The Straits Times, 29 January 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 234 1 16 To Speed-up Defence Plan From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. JjIXTEEN civil defence experts are being recruited in Britain and rushed to Malaya to speed-up civil defence measures in the Federation. A cable has recently been sent from Kuala Lumpur to the Colonial
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  • 217 1 From Our Stall Correspondent ALOR STAR. Sun. 'j AM satisfied this is a bnndit-infested area and X real hot spot". Inche Mohd. P A Krala Muda District F Mcer, said yesterday evetilg when he imposed a col- Uve fine of $25,000 on boat 120 villagers livin? at
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  • 67 1 WASHINGTON, Sun A MERICAN wages and l\ prices have been frozen at the highest level they reached between Dec 19 and Jan. 25. Most foods are exempt because they are selling below parity (a sliding s eal e designed to keep farm prices at a fixed relationship
    AP  -  67 words
  • 27 1 LONDON. Sun.— Mr. Ernest Bevin. British Foreign Minister. 11l with pneumonia In one lung, had shown a slight improvement. Sir Alexander McCall said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 83 1 -VIRS. ELEANOR ELIZABETH BALDWIN, of Surrey Park. Birmingham who arrived at fn rout/ o er in^ o °t; m S ?l h f om B"- itai n yest^day by QEA 'BO AC Constellation wnundid XV to vu 1 K at b dside of h
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  • 297 1 MALAY MOBS KILL SIX SQUATTERS Drums sounded then slaughter and arson From Our Staff Correspondent ALOR STAR, Sunday. AT least six Chinese were killed, live others wounded and 200 rendered homeless when small mobs of Malays attacked 27 squatter huts in the Sungei Dirian area near the north-cem ral Kedah
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  • 117 1 A kick for Mr. Be van LOS DOS. Sun. THE Honourable John Fox Strangways. son of the Earl of Ilchester. resigned yesterday from Whites Club, an exclusive men's club in St. James's Street. London. He is alleged to have kicked Minister of Labour. Mr. Aneurin Bevan, in the pants as
    Reuter; UP  -  117 words
  • 31 1 CALCUTTA. Sun. Two policemen with an official rice collection party were killed when a crowd barred their way to a village about 30 miles south of Calcutta.— A.P.
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  • 27 1 TAIPEI, Sun.— A Nationalist army officer has written a letter in his own blood exhorting the Chinese Reds to turn against their rulers.— A.P.
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  • 22 1 ANKARA, Sun.— A 38-year-old Turkish woman pilot is to Join the Turkish Air Force detachment In Korea.— Rev-
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  • 41 1 HONG KONG, Sun— The newspaper Wah Kiu Yat Po today reported that the Chinese Communists were urging 3,000 odd Malayan overseas Chinese, who were deported to Swatow by the British authorities, to Join the army. U.P.
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  • 58 1 NEW YORK. Sun. ST. Patrick's Cathedral was under close guard last night and 25 detectives were preparing t# make an immediate search of the huge structure as a result of a bomb threat. No suspicious objects were found inside the Cathedral, the police said but guards
    AP  -  58 words
  • 129 1 THERE is a great thirst in Britain fur Malayan x pineapples, Mr. William Graham, GoverningDirector of William Graham and Company, agents for Malayan pineapples, said on arrival at Singapore yesterday, by QEA-BOAC Constellation "We want to take all the pineapples w e can get here."
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  • 37 1 LAS VEGAS. Nevada, Sun. —A third American atom bomb explosion test rocked Las Vegas today. It was louder than the previous test explosion, and was accompanied by rumbling sound.—Reuter. (See Page 3)
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  • 32 1 WELLINGTON. New Zealand Sun. Fourteen men and two boats were still missing in the greatest yacht racing tragedy in New Zealand's history. The yachts were caught in tempest.— Reuter-AAP.
    Reuter-AAP  -  32 words
  • 164 1 EIGHTH ARMY H.Q. Sun. THE Eighth Army announced i today that elements of the North Korean Second Corps, composed of five reconstituted under-strength IfDrth Korean divisions, had been cut off and surrounded by United Nations forces south of the U.N. line, and "were no longer capable
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  • 286 1 THE president of the Singapore Labour Party, Mr. Ljm Yew Hock, and the general secretary, Mr. P. M. Williams, will contest the Legislative Council elections on April 7, in the Keppel and Balestier districts. Other candidates named by the party are, Mr. C. R.
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  • 49 1 PORT MORESBY Sun /^LOUDS of pumice dust and \J smoke shot up from Mount Lamington, New Guinea "killer" volcano, to 20,000 ft. today. Fears that the new outbreak heralded another major eruption were allayed when reports an hour later said activity had stopped.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 22 1 The Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, last night unveiled a picture of .the King and Queen at the Royal Singapore Golf Club.
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  • 116 1 Crashed On Way To K.L. Post ROME, Sun. 'THE newly -appointed U.S.I.S. librarian for Kua a Lumpur, Mr. Robert Delaney, and Mrs. Delaney, on their way to Singapore, were among those injured in a plane crash which killed 13 people, including their three-month-old daughter, Mary Helen. The four-engined Ala Italia
    AP  -  116 words
  • 308 1 $10,000 to lose, if a Jap is missing A PRICE of y 10,000 has £X been placed on the head of every member oi the Japanese vessel, Shino Maru, which arrived in Singapore on Saturday morning with Mr. Mamoru Shinozaki, former Municipal Welfare chief of occupied Singapore. No one on
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  • 25 1 HONG KONG. Sun.— The Hong Kong police today raided a school in Kowloon and rounded up 15 Chinese teachers for investigation. A.P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 32 1 diamonc *^P"^ flflQS y S.P.H.d* SUVA HIGH ST«|T. s, n g»»OM For Chinese New Year Us* our Specially Sifted and Freshly Packed Self Raising Flour COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage C&., Ltd.
      32 words
    • 37 1 and LONGINE WATCHES I H. SENA, LTD. i; Singapore. Penang «nd Bangkok. IJ m A r MX. II ill F %ePe° ctAIM Brewed from best Malt. Hops, and Yeast, My fame extends throughout the East. there's always
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  • 36 2 LIAQUAT ALI KHAN, the Pakistan Prime Minister, chats with Pat Gregory, who plays Dick Whittington in the Ice Pantomime in London. He visited the pantomime with his wife and two sons. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 271 2 'Frustrated' Colony Leader Says 'I Quit' LUSAKA, Northern Rhodesia, Sun. CIR Stewart Gore- Brown, announcing his immediate resignation from the Northern Rhodesian Government today, said: "I am getting out before the bricks start flying and while I am still popular with the Africans". Sir Stewart was a member of the
    Reuter  -  271 words
  • Cable Flashes
    • 219 2 piELD Marshal Mannerheim, former President of Finland, has died at Lausanne, Switzerland, aged 83. He was a cavalry officer in the Czar's Army in World War I and twice led the Finns against the Russians in World War II He had an operation for
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  • 121 2 KALIMPONG. Sun. THE bulk of the Chinese Communist Invading force in Eastern Tibet has been withdrawn as a preliminary to Chinese-Tibetan reconciliation talks, according to usuaJly reliable sources here today. The request for the force's withdrawal was made by the 16-year-old Dalai Lama, spiritual and temporal
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 2 TIBETAN priest, who fled during the Communist invasion, rings his prayer bell and begs in the streets of D?lhi.— A. P. picture.
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  • 72 2 HONG KONG, Sun— Five members of the French Consulate in Kunming are now in Hong Kong after deportation. They were flown to Chungking from Kunming under police escort on January 6. They stayed In Chungking a week before going by boat down the Yangtse River to
    Reuter-AAP  -  72 words
  • 30 2 LONDON Sun. There were more Indian students in Britain in 1951 than at any time before, said the Indian High Commissioner, Mr. V. K. Menon In London yesterday.
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  • 58 2 TOKYO, Sun. Japan's emergency stock and import requirements for natural rubber are placed at 30,000 tons valued at US$45,000,000 in a survey recently conducted by the Japan Rubber Industry Association. The rubber survey estimated the nation's latex requirements at 600 tons, or US$1,200,000 and requirements for
    Reuter-AAP  -  58 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 171 2 NOW ONLY 75 cis Visit... V A LARGE AMERICAN FAMILY Expltre... X THE FABULOUS NILE Reid... CHURCHILL ON WAR IN AFRICA II THE DECEMBER 4 ISSUE SoU Agents: RAJ COPAL LTD Post 80x*257 Singapore M ttßfc^ The dual -P ur P<>se t0 nostrils, it relieves C»^^ catarrh. Rubbed into SP^v^lP
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    • 757 2 NOTICES UIHVERSITY OF MALAYA render* we invited tor the Binding of 3,600 library volume* of varying sizes during 1951. Fin 1 h to be In half leather and cloth binding with genuine gold leaf lettering A loose volume will be supplied by the University Librarian on request and this should
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    • 668 2 NOTICES Re HENRY JAMES AUSTIN GUTRIDGE, Deceased All persons having any claims against the estate of the abovenamed deceased, late of MO. 16, Ridley Park. Singapore, who died on the 12th day of December. 1950, are required to send particulars oJ their claims In writing to the Public Trustee, Singapore,
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    • 160 2 rheumaiiTm COUTARTERIOSCI ROSIS UROOONAL tffttti a drainage of uric acid in the system, and starts you at once on t road to recovery UROOONAL also produces highly satisfactory results in colic of the liver or kidneys, in gravel and in arteriosclerosis Its regular use will safeguard arthritic subjects against
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  • 363 3 NEW ORDERS FOR BRITISH U.N. ENVOY Austin Puts Two 'GraveQuestions LAKE SUCCESS, Sunday. THE British Government has sent fresh instructions to Sir Gladwyn Jebb, its United Nations delegate, in efforts to reach a compromise on I'.S. proposals to brand China as the aggressor in Korea, and impose sanctions against her
    Reuter  -  363 words
  • 32 3 MR A. HYDE, British Adviser in N>?Ti Srmbihn. dancing; the modern jnget after the banquet on Friday to mark the installation of Dato Klana Prtra. Lido Studio p'cture.
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  • 131 3 Jebb Warns: Do Not Abandon UN LAKE SUCCESS, Sun. 9IR Gladwyr. Jebb said last night that any attempt to convert the non-Commu-nist majority of the United Nations into ar. outright military- alliance would increase the risk of a third world m The British U.N. delegate, who was speaking To the
    AP  -  131 words
  • 26 3 STRICKEN with polio while he was producing the pantomime "Cinderella" in London, Bob Ellis carried on from a stretcher directing the players.
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  • 181 3 FRANCE TO BE TOLD: 'SPEED UP' WASHINGTON, Sun. THE Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Acheson. has assured Congress that AmericanFrench talks starting tomorrow will not be for the purpose of entering into any formal agreements. A Democratic Senator. Mr. Connally. said Mr. Acheson made the point clear in a statement
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  • 182 3 HONOLULU, Sunday "IF the British are afraid of losing ilong Kong they don't show it", said Mrs. F. A. Howard wife of the Hong Kong manager of the Chase National Bank, when she arrived here yesterday in the liner President Cleveland, taking home
    AP  -  182 words
  • 28 3 WASHINGTON. Sun. The U.S. Army has told Congress that the flrerxwer of a U.S. division has increased 50 per cent since World War ll.— A.P.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 140 3 LAS VEGAS, Nevada, Sunday. i BRILLIANT "sunburst-like" blast from the Atomic Energy Commission's testing range was seen, felt and heard by hundreds in four states yesterday But the blast, which could have originated from 40 to 100 miles away, brought no apparent fear. The
    AP  -  140 words
  • 130 3 'Review Soon Of Fargie Sentence' TOKYO Sun. DRIVER Robert Fargie's defending officer, Australian Major "Jock" Small, said today he expected Lieutenant General Sir Horace Robertson would review Fargie's sentence "in a couple of weeks." Lieut.-Gen. Robertson is Administrative Commander of the British Commonwealth Troops in Japan and Korea. Fargie. aged
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 104 3 PRAGUE, Sun. |X>UR Roman Catholic r priests, a former police officer and a former Civil servant have been sentenced to prison terms ranging from seven to 25 years by the State Court in Prague. They were found guilty of high treason and espionage, plotting to overthrow
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 85 3 MELBOURNE. Sun. rE Chinese crew of the 7,746 ton Australian freighter, Nanking. 70 miles off the south-west coast of Victoria, looked round the horizon vesterda;- and found themselves surrounded by houses, animals and ships, some of them upside down "We are surrounded by mirages." the
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  85 words
  • 101 3 U.S. CUTS USE OF TIN CANS WASHINGTON. Sun. rE U.S. Government yesterday banned the use of tin in most kinds of coffee and paint cans and in a large number of other products. At the same time It ordered a 10 per cent cut In the use of tin for
    AP  -  101 words
  • 173 3 'Russian Tyranny Beats Nazism EDINBURGH, Sun. A STRUGGLE of peoples against tyranny is in progress Mr. Her- 1 bert Morrison, Lord President of the Council, declared here tonight at a Labour Party meeting. The new tyranny differed from the Nazi tyranny "only in being more ruthless." he said. "All our
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 85 3 WASHINGTON, Sun— The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has not "sidetracked" legislation to send 2,000,000 tons of grain to India, because it has not received any such bill, said Senator T. Connally yesterday. Senator Connally, who heads the Committee, said that there have been reports that the
    AP  -  85 words
  • 54 3 DAR-ES-SALAAM, Tanganyika, Sun.— Prince Aly Khan, who Is touring Central and East Africa with his wife. Rita Hayworth. today laid the foundation stone of a mosque in Dar-Es-Salaam. Funds have been provided by his father, the Aga Khan, head of 20,000.000 Ismaili Muslims, and by
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 26 3 LONDON, Sun.— Bratislava radio said that aeroplanes produced in Czechoslovakia are fighting Colorado beetles and other pests and are not for war. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 126 3 HONG KONG, Sun. THE Hong Kong Government last evening took drastic action to curb the soaring price of penicillin following a shortage created by the United States export embargo. Acting under the emergency regulations, the Government prohibited possession of thi« drug, except bjs legitimate
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 76 3 STORK W_^ -C^§) MARGARINE /^f^a% f^^pßj^ Kiddies love Stork Margarine Hkf^M spread on bread or biscuits l^^fl Mother gives it to them .because r*^^ x she knows it's nourishing as r^ *vlj£?^ we^ < e^ c ous Stork, you X* l *"3ggr^ii^l see, is made of the finest in.*^rf*^gp} gredients
      76 words
    • 295 3 ilk ti& AC f\U\)^ 1 lA *to HH Kiß cc r«r Vl v3tNL ll |V »^I-< Kg T«nqu«r«y, Cordon A Co. L:i. Gordons Statute Supksvmz oa-4/50 The watch that sees you through all climates The climate-proof Rolex Link the famous, traditional Rolex come across this climate-proof accuracy with the new
      295 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 314 3 Straits Times Crossword 277 2 3 4 5 6 l^Z^Z^Ilfe N JljduKlZKElZ I "™B" 1 "V m ZlII^lIIlI ■_IILL ZuBllL I 25 M M 1^' IZHlHZSZ 28 29 iizizizizizizi" without stones (4). <Teimyson) (2, 3). ALKUib 2g Not c i ever b U t is. a note for I. Spring
      314 words

  • 761 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon.. Jan. 29, 1951. Dilemma At U.N.O. The dilemma in which the U.N. Political Committee finds I itself unfortunately suits the I Communist book. This com- i pels even greater caution. '< though it could hardly be said that the Political Committee I has not for
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  • 400 4 The new estimates of revenue for 1951 were received bv the Federal Legislative Council without comment But they are rather remarkable, for although the estimates are still on th* conservative side thev add over $42 million to th* figures rejected by the Council when the budget was
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  • 1127 4  - Towards A Full-Scale History Of Malaya NONI WRIGHT By INTERVIEWED Professor Parkinson over a cup of tea in his sittingroom at the end of the day's work. There was no need for questions he outlined the project of University history teaching quietly and methodically, sitting beneath a frieze, painted by
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 261 4 SINCE the publication of my letter on "The Family 13 Bndget" in your edition of Jan. 23, I have waited expectantly for some reply, but silence has reigned However, the publication of the letter has achieved something for an acquaintance of mine told me that he bad
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    • 183 4 I SEE from last Thursday's paper that the Federation is now seeking co-opera-tion with Singapore In price control etc., to counteract the very sharp rise which has taken place In the price of food In the- past' few weeks. Mr. Andrew Gilmour was perfectly right in stating that
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    • 183 4 SMALLHOLDER LATEX FOR DUNLOP'S WE could not fail to notice the article contributed by your Seremban correspondent in Paite Three of the Sunday Times of Jan. 21, headed "Latex Plan Goes Slow". White he has no doubt made his statement in good faith, we must inform you that it is
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  • 482 4 On the Margin The Dalo KUiia A REMINDER of the old territorial divisions ol Negri 8emt>llan. now almost foriotten except by the Malay population and those who nave to deal with them officially, was given lait week by the Installation of the Dato Klana Putera of Sungei UJong— a purely
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 838 4 (L.4&SSIFII7) ADS. i I LIM-SBOW: The engagement of Llm Ho H»n, third «on ol the lair Mr Mrs. Urn Hong Soon to BMW Millie, the eldest daughter of Mr. Mr«. Bew Choon Kee «v announced at 335. On»n Road. Singapore. «a» 27.1.51. PERRIE-PQUIRBS: At St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, on l»th
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      17 words
    • 80 4 I R V 'ff(WoPTitmN I Fellow Institute Ophthalmic Opticians (Eng.) Fcftow Worshipful Co. of Spectacl«-Makers (Eng.) Freeman of the City of London By Appointment to HM. Forces, South East Asia. 6 Raffles Place Singapore Phone ***** 4 TOMORROW YOU MAY NEED GCT A TUBE FROM YOUR CHEMIST U OAT BOOTS
      80 words

  • 156 5 NEW CARDS TO HIDE THEIR IDENTITY 230 Lepers Start New Life In Year From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. gECAUSE some of the 230 cured lepers released from Sungei Buloh last year were spurned by misguided people, their identity cards have been changed to omit all mention of the
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  • 371 5 BANDITS KILL 3 IN JOHORE BAHRU From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMHJR, Sun. THE bodies of a Chinese man and his wife were found stabbed to death in Johore Bahru. Their your»s daughter is believed to have been abducted. In the same district Tan Yonu was taken from his liiiuse
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  • 24 5 Muslim Conference The world Muslim conference, in Karachi on Feb. 9. 10 and 11, will be attended by Muslim leaders from nearly 25 countries.
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  • 29 5 MADAM CHONG AH HUNG passed away peacefully at 14 Chm f hi w St. on 2S.1JJ1. Funeral a; B.d»d»ri Cemetery. Cortege will Itave boaM »t 5 p.m. today.
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  • 199 5 Braddell To Argue Maria Case Roland Braddell ha* been briefed to argue the appeal in the Maria Hertogh (Nadra bint? Ma'rof > case on behalf of all appellants. Mr. M. J. Namazi? announced a< the annual meeting of the Singapore Muslim League yesterday. The hearing of the appeal has been
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  • 66 5 HOSPITAL BOARD From Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Sun Members of the Kluang Hospital Board are:- Mrs. Cheong Soo Kheng, Che Zahxah bicte Manor, Mrs. M. F. Lawrence. Ungku Maimunah binte Mansor, Mrs. Lim. Chin Khean. Ungku Esah binte A Axiz, Dato Teoh Siew Khor, Mr. Teng Tarn, Penghulu Wan
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  • 69 5 »r»a Owr Staff O»rreayi>«t KUALA LUMPUR, San. ex-gratia interim compensation payment of $300 will be paid to the dependants of those killed when RAJ. planes bombed a rubber estate by mistake during an air strike last year. Those seriously injured will also get $300 as interim
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  • 36 5 Lightning; struck a Singapore Traction Company fuse box at the Bras Basah RoadVictoria Street junction during Saturday's storm. The box burst Into flames and was burnt out in a few minutes.
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  • 34 5 The Malayan Air Trailing Corps will hold its Chinese New Year dance at its beadquarters at Waterloo Street on Saturday, Feb. 3. Tickets are obtainable from committee members or at the gate.
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  • 22 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Sun.Smoking a cigarette on the Prai Wharf cost Jamaludin. a seaman, a $5 fine at Butter worth yesterday.
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  • 55 5 MiSS IRIKO TOKUDA, ngt* 22 (left) who is «n her way to South America to marry a man she doesn't even know But her ancle in South America has told her that he Is "eMgiUe and reliable." Aa«, says Miss Tokuda, "that s fd enoafh
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  • 54 5 SENIOR STAFF NI'RSE Lily Yeo Lee Xiat. who has been appointed Health Sister. Singapore. Sister Yeo, who took up nursing in 1936, became a staff narse in 1931 and was transferred to the Singapore Health Department as a health nurse in 134*. In 1946. she was promoted
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  • 210 5 f RAMPED in a dark hold on a lower deck of the v Ruys, which berthed in Singapore two days ago, are 161 Japanese, mostly from Okinawa, "who are emigrating to Buenos Aires. On their past they were silent. "We want to forget it," they
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  • 67 5 Thirteen Indonesian Malays who arrived in Singapore from Malacca on Saturday will be deported to Indonesia today. They spent the last two days in the C.I.D. headquarters in Robinson Road. "We are merely acting at the request of the Federation police," a police officer told
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  • 50 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun, Sgt. D. M. MacMillan. of G. company, 2nd Bn.. Scots Guards, was killed on operations im the Kuala Kubu Bahru area on Thursday. He was with a patrol which had destroyed two bandit camps when a third was found
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  • 75 5 SINGAPORE AST SOCIETY photographic exhibition, British Council Hall. Stamford Road, 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Y.W.C.A., Raffles Quay, French class, 9.30 a.m., cooking "Straits Chinese Sweet Dish," 5 p.m. CHINESE T.M.C.A., Selegie Road. staff meetii*. 9 am* students' basketball, S.30 p.m., students' badminton party, 5.S0 p.m., directors"' meettriK,
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  • 266 5 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOU, Sunday. SEVERAL resolutions which will make for the improvement and progress «f the cooperative movement were passed at the 14th All-Malayan Co-operators' conference, attended by nearly 70 delegates from Singapore and the Federation, which ended at Ipoh today. I On
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  • 10 5 Five blcyctes were reported stolen In Singapore ■jTSUer-
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  • 65 5 FfrM Oar Own twrspendrnt JOHORE BAHRU. Sun.— Chay Pat Fut, of Singapore, was fined $5,000 here today on a charge of evading customs duty on 164 wrist watches and cosmetics The watches wer c found In a number of new electric torches which wer« hidden in four
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  • 51 5 JOHQRE BAHRU, Sun.— Two Malay boys from St. Nicholas' Home at Penang have come to Johore Bahru to attend the school for the blind. One aged eight comes from Alor Aka, Kuantan, and the otber, Ahmad bin Yuscfß, aged 10, formerly lived at Batu Kurau,
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  • 109 5 AN aircraft accident investigator from the Department of Civil Aviation is on hit way from. Kota Bahru to Sungei Fait, seven noes across the Siamese border, to inquire" into \he crash of the Singapore Standard Dakota which had been missing since Jan. 13. The wreckage was
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  • 169 5 Undergrads' Decision On Detainees rw\HE University of Malaya X Students' Union has resolved not to take any official stand at present on the question of legal aid to students detained under the Emergency Regulations. The resolution was passed at the union's second annual general meeting at the Central Hall. Faculty
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  • 30 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Sun Kang Seng was charged at Johore Bahru today with having extorted $3 from Lee Ai by choking her. The cue was adjourned.
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  • 28 5 Three people were injured, two seriously, when a taxi cane into head -lons collision with a Municipal lorry at the 10th milestone Jurong Road yesterday afternoon.
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  • 123 5 Film— lnstead Of Sermon— At This Service ♦pWE ATi^i^TMi ttiwtvh in SMisaiwrp t*s* a new departure yesterday when instead of the «s«al sermons I a documentary Aim about the Bible was shown to the ■titfUiM at St KUi's Chore* in W**M*. Hits was the Orst t i me In that
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  • 465 5 Laytotk Issues Election Manifesto OINGAPORE Legislative Council members, especis Progressive Party, have preserved the rights an< the Colony to a far higher degree than has beer Legislative Council during the present state of En And this has been done without jeopardising public safety locally,
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  • 77 5 TOWN BOARD FOR KLUANG Frew Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Sun.— The following have been appointed to the Kluang Town Board: The District Officer, the Administrative Officer, the Senior Executive Engineer, the OSPC. the Health Officer. Mr. W. W. Lawrence, Captain Ahmad bin Mohammeddan. Dato Teoh Siew Khor. Dr. Llm
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  • 174 5 pO-OPERATIVK store* are \j the best weapon to fljjhw black-marketeers and profiteers, the Assistant Commissioner for Co-operative Societies in the Federation and a member of the Federal Legislative Council. Dato Halt Mohamed Eusoff bin YusolT, told co-operators In Singapore yesterday. He was speaking at
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  • 42 5 Fran Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Sun Lam Fong, Low May Chal and a woman named Chan Ah See, charged at Kluang yesterday with falling to report that their Identity cards were defaced, were allowed bail in $100 pending trial.
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  • 41 5 Ftmb Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Sun Loh Teck Yeun, a fitter, was bound over lor six months, on a charge of attempting suicide by taking caustic soda. Pleading guilty, he said he was disappointed over a love affair.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 37 5 Good Scotch Whisky .ioiiwii: 1 WALKER I BORN 1820- John Walker Sons, Ltd. Scotch Whisky Distillers, Kilmarnock Scotland. i!l|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!l!Hi!l!l!llllli!lil!lllll!lllll!'- ;:1!!llllllll!lllWll!!|; :1 !!llllllll!lllWll!!|f s RUBBER MACHINERY COMPLETE ENGINEERING SERVICE ASIATIC TRADING ENGINEERING Ct.. Ltt. SINGAPORE P.O Box 886
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    • 204 5 Cakes are delicious /fcX-j! w^ en ma( e w 'th SPRY I tf!F Your cakes and pastries I rxi/ T^r?J/« i I *£r are lighter, more digestible I DIGESTIBLE f V a joy to eat when they are j? made witn^Spry. Its perfect consistency gives a quick thorough S mix
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  • 458 6 CIR Andrew MacFadyean. presiding at the annual general meeting in London of Ledang Bahru Ltd. said that the chairman, Sir John Hay, was again visiting Malaya, and would arrive on Jan. 31. Sir Andrew said: In my statement last year I forecast that it would be possible for
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  • 243 6 From A Market Correspondent THE day-by-day advance of commodity shares in London, the agreement of Peking to a cease-fire for a limited period and the all-time record of $684 per picul reached by Tin on Thursday all helped to give a fillip to the Malayan
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  • 105 6 SOUTHERN Malayan Tin Dredging Ltd., operated five dredges throughout the year ended June 30, 1950 and a sixth commenced a trial run on May 1. 1950. The rehabilitation of the No 2 dredge on the Temoh section which it had been decided not to proceed with was
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  • 287 6 BUSINESS done in the local share market last wetk included: Industrials. Fraser Neave Ords $2.90 to 92.95. Goodwood Park Hotel »1.00, Harper OilfiUan $1300, Hong Kong Bank (Col.) $656.70, Malayan Collieries $1.31'i. Straits Steamship $15.00, Straits Times $3 00. Straits Traders $14.15 to $14.50, Henry Waugh $2.20 and
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  • 26 6 NEW YORK, Jan Previous 10 Industrials 244.51 !0 Railroads 82.86 10 Domestic Bonds 103.26 15 Utilities 41.99 n. 27. Today 247.36 83.91 103.31 42.22
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  • 21 6 LONDON. Fri.\ Jan. 26.— Spot: Buyers £1/275; Forward. £l.?40: Settlement. £1,275 (up £20): Turnovers, a.m. 105 tons. p.m. 85.
    21 words
  • 225 6 rfiHE closing prices of rubber X on the Singapore market on Saturday per lb. were: No. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose (nom.) buyers 217 cents, sellers 21«; No. 1 R.S.S. f.o.b. In bales Feb. buyers 211, sellers 21J; No. 2 buyers 204, sellers 206; No. 3 buy- i ers
    225 words
  • 137 6 "MALAYAN Tin Dredging Ltd report for the year ended June 30 1950 discloses that the greatly reduced output was due to the sale of the No. 1 dredge and the lower value of ground encountered by the No. 5 dredge. The No. 6 dredge was drydocked, but
    137 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1107 6 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LLD. I I Incorporated m iingapore) BLUB rtJMKSL LIKE Carriers option to procd via, rite, (.orlilo load ft^V,. 'kmTtS »A1LINCS to LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW, LONOOM b CONTNIrW"«i. Qua Sail* S'ham I r C2S5 1 fflSS? 10/Frt e ird f oo tc c H^r.'-.. i.p- f.b. i m 2/i
      1,107 words
    • 344 6 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS To New Torfc and Boston via Ceylon. India, lgy»t and Mediterranean Porti. Singapore P Swettenham fTJ ?f h PRES HARDINC In Port Sails 29 |an. 30/11 lan. PRIS. VAN BUREN 31 |an./8 Feb. 9/10 Feb. J' I'l PRIS. lEFFERSON 6/15 Feb. 16/17 Feb. wi m., PRK. POLK
      344 words
    • 468 6 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK. /CONTINENT: i'oor. P Sham Penang "India" for Bangkok. Hong Kong Manila 12-16 F.b. Kjmbodia" tor Hong Kong. Kobe Yokohama 21-24 Fob. Ti 'Lalandia for Bangkok 28 F.b.-l Mar. 27-27 Feb. 24-26 Feb. "Kvernaas" for Saigon O Bangkok 8-12 Mar. 6- 7 Mar. 4- 5
      468 words
    • 978 6 MCALISTER 6e CO., otHi felephon* No. 5906 CLLBBMAM t* BOCKNALL KLAVENESS LIMB LONDON HAVRE, ANTWERP LOS ANCELES, SAN FRANCISCO. ROTTERDAM fr HAMBURG PORTLAND SEATTLE fr VANCOUVt.* ■nd for O.S.A. Notth Atlantic Port* Acc(!p ir g careo tor CentrB South and Canada via Colombo Amencan p or s (J CITY OF
      978 words

  • 771 7 Arsenal Just Beat Northants LONDON, Sunday. A RSENAL, the holders, were given another shock in the English Football Association Cup when beating Third Division rivals, Northampton Town by only the odd goal of five here in yesterday's fourth round. The famous London to replay Carlisle, anothe
    Reuter  -  771 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 7 SELAXGOR'S diminutive hooker Mahmud grasses his man. An Incident m the Se-langor-Singapore All Blues Cup semi-final played at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. Selangor beat Singapore by nine points to three. Selangor will now meet Penan g m the final. Straits Times picture.
    42 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 7 BLACK, the Fulham goalkeeper, makes a* leap hat fats to sare a shot from Lee, the Derby centreforward, far Derby's third goal daring their match at Fulham. London on Jan. Z9. The London team were beaten 5-3.
    38 words
  • 334 7 DUBLIN, Sunday. IRELAND beat France by two tries and a penalty goal, nine points, to a goal and a try, eight points in the Rugby Union International here yesterday. Ireland were worthy winners of a very fine game that was played at a fast
    Reuter  -  334 words
  • 253 7 LONDON, Sun. TJNBEATEN Newport, who played very pleasing and constructive Rugby, trounced Richmond 24-6, Cardiff defeated Swansea 19-6, and the Royal Navy, inspired by Lewis Jones, the Welsh international centre-threequarter, whipped Blackheath 19-6 in yesterday's fixtures. Jones carved out superb openings for his colleagues
    Reuter  -  253 words
  • 65 7 Town Rangers Sports Club officials, elected at its annual meeting held yesterday, are: Mr. D. Ramanathan (president!. Mr. V. P. R. Natesan (vice-presi-dent), Mr. A. Rattan (hon. secretary), Mr. Darmapal (hon. treasurer). P. Shunmugham (sports sec.), P. Mariappan tasst. sports sec.). Chon Kwee Cheng (sports captain),
    65 words
  • 41 7 BANGALORE, Son. Commonwealth cricket tourists today dismissed the Mysore State X for 137, on the 93-year-old turf pitch of the Gvmlchana grounds, and were 146 for three wickets at close. Leslie Ames was undefeated for 70. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 333 7 ■ar^ aY "I am Sonseeabrav. _^^r B an Indian Chief's Wk tJ» daughter who found love in Uie arms of a 4 rfl white man." DEBRA PAGET I gdi| WaW^aaaal '*tMr|IC aHOH 20th CENTURY- FOX'S FIRST RELEASE AT THE New ALHAMBRA GRAND OPENING NON. 5tL FEB. at 9.30 p.m. I
      333 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 215 7 TODAY'S RADIO SINGAPORE 9.35 a.m. Schools: 9.SS Interlude; 10 News. Emergency News from K.L.; 10.10 Close; 1045 Schools; 12 Malay: 1 p_m. "Monday Matinee", 130 News; 1-45 Cow-boy Songs: 2 Schools: 2.50 Close: C Tschaikox sky 6.30 "Great People cf the Past" (Captain Scott); 7 News. Share Market: 712 Interlude;
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  • 447 8 Ubin Event Won By Patched Boat THE R.A.F. Changi Yacht Club's two-day Regatta at Changi held over the week-end was an outstanding success. Apart from a few brief but heavy thunder-shower, the weather and winds were kind, and close and excellent sailing was seen in all events.
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  • 38 8 VALETTA, Sun.— Princess Elizatteth yesterday attended the Cavnpore Cup polo matcli, and presented a cup to the winning team, the 'Imprudents wliich beat the Castlllians". The Duke of Edinburgh played ior the Castlllians.
    38 words
  • 53 8 The following players are selected to play soccer for the Karopong Sports Club against the 3riilsh Military Hospital at Reburn Park ground tomorrow: Tony. Hassan, Samad. Attar.. Doll. Aboo. Sulong. Haniff. Abdu! Rahman, Samad, Peng Yew, Musapah. Ismail Beta, Jubri. Ah Blau, Saman, Georgle,
    53 words
  • 28 8 Rl'GBY: FAN Cup (S'pore I'inal): Singapore Engineer Kegt. v B..VS.C. -B' at Nre Soon; S.C.C. Seven-a-slde tourney befint, pada nf. HOCKEY: BODCA University at BOD gNMi.
    28 words
  • 495 8 From ESPOM JEEP IPOH, Sunday. IN the slowest run mile-and-a-quarter race on record Lebombo, cleverly handled by Vincent Dunwoodie, won the $10,000 trophy race for Class 2 stayers here yesterday in runaway style from The Ram and the favourite, Ovation. Lebombo took 2 min. 22 1/5
    495 words
  • 597 8 Mistakes At Back Gave North Win By Our Special Rugby Correspondent SOUTH must consider themselves very unlucky not to have forced a draw at least in their annual Rugby encounter with North at Jalan Besar stadium last Saturday. No blame can be attached
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 8 KING KONG and Andre Adoree, the Canadian champion, fought themselves to a standstill at the HappyWorld wrestling arena on Saturday night. The fight started rather tamely but ended on the floor, outside the ring (second picture). Refere Wong Buck Lee declared the fight a "no contest" as both wrestlers were
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  • 40 8 The annual General Meeting of the Cosmopolitan Cycling Club will be held at Lanka Hotel, 13 Trafalgar Street (opposite Praser Neave Ltd.) on Sunday, Feb. 4 at 4 p.m. All cyclists and intending members are cordially invited.
    40 words
  • 126 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. OULTAN Sulalman Club, Kuala 13 Lumpur, will be the organisers this year for the all-Malayan Malays Tennis Championships. Matches will be played on th» Sultan Sulalman Club and tha TPCA courts In Prlnce s Road, during the easter Holidays from March 23. There will
    126 words
  • 52 8 The following have been chosen Lo represent the Sin^pore Cricket Club against th» Singapore Chinese Recreation Club in the semifinal of the Singapore Hock y Association's kneck-out touni ment ma'ch to be played o;i iho S.C.C. Kioun-J torr.orrcv: Browne; Dem.:.;. Ku.per; K.'tner, Cooke, Remington; Webbtr, McXnroy, Ha;gh,
    52 words
  • 242 8 Breukelen Percival Top Statistics IPOH, Sun WHEN the final statistics for the season are out. I expect to see veteran trainer Marinug van Breukelen well up in the trainers' list. The Ipoh trainer has found top gear even quicker than usual and in the first meeting of the year, he
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  • 196 8 JOHANNESBURG, Sun EDDIE Thomas. British welterweight champion, knocked out Pat Patrick, South African champion, in the 13th round to become the first British holder of the Empire welterweight title In 31 years when they met at Wembley open air stadium, Johannesburg, last night. A crowd of 13.000
    AP  -  196 words
  • 307 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. rkISSAf ISFACTION with the Football Association of Selangor was expressed by Mr. K. Nankivell, president of the Public Works Department Sports Club, at the annual general meeting of the Association held in the V.M.C.A. last night. Mr.
    307 words
  • 55 8 THE Singapore Amateur Football Association, playing the last match of their visit here at the Rizal Memorial Park, drew oneall with an All Manila selection today. Singapore were one goal down at the interval and their equaliser was scored by Sharif Madon. The visitors
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 131 8 LONDON, Sun. TDRITAIN sUll awaits the official D decision of the British Golf Union's Joint advisory council regarding revised standard scratch scores, the supreme yard sticks by which all players" handicaps are assessed. And British golfers "rabbit*" and "tigers" alike are not exactly smiling and content. They
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 816 8 CLA (FIED ADS. I (or mrd from P««e 4) rtmoN BEGINNERS: BK-KPO. Adv. Acs.. Stiand. Typing. Comm: English /Oorresp., English/Maths (All stage.). CHINESE YMCA COMM SCHOOL. 107 Selegle Rd. STARTING Peb: Senior Std. VII Bk. Kpg. Acety, Typing, S'hand; Just Started: Pre. Senior, fitd. Vm French. Latin, Dally Speed hrs.
      816 words
    • 6 8 U.K. Soccer Rugby In Page Seven
      6 words
    • 162 8 My eyes often used to smart and At the Club Jim said: "You're ache after a day's work. Sometime* probably suffering from a touch of I even had to stay late to get finished. eye strain. Why not iry Optrex? So I took Jim's advice. Every day "No eye strain
      162 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 29 8 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 2.30 am (8.0). 2.34 pm (9.1); 8.22 am (3ft.), 8.44 pm (2.5). TOMORROW: 3.01 am (88). 3 24 pm (8.4); 8.10 tm (3.9), 9.22 pm (3.5).
      29 words