The Straits Times, 25 January 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 214 1 TOKYO, Wednesday. IJNITE.D Nations troops, restlessly seeking an elusive enemy in the hills of central Korea, pushed 10 miles north of the Wonju battlefield today a«jinst scattered small arms fire Tile patrol, led by thr* tanks and three anti-aircraft units, fell back later under a
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  • 75 1 I n'-n Our Staff C'l.l respondent KUALA LUMPUR Wed. A GURKHA rifleman, one of a patrol which recently killed five terrorists in the Rauh ar?a. had his Sten gun jammed as he faced a bandit. The Gurkha pulled out the loaded magazine and hurled
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  • 60 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Wed.— Mr. John P. Pennefather-Evans who has been appointed Singapore's Commissioner of Police, expects to leave London by air on Feb 4. He told me that while he was Director of the Singapore Special Branch he was in vith the early
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  • 145 1 PEKING MESSAGE TO U.N. LAKE SUCCESS. Wed. INFORMED sources said today that Communist China has sent another message to the United Nations on the problem of peace in the Far East. The contents of the cablegram were not disclosed. The message probably would be disclosed at the United Nations' main
    Reuter; UP  -  145 words
  • 71 1 THE HAGUE. Wed. DUTCH Premier Wilhelm Drees today handed the resignation of his cabinet to Queen Juliana in a crisis owjIndonesian policy. Foreign Minister Dirk Stikker precipitated the lall ol the coalition government by announcing that he would quit because his own Liberal Party supported a motion
    UP  -  71 words
  • 68 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON Wed.— The British Government is expected next week to state its attitude on the question of stopping supplies of rubber going to Russia. In the House of Commons Mr. Steward (Conservative) will call attention to the recent shipment of
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  • 33 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— The Director of Operations Lt.-Gen. Sir Harold Briggs will review the situation in Malaya in a radio broadcast after the news at 7.12 p.m. on Friday.
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  • 230 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Malaya produced 703.891 tons of rubber in 1950—33,634 tons more than in 1949. Of this 375.853 tons were produced on estates, and 328.038 tons on smallholdings. This "Operation Red Herring" would divert energy from the work of suppressing the Emergency. It
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  • 55 1 THE HAGUE. Wed. The chief of the Dutch General Staff and Commander-in-Chief of the Army has been dismissed, and his deputy has submitted his resignation. The Minister of Defence said that there was "too great a difference of opinion on the way in which the Dutch
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 22 1 LONDON. Wed. Experts here forecast that unusually erratic radio conditions may interfere with communications during the next few days.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 260 1 Amendment To Postpone Plan Defeated From Our Special Correspondents. KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. •JHE Federal Legislative Council today approved in principle proposals for the introduction in the Federation of a Ministerial form of Government. There will be a "Ministry" of nine Members, some of them from outside the ranks of the
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  • 89 1 R.A.F. Jets Set Up New Record pRUISING six mileg above the South China Sea at nearly 300 m.p.h.. the nrst batch of Vampire jet fighters yesterday completed the first lap of a flight fro-n Singapore to Hong Kons, when they landed at Saigon two an*?a half hours alter leaving here.
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  • 283 1 6,000 Reds Killed In Hanoi Battle India Celebrates SAIGON, Wednesday. PENERAL de Lattre de Tassigny, French Com- mander-in-Chief in Indo-China, said today that a new Communist offensive was expected soon in north Indo-China, where the rebels have lost 6,000 dead in a vain attempt to seize Hanoi. *iV\% bat e
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  • 47 1 LONDON, Wed. pOR the first time in 286 years, the Government stopped the sale of the London Gazette's military supplement, which announces promotions and retirement. Why An official said the War Office forgot to ask for the King's approval of the promotions. A. P.
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  • 56 1 Out for a stroll, an elderly Chinese, whose name was given as Chee Bon Booh, a lorry driver, collapsed and fell into a drain at the Junction of Kampong Kapor and Rowell Roads last night. When taken from the drain he was dead. Chee is believed
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  • 180 1 COLOMBO. Wed.— Poland and Czechoslovakia have bought rubber in Ceylon, usually reliable sources said today. Poland was stated to have bought 200 tows and there had been "heavy buying" for Czech importers.— Reuter. De Lattre told newsmen; "We are waiting for the enemy to take the
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  • 59 1 COLOMBO, Wed. Sir Francis Molamure, Speaker of the Ceylon House of Representatives, oollapsed while presiding at a meeting of the House last night. He was carried out by the Sergeant-at-Arms and several members to an ambulance Doctors say Sir Francis had stroke which paralysed part of his
    AP  -  59 words
  • 149 1 Joe Shuns The Lights —For Grass JOE, a pony belonging to a Chinese circus in Singa- pore was depressed. He was tired of the Big Top. tired of watching the clowns tumble on the sawdust, tired of the crowds and, most of all, tired of being cooped up by the
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  • 131 1 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Wed. RESCUERS formed a human chain yesterday evening at Ihe li mile Batu GajahGopeng Road, when the Sungi Raia burst its banks in tin middle of a squatter area. About 70 people were marooned in a settlement dt about 185 squatters.
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  • 38 1 LONDON, Wed.— All London morning newspapers yesterday carried a report that Britain is now making Plutonium, u£ed In manufacture of the atom bomb, on a large scale. The Ministry of Supply would not comment.— A.P.
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  • 58 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. JOINT enquiry into prices and the cost of living: has been proposed by the Federal Government, which is now awaiting Singapore's reply, said the Chief Secretary, Mr. M V del Tufo, when the Council debated today a
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  • 205 1 S'PORE 'IN CURRENCY RACKET' nr SS h n S ed t ral G o vernme nt has suggested that Dr. F. C Benham should be chairman and that the committee should consist of the twu financial secretaries, an Unofficial member of e.ich coimci and three members of the staff associates
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 »>' Gold or Silver U.S. de SUVA Ipwellert 106. ORCHARD ROAD, "Of course, I want ij jj| fr^> the best pork for m\ "7 hen come with me v J/~ M Cold Storage. R 11 replied Mrs. Young... L*\ iA "I hey only sell the best milk-fed pork it's so
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    • 52 1 Embroidered Linens Jewellery Jade Trees Cunos etc 81, HIGH STREET, SPORE. M^ I I ContoiiMr M.nfor (n I Minimiiw JT^»^ I Prtienl 1M J s j M V Contamerj J 0 V WeiqM J MM U /tmm mim\ m g tudi ■MHk\ MM V V elwti«i StfMfe/ MM Iml \mim%/
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  • 4413 2 SOUTHERN MALAYAN TIN DREDGING, THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR MALAYA GOVERNMENT PRICE FIXING AND DOLLAR SHORTAGE MR. H. ASHWORTH HOPE ON SOCIALIST POLICY 11 A The adjourned annual general I < mei-tlnas of Malayan Tin Dred K v In- Ltd and Southern Malayan a Tin Dmlplnc. Ltd.. were held on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 547 2 Tender* which will close at 13 noon on sth February 1»M are invited for the supply of Photographic Materials to the Federation of Malaya Polloe. Pull particulars are obtainable at the Office of the Registrar of Criminals (Malaya and Singapore i Suleiman Building, Kuala Lumpur MUNICIPAL TENDER 1 Tenders are
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    • 217 2 /VW *> PALMOLIVE \A|^n^ LATHER SHAVING CREAM ■v.J^SsP^stiw/ —proved more imoothlng. V Now on Ml* in a new, wf^' smart, modern carton and tube. BUY IT I TRY IT! H multipliss itself M 0 times Ms rich. Before introducing the new, creamy lather. Improved, Palmolivt Lather Shaving Cream, w asked
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  • 3,000 DIED IN N. GUINEA
    • 278 3 POKT.MORKSBY.NE fyJK Claude hampioi merit official, collapi today after telling of 1 1 nminuton volcano di.« 3,<MK natives and 35 Ei Champion was from the area— a jungle t to!rj of the dead bodies pu^lv from jungle trees a !W GUINEA, Wednesday. n.
      Reuter  -  278 words
    • 39 3 CSXEn.IL Dwfffht Eisenhower (left) returns the salute of a presidential guard (right), as he arrives at the Quirinal Palace, Rome, for talks with the Italian Pres dent Signor Einaudi. Accompanying him is Italian General Marazzani. A.P. picture.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 103 3 -I! SUCCESS. Wed. THL 12-naUon Aiian and A:.;o group backing the X p-flre last night I introduce a in -he Political Coml I L* N calling for the appointment of a n commission on y China, Britain. U St3tes. France. R India and
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 95 3 MANNILA. Wed. APPCGRAMME of sightig speeches, parades and receptions was announce-: yesterday for the state v..-:: next week of the Indonesian President, Dr. Sopkarno. It is -Irtually the same ■me that had been preparec for the visit expected ."ast December but oecause of illness. There are
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  • 54 3 IXGTON, Wed—De- Indians request for > tons of food grains serious food shortexpected to be annoimred within ten days. Btftte Departmert has rhe arruunt of grain D India; an estimate .jr.iber of p?cple who would .s:arve if (he American grain was not sent: estima of
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 46 3 WASHINGTON. Wed.— Th International Bank yesterda anounced loans totallin US$BO,OOO,OOO for Sout Africa. U5550.000.000 wi] come from the Internationa Bank and U5530,000,000 fror United States private bank* The loans are for electri power development a.-.d trans part facilities. UP.
    UP  -  46 words
  • 42 3 LONDON. Wed— Mr. Gail skell. Chancellor of the Ex chequer, rejected a sugges tion in the Commons tha he should reopen regotia tiens with India, Pakista and Ceylon to reduce th rate of release of their ster ling balances.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 31 3 LIMA, Wed. Fifteei people were burned to deatl i:i the Peruvian Air Forci plane, which had been miss ing since Saturday, it was reported today.— A P.
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  • 166 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. PEMIER Rene Pleven of France will probably press for bigger and faster shipments of American military supplies to Indo-China when he meets President Truman next Monday. Responsible diplomatic officials said M. Pleven has asked General Jean de Lattre de Tasslgny. French military commander
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  • 19 3 NEW DELHI, Wed. —An agreement making Point Four assistance available to Nepal was signed here yesterday.—A.P.
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  • 30 3 LONDON, Wed.— One hunhundred and twenty British officers and men were killed in the Korean war up to Jan. 20. 356 were wounded and 231 arp missing.— A.P.
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  • 248 3 PARIS, Wednesday. T»HE French Government today suspended seven x Communist mayors In Paris for helping antiEisenhower demonstrators. It threatened drastic action against foreigners, civil servants and workers in nationalised industries if they took part in a banned demonstration today and said it would not tolerate
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  248 words
  • 213 3 HONG KONG, Wednesday. 'FHE flow of strategic goods to Communist China has dropped sharply since the U.S. embargo was imposed on Dec. 3. But substantial amounts of steel, rubber and pharmaceutical goods are stillbeing moved, .authoritative sources said in Hong I Kong today. Most
    Reuter; UP  -  213 words
  • 84 3 VIENNA, Wed. rFS notice appeared in a Rumanian newspaper recently: Expelled from the Writers? Federation by the Jury of Honour are: "Octav Magureanu, for amorality, hooliganism, dishonesty and hostile acts against the peoples' democratic regime. "Toma Sipoteanu, for amorality and manifestations hostile to the
    AP  -  84 words
  • 245 3 West Replies To The Kremlin MOSCOW, Wed. T«HE United States, France, and Britain delivered notes to Russia last night which opened a new cycle In nearly three months of discussion on whether there will be another fourpower Foreign Ministers' Council. The French Ambassador, M. Chataigneau, called on the Foreign Minister,
    AP  -  245 words
  • 58 3 DUBLIN, Wed.— Two men hurled a Mills-type grenade at the British Embassy In Dublin last night, breaking some of the windows and' damaging the door. The men escaped after the explosion. The Embassy had been picketed earlier in protest against the presence of a Dutch naval
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 19 3 SAIGON, Wed.— Vietnam's first Ambassador to Britain, H. Tran Don, left yesterday by boat for London.— A.P.
    AP  -  19 words
  • Cable Flashes
    • 281 3 ISRAELI customs officials were puzzled by a con1 signment of sausages that ticked. They slit a few open and found Swiss watches inside. So far 200 watches worth about £10,000 have been found In the sausages and salami. A large scale international smuggling ring
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    • 178 3 LONDON, Wed. pLANS to spend about $90,000 hunting in the China Seas for pirate gold biiried by Captain Kidd in Uie 17th century have been annouhced at the seaport of Rye. An expedition of 10 tough men will set out in May to •<eek
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 3 THE BEGUM Liaquat AH Khan, wife of the Pakistani Prime Minister, takes afternoon tea at the Overseas League, London, with Miss Heather Meniies, daughter of the Australian Prim* Minister. A.P. picture.
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  • 579 4 New Rubber Tax Will Add $63.7 Mil To Fed. Surplus From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE increased export duty on rubber, 1 estimated by the Standing Committee on Finance of the Federal Legislative Council to yield $63 .7 million this year, excluding the cess for replanting and new
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  • 146 4 CARRIER WINS BO YD TROPHY THE 17th Carrier Air Group H.M.S. Theseus In action in Korean waters, has been awarded the Boyd I Trophy 'for its splendid achievements both in operations and maintenance during the Korean war." The Boyd Trophy, which was originally awarded by I the Fairey Aviation Company
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  • 33 4 PAYING THE PENALTY POLICE COLLECTING fines of Sl5 yesterday from every male aged over 18 living in Fusing at the time o th of the resettlement officer, Mr. D. White.— Straits limes picture.
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  • 31 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Seven Singapore drivers who were found operating motor vehicles in Johore without a Federation licence for 1951, were each fined $20 in the Police Court today
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  • 78 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. MORE than half a million children of the primary ace Kroup (6-11 years) in the Federation were not In school at the end of last year for want of educational rff% total of 535.000. about 100.000 had spent some years
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  • 96 4 A CLAIM for damages against Madam Liew Soon Lan, a taxi owner, brought in the Singapore High Court on Monday by the administrators of the estate of Ong Koon Hoe, a 45-year-old contractor, was discontinued yesterday. Ong died when his bicycle was knocked down by a
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  • 77 4 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. When the case against Chong Tow Tin was called at Johore Bahru the prosecution asked for a further postponement as the papers were not ready. Chong is charged with offering a bribe of $4 to a special constable at Senal.
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  • 93 4 BRITISH RED CROSS OLD PEOPLE'S CLUB, Wesley Hall. Fort Canning, 4.80 p.m. CHINESE T.M.C.A., Selegle Road student*' music, 4.30 p.m, badminton, 8 p.m.. body building. 630 p.m., table-tennis tournament, 7.30 pjn., Mandarin Bible study. 8 pjn. Y.W.C.A., Rafflea Quay, Malay advanced class, 8.15 p.m. SINGAPORE STAMP CLUB. social
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  • 272 4 From Our Staff Correspondent 1 IPOH, Wednesday. I THE fine of $40,000 imposed under the Emergency I A Regulations on the mining township of Pusing was collected today by teams headed by magistrates or Justices of the Peace. t The teams collected the i minimum fine
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  • 27 4 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Mvi Chiang Tai, of Singapore. was fined $10 at Johore Bahru for failing to observe a road sign.
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  • 80 4 WHAT THE LAW SAYSFrom Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. THE penalty for consorting with bandits depends on circumstances. The Federal Legislative Council was told today that there are three shades of consorting in law, defined under the Emergency Regulations as 5(1). 5(1A) and 6A (1). Under 5(1) only is
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  • 42 4 RAF. aircraft from Malaya, the Middle East and the Britain will join Ceylon's celebration starting Feb 31 —of the third anniversry of attaining Dominion status. Dakotas from Malaya will demonstrate supply-dropping, as it operates in the antibandit war.
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  • 45 4 SCOUT CAR for a rubber plantation in the Federation was unloaded at Singapore yesterday. Similar to some used by the Army, it carries a driver, runner, and two others. About 100 scout cars also arrived for the Army. Straits Time* picture.
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  • 88 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. QF the $51,242,332 lent by the end of last year to Chinese tin mines and to other industries for rehabilitation, $39,004,335 has still to be repaid, the Federal LeflfJativt Council wai told todai. Three hundred and sixty three loans,
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  • 50 4 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE AHRU, Wed.— v Shanmugan I lallar, formerly a rr.andore on Ulu Tiram Estate, was bound o.^r for s:.: months at Johore Assizes on a change of destroying a promissory note for $690 he signed in favour of Joo Teng Lock, a rubber dealer.
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  • 42 4 From Our Own Correspondnet JOHORE BAHRU. Wed Loh Sin Fah, charged with having a defaced Identity card, failed i,o appear in Johore Bahru police court and the case was adjourned for a month. A warrant for his arrest was Issued.
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  • 398 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed T<HE axe has fallen on six Federal Government departments. Staffs are to be reduced, saving $200,000 a year This is disclosed by the Organisation and Methods Adviser. Mr. S. S Ross, in his second report to the Fedora'
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  • 183 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. NEW tax legislation for the Federation has been drafted and is now under consideration. This will bring the legislation in this country more in line with Legislation in other countries. This was announced at the meeting of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 93 4 ty/ Your freight problem* cca»« to exit! \/W/ when you employ the KLM Supair- ■fc?' y s%r Cargo tervice eitra service to I /G% V /fih the l 'PP er eitra tervice l 0 t )e WW yyy/\y yy/\ 'omignee at no eitra coit Wf A J/W JK For further
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    • 360 4 |p^ When you are flirting Flatter them with T kl 0 Sec how beautitul >ou be... with langee. Us Se^en FutlMM >lwill-s X' N >< >ur I'l 111 tWSIMHI mlor riflgW pMSOfI Miiooihir sia>* on longer GtauiolOMl new am (00. U«f langtc hctausc lie lt>ok» M >our lips MO«I WOMEN
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    • 227 5 yiCTIMS of the Singapore riots in December began yesterday preparing their claims as a result of the announcement that the Government would consider compensation. However, they expect that examination of the claims will be prolonged. As the payment is to be ex-gratia it is considered probable
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    • Article, Illustration
      12 5 A COST LY STAY THE HAI HSUAN a day to keep afloat.
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    • 117 5 100 RIOT FAMILIES SEEK AID AS a result of the Singapore riots about 100 families have applied for help, either to the welfare com- c iormed under the auspices of the Malay Union or to the Department of B Welfare. Many families, averaging four persons, are In difficultly b( cause
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    • 390 5 THE Hai Ksuan, the first merchant ship to fly the Red flag in Singapore, has been a year in port and still shows no sign of moving. At the rate of $2,000 a day, a fair estimation of maintenance costs and
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  • 44 5 T "ioiul opening of the tain shop of the SingaI Co-operative Stores Society at 64, Victoria Street, will oe on Sunday, and not on Saturday as reported yesterday. Th« uld main shop at 331. Bridge Roud, will offlclrse on Saturday.
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  • 54 5 For attempting to commit suicide by drinking soda in Kampong Serah, Yee Hio Kor. a 17-year-old girl, was yesterday bound over in $100 for six months In the Singapore Fourth Police Court. "I found the solution near a market. I don't know why I took it." she
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  • 127 5 TWO hundred and sixty aged poor in the home of x the Little Sisters of the Poor at Thomson Road, Singapore, will have an unusual treat today a 10course Chinese dinner. I They will have 26 bottles of the best brandy and other drinks to
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  • 111 5 DETAINED on Monday when Marine Police made two sweeps on Singapore's waterfront, six Chinese and seven Javanese were charged in the First Singapore Police Court yesterday with theft of $5,000 worth of rubber from the ship. Bosnik. The men were Ching Twan Par, Lim Tiong Kee.
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  • 87 5 US CONSULATE PLANS CHANGE No news has yet been received in Singapore as to who will be the new United States Consul-General in succession to Mr. W.R. Langdon. Mr. Langdon was to have been succeeded early this year by Mr. John M. Allison, one of the younger American diplomats who
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  • 108 5 Detainees: Unionists Seek Advice THE Singapore Teachers' Union is seeking legal advice on the possibility of defending Its members who have been detained under the Emergency Regulations for alleged connection with the Malayan Communist Party. The detained members include its president Mr. P. V. Sarma, its secretary, Mr. C. V.
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  • 53 5 A VERDICT of suicide was returned at a Singapore inquest yesterday on Chee Scow Cheng, 45-year-old hawker, who died in the General Hospital lock-up ward on Dec. 9. Lim Soo Nam said her husmand had told her that he had taken the poison Hecause "he was worried
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  • 41 5 A Singapore revenue officer, after following a taxi, found 140 lb. of dutiable Chinese tobacco carried by a passenger. This was stated in the Singapore Third Police Court when Lim Sol Kow, aged 42, was fined $500.
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  • 51 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU Wed. SharifT bin Saldon, who had to appear In court today to answer charges of speeding, and inconsiderate driving, sent a letter pleading guilty. The magistrate refused to accept his Plea by letter, and fixed another day for Shariff to appear in
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  • 232 5 95 p.c. back Chiang' claim AT least 95 per cent, of the Malayan Chinese still maintain strong links with Nationalist China, while the Mao Tse-tung regime can only enlist five per cent. This is the opinion of Mr. Tan Kok Chor, a former prominent Kuomlntang leader in Singapore. "I base
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  • 50 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. KLTHOUGH Kuala Lumpur was today drenched in sunshine instead of rain the train services Unking the Federal capital with Singapore and Penang are still dislocated by floods. Tonight there were no trains again between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur and the capital and Penang.
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  • 67 5 PENANG, Wed. gIGHT pupils are missing from Chung Hwa middle school in Maxwell Road, Penang. They should have attended class on Monday but no word has been received from them The school is investigating and parents and guardians of the boys have been written to. The boys
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  • 62 5 Shah All. who was sentenced to one year's imprisonment and 12 strokes of the rattan in the lower courts for stabbing a Malay woman. Hajeman Bee. in a hotel at Rowell Road, has his sentence reduced yesterday when he appealed to the Singapore High Court The Chief Justice.
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  • 49 5 LONDON, Wed. Major Robert Marrs, whose death Is announced at the age of 66, joined the directorate of recruitment at the Colonial Office after belne in the Indian Education Service. He visited Malaya after the war to interview service applicants for posts under the Colonial Office.
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  • 132 5 From Our SUff Correspondent MALACCA, Wed. SUDDEN flood at Asahan, 31 miles from Malacca, has rendered about 500 adults and 70 infants, mostly Chinese, homeless. On Monday, water from a i>earby mountain rlfer spread were landslides and before people realised what had happened, water in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 113 5 Everyone knows the best Virginia cigarettes are made in \Szfim \J; London but, fortunately, they do not all stay there The famous ,^!0 il\ Hanson Hedges red tin is a familiar sight in almost every country of the world. You will find these cigarettes in the hands ISMs <k °f
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    • 248 5 O-6-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-o 0-O-O-OS3-O*O-0-O I .22 THI SPORTSMAN-FIVI O A 22-Fiv« Shot Magazine Rifle with easy /jf j bolt action, adjustable open backsight flf 4 sporting bead foresight. /f i j $95.00 I 0 _jU J0 o 1 THi SPORTSMAN FIFTEEN W /Mr A Fifteen Shot Bolt Action /ty o I 22
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  • The Straits Times
    • 699 6 The Singapore Municipal Commissioners, who are respoosible for public health in their area, and the staffs of the Municipal Health Department and Town Cleansing Department, who look to the Commissioners to lay down the broad policies for their departments, are asking what has happened to the report
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    • 366 6 A recent article in the Ceyon Daily News describing a ,-isit to the great irrigation vorks in the Gal Oya valley, n the Dry Zone of Ceylon, is nteresting to Malayans as an example of the sort of thing :hat will be done under the Colombo Plan in
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  • man-in-the-Street
    • 195 6 IN the Singapore Teachers' Training College recruiting drive for teachers, under the recent Supplementary Plan, the minimum qualification required is that candidates should have sat the Cambridge examination in 1950. Recently a candidate, who has^matriculated at the University of London, was told that he was not eligible
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    • 180 6 See him oppress the big arm-chair With corpulent bulk, Chop-sticks in hand, the steamy bowl Near his fleshy lips. The slit-like eyes gleam intently At delicacies In the rice bowl, stern reminder Of his coolie days. He eats quickly, smacking his lips, Family present. Rice, fish, pork, soup
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    • 380 6 (XS the Port Dickson road, a few days ago, Dato Tan Cheng Lock reiterated his argument that to wean the Chinese from Communism we must give them a stake in the country Seeing this argument so frequently mentioned in the Press, not least by the Chinese
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    • 217 6 T)EEPLY as we appreciate 1 the general tenor of Mr. R.K. Hardwick's letter on Mr. Anthony Brooke and the British Government, published by you on Jan. 9, we consider that he was unnecessarily severe in castigating us for incorporating the word "National" in the names of
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  • 21 6 "fTVITAS" has been unable to write his notes -In the Municipal lobbies" this week because ©f Indisposition.
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  • 185 6 LIKE "A Former Honorary Warden", Malim Nawar, whose letter was published in the Straits Times of Jan. 16, my colleagues and I, too, signed up for A.R.P. (Mines) service in 1941. We were attached to the generating station in Batu Arang under terms no different from
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  • 464 6 Standard Eight SUPPOSE I must have seen most of the school magazines of Malaya in my journalistic life, but I had never seen a class magazine until the other day, when there came into the Straits Time§ office a little duplicated mag-, azine produced by the Stan-
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  • Article, Illustration
    218 6 Adorned with rubies and sapphires from the Mogok mines of Burma this Shan woman prepares her food. These jewels and the common clay of her ornate bowl are but a few of the many minerals containing aluminium. Though first isolated in 1826, h was not until 1886 that its
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 823 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. BIRTH FORSYTH: At Malacca Hoar I on Jan. 23rd. to Diana ims Murray), wife of John Fnrsyth, a daughter. ENGAGEMENT UO-YAP: The engagement Is rnnounced on the 25th January, 3»51. between Mr. Ho Kirn Chye, third son of the late Mr. Mrs. Ho Kee Hln. of 43. Marshall
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    • 201 7 Big Rise In S'pore Building Prices BUILDING materials in Singapore, especially steel and timber, have gone up in price by 100 per cent, during the past six months. Bteel was between $235 md $240 per ton six months ago. Now It is between $480 and $500 Kxpor timber w.n $130
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    • 1216 7 Council Votes To Review COL Of Govt Men From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. IN AN attack on profiteers, the High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gurney, today railed them "traitors to society*. He put them in the same category as those who helped the Communist bandits. Sir Henry was speaking
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    • 33 7 A SECTION of' a pontoon bridge, consigned to the U.S. Army, Pusan via Kure, Japan, which was unloaded at Singapore on Tuesday for transhipments Straits Times picture.
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  • 78 7 Iy.HLE nine-year-old Koh Checm Koon was playing in the garden he fell. A few <i:i\s later he could not get o v «'f b( d and hud a headl '.V.s fa:lii'r, Koh Soon Kirn. put ointment on his head and took Ivm to a doctor.
    78 words
  • 70 7 MR. Ahmad Ali Khan Suratee, a businessman and MB of the late Mr. Ali Ahmad Khan Guratee. will contest the forthcoming Singapore Legislative Council elections as an Independent candidate. Mr. Ahmad Ali Khan. whose family has been in Singapore lor four generations and is well-known in the
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  • 36 7 iwo Malays, Mohamed bin Wajid and Abdul Hamid bin Abdul Razak, who were arrested for righting in the compound of »he Singapore Chettiar Temple, on Tnaipusam Day were fined $10 each in Singapore yesterday.
    36 words
  • 166 7 BIG CHAP JI KI FINES 'A FASHION' OEAVY nnes imposed n by Singapore magistrates on chap ji ki offenders were commented on by Mr. W. E Demuth, counsel for Oun Ann Hock, in the Singapore High Court yesterday. Oun was appealing against conviction and a fine ol $500 Imposed on
    166 words
  • 53 7 Convicted in the Singapore First District Court for a third time for failing to register for an identity card, Ali bin Abdullah, a former soldier, was sentenced yesterday to three months' imprisonment. Ali, discharged from the Army in July last year, was arrested in Joo
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  • 173 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. QIX more bandits have been killed and another four wounded, the Federation police reported tonight. Two of the bandits were killed in the Kuala Kubu area of Selangor this morning. A security forces patrol was moving through
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  • 103 7 INTERNAL security exer- cises involving the military and Police will take place in Singapore on two days next week. During the exercises Police riot squads and military parties will operate in the streets. Sirens will not be used. On Monday. Jan. 29, there will be Police
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  • Article, Illustration
    5 words
  • 107 7 THE QUEEN is looking forward to the Royal Family's visit to Australia next year, said the Lord Mayor of Sydney, Alderman ODea, who arrived in Singapore yesterday by QEA BOAC Constellation on his way back to Australia from London. Alderman ODea went to Britain to
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  • 74 7 WONG Teck Ho, manager of the N.A. A.F.I. Canteen, West Camp, Seletar, was sentenced In the Singapore First District Court yesterday to three months' Imprisonment and a fine of $500 when convicted of offering a bribe of $100 to Mr. P. Smith, investigating officer of the N.A.A.F.I.
    74 words
  • 40 7 The East-West Society will hold a "Brains Trust" meeting at the British Council haJl tonight at 8.30. Mrs. H. B. Amstutz. Mrs. E. V. Davies, Sir Han Hoe Lim and Prof. R. E. Holttum will take part.
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  • 25 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. Because of the absence of the principal prosecution witness, a charge of negligent driving against Narayanan, was withdrawn at Johore Bahru.
    25 words
  • 35 7 Five young Chinese held up the occupants of a house In Waterloo Street, Singapore, last night and robbed them of five Identity cards. This bring* the total to 54 cards stolen this week.
    35 words
  • 108 7 Chief Justice, Sir Char- les Murray-Aynsley. yesterday ordered a retrial in the 2 case of Tzn Kon Ten«- who had been convicted In the dower eourU on a charge of criminal breach of Unit of $1,200 belonging to Peter Robinson. Tan appealed against his conviction and
    108 words
  • 77 7 Pretended To Be Temple Medium OOSING as a medium from 1 a Chinese temple in Geylanjr Road. Chang Eng Lay, aged 38, made five house-to-house collections in Keppel Road. Chan carried a bundle of yellow joss papers and Joss sticks. After each collection he knelt and prayed. In the Singapore
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  • 25 7 LONDON Wed.— The death has occurred at Eastbourne of Mr. H A. E. Thomson. of Westham, Pevensey, formerly of Singapore. PHOTOGRAPHIC SHOW RESULTS
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  • 305 7 (SINGAPORE photographers have won three of the nine medals, awarded by the Singapore Art Society for exhibits at its second open photographic exhibition, which will be opened by the Colonial Secretary, Mr W. L. Blythe, at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the British Council Hall. ™w_in They
    305 words
  • 121 7 WILL PAY TO BRING WITNESS (COMPANY Quarter Master Sergeant John Gilbertson psborne, R.A.S.C., charged before a court-martial in Singapore yesterday with having struck Pte. Howell on Sept. 23, undertook to pay for bringing a key defence witness from Britain. The. court-martial was adjourned sine die. The witness, Sgt, Jackson sailed
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  • 228 7 Honours menonly for top grades EUROPEANS admitted "to the Malayan Education Officer srade must have an honours degree of an approved British university, it <vas stated at the meetmp of the Federal Legislnhve Council today. "The requirement for many years has been possession of an honours degree of an approved
    228 words
  • 55 7 rpWELVE men were detained I by the Marine Police at 3 a.m yesterday when th< y were found unloading four bah-s of stolen rubber from a lighter into a motor sampan off North Boat Quay During the past three days, the Marine police seized more than
    55 words
  • 50 7 Charged with stealing a concrete reinforcement iron bar, Chng Kirn Lye a 58-year-old Municipal drain cleaner, told the Singapore Second Police Court Magistrate yesterday that he needed it for cleaning rubbish from drains Chins, pleading guilty, was bound over for six months ySt*.-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

    • 469 8 Jf From Pagm On* to be channelled through sln»l« secretariat, "an antiquated and inappropriate mechanism to hantin the present pressure of business. Any member of the Council who paid even a short visit to the Federal Secretariat, a«jr morning, mfternoon or eveaing, would be convinced that mere modern and
      469 words
    • 622 8 donesia and its self-Government, the progress th«t Japan has made slnte the end of the war, of self-Government in India, the problems of Indo-China and of the self •Government of Burma and Ceylor.T "Are we going to stand here and say that we do not want self-Government, even
      622 words
    • 1058 8 were needed— that "the Federation recognises the rhythm of history and that we are determined to become good citizens of the world." Mr. H. H. Pacer then raised the storm when he said he was "one of those who viewed the proposals with a great deal
      1,058 words
    • 633 8 'PLAN IS PART OF 3-PRONG ATTACK' The Federation of Malaya needed a progressive and imaginative policy which kept a little ahead of the times with each step in wise anticipation of the next which lay ahead, declared the Chief Secretary. Mr. M. V. Del Tufo. when moving the approval of
      633 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 309 8 I 1 1 V aVUlablk ffjMlyMTfflW I KOM THE LARGEST VY*"V*PffTM4jvfM STOCKS IN ftyl HJIV GREAT BRITAIN CONTRACTORS PLANT \L unusued STOTHERT AND PITT Electric*! Portal Wharf Cranas. apscity 6i-»t. centres jib. 60-ft. maximum rediu*. Powared trsvel--tt ra.l saut* 86 hp. 460/480 volts DC. motor dr.ving 57 KW ■or supplying
      309 words
    • 349 8 Exciting >riv A fabric so light and to»4j that I^Tv it's all you've ever longed for in /»^M //^7^v rayon yet so practical in wash $//j&^\ and wear that it carries th« JAt^l Tootal guarantee of satisfaction j Wrfsfi^f that's namrit, newcomer to /ii^si^^r -^w the range of fine Tootal
      349 words

  • 16 9 A Sea Fury, after repairt on Unicorn, flies off to rejoin Theseus.
    16 words
    • 173 9 With many of her officers and crew of 600 due for leave after their term of service in the Far East, she had Just arrived in Singapore six months' ago on the way home for recommissioning. when the Korean conflict broke out. 5 All leave was postponed, and
      173 words
    • 96 9 Two other popular personalities are Leading Photographer Pat O'Brien, better known as "Snaps." whose pictures illustrate this page, and Chief Telegraphist Marellic. very unhappy when transferred to the Black Swan, until transferred back attain to Unicorn, where hp supplies the crew with all the football scores and news.
      96 words
  • Today's Radio Programmes
    • 76 9 10 a.m. News, EmergencyNews from -K.L.; 10.10 Close; 1045 Schools; 12 Malay; 1 p.m. Radio Orch.; 1.30 News; 1.45 Cy Coleman, pianist; 2 Schools; 250 Close; 6 Children; 6.20 "CsJling All Hospitals"; 7 News. Share Market; 7.12 Radio Scientist; 720 Interlude; 7.30 'Hit Parade"; 8 "Forum of the Air";
      76 words
    • 39 9 10 am. -2 SO p.m. As Spore; 6 "Happy Anniversary"; 7 As Spore; 7.30 Radio Orch.; 8 "In my Opinion 8.30 "Thursday Symphony" (Delius, Brahms >: 9.30 News; 9.45 As Spore: 10 Variety; 10.30 "Thursday Serenade"; 11 Close-
      39 words
    • 51 9 10 a.m.-12. 1-2 p.m. As Spore; 6 "Hit Parade"; 6.30 Children; 7 As Spore; 7.30 "Time for Music' (8.8.C. Midland Light Orch.): 8 Penang Sport; 8.15 Interlude; 8.30 "Memories from the Theatre"; 9 "iTMA"; 9.30 News; 9.45 As Spore; 10 "Music In the Home' (Beethoven); 10.30 Dance Music 11
      51 words
    • 80 9 4.45 p.m. "From the London Editorials"; 4.55 John Ireland; 5.13 "Statement of Account"; 8.30 "Sweet Death" (mystery play); 6 Indonesian: 6.30 Cantonese; 6.45 "London Studio Concerts"; 7.15 French; 7.30 English Half-Hour; 8 'Strictly Vocal"; 8.15 Thai; 8.45 Dutch; 9 Kuoyu; 9.30 Burmese: 9.45 Interlude; 10 Rad o
      80 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 130 9 The Guts And Glory Story Of The U S Marmes Paramount Presents Hf>K rV M^^Mffr'^ HIJARA PAYKIP^^^^ fTbchnicalor ti-O stirring wlffl j'oiiw*. IWKD da OILVA GRANT WITHERS Owrte* 0, WILL PRICE WnttK kr 0* mm t» Wmston M.te Pnduodbr thtm HlWnl WUkin C Tkoma A Grantland Rice "WATER SPEED" OPENING
      130 words
    • 244 9 m™£ UfEnrLCLJ V*&' 0 0N STAGE 5 TIMES AT ■H9L. 11. 1.45. 4. <i.3« and 9.30 p.m Sharp! jfciMßMfa—^^^»_ BUBLA S I^** CONTINENTAL 1 BALLET REVUE O (ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME) Plus! ON SCREEN I LONDON FILM? present "MY DAUGHTER JOY" Starring; EDWARD G. ROBINSON PEGGY CUMMINS Saturday m'nite Special
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
      90 words

    • 245 10 IN MY LETTER BOX fECILIA Yeoh Choon Choo v writes: What is the motto of the Wise Owl Club Auntie?, and please will you tell the members that I wish them a Happy New Year. I like the Ah Chan story very much. I'm so glad you like the Ah
      245 words
    • 351 10 UP- TO- 18s JOIN THE WISE OWLS NOW Dear Children, I have had many letters this week asking me to extend the age limit of the Wise Owl Club. I It seems a lot of people over the age of 1 6 wish to join. i In future then,
      351 words
    • 160 10 UOW about a few brain twisters lor my clever readers. Here is one in the form of a poem which is quite well known in England, but you my not have heard of it 1. As I was going to St. Ives. I met
      160 words
    • 150 10 •SIU JOJ 3«iA\ 00l 92V noi 393 I »q TiOA »S|.Yk oo; 'aiv noi »si* ooj, :s\ %i auo sim ioB ire no£ )^adxa i IJSU S[[dC!S K»nop v paotoq yDrtjA 'HS-I-d oabu no.\ snux He n paaunou -oad si 'uon«N P*>.» »m uiojj 'v. pus
      150 words
    • 511 10 T»HE edge of the rainA bow was very comfortable, rather like sitting on a wad of cotton wool The boys would have been glad to rest for a few minutes, but the leading Prism said: "Well! you'd better hurry up you know. The
      511 words
    • 87 10 Gaius Julius Caesar (Born 102 Died 144 8.C.) Julius Caesar was a great Roman soldier and states- man, and ifter defeating Pempey at Pharsalus- he be" came virtual Dictator ol Rome. But fate was against him. He was brutally murdered by his jealous friend Cassius and
      87 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 167 10 |J|* 1 campwtrs w (Sf Tomato Soap <3 j TOMATO SAUCE J tm k x x. P^B^^Ba i *k f Jj^at makes a rich, l/*l ,cs*.!o!. ready-to- use cup niiu' on""* p., B «o <••'• b€ r ,*T««»«« Soup rill U in or*d>.-nt» but th« PS?^ j o gnawd v«"
      167 words
    • 42 10 Jumbled Words EFAFRSL Singaporean "figure" PKAHSERESEA He made much ado about nothing. NSICDKE There's a twist in this one. ED SESPESL A ditcher on the grand scale. ÜBCLOUSM He once confused America with the East Indies. DEANB LOPELW He founded a movement,
      42 words
    • 274 10 PARKER Of is a triumph! *r-~°^" y It's the only pea \iJBl MATURES ■I NEW PRECISION IK/ NEW BEAUTY Tmi Parctr "51" has always been the world's My- most perfect pen. Now— here's a triumph with the great new Aero-metrk Ink System, v the NEW Parker "51" Is even finer,
      274 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 230 10 Straits Times Crossword 274 7"~ 7*~ s a -y it ~§|3r T §1| B" w pj pj^ pj_^_j At *!4 r? 's over tHe :-j. Quack mL-dicsne NilK (5J i1"i 1 i tninv tlmt, I^now" 25> Cfto n tQUr for American soldrOUieUtf') AXlO) davelopta* ap- ter grimier In ant.a nt-
      230 words

  • 318 11 LONDON. Wed. A LTHOUGH the Govern A ment warning of the possibility of a fuel crisis in February dampened active Interest in the London Stock Exchange today some industrial groups showed firmness. Newspaper shares improved on the belief that the latest increase in the price of newsprint will mean
    318 words
  • 271 11 HEAVY Federation liquidation and selling pressure towards the close caused the price of rubber to drop sharply by eight cents a lb. for February firstgrade in the Singapore market yesterday. The market which eased i shortly after opening, fluctuated between $2.15 and $2.11 a lb. in the
    271 words
  • 41 11 SINGAPORE, Wed., Jan 24— 5667 (up $13 50). £1,242 Vl a ton in London LONDON, Tues., Jan. 23— Spot £1.240— C 1.245; Forward X. 1,210— 1 1,215; Settlement £1,255 (up £20). Turn-overs: a.m. 150, p.m. 105 tons.
    41 words
  • 152 11 From A Market cutretpondeal M7ITH continued scarcity or wbite pepper stocks,, sellers in the Singapore produce market yesterday increased prices for Muntok and Sarawak by $10 to $1,060 and $1,055 a picul. The tone was very steady, with foreign inquiries well maintained. Copra opened steady with buyers
    152 words
  • 35 11 HTHE Malayan Exchange Ban' s 1 Association announced yesterday that control direct rates (or Canadian dollars were: Buying T.T. 34%, Airmail (0.D.) 34 T V <90 days) 35*; Selling T.T./OX). ready 34 V
    35 words
  • 31 11 HONG KONG, Wed. PEE irarket currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was Quoted today as follows PSsi HK»5.94 (cash), HK$5.B9 (T.); £1 HK515.30; one tael of gold HKS32B— UP.
    UP  -  31 words
  • 253 11 Tins Much Firmer WITH good support from London. Tin shares were a much firmer market in Singapore yesterday. Prices were marked up throughout the list. Rubber share; also came !n for some buying Industrials were quietly steady. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS Bajreri
    253 words
  • 131 11 CHIPS in the Singapore Roads and alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns yesterday wert: Outer Roads: Hai Hsuan; S eel Fabricator: Troja; Meandnos; British Prince; Inchmay; CJytoneus; Chit Se^n; Christine Maersk; Benloyal; Nor Star: Kalmana; Silverwake; Islander; Ruyi; Johilla; Van Heutx; Bally home Bay.
    131 words
  • 86 11 ANEW rubber factory Is being opened in Ceylon by the Latex Corporation of Ceylon, a subsidiary of Dunlop Rubber recently registered with an authorised capital of R5.4,000,000 (£300,000). Rubber estates in the Kalutara area (27 miles from Colombo) have been asked to offer their field latex,
    86 words
  • 28 11 rpHE Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation will hold its annual general meeting on Mar. 10. Transfer books will be closef Feb. 23-Mar. 10 inclusive. 1 II
    28 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1189 11 blox nmmtL mnt Carners e»tte« to avoceeel via other ports te lead and discharge cargo. SAIIINCS to LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW LONDON b CONTINENTAL PORTS jue mii* arvam fenang Tyndaroui toi Holland Liverpoot 6 Glasgow In Pert lan. 2T lan. 29/'eb. 2 MentM tot Liverpool b Glasgow |an. II Feb. |an. 26/10
      1,189 words
    • 371 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINCS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA, ECYPT and MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Spore P Sham Penang Pres. Harding In Port Sails 29 |an. 10/31 |en. 1/2 Fob Van Buren 30 |an./5 Feb. 6 Feb. 7/8 Feb. Pres lefferson 5/12 Feb. 13 Feb. 14/16 Feb. Pres. Polk
      371 words
    • 478 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U K. /CONTINENT: Spore P. Sham Penang "India" for Bangkok. Hong Kong Manila 11.15 Feb. "Kambodia" for Hong Kong. Kobe Yokohama 21-24 Feb. "Lalandia" for Bangkok 28 Fcb.-l Mar. 27-27 Feb. 24-26 Feb. "Kvernaas" for Saigon b Bangkok 6-10 Mar. 4- 5 Mar. 2- 3
      478 words
    • 798 11 XLERMAM A aTDCKNALL LONDON, HAVRE, ANTWERP, U ROTTEROAM b HAMBURG P( nd for U.S.A.. Noilh Atlantic Potts and Canada via Colombo s.s CITY OF COVENTRY Spore P. Sham Pcnani 1/10 Feb 11/13 Feb 14/15 Feb 31 m CITY OF POONA Spore P. Sham Penang 9/27 Mar. 28/30 Mar. 31 Mar
      798 words
    • 219 11 KtAVKMESS UNI 3S ANCCLES. SAN FRANCISCO. 9RTLANO SI AT Til ft VANCOUVER cceptmg caifo for Cenli.n b South American Ports m.s FRANCISVILLt vpore V Vham fenong |an./4 Feb 5 Feb. 6 Feb. m.s CASTLEVILLE Feb./ 4 Mar. 5 Mar 6 Mar. ham An.lo French (i OvndUsens ltd. itang: McAlister b
      219 words

    • 2031 12 From EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Wednesday. PIVING a dazzling exhibition of speed Ladies Flame (Colin Tulloh) trounced Majestic Scholar and ten other rivals to win the $10,000 Class 2, Div. 1 5-f urlongs straight race at Ipoh today, second day of
      2,031 words
    • 404 12 Total Pool $407,600. Ist No. *****9 ($117,280) 2nd No. *****3 58,640) 3rd No. *****7 29,320) Starters (each $2,932): Nos. *****6. *****9. *****7 *****4. *****2, *****9, *****9. *****5, *****2. *****5. Consolation Prizes (each $1,000): Nos. *****3 *****1, ***** J. *****9, *****7, *****0. *****6, *****6, *****5. *****1. Tickets cancelled:— 4sllsl
      404 words
  • 146 12 OINGAPORE All Blues team meet Selangor All Blues XV in the semi-final of the All tournament on the Kuala Lumpur padang this Saturday. The following have been picked to travel to Kuala Lumpur: Yap Boon Keng, R. McCoy, Kassim M Shah, Lukjuan,
    146 words
  • 118 12 JOHORE punters who at- tend race meetings in Singapore may have an express bus service lad on race days this year, if Singapore Municipal Commissioners sanction a special omnibus licence for the Singapore-Johore Express Limited. It has been recommend* ed to the Commissioners that
    118 words
  • 497 12 FORM v. S.H.B. By Our Rugby Reporter R.A.S.C 19; S.H.B 6: piELDING one of their strongest combinations, the 1 Royal Army Service Corps XV had r.o difficulty in outclassing, outrunning and outplaying the Singapore Harbour Board by two goals, two tries and a penalty to a try and a penalty
    497 words
  • 310 12 Lancs Men Dominate MCC Match RENMARK. rHE Lancashire bowlers Roy Tattersall and Brim statham, sent out by the d.C.C. to reinforce the ourists in Australia, li id heir first matches today In he M.C.C.'s two-day match igainst a South AustralU Country XI. They both took a wicket md a catch
    310 words
  • 70 12 MANILA. Wed. gINGAPORES centre-for-ward, Awang Bakar, scored four goals yesterday to enable the S.A.F.A. touring team, to beat the National Collegiate A. A. five-nil at the Rizal Memorial stadium, Manila. Boon Leong notched the other goal. Goalkeeper Chu Chee Seng put up a brilliant
    70 words
  • 581 12 From Our Staff Correspondei KUALA L ANE hundred and forty- nine entries have been re v/ Cup meeting of the Selangor Turf Club on Feb. Nt UMPUR, Wednesday. H-eived for the 1951 Gold 3, 7 and 10. The following are the en- |J^ n
    581 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 718 12 rumoN AT YOUR HOME: Private Tuition for all standards by exnced teachers from $20 monthly. Box No. A3635, S.T. si ARTINO Peb: New Division, Si Std. VII (morn.) Ele. BkKptf. Accty., A 3 n tn (tnorn. eve). Typing. Just Kturted: Pre. Senior ('52 Kxam), I-'r>-nch Com. Subs., Latin, Std. II
      718 words
      34 words