The Straits Times, 24 April 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 589 1 MPs teamed: 'industry faces crisis LONDON, Monday. \|R. Harold Wilson, 35-year-old President of the Board of Trade, has resigned from the Cabinet, reliable sources said today. His resignation follows that of Mr. Aneurin Bevan, Minister of Labour, yesterday. An emergency meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party
    Reuter  -  589 words
  • 262 1 "TU .STINATIONAL control of rubber exports is expected to be questioned by Unofficial members at today's meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council. matter widl be raised on thp adlournment Mr. E. M. F. Ferguson (Singapore Chamber of Commerce) ar/l Mr. Tan Chin Tuan. (Chinese Chamber of
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  • 94 1 200,000 tons of meat for Britain BUENOS AIRES. Mon. IT was officially announced today that an AngloArgentine meat agreement Is to be signed. The agreement is valid for a year. Under it. Argentine will supply 200,000 tons of meat. Britain pays £146 a long ton for chilled meat. £126 for
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  • 49 1 HONG KONG. Mon. SENATOR Warren Grant Magnuson, Democrat, revealed here today that an "experiment of a military nature" will be held at Kwajalein Atoll, in the Pacific, within the next few days by the Atomic Energy Commission. He declined to reveal the date of the experiment.
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  • Article, Illustration
    59 1 THE DIRECTOR of Education Singapore, Mr. A. W. Frisby, speaking at last night's dinner at Raffles Hotel given by the students and graduates of the University of Malaya. Others in picture (from left) Dr. G. V. Allen. Miss Gloria Lim Slew Cheng, Mrs. Yong Nyuk Lin, Dr. D. W. G.
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  • 25 1 KLANIi KIVER BRIDGE after its collapse yesterday because of the leakage of one of the 12 pontoons. Straits Times picture.
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  • 478 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KLANG, Monday. A 200- YARD bridge spanning Klang river was swept away today seconds after a crovded bus had reversed to safety across it for more than 100 yards. Watchmen at the end of the bridge saw
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  • 199 1 TOKYO. Mon. A PROJECTED United States-Japanese security agreement is expected to station four American divisions with strong air and naval contingents in the Japanese islands. Mr. John Foster Dulles. President Truman's special envoy, left Tokyo for home today after a series of talks believed to
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 127 1 Gunman kills detective, fights duel PENANG. Mon. WHILE playing billiards in a saloon in Hong Kong Street. Penang. tonight 30-year-old detective Jimmy Loke was shot dead by a gunman who fired from the flve-foot way. The assailant was wounded in a gun battle with another detective. But he escaped through
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  • 31 1 COLOMBO, Mon. Police stated today that three men were drowned after a collision between a harbour boat and a Norwegian freighter of 4,701 tons in port last Saturday.— Reuter.
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  • 121 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Monday. DROLONGED delays in discharging cargo, affect1 ing ships" trading with Singapore and other ports in the Far East, are behind the decision of various lines concerned with trade between the United Kingdom and the continent and Colombo to impose
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  • 31 1 AUCKLAND. Mon. The Government today froze the funds of four recently dereglstered unions "to protect the right* °f former members until legal ownership of the funds has been decided."—
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  • 286 1 ALLIES PULL BACK ON 100 MILE FRONT TOKYO, Monday. JJNITED NATIONS forces withdrew south of the Hantan River on Korea's west central front today destroying several bridges behind them as Allied troops along most of the 100-mile battlefront gave ground before a massive Communist counter-offensive. United Nations units which had
    Reuter; UP  -  286 words
  • 164 1 SIX Chinese youths have been detained under the I Emergency Regulations in connection with Malayan Communist Party activities in one of the biggest Singapore police raids in the Bugis Street-Malabar Street area. A senior police spokesman yesterday said that 1.250 youths aged between li
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  • 39 1 MEXICO CITY, Mon.— The Truman-MacArthur controversy was mentioned at a Mexican family party— and four persons were seriously injured in the ensuing brawl. Two had said Mr. Truman was right and two were for the General.— U.P.
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  • 67 1 TAIPEH, Mon. A 19-year-old Formosan girl committed suicide hera last night to escape th? wrath of an angry father after she had lost $40 (Taiwan) all her money— in a sidewalk .game near the Taipeh railway station. She took poison as soon as she got home
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 120 1 ffIRAITS ENVELOPE MX (Q1T&1 I 3i-35 chooh 6uan sr siHtAPoas -I "I enjoy them best Hem v says a woman never knows her own mind. But I've never changed my mind about dv Maurier since the very first one I tasted. For one thing, I must have a cool <i
      120 words
    • 25 1 mdah cO(k<£oto4 mL dotfiA. lav'imj all hoKAonA contrnfMin^ \wMi)V^ to twhtit iklA^ahw^ I\ej2/t&(tiiMjbMj Co., 233Z1 (%itriM&i2? Qud&uuL aMm f AtJwWb a/ildttjiA^ wtJuhAl vidibriuiMt, mjL a/A
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  • 235 2 SYRIANS' ARM REFUGEES, SAYS ISRAEL TEL AVIV, Monday. I SRAEL today charged Syria with recruiting and arming ref ogees from Syrian camps for service in the disputed demilitarised zone on the Syrian -Israeli border. The charge was made In a letter to the acting chief of the United Nations Truce
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  • 64 2 GLASGOW. Mon.— Dwight D. Eisenhower, heads the list of people to be given honorary degrees by GlasgowUniversity on June 20, marking the 500th anniversary of the University's foundation. The King and Queen are expected to attend the ceremony. Gen. Eisenhower will receive the degree of
    AP  -  64 words
  • 69 2 GLASGOW. Mon. Eire's Minister of External Affairs. Mr. Sean MacBride, yesterday advocated a federal Ireland as a means of uniting Eire and the counties of Northern Ireland. He toid a meeting organised by the Irish-Scotland Association that there would be no fear of political or religious
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 26 2 PRINCESS Elizabeth smile* as a six-year-old orphan delivers a speech of welcome during her visit to the orphanage in Rome. AJ*. picture
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  • 115 2 Ex-ruler of Baroda apologises NEW DELHI, Mon. MAHARAJAH Sir Pratap Singh, recently deposed ruler of Baroda, has written to Mr. Nehru Prime Minister of India, assuring him of his "unqualified allegiance" to the Indian constitution and government. He has sent a similar assurance to the States Minister of Oopalasway Ayyangar.
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • Cable Flashes
    • 245 2 Plane took off on its own— flew 2 hours DOLICE, ambulance and fire services watched a runaway pilotless plane cruise round the countryside in Leicester, England, on Sunday night, when it took oft* on its own and flew for two hours before crashing. No one was injured. The plane, a
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  • 51 2 MANILA. Mon. A Manilan attempted an up -the. tree harakiri in his neighbour garden in Manila. Armed with a knife he climbed the tree at midnight. When neighbours pleaded to him to come down, he aiasfted his stomach and fetl on to fh9 eronnC. He was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 588 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited tor appointment as Storekeeper, Titne*rale. m the Drainage A Irrigation nrpnrtroent, Malacca. Salary scale $75 x 115 Examination Bar SI2S x 5 180. Candidates must be Federal Citlsens. have attained their 25th. but not their 3Sth. birthday, have passed Standard VII in an English School,
      588 words
    • 606 2 PUBLIC* APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited for the pelt of Assistant Inspector ol Indian Hcftonk. Jobore. on the salary scale $300 x 10 SlO 315 x 15 44S with a non -pensionable allowance <at $30/- per snonth In addition. Preference win be given to male Federal Citizens who are employed in
      606 words
    • 380 2 NOTICES (ML PALMS FOR SALE. Oil Palm Nursery SeedBnes: MM Controlled Poittnaied ud 47*00 Open Pollinated Averse age to nursery 9 months: Height 3 ft. to 4 ft. MM* ready for transplanting to fleM Immediately. Apply: Oula Estate, Kuala Kurau, Perak. Phone Kaal* Kurau 332. A. A. OF MALAYA (Singapore
      380 words
    • 330 2 Everyone knows the best Virginia cigarettes are made In v/Zfll \Mi London; but, fortunately, they do not all stay there I The famous fjU WjjL Benson A Hedges red tin is a familiar sight in almost every /V£S| country ef the world. You u ill find these cigarettes in the
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  • 335 3 An 'international brigade LAKE SUCCESS, Monday. DIPLOMATS at United Nations headquarters believe that Russia may have formed an 'international brigade" of World War II airmen to help the Chinese Communists in Korea. It is suggested the "brigade" would include many German, Polish and Japanese
    Reuter  -  335 words
  • 94 3 SPANISH FACTORY WALK-OUT MADRID. Mon. rpHOUSANDS of Spanish in1 dustrial workers struck In two major cities of Northern Spain today in protest against the cost of living under the Franco regime. Bilbao's iron and steel plants were slowed down. In some section only 30 per cent of the workers turned
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 90 3 WASHINGTON. Mon. THE United States Government has offered to insure American businessmen asainst losses caused by seiz ire of property by foreign governments. The plan, which Ls sponi n '1 by the Economic Cooperation Administration is to encourage Americans to invest in friendly nations. The guarantee
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  • 59 3 ROME. Mon. Princess h and the Duke of Fdinbursh. holidaying in Italy attended morning serSt. Andrew's Church of Scotland. Rome, yesterday. In the afternoon the Princess watched her husband had a Malta services polo team in a losing match (4 9) asiinst an Italian side. The
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  • 51 3 London, Mon.— Britain will hold her largest international conference en the beneficial uses of atomic energy this j summer, the Ministry of Supply said today. Representatives from 20 countries will meet at Oxford from July 16 to July 21 to discuss atomic energy techniques.
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  • 189 3 CAIRO, Monday. T^HE Egyptian Senate Petitions Commission rejected on legal grounds today a draft bill introduced by a lawyer for nationalisation of the Suez Canal. The Commission ruled that while all citizens outside the legislature had the right to present petitions the initiative to originate legislation
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 177 3 PERSIA TO BLAME, SAYS U.K. TEHERAN, Mon. CIR Francisc Shepherd, British Ambassador in Teheran, has handed the Prime Minister, Hussain Ala an aide-memoire blaming the Persian Government for the strikes and disturbances in the southern oil fields. The Persian reply blamed the oil company for the strikes and confirmed a
    UP  -  177 words
  • 32 3 VICENZA. (ITALY) Mon. A Swiss plane crashed near here yesterday killing its four occupants. Eye-witnesses said it suddenly plunged to earth from a height of about 500 metres.—Reuter.
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  • 15 3 PET AIN IMPROVES ILE DYEU, Prance, Mon.— Former Marshall Petain's condition "slightly Improved" last night.
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 3 HANDLEBAR CLUB annual meeting at the Cheshire Cheese, London. From left: Raymond Glendenning, John Roy who won the club's cup for the second time, and_Jonny Grey.
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  • 136 3 BONN, Monday. T»HE Western allies today told West Germany she could conduct research into certain types of atomic and jet physics. Permission was announced in the Allied High Commission's official Gazette in a statement relaxing the ban on German scientific research in a number of non-military
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  • 50 3 COLOMBO. Mon. HALF way through a wedding ceremony here, the priest found that the name registered for the marriage was that of the bride's younger sister. The ceremony was immediately declared null and void and a second ceremony followed with the bride's name corrected. I.P.
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  • 101 3 West Wales shaken by tremors LONDON, Mon. HOUSES trembled, windows rattled and empty tins jumped out of dustbins when earth tremors shook a 10-mile stretch of the western seaboard of Wales shortly after midnight on Sunday. No damage was reported anywhere. The shocks were felt along the Merioneth coast between
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 52 3 KAMIL, BEY Abdul Rahim gestures with upraised finger during a lecture in New York. He said that only American leadership can solve the critical problems of the Near East and "rescue it from the tentacles of Communism and imperialism whicb are drawn about it."—
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  • 62 3 GAUHATI (N. Assam), Mon. 4 SEVERE hailstorm swept over Gauhatl for 10 minutes yesterday. Hailstones, some the size of tennis balls, littered the streets and compounds but melted quickly into pools of water. Asbestos roofs were cracked and window panes smashed. Farmers feared that the hailstorm the
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 63 3 HONG KONG, Mon.— The New China News Agency last night reported the deportation of nine European priests and nuns from China. The agency said an Irish priest, director of the Sacred Heart Children's Home in Nanking, and his French assistant were deported via Canton. The nuns
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  • 59 3 OTTAWA, Mon. Canada, with one world clamouring for her newsprint, has taken an initial step to prepare for a more balanced international distribution of her huge production. In a move unprecedented in peace-time, newsprint and mechanical and chemical pulps were declared essential materials. The Defence Production Department
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  • 25 3 STOCKHOLM, Mon.—Sweden and Russia have made a trade agreement for this year calling for exchanges valued at £2.762, In both direction.— Reuter.
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  • 91 3 COLOMBO, Mon. A scheme of national insurance covering wide sections or' the people will shortly be implemented by the Ceylon Government. It will be one of the major schemes seek help under the Colombo Plan, the Point Four Programme and the various agencies of the United
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  • 150 3 'S. rubber no good in truck tyres WASHINGTON, Mon. AMERICAN rubber A manufacturers will not use synthetic to make lorry tyres. Mr. Donald F. Pratt, vicepresident of a Minneapolis firm said- "You can't make a jrood truck tyre with synthetic because truck tyres require more natural rubber than other types."
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  • 66 3 TOKYO, Mon. JAPANESE traders reported today soaring exports of cement to the sterling area, filling in the gap resulting from reduced exports from Germany and Britain. From a record post-war output of 4,990,000 tons, Japan sent abroad 696,000 tons, including 97,000 tons to Singapore and 20,000
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 71 3 ADEN. Mon. Maj. Hayter. self-taught navigator, arrived here yesterday in his nine-ton 32 ft. yawl Sheila II. on his way from England to New Zealand. Maj. Hayter took 26 days to reach Gibraltar in bad weather and stayed there for three weeks. He left Suez on
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  • 21 3 WASHINGTON, Mon. President Truman returned to Blair House yesterday after a week-end cruise aboard the presidential yacht Williamsburg.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 69 3 HENRY WAUGH Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Singapore) BRANCHES IN PENANC. SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR BANGKOK. SIB'J IPOH. KUCHING. lESSELTON. SANDAKAN. KOTA BAHRU. LONDON MANrwESTER BRISTOL LIGHT TRACTOR A detailed description reprinted from "Farm Mechanization" and a reprint of Costing Trials carried out last year by the Federation Agricultural Department are Available
      69 words
    • 284 3 |sOX TON GP *Lfej A perfect cold meal... is always ready with delicious, best-quality Q.M.E. Ox Tongues from Queensland. BUY TODAY! Keep several tins in reserve; and always include popular Ox Tongue in your food parcels to U.K. Q.M.E. Ox Tongues U Ib tin $4.70 2 lbs 5.50 2* 6.15
      284 words

  • 276 4 "Govt/s 'No' was gross injustice" fHE Government and Municipal Labour Union, A will invite delegates from all Singapore trade unions to discuss trade union representation on the Singapore Legislative Council and Municipal Commission. This decision was taken at a meeting of the union's executive
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  • 201 4 CITIZEN BILL 'A SCANDAL' From Our Own Correspondent. PENANG, Mon. THE "unequal status and unequal rights" under the Federal Citizenship Bill, to be introduced soon in the Legislative Council, wer» criticised by Mr. Chew Boon Ee, President of the Penang Straits Chinese British Association, at the annual meeting today. "Racial
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  • 71 4 The Singapore Government last night announced that permits to visit St. John's Island will again be issued this week. An official statement said "As a result of the incidents already reported 20 Chinese who were the ringleaders were moved to Changi jail. "There they will have
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  • 37 4 Lord Halsbury, chairman of the National Research and Development Corporation, arrived :|i Singapore yesterday by QEA-BOAC from London en route to Australia, where he will visit the Australian equivalent of th P Corporation.
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  • 20 4 The Governor has appointed Mr. F. R. Sabapathy and Mr. Noor Mohamed Assistant Controllers of Immigration.
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  • 220 4 THE use of dachings for weighing by stallholders A in Municipal markets may be abolished if a proposal before the Singapore Health Committee is accepted with the object of preventing short oi false weights to customers. The Health Committee ha* agreed, before further discussion
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  • 158 4 SINGAPORE pro-Nationalist Chinese youths have rejected a proposal from the Anti-Russia and Anti-Communist China Union in Formosa to form a branch of the Union in the Colony. The proposal was made In letters by Chinese youth leaders in Taipeh to the youths In Singapore and the
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  • 64 4 From Our S'aft Correspondent PENANG. Mon. rE Penans municipal team to receive instruction in BCG vaccination started training: today under the Danish expert. Dr. A. Buu.s-Han.sen. and two nurses. Sister Agnete Karlsen and Sister Kirsten Edborg. The municipal tram is under the Assistant Health Officer,
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  • 36 4 General Sir John Harding, Commander-in-Chief, Far East Land Forces, left Singapore yesterday for Hong Kong on a routine visited This is Sir John's last visit to Hong Kong before he hands over his command
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  • 46 4 From Oar Own Correspondent. JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Kah Heng Chee. awaiting trial on a 'charge of possessing chandu and his bailor failed to attend the Police Court today. The Magistrate ordered that a notice be served on the bailor to show cause.
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  • 28 4 From Oar Own Correspondent. T LUANG, Mon.— For having not registered his bicycle, a 54-year-old Chinese of Jalan Merslng was fined $3 by the Circuit Magistrate.
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  • 68 4 SPORE DOUBLE WEDDING A doable wedding ceremony was carried oat in the Lloyd Road home of Mr. Mohamed Alkaff, Singapore Arab businessman. «a Sunday night. Pictures show (left): Syed Sheikh bin Mohamed Alkaff son of Mr. Alkaff. »nd his bride Miss Aminah binte Harun Aljuneid; and (right) Syed Ahmad bin
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  • 54 4 A soldier James P. Bark, of the R.A.S.C. was sentenced by the Singapore Second Police Magistrate. Mr. R. B. I. Pates, yesterday to six months' rigorous imprisonment. Bark pleaded guilty to stealing a Jacket and criminal breach of trust of a watch. The jacket and the watch were
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  • 50 4 LORRY OFFENCE From Our Own Correspondent. JOHORE BAHRU, Mon.— Tan Boo Keng, assistant manager. Cast Coast Transport Company, Batu Pahat, was fined $70 at Johore Bahru today for allowing a lorry to carry an excess weight of 7 cwt. He pleaded that a clerk made a mistake in the weighing.
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  • 42 4 A 54-year-old Indian, Velio Thevar, was committed to the Assizes by the Singapore Second Police Magistrate, Mr. R. B. I. Pates, yesterday on a charge of having 66 rounds of ammunition at the Canberra Gates, Naval Base, on April 3.
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  • 167 4 lyiß. P. M. Williams, secretary of the proposed iTX Singapore Tenants' Association said yesterday that proposed amendments to the Rent Control Ordinance were a new move to tax the poor for the benefit of the rich. He said that any increase in rent, without
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  • 102 4 From Oar Own Correspondent. BUKTT MERTAJAM, Moti. —Mr. S. T. Stewart, chairman of the Province Wellesley Rural Board and District Officer, Butterworth, will be leaving early next month on a trip to the United Kingdom sponsored by the British Council. Mr. Stewart, who is a
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  • 139 4 Changi joint sewage scheme T'HE 2,000 residents of Changi village may get a water-borne sewage system if a proposal made by the R.A.F. to the Singapore Rural Board is accepted. The proposal is to participate equally in an RAT. sewage disposal works at Changi. The Board has accepted In principle
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  • 218 4 Bandits kill 2 specials in Johore From Our Own Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. TWO special constables and a Chinese civilian were killed by bandits yesterday while travelling on an estate lorry in the JOHORE area They were special constables Hamzah bin Sudin and All bin Mansoor and Man You. an
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  • 92 4 V'EW proposals to enable the Singapore Fisheries Department to operate on a 24hour basis are being submitted to the Qovernment, Mr. T. W. Burdon. Deputy The proposals will Include a request for Increased strength In staff such as inspectors and port clearance clerks. The Increase in staff
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 824 4 V. V V V Peace of Mind r erH/EMORRHOIDS h cannot be too widely known that .Ih.i distressing condition of locally distended veins (often called Piles) CAN 'be promptly relieved. The weU-tned [preparation. ManZan. 1b specially com. 'pounded to quickly relieve the do'comfort of haimorrnoids. ManZan first e»se> the pa
      824 words
    • 298 4 STOP A COLD BEFORE IT STOPS YOUi LISTERINE rj^ W ANTISEPTIC mM^K I At the very first symptom of a cold, gargle LISTERINE Antiseptic, full strength. LISTERINE Antiseptic OT, I readies way back on throat surfaces co kill millions of germs associated with colds and sore throats. Use the sensible
      298 words

  • 291 5 'Malaya has helped Britain to close dollar gap MR. Leslie C. Gamage, vice-chairman of the General Electric Company, said in Singapore last night that enterprise, skill, and "plain guts" are the main factors in Britain's present economy recovery. Speaking to a gathering of businessmen in the Capitol Blue Room, he
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  • 110 5 BASIC training in atomic first aid is being given to members of the St. John Am- bulance Brigade at a special college in Sunningdale, Berkshire, it was revealed in Singapore yesterday by the Hon. Mrs. Leslie Gamage, Commander of the Order. "I am going to
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  • 26 5 A military lorry caught fire whiile travelling along Upper Serangoon Road last night. The fire was put out before it could do any damage.
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  • 163 5 AN open finding was returned yesterday by A Singapore Coroner, Mr. E. Ebert, on 15-year-old Veerathiram, who was shot on the first day of the December riots when the Military fired on rioters at the Junction of Rangoon Road and Serangoon Road. Mr. Ebert
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  • 33 5 Two smaJl lallang fires broke out yesterday afternoon—one in St. Heller Avenue and the other at the 13th milestone Chua Chu Kang Road. They were put out within a few minutes.
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  • 14 5 From Our Own Correspondent PENANO, Mon.—A 50-year- ,1.1-W riunn* r^^M. Vln
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  • 97 5 Crash kills military policeman from Oar Stall Correspondent IPOH, Mop. I ANCE-Cpl. Peter Elliott, aged 20, of the Military Police, was killed in a crash between his niotorrycle and a lorry today at t^e jur.ction of Thompson and Gopeng roads, Ipoh. In his pocket was an unopened letter from his
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  • 91 5 SINGAPORE ART SOCIETY, exhibition of works of local artists. British Council Hall, Stamford Road, 9 a.m. to 5.30 ojn. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Victoria Memorial Hall, 10 a.m. Y.W.C.A., Raffles Quay, Mandarin class, 10.30 a.m., ballroom dancing, 5 p.m. YJH.C.A.. Orchard Road, Adult Education Council t«a party for Professor Shearman,
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  • 134 5 From Our Own Correspondent TELUK ANSON. Monday. 'PHI-: Teluk Anson busmen's dispute was settled A today. Their 14-day notice of resignation, sent to the directors of the Hup Soon Omnibus Company last Monday, has been withdrawn. A meeting, at Teluk Anson police office, was
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  • 89 5 REPRESENTATIVES of Chinese schools' directors and principals at a joint meeting over the week-end decided to utilize Governments Increased grant-in-aid. solely for the purpose of Improving teachers' salaries. This will include English teachers in Chinese schools, although they are paid on Government rates. The Chinese Schools
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  • 69 5 Frjm Oui StaB Corre*pondent MALACCA, Mon— Because the world had forgotten God, it had nothing to offer except misery and unhappiness to many, said Mr. C. P. Gomes. Settlement Councillor, at a party in his honour last night. The Bishop of Malacca, the Right Rev Oclomendy,
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  • 44 5 Tamil writers in Singapore are to form their own association which will be known as the Tamil Journalist Kazakam (Association). Mr. Thlrunavukkarasu of the Tamil Murasu was elected president of a tentative committee at a meeting; held over the week-end
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  • 34 5 During the first week of the eight -week Electoral Registration period in Singapore, 654 people registered as Legislative Council voters and 389 as Municipal Commission voters it was officially announced last night.
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  • 24 5 Mr. J. O. Aspinall has returned from leave and resumed his appointment as a member of the Rent Conciliation Board. Singapore.
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  • 87 5 MR. LESLIE GAMAGE, vice-chairman and managing director of the General Electric Company, speaking at the dinner given in his honour last night by the Singapore office of G.E.C. in the Capitol Blue Room. Picture shows from left: Mr. Andrew Gilmour Mr. Gamage. Mr. P. H. Steed and
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  • 165 5 CHARITY BEGINS IN MALAYA Indians told MR- R. Jumabhoy, president of the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce, yesterday supported the advice of the Indian Deputy Finance Minister, Mr. Mahavir Tyagi, in New Delhi on Sunday, to Indians in Malaya to be more charitable. Mr. Tyagi said that rich Indian businessmen
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  • 76 5 The following; passed the Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants examination held in Singapore last December: Intermediate: J. Boon Ang Yong. D. P. L. Chan. Hing Cheng Ming, Leong Ang Teck, Ng Soo Peng, R. Quahe, R. E Sassoon. K. B Subbiah. Tan Choon Chye. Tham Chong
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  • 42 5 The Liberty Musical and Dramatic Association held a dinner last night at the Tai Tong restaurant, New World, in honour of Dato C.J. Paglar, one of the patrons of the Association, who was recently elected to the Singapore Legislative Council.
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  • 48 5 Keng Tar was sentenced to a month's Imprisonment In Singapore First District Court yesterday for having three opium pipes at Hokkien Street. Singapore, on April 8. On a second charge elf having 29 leaf packets of opium, he was sent to prison for ten days.
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  • 36 5 An attap-roofed building which housed the Chin Seng Bee noodle factory In Soon Hock Road, off Thomson Road, was partially damaged by fire at noon yesterday. The fire was put out In 10 minutes.
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  • 125 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. TNCHE Hashtm Ohani. pre- sidecit of the Peninsular Malays Union, said today that he would write officially to Dato Onn bin Ja'afar. prcsldcent of the United Malays Na- He told the Straits Times that he was taking
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 100 5 1 *^^M^^^o^ All rhc family like Stork spread on im*ad or biscuits! And Stork is nourishing as well as tasty— it is made of the finest ingre- yr di >'iis and contains vitamins foi I^^^CwKyljfc^^. exit a energy and health. And V N P§^ /if don't forger Stork is grand
      100 words
    • 166 5 Quick De/iveries in this big capacity van increase your goo dm/// Extend your sphere of operations with a speedy MORRIS 5 cwt. VAN. Easily adapted to the needs of many trades. Capacity 70 cubic feet with an additional 9 cubic feet beside J* driver. Short overall length. Full width opening
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  • 21 6 THB ENGAGEMENT between Albert Tan 800 Yam and Mary Sng Klat Neo has this day been dissolved by Mutual Consent
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  • 47 6 ALL who attended funeral sent wreatna condolences are thanked by children late Blbiana Longue. MR. MRS. 8. D. WIJENDRA thank all friends who sent wreaths, messagca of condolence, assisted with loan of cars 26th Night S p.m. to 0 p.m. Bnna by Bhlkus. 37th Dane Day.
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  • 54 6 ANZAC DAY the Australia A New Zealand Association Invite all thoae Interested to attend the Cenotaph Service on April 25th 1951: time of meeting 6.50 a.m. and Service wlB commence at 7 a.m. on arrival of HJt. The Governor of Singapore. Members of the R.A.A.F. St R.N.Z.A.F. Will provide
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  • 679 6 She jStante SSnus Singapore, Tues. Apr. 21. l'Jil. Malayan Paper Possibilities of making paper in Malaya are again being talked about, now that prices of all types of paper are higher than ever before and Government offices are receiving instructions reminiscent of 1941 for economy in the U9e cf paper.
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  • 410 6 Expectations that Mr. Aneurin Bevan's resignation from the British Cabinet may lead to a Parliamentary defeat for Labour, and hence a general election, are likely to be disappointed. While Mr. Bevan's resignation has no* made things any easier for Mr. Attlee. the breach is not
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  • 27 6 From Our Own Crretydeat TAIPING. Mon Talplng branch of the War Department Civilian SUIT Association yesterday appointed the following representatives to the first Delegates' Con-
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  • 1259 6 The Red canker in Penang Malaya under the Emergency— 34 fHE CommissionerGeneral, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, once said of the people of Penang: "I envy their leisurely way of living; their ability to rest and relax.*' He is right. Penang is a friendly, hospitable island which has retained its atmosphere of
    1,259 words
  • Man-in-the-street
    • 297 6 I READ in the Sunday Times last Sunday that the Income Tax Department was not being very iuccessful in recruiting accountants in the United Kingdom. May it not be that, among other reasons for the failure, the inquiries being made are confined to too narrow a channel? When I first
      297 words
    • 212 6 IN reply to the letter from 1 "Taxpayer" in your issue of today (Monday), headed "Mr. Laycock and the C.-0.," what I actually said last Thursday night was that I considered the Commissioner General cost us too much, and that most people considered three Governors were an
      212 words
    • 152 6 ■JR. John Laycock, in his m lecture last week to the members of the University of Malaya Historical Society on "Present-day politics in Singapore," is reported to have made observations which savour of a tendency to import communalism Into Singapore politics. He is reported to have said.
      152 words
    • 110 6 I WISH to refer to a report in the Straits Times of April 21 headed "Secret Witness Police Denial." It is reported that I said the reason for the secrecy was that publicity to his statement might attract conflicting evidence. What I did In fact say was
      110 words
  • 531 6 On the Margin Jungle Honey J AST week I mentioned th» collection of honey In th« Jungle. This Is dona at night* and it Is necessary to climb high up into the Jungle canopy in the darkness. Probably the only European who has ever had the nerve to perform this
    531 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 646 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. KINO. To B»rb*r«, wtf* Of Darid Kino on 90.4.81 In London, ton. OORDON SMITH. To Bale, wife of Dr. C. Oordon Smith, on Slnd Airil. 1M1, a ion. AlUtalr Oordon. JUMKAUX. At the bungtar HospiUl. Kutli Lumpur. On ?*n4 April It61 to Cecil M>d Violet, ft daughter. TAN—
      646 words
    • 30 6 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. Offering Complete Services essential to Eye Comfort Visual Efficiency. (1) VISUAL ANALYSIS &> VISUAL TRAINING (3) GLASSES IF NEEDED C S. CHONG, OPT. D. 19, CHULIA ST; S'PORL
      30 words
    • 75 6 AN ALLEN BURYS 9B PRODUCT J 1 Calcium deficiency Calcyiic TaMcta ara indicate* in all conditions in wfckh there it a aWfkieocy af calci«m, and when if it anticip.i"•4 rkar extra damanda will be made on the cakr.m raaarvaa. Calcydk TaMaN ara chocolate coated and presort cilclwin in a readily
      75 words

  • 663 7 No supervision in branch offices alleged JMIE Federation Court of Appeal which sat at Johore Bahru yesterday suspended two Singapore lawyers— described as "Mr. A" and "Mr. B" from practising at the Bar of the Federation for nine months and three months, respectively. The President of
    663 words
  • 43 7 PROFESSOR J. A. Prescott, leader of the Australian Colombo Plan Agricultural Mission to Pakistan, arrived In Singapore yesterday afternoon by QEA-BOAC. He is on his way to Australia after five weeks in the Punjab. Straits Time s picture.
    43 words
  • 233 7 MAN HID IN HIS SERVANT'S HOME ]L1R. Leopold D'Cotta, an elderly Eurasian, said in the Singapore Bupreme Court yesterday that he was bound, zagged, blindfolded and then robbed of his watch and jewellery by a gang of five Malays at Telok Mata Ikan during the December riots. Amed bin Chukery,
    233 words
  • 37 7 From Our Own Correspondent. JOHORE BAHRU, Mon For allowing an unmuzzled dog to be at large, Chup Seng, of Oeylang Patah, was fined $10 today at Johore Bahru. The dog bit a vegetable seller.
    37 words
  • 193 7 RULES governing the storage of cargoes in the Singapore Harbour Board warehouses have been amended to empower the Board to auction any goods stored in S.H.B. premises not cleared eight days after landing. These rules will be enforced from May 1. Announcement of
    193 words
  • 32 7 The 11-men May Day celebrations' committee headed b y Mr. M. P. D. Nair ACSU president, met last, night. Details of the arrangements are expected to be announced today.
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  • 604 7 AN appeal for an open trial and early release of A the University of Malaya students and graduates detained by the Police under the Emergency Regulations was made by Mr. L. S. Sodhy, president of the University of Malaya Students' Union last night. I He
    604 words
  • 151 7 PMU meeting to choose slogan rE Peninsular Malay Union wiH hold its first Congress on June 2 and 3 in Rembau. Negri Sembilan, to discuss a membership campaign and the adoption of a slogan. Inche Isa Zin. official representative of the PMU in Singapore, told the Straits Times last night
    151 words
  • 40 7 While on a Sunday stroll. Kuek Keng Hui. a shop assistant, walked into the Singapore Harbour Board area without a permit In the Singapore First District Court yesterday. Kuek pleaded guflty to unlawful entry and was fined $25.
    40 words
  • 47 7 Ang Ho Im was fined $250 by the Singapore First District Judge, Mr. H. E. Kingdon, yesterday after pleading guilty to having 490 leafpackets of prepared opium and an opium pipe in a tongkang in the outer roads of Singapore Harbour on Apr. Id
    47 words
  • 246 7 A YOUNG Chinese and his fiancee said at a preA liminary inquiry In Singapore yesterday that they were robbed of their identity cards in the Botanic Gardens, while celebrating Chinese New Year Committed to stand trial at the next Assizes on a charge of robbery were
    246 words
  • 76 7 PROBE ON PASSIVE POLICE rw\HE Singapore Police will JL inquire why two Traffic Police constables watched a brawl in an Orchard Road bar on Saturday night without making an immediate arrest. Commenting on statements by witnesses of the fight, during which five men were Injured and damage estimated at $1,000
    76 words
  • 159 7 From Our Staff Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. THE rubber boom has doubl- ed the number of people who want to go to Mecca. Nearly 7,000 have, so far notified the authorities of their intention to join the pilgrimage. The Federation Government has made representa- this
    159 words
  • 54 7 THE president and committee of the St. George's Society of Singapore yesterday—St. George's Day laid a wreath of roses, depicting the flag of St. George, on the Cenotaph. Picture shows Mr. P. F. Kinsey. the president carrying the wreath, with com-. mittee members lined up behind
    54 words
  • 156 7 TRIBUTE TO WAR DEAD O-NGAPORE S multitude of workers were hurrying to their daily toll at 8.30 a.m. yesterday while a group of men stood silentfly before the Cenotaph and one stepped forward to lay a flag-shaped wreath on the plinth. The flag, a cross of red roses on a
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  • 101 7 CANON R. K. S. Adams, spoke on "bad citizenship" at a special St. George's Day service for Boy Scouts in St. Andrew's Cathdral yesterday. "How many scruples have the business people got?, you may ask. W e have to fight to keep prices fair, while many pday
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  • 261 7 COUNCILLORS TO DEBATE CUT IN THEIR PAY gINGAPORE Legislative Council will (his morning debate a motion by Mr. N. A. Mallal (Progressive, City) to reduce to $250 the $566 a month payable to Un officials. Mr. Mallal's notice of motion, originally filed with the Clerk of Councils on April 16,
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  • 70 7 •THE RAJVs No. 2 Regional Band will put on a shoy on Singapore Padang this evening at 5.15. The Governor will be present. The band has been touring the Far East Air Command area, and tonight's performance will be its official farewell to Singapore. On 'Thursday and
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  • 50 7 For assisting in the management of a chap-Ji-kee lottery at Weld Road, Singapore, on Apr. 15, a woman, Llm Ah Peng, 55, was fined $500 or two months' simple imprisonment in the Second Police Court yesterday. A sum of $36.70 seized was confiscated for the Police Reward Fund.
    50 words
  • 217 7 TWO pictures on display at the Singapore Art Society exhibitIon at the British Council Hall are thr works of freckle-faced 14-year-old John Riches who has never had a painting- lesson in his life. His left arm is disabled. The young artist's works were submitted t<> the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 3 7 m. FOUNMTKtN^Jmc^ea^(fantzen GIRDLES
      3 words
    • 49 7 I mated it an occadjon Its going to be a C§l Great Day for YOU? yfct> A day to remember, happy »§»M and thrilling ftfl made possible with Lanson Champagne 1 Qt. Black Label Lanson $19.50 1 PL Black Label Lanson $10.00 1 Qt. Lanson Vintage $21.00 £Lt ROBINSONS
      49 words

  • 291 8 'But the public must help by reporting shops 9 piFTY leading: Colony importers, who are repre- sented by the three Chambers of Commerce Chinese, European and Indian have sent in fair prices for commodities to the Food Control Department. Although Government food inspectors would check
    291 words
  • 105 8 SHOT 'TEC ROUTS GUNMAN From Our Staff Correspondent. IPOH, Mon. 'A FTER being shot in th« Chemor market at Ipoh at about 8 a.m. today a 25-year-old detective, Cheah Soo Kinn?. fought bark and drove off his assailant before collapsing ill was walking through th? market when he was hailed
    105 words
  • 127 8 T.:K tnnuftl overhaul of a boiler at St. Jamei' Power B1 ttion and repairs, necessitated by continuous use, v r't. 1 he mrin reasons for the m. series of blackouts in Si 'V. a pore. The acting Municipal Electriil Engineer. Mr. R. A. Waddle, explained why.
    127 words
  • 22 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon fln.»d $4 in the Police Court Ho Hock Hye. a cyclist, was tndnv for colliding wiih a
    22 words
  • 122 8 Club seeks aid from rubber men THE hope that with the support of "prosperous rubber merchants." the Penang Chinese Swimming Club would soon be abte tn pp* ai new buildi"" modern 000 l was expressed yesterday by Mr. Chee Tlanj? Sen*, a past president. Addressing a special meeting. Mr. Chee
    122 words
  • 82 8 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRL. Monday. ONN bin Mohd Diah, a 10-year-old schoolboy of Kampong Kelantan. Kota TinKffi. was swimming: with two companions in the Johore River when he was seized by a crocodile. As soon as the alarm was raised, a search for his
    82 words
  • 107 8 SACRIFICING their Sunday leave, the Army Embarkation Unit under Lt.-Col. A. E. Saunders, and lore than 200 contract labourers removed more han 600 tons of military stores from Singapore Harbour Board godowns in an effort to alleviate the present congestion. "We will continue doing without
    107 words
  • 143 8 From Our Staff Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. \|R JUSTICE Wilson today 1*1 disagreed with the assessors and ordered a retrial in a case in which a Malay labourer. Osman Din Jantan was charged with the murder of an 11-year-old boy. Lee Kow. A Eurasian assessor said he
    143 words
  • 91 8 The acting Consul-General for the Netherlands in Singapore. Mr. J. van der Gaag will lay a wreath on the Connaught Drive Cenotaph at 7.30 on the morning of May 4. the day on which the Dutch commemorate the Dutch and AlMed dead in World War II. The
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  • 52 8 One hundred Malay Scouts gathered at Kota Rajah Malay Boys' School In Singapore yesterday re-affirmed their Scout pledge in observance of St. George's Day. Led by Assistant County Commissioner Dato Syed A. M. AlsagofT. the Scouts pledged themselves to better Scouting, and to the Glory
    52 words
  • 33 8 Pleading guilty to failing to produce his Identity card, Brtgnath Sharma told the Singapore First District Judge yesterday that he had lost the card in India. He was fined $10.
    33 words
  • 88 8 THE death house in Kim Pong Road, Tiong B.ihru. Singapore, will be ready early next month for use by members and their families. Mr. Pwee Sye Chow, secretary of the Tiong Bahru Community Centre, said last night. This house can be used as a place
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  • 80 8 The Australian Trade Commissioner in Singapore. Mr. James Payne, will talk on "Through Persia to Turkey" to members of the Far East branch of the Overseas League at the Capitol Blue Room when they meet for their monthly lunch gathering on Thursday. Members can
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  • 65 8 WIND HELD HIS BOAT— FINED A strong wind kept his boat from leaving a curfew area in the Straits of Johore in time, Ng Lee Swee, master of the vessel, told the Singapore First District Judge yesterday. Ng was with six fishermen In the boat when arrested. All pleaded guilty
    65 words
  • 148 8 jYJOTOR cars will, be in short supply— because of the ever growing needs of defence programmes. This was revealed yesterday by Mr. R. A Scruton, assistant managing director of Ford Motor Company of Malaya, on his return to Singapore. Mr. Scruton arrived at Kallang yesterday
    148 words
  • 28 8 MRS. K. C. TAN. pictured checking, the Straits Times' fair price list with the prices of goods at Tiong Bahru. yesterday.— Strai ts Times picture.
    UP  -  28 words
  • 212 8 NO SLUR ON HER LOYALTY IN reply to a letter in the Straits Times in connection with the Indian national colours on the border of her sari at the opening of the Legislative Council last week, Mrs. Vilasini Menon said yesterday that the wearing of the colours casts no reflections
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  • 44 8 A 44-year-old Indian Muslim. Abdud Rahim bin Abdul Wahab was tentatively charged in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday with the murder of a Chinese girl. Lee Yuet Kwai. at Colombo Court. Singapore last Saturday night. He was remanded until April 30.
    44 words
  • 44 8 Bail of $10,000 in two sureties each until June 19 was granted in the Singapore First District Court yesterday to Lim Tian Seng and Ang Cheng Poey. They i .aimed trial to having 13 '/2/ 2 lb. of opium In a motor-sampan.
    44 words
  • 26 8 Chan Kin Choy, 22, was fined $10 in the Singapore First District Court yesterday after pleading guilty to refusing to produce his identity card.
    26 words
  • 30 8 nELEOATES of Singapore trade unions will mtet to attend a meeting of the International Confederation Fraa TYorfa TTrtiAna In I representatives' expenses. The I.C.F.T.U. had express-
    30 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 131 8 Everyone is talking about "MACNOLIA" LONC LIFE WITH YOCHOURT! YOCHOURT! Popular fancy kti ctught en" to Magnolia Yoghoyrt! I* been proved that in tome part* of Europe, where the main diet coniiit* In response to many requests w« are now producing this world- fjm^us fermented milk Health-giving food, a long
      131 words
    • 216 8 'Jjtei The Burden System milking equipment, scientific 1 Y^vSr\ '>' Quality Control processing and packing, and] v protect! KLIM milk tontinunui laboratory analyses through every stage of produc- for purity; all safeguard the I tion— from dairy to your home. superior quality and healthful*) Rigid supervision of cows and ness
      216 words

  • 691 9  -  MOTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA By NURSE JANET A MOTHER writes saying that her four months old baby has repeated prickly heat rashes, in spite of all her efforts at cleanliness and hygiene. In the tropics like so many things this particular trouble Is ever with
    691 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 9 Winner of this week's $5 Bonniest Baby prize is Lena Khaw Siew Tin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Khaw Eng Chin, of the Government English School, Batu Pahat. Lena was photographed when she was six and half months old.
    39 words
  • 48 9 THE DESIGNER calls it a "beach sarong'— and who are we to argue Though when pretty Tessa Prendergast of Jamaica walked thro ugh the streets of London in it during a fashion show any Malayans watching vcould have trouble in rec wniHng it.
    48 words
  • 531 9 itVtKAL readers have asked how soy (soya bean) sauce is made, and say that in Europe they have great trouble in obtaining it. Since soy sauce adds much to both the colour and flavour of Chinese cooking, here is Esther Chan's way of making soy
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  • 501 9 FROM AN ESTATE BUNGALOW HOG stories can oe u tremendously boring, especially when the owners (myself included) relate how clever their animals are when the said dogs are probably only doing what millions of dogs have done for centuries. However. I did hear a rather
    501 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 92 9 4 JL^^^^^^JnWkL.-i: St £jP Baby Ch'ng Teck Huat Kj||jpß6F FOR THE WORLD'S BABIES Baby Teck Huat is happy as the day is long ond why shouldn't he be when he is brimming with health and vitality. And so it [is with babies the world over who have been fed on
      92 words
    • 165 9 SIS' it's the loveliest finish to > bath, that soft cool shmoer of u.j kindest powder in the world BABY^fPOWCER THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED 3 51. CAN TASTE 1 THE CREAM/ sole distributors: SIME, DARBY CAD. 10 1 Health and energy are iipia secrets of success. Build Hh S Jf
      165 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 275 9 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD i I I i j. j 11. Immediate division ol time I^2 3 4 5 |H 7 f I I > 12. Transport (7). S§?| j W fc§ SH Hlj 14. Pepys'B or Evelyn's (3). SS^. SSs. iSfc. BBSk sa^ >a>^ 9)< 9 §H 19 I drew
      275 words

  • 750 10  - THE JAPANESE ARE FRIGHTENED By WILLIAM JORDEN SAPPORO, Hokkaido. rpHE people of this Japanese Island— northern-most of the rocky chain are afraid. At the same time, its approximately 4,000,000 inhabitants seem confident their future holds more prosperity than they have ever known There are good reasons foi these paradoxical emotions.
    750 words
  • 200 10 MfHY do some cows T look round with that evil glint in their eyes just as the milk reaches the top of the pail and send the whole thing flying with one kick? Because, say American, scientific researchers, they are pyschologically maladjusted. Two
    200 words
  • Article, Illustration
    47 10 THIS violin and mandolin were each made out of 15,000 matches by Jack Hall of Brighton. They will be shown in the Eccentrics Corner of the Lion and Unicorn Pavilion at the London Exhibition of the Festival of Britain. The burnt match-ends form patterns on the instruments.
    47 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 74 10 BRAND NEW! HITHERTO UNFILMED STORY of Mm £*rm OF MjAbM. the: Buccaneers PAUL HENREID STARTS TODAY 11 a.m.. 1.45. 4.00. 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. ON^STAGE Tomorrow Thursday at the 9.30 show only DISPLAY OF FENCING by the Singapore Fencing Club FROM TODAY 11 a.m.. 1.45. 4.00. 6.30 and 9.30 p.m.
      74 words
    • 14 10 c. c. c. Collect six of these coupons to join the Children's Corner Club.
      14 words
    • 219 10 I OPENING TODAY I 11 a.m.. 1.45. 4.15, 6.45 9.30 p.m. ZIII2 GREAT STAIK~~ m ill S in JOHN STEINBECK'S IMMORTAL STORY ABOUT WONDERFUL PEOPLE in S^jk^A^b MLmmmmt •__warn thursday^^* BE THERE with DETECTIVE VAN JOHNSON at the .^M -scmoFmcßfMr^m VRLENE DAHL GLORIA DE HAVEN &Q I AN M.G.M. PICTURE
      219 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 275 10 SINGAPORE PENANC "Commnowealth Survey"; 5.30 "London Studio Concerts"; 6 In10 a.m. from K.L.; 10.10 10 a.m. News from K.L.; 1—2 nr h n p.m. As S'pore; 6 Donald Voor- donesian; 6.30 Cantonese; 6.45 Close, 1 p.m. Radio Orch., 1.30 h Orch.: 6.30 Children; ..pi cture Parade" ('Odette')- 715 News;
      275 words

  • 284 11 LONDON. Mon rE recent upward moremerit in the London Stock Exchange was reversed today Sin* 11 losses became widespread in many sections ai political uncertainty ousted inflation hedge buying, following the resignation ol Britain's Minister of Labour. Closing middle prices of selected stocka, as supplied to tne StraiU
    284 words
  • 213 11 Slight price rise in day of little business i > From A Market Correspondent j THE Singapore rubber market was dull and feature- less yesterday, with only a little business passing. There was a small rise In price, however. 1 At tte steady quiet clom. first-grade for May
    213 words
  • 74 11 From A Market Correspondent. TELAPANO Tin Dredging worked J 22.97 acres and made £59.341 (49.5 per cent) in 1950. This should leave approximately 17 acres remaining to be dredged. Net liquid assets in balance sheet totalled £196.686, excluding provision for repayment, after receipt of 60 per cent
    74 words
  • 41 11 SINGAFORE. Mon.. Apr. U ISM (down 115.75.) £1,140 a ton in LofMkrn LONDON. April 23.— Cash Bayers £M4t. Sellers £1459; Forward Buyers £1,12 v Sellers £1,125: Settlement £I,IM (down £5). TnrnoTers: a.m 55 tans, p.m. 65 tons.
    41 words
  • 143 11 From A Market Correspondent. fHE copra section of the Singapore prodnee market yesterday was dull and only sllgh lv better than on Saturday. There were buyers for May copra at $50 and for June at $50 Vi the picul. Coconut oil was also dull, with prices unchanged.
    143 words
  • 197 11 CHIPS In the Singapqre Roads and alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns at 4 pjn. yesterday were: Outer Roads: Hal Hsuan. Maxwell Brander. Rondo, Sibercet, Baud. Salte 53. Bradeverett, Norvest, Nordhval, La Carmela. Celebes. Kola Van Heutss, Salte 52, Migalohori, Oleniffer, Chong Ya, Everagra,
    197 words
  • 230 11 Optimism general 'THE Malayan share market opened the week on very optimistic note yesterday. Numerous price rises were recorded throughout the list. Price changes announced by the Malayan SharebrofcW Association, were: B«}MS Gammons 3.35 H. Colte. 113) MeAnxten 33. M RafffesHottl 2.75 Robinson ft Co. Ord t *tock
    230 words
  • 32 11 IT MON Insurance Society of U Canton director* recommend payment of a dividend of 355. per share In respect of 1950. Meeting in Hong Kong May 24.
    32 words
  • 58 11 LARUT Tin Field! operated two dredges In the year to Dec. 31, 1950. and earned £183,953 (61.3 per cent), from which dividends amounting to 2s less tax (40 per cent) per share were paid. Met liquid assets in balance sheet work out at £378,095. or «s 3V4d
    58 words
  • 35 11 HONG KONO. Mon. FREE market currency exchange tot Hoag Kong dollars was quoted at the close today as follows: US$l HKS6.I3H (cash); HK*6.l«% (T): £1 HBC»15J0; one tahll of g<dd HK*322— U J.
    35 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1343 11 MANsratxD co^ (incorporated in Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LIMB Corner s ap*M» to vta ether ports te lead and eracharae sane. SAILINCS te LIVIRPOOL. CIASCOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTi Out baits Pi hem Parang Ajr.madon roi Liverpool Aar. 30 May 10 Aeneas lor Liverpool. Dab in b Glasgow Mat I May
      1,343 words
    • 798 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS EAST ASIATIC LINE mmm^mmsmm »n«««v» SAILINCS FROM SCANDI NAVI A UK /CONTINENT: Te New York and Boston v hi Ceyton. India, Egypt aad ipore P. Stum Parang Mediterranean Ports. "Nordhval" for Bangkok C 8/9 "PRIS ARTHUR" J2TS/24 ''iS^t^'rJSl^!!.^. 4-6 Ma, 1- 3 Ma, 2y-3O Apr. TU Caas.
      798 words
    • 795 11 McALISTER <c CO., LTD. Telephone Ne. 5906. ELLCHMAM «k UUCKNALL KLATENBSO LINE LONDON. HAVM. rOTTWO*M LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO, •a.*. lIaJHSSFm*** Port, r tTLAMD SIATT VANCOUVrt and Canada via Colombo Accepting cargo «ot Central 6 South American Ports sa CITY Of CHICACO c c «.i. SUNNTVILLE Spore P Sham Penana
      795 words

  • 313 12 But 1-0 win was unconvincing t> O.D. Civilian Association, collecting two points from a one-nil victory over lowly-placed Chinese Casuals at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, moved into second place behind Pulau Brani with 12 points from nine games in the Senior Division of the
    313 words
  • 127 12 U.K. counties to develop young talent LONDON, Mon. LONG-TERM policies with ihe stress on team building for the future, are being adopted by many of the English county cricket clubs. Youth is to be given every encouragement and though few counties hope to win the championship this season, which start*
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 39 12 In a S.A.F.A. Division 3B league :ame played on the C.V.M.A. eround yesterday. Royal Navy beat Customs S.C. two-one. Scorers for the Navy were Sexton and McMullen while AH scored the solitary goal for the Customs.
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  • 19 12 TODAY: 12.37 pm (8.5); 6.04 am (0.2); 6.13 pm (2.9). TOMORROW: 1.08 pm (9 2)1.24 am (8.1).
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  • 296 12 By EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. DILLDAWS chief asset is his brilliant speed and in a helter-skelter scurry over s£f. on the sharp Kuala Lumpur course he will no doubt be in his element. And a soft surface will not bother him in the
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  • 43 12 RA.F. Tengah maintained their unbeaten record in the United Service Football League competition when they defeated RAF. Changi Lodger Units four-two at Changi yesterday. This was Tengah's sixth successive victory. Tengah are also undefeated in the S.A.F.A. Div. 2 league.
    43 words
  • 108 12 Massed-start race plan abandoned CINGAPORE Motor Club haa abandoned the idea of staging a massed-start road race because a suitable circuit has not been found. Instead the club will hold a hill-climb at the Gap, popular pre-war course, on May 13, said Mr. F. I. Storkey, honorary secretary of the
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  • 91 12 gINGAPORE Cold Storage played enterprising soccer to beat Guthries S.C. four-one in a Business House league "B" tie at Geylang yesterday. Guthries were first to score through Jaffar and held the lead until shortly before the interval when Balfour slammed in a fine pass from the
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  • 61 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.—Playing at Brickfields Road ground today, V.M.C.A. had themselvas to blame for not being able to take full points In their Third Division (South) soccer league match against Government Printing Dept., the game ending in a scoreless draw. The other third division game at Sentul between
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 12 BERT WILLIAMS. England' s goalkeeper, punches the bal I away from a corner kick in the international soccer ram c v Scotland at London's We mbley Stadium on April 14. Scotland won three-two. Renter photo.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 278 12 LONDON, Mon. JPIGHT performances have been recognised as world records by the International Amateur Athletic Federation. They are: MEN'S EVENTS 400 metres in 45.8sec. by V. G Rhoden (U.S.) in Eskilstuna (Sweden) in Aug. 22, 1950 (former record 45.9 sees, by Herb McKinley of Jamaica).
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  • 140 12 From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Mon. TN his farewell appearance, A Malayan Thomas Cup player Ooi Teik Hock was matched against hard-hitting team-mate Lee Hoo Chye in a singles exhibition game which produced spectacular badminton at the Chinese High School court last night. Teik Hock's
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  • 126 12 From Oar Staff Correspondent. IPOH, Mon. Tt/f AJOR W. K. Hedley of Talping, who captained Eton several years ago and also played for Eton Ramblers, gave a polished batting display to top score with 45 In a friendly cricket game played on the padang
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  • 97 12 From Our Sports Correspondent. IPOH, Mon.— The sdfcond incident in Ipoh League soccer occurred this evening in a First Division game between Kinta Indians and Tamillans when the Tamils' outside left, Marathamuthu, was ordered off by the referee midway in the second half. The game which was
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  • 45 12 PALERMO, Mon! Pellcteimo Ampon and Miss Shirley Pry repeated their Rome tournament success when they won the mixed doubles at the Palermo international lawn tennis tournament yesterday. They beat America's Miss Beverley Baker and Hal Burrows in the final 6-4, 6-2. Reuter
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  • 255 12 LONDON. Mon. ALTHOUGH British riders are not expected to compete in the Wembley six days cycle race at the Empire Pool, Wembley, from midnight May 27 until June 2, the popularity of this type of event for spectators has been emphasised by the ticket applications
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  • 450 12 TO MEET WEST INDIAN CHALLENGE From LYALL ROWE MELBOURNE, Monday. AUSTRALIAN cricket is at the crossroads. The indifferent showing of its Test team in the recently completed Test series against England has caused some critics here to say Australia's world supremacy in post-war cricket has
    Reuter  -  450 words
  • 81 12 ALEXANDRIA, Mon.— Hassan Hassanein, who played In Britain tournament* last year, retained his title of Egyptian open golf champion yesterday with record low aggregate of 27S for the event. Norman Von Nlda, Australia's open champion, who challenged for the honours, finished second with 386 although be
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 70 12 The Enfleld Century 100-laps grass track race will be held on the Singapore Indian Association ground. Balestler road, at 4.45 p.m. on Friday. The event carries a trophy presented by Enfleld Cycle Co., Ltd. Dato C. J. Paglar, President of the Cosmopolitan Cycling Club, has put
    70 words
  • 357 12 Holm changes h is tactics, takes set off Wong COPENHAGEN, Monday. DOUL HOLM (Denmark) last night took the first L set off All-England and Malayan champion Wong Peng Soon 17—15 and was leading 6—l6 1 in the second before Wong changed his racket and rallied to win. 15 12 Wong
    357 words
  • 50 12 SOCCER: S.A.F.A. Dlv. 1. Pulau Brani t SJt.C. Jalan Besar. Dlt. 2, Indonesia 'A* t IJt.C. 'A'— 8.0.D.C.A. ground. Div. SA, Spore C.B.A. t. C.V.M.A. (P.M)—Oeylang stadium. BUSINESS HOUSES LGE.: M.P.H. t. Hongkong Bank Breweries ground; Sime Darby t. Stanvac Padang. SERVICES LEAGUE: R.N.A.S. t R.A.F. (M.U.)— Sembawang.
    50 words
  • Article, Illustration
    57 12 KING KONG, the Hungarian wrestler, shouts defiantly at a section of the crowd who hurled chairs, stones and bottles at him after he had knocked out Charlie Carnage for the latter's Australian heavyweight title and belt at Penang's New World Stadium on Saturday night. Gamage failed to answer the bell
    57 words
  • 42 12 Results of last night's ln.erschool table-tennis championships In the Great World are: St. Anthony's School beat St. Joseph's Institution 9-0; St. Andrew's School "A" beat Chin<~s3 High School "B" 9-0; Chinese HiRh School "A" beat St. Andrew's "B" 5-4.
    42 words
  • 48 12 The team to represent the Indian Recreation Club In a soccer match against the Combined Schools, at the R.I. ground tomorrow, will be selected from: Narayanan, Muthlah. Nadarajah. Paul. Layman, Rasld, KrLshnan, Salahudln, Bala, Thlagarjah, Carol, S. Perrie, Veloo, Osman, Param, Ally, Kasslm, Ganesan, Gannl.
    48 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 791 12 U.ASSIKIEii ADS. i Continued trom Page 6> slITATIONS VACANT I miikm ti.OA«l;l\.J ei BUC \rPOINTlMENTS M.*»>»' «IHK to (mi >i\> 4»\» rwo.-r»(it e tKQUIKCD immediately one or two experienced Accounts Clerks. Must be able to type. personally. Manager Whitef lit MION.x WANTED APPOINTMENTS WANTED: Planter 23 years experience Ceylon Excellent
      791 words
    • 196 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from previous Col.) VEHICLE FOR SALE 1950 FORD Custom 6.000 miles: Fitted Radio, Plastic Covers. Condition perfect. $7,500 or nearest offer. Apply Box A5104, S.T. 1950 MORRIS Oxford black 14,000 miles perfect condition, comprehensive ins. to March '52. First offer above $5150 secures. Box No. A5124. S.T.
      196 words
    • 147 12 Wat c/ies iffi^^^Z^TW Quality f^^\^±^^^ CHUN CHONG 53. South Bridge Rd., W fc^ Ul^^wf SINGAPORE U iV. y\Y^X^/ ELECTION "ADLER" NEEDLES «S?^'vl 9Q&3 USE 0M ANY 'M:w pV'7 type of Iplrlj ffl-f FAMILY lli&#i£L uL sewing W***^^^^/ MACHINES. (Made in Germany) "ADLER" NEEDLES ARE THE BEST Wholesale Retail CHEONG LEE
      147 words