The Straits Times, 23 June 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 468 1 Oil men won 't agree to new demands TEHERAN, Friday. fHE Anglo-Iranian Oil Company today warned the Persian Government that the Abadan refinery might be forced to close owing to "mass resignations" of British technicians if the nationalisation board pressed new demands. The warning came
    Reuter; AP  -  468 words
  • 89 1 DAKAR. Africa. Fri. 4 PAN-American Air- ways Constellation talcing 39 people from South Africa to New York was missing and appeared to have crashed today while approachins an airfield on the coast of Africa. ufTicials said the 'plane flew into bad weather after taking off
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 1 ANTI-PETAINISTS trying to break up a political rally staged by the supporters of Marshal Henri Petain m Paris just before the general elections. There was fightin? between rival parties m many parts of France. A.P. Photo.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 38 1 HONG KONG. Fri.—lmposition of licence control on all exports to Hong Kong and China from British Colonies to conform with the U.N. resolution, was announced by the Hong Kong Government today.— A.F.P.
    AFP  -  38 words
  • 30 1 WASHINGTON. Fri. The newsprint committee of the International Materials Conference today ordered the United States and Canada to provide Singapore and Malaya with 650 tons of newsprint.A.P.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 293 1 GUARD ON THE GATE Longest curfew ends at dawn By Straits Times Staff Reporter LABIS, Friday. A 72-HOUR continuous curfew over 18,000 peop m the Labis district ended at 6 a.m. today The squatters living m Labis village and the resettlement area a?arby flowed out to their allotments which they
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  • 29 1 SAN ANTONIO. Texas. Fri. —At least, three people were killed when a B-29 Superfortress crashed on landing at Randolph Field last night The plane caught fire— A.FP.
    AFP  -  29 words
  • 28 1 LONDON. Fri. Britain's round the world Austin A-40 sports car drove back into London today, having completed its trip of 23,600 miles m 21 days.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 26 1 ASMARA, Fri.— All passenger and goods steam trains throughout Eritrea have been cancelled from yesterday after a number of attacks by Shifta (bandits).— Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 22 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Frl. The Peking radio announced a new trade agreement was signed yesterday by Communist China with Czechoslovakia.—A.P.
    AP  -  22 words
  • 554 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A COMMUNIST gan? which for three years has terrorised the little suburb of Segambut on the northern outskirts of Kuala Lumpur has been slashed. [ft leader and his second in i .>nv.nand have been killed, two women bandits wounded
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  • 124 1 TOKYO, Fri. AMERICAN Shooting Star jets today bombed Sinuiju airfield, near the Manchurian border, for the first time since the big Allied attack on May 9. They hit runways and hangars without air opposition or heavy anti-aircraft fire. Sabre jet* had air battles with MIG
    Reuter-AAP  -  124 words
  • 62 1 MANILA. Friday. pEOPLE of San Juan. La Union Province, were up ikU 1 yesterday, because the brass bell in the church tow i was stolen during the night. Police found three men trying: f tell the 1001b. bell to scrap dealers In Fernando. It
    AP  -  62 words
  • 250 1 LONDON, Friday. BRITAIN called for Commonwealth help yesterday **m the form of token military forces to strengthen her garrisons and waning influence m the Middle East. i Six Commonwealth defence ministers and their chiefs of staff plunged into a study of the explosive
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  • 89 1 LONDON. Frl. BRITISH steel magnates have refused to hand over to the Government control of their organisation for tuying raw materials, they announced in London last night. Although steel was nationalised in February, the Steel Federation still controls many parts of the industry, including
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 104 1 NEW DELHI, Friday. THE Indian External Affairs Ministry today x condemned a reported move m Jammu, winter capital of Kashmir, to organise protest meetings and processions during the visit to India of Dr. Frank Graham, U.N. mediator m Kashmir. Reports said that a 15-man "boycott committee"
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 30 1 MANILA. Fri. ARMY Intelligence men arregted a Chinese believed to bft member of a syndicate smuggling war supplies and equipment to China. Additional arrests were expectffil shortly.
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  • 73 1 4 runaway girls 'quite happy'-CID DECISIONS regarding the release of the four runaway schoolgirls who have been detained by the Singapore C.I.D. since their return from Hong Kong are expected to be made by Monday, a spokesman of the Special Branch said yesterday. He said that the C.I.D. was expected
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  • 27 1 NUREMBERG, Fri. An American occupation court m Nuremberg yesterday sentenced a 22-year-old Sudetan German, Kurt Schmidt, to seven years' imprisonment for spying for Czechoslovakia. Reut?;-
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  • 329 1 ONN FIXES 8 POINTS FOR HIS PARTY from Our Staff Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. riATO Onn bin Ja'afar, has nxed the objectives of the Independence of Malaya Party, which he intends to found next month. He has drawn up an elghtpoint programme which he considers broad enough m attract people
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  • 23 1 TOKYO, Fri— More than 80 passengers were injured, six seriously, when fire broke oufc today m a Tokyo-bound train.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 154 1 Twmr RB "JEN! It f Jf PHONE' 3390 TAI HENGCO 23 5 COL£MAM ST v &P^g/ He res a Splendid NfT^T^ a Hot Wentker Drink f%*CN p.c». t*3pr ™r API Rl ill drink for the hot diy» la 'Ovilrinc' nuxrd cold. It ha. t tempting, irramv flavour all it* own,
      154 words
    • 28 1 41 (^i^iil^ WITH SAPOLIN AUTO ENAMEL A lustrous quick-drying finish for all types of Transportation units. n>o RESISTS WEATHER DEFIES \/f\ WEAR v y i«U Cfuttt: k ■aEßMnraraßactMirttMi
      28 words

  • 176 2 about China 6 years ago WASHINGTON, Friday. REPUBLICAN Senator Styles Bridges, said last night a group of military intelligence specialists warned in April, 1945, that bringing Russia into the war against Japan would destroy Chinese "independence" and end in tragedy for Korea. Bridges submitted what he said was a eopy
    AP  -  176 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 2 MARILYN HOSKINS. M, the British Open Professional ice figure seating champion. kee?s m trim at a London ice rink. Reuter photo.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 69 2 MANILA. Fri. THERE were more explosion., on Mount Hibok Hibok on Camiguin Island m ih. Mindanao Sea, yesterday and a lava stream appeared on the north-east slope. Mayor Meliton Limbaco, oi Mambajo. largest town on the island, said the lava stream and the gases from the ex
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  • 38 2 ROME, Fri. A nationwide 24-hour general strike involving 1,500,000 Italian Government employees, began a minute after midnight for increased wages. The Government had offered a three per cent. rise. The workers want 12 per cent. U.P
    UP  -  38 words
  • 132 2 HONG KONG, Friday BRITAIN'S controls on exports to Hong Kong from June 25 will adversely affect merchants here as well as industrial life, according to Ko Chuk Hung chairman of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce. He said that since the United States embargo,
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 84 2 PARIS. Fri. IUEST Germany and Japan were today admitted to membership of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation at the 59-nation general conference meeting here. Japan was admitted to full membership by 42 votes to one —the Philippines. Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia were admitted
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 44 2 WASHING IX3N, Fr). The ECA plans to authorise a U553,000,000 road bulldine programme In the Philippines The allotment will be the largest single authorisation since the agency began its U5515,000,000 interim aid programme m five island.— A.P
    AP  -  44 words
  • 38 2 HONG KOWG, Fri.- A fine of HK$l.5OO and an expulsion order imposed by a Kowloon Magistrate on two northern Chinese for illegal entry into the Colony Botl"! passed the British frontier with forged ldentitv cards. Reu-ter-AAP.
    Reuter-AAP  -  38 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 644 2 For a radiant shine J j \The quality^SSr^ Metal Polish I Jke rrlost Sensational v C*scape of Vyur l&jflj I 'Jot I From The Novel a .1 by lIP I Eric Williams P V^" I A London Films Productions Starring LEO GENN DAVID TOMLLNSON HI and ANTHONY STEEL R£ Gala
      644 words
    • 100 2 RS^TRAmiNr^^ COLLEGE SINGAPORE, Applications are invited from suitably qualified young men and women to fill a few vacancies m the June/August Intensive Training Course. Candidates should apply In person before Tuesday, 30th June. 1951. to the Principal Teachers' Training College, 126 Cairnhill Road. Singapore. Applications are also invited for recruitment
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    • 475 2 AUCTION SALE of SINGAPORE PROPERTIES to be held In our Bale-Rooms Nos. 4 4-1, Collyer Quay, on TUESDAY 26th JUNE, 1951. at 2.30 p.m. 1 2. Nos. 84, 86. 88, 90 92 THOMSON ROAD and land »t rear. Freehold land and shopp.ouses Respective areas 5,959 M feet 11,121 sq. feet.
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    • 622 2 CHINES* AFFAIRS OFFICER Applications are Invited from Federal Citizens for the appointment of Chinese Affairs Officer Candidates must have attained their 20th but not their 26 th birthday and have obtained pass degree of the University --t Malaya, the Diploma of Raffles College or the degree of an approved University
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    • 202 2 P. W. D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from P.WJ). Contractors registered m Class "C" and above will be received by the State Engineer. P.W.D., Johore, up to NOON on 27th June, 1951. for the CONSTRUCTION OP INSTITUTIONAL QUARTERS CLASS IV AT HOSPITAL COMPOUND AT KLUANG Pull particulars are obtainable from the
      202 words
    • 150 2 For swift deliveries and easy maneuvering m dry and suburban areas, this van is unexcelled for the carrying of many types of merchandise It has an all-steel body with safety sliding doors, and provides excellent visibility for the driver. Loading space is exceptional, no less than 150 cubic feet The
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  • 369 3 W e don' t plan to quit Persia, Morrison tells M.P.S 'WILL DO ALL WE CANTO PROTECT BRITISH LIVES 9 LONDON, Friday. THE Foreign Secretary, Mr. Herbert Morrison, told the House of Commons yesterday that the British Government did not want to evacuate British personnel from Persia. "W e are
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 3 fUNE THUBROW, a 20-year-old London girl, selling flowers at the Festival Pleasure Gardens, Battersea Park, London, seen here m the Victorian flower seller's costume. June is one of the 'Cries of London girls' selling oranges, lavender and flowers for the Festival of Britain. Reuter photo.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 344 3 SURRENDER IF WE LEAVE— Eden LONDON, Friday. Vf K. Anthony Eden, deputy leader of the Con- i servative Party, said m the debate that British evacuation from the Persian oilfields would be t disastrous. "It would be abject surrender to the i threat of force," he said. c Supporting the
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  • 112 3 'Don't blame us'— AMERICA WASHINGTON, Frt gTATE Department officials last night rejected the charges that the United States was partly to blame for the Persian threat. Said one officer: "Do you chink the Secretary of State would have made his repeated appeals for -moderation on both sides if the United
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 49 3 LONDON, Fri. The Home Secretary, Mr. Chuter Ede, old 'the House of Commons yesterday that one Polish Na;ional had been deported for laving organised an informa;ion service whipping up latriotic feelings of his compatriots living m England. Twelve others were about o be deported. A.F.P.
    AFP  -  49 words
  • 109 3 WASHINGTON, FH. FE chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Omar Bradley, yesterday declared that since the Korean War started, "free nations gained at least one precious year to prepare for whaever may come." Speaking at a presentation of medals to the next
    AFP  -  109 words
  • 295 3 LONDON, Friday. AN American "third man" was introduced today into Britain's mystery of the two missing: diplomats. j The Daily Express said Guy Burgess, one of the two missing British Foreign Office men, broke a date with an unidentified American medical student living in England,
    AP  -  295 words
  • 25 3 TEL AVTV, Fri.— Four Israeli soldiers were killed and one wounded m a clash on Wednesday with Jordan soldiers near Jerusalem.— AFP.
    AFP  -  25 words
  • 158 3 POLICE STRIKE INQUIRY LONDON. Frl. A COMMISSION has been appointed under a Judge to find out the cause of the two-week Sudan police strike officially described as mutiny— which ended two days ago. Mr. Morrison, the Foreign Secretary told the House of Commons today that some of the men had
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  • 68 3 GENEVA, Fri. Gifts of $200,000 worth of foodstuffs from the American Red Cross and 53 tons of food from the Austrian Red Cross for Indian famine relief were announced here yesterday by the League of Red Cross Societies. The gifts are in response to an
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 156 3 QUEUILLE WON'T BE IN NEW FRENCH GO VT. PARIS, Friday. TPHE French Premier, M. Henri Queuille, will not x take office again when a government is formed after the opening of the new Assembly next month Moderate Conservative Deputy. M. Emanuel Temple announced this yesterday after seeing thp Premier to
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 56 3 A SEARCH ENDS This floating buoy marks the spot, oft the hanne I Islands, beneath which the sunken British sa b- Affray w a found. The d sco very ends a search which has been going on for two months. 3event> five officers a n 4
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  • 46 3 LONDON. Frl.— Theru be a substantial cut in pi.ia: and machinery available for Britain in 1953. Mr. Gaitskell, Chancellor of the Exchequer told the House of Commons yesterday. More of the engineering lnJustry will go over t > the making of arms.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 327 3 The Big 4 shake hands, part PARIS, Fri. fpHE Big Four Deputies conference broke down last night after failing to reach an agreement on an agenda fora Foreign Ministers' meeting. The Deputies had met 74 times. The conference however ended in an atmosphere of politeness, a Western spokesman reported. The
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • 70 3 HONG KONG, Fri. UONG KONG manufacturers 11 and t visiting four-man trade delegation from Vietnam agreed yesterday on a barter system under which Hong Kong will exchange manufactured goods for agricultural products from IndoChina. It was learned that the visitors may send a larger delegation of
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 37 3 TT^l^^P, &>' Flexibility -jAjg Silent Operation FIS MGS&'" MiKS% COOl RU nin9 X Oil Economy TOJfl^J^^ For all cars and light commercial vehVes Stocked by leading Motor Dealers Factory Rcprcscntutivo.s:T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG
      37 words
    • 274 3 "Just m case you have a Sst.irday session today "Never, Susan!" will you have a chat with Peter before you leave this morning?" "Paternal disciplining required?" "Well, he's going to a birthday party this afternoon I've told him the dire consequences of stuffing himself "But you think I should hammer
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  • 394 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. SWEEPING changes m the electoral qualifications of Kuala 'Lumpur voters will be discussed at an emergency meeting of the Selangor Council of State, called for Saturday, June 30. The meeting was originally called to approve an extension of the registration
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 4 PRUaIOENT Truman signs an agreement to send India 2,000,000 tons of Krain to help her fight against famine. Signing; for India is Madame Pandit, Indian Ambassador to the United States. A.P photo.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 41 4 A police const abk 1 Mohamed bin Said, of the Harbour Board Division, was charged m Singapore yesterday with stealing 40 yards of cloth. vaJuPd at $120 from a godown Further hearing wa 8 adjourned to July 1.
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  • 59 4 From Our SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— The Chief Secretary has fixed the following prices for assessing customs duties for the week June 21 to 27: rubber $1.43 and I cents a lb; copra $656 a ton; coconut oil $1,200 ton; pa!m oil $888.25 a ton: palm kernels
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  • 134 4 TODAY FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN EXHIBITION. U.E. Building, 9 a.nrr.6pm V.M.C.A. Orchard Road Chess Club, 5 p.m.; movie circle, 8 p m. CHINESE V.M.C.A. Selegie Road. Body building 4 p.m. music, 4 p.m. basket ball, 5 p.m. badminlon, 6.30 p.m.; picture show. 7.30 pm. C.V.M.A. (Church of St. Joseph
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  • 62 4 A storm early on June 9, swept Lim Hui Koe, aged 25 a seaman, into the sea, it was stated at a Singapore inquest yesterday. Li m's body was found a few hours later by another seaman, Lee Loo, who said he swam about 100 yards
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  • 157 4 SI'ARA UMNO, official organ of the United Malays National Organisation, m its latest issue, states that UMNO and the Independence of Malaya Party can co-operate to achieve independence for Malaya. The article explains that there is no essential differences between the two parties m their
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  • 100 4 iJ^HE Food Controller, Sin- gapore, said last night that wheaten. bread, other than fancy oread and rolls, shall be baked only in half pound, one pound two pound or four pound loaves. A Food Control Department spokesman said last night that bread is generally baked
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  • 57 4 Narayana Pather was charged m the Singapore Third Policy Court with criminal breach of trust of a gold neckflace. two pairs of bangles, and four gold sovereigns valued at $538 belonging to N. Neelakandan at Blair Road Labour Lines on Apr 20. Pather claimed trial
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  • 48 4 The Chairman, Board of Commissioners of Currency, Malaya, announced last night that notes to the value of $728,700,539. were m circulation m Malaya at the beginning of this month. The average amount of currency notes m circulation during the month of May was $727 ,568.081.
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  • 35 4 Mohamed Sharif bin Maula Bux was sentenced to six week's imprisonment at the Third Ponce Court yesterday for stealing three pairs of brassieics from a Singapore Harbour Board godown on May 5.
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  • 44 4 Jaffar bin Sulong of Geylang Serai claimed trial m Singapore yesterday when charged with using criminal force on a woman, Intending to outrage her modesty. The case was postponed to July 2. Jaffar was offered $500 bail pending trial.
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  • 235 4 QINGAPORE pawnbrokers "have donated $3,150 to the University of Malay a Endowment Fund Donations received In the week ended June 16 are: SINGAPORE: Pawnbrokers Sim Thye $300; Wing Joo $200; Lean ritn $200: Yoon Foh $200; Thai Sang, $200; Thai Woh $200; Sim Foh $100;
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  • 39 4 Ann Kiok. a 43-year-old secondhand cloth dealer, was fined $100 m the First Singapore Polllce Court yesterday, when he pleaded guilty to a charge of collecting money for the renovation of a tempi* without a permit
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  • 32 4 Goh Sek Lim. 32-year-oid hawker, who was alleged to have set fire to his father-in-law's attap hut was committed for trial m Singapore yesterday on a charge of mischief.
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  • 142 4 SINGAPORE Trade Unions' Cost-of -Living Com- mittee has decided to urge Government to revise immediately cost-of-living allowance rates approved for the lower-paid and daily-paid employees The committee, meeting on Thursday, considered the award for the lower paid workers inadequate. A resolution was passed calling on
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  • 117 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl WITH only a few hours left before the conclusion of the Federal Government's first social welfare services lottery. It looks as though the first prize will not be more than $170,000, instead of the hoped for $250,000. Up to last night 660.
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  • 120 4 MORE than 30,000 people, mainly school children, saw the Road Safety exhibition, the Public Relations Exhibition Officer Mr. P. G. Peralta states m a report on the Singapore Safety Wer' 1p a* I '"♦■ion 54 road saiej film shows were given to an estimated audience
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 249 4 6 P.M. 7.30 P.M. SUNDAY JUNE 24 COME/ "THE CREAT JUDGMENT •DAY* HOW NEAR ARE WE TO IT T' i iThe Bible tells exact date of Judgment but not of 2nd Coming) Don't miss this most solemn Bible forecast! BIGGEST CROWD OF ALL LAST SUNDAY/ Wed. lune 27, 7.30 p.m.
      249 words
    • 97 4 PRIMA 1111 II Sole Agents for the Far East LAP HENG CO. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, HONG KONG. 1 I I 2LJ iiiiiiciMiiiiiiiiiicjiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimiiiiitJiiiiimiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiMiii'i *J For Sswrtly StyM f Economically Priced I Attractive Gifts Nothing to beat Well known Goro Jewellery i I SILVERWARE DEPT. I J3**J**J S 31, R APPLES PLACE
      97 words

  • 158 5 SINGAPORE sports officials expressed grave concern yesterday over the announcement that the proposed $1 million stadium m Anson Road wo\ld be shelved for a few months. Mr. W. McGregor Watt, president of the Singapore Amateur Football Association, told the Straits Times that
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 5 t.AIi'LOVEUs of a tinsmith, forced to vacate one of four condemned shops m Batu Road. Kuala Lumpur, seen earning: their stock to a two-roomed house at the back of the condemned shops. Straits Times picture.
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  • 94 5 The following appointments to the War Damage Commission, Singapore, were announced last night. Brigadier R. A. Aitken-Holt, Engineering Adviser: Mr. S. Lord. Technical Adviser on Assessments; Messrs. A. T. Edwards. N. J. A. Foster, Chen Fah Shin. H. H. Bell. and Major G. E. D. Sandars. assessors;
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  • 171 5 HE CAME, SA W-AND WAS GLAD MK. Frank Travers, chairman of Joseph Travera and Son, who visited Malaya early this year, told sharei in London that he returned much relieved. Mr. Travers said that he talked to many leading men, both in Singapore and the Federation, who all expressed the
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  • 40 5 A dinner was held at thi Mooi Chin restaurant m Singapore last night to celebra.e the first wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. T. Johnson. Mr. Johnson is clerk-of-works attached to George Wimpey's p:nver station at Pasir Panjang
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  • 33 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Fri.— Miss Mary Simper and Che Rogayah binte Yahaya have been appointed T.B. Welfare Officers They are attached to thp Johore Bahru General Hospital.
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  • 67 5 'pHREE young Chinese, alleged to nave -robbed visitors to the Botanic Gardens of identity cards on Feb. 7 Chinese New Year's Day were charged in Singapore Assizes yesterday with Rang robbery. They were Yap Ah Hock, Ong Kee Nam and Chua Kee Lam. A prosecution witness
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  • 47 5 The order that Singapore and Federation rice importers should get their import licences endorsed by the Siamese Government has now been withdrawn. This decision was taken to avoid unnecessary delay a Government official said last night. Payment will continue to be made m Sterling.
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  • 240 5 THE Johore Planters Association can claim much A of the credit for the action now being taken by the Government of the Federation of Malaya to deny foodstuffs to bane.ii. Last year Mr. C. W. Warner, I'hairman of the North Johore section of the
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  • 261 5 THE $200,000 loan recently approved by the SingaA pore Government to the Government Officers' Co-operative Housing Society will be of considerable help to the Society m acquiring homes for Government employees, Mr. Loke Weng Chee, Chairman of the G.0.C.H.5., said yesterday. Mr. Loke said that his
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  • 44 5 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR, Frl. Tan Ker Hian, 59, was sentenced at the Muar Sessions Court to four months' simple imprisonment tor possession of chandu and chandu dross. He admitted he had been an opium addict for the last 40 years.
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  • 66 5 The Singapore Printing Employees' Union, at its recent fourth annual general meeting re-elected Mr. Oscar J. Fernandez as president. Other offlc-bearers for 1951 are: vice-presiden,t Inche Asraf bin Hj. Wahab; secretary, Mr. T. S. Maniam; asst. sec., Mr. K. Marnickam; treasurer. Mr. V. Balakrlshnan. Committee: Messrs.
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  • 225 5 TENDERERS for Singapore Municipal building 1 contracts should quote prices which are firm for at least 14 days after the date on which tenders may be accepted, the Municipal Commissioners' Finance and General Purposes Committee has agreed. This is to ensure that tenderers do
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  • 196 5 U.S. cuts the rubber price WASHINGTON. Fri. TiHE United States Gov1 eminent yesterday cut the price of crude natural, rubber to industry from 66 (U.S.) cents to 52 (U.S.) cents a pound, effective from July 1. Mr. Jess Larson. General Services Administrator whose agency became the sole U.S. Importer of
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  • 232 5 a quiet opening with limited trading, the main feature in the Singapore rubber market this week has been short-covering of nearby positions, says Lewis Peat's market report, issued yesterday. During the past few days more interest was shown In lower grades and the market became very
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 141 5 GUMGH > 25 CWT. VAN WITH SLIDING DOORS Ideal tor lovalinvd d<>licprie*. mm E^eryjpractical hicilityfoKthe speedy delivery'of merchandise Is built" into this redesigned 'super-capacity van. Sliding doors.. greater load capacity, caseiof_access»and maximum visibility make this. new Commer. product a potable advance on its popular forerunner. SALIENT FEATURES This very pop^.u
      141 words
    • 150 5 OPENING SOON SINGAPORE'S NEWEST MILLION HOTEL No. 1 MAYO STREET AIR CONDITIONED MODERN INSTALLATION UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE WATCH FOR OPENING DATE W today a <!T <X PHONE 3848 >^f|^ \luxury toFlet soaps I YuTHit u»orw homo* int tmowiit »+++++>-»■ THE TAVERN y (European Residential Hor«l) (Open to Non Residents) |j
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 323 5 SINGAPORE "Saturday Matinee" ("The Sport BBC COS 10 a.m. News from K.L-; 10.10 of Kings"); 5 Chinese; 6 Negro 7 3Q am I1|Ud|o Netvsreer Close A Satu r c5 y Ba Spirituals; 6.15 As Spore; 7.12 7.45 "English Magazine": 8.15 Inroom 1.30 News: 1.50 Planta- tm-lude- 8 2S "Prom the
      323 words

  • 94 6 TEH KIM TIE, 61 years, passed away peacefully at his residence No. 32. Lorong 27, Qeylang. leaving behind his beloved wives Madam Tan Geok Neo and Madam Tan Oin Hlang; 8 sons Messrs: Tav Tuan Klat, Tuan Slang, Tuan Hock, Tuan Lock. Tuan Biew. Tuan Hee, Tuan Ann, Tuan
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  • 39 6 THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. Bob Kuek Tlong Toon of 129, Devonshire Road, Singapore desire to tender their sincere thanks to all relatives and friends, who sent floral tributes and rendered assistance. In their recent sad bereavement.
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  • 1028 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., June 23, 1951. New Ships At Malacca A letter from a Singapore merchant published in this page last Saturday focussed attention on that part of Mr. D. F. Allen's report which asserts that the seagoing lighter is the answer to Malacca's problems as ;> por..
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  • 165 6 (from the Straits Times of June 16-23, 1901). HOW is it that the Rowing Club does not have a couple of boats in which ladies could be taken out for a row or row themselves Sampans and sampans panjang ure really not fit to use in such
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  • 1151 6  -  Cynicus -by— /PAMING is a principle inherent in human nature, said Burke in one of his speeches in the House of Commons, and human nature has not changed since his day. Neither have legislators. The arguments by winch some of Singapore's ,Uno|ft.cials sought to justify their
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 6 Photograph by Birte S'eincke TEA AT CAMERON HIGHLANDS
    8 words
  • 1057 6 MR. Lai Kai Jooa memories, m this column last Saturday of the Empire cinema, which started m a big tent on the site of the present Maxwell Market some forty years ago set another local-born reader thinking about his boyhood days. Mr. Chin Chye Fong tells me that he
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 674 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. DR. A MRS. F. R. CAWTHORN. 8.8. NIEUW HOLLAND. PJ.C. THE ENGAGEMENT Is announced between Sylvia, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Padgett of Singapore and Melbourne and Harvey, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lade of Broadford. Victoria. MICHELL FALLOWS. The engagement Is announced between
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    • 27 6 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL GO. Ottering Complete Services essential to Eye Comfort Visual Efficiency. (1) VISUAL AMLYSIS (3) GLASSES IF NEEDED C S. CHONG, OFT. D19, CHULIA ST. S'PORL
      27 words
    • 52 6 that where most of riie M cat trifca dislike entering water, all tiger* have no hesitation m f^jffSX plunging into stream or lea, 'jjffvjjp^t'i and swim well too '£g£Sf£c^fjiKa\ effective for Coughs. \V^%^f^ &#j£*k l"«*jge*tion. Seasickness V^K^-^?^ Nausea, Tirednett. \VyS|?i^<s^^^ Stomachache and Foul tit mtriel ftmous family of T£6£& mtdiciiidl
      52 words

  • 364 7 AUSTRALIA TO ADMINISTER THE COCOS Air strip will be improved TRANSFER of the administration of the Cocos Islands from Singapore to the Australian Government was announced by the Singapore Government last night. Australia's External Affairs Minister, Mr. Richard Casey, announced that Australia would develop civil aviation facilities in the group
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  • 218 7 SINGAPORE last night was invaded by more than 400 American sailors off the visiting fourdestroyer U.S. squadron, which will be in the Colony till Monday afternoon. Last night, "liberty" parties, about one-third of the strength of each of the destroyers' crews came ashore. The rest were on their
    218 words
  • 139 7 30 m p h limit 'a waste of time THE committee of the Straits Chinese British Association last night consideted that it is impracticable and causing unnecessary inconvenience to the public bv having a 30 mile an hour speed limit irrespective of the nature and condition of the road, the
    139 words
  • 135 7 'Luxury tax is hard to define' VERY careful consideration must^be given before any question of a luxury tax Is introduced in this Colony, the committee of the Straits Chinese British Association decided at a meeting last night. Many of the goods which might be considered a luxury by some particular
    135 words
  • 19 7 From Our Own Correspondent. JOHORE BAHRU. Fri.—Annamalai. a lorry driver was acquitted of trying to evade Customs duties.
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  • 196 7 4 SINGAPORE man. Dr. Suat Chuan Kin, and five others, yesterday succeeded m their claim against the estate of Mr. Yong Yit Lin for $20,000, received during the Japanese occupation, to be revalued m accordance with the Debtor and Creditor (Occupation Period) Ordinance. In his judgment
    196 words
  • 82 7 KUALA LUMPUR Fri. RADIO Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, claim that with the Department of Social Welfare they are the only departments which have secured 100 per cent registration for the Kuala Lumpur municipal elections. Radio Malaya. Kuala Lumour, have been ursine people to register.
    82 words
  • 22 7 KOTA BAHRU. Fri. —Mr. Lyn Hong Yap, clerk at the Police Headquarters, Kelantan, has been transferred to Police Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur.
    22 words
  • 142 7 SINGAPORE Consumers' Association (Tanglin Branch) has promised their support to Inche Ali bin Talib, an Arab livestock importer, who by selling beef at $1.20 a kati has brought down the U... Af\ price oy 4U cents. Mrs. Robert Eu, president of the Association, told
    142 words
  • 28 7 I rum Our Own Correspondent. SEGAMAT. Fri. A special constable Ismail bin Mohamed, 21 was fined $500 or three months gaol m Segamat for desertion.
    28 words
  • 163 7 A THREE-MAN committee is re-drafting the constitution of the Singapore Labour Party. It will be presented to the annual meeting to be held m the third week of July for ratification. The new constitution will have provisions to widen the field of- economic and political
    163 words
  • 52 7 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH,Fri.— Two new private practitioners have been appointed to the medical advisory board of the Perak Chinese Maternity Hospital. They are Dr. F. Durado and Dr. r>ow Wai Wee. Yesterday's meeting of the hospital committee which appointed them also elected tfie existing ten-man
    52 words
  • 93 7 From Oar Own Correspondent. mm LONDON. Fri. THE question of the care of Malaya's blind population is to be raised in the House of Commons. Mr. S. Awbery is asking what is the estimated blind population in Singapore and the Federation, how many schools and
    93 words
  • 44 7 SEGAMAT, Frl. Home Guards m Segamat went on duty for the first time on Tuesday to help police to f' food at rbr.d blocks. lAore than 700 have already enrolled for Home Guard duties, but the enrolment is •*"*t cf^plete.
    44 words
  • 82 7 Negligence causes gas deaths NEGLIGENCE of Municipal labourers working on sewage mains to use masks and take other precautionary measures has caused deatTvs. the Municipal Engineer said yesterlay. He was commenting on the death pf an 18-year-old labourer who was overcome by fumes when working m a 23 ft. manhole
    82 words
  • 106 7 A PRELIMINARY meeting of the proposed Singapore Shop Assistants' Union will be held at the Umar Pulawar School, Maxwell Road, Singapore, on July 8. The organiser of the union, Mr. P. M. Williams, told the Straits Times yesterday that an interim committee will be elected
    106 words
  • 74 7 Fom Oar SUB Correspondent IPOH, Fri. Mr. E. N. Griffith Jones. Legal Adviser, Perak, who was to have assumed duties in Kuala Lumpur as Solicitor-General. Federation of Malaya, next week is a patient in the Batu Gajah hospital. It is understood that Mr. M. G.
    74 words
  • 47 7 At the annual dinner and dance of the Alumni Association (South Branch) of King Edward VII College of Medicine held at the Raffles Hotel last night, Dato Dr. N. Moothatamby presented a cheque for $12,046.96 from the Association to the University of Malaya Endowment Fund.
    47 words
  • 115 7 TH3 l(X)!b00 Who have left Indones. since the birth of the new republic have not stayed la the Bast. Fewer than B 0 Dutch people have settled m Singapore since the beginning of. ISSO. Last y about 40 Dutchmen, moa-> single men, or with families still
    115 words
  • 269 7 SHOP-HOUSES MAKE WA YFOR HUGE HOTEL From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A 75-ROOM hotel costing about three-quarters ofa million dollars is to be erected on the site of the four condemned shopiiouses m Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur, which the Municipality started demolishing yesterday. Occupants of these houses who
    269 words
  • 48 7 From Our Own Correspondent. RAUB, Fri. The West Pahang B.C.G. team under Dr. J. Clearkln, Health Officer, and assisted by Miss Hackett, Health Sister, has completed vaccination of 2,324 school children m Kuala Llpis and Raub. The team will be going to Bentong and Temerloh.
    48 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 187 7 I Decca Single Speed 33 r.p.a. LONG PLAYIN6 RECORD f REPRODUCER PRICE $80.- Singapore fir Penan* $93.- Federation Equipped with ffrr Lightweight Pick-up with sapphire stylus Strong Induction Motor In i. Wooden Leathercloth-coveied, i«i case with lid For use with highj£^ Rain amplifiers and A Radic r Obtainable from: Sinsapore
      187 words
    • 86 7 £4hni%.4MT%AMl%AW^4Ml%AWT%>4t*li>Sii*O/!',.^4 tj o>ii+. < tt A „v.-' I 1 A place for everything and everything m its place this thoughtfully designed Beauty Case In pigskin has gilt mounted fittings and a tray that lifts out to leave a roomy compartment beneath. So convenient for going away. It is one of
      86 words

  • 129 8 TIP AND SMELL LEAD TO HAUL OF OPIUM IN SINGAPORE A SINGAPORE Customs preventive officer, (l oh Chuan Yam, told the First District Court yesterday that a tip from an informer resulted m 1,500 Ib. of opium being found m a water tank of a ship, the Tairea. Goh said
    129 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 8 MR. WILLIAM C. BULLITT (centre) chats with GroupCapt, J. L. F. Fuller-Good, O.C. RAF. station. Chanjri. as he arrived by air from Saigon yesterday. Right is the acting U.S. ConsulGeneral m. Singapore, Mr. J. Goodyear. Straits Times picture.
    38 words
  • 133 8 AREAS liable for electriJ iity cuts today are: DAY Alias Ice, Happy World. Loronu :i, Mountbatten Network, Snu.ipore Swimming Club, TanJi.iu Rhu, U.E. Shipyard, Khu Cross, Nanyang Ice Co., Cathay, >!■ Itiui.ild Honse, Armenian St. 11. C. lirestone, Orchard Road, Markrnzie Road, Bukit Timah Tumps, Balcsticr Road, Jalan
    133 words
  • 165 8 Penang will build 93 houses From Our Stall Correspondent PENANG. Fri. "NINETY-THREE houses will 1 be built by the Penang Municipality and put up for sale. The houses will go up in Green Estate, bounded uy Green Lane and Jalan Husein. Penang Municipal Commissioners have, however, not yet decided when
    165 words
  • 52 8 From Our Own Correspondent. RAl'B, Fri.— For driving a car without a licence, a young girl, Liew Slew Kuen, was fined $20 by the Raub Magistrate. The owner of the car, Liew Ngot Foo, was fined $25 for permitting an unlicenced driver to drive
    52 words
  • 153 8 SAYS MAN PUSHED OFF BUS A FARMER, Teo Seong, yesterday accused a Tay Koh Yat bus conductor, Lim Kok Choo, of pushing his brother out of a moving bus in Arab Street, Singapore on June 10. He was giving evidence at an inquest in the Singapore Coroner's Court on the
    153 words
  • 210 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE police are taking action against underground student unions which have been spreading Communist propaganda in Federation Chinese schools. An underground students' union has been active in Penang, but the police have reported success in dealing with
    210 words
  • 151 8 Government didn't sell estate rE 2,000 acres of land known as Pasir Panjang Estate were not sold to the War Department by the Singapore Government but by the Kim Sen* Land Company. This was told to the Straits Times by Army authorities, yesterday commenting: on a statement by Mr. H.
    151 words
  • 40 8 IPOH, Fri.— House registration m the Ipoh Town Home Guard area will begin at noon on Sunday July 1. The registration will be ii> charge of group and sector wardens, headmen and Home Guards.
    40 words
  • 46 8 MR. David R. Crichton, First Secretary (Information) at the Commissioner-Gene-ral's Office, will leave Singapore on transfer early tomorrow morning, by X.L.M Constellation His successor. Mr. Keith Welbore Ker, who was assistant information officer m Stockholm, will arrive m the first week of July.
    46 words
  • 34 8 MUAR, Fri. Pleading guilty to theft of a car tyre valued at $100, belonging to Toh Kirn Loon. 32-year-old Paiman bin Haji Hamzah was fined $200. m default three months' hard labour.
    34 words
  • 63 8 From Our Staff Correspondent. SEREMBAN, Frl.— pOURTEEN community wireless sets have been installed in the Seremban district of Negri Sembilan. Three are at squatter resettlement areas, at Paroi, at Sikamat and at Mambau. In Seremban, four sets have .been installed at Rahang Kechil and at the
    63 words
  • 102 8 Mr Hammett goes home on leave From Our Staff Correspondent. PENANG. Fri. PENANG Municipal president, Mr. H. G. Hammett. flew to Singapore this morning on the first stage of his twice-deferred home leave. From Singapore tomorrow he will fly to the United Kingdom. Mr. Hammett, who will be away for
    102 words
  • 172 8 ENVOY AUTHOR ON VISIT TO S'PORE MR. William C. Bullitt, a former United States Ambassador to Russia and France, arrived m Singapore by air yesterday from Saigon. He is the author of a number of books, among them "Report to the American People", published m 1940. At Changi airfield to
    172 words
  • 43 8 From Our Own Correspondent. SEGAMAT. Fri. A forty-year-old woman. Su Kal. was acquitted and discharged m Segamat on a charge of causing mischief. She was alleged to have killed a goat and maimed another belonging to an Indian.
    43 words
  • 31 8 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Fri.— Mr. j; O. Sanders. Malayan Railway General Manager, returned to Kuala Lumpur after a two-day inspection at Singapore and Johore Bahru.
    31 words
  • 258 8 A WARNING over violations of the Finance f» Regulations regarding gold, other than bona fide articles of jewellery or ornaments was given m JL he Third Singapore District Court vestertlav The judge. Mr. S. E Teh, said that the regulations were to prevent
    258 words
  • 90 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. rE Federation Government has appointed five new members to the Malay Girls' College committee and re-ap pointed two members to replace seven members who have resigned after three years' service New members are: Inche Amat bin Miun (Perils), inch*Zainab
    90 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 227 8 CAMERAS BY VITU I 24 x36mmon 35 mm film. j^TT**^^^^^VsTT'^'T^r^^i A real pocket camera, so small, so light, so stream- HM^^^ iincd for easy handling; for Hi* pocket of every lady and every gentleman. You can carry this camera BUrf ~~~*<«M!Sb^H wherever you go and still hardly feel the weight
      227 words
    • 128 8 Slntapor* Prices f U fts. pkt. or 10 I <%&m (JU*ya)Q2<i I Your grandfather has such bright and~per> feet teeth, my son, because he has always' used Gibbs Dentifrice? You know. how good it tastes, too, and it costume so little^ Dentifrice iMOttt-Mt-ir .•> wrb— i 1.T0.T umixm. uwu^ m
      128 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 292 8 f>. T» I 23. Captivates (8). Straits Times Crossword ve^Mi V™" 1 here in ad -■..m mmi mml i DOWN. Ill a H 3 H *1 5 HI *1 Comnua parts In maths. I "*1 2.. No actors on a desert Wand? It). SSSSS S^ S3! SSEi SSS "iSSSS 5S5
      292 words

    • 170 9 BROADER POLITICAL HORIZON T CANNOT but regard Mr. R. Malai, writer of last Monday's letter headed "Malaya is under no tyranny." as one who looks no farther than his own nose. To liken the call for selfgovernment in this country to a revolt against tyranny and oppression is. I feel,
      170 words
    • 241 9 'THANK goodness for "Cecil Street" and his defence of the local Asian's speaking (and writing) of English. When I read E.G.S.'s letter "On learning how to speak English", on June 11, I boiled. My own guess is that he is a European who
      241 words
    • 140 9 LAST week I met three contingents of traffic police in various parts of Singapore, each headed by a European officer. These public servants were ostensibly directing streams of traffic into three lanes. I have been driving in Singapore now for a number of years. I
      140 words
    • 281 9 Doing well in the bus business? CJOME local bus .companies s3 are asking for a. fare rise to 10 cents for the first two miles, no doubt to De in sympathy with the Singapore Traction Company, which charges also a maximum fare of 20 cents up to a distance of
      281 words
    • 34 9 WITH the growing prospect of Singapore receiving City status, might it not be a propitious time to change the word "Singaporean" to the more euphonious word "Slngapauper"? COUSIN JACK Kuala Lumpur.
      34 words
    • 112 9 gUSILY engaged as we are m fighting with all the means m our power the Communist menace m this Colony, one cannot but feel that authority works m very strange ways its wonders to perform. We have just witnessed the edifying Odyssey of some misguided schoolgirls
      112 words
    • 96 9 DESPITE the fact that the importation of films has shot up. never do we. the citizens of Kuantan. hav e th P privilege of enjoying even one fresh picture among the many exhibited here. Some of the films screened here, are as much as 10 years old
      96 words
    • 259 9 ]y[AY I add some "instructions to cyclists" in addition to those that have already appeared i n your columns? Never ride with two hands —this indicates lack of confidence and restricts the allImportant degree of wobble. Never glance behind you before overtaking or turning
      259 words
    • 185 9 A H Kow bin Mat Salleh who wrote in last Saturday's Forum on education and Chinese culture must have some grudge against his Chinese forefathers! He seems never to have gone to a Chinese school or to have had a first-hand glimpse of the teachings
      185 words
    • 314 9 WANTED MAN: PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE WHO is this man? I want to know the name of 11 the man. who has: Sabotaged factories and workshqps, put out lights when we need them, encaged passengers in lifts, delayed the issue or newspapers; Prevented the servicing of motor cars, caustd fresh
      314 words
    • 115 9 I visited Singapore un I riday last week. There was apem r cut m some parts of the ci;v because of overloading. But I was quite surpris d at the wc;te of current m the str«»pt li". ;in». On t'.iat evening iki t lights were on at
      115 words
    • 121 9 A GREAT feeling of frustration and disappointment prevails among parents on account of the .-mall number of students adrritud Into the University of Mala .a, this year. The number taken! in last year was double that of this year. An Increase in the li'taka was expected, not a
      121 words
    • 421 9 TVATO Onn's sensational decision to quit UMNO has caused surprise only to those who lack foresight. The energetic Dato is going to form a new party of his own, to be called the Independence of Malaya Party, whose membership will be thrown open to Malays of the
      421 words
    • 99 9 COMMON Malay." m his letter m last Saturday's Forum "To a Man of Royal Blood." plainly h^s not understood the good intentions of Ungku Abdullah m his letter or June 11 ("The IMP: a Johor e Challenge."). Of the numbers of royal people I know who
      99 words
    • 70 9 AS one of Singapore's 9.000 'wrong" voters. I should like to know from some responsible source "what offence one commits" if one. for sentimental reasons, is against regis'.erine as a voter. IGNORANT. Singapore. (None. One simply, for sentimental reasons, refuses a say m the Appointment of one's
      70 words
    • 199 9 THE NATION THE LEADER P|ATO ONN accuses Hashim Ghani of trying to foster a regime that is tottering allover the world. What about the British Crown? Is it tottering? Dato Onn has been credited as being the architect of the Agreement of the Federation of Malaya. He has boasted that
      199 words
    • 182 9 EQUAL rights in Malaya u should be given only to True Malayans and not to any alien even if he or she has stayed more than five years In Malaya. My definition of a True Malayan is one. irrespective of race or creed, who was born in
      182 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 9 THERE WAS A PARTI 4L BLACKOUT Qf SING PORE ON TUESDAY lUncJficial Legislative Cou«c.".7ors have rejected the Premium Bonds Bill on moral grounds.)
    23 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 125 9 tie NiW TtynitUjton fyeuttiiei 2 OUTSTANDING^ FEATURES -.M.C. Keyboard Margin Control [?W\ b7y/\^ \'o more awkward margin stops m inacces- V sible places; no need to reach over the back \f of the machine just press the X.M.C key. tf position the carriage, and when you release the key the
      125 words
    • 101 9 ALL WAVE \^H|^/ BAT T E R I Singapore Frice nett RECEIVER $B*oo DRY BATTERY EXTRA DESICNED ESPECIALLY $illMpor Pric 920 ntU FOR MALAYA AND THE Federation $9 80 MALAYAN PEOPLE 1 The ideal receiver for the Kampong, Town, Picnic, Car, Launch, Week-end Bungalow. ASK YOUR C.E.C. AUTHORISED RADIO DEALER
      101 words

  • 2190 10 Malay Or Malayan Education? THE report of the Barnes Committee on education, recently published, has been criticised for its recommendation that national education m Malaya should be givan only m Malay and English. In this letter to the Straits Times V. D. KUPPUSAMY headmaster of the Anglo-Chinese school at Kampar;
    2,190 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 205 10 The Manasf n:-nt of lh and REX extend HEARTY WELCOME to U.S.S. KENNEDY, RUSH, FISKE and HAWKINS Operation Pacific Morning Matinees at 9 a.m. Today: ABANDONED" II I I I J»[ Tomorrow: "Bomba. The M'NITE TONIGHT lan we survive it fro~m another world (Distributed by RKO Ratio HOWARD HAWKI' QnOCKt'a*
      205 words
    • 429 10 |Jt| (SWBlffl I I 1 TEL. 5400 AIR-CONOiTIoTeO NOW TODAY daily 11 a.m. 1.45-4.15- X.45 9.30 p.m. ANOTHER M-G-M TECHNICOLOR HIT/ M-G-M presents color b y TECHNICOLOR I£AN STOCKWELI DAIOTI HICKMAN SCOrn BfCWTT IFON IMS VMMO GIIMff TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT The Entrancing Magic of its songs and scenes have bewitched
      429 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 31 10 JVANKSSE DRAWN BY PETER JACKSON ■^■> \f"^«*««t mOBM '»OTT|O 1O -ft yt^\ r\ &l 'WIftPGOUO I|MK»K v tJ>, *^S^^\! *iin tc Riu ««s «»i cm «i nat *J~Jr^ i twci tw» »mbo*t
      31 words

  • 301 11 LONDON. Fri. r[E approach of the weekend and prospect of developments in the Persian situation deterred market men from extending commitments. Price changes in the London Stock Exchange were small and mixed, with British Government funds lower and industrials irregular. Minings were narrowly irregular. Closing middle prices ot selected
    301 words
  • 65 11 CHIP 9 alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godovns at 4 p.m. yesterday were: Pres. Jefferson 44, Niew Holland 42-43. Norevcrett 40-41. Taltiiybius 38-39, Trevethoe 36-37, E. Medway 33-34, soestdijk 31-32, Paint Valery 2930. Palamcotta M. Bintang 252 S. Megha 23-2*. Nancy Moller 21-22. Trevose 19-20. BenUwers 15-16. Glenroy
    65 words
  • 957 11 lITITH the continued instability of the metal price, both buyers and sellers of Tin shares m the Malayan share market adopted a "sit-tight" policy yesterday. Industrials and Rubbers were quietly firm. Quotations announced by the Malayan Sharebrofcers 1 Association yesterday were. INDUSTRIALS Barer* Seller* A lei Bricks Pref
    957 words
  • 39 11 SINGAPORE, Fri., Jane 22 $464.12*/* (down $16.87 £930 a ton in London LONDON, June 22— Cash Buyers £930. Sellers £935; Forward Buyers £895. Sellers £898J; Settlement £9321 (down £321). Turnover: a.m. 100, p.m. 80 tons.
    39 words
  • 247 11 6½-ct. drop in rubber AFTER Thursday's big price advance the Singapore rubber market eased yesterday, probably influenced by the United States Government decision to reduce the commodity price to consumers by 14 cents gold per lb. Dealers attributed yesterday's decline also to lack of orders and the cancellation of bids
    247 words
  • 74 11 CMALL quantities of coconut oil changed hands m the Singapore produce market yesterday at $73 a picul, with further buyers holding off White pepper varieties improved, sellers quoting $1,040 m picul for Muntok and $1,035 for Sarawak. No business was done. Lampong black sellers remained firm at
    74 words
  • 33 11 HONG KONG, Fri. i^REi, market currency exchange for Hon« Kong dollars was quoted at the close today as follows: US$l HKJ6.33 (cash); £1 HK515.75: one tahU of gold HKS3I7— UP.
    UP  -  33 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1234 11 i incorporated In Singapore) BLUB FUNNEL LINE CMtti option to procevo «.a othe< ports to >••« and discharge came J SAILINCS lo LIVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Oue Sa^to Sham Penan*. MHMM to. Liverpool C. 6/7 lone 2S |un« 26/29 lun. 30/|ury J tor Lpool Cgow C 33/34 My 4
      1,234 words
    • 400 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS Te New York and Boston via Ceylon. India Eeypt and Mediterranean Parts. Singapore bwettenham Penang S.S. "PRESIDENT |EFf ERSON C. 44/23 lune 24/26 lune Omit i. "PRESIDENT POLK" 23/28 luM Omit 29 lune/1 luly PRESIDENT CRANT" 9/15 My 16/I7|ulv 18/20 lulv <.s. "PRESIDENT lOHNSON 24/30 lulv 31
      400 words
    • 431 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK /CONTINENT: Spore P Sham Penang "Kina toi ttdMtfkuK j nuiiK Nurig In Port -Meonia" tor Saigon b Bangkok 2a-28 lune In Port "Malacca' for Bangkok. MoniKong. 9 |uly Manila Kobe Yokohama '-9 July La'andia" tor Saigon b Bangkok 28-29 My 26-27 luty 23-25 luly
      431 words
    • 997 11 LTD. Telephone No 5906. ELLERMAM <Ss HUCKNALL ttLAVk.Na.4** LINK LONDON. HAVRE, ROTTERDAM ft M c Mr r HiUli'Br *-OS ANCELES, SAN FRANCISCO. n*M>UKI. PORTLAND SEATTLE VANCOUVER and for U.S.A. North Atlantic Ports and Canada via Colombo Accept me cargo tor Central 6 South ,IC,TYO, LIVERPOOL Js'ff r Snam fenang Spore
      997 words

  • 864 12 Still in danger of inns defeat LORD'S, Friday. COUTH Africa, caught on a damp wicket on the second day of the second Test at Lord's today were bundled out for 115 runs in the first innings in reply to England's 311 yesterday. The tourists. 196 behind, were made
    864 words
  • 61 12 RAF. Seietar defeated 30 Battalion Royal Army Ordnance Corps by a late second half goal m their Singapore United Services League soccer match at B. O. D. ground yesterday. After an even first half, 30 Bn. pressed all through the second session, but a surprise breakaway
    61 words
  • 153 12 LONDON, Fri. T ANCASHIRE, declaring at 167 J for four in the second innings, were beaten by five wickets by Hampshire today. Results were: D.tIm hi Krnt on l»t inn, (Derby): Kent 343 and 57-1. Derby ::<:> No p:av today, rain Notts v (.louirsler (NotlM: Notts
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 46 12 In a cricket match played on Victoria School ground yesterday, Victoria School beat Anglo Chinese School by 40 run§. Victoria School 62 (Eng Hoe 23. Harpajan Singh 14; E. Doraisamy seven for 15). Anjlo Chinese School 22 (Eng Hoe five for 12.
    46 words
  • 405 12 Move to ask Mr. Lim to reconsider resignation By Our Badminton Reporter AMOVE is afoot to ask Mr. Lim Chuan Geok, non-playing captain and manatr<r if Malaya's victorious Thomi 1 C ip In 1949, to reconsider his reatg&atioa from the Selection Committee for Malaya's 1952 Cup t«am. Mr. Lim announced
    405 words
  • 164 12 SOCCiCK: Comm. Lgc: Chinese v Singapore Dist. (Army) at stadium; Div. 3A: Guard Doc Uni! v Aston A.C. at Gey Ian;; Services Lgt.: HMS Terror v RNAC at Naval Base. CRICKET: Evan Wong Shi.U: St. Andrew's Old Boys v Raffle:. Old Boys at Khalsa; Inier-Ser-vires: R.A.F. v Royal
    164 words
  • 154 12 frrom Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. THE Thomas Cup badminton final will be played in Singapore if the International Badminton Federation accepts the proposal of the Badminton Association of Malaya. Mr. Cheah Mah Sang. hon. secretary of the B.A.M. in a
    154 words
  • 170 12 t>. A. F. Seletar Maintenance Unit gained two valuable United Srrvicss leaeue points whtn they beat RAF. Changi Lod?er Unit by two goals to on? at Chanel vesterday In the 10th minute Bowen put thiLoJiers out up with a beautiful mx drive Stung by the earlv
    170 words
  • 225 12 T.HE Ceylon Amateur Athletic Association has invited Singapore athletes to participate m their annual championships which will be held at Co'.o.tioo Oval on Sept. 7 and 8. Mr. E. Strickland, President of the Singapore Amateur Ath'etic Association, told the Straits Times that it was unlikely the
    225 words
  • 26 12 Blue Rovers were awarded a walk-over when their opponents. S.C.S.A., failed to turn up for their Div.3 League soccer match at St. George's Road yesterday.
    26 words
  • 33 12 Pong Chek Sam of the Chinese Y. M. C. A. won the All-Singapore Junior "Snooker" championship on Wednesday night, beating Leong Chong Put of Siong 800 A. A. in the final.
    33 words
  • 448 12 SINGAPORE CRICKET TOURNEY THE Singapore Cricket Association's tournament resumes tomorrow after a break of four weeks. The main interest will be m the match between the champions, Singapore Recreation Club, and Singapore Chinese Recreation Club, on the S.R.C. padang S.R.C.. champions m the first
    448 words
  • 83 12 LONDON. Pri. Australia's Frank Sedgtnan today reached the men's singles final of the London grass court championships. In the semi-finals he beat H. Flam 6-3, 6-2. In the final he will meet E-fc Sturgess who today Beat Merv Rose 6-2, 6-2. In the women's
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 557 12 All-out alive for badminton hall fund needed By the Sports Editor MALAYA'S little army of armchair critics are at it again. Until a fornight ago when Singapore's badminton hall for Malaya's Thomas Cup defence was largely m the pen and paper stage, they sat back and railed at badminton officials
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 12 LEfc SAVOLD sags into the ropes after a knockout flinch by former world neavy weight champion Joe Louis m the sixth round of a scheduled 15 round bout at Madison Square Garden, f w York, on June (5. Louis won on a ...•clinical knockout. A.P. photo.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 543 12 T ANKY Patrick Pestana became the individual champion at the St. Joseph's Institution athletic sports meet held on the Bras Besar ground yesterday. Pestana won the 120-yard hurdles and the 220-yard sprint and was second In two other events— 44o-vards and shot putt His
    543 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 841 12 iContinnea from Page 8» SITUATIONS WANTED EUROPEAN SEC. STENOO. cnn^idTable exp. Singapore and A'isli :<lia seeks senior position .sm-iporc. Box No A6lOB, S.T. ACCOMMODATION VACANT ixWBLE ROOMS with verant) >h inrt own bathroom, full bo.irti available now. No. 4 ■n Hill, Phone ***** AVAILABLE for Immediate occui)=itinn one single room
      841 words
    • 402 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from previous Col.) VEHICLES FOR SALE MORRIS MINOR 1949, Black, 14.000 miles, tax paid to December, Insurance March. 1952, $3,800 or nearest. Telephone *****. VAUXHALL 12 H.P. 1947 excellent condition taxed and insured to year end. $3,600 or nearest offer Box No. A6126, S.T. MORRIS 8 SALOON,
      402 words
    • 189 12 (jSaJ yffla^sjjs|fe^^ (frffQw mMlc been timed, adjusted r.X^jj YjJ^f^j^r F^lfffn Aew York and is guaranteed against atif \^f I V^JSyi^J MTfynßlMn deled m material or workmanxhip. J<Jltt^i Sfll^ JMhMi Th watch is scientifically built to run and Q^S^StSff/J^aSSf *Hh proper care will tell time, on time. ~J yC>Sy!Roir~ J X4£ffly
      189 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 29 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 12.30 a.m. (10.1), 2J2 p.m. (84); 6.45 a.m. (0.2), 6.34S p.m. (4.8). TOMORROW: 1.22 a.m. (9 8t« 3.07 p.m. (8.4); 8.23 am. <0..V. 8.19 p.m. (4.4).
      29 words