The Straits Times, 18 January 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 558 1 Ten Unions To Petition Govt— 'Costs Rising 9 THE 4,000-strong Singapore Federation of Goveminent Employees' Unions is to petition Government next week for increased cost of living allowances because of rising prices. Mr. G. A. Tessensohn, president ot the S.F.G.E l\, which incorporates 10 unions, told
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  • 309 1 'WORST EVER' FOG HOLDS UP 'CONNIE FLARES LIGHT RUNWAY A BOAC Constellation from Calcutta had to be diverted from Kallang airport, Singapore, to the Butterworth R.A.F. airfield— soo miles away yesterday afternoon because of bad weather. Another four-engined aircraft, a Belgian Air Force J3kymaster carrying mail to Belgian troops on
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  • 59 1 MALAYA can thank Russia for the bad weather of the past four or five days. An R.A.F. meteorologist said last night that one of the main causes of the rainy, cloudy weather had been the intensification of an anti-cyclone over Siberia. FURTHER OUTLOOK (according to
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  • 91 1 French Halt Savage Drive On Hanoi SAIGON, Wed. TRENCH trOO»»-h»ve rioted savage riew attacks by 30,000 Communist-led nationalist troops aimed at Hanoi. A French Army communique said that the Moscowtrained Vietminh leader. Ho Chi Minn, has thrown 10,000 new troops into the all-out assault on Hanoi. Two French mobile task
    AP  -  91 words
  • 231 1 REDS PLAN NEW DRIVE IN SUWON AREA TOKYO, Wed. i^HINESE and Korean Communist troops bciian massing forces in the Suwon arra of western Korea today. But there still was no heavy ground fighting to break the three-day lull and some United Nations officers feared that the Reds were preparing a
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  • 66 1 From Our Staff Corrrspundent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. BANDITS yesterday hurled flaming torches of dry i and lallang. doused with petrol and kerosene. town a bankside in the Rawang district of Selangor on to a derailed Malayan Collieries train. The train was attacked by •bout 70 bandits while
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  • 15 1 PARIS. Wed— The Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Nerlru, arrived here today.— U.P.
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  • 158 1 Labourers Paid 26 Per Cent More T/HE cost of food for labourers in Singapore rose by 26 per cent, last year, reports the Malayan Statistics Department in a Labourers' Budget surrey. The survey, which was carred out on 36 Chinese. 27 Malay and 22 Indian families, showed that 60 per
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  • 143 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wed. 'THE Colonial Office is considering a reply to a letter from' representative organisations of Malayan students in London regarding recent arrests in Singapore. The letter, which was signed by the presidents of the Malayan Students' Union, the Malay
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  • 63 1 HONG KONG. Wed. npROOPS and police carried JL out combined exercises last night to test the Colony's internal security system. Trie exercises continued all day today. Naval patrol boats and air force planes also took part In the exercises, the main purpose of which was to
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  • 31 1 HONG KONG Wed.— Police estimated today that at least 2,000 squatters were rendered homeless by a fire yesterday which razed 400 huts in the aburbs of Kowloon. One old
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  • 43 1 ACTION PICTURE of heonr Hock Leng who shocked the badminton world last night by defeating the 1950 All England champion and unofficial world champion. Wong Peng Soon, to take the Singapore singles title. Report in Page 12. Straits Times picture.
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  • 156 1 TOKYO, Wednesday. CHINESE Foreign Minister Chou En— lai again today rejected the United Nations cease-fire proposal, i In a statement in a Chinese language broadcast over Peking Radio, the Foreign Minister, said his stand was the same as that taken last December when he rejected the earlier
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  • 43 1 GOLD bars valued at $7,200 were seized by Singapore Customs officers at Kallang airport yesterday afternoon. The bars— six lb. in all— were found in the framework of two leather suitcases belonging to an Indian passenger going to Jakarta
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  • 57 1 FOUR Chinese youths fired a Yellow Top taxi outside the Geylang Malay School in Sim's Avenue, Singapore, yesterday afternoon, after ordering out the Malay driver. The men ran away as soon p.s the vehicle was ablaze. The prompt arrival of a fir* 1 engine sav^d
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  • 19 1 LONDON, Wed— Mr. Liaquat All Khan, Pakistan Prime Minister, has postponed his departure for Karachi, It wag
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  • 44 1 MRS. NG Long Hock, a Singapore school teacher, says she would have been a passenger in the missing Dakota but for a letter from her husband suggesting that she should return from Penang the following day. Lido Studio picture.
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  • 30 1 A Skymasler bound for Singapore returned to Saigon yesterday evening on three of its four engines when engine trouble developed shortly after take off, accordingto news reaching Singapore.
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  • 73 1 BERLIN, Wed rpHIRTY-FIVE armed Soviet A soldiers today moved across the French-Soviet boundary in the north of Berlin and took up guard positions. The move was entirely unexpected and encountered no opposition. French occupation forces were alerted. The Russians made a similar move into British sector
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 41 1 BALTIMORE (Maryland), Wed.— The old 25.000- ton troopship, George Washington, which took Woodrow Wilson to Europe for the Versailles Peace Conference in 1918, was virtually destroyed last night by a fire which consumed a U555,000,000 empty ammunition pier. —A.P.
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  • 126 1 THE Director of Civil Aviation, Malaya, Mr. A. W. Savage, has ordered a private investigation into the loss near Kota Bahru, Kelantan, of a privately-owned Dakota aircraft. An official of the Civil Aviation Department said yesterday in Singapore that an accident investigation inspector from the
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  • 191 1 Curfew imposed in Kota Tinggi From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. A CURFEW has been tx imposed in Kota Tinggi, which is under four feet of water*, to prevent looting. Nearly a quarter of the population— those who live in one-storeyed buildingshave been evacuated to the Government Hospital, which
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  • 58 1 KALIMPONG, Wed. ProChinese officials in Lhasa have radioed Peking that the city is defenceless and willing to negotiate a settlement, a reliable informant said her* last night. The Peking reply told all Tibetan officials to carry on at normal and said that China is planning a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 i JAUTY-t GIFTS 1/i in Gold or Stiver U.S. de SUVA Jeweller* X 106, ORCHARD ROAD. Something different for your menu VEAL See how clever you are at preparing a Wiener Schnitzel or perhaps you prefer these tender (milk-fed) cuts Leg Loin Shoulder COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd.
      50 words
    • 99 1 ill PEKING CO.f 81, High St., Spore. for PEKING TIENTSIN CARPETS, RUGS CHINESE CURIOS.: ETC. KTC. I philips] B PHILIPS FINE QUALITY RECORD CHANGER TYPF 2971 EQUIPPED WITH CRYSTAL PICKUP. WITH ULTRA LIGHT -.WEIGHT HEAD M. SaßPhire cushioned nerdlr plays al least 1500 records without deterioration. ■H^Higheit yu.illt> lone. ji-.'lrU"'n
      99 words

  • 354 2 Strong Army Is Priority No.1 In West Ike LONDON, Wed: PENERAL Dwight Ei- senhower toJd reporters in Lojidon yesterday that "No. 1 priority" of the West was the "establishment of a respectable suitable military structure benind which we may all live in peace". He compared conditions today with those of
    Reuter  -  354 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 2 CONSTANCE SMITH, smiling 21 -j ear-old Irish colleen is back in London as Hollywood's latest sensation. She refuses to change her name; "Plain Smith," she says "is a jolly good name." She went to Hollywood wKh, a seven-year contract after the British film slump dimmed her prospects there.
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  • 161 2 HON G KONG. Wednesday Chinese woman was killed and more than 3,600 people were rendered homeless when two fires broke out yesterday within six hours of each other and destroyed over 450 squatters' huts m Kowloon' The first fire broke out a°° u J m
    Reuter-AAP  -  161 words
  • 83 2 NEW YORK, Wed—Mexican authorities have arrested Bill Cook, 34-year-old former convict and suspected slayer of eight persons in a reign of terror through the south-western United States into Mexico Poiice have found th'rev bodies in a Joplin. Missouri mine-shaft, which they believe to be members of
    AP  -  83 words
  • 31 2 HONG KONG, Wed—"Seaborne saboteurs" invaded Hong Kong's south coast last night but were "captured." It was Jhe opening of the colony's two-day joint exercises to test policemilitary co-operation— AP.
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  • 25 2 LONDON. Fed.— The newlyformed British Channel Swimming Association has elected the famous New Zealand soldier LieutenantGeneral Sir Bernard Preyberg as 1U president.— Reuter.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 263 2 sJIX American B-36 atomic bombers with full war0 time crews and a "simulation of complete combat armament" landed in Britain yesterday from the United States. It was the first time the world's biggest bombers had landed outside American possessions. They will take off "within
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  • 82 2 THOUSANDS o, Briton. w v JS WS^S, tet »n unexpected rebate from the Treasury if it can be found that they paid too much income tax during the war. About 1,000 Inland Revenue officiate are going through the pay documents of ex-servicemen and women. Already several
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 2 MR R. G. MENZIES. Prime Minister or Australia, arriving at Downing Street for the Comonwealth conference. Reuter picture.
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  • 56 2 NEW YORK. Wed. The Governor of New York, Mr. Thomas E. Dewey, yesterday charged President Truman with playing partisan politics with the national emergency. Mr. Dewey said he was "deeply disturbed" that the President Included in his budget "vast increases in non-defence expenditures of the government at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 507 2 no i ICE M.V. "ANSHUN" COCKTAIL PARTY. Quests •n informed that the M.V. -Aaahun" will be berthed alonK■kfc S.HB. Oodowna Nos. 23 A 34. MUNICIPALITY OF GEORGE TOWN. PENANG WATER DEPARTMENT Appointment of Amiaant Water Engineer Applications are Invited for the apnointment of Assistant Water Ensiiinr. Applicants should be be'ween
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    • 369 2 NATURALISATION NOTICE Is hereby given tha LEE DOV KINO, otherwise known m. Simon Matthew King, of 15. Amber Mansions, Penang Road, Singapore is applying to the Governor tor naturalisation, and that any person who knows any reason why naturalisation should not be granted should send a written Mpned statement of
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    • 347 2 CWTtoiAtfW rROPERTY ORDINANCE 1950 The Custodian of Property, Supreme Court. Singapore, has Instructed Messrs. Nassi-n Co., Ltd.. 4 Collyer Quay. Singapore. to sell by Public Auction the undermentioned Wardrobes. Cupboards. Sideboards. Bookcases. Bookshelves, Chest of Drawers, Upright Upholstered Chairs, Dining Tables; Occasional Tables, Pahit Tables. Steel tt Wooden Beds with
      347 words
    • 230 2 Tlff.yirqfttTimfS Thupla?.- January 8. TUtt i.'.l. V.I A-\. i «t "'.'l:"* MALAYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION MILLION LOTTERY Ist Prize $250,000/- 2nd Prize $150,000/3rd PrizeS 50,000/- 4tb PrizeS 20,000/A/s© 2 Prizes of $10,000/10 Prizes of S 5,000/30 Prizes of 2,000/Definite Drawing Date 21st. January, 1951 at Ipoh. Please apply tor tickets early
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  • 21 3 U.S. TECHNICAL Co-operation DR. H. G. BENNETT, new administrator of the U.S. Technical Cooperation Administration to aid underdeveloped countries. USIS picture.
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  • 277 3 KURE, Japan, Wednesday. A BRITISH lance corporal gripped a service rifle at the hip today and described to a court martial how he found Driver Robert Fargie on the night Fargfe, a sentry, is alleged to have shot a Korean civilian. Lance-Corporal D.A. Vincent,
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  • 295 3 MAKE MAO EQUAL -NEHRU 'Grea tNewPower In Far East A Fact— Face IV LONDON, Wednesday. MR. Nehru said yesterday that the United Nations could be saved and a world war averted only if Communist China was recognized as one of the great powers. Mr. Nehru said he had no plans
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 24 3 LONDON. Wed MajorGeneral Sir Ernest Swinton. a pioneer in the development of the tank, ha s died at Oxford, aged 82.— Reuter
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  • 74 3 NEW YORK, Wed. MJEAN Ch.auv.-1. chief French delegate to the United Nat'ons, said yesterday that France should be represented in the bi?-power conference on the Far East as that suggested in the United Nations recent Korean cease-fire plan. M. Chauvel, who left for Paris by
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  • 180 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. JAPANESE and Germans should be taken into the U.S. Army to help relieve expected labour shortages, said Mr. W. R. Poage, a Democratic Congressman. He has introduced a measure authorising such enlistments. 'Let Them Defend' Mr. Poage said: 'Why shoulc we not
    AP  -  180 words
  • 186 3 LONDON, Wednesday. THE Pakistan Prime Minister, Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan, said at a London Press conference that the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, rejected a proposal by the Commonwealth Prime Ministers to put forces from other Dominions into Kashmir before and during a plebiscite, proposed
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  • 38 3 FORT WORTH. (Texas), Wed.— A B-36. designed for high altitude reconnaissance, landed here yesterday after 51 hours and 20 minutes In the air without refuelling, the longest time any B-36 has spent in the air. A.P.
    AP  -  38 words
  • 36 3 :.iiM>I.!!JKI.\ the new U.S. Air Force fighters, have a 34ft. wingspan. Two 230-gallon fuel tanks beneath the wings are jettisoned when empty. Armament includes six 50-calibre machineguns and 18 five-inch rockets. A.P. pictures.
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  • 108 3 COOKTOLD 'YOU ARE ALIVE' LONDON. Wed. T-JARMAN George Bickers, aged 61, is alive. He has been told so, officially. Mr. Bickers, cook in a cafe at Aldershot. has been dead, officially, since September, 1949. The Popular Coroner, Mr. "W. R. Heddy, found that Mr. Bickers had drowned himself in the
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  • 163 3 CAIRO, Wednesday. THHE seven-nation Arab League Political Committee, due to meet in Cairo on Saturday, will consider measures to tighten the economic blockade of Israel, Arab sources liave said today. They said the League headquarters had received information that Cyprus had become the main centre
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 3 GENERAL Eisenhower on Irs arrival in Paris last week for his new Western Europe defence post.
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  • 26 3 MOSCOW. Wed.— Marshal Stalin has agreed to run for the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Republic from the Kirov election district in Leningrad.— A.P.
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  • 46 3 80, OOO Vacci noted For Smallpox BRIGHTON, Wednesday. TyOCTORS and nurses working 12-hour shifts seven days a week completed vaccination of 80,000 people in a battle against smallpox here. The number of proven cases increased today to 32, and doctors began vaccination of the remaining 70,000
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  • 236 3 'NEW GUINEA IS VITAL TO AUSTRALIA' MELBOURNE, Wednesday. 'pHERE was sharp reaction here today to the publication yesterday of Dr. Soekarno's "Dutch New Guinea ours within a year" speech. Mr. G. W. Holland, Federal President of the Returned Servicemen's League, said New Guinea was vital to the defence of Australia.
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  • 45 3 WASHINGTON. Wed. A Seattle-bound North-west Airlines plane crashed and ex ploded in a snowstorm eight miles west of Washington yesterday killing all the ten peope aboard seven passengers and three crew. The wrockase was strewn over a 1 .000-yard area.— U.P.
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  • 112 3 RANGOON. Wed. AN American doctor, Gor-« don Seagrave. was sentenced today to six years' rigorous Imprisonment on a charge of "encouraging harbouring and comforting an enemy state of the Burma Union." He was also sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment under the High
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  • 77 3 LONDON. Wed. A Foreign Office statemenc disclosed that two Poles, Edward Rudski, a clerk in the Polish Embassy in Lcncion, and the other, named Borunski, an attache at the Polish Consul-General's office, had already left for Poland. The statement said their expulsion was in retaliation for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 117 3 You can now fly to KASHMIR DELftl. BOMBAY. MADRAS in the shortest possible time via CALCUTTA BANCKOK by BHARAT AIRWAYS IN ENHANCED COMFORT ECONOMY b WITH MAXIMUM SAFETY (Outward connections Dfovided ex-Calcutta to any ooint in India) LONG SHORT DISTANCE AIR CHARTERS ARRANGED AT ADVANTAGEOUS RATES Apply to Airline or
      117 words
    • 82 3 TRUCKS fOR WORLD TRANSPORT UyjU LMJ IMJ LeLiq B J if* fllfl^Hl^^E^^ "tni/wMM!"'- iiteM. I I "ism t iI %3 Bm* JE o^^S IL IHtnt J A I nUIK Throughout the countries of the world Commcr trucks are becoming increasingly the standard by which international performance and reliability is judged.
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  • 427 4 Councillor Asks For Answer From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. JN a questiofi submitted to Government, Mr. H. H. Facer has asked if a recommendation has been made to the High Commissioner calling for immediate steps to be taken to bring the existing income
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 4 MX CHARLIE SEET BOON KIM. eldest son of Mr. Sect Teng Leong. and Miss Jessie Sim Mvi Cheng, daughter of Madam Tay Ghee Neng and the late Mr. Sim Phiak Chen, who were married in Singapore recently. Raffles Studio picture.
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  • 200 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. OECAUSE of the rising costs of buildinsr materials, Penang Municipal Commissioners have raised the price of new houses on Green Lane Estate. Houses bought last November remain at the original price of 56.500 for the smaller type and
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  • 82 4 THE "Kindness to Animals" Essay contest announced in the Children's Corner on Not. 30, has been won by Mabel Wee, of 39 Koek Road, Singapore, in the Junior section, and by V. Sitnson de Silva, who attends the Victoria Afternoon School, Singapore, in the Senior. The contest
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  • 37 4 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH. Wed.— The recommendations of two committees which investigated the question of elections to town and rural boards in Perak would be submitted to Government soon, said the Mentri Besar today
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  • 46 4 From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA. Wed.— Bombardier John Stewart, Royal Artillery, to be tried at the Malacca Assizes on Feb. 8. is accused of murdering a 19-year-old waitress in the Harmony Amusement Park, Malacca. The girl, Eunice Tan, died of gunshot wounds.
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  • 112 4 LITTLE INTEREST IN FAMILY PLANNING IN N.S. From Our Stajj Correspondent SEREMBAN. Wed. r THE question of family planning associations, unlike at Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, has aroused but little interest in Negri Sembilan "and it is clear that except rongst the more educated, the average woman is, to a
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 4 MR. M. J. W. Van Uuystee who leaves Malaya next week after four years to become a partner of Van Huystee Co., Amsterdam, tobacco manufacturers. Mr. Van Huystee. accompanied by his wife, will visit Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, on his way home to explore the possibilities of setting up
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  • 142 4 rr\HE Society for the Preven- tion of Cruelty to Animals is in urgent need of a travelling dispensary and a veterinary officer to visit the various districts in Singapore, said Mrs. Marjorie Clemons yesterday. Mrs. Clemons, presidentfounder of the Singapore Animal Lovers' League and a
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  • 179 4 DEGREES QUERY FOR FED. GOVT. From Oui Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. T*HE Federal Govern- ment has been asked by Mr P. P Narayanan if the Secretar> of State for the Colonies has recently assured Government that, co avoid disaparity in treatment of European and Asian education jflicers, he would
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  • 42 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Parishioners of St. John's Church, Bukit Nan as Kuala Lumpur, will give a farewell tea party to Rev. Father Fernandez and to welcome Rev. Father Maury tomorrow at 5 p.m. in the church grounds
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  • 28 4 From Oar Own Correspondent KLUANG. Wed— Lai Liong, of Yong Peng Labis Road. Kluang who failed to report defacement of his Identity card, was cautioned and discharged.
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  • 273 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. MOTORISTS who surrendered their cars and other vehicles to the Japanese or incurred loss or damage in any other way during the war have been asked to submit particulars of their claim to the Vehicle Section of the
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  • 143 4 A COFFEE shop assistant, 52-year-old Lim See Yee, was attacked with acid and stabbed by a young Chinese while preparing coffee in a Victoria Street, Singapore, shop yesterday. His right eye has been affected by the acid and he has beeti admitted to the General
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  • 50 4 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH. Wcd.-Dato Onn bin Ja'afar, President of UMNO and chairman of RIDA, will arrive In Ipoh on Feb 6 on an official visit to Perak. He will visit Lumut and go down the fiver from Parlt to Teluk Anson before visit-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 265 4 l_ %y| Wp love a ill Pains in Back Done in 3 Hours ii ton •ufTt r tm Ma, <tharp pailnii or flwU wearlnx don n mh«i In back or ai>' m. |N v eaa'l ie«*t rtrl of then« wita ri niary niedlrllMa Lpcau»e you riusl I! tbr (mmi In
      265 words
    • 67 4 iU cino* AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAYS Pi.. LT 5, PRINCE ST. SINGAPORE TELS *****, 3536 OR ALL TRAVEL AGENCIES lAJjuKjlJJUj sf/ocPxEs/$Tm $mSS MADE WATCHES STA/ZVUSS srm Back y^^ J W\\Jw MA6HET/C [imZ^l /7/2S WATEKPKMF JEWELS r^^^^^l/ ft W\^' *OiM A6INTS mtUmfim .A,Singapore: Tel. *****. Pcnang: Tel. 1852. r o P3?\ COOLING
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  • 295 5 'Experts Had Wrong Idea From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. PROTESTS against criticisms of the. housing situation in Malaya by United Nations experts were made at a meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Municipal Commissioners today. The criticisms were completely unjustified If they were levelled
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 5 INCHE HUSSAIN bin Haji Mohamed Sidek and lnche Mohamed Natt bin Haji Mohamed Yusuf, the first Malay Assistant Superintendents of Police to attend Britain's leading Police College, have just returned to the Federation. P.R. picture.
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  • 169 5 TIRKD students of the Univrrsity of Malaya, after a hard day's work, are confronted by harsh whitewashed walls in thr common room* says the first report of the Students' Union, just issued. ii general, it may be said that the common rooms lack the homely atmosphere
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  • 101 5 from Our O«n Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Tues.— At the annual meeting of the Johore Bahru Chinese ReadIn,; Circle yesterday, the follovin^ were elected to serve or. the Committee of Managtn Mr. 7«p Kta Hixk (president); ..fn ivice-pre-k Mr. Teo Cheng Tone lenenl Mr. Teo Kirn Si (aulsUnt secretary
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  • 43 5 finin Our Staff Coiieipondriit PENANG. Wed.— Tai Joon Oon. aged 31. camp bed manufacturer, was found lying with hfad injuries on the road in front of his Campbell B'rect shop early today. He believed to have fallen Irom the upper floor
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  • 78 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A SIKH herdsman, Makhan Singh, aged 20, was found not guilty and acquitted of the murder of Suppiah, a 12-year-old Tamil boy. Mr. Justice Wilson said there was no direct evidence to show how Suppiah met his death. Makhan Singh
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  • 34 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Wed. —A Taiping youth, Lee Aw Pow. admitted at Butterworth picking the pocket of a Port Dickson Sikh. Jengheen Singh, at Thepral railway pier. Sentence was deferred until Tuesday.
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  • 251 5 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Wednesday. rpHE re-settlement and re-grouping of squatters in Perak has so far had the desired effect of making it increasingly difficult for bandits to get food and other supplies, the Mentri Besar told a Press conference at the Secretariat today. Also
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  • 85 5 From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. ALTHOUGH he had reA ceived a subpoena to appear in court. Lee Peng Seong did not do so because hp said his wedding fell on that day. He produced his marriage certificate as proof when charged at Kuala Lumpur
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  • 88 5 Brains Panel On Housing Questions A PEOPLE'S brains trust to answer questions on Singapore housing will be held in the Victoria Memorial Hall at 5.30 p.m. tomorrow. The brains trust will include Mr. A. P. Rajah, Municipal Commissioner, and Mr. Francis Thomas, a severe critic of the housing policy of
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  • 32 5 PENANG, Wed.— The Federation's Dirctor of Education, Mr. M.R. Holgate, returned to Kuala Lumpur last night after several conferences with Penang's Senior Inspector of Schools, Mr. G. L. Bayliss.
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  • 28 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wed.— A misadventure verdict was recorded yesterday on Jamal bin All who was run over by a bus and fatally Injured.
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  • 121 5 HOUSING EXHIBITION, Victoria Memorial Hall, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Y.W.C.A., Rafflei Quay, Chinese literature, 1 p.m. Malay advanced class, 5. 18 p.m. Y.W.C.A. Town Pioneers' and Kitoiig Seniors' meeting, 352-A, T.injong Katong Road, 4 p.m. BRITISH BED CROSS, Old People's Club, Wesley Hall, Fort Canning, 4.30 p.m.
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  • 34 5 "Suara UMNO." official organ of UMNO will make its appearance on Feb. 15. Stencilled and in Jawi, it wi!l be a fortnightly publication at 30 cents a copy. UMNO headquarters announced yesterday.
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  • 76 5 A second batch of evacuees from Indo-China consisting of more than 1,000 men. women and children, will pass through Singapore on Jan. 21 on their way to France. They are on board the ship Leconte de Lisle, a Messageries Maritlmes liner, which is to stay in Singapore for
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  • 62 5 From Our Own Correspondnet JOHORE BAHRU, Wed Mrs. L. V. Evans, of the Social Welfare Department, Federation, Blind Welfare Section, is on a visit to Johore Bahru. Her visit is in connection with a special request by the British Empire Society for the Blind who
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  • 36 5 From Out Own Correspondent MUAR Wed.— For driving a taxi without due consideration for other road users. Dol bin Yusof was fined $15 at Muar. It was stated his taxi hit a stationary car.
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  • 110 5 THE first Belgian warship ever to visit the Far East, carrying the first Belgian troops to join U.N. forces in Korea, anchored in Singapore Roads yesterday. f She was the auxiliary naval troopship Karmina. carrying 750 volunteers of the 2.400 man regiment Belgium has
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  • 212 5 From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Wednesday. jyjORE than 75 per cent of the members of the All-Malayan Estates Asian Staff Unions in a recent secret ballot rejected the Malayan Planting Industries Employers' Association's offer of a2O per cent rise for those drawing $200 a month and
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  • 104 5 Three Held After Shooting From Our Staff Correspondent PENANO, Wed. pENANQ police have detained three suspects in connection with the shooting at Tanjong Bungah yesterday afternoon of a taxi driver, Neoh Chooi Leong. It was the second shooting In two days. Neoh was buying bean curd about half a mile
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  • 57 5 Lady Anne Holland-Martin, deputy head of Troop Welfare at the W.V.S. headquarters will visit Singapore for a month. She is expected to arrive on Saturday. From Singapore, Lady Holland-Martin will tour the Federation and go to Hong Kong to visit members of the W.V.S. working on
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  • 67 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wed Johore Bahru Hospital Board for the current year is as follows: Datln Wan Idris, Mrs. A. Aziz, Che Hasnah binte Mohamed, Datin N. Mootatamby, Mrs. Yam Siew Kwan, Mrs. S. Charry, Mr. Quek Ho Yao, Mr. Kuok Hock
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  • 47 5 From Our Own Coi respondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wed.Baharuddin bin Haji Rosali. a special constable on Hock Lam Estate. GeylanK Patah Estate, today was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment for desertion. He said tnat he had stayed away because he wanted to resign.
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 5 LT. COL. MIKE CALVERT. Commanding Officer of the Malayan Jungle Scouts (left) pictured with his brother, Lt. Col. S. Calvert, whom he met at Kalians: airport. Singapore, yesterday. Colonel S. Calvert who is here on undisclosed business, arrived by BOAC from London. Straits Ti mes picture.
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  • 131 5 From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed WOMAN bandit found guilty oi carrying two hand-grenades was hanged under the Emergency Regulations in Johore Batiru Prison this morning. She was Llm Ah Fong-, tha second woman Wandit to be executed. Llm was arrested by special
    131 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 30 5 .fltfbtj your National Airline WIW I j r i w W w m FlJf f/ 1 m A i m^\ I? MANAGERS: MANSFIELD COMPANY, LTD. SINGAPORE TELEPHONE 2405 TELEGRAMS TERBANG
      30 words
    • 162 5 1 FAMOUS FOOTWEAR] I H^a^L. laia^LS. Si 7JS 1 X SHOES FOR COMFORT 1 AND DURABILITY 1 $32.50 TO $39.50 '.',l M SOLE AGENTS." "i 5 a^a^a^^^^^^^^^^^ SINGAPORE. #&tands at A P"tlie Cross Roads X ,i .«fc U the chok* h youn. Give your biby the rifht food d.irint th-.
      162 words

  • 788 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thur., Jan.18. 1951. Peking And Peace Out of Delhi comes wok that Peking may accept the newest cease fire proposa ottered by the United Nations It is a whisper rather than a word, but it deserves credence because India's Ambassador to Peking has become almost a
    788 words
  • 312 6 Mr. Gilmour's reply in the Singapore Legislative Council to the argument for price control in an attempt to lower the cost of living was as depressing as it was forceful. Price control will always fail unless there is public support for it, or physical control over the commodities
    312 words
  • 185 6 AFTER THE S.C.s LEFT A FEW months ago the Chinese manager of a Chinese rubber estate was killed by Communists in the Alor Gajah district, two ctays af f er the Special Constables had been withdrawn from the estate. A few days azo another Chinese manager of a European estate
    185 words
  • man-in-the-Street
    • 314 6 I SYMPATHISE with the difficulties of any reporter 1 trying to take down my lengthy survey of Borneo hcnd-hunting at the University of Malaya last Friday. It is no criticism of the Press, therefore, if I venture to correct a point of some importance. With regard to the
      314 words
    • 42 6 gINCE the appointment of an Investigation committee under the Civil Liabilities Rules by the Governor in November 1950, nothing has been heard from it. Will those appointed please let us know how far they have investigated the matter? CLAIMANT. Singapore.
      42 words
  • 697 6 fcT a cost of $160,000 from the public purse, the Singapore Municipality has built a holiday resort by the sea at Telok Mata Ikan (FishEye Bay) for about 1,500 members of its junior staff, and their families and friends. This holiday camp, which was opened in
    697 words
  • 228 6 A USEFUL SUNDAY MORNING SPENT an extremely 1 informative and interesting Sunday morning at the Singapore housing exhibition. It Is obvious that much work and pains have been put into it by the organisers, and they are to be congratulated on their excellent effort in making Singapore "hous-ing-minded". The three
    228 words
  • 498 6 On the Margin £10 A Week fJOW hateful It was to hear the air-raid sirens wailing again in Singapore on Monday morning! Just a practice, but still It put me in the mood to ctuote in this column an extract from a letter received at the weekend from an ex-Malayan
    498 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 822 6 SITUATIONS VACANT COMPETENT Stenographer for legal fir 1,1 Chinese or Eurasian. Box No. A 3575. ST. WANTED a qualified Pharmacist for Local Dispensary. Apply to BOX NO. A3565 S T. STENOGRAPHER required for local Import Firm. Apply statin* previous experience. Box A3555. ST CONDUCTORS senior, flrstclass, KBqulred for Estates In
      822 words
    • 30 6 JV.. viothes Maketh The Man Por High Standard Ji I'ailoring combined with the Fir.est Material! fr im England ccnsult BEE CHOW CO., Merchant Tailors. SIMiAPOBE 'PHONE: 85J5 21. CUL'IJA STREET.
      30 words
    • 59 6 "COMMONWEALTH VIEWPOINTS" THE last of the series "Commonwealth Viewpoints" win appear in this page tomorrow. It will deal with Pakistan. CRAWFORD'S DELIGHTFUL BISCUITS ifcT^lSi^^ if C D CA M Also 4 O'CLOCK AFTERNOON TEA BISCUITS TRI-FRUIT SHAPES NO. 1 2 TINS MARIE ASSORTED SHORTBREAD GINGER NUTS CHEESE VARIETIES ETC. Available
      59 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 595 7 Changes Before April: Indian May Be Speaker From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. JWE Federation of Malaya will undergo before April its most important constitutional change yet. Nine Unofficial members of the Federal Legislative Council will be appointed ministers in all but name. The council at
    595 words
  • 206 7 CHEATED MAN WHO GAVE HIM SHELTER A YOUNG Indonesian waiter who had been convicted three times on five charges of criminal breach of trust within two years, was yesterday sentenced in the Singapore First District Court to two years' imprisonment when ne was found KUiltv of another similar offence. He
    206 words
  • 110 7 Fi«ii:i Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. TWO rewards of $1,000 each are being offered by the Federation Police for the arrest of the former chairman of the Johore Labour Union and the persons responsible for the killing of two Chinese girls at Alor Gajah. The
    110 words
  • 16 7 The routine testing of sirens in Singapore during the last two days has ended.
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  • 70 7 ALL INDIA Scheduled Caste Federation leaders, Messrs. P. N. Rajbhoj. E. Vadpalll and A. Raman, will visit Singapore and the Federation next month to study the condition of Indians. The president of the All India Scheduled Caste Reception Committee in Singapore. Mr. K. K. Gangachalam. and
    70 words
  • 19 7 Mr. A. H. Robson, M.C.S.. has passed the Malay examination. Standard I. held in Singapore In November.
    19 words
  • 103 7 30 MORE GURKHAS IN POLICE 'J'HIRTY more Gurkhas have arrived in Singapore from Nepal to join the Colony police force. They were recruited by an ex-Indian Army officer, Mr. P. S. Leathart, who went to Darjeeling. India, to recruit a fourth platoon to act as a leave reserve for the
    103 words
  • 36 7 For distilling samsu In Kirn Chuan Road without a licence, and possession of 24 gallons of dutiable samsu. a woman. Teo Kah Hlan, was yesterday fined $200 in the Singapore Third Police Court.
    36 words
  • 97 7 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. The annual meeting of the Johore Bahru Chinese Reading Circle elected the following officers: President, Mr. Hap Kirn Hock; vice-president. Mr. Kuok Hock Nien; secretaries. Mr. Teo Cheng Tong and Mr. Teo Kirn Sar; treasurers, Mr. Wong Thlan Teck and
    97 words
  • 35 7 About 50 people attended the first annual dinner of the Archery Association of Singapore and Malaya at the Aaffles Hotel last night. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evans were the guests of honour.
    35 words
  • 161 7 yyiTII only a few days to go before the closing of the Homes of Singapore Exhibit'on at the Victoria Memorial Hall, no one has yet identified "AH," the Malay schoolboy, whose photograph figures prominently in the exh bition. "Ali" is a schoolboy, whose photograph was
    161 words
  • 60 7 THREE TOUGH MEN who have arrived at Kuala Lumpur to lead a team of Special Air Service fighting men which will follow them in a few months to tram troops in new tactics to beat the bandits. From left: Lieut. Jeffrey Douglas. Captain
    60 words
  • 332 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. MX. David White, a European re-settlement officer in Pusing, In the Batu Gajah area of Perak was killed this morning by two armed bandits as he was supervising the erection of fencing around a resettled area He
    332 words
  • 50 7 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Wed. HUNDREDS of office workers and housewives left their work for half an hour this morning and poured into the streets of Ipoh to have a grandstand view of seven Hawker Tempests bombing and strafing the Ampang valley, three miles east of Ipoh.
    50 words
  • 116 7 Bid to speed issue of entry visas WAYS to solve the problem of holders of Certificates of Admission and to assist in expediting the issuing of visas were discussed by the Singapore Chinese Advisory Board yesterday. Mr. J. P. Biddulph, secretary for Chinese Affairs, who presided, asked Board members to
    116 words
  • 99 7 MYSTERY surrounds the three passengers who on iTI Tuesday missed their ship, the Surriento, when she left for Europe. No trace of them could be found yesterday either by the ship's agents, Hadden and Co., or the Singapore Immigration authorities. A radio-telegram from
    99 words
  • 51 7 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE, BAHRU, Wed. OEVENTEEN cases of typhoid and one death have been officially reported in Johore Bahru. The victims are all Chinese who live in the Stulang Laut area. The health and sanitary authorities are keeping watch for unlicenced foodstuffs hawkers and Ice-cream
    51 words
  • 38 7 Pour ex-U.S. Coast Guard cutters destined for the Burmese Navy were unloaded In the Singapore Naval Base. Two of the 63-ft. vessels were carried by each of the freighters in special mounts on deck.
    38 words
  • 31 7 Chia Choon Chor, Llan Choo Eng and Tee Jee Tli. who pleaded guilty in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday to a charge of gambling were fined $18' each.
    31 words
  • 208 7 pLANS are now being made in Singapore to train Welfare Officers for the various Government departments as a measure to improve staff relations. To implement these plans the Government has already appointed Mr. D. B. Alcock as Chief Personnel and Welfare Offlter. Mr. Alcock has had
    208 words
  • 60 7 A cocktail party, mainly for Chinese friends and shipping circles, was given on board the China Navigation Company's new motor vessel, Anshun, yesterday evening. on her maiden voyage to Singapore. The Anshun, built in the Talkoo dockyards. Hong Kong, Is a sister ship to the Greenock-bullt
    60 words
  • 57 7 Four men, Awang bin Hussaln. All bin Othman, Tahir bin Sallm and Kwan Cl*an Yin, were yesterday committed to stand trial at the next Singapore Assizes on a charge of robbery with violence. They were alleged to have robbed and assaulted a Malay woman. Btemillah Begum,
    57 words
  • 30 7 Pleading guilty to having two pig carcasses which were not slaughtered in a slaughter house. Tang Ah Soh was fined $50 in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday.
    30 words
  • 201 7 SMC Labour Committee To Dissolve FE Labour Committee Bet up by Singapore Municipal Commissioners in March last year to study the wagea and conditions of employment of Municipal "open vote" employees, is expected to wind up its activities soon. The functions of this committee will now be taken ov< r
    201 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 280 8 GOAL FOR "SPECIALY WHO LED GANG Held Up Car During Riots A SPECIAL constable, 24-year-old Yaakob bin Mohamed, was yesterday sentenced to six months' imprisonment for being the ringleader of a gang during the Singapore riots. The Magistrate, Mr. D. A Fyfe, described him as the "ringleader" of a grouQ
    280 words
  • 180 8 Recruitment In U.K. For Tax Men TT is too early yet to say whether additional staff will be coming out from England to strengthen the Sinsapon Income Tax Departnu it. a Government spokesm mi said yesterday. Me was commenting on the return to England by air on '1 last year
    180 words
  • 16 8 in u<>it. senior rnment I S Klusns »ince 1 Daud bin Md: been tran
    16 words
  • 69 8 TAIPINO. Tues. -Before he died in hosDital Lav Choon Sing, aged 38. told his mistress. 1.-ep Lan Fah. that he had taken poison because he was out of work and had no money. Loc told the Taiping Coroner that Lav had not supported her for over
    69 words
  • 164 8 UNDER the present Insurance practice with regard to taxis in Singapore. It is possible that a person who is Knocked down by a taxi not driven by the owner of the vehicle or his employee wi!l have no claim against the insurance company, said Mr. N.
    164 words
  • 28 8 Ang Ec Chang, aged 38. was remanded until today after being tentatively charged In the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday with rape at New Market Road.
    28 words
  • 38 8 Fiom Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.The St John Ambulance Association and Brigade. Selangor. announced today that one-hour classes in first aid will be held on Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays in Kuala Lumpur starting next month.
    38 words
  • 143 8 pLANS have been finalised to establish a centrally 1 situated control point in the Telok Ayer Basin, Singapore, to facilitate landing catches and expedite port clearances for fishing boats, Mr. T W. Burdon, Singapore Fisheries Officer, told the Straits Times yesterday. For this purpose, the
    143 words
  • 50 8 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wed. APENANG Harbour Board labourer, Annamaleh. died today from injuries received when a falling beam struck his head at an Esplanade godown which was being demolished. His wife, Chinnamah. was working with other labourers near the scene when the beam coilamed.
    50 words
  • 29 8 THIS YELLOW TOP taxi was fired by four Chinese youths yesterday afternoon. It was parked outside the Geylang Malay School, 81ms Avenue. Straits Times picture.
    29 words
  • 290 8 rIE Malayan Auxiliary Air Force will shortly form a new squadron in Kuala Lumpur, in addition to those in Singapore and Penang, and will eventually have five squadrons in Malaya, said Air Vice-Marshal Sir Frank Mellersh, Air Officer Commanding, Malaya, yesterday. He was making a farewell address
    290 words
  • 55 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Too Sum Choy was today summoned before Mr. A. P. Jack. Kuala Lumpur first magistrate and asked to show cause why he should not execute a bond of $250 as a complaint had been made against him that he was a dangerous character. The case
    55 words
  • 56 8 From Our Own Correspondent PARIT BUNTAR. Wed. Liow Ah Thiam, a 47-year-old Chinese woman was fined $475 by Inche Abdul Wahab bin Abdullah. Circuit Magistrate, in the Parit Buntar Court on three charges of possession of a still and illicit samsu on which duty
    56 words
  • 46 8 From Our Own Correspondent TELUK ANSON, Wed Charged with possession of 9 gallons latex, reasonably suspected of being stolen property. Appalasamy. of Pemrboke Estate. 14th mile, Bidor Road, was granted bail Of $400 at Teluk Anson. The The case wa§ postponed to Jan 18.
    46 words
  • 95 8 THE Singapore Chinese British Association has adopted a scheme for an allout campaign to enrol more voters in the Colony. The scheme was worked out by Mr. Lee Kirn Chuan. con- venor of the S.C.B.A. Registration of Voters Sub-Com-mittee, whose proposals were approved at a meeting
    95 words
  • 173 8 Call for views on burial grounds ALTHOUGH the public were Invited to state their views and a number of religious bodies were approached direct, no representations have so far been made to the committee on burial grounds set up by the Singapore Government in December last year. An official statement
    173 words
  • 73 8 KUANTAN. Wed— Four Chinese, arrested in police raid* in Sungei Lemblng, were gaoled at Kuantan for smoking or having chandu. Chow Yit and Wong Ken, seen smoking chandu in their rooms, were each gaoled for three months. Lee Chiok was gaoled for one month. He wai
    73 words
  • 26 8 MUAR, Wed.— Fired $5 at Muar for being drunk and incapable, Pakri. aged 33, said it was a holiday and hi celebrated it by drinking.
    26 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 301 8 ■■^■■bvbV ,^^^M^ flvH^F > f BBH «TbTbTbTb\ bTbTbTbTbTbTbb^b^B K% fl /fiIL^HIBM L^u B^B^BBBBtf^L^I L^Lv *^H v L^L^ m > jaftHftwor Hh»>^Llm^& or put it this way J^,, W!s Wr 1 "MORE PROFIT per TON LOAD y 15 cwt to 5/4 ton PAYLOAD RANGE It pays to think in terms of
      301 words

  • 428 9  -  AUNTIE KATHLEEN By IPACH day after their visit to Uncle Ollie, Ah Chan and Lian Soo ran out after breakfast and scanned the sky, caucrly searching for a rainbow. But It was five days before the sun and the tain appeared together.
    428 words
  • 18 9 "Yum-yum! Lovely!" says Sally the Malayan honey bear, as she laps up a pan of honey.
    18 words
  • 148 9 Letters From You J would like to know whether you would like some riddles? writes Agnes Au. I would indeed Agnes. Why not send them in for the special Chinese New Year Page? Sonnie Scow has a problem for me. He says "I now have three badges. The School badge,
    148 words
  • 34 9 CAN you Insert cne "plus" and two "minus 1 signs only between the numbers *****6789, without disturbing that order, so that the answer is exactly one hundred? Ansvr 123—45—07 89 100.
    34 words
  • 344 9 Dear Children, Most of you seem to agrew with the suggestion made by K. Karthigasu last week, and say that you would rather have I two puzzles each week. So In future when we can spare the space you shall have your two puzzles Here we
    344 words
  • 98 9 UERE are some more nam-j n es for the Pen Pal's; column taken from the Wise* Owl register. Wong Kong Chow, 42, Hongkong, Street, Singapore, Tong Ho Seng,. 38, Annamalai Chitty Lane, Singapore. Ooh Chew Koon, 1— B, Winstedt Road. Singapore, Wendy Yeoh, 64. Cowan Street, Ipoh, L.
    98 words
  • 16 9 Collect ten of these coupons to become a member of the Children's Corner Club.
    16 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 100 9 ff ">A Kl^S^^fl^S^^pMßs^Bl^F T S INGAPORE-KUAIA LUMPUR A AND RD ANCH E^^sfIi ,f""*~n *^f f^^^r Mm Since 1883 the c3reer of the F& N organisation \> m M as been a stea<^' succession of progress; now in Wk aw* w* 1950 the familiar red and yellow design has been made
      100 words
    • 21 9 DLEASE enrol me js member of the Children's Corner Wise Owls Club, and send me badge. NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH
      21 words
    • 347 9 ]w Meet this PARKER NEW FEATURES If I C_>V NEW piuasiot /^\jl new beauty IjfSxf the only pen with the I II It II Here news about the world's most famous II 1 If pen! There ha NEW Parker "51". liner it..iii llrlLI vcr e > rK s on 'y
      347 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 16 9 f^J C4BIAJN vtOMAW CA***^ LOK A c r*MtwT *t «1U OWN MQIA »WO 1 I^PPPI '^^^^^P^^^SB^BAi^^r^^^X
      16 words
    • 230 9 'JfODAY'S RADIO SINGAPORE PEMANC 10 am News, Emergency News 10 a.m.— 2 p.m. As S'pore; 6 "Hit from KJL.- 10.10 Close; 10.45 Parade"; 6.30 Children; 7 As Schools; 12 Malay; 1 pan Radio g.po^. 7 30 -Time for Music 1 £S £2? "chiSSS? (B.B.C. Midland Light Orch.); 8.00 6.20 'Calling
      230 words

  • 343 10 LONDON, Werf. 'pHE new account on the London Stock Exchange was begun on a cheerful note today. It was not until after lunch that the volume as sumed more than modest proportions but prices showed widespread extensions of recent advances. Wall Street's renewed firmness overnight was distinctly helpful
    343 words
  • 25 10 MALAYAN Collieries announce that in the last quarter ot 1950 coal production amounted to: October 36.584. November 31,797 and December 32.791 tons.
    25 words
  • 21 10 TTLU Klang Tin tributor s in the quarter to Dec. 31. 1950. wod 540 piculs of tin -ore.
    21 words
  • 233 10 Three-Cent Drop A lb. On Up-Country Selling rpHE price of first-grade rubber for February shipment dropped another three cents a lb. hthe Singapore rubber market yesterday. Buyers were at $2 at the close The market opened quiet and became slightly easier. Towards noon good inquiries from Hong Kong
    233 words
  • 30 10 HONO KONG, Wed. p<REE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quoted today as follows: US*! HKSS.9B (cashK HKJS.9I (T.) £1 $15.40; one tael of gold HK.S32V
    30 words
  • 40 10 SINGAPORE, Wed., Jan. 17— 5666 (up $7). £1,227 h a ton in London LONDON, Tues.. Jan. US. Spot 1 1,225— C 1.230; Forward £1.220— £1.225 Settlement £1,220 (up £40). Turn -overs: a.m. 200, p.m. 35 tons.
    40 words
  • 121 10 From A Market Correspondent PEPPER remained steady In the Singapore produce market yesterday. Otherwise all sections were quiet, with no business reported. Pepper prices, in all varieties, remained unchanged. In the copra section, sellers quoted 956 and buyers bid $54 ',i. Sellers in the coconut oil section
    121 words
  • 29 10 KINTA Kellas Tin Dredging directors have declared an interim dividend of 10 per cent., payable on Feb. 26. Books will De closed from Feb. 12-25 Inclusive.
    29 words
  • 35 10 T«HE Malayan Exchange Banks 1 Association announced yesterday that control direct ra'es for Canadian dollars were: Buying T.T. 34 ll'lfl. Airmail (0.D.) 34 1316. (90 days) 35 1/16: Selling T.T./O.D. ready 34 516.
    35 words
  • 215 10 Firm Throughout e'reo> 4 Market Correipvadeai THE Malayan share market continued firm in all sections yesterday, especially in Tins and Rubbers. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: l.iuta 1JUALS Buyers Sellers Gammons 2.17* a 25 Hkonj S Dai Bank (Hkongreg.) 645 00 68S.0O cd M. Breweries
    215 words
  • 24 10 ■MEMBERS of the Malayan Exchange Banks Association in Singapore will be closed for business on Tuesday, Jan. 23, for Thaipusam holiday.
    24 words
  • 196 10 CHIPS in the Singapore Roads and alongside the Singapore Harbour Bcnrri godowns yesterday were: Outer Roads: Hai Hsuan. Walngapore. Chelysuldrnete, Hero, Anehun, La Capriena, Chonj? Ya, Star Arcurus, Chip Lam. Rajula, Kamina, Boissevain. S. J Franklin. Mitchell Palmer, Angelo Victory, Flying Cloud, Chas. Macleod.
    196 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1279 10 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LLD. <i*ODroo>ete« trtsaangapere) BLOI rVMNM, UNI Carrier's option to proceed via other ports fo load and naMKarga cargo SAIUNC* to LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORT* Jut Mi It r>. i'hem fenang Pertcus lor Marsc.llcs. Liverpool b Oasgow C. 38/39 |an. 18 |an. 19/20 |an. 20/21 Tyndareus for
      1,279 words
    • 383 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA. ECYPT and MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. S'oore Vhan- fonang Pres. Harding 23/29 jan 30/31 |an. 1/2 Feb Pres Van Buren 29 |an./3 Feb. 4/5 Feb 6/7 Feb Pres lefterson 5/11 Feb. 12/13 Feb 14/15 Feb Polk 23/28 Feb. Omit 1/2 Mar
      383 words
    • 414 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA U.K /CONTINENT: •> oore f Vham fanang "Meonii" for Saigon Bangkok 19-20 |an. In Port "India" for Bangkok. Hong Kong Manila 11 -15 Ftb "Kambodia" for Hong Kong. Kobe Yokohama 18-21 Kb. "Lalandia' for Bangkok 24-27 Fab. 2i-2i Fab. 22-22 Fcb "Kvctnaas" for Saigon
      414 words
    • 857 10 SMcALISTER CO-. LTD ■MAN BUCKNALL RUVIRIN LIMB t t0N l 3T..n!M V M T .!K." l> L0S lL «*N FRANCISCO ROTTERDAM HAMBURC PORTLAND StATTlE VANCOUVt ¥r- A NO'.'* 1 p oMi Accepting catao tot Cent Jl Sooth end Canada vie Colombo American Porti M CITY OF LIVERPOOL 'I?/!.. P -.f^f
      857 words

  • Article, Illustration
    945 11  -  ERIC MITCHELL By THE news that members of the Singapore Harbour Boaid Police, which was to have been disbanded at the end of this year, are to be offered further contracts will be welcome news to those who are aware of the past exploits of this auxiliary police
    945 words
  • 693 11  -  K. KAYE By VOW Christmas is over a few of us may be thinking how unsuitable the traditional dinner of roast turkey and plum pudding is for Malaya in December one of the not test times of the year It is the time when
    693 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 371 11 LAST DAT I (Season To Be Continued At The ALHAMBRA Owing To Tremendous Success) m "TERANG BULAN' 1 (Brand New 1950 Production) I STARRING MISS SOFIAV /^Mf N (Sensation of -Bengawan Solo") I J> V| with Mob. Radin Mochtar. Lk HE R 1 i i »H THE LILTING SONG HIT
      371 words
    • 225 11 SHOWS 6 3%9 30 l Egyptian Picture with Full English Subtitles r COLOR 'BABA ARIS" COLOR Starring CAMELIA and NAIMA AKEF Distribnted by Shaw Brothers Ltd. TOMORROW Th* LOVES, HATES, HOPES and FEARS of SIX REMARKABLE PEOPLE! a _r_^T__^f r I—l c Mr yint%. _^H a_S^ ___Ti^nr __^__//BV 1 a-^mffilirnP'PV
      225 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 225 11 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD -co*. ii P.cur, title. (8) CROSSWORD No. 268 8 1, Ik* w.lch a consumer ,3, 3 A maD mAnen (8). 138^, Mbd; B^3 tjSjgjl* kpSife IS 10 Loud or mixed frtef Tr»D» <6). jrr: SSS SSS SS IJ. kirn cower at htm (8). J7. So. «ray. (ana*)
      225 words

  • 677 12 HOCK LENG CAUSES BIGGEST UPSET Beats Peng Soon In Colony Final OLAYING the greatest game in his badminton career, 27-year-old Cheong Hock Leng created one of the biggest upsets in Malayan badminton when he dethroned the All England, Malayan and Singapore champion, Wong Peng Soon, in three sets in the
    677 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 12 HAROLD de CASTRO One of the Colony's team of wrightlifters who will compete in the Asian Games at New Delhi.
    20 words
  • 353 12 SCC XV Win Fine Game v. Seletar MAGNIFICENT 40-yard solo run by Coulsen-Gilmer in the last minute of the game between Singapore Cricket Club and RAF Seletar helped the Club to an 11-6 victory and put the finishing touches to one of the most masterful displays of wet-weather Rugby seen
    353 words
  • 266 12 R R^th aVy ut P la >' ed All-Malayan Army Soon bv y ii e^!nf° 1 ln y, es J erda v's encounter at Nee three Ory) <g two tri< and penalty) to It rained throughout and conditions were such that neat handling was almost
    266 words
  • 197 12 WITH the arrival of Djakarta's formidable men and women's Chinese basketball teams in Singapore early next month, the Singapore Chinese Amateur Athletic Federation have already started intensive training. "Knowing full well that the visiting women's Jeam is an exceedingly strong one the S.C.A.A.F. is making
    197 words
  • 92 12 The annual North v South aUfaculties rugger match, to be played on the Sepoy lines ground in Bukit Timah Road today, will be competed for the Dato Paglar shield. The teams are: North: All Ahmad Osman; Swee Leong, K. H'jssein, Sit Hon. Menon; A. Hamid,
    92 words
  • 290 12 SPORTING THE WINNERS From EPSOM JEEP TLf V ten to follow at the Perak Turf Ciub's January meeting are: Warwick Castle: Has made splendid progress sinee 1 his two efforts at Ipoh In December. Has won beyond a mile in England. Stretching out beautifully on training track Ladies Flame: Racing
    290 words
  • 25 12 TODAY: 6.17 a.m. (8.2), 8.44 pjn. (7.1); 1.52 pjn. (3.1). TOMORROW: 7.21 ajn. (8.3), 9.54 pjn. (7.4); 1.16 a.m. (5.8), 3 p.m (2.7).
    25 words
  • 36 12 A special games meeting of all Singapore Recreation Club members will be held at the SRC. on Jan. 24 at 5.30 p.m. to elect officials for cricket, football and athletics sections of the Club.
    36 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 12 BOBBY NJOO sharpens with a workout with Kan Ton* Kee at York Body Building Club.— Straits Times picture.
    18 words
  • 261 12 "OILLY Hlllery, the lightv.eigh; who beat Boy Karlm on points over eight rounds on Dec. 29 last, says Bobby Njoo will beat Sid Fletcher with ease when they meet over 10 rounds at Happy World Arena tomorrow night. Hillery, who sparred with Bobby the other
    261 words
  • 197 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. JjX)R the first time since its introduction in 1936, the Europeans forced the Asians to a draw (one-all) in the annual Europeans v. Rest hockey match at Kuala Lumpur today. The game was a moral victory for the
    197 words
  • 332 12 From EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Wednesday. WITHOUT being spectacularly brilliant, Garnfair was one of the most consistent horses on the Malayan turf last season. This brown English gelding by Garnock, now six years old, was easily the biggest money winner among the "small fry" and his total
    332 words
  • 134 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. 'THE Kuala Lumpur Municipality has decided to build a sports stadium as soon as it has sufficient funds and a site. "It will be a good thing for Kuala Lumpur to have such a stadium," said Mr. K. K.
    134 words
  • 80 12 The second annual national championship archery shoot of Malaya will take place on Sunday. Jan. 31, at the Royal Johore International Club, Johore Bahru. The shoot will begin at 10 o'clock and will continue in the afternoon. It is expected that mere than 30 archers
    80 words
  • 364 12 GOOD FUNDS ENABLE 1 7 TO GO TO DELHI SINGAPORE'S contingent to the Asian Games in New Delhi on March 4—ll has been increased from the originally proposed 14 to 17 on the strength of several large donations that have been promised. This increase was decided at yesterday's meeting of
    364 words
  • 30 12 All clubs, parties and service units desiring to arrange football fixtures with the Singapore Cod Storage Sports Club sliou'd contact the foo'ball c. nvenor at Orchard Road Branch.
    30 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 807 12 (I iKIED ADS. «Coo t»ta tram r*»fe 6) A' <OH HMTION VACANI FURNISHED double room and verandah, with full board. P.B. U S.. 15, Seotts Rd.. 'Phone *****. $480 double room-board p-te bath and veranda In Europ bungalow Newton, close ScoU Rd. Phone 7373. AVAILABLE well furnished accommodation, full or
      807 words
    • 53 12 Jggg BHjPjjjgjg fflgSr// il^V hS&^B Hcjsjj Is? £9\\j 9 111 ifr: ''■■fi'-'-'-'^'^-'-^ >y-^^^^ ETERNn-MfITIC First Watch To Wind Itself On A Ball -Bear ing From $180. -Waterproof EXPERT SERVICE AFTER SALE 16 COLLVEff QIMY SINGAPORE mfinUFfICTURMG JEWELLERS IffIPORTERS OF HIGH CLRSS JEUELLERV E UJRTCHES 19-2 I, HIGH ST.S'PORE.PHOnE:3364. no I,
      53 words