The Straits Times, 27 January 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 424 1 'Like Malaria Clear The Breeding Area (REARING Malaya of terrorists was like clearing a Malaria-ridden country of mosquitoes, said the Director of Operations, General Sir Harold Briggs, last night. In a radio review. General Hi iggs said military success depended on resettlement, for the "breeding
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  • 203 1 ATTEMPT TO SPEED UP POWER STATION AN effort *o speed up the completion of the Colony's new $70,000,000 electrical power station *t Pasir Panjang, will be made by th« Singapore Municipal President, Mr. T. P. F McNeice when he goes to Britain on leave next month. While in England, he
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  • 96 1 Heavy Red Losses SAIGON. Fri FRENCH Union forces intercepted a Vietminh supply convoy and inflicted serious losses on a Vietminh company north of Vinh Yen, tonight's French communique announced in Hinoi. This was part of active patrolling by French and Vietnamese units in north Tanking, taking advantage of a lull
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • Article, Illustration
    67 1 A SHIELD DESIGNED by her husband was awarded by Mrs. R. S. Clemons, president of the Animal Lovers' League at the Victoria School Hall yesterday to 12-year-old Chin Poh Thong, who received H on behalf of his school. Over 350 animals were collected by members of the League, and 162
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  • 287 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A CHINESE bandit walked into a Selangor police station yesterday morning and said that he had killed Ah Hoi, alias Chan Tin Wan, one of the .big five. Communists of Selangor and a member of the State Committee
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  • 102 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Fri. A STATEMENT will probably be made by the Colonial Secretary, Mr. James Griffiths, in' the House of Commons on Wednesday explaining the refusal of the request by Chinese in Malaya for an investigation into their constitutional position, either by a
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  • 39 1 Fri. Replying in the House of Commons yesterday to a question about the "cessation" of deliveries of jet aircraft to Pakistan, Mr Attlee, the Prime Minister, said arrangements had now been made which the Pakistan Government afccepw<L.
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  • 58 1 NEW DELHI. Fri— lndia's new national stadium, where the first Asian Games will be held in March, was opened in Delhi today by the Prime Minister,. Mr. Nehru Modelled on Britain's Wembley ground the stadium has accommodation for 35,000. India is also planning to build more stadiums
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  • 35 1 WASHINGTON, Frl.— The United States Defence Mobilisation Board unanimonsfly approved today plans tor a general price "freeze" and wage controls. The dual order is expected within 24 hours.— Reuter.
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  • 105 1 pRANCE outlawed three Communist- controlled international organisations today in its mounting C ™e\Z& S n Cl l RCdS and thClr SU^ rterS decree published today, announced the revocation of the charters of the powerful World Federation of Trade Unions, the World Federation of Democratic Youth
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  • 25 1 LONDON, Frl— The King has approved the appointment of Sir John Monro Troutberk as Ambassador to Baghdad to succeed Sir Henry Mack.— UP.
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  • 160 1 TWO AMERICANS, a man and a woman, walked out during a talk entitled "American Culture: Does It Exist?" given by Mr. Patrick Anderson, at the University of Malaya last night. They left when Mr. Anderson traced the career of a student in a typical
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  • 97 1 TOKYO, Fri. 'pHE Pan-Asia News Alliance reported from Formosa today that the Chinese Communist leader, Mao Tse-tung, had gone to Moscow for a conference with Soviet and satellite leaders. The Independent Chinese Nationalist news agency quoted Informed sources for the statement: "This conference Is said to
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  97 words
  • 44 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Frl.— The United States was reported today to be considering a revision of its resolution demanding United Nations condemnation of Communist China as an aggressor In order to meet the objections of Britan and other powers.— UP.
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  • 31 1 COLOMBO, PH.— Sir Francis Molamure, Speaker of the Ceylon House of Representatives, has died here aged 05. He collapsed in the House on Tuesday with a paralytic stroke.— Reuter.
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  • 72 1 LONDON, Frl. npHE possibility of British aid to French forces flghti|g Vietminh rebels in mJo.-Chlna Is under study In There was no question of supplying troops, but It was bMJeved thtt certain equipment, especially aircraft, might be offered to the French. be suggested
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  • 44 1 FOUR-YEAR-OLD Jonathan Burdor points out his favourite picture at yesterday's opening of the Singapore Art Society's second open photographic exhibition at the British Council Hall. Jonathan's choice was a print of "three pussy cats." his favourite pets. Straits Times picture.
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  • 180 1 ISLE THROWN UP NEAR VOLCANO PORT MORESBY, Friday. A NEW island, apparently thrown up by a great underwater disturbance, has appeared in the Coral Sea, 34 miles south-west of Mount Lamington, New Guinea's active volcano, it was reported here today. I All shipping was warned to keep clear of the
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  • 54 1 PARIS. Fri— France has invited interested governments to a conference on Feb. 6 to study plans for a European Army, it waa officially announced here today. Alii European members of the Atlantic Pact organisation are invited, and the United States and Canada have been asked
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  • 50 1 UONQ MONO, Fri. r£ Hong Kong police have launched a drivt against vice and daily raids art yielding satisfactory results. Underground dancing halls, opium dens, the exhibition of indecent films and roadside striptease shows top the blacklist of vices now receiving police attention— V. P.
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  • 28 1 WASHINGTON, Fri.— The U.S. House Armed Services Committee voted today to give the Air Force authority to spend $337,000,000 for expanding its training bases. —Reuter.
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  • 289 1 UN push 10 miles in new advance TOKYO. Fri. ALLIED tanks, troops and artillery swept 10 miles forward along a 60mile front in Western Korea yesterday in their first iimited offensive since retreating from North Korea. On the western end of the front three powerful armoured task forces reached within
    UP  -  289 words
  • 31 1 SRINAGAR, Fri.— A snow avalance swept 14 of a party of 18 men to their deaths in North Kashmir, say reports reaching the Kashmir Government today. Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 'I/hen only the best is tjood enough... it must be beer THE EAST ASIATIC Cfl lIP
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    • 149 1 IFi •Hkhoidlsc Drink delicious frO^AXTINE Th^ Worlds Best Nig hi cap al«o PP Vitamins really refreshed bright-eyed (Nlscin), Iron, an( buoyant? If not, your sleep Calcium and nas not been as deep and restorative Phosphorus. as it should be, #A cup of delicious Ovaltine at bedtime will help you to
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  • 186 2 Mountain Ambush Gang Had Plan To Kill Minister HL-KS ARRKTfD AS THEY PtOTI^) .AClf* MANILA, Fri. pIVE armed Filipinos were arrested yesterday as they were preparing to ambush and assassinate the Defence Minister, Mr. Ramon Magsaysay, in a mountain pass. On Wednesday intelligence agents arrested in Manila six Chinese, said
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 2 NOSE of one of the American B 36 bombers, the world's biggest. These have a range of 10,000 miles and a bomb load of 10 tons. Two jet engines on the wing tips are used to get 150 tons deadweight airborne.
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  • 23 2 BIG DIPPER being built for the Festival of Britain 37acre amusement park in Batterse* Park, London. A.F picture.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 233 2 Flight To The Moon A Question fERMAN scientists believe they could fly to the moon if they had $1,000,000,000. New discoveries have made such a flight possible, the German Society For Interplanetary Research was told at Its annual meeting at Stuttgart. In fact plans have already been drawn up. Most
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  • 51 2 CAIRO, Fri.— The Premier of Iraq, General Nury Es Said Pasha, told the Arab League Political Committee last night that "Arabs are menaced by war and should declare their open support to the Western democracies." "Time is too short for the Arab States not to decide then- attitude."
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 2 MARSHAL SHAH Mahmoud Khan GhanzJ, Premier and Cominander-in-Cbief of Af ghanistan (right) be ng welcomed at New Delhi by th« Indian Home Minister, Mr. C Rajagopalachari. The 64-year-old Marshal is the uncle of the Afghan King.— A .P. picture.
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  • 132 2 LONDON, Fri. rE Deputy Prime Minister. Mr Herbert Morrison, declared In the House of Commons yesterday that he might try to find time for another steel debate after he sees Mr. Winston Churchill's motion of criticism. Mr. Churchill is apparently preparing a fast campaign to
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  • 121 2 SANTA MONICA, Fri. piLM star Joan Fontaine quickly won a divorce yesterday, testifying her film producer husband William Dozier walked out of her life and did not come back. "He walked out of the house on Aug. 4. 1949 and failed to return," testified the blonde
    AP  -  121 words
  • 313 2 BRITAIN PRAISES NEPAL REFORMS LONDON, Fri. MR. Ernest Davies, iTI Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, told the House of Commons last night that the British Government welcomes the Nepal Prime Minister's "statesmanlike action in announcing a programme of reform for Nepal. He was replying to Mr. Austin Low. Conservative, who asked
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 735 2 r f FAR EAST/GULF OF ADEN RED SEA PORTS CONFERENCE FREIGHT TARIFF NO. 4 FROM MALAtA 111 X riVE t«-l-51: shippers are hereby Informed of the followinc increases tn Base Rates appearing In the above tariff <;i:ssware, value up to £50 per freight ton 105/Gl.issware. value over <\',n per freight
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    • 727 2 FAR EASTERN FREIGHT CONFERENCE Shippers are informed of the following amendments to recent increases advised In connection with rates appearing In Section V of the P.E.F.C. Freight Tariff No. 4 from Malaya:— EFFECTIVE 1-4-51: Latex In Bulk, increased to 131 6. Latex packed, increased to 120/-. UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Tenders
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    • 173 2 II J iJI HEBRON CHAPEL T»y Lian Teck Rd., Mf'ap Three special a ldres** 3 will be given by tie Rev. Leonard Cornwell on Sunday evenings at 5.30 o'clock commencing Sunday Jan. 28th. The subjects will ceme under the heading. 'THE SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE OF WORLD EVENTS" and will include references
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  • 458 3 Grab It To Talk Peace, He Urges Truman Says: Aggression Is Clear LAKE SUCCESS, Friday. INDIA S Sir llenegal Rau urged the United Nations last night to take advantage of the military lull in Korea to begin direct talks with the Chinese on a Far Eastern
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  458 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 3 THE DOC, under sentence of death, was reprieved rescuing a two-year-old boy from a fire In Country Hurham. The hoy returned to the burning house and the dog. unable to drag him out again, pushed him under a bed in a fire-free room. There his mother found him: firemen
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  • 29 3 BUDAPEST. Fri. Hungary has signed a trade agreement with China, under Which China Will send raw materials and domestic products and receive raw materials and mach'nery. Reufcer
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  • 91 3 U.S. Relaxes Shipping Ban To H.K. WASHINGTON, Fri. rE Department of Commerce announced yesterday that shipments of fresh fruits and vegetables may continue to Hong Kong and Macao under general licence until March 31. The term "general licence" means no restriction imposed on shipments by the United States Government. Commerce
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  • 24 3 CAIRO. Fri. Communist China's delegate was voted a seat at the Universal Postal Union's confererce in Cairo. Nationalist China was reiected.—A.P.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 86 3 THE MOTHER SUPERIOR (above rght), of the Karatea nunnery near Athens (top), and 10 nuns and monks are charged with abduction, fraud, and illegal detention. It is said that women were persuaded to make over their possess ons to the nunnery in exchange for eternal peace. Then they
    AP  -  86 words
  • 217 3 TOKYO, Friday. ILfR. John Foster Dulles, special adviser to the U.S. iTI State Department, who arrived in Tokyo last night, conferred today with Mr. Williair J. Sebald, General Mac Arthur's diplomatic chief, on arrangements to meet Japanese leaders to discuss a peace treaty. Mr. Dulles travelled
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  • 63 3 LONDON, Fri. NOTICE in the London Gazette: "I. Frank Peter Newman, of WalsaU, electric joiner, heretofore called and known by the name of Frank Peter Daft, hereby five public notice that I have formally and absolutely renounced the use of my said surname of
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 35 3 GENERAL SIR JOHN HAR DING. Commanding British Far East Land Forces, and Gen. Jean de Lattr e de Tassigny. Commander-in-Chief and High Commissioner in French Indo-China. photographed at Hanoi recently.
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  • 151 3 KURE, Japan, Fri. PRIVATE Robert Fargie, 29-year-old RASC driver, inarched out of a court martial today to face 10 years' imprisonment. He had been found guilty by the court of five officers of the manslaughter of a Korean schoolteacher at Taegu last November. army with
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  • 138 3 WASHINGTON, Friday. SENATOR Styles Bridges, Republican, said yesterday that there was mounting support in Congress to apportion the number of American troops to be sent to Europe to the number raised by America's allies Under these proposals, one American division would be sent to Europe for
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  • 102 3 WASHINGTON, Fri. 5 TUNG by India's criticism on the United States stand against Communist China, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday refused to take early action on India's request for 2,000,000 tons of American wheat. Instead, Chairman Tom Connally told reporters, the sub-committee has
    UP  -  102 words
  • 79 3 WASHINGTON. Frl. OENERAL Dwight D. Eisen- *> hower's Allied European Army will have 60 to 80 divisions, compared to Russia's 175 divisions. But they will be larger and have more firepower than the Soviet units, American military officials said yesterday A United States infantry division, however, numbers
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  • 229 3 CAPETOWN, Friday. THE South African Prime Minister, Dr. Daniel Malan, told the Assembly yesterday that the international situation was grave but he was convinced it would not lead to world war. He was moving an amendment to a motion of censure introduced by
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  • 45 3 PERON 'MOBILISES' RAILMEN BUENOS AIRES, Fri—Argentine President 'jjp Percn today imposed military rule on all railway employees in the Buenos Aires area, Including several hundred Britons and other foreigners. He took this step to, try to break the 3-day eld railway strike, which Is causing
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  • 327 3 MILLION MEN IN U.K. ARMY NEXT YEAR LONDON, Friday. THE British Cabinet last night worked on a new defence programme aimed at putting a million men under arms by next summer. The ne\" expanded programme is expected to call for defence spending of £4,.iM.000.«HM) to £:>.00(MM)0.()00 in the next two
    AP  -  327 words
  • 38 3 BRITAIN. Fri.— The West German Government last night announced "agreement in all essential points' on the labour dispute which canspd 750.000 Ruhr iron and steel and coal workers t-> vote overwhelmingly for a strike. AP.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 139 3 ARIEL Brimful with power and i: c ye r- failing performance, handsome to look at.... grand to drive on. Distributors:-C-oorge Lee Motors, Singapore South Motor Co., K. Lumpur Hock Hoe Motor Co., Ipoh Boon Siew Motors, Penang Heng Seng fir Co., Kota Bahru Factory Represeatativcfe:T.V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA
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    • 72 3 To complete a dinner worthy of Saturday night (and worthy of your guests) you must serve CHEESE in tune with the meal you took so much trouble to plan. We've a wonderful variety to suit the choosiest connoisseur— Danish Blue, Cheddar, Gorgonzola, Edam, Gouda, Hilton. COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage
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  • 356 4 FED. HOUSEWIVES MAY COMBINE TO FIGHT PROFITEERS From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. jy/JALAYAN housewives may go on the warpath against the profiteer shopkeeper. Many of them have welcomed the proposal by the Chief Secretary, Mr. M. V. Del Tufo, that a Housewives' League be started to fight the
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  • 76 4 Prom Our SUIT Correspondent PENANG, Fri. A FTER the surveyor of ships had certified that no serious damage had been caused by yesterdays fire the 7.956-ton B.I. steamer Tairea sailed from Penang at noon today for Calcutta. Mr. A. E. Thowless, manager of the ship's agents,
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  • 164 4 rE Singapore Government Officers' Co-operative Housing Society is waiting for a reply from Government on a letter its committee wrote 10 days ago about a Government servant allegedly not vacating his present premises for a new house which he had built through the aid of the
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  • 70 4 From Oar Own Carresnonrient JOHORE BAHRU, Fri.— Mr Inder Singh who was injured In a motor car accident on Wednesday on the Scudai Road died last night in hospital. Dr. Hamzah, Mr. S. K. Badra and Mrs. Inder Singh, who were involved In the accident, are
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  • 57 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. —Mr and Mrs. R. D. Marrable and Mr. A. Noble were given a farewell tea party at the International Club. Kluang, In the eve of their departure. Mr. Marrable goes to Segamat as O.S.P.C. Mr. Noble, manager of Pamol Estate. Kluang. is going to Africa
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  • 104 4 ONE of the world's first completely air conditioned freighters, the Nederland Line's Bintanx. (5,862 tons gross) arrived in Singapore on her maiden voyage yesterday. With luxurious passenger accommodation for 12 people, the ▼essel is air conditioned for passengers and crew, a novel feature in freighter construction.
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  • 115 4 Hand Print Led To His Arrest KUALA LUMPUR Fri. a hand print led to the A arrest of a 19-year-old Tamil peon T. Muniandy, who was today committed to stand trial before the high court on a charge of theft. Expert evidence by Mr. H. F. Ridley, Registrar of Criminals,
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  • 174 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Friday. AN assurance that Penang Commissioners "will not be less generous than Government' has been given by the Municipal President, Mr. H. G. Hammett, in reply to representations by the MuniciDal Services Union for an advance paymont against the Benham Report
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  • 44 4 I'M \M ttCft I W£ t C D I C I clerk of the Penang Municipal treasury and secretariat, who will retire at the end of this month after 37 years' service. He will be succeeded by Mr. J. D. Petrie.
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  • 116 4 EIGHT Chinese and rive Indians have already applied for the two posts, one Chinese and one Indian, of Personnel and Welfare Officers in the Singapore Labour Department The posts were advertised three days ago. three-man Public Services Commission, headed by Mr. Justice Gordon-Smith Successful
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  • 189 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. "AS citizens of the Commonwealth we possess certain ideals which it is our duty to hold and defend with all our strength, because it is on them that all freedom depends," the High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gurney, told Indians
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  • 53 4 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. Yong Kooi was charged in the Sessions Court. Kluang, yesterday with being in possession of 25 packets of chandu and a smoking outfit. He was discharged conditionally on entering into a bond of $50 for six months and to
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  • 33 4 From Our' Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Fri.— Mr. Ponnampalam, retired technical assistant in the Johore P.W.D.. died at Johore Bahru today. After 25 years' service he retired three years ago.
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  • 71 4 From Oar Own Correspondent K17ANTAN, Frl. A MINE washed up on the beach at Beserah was fenced in with barbed wire. But it floated away on the tide to another part of the beach. It is rusty and barnacled and is presumed to be harmless
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  • 171 4 2,228 SEEK CHANGE IN HOLIDAY CINGAPORE pawnshops will open on their weekly holiday, Sunday, Feb. 4, to enable people who are "broke" to raise money to celebrate the coming Chinese New Year. They are part of the 2,228 shops in the city which have already applied to the Labour Office
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  • 66 4 The Singapore Anglo-Chi-nese School has published a souvenir number of Its magazine to commemorate the opening of the new schoo! building at Barker Road. In the wordjs of the Editor, it gives a "comprehensive report and record of all the events which have taken place in the
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  • 36 4 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Fri.— A young woman, Ng Kirn Tin, was charged at Kluang yesterday with having Incorrect particulars on her Identity card. She was allowed ball In $100 pending hearing.
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  • 25 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Frl.— Tan Oon Kiat, taxi driver, who grazed a military vehicle at Tebrau was fined $15 In th» Police Court today.
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  • 20 4 BENTONG, Fri.— The Sultan of Pahan^ has appointed Tunghu Panglima Perang, Tengku Muhammad Almarnhum Sultan Ahmad, a ter-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 197 4 I.»#t 3 Shnw«: 3,' 5.15 ».1S ivm. M.O.M.s "IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME" In Technicolor Tomorrow at 11 ».m. R.K.O.n "STEP LIVELY" —Tomorrow at 3, 6.15 A 9.15 p.nvM.O.M.'s "THAT FORSYTHE WOMAN" In Technicolor REX JOHORE BAHRU Today J Show*: 3 A 8.00 p m. "FLASH GORDON'S TRIP TO
      197 words

  • 306 5 6-Seater Planes Will Operate Between Towns From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. AN ambitious scheme to link many small airstrips in the Federation especially in isolated townships of Pahang to the country's major airports by a regular commercial "feeder" service is now under consideration
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  • 267 5 10 CENTS FROM ALL TO FIGHT T.B. friom Oar SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. THE Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis has decided to go ahead with the plan to ask every employed person in the Federation to contribute voluntarily 10 cents a month to help fight the disease.
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  • 102 5 t BBS Our Sl.'M orrespondrnt KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— A tribute to his "sterling good and the lasting value 01 his work as a member of the Federal Legislative Council was paid yesterday by the Hi°h Commissioner, Sir Henry j Ourney, to Mi\ M. R. Holgate, Director
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  • 88 5 Unqualified Teachers To Stay On CINGAPORE Chinese school teachers who are without the full qualifications specified by the Singapore Education Department, will be allowed to continue teaching until normal conditions have been restored. This decision of the Education Department is due to a shortage of fully qualified Chinese teachers and
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  • 86 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUANTAN, Fri. A big programme has been arranged for the scouts and rovers of Kuantan during the weekend. There will be a twoday camp at Beserah, on the second day of which they will represent Pahang scout* in entertaining to tiffin Mr.
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  • 47 5 For failing to furnish income tax returns last year, Scow Kirn Hock and Walter J. Humble were each fined $100 in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday. Tan Jui Keng. who also failed to furnish Income tax returns last year, was fined $180.
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  • 57 5 From Our Staff Correspondent -MB A N, Fri. Ho Kirn Chua, a lorry driver, was discharged at Negrl Sembilan Assizes when he appeared on two charges of collecting and harbouring supplies for unknown persons. Ho wag alleged to have collected $420 for the bandits from a Chinese
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 5 A SECTION of the 70 people who attended the public auction yesterday of the assets of the banned Mavfair Musical and Dramatic Association m Robinson Road. Straits Times picture. Report m Page 7.
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  • 227 5 CIVILIAN GAVE LOT OF DRINKS /CIVILIANS should use more common sense when treating a soldier, said Lieut. S. Ingrey, defending, at a district court-martial in Singapore yester- day. He was defending Rifleman Peter John Edwards, aged 19. of the King's Royal Rifle Corps, now attached
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  • 82 5 At the first annual meeting of the Singapore Tamil Association. Mr. S. A. Durai was re-elected president for 1951. Other officials elected were:-Vice-president, Mr. VK. Anandam; hon. secretary, Mr. Notten Mlskeen; assistant hon. secretary. Mr. V. R. Kumar; treasurer, Mr. O. Thanga Raju; auditor, Mr. T V
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  • Article, Illustration
    58 5 MR. < hoor Singh, who rose from the ranks of the General Clerical Service to Deputy Coroner, Singapore, in 1949. has been appointed by the Governor to act as a Police Magistrate in the Colony. Mr. Singh, who is 40. was the first man in the Colony to
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  • 155 5 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Friday. TO help raise funds for their new school building, several post-school certificate students of the Penang Angio-Chinese Girls' School are to do Chinese New Year house-cleaning and act as babysitters. I The amount of payment will b« left
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  • 76 5 From Our Staff Correspondent ALOR STAR, Fri. nrwo bodies buried in m shallow grave were recovered bv a Police patrol yesterday about 300 yards from the scene of the Jan. 1 bandit ambush at the B u k i t Silembau-Jeniang Road. The corpses, still
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  • 295 5 TIN DUTY RAISED $50.9 MIL. From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. DESPITE a drop in production of tin during the last quarter of 1950, export duty on Malayan tin for the last three months produced revenue totalling $17.2 million, compared with $33.7 million for the months of January to
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  • 32 5 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPINO, Fri.— A Catholic priest, Fr. A. Tan, was fined $40 by the Taiping Magistrate and his licence ordered to bp endorsed for negligent driv ing.
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  • 151 5 TODAY SINGAPORE ART SOCIETY, photographic exhibition, British Council Hall, 9 am. to 5.30 p.m. BRITISH CROSS, handicapped children's club outing, Katong Park, 10 a.m. to noon. CHINESE Y.M.C.A., Selegit Road, body building, 4 p.m., basketball. 5 p.m., students' badminton, 5.30 p.m. Y.M.C.A., Orchard Road, chesi club, S
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  • 511 5 t^INETEEN departmental scholarship and training course awards have been made by the Singapore Government which will enable the winners to study in the united Kingdom for periods ranging from three months to three years. Another 14 Government servants hav» won further department*) scholarships to study at
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  • 477 5 FOUR BANDITS SHOT DEAD IN BENTONG AREA From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. gECURITY FORCES scored substantial successes in three battles against bandits in the Bentong area of PAHANG yesterday, killing four bandits and wounding others. One patrol ran into four Chinese D;«ndits, two of them women. The patrol
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  • 124 5 From Our Staff (orirspnixirul MALACCA. Fri A CALL to Dato Tan Chrnij .Lock. Dato Onn bin Ja'afar. and M- 1. Ramanl to organise an comrvinity conference wit pr< ntutives of the R »v a solution on nutionu i other matters was n Mr. C.
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  • 156 5 The Straits Juveniile Union (Boon Wah Kok). it the annuai mooting elected Mr. Ang Peng Kay president. Messrs. Choo Lye Huat. Boey Kirn Swee. Tan Nko Siong and Tan Geok Tf>o were elected patrons. Thp following unr elected vicepresidents:— Mc-ms. Yeo Kirn Tin-. Chua An Kirn,
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  • 26 5 TAIPING. Fri—Admitlimit breach of trust of one bicycle, valued at $50. Jamaluddin. 21. was sentenced by th« Taipinpr Magistrate to four months' imprisonment
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 87 5 SELECT "i^Jto f^ _/G* s& <S£ €j>* \~s* I LIGHTING FITTINQS FROM ANY OF OUR I f^*\ SHOWROOMS Mt*£ #W|CHAft Tl*M« *kU II MftANGEft AOVT. OF THI GIN IK At. lUCTMC CO, LTa OF iNCLANO tiNOAEOM HALACCA, 'fjj KUAtViUHEUIiT tfl >IN ANO to \X |TF WFFKIY TOKYO vii H«*gkom, Through
      87 words
    • 46 5 DESERT BOOT TOUGH AS THE DESERT ITSELF $21.50 Sizes 6 to 10£ Comfortable made with a Springbox Sole of Pliable Crepe rubber. Supple Suede Uppers plus Clarks Art and Craftsmanship. Its A. 1. for Riding Golfing, Fishing, Shooting and just Lounging FKOM THE MAN'S SHOP ROBINSONS
      46 words

  • 60 6 OEE-ETI.EEN, dearly beloved wife of D A. Gee. of Gopenit. Perak. paaaed peacefully away at the Ipoh Hospital after a short Ones* Jan. 2*. MR. F. N. PONNAMPALAM, retired Store-keeper. P.W.D.. Johore Bahru. paaxed away peacefully at 11 m on 26.1.51. at his BMidence In Johore Bahru. CieBiatlon take*
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  • 56 6 MRS. P. B. MARRIOTT deatrce to exprem her gratitude for fjif many expresaions of sym-fa-thy and kindnesses recently {■tended to her. MRS KITTO and family thank AD relatives and friends who sent f/reaths, letter*, telegrams of conaWence. attended night prayers e>nd rendered help in connection %tth the funeral of
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  • 887 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat, Jan. 27, 1951. The Mission Teachers Apart from the younger Normal teachers there is one other large category of teachers which is left out of the proposed Unified Education Service in the Colony, and that is the mission teachers. There are nearly as many boys
    887 words
  • 250 6 Fifty Years Ago. MALARIA IN THE GAZETTE (From the Straits Times or Jan. 20-27, 1901 TT>HE Government Gazette I. publishes a memor mdum on measures to be taken for the prevention of malaria, which has been drawn up by Sir Michael Foster K.C.B., F.R.S.. and approved by Lord Lister. President
    250 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 6 P. i.- wgraph by Birte Steinace. THAIPUSAM AT BATU CAVES, SELANGOR
    11 words
  • 1117 6  -  Cynicus -by— fHE pay of the Feder1 ation's "Ministers" will be $1,600 a month, this Kalary presumably carrying also the appropriate cost of living: allowance and other extras. Without considering the respective incidence of income tax, which \foulti improve the comparison, it is a salary which
    1,117 words
  • 864 6 IT was revealed this week that the Colony Government Is actually proposing to lnstal "community radio sets" In the King George V Park and Katong Park, and that the Municipal Commissioners have told Government that they want to know more about this proposal before they can agree to it.
    864 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 722 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. HOLMBSRO: To Martha andi Gerry, at Kandang Kerbau Hospital, on 28.1. 51, a baby fir!. THE ENGAGEMENT la announced between Mr. Harry Ooh Kay Choon, 2nd son of Madame Wee Seek Kheem and the late Mr Ooh Boon Swee to Miss Annir Teo. eldest daughter (A Mr. and
      722 words
    • 70 6 TOP IN PRECISION' World Renowned, German I CITT BINUXIT LCI IMm Bx3o BINOCULARS Distinctive Features:— (M Unrivalled for Resolution Details (2) No Colour Distortion. Higher Light Transmission and All Lens-surfaces Anti -glare coated (3) Highly built by the %amm Skilful Craftsmen and with the same Special Durable Material for Leica
      70 words
    • 67 6 famous TIGER BALM collection IJgl CHIN KAW HIT Wl WIND MIXTURE Jju) Masterpiece of Distinction THE TAVERN iEura»can Rasifential Hotel) (Open to Non Retideart) ALL ROOMS ARI CONNECTED WITH TEL EXCHANCI 1 Out Coiffeui dc Damet h operated by American trained Mil. Erima. Meab A La Carte .erved up to
      67 words

  • 343 7 New Law Makes Employers Liable To $500 Fine From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. AN EMPLOYER in the Federation who fails to reinstate a former employee after his term of service tinder the Manpower Regulations is subject to certain conditions liable on conviction
    343 words
  • 297 7 ATTACKED POLICE OFFICER, 2 YEARS •I WOULD oe failing in my duty if 1 sentenced you to less than two y e a r s' imprisonment." the Singapore First District Judge, Mr. H. E. Kingdon, told a Malay youth who was found guilty yesterday of assaulting a police inspector during
    297 words
  • 68 7 A warrant for the arrest of L«>h Slong. aged 31. was issued in Singapore yesterday when he failed to appear on the second day's hearing of a housebreaking charge against him. His bail of $1,000 was •sweated. A second man. 21-year-old Wong Kong Oh. appearing on
    68 words
  • 49 7 "I cannot work now," said Ang Choon Kee. aged 49, of Beo Lane, who has an artificial leg, In the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday. Pleading guilty to begging »t Coller Quay, Ang was ordered to be sent to the House of Detention.
    49 words
  • 54 7 NEW rates of pay for members of the Singapore Special Constabulary were announced last nighf. in a supplement to the Government Gazette. The new rates come into effect from Jan. 1. They are: Commandant: $550. Assist.. Commandant: $400: Chief Inspector: $275; Insvector: $200: Sergeant: $90:
    54 words
  • 160 7 NG Pek Ngan. a partner with Chop Koon Wah. of North Bridge Road. Singapore, told the Chief Justice. Sir Charles Murray-Aynsley in the Bankruptcy Court yesterday that a partnership which began with a capital of $3,000 in 1937 now had a total liability of
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  • 22 7 Eight Chinese, who pleaded guilty in Singapore yesterday when charged with gambling in public for money were fined $25 each.
    22 words
  • 94 7 Ceylon Govt. To Appoint Local Man ACEYLONESE in Malaya will be appointed Ceylon Assistant Commissioner in Kuala Lumpur if a man with suitable qu?J*Bcations c?n be found. The object is to secure a man who understands the problems facing Ceylonesp in this country. The Ceylon High Commissioner's office in Singapore
    94 words
  • 288 7 piVE of the nine medals awarded in the Singapore Art Society's second open Photographic Exhibition at the British Council Hall, Singapore which was opened yesterday by Mr. W. L Blythe, Colonial Secretary, were won by overseas exhibitors The exhibition brought en- p tries from Canada, China
    288 words
  • 64 7 BECAUSE a Hindustani film took 13 minutes longer than allowed by his licence, S. Oorai, the proprietor of an open-air cinema at Bedok. appeared before Mr. P. Claque in the Fourth Magistrate's Court yesterday. borai was cautioned and discharged. He was told by M r
    64 words
  • 53 7 Bicycles obstructing fivefoot ways will be seized by the police and taken to stations in the area in which the offence has been committed, says a Government announcement last night Owners of bicycles In flalmlni? their machines, must produce their certificate of registration before they are
    53 words
  • 29 7 "The Starving Lady of Ipoh," Moo Yoon Kiew, a girl bandit, will be Interviewed over the Bine Network of Radio Malaya this afternoon at L45.
    29 words
  • 55 7 DISCUSSING the merits of the exhibits at the Singapore Art Society's second Open Photographic Exhibition now open at the British Council Hall are Mr. T. P. P. MrNeice. President of the Mnnicipal Commission. Mr. W. L. Blythe. Colonial Secretary, and Dr. C. A. GibsonHill, Chairman of
    55 words
  • 206 7 WANTED BIG OR SMALL' GIFT INSTANCES of telegram messengers demanding 1 money from the public, resulting in complaints by irate people were referred to by Mr. D. Housey, of Cable and Wireless, in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday. r A Chinese New Year "circular" was
    206 words
  • 23 7 An Indian, aged 38, was killed when he fell from the second floor of a building in Colombo Court, Singapore yesterday.
    23 words
  • 126 7 'THE entire movable assets of the banned proCommunist Mayfair Musical and Dramatic Association in Robinson Road were auctioned yesterday on the instructions of the Official Assignee About 70 people attended the auction, which was held at the Association's premises in Robinson Road, and paid
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  • 32 7 Charged with stealing li lb. of sausages at Qlllman Barracks. Chow Men* Su r aged 22. pleaded not guilty in Singapore yesterday and was allowed ball until Feb 2
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  • 50 7 ANE of the items on the v agenda of today's meeting of the University of Malaya Students' Union will be the University undergraduates now being detained under Emergency Regulations. Other items include a review of activities over the past year, the financial atatement and the annual report.
    50 words
  • 46 7 The 43rd Malay .Lightning Rover Crew will hold a teaparty at the Kota Raja Malay School on Feb. 10 to celebrate Its third anniversary .First aid certificates wUI be distributed to member* of the St. John's Ambulance Association, Kota Raja Division
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  • 312 7 MOVEMENT OF SHIPS LIMITED pESTRICTIONS on the IV movement of craft in Singapore harbour, except for loading and unloading cargo, towing, pilotage and other legitimate business connected with the port, were announced last night in a Government Gazette. The restrictions are contained in the Emergency (Harbour Craft Navigation) Regulations of
    312 words
  • 51 7 Goh Lam Seng aged 21 and Sim Kaw Poh, aged 23, pleaded guilty in Singapore yesterday when charged with robbing Tan Kwang Yeow of a watch valued at $50 and $27.70. Inspector M. R. Balakriahnan opposed bail, and Goh and Sim were remanded in custody until
    51 words
  • 121 7 COMBINED medical and den- tal course should be introv UI classy should be dis- duced as soon as adequate continued, the Department of staff Is available," the report of Bacteriology says in the adds. University of Malaya"s first It Is hoped to re-organlse annual report. the
    121 words
  • 244 7 8,000-STRONG UNION GIVES STRIKE HINT PHE 8,000-strong Singapore Army civil Service x Union may protest direct to the War Minister, «r even "stage a strike," because the Army authorities have rejected the 18-month-old claims oi their 1,000 storekeepers for higher pay and shorter hours. The union is calling a mass
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  • 55 7 All motor vehicles must carry licence discs issued for the first half of 1951 by Jan. 31. Government stated last night that warrant fees become payable after that date. Registration books with certificate of Insurance and a crossed cheque or order should be posted to the Registrar of
    55 words
  • 50 7 Australians in Singapore celebrated Australia Day yesterday with a cocktail party given by the Australian Commissioner. Mr. L. R. Mclntyre at his residence In Dalvey Road Australians will also be entertained to another party tonight at Mr. Mclntyre's residence, given by the Australia and New Zealand Association.
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  • 25 7 Ng Bow, a middle-aged labourer, pleaded guilty in Singapore yesterday to possessing 62 noons of chandu and was bound over for six months.
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  • 15 7 Tha next session of the Singapore Assizes will be held on Jan. 31.
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  • 149 7 A LINK SNAPPED: 2 DIED AN accident at St. James* Power Station. Singapore, which killed two people and injured four others. w;>..v stated yesterday in the Coroners Court to hav e b< < n caused by a chain link failure due to defective welding The accident occurred when a four-and-half
    149 words
  • 82 7 OEVERAL districts in BtDga- pore have had two-hour black-outs owing to the breakdown in plant at St. Jamrs' Power Station last week Black-outs will continue for at least a week before th boilers are repaired. The Municipal Electricity Department again appeal* for economy in the use ol electricity
    82 words
  • 41 7 Charged with having k< pt, a mouse deer in an animal cage of a size less than that stipulated under the Municipal schedule. Wee Jeng Soo claimed trial In Singapore yesterday. The case was proponed to Feb. 19.
    41 words
  • 38 7 Four new cases of polio aid 14 of diphtheria were reported in Singapore for the week ended Jan. 20. There wer^ no deaths. The number of deaths from all causes was 152 against. 616 births.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
      50 words
    • 40 7 |i I OH SATURDAY: II JAVA RIJSTTAFRL jJJ l\ PHONE 3SIB I Bob 4 H Baby i j m^ t^JnP r WAV* M FLINTER S GRINBERG li Diamonds and Jewellery I Telephone 7923 07, STAMFORD RO.. (Eh Cmul Blfc) SPORE
      40 words

  • 300 8 Or He Can Lose Throne, SaysLa iv From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A SOVEREIGN of Perlis may not be absent from the State for more than 12 months, unless the State Executive Council are satisfied (here is a >?ood reason. If he does, he is no
    300 words
  • 102 8 fTWO additional scholarships in accountancy for this nu are now available for nment officers, it was announced last night. scholarships will enable 4c Government officers to qiiiiv .'or membership of the A elation of Certified and Corl, Accountants through correspondence courses while continu1- 1 in
    102 words
  • 58 8 PARIl ttUNTAR Fri. I Aodul Wahab bin Abel luh Coroner at the Basan Court, returned a verdict o! death by misadvanture te inquest into the death 10-year-old Chinese girl. Huat Tmg who was d down and killod bv a car near Sunt?ci U-dom vl'n Nov 25 !i.s:
    58 words
  • 165 8 npHE standard of nursing has been lowered and male assistants have had to be used, says Professor J. K. Munro, former Professor of Surgery, in the University of Malaya's first annual report. In his last report, Professor Munro felt it was his duty to point out
    165 words
  • 115 8 DATO AT OLD N.S. GRAVE SEREMBAN, Fri. rIE newly installed" Undang of Sungei Ujong, Dato Klana Petra Mohamed Kassim, today paid homage at the 200-year-old grave of the first Dato Klana, Dato Klana Bertartah, in a Jungle clearing at Pantai, Negri Sembilan. Later he paid homage at the graves of
    115 words
  • 57 8 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH. Friday. SUNGEI Minik. in Lower. Perak, the second largest rice produc-ng area in the State, will be visited by the C of RIDA, Dato Onn bin Ja'afar. when he comes to Perak next month. He will also tour the
    57 words
  • 71 8 IPOH. Fri.— The death took place at the Ipoh Hospital today after a short illness of Mrs. Eileen Gee, wife of Mr. D. A. Gee resident manager of Gopeng Consolidated, Ltd. Mrs. Gee had been in Malaya nearly 25 years. He leaves, besides her husband,
    71 words
  • Article, Illustration
    88 8 DUE to arrive m Singapore on Monday next is the latest addition to the fleet of the Royal Interocean Lines, the m.s. Tjiwangi ("Fragrant River") seen above. She is on her way from Holland to Hong Kong, and will start her maiden voyage on the Java-China service, leaving Hong
    88 words
  • 175 8 'He Led Us' Say Six Witnesses Frojn Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. SIX witnesses said in Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court today that C. R. Clement, a European ek:'.rical engineer, fed them to Buklt Raja Estate. Klang to load copper conductor They were giving evidence in a case in which
    175 words
  • 44 8 From Our Own Correspondent I IaIPING. Fri.— A military truck driver. Harfun bin Hussein, was fined $30 in the Magistrate's Court for inconsiderate driving. Inspector Nordin said that Harun. trying to overtake three cyclists, knocked into one of them.
    44 words
  • 216 8 TUG o WAR IN RUBBER MARKET FE Singapore rubber market has passed through a comparatively quiet week Dealers hare been sitting on the fence watching the tug-o'-war between the American Government and the rubberproducing world, says Lewis Peat's weekly report, issued yesterday. 8o rar the U.S. Government has bought only
    216 words
  • 100 8 Mr. Herbert Surin has beer, re-elected president of the Singapore Kiwi Members' League for this year. Other officials were elected as follows: Vice-presidents. Miss Elsie Lim and Mr. Charlie Neo; general secretary, Mr. Ang Ah Yew; assistant general secretaries, Messrs. Goh Seng Lim and G. D Seetharaman; treasurer,
    100 words
  • 21 8 KUANTAN, Fri.— Miss MarJorie Hendershot from the Ipoh Anglo-Chinese Girls' School, has joined thp Methodist Girls' School at Kuantan
    21 words
  • 188 8 Improvement Trust Flats For All' Plan Under Study CIVILIAN employees of the Defence Services in Singapore may become eligible for Singapore Improvement Trust houses, if a Committee of the Trustees succeeds in producing a completely new, system of allocation of Trust accommodation. This was hinted by the Trust's Chairman, Mtp
    188 words
  • 75 8 CHE Ann binte Majeed, who won a scholarship to study how the blind are taught in England, is now on her way from England, having successfully finished the course. She studied social science, handicraft and English legislation for the blind. She has done practical social work in
    75 words
  • 46 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri.— Fong Chee Hong was charged in the Kluang Police Court yesterday with attempted extortion of $20 on July 20 at Yong Peng from Ec Soon. Pending decision he was allowed bail of $500. Mr. A. J. Braga, of Singapore, defended
    46 words
  • 154 8 SHE HID SAMSU IN FOOTBALL From Our SUIT Correspondent IPOH, Fri. pHOOI Kooi Hong, a 48-year-old Chinese woman, hid some highly potent samsu in a rubber football bladder. She then put th» bladder in a basket a. 1 covered it with flour and eggs. But Customs officers; searching the basket,
    154 words
  • 65 8 MALACCA, ri.— This vaf Is the 70th anniversary ot the founding of Malacca library. The library has just moved from quarters U has occupied almost from its inception Into a building that once houspd Malacca's Courts of Justice. The late Dr. Alfred H. Kcun. formrr Municipal
    65 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 75 8 Hum w\v BnA the NEW Humber Hawk HAS it! 16 H. P. punch! —"The power to act"— and ACT QUICKLY that's the NEW Humber Hawk! Smooth acceleration when overtaking, easily achieved fast cruising speeds, and liveliness on hills are important futures of the NEW Humber Hawk. J Enquire about the
      75 words
    • 177 8 *^HOW A LOCAL AIPLINE HELPS A COUNTPy PROSPEP i Good communications not only follow a country's growth often they must precede it; just is the railway opened up V America's "Golden West" so. today, in •^S^fc* British Borneo for instance, C.P.A.'s regular flights to Hong Kong set in motion Mj&&
      177 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 255 8 Straits Times Crossword 276 1J' LJ' LJ' LJ 5 U* LJl l I j|" 15. Mankind. E.C (anag.) (9). 17. Metal round vessels veers towards the interior (5, 2). 18. Love to excess (7). 19. Country In which air comes ud last (7). 20. Vitreous rock (7). 22. Ship, engine,
      255 words

    • Letter, Illustration
      0 9
      0 words
    • 273 9 "THE ONE WAY TO BRING DOWN PRICES" IWAS really surprised by "Clerk," who in a letter headed "Raise The C.0.L.A." on Tuesday expressed the belief that a rise in his cost of living allowance would catch up with the present increases in the prices of poods. I for one doubt
      273 words
    • 129 9 7 NOTE v.ilh astonishment that the Singapore Municipal Commissioners intend oharpine for rehearsal on the piano at the Victoria Hall at the rate of $10 per hcur! If I hire the hall to give an fvenine recitr.l it is absolutely nerejssry to put in three practice on
      129 words
    • 308 9 I DRAW youi attention 1 to a photograph published by you on Jan. 17 under the heading "Rose To Nehru", in which Mr. Nehru is seen smelling a rose in haopy. contemplative mood The sentence printed below the photo must have pained many. Pandit Nehru was on
      308 words
    • 95 9 Different Sons Of Traitors? DR. Nunn-M?y was a traitor; Dr. Fuchs was a traitor: Lim Ah Fong. hanged last week as the 117th bandit, was a traitor. The general public has always had a fairly good idea of what is meant by treachery. Now Sir Henry Gurney says that profiteers
      95 words
    • 337 9 pROM time to time, and more frequently of late, it has been stated over the air and in the Press that one of the main features of the so-called "Briggs Plan" has been the establishment of resettlement camps for squatters. This, it is daimed
      337 words
    • 237 9 ALTHOUGH circumstances have necessitated the enforcement of collective punishment in the Federation, how far this will effect good results remains to be seen. Looking at things generally it does not appear that the public are reluctant to cooperate with the Government in giving information of known incidents,
      237 words
    • 115 9 O FOR AN ENGLISH APPLE! T HAVE often wondered from whence come to this country those 'hard little green "horrors in the shape of apples, likewise the thickskinned, juiceless abortions known as oranges, upon which I have occasionally noticed that some wag has stamped a well known trade name. Certain
      115 words
    • 156 9 LAST evening I had the opportunity of visiting Bukit Batok, in the Bukit Ttimah area, where the Japanese erected a massive wooden column a few years back. It was the first time I had been there and, apart from the stretch of evergreen forest hill which
      156 words
    • 53 9 gAINT Cecilia is the patron saint of music, acid it is now some eighteen hundred years since she suffered martyrdom under Marcus Aurelius. it scarcely seems humane, therefore, that she should still be experiencing the tortures of the damned at the hands of the Radio Orchestra.
      53 words
    • 131 9 TN answer to "Pongo's" query L* of last Saturday, you stated that a "Full House" took precedence over a "Flush" in poker. In all the schools in which I have played, a "Flush" has always beaten a "Full House." GREEDY BOY. Kuala Lumpur. (If all the
      131 words
    • 271 9 TOPSY-TURVY WORLD OF SINGAPORE DON'T you think that Si Le monde a I'envers We have our City Fat lovely lights. In certain somewhat more than in much more efficient. Yet years, the required generat And the Municipal electrician gives us blackouts while his colleague insists on the economy and advantages
      271 words
    • 103 9 gMOKING in cinemas is a public and private nuisance. In many civilised countries, the habit is strictly prohibited by law. and deterrent fines are imposed on persons who disobey the law. Please don't tell me we are not yet civilised to that extent. Mark Twain once
      103 words
    • 177 9 WHEN WERE THE ORDERS PLACED? phi*, Municipal ElectricA al Engineer has been good enough to explain ir«xc it would 'like throe years to get. delivery < f any order for large bnilers and turbines such rg are required bv Sn apore. He has also i ■•iprrted the comforting information \\,t
      177 words
    • 91 9 THE Indian dancers Lalltha and Padmini, according to announcements, were to give performances at Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. No doubt. Indians at these centres were looking forward to the date with the utmost impatience. But it is now understood that the dancers are
      91 words
  • 287 9 AT the dinner to delegate* of Eurasian Associations attending the last conference of the Eurasian Union of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. Jan. 13. Mr. C. F. Gomes, representing the Eurasians in the Federal Legislative Council, is reported to have complained that "the union
    287 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 49 9 Get ZAX the disinfectant 7011 th thp IPj7}plv /JMp§fy%O <i> <trM Zti ls the «r«™-killer with the re«l pine 3?5?^ n° lliil^' N. 8 H the mo t cononiical yB&P $*~4*i l!lb> felL N. dk'"*** 44 1 *nd antiseptic You get V 30.1 «CCNTS An IZAL product GUTHgIE' gfe >
      49 words
    • 61 9 »♦♦♦■»■♦■■♦>-»♦♦ i. I For Chinese New Year Select Your pair of SHOES I < _^£m__s__ j^_B _^_3__i E______Br 4- HhVf ___SV _#_~l ___P _flp__r < _^H ______P ___f__a_r __t^___l ___F^ m 0 fl__r !_m^ t from our latest range of:" BARRETT A YE N U E *EXCELDIA t •JOHN WHITE
      61 words

  • 325 10 LONDON, Fri. CURRENT atmosphere at the UNO tended to underline today the customary weekend caution In markets. Price movements were small and mixed. With Institutional interest In British funds negligible the section showed dullness whilst digesting recent new loans and awaiting some Indication of a substantial loan in
    325 words
  • 60 10 CHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns yesteiday were Bintailfe 44: Stan Meifco (Sheers Wharf t; Ruys 42-43' Olaucus 38-39: Tarn 36-37; Steel Ven'or 33-34; British Prince 31-32: StnTheun 29-30: Benves: 25-26: Oresces 25-26: Star Betelgeusr 23-24; Gorgon 19-20; Islander 17-18: Bencruachan 1»-16; Pres Harding 13-14. Silverwakde 11-1!*;
    60 words
  • 881 10 From A Market Correspondent INTEREST m the Malayan share market was again focussed on the Tin section yesterday. In many cases, business was done at higher prices. Rubbers and Industrials remained steady. Price quotations announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were Bayers Sellers A;ex Brick* Pref 1831 Ords
    881 words
  • 11 10 SINGAPORE, Fri., Jan. 26 —$679.75 (down $425).
    11 words
  • 24 10 LONDON. Fri.. J»n. 26.— Spot: Buyers £1,275; Forward. £1,240: Settlement, £1.275 (up £2t); Turnovers, a.m. 105 tons, p.m. 85.
    24 words
  • 209 10 THE Singapore rubber mar1 ket was quiet throughout yesterday without any special feature. It closed steadier, however, with first-grade for February shipment at $2.08 buyers, two cents above Thursday's close. There were only ft few very small orders In the market and only moderate transactions were done.
    209 words
  • 97 10 rroai Mtttii ooire»poa<*en. M7ITH six tons of white pepper changing hands, the pepper section or the Singapore produce market yesterday became very steady. Sellers again raised prices (or the white varieties by $10 a picul to $1,070 for Muntok white and $1,065 for Sarawak white. The market
    97 words
  • 29 10 HONG KONG, Pri. FREE irarket currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quoted today as follows: U9Bl HK55.94- £1 HK515.35; one tael of gold HKS327.— U.P.
    UP  -  29 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1269 10 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LLD. »n jijoraled in Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL UNE Corners option to proceed, vta etstor ports te Mad and discharge cargo SMLINCS to LIVERPOOL CtASCOW LONOON CONTINENTAL PORTS Due >aii» r» Vnam r'enang Tyndareus for Holland, Liverpool Glasgow In Port |an. 27 lan. 29/Feb 2 Mentor for Liverpool
      1,269 words
    • 369 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA, ECYPT and MEDITERRANEAN PORTS S'p<xe P Sham Penang Pres. Harding In Pert 29 |an. 30/31 |an. 4/12 Feb. Pres. Van Bur.n 31 |an./8 Feb. 9/10 Feb. 18/19 Feb. Pres. lefferson 6/15 Feb. 16/17 Feb. M 16 F.b Pres.
      369 words
    • 476 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA U.K. /CONTINENT: Spore P. Sham Penang "India" for Bangkok. Hong Kong Manila 12-16 Feb. "Kambodia" for Hong Kong. Kobe Yokohama 21-24 Feb. "Lalandia" for Bangkok 28 Feb.-l Mar. 27-27 Feb. 24-26 Feb. "Kvernaas" for Saigon <j Bangkok 8-12 Mar. T Mar. 4- J Mar.
      476 words
    • 944 10 f McAUSTER tfc CO., Telephone No. 5906. ELLKRH4N «fc BUCKNALL KLA VENESS LIMB LONDON, HAVRE, ANTWMP LOS ANCELES. SAN FRANCISCO, ROTTERDAM b HAMBURC PORTLAND SEATTLE b VANCOUVER lOd !£.d?°v!. h ctt P rtt Accepting cargo ior Centra. Sout* s.s CITY OF COVENTRY Spore P. Sham Penenr m.s. FRANCISVILLE 3/10 Feb.
      944 words

  • 723 11 NORTH XV MAY TURN TABLES Another Grim Battle Expected Straits Times Rugby Reporter VORTH or South? This is the simple question that will be uppermost in the minds of the several thousand Rugby fans who will be either watching or listening to this afternoon's Malayan Rugby Union "classic" the annual
    723 words
  • Article, Illustration
    4 11 Roualle Carrell
    4 words
  • 91 11 r DAY'S line-up for the North t. South Rugby match at Jalan Besar will be: NORTH SOUTH Kar Chong Heath Hoarc Roper Watson Pennell Harrison Woodward Craig Martindale Carrell Rees (Capt.) Edington Meikle Blythe Murphy McLeod Wride Crawshaw Tyrell Tarr Elvey Goodsir Bristowe Simon Grooves Roualle Allen
    91 words
  • 81 11 Nee Soon Garrison proved far too good at rugger against Vehicle Co. RAOC, Johore Bahru, and won oy the wide margin of 26 points (goal, six tries and a penalty goal; to nil at Nee Soon yesterday. Nee Soon, without being extended, led 11 points
    81 words
  • 605 11 ANDRE ADOREE. the heavyweight wrestling cham- pion of Canada, is one of the most colourful personalities to visit Singapore for a long time, for Andre besides being -a famous wrestler, is a film star and ex-professional boxer who once lost a points decision to Max
    605 words
  • 311 11 MEET ANDRE ADOREE: A SPECTACULAR snap goal, dropped by Singapore Engineer Regiment's stand-off half Murphy in the last few minutes of the game, enabled his side to score a narrow victory over R.A.S.C. "B by six points (penalty goal and drop goal) to three (penalty
    311 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 303 11 A FROM MONDAY STH. F EB. AT 9.30 P.M. J^9^ "I am th* Arrow W»« ■r lymbot ot d«fcnc« of WK y 1} It m.. ni mMt— war Wr ef tenor and blooMicd j», a war to tk* tut II man. Srokcn It ■AsA s C^^V means p««c« aaaL a^T
      303 words
    • 220 11 Today 9 a.m.: 'feoVflt OIR1 in Techni. lor Tomorrow 9 a.m.: nhrti f|n»,a«i 'TOKYO J E" STARTS Inrp] 1 pTI TCI \Y! On Stage 3 Times Dai, at 4.06 6.30 9.30 p.m ONLY! (COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME) BUBLA'S BALLET REVUE presents 30MINS. OF NON-STOP VARIETY including: SLAVE DANCE-LOVE WOOING SLAVONIC
      220 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 206 11 TODAY'S RADIO SINGAPORE 10 a.m. News, Emergency News from Kl. 10.10 Close; 12 Malay; 1 p.m. Dance Music; 1.30 News; 1.50 Musical Interlude; 2 "Album of Harmony"; 2.30 "Swing Time"; 2.45 "London Studio Melodies"; 3.15 "Song Time"; 3.30 "Tea Dance"; 4 Play: 'Trent's Last Case"; by K. C. Bentley; 5
      206 words

  • 294 12 Should Have The Beating Of Brilliant Marc From EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Friday. WITH Majestic Scholar, Charlemagne, and Airmail well on top of the handicap, I regard the nicely- weighted Abbeystead as an extra good thing in the Class 2, Div. 1, 6-f urlong sprint
    294 words
  • 35 12 IPOH. Fri. THE weather in Ipob has cleared up since Wednesday's races, and if no further rain falls the going tomorrow can be good but it will probably be on the yielding side.
    35 words
  • 103 12 Nomad Will Outstay Cl.4 9f. Field I AM afraid that Stymie will be beaten by the going and my fancy in Race 7 is the nicely-weighed Nomad. This leggy youngster may never amount to anything much but he can be pretty smart in his present class. There can be no
    103 words
  • 259 12 OVATION is a pretty useful sort. This honest six-year-old by His Highness gave a sparkling performance to beat Coeklaw over 8y 2 f. last week. He can stay a mile and quarter, for last season he scored over this distance with
    259 words
  • 836 12 IPOH, Friday. DIVER Patrol or Inspiration? Both won with such effortless ease on Wedneslv day that it is impossible to say which did the better performance Trainer M. van Breukelen has every reason to, be pleased with River Patrol's remarkable improvement since his maiden
    836 words
  • 67 12 TODAT RUGBY: North r South at Jalan Beaa/ atadium; G.H.Q. Farelf 'A' T R.A.S.C. 'A' at TengHn. HOCKEY: Ceylonese v C.YJW.A. (St. Teresa) at BalesUer Road. SOCCER: St. Anthony's School v Ttonf Bahru Rangers (2 teams) on school pound. SWIMMING: Water -polo Asian Games trials at S.S.C. 4
    67 words
  • 133 12 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER RACE 1 C.l* COUNSEL 111 Clonagh Sporting Pink SPORTING PINK Counsel 111 Oakfel CLONAGH Counsel in Sporting Pink RACE 2.45 CONSTANCE Rising Glory Staratn CONSTANCE Winter Scene Pennyworth MADASARI Constance Rising Glory RACE S MS NEVADA Maryland Fine Feathers FIREMASTER Nevada Caligula
    133 words
  • 1118 12 BELOW is the programme for Ipoh today, last day of the Perak Turf Club January Meeting. The double totes are in Races 3 and 4, and 6 and 7; big sweep on Race 8. Race 1—2.15: Class 2, Div. 5—6 Furs. 1. 003 Sporting Pink Bagby 8.13
    1,118 words
  • 566 12 S.T.C. AGANIST GIVING TOO HIGH STAKES rpHE chairman, Mr. H. C. Reilly's speech which was x tabled before members of the Singapore T«r| Club at its annual general meeting held in the Singapore Chamber of Commerce yesterda>, sounded a warning against any policy of "constantly raising stakes" for "feature" races
    566 words
  • 73 12 NOT HIS UP OF TEA rE service at Ira time at the Singapore Turf Club daring race days was yesterday described m> "a disgrace. A member >f the club speakInr at the annual general meeting said that arrangements for tea at the club were "worse than that of a roff-'r
    73 words
  • 178 12 F.A.M. Leave Colony Out Of Cup Draw From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. CM. DRAFT fixtures lor the Mai.- a Cup competition have I: drawn up and will be tabled at" the annual general meeting of tiis Football Association of Malaya for approval. Nine teams are participating in the competition.
    178 words
  • 56 12 The All-England badminton titta holder and Malayan singles champion Wong Peng Soon is to defend his title at this year's championships in England. There is also a move to hava the Penang champion and Thomas Cup hero. Ooi Teik Hock, enter for the championships. He
    56 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 807 12 CtJ! iFIED ADS.. iC'oi. .ura from page 6) sm TION VACANT I INE SESSER/Factory Clerk required or rubber estate. Please state sals y required and send reference Kuala Oeh Estate. Kuala X Kelantan REQUIRED five salesmen to •ell Cash Registers and Adding Machine* by April, Ist 1951. Applicants to be
      807 words
    • 288 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. Continued from previous col. FOR SALE UP-TO-DATE Sc well established Ladies' Halrdressing Salon in town. Good monthly turnover. A good investment. Further particulars from Box A3694, S.T. 116. SOPHIA ROAD, freehold. Apply to 110, Arthur Rd. Spore. 7 8 H.P. CARRIER Air Conditioner, used six months, $1,400. or
      288 words
    • 150 12 l^p^fljg IlLfff ip^j^E =1 ACAOf MT AWAtO "A" 1= iff^B stfc^[^^— mraEissn^^^B |S More people give Bu J cv<x wK^* than any other Fine Watch BULOVA is the largest maker of fine watches in the world. Sole Agents: E. NASSIM&SONS. 381, North Bridgo Road, Singapore. Watch Merchants for ovor 40
      150 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 29 12 SINGAPORE TIDFS TODAY: 1.34 a.m. (9ft.), 1.07 p.m. (10ft.); 7.05 a.m. (3.6), 7.37 p.m. (1.3). TOMORROW: 2 a.m (9ft 1.38 p.m. (9.7>; 7.41 a.m. (3 3), 8.10 p.m. (1.8).
      29 words