The Straits Times, 21 April 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 307 1 CHIEFS OF STAFF 'BACKED SACKING' Defence Dept. reply to Mac A WASHINGTON, Friday. fHE Defence Department said last night that President Truman removed General MacArthur "on the unanimous recommendations of the President's principal civilian and military advisers, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff." This was the military's reply to General
    Reuter  -  307 words
  • 111 1 SIKHS GREET LEADER MORE than 100 members of "I the Sikh community In Singapore —men, women and children—met their relisious leader. Santa Harnam Singh, at Kallang Airport last night. He arrived in Singapore from P^ngkok by Cathay Pacific Airways, with a party of five, and will stay in the Crlonv
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  • 47 1 MiLEOURNE. Fri. Young Eritish recruits to the Australian army who arrived recently, pay Australian army life is be'ter than "civvy" street in Britain. The r.verage age of the 110 recruit*—mostly Scotsmen Is 21. They will get 7.10s a week, plus food, clothing LAd sV>;;er.—Reuter.
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  • 28 1 WASHINGTON. Fri.—Several hundred war brides have h??n admitted to the U.S. since Congress last month relaxed the be i against former member* of alien "totalitarian" organisations.—A.P.
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  • 123 1 LONDON, Frl. THE United States, aware that Britain's naval pride was hurt when an American admiral was named as the Atlantic commander, is reported to have agreed that a Briton should get the tcp Mediterranean post. His job will be to ensure the security of
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  • 41 1 BOMBAY. FrI. FOUR gunmen escaped with several hundred thousand rupees belonging to Lloyds Bank in Bombay today, after killing one person and wounding four The hold-up took place In the heart of the city at Hornby Roao.
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  • 111 1 LONDON, Friday. OADLY hit by higher prices, Britain paid 30% more "money for only 5% more imports in the first quarter of this year, compared with last year's average, according to official figures issued today. As some compensation she received in turn 7% more 17
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  • 91 1 DURBAN. Fri. MR. Manilai Gandhi this morning completed his 14-day fast in protest against the South African Government's racial legislation. After prayers at his cottage near Durban which were attended by about 150 people. Mr. Gandhi took a glass of fruit juice from his daughter. Sita.
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  • 57 1 MOBILE, Alabama, Fri. TWO tankers collided In the Gulf of Mexico today. One was left burning and the other was believed to have "gone down with all hands," the coastguards reported. The vessel on fire was tentatively identif ed as the Suez (17,061 tons). The number
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  • 64 1 MR. E. 11. WILSON, Principal of Raffles Institution at the farewell dinner given in his honour. Pictured are (from left to right): Miss Ena AerU, Mr. R. E. Bomford, Mrs. Tan f noon Seng, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. C. J. Poh, Professor A. Oppenheim, Mrs. Bomford, Mrs. K. M.
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  • 103 1 BLACKOUT HELD UP DINNER riOR nearly two hours, Old r Rafflesians sat through a Municipal blackout before beginning their farewell dinner last night to Messrs. E. H. Wilson and K. M. R. Menon. Principal and VicePrincipal of Raffles Institution. A two and a quarter hour blackout In the area held
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  • 15 1 MELBOURNE, Fri—Dentists here will double their fees soon because of Increased costs. AP.
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  • 29 1 MADRID, Fri. Six thousand workers were idle today at 27 miles at Manressa, textile town near Barcelona, where a lockout has followed a "folded arms" strike. Rev-
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  • 117 1 COLOMBO. Fri. "THE president of the Cey-lon-India Congress, Mr. Kalimuthu Rajalingam. today said it could not be conceded that every country was entitled to choose the composition of its citizens without reference to human needs. "A country like Australia which constitutes a continent
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  • 260 1 BRITAIN S NEW RIFLE LONDON, Friday. BRITAIN is to equip her soldiers with a new automatic rifle which her military men believe will be the best in the world. This means that attempts to standardise the weapons and bullets of all the Atlantic Pact countries
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  • 33 1 MR. A. D. STUTCHMLKi. of the Economic Affairs Department, Singapore, who has been appointed Food Controller, Singapore, m addition to his own duties, m place of Mr. H. A. L. Luckham.
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  • 56 1 LONDON. Fri. A LONDON vicar, the Rev. Charles A. Roach, has given brides a recipe for a happy marriage. "Mix love, good looks and sweet temper into a wellfurnished house," he said in his church magazine "Add a dash of faults and selfforgetfulness. stir In poundfd
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  • 192 1 TOKYO, Friday. A "CONCENTRATED" 10-day offensive against Communist airfields in North Korea has been carried out by the U.S. Air Force, says a Communi- que today. The Air Force said 11 air strips, most of them in Western Korea, were subjected to 20 separate attacks
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  • 44 1 LONDON, Fri.—The Government scored an eight-vote victory over the Opposition fci the House of Commons last night. Conservatives protested against recent increases In postal and telephone charges amounting to £8,000,000 a year. The vote was 294 to 286 Reuter.
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  • 24 1 TAIPEH, Fri.—Nationalist agents reported today that the Communists were laying mines off the coast of southeast and south-west China, presumably as a safeguard
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  • 280 1 ONN TO GIVE UP UMNO LEADERSHIP From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. J)ATO Onn bin Ja'afar, president of the United Malays National Organisation, said in Kuala' Lumpur last night that he was going to give up the presidentship of UMNO in August. He told the Kuala Lumpur Malay newspaper
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  • 22 1 RANGOON, Fri—The Burmese Cabinet today rejected for the third time the Prime Minister, Thakin Nu's request for permission to resign.—A.P.
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  • 134 1 PORTSMOUTH, Fri. DOYAL Air Force planes equipped with special new magnetic devices were today i ordered into the English Channel search for the missing British submarine Affray. The Affray, with 75 men i aboard, vanished without trace south-west of the Isle of Wight on Monday
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  • 63 1 JOHANNESBURG, Fri.— One of the four newspapermen, charged with an alleged breach of the Official Secrets Act was discharged today. He Is Mr. E.B. Dawson, General Manager of the Johannesburg Sunday Times Syndicate. Charged with him were Mr. N.A.G. Caley, Editor, Mr. N.F.S. Dewdney, news editor,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 TO MEN l^tl 3390 \TAIHENGCO S COLE MAM ST 4ff& you/? a f* WATCH •tits:
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    • 136 1 real thing /^J^Sfck Contains Viumini A I Bl B 2 nd D also M\ WVlt.mlni (Nljcln) o^ ~Z^s^* lrOn Calcium and/ THE CHILDREN'S FAVOURITE, XA/ITH tH creamy delicious flavour, 'Ovaltine' male* an instant appeal to children. And in addition to being delightful to taste, 'Ovaltine' possesses valuable nutritive elements of
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  • 62 2 siKif! At! MUSLIM FESTIVAL ANNUAL URS FESTIVAL of Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti, one of the greatest Muslim saints, was held at the Dargah Khwaja Saheb at Ajmer, India. Pilgrims, among whom were many Hindus, visited Ajmer to attend the Urs. Shri Gajendra Singh, representative of Sri Gurdwara Singh Sabha, welcomes Chodhri
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  • 211 2 U.S. says: No chance of Mao doing a Tito' WELL HAVK TO it STERN WITH riiNA' TOKYO, Fri. HTHE American State A Department believes China is working wholeheartedly as a wing of international Communism under Soviet leadership, and that there is no possibility of weaning the Peking Government from the
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • Untitled
    • 155 2 FRITZ, nine-year-old German boy, played truant from his Kiel school for five months before being caught. He went for walks Instead of being in class. But his trips 'ended when his grandmother went to school to ask why Fritz had not yet learned
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  • 73 2 PARIS, Fri. YESTERDAY'S session of the Deputies of the "Big Four" Foreign Ministers, who Lave been discussing an agenda for a meeting of the ministers, lasted only ten minutes. A Western spokesman said the Soviet Deputy, M. Andrei Gromyko, had not received instructions from Moscow.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 611 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS STATISTICAL CLERK, Orade I jn the Dept.. of Statistics, Singapore Salary scale Is: Grade I $85 5A 95 B 110 5A 130 B 140 10A 230 B 230 10A 2»0 p.m. with current COXA. The Duti.s wIU comprise statistical calculations, graphical representation, flcld investigation and any other •nproprUte
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    • 251 2 NATURALISATION NOTICE is hereby given that James Reginald Hamilton of No. 8 T:\njong Pagar Road Is applying to the Governor for naturalisation, and that any person who knows any reasons why naturalisation should not be gTanted should send a written and signed statement of the facts to the Colonial Secretary,
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    • 58 2 NOTICES TELOK KRUIN TIN, LIMITED Notice Is hereby given of the declaration of a first Interim dividend of 35% In respect of the year ending 31st October, 1951, lees income Tax at 30%, payable on 2nd May, 1951, to shareholders registered on 25th April, 1951. By Order of the Board,
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    • 493 2 NOTICE. 1 PETALING TIN, LIMITED Notice is hereby given of the declaration of a second quarterly Interim dividend of 30% in respect of the year ending 31st October, 1951. less Income Tax at 30%, -payable on 19th May, 1951. to shareholders registered on 28th April, 1951. By Order of the
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    • 522 2 NOTICES I j P.WJ). TENJ)£R NOTICE TENDERS from P.W.D. Contractors registered In Class "C" and above will be received by the State Engineer, P.WX). Johore up to NOON of the Ist May, 1951 for the CONSTRUCTION OF CLASS V QUARTERS AT JALAN YAHYA AWAL, JOHORE BAHRU. Plans and specifications may
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  • 390 3 'The 1 8 V may get longer tra in ing in Malay a LONDON, Friday. THE War Office is to consider whether jungle training for young soldiers sent to Malaya should be increased from a month to six weeks. Mr. Michael Stewart, Financial Secre:ary, War Office, told
    Reuter  -  390 words
  • 312 3 Heads were lost over a hat LONDON, Fri. M.P.s last night took a shiny old hat from a peg and hurled it across the House of Commons in a fight to keep a tiadition. Rules of the House provide that a Member must be seated and covered" when raising a
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  • 41 3 RANGOON, Pri— Rebels attacked four villages in the Insein district 12 miles outside Rangoon, and burned a large number of houses yesterday, an army communique said. Government troops repulsed the rebels who retreated with heavy casualties. Reuter.
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  • 28 3 TONGUES WASHINGTON, Fri. The Voice of America is to broadcast "Darkness at Noon," a radio play based on Mr. Arthur Koestler's novel, in 20 languages.—A.P.
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  • 132 3 Poland answers US ban with a ban LONDON, Friday. T»HE Polish Government is to ban the American x Scantic Shipping Line from Poland in retaliation for a New York harbour ban on the Polish 14,287-ton Batory. A note announcing this decision was handed to the American Embassy in Warsaw on
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  • Article, Illustration
    76 3 MISS I DIN A PROBYN (seated centre), a 35-year-old Londonderry woman, has mobilised 11 others to help her run a leave centre in Tokyo and three canteen vans in Korea. All are wives, sisters, or sweethearts of soldiers missing there. Miss Brenda Hall (back row, centre) was born
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  • 101 3 NEW YORK, Friday. npHE Prime Minister of India, Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, was quoted here as saying that his country would be ready to resist aggression "at any time, from any direction" But he emphasised in an Interview in the Saturday Review of Literature that he
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  • 38 3 MELBOURNE, Fri. A four-year-old girl is to get a third share of a £49,000 estate under a Supreme Court decision. She is Susan Dorothy Morris. Other beneficiaries are, her aunt and her uncle. A.P.
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  • 36 3 HONG KONG, Frl.—Widespread search for an RAF Spitfire which was reported missing yesterday has been unsuccessful so far. The aircraft was on exercises over Hong Kong territory when weather conditions became extremely poor.— Reuter.
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  • 88 3 KHARTOUM. Fri. FEAR of magic resulted In four deaths in a village in French Equatorial Africa, just across the Sudan border. A woman who was expecting a child was being attended by two other women. Her husband, entering the wife. He speared them both
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  • 167 3 LONDON. Fri. MEDICAL statician, Dr. W. J. Martin, reported in a paper read to the Royal Statistical Society that there is a higher death rate among men than women in England and Wales. He said no satisfactory explanation for this had been found. The
    AP  -  167 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 3 GENERAL Dwighi D. Bbtßbower shown as he got the news that General MacArthur had been relieved of his commands. The Chief of the Atlantic Pact military force muttered: "Well, 111 be darned." A.P. picture.
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  • 246 3 BRITAIN WILL RULE THE HOME WAVES LONDON, Friday. rpHE Government defeated last night by 291 votes 1 to 280 Mr. Churchill's motion of criticism against the choice of an American Supreme Commander of the Atlantic. The Defence Minister, Mr. Emanuel Shinwell, in his reply to the debate maintained that one
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  • 73 3 SYDNEY, Frl.—To help meet rising costs, the Registrar of the Federal Arbitration Court. Mr. J. E. Taylor, said today Australian workers are to get an increase in their basic wage of from five shillings a week in Adelaide to 10 shillings in Perth. Sydney where there
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  • 103 3 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Fri. rE smallness of votes in the recent Singapore Elections has prompted Mr. S. S. Awbery, Labour to set down a question to Secretary of State for the Colonies asking what steps are being: taken to produce a more satisfactory
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  • 94 3 ABADAN. Frl. rpHE Anglo-Iranian Oil ComX pany today distributed leaflets In streets and on workers' doorsteps announcing that it had decided to pay bonuses to all oil workers who hate stayed at work. (The strikers yesterday unofficially submitted four-point demands to the local Persian authorities
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 hlSSlite F r FiMibim C Pl^S Silent Operation f *S* Jr<'' or a cars an( 9 lt < *o*mr' commercial vehicles Stocked by leading Motor Dealers Factory Representative:T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. MN(.\l'OKfc Xl ALA LUMPUR PENANG mm mmm^^-^^— "™^™i™«^«» TVM-668 ~#l~ TONIGHT S^V CHICKEN INN Hg? SEAVIEW HOTEL Ft
      56 words
    • 60 3 l^Otf Whiteways M W\i^\ Devon Cyder Wfc*7»^''^ll ...with the apple -crisft said Cyder "be proper handsome". Sole Agents in '{Singapore and Malaya: COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. m^^ m THE MODERN WINDOW |1A3 3 KEEPS THE WEATHER OUT «]Mf LETS THE AIR IN Xjsjg^ LOOK FOR THI BRAND!
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  • 399 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. EUROPEAN British subjects, Indians, Ceylonese or Chinese who were not born in the Federation or Singapore and who are not subjects of Rulers or Federal citizens cannot vote or stand for election in Kuala Lumpur Municipality's
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  • 237 4 MALAY (65) SEESAFTER 5 YEARS AFTER two operations in Singapore General Hospital, a 65-year-old Malay who had been blind for the last five years, left yesterday by Malayan Aiirways for his youngest daughter and three grand-children for the first time. Inche Mohamed Sharif! bin Hassan, an ex-railway. station master, said
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  • 124 4 MEARLY 40 sick and wound- ed British servicemen, the majority from the Korean war, arrived at Changi airfield last night on their way home to the United Kingdom. A Hastings flying ambulance brought 28 of the patients direct from base hospitals in Japan, via Manila,
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  • 70 4 The following appointments were announced by the Singapore Government last night Inspector Niaz Mohamed Shah to act as Assistant Superintendent of Police: Mr. H. W. Jackson, Deputy Director of Broadcasting. Federation of Malaya, to act as Director of Broadcasting. Malaya. In place of Mr. J. S. Dutnenesque
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  • 51 4 From Our Own Correspondent. JOHORE BAHRU. Fri.—Tan Cheng Ling, a lorry driver of Singapore, was charged in the Police Court with giving Hashim bin Abubakar a forest guard, 30 cents to countersign a certain form without delay. Tan claimed trial and was allowed bail of
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  • 52 4 Miss Olive Suddaby, one of the R.A.F.'s Principal Matrons, is dup by service "plane from the U.K. at Changi tomorrow morning. During her tour of Far East Air Command Miss Suddaby will visit Hong Kong, where there is an R.A.F. Hospital, accompanied by Matron M. Jopp, of R.A.F
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  • 34 4 Dr. Edmund E. Soper, author and preacher from the United States, will speak at the Kampong Kapor Straits Chinese Methodist Church, Singapore, tomorrow at 5.30 p.m. Miss Ang Kirn Lee will sing.
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  • 23 4 NEW CLUBHOUSE for the Singapore Indian Association in Balestier Road which is nearly ready for occupation. Si?w Nim Shing picture.
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  • 63 4 From Oar Own Correspondent. SEGAMAT, Fri. Charged at Segamat with illegal tapping of toddy, 36-year-o!d Vellasamy said there had been a mistake. "I was -convicted here a ttm days ago for this offence and on leaving court I went back to get
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  • Article, Illustration
    76 4 THE REV. E. S. LAU, Dean of the institute, introduc ng faculty members of the Southern District Institute Methodist Youth Fellowship at the Methodist Boys' School, Kuala Lumpur, on Thursday. Seated from left are: Mr. Peter Kuan, business manager; Mr. Tan Huat Ken?, Singapore; Mr. D. R. Daniel,
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  • 164 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. rpHREE hundred youth delegates from the A 24 Methodist Youth Fellowship chapters in South Malaya last night attended the opening session of the Southern District M. Y. F. Institute in the Methodist Boys' School hall. Mr. J. A. P.
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  • 209 4 HELPED DYING MAN A BU Bakar bin Alsamat, an Arab, yesterday told the Singapore Coroner, Mr. Choor Singh, how he rescued a seriously injured Eurasian from a Geylang drain during the December riots. Abu Bakar was giving evidence on the death of Mr. Francis Robert Pereira, 36, a record officer
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  • 73 4 From Our Staff Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— —Salary scales under the Benham Report and conditions of service will be discussed by the Pan-Malayan Council Stamford Club at a two-day meeting which opens in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday. The meeting will also discuss the terms of
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  • 203 4 Base Police pay on education SCB A HTO give greater incentive to Singapore youths u> A Join the police, pay should be based on educational qualifications, the Straits Chinese British Association recommended at its general committee meeting last night. Several members suggested that the main difficulty of securing more non-Malay
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  • 25 4 From Our Own Correspondent. JOHORE BAHRU, Fri. Accommodation for a police jungle company is to be built on the Merging Road at a
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  • 241 4 FORTUNE TELLING 'SAINT' FINED From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. 4 RUBBER tapper, Ng **Teik Leong, claimed in Butterworth court today: "God entered my body and gave me the power to cure illness." He was fined $100 for deceiving the public by pre tending to be a saint who
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  • 197 4 From Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. SPEAKING on the problems trade unions were tackling In Johore. Mr. M. Balasingham chairman of the Johore State division of the Malayan Trade Union Council, said this evening that educational facilities were foremost. Accommodation, he said, was so crowded
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  • 126 4 TODAY: SINGAPORE ART SOCIETY. exhibition of the work of local artists, British Council Hall, Stamford Road. 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. BRITISH RED 'CROSS Handicapped Children'! Club outing, Katong Park, 10 a.m. to noon. CHILDREN'S GYMKHANA, Bukit Tlmah Saddle Club, 2.30 p.m. YJM.C-A.. Orchard Road, chess club, 3
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  • 30 4 From Oar Staff Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR, Pri.— The Kuala Lumpur Municipal Town Planning Committee has received a proposal oy the Shell Company to replace lta petrol filling
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 231 4 Shows Daily: 3. 6.1!> 9.16 p.m. 20tli Century-FXw's THE BLACK ROSE In Technicolor Tomorrow at 11 ».m. Paramount* "FRENCHMAN'S CKBCK" In Techakwlw REX JMORE BAHRU Today S Show*: 3 IS. 15 9.15 "RAJ MUKIT' (Hindustani) Atlantic Great World Today S Shows: 2. 7 and 9.15 "FLAME THE ARROW" (Tech.) San
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    • 334 4 BACKING THE WINNER THIS pretty young person picks winners by instinct and her instinct seldom lets her down. But when offered a drink in the bar she takes no chances: gin and Rose's Lime Juice is her unswerving choice. She loves the clean, reviving tang and she knows from experience
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  • 155 5 MR. Thio Chan Bee (Progressive, Balestier) will ask Government at Tuesday's meeting: of Singapore Legislative Council to make available a three per cent loan in 1952 to finance the $16,000,000 housing programme of Singapore Improvement Trust. If the answer is no,
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  • 8 5 MR. HENRI FAST
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  • 122 5 training will be O given to school teachers in Singapore to enable them to teach the ideas and ideals of the United Nations in ochools. The training will be included in a UN information drive which is being arranged by the Director of the U N
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  • 77 5 SINGAPORE has received an allocation of 80.000 metric tons of rice from Siam this year folloioing the signing of new rice contracts in Bangkok. This allocation is about the same as last year. Some of the rice has already been shipped to the Colony.
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  • 228 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. OEVEN bandits were killed by security forces in three different states yesterday Pahang, Johore and Selangor. Two were shot dead in the Mentakab area of PAHANG following receipt of Information. One has been identified as Won Thlew Meng
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  • 29 5 A sailor from the American President Lines round-the-world ship President Monroe was left behind In Singapore yesterday when the ship left for Penang. Hi will fly to
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  • 137 5 SIR Miles Thomas. Chairman of B.O.A.C., has left London by air for a three weeks' tour of South America and the Caribbean. He said: "I am making a comprehensive tour of our South American and Caribean routes because ever since British South American Airways was merged
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  • 106 5 Control of money in the replanting cess fund in the Federation is the responsibility of the producing industry, states Mr. H. K. Dimoline, secretary of the Rubber Producers' Council of the Federation, referring to a statement on the fund in Thursday's Straits Times. Mr. Dimoline adds that
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  • Article, Illustration
    104 5 4 CHINESE Buddhist cere- mony seldom seen in Singapore took place yesterday, when a thanksgiving service was held in the outskirts of town by a Chinese fanrlv because their prayers had been answered. The head of the family prayed before a boatlike paper effigy which bore Chinese characters illustrating the
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  • 251 5 I HE Chandpara, 16-knot British Indian freighter, which rescued more than 1,000 Australia-bound immigrants and crew from the International Refugee Organization transport Linguria, in the Initan Ocean recently arrived in Singapore yesterThe Linguria, under her former name of Marella, was 30 years on the
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  • 57 5 Mr. G A. Wallingcr. British Minister to Hungary, has been appointed British Ambassador to Slain. Mr. Wallinger succeeds Sir John Magowan. who died two weeks ago, soon after the announcement of his appointment. Mr. Wallinger. aged 48 entered the British diplomatic service in 1926. He was
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  • 40 5 From Our Staff Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A MALAY labourer brought a claim against his employer. He appeared at the hearing ivith mumps. He lost his claim. A few days later the employer caught mtmv<
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  • 252 5 »pHE Regent of Johore, Tung1 w-nv-nr. th. artinff ku Mahlcot tht acung Mentrl Besar, Syed Abdul Kadlr bin Mohamed, the Brlfi_y, Arivispr Mr J Falconer %%•£s£&&?££; day of the tremendous destructlve power the Royal Air Force can muster in the fight against me bandits in Mai*ya.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 304 5 Uf»>malio« •••(••(Si AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAYS PTT LTD. I PR NCI ST. lINOAPODf TCLf. MS**- ««<•• CZJJ V' How fresh is a daisy A room where O-Cedar Polish has been at work—- it's at fresn «l ?nv daisy. The air's sweet and free from dust. The furniture glows with the special
      304 words
    • 309 5 AMAZING AfIVENTURE! j^ with 4 TOP STARS. IMt afV Joseph COTTEN fA TiM»i Mnda DARNELL mIQ W\ k J'lT HANOI KR PLUS— "WHY KOREA" Morninc Maiine* Today and Tomorrow at 9 a.m. M.G.M.'a "THE BRIBE" NEW r J TODAY: 11 a.m.. ALHAMBRA* PHONE: 6900 YOU.too.may be one of the MILLIONS
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  • 783 6 Sir Straits* Sinus Singapore, Sat April 21, 1951. MacA's call for decisions It has often been said, and by and large it is true, that the American public knows only either panic or apathy. It is certainly capable of extraordinary gyrations once its emotions are touched. There is grave danger
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  • 229 6 As there is plenty of money to buy up every car that can be landed in Singapore, and as those conditions will continue so long as America and Europe are dominated by fears of World War 111, we must expect that the annual increase in the number of
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  • 96 6 THE total population of the Colony based on the recent Census Is 563,172. A CONFERENCE is to be held at Kuala Lumpur of the various heads of departments to discuss the question of running steam cars on thr roads of Malaya. A CURIOUS lantern fly. discovered by
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 6 Pficicgrap'n by Redda Murriscni. Punam. of which this man it one, arc Hie most primitive people m Sarawak. They have no fixed homes, <*o not plant rice, and live entirely by food-gathering and hunting m t he jungle.
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  • 1125 6  -  -by— I Cynicus T*HE impression of Singapore's elections which official observers from the Federation took back with them presumably are for private and, and official reference only. So we are unlikely to know how much credence they place in the reports of bribery, corruption and other
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  • 1025 6 THE reminiscences by "Tuan Djek" in the Singapore Free Press last Saturday and the previous Saturday gave what was probably the first narrative of the Singapore mutiny of 1915 that has yet been written from the Johore point of view. Certainly the arrival of a party of 65 armed
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 704 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. BIRTHS TO JOAN, wile of Son./Ldr. K. J. Stanford, on 18th April, at Mercy Hospital, Melbourne, a too. BIRON: On April 20 th, at Kandang Kerb«u Hospital, to Moreen (nee Comptoni. wife ol Timothy Blron, a daughter. PETERSON: To Pastor and Mrs. H. W. Peterson, a daughter, Genpne
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    • 32 6 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. Offering Complete Services essential to Eye Comfort flf Visual Efficiency. (1) VISUAL ANALYSIS (2) VISUAL TRAINING (3) GLASSES IF NEEDED C S. CHONG, OPT. D. 19. CHULIA ST. SPORE.
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    • 15 6 famous TIGER BALM collection W JgcHINKAWHITE |$v\ l M\ WIND MIXTURE j) Masteriiece of Distinction
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  • 322 7 RUBBER THEFTS SET A PUZZLE i S 'pore warned of export losses CINGAPORE Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association has warned members and all steamship companies of rubber thefts, and will discuss the subject on Monday. Singapore and Federation rubber interests yesterday confirmed a London report of pilfering from bales sent
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  • 46 7 THREE of fire Si7igapore representatives a' the International Youth Camp at Chingirell, England, in July. All have been active in youth work, either in the Chinese V.M.C.A. or the Singapore Youth Council. MISS MXV LIM X. K. S. LING MR. LAM THIAN
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  • 31 7 I rom Ov Own ©rrM^ondent KLUANG Frl.— Besah binte Mat Radi. aged 25 of Parit Bandang was fined $10 at Kluang for being without an M >ntlty card.
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  • 55 7 The Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East may hold a trade conference in Singapore in October. At the seventh session 01 ECAFE at Lahore the commission received an invitation from the British delegate to hold the conference here. It is understood that the matter is
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  • 133 7 MR. V. P. Abdullah, unsuccessful Singapore Labour Party candidate in the Bukit Timah district for the recent Legislative Council elections, may petition Government to declare the election in the district null and void. He Is seeking legal advice about alleged irregularities in one polling booth,
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  • 106 7 BESIDES increasing cost-of-living allowances. Cnvcrnment should now control and stabilise prices and ensure a fair distribution c essential commodities. Otherwise wage-earners will not enjoy the benefits of the increase, said the Singapore Trade Union Committee on cost-of-living yesterday. The committee, in a statement, expressed surprise at
    106 words
  • 73 7 Two Japanese Government officials on their way back to Japan from the recent Food and Agricultural Rice conference in Jakarta, are too busy to enjoy "freedom," in Singapore. At their room in Adelphi Hotel yesterday. Toshitaro Morinago and Shingo Mitsui said their first duty was
    73 words
  • 72 7 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Fri.— Last year I 11 officers and 149 other; ranks were convicted by courts-martial in Malaya, it j was stated in the House of Commons. The convictions were for: Stealing and fraud. 23; striking a superior, 14; desertion. 1; absence without leave.
    72 words
  • 29 7 From Our Own orrecpondent PAR IT BUNTAR. Fri. Admitting overloading his lorry, Yong Nam was fined $60 at Parit Buntar. Ng Eng Kwan. the driver, was fined $30.
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  • 149 7 rE Singapore Govermnent may soon launch a three point Plan —a survey of Crown and private land for farming, co-operative help for squatters. and co-operative marketing of local produce —in Its tight to make the Colony grow as much food as possible. A Government spokesman gapore
    149 words
  • 24 7 I G.O.C. AT ART SHOW MAJ.-GEN. D. DUNLOP speaking at the opening of the Singapore Art Society's second annual exhibition yesterday. Straits Times picture.
    24 words
  • 370 7 \yHAT strikes me most about the Singapore Art Society's Second Exhibition, which was opened yesterday at the British Council centre, is the number of ways our artists have of seeing and describing the local scene. I At first glance, it looks like the usual variety
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  • 67 7 DR. W. J. VICKERS. Director of Medical Services, receives a cheque for $4,200 from Mr. Chua Pen; Chua, managing director of Chin Wan Heng and Co., for the purchase of two iron lungs for Government hospitals, at Fullerton Building yesterday. The money was contributed by Nestles'
    67 words
  • 143 7 Major-General D. Dunlop, at the formal opening of the Singapore Art Society's second annual exhibition at the British Council Hall yesterday, said It was of special Interest to note that there are trends towards a distinct Malayan art. Wearing a white civilian suit, instead of
    143 words
  • 56 7 The Singapore Antl-Tuber-culosis Association has for sale a number of SATA motor car badges. They are in silver with the SATA in blue and the cross in red, and are obtainable from SATA at $5 each. A gift of $500 from Ran] it Singh and Co. towards
    56 words
  • 98 7 Indonesians celebrate Kartini Day KARTINI Day will be celebrated today by 300 Indonesian women at the residence of the Indonesian Con-sul-Oeneral for Singapore, Dr. Mohammed Razif. Raden Adjeng Kartlnl, who was born 72 years ago today, led the emancipation of Indonesian women. The ceremony will be opened at 3.30 p.m.
    98 words
  • 56 7 Dr. O. P. Malalasekara. president of the World Fellowship of Buddhist Headquarters, Ceylon, will arrive In Singapore by air next Thursday. Plans are being raade for public lecture* on April 26 and 28 in the Victoria Memorial Hall. Dr. Malalasekara will also speak at the Chinese High
    56 words
  • 31 7 The following have been appointed members of the Pensions Board, Singapore: AccountamtOenerai (chairman), Messrs. Edwin Joseph Vass, P. J. Darnell, S* Pent liang and Inche Mahmood bin Abdul Wabab.
    31 words
  • 195 7 AS3-MILLION scheme to build 88 terrace houses and 15 bungalows in the Telok Kurau area of Singapore will be launched shortly by Mr. 8. I. O. Alsagoff. The houses will be for sale. Mr. Alsagoff said yesterday "Because of the rise In the cost
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  • 86 7 AS a result of a visit to Cambridge and Leicester, by Mr. Lee Kim Chuan, Deputy Public Relations Secretary, Singapore, police headquarters in both places have asked Singapore to send them copies of posters produced by the Public Relations Office on behalf of the Singapore Safety
    86 words
  • 23 7 From Oar Own orrespondent KAJANG, Fri— Mr. Lim X Teik Chuan. Chinese Inter- preter at the Magistrate's I Court, Kajang, has been
    23 words
  • 157 7 EVIDENCE that the former Commissioner oU Police, Singapore, Mr. R. E. Fonlger, had last year recommended that Inspector Bujang bin Tullang be pensioned from the Police Force because he was inefficient, was produced by the defence yesterday in the Singapore First District Court. Inspector Bujang
    157 words
  • 104 7 IX>R the third time in ten days, the Singapore Government put off the election of two unofficial members of the Legislative Council to sit on the Executive Council. Councillors had their third meeting with the Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. L. Blythe, yesterday to discuss, among
    104 words
  • 45 7 Singapore Scouts will cot be represented at the International Scout Jamboree this year at Salzkammergut. Austria. Officials of the Singapore Boy Scouts' Association yestacdaj laid the executive considered there were more Important things claiming expenditure such a* permanent eamps In Singapore.
    45 words
  • 202 7 Two rubber estates 'useless' Indian meat supplier who wus made a bankrupt 18 months ago with $106,000 liabilities was granted a discharge on two conditions by the Acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Brown, in the Singapore High Court yesterday. Thf> application, by A. S. Sulian Abdul Kader, owner of two
    202 words
  • 100 7 PINGAPORE'S pork prices have gone up from 10 to 15 per cent during (he week because supplies from South Malaya decreased by about 38 per cent. Prices on April 14 were 9125 per kati for live piss. $2.80 per kati for lean
    100 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      28 words
    • 93 7 17 J«wel high-grade movement 40 hours' running reserve Non-magnetic Shock-absorbing Wafer-tight and dust-proof N* ldU baatt TUiot't daJai fan* chuck fh« fact that in ¥»ry country throughout th« warld, the baat |«w»ll»r» ftcom. MM TiaMt. thai »t»nd kakla4 UaaMaracy and th« bu.itI* Malitr tfcat wifl provi<S« yM with tf«cadat «f
      93 words

  • 364 8 THE Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, yesterday assured representatives of two fishermen's associations that he would immediately look into the grievances of the fishing industry in the Colony. Sir Franklin was inspecting the Fisheries Department at Telok Ayer Basin yesterday when the representatives waited
    364 words
  • 254 8 FISHING PLEA TO INDIES TWO thousand Malay fishermen living in islands near Singapore have petitioned the Indonesian Consul General fo r help through their spokesman Inche Hassan Maskan. secretary of the Pulau Tekong Co-ope? ative Society. "For generations," Inche Hassan told the Straits Times, "our fishermen have been catching fish
    254 words
  • 71 8 A move has been made In Singapore by a group of Influential community leaders to form a Singapore branch of the United Nations Association. A meeting will be called within the next few weeks to discuss the formation of this body. Sponsors of the Singapore branch a>
    71 words
  • 39 8 From Our Own Correspondent. JOHORE BAHRU. Frl. Raman Sing Thapa, a Gurkha soldier, was fined $40 in the Police Court today for negligent driving. He crashed into a telegraDh poi| when driving an armoured car.
    39 words
  • 40 8 From Our Own Corrfspomient. JOHORE BAHRU, Fri. Liew Tiang Cheng, a lorry driver, was fined $15 for failing to observe the stop, look go* sign. R. Felsinner. of Singapore, was fined $10 toi a similar offence.
    40 words
  • 25 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri— For i not wearing his arm badge when driving a taxi for hire. I Chan Soh was fined $7.
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  • 229 8 IN Singapore next week, a lecture will be delivered simultaneously in five languages as part of the Council of Adult Educations drive for mass literacy in the Colony. The lecturer will be London University educationalist Mr H. C. Shearman. On Thursday evening when
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  • 29 8 WILL HELPi FISHERMEN! THE GOVERNOR inspecting the Fisheries Department at Telok Ayer Basin. Mr. T. W. Burdon, Deputy Director of Fisheries, demonstrates the strain test machine. Straits Times picture.
    29 words
  • 188 8 S. C.B.A. wants Govt. retiring age raised HPHE Straits Chinese British Association favours x extending the compulsory retiring age limit for Government servants in the Colony from 55 to 60 This was decided upon at a general committee meeting of the S.C.B.A. held last night at the Garden Club, Singapore,
    188 words
  • 94 8 EDWARD Martin Stewart, a u rubber planter from North Johore, was yesterday charged before Mr. P. Clague in the Singapore Fourth Police Court with criminal intimidation by threatening Police Lt. George Loy with a revolver. Stewart was also charged with using abusive language to Police
    94 words
  • 33 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Low Chow, alias Loo Chow, who collected fuopiie3 pnd acted as an agent for the bandits was hanged in Pudu Gaol, Kuala Lumpur, today.
    33 words
  • 75 8 The Serangoon Rural District Committee will become a member of the Singapore Council for Adult Education from next month. The committee, which has been running English classes for about 400 adults, started five Chinese classes at the beginning of this month. The chairman of the committee. Mr. Goh
    75 words
  • 71 8 PENANG Fri. Bong Kec Seong, 19-year-old civil liaison officer with the 40th Commando, Taiping, today pleaded guilty in Penang to causing hurt to a schoolgirl, Chua Hui Huang, by firing a shot from his revolver "so rashly as to endanger other lives." Sentence was postponed
    71 words
  • 266 8 'Secret' witness —police denial POLICE denied in a Singapore court yesterday that a prosecution witness was giving his evidence in secret because he was a professional police informer. The sugesyon was made by Mr D S. Marshall, defending A" X S. Othman Ghani, aged 33 an Indian, who was tentatively
    266 words
  • 277 8 SIXES AND SEVENS IN RUBBER THE past weeks trading in rubber has been limited and cautious for two reasons, says Lewis Peat's market report, issued yesterday. No apparent agreement has been reached in the Rome rubber t.ik.s, and no further information has been forthcoming about export licence control. The latter
    277 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 182 8 SINGAPORE /S FOOT *_t«t* uniittm- —vm m. r&TMi ft Vhy Con .JicapafV J ink F<. <* tMUAItf up Ijjk «< r> D O Ptti ipiiro> 4~ '1 TK4 f«tu* It tat ihu 1 •to frrrm, cl k* uv I !EMA."*I <TI<S. J /I EV /'p'flO S VnS VlHl<sj!^ S ufftrt:t
      182 words
    • 159 8 Niw Rang* of STERLING SILVER AND E.P.N.S. CUTLERY (Sheffield Made) y 1 a;-: 4 Come and inspect our Latest Rang» Niw I on Di-.->lnv i SILVERWARE DEPT. \J3 a J a J a 31, R APPLES PLACE SPORE TEL: 4649 a a a m a a a v a on
      159 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 39 8 Straits Times Crossword T" 7" ~^""li'*~" p is I -1- 28 I|l^*~ ACROSS. 14. A systematic course of die: 1. Play, way, or copy (4). exercise, <fee. (7). 4. Vessels of may Icind <5, 5). 16. 'A broken ruin.o
      39 words
    • 178 8 but allowed out (7). 21. Travelled (9). 23. An old bit or tag (5). 26. Sour (6). 27. Never less? (8). 28. Susceptible part of the body for a greenhorn (10). 29. Indicates absence of neon (4). DOWN. 2. "She stood In tears amid the corn" (Keats) (5). 3. Not
      178 words

    • 189 9 A DOLLAR ON THE BOTTLE TO CURB C.O.L. UfE are pleased to see that at last, after months of public complaint, the Government is taking steps to curb inflation. Government is to be congratulated. We can now, doubtless, sleep secure In the knowledge that Inflation is curbed, that cost of
      189 words
    • 117 9 "VTLW METHOD3" Is to be IM congratulated on his latest letter, headed "Where do they get their optimism?" I feel certain that he voices the sentiments of a very large section of the public What a tragedy It Is that the Government has not seen
      117 words
    • 106 9 HUMPTY THE GOVERNMENT UUMPTY Dumpty said, 11 "When use a word it means Just what I choose it to mean; neither more nor less". Many vessels are now oncarryinjr goods owing to lack of proper facilities at Malayan ports facilities which should have been provided by Government long ago. And
      106 words
    • 260 9 SOME time ago the price of beer was increased from $1.20 to $1.40. Now the price has been Increased to $1.45, all on account of Government's increased import duty. This would tend to show that the intention of the Federation Government Is to
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    • 195 9 ACCORDING to Press reA ports. Mrs. Menon. the elected member of the Singapore Legislative Council for Seletar, came to this country for the first time in August 1947. after an active public life in India. She is therefore by all standards of comparison an alien to this
      195 words
    • 132 9 WE have been reading with Interest the recent correspondence in the Straits Times about the Oriental Telephone and Electric Company's ignorance of the importance of Arab Street, Singapore. We agree with your correspondents that the reason for the delay in laying lines to this district
      132 words
    • 118 9 WAPIER Road and Holland 11 Road, Singapore, have sprouted a rash of posts bearing "Bus Stop" notices during the past week or so. There are now 19 such posts in one mile. Separate companies have separate stopping places and the result is that they occur
      118 words
    • 197 9 I READ with considerable interest "Taxpayer's" letter of Wednesday, headed "The Cost of a Singapore Councillor." Were Legislative Councillors and Municipal Commissioners paid allowances pre-war? If not. why should they now? Despite protests made through the Press against payment of such allowances, the majority of the
      197 words
    • 323 9 The call-up: from an "old soldier" in Negri I HAVE read with a great deal of interest the controversy over the call-up. As I myself spent 6V2 years of my youth, from 18 to 24, in the armed forces, I think I might remind young Malayans of one or two
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    • 238 9 IVORY TOWER IN THE ENGINE-ROOM I WAS listening to Radio Malaya's excellent broadcast on Rubber on Wednesday and, being too lazy to switch off. let the programme continue to a commentary on new records, in the course of which the critic reviewed a recording by Andre Kostelanetz of some Gounod
      238 words
    • 53 9 /"|FFICE working hours \J should be modified. The heat In the afternoon is enough to kill an elephant—at least those over 35. What atoout changing ofUce hours to 7 a.m.-2 p.m.? The afternoon could be utilised in firewood cutting, vegetable planting, fishing and not least sleeping.
      53 words
    • 266 9 THE MEANING OF 'MERDEKA' IN JOHORE VIK Mahmud Haji Abdul Majid, of Kelantan, has recently criticised UMNO for adopting "Merdeka" as its slogan. He queries the motive behind the new slogan. His suggestion that UMNO should demand a "Malayan British Government," and that all domiciled people should become British subjects
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    • 120 9 I WAS very interested to read the report headed "Badge for Tengah" in your issue of April 16, and to observe that many Argus Pheasants are to be found in the area of Tengah. It is the present belief of the concerned authorities (as evidenced by
      120 words
    • 265 9 THE AFFAIRS OF KAMPONG BAHRU, K.L. 'THE Straits Times re- port on April 10 of the Settlement Chief's reply to Dato Onn's criticism of the state of affairs existing in the Malay Settlement, Kampong Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, makes startling reading. Dato Onn has very sound reasons for exposing the lack
      265 words
    • 37 9 |JOW does the Singapore Registrar of Vehicles know that bicycle owners have paid their annual re-regis-tration fee? Those who have paid have been issued with a receipt only—with apparently no other record kept. L.I.H. Singapore.
      37 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 100 9 In one superb car here is everything you want r V On the open road, a car W^Z. 'that laps the miles In safety .and comfort. Seating for *ye in comfort. 70 horse MORR S OXFORD power six-cylinder engine A big car wirh medium car that runs as smooth as
      100 words
      87 words

  • 293 10 LONDON, Fri. ALTHOUGH the approach of the weekend restrained activity In the London Stock Exchange today, markets barely paused In their upward movement. Interest was maintained at high levei by hopes of dividend from Vlckers. shipbuilding and engineering holding company. 12% forr the year against 61%. Closing middle
    293 words
  • 34 10 HONO KONG, Frl.. pREE market currency exchange 1 tot Hon« Kong dollars was quoted at the close today as foUows: US$l HKs6.o7tt .(cash): HKSB.^i* (T); £1 HK515.50: one taail of gold HKS3I6%.—UP.
    UP  -  34 words
  • 31 10 TTHE ,'vlalayan Exchange Banks Association announced yesterday that control direct rates for Canadian dollars were: Buvlng T.T. 35H, Airmail (0.D.) 35U, <90 days) 35>i: Selling T.T.O.D. ready 34 s;.
    31 words
  • 900 10 QTERLINQ Tins again showing improvement in London, the Malayan share market Yesterday reacted with slight price increases in this section. Industrials continued steady; Rubbers were hesitant. Quotations announced yesterday by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: Mil STRlAI S Bayers S«Ui. \.cx brlcu Pref Hit Ords 206 At:»» Ice
    900 words
  • 39 10 SINGAPORE. Fri.. Apr. 20. —$584.75 (ap $10.75). £1,170 a ton in London LONDON. Fri.. Apr. 20.— Cash Buyers £1,170. Sellers £1,175; Forward Buyers £1,140. Sellers £1.150; Settlement £1,165 (unchanged). Turnover: a.m. 40. p.m. 35 tons.
    39 words
  • 192 10 T»HE Singapore rubber market was inactive and dull for the first time in months yesterday. Very little business was reported. Buyers opened at 91.90 a lb (or May first-grade and later came down to 91.89. A little business was done at this price, with further sellers coming
    192 words
  • 82 10 rpHE copra section of th« SlngaA pore produce market was quiet yesterday. Buyers opened at $49 ft a picul and rose to $50 for May shipment, and $50^4 lor June, but sellers held off. Buyers were reluctant In trie coconut oil section, where sellers quoted $84 a picul
    82 words
  • 95 10 SHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns at 4 p.m. yesterday were: 44 Helios 4243 Straat Soenda, 40-41 Les Olleres 38-39 Chandpara, 36-37 Ulysses 33-34 Talisse, 31-32 Benavon, 29-30 Oranville, 27-28 Star Alcyone, 23-24 Pres. Arthur, 21-22 Fred Clover, 19-20 Vercors, 15-16 Pres. Monroe, 13-14 Kllwa, 11-12 Weltervreden,
    95 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1397 10 MANSFIELD A CO., (Incorporated <n Singapore) BLUB rUMMBL LIME Carrier's option to proceed via other ports te load ana) discharge cargo, lAILINCS to LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW, LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Ou* Sails P Sham t»*naruj Automodon tor Liverpool Apr 30 May 10 Aeneas toi Liverrool, Dui> -m Clasgow May 1 May 5
      1,397 words
    • 390 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS To New York and Boston via Ceylon. India, Egypt anal Mediterranean Ports. Sngapo.* P. Swettenham t»*nani "PRES. MONROE" Omit. 11/22 Apr. ••PRES. ARTHUR" Cdm 23/24 Sails 26 Apr. 27/28 Apr. 29/30 Apr. "PRES. BUCHANAN" 1/7 May 8/9 May 10/12 May "PRES. HAROINC" 18/24 May 25/26 May 27/28
      390 words
    • 513 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANOINAVIA/0.K./CONTINENT: i pot* P. b'ham P*nang "Nordhval" for Bangkok 22-24 Apr. Port "Panama" tor B'kok. Saigon. H Kong. Manila, Kob* Yokohama 4-6 May 1 3 May 29-30 Apr. -Selandia" fo. Bangkok 22-24 May 20-21 May 19-19 May "Malaya" tor Bangkok, Hong Hong. Manila. Kob* Yokohama
      513 words
    • 948 10 McALISTER <5c CO., LTD. 'olephon. No 590*. JBLLBRMAN LUCKNALL KLAVENGSS LINE LONDON. HAVRE, ROTIERDAM ft LOS ANCELES. »AN FRANCISCO, HAMBURC PORTLAND SEATTLE h VANCOUV..I ""Jf&X c A oK Porn 55£ m.s CITY OF POONA m.s. SUNNiviLLt P. Sham Penang S po.e P Sham fenjng In Port/21 Apr 22/2 i Apr.
      948 words

  • 263 11 S.C.C. SCORE FINE 3-2 VICTORY Despite injuries, one dismissal S.C.C 3; R.E.M.E 2. SINGAPORE Cricket Club, playing brilliant soccer with a crippled team, limped home to a narrow but well-earned three-two victory over R.E.M.E. in a ,S.A.F.A. senior division fixture at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. S.C.C.'s misfortunes began in the
    263 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 11 WILF MANNION, the Middlesbrough and England in-side-left, seen carried off the field at Wembley Stadium on April 14, when he fractured his cheek bone during the international soccer match against Scotland before 100.000 spectators. Scotland won the match 3-2. Mannion was injured in a collision with Scottish outsideleft, Billy Liddell
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 301 11  -  MOTOR RACING By E. PETERS A IALAYA S first Kilometre standing start speed iTI trial, to be held on the Lornie Road in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, April 29, will feature only eight events but the organisers, the Selangor Motor Sports Club, are
    301 words
  • 74 11 LONDON, Pri. —English Third Division matches played yesterday resulted as follows: Southern section: Leyton Orient 0. Millwall 2; Northamp on Town 1. Bristol Rovers 1; Walsall 1 Watford 0. Northern section: Barrow 0, Shrewsbury Town 0; Carlisle United 2, Darlington I.—Reuter. SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 10.29 a.m. (8.5), 10.40
    74 words
  • 80 11 SINGAPORE 10 a.m. News from XL.; 10.10 Close: 12 Malay; 1 p.m. "Saturday Ballroom"; 1.30 News; 1.50 Plantation Music: 2 "Album of Harmony"; 2.25 K.L. Racing; 5 Malay; 6.15 Children; 6.40 Fred Waring his Pennsylvanians 7 News; 7.15 "Police and the People"; 7.20 "Listeners' Choice"; 7.50 •Spotlight on
    80 words
  • 180 11 SYDNEY, Fri. A USTRALIA will have an official xx team of three tennis players at the Wimbledon championships this year. The L.T.A. of Australia decided at a meeting in Melbourne that Prank Sedgman, Xen McGregor, and Menyn Rose would be sent to England to represent Australia. The
    180 words
  • 277 11 D.N,A i, Sembawang scored a four-one victory over Blue Rovers in a S.A.P.A. Div. 3A league match on the C.V.M.A. ground yesterday. Exchanges were fairly even in the first half, which ended with the score at one-all. k In the second half, however, the
    277 words
  • 131 11 ENTRIES are invited for the "Eu Tons Sen Cup" Competition which n open to members of any recognocd gclf club. The QualU>lng Bound urnler medfil stroke p'.ay will take place or. Saturday afternoon Vav 12 under handicap (maximum handicap allowed Is 18). The best eight
    131 words
  • 88 11 By JIM CHAMBERS LONDON, Fri. 'TOTTENHAM Hotspur may flnally win the championship of the first division of the English Football League when they play Middlesbrough tomorrow. Spurs, who need two points from their last three games, will be at full strength. Les Medley,
    88 words
  • 184 11 Kamis beats Lim in 3 sets for title AFTER an erratic start, In which he missed many points by netting and overhitting, H. Kamls. Singapore's singles runner-up last year, won the Y.M.C.A. open tennis singles yesterday by beating top-seeded Llm Hee Chin in a three-set struggle by 3—6. &-4. 6—
    184 words
  • 204 11 JN their first win of the season, bottom-of-the-league 30 Bn., RAOC beat Parker Cup finalists Royal Army Pay Corps by seven goals to one in a United Services Football League match at Alexandra yesterday. RAOC had completely reorganised their team and the new combination showed an
    204 words
  • 37 11 Chartered Bank Sports Club swamped Rotterdam S.C. six-nil In a one-sided Business House League "B" match at Farrer Park yesterday. Scorers were. In order, Nonis, MeCulloch, N. Marshall. Heng Kee, Salleh and C. Marshall.
    37 words
  • 70 11 The Singapore Amateur Athletic Association held lta first monthly committee meeting at the Singapore Recreation dub yesterday. A rough draft of the annual report and statement of accounU for 1950 was prepared and will be presented at the next meeting. Tentative dates for several interclub meets were also
    70 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 302 11 TODAY: jA% ky. 11 a.m.. 1.45. 4. 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. Howard Hughes' m L Vivid Drama M of Corsican Vengeance 1 I ifl Starring fiBP Distributed by R.K.O. Radio BIG r W 7 of x/P M/xnUyM the T^ ButmNEERg\ PAUL HENREID flee* J(<$ti£ TODAY At 9 am. COMING I
      302 words
    • 14 11 c. c. c. Collect six o/ these coupons to join the Children's Corner Club.
      14 words
    • 209 11 TOBAT& Hi M 111.45-4 f DAILY i MJULJLJI 6.30 9.30 <l J3L RANDOLPH SCOTT TONIGHT FAR EAST M'NITE JgS^ v PREMIERE <\ THRILL P^ SAUCY TO THE m X SOM6-AND-CURREHT DAHCE RAVE OF Ii EBYPTIAH EGYPT!... 1 PICTURE! Sensational I Jl With Full Hip Swaying |1 Original Tahiya M Subtitles
      209 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 371 12 BIG SPRINT TO SWEET MAISIE TODAY I Heavy going will not worry her From EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. 4 REGULAR "flyer", Sweet Maisie has the speed to take on the .best of her class in a sprinting match, and in the absence of top-notchers this consistent but luckless performer
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  • 189 12 From EPSOM JEEP. KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. rE field for the Class 2, Div. 1 race over 7 reduced to only five runners, but with Fifty Grand accepting —there were early fears that he might be withdrawn— Race Four takes on a brighter appearance. On his
    189 words
  • 130 12 HURT IN HEAD, HE SCORED WITH 'HEADER' From Our Staff Correspondent KL'ALA W.-MPUR. Fn. QELANGOR today trounced Pahan* by six goals to nil at Princes Road ground in a friendly soccer match. Chua En* Kirn, who led the Selanjor attack, was the hero of the fame. Although injured in the
    130 words
  • 823 12 From EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. /COASTGUARD has been "knocking at the door" v for some time and he may get his winning break against a very moderate lot in Race Five. This youngster has pace and can battle out a finish, and I
    823 words
  • 22 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. f^TALA Lumpur has had plenty of rain in the evenings and the Koine tomorrow will be heavy.
    22 words
  • 118 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Pri. RIO Grande pulverised his opposition with his brilliant speed at Penang In March, running the 6-f. a full second faster than two Class 3 winnersr-Victorine and Sailing— on the same afternoon. That performance has fairly convinced me that Rio Grande
    118 words
  • 128 12 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER Race 1 2.30 JAUNTY Mare* Polo Cralrmonnt JAUNTY Marco Polo Epsom Downs JAUNTY Marco Pol* Naehteraal Race t J.00 ATOM BOY Fair Court Mamnse ATOM BOY Fair Week Ma muse ATOM BOY Court Jester Baronets Race 3 3.30 THE DANCER Rosa Road
    128 words
  • 948 12 r DAY'S race card at Kuala Lumpur is given below. The Double Totes will be drawn on Races Two and Three; Seven and Eight. The Big Sweep will be drawn on Race Eight. The following have been scratched from all engagements: Sudan. Wild Jinka. Charlemagne. Piraeus. Waterloo.
    948 words
  • 148 12 FATHUL Karib beat H.M. Dockyard two-nil in a S.A.F.A. Division 2 league fixture at Geylang yesterday. This was Fathul's fifth win for a 100 per cent record and a goal average of 18 for and none against, but they are still a point behind
    148 words
  • 659 12 Let the players public decide THE H.M.S. MALAYA CUP DISPUTE By the Sports Editor TOURING the six-month-old dispute between tJ Football Association of Malaya and Singapore Amateur Football Association over this years Malaya Cup' competition only officials have held the stage. The deadlock has not been ended, and Singapore is
    659 words
  • 62 12 ADELAIDE, Fri.— An American offer of $100,000 (£35,715) for the champion Australian racehorse Comic Court has been refused by his Adelaide owners, the brothers R. A. and A. J. Lee. This is the third big offer for Comic Court which has won races from four
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  62 words
  • 245 12 SOCCER: Singapore "A" v Chinese at stadium; Div. 3A: Social A.P. t Aston A.C. at Geylang; HMS Terror v Guard Dog Unit at Naval Base. CRICKET: Army v R.N. (first day) at Nee Soon, 11.30 a.m.; Indians t Non-Benders at I.A. RAP Seletar t Police at Thomson Rd. BODCA T
    245 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 781 12 Ci.As ...IbD ADS. icoououea trom Page 6) VITHATIOin VACANT IllK WnUH .iM.AKUlVi MBUC APi'OIMMl.N M PIMM HI I REQUIRED immediately Lady Shorthand-typist, preferably Chln\pply stating age, references ealary required to Box A5095, 3.T SHI ATIONS WANTED PLANTER aged 48, with exceptional qualifications, seeks remunerative, responsible post for I in yrs
      781 words
    • 393 12 four-nil CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued tn previous Col.) VEHICLES FOR SALE M G. TOURER. Green T.C. 1948 model, 22.000 miles Excellent condition. $4,500 or nearest offer. 80-< No. A4981, S.T. HILLMAN 1947, registered, perfect condition. Insured till April, 1352. $3,500 Principals only. Write Box No. A5094. S.T. 1948 STUDEBAKER- Commander, new
      393 words
      5 words
    • 102 12 ehJSimi SONj^, We invite wholesale 99 JEWELS rtiAkrttCTir t WATERPROOF AHTIMACNETIC trade enquiries irom w»n»' r ¥r all neighbouring it >^Z 9^° •>^ j' countries including <?^ J E. NASSIM SONS S^D^Pj^» 381. North Bridge Road. f^slssP Watch Merchants JF Happy World Stadium TONIGHT at 9 P.M. Reserve The Date
      102 words