The Straits Times, 26 January 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 587 1 WE'RE REALLY UNITED GURNEY 'All Our Efforts' To Stamp Out Enemy From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday [N A FULL-SCALE review of progress in the Federation, the High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gurnev, tonight told the Federal Legislative Council that 120,000 squatters had been resettled or were about to he
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  • 153 1 l\ nMIN talk more than men 'ff Ix't-ause talking is woman's only weapon, said Mrs. H. B. Amstutz at the F<f>t-Wrst Society's "Brains Trust" meeting at the British Council Hall, Singapore, list night. Through history, she said. unman had learned to us«* her tongue quite
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  • 30 1 NEWARK. New Jersey. -An umbrella as a symboi of appeasement has •■nt to Mr. AUlee by the loaders of the Newark V prans of Foremn Wars.— A P.
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  • 153 1 WINDS FAN FEAR IN THE ALPS ZURICH. Switzerland. Thurs. WARM winds from Africa are threatening to loosen tons of Alpine snow and add to the avalanches which have claimed a record toll of 329 dead and missing in Switzerland. Austria. Italy and Franre. IN ITALY: P. ople watched the snow-clad
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  • 83 1 SYDNEY Thurs.— Coal miners stopped work in Victoria, Queensland. Tasmania and Western and Northern New South Wales today to vote on whether they should start a one-day weekly strike. The Miners Union recommended the one-day strike in protest against a A£l basic wage increase conditional on
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 27 1 Mr. N. P. Pery. managing directar of the Australia and New Zealand organisation of Columbia Pictures, arrived in Singapore yesterday by QEABOAC Constellation from Sydney.
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  • 25 1 WASHINGTON. Thurs. Piesident Truman yesterday sent a message of ''heartiest congratulations and best wishes" to India on its first anniversary as a republic.
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  • 114 1 From Our Own Coiir>pi>ndent LONDON Tiiurs SINGAPORE'S former ComO missioner of Police Mr. R. E. Foulger, who is now at the Colonial Offlce. will be called as a witness to give evidence when the Commission of Inquiry Into the Singapore riots l 8l 8 held
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  • 135 1 Liner Fire: 226 Put On Lifebelts From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thurs. PASSENGERS in the 7,956ton British India ship Tairea put on life jackets when fire broke out in the ship today. For 90 minutes firemen in three motor launches and two fireboats pumped several thousand gallons of water into
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  • 45 1 LUCKNOW. Thurs. Sixteen dacoits and one policeman were killed in a 50-hour gun battle yesterday between armed constabulary and a band of dacoits In a village near Shamshabad In the interior of Agra District of Uttar Pradesh (United Provinces).— Reuter
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  • 38 1 THE HAGUE. Thurs. Queen Juliana today began talks with Dutch party leaders to find a new Government, it resigned yesterday when critics opposed compromise offers on Indonesian claims to Dutch New Guinea —Reuter.
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  • 233 1 C-G Pays India DayTribute To Nehru A TRIBUTE to the far-seeing statesmanship of India's Prime Minister, Pandit Nehru "who has U m dec lJ is collea B ues and countrymen through many rSp U lV e ii iS ,/f id by the CommissionerGeneral, Mr Malcolm Mac Donald, in a message
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  • 40 1 Mr. P. j. Cleary, veteran trade unionist and a member of the opposition In the Australian Parliament, passed through Singapore yesterday on his way to Israel on a tour at the invitation of the Israel Federation of Labour.
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    31 1 THREE PASSENGERS of this Singapore Traction Company bus were slightly injured when it collided with a military truck at the Bencoolen Street Bras Basah road junction yesterday afternoon. Straits Times picture.
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  • 340 1 REDS ACCEPT U.N. PLAN FOR 7 -POWER TALKS LAKE SUCCESS, Thursday. fJOMMUNIST China was reported reliably today to have .accepted an Arab- Asian proposal for an immediate seven-power conference on Far Eastern problems with a simulta neous cease-fire in Korea. Informants in London said the Peking Government has sent the
    AP; UP  -  340 words
  • 125 1 TWO feature^ of wide appeal will begin in his week's 20-page SUNU.IY TIMES. ribed as passport ti i new way of living,' Dr. ("•■♦elord Hauler's. YOU CAN LIVE TO BE 100. Tells in smple but compelling language the secrets of health and happiness. In
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  • 47 1 LONDON, Thurs —The Foreign Secretary, Mr. Bevin, who has pneumonia, was described by his doctor yesterday as 'very 111." The doctor, Sir Alexander Ocall, Is visiting Mr. Bevin every four hours. The Foreeign Secretary is under treatment at his London home.— —A.P.
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  • 60 1 NOTTINGHAM, Thurs. Two of three miners trapped for over 24 hours in Thorseby Mine near by a roof fall were rescued early today. Rescuers are still struggling to free the third man. The men. In a team of eight were about to finish work when
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 39 1 TOKYO, Thurs— Mr. John Foster Dulles, America's foreign policy adviser, was met by Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur when he flew into Tokyo tonight to begin negotiations aimed at concluding a Japanese peace treaty by October.— Reuter-AAP.
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  • 24 1 HONG KONG, Thurs. A Shanghai report today said that the Chinese Communist Government has begun issuing passports for Chinese going abroad.— UP.
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  • 22 1 DAMASCUS, Thurs.—Students staged a big demonstration here today with banners demanding Syrian "neutrality" between Eastern and Western blocs.— Renter, ter.
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  • 85 1 THE Fire Insurance Association oj Malaya has told tt» memberg that all rates for fire insurance covering riots and civil commotion will be increased by 100 per cent from Feb. The Chairman of the Association told the Straits Times last night that this increase teas not
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  • 320 1 Over 54 Red-led Vietminh killed SAIGON. Thurs. pRENCH forces kilipd more than 54 Commu-nist-led rebels and captured more than 144 during a series of clashes in Incio-China, a French communique said yesterday. Ten rebels were killed aooufc 25 miles north of Hanoi while several others were killed and 20
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 of today Call on <G.C.deSILVA&BKOS., Jewellers, S> 3. Raffles Place, S'por*. <v Phone: ***** Drink BIRROIIGHS^W ..-it's triple distilled fe i Enjoyed since 1820 [ix^s^jj^Ji x^5^jj^J Specified. in the cotkuil which. won the British Uiet Competition McALISTER CO., LTD. SINGAPORE IMPORT DEPT. TEL. No 7257 BG-2 «a»
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    • 51 1 [||modaldnj| I^l jr rac ve g' ass w be given free with every four ,^^^YVt>£^B doxen F. (r N. drinks purchased between 10th Chinese New Year will be a happy one with drinks that v are Famous for Flavour. PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY with us or your usual supplier. famous
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  • 183 2 NEW YORK, Thursday. T»HE arrest of three people with gems hidden in their shoes has led to the discovery of an international diamond smuggling syndicate. Officials said diamonds confiscated at New York and Miami, Florida, were worth more than U551,500,000. Eta Hoffman aged 26 was
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  • 143 2 BANGKOK, Thurs. 'pWENTY to 30 agriculJ. tural experts will be sent from the United States to Siam to help at theBanken experimental station for development work in rice culture and milling, silk production and in tobacco, sugar and shellac. This was stated by Dr. Arthur C.
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  • 20 2 TOKYO, Thurs. Tokyo police arrested 838 persons during 1950 who participated in or were responsible for Communist-instigated disturbances.—Reuter.
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  • 24 2 TRIPOLI. Thurs. Some 5,000 demonstrators paraded in a Tripoli street yesterday to protest against the federal form of Government for Libya.— A.P.
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    40 2 MAHMOin Twefik Ahmed Pasha, former Under-Se-cretary for War, who is one of 13 Egyptians charged with fraud squandering public money, and conspiring to supply the Egyptian Army with faulty arms and ammunit'on during the Palestine war.— A.P. picture.
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  • 135 2 LONDON, Thurs. INCREASING delays in Commonwealth telecommunications have other causes besides the 11-year sunspot cycle now reaching its peak, according to an article in the Daily Telegraph today. •'Post Offices whether in London, Pretoria or Wellington have only limited operational experience of longdistance telegraphs".
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 244 2 STRIKING right and left with a hatchet in the Nihonbashi Mitsukohshi department store, Tokyo, a woman smashed nine glass showcases before she was brought under control by the store police. Investigation showed that the woman had escaped from a lunatic asylum 10 days ago.
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  • 35 2 SLUMBERING MAN is the title of the largest piece of sculpture ever executed in Scotland. It will be placed at the entrance to Britain's industrial power exhibition a* Glasgow. Renter p'cture.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1367 2 DISSOLUTION OF ENGAGEMENT THE BNQAOEMKNT between MB TEDDY CHAN TIAN HOCK MISS BABARA TAN KIM CHWEE has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Dated 2«th January, 1951. SUNNYSIDE RUBBER CO., LTD, The Companies Ordinance 1940 Copy Pursuant to Section 119 (1) of the Special Resolution ol Sunnyside Rubber Co.,
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    • 44 2 My Wife's Been Called Up WIVES and mothers write to Congressmen to protest against the call-up of th eir sons and husbands. But Senator Lyndon Johnson received Ms first protest from a husband. Th* wife, a reserve WA.C. lieutenant, has been called up too.
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    • 243 2 Quick Ye ii varies in this big capacity von increase your goodw/7/f Extend your sphere of operauons with a speedy MORRIS 5 cwt. VAN. Easily adapted to the needs of many trades. Capacity 70 cubic feet with an additional 9 cubic feet beside Jjc driver. Short overall length. Full width
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  • 391 3 China 'Cannot Shoot Its Way Into U.N., he says LAKE SUCCESS, Thursday. Y<lK I'nited States delegate, Mr. Austin, last niyht accused the Chinese Communists of "Mackauil" and bad faith in trying to gain their objectives in Korea and the Far East. He said China and Russia have
    Reuter  -  391 words
  • 72 3 TOKYO. Tnuis— American pi >U who have shot clown ::iG-15s In Korea say the planes are as good or bs than their own Thun0 They also say they have a high regard for the skill of en v.-ho fly them. But they remain tight-lipped on how
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  • 179 3 VOLCANO ERUPTS AGAIN SYDNEY Thurs. MOUNT Lamlngton volcano, whose first eruption on Sunday killed more than 3.000 people, blew up again today, said rerx>rts received by Mr. Percy Sperder. Australian Minister of External Affairs. Mr. A. G. Taylor Australian Government, scientist, who has been fly in? over the volcano daily
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  • 51 3 WASHINGTON. Thurs. The U.S. Government disclosed yesterday that it is considering banning the use of rubber in "non-essen-tial" products neb as bathing caps and teething rings. Officials forecast smaller supplies of rubber for civilian use, with the growing substitution of synthetic for natural rubber in many
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  • 33 3 GREENSBURG (Pennsylvania*. Thurs.— Mr Warren R. Austin. U.S. representative to the United Nations, says opening U.N. sessions with prayer might "further divide the United Nations now under such great stress."— A.P.
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  • 147 3 WASHINGTON. Thurs. AS in October, Malaya led all Asian countries in November as the top exporting country to the United States U5539,400,000 for the month compared with U5531,700,000 in October. Her November imports from the United States were U552,400,000 against VS. $2,100,000 In the
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  • 29 3 TOKYO Thurs. Fiftyfour Japanese fishermen held in custody by Chinese Communists for about a month returned to a Japanese port yesterday aboard a Chinese vessel.— Rev er.
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  • 144 3 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thursday 4 USTRALJA has entered the rubber market to start a stockpile, and Mexico has also announced similar intentions. It is stated in London that there is a tendency for Chinese consumption to increase. At present it is running at
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  • 42 3 WASHING! ON Thurs The United States Defence DeparUiieiH aenpunced last night ttfst American casualties in Korea for the period ending Jan. lb were 46,201. including the lolloping killed In action: Army 5,366; Marlties 1.118; Air Force 132 Navy 58.— A.P.
    AP  -  42 words
  • 37 3 HUTTING IN ROME KIOT POLICE in Rome on duty near M theatre where an Italian Communist leader was holding a protest meeting during Gen. Eisenh over's r'sit. Demonstrators tried to block trams in the streets.— A.P. picture.
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  • 134 3 LONDON, Thursday. DRITAIN, France and America have asked Russia "it she would discuss at a Bi» Four conference not only the demilitarisation of Germany but other "principal causes of the present international tension". In identical Notes, Russia was asked to permit a conference first of
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 25 3 MANILA. Thurs.— The new Spanish Ambassador to the Philippines, Senor Antonio Gullon Gomez, presented his credentials to President Quirino in Manila yesterday. —Reuter.
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  • 23 3 TOKYO, Thurs— The Japanese Red Cross Society sent 100 letters to the Soviet Red Cross for delivery to Japanese prisoners-of-war —Reiner.
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    21 3 PRINCESS MARGARET, third daughter of Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, on her eighth birthday.— A.P. picture.
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  • 156 3 HONG KONO, Thurs. CHINESE interests in Hong Kong are scouring the ports of the world for secondhand ships whleh they are breaking up to sell— either as scrap iron or reprocessed steel— to the Chinese Communists, according to usually reliable sources. it the
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  • 96 3 ANTI-IKE RALLY SMASHED PARIS, Thurs. FLICE last night arrested about 2.500 people in Paris and smashed a Communist anti-Eisenhower demonstration before it could get started No one was injured, according to reports, except one police sergeant, who had only a few cuts and bruises. No Communist got within streets of
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  • 39 3 BELGRADE. Thurs. Seventeen Yugoslavs, including two pre-war Cabinet Ministers and a former Royalist general, are being tried today before the Belgrade Military Court with plotting to overthrow Marshal Titos Government and restore the exiled Klne Peter— A.P.
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  • 176 3 nFRSnNC NICOSIA, Thursday. pLRSONS whose known character is considered prejudicial to good government in Cyprus can be bound over to keep the peace for a year or in default go to prison, without being proved guilty of any particular act, under a law published yesterday A
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  • 45 3 LONDON. Thurs.— A conference to organise the defence of Africa will be held in Nairobi. Kenya, in the spring, it was authoritatively learned here last night Countries expected to take part are Britain, South Africa. Egypt. France. Belgium, Italy and Portugal.— Reuter.
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  • 201 3 U.S. For Colombo Asia Aid Talks WASHINGTON, Thurs. HTHE United States 1 Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Acheson, said yesterday that the United States would co-ordinate its foreign assistance programme with the Commonwealth's $5,000,000,000 scheme of assistance for South-East Asia. He said that the United States has accepted an invitation
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  • 77 3 LONDON, Thurs. The Board of Trade has announced that the maximum price of British made newsprint can be increased by $6 Bs. 9d. a ton from January 29, to cover the Increased cost of imported wood-pulp and other factors. Last October the Board of Trade announced home
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 297 3 You get flavour plus! when you buy "Pineapple" HAMS COLD STORAGE Singapore Cu.d Storage Co.. Ltd. Y±y Goya perfume M f^\^o^i^\^ v l° vp l' l(i s t thing CyS /SS Match your perfume to your mood or to what (flSj you wear use it on your finder tips, a
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  • 373 4 Plea For The Officers Made To Retire When Japs Took Over From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. TO consolidate the existing laws on pensions in the Federation and to include police officers of any rank, a pensions ordinance had its second and third reading in the Federal Legislative Council
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 4 MR. DAVID MARSHALL Singapore lawyer who returned yesterday m the Gorgon after visiting his father m Perth— Straits Times picture.
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  • 188 4 BANDITS EXPLOIT CHINESE —Griffiths LONDON, Thurs. (COMMUNISTS in Malaya have murdered 1.300 civilians, including 870 Chinese, since 1948, the Colonial Secretary, Mr. James Griffiths, told the House of Commons. It was, therefore, clear that the sufferings of the Chinese in Malaya had resulted from the actions of a '•desperate minority
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  • 51 4 From Our Own Correspondnet JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs The Johore branch of the Union of Peninsula Malays will meet on Feb. 1 to discuss Malayan nationality. The meeting will also appoint representatives to attend a union meeting in Kuala Lumpur on Feb. 24 and 25, to discuss the
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  • 37 4 I mm Our Staff Correspondent PENANG. Thurs. Penang's Municipal Budget for 1951 has been approved by the High Commissioner in Nominated Council, the Municipal President, Mr. G. Hammett announced at today's meeting of the Commissioners.
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  • 54 4 BECAUSE she had stomach trouble for four years, Au Yong Swee Chok. a 64-year-old woman, decided to end her life by drinking caustic soda. This was stated in the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday by her son-in-law. See Toh Weng Ton. The Coroner. Mr. E. Ebert, returned
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  • 44 4 Worried because her husband was out of work. 22-year-old Soon Ah King, took a solution of disinfectant, it was stated in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday. Soon, pleading guilty to attempting suicide, was bound over for three months.
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  • 33 4 Teo Kin Swee, aged 60, was sentenced to one month's imprisonment when he pleaded guilty in the Singapore First District Court yesterday to failing to register for an identity card.
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  • 25 4 From Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.The Johore Bahru Chinese Reading Circde are holding a dance at Johore Zoo restaurant on Feb. 1.
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  • 72 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. rwrap up purchases, a Chinese shopkeeper in Jelutortff used a bundle of papers which his son had picked up in the streets. He did not know they were Communist pamphlets. He realised it only this morning when police raided the
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  • 116 4 MR. J. Krane, an official of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Is expected to arrive in Singapore from Belgium, on Monday for discussions with the organisation's chief at Singapore, Mr. Dhyan Mungat. Mr. Krane. an American member of the ICFTU headquarters, was secretary to
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  • 30 4 KAMADENU, a stubborn cow in the Chettiars' Temple at Tank Road, who enjoys a peaceful life to supply milk to Lord Subramanya.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 188 4 KAMADENU, a stubborn, multi-coloured cow, gives her blood, transformed into milk, for the daily "holy bath" of the Hindu God, Lord subramanya, at the Chettiars' Temple in Tank Road Singapore. The milk U also used for making prasadam sacred offerings made to God— which are
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  • 160 4 A Singapore stenographer who petitioned for divorce for desertion, yesterday told the Singapore Chief Justice, Sir Charles Murray-Ansley. that his wife left him because she was homesick and had language difficulty in the Colony. He was Sydney Malcolm Gomes, who was granted a
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  • 68 4 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.— Abdul Rahman bin Hassan was charged at Kluang, yesterday with stealing a cheque for $300 and $10 cash belonging to Ng Bun Bee. Alternatively he was charged with voluntarily assisting at Johore Bahru In disDosing of the cheque which
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  • 48 4 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.— Sahat hin Saroman, of Rengam, was charged in the Kluang Magistrate's Court yesterday with attempting to outrage the modesty of a Chinese woman on Rengam Estate. He was allowed bail in $200 pending triad which was fixed for Feb. 27.
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  • 23 4 For being cruel to 128 fowls by putting them In nine baskets, Goh Ching Seah was flr.ed $15 in Singapore yesterday.
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  • 252 4 S'PORE WANTS ELECTED MAYOR A RECOMMENDATION to the Governor of Singapore that the City should have an elected Mayor will De made in a motion which the Colony's Muni2ipal Commissioners will discuss at their monthly ordinary meeting on Wednesday. The Straits Times understands that the motion will include a declaration
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  • 63 4 A PRELIMINARY meeting of the Investigating Committee appointed under the Civil Liability Rules, 1950. was held in Singapore yesterday. A Government statement said every effort is being made to make awards under the rules on the claims ;übmitted. Anyone who has not done so should submit his
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  • 265 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. rpHE decision taken at the last meeting of the Federal Legislative Council to allow all Individuals and bodies of Government servants to negotiate on new salary scales was described by the High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gurney, today
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  • 59 4 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.— Neoh Seng Fook, caretaker of a Chinese temple in Kluang, was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment, in the Sessions Court for possession of 105 tahils of chandu valued at $4,000. The chandu was found on him when he was
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  • 54 4 From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Thurs. MR. J. E. M. Cave, Collector of Land Revenue, is now Deputy President, Malacca Municipality, the first time post-war that this appointment has been gazetted. Previously, a senior Commissioner usually presided at Commissioners' meetings when the President, who is the
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  • 80 4 Silence Yet On New Year Bang QINGAPORE police have not yet decided whether fireworks will be permitted for Chinese New Year next month. The emergency ban on exploding crackers was raised for the festival last year. Prices of fresh and dried foodstuffs for the festival have increased this month from
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  • 46 4 The following were elected officials of the Penang Bar Committee at its annual meeting: Chairman, Mr. R. D. Hume. Hon. secretary. Mr. Lee Thean Chu, committee members Mr Ong Huck Lim, Mr. Lim Khve Seng, Mr. F. Q. Pooley and Mr. Ltm Glm Hoe.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 420 4 -3388^" presents she'll like best of all because they bring a promise \>^^™T^ iSlis&^i of beaut y and f reshness Here are some suggestions that will ■^^-r^^^T^^ showyour good taste in givinj: PERFUME. The gift of gifts. v* Coty Perfumes that a. c symphonies in fragrance Sjbtl/ different to match
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    • 212 4 THE SECOND POSTWAR EDITION OF BUKU MERAH' THt STRAITS TIMES DIRECTORY OF SPORE AND MALAYA IS NOW READY Muck Enlamcd Alphabetical Index contain* over 25.000 entries Comprehensive Classified Trade* Oirectorv i 9 Streets and Roads m Singapore iwith map ihowing postal dis- I tricH): Kuala Lumpur Penanr Ipoh Malacca and
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  • 311 5 400 ISLANDERS FEAR SEA MAY SWAMP HOMES "Digging' Worries Fishermeptrn ill fHE lease of Pulau Tekong Kechil, an island of about 220 acres, two and half miles from Changi Point, Singapore, which belongs to the Johore Royal House, to a Singapore Chinese businessman has disturbed 400 Malay and Chinese fishermen.
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 5 MX AM) MRS. James Ferric after their wedding at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Singapore. The brid<. was Miss Isalv-l Squires. Jimmy Photo Servitr picture.
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  • 117 5 S.R.I.C Will Keep Out Of Politics SPORE Regional Indian Congress will not part in local politics or c»n,'.- Municipal or Legisl Council elections in the t Mr. John Jacob, secrei, .s.iid yesterday Mr. Jacob said the Coni^reed with the po1. ul Malayan Indian Con:o lake part in Malayan politics and
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  • 24 5 Three hawkers and a wo- nan. pleading guilty in Singapore yesterday to obstructing the road with their italls, were fined $5 each.
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  • 331 5 Land Bill Battle In Council From Our Stall Correspondent KUALA LUirfPUR, Thurs. 1 BILL to amend the Titles to Land (Occupation Period i Ordinance, 1949 was passed in the Federal Legislative Council in Kuala Lumpur today— but only after a battle between the acting Attorney-General, Mr. M. J Hogan. and
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  • 24 5 PARIT BUNTAR, Thurs Keng Hong Lim. lorry driver, was fined $20 at Parit Buntar for carrying a passenger on his lorry
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  • 144 5 AN increase of 50 cents will be charged for each hair-cut by Chinese barber shops in Singapore, slaving from Saturday, it was decided at a recent meeting of proprietors of Singapore Chinese barber shops The extra charge was stipulated as a result of the costs
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  • 32 5 Iroin Our Own Correspondent KUALA TRENOGANU Thurs.— Abu Bakar bin Othman, retailer of Kampong Buloh, was fined $1,000 or one year's Imprisonment for withholding ration rice and sugar.
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  • 33 5 AGED CHINESE woman pays her son's share of the collective penalty imposed on the Perak town of Pusing for failure to assist the police.— Straits Times ptc-
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  • 39 5 TO TRAIN WITH THE R.A.F. FLYING OFFICER Lim Khye Su of the Penan* Squadron of the Malayan Auxiliary Air Force who is leaving; for Britain with his wife tomorrow. He will take an RAF refresher course. Straits Times picture.
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  • 228 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. rHE disappearance of 10 drums of copper conducx tors, worth $12,000, belonging to the Central Electricity Board, resulted in a European electrical engineer, C. R. Clement, being produced before Mr. D. M. K. Grant, President of
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  • 84 5 FNDIANS in Singapore will 1 celebrate the first anniversary of India's Independence today by hoisting the national tricolour in their premises and holding special prayers. The Singapore Regional Indian Congress will hold a public meeting at the New World at 5.15 p.m. The acting Government of India
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  • 77 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. THE Federation Acting Attorney-General, Mr. M. J. Ho pan, confessed today as be introduced the Jinrikisha Enactment of Johore: "I don't know how to pronounce that word, jinrikisha." He faltered over it and nobody helped him. The
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  • 399 5 Company tax up 10 per cent in the Federation From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. npHE rate of tax on companies' profits in the Fedex ration was raised today from 20 to SO per cent., by the Federal Legislative Council. Several speakers urged Government to draw up a definite
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  • 42 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Thurs.— The Rural and Industrial Development Authority is to have an Illustrated Malay journal of its own. The Federal Legislative Council today approved the engagement of a managing editor at $1,000 a month.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 5 MR. (11l A CHER BAK and his bride, Miss Four Kwai Wan. who were married at Singapore. Th e bridegroom Is employed by Robinson and Co. Jimmy Photo Service picture.
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  • 196 5 Post-War Record Tin Exports *pHE export of tin from Sin- 1 gapore and the Federation for last year amounted to a new post-war record figure of 81,793 tons, according to the annual review by the Straits Trading Company. This was an increase of 27,040 tons over the total exports for
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  • 226 5 Bandit District Leader Kitted From Our Start I orr*- »pun<lral X LUMPUR. Thurs A BANDIT district com- mander and three others were Killed and an armed man was wounded and captured during the past 36 hours in the Federation. Thirty eight suspects were arrested. Several other bandits u believed to
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  • 97 5 Y.W.C.A., Raffles Qu;iy, Mal.iy beginners' class. 9.15 am and 5 IS p.m., Mandarin advanced class, 10.30 p.m. CHINESE V.M.C.A., S lrt?i« Road, music class, 2.30 p.m., badminton, 5.30 p.m., students' basketball, 7.30 p.m., table-tennis tournament, 7.30 p.m., students' mouth organ band. 7.30 p.m. SINGAPORE ART SOCIETY. photographic exhibition,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 69 5 Just 4\\ WOOLLEN VELOUR /rI\COATINGS kH ||l\ $10.50 »v,, $11.50 fk, \v's^ss (<VV In the NeW Season s Sh ades jlg\^^C %^S^' Bei ge, Brown, Grey, Green, fS m/ Royal Blue, Navy, Stone, Fawn 411 Wtk mm Mm mm L "V_ Ij(gb mmmrm is /WO substitute /W-v. Abo Diagonal Velours
      69 words

  • 1059 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri., Jan. 26, 1951. Rout Of The Blimps The benefits of the Ministerial system which the Federal Legislative Council has now approved in principle were rated highly both by Government and by unofficial members in the course of Wednesday's notable debate. On the unofficial side, however,
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  • 35 6 SITIAWAN, Thurs. The Dindings Indian members of the Church of England gave a tea party In honour of the Induction of the Venerable D M. Onanaslhamanl Plllay as Archdeacon for North Malaya.
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  • 1303 6  - INDIA: THE ONE-YEAR-OLD REPUBLIC R. R. DIWAKAR By Minister for Information and Broadcasting INDIA won her freedom in a unique way. The history of her struggle for independence will go down to future generations as an example of what a determined nation, under the guidance of a master-spirit, could achieve
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 232 6 ItIANY thinking people in this British Colony of iTI Singapore will support the remarks, anent the appointment of a new Commissioner of Police, made by "Disgusted" in his letter of Wednesday headed "Colony Scapegoat?'' If indeed the police force showed reluctance and apparent inefficiency in the early
      232 words
    • 70 6 I THINK it would be a good thing if the Government or the police issued a statement clarifying the reasons for the withdrawal of the Melaya Raya Press printing licence. I have heard many rumours regarding the Government's action. Some of them are dangerous and misleading, as rumours
      70 words
    • 105 6 THE Select Committee which 1 drafted the scheme for a unified Education Service in the Colony pointed out in its report that there had been very few applications' for the two-year Certificate Course at the Teachers* Training College. But the Committee did not take the trouble to find
      105 words
    • 226 6 A CHINESE" complainA ed, in a letter of Jan. 24 headed "A Chinese On Nehru", that the leader of India wants U.N. to recognise Communist China, which came into power "through the help of Russia". At the same time, he overlooked the fact that another
      226 words
  • 430 6 On the Margin Borneo Illusion T ONCE flew across the entire width of Borneo, third largest island in the world, and all I saw was a sea of dense Jungle broken only by a very infrequent clearing with a brown roof in it. Such signs of human habitation were so
    430 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 827 6 Straits Times k Free Press fo. m. CMi««ttaitca M> vrrtitcn. mm IUf**M«tatt*OT at lit Sim*M»« C«M Stsuft Orchard «o»d «r« r»«€i»» tntaN advaftiMiwawt* •nd iniwtfi »o b«« nambar* CLASSIFIED ADS. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED energectlc Radio Mechanic to Assist taking charge of a small Radio shop. Reply to Box No. A3657.
      827 words
    • 39 6 T^ READER'S Digest (AMERICAN EDITION) Rntf The Reader's Digest has the world's largest circulation, reaching about fifty million readers each month. $1.00 ja Decewber Issue Now On Sale Sole Agents RAJ <c GOP AL LTD POST BOX 257 SINGAPORE
      39 words
    • 84 6 R.V.f|f£|l^ (fl*^ OPTICIRN Fellow Institute Ophthalmic Opticians (Er^; Fellow Worshipful Co. of Spectacle- Makers (En»? Freeman of the City of London By Appointment to HM Forces, South East Asu 6 Raffles Place Singapore Phone 8064 2 i^r^^ POINTS UNHARMED. 1 i^mmmmm^r^ ready-to-write, safest EVEN THE 80TTU BETTER/ £s^^^ EXCLUSIVE TOP-WfcLL
      84 words

  • 426 7 Assurance To Widen Scope Of New Bill From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. DEMANDS that a proposed Government-con-trolled provident scheme should embrace workers of ali categories earning uo to $400 a month and not be restricted to certain classes receiving ud to $250 was made
    426 words
  • 208 7 •f^W) Malays, who have 'll been pearl diving for a 1 i(,;:il of more than 14 years off the Western Australian coast, returned to Singapore yesterday aboard the Gorgon without a single peart. •§liev were Ra»ki bin Noor. ol Lorong Liman. and Laypian bin
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  • 46 7 Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. l/Otimissioner-General for Boulh-East Asia, who is on v tc Frin^oon from |s:r>F'inorr\5 :r >F'inorr\ broke his journey at Knaii Lumpur yesterday. He will itay with Sir Henry ißnmey. t l ie High Commisgioier. and resume his jour-r-v today.
    46 words
  • 125 7 $50,000 BAIL FOR 3 MEN THREE Chinese who pleaded guilty to a charge of assisting in the carrying on of a public lottery— chap ji ki —were each offered bail of $50,000 in four sureties In the Singapore First Police Court yesterday. They were Sion Seng Kee, Yee Teck Toon
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  • 88 7 NINE Chinese and three Malays were charged in Singapore yesterday with theft of $2,000 worth of rubber on Wednesday morninj. They were Tan Ching Pew, Yap Koon Yek. L.m Soo Lim, Hoe Siong Lim, Ova Boon Hua, Lim Soo Kiam, Scow Tio.:g Whee. Tan Ter 800,
    88 words
  • 53 7 AMINAH, a four-year-old Malay girl was found In a drain outside Paya Lebar police station by a European Serviceman on Wednesday afternoon. She died the same day at the General Hospital. She was said to have fallen into the drain while playing outside her house near
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  • 50 7 Ong Kheng Hye. aged 37, a hotel partner in Foch Road, Singapore, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment in Singapore yesterday for assisting in a chap ji ki lottery. Ong was found in possession of three chap ji ki lottery schedules amounting to $3,008. in Rowell Road.
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  • 54 7 The first Australian to be invited to judge an event In an agricultural show in Britain, Mr. John Taylor, a Queensland grazier, arrived in Singapore yesterday by QEA-BOAC Constellation en route to Britain. Mr. Taylor has been invited to Judge the short-horn cattle elans at
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  • 202 7 —And 'Ang Pows' Too MORE than 250 Singapore grandmothers and grandfathers. inmates of the Little Sisters of the Poor Home at Thomson Road, yesterday had the now almost traditional Chinese dinner which is given them in the week before the Chinese New Year.
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  • 247 7 TOO MANY DRINKS— DEFENCE ORIVATE S. Courtney, aged 26, of the K.0.Y.L.1., r attached to the Army Guard Dog Unit in Singapore, yesterday was sentenced to 56 days' detention at a Singapore court-martial for escaping from arrest on Christmas Day. The sentence is subject to confirmation.
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  • 22 7 Burma's Foreign Minister. Sao Hkun Hkio, passed through Singapore yesterday on his way to Jakarta on a three-day goodwill visit.
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  • 185 7 T^HE establishment of five fisheries schools in A South-East Asia, one of which will be in Singapore, for technical instruction for fishermen and Government fisheries officials, will be discussed at the third annual session of the Indo-Paciflc Fisheries Council which opens in Madras on Feb.
    185 words
  • 24 7 Eight shopkeepers who pleaded guilty in Singapore yesterday to failing to observe the Weekly Holidays Ordinance were each fined $25.
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  • 16 7 The Governor has awarded the Volunteer Reserve Decoration to Lieut. Commander L.L. Cooper, 0.8. E.
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  • 199 7 HARDSHIP CASES ONLY TO BE PAID Riot Tribunal THE Singapore Govern- merit is considering the terms of reference and other details relating to the setting up of a small tribunal to look into the December riot claims for compensation. Only cases of hardship will be considered. Government in a day
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  • 44 7 A Chinese, who admitted posing as a detective and obtained $15 from an unlicenced hawker, pleaded guilty in Singapore yesterday to impersonation and extortion. He was Tan King Liang, who was remanded until Feb. 1, when he will be sentenced.
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  • 19 7 Britain's roving ambassador. Sir Esler Dening, arrived in Singapore by air last night after talks in Jakarta.
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  • 20 7 The next meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council will be on Feb. 16 at the Victoria Memorial Hall.
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  • 44 7 from Onr Stall Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. rpHE Federal Legislative Council had not surrendered emergency powers to the Executive but had merely entrusted the necessary powers to the Government, the High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gurney, said when he prorogued the Council today.
    44 words
  • 127 7 From Our Own Correspondent TELUK ANSON. Thurs. SLIGHT earth tremor, believed to be caused by bombs dropped by the R.AJT. In the Chikus area of Tapah, shook Teluk Anson for about two seconds at 9.08 a.m. today^ With the recent volcanic eruptions in New Guinea
    127 words
  • 219 7 SERVICES MEN FOR C.O.L. TALKS CALL fHE Singapore Federation of Services Unions, in a statement yesterday, called on the Singapore Government to allow representatives of the three armed services and the trade unions to sit on the newly-appointed Government Cost of Living Committee. It also called for immediate an "interim
    219 words
  • 61 7 THE Singapore Chinese Print- ers' Union, with a membership of more than 350, and the Singapore Master Printers' Association have signed an agreement whirh would increase the v/a^es of printers by 15 per ceni. The agreement covers 8 period of four months from the date the
    61 words
  • 63 7 Ong Woon Soon, the proprietor of a shop in Rochore Road, Singapore, was fined $500 yesterday in Singapore on a charge of offering a bribe to a labour inspector. The bribe stated to be "between $3 and $5" was offered in order that action might
    63 words
  • 165 7 Labour May Meet On Rising Costs THE Singapore L?.»oi;r Party may call a of its gcneraJ council soon to consider measures to eherk rising prices in the Colony An official of the Party told the Straits Times that he was in favour of the suggestion that district consumer committees,
    165 words
  • 73 7 on their way to school yesterday morning 11 students and teachers of the Nanyang Girls' Hi«h School were robbed of their identity cards by three Ci. nese, one carrying a revolv They were in their schn il bus, which was stopped bv the men at the
    73 words
  • 28 7 Electric power was cut again in the Orchard Ro:k1 area of Singapore last night for about an hour. It waa normal load-shedding during peak hours..
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 80 7 .1 Ldrconiphone RE A I THING RAOiO lICftVHI V ffi&fo« RADIOGRAMOPHONES Sole Agents KEE HUAT RADIO CO., 122-124 Orchard Koad. Singapore. Phone 4566. X 23 Uatu Road, Kuala Lumpur. Phone 3451. 24 Beach Street, Penanx. Phone 1102. hi> r fc 'L- You caot heelticienl with fagged Eyes, Jumpy Nerves, Eye
      80 words
    • 55 7 The tale end of Joe BECAUSE a circus horse Joe ran loose on Wed nesday jJUx^fc m i e h t and W was later ,/m| found stray"J ing in Upper Sera ngoon jfcJB B AwaiiR. the court yesterday. m Yahya, who pleaded Kf guilty to a{- lowing his horse
      55 words
    • 100 7 GRAND OPENINC SALE commencing from 29th Jan 12th Feb. EXCLUSIVE Evening Cocktail Gowns 20# Discount CAPITOL GOWN SHOP 9, STAMFORD ROAD SINGAPORE wimmmmm' AMATEUR PHOTO STORES LTD. 109, North Brid«e Rd. Spore Phone 6589. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Renowned Textiles Must Remember MUIR MILLS LTD., KANPUR (INDIA) For Quality, Durability Speciality in
      100 words

  • 315 8 FEDERATION LABOUR DIRECTION AIDS RECRUITING FOR R.A.F. '['HERE has been increased interest in voluntary recruitment in the R.A.F. (Malaya) since the recent announcement of proposals for the direction of manpower, Far East Air Force Headquarters said last night. Applicants have written'from »'l parts of the Federation for dc'/sils of a
    315 words
  • 172 8 WITH the measures being taken, the R.A.F. will make a very line showing in the defence of Singapore if necessary, said Air Vice-Mar-shal Sir Frank Mellersn, former Air Officer Commanding Malaya, In a farewell age as he left Singapore iday in the Corfu. Sn- Frank is
    172 words
  • 49 8 I ;um (Jar Own C'orrespondfnl JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— p-ahim bin Ali. a special We at Mount Austin who s*)le goods he (warded was sentenced to >nths" imprisonment. Ibrahim stole 45 pieces of an imn runway valued at $250 nnri sold th-m for S24 to a
    49 words
  • 26 8 Tl Singapore Muslim will hold its annual nK at 10 a.m. on Jan. 23 at the All Malaya Muslim narv Society. Lorong 12. Oerlang.
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  • 59 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.— A car driven by Dr. Hamzah bin Taib. former president of the Lembaga Kesatuan Melayu. was Involved In a collision with a lorry on Susai Road yesterday. Dr. Hamzah and Mr. and Mrs. Inder Singh and Mr. S. K. Bhadra. passengers in the
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  • 211 8 Floods Pile Up Goods At Railways nPWO thousand tons of goods are held up at Singapore Railway Station, idle now for six days because of floods. Two hundred loaded wagons are ready to be moved. At Kuala Lumpur, large consignments of rubber and latex for Singapore are held up. Urgent
    211 words
  • 43 8 BROKE CURFEW MUAR. Thurs. Saying that their car broke down and they had to pass the night in it. Haji Abdullah bin Haji Abdul Samad and an Indian. Manikam, were at Muar each fined $15 for breaking curfew at Craigielea Estate.
    43 words
  • 475 8 Ancient Rites Set Undang In Office From Our Special Correspondent SEREMBAN, Thursday. AN excited throng of Malay women pushed and A jostled each other in a frantic effort to catch a glimpse of the ninth Undang of Sungei I'jong, Dato Klana Petra Mohamed Kassim ibni Almarhom,
    475 words
  • 82 8 MALAYAN Airways are considering using; five and six-seater aircraft to supplement their Dakota freight and passenger services in Malaya. Mr. A. W. Savage, Director of Civil Aviation, last night said that the proposal was still under discussion by the Federation Government and a decision was
    82 words
  • 297 8 KILLED IN 'FREAK' ACCIDENT A'TREAK" accident which occurred when the head of a trolley bus pole fell off after the pole had left the overhead wires, killing a passer-by, was described and partly explained in the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday. The Goroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, returned a finding ol
    297 words
  • 111 8 New odiciuis of the Overseas Pakistani League, Singapore, are: Messrs. S.M.A.H. Chisty, MA Khan (patrons), Mr. Khush Mohamed (president), Messrs. Lai Khan, Wazir Mohamed, K. H. Shah (vlce-pr«idents), Mr. Mann Uddin (hon. general secretary) Mr. Asahab Mlah (hon. joint seccretary), Mr. J. Kalandar Khan (hon. assistant secretary), Mr
    111 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 194 8 J with added vitamin* If you cannot breast-feed Baby, choose a food which resembles breast milk in EASY TO PREPAR] nourishment in digestibility and in health-protection Lactogen. i^2^ SHsfl^S'.* Lactogen is pure cow's milk modified to make it like breast milk in complete m^M dtJzi not rishment. The cream globules
      194 words
    • 291 8 f^^^ New! Spin-O-Round Bra! Styl* No. SOI-Flti 9 oul of YE X -^W cupi. ««pto!»d woihmgi tnhono Wt*^±. 5^ midriff band. In Qu.ii ihon Mork» \ti /j j/^BB Own wonder wovtn Avon »olin. xf' t>* /m'\ Colon: Whit.. Pink, Slack and »lv« W Kjij:* l :"J Siz«i. A cupt-32 to
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 128 8 TODAY'S RADIO SINGAPORE 10.00 a.m. News. Emergency News from K.L.; 10.10 Close; 12 Malay; 1.00 p.m. Light Music; 1.30 News; 1.45 Dance Music; 2 Close; 6 Radio Orch.; 6.40 "Sons Of the Pioneers 7 News, Share Market, Interlude; 7.30 "Personal Choice"; 8 Australia Day feature; 8.30 "Friday Prom" (Brahms, Kodaly);
      128 words
    • 117 8 Kama, Share Market; 7.15 "P'ano Playtime;" 7.30 'If You Ask Me.. 8 As S'pore; 8.30 Feature: "T^e World They See" ("The Animal World"; 9 International Trio; 9.30 News; 9.45 "Concerto" (Elgar Violin Concerto; Yehudl Menuhin > 10.30 Dane* Music 11 Close. BIIII 4.45 p.m. "Prom the London Editorials"; 4.55 John
      117 words

    • 371 9 MILTON SCHULMAN, theatre critic of the London Evening Standard, dismayed by the majority of West End productions for 1950, lists what he would like to find in 1951. A play by Christopher Fry with a plot. Fail'ng a plot, at least a play by Christopher Fry.
      371 words
    • 486 9 jyfIALAYA'S favourite star, Esther Williams, is back again with a new musical for Chinese New Year, "Duchess Of Idaho I The setting this time is Sun VaiJey, Idaho, and the visit Us very accurately timed so that one can see Miss Williams disparting her shapely limbs
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    • 210 9 Jungle Night Lights HOLLYWOOD NOTES JUNGLE fireflies 250.000 strong illuminate one entire scene in 20th Cen-tury-Fox's "American Guerrilla In the Philippines," starring Tyrone Power and Micheline Prelle. A night shot in this war saga shows Power and Miss Prelle making their way through a jungle thicket to avoid Japanese sentries.
      210 words
    • 205 9  -  Noni Wright By 1 "]ly|AN of the World," a ITI single-reeler made by the Crown Film Unit for the British Army, is a superb ten-minutes' worth showing the soldier at his Job from 2!t bb h a nr a i!i. H ng ghrn«hm«vrif c*e *K f c
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 182 9 4 SHOWS: NOTE TIMES 10 A.M.. 1.45. 5.30 9.15 P.M. ADVENTURES Ws£§!^ /g "2S BOLDEST KNIGHT CF r george reives a** jhE ROUND TABLE HELSOHLEJ6H«<f«.f4rt*»r f WILLIAM FAWCHT tort* J? »Tf* IoU HUGH PROSSER ■to imokt l o<£j>*~' y LOIS NMiaifte^sfiteijte, .^^^^Tm^^ U A/^^^-^--— i f <|JP>- jy\ »-««^5«»lUIIWI(l«l SAM
      182 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 34 9 IVANHOE Drawn by PETER JACKSON 1 n<m» .rMt W 'J&, !%a^^^8| ANO Cam* TC.GITmI»] /^J [»Tumc wtm UAONCU .Sir »»i*N 0<« «S 1/ I "**>»M<y 2 wml THf •HOCK "^i J T «t OlfcNNCKITIO
      34 words

  • 393 10 Long Of Short Hair. The Battle Has Begun IN London, Paris, and New York the battle of the Hair Length has begun. What will be the fashionable hair length for this spring? Although hairdressers disagree on length, they all agree that styles will be softer and more feminine in 1951
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  • 30 10 c Paris milliners put the styles on show. Left, a white S satin toque trimmed with vulture (Francoise /> > Ray) Right, a pink satin felt (St Cyr).
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  • 163 10  -  IRENE RICHARD by A MONTH after Christmas is not too early for some women to be thinking about their spring hat. What will the hats be like? According to Paris milliners who have been showing their Spring models, hats will be small pull-on types covering half the
    163 words
  • 361 10 TODAY'S declarer had one the heart ace and the spade hard guess to make, about queen, West was squeezed— and the location of a king, but had to abandon elther hlB heart when he guessed right, success became simply a matter Xil of good technique. North, dealer.
    361 words
  • 403 10 THE success or failure of a meal so often depends upon the sauce. It is worth taking a little trouble to make really well. Here is a recipe for a good white sauce which can be the basis of so many flavours both sweet and savoury. WHITE SAUCE
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 173 10 HOCVIM mX vwwn ■^li*» if TCrU^^ 1 I \V f\ l&flMnr L f' 'i\t V As the youngster* mark off l_^ftf'H[ W. another notch against rha door JMbjliJ ßj^tiw— l4& post recall how a complete diet leads to the normal growth they are so proud of. Brand's Essence of Chicken
      173 words
    • 160 10 FACE POWDER For glamour that becomes you c-^^lil fliyi i A >?r> <r *'^ESi3lw. A~^W S^Li^ifc^ nP'^lA I PERFUME' LIPSTICK I TALC COLD CREAM VANISHING CREAM BRILLIANTINE HAIR CREAM h BOURJOIS OISIRHUIORS GRAFTON LABORATORIES LIMITED. SINGAPORC VenkcJk HOLLAN D BISCUIT J fresh from the oven in airtight tins N.V. HANDEL-
      160 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 261 10 Straits Times Crossword 275 t" v ft u mi* i t* i r i w iS it i? Tig ACROSS an Instrument of 17. Esteemed from I. A nightmare in torture (5). a deep rut (7). a young animal with 25. Patience was 18. Shrink from a us (7). 5.
      261 words

  • 308 11 LONDON. Thurs. ALTHOUGH active Interest In the London Stock Exchange was restricted by international and domestic political situations today. Industrial shares emerged with buoyancy. Movements in foreign bonds were small and mainly to better levels with Japanese and Germans fractionally higher. Oil shares encountered pront-taking and turned easier. Rubbers
    308 words
  • 236 11 A FAIR turn-over was reported in the Singapore rubber market yesterday with the price for February first-grade fluctuating between $2.10 a 1b and $2.06 towards the close The market opened steady at around $2.10, but the tone eased through lack of support, with the price dropping
    236 words
  • 33 11 rpHE Colonial Secretary has announced that the average =rlline price of rubber <No. 1 R.S.S.) at the Singapore auctions during the fourth quarter of 1950 was 183.78 cents per lb.
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  • 16 11 SULOH Rubber Estates in December produced 17,009 lbs. 01 rubber of all grades.
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  • 25 11 SINGAPORE, Than., Jan. 25—5684 (up $17 to a new all-time record; $14.25 a picul higher than previous record of Jan. 12.)
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  • 22 11 £1,262 ton in London LONDON. Than. Jan. 25. —Spot £1,260—£1.265; Forward £1.235—£1.240; Settlement £1,255 (up £20) Tarn-overs: a.m. 135, p.m. 40 tons.
    22 words
  • 126 11 *r«m 4 Market Uirctiwailtil rrHE pepper section of the Singapore produce market remained steady yesterday without any changes In price. No business was reported. The copra market was slightly lower with buyers opening at $56 'i and rising to $57. Seller* quoted $57 'i. No business was
    126 words
  • 37 11 THE Malayan Exchange Bank* 1 Association announced yesterJay that control direct rates for Canadian dollars were: Buvine T.T. 34 1316 Airmail (OX).) 34 1516. (90 days) 35 3 16- Selling T.T./O.D. ready 34 7 16.
    37 words
  • 177 11 CIALANG Rubber Estates has reO ceived a sterling remittance out of 1949-50 profits from Indonesii and the directors have declared an Interim dividend of fcjr per cent., less tax. in respect of the year to Jan. 31. 19£0. Date of payment is February 15. T o
    177 words
  • 217 11 Tins And Rubbers Very Firm From A Market Correspondent •THE Tin and Rubber sections of the Malayan share market were very firm yesterday. Prices again showed gains in most issues. Industrials were also firm but were overshadowed by the interest In other sections. Price changes announced by the Malayan
    217 words
  • 84 11 Fran Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thurs. DEPORTS from Ottawa state v that stock-piling of natural rubber by the Canadian Government may be started soon. Stocks are low. but the view has hitherto been that the synthetic rubber output from the Government's Polymer Corporation plant at Sarnia
    84 words
  • 32 11 HONG KONG, Thurs. FREE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quoted today as follows: TJS»I HKW.OI (cash and T.); £1 HK115.40; one tael of gold HK»33O.— TJ.r.
    32 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1180 11 BUB* rUKMBL LIKE Canter's a*tran swacacd «na afhar part* to load and dtscharga earfa. iAILIMCS to LIVfRPOOL. CLASCOW LONOON b CONTINENTAL POCTS wlus aans > nam iwan Tvndarvyi toi Holland. Liverpool b Glasgow In Part Jan. 27 |a*. 29/Ftb 2 Mo«to» tor Livaroool 6 r.lasapw |an. II Fob. 6 |a«.
      1,180 words
    • 342 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA, ECYPT and MEDITERRANEAN POBSTS. Spore P Sham Pemnm Pres. Harding In Pe»t Sai's 29 |an. 10/31 lan. 1/2 Feb. Pres Van Buren 30 Jan./5 Feb. 6 Feb. 7/t Feb. Pros letters** 5/12 Feb. 13 Feb. 14/16 Feb. Pres. Polk
      342 words
    • 476 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANOINAVIA/U.K./CONTINENTj -In-ia- for BangkoK. Hong Kon. 5h a Manila 12.1 c r.k -K«.bo*a- for Hong Kong."" Kobe Yokohama 21-24 Feb Lalandia" for Bangkok 28 Feb -1 Mar. 27-27 Feb. 24-26 Fob, IS 1 for Saigon ta Bangkok. 8-12 Mar. 6- 7 Mar. 4- 5 Mar.
      476 words
    • 830 11 lf^ T.IWbM* No. Sf«6 ELLERMAM BUCKNALL KLAVENISS LIMB LONOON. HAVRt, ANTWERP. LOS ANCIIIS SAN FRANCISCO ROTTtRDAM fr HAMBURG PORTLAND SEATTU ft VANCOUVn and fcr U.S.A.. NoUh Atlantic Ports •nd Canada via Colombo Accepting cargo foi Central 6 South American Ports s.s CITY Of COVENTRY »asru Mr*, »%?7u. ypo,.-- tbsp CTt
      830 words

  • 333 12 THE GAMES Colony Trial Tomorrow gINGAPORE is definitely sending a water-polo team for the Asian Games which will be held in New Delhi between March 4 and 11. The Colony's entry was cabled to the Asian Games committee yesterday. Mr. Wee Kirn Wee, acting hon. secretary of the Singapore
    333 words
  • 122 12 IPOH. Thuus. J£NTRIES from the Federation and Singapore have been received for the North Malaya golf championship which will be held at the Perak Turf Club Sports C:ub's golf course from Sunday, Feb. 4 Wednesday. Feb. 7. So far the number of entries received has been
    122 words
  • 185 12 Following is the flrst-round draw for the S.C.C. seven-a-side Rugby tournament: MONDAY: 4.30 p.m. RAF. Changi v R.N.A.S. Sembawang B: 455 pm. R.A-S.C. B v R.A.F. Tengah B; 5.20 p.m. RA.S.C. A' v S C.C. B 545 p.m. R.A.F. Tengah 'A' v Chasers B; 6.10 p.m
    185 words
  • 76 12 LONDON, Thuis. The Welsh Rugby XV to play Scotland at Murrayfield. Edinburgh, on Feb. 3 will be:— G. Williams (Uanelly); K.Jones (Newport). J. Matthews (Cardiff). Lewis Jones (Devonport Services), M. Thomas (Devonport Services), Olyn Davitu (Cambridge University); R. Willis (Cardiff): Cliff Davles (Cardiff), D. Da vies
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  • 96 12 AMONG the first donations to the Asian Games Fund which will send the Singapore team to the Asian Games in New Delhi in March, is one of $1,000 by the Straits Times Press Ltd. Mr. G. 11. Kiat. chairman of the Asian Games Fund, said
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  • 95 12 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thurs. TWO trophy races will be run at the Penang Turf Club's three-day Spring Meeting on March 3, 7, 10. They are the Kedah Cup over one mile 110 yds. for Cl. 3, Div. 1 horses with $2,500 in stakes
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  • 41 12 RUGBY: F.&N. Cup semi-final. R.A.S.C. "A" v Singapore Engineer Regt. at Nee Soon. HOCKEY: Khalsa Assn. v University at Khalsa ground; S.C.R.C. v C.R.E. (South) at Hong Lim Green. SOCCER: Social A.P. v Spore Cold Storage at Farrer Park.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 52 12 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs:— Mr. J. R. Donald. Hon. secretary of the Kluang Golf Club, has received a letter from the Sultan of Johore. accepting the Club's invitation to be its patron. Membership of the club is open to all. The Units adjoin the
    52 words
  • 377 12 WEIGHTS for a of the Perak IPO1 1 eight races on S Turf Club Januar a, Thursday, aturday, last day y meeting, are: Cl. X, Div. 1—6 i t.adies Flame 9 07 Majestic Scholar 9.01 C'jiarlemagne 9.00 Air Mail 8.10 Piercebridge 8 09 Assize 8.09 Fifty
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  • 447 12 From EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Thursday. f ADIES FLAME faces her stiffest test when she gives weight all round to a smart Cl. 2, Div. 1 field over six furlongs on Saturday, last day of the Perak Turf Club's January Meeting. She has been penalised to
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  • 42 12 The soccer match to have been played today between Kampong Bahru Sport, Club and the Tamil Brotherhood Assn. for the Municipal Commissioner, Mr. M.P.D. Nair's Cup, has been postponed to Feb. 4 on the Railway lust, ground Kampong Bahru.
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  • 299 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. MAJOR Donald Harvey, who will shortly be 40, staged a plucky fight in the welterweight class of the Army in Malaya's Individual boxing chamionships at the Chinese Assembly hall last night, to go down to 21 yearold L|Cpl.
    299 words
  • Article, Illustration
    36 12 S.C.C.'s goalkeeper Browne gets well out of the semicircle to tackle brilliant Chinese forward Chai Hon Yam. Harry Fang goes for the clearance while behind him are Kettner and McInroy on the wing. Straits Times picture.
    36 words
  • 165 12 NEW DELHI, Thurs. ¥NDIA today announced sweep1 ing changes for the fifth and last match in the unofficial Test series against the Commonwealth touring team. With the Commonwealth one up. India must win this match to draw the series. Five players who were in
    165 words
  • 392 12 RENMARK, (South Australia), Thursday. THE MCC gained their third successive win and the fifth victory of the tour here today when they beat a South Australia Country XI in their two-day match by an innings and 25 runs with about an hour and a
    Reuter  -  392 words
  • 405 12 AFTER 70 minutes of a most keenly contested fame, the semi-final of the Singapore Hockey Association's knock-out tournament match between the Singapore Cricket Club and the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club played on the padung yesterday ended in a I—l1 1 draw. This is the third occasion on
    405 words
  • 85 12 PAN-MALAYAN SPORTS COUNCIL MEETING From Our Staff Cnrrpsnondent KUALA LIMPt R. Thurs. I MEETING of representa- tives from sports bodes in Malaya to consider the formation of an Olympic Sports Council for M*l*yj will be held at the YM V Kuala Lumpur on Feh. 3 at 7 pm. Two representat'ves
    85 words
  • 189 12 S'gor Blues Face Stiff Task On Sat. from Our Staff Correspondriil KUALA LUMPUR. Thur.s. SELANGOR All Blues B t Singapore All Blues will clash on Saturday at Kuala Lumpur to decide the finalists in the South section of the All Blues competition. Selangor will have to produce their best form
    189 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 832 12 (Continued from pwfr f)' ACCOMMODATION VACANT 2 LARGE FURN'D ROOMS, full board, private Home, roOd. con rent!, *475 Si $500. Box No. A3C52, S.T. ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED by Chinese businessman a room or flat concrete house, separate entrance If posaible— central. P.O. Box 1503. Singapore. RECENTLY married couple from Bombay
      832 words
    • 26 12 Spi C he Cl *ul He»**** V V-AJl^ j 3j n o *t»» 0o»«0 o»« lt \P 'i!K^KSSB DOM sou A«.nt. THE EASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD.
      26 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 29 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 1.08 a.m. (8.9). 12.30 ))tn. ilOft.); 6.32 a.m. (4.1), 7.06 p.m. (lft.). TOMORROW: 134 am. (9fU, 1.07 p.m. (10ft); 7.05 a.m. (3 6). 7.37 y.m. (1.3).
      29 words