87 words
    • 321 9 I AM employed by a tin mining company and I have put m years of hard service. On the day of my engagement I was told by the mine manager of my terms which I accepted m good faith. I was given the impression that
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    • 361 9 DATO ONN'S NEW ROAD FOR MALAYA AN EVENT has happened and no-one In Malay*, excepting the Press, seems to have noted Its significance. Dato Onn, who built up UMNO, which m return built up his reputation as foresighted and farsighted, has not only given up the party leadershic but intends
      361 words
    • 132 9 JN its liust Issue, the Malayan Educator out, among other that Malaya was probably the only large country tn the world where immigrant population outnumbered the indigenous population. From my point of view it would hav3 been more accurate if 'he Malayan Fdacator hnd said, "Malaya is
      132 words
    • 88 9 THE Federal Government ought to be congratulated for the draft Federal estimates for 1952 to build houses for 200 Division I officers who are without quarters m KiAla Lumpur. There must b? tern of thousands of other Government employees belonging to Division 111 and IV who a!
      88 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 25 9 |^^A\^i^\|V^* NORMAL or FORWARD CONTROL CflY\W\\\** PETROL or DIESEL ENGINE 15 cwt.— s ton CAPACITY 32 SEATER BUf jMTuitim. tf V/EARNE BROTHERS LTD. FiDERAr.oN rep«sentat.vis
      25 words
    • 54 9 Cut PoWN mm footwear worn \^^«^^k^^^^^ oo Site* 3 8 In Brown Box with Crepe Soles. MODE L In Brown or Black Box Sides with Leather Sol* and Heel. £]k For Daily Wear In Brown or Black Bos with Short* Leather Sol* and Heel. model In Brown or Black Bra,
      54 words

  • 254 10 LONDON, Fri. CLOSING middle prices of \J selected stocks a s supplied to th P Straits Times by special arrangements with rh P Financial Times were: LOANS Uotmola 6«» Fundinn 4% 1031 War 3% 877/H BANKS Chartered <£S> lOi UercaulUi <«3tl <CI2 DO I ill Hongkong i|l») 88
    254 words
  • 61 10 SHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns at I p.m. yesterday were: 44 E-sang, 12-43 Rajah Brooke, 40-41 Gor;on. 38-39 Washington Mail. 36-37 Vlemnon, 33-34 Tamerlane. 31-32 irity of Khartoum. 29-30 Kampar. 27-28 San Fernando. 25-26 MerdaT. 21-22 Islander. 19-20 Kedoe, 15-16 Benrinnes. 13-14 Nordvest. 11-12 Raiula. 8-9
    61 words
  • 34 10 HONO KONO, Prl. PtEE market currency exchange for Hone Kone dollars was juoted at the close today as follows: US$l HKS6.S4', (cash), HKS6.5B'* (T): £1 HK515.72; one tahil of gold HKI324— UP.
    UP  -  34 words
  • 929 10 T<HE Malayan share market was quietly steadp it x all sections yesterday, with the bulk of the business done m Tins and Rubbers. London's interest m Sterl- i ing Tin shares was less enthusiastic than on Thursday. Quotations announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS Barer*
    929 words
  • 230 10 LACK of sellers and selective buying caused steadier conditions m the Singapore rubber" market yesterday. Small business was done at slightly higher levels. The news from Washington intimating that restrictions on the use of natural rubber for purely civilian purposes would be removed m 1952 did not. however,
    230 words
  • 136 10 QUIET conditions prevailed is most sections of the Singapore produce market yesterday. Pepper dealers adopted a cautious policy. Selling prices dropped $5 to 5930 a plcul for Muntok, $925 for Sarawak and $705 for Lam pong black. Copra eased with buyers opening at $39 a plcul and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1255 10 Ltd. ilncorpoiatael m itngacora) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Carrier's option to proceed vi.< other ports to load and discharge cargo. SAiLINCS tc LIVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON ft CONTINENTAL POUTS Jue Sails Srvsm »mani Tantaiut roi Havre i.iv«ipool Avonmouth Aug. JO/Sept. I Aeneas toi Lpool Cgow 29/ 1 Demodocus for Lpool C 21/24
      1,255 words
    • 427 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS To New York and Boston via Ceylon. India Eeypt and Mediterranean Port! Singapore Swettenhatr Panang St. "PRESIDENI BUCHANAN' 12/20 Sept 21/22 Sept. 21/27 Sept it PRESIDENT HARDINC 24 Sept. 3 Oct. 4/6 Oct. 7/10 Oct. s.f. "SCHUVLER OTIS BLAND" 28 Sapt. 1% Oct 9/12 Oct To Los
      427 words
    • 494 10 TIN: $433 A PICUL SINGAPORE, Fri., An*. 31—1433 (down $0 87...) London: £935 a ton LONDON, Fri. Cash Bayers £935, Sellers £940; Forward Bayers £882*. Sellers £885, Settlement £930 (up £10). Turnover: a.m. 65, p.m. 30 tons. EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIAN X CONTINENI Spore P Sham Penang "Nordvest"
      494 words
    • 1040 10 McALISTER tft CO.. LTD. telephone No 5906 lUERMAM BUCKMALL KLAVEMES3 Ih LONDON, HAVRI, ROTTiROAM ft PORTLANO SEATTLE b VANCOUVER HAMBURC LOS ANCELES SAN FRANCISCO. and to* USA. North Atlantic ►•oit? Accepting caigo toi central b South and Canada via Colombo American Ports ■M. CITY OF KHARTOUM* vunuvvi. S-pore P. Sham
      1,040 words

  • 251 11 BUT WATCH ATHOL MULLEY From EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. GOLD RISE has all the makings of a topnotch stayer. A beautiful galloper, this three-year-old bay by Birikan (a son of the mighty Bahram) has a nice tarn of speed and on breeding
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  • 1167 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. OEST bet on tomorrow's card at Kuala Lumpur Is TITUS m the Class 4, 9f. handicap (Race Four). This staving four year old by Gallant Fox won his last two races with such effortless ease that it is quite on the
    1,167 words
  • 156 11 rpta gats*, at KuaU Lawpar 1 ssday win at heat be yielding. Tw« and kaM imekM* or raia Ml *a Tharsday night aad there waa fwtsws rain yesterday afiirfta— Film Fan la attractively weighted and is always a threat m any Class 3 race beyond ft mile. Ignore
    156 words
  • 149 11 fcFSOM JEEP CALL BOY POLNTIIE BACK 1 a!t" SEALED OEDBKS COUBTENAY 2.30 Sr»lrd Orders (ourtenay Sealed Order* Courtrnay A.T. At Last BACK 1 DEEP FIELDS SHMOO ME. A. 3.90 Mr. S. A. Dec* Field* Shmoo Shaoo Mr. S. A. De«p nelda BACE 3 SERPLNTINE SERPENTINE SERPENTINE 3.30
    149 words
  • 1045 11 A CCEPTORS and probable jockeys for today's K.L. races are Riven below Doable totes will be on Races Four and Five; Seven and Eight. Bijf Sweep will be drawn on Race Eight. Race 1 2.30: Class 3. Div. 4—6 Furs. 1 020 Sealed Orders Charles 9.00 Mr.
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  • 172 11 FOREBT HILLS, Frl. OEVENTH seeded Victor Seiias scored the first major upset of the United States singles tennis championship when he beat Australia* Ken McGregor 4-4. 7-5. 7-5. 6-4. yesterday In the fourth round. Twenty-five year-old Selxas, who la naving one of his best years, beat
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 427 11 took AfW r'^jfr-hrf 6e/IHeAD... f SPEED AND DIRECTION martim I9i T^» ITS C,rt m real luck oat at yaw ootboaramg Vk '*> pleamum Wmm any oae o/ the Gnat AlNm-t. New M/umi* Ostboard M*ton rot rMI! i O«t the perforaajK* that puto more Fu» 73 H r M ia Fwcung
      427 words
    • 325 11 f rU 9 tM jrf^Aso Do you hurt mi hmx y° ur 9umn ■tj^^Jl when you jJPf^^v? brush Wl ff^tS your ievth leiLa^/ Beware of banb tootbiruabei with ifiar« fw^^^y 11^ P"i n w 'bat tear your fuma H? Av^^^ do tt n) <i»m»ge- Hales IV Be W //r Tootbbraibea
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  • 889 12 Bats with power Consistently fast Fifties But schoolboys were to the fore: Colony future good > By Our Cricket Reporter yyillLE there were eight individual centuries m Singapore cricket last year, there was only one m the past S.C.A. tournament. The Colony's cricket stars gleamed
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  • 144 12 CUP FINAL IPOH, Fri. DERAK'S 15-man team, m I eluding reserves, for the Malaya Cup Final against Singapore on Sunday left for Kuala Lumpur by this afternoon's mail train m a special first-class saloon as guests of the Sultan of Perak. Centre-forward Norman
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  • 155 12 Meanwhile m Kuala Lumpur everything is ready for the game. Plans for smooth crowd and traffic control have been worked out m detail, and F.A.M. officials feel that only bad weather can mar the final. There was quite a lot or rain m Kuala Lumpur
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  • 65 12 BANGOR WALES. ?rl.— Tommy Farr showed plenty of his old dash, but not too much power, last night as he scored a 10-round decision over American heavyweight Ste\e McCall. A crowd of 15,000 cheered the Welshman as he used a pistonlike left jab to pile up
    UP  -  65 words
  • 54 12 Ir. a Singapore Business House League Cup fixture played at Farrer Park yesterday. Chartered Bank Sports Club defeated Straits Times Sports Club by four goals to one. Scorers for Chartered Bank were Mahadeva (2), Marshall (1) and Salleh (1). Misran bin Hassan scored the only
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  • 32 12 MT. CARMEL. Illonois. Fri.— Joe Baksi. former havywelght title contender, successfully launched a comeback tonight by winning a unanimous 10-round decision over Art Henri of New York.
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  • 46 12 Stanvac trounced Sime Darby SC. by six goals to one m a Business House League Cup match played at F. A N. ground yesterday. Scorers for Stanvac were Ibrahim bin Omar (2), Ibrahim Yusoff (2). Param (1), Ah We* 1 1).
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  • 93 12 CEYLONESE -TEAM OF THE YEAR BY common consent team of the year was undoubtedly Ceylon Sports Club. This is not Just because they have won the championship; it is that no other sirie m the Colony can rival Ceylonese for their well balanced efficiency. A look at the averages bears
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  • 179 12 There was nothing, of course, that the champions lacked m the way of leadership. K. Muthucumaru. the veteran Colony allrounder, is as astute a skipper as you find them. A troublesome knee has caused him to put himself mostly In the background, but his off -break is still
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  • 318 12 THE past tournament season, if it has failed to produce the brilliance of performance of the proceeding: two years, has at least been a most eventful one. Never has there been more discussion on cricket outside the playing field, the sum total of
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  • 45 12 CANTERBURY. Fri.— The South Africans' last county match of the tour, against Kent here, was abandoned as a draw because of rain today. Scores: Kent 163, S. Africans 201 for 4 (Cheetbam 80 no. Fullerton 52 no., Endean 41, Wright 3-56). Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 27 12 Radio Malaya's broadcast on the Malaya Cup final at Kuala Lumpur tomorrow will start at 5.10 p.m. and not at 4.55 pan. as previously announced.
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  • 63 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. qTOE MALAYAN Hockey Council will discus* tbe foimation of tbe proposed Pan- Malayan Olympic Council at Its annual the offices of Messrs. Walter G renter and Co. Tbe M.H.C. at tbis meeting will also arrange dates and venues of inter-State fixtures for
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  • 280 12 MARINE Department yesterday became Singapore A.F.A. Division 3A league champions when they beat Ouard Dor Unit by four goals to nil at Geylang Stadium. Marines thus finished unbeaten with a hundred per cent record of 11 wins from 11 games and a goal average of
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  • 116 12 LONDON, Fri. IT rained again extensively over England today and caused the abandonment of many cricket matches. The England t Commonwealth game was not resumed, neither was the match between Kent and South Africa at Canterbury, nor the county game at the Oval between Surrey
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  • 86 12 About two months oefore the Thomas Cup final, the players will be taken to Singapore lor the final process of elimination and practice of those selected. Mr. Lee Ouan Khye told the Straitg Time* that this was the general programme they hoped to follow. However, the responsibility
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  • 572 12 SINGAPORE Swimming Club, leaders m the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association "A" division water-polo league, will meet Chinese Swimming Club at the C.S.C. pool at 11 a.m. tomorrow m what will turn out to be a vital match m the league. Should S.S.C. beat Chinese they will
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  • 186 12 IPOH, Friday. npAN Boon Piew, former Penang champion, has been A elected by the Badminton Association of Malaya to serve on the three-man selection committee of the Thomas Cup team m place of Ooi Teik Hock. The other two members are Mr.
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  • 110 12 §INGAPORE Municipal Commissioners yesterday approved the $300,000 badminton lull to be built by the Singapore Radii. inton Association for next year's Thomas Cup competition. The plans were approved mitd the following conditions: That the Association undertakes to arrange for additional traffic police to be provided when
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  • 75 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.—Selangor cricket season will be officially brought to a close this weekend when two finals will be Played at K.L. The All-Malayan Malays match between Singapore and Selangor Malays will be played on the Police Depot ground tomorrow and Sunday. This competition Is for
    75 words
  • 44 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Pri. Th» Sultan of Selangor paid a tribute to the work done by the Selan.'or Chinese Athletic A»ociat'on (Chenwu) when he laid the foundation stone of the $1,250,000 stadium and swimming pool at Davidson Road. X.1.. this evening.
    44 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 851 12 L'LASSIM I ADS. i Continued Hage <> rumoN BEGINNERS 1 CLASS— Singapore Chinese Mandarin School, 122 Prinsep St. New Class for absolute beginners (Explanations In English) commencing Sept. 3rd Mon Thuri 7.15 to 845 p.m CtftH Teacher. Mr. Y. C. Yang. B A Fee S3 p.m NEW SESSIONS: Sept Bk-kpg/
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    • 101 12 ll^Jl GOLD RIM 11 HIGHEST STANDARDS hK3 by world famous Hi CRAFTSMEN Obtainable from all Watch Dealers throughout Malaya Sole Agents:— X E. NASSIM tfc SONS 381 North Bridge Road s Watch Merchants for over 40 years. HAPPY WORLD STADIUM TONIGHT AT 9 p.m. LAST APPEARANCE r ft SWEDISH vwfcv
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 98 12 TODAY BOCCBi Sinfapore 'A' v South China at Stadium; Div. 2: S.H.B. v (hlnese Athletic 'A' at CYMA. BADMINTON. Colony Jnr. tournry at Clerical C. Hall 7.15 p.m. TOMORROW SOCCER: DIV. 2: I.R.C. 'A* v S. Dbt. Sirs, at Geylanf DIV. 3B: Custom!) v HQ 32 Coy RAMC at CYMA.
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