The Straits Times, 24 January 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 312 1 Compensa tion For Death, Harm, Damage THE Singapore Government is prepared to consider claims for compensation for death, injuries or losses sustained during the riots on Dec. 11 and 12, said an official statement last night. All claims will be considered on an ex-gratia basis
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  • Article, Illustration
    62 1 BLAZING SKYMASTfc'R.a few ?eonds after It cras^-d at Philadelphia airport last week. The arrow at the right points to a passenger who has jumped clear, while the other points to others m the open door. Eighteen people were saved, but four women and two babies perished m the flames. A
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  • 118 1 OLD SOL SMILES AGAIN... OLD Sol yesterday smiled dOA'n once again- alter ■In; days of rain-on groups ot Sn^apore Thaipusam hol lakers by the sea. Crowds visited the beaches airl as the sun went down, tiipoy groups of picnickers. wHn browned faces and bl l made their way home. Shoppers
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  • 52 1 ONDON. Tues.— The North Atlantic Pact Deputies today discussed the distribution of r«v materials for their proD programme, a usually r iblc source said. r.icussion covered the re;:roposal of Britain. France and America for a s ties of international commodity groups to contro! distribution of
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  • 421 1 LONDON. Tuesday. THK Prime Minister, Mr. Attlee, said to the House of Commons today that Britain agreed to condemning the Chinese intervention in support of the aggressor in Korea, but was not yet ready to consider further measures. The Prime Minister said that Britain still
    Reuter; UP  -  421 words
  • 101 1 U.N. Troops Re-occupy Wonju TOKYO. Tues. ITNITED Natloni troops re- occupied the strategic highway city of Wonju today and pushed patrols five miles north without encountering organised Communi** opposition. To the south-eas', however, street fighting raged in tha crossroads town of Yongwol, and Communist spearheads thrust aa deep as 60
    UP  -  101 words
  • 32 1 WASHINGTON, Tues. Mr. Dean Acheson. American Secretary of State, today asked that Congress renew the 17-year-old Reciprocal Trade Act— which keeps tariff barrier* down— "without crippling changes."— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 68 1 LONDON, Tues. BRITAIN'S influenza epidemic, which has taken at least 1,400 lives in three weeks, today showed signs of waning. In north-eastern seaport towns, where the outbreak was believed to have started after infection by Scandinavian seamen, flu was officially reported "on the decrease." But Health
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 107 1 HONG KONG, Tues. rE Government announced today that the first flight of Vampire jet reinforcements will arrive from Singapore at the end of this week. The complete squadron of 16 operable planes will supplement the Spitfire squadron already here. The Vampires, flown from England via
    UP  -  107 words
  • 77 1 HONG KONG, Tues.— ln the 10 months from January to October last year, Communist China had a favourable trade balance of 32 per rent, of exports over imports, Peking radio said last night. In both exports and imports state trading establishments did more business than private organisations. The
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 33 1 BELGRADE, Tues. Two Hungarian soldiers opened fire and killed a Yugoslav frontier guard yesterday. Belgrade Radio announced. The Yugoslav Foreign Ministry has proposed that a mixed commission investigate. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 34 1 PARIS. Tues. Gen. Alphones Juln. 62-year-old Re-sident-General of Mofocco. will shortly be appointed head of all- ground, air and navai forces as Inspector-General. It wu announced today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 55 1 LUSAKA, (Northern Rhodesia), Tues. The Northern Rhodesia African Congress the biggest and most influential African political organisation in Northern Rhodesia has asked the Government to ban the immigration of Afrikaans-speaking South Africans into the territory. The Congress said more and more white people were coming into Northern
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 59 1 THE body of a young European, about 25 years of age, was found in the sea opposite the Singapore Padang yesterday by police. The body was clothed in grey flannels o.nd white shirt. No identity papers nor any means of identification were found. The police
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  • 282 1 CHARLIE MAY BE AN AUNT THE largest snake to be caught in Malaya for an overseas zoo since the end of the war is now in Singapore under the care of Mr. V. N. Otremsky, a wild animal dealer, waiting for
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  • 80 1 KURE, Tues— Driver Robert Fargie's story of events which led to the death of a Korean schoolteacher at Taegu on November 30 was "quite untrue and invented" the prosecutor Major J. G. Cumberledge. told the general court martial today. Major Cumberledge, addressing the court today the
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  80 words
  • 163 1 |N a perilous landing in seml- darkness oft the east coast of Korea, a Seletarbased Sunderland flying boat saved the pilot of a "ditched" American fighter. Th« flying boat a unit of the British Far East Flying Boat Wing which operate* from Iwakuni, Japan was
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  • 186 1 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tuesday. CHINESE at Kota Tinggi was saved from being electrocuted today because a parachute with supplies drifted. The man, standing on a roof watching the R A P dropping food supplies to flood victims, stepped back to get
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  • 36 1 Four masked Chinese entered a house in Victoria Street, Singapore, last night and robbed the occupants of 13 identity cards. Another Identity card robbery was reported from a house in Sophia Road.
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  • 49 1 WELLINGTON. Tues.— New Zealand Government has invited President Truman's Republican foreign policy advisor, Mr. John Foster Dulies, to visit the Dominion for talks on a Japanese peace treaty. Mr. Dulles is due in Tokyo tomorrow for talks with Japanese leaders on peace terms. Reuter-AAP.
    Reuter-AAP  -  49 words
  • 157 1 US Move On Asia Aid, Pacific Pact WASHINGTON, Tues. rO resolutions favouring United States action t» organise and aid Far Eastern nations were introduced la the House today. Representatives A. Ribiroff, Democrat, and Jacob Javiri, Republican, introduced a resolution favouring tht creation of an organisation for Far Eastern economic cooperation.
    UP  -  157 words
  • 29 1 JAKARTA. Tues. The Indonesian Government has appointed an 18-man commission to find out what can be deleted from the existing agreements between Holland and Indonesia.— A.P.
    AP  -  29 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

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    • 1554 2 AND AYER HITAM TIN j DREDGING DRAFT DEVELOPMENT PLAN; FOR MALAYA 2 (TIN PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION FIGURES AND ESTIMATES THE PROBLEM OF UNDER-PRODUCTION MR. G. W. SIMMS'S STATEMENT Labour Position As would be expected, the figures show that the labour force employed In the Malayan mining m■ustry varies with production.
      1,554 words
    • 1780 2 Malayan Ttn Pump Released Productl-/) Mines Dredges Percent. Tons Industry Operating Operating 1931 61.00 54,568 53,919 280 66 1932 31.94 29,205 41.014 231 38 p 1933 24.50 24,874 39,380 268 23 n 1934 34.00 37.603 50,464 367 56 oi 1935 47.35 42,369 57.263 394 70 1936 67.00 66,769 73,468 527
      1,780 words
    • 774 2 MALAYAN *RAflCWAY VACANCIES Applications are Invited for appointment as Stenographers (Women) In the Railway Department on the following salary scale:— $150 x A10 $230. In addition Cost of Living Allowance Is payable In accordance with Government regulations. 3. Applicants should possess a pass certificate at 100 or 120 words a
      774 words
    • 451 2 EST ATI OF ALFRED GEORGES CLOUET DECEASED Notice is hereby given that creditors and other persons having claims against the Estate of Alfred Georges Clouet deceased should give notice thereof in writing to the undersigned not later than the 31st March 1951. H R. OPPENHEIM. H. B. NOON. Peat. Marwlck,
      451 words
    • 307 2 TAR EASTERN FREIGHT CONFERENCE EFFECTIVE 23-1-51: Shippers are advised of further alterations in the rates of freight appearing in Section V of the F.E.F.C Freight Tariff No. 4 from Malaya as follows:— Aluminlmum Scrap and Residue loose or bags 212/6; Aluminium jcrnp and Residue casks and cases 140/-; Asbestos. Crude
      307 words
    • 371 2 FREELY... ALL DAY LONG! JT^m Carry pocket-handy L <£■ Vlcks Inhaler with you. V Use it as often as needed. VW^> Its effective medication /Q^S clears cold-stopped nose /f?\** 05 a breath! fff X By Mmtnr» V/cJU Va»«fta+ Foot Itch Healed in 3 Days IH> your feat Itch, anuirt and
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  • 394 3 CHINA AGREES TO FROCE ON TERMS U.N. Vote Delays U.S. Resolution LAKE SUCCESS, Tuesday. CIR Benegal Rau, of India, told the United Nations Political Committee last night that Communist China has agreed to a cease-fire in Korea "for a limited time". It will operate from the start of a seven-nation
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  394 words
  • 35 3 GBR. Dwight Eisenhower a happy hand in piu.ii of his opening words at a London Press conference that it was rather like coming home to return to Fngland. Reuter picture.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 166 3 SAIGON, Tuesday. A FRENCH unit, aided by aircraft, has inflicted heavy losses on strong: Vietminh forces in the Sontay area, about 30 miles north-west of Hanoi, a French communique said tonight. Fronch Union fortes attacked Vietminh positions north and east of Phulang Thuons, 30 miles north-east
    Reuter; AP  -  166 words
  • 89 3 PARIS. Tues.— Sidney Stanley, key witness in the Lynskey tribunal, was yesterday sentenced in his absence to three years' imprisonment for "threats of death" against a Paris businessman. Mr. Charles Silverstein. Maitre Weill Curriel. for Mr. Silverstein, said that after his flight from Britain to Prance
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 46 3 AERIAL TOASTERS ALLIED SOLDIERS load napalm containers at a field in South Korea as a plane comes in to land. General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, I.S. Air Force rhief-of-Staff, has praised the effectiveness of the jellied gasoline bombs after a helicopter flight over the front. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 188 3 GENEVA, Tuesday. LWKLY today the death roll in the "white terror" of avalanches in Alpine mountain slides in the last three days had reached 228. I Austria had 127 deaths, Switzerland 71 and Italy 30. It is feared that many more casualties are still
    AP  -  188 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 3 DR. O. H. OETOYO, formerly at Singapore and now Indonesian Ambassador to Australia, returned to Sydney from Jakarta and said that both Indonesia and Holland had left the door open to negotiations about Dutch New Guinea. P.
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  • 26 3 RANGOON. Tues—Government troops have repulsed an attack by Communists 500 strong on Taeru, 50 miles southeast of Mandalay, killing 20 of the attackers.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 225 3 noUNTY Limerick, Ireland, is embarrassed by a problem it has never known before how to bury ts dead with decent speed. A railway strike now five weeks old started the trouble by holding up timber supplies for the coffins. Now the influenza epidemic
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    • 30 3 MADRID. Tues. Spain and Pakistan yesterday signed their first trade agreement. Pakistan will send cotton, cotton seed and hides in return for Spanish textiles machinery and' chemical products.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 86 3 NEW YORK, Tues. UK. Charles Connally, cdi- tor of the Irish Echo, said yesterday that the largest demonstration of protest ever held by New York Irishmen would be staged on Thursday if the Dutch Government does not withdraw its air units from training in Northern Ireland.
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  • 136 3 BONN. GERMANY. Tues. TWO British soldiers detained for 31 days in the Russian Zone said they were offered bribes to stay in East Germany. They were offered champagne, vodka, the company of attractive girls and 1,000 roubles, they said when they returned to the British Zone
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  • 283 3 Safe From Invader' WASHINGTON, Tues. (GENERAL Omar Bradley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs oi Staff, told Congress yesterday that there was "little danger now of the continental United States being invaded and overrun" He said: "Our own programme of defence against an air attack combined with the efforts of Canadians,
    UP  -  283 words
  • 21 3 LONDON.Tues— Mr. Robert Menzies, the Australian Prune Minister, Is to take a complete rest for some datfs. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 169 3 rpHE Australian Externai x announced today that eruption in Papua cau casualties. A message from the administrator of New Guinea, Colonel J. K. Murray, said: "I have inspected the Mount Lamington area from the air. In 20 villages no people were seen. Houses were
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  • 51 3 HONG KONG, Tues.— The South China Morning Post, reported today that 600 Portuguese citizens still in Shanghai will face starvation in the very near future. The paper said the Portuguese Consulate in Shanghai has advised Portuguese residents that (he usual monthly subsidies would cease as from January 31.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 90 3 \S v tiAi I*- CW.h holds an exciisive posi.ion among the world's grea'rst names In watches. Ther* is magic about the very Dime CV.»!A— the watch whose unswerving precion and technical .!ence is th» p»ii« ol trt'.Mcns of satisfied owners peoiiJe who expect tlie oesL from a watch and get
      90 words
    • 121 3 We're off to buy BEEF!" Prime beef for roasting: Sirloin Rib Roast Rolled Roast Loin of Beef COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. t INDUSTRIAL RUBBER HOSES for j! MINING INDUSTRY ij <^^S j^^\ Armoured or Plain I yfer ~~~~^Wv Suction Hosts jgbzS^^Ei High Pressure Hoses fleggygk Hydraulic Hoses
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  • 270 4 DETER Gregory Goodall, a 30-year-old Royal Signals corporal, "essentially a man of action", who did day and night duty during the riots yesterday was sentenced to be reduced to the ranks at a court-martial at Tyersall Camp. The sentence
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  • 171 4 MORE GURKHA POLICE A SCHEME to raise the strength of the Gurkha contingent of l.he Singapore Police Force to 500 has been approved. The Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr. W. J. Parks, told the Straits Times yesterday that 300 more young Gurkhas will shortly be recruited. Mr. P. S.
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  • 72 4 TWO MALAYAN NURSES LEAVE Two Malayan nurses left Singapore yesterday by QEA/BOAC Constellation for New Zealand on a Federal Government nursing scholarship for a tutor's and administrator's course in New Zealand hospitals. They are Miss Mary Tan, senior staff nurse from the Johore Bahru General Hospital, and Miss Grace Yeo.
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  • 63 4 rE Malayan branch of the Royal Asiatic Society had more members last year than at any time since 1932, says the Society's annual report. More than 150 members joined the Society last year, bringing the total membership to 620. Inche Zalnal Abidin bin Ahmad, the
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  • 46 4 From Our Own Correspondent BUKIT MERTAJAM. Tues. —Because of the Emergency. the Province Rural Board has decided that the Batu Kawan-Bukit Tambun ferry in South Province should also be operated at night. A skeleton crew will be maintained for this night service.
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  • 188 4 OINAL plans are being prepared by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce for a quartermillion dollar building facing the chamber's present premises in Hill Street, ij The new building was first mooted 11 years ago, when the chamber decided to spend $300,000 for four-storey
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  • 72 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Mr. Justice Taylor has quashed the conviction and sentence of Daimon bin Banda, a detective, who appealed against a three-month sentence and a $500 One passed on him by a Kajang magistrate. Daimon, it was alleged, had accepted a bribe
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  • 276 4 'GIVER OF THE SPIRITUAL LAW AN American Buddhist nun, Rev. Sister Dhamma- dinna ("GJver of the Spiritual Law"), who arrived by plane from Bangkok on Sunday, is now living in a secluded Chinese temple in a village off Changi Road. I Shorn of her hair, the nun.
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  • 28 4 THE RAINS CAME and these young adventurers made a raft from oil drums on which to navigate Falim, Ipoh. yesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 147 4 CANBERRA. Tues. AUSTRALIA Is suffering a A serious shortage of rubber, with a reported reserve of only three months In hand. The Acting Prime Minister, Mr. Arthur Fadden. admitted the rubber position was "perilous." But he declared the Government waj finding jt difficult M obtain supplies
    AP  -  147 words
  • 121 4 Call-Up -DATO TAN rjALLING up manpower will help to build a Malayan national consciousness if those asked to make sacrifices are given equal rights and privileges, Da to Tan Cheng Lock, President of the Malayan Chinese Association, told the Straits Times yesterday.. Dato Tan said It
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  • 109 4 From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A LANCE-CORPORAL of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, who picked up a "live" hand-grenade that had teen hurled into a Naafl billiards saloon in Penang and threw It out, has been awarded the British Empire Medal. The award, announced
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  • 32 4 From Our Own Correspondent KLUANG, Tues.—Soh Lian Swee, of Simpang Renggam who failed to keep books of accounts of the purchase of rubber, was fined $100 or one month's Imprisonment.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 217 4 PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES IN THE HONGKONG BANK SAFE DEPOSIT No more worry about the safety of important papers and valuables because they are protected against fire and theft and yet are readily accessible at any time during usual banking hours. These Safe Deposits are open to the general public, and
      217 words
    • 285 4 TMiy t Snows: S.M 8 JO "MARUTHANAD ELAVARASH" (Tamil) Atlantic Great World Today 2 Shows: 7 A 9.15 "GUNG HO" Snn New World Today 2 Shows: 6.30 A ».15 "RIM JHIM" (Hindustani) Royal at 3— «.15 A 0 "PATANGA" (Hindustani) 2 SHOWS DAILY! 3 8 p.m. Universal's Sensational Adventure! "FLASH
      285 words

  • 259 5 Federation Will Carry Out Resolutions TO carry out the resolutions passed at annual conferences, a Pan-Malayan Federation of Co-operative Unions is to be formed at the 14th co-operative conference, which the Sultan of Perak will open at Ipoh on Saturday. Members think that a central
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  • 395 5 THE sudden change from torrential rain to golden sunshine in Singapore was claimed by Hindu devotees as the direct result of their observation of Thaipusam by kavadi carrying. From an early hour, large crowds assembled in the gardens of the Perumal Temple in Serangoon
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  • 62 5 PARIT BUNTAR, Tues.— Four coffee-shopkeepers were produced before Mr. Abdul Wahab bin Abdullah charged with contravening the price control regulations by dealing in controlled articles without a licence and failing to display a list of prices. Accused, Oh Cheng Kirn, Chai Chong Ean, Hole Toon Kee and Yusof
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  • 288 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. DESPITE the Emergency and despite the floods, between 30,000 and 40,000 Hindus, from all over Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang today celebrated the festival of Thaipusam at Batu Caves, seven miles from Kuala Lumpur. From early morning until
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  • 83 5 AR.A.A.F. Lincoln bomber flying from Singapore to Darwin was "lost" for several hours yesterday. The bomber, with seven crew and six passengers R.A.A.F. men going on leave —left Tengah airfield in the morning. She was in radio touch until near the Borneo coast then there was
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  • 60 5 MALAYS in the Geylang area, at a meeting yesterday at the Geylang Malay School, formed their first co-operative society. The chairman of the meeting, Inche Aziz Mattar, told the gathering that the object of the society was not only to encourage thrift, selfreliance and co-operation, but also
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  • 31 5 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR. Tues.— A Malacca motorist, Goh. Ah Kuan, wa3 fined $20 at Muar for negligent driving, for failing to stop and for (tiling to report
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  • 111 5 STORMS DAMAGE ROADS A HEAVY programme of road repairs In Singapore has been made necessary by the heavy rains of the last week, which has caused extensive damage. Municipal streets and rural roads, in several places, are now littered with holes the result of tar and stones being washed away.
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  • 175 5 55 Stranded Seamen Sent Home MORE than $6,741 was spent in Singapore last year on the repatriation of 55 distressed British seamen to Britain, Hong Kong. Calcutta, Colombo and Rangoon. This figure, which included Europeans, Indians and other nationalities, brings the total number of distressed British seamen repatriated from the
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  • 83 5 CHINESE V MCA. Selegie Road, joint staff meeting. 11 a.m., basketball, 5 pm., student*' badminton party, 5.30 pm, studen.* 1 table-tennis, 730 p.m., tabletennis tournament. V W.C.A. Katong Groups meeting. St. Hilda's School, Ceylon Road, 4 p.m. LONDON ASSOCIATION Or CERTIFIED AND COUPORATB ACCOUNTANTS, meeting to organise
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 213 5 soie ttcNTs mm i \xyX?ma 1 1 rii% r» i<n,jp»rt: M ***** Penanf: T«4. 18S2 "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" SOLOMON SONATA IN C MINOR. OP.lll (Beethoven) SONATINA NO. 38 in F (Beethoven) C 7788 89 CONCEHTO NO. IN B FLAT MINOR. 0P. 23 'Tchaikovsky) with The Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Issay
      213 words
    • 51 5 il STYLISH BECOMING FROCKS Hfp^^^HL We have an attractive j|| selection of these .^m distinctive Frocks in LYSTAV and M "TOBRALCO" Tootal Fabrics both HKflr9ra9£S {ySH Plain and figured. Br#Vl > 'ii *fl FROM M $44.00 $7i oo j|jr Bust Sizes 34" to 47" DRESSES Ist FLOOR fc'f-J I HBP
      51 words

  • 676 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Jan. 24, 1951. Offer From China Chinese gtatement. hut while the method of communication and the need for elucidation may be regretted, to have refused to explore vhe statement would hardly have been the better part of statesmanship. The pause docs not call for any
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  • 404 6 The "Ministerial" experiment in Federal Government which it is hoped will be introduced in April has not had quite so appreciative a reception as was expected. Dissatisfaction is felt chiefly on three grounds. Certain sections of Unofficial members consider that the Member for Home Affairs, although he
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  • 1078 6  - MALARIA CONQUEST BEGAN IN KLANG HILDA KIDD By This article, specially written for the Straits Times, is published to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the arrival in Klang of Sir Malcolm Watson, whose pioneer anti-malarial work on plantations in the coastal districts of SeUngor was the first practical application in
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 133 6 WfHEN is the Government of this Colony going to start playing fair? Why could it not have kept the present acting Commissioner of Police on the job to see how he shaped? Why must we have another outsider in this Colony? Perhaps It is another way of making
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    • 134 6 T BELIEVE the overseas Chinese in Malaya, Siam. Burma, Java, Sumatra and the Philippines do not recognise Communist China, yet I read in the newspapers that the leader of India wishes U.N. to admit Communist China Into Its organisation. Perhaps Nehru wants the overseas Chinese to
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    • 136 6 j WONDER whether the Registrar of Federal Citizens, or for that matter any other of our policy-mak-ing Heaven-Boms, has ever pondered why so many thousands of people in the Federation, especially In Perak, have applied for and been granted, haphazardly in most cases, Federal citlzenshiD. I offer
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    • 95 6 "KIT AY I suggest that General Sir Harold Briggs Insists that all War Damage claims should be paid by June 1951? This money would help considerably to cover the expenses of "resettlement" on estates and mines, which I understand is not being entirely paid
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    • 169 6 YOUR leading article of Jan. 19, on housing in the Federation, asks whether "any country which is fighting a war has ever been able to carry out a housing programme at the same time". The answer is: Yes, New Zealand. Although defence construction in the country and
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    • 119 6 JN the "Two Old At FiftyFive" controversy it would appear that the most important point has been overlooked that this country was overrun and occupied for 3V4 years by the Japs. During that time many people were obliged to spend their life savings to support themselves,
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  • 417 6 In Medan Today I HAVE come across an account of an English school in Medan which will surprise Malayan readers. This school has an enrolment of nearly two thousand Indonesian, Chinese, Indian, Eurasian and European pupils, and it is co-educational all the way through from kindergarten to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 895 6 Straits Fimes Free Press tmt Mm wmwlmi o# i .rrm«rs o«» tmpnfuUthn* lit Floof Si»MP«r« C«M SlotJta Ofch»rd R»a4 otm rrnin small «dr«rth«wiit« •nd »n«w«n to boa iwmbcn CLASSIFIED ADS. I j TAN- To Irene, wife of SpeMer Tan at Youngberg Memorial Hospital, on January 23rd. a dmghter. I SHARP
      895 words
    • 64 6 DIAMIX' BOILING RINGS I British Made, well finished, wltji enamelled top. Two models available from stock: Model "A" With tingle Bolllng-Ring, 750-watt f1«.5« (Pottage A Packlnr 91.) Model "B" With two Boillng-Ringa. 750-watt each 924.50 (PosUce A Packing 92.) All complete with plugs ready to use. When ordering, please state
      64 words
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  • 377 7 Bridges Washed Away In Floods, Roads Blocked FLOODS have cut every trunk rail line in the Federation and dislocated all other tram services both local and long distance. There was no service last night between Kuala Lumpur and Penang. as reports of countrywide floods still came
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  • 87 7 ,A NEWLY-appointed officer of the Singapore Police Fmce. Lt. H. C. Read, was ■ertousiy injured when the truck in which he and two others were travelling overturned at Mountbatten Road day. Mr. Read is believed to huvc fractured his skull. The others in the truck— a
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  • 72 7 MORL than 100 n-w armoured scout cars, weapon carriers. armoured cars. Jeeps Land Rovers, ambulances crowded the Singapore dockside yesterday when they %cie unloaded from ships Jrrni Britain. A Ist) at the dockside were pontoon bridges on large army trailers labelled "Pusan via Kure and "To
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  • 39 7 A HINDU devotee has bis mouth pierced by a metal spear during yesterday's T haipusam festival. His chest and shoulders are already c overed with smaller spears and hooks carrying bells. Straits Times picture.
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  • 47 7 AIR RAIDS ON REDS AGAIN RA.F. attacks against the bandits in the jungle were stepped up slightly yesterday with the improved flying weather. Tempest flghter-bombers. Brigand light bombers and Lincoln bombers attacked bandit targets in Johore, Parian* and Perak. Pilots reported much flooding visible from the air.
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  • 68 7 rE differences which led to the lightning strike at the Bata Sfcoe Company workshop last Friday, have now been amicably settled, it was announced yesterday. A spokesman of the company told the Straits Times that many of the claims made by the employees had been met, including
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  • 360 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. WHEN Mr. Stewart, a European Resettlement TT Officer, accompanied by a Chinese Administration Officer and a police squad found three armed Chinese in the Mentakab resettlement centre in PAHANG, he immediately opened fire and threw a grenade. The bandits
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  • 168 7 \f R. W. J. Parks, Assistant Commissioner of Police (Radio), has been appointed acting Deputy Commissioner of the Singapore Police Force. He succeeds Mr. G. R. Llvett. who is retiring on medical grounds. This is the second time Mr. Parks has been appointed to act
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  • 49 7 'THREE handgrenades and 30 rounds of rifle ammunition all unserviceable were found by +he police yesterday. From the compound of a house in Kheam Hock Road they discovered the handgrenades and 22 rounds of ammunition. The other eight rounds of ammunition were found at Delta Road.
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  • 31 7 Mr. Pat Johnson. Independent Labour Commissioner for North Ward, who was seriously injured in the riots has left the Singapore General Hospital and is making good progress.
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  • 30 7 Mr. Charles P. Arnot, International Press and Publications Officer of the U.S. State Department, arrived in Singapore by air from Bangkok yesterday to visit the USIS branch.
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  • 279 7 60 unruly boys are now proud citizens cjUSPICIOUS and unruly •3 when sent there by their parents. 60 boys are now proud and happy citizens of the Singapore Boys' Town at the 9$ mile Bukit Timah Road, Singapore. Yesterday, the Governor of Singapore. Sir Franklin Glmson visited the Town and
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  • 85 7 Move For Better Relations AMOVE is now underway to establish a joint consultative machinery in the Singapore rubber industry for better understanding and cooperation between employers and employees, the Straits Times understands. The 2,000-strong Union of Singapore Rubber Workers is to approach the Singapore Rubber Millers Association, which includes about
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  • 77 7 From Oar SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Assistant Controller of Supplies, Negri Sembilan. announced today that during the last week fines totalling $860 were imposed on local rice dealers for failing to affix and display price tags on rationed rice and sugar. Sixteen cases
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  • 38 7 Mr. W. N. Gray, Commisioner of Police in the Federation, arrived at Changi, Singapore, yesterday by a special R.A.F. Dakota. He will spend a few days in the Colony before flying on to Britain on leave.
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  • 231 7 Moses, The Seafarer, Adrift: May Be On Tiles ABOARD the freighter Hoegh Merchant, which tied up alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday. tough sailors spoke in hushed tones about Moses, a member of the ship's company, who missed th« boat before she left Bombay for Singapore. They recalled how
    231 words
  • 251 7 PRICE TRENDS SHOW 20 TO 60 p.c. RISE SURVEY of price trends in local products and imported goods in Singapore yesterdayrevealed an increase of between 20 and 60 per cent in the past four months. In certain essential commodities prices have increased almost every week. Local products like fish, vegetables,
    251 words
  • 70 7 MRS. T. P. F. McNeice, wife of the Municipal President, will open the new town shop of the Singapore Co-ope-rative Stores Society at 64. Victoria Street on Saturday. The Society has had to quit their premises at 331, North Bridge Road, because the site is wanted for
    70 words
  • 98 7 SINGAPORE Indians will fly their National Flag on Friday to celebrate Indian Republic Day. The Governor-in-Council has permitted the display of Indian National Flags on Jan. 26 at houses and business premises. Th e flags may also be flown at any public ceremony.
    98 words
  • 109 7 From Our Sta CWN* indent SEREMBAr* at" Disagreeing with one irs* verdict of net guilty ih charges. Mr. Justice at the Negri Sembilai. today ordered a re-tr jj .in Ernergercj case to which Wong Lee. an elderly Chinese, was charged with receiving and harbouring supplies for a person
    109 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 133 7 AN ALLEN BURYS 9E PRODUCT F 1 1 J" fi Deficiency H aejiaency ?~=~s~e Calcydic Tablets jre indicated in all condition* in which there it a deficiency of calcium, and when it it anticipated that extra demands will be made on the calcium reserves. Calcydic Tablets ate chocolate coated and
      133 words
    • 37 7 LYSTAV MM A TOOTAL FABRIC 36" WIDE, PLAIN PRINTED $3.00 per yard. little^ SINGAPORE IMPROVE YOUR OFFICE EFFICIENCY by INSTALLING OUR A ARDENTE INTERCOMS Esiaiß^E^ißK^BM Fall particulars Wk S\ Demonstrations at S^M E. NATHAN 25/29 Orchard Ro«d.
      37 words

  • 180 8 5 SHOPS REOPEN AFTER PENALTY From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tues. OECAUSE of the Thal**pusam bank holiday, only five of the seven shops in Market Street, Penang, ordered to close two weeks ago, were reopened this morning. The other two premises, occupied by an Indian pulicat shop and the printing
    180 words
  • 112 8 gIXTY-FOUR research papers, ranging from individual case studies to major works in periodical form, were published last year by members of the University of Malaya staff, states the University's first annual report. Two books, "The Last Romantics," by Prof. O. G. Hough, former Professor of English, and
    112 words
  • 78 8 TJNDER no circumstances will the University of Malaya condone or support 'ranging:.' The University's first annual report says that for two or three years there has been increasing adverse Press publicity about 'ragging. 1 ''As a result of this publicity and because of threats from parents to
    78 words
  • 556 8 University May Provide Five New Courses rpHE establishment of A five new courses of study, including Chairs Ln Chinese Language and Literature and in Malay Studies, *have been recommended to the University of Malaya by various Boards of Studies. This is disclosed ln the University's first annual report which states
    556 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 8 TWO-LEGGED DOGS which have recently died at Ben ton g after surviving four months. They were born without their forelegs and their owner, a Chinese businessman of Loke Tew Street, told the Straits Time* that he had great difficulty in rearing them. Lok> Tan picture.
    45 words
  • 281 8 SINGAPORE harbour, considered to be one of the best natural harbours in the world, was yesterday condemned as ill-planned. Commenting on a report yesterday that shippers have suffered heavy losses by the tie-up of cargo handling due to lack of docks, godown space and lighters, Captain
    281 words
  • Article, Illustration
    58 8 MX. N. A. KULARAJAH (left), the secretary of the Singapore Government Servants Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society, and Mr. Andrew B. Pinto, secretary of the Singapore Urban Co-operative Union, two of the delegates from Singapore, who will attend the 14th All-Malayan Co-operative Conference, which the Sultan of Perak will open
    58 words
  • 132 8 Sakais Are Fed From The Air LARGE bands of Sakais, evacuated film their jungle haunts and concentrated under police protection while Security Forces comb thetr former living area for bandits, are being fed almost entirely from the air. About 18 tons of foodstuffs rice, salt, green peas, cooking oil. dried
    132 words
  • 42 8 From Cor Own Correspondent PARIT BUNTAR. Tues.— Ooi Thiam Hock and Ooi Ah Kow were fined $30 each in the Parlt Buntar Court for using their private cars for carrying goods Both had durians in their cars.
    42 words
  • 23 8 SEREMBAN, Mon.—Mr. H. E. Danker, Dental Officer, Seremban, has been appointed inspector for the purpose of registration of dentists ln Negri Sembilan.
    23 words
  • 192 8 From Ov SUIT Correspondent ALOR STAR, Tues. THE majority of the Chinese in Kedah are on the side of the law and deplore the activities of bandits, says a statement Issued today by the Kedah Government. This has been revealed, the statement says, as a result of
    192 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 249 8 /rtßesrroßuy Platignumjf MAD! IN INOIAHO J&Mtf/ /wORLD-FAMEIfr/W ffOR Q m/ry AWjgF X' 25 Jm jfifrWHETH€R J@y//V PfflS OR qp jffl\ BALI-PO/NTSy f^Kyr V Th# Pliti < num Fountain *xBJ* Pen". «le«»"t. efficient, f^B^ with Nickel-Silver pu«h-en cap: gold-font nib. And tht Platifnum Ball-Pointed Ink4r Pencil with ingenious. pr«cision-#itttd writing point.
      249 words
    • 253 8 Here are three of the new features *5H\ on Pan American's new Double.-decked Clipper* Service to the U.S.A. V/ (VIA MANIIA) *Wp^ SLEEPERET PES p an am*** famed foam -cushion chair lounges stretch way out to full bed length give you real sleeping comfort at no extra coat. Full-sice berths
      253 words

  • 1979 9 The LONDON LETTER January has lived up to the worst tradition LONDON: JANUARY is prr> verbially "winter's blackest month* 1 in England, and this January h:is done its l>cst to live up to tradition. In swift su( cession we li:ivo had Kizzards of snow, cloudbursts of ruin, and ualej> howling
    1,979 words
  • 81 9 AT Maldon. in Eseex, the hunt chased a fox into the local recreation ground, where the little brown varmint ran into the Gents', and the park keeper, pitying the poor beast, locked the lavatory door and told the hunt to go away. He based his aotions on
    81 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 54 9 Illustrating "HUMESIX" Sheets and "HUMETILES" close fitting "HILMESIX" ridges, and HUMETILE" ridges, facer boards, half round gutters, box gutters, half round stop end with outlet, adjustable two piece finial and one piece "HUMETILE" finial. IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES EX WORKS Manufactured by HUME INDUSTRIES (far east) LTD. Sole Distributors for Malaya. GUTHRIE
      54 words
    • 126 9 Si&C. OVERSEAS BANDSPREAD RECEIVER ?ort 6 hit %*XfoUf ty*7*ti>h. Bringing to the outstation listener all > the advantages hitherto associated with a high quality mains operated instrument. GUARANTEED FOR 12 MONTHS MADE IN ENGLAND SINGAPORE PRICE 5 520/" HIRE PURCHASE $44/' MONTHLY rCOCRATIOM PRICE P».i3 $556/- HIRE PURCHASE $47/' MONTHLY
      126 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 241 9 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD Maw M' CROSSWORD No. 273 I. li It a paltrj cap. M. Thii l» «rt»inly t Addle i i i i I I I 1 [T^ A—• (-Taming of «ht 15) a Shrew") «?•«> IS How toaii »rt «n«n Sss J— 3 j^r 1 r^! """"^r"
      241 words

  • 293 10 London Stocks LONDON, Tues. THE cease-fire offer from Communist China assisted sentiment in the London Stock Exchange today but brought no noticeable increase in volume of business. Apart from slight dullness in giltedged, quiet firmness became widespread with provincial support for several groups particularly shipbuildings. Closing middle prices of selected
    293 words
  • 32 10 HONG KONG, Tues. FREE rrarket currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quoted today as follows US«I HK15.92 (cash) HKSS 88 (T.>: £1 HK515.30 one tael of gold HKS33I UP.
    UP  -  32 words
  • 757 10 From Our Market Correspondent yyiTH Singapore brokers' offices closed to business for Thaipusam holiday yesterday, dealings In the Malayan share market marked time till this morning. The Malayan Sharebrokers' Association quotations thereiore stood yesterday at: I.NIM S1RIAIS B«rer> Seller* A. ex. Bricks Pref I 82* 180 Ord« 205
    757 words
  • 11 10 SINGAPORE, Tues., Jan. 23— $653.50 (up $9.75.)
    11 words
  • 27 10 LONDON Mon Jan. 22.— Spot £1.245— £1,255; Forward C 1.210- £1.:> 15; Settlement £1.235 (down £5). Turn-overs: a.m 150, p.m. 130 tons.
    27 words
    • 32 10 LONDON. Jan. 23— Spot 61'id, Mar. 59'id, Apr -June 56 l *d, July-Sept. 51\C, Oct.-Dec. 47H ( Jan. c.i.f. 59' id. Jan.-Feb. c.i.f. 58',d. Feb -Mar. c.l.f. 56'-jd. Market Easier.
      32 words
    • 22 10 In U.S. cents per lb, closing: Jan. 19 Jan.. 22. 1 R.S.S. (Mar.) 66.00 69.50 bid nom. Market: Idle.
      22 words
  • 224 10 ALTHOUGH Malayan tinproducing companies are now enjoying exceptional prosperity, there are several reasons, says The Financial Times, why the industry's long-term future cannot be considered with any degree of certainty. For many years past, prospecting for new tin-bearing areas has been virtually at a standstill. More recently, the
    224 words
  • 117 10 CHIPS in the Singapore roads and alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns yesterday were: Outer Roads: Bally home Bay; Siechuan; Tyndareu*; Steel Vendor; Christine Maersk; Hdl Hsuan; Anshun; F. J. Luckenbach; Steel Fabricator; British Prince; Benloyal; Eastern Queen: Sloop M 435 R.N.. Inner Roads: Taluei; Sedlll; Beluru;
    117 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1238 10 MANSFKLD dc CO.. LLD. rPoratM in jingaporti BLOB FUNNEL LINE Ca.-rler's option to proceed via ether ports te lead and discharge cargo. SAILINCS te LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW LONDON, b CONTINENTAL PORTS Joe sails H Vham Kenang Tynd.r.ut tor Holland, Liverpool 6 Clasgow In Pert |an. 27 lan- 2»/Feb. I Mentor tor
      1,238 words
    • 818 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS EAST ASIATIC LINE TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA. ICYPT and SAILINCS FROM SCANDIN AVIA/U.K./CONTINENT: MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. Spore P Sham .Pc. Pc T a r« b pore P. Sham Penang Pres. Harding In Port Sals 29 |an. 30/31 |en. 1/2 Feb. "India" tor Bangkok. Hong
      818 words
    • 940 10 telephone No S^Oft ELLERMAM BUCKNALL KXAVENEM LIMB LONDON, HAVRE, ANTWERP, LOS ANCELES. SAN FRANCISCO. ROTTEROAM 0 HAMBURG PORTLAND SEATTLE VANCOUVER and for U.S.A. North Atlantic Port* c and Canada via Colombo Accepting "rector UjM Soutr II CITY OF COVENTRY Spot* P. Sham Penant dm. FRANCISVILLE i/10 Ftb 11/11 Fab 14/15
      940 words

  • 517 11  - NEW ROAD RACE FOR SINGAPORE EDIN PETERS By Season Starts Next Month fHE Singapore Motor Club, organisers of all the motoring events held in the Colony since 1948, have drawn up a most ambitious programme for this year. This will include a massed -start programme of races for cars and
    517 words
  • 558 11 COLONY CHESS BEFORE a record crowd of chess enthusiasts at Harrower Hall. Faculty of Medicine, yesterday, the City ot Singapore defeated the University of Malaya in the first of what will be annual chess matches to annex the MacDonald Cup. presented by the Commissioner-General.
    558 words
  • 50 11 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG. Tues: Selangor held Penang to a three-all draw in the final match yesterday of Quadrangular Hockey Tournament played on the Western Road ground. Pennng scorers were Lee Ah Loke. Bukar Awang and Vohra and for SWingor Chua Eng Kim, Vowles (two goals).
    50 words
  • 28 11 PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island, Tues. Lightweight champion Ike Williams knocked out Ralph Zannelli of Providence in the fifth round of a scheduled tenrounder last night. A.P.
    AP  -  28 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 11 MRS. T. P. F. McNeice, wife of the Singapore Municipal President, presenting the Mac Donald Cup (for annual chess competition between the University of Malaya and the City of Singapore to the winning City team's captain. R. W. Eorsodi yesterday at the Faculty of Medicine Hall.— Straits Times picture.
    49 words
  • 374 11 \NE new addition to the Colony team to go to the Asian Games in New Delhi is likely it the Cosmopolitan Cycling Club can raise sufficient funds to send 20-year-old Goh Poh Soon, the winner of the 1950 Singapore Best All-Rounder Open Cycling competition.
    374 words
  • 229 11 Revised U.K. Soccer Fixtures LONDON, Tues. FE following are revised football fixtures for Jan. 27: F.A. CUP FOURTH EOUND Luton v Bristol R. Sheffield U. v Mansfield Blackpool y Stockport C. Newcastle v Bolton Stoke t West Ham Derby C v Birmingham Wolves v Aston Villa Hull t Rotherham Millwall
    229 words
  • 70 11 The following will represent the Singapore AH Blues against the Singapore Cricket Club "A" in a Rugby match to be played on the S.C.C. ground today at 5.15 p.m.:Yap Boon Keng; R. McCoy, Mizshah, Kassim Hussein, Han Lc-ke Juan; Hamid Omar, Michael Chua; David Adcock, Vincent
    70 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 227 11 LAST DAY JOHN |S THE FIGHTING WAYNE Ji KENTUCKIAN A REPUBLIC PICTURE with Vrra Ralston— Philip Dorn— Oliver Hardy starts TOMORROW! HIGH ADVENTURE WITH THE U.S. MARINES! FROM THE HAUS OF MONTEZUMA TO THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI!! P^///^^T'^L^4^^B She fM- i? Tn# US rAonnci &9Jr*&> I whip «[9 "lim mms
      227 words
    • 383 11 n KtK lAmt ROME Cheaper By The Dozen 'Twelve 0' Clock High" "The Black Rose" "Prince Of Foxes" were among recent successes from 20 th CENTURY -FOX Commencing From Mon. 5th Feb. at 9.30 p.m. with "BROKEN ARROW" Color By Technicolor and in the months to come the NEW ALHAMBRA
      383 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 230 11 TODAY'S RADIO BFEBS 4.45 p m. "From the London Editorials"; 4.55 John Ireland; 5.15 "Report from Britain"; 5-30 'Old Wives' Tale"; 6 Indonesian; 6.30 Cantonese; 645 ''London Studio Melodies"; 7.15 French; 7.30 English Half -Hour; 8 "Strictly Instrumental"; 8.15 Thai: 8 45 Dutch; 9 Kuoyu; 9 30 Burmese; 9.45 Interlude;
      230 words

  • 403 12 Will Like Straight Race But Must Beat The Going From EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Tuesday. I ADIES FLAME should beat Majestic Scholar in a speed test. These two promising youngsters clash in the Class 2, Div. t 5-f urlong straight (Race 7) at Ipoh tomorrow, second day of the
    403 words
  • 38 12 IPOH, Tues. rpHERE was further rain X today, with prospects ol more wet weather tomorrow. The going will be heavy. The double totes are on Races 3, 4 and 6, 7; bit sweep on Race 8.
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  • 168 12 Air Mail Is Wet Weather Specialist AIR Mail, a wet weather specialist, looks set for another win. in the Class 2, Div. 2 sf. straight (Race 4) tomorrow. Air Mail's form is flawless. Last month at Ipoh this durable old campaigner scored with effortless ease over 6f. and put. up
    168 words
  • 776 12 has made steady headway since his two outings al'lpoh last month, and against a moderate lot in Race 6 he should have a bright chance of scoring his maiden win. I s This four-year-old by Casanova created a fine impression in his first outing when
    776 words
  • 148 12 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tues. THE hope that the Penang Cricket Association would have an official coach by next year to help raise the standard of the game in this country was expressed by Mr. Lim Khye Seng, retiring president, at the annual
    148 words
  • 56 12 SYDNEY Tues.— Americans Art Larsen, U.S. singles champion, and Dick Savitt, entered the quarter-finals of the Australian national tennis singles championships today. In second round matches played at the White City courts, Savitt beat the Victorian player Don Candy 6-1, 6-3, 9-11, 6-0, and Larsen beat Bill
    56 words
  • 191 12 mHERE is a large entry for 1 the R.A.F. Changi Yacht Club Regatta, which will be held at Changi on Saturday and Sunday. Entries have been received from the Royal Singapore, R.A.F. Seletar and Royal Engineers Yacht Clubs. and from the Naval F.A.R.E.L.F, Naval Base
    191 words
  • 131 12 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER KACE 1 2.1S FINALIST Three Kingdoms Ganymead 3 KINGDOMS Finalist The Daneer BFLLO Finalist The Dancer RACE 2 2.45 AMUSEMENT Afoko Nanette NANETTE Camells Agoko SUNNY VALLEY Camelia Frog RACK S S.1S INSPIRATION Pennyworth Hot Drop PENNYWORTH Inspiration Eden Rock INSPIRATION Hot
    131 words
  • 1072 12 Race 1—2.15: Class 4, Div. 3—63 6 Furs. 1 002 The Dancer Dunwoodie 8.13 "Brilliant Kongsl" Martin 2. 000 Bello E. Donnelly 8.11 Mrs. S. K. TJhin Heddle 3. 023 Finalist Charles 8.11 "Quartette Kongsl" Hobbs 4. 003 Ganytnead J. Donnelly 8.10 Mr. A Mrs. A. P.
    1,072 words
  • 349 12 MADRAS, Tuesday. T*HE fourth unofficial Test match between India 1 and the Commonwealth cricketers was drawn today, on the fifth and final day of the same, the tourists failing to get the 271 runs required to win in the period between lunch and
    349 words
  • 31 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Plcjus in South Malaya have forced nine Army boxers who had entered tor the Malayan individual championships at Kuala Lumpur this week to scratch.
    31 words
  • 43 12 RUGBY: S.C.C. 'A' 1. Spore All Blues on padang: Spore Karbom Board v. R. A.S.I'., SHB ground; GHQ Farelf Ne« Soon at Tanglin; R.A.K. Changi t. Naval Base at Naval Base; R.A t Tentah v. 11Z BOD. at SI George's Road.
    43 words
  • 157 12 INDIA—Ist inns.: 361 COMMONWEALTH—Ist Inns.: 393 INDIA— 2nd Inns. Merrhant c Stephenson b Shackleton 7£ Mushtaq Ali st Strphenson b Worrell -< L'mrifar b Sharkleton is Hazarc st Stephrnson b Sharkleton 7-, Phadkar b Shackleton Xl Nayudu not mil Mankad not out 1 Extras 'j> Total (for S wkt.
    157 words
  • 152 12 BRISBANE. Tues. Y"ICTORIA beat Queensland iti their Sheffield Shield matctt here today by nine wickets. The final scores were Queensland 191 and 269. Victoria NI and 73 for 1. Overnight Queensland, 197 i>--hind on the first innings, li ij lost half their second inn wickets
    Reuter-AAP  -  152 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 788 12 (Continued from page 8) SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED European Lady Offlre Assistant. Apply with full particulars and salary required to Box No. A3582, S.T. 1 INE DRESSER/Factory Clerk required for robber estate. Plea»e slate salary required and send reference Kuala Geh Estate, Kuala Krai. Kelantan 'l EACHERS (Male and Female) required
      788 words
    • 12 12 f or** I /jcj\ I I 'TIGER' BRAND 'COCK'S HEAD' BRAND if
      12 words