The Straits Times, 5 April 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 408 1 Fair costs to be published every week THE Singapore Government's scheme to publish "fair retail prices" of certain essential commodities began yesterday. Every Singapore retailer is being asked to submit to the three Chambers of Commerce their wholesale and retail prices. This decision was taken
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 1 PIPING WELCOME Piping a welcome to the Gordon Highlanders, who arrived last night in the Empire Halladale, are these Senforths, pictured marching up and down the quayside. Straits Times picture.
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  • 122 1 J± BATTALION of the Gordon Highlanders arrived cheering in the troopship Empire Halladale late yesterday evening, as the band of the Ist Seaforths piped "Cock o' the North" the Gordon's regimental march. The Gordons are back in Malaya again after nine years. They are here to fight
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  • 50 1 HANOI. Wed. Strong French Union reinforcements, spearheaded by Ame-rican-built 21-ton tanks, have retaken the Maukhe coalfield. 45 miles east of Hanoi a French army source said. The original French garrison of 120 men evacuated the coalfields on March 29 after an all-night battle with Vietminh troops.— Reuter.
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  • 20 1 MADRID, Wed. General Franco yesterday awarded King Farouk the Grand Collar of the Order of Isabel La Cablica.— A.P
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  • 173 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. AS a concession to the United States demand that rubber shall be put on international allocation, the Board of Trade has decided that export of raw rubber from the United Kingdom to destinations other than the Commonwealth, Eire and the
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  • 113 1 U.S. rubber policy under fire WASHINGTON, Wed. rpHE President of one of the nation's leading rubber companies said today that there may be a "severe" tyre shortage by summer unless the Government's rubber policies are altered radically and immediately. The warning was given to the Senate's Small Business Committee by
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  • 144 1 SINGAPORE Police last night began a hunt for the assailant or assailants of a 16-year-old Indian schoolgirl, found unconscious beside a drain near Holland Road. The unconscious Rirl, Miss Helen Row was found by a European at about 8 p.m. Her schoolbooks were strewn about
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  • 160 1 BOYS WHO SET AN EXAMPLE SINGAPORE boys who followed members of a gang who had broken into their school, and then called two policemen they saw in the street, were described by a police spokesman today as a good example of the way the public should get into "the police
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  • 114 1 U.K. to pay more for butter, eggs MELBOURNE, Wed. /COMMERCE Minister John \J McEwen announced tonight Britain had agreed to pay high prices for Australian butter, cheese, and eggs. The new agreement ended a deadlock over prices which had begun last August. Mr. McEwen said the new prices would be
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  114 words
  • 40 1 TOKYO, Wed. United States Air Force Far East headquarters said today no trace has been found of a B-29 Superfortress which vanished on Thursday on a bomber run between Okinawa base and Korea. Search is continuing. Reuter.
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  • 22 1 LONDON, Wed— A BO AC Stratocrulser carrying the MCC cricket team touched down at London airport this afternoon. Reuter.
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  • 36 1 I'M NOT FIT TO LIVE— TO DIE PRAGUE, Wed— A Slovak, Victor Palovic, who said he was "not fit to live," today vas reported to have been sentenced to death for being: an American spy. AP.
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  • 145 1 ESSEN, Wed. DR. Friederich Wilhelm Hardach. director cif the huge Krupps concern said today: "Krupps will never make another gun -not even if we are accused of sabotaging the European rearmament programme." Dr. Hardach said "Alter getting our fingers burned twice building arms for two
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  • 74 1 PARIS, Wed— The independent newspaper Figaro said yesterday Russia has all her atom bombs stored 135 feet underground in an arsenal 145 miles south east of Tomsk, Siberia. It said the Soviet now has four atomic energy plants, one near Tomak and the others in the
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  • 166 1 'THE Consultative Comm eluded a two-day conl Singapore, yesterday, con; situation is slightly less fi Ittee on Rice, which conerence at Phoenix Park, siders that the world rice ivourable than in NovemI ber, last year. But. says the committee In au official statement, the
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  • 59 1 NEW YORK, Wed. A SPRING shower stopped yesterday to allow President Auriol of France a traditional New York welcome from cheering Broadway crowds. Escorted in his car by 65 police motorcycles, M. Auriol, who had a slight temperature, was wrapped in a blanket. He was accompanied
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  • 25 1 ZURICH. Wed. School girls and boys are receiving military training in Bulgaria's new partisan organisation known 9* the Voluntary Defence Organisation.— Rcuter.
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  • 176 1 TOKYO, Wednesday. i SECOND American division sent a task force ripping four miles into North Korea today on the right flank of a 15-mile-wide bridgehead established across the 38th Parallel by American troops yesterday. An 8th Army communique said there was Red smallarms and
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  • 87 1 FIVE people were injured T in their Upper Serangoon Road home yesterday evening when lightning struck the radio set they were using. It was a freak accident. The radio a battery-ope-rated set was said to have exploded with a loud bang when lightning struck
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  • 40 1 WASHINGTON, Wed— Two more defendants in contempt of the United States Congress cases were freed yesterday. They were Thomas Fitzpatrick, of Pittsburgh, and Talmadge Raley, of Cincinnati, leaders of the left-wing United Electrical Workers.— A.P.
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  • 423 1 Gimson, officer clashed -counsel HONG KONG, Wed. ]LfR. George Stacy 1TA Kennedy Skipton, former Class I Colonial Administrative Officer of the Hong Kong Civil Service today appealed before the Chief Justice, Sir Gerald Howe, and Mr. Justice Scholes against a decision of Mr. Justice Gould. Mr. Justice Gould struck out
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 U jewellers 104 ORCHARD RO»P Til »2 +d» picture of n your blank mind? If you can r thmk what to order, give the family a pleasant surprise with gammon rashers cut really thick and served with green peas and chips. Singapore price: $1.87 Ib. small; $1.97 Ib. large.
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    • 31 1 for your early Selection at Tht PEKING Co., 81, HIGH ST.. SPORE. Phone ***** FllTTf COHTMNS DDT F^\ \kills 1 NEW STOCKS OBTAINABLE AT ALL DEALERS WILLIAM JACKS CO. (M) LTD.
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  • 82 2 REARMAMENT Spiritual 2 WASHINGTON, Wed. PRESIDENT Truman yes- terday warned the United States that selfishness and greed could tear the country apart. He appealed to his countrymen to follow the moral principles handed down by their forefathers. Speaking at the laying of the cornerstone of a Presbyterian church, he said:
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    40 2 A GOOD LUCK KISS for the bride was given by a chimney sweep after a Devon wedding. In some parts of England it is thought lucky to see a sweep on a wedding day. The bridegroom is a bellringer.
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  • 211 2 HONG KONG, Wed. T«HE Peking authorities have officially announced that at least 230 "counter revolutionaries" have been executed for the 13-day period ending March 31. It was officially announced that a "large group' was executed in Tientsin last Saturday and 23 In Swatow on March 25. Among
    Reuter-AAP  -  211 words
  • 100 2 SAN FRANCISCO, Wed. ■COR the first time in medical history, a man lived for more than two months without his pituitary gland, University of California scientists reported today. A supposedly hopeless case of cancer underwent an operation for removal of the gland, knowing he might die
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  • 60 2 MANILA. Wed.— The Philippine Cabinet decided yesteiday to make representations to the International Wheat Council for an increase of the Philippine flour quota from 6,22*2,261 to 8,400.000 bags of flour. At the same time ths Cabinet ruled that strategic materials produced In the Philippines be prohibited for
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  • 31 2 LONDON. Wed. The U.S. Third Air Division denied it suspected sabotage of the 80ton Globemaster which crashed Into the Atlantic on Good Friday with 53 men on board. —Reuter.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 208 2 UNDERGRAD tours, a breezy new enterprise by Oxford undergraduates, is drawing American dollars fast. The college men and women offer to take Americans "right into the humming life of Etonians and Oxford men"— at $8.50 a time.Their day tours, aimed at dispelling "all
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    • 47 2 WASHINGTON. Wed.— The U.S. Government yesterday ordered Carters' to eliminate the word "liver" from Carters' Little Liver Pills. Furthermore, the Federal Trade Commission said Carters' must stop saying that the pills are what you need when you are listless, tired oat irritable, billions or fallen;—AP.
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  • 61 2 REARMAMENT Spiritual 1 MANILA, Wed. MANILA'S woman councillor, Miss Josefina Phadaca has come forward with a brand new idea: spiritual rearmament of Manilans. Addressing Manila Rotarians, she appealed for "moral an spiritual rearmament" of city officials and the people of Manila. "We got corrupt officials only when there are men
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  • 134 2 LONDON, Wednesday. A STRIKE call went out last night to 850 teachers at 100 schools in the northern English county of Durham. They will start handing in their notices tomorrow some one month, others three months according to their contract. Leaders of six unions meeting
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  • 102 2 Explorer's bones found' in jungle RIO DE JANEIRO, Wed. rpHE bones of Colonel Percy Fawcett. British explorer, may have been found in the Brazilian jungles where he disappeared in 1925. Arquimedes Pereirn d? Lima, head of the Brazil Central Foundation, said he had been told by an expedition in the
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  • 39 2 NEW DELHI, Wed. Mr. j Nehru, the Prime Minister. returned last night to New j Delhi after his three-day stay in disputed Kashmir. He drove straight to a Congress party meeting to discuss Indian food position. A.P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 344 2 I Shows: 3. 6.15 at t.IS fm. Aa Adventurom and Romantic Melodrama! R-K-O's "TW£ BIG <TEAL" ■tarring Hobrrt Mitrhum Jane Gre«r REX JMORE BAHRU Todar S Shown: 3.15. 6.45 9.L5 -BKRDOSA" (Malay) Allantie Great World loday 2 Show*: 7 9.15 "IN THr. <;OOI> OI.I) SIMMERIIMK i Technicolor I ■mi Nrw
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    • 857 2 Tn^Tne^JßaT Pcr 1 Dickson. Candidates must have passed Standard Eight in an English School and must not be over 35 yean of age. Knowledge of Typewriting will be an advantage. Salary will be assessed in accordance with current Government rates of pay for Temporary Clerks, in addition to which Cost
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    • 646 2 TRUST PRINCESS ELIZABETH ESTATES •X Mile Bajklt Timai Boa 4. The following accommodation is now under construction at the p.bove Estate: 84 Artisans' Quarters 18 Shops 60 Two-bedroom Flats 24 Three-bedroom Flats. Employers of labour In the Buklt Timah area are invited to recommend suitable employees who are not at
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  • 564 3 Rearmament is putting postwar recovery drive into danger LONDON, Wednesday. THE British people got a warning from the Government yesterday that they must shoulder still more burdens to prevent the rearmament programme from bringing postwar recovery to a standstill. This reminder that Britain's struggles have brought
    Reuter; AP  -  564 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 3 l»ll. J. i. BODET, Director- General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organize ion. opening a human rights and book exhibition, at the Council of State chamber atNew Delhi.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 42 3 MELBOURNE, Wed.—Because of the record prices paid for wool, suits made in England will soon cost about t( A >50 each In Australia, said a leading stores spokesman. Some firms here have cancelled their orders with London houses. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 141 3 JAKARTA, Wednesday. Ci ANTiS of outlawed Darul Islam extremists, wear1 ing uniforms and equipped with machine-guns, attacked the West Java towns of Garoet and Tiirandjang. i The battle at Garoet starred on Saturday about midnight and penetrated to the laiidle of the town. Six people including
    AP  -  141 words
  • 77 3 ROME, Wed. A 24-hour strike of Italy's 100,000 postal telegraph and telephone workers due to start yesterday was called off at the last moment after all night negotiations. Treasury Minister Signor Giuseppe Pella and Minister of Telecommunications Signor Giuseppe Spataro agreed to grant part of the
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  • 90 3 PARIS. Wed. M ANDREI Gromyko the Soviet deputy Foreign Minister, had nothing to add at the Four Power meeting here yesterday to comments and objections he made to the latest Western compromise agenda. M. Gromyko told Western representatives this in reply to a question from the British
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  • 50 3 PRAGUE, Wed. CZECH playwright Alona Bernaskova has dramatised the "struggle for oil in the Middle East" in a play called Sheherezade which shows "how capitalist powers oppress native populations fighting for liberty," says the newspaper. I.idova Demokracie. It said the play "abounds in murder, bribery and conspiracy." U.P.
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  • 85 3 LONDON, Wed. CQUADRON Leader Trevor S. (Wimpey; Wade, wellknown jet plane pilot, was killed yesterday as he parachuted from a plane near Lewes, in Sussex. Wade, 31, was chief test pilot of the Hawker Aircraft Company. He took off from Farnborough in a P-1081, the latest Hawker
    AP  -  85 words
  • 20 3 MANILA, Wed. Twentynine Communist Hukbalahap suspects, comprising 25 Chinese nationals and four Filipinos, were caught this morning.—Reuter.
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  • 208 3 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. npHE foreign ministers of the 21 American republics, meeting here yesterday, expressed their determination to remain united and their conviction that strong support of United Nations action was the most effective way of maintaining peace. They unanimously adopted the Declaration of Washington—a merger of
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  • 148 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. pEPRESENTATIVE Carl IV Vmson. chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said yesterday that in a short time Russia will have a stockpile of atomic bombs sufficient to initiate a terrible aerial attack on "our cities and homes" whenever rhe wishes He urged
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  • 27 3 BERLIN, Wed. British authorities asked the Russians yesterday to return immediately four British soldiers who are said to have deserted to the Soviet zone.— AP.
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  • 91 3 NEW DELHI, Wed. rrHE Indian State Minister said yesterday that proceeds from any sale of the world famous jewel fortune of the Nizam of Hyderabad would be invested in Indian Government securities and used largely for the benefit of Hyderabad State. He told the Indian
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  • 81 3 COLOMBO, Wed. ftEYLON'S Commerce Minvy ister. Mr. Henry Amarasuriya, expressed his firm conviction that "Ceylon, with its traditional background of religious culture, will repel Communism for another 2,500 years at least". He told a school prizeday function that though the Marxist doctrine had attempted
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  • 50 3 IND IES SNUB STASSEN JAKARTA. Wed.—Indonesia's defence position is her own concern and will be determined solely by herself, a Defence Ministry spokesman said. He was commenting on a Press report quoting Mr. Harold Stassen as saying that Indonesia should have four divisions ready for the defence of Asia.— U.P.
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  • 85 3 ROME, Wed. I SMALL bomb was found on the railway line between Rome and Naples yesterday shortly before a train carryIng Italian President Lulgi Elnaudi to Naples was due to pass. It was found by a police- man near Villa Literno, a few miles
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  • 30 3 CAIRO. Wed.— Prince Aly Khan, who left Cairo yesterday for Algiers on his way to Europe, said rumours that he and Rita have parted "are ridiculous."— U P.
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  • 19 3 TOKYO. Wed.— Candidates, numbering 4,175, registered yesterday for elections for the gubernatorial, mayoralty and local assembly.— Reuter
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  • 174 3 LONDON, Wednesday. DRITAIN and other Commonwealth countries have held out firmly against all attempts to whittle down imperial preferences at the international tariff talks at Torquay, according to delegates As a result there will be no large scale reductions or alterations in the low tariff
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  • 80 3 Food will go Up— WEBB BRIGHTON, Wed. HPHE Food Minister, Mr. Maurice Webb, told the National Conference of Labour women here yesterday: "This year, quite frankly, prices are bound to rise." It was going to be a grim business getting sufficient food for "this little island" but the price Increase
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    • 196 3 created to keep you «©ol and elegant WCJ~~Z2K all through th*> day V A D r\ I E V f AKOLE T and 'tlie luxury soap <>J thr world* also perfumed with Yirdley Larender: Bath Salts Dusting Powder Talc and other toilet mqaMla TARD L X X tX OLD BOND
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  • 310 4 RUNA WAY YOU THSHTT FED FIRMS: DRAIN ON LABOUR From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. ]^|ALAYA\S "runaway youths" mainly Chinese who have left the country to avoid being called vp have caused a shortage of skilled labour in industry. Jn some cases the shortage is serious. Several thousand Federation
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 4 Mr. .Maurice Nicholas, chairman of Aspro Ltd.. in Britain, and Nicholas Ply. in Australia, who arrived in Singapore yesterday by QEA-BOAC on his way to business talks in Australia. Straits Times picture.
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  • 60 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed— On en implication made by the proLow Poh Mun. 32. who appeared on two charges of forging an id<ntitv card and having in his possession two identity cards was today discharged by Tengku Abdul Rahman in the Kuala
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  • 52 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, WedWhen Peh Kee Chong was arrested for hawking he effered $2 to the constables to release him. In Kuala Lumpur Second Ma-M.strates Court he pleaded guilty to offering a bribe. Sentence was postponed to Auril 16 and bail of $100
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  • 88 4 From Our Own Correspondent. KOTA BAHRU, Wed. —One of the attractions to boost the Kelantan Security Forces Amenities fund and the Kelantan Amateur Athletic Association's fund during its fun fair at the Biaritz Amusement Park on May 3, Is the singing exhibition by two Malay
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  • 147 4 Two men get praise from Bench DRIVER and a shopkeeper were yesterday praised by Fourth Police Magistrate, Mr. |P. Claque. for catching a young Chinese, who atempted to commit lurking house trespass on Feb. 1. The youth, 18-year-old Poh Hai Gong, was sentenced to three months imprisonment. Congratulating tfce men.
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  • 45 4 PENANG, Wed. Pleading guilty to a charge of stealing a woman's bicycle, Ramasamy told the Penang Magistrate Mr. D. C. I. Wernham. that he was drunk when he took the bicycle. Mr. Wernham deferred sentence for a week and fixed bail at $300.
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  • 305 4 'Very fierce' in riots six years A PACKER at the Government Printing Office, Ali Mansoor bin Ahmad, described as being very fierce when he incited a mob to burn a police van on Dec. 12, yesterday was sentenced to a total of six years' imprisonment at the Singapore Assizes, He
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  • 79 4 r VHE "Army worm" is the caterpillar that has been eating the Napier fodder grass on the 60-acre grassland of the Singapore Dairy Farm. Its entomological name is "cirphis" 'pronounced as in "surface" i. and it belongs to the '"noctuidae" f:nnily. Spraying of the grass
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  • 31 4 From Our Own Correspondent. KLUANG. Wed. Charged with stealing a $290 lorry tyre of Ulu Paloh Estate, Niyor, Mohamed bin Mat was allow°d bail in $500 until-April 11.
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  • 32 4 From Our Own Correspondent. ALOR STAR, Wed.— A lorry passenger. Hong Siew. was seriously hurt today when he fell on to the road near Kuala Ketil in central Kedah.
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  • 99 4 S>T. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION, Home Nursing lecture, Brigade Hq., Stamford Road. 9.45 p.m. RED CROSS OLD PEOPLE'S CLUB, Wesley Hall, Fort Canning, 4 30 p.m. CHINESE V.M.C.A.. Selegie Road, students' music. 4.30 p.m. badminton, 5 p.m., body building, 5.30 p.m., basketball, 5.30 p.m., table-tennis. 7.30 p.m. THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY.
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  • 38 4 From Our Own Correspondent. M U A R, Wed.— Bail of $750 was granted Mokri bin Sawin Tanah charged at Muar with stealing jewellery belonging to a Malay woman in a house at Kampong Bukit Kling.
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  • 113 4 jyjEN of the 'C Division. Singapore Police Force, and the Royal Army Service Corps carried out anti-riot exercises yesterday in the Rochore, Geylang and Beach Road areas. During the thr»e-houc practice, at«el-heJm©tM police armed and caTryljut rattan shields, and suppoitscl by locally enlisted and British
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  • 50 4 From Our Own Correspondent TELUK ANSON, Wed Fines of $30 each were imposed on Razali bin Mat Jais, Mohamed Ariffln bin Abdullah, Tan bin Aki and Osman bin Haji Nawawi for being found in possession of 100 katis of copra valued at $54 at the Bagan Datoh jetty.
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  • 34 4 From Our Own Correspondent. SEQAMAT, Wed.— Because it was his second offence, 38-yeax-ofld taxi driver. Lim Choon Guan, was today fined $40 at Segamat for conveying an extra passenger In his vehicle.
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  • 214 4 High costs are driving cabmen home JVIALAY drivers who iT1 came from the Federation to work in Singapore are returning to the rubber estates because of the rising cost of living. They can earn more money on the estates, and costs are less. Malay drivers are paid from $80 to
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 4 •THE BRfDE bridegroom passing between a guard of honour at the wedding at it Andrews Cathedral. Singapore, yesterday of Miss Patricia Barbara Law, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Law and Surgeon Lt. Commander Norman Spencer Marsden, son of the late Dr. R. W. Marsden. and Mrs.
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  • 73 4 PREPARATIONS are now under way In Singapore trade union circles to celebrate May Day— international labour day. A meeting of representatives of all Singapore trade unions is expected to be held soon to discuss details. For the past two years, because of the Emergency, May
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  • 51 4 From Oar Own Correspondent. KLUANG. Wed.— Three Chinese Yap Kiow, 45, Chin Yin 39. and Wong Slew Chin. 19. charged with illegal possession of scrap rubber at the boundary of Coronation Estate and Mengyibol Estate Kluang were allowed $500 bail each and their case was postponed to April
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  • 137 4 T»HE amalgamation of Malaya's three big national organisations, UMNO, MCA and M.I.C. will not be accomplished until they are given time and Mr Chong Thutt Pitt, president of the Singapore M.C.A. branch, said yesterday. s«Fwe He pointed out that the :nree organisations have not 1
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  • 222 5 DETAINED SHIPS: AGERNTS ASK C.G. TO ACT Indonesian Government may be sued Captains 'were forced to sign 9 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. 'THE agents of all the eight Penang ships detained by the port authorities at Llok Seumawe, in Sumatra, are seeking legal advice on claims for compensation
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 5 DR. X SARBADHIKARI. Professor of Orthopaedics in the University of Calcutta addressing Singapore X >Urians at the weekly lunch yesterday on the International Students' Service Experts Conference on th- health of students in South East Asia which was held in Singapore during the past week. Straits Times picture.
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  • 272 5 YOUNG BOWMEN GET THEIR FIRST LESSON School takes up archery STEADY, Robin Hood!" came the yell, and 12-year-old Shlaii Ting Hua shooting the first arrow in his life saw it go straight and true— but it fell just in front of the target 40 yards away. The scene was the
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  • 75 5 From Our Own Correspondent. JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. r»HAN SONG, a lorry attendant who broke his skull in a road accident, walked one mile to a Jemaluang lodging house. He was injured when the lorry in which he was travelling, skidded during a rainstorm and threw him
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  • 70 5 DEATH OF K.L. NEWSMAN From Onr Staff Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Mr. Conrad Mackelvie, a Kuala Lumpur journalist, died last night at the General Hospital here after being ill for about six weeks. Mr. Mackelvie, who was 33, worked in the Kuala Lumpur office of the Straits Times from 1945
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  • 277 5 —SAYS JUDGE ANY punishment which involves flogging should j only be meted out by the High Court and not by j a Lower Court, said Mr. Justice Brown in the Singapore Supreme Court yesterday. J lid this at the conclu- U0 appeal in which ho
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  • 31 5 The general meeting of the Women's Group of the Singapore Army Civil Service Union which was to have been held yesterday, has been pos.ooned because of lack of quorum.
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  • 153 5 $3,191 IN LOTTERY CHARGE FIFTY chap-ji-kee lottery j slips and five lottery schedules, worth $3,191, were seized by police who raided a house in Tan Quee Lan Street, it was alleged in Singapore yesterday. Sim Ah Song, aged 36, Tan Peng Tin. aged 32, and a woman, Hlng Ah Kee.
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  • 38 5 M. Velio Thevar. 54, was yesterday tentatively charged in the Singapore Second Police Court with possession of 66 rounds of Japanese ammunition at Canberra Gate, Naval Base, on April 3. He was remanded untli Apr. 11.
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  • 163 5 'CHURCH IS AGAINST DIVORCE' TANON R. K. S. Adams said last night that there must be some way by which young people seeking matrimony could be taught what marriage meant. He was giving a lecture on Christian marriage in the British Council Hall. Canon Adams stressed that there was a
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  • 31 5 PENANG. Wed.— About 350 junior Red Cross members, the first in the Federation, will be enrolled at a special ceremony at Hutchings School ground. Penang, on Saturday afternoon.
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  • 18 5 MUAR, Wed. Seventeen Chinese were each fined $15 or one week's imprisonment at Muar for gambling.
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  • 181 5 AlO-MAN committee, headed by the Singapore Colonial Secretary, Mr. VV. L. Blythe, has been set up Dy Government to make recommendations for improving orchestral performances in the Colony. The committee, however, agrees that the establishment of a full symphony orchestry in the Colony— to includt
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  • 21 5 Thg Governor ha« appointed Mr. W. 8. Hoseason to be a member of the Rent Conciliation Board, Singapore.
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  • 117 5 THE legitimate rights of workers would be safe in his hands, Mr. A. P. Rajah, Progressive Party candidate for Keppel, told Singapore Harbour Board workers yesterday. He was speaking at an election meeting at Breeze Plain. About 300 attended. Mr. Rajah said, that as a nominated Municipal
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  • 55 5 THE Labour Party of- Singapore, will hold an election mass rally at Farrer Park on April 8. to wind up the Party's election campaign tor the Legislative Council elections next week. During the meeting; Labour candidates contesting; seven out of nine seats on the Singapore Legislative
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  • 46 5 UNLIKE the Labour Party, the Progressive Party has never declared that its policy was to contest every ward in the Singapore Legislative Council elections, Mr. C. C Tan, president of the Progressive Party, said yesterday. Mr. Tan said this In reply
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  • 178 5 MORE than 5,900 stray dogs and 450 stray cats were collected by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Singapore, during last year. This was stated at the reconvened annual meeting of the Society, held in the British Council hajl yesterday.
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  • 150 5 'LET POLITICS BE CLEAN' Thio urges: vote honestly MR. Thio Chan Bee, Progressive candidate for the Ward in the Singapore Legislative Council elections, yesterday appealed to voters and candidates to keep politics in Singapore clean. With polling day only five days off, he said that the atmosphere was full of
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  • 176 5 CINGAPORE Municipal em- ployees who are repistered electors in the Legislative Council Elections will be allowed to leave office at 1 p.m. on Polling Day, April 10, to cast their votes. Mr. H. D. E. MacVitie. Acting; Municipal Secretary, yesterday said that a circular announcing
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  • 86 5 Mr. A. P. Raja, a Progressive Party leader and candidate for Keppel district for the Singapore Legislative Council elections, and Mr. P. M. Williams, general secretary of the Labour Party, who Is contesting the Balestier district, will address members of Raffles Society, at th e Central
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  • 36 5 From Our Own Correspondent. JOHORE BAHRU, Wed.— Palani and Chelliah. charged at Johore Bahru with theft from a shop during a "cheap sale," were allowed bail in $400 each pending trial.
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  • 22 5 JOHORE BAHRU Wed -For carrying an extra taxi passenger Teo Chong Hek. of Senal, was fined $7 at Johore Bahru.
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  • 174 5 r THERE should be a compulsory medical entrance examination for all University students and an annual recheck for all students except medical students, who should be re-checked bi-annually, This is one of the recommendation of the International Students' Service experts conference on student health in South-East
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 63 5 \b f 3 I a I )ne eu ENCUSM FINE BONE CHINA I BRITISH AND BEST I Beautiful selection of designs and shapes in all colours EARLY MORNING TEASETS from $23.50 j jji (for 2 persons) i TEASET FOR 6 PERSONS from $57.50 I > COf-FEE SET FOR 6 PERSONS
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  • 97 6 MADAM ONO BOEY NEO (Widow ot Khoo Peck Lock) aged 1 pawed away peacefully at No. 47 Marine Parade, Singapore, on 4th April 1951 at 1.40 a.m. leaving brlilnd to mourn her loss, 3 dauEhters Gek Choo (Mrs. Oh K»ee Liang*. Gek Kee and Gek Hlok. 1 son 800
    97 words
  • 54 6 AC KNOWLEDGMENT M s NG ENG SEAH. NO ENG Ui ,V families beg to express thi ir sincere thanks to fiiends Sc i who paid night visits A: •t tended the funeral of their fnther. the late Mr. Ng Ngiam Chenj: on April Ist those who sent wre;iths. scrolls etc.
    54 words
  • 46 6 ANNOUNCE MENT THE ANNOUNCEMENTS In the Sunday Times of 1.4.51 and Fru.its Times of 2.4.51 re the eniiflßement of Miss Lily Choo riiuitihUT of Mr. Choo Lye Hint is Ml th* Miss Lily Choo. daughter «>f Mr Choo Lye Huat ol Nc 11 Martta Road. Singapore.
    46 words
  • 892 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs. Apr. 5, 1951. Mopping up the money Inflation in Malaya can become almost as serious a problem as banditry, said Mr. H.B. van Praagh in his address to the Penang Chamber of Commerce. There is no question but that he is right. And as was
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  • 242 6 WHEN the Malayan Planting Industries Employers' Association and the Estate Staff Union reached a comDromise on grades of pay, we were rather encouraged by what we read in the papers. But in practice we have found the compromise to be a farce It was stated that
    242 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 374 6 MR. TAN TO MR. KIAT ]t|R. G. H. Kiat, in a iTI letter in Wednesday's Straits Times, said I knew the whole facts about the Singapore Ratepayers' Association report on Rent Control Ordinance amendment. All I know Is that Mr. G. H. Kiat's name headed a list of five persons
      374 words
    • 55 6 T AM surprised to hear that Mr. G. H. Kiat signed a report of the Ratepayers' Association Committee against his will. Mr. Kiat. in his manifesto to electors, says that he has had 30 years' service on committees of this kind. Has he never heard of a
      55 words
    • 386 6 YOUR leading article on the International Students' Service Health Conference, on April 2, suggests an imperfect knowledge of the subject. I write to point out a few details which may have escaped notice. Middle-aged professional men like myself remember the days when no provision was made for student
      386 words
    • 78 6 WAS surprised to read in your correspondence columns that, among; others, Mr. G. H. Kiat and Mr. N. S. Hogan had signed a recommendation for a flat rate of increase of 20 per cent, on existing rents of controlled premises These two gentlemen. I believe are members
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    • Article, Illustration
      5 words
    • 239 6 IUHEN the Government in- troduced the Income Tax Ordinance with such disgusting haste, It no doubt did so on the strength of a statement by the adviser, Mr. Heasman, that there would be no difficulty in the equitable collection of the tax, and that he expected
      239 words
    • 25 6 Letters signed with cannot be published units* the writer's name and address are communicated in confidence to the editor as sign of gcod faith.
      25 words
  • 702 6 SINGAPOREANS will join with Mr. Frank James, elected Municipal Commissioner for East Ward, in the surprise which he expressed at the Commissioners' meeting last week that there are no Municipal markets at Katong. In an area which embraces nearly one quarter of the city's population, it
    702 words
  • 426 6 Miss Agues Joaquim IT seems that I got a bit mixed up over the origin of Van da Joaquim in my note last Saturday. Mr. Basil J.P. Joaquim, of Kuala Lumpur, writes to me as follows: This hybrid was not discovered in the garden of Mrs. J.P.
    426 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 617 6 Strata Pines Ie Free Press iit« c«n««nM<m •#rtt%#rt, #MV W#pf #WftrAff lV4f lit Ft««r. Sinnaport C«ld Slot*** Orchard «riM receive fmall MlvafiiMHMnH •nd answer! to b«i numbers CLASSIFIED ADS SITTATIONS VACANT WANTED Office Clerk salary 1191 apply in own hand-writing to Pox No A4855. S.T. EXPERIENCED Book Keeper. Oi at
      617 words
      29 words
    • 202 6 Copper Next to iron, copper is the mosi useful metal in ihc world today. Millions of miles of copper wire and cable carry the elci ty that drives motors and transmits messages from one end ot iie earth to the other. It tt made into fireboxes for railway engines and,
      202 words

  • 160 7 12 will sell low cost food in their holidays TWELVE senior boys of the Singapore Victoria School have volunteered to spend the holidays selling vegetables and dried provisions at cheap prices in markets in the Katong area, in an attempt to fight high food costs. They
    160 words
  • Article, Illustration
    52 7 BRITISH CriA/.ii'.ON skaters, Dennis and V.-.ij Silvcrthorne. in Scandinavian Ice Revue at th e Capitol Theatre, Singapore. Ten tons of icing pipes and equipment was shipped to Singapore for the construction of the ice-rink on the stage the first time one has ever been made so near the Equator. Straits
    52 words
  • 227 7 100 more houses for S'pore ANOTHER large hous- ing estate of 100 terrace houses and 10 bungalows is to be built by private enterprise in the Serangoon Road area of Singapore. The houses are being offered for sale to the public on eafy payment terms. The estate will be on
    227 words
  • 54 7 A St. John Ambulance Biieao'p Ve?rasamy Road women's section, is to be formed soon. Che Adlsab Abdu. Rahman. a member ot St. John Ambu]nn:r Arab street section. Is recruiting Mi'ay women for It Mi hj wojren; to Join should corr<muni..? t t with ur at
    54 words
  • 43 7 In a security check at Fraser Street. Singapore, on Tuesday night. Police Lieutenant Edwards found two hoons of dross opium on 50-year-old hawker. Chua Theng Kee. Chua was yesterday fined $25 in the Singapore First District Court.
    43 words
  • 96 7 ]yjORE than 10,000 Buddhists in Singapore are joining in the campaign to fight the black-market and lower the cost of living in the Colony. A decision was taken early this week at a Joint meeting of the executive and supervisory committees of the Singapore Buddhist
    96 words
  • 160 7 Embraced woman after deal ARAG-AND-BONE man drew a woman into his arms during her husband's absence, it was stated in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday. Ong Pee the man. was charged with using criminal force on Tan Kai Keow 20, with intent to outrage her modesty. He was fined
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  • 55 7 Pepsi-Cola the new bottled drink introduced to Singapore this week by Union Limited is selling so well that some difficulty is being experienced on maintaining supplies said Mr. J. H. Abbott, manager of the company, yesterday. The company's trucks have been working up to half-past ten at
    55 words
  • 129 7 From Our SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. POUR days after they had taken over from the 2nd Scots Guards the First Battalion Royal West Kents on Monday killed two bandits in the first patrol they sent out. The patrol was from "A" Coy and
    129 words
  • 134 7 DR. Mari Mendoza Barker, a Filipino who recently married Chief Officer Robert C. Barker of the Bruas, although still on her honeymoon has attended a conference in Singapore durin* Ihe past week. She was an observer for her country at the experts conference on university student health problems
    134 words
  • 78 7 Osman bin Omar, and Syed Rahman bin Syed Ahmad, yesterday pleaded guilty in the Singapore Third Police Court to stealing a car, valued at $4,500 belonging to Henry Moh in Eng Hoon Street on April 2. They were alternatively charged with concealing five motor car
    78 words
  • 190 7 AN appeal to Singapore Muslims to set up welfare homes for orphans, and for Muslim women who have been forced to seek undesirable ways of earning a living, is to be made by Che Zaharah binte Noor Mohamed, president of the Singapore Malay Women's Welfare Association.
    190 words
  • 60 7 'ptfE Singapore Police Force needs 120 recruits now to fill its ranks. These places are still vacant following the Federation Government's refusal to allow the Singapore force to recruit in Penang two weeks ago. ■A Singapore police spokesman told the Straits Times yesterday that the Jorce
    60 words
  • 21 7 New Moon Day celebrations will be held at the Buddhist Temple. Outram Road Singapore, today at 7 p.m.
    21 words
  • 38 7 Low Gek King, was sentenced in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday to one month's imprisonment to be followed by six months' police supervision for fraudulent possession of 21 pieces of iron rods, worth $21.
    38 words
  • 156 7 TWO Tunisian nationalist leaders who arrived in Singapore yesterday by QEA-BOAC from Calcutta will wear, temporarily, Gandhi caps given to them by Indian political leaders, instead of the fez. They are going to Jakarta to tell Indonesia of Tunisia's struggle for independence. The
    156 words
  • 30 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed.Kang Hong Chuan. of Pandan, was fined $15 In thp Police Court today for using a weighing instrument which had not been stamped for 1951.
    30 words
  • 225 7 From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Wed. rE assistance of two Malay pawangs has been sought by the deputy chairman of the Seremban Town Board. Tungku Mustapha. to remove a poltergeist that he believes has been throwing stones at his house since last Friday n'.eht. The
    225 words
  • 105 7 SINGAPORE Labour Party leaders are watching with "deep interest and optimism" the move to form a Labour Party in the Federation. But. they would not say whether the Federation move Is part, of the Party's plan to •'spread its wings over Malayan politics." Mr. P.
    105 words
  • 253 7 ..And Yahya just lost his temper WHEN I found out one of my friends had raped my wife while I was on night-duty. I lost my temper," a Malay, Yahya bin Tahai, an army fireman, told a Singapore court yest«rday. And because he lost his temper. Yahya picked up ahammer
    253 words
  • 32 7 Nineteen-year-old Llm Seng Peck was acquitted by Mr. R. B. I." Pates, the Singapore Second Police Magistrate, yesterday on a charge of criminal breach of trust of a picyclc.
    32 words
  • 25 7 Teo Long Gaik, an unemployed boatman, was fined $20 In the First District Court, Singapore, yesterday for falllng to register for tax identity
    25 words
  • 69 7 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Wed. THE Toong Lin Siew Chook 1 Buddhist Temple in Greentown, largest of its kind in Ipoh, will hold a three-day prayer meeting on May 19, 20 and 21 for world peace. Buddhist priests from Penan? will help in conducting
    69 words
  • 217 7 Scarcer. dearer cloth feared From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A BIG fall in the cotton output in America and a diversion of rayon yarn and raw cotton to the rearmament programme, may make lower-grade textiles very scarce in the Federation in the next few months. India, unable to
    217 words
  • 74 7 Tay Sian Toh told the Singapore Coroner yesterday that the day before her husband was found drowned off Clifford Pier he told her that a neighbour had threatened him with assault. Tay, who identified the body of her husband. Taa Eng Chin, at the Marine Police
    74 words
  • 37 7 Dee Ah Hong was cautioned and discharged by the Singapore First District Judge. Mr. H. E. Kingdon, yesterday for failing to produce his Identity card at the Te'.ok Ayer Basin, Singapore, on April 3.
    37 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 44 7 w Olft* 0 fast/* /Srwur/jfe i I OXAM£ OX MX UU^II 4 TO A P£l/C/O(S$ cz^ss* CHOCOIAT£ CAX£ //Y^X^^to, SUNBEAM MiXMASTER /i(Ak j£\ "MIX FINDER" DIAL Jiiitnbutors: THE EMPORIUM fi\ Battery Road, xV >5" Singapore. f 1011 AGENTS wng«i""" -t«i -74* .rr»'/*wG- ill mi
      44 words
      75 words

  • 356 8 POLICE DECOYS CAUGHT YOUTH A GOLDSMITH'S son, A I^-year-old Ting Siew Kay, yesterday was sentenced in the Singapore Third District Court to 18 months' imprisonment and six strokes of the rotan for attempting to put a sick merchant in fear of injury to
    356 words
  • 30 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed Lim Eng Khoon, a Singapore lorry driver was flned $25 in the Police Court today for inconsiderate driving along Jalan Tebrau, and colliding with another vehicle.
    30 words
  • 36 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed Lan Choo Lim. who drove a bus at 45 miles an hour on a road with a limit of 25 miles an hour, was flned $40 at Johore Bahru today.
    36 words
  • 88 8 Tan Jwee Juang 19. of Queen's Street Boys' Home, was yesterday tentatively charged in the Third Police Court, Singapore, with housebreaking on April 2, in order to steal a watch, a pencil, a shaving set and cutlery belonging to Mr. H. Higgins at Temangong Road. He
    88 words
  • 192 8 |LfR. H. Kitahara, the first Japanese civilian to iT enter Singapore since the end of the war, claims he has found no anti-Japanese feeling in the Colony. An official of the Japanese Government, Mr. Kitahara arrived in Singapore on Saturday to attend, as an observer,
    192 words
  • 58 8 DR. CHEN SU LAN, a prominent member of the Chinese conimunity in Singapore, receiving his certificate of naturalisation from the Colonial Secretory, Mr. W L Blythe On the left is Mr. D. K. Daniels, the Under! Secretary. Thirty-eight others also received certificates at a ceremony this week
    58 words
  • 94 8 MORE TRA VELLED BY RAIL IN FEB. From Our Staff Correspondent M KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. ORE passengers travelled by the Malayan R o a llway in February than in January, paying 5996.810 compared with $869,841— an increase of $126,969. The amount of revenue from goods traffic during February was also
    94 words
  • 51 8 From Our Staff Correspondent. KUDAT, Borneo, Wed. FIRE which broke out in Kudat last Saturday afternoon, in 45 minutes destroyed 43 shophouses, made 130 people homeless, and caused $1,000,000 damage. There were no casualties in the fire which spread rapidly when fanned by a strong
    51 words
  • 88 8 From Our SUIT Correspondent PENANG, Wed. TRAHAM Crombie, 17-year-u old British seaman from the 7,044-ton Benloyal, who was wounded by Penang terrorists on Monday night, was today reported to be improving in the Penang General Hospital. His companion, 28-year-old Seng; Onn. a painter from the same vessel,
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  • 257 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. REPRESENTATIVES of three powerful railway workers' unions told Mr. J. O. Sanders, general manager of the Malayan Railways, last night: "You have let us down badly". This was told in reply to his claim that he had
    257 words
  • 183 8 At a ceremony at the Victoria Memorial Hall the Colonial Secretary, Singapore Mr. W. L. Blythe, presented naturalisation certificates to the following 39 persons Mr. Lim Boon Chin. Mrs. Carmelo Paiomar. on behalf of her husband. Mr. Vladimir Alexii Rebikoff. Mr. Han Luk Juan. Mr. Yeh Sui
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  • 26 8 KLUANO, Wed— For driving a motor lorry at Jalan Mersing, Kluang without a licence. Low Yoon Choy was flned $25 or 10 days' imprisonment.
    26 words
  • 24 8 Four pictures of the King and Queen were yesterday hung in the main hall of the terminal building at Kallang airport.
    24 words
  • 86 8 MR. O. ULIANITSKY, a 40-year-old Russian attached to the Imports Department of the Anglo-American Corporation, and his Estonian bride. 27-year-old Miss Olga Tarma, after their marriage at the Singapore Registry yesterday. Mrs. Ullanitsky. who came from England by the Wlllem Ruy s on Tuesday, was dressed in
    86 words
  • 22 8 RAUB, Wed.— The headquarters of the Central Electricity Board, Eastern Region, South, has been transferred from Kuala Lipls to Raub.
    22 words
  • 77 8 THE new $150,000 Indian Association building in Balestier Road will be opened by the Commissioner-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, next month. soclation, built from funds raised by members of the community In Singapore. The building's foundation stone was laid by the Indian Prime Minister, Pandit
    77 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      149 words
    • 184 8 I~ I Til II SATURDAY n M'NITE If If j|l|*" *T' fJJJ^*^ ...PURSUED BY FEAR SHE SHUNS THE SEARING TONGUE OF SCANDAL! f% mM MBM B f^WuSS^Wf'tOttk Distributed by f -mmmW KKO Rmiilo —m—mmmm*wmmnL^ Drama of a Grave Peril! e^ll SHA YES from every Blue Gillette Blade W For the
      184 words

    • 321 9  -  UNCLE BILL JUST recently we read of a romance commemorated on a stamp. There is aj curious stamp which I commemorates a very vain men. When Shah Pahlevi of Persia acceded to the throne he gave instructions that the picture of the former ruler should be blacked
      321 words
    • 66 9 Answers To Last Week's Quiz *4tl3nBjp snotdoo vi aqtqiuj oj sueam ijßnb pajanßos aac iptq.w sjjiS jo X3UOUI S| ossaBjE7 'H'sqaXa dqi jo auoaj ut aanionajs maj^d -SUEX) itUJOIJ Sj C3UJO3 V 'sneuajsodajd •XisnojAqo '^tppo '|E]iuassa z ,'Avpuovi uo noA aas- o; Gujoo U^us i, mK-es an pue uitq iuojj
      66 words
    • 511 9 "I DO nice tne look of that little girl", said Bumble the bee to his friend Bizz. "She doesn't seem to be afraid of us like most of the children who come near the hive. Do you think I could try to make friends with her?''
      511 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 301 9 WHEN A COLD STRIKES, STRIKE BACK FAST... LISTERINE *^L 4P*gn ANTISEPTIC |B %> 1 j -~-j LISTERINE Antiseptic kills millions of germs on throat surf aces... keeps them i 9 from starting serious trouble. Remem- ber, at the first sign of cold, gargla Hf LISTERINE Antiseptic, full strength, early and
      301 words
    • 21 9 DLEASE enrol me js member of the Children's Corner Wise Owls Club, and send me badge. NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH
      21 words
    • 324 9 j CAMPBELL'S CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP, a tempting combination of chicken and noodles— plenty of both! Campbell's cooks make Chicken Noodle Soup with plump, full-breasted chickens, simmered slowly till the glistening broth is rich with golden goodness. Homey egg noodles and tender pieces of chicken are added to make it a
      324 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 380 9 Picture Puzzle i i For All Ages •S Dear Boys and Girls, dwarfs and giants, and |immy 7 The winners of the contest in Chew, aged 13, 62 St. Patrick's which you were asked to decide Road, Singapore 15. |immy ■> what Ali found on his lead in the tells
      380 words

  • Commercial And Shipping news
    • 327 10 LONDON. Wed. BRITISH Government stocks fell by a quarter to half a point in the London Stock Exchange today following the Government economic survey of 1951 predicting a "harsh" year. Other domestic stocks were marked slightly lower at the outset but later recovered in the absence of selling
      327 words
    • 37 10 'THE Malayan Exchange Bank* Association announced yeslerday that control direct rates for Canadian dollars were: Buying T.T. 34 11 16. Airmail (0.D.) 34 13 16, (90 daysi 35 1 16; Selling T.T./O.D. ready 34 5/16.
      37 words
    • 36 10 HONG KONG, Wed. pREE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollar* was quoted at the close today as follows: US$l JiKs6.o2 (cash); HKs6.o6'i (T); £l HK$ 15.50; one tahll of gold HKS3I6.— U.P.
      UP  -  36 words
    • 186 10 RUBBER MARKET Good business done in all grades From A Market Correspondent A LARGE volume of business was reported in the Singapore rubber market yesterday at about $2.18 a lb. for April first-grade shipment. All the other grades were likewise involved in many transactions, i Some overseas Inquiries were received
      186 words
    • 32 10 LONDON. Wed., Apr. 4— Spot C2d.. May 62d.. June 62d.. JulySept. 60 '.d., Oct.-Dec. 56Hd.. Apr. cj.f. 62' 4 d., April-May cJ.f. 62d.. May-June c.i.f 61d., nom. Market: Very Steady.
      32 words
    • 38 10 SINGAPORE, Wed., Apr. 4— 5603 (down 75 cents). £1,250 a ton in London LONDON. Wed.. Apr. 4.— Spot Buyers: .t 1.250; Forward £1,195; Settlement £1,250 (down £15). Turnovers: a.m. 80 tons, p.m. 80 tons.
      38 words
    • 178 10 Steady in all sections ALL sections of the Malayai share market were stead] yesterday. Slight increase" were recorded in some In dustrials and Rubbers. Price changes announced yester day by the Malayan Sharebroken Association were: ■Ml Gammons 2.60 Henry Waugh 2. SO M Breweries 5 5» M. Colls
      178 words
    • 54 10 gUNGEI Bidor Tin Dredging In March worked 667 hours and treated 323.200 cubic yards to produce 1,009 piculs of tin-ore. TTINTA Kellas Tin Dredging In March produced 317 piculs of tin-ore. fTAKUAPA Valley Dredging in March, using two dredges, covered 195.000 cubic yards in 1.054 hours to produce
      54 words
    • 152 10 HTHE Singapore pepper market x steadied yesterday on better overseas inquiries, with some business reported in Lampong black. Five ton' c* anged ha I ai $665 a pi ill, and anoth i o| of 20 piculs was Uter sold $6«8 a plcul. Sellers increased quotations fci Muntok
      152 words
    • 157 10 CHIPS in the Singapore Roads and alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns yesterday at 4 p.m. were: Outer Roads: Hai Hsuan, Nidar. Bougainville, Susanna, Victoria Peak. Bunabaai, Sanana, Hoegh, Silverstream, Adelanto, Inverbnk, Prometheus, Demodeus, Tabinta, Max Brander, Bali, Touranl, Holmy, Ibis, Brest. Nor vest.
      157 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1415 10 (Incorporated in Singapore) BLUB FUNNEL LINK C mwci option to proceed m other potts to load and discharge cargo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Due Mill Vhnm ferujne Dcmodocus tm Havre, •ujihfe Liverpool In Pert Apt. Apr. 10/12 Apr. 13/15 Aopcnot toi Oroa Casablanca. .•■d London. H burr
      1,415 words
    • 411 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINCS To New York and Boston via Ceylon. India Egypt and Mediterranean Ports. vntdooff P swell enham fenani "PRES. lOHNSON" Cdns. 38/39 Sails 8 Apr. 9/10 Apr. 11/12 Apr. "PRES MONROE" 9/14 Apr. Omit 15/16 Apr PRES. ARTHUR" 16/22 Apr. 23/24 Apr 2S/26 Apr PRES BUCHANAN" 1/7 May
      411 words
    • 446 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANOINAVIA/U K. /CONTINENT; loore P Stian* Penani "Erria" for Bangkok 7-8 Apr In Pert Nordhval" for Bangkok 20-22 Apr. 17-18 Apr "Panama" for B kok, Sagon. HKong. wi«*pr Manila. Kobe Yokohama 30 Apr. -2 May 28-29 Apr 27-27 Apr V£ l 1" d fo i
      446 words
    • 856 10 Mc&imfTfaTtoJl ltd. relephont No 5906 KLLBRMAM ck BUtKNALL KLAVBNES& (.IMB LON D°n 0 TT«n* A y l AS T JK. IRP LOi N ««-ES. SAN FRANCISCO f 0T M E c R AI i, MBURC PORTLAND SIATTLI VANCOUVEH and for U S.A.. North Atlantic Ports and Canada via Colombo Accepting
      856 words

  • Article, Illustration
    852 11  -  MURIEL PENN Jj*) tpVER since the day when the once proud leaders of the Nazi regime signed the German surrender in a schoolroom at Rheims in May 1945. that question has been the. centre of controversy. An American Judge, Mr. Micfcael A. Musmanno, of the Court of Common
    852 words
  • 210 11 A WORLD-WIDE search for a vital war metal has ended on an island 60 miles from Melbourne. There, be neath King Island's 400 square miles of grazing land, lie 3,000,000 tons of the ore which pro duces tungsten. Without tungsten— used to toughen steel— let
    210 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 388 11 is "EVE DAY" when Singapore will know who sht ii wtiat the it why women hate her and why men love her Winner of f 6 ACADEMY AWARDS (^k\ Darryl K. Zanock /fl BITTK DAVIS tt Rn ANNE BAXTER M Margo. AWARD £ye prrsrn t.« iKORC.E SANDKRS KillTlTT CELESTE HOLM
      388 words
      159 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 500 11 SINGAPORE K. LUMPUR ff SSJ^niKS mS10 a.m. News; 10.10 Close; 10.45 10 a.m.-2 50 p.m. As S'pore; 6 sic: CIose Schools; 12 Malay; 1 p.m. Light "Happy Anniversary"; 7 As BFEBS Music; 1.30 News; 1.45 Red Norvo S'pore; 730 "Pride and Preju- 4j|| pm ..j^ the London Trio; 2 Schools;
      500 words

  • 590 12 'Recent changes in bye-laws invalid' rHK president of the Singapore Amateur Football Association, Mr. W McGregor Watt, has addressed a final letter to the president of the Football Association of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur) on the F.A.M.'s exclusion of S.A.F.A. from this year's Malaya Cup competition. S.A.F.A. considers, Mr. Watt
    590 words
  • 63 12 COPENHAGEN, Wed. FlENMARK may boycott next year's All-England Badminton Championships unless London courts are improved. Joergen Bergquist, who captained the Danes ;n London last month, commented in the newspaper Polit'ken today: "The floor of the court looked like that of a stable. I think Danish badminton players
    AP  -  63 words
  • 59 12 NICE. Wed— On? Chew Bee (Singapore! was beaten in the third round of the men's singles In the international lawn tennis tournament here yesterday. He lost to Bengt Anelson -(Sweden) 1-0, 6-3. 5-7. Chew Bee beat Miguel Marra, (Spain) In the first round and
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 63 12 MIAMI, f Florida >, Wed. A world welterweight title fight between Ray (Sugar) Robinson and Britain's Eddie Thomas, holder of the British. Empire and European titles, is a probability for June in London. O e o r g e Gilford. Robinson's manager, said that he had
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 271 12 Dai Rees and Faulkner play here tomorrow ORITISH match-play D champion Dai Rees and the Ryder Cup player Max Faulkner will play an exhibition match at the Island Club tomorrow. Rees and Faulkner have been in Australia playing a series of exhibition matches and competing in the major money tournaments.
    271 words
  • 94 12 IFF accepts S.A.F.A. application MADRID W>d. SINGAPORE Amateur FootO ball Association's application for affiliation to the International Football Federation will be provisionally accepted The executive committee of I.F.F. decided this at its two-day meeting which ended here last night. S.A.F.A.'s affiliation will be ratified at the next congress meeting in
    94 words
  • 429 12 SPORTING THE WINNERS AflY TEN be«,t horses to follow m at the April Meeting at Bukit Timah which starts on Saturday are: Abbeystead: An honest -togoodness sort who rarely runs a bad race; put up some fine ptrformances behind Lebombo. Brave Wind. Result and Ursus over a mile and beyond:
    429 words
  • 45 12 Singapore Medical Workers' Union defeated Hotspurs Sports Club five-one in a Singapore A.F.A. division 3B match played on the C.V.M.A. ground yesterday. Scorers for SWMU were centreforward Dollah (3), Nadarajah and Murugasu. I. Falli scored Hotspurs' only goal off a penalty.
    45 words
  • 528 12  -  EPSOM JEEP By UACH meeting in the new season brings out its crop of maiden winners, and six it will pay to follow at the April Meeting at Bukit Timah which begins on Saturday are: Cape Horn, Film Studio, Corazon, Billdaw, Picture House and
    528 words
  • 56 12 In a fast, exciting Bus'.vjss House League "B" soccer match played on the Police Depot ground yesterday. Straits Times Press S.C. beat Ford Motor S.C. threetwo. Scorers for Straits Times were Osman bin Hassan, Mlsran bin Hassan, and Sayud bin Idris. W. H. Weakley and
    56 words
  • 28 12 TODAY: 10.27 a.m. (9ft.), 11.03 p.m. (8.4); 4.T7 a.m. (2.4), 4.56 p.m. (0.8). TOMORROW: 11.09 a.m. (9.3). 11.27 p.m. (8.6): 5 a.m. (1.6), 5.28 D.m. (1.2).
    28 words
  • 139 12 4-goal rally gives TPCA victory From Oar SUB Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. DOWN one-nil in the first half. Tamilian Physical Cultural Association rallied strongly in the second period to beat Selangor Indian Assn. by" four goals to one in a Selangor F.A. first division league game played on Princes Road
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  • 114 12 PHILADELPHIA, Wed. |KE Williams has finally decided to defend his lightweight championship but It seems likrhhe has waited a little too long to make up his mind. Frank iBlinkyt Palermo. Williams' manager, said Ike will fieri' .lames Carter of New York in a title match
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  • 44 12 Soccer fans and players at Geylang yesterday were disappointed whf-n the referee failed to turn up for the S.A.F.A. Division 3A fixture b'tween Social Athletic Party and Marine Department. As no other official substitu'e was available, the match was called off.
    44 words
  • 50 12 CAPE TOWN. Wed.— At the end oi the first 18 holes in their 144hole challenge match fj a £1.500 stake. Bobby Locke and Norman von Nida were all square on the Mowbray Course this morning. The match will be continued at Durban and Johannesburg.— A.P
    AP  -  50 words
  • 211 12 F N BEAT BREWERIES 6-NIL ftONFINING play to their opponents' half for the greater part of the game Fraser Neave Sports Club had little difficulty in beating Malayan Breweries Sports Club by six goals to nil in the Business House League "A" soccer game played on the F. &jN. ground
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  • 466 12 FIRST POINTS FOR CASUALS Chinese Casuals 3; S.R.C 1. TWO bottom-of-the-league teams, Chinese Casuals x and Singapore Recreation Club, showed up well yesterday when they met in the Senior Division S.A.F.A. League, despite having to play in conditions far from ideal after a heavy afternoon shower In winning by three-one
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  • 237 12 H.K. boxers impress in tourney HONG KONG boxers wert impressive in last night's preliminary bout;; of the FARELF individual boxing championships at Tanglin Barracks gymnasium. All seven of the Hong Kong men seen in action won their fights. The semi-flnals will be held at Tanglin tonight and the finals tomorrow
    237 words
  • 129 12 SPORTS LETTER 4 reply to Cricket Fan J HASTEN to reply to Cricket Pan's remarks In connection wi'h the cricket match, Indian Association v Ceylon Sports Club (Senior League), as I feel he h«i written something about which he seems to have very little knowledge. If he had only taken
    129 words
  • 56 12 SOCCF.R: Div. 1: Tamil B.A. v Indonesians at stadium; Div. Z: Fathul Karib v Star Soccerites ii BODC'A; Div. 3B: Katong Bajarab A v R.N. Kranji at Geylang; Business Hse. Lge. B: 1.C.1, v Dunl. -i S.C. at Farrer Park, Services Lgr.: G.H.Q. v R.A.S.C. TENNIS: V.M.C.A. tourney.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 793 12 J SITUATIONS VACANT roll NWIMXBJ KLUAKUIMi CIKUt trmniMLM.i pi.i.asi. m».»i-k ro colim.n two— rAUk t F.RK 'typist required by European Co. Apply in own handanting stating full particular! and sahirv required to Box A4823. S.T. ASSISTANT storekeeper reqiiii i-tl for frozen goods department. Apply FiUpatrick's food supplies i Fir East)
      793 words
    • 712 12 HOME LEAVE "HOLIDAYING IN BRITAIN. Then you will need a modern car to drive yourself at attractive terms Inclusive of full Insurance with no restrictions, and no extras. Write for full details to Clifford Cab Co.. Ltd.. Clifford Street, Southampton England. OFFICE SPACE WANTED WANTED office space and godown with/without
      712 words
    • 12 12 Sammeier SWISS WATCHES 60 Mace 1909 oxhml zctetcJte4 16 COLiySR QUAY^' SINGAPORE
      12 words