The Straits Times, 16 January 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 401 1 More Troops To Be Sent, Says General After Secret Talks TOKYO. Monday. QENERAL J. Lawton Callus, United States Army Chief of Staff, said today that the United Nations fortes intend to "stay in Korea and fiffhf. General Collins, on a flying visit to Korea after
    Reuter  -  401 words
  • 179 1 SAIGON. Mon RORCED French >s blunted a twopmnsztd Communist attempt t Hanoi today. French art ilk ry held and. in some c.i-: i. routed Vietminh rel .n battles along the 75- :t north-west and of Hanoi. Fighting continued in placet 25 to 30 miles northirest :A
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  • 29 1 nnese, one armed *iih a pistol, entered a house In Tra* Street last night and Dbbed the occupants of 19 gold rings and other goods Worth $600.
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  • 27 1 RANGOON. Mon— Burma. tt is reported has asked Pek- i ins to explain printed maps < showing north Burmese terri- i tory as Chinese.— A. P
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  • 44 1 FIELD MARSHAL VISCOUNT MONTGOMERY'S 22-year-oltf son, the Hon. David Montgomery, who arrived in Singapore from Britain yesterday by Qantas Constellation to work for an oil company here. He intends to remain in Singapore about four years. Straits Times picture.
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  • 432 1 WASHINGTON, Monday. PRESIDENT Truman today submitted a x $71,594,000,000 budget to Congress, calling for the expenditure of $41,421,000,000 to build up United States armed strength and $7,112,000,000 to build up the armed strength of her allies. The budget— the largest I peacetime budget in United States
    Reuter  -  432 words
  • 26 1 WASHINGTON. Mon. A group of prominent Americans today urged North Atlantic Pact nations to establish a single department of defence and foreign affairs to
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  • 74 1 LONDON. Mon. SIR Senegal Rau, Indian delegate to the United Nations and a member of the UN Cease-fire Commission, said today that the outlook for a settlement in Korea "looks a little more hopeful." Sir Senegal came here to (■(insult the Indian Prime Minister. Mr. Nehru,
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  • 140 1 Reds Study Five-Point Peace Plan NEW DELHI. Mon. THE Chinese Communist Government has informed the Indian Government that the United Nations' latest five-point plan for peace in the Far East was receiving careful consideration in Peking, authoritative source here said today. According to tnese sources the Peking communication did not
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 431 1 JU R. AW HOE, managing director of the Singapore Standard and Sin Chew Jit Poh newspapers, and a son of Mr. Aw Boon Haw, was aboard the civilian Dakota which disappeared in the Kota Bahru area on Saturday. Another of the seven passengers was Mr.
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  • 35 1 CHICAGO, Mon.— At least four men died in the flaming wreckage of a B-25 bomber which crashed in a Chicago suburb early today after asking for airport landing instructions.— Reuter.
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  • 22 1 BONN, Mon. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer today rejected a bid from the East German Communists to discuss unification of Germany.— U.P.
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  • 83 1 HONG KONG, Mon. DOLICE and military forces 1 in Hong Kong will begin large-scale exercises here tomorrow, to test co-operation in case of an emergency it was officially announced here today. The exercises wiil be carUnits of thg Royal Navy Registration of British subJects here
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  • 67 1 W( Ji. 0 th^ thousan <* People who received broth taken to their homes in flooded Potong Pasir area yesterday by sampans hired by th c Social Welfare Department. The sampan, standing off in deep water, was unable to reach
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  • 643 1 YfORE than 1,000 people living in a square mile area of Potong Pasir were still cut off by 4 ft. high waters yesterday, although other areas showed signs of returning to normal as flood waters subsided. Only means of communication in the water-bound
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  • 32 1 AUGUSBURG, Germany, Mon. Use Frau Koch, 44-year-old "Beast of Buchenwald," was sentenced to life imprisonment here today for crimes committed against German citizens at the concentratlon camp.— U.P.
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  • 35 1 HONG KONG, Mon.— The Hongkong Chinese Chamber of Commerce decided tonight to lodge a protest with the United States Consul Genera' here at the recent American restrictions on exports to Hong Kong.— Reuter.
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  • 19 1 TArPEH, Mon. The Chinese Communists In Shanghai are forcing all women over 18 years into an all-oyt mow-
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  • 26 1 LONDON. Mon. Ships of the British Hom e Fleet will leave this week for Gibraltar for their spring cruise, the Admiralty announced today —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 47 1 MELBOURNE. Mon. THE Panamanian migrant ship Liguria. which broke; adrift in the Indip.n Ocean ou Saturday, is now oeing towed to Fremantie by ihe freighter Chandpara. Until 18 months ago Liguria was the Burns Philip liner Marella well-known on the Singapore Sydney service.
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  • 48 1 MANILA, Mon.— A woman was burned to death, 1.000 persons were left homeless with the destruction of 250 houses and heavy property damage was caused by a fire which swept through the town of Lupao in Nueva Ecija province, 75 miles north ofl Manila.— U.P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 108 1 W*^/^^m Bfc_'" c> f r *_^^B [straits envelope mk golltd. I I J/-J5 CHOON GUAM ST SIN6AP0RS "I enjoy them best M Jdlin tt-lls me il'i the filter lip that makes ■dv Maurier so diuVre tit but I have my ]3^ onn ideai. The filler tip may well keep a
      108 words
    • 45 1 f wori mi ROW NO %M*f w% 1 I m. *°"llM"" llM Rg< sPR^ l!sC Proved successful in the cultivation of padi. The new MC.S Garden Tractor and its accompanying implements, (ploughs. Discharrows and general cultivating equipment) are HOW AVAILABLE fX STOCK. /fpff TRACTOR <^\atS>,
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  • 252 2 Smallpox Scores Britain As 458 Die Of Flu LONDON, Mon. BRITISH Health authorities, already wrestling with one of the worst flu epidemics in history, are taking urgent steDs against smallpox. Twenty-eight cases now have been reported in the south of England and eight have died. More than 2.700 men at
    AP  -  252 words
  • 64 2 TIN FAMINE SHUTS PLANTS LONDON, Sun.— The head of one of Britain's largest food canners says that six of the firm's plants will be closed because of tin shortage. As a result, such canned foods as peas, beans, tomatoes and spaghetti may become scarce Other British canners are also reported
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 2 SABRE JET fighters, fastest aircraft of the U.S. Air Force, are capable of more than m.p.h, have a combat radios of s#o miles. They have proved better than Russian-made Jets in Korea.— USlS picture.
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  • 103 2 PHILADELHIA, Monday. WHEN an airliner crashed and burst into flames at Philadelphia Airport yesterday the air hostess led 1« passengers to safety. Then she returned to the burning flame and lost her life. Seven passengers were killed five women and two children.
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  • 81 2 COLOMBO. Mon. Five thousand houses with one or two acres of land attached to each of them are to be built by the Ceylon Ministry of Agriculture and Lands in various part of the Island for homeless and landless peasant families. This is the beginning of an
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  • 107 2 VATICAN CITY, Mon. DONES found near St. Peter's tomb in the Roman cemetery beneath the Basilica of St. Peter's are probably those of the Apostle. A Vatican spokesman sad: "We can say today that the bones found near the tomb of the Prince of the
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 215 2 GEORGE Bernard Shaw met death colour-blind, nearly deaf, obsessed with groundless fears of impending bankruptcy, and "eager to be gone". That is how his secretary for 30 years. Miss Blanch Patch described him on her book "Thirty Years With G. 8.5.". just
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    • Article, Illustration
      23 2 MR. STANTON GRIFFIS, first U.S. Ambassador to Spain since the raisin* of the diplomatic ban against Franco's Fascist Government. Reater.
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  • 98 2 GLASGOW, Monday. THE installation of Glasgow's Lord Rector uxu cut short by one of the wildest scenes at the university in Utiing memory, Mr. MacCormick, Chairman of the Scottish Covenant, the new Lord Rector, and many distinguished members and ex-members of the university were struck
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  • 348 2 PREGNANT, 2 DOCTORS FAILED TO SEE IT 4 WOMAN mcd because her pregnancy was not discovered after she had consulted two doctors, said the Birmingham city coroner, Mr. W. H. Davison. at an inquest. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence on Mrs. Gladys Violet Platt
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    • 657 2 NOTICES NATURALISATION NOTICE is hereby given that VLADIMIR N. OTREMSKY. also known as WALTER N. OTREMPKY of 103-1. dementi Road. Singapore. is applying to the Governor for naturalisation, md Ihnt any person who knows any why na'uralLsatlon .hould not be granted should send written signed statement of the facts to
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    • 680 2 .NOTICES ESTATE OF ERNEST JOHN BENNETT. Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and other penons having claims against the Estate of Ernest John Bennett, deceased, late Director of G. H. Slot Co.. Ltd., Singapore, should give notice thereof in writing to The Chartered Bank (Malaya) Trustee Limits. Chartered Bank
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    • 183 2 RED HEART JAMAICA 4^k tiff %J^fc y =rr-_ JrjH jf RETAIL PRICES i %am B&MM^^mr ON APPLICAT!ON pi |^H Wr Sole Agents f FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN 1951 I Ho» will fO» tmwtlT /jgSNs. •TfctM mn important an 4 ttretfii questions *<l»m.P' I A]R LAND -SEA I INFORMATION 1 RESCTVATJONS TICKETS
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  • 368 3 Give These People Faith In Free World Truman WASHINGTON, Monday. PRESIDENT TRUMAN told Congress "in his annual budget message that the United States 1 must help the countries of Asia and the Near MKast to resist Communist pressure through aid to meet their "pressing economic
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  • 68 3 MAJOR Kenneth Muir. who h.\< been posthumously awarded the first Victoria Cr«M in Korea He died declaiming: "The Gooke (North Koreans) will never drive the Argvlls oft this hill." He displayed splendid leadership and magnificent courage when about 50 men of two companies of
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  • 44 3 TJK¥O. Men. Prime I r Shigeru Yoshida will i .ate soon with Mac- s headquarters for lion to charter 100 Lioerty vessels and to import US:-300,000,000 worth of esl .1 materials for stocki^cordins to the Japaii pvess today. ReuterAAP.
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  • 32 3 UNITED NATIONS troops t tringing barbed wire in an effort to make a defence 11 ne in Korea. In the background a Tillage burns in the snow.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 265 3 KIKE, (Japan), Monday. OOBERT Fargie, a 29-year-old British RASC ""driver, today pleaded not guilty before a general court martial at Kure to murdering a Korean civili ian at Taegu on Nov. 30. The prosecuting officer, Major J. G. Cumberledge, told the court that Fargie was a
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  265 words
  • 102 3 MANCHESTER, Mon.— Mr Hector McNeil, former BriMsh United Nations delegate, said at Manchester last night that if the Soviet and Chinese Governments did not respond to the United Nations cease-fire proposal in Korea the world would know they did not want peace. He continued; "It would be
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  • 90 3 Peking Wants To Know HONG KONG, Mon. ALL foreign-supported educational, cultural, charity and religious institutions on the Chinese mainland yesterday came under the direct supervision of the Chinese People's Government, say Chinese reports reaching Hong Kong. This supervision came in the form of the promulgation of a set of regulations
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 117 3 BONN, Mon. J)R. Konrad Adenauer, the Chancellor of West Germany, offered yesterday to provide German soldiers for the defence of Western Europe at the price of absolute equality. Speaking at a Chris. ian Democratic Party rally in Bielefeld. Mr. Adenauer laid down these conditions for German
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  • 152 3 'Ghost Trai n' Was Early LONDON, Mon. 10.15 a.m., the passenger train was due to leave the station. Promptly at 10.15 it left— with no driver, fireman, or passengers. With a snort asd a hiss and its crew panting along behind it Locomotive No. 7269 clanked out of Palace Gates
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  • 20 3 FUKNCH JUGGLER kicks the furniture around in "Take It From Us" at London's Adelphi Theatre.
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  • 157 3 LONDON, Mon. QVER 300 people took part in an anti-Eisenhower demonstration, called by the Communist-supported ExService Movement for Peace in Trafalgar Square. Their secretary later laid a wreath on the Cenotaph inscribed: "in memory of the British men and women who gave their lives to defeat Nazism
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  • 32 3 COLOMBO. Mon. Nearly 800 immigrants from India who landed illicitly in Ceylon have been arrested and repatriated since the Ceylon Immigration Department came into existence over a year ago.— Reuter
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  • 255 3 He Had 34 Oz Of Illicit gold KALGOORLIF, Australia, Mon. EVIDENCE suggesting widespread sold smuggling between Australia India and the Far East has come to light in the police court at Kalgoor lie, Australia. Peter Patrick Pinney, described as a journalist and an ex-Commando holder of the Military Medal, pleaded
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  • 53 3 'CAIRO, Mon.— For the second time in world records a fencer was killed in a bout en Saturday night. He was Sabri Abdel Hamid. The rounded button at the end of his adversary's foil broke off during the fight. The foil pierced through Hamid's coat deep into hi
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  • 170 3 WASHINGTON, Monday. THE second leading Democratic Senator. Mr. Paul Douglas, of Illinois, added his voice today to Republican demands that President Truman get the consent of Congress before sending additional troops to Europe. I Senator Walter F. George, a top-ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign
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  • 91 3 BUKIT MERTAJAM Mon.— iiarged with failing to erect i signboard on his rubber estate. Palaniappa Chettiar told the Province Magistrate, Inche Abdul Rahman that he jold the estate on Dec. 30 and thought h e had "relinquished all responsibilities" to the new owner Mr. Wong Lin
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  • 83 3 LONDON, Mon. pOUR Commonwealth Prime Ministers discussed the problem of Kashmir at a meeting which lasted for over two hours today at Chequers, ountry residence of tl I The Prime Ministers who look part were: Mr. Attlee, Britain; Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan, Pakistan; Mr. Nehru, India;
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    • 341 3 f\ SRE YOU COLLARED /^F OLD SCHOOL TIE?' C fV^ When tJ *c Power to Mn^m^J A SPEAK can fr ee you! S? e tv'^Tw^h ff a hh n r "^f c\ C tr^r s y which suggested that there ara two types with an Old School Tie" complex— those
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  • 510 4 PROPAGANDA WAR ON REDS WILL BE INTENSIFIED From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE head of the Emergency Information Services, Mr. Hugh Carlton (ireene, has taken complete control of an intensified campaign against Communism in the Federation. Mr. Greene is now directly resDonsible for issuing all emergency news to
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  • 206 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. rE report on the audit of accounts of the Malayan Union for 1947, published in Kuala Lumpur today lists dealcations and frauds of hundreds of thousands of dollars and criticises the way in which Government accounts were kept.
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  • 84 4 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Mon.— The District Officer and Administrative Officer, will be the President and Deputy President, respectively, of trie Kota Tingffi Ttrwn Board tor 1951 Other members are the Assistant Engineer. PWD, Kota Tinpgi. the District Medical and Health Officer, the OSPC
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  • 49 4 BRIBE BID: FINED From Our Own Correspondent TELUK ANSON, Mon.— Teh Wan Kee was fined $100, in default, one month's imprisonment for offering $1 as a bribe to Inche Abu Hassan bin Abdullah, Deputy Assistant District Officer, Lower Perak. to get him to sign hi* Federal citizenship application form.
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  • 39 4 From Our Own Correspondent KLUANG, Mon. An Indian, Kuran, who had one and a half gallons of toddy at Beradln, for which he could not give an account, was fined $10 or five days' gaol at Kluang.
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  • 28 4 From O«r Own Correspondent PARIT BUNTAR, Mon— A charge of murdering her child against Mah binte Harun. a middle aged woman, was withdrawn at Parit Buntar.
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  • 26 4 From Our Own Correspondent E KLUANG. Mon.-^Song Heng Kee who failed to produce his Identity card when demanded, was fined $3 at Kluang.
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  • Article, Illustration
    95 4 MALAYAN FILM CENSOR. Mr. Jack Evans, says bon voyage to Mr. John Forbes-Sempill. actor-manager of th> now defunct Singapore Repertory, at K»'£ n B f ir nort yesterday afternoon. Mr. Forbes-Sempill. after four £ar s in Singapore, left by KLM for London for three months' leave after which he will
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  • 234 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. FRESH signs of the flight of 200 bandits through the Pahang jungle have been seen by Security Forces who are now chasing them. Yesterday they found a resting and re-fltting ground, believed to have been used
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  • 65 4 From Our Start Correspondent SEREMBAN, Mon. rpHE shop of a Seremban X rubber dealer, Chop Hin Leong, was burgled last night. Police investigating found that an unsuccessful attempt had been made to break open the safe. But the burglars got away with $120 in cash from
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  • 202 4 'Need For Building Authority' IF the present birth rate continues in Singapore, the Colony will never catch ud with the housing shortage, said the Colonial Secretary. Mr W. L. Blythe. yesterday. He was speaking at Jba Housing Exhibition in the Victoria Memorial Hall on the subject "Your Home and Its
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  • 52 4 From O«r Own Correspondent SEGAMAT. Mon. Allegations that he had been arrested because he had refused to pay $2 to a police constable as "coffee money" were made in the Segamat Court by 46-year-old Teo Team. charged with selling pork at Labis without a licence. He was acquitted
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  • 27 4 From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN. Mon.— Narjar Singh was fined $100 at Seremban for using criminal force to a Tamil woman, Kantan Letchumy. at Rahang.
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  • 99 4 A3 a result of 20 games stalk being closed on police orders, M&lapea'a only amusement park, the City Park, has been In semi darkness since Jan. PoMc^UfKedtha^hepark responsibilities and 't was found necessary to close all games stalls. However, the police are willing to 'allow not
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  • 218 4 T*HE birthrate at the Singapore Kandang Kerbau Hospital reached a record last year with 13,238 babies. Dr. W A. Balhetchet, Medical Superintendent, .said yesterday. This is 2,310 more than in 1949. It means that on the average, 36 babies are born daily at
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  • 74 4 From Our Staff Correspondent. PENANG, Mon. T\ECAUSE the regulations under which he wai charged spelt the word 'peddle' instead of "pedal," Abdul Ghani was at Penang today discharged on a count of allegedly pedalling his bicycle on Church Strret Pier. Whan the difference in spelling was pointed
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  • 50 4 The Commissioner-Gene-ral, Mr. Malcolm MacOonald, left by air yesterday for Rangoon. For the first two days he will be the guest of the President of the Union of Burma, and afterwards of the British Ambassador, Mr. R. L. Speaight. He will be tway about 10 days.
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  • 232 4 Four U.K. Directors For Film Unit rpHE Malayan Film 1 Unit, whit* is being expanded to intensify the anti-terrorist campaign, will get four British directors if arrangements made in Britain by its general manager. Mr Ben Hipkins. are finalised It will also get much new eauipment. including movie cameras and
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  • 33 4 AID FOR MALACCA POOR STUDENTS From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA Mon.— Poor but able Malacca-born students of all races, can apply for grants from the estate of the late Mr. Gan Eng Seng.
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  • 45 4 I rom Our Own Correspondent MUAR Mon. A paint sprayer, Leow Meng Yeow, who went for a joy ride on a customer's motor cycle was fined a total of $80 at Muar for ignoring a traffic signal, negligent riding and having no licence.
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  • 28 4 PARIT BUNTAR, Mon. Niowkiam. alias Liang Kau Fong lorry driver, was fined $50 at Bagan Serai for speeding. Chua Yew Seng wa> fined $40 for speeding.
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  • 25 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— The Kelantan appeal committee of the University of Malaya Endowment Fund collected $78,713 up tn the end of last year
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  • 38 4 CHANCE TO LEARN An English night school for adults has been reopened at, the Ramakrishna Mission, Morris Road. Singapore. Intending students should Join at once as soats are limited There are four qualified tWcherg and the school work-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 143 4 **ja? r 'ws/sr on COGNAC COURVOISIER THE BRANDY OF NAPOLEON I Their Reputitiw l« Universally Rtttgwtti. SOLE LOW TANGCHANG LTD., AGENTS ~ROME Disk Plowing Harrows SPECIALLY DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED FOR CLEARING LALLANG AND HEAVY VEGETATION MODELS are available for early delivery to suit all makes of Agricultural Tractors from 15
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    • 318 4 JrUINU H>l»A\ J Shows: 1 «.!."> A IS P 21 h r n nry-Fcx's *d\fii>ur*-riraina! "SI.AITERVS lU'RRI'-'ANE" with Richard Wldmark Linda Darnell Veronica taka REX JOHORE BAHRU 'od«T Shows: 31 5, 6.15 9.11 •MID NK.IIT" (KKvpliani Afanlir Great WorM Today 2 Shows: 7 9 .15 TJtCBR LAND" (Technicolor* Son New
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  • 251 5 Moral Support Not Enough, Says SATA Chief THE Chinese business community has made a disappointing contribution to the funds for the new Tuberculosis Centre planned by the Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association, said the chairman, Mr. C. L. Edwards, at the Association's annual meeting yesterday. He said that
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  • 80 5 /'OVERNMENT is charging \J SATA a nominal rent of unr dollar a year for the land allotted to it for its new T B centre. Mr. C. L. hd wards, the Association's Oiiirman. told the annual Hieettag last nieht. Next to the centre would he
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  • 110 5 FAR East Air Force headquarters yesterday denied tht' Singapore-based aircraft rtoUted Indonesian territory near Singapore, as alleged by an Indonesian M.P. on Saturday. Hi- had said that R.A.F. p'arus frequently flew at low altitude over the Indonesian Ul inds ol Samboe and Batam and that
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  • 42 5 There will be firing practice from Imbiah in Singapore between 9 a.m. to 3 pm on the following days: Jan 23. Jan. 30 Feb. 6. Feb 13 Feb. 20. Feb. 27. Mar. 6. Mar! 13. Mar. 20 and Mar 27
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  • 45 5 Charged with extortion by putting Yap Chee Siew in fear of Injury with a knife, and inducing him to sign an 1.0. U. for $3,000, Lim Cheng Keng claimed trial in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday. Lim was allowed bail of $500
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  • 46 5 NEWS S.Cs SIGN UP T?iL^hi JT c I ew s P«c>al emergency squads sign up at the Police I raining School yesterday before being sworn in as volunteer special constables. ASP M. C. H. Ouyler is seen about to collect the application forms.— Straits Times picture'
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  • 232 5 pORTY members of the Special Emergency Squad of the Singapore Police Force yesterday began training at the Police Training School, Thomson Koad, aftei being sworn in as Volunteer Special Constables. During an intensified 24-hour course, over six days, the men— 36 Europeans, two Euiasians and
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 5 THE REV. K. Nanananda. director of Forward College, at Colombo, who is returning to Ceylon today after a holiday in Singapore.
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  • 96 5 CABARET BOMB HITS FIVE From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH. Mon. THREE British soldiers and two Chinese civilians, one an 18-year-old schoolgirl, were slightly Injured when a hand grenade was thrown by an unknown person In Brewster Road, Ipoh, at about 10 p.m. on Sunday. The police immediately cordoned off the
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  • 88 5 i-iEYLONESE in Malaya V.- should decide what nationality they want, as dual citizenship is not allowed according to the present Ceylon constitution. Mr. G. C. Ponnambalam. Minister for Industries. Industrial Development and Fisheries In the Government of Ceylon, said yesterday. "To enable every adult who has
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  • 116 5 AN inquest on an Indian labourer, 30-year-old Anr nakutty Plllay Arumugam, who was knocked down by a military lorry in Buona Vista Road, was opened and adjourned by the Singapore Coroner Mr. W. G. Porter, yesterday. Mukiah Veriah, cousin of the dead man ,who drove
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  • 38 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Mon The Johore Bahru branch of the Johore Civil Service Association and the Batu Pahat branch have nominated UngJcu Aziz bin Abdul Hamid to be their representative on the State Council.
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  • 29 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Abdul Hamid bin A. Said, a special constable, was sentenced to six months' imprisonment by the Magistrate for deserting the force.
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  • 66 5 Legislative Council, Victoria Memorial Hall, 10 a.m. Y.W.C.A., Raffles Quay, Mandarin advanced class, 10.30 a.m., Town Pioneers' annual meeting, 3 p.m., Chinese literature, 3 p.m. V.M.C.A., Orchard Road Malay class. 5.30 p.m.. first-aid class, 5.45 p.m., gymnastics and keep-fit class, 6 p.m. Chinese V.M.C.A., Selegl* Road, body building,
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  • 73 5 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Mon. T HE Penanj Fire Brigade was called to the busy shopping centre of Bishop Street this morning to save a mason from hornets. Low was so stunned that he could not get down. A passer-by telephoned for the brigade. Two
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  • 215 5 TPHE Malayan pineapple industry has been x sufficiently rehabilitated and its production methods vastly improved to withstand competition from any other producing country in the world, Mr. Yap Pheng Geek, chairman of the Central Board of Malayan Pineapple Packers told the Straits Times yesterday,
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  • 78 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— The Kuala Lumpur Municipality will Issue hawking licences to everybody who wants one this year to reduce the number of unlicensed hawkers. The Market Street Stalls and Foodstuffs Committee has decided to increase last year's number of licences
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  • 119 5 MEN In Shadow," a play of French and British saboteurs operating In occupied France during the last war. Ls being performed every night thl s week unfcl Saturday by the Singapore Little Theatre Players. It was written by Mary Hayley Bell as a vehicle for her film
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  • 147 5 Praise For Police And Military From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Men. "^/■HEN Mr. Justice Storr arrived at the Supreme Court today to preside at the first Assizes of the year in Johore, he was received by a police guard of honour commanded by A.S.P. Yusof OCPF, Johore Bahru. In
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  • 80 5 jpHDUR Chinese employees of the National Carbon Eastern Limited at Bukit Timah Road, who tried to get away with 16 Vi lb. of solder rods on Saturday, were caught red-handed by a watchman on leaving the gates of tbe factory. In the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday,
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    • 151 5 y 0 y mos Every Monday at 0100 hrs. via BANGKOK /i Hongkong in 1 1 hrs. Taipeh in 14 hrs. TOKYO in 27 hr S ZSST' Every Thursday at 1230 hrs. _T^l. 2 TOKYO SERVICES WEEKLY Mondays, direct flight I *Hi^^_^_J_' NO OVERNIGHT STOPS _A Thursdays, with an overnight
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  • 675 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues., Jan. 16, 1951. The Private School Although the private English schools in Malaya are of very varying quality, they are performing a most useful service at a time when the demand for English education is vastly greater than the Education Department or the mis- sionary
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  • 334 6 A Malay resident of Upper Serangoon has written to the Straits Times to give a rather perturbing account of an incident which he witnessed at a circus last week in which an over-zealous animal lover seems to have caused criticism and annoyance among Asian spectators by delivering an
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  • 181 6 A timely warning of what can happen with that tempting but tricky panacea lor High-Cost-of-Living known as Price Control, even when the commodities controlled are locally produced and presumably in abundant supply, is to be found in the North Borneo News of Jan. 1 which reached Singapore at
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  • 972 6 COMMONWEALTH VIEV/POINTS-Lv Ronald Elliott today reports an interview with Dr. A. L Geyser. High Commissioner for South Africa in London, on the Union's social and economic policy. ITNDERNKATH the power and prosperity of South Africa there lies one of the biggest social problems
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  • man-in-the-Street
    • 366 6 VLTITH reference to the enrolment forms issued recently by the Civil Defence Commissioner (Federation of Malaya) to former personnel of the A.R.P., M.A.S., etc., the writer as a former Senior Warden in the A.R.P. (Mines), attached to an essential service (an electric generating station) would like the
      366 words
    • 191 6 ASIAN A.S.P.s: "ROUGH AND TOUGH" IFITH regard to a letter in last Saturday's Forum, headed "Question And Answer" and referring to an incident n a Traffic Police Office, I, and a large number of others who have been to that office, are unanimous that Government is wasting much public money
      191 words
    • 59 6 M.P.I.E.A. C.O.L. IN THEIR recent reply to the Federation of AllMalayan Estates Staff Unions, the M.P.I.E-A. claim that the present cost of living Is not higher than that which obtained in 1948, when the present rate of 30 per cent C O.L.A was fixed. Will the M.P.I.E.A. produce a cost-of-fllvlng
      59 words
    • 356 6 CLOSED DOOR AT A K.L. OFFICE AT 10 a.m. on Jan. fi A I queued up, with other members of the public, for renewal of my motor vehicle licence at the Batu Road Government Offices. Kuala Lumpur. After waiting about twenty minutes with no possibility of getting near the office
      356 words
  • 405 6 Up To Date rpHREE very up-to-date offl- cial documents were rushed to the Straits Times office from the Municipal Offices at the week-end One was the report of the Superintendent of the Town Cleansing Department for 1941 and for that portion of 1942 which ended with the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 809 6 Straits Tinet Free Prea »rtiwn. m* li»m»»rt»" 1st nw tap»«r« C«t< Stwat*. OrA«r4 Km4. w« •i>4 wwm ku MMton. CLASSIFIED ADS. CHAPLIN: To Alison, wife of Chaplin, at Batu Gajah, on J6th January, a daughter. GHMOUR— PATERSON. Announced in Sydney, the engagement between Peter George, only Km of Mr. R.
      809 words
    • 30 6 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. Offering Complete Services tssential to Eye Comfort Visual Efficiency. (1) VISUAL MALTjIt (2) VISUAL TRAIWIPIC BsssKssssvP (3) GLASSES IF NEEOED C. SrCHONG7OPT. D. It. CHULIA ST., SPORE
      30 words
    • 60 6 N i2Ji and Better/ W I^S^ksPisslf I 11 m mn\\]3mM f 111 1 %,%> n fa "jjmkS L 11 O<v. LVsC*rt£ 1 rjLjSyfmJ *v 9 HiisW"^ i i 1 Don't ask for GLUCOSE but sty firmly and politely II I COW GATE I CLUCOSt \J w^ You will then get
      60 words

  • 459 7 Six On First Singapore Riot Charges gRAVING stones from a fleeing lorry alleged to have been seized by rioters on the first day of the recent Singapore riots, a police party of five in a jeep caught up with the lorry and arrested six of
    459 words
  • 256 7 WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS OFFICERS rr>HE first two officers 1 commissioned in the Singapore Women's Army Corps (Volunteer) are an English and a Singapore Chinese girl They are Lieut Aileen Gordon Chippingdale and 2ndLieut Maiden Teo. Lieut. Chippingdale, who is employed by Guthrle and Co. is not holding her first comrriss'.on
    256 words
  • 50 7 Prompt action by the Singapore Fire Brigade yesterday afternoon saved a textile store in Circular Road from fire. The fire developed from leaks from the electric wires In the ceiling of the first floor. A large part of the f)aper coverage of the ceilne was burned.
    50 words
  • 99 7 A FINDING «f murder against an unknown Chinese was returned yesterday by the* Singapore Assistant Coroner. Mr. Choor Singh, when an inquest was held on another unknown Chinese who was shot in a coffee shop at Lorong Lalat just before curfew hours on Dec. 15. The
    99 words
  • 107 7 Seamen May Ask For More Wages THE executive committee of the 3,000-strong Singapore Malay Seamen's Union will hold a meeting soon to consider a proposal calling for increased wages to keep with rising cost of living. The seamen could not ask for a cost-of-living allowance from their employers because they
    107 words
  • 101 7 Two young Indians. Rengasamy Chinnathamby and Chokalingam Krishnan, claimed trial in the Singapore Relief Court yesterday '•■> a charge of rioting by causing mischief while being members of in unlawful assembly during the Singapore no*?. A Malay, Yaakob bin Mohamed. also claimed trial to a similar charge,
    101 words
  • 112 7 TOTAL of 272 new homes, providing accommoda™™?H- or a n°w ut I>36 of Singapore's homeless population will be added to the Improvement Trust estates before the end of this month Another 84 two-bedroomed flats at Kirn Pong Road in the Tiong Bahru area
    112 words
  • 64 7 CO-OPERATORS will meet at the Geylang Malay School on Jan. 23 to inaugurate the Geylang Co-opera-tive Thrift and Investment Society, the twelfth of Its kind in Singapore. The object is to help members accumulate share capital for Investment la smallscale projects. 'The Society's membership will be mostly.
    64 words
  • 32 7 A 26ft. python, for a wild animal dealer In New. York, left Singapore yesterday In an Amsterdam- bound KLM Constellation. Other livestock on board Included two Australian 'roosters for Bangkok.
    32 words
  • 17 7 Mr. A. H. W. Lilly. Chief Surveyor, has been promoted to Grade I. Malayan Survey Service.
    17 words
  • 79 7 A BOOKING clerk in the Singapore office of Thomas Cook and Son. Mr. Stephen Biew, has been chosen to attend a sismonth course at the London headquarters of the famous travel organisation a» training for an treeotrfe position. The deputy general manager of Cook's London,
    79 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 7 THE CHIEF JUSTICE of Singapore, Sir Charles .Murray- Aynsley, inspecting a police guard of honour at the ceremonial opening of the Assizes yesterday. Mr. J. Le Ca-'n, ASP., is with the Ch ief Justice. Behind them are Mr. Justice Brown and Mr. E. H. d'Netto, Deputy Registrar of the Supreme
    54 words
  • 400 7 SIR CHARLES OPENS ASSIZES r rHE English law respects the individual, and it is A a law which, more than any other, safeguards the liberty of the individual," the Singapore Chief Justice, Sir Charles Murray-Aynsley, said at the opening of the Criminal Assizes yesterday. Sir Charles
    400 words
  • 83 7 JPOR the first time in Sin1 gapore's legal history, a woman sat on the jury at the^First Singapore Assizes for 1951 yesterday. She is 27-year-old Miss F. H. Lee, a typist at the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. Miss Lee was sworn in with six men jurors
    83 words
  • 160 7 Ceremonial Opening Of Assizes of the Judicial Department, the Bar and the Singapore Police Force attended a service held at St. Andrews Cathedral yesterday before the ceremonial opening of the first Assizes at the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice, Sir Charles Murray-Aynsley, read the Lesson after which the Bishop of
    160 words
  • 42 7 For exporting 24 phials of streptomycin without a permit, Hwang Mm Hal was yesterday fined $50. Hwang was also fined $50 for failing to deliver to the Registrar of Imports and Exports, Singapore, a declaration of the property.
    42 words
  • 20 7 Mr. W.D. Godsall, Financial Secretary of the Federation of Malaya, returned to Kuala Lumpur yesterday after leave in England.
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  • 46 7 Because he was frightened he would be arrested for riding a bicycle without lights. K. P. Muthusamy refused to show his identity card to a policeman. Yesterday, in the Singapore First District Court, he was fined $5 for falling to produce his card.
    46 words
  • 25 7 Rear Admiral O C. Stedman, U.S.N.R. Vice-Presid-ent of United States Lines, is arriving in Singapore by air today on a five-day business trip.
    25 words
  • 29 7 Mr. Robert R. Williams, of the Research Corporation of New York, attended a meeting of the Singapore Nutrition Council at the conference room of the Secretariat ye»terdav.
    29 words
  • 299 7 STATEMENT BY GOVERNOR LIKELY TOD AY SINGAPORE RIOTS INQUIR. J»HE Governor. Sir Franklin Gimson, is expected to reveal the terms of reference of the Commission of Inquiry to be appointed to inquire into the Singapore riots when the Legislative Council holds its first session this year at the Victoria Memorial
    299 words
  • 86 7 A MAN who was arrested after he was seen running away from several cars stranded in Bufcit Timah Road in Sunday nlghc's flood, appeared in the Singapore First District Court yesterday. He was Yeow Kirn Ho. who claimed he came from Johore. He wa s charged with
    86 words
  • 143 7 Vacancies For 600 In Schools r pHE Singapore Department of Education, announced yesterday that there an,> 600 vacancies for pupils in various classes i n schools in the Colo.:y. Schools with vacancies for pupils in Primary One are Oeylang Afternoon School, Gan Eng Seng Afternoon School, Wlnstedt Road Afternoon School,
    143 words
  • 84 7 Holding that there v.ere not sufficient grounds to prosecute Lai Weng Thai, the driver of a car in which three people were killed on Christmas Day, the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W.O. Porter, yesterday returned a finding of death by misadventure on the victims. The people killed when
    84 words
  • 28 7 A 25-year-old Chinese Chua Kirn Sal, who pleaded guilty In the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday to stealing a bicycle, was sentenced to one month's imprisonment.
    28 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 36 7 S///ir£/MAST£* V Sole Agents: 9mtm I »v «524« rtnsn« r*i 1852 Walter Rowley Ltd. I BIRMINGHAM Architectural General Ironmongery in >> BRASS BRONZE CHROMIUM •OTHER METAL?. Agent i, Stockists:A.CLOUET CO LTD. 33/36, Wallicii St. Singapore Phone 3964
      36 words
    • 88 7 I ROBINSONS A\ LIABILITY!! Our shareholders and 1 many friends will be r) interested to hear that we still have a liability v) of $300 J "UP-IN-THE-AIR" jj The balloons which we released k\ at Xmas are still "up in the air" {IJ and Not One label voucher vtf has
      88 words

  • 393 8 t6ifricfch6 MUST rtE JHJALBHrnHFif^ THE establishment of the Public Services Commission in Singapore was the first milestone on the road to self-government in Malaya, said the chairman of the Commission, Mr. Justice Gordon-Smith in a broadcast last night. It would be for
    393 words
  • 169 8 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANO, Mon. VEOH Gim Boon, an ex-con- vict released recently after a five-year sentence for his part in kidnapping Dr. 00l Kee Wan in 1946. was shot dead by an unknown gunman this afternoon in a lonely kampong in Ec Hoe > estate
    169 words
  • 41 8 From Our Own Correspondent RAUB. Sun. Rubber I dealers in Pahang have to i pay $500 for their licence this year, $400 more than last year. Other licence fees under the Rubber Supervi- sion Enactment have beer doubled.
    41 words
  • 32 8 SEGAMAT. Mon.— Sentence of a year's rigorous imprisonment was passed by the President of the Segamat Sessions Court on 19-year-old Chor Woon round in unlawful possession of rubber at Labis.
    32 words
  • 260 8 From Ohr Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A MERICANS are so ill-informed about Malaya that A the "man in the street" thinks natural rubber comes from South America, instead of 99 per cent of it frov South-East Asia, said the Federation Director of Public Relations
    260 words
  • 391 8 II M.S. Unicorn, refitting aircraft carrier and supply ship, returned to Singapore yesterday from Korean waters There she was employed over Christmas re-stocking and feeding the fighting ships, in support of United Nations troops. On t>oard. with the ship's company, was a Royal Marine band
    391 words
  • 97 8 J^ 29-YEAR-OLD woman, Lim Meng Choo, of Hamilton Road, Singapore, yesterday convicted by Mr. P. Claque, the Singapore Fourth Police Magistrate, of managing a brothel between Oct. 22 and Nov. 6, last year, was semr*>r«d to five months' Imprisonment. She was also found guilty of "knowingly living
    97 words
  • 68 8 RAUB, Sun. Unofficial members of the Praser's Hill Town Board are: Mr. L. A. Crozler, Mr. J. Drysdale, Mr O. C. Gordon WiUon, Mr. W. L. Cuscaden, Mr. D. V. McKenzie. Major N. P. O. O'neal Mrs. D. P. Garuth and Mr*. M. L Orondhout. Officials
    68 words
  • 114 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A CHANGKOL has-eaused an old Chinese woman vegetable gardener of Selayang, "Selangor, so much trouble that she told a Kuala "Luirtptir Judge today that she does not want it any more. The changkol Is an exhibit in. ittie murder trial of a Sikh
    114 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 146 8 Wa *offo ff '•cot*. &£a to I*. 1 Htm fill ADVT OF THI CENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. LTD. OF ENCLAND SINCAPORI MALACCA KUALA LUMPUR PINANC BAKER of HOLBORN Students Bacteriological, Research, Vernier Rea.lmg MICROSCOPES Reading Telcrcopes Microscope Lamps Phase Contrast O-:tU'.: Oil Immersion Lensei Mechanical Stages AGENTS FO p SINCAPORE MALAYA,
      146 words
    • 154 8 A^Lw&Mßa m im *^m *^"~i <*^**> M^ *~~m i"^i Jom\ KUMiS j Eg J excellent foe I m^rowin^ children Countless numbers of parents have -helped their chil- I dren grow strong and healthy with KLIM! Nourishing, delicious KLIM milk will give your children the essential food elements needed for prop-
      154 words

  • 699 9  -  HERMAN ALLEN K\7 The Reds Seek To Drive India Into Heavy Armament Spending SPHERE is trouble .aU around India and Pakistan and much of the trouble is Communist made. There have been no actual moves against the two countries, but what has been going on adds up
    699 words
  • 69 9 WHEN a pensioners' association in Sussex staged a beauty contest for women over 76 a greatgrandmother aged 81 was picked as the entrant with greatest beauty, poise and charm. The new beauty queen. Mrs. Louisa Allice Mepham, has six children, 14 grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. She
    69 words
  • 506 9  -  MARK FOENANDER By "LIOW did that funny "word DATIN originate?" asked a Straits Times reader recently. Commenting on this query, "Cecil Street" pointed out that DATLN was not a Malay word and did not appear in Wilkinson's dictionary. From inquiries I have made in Johore Bahrti.
    506 words
  • 16 9 Collect ten of these coupons to become a member of the Children's Corner Club.
    16 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 343 9 11 am I 4.">. 4.15 145 and 9.39 p.m. THE SCREEN'S FEARLESS EXPOSE' OF MARIHUANA SMOKERS!! ~_",4f k LtARM TUI TKUW FROM 7M£ 6m WHO KNOWS._ own story Weed w M a a|a u(taH|MiMpH««& ALL STAR HQUTWQOO CAtT| Pl.l'S NCW ALL-COLOR FEATURETTE "G. I. LOVE" NEXT CHANCE m ALL-NCW! fl
      343 words
    • 210 9 iT SHOWING FROM TODAY _J 11 AJVI., 1.45, 4.00, 6.30 &9 JO P.M. LATEST LOCALLY FILMED MALAY PICTURE! NINE BIG NEW SOW HITS Released Distributed by Wll AW IT ¥T i\C .^^^Hk. fbmm or ("REVENGE") Produced by Singapore's own MALAY FILM PRODUCTIONS LTD., who gave you hit after hit from
      210 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 259 9 lude; 10 News. Emergency News "A Date With June (June Hamilfrom K.L.; 10.10 Close; 10.45 ton and the Griffin Sextet*; Ml BFEBS Schools: 12 Malay; 1 p.m. Radio Radio Doctor; f Sonata Recital 4 45 f[^ LondQn; 1.30 New.s; 1.45 Dance i D a *> **> N J^? Editorials';
      259 words

  • 141 10 A THOUSAND- YEAR-OLD SECRET A SECRET pfocess that was new when Good King Wenceslis first 'looked out' xoas used to make this beautiful wool net dress modelled by Australian Nola Rose at an International Wool Secretariat reception in London. Mrs. Gisel Bridle, daughter of an ancient Bohemian family, made the
    141 words
  • 303 10  -  By JANE BROWN "TH^;,E Just isn't a cure thumb-sucking' 1 lit I read Dooks Itl causes physical .jsychological. I trifd remedy there was. no r how absurd. I shathe child, I pleaded .er; coaxed her. bribed offered sweets inI irrid-tastin? stuff on iumb and
    303 words
  • 622 10  -  NURSE JANET MOTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA By I APPREHENSIVE" A writes saying that her small girl aged four, an only child, is extremely shy and when meeting with casual friends and strangers she becomes tongue tied, at parties prefers to watch the other children playing
    622 words
  • 483 10 From An Estate Bungalow SOME military O.R.s came to our bungalow and admired the flower garden, so I said that I would give them some plants as they are present in* a semi-perma-nent camp. Little did I know the pleasure and interest these plants would cause.
    483 words
  • 296 10  -  NONI WRIGHT By TF you have never yearned to grow orchids, or you have toyed with the notion and not quite come to a decision, the current Malayan Orchid Review will amost certainly start you off along the colourful and seductive road you will find hard to leave.
    296 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 100 10 _^__M 1* __^n_i-9™*^___P^ss_fe_. _i__i_^_lP^_^__H__^F < _^__^__^__^_v_Mfi i_B_k. H_?s_i_J of Kuolo Lumpur MA aw?** 0 FOR THE WORLD'S BABIES Baby Teck Huat is happy as the day is lone; ond why shouldn't he be when he is brim" ming with health and vitality And so it is with babies the world
      100 words
    • 407 10 Roast \eg or shoulder Crown roast Cutlers Loin chops American grill chops COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. MIS' isfirH PS^mkW) _P-_3 Each Halwitf Vitamin I'ill contain, i.imm International I'nits >>f Vitamin A and KM II „l Vitamin I). Three Pills a da> guarantees that /_s^~^ th b <i>
      407 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 296 10 Straits Times Crossword *i sepu (4. j» CROSSWORD No. 266 1. With kh»i '•»<* and *S- P"M* for an artist (s*. «-wi^ vinlinco 'li. 1. S> 24. Sceicl intrigue < r >> P^5U J TJ~I TJ~T IT~] I? I TS I 9. Pt.i|:.s<iph.e ,ysle,T. tiom a Lia.son m r lor
      296 words

  • 312 11 London Stocks LONDON, Mon. AN undercurrent of firmness persisted on the London Stock Market today but early promise of fair activity was not fulfilled. This resulted in some interim advances being pared before the close. Rubbers did well on hopes of a Korean peace settlement. Earlier firmness in Japanese bonds
    312 words
  • 145 11 SHIPS in the Singapore Road.' and alongside the Singapore Harbcjr Board godowns yesterday included Outer Roads: Hai Hsuan. Waingapore. Fernstream. Alkis, Perekop. Glenearn. Chelyuskinetes. Khyber. Radnorshire. F. J. Buckenbach. Cabarite. Baud. Eenroon. Bosnlk. Chong Ta. Mvi Ann, Boissevain. Orobaai. Paliter Tomahawk. Inner Roads: Hong Ann. Tg. Pinang
    145 words
  • 203 11 Hong Kong Buyers Out But Deals Moderate lIONG KONG purchases flrmed the tone of the 11 Singapore rubber market yesterday Business was done at as high as $2.20 a lb. for spot loose rubber. I Transactions, however, were on a moderate scale. Sellers were inclined to be reserved
    203 words
  • 62 11 SUNOEI Way Dredging in the quarter to Dec. 31, 1950, produced 1,840 piculs of Un-cre. TRONOH Mines (four dxedgM working) produced 8.185 8 piculs of tin-ore in the last Quarter o' J9&O. SOuiHERN r.onon D«f-iiing In the same with two riredges workin»». vroduccti 2,742.6 piculs of tin-orv. KEPONG
    62 words
  • 36 11 SINGAPORE, Mon., Jan. 15— 5643.75 (up $1.25). £1,202 U ton in London LONDON. Mon.. Jan. 15.— Spot £1,200— £1.205; Forward £1,190— £1.195; Settlement £1,180 (down £25) Turn-over: a.m. 150; p.m. 95 tons.
    36 words
  • 159 11 From A Market Correspondent rPHE Singapore produce market opened Ute week on a steady note in all sections. Pepper aga n attracted most attention, with foreign inquiries increasing and sellers stepping up prices for both white and black varieties. A certain amount of dealing was reported. Sellers'
    159 words
  • 32 11 HONG KONG, Mon pREE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quoted today as follows: US$l HK*5.92 (cash), HK$5 91 CD; £1 •15.40: one tael of gold HK»333'j. —UP.
    UP  -  32 words
  • 310 11 Tins And Rubbers Advance Fro* Market C'orroopoadcnl THE Malayan share market opened the week on an optimistic note, and share prices improved in most cases throughout the list yesterday, especially in Tina and Rubbers. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: INDUSTRIALS Bayers Kellers Alex. Bricks.
    310 words
  • 114 11 BROWN'S Malayan Economic Review, a 40-page financial journal devoted to Malayan interests, made it« appearance yesterday. It is informative, authoritative and well produced covering such things as economic aid for Malaya and Federal taxation policy, "Australian Investments for Malayan Investors", share market and rubber market reviews,
    114 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1096 11 MANSFIELD tfe CO., LLD. I incorporated in Vngapsrel BLOB FUNNEL UNB earner's option te proceed via ether ports to lead and discharge cargo. SAILINCS te LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS i>ue Sails P. Sham Penang Maron toi Liverpool. Havre. Holland b Hamburg |an. 16/17 Perteut tor Maiwilles. Liverpool Glasgow C.
      1,096 words
    • 380 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK ANO BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA. ECYPT and MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. Soort P Sham Kanang Pres Buchanan Omit. 16/17 lan. Pres. Harding 23/29 Jan. 30/31 |an. 1/2 Feb. Pres Van Buren 29 |an./3 Feb 4/5 Feb. 6/7 Fcb Pres IcHerton 5/11 Fcb 12/13 Feb. 14/15 Fab
      380 words
    • 467 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA UK CONTINENT 9 Stwm fenan* "Meonia" for Saigon Bangkok 18-19 |an. 16-17 |an. In Pert "India" for Bangkok. Hong Kong 6 Manila 11-15Fcb "Kambodia" for Hong Kong. Kobe 6 Yokohama 18-21 Kb. "Lalandia- for Bangkok 24-27 Feb. 23-23 Feb. 22-22 Feb "Kvernaas" for Saigon
      467 words
    • 872 11 McALISTER tft CO.. LTD. telephone No. 5906 ELLBRMAN BUCKNAU KLAVENEs, L .4t LONDON. HAVRt. ANIWIRP LOS ANCELES. SAN Fl 4NCISCO, ROTTEROAM HAMBURC PORTLAND SEATTLE 6 V. 4COUVER md rot UJ A North A|i«nlK Potti Accepting carao toi Lc lira b South and Canada vm Colombo American Ports M, CITY Of
      872 words

  • 351 12  - WARWICK CASTLE PICKED FOR 8½ F. RACE EPSOM JEEP By Has Beaten Col. Daly, Rigoletto irPH, Monday. I TNLESS something extra smart catches my eye on the training track during the next few mornings, my early fancy for the mile-and-110-yard handicap for Class 2, Div. 1 horses at Ipoh on
    351 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 12 Nineteen-year-old Sulliman Awang of the Singapore Island Ramblers winner of the "Phillips Classic" (183 miles road race) held in Singapore on Sunday. He bettered last year's time of lOhr. :>oinin. by eight minutes, although the race was run in heavy rain throughout.
    42 words
  • 502 12  -  EPSOM JEEP PIERCEBRIDGE, FIFTY FIFTY B y DIERCEBRIDGE and Fifty Fifty, two newcomers entered for the Perak Turf Club January meeting, have been rated by the S.R.A. handicapper a few pounds above Majestic Scholar and Ladies Flame, two recent winners I T. zrz iwu rcueni
    502 words
  • 59 12 The second annual national championship archery shoot of Malaya will take place on Sunday Jan. 21. It will begin at 10 a.m. It is expected that more than 30 archers will be competing. The championship will be decided on a double Wester Round— 96 arrows at a range
    59 words
  • 29 12 Raffles Institution concluded the Rugby season last Saturday with a [:nme against BUu Pahat Government English School at Batu Pahat. The result was a scoreless draw.
    29 words
  • 71 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. T^HE North Rugby XV to meet South in the .annual match, to be played this year in Singapore on January 21, has been announced as follows: Yeang Kah Chong (Penang); J. Hoare (Penang),. Capt. Watson (Selangor), Harrison (Perak;, Craig (Perak);
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  • Article, Illustration
    66 12 Twenty-year-old Goh Poh Soon of the Cosmopolitan Cycling Club, winner of the 1950 Singapore Best AllRounder Open Cycling competition, receiving the handsome Bovril trophy from Datin C. J. Paglar at the dance which followed at Adelphi Hotel. Poh Soon was first in the 25-mile Time Trial, first in the 50-mile
    66 words
  • 61 12 A BLACKPOOL GOAL in THE MUD: The players in white shirts in this game are Blackpool forwards who are attacking the Charlton Athletic goal in a third round F.A. Cup tie. Perry (with hands upraised) has just scored through this packed goalmouth. The game was drawn 2-all
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  • 166 12 LOS ANGELES, Mon. SIXTEEN top U.S. sports personalities have been honoured by the Los Angeles Times as the outstanding sports figures of 1950. The annual awards were announced before 1,000 persons at the Ambassador Hotel, with comedian Bob Hope acting as master of ceremonies.
    AP  -  166 words
  • 220 12 HOBART, Monday. A FTER an early struggle for runs the M.C.C. gained a first innings lead of 42 runs over Tasmania on the second of their three-day match here. The M.C.C were all Tasmania's 192, and Tasm wicket in their second stopped play for the
    220 words
  • 185 12 OmarBeaten By Izhab In Two Sets IPOH. Mon. A FEATURE of the interstate badminton match played over the week-end between Perak: and Selangor Malays was th defeat of A. I. Izhab, Perak Malay singles champion, by Sedangor's S. M. Omar in two straight sets. Perak emerged winners by eight matches
    185 words
  • 117 12 TASMANIA— IST. INNS.: 19-J MCC— IST. INNS. Dewes c Layer b Doltery J Shrppard b Dollrry 2 Simpson run out Evans c Layer b DoUerr It Complon run oat 44 Washbrook Ibw Schmidt 61 Eric Bedser b Layer Alec Bedser c Booth b Schmidt 33 Warr c RodweH b
    Reuter-AAP  -  117 words
  • 36 12 The Singapore Amateur Football Association yesterday received a letter from Sir Stanley Rous, Secretary of the Football Association in Britain to say that SAFA are now directly affiliated to the FA.
    36 words
  • 36 12 TODAY: 4.34 a.m. (8 3) and 5 28p.m. (7.3); 11.06 am. (3 6) and 10 54 p.m. (4.8). TOMORROW: 5.21 am. (8 S) and 7.05 (7 ft.); 12.26 a.m. (3 5) and 11.52 (5.4).
    36 words
  • 241 12 IT RAINED cats and dogs throughout Sunday when the Colony's cycle race of the year, the "Phillips Classic" over 180 miles, was staged on Llm Chu Kang Road, but despite the most atrocious conditions, the record was broken by the first four who
    241 words
  • 39 12 The following will represent the Singapore Cricket Club against Singapore Chinese Recreation Club in their SHA knockout tournament semi-final replay on the Padang today: Browne; Kuyper. Dennis; Remington, Cook, Berrill; Webber, McInroy, Haigh. Kettner, Collis
    39 words
  • 130 12 MELBOURNE. Mon. YVONNE Peterson, Miss Singapore of 1949 was quoted by the Melbourne Amu as saying that she did not address" rude remarks to Dave Sands outside the dressing room after Friday night's Brooks-Sand* flght at the Melbourne Stadium. Yvonn»\ Brook's supporter from Singapore,
    130 words
  • 1083 12 LONDON, Mon. pOOTBALL League standings after Saturday's matches are as follows: FIRST DIVISION P W D L P APts Tottenham 26 15 6 5 57 32 36 Mid'brough 26 14 8 4 62 37 36 Arsenal 27 15 5 7 54 30 35 Wolves 25 13
    1,083 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 752 12 CL SSIFIED ADS. iCculnuefl trom Page S) SITUATIONS VACANT WELL known BriUsh import firm requires experienced stenographer. Apply wi'h particulars, experience, to P.O. Box 182 Ipoh. POST: Public Address Van Announcer (Chinese). Salary: Salary stale: ($1320 60A 1560 Bar 1680 120A 2040 Bar 2160 120A-3.000). Appointment: Suc- il candidate will
      752 words
    • 179 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. Continued from previous col. FOR SALE UNPACKED "ONAN" Diesel Air cooled Electric Plant; 2000 watts A C. 230 volts, complete with starting batteries etc. Particulars from Box No. A3530 S.T. MODERN BUNGALOW, 3 b rooms, bathrooms w. long baths attached, H. Sc. C. water, mod. san. Fully fitted
      179 words
    • 137 12 Watches I z^-— i"~-\N\ V v^— '^^v^ wul' 111 boxing gm HAPPY WORLD STADIUM FRIDAY, 19th JAN. at 9p.m. *J J Great Opening For 1951 Boxing. jmt All Star Programme. _mhU HP 1 BOBBY NJOO «H li Light Si Welterweight Champion Of Indonesia. Most Popular Boxer Ever To jj^^B Fight
      137 words