The Straits Times, 11 January 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 400 1 MacA Warns Of Chinese r Offensive EIGHTH ARMY HQ., Wednesday. THE American 2nd Division and French troops struck back today on the central front of Korea within two miles of Wonju. evacuated over the week-end. The Allied attack first counter blow of any size
    Reuter-AAP  -  400 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 1 U.S.S. ALBUQUERQUE, an American frigate, at Singapore on a two-day visit. It is accompanied by the U.S.S. Southerland. a specially equipped radar picket destroyer. Straits Times picture. (Story in Page Seven).
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  • 204 1 'LEADERS NEEDED IN MALAYA' LONDON. Wed. AIR Commodore Arthur Harvey Conservative M.P.. Stressed In a letter to The Tmv's today the need of rship" in Malaya, was replying to a letter, f i Sir Geoffrey Mander. i former Liberal M.P.. published on Monday in the course of correspondence on **Ttaa
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  • 212 1 $184,000 MAN CAN'T PAY RENT HOKKIEN bumboat man Lim Chye Seng aged 30, of Bali Lane, Singapore, may give back the $184,000 granted him by a court order on Tuesday. In her poorly-lit, cramped home in the back part of a low. dilapidated house in narrow Bali Lane, off Beach
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  • 87 1 COLCHESTER. Essex, Wed. pRIVATE Gordon Linsell. British soldier freed after being sentenced to death for shooting a German, has died here from meningitis. He was married a few weeks ago. Linsell, in the Black Watch, wa s 22. H e wa s freed last June after a
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 51 1 LUCKNOW. Wed.—Insurgent forces have taken Butwal, most important commercial centre of Western NepaJ, usually reliable sources said here today They were aided by 1.500 Nepal Government Gurkha troops who joined them in a coup d'etat at the West Nepal town of Tansen on Friday, these sources
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  • 219 1 SINGAPORE'S town planning consultant. Sir George Pepler, recommends to Government a law to enable a survey of the island and a "master plan". Sir George, due to fly to London yesterday, had his departure postponed for 24 hours because his aircraft was grounded at Kallang
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  • 150 1 ONE of two Indonesians who started a brawl at the junction of Arab Street and Beach Road. Singapore, on Tuesday night was shot and wounded by a Radio Police patrol. A senior CID. spokesman said yesterday that both men were drunk. The patrol ear,, he
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  • 141 1 LONDON, Wed. JJARRIED police hunting for the Scone Stone were told last night to seek, too, Britannia's Sword, missing from the foot of Lord Clyde's statue near Pall Mall, London. Scotland Yard men detailed to the Britannia Sword hunt were "making enquiries" all day, but by nightfall
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  • 153 1 A DAILY Constellation service from Singapore to London and Sydney is one of the plans which Qantas Empire Airways will consider this year, Captain L. R. Ambrose, the company's Singapore iiger, said yesterday. told the Straits Times: aim Is to extend the it passenger schedule
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  • 39 1 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Wed. k RICHMOND radio sta- Hoti's news commentator asked his listeners "Should we abandon Korea?" Within five minutes, the station received 98 telephone calls, all in favour of pulling out. A.P.
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  • 73 1 LONDON, Wed. A BUS-HOPPING chimpanzee named Cholmondley (pronounced Chumley) escaped from London Zoo on Tuesday and bit a man and woman before being captured and taken back home Mis escape put the traditional reserve of several Britons to a severe test. An escaped chimpanzee which swings
    AP  -  73 words
  • 129 1 P.Ms Switch Talks To Europe LONDON, Wed. THE Commonwealth Prime Ministers switchtd to the problems of Europe today in their 10-day London %cr»erence on the world crisis. The British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Bevin, gave the nine Commonwealth statesmen an analysis of these problems in terms of the East-West conflict. The
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  • 26 1 ROME. Wed. SincQair Lewis, American novelist and Nobel Prize winner, died today. Lewis aged 65, died in a Rome clinic after a heart attack.—UP.
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  • 150 1 COUNTRY-WIDE HUNT FOR WANTED PAIR THE police net for the two Singapore Chinese wanted in connection with the distribution of Malayan Communist Party propaganda has been flung over the whole of Malaya. The wanted men are Lim Kean Chye, a Singapore lawyer, and Eu Chooi Yip, a former reporter of
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  • 119 1 Councillor's Daughter Defies Reds From Our SUIT Correspondent IPOH, Wed. BANDITS who raided the Cameron Highlands tried to force Miss Agnes Leong to write a ransom note to her father, Mr. Leong Yew Koh. Federal and .Perak State Councillor, But she refused. Then they set fire to four farm houses,
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  • 33 1 OSLO. Wed. Five members of Parliament, representing Norway's five main parties, today launched an appeal for peace with a list of signatories headed by the Prime Minister. Mr. Elnar Gerhardsen.— Reuter.
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  • 33 1 BAYREUTH, (Bavaria) Wed. Four Germans were gaoled by an American court today for spying for Czechoslovakia. United States Army Headquarters announced that four more were held on suspicion of spying— Reuter
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  • 34 1 BUENOS AIRES. Wed.—Argentine grocers are complaining of unfair competition because the Social Aid Foundation, headed by Eva Peron. wife of the Argentine President, has bought 20 grocery shops in Buenos Aires.— A.P.
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  • 24 1 MELBOURNE. Wed. All Australian ports were idle today and more than 200 ships were tied up when 26.000 dockers held stop-work meetings.—Reuter.
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  • 249 1 Talks in H.K. on Far East HONG KONG, Wed. TOP British civil and x military cuiefs in the Far East were scheduled to arrive heie today to confer with local officials about the "deteriorating situation in the Far East", which yesterday caused the American Consulate-General to advise Americans to evacuate
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 29 1 EGold or Silver 5. de SUVA Jewellers >, ORCHARD ROAD, L i n s I Are you eating Vitamin Enriched BREAD? 9 people out of 10 are COLD STORAGE BAKERIES
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    • 29 1 in^rcFTnwTo!^T 81, HIGH ST., SPORE. j Teak-Wo«d FURNITURE 1111 —ii i Jgjlij Jr 1 i if tii^Hi Ik. la II I II Hi Jfc^-MB :>j MODERN BATHROOM SUITES Shams
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  • 133 2 From 'Ike 's Hotel PAK1S, Wed. SIX hundred Paris policemen warded oil Communist demonstrators trying to reach the Hotel Astoria. General Eisenhower's temporary headquarters, yesterday. They detained about 30 demonstrators. The Communists were demonstrating against General Eisenhower's mission to organise a West Buropean army. There were scuffles with the
    Reuter; UP  -  133 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 2 PRINCE ASSA WOSSEN, son of Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, stands beside his wife. Princess Medfariach, and their new-born daughter in Paris. A.P. picture.
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  • 44 2 NEW YORK, Wed.— The New York Daily News said "American military planners" had decided tentatively to send six United States army divisions to Europe. They expected the first elements to begin moving across the Atlantic "within 60 days." Reuter.
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  • 110 2 MANILA, Wed. A SPECIAL mission, headed by Foreign Secretary Carlos P. Romulo, is leaving today for Washington to seek augmented military assistance from the United States because of the worsening Far East situation. The mission will give Washington official* a schedule of military supplies and
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  • 32 2 LONDON, Wed.— The AntiPartition of Ireland League said it had sent a letter to all Commonwealth Prime Ministers now in London protesting at the "continued occupation of Ireland" by Britain. Reuter.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 75 2 LONDON, Wednesday. JY| ANY British ear manufacturers will be able to work only fonr days a week from next Monday because imports of sheet steel have fallen and because of rearmament, the Society of Motor Manufacturers announced today. This quarter's supplies are being seriously reduced,
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 245 2 LONDON, Wednesday. T»HE Kin; and Queen will visit Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, and Ceylon on their way to Australia and New Zealand early next year, Buckingham Palace announces. I They will travel In one of the Shaw-Savill liners, either the 15,896-ton Ceramic, or
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  • 80 2 LONDON, Wed.— Britain announced last night she Is virtually scrapping her £36.500.000 East African groundnuts experiment, because it has proved "incapable of fulfilment." The scheme, launched in 1946 by the Labour Government to get oils and fats from 3,000,000 acres of Jungle and bush, is now to
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 147 2 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. SENATOR Taft said last night that he was in •3 favour of warning Russia that an attack on Western Europe would mean war with the United States. But he was against sending more American troops to Western Europe. He thought that the buildin?
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 2 GENERAL Francois de Unares, *ged 53, wbo has been appointed by the French Government as Republican Commissioner in North Vietnam. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 86 2 TOKYO, Wed. One of Japan's leading fishing comnanies will spend 921,000,000 yen (£921,000" sterling) to salvage a 20,000-ton mother whaling ship. The Nippon Suisan will refloat and repair the Tonan Maru No. 3, which was sunk in Truk atoll during World War H. The company has been
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1331 2 REFUND OF PAWNSHOP TENDER DEPOSITS Applications for refund of Pawnshop Tender Deposits will be received at the Offlee of the Commissioners of PoUoe, Singapore. up to 31st January, 1951. Tenders must state the amount they tendered for and the number of the Area. The Financial Officer, Singapore Police Force will
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    • 139 2 MALAYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION MILLION LOTTERY Ist Prize $250,000/- 2nd Prize $150,000/3 rd Prize 50,000/- 4th Prize 20,000/Also 2 Prizes of $10,000/10 Prizes of 5,000/30 Prizes of 2,000/Drawing Date, 21st January, 1951 at IPOH Please apply for iickets early TICKETS: at $1/- each available at all Branches, or at P. 0.
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  • 41 3 UNKNOWN MINISTER PAKISTAN o .ligh Commissioner, Mr. N. 1. Rahimtoola and his wife (left), enjoy a joke with the Foreign Minister, Mr. Bevin, and Mrs. Bevin on their arrival at Westminster Abbey at the opening of the Commonwealth conference. A.P. picture.
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  • 244 3 Wo Direct War On Red China' NEW JERSEY, Wednesday. VHE United States, through its chief delegate to the United Nations, Mr. Warren R. Austin, last night outlined a four-point plan to meet the Korean crisis. He ruled out any direct war against the Communist-held China mainland. Mr. Austin
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    25 3 SIR GODFREY HUGGINS. Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia, who is attending the Commonwealth conference in London. He was a doctor before entering politics. Reuter photo.
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  • 209 3 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. rpHE Economic Co-operation Administration will Minn present a request to the Budget Bureau for additional funds to carry on rehabilitation programmes in the Philippines, Formosa, Burma, Indonesia, Indo-China, Siam and India. The request will be a result ot Congress authorisation for President
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  • 59 3 LONDON, Wed. Mable Russell, famous as a "gaiety girl" and Member of Parliament, died in Brighton this week aged 64. She was in the original London production of "The Merry Widow" in 1907. Under her married name Mrs. Hilton Philipson. she was one of
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 57 3 LONDON, Wed. Britons spent more money in the third quarter of 1950 than ever before in history but tiiey did not get record quantities for their record spending, the British Government monthly digest of statistics disclosed. Spending went up to £2,267,000,000. The previous record was £2.248,000.000
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  • 25 3 TEL AVIV, Wed. Israel yesterday turned down a request from the three Western Powers to end the state of war with Germany. Reuter.
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  • 29 3 JAKARTA. Wed. -The Australian Government has of-Iv-red a four-year scholarship to be awarded to an Indonesian student beginning in 1951. according to Aneta News Asenrv.— Reuter
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  • 67 3 SYDNKY. Wed. SYDNEY police are searching for the relatives of r°fi: ed jrrave-dig?er, Mr. Joseph Daley, v.iio died "destitate" at the a< t > of 7.1 vn; £3.000. (A). ['.slice found '.h» money, in sovereigns ami banknotes, in a tumbledown c«>' t age where Mr. Daley
    AP  -  67 words
  • 200 3 LONDON, Wed. THE Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevin, last night described the Commonwealth Conference as one of the most important in the history of the world. He was addressing an Anglo-American gathering to welcome the new American Ambassador to Britain, Mr. Walter S. Gifford.
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  • 154 3 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. JHE State Department is not advising Americans in South -East Asia in general to lecall their families because of the worsening Far Eastern situation, it was announced last night. Advice to Americans in Hong Kong to leave was made on the Initiative
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  • 178 3 HONG KONG, Wednesday. THE Caltex and Standard Vacuum Oil Companies were among the first American interests to be taken over by the Chinese authorities on the mainland, according to reports reaching here. The reports said the Communists in the main cities have almost completed the
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  178 words
  • 74 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. PRESIDENT Truman said yesterday that the United States must be taxed until it hurts to arm the free world against the menace of Communist aggression." The President gave his warrning in a letter to Senator Harry Byrd (Democrat, Virginia). The letter at
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 56 3 $2,OOOMILLION FOR NAVY WASHINGTON, Wed.,— A $2,000,000,000 programme to build up the United States Navy was approved by the House Armed Services Committee today in two hours. The measure provided for construction of a 60.000-ton "super" aircraft carrier and 172 other new ships. The Bill also provides for modification and
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  • 24 3 DR. MAXIMINO BUENO, Philippine representative on the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea. A.P. picture.
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  • 247 3 LONDON, Wed. A LL British Common- <* wealth Prime Ministers have agreed that Communist Cnina should take part in negotiations for a Japanese peace treaty. They believe it would be possible to accord ad hoc recognition to the Peking Government for this purpose only. There were,
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 43 3 PARIS. Wed.— The French Council of Ministers has appointed M. Georges Gautier. 50-year-old Colonial official, as Secretary-General to Gen. de Lattre de Tassigny, French Hign Commissioner in IndoChina. He will be Gen. Tassigny's right-hand man for all civil affairs. Reuter.
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  • 216 3 TOKYO, Wednesday. SWEEPING new censorship regulations that may result in a black-out of all except official reports of the fighting in Korea were handed to war correspondents by the Eighth Army Public Information Office yesterday. Correspondent are not allowed to write anything that may "embarrass
    UP  -  216 words
  • 33 3 KARACHI, Wed. General Sir Douglas Gracey, Com-mander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army, will hand over command to Lieut-General Mohammed Ayub Khan on Jan. 15, according to an authoritative source in Rawalpindi. Reuter.
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  • 143 3 ON THE NORTHEASTERN FRONT, KOREA, Wed. THE North Korean Army yes- terday released six American soldiers captured on Jan. 3. They were set free twice. When they were captured, the soldiers robbed them of their watches, rings, fountain pens and other valuables. They were
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  • 337 4 Royal Commission Imperative To Give Justice To Non— Malays "IT is imperative that an independent, disinterested body like a Royal Commission be appointed to go into the whole problem with a view to doing: simple justice to Chinese and other non-Malays who have made this country their permanent home", said
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  • 285 4 MORE CLINICS FOR F.P.A. rE Singapore Family Planning Association hopes to open several more clinics this year in the thickly populated parts of the city and to purchase more equipment. The association recently received $10,000 from the Singapore Government twice the sum it received last year An official or the
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  • 77 4 HAD SINGAPORE JOHORE I -CARDS From^Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. Lim Chow Seng, who was with two identity cards, was ordered by the President of the Sessions Court to enter into a bond of $150 to be of good behaviour for nine months. Lim said that he lived In
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  • 27 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUANTAN, Wed. I. P. Veeran. an Indian, charged with failing to take out an identity card within the prescribed time, was discharged
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  • 44 4 Chia Buan Seng, aged 58, claimed trial in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday when charged with stealing uioth, worth $4, at Sub Depot 223 8.0.D. Jurong. Bail ol $200 was allowed. The case was fixed for Feb. 8.
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  • 31 4 MR. C. R. POTTS, chief rttekecpet of Malayan Airways and Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson-Irving, a journalist, from Britain, who were married at the Singapore Registry yesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 213 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. APPLICATION for mining rights affecting 602* acres on Seaport Estate, Sungei Way Selangor, has been made by the secretaries, Harrisons and Crosfleld (Malaya) Ltd. This follows prospecting on the estate for tin. Samples have been taken and
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  • 67 4 OFFICERS of the Singapore Municipal Veterinary Department frequently inspect aquariums to see that the fish have room to move about and that the aquariums are kept clean. Under a Singapore Municipal ordinance, fish are specified in the category of animals. The department can take action
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 4 JENNIFER and Elizabeth Kertland try on their winter clothes from hoods to boots before leaving for England after 18 months at Changi.
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  • 197 4 rpHE 11-man interim committee of the proposed Singapore Trades Union Congress, headed by Mr. Lim Yew Hock, will meet on Jan. 16 to draft the T.U.C. constitution and fix the date for its inauguration, probably in the middle of February The committee was appointed at
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  • 74 4 VEREY lights were fired yesterday from the end of the Kalians Airport runway, Singapore, to help guide a BOAC Constellation from Jakarta. Low rain ciouds over the Airport in the afternoon delayed the landing of the aircraft by 20 minutes. After making three unsuccessful attempts to
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  • 26 4 Fror% Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Weds Inche Mansor Adabi, of Singapore, has applied for Federal Citizenship. The application was made in Johore Bahru.
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  • 105 4 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. The members of the Town Board, Johore Bahru for 1951 are:- The Officer-in-charge of Town Boards, Johore, president; the District Officer, Johore Bahru, vice-president; the State Executive Engineer, the Deputy Principal Medical Officer, the Deputy Commissioner for Labour, Johore,
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  • 83 4 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. Pour women are to serve on the Kota Tinggi Hospital Board this year. They are Che Sharifah Fetome binte Noh. Ch e Rubiah binte Abdullah. Che Saflah binte Md. Nor and Mrs. Edmett. Other members of the Board
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  • 118 4 From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. AN air maintenance platoon n of the R.A.O.C., which will be responsible for. selecting and packing equipment, ammunition, clothes and food for air drops has arrived in Malaya. It to the first of its type to be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 159 4 jM PME^ FOR A MARVELOUS I CAMPBELL'S CREAM 7 OF MUSHROOM SOUP Campbell's Cream of Mushroom F Soup, just as it comes from the UHMpjp*|*«rr can, gives you a rich, smooth ■■^■^SF iLr lor J contents 0 Soup in 8 .^^H CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP <^^? IVhat do you know
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  • 682 5 WANTS RE-ENTRY VISA LAW REVOKED Controls On More Foodstuffs Urged A FRKSH attempt to seek revocation of the newly-introduced passport regulations by which holder? of certificates of admission have to obtain visas before they can return to Malaya from China is to be made by Mr. Tan Chin Tuan (Chinese
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  • 208 5 3SOLDIERS DIE IN AMBUSH Km m Our Staff Correspondrnt KCALA LUMPUR. Wed. British soldiers and an assistant estate manager were killed in the FederaUon today. The soldiers, a sergeant, a corporal, and a B.O.R were travelling in a military truck in Perak when thev were ambushed. A lieutenant two B.O.R.s
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  • 79 5 WORRIED over his small income, with which he had to support his wife and three children. Seah Bah Chee. aged 31 decided to end his life by taking caustic soda. rday, in the Singapore Si'cnnd Police Court, he pleaded Tuiltv to attempting to commit suicide
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  • 56 5 Lee Gcok Tee. a 28-year-old woman was fined $10 in Singapore yesterday for failIng to produce her card when she was stopped in Tanjong Pagar on Jan. 1. She said that she produced a statutory declaration swearing that she had lost her card In September. She
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  • 68 5 Gordon Leonard, only son of the Rev. Leonard Cornwell, of the Hebron Chape!, Siglap, Singapore, and Mrs. Cornwell, was fatally Injured in a riding accident in Sydney, Australia, on Tuesday. Mr. Gordon Cornwell, who was 17V4 years of age, wag working in Sydney. HLs father flies to
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  • 65 5 From Our Own Correspondent BEOAMAT, Wed.— Without calling for his defence, the Segamat Circuit Magistrate acquitted and discharged 38-year-old Mohamed Raos bin Na'at on a charge of theft of a cow and calf. The complainant wai Mohamed Raos' wife, Mcnsiah blnte Sulong. She said that though the
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  • 132 5 THE Singapore Nutrition Council will continue discussion of the fortification of rice and wheat products in Malaya and milk products, especially in relation to infant feeding, at its next meeting on Jan. 15. The council secretary. Miss Jean Mlllis. told the Straits Times yesterday
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  • 58 5 t ram Oar SUB t'arrespondrat KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A POLICE inquiry has begun into incidents which followed the Telok Anson bomb outrage on December 23. Two Chinese were killed and six Chinese and three members »f a jungle squad injured when a handgrenade was thrown from
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  • 33 5 From Our Own C«v*jo«o*mU JOHORE BAHRU. Wed.— R. I. Newman who drove a military vehicle negligently and knocked down the Police Depot gate was fined $10 in the Police Court today.
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  • 30 5 Sandberg Briorn, a 22-yeax-old Norwegian, was cautioned and discharged yesterday In the Singapore Second Police Court after pleading guilty to being drunk and lniiipaMe In Waterloo Street.
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  • 391 5 PROFESSOR'S CHARGE DENIED rpHE allegation by Mr. J. K. Monro, foriuer Profes- sor of Surgery at the Univer sity of Malaya, that Asian surgeons in Malaya lack manipulative skill, is refuted in the latest issue of the journal of the Alumni Association of King Edward VII
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  • 119 5 TDAMASAMY, 54-year-old Indian priest in a temple in Bukit Timah Road, will start an 11-day fast his third in recent months this morning. "I have been commanded by Sri Ranganathar a Hindu god to start fasting for the betterment of the Indian community in Malaya." he
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  • 20 5 PENANG, Wed.— Eight renominated Commissioners will make their statutory declarations at tomorrow's Municipal meeting, the first this year.
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  • 31 5 Six Belgian Air Force men will arrive in Singapore early on Jan. 17 by Skymaster on a familiarisation flight from Belgium. The party will be led by Capt. Quensfe.
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  • 51 5 DATO Onn bin Ja'afar leaves for Ceylm today by BOAC aircraft, The eta airman of BIDA was to haie Iff t at a.m. yesterday km t Ms plane was delayed. Dato Onn will study mrai administration ind«sirial devrtopment and the working oi co-operative societies in rural
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  • 345 5 PAINTER OF MALAYA'S FLOWERS GETS REWARD— NAMES ORCHID Straits Times Woman Correspondent f\NE day a week for the last \J four years the artist wife of a Cable and Wireless official. Mrs. Jean Kinloch Smith, has been going to the Botanic Gardens, Singapore, to paint flowers. Though she does not
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  • 140 5 Fran Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. J)EPORTATION orders against 696 aliens and ten British subjects under the Emergency Regulation 17c were made during Norember and December last year Announcing this today, the Federation Government stated that total deportation orders made in 1950 amounted
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  • 57 5 Prom Our Own CorrespoaAmt TELUK ANSON, Wed. Bail of $500 each in two sureties, was granted Wood Chong Fong and Lim Teng, charged at Teluk Anson with fabricating false information of possessing terrorist documents against Lim Tay and other occupants of his house In. Immigrant Road.
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  • 99 5 HOUSING EXHIBITION, Victoria, Memorial HaU, 9 a.m. to S p.m. and UK on "Tow Howe and Tour Children." by Mr. A. W. Frisby, Director of Bducatlon, 5.30 pja. V.W.G.A. flim show lor T^wn Pioneers, USJB Theatre, RAflTe* Place, 3 pm., Mandarin advanced cU»s. Raffl&i Quay, 5.T9 p.m. BED
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  • 135 5 Leaflets offer $60,000 reward lit ORE than 1,850,000 iT1 leaflets have been dropped in 271 different areas of Trengganu, Pahang, Kelantan, Perak, Negri Sembilan, Selangor, Malacsa and Johore, calling on bandits to surrender. The leaflets, printed in Chinese, Tamil and Malay, set out the new scale of rewards for information
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  • 96 5 rnHIRTY cases of Muslim 1 families, consisting of about 100 persons, in need of help as a result of detentions after the riots in Singapore, were submitted yesterday at a meeting of an inquiry committee formed under the auspices -of the Malay Union. The chairman. Inche
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  • 58 5 Members of the Permanent Examinations Board forappointmenU to higher services in the Singapore Qovenment were named yester day. They are: Chairman, the director of Education; members: the Principal of Raffles Institution, Professor F. Mason, Professor R. C. R. Morrell, Mr. M. N. Menon and Mr. Ee Peng
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  • 62 5 From Ob Owi C*rreap»4eßt JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. The Mentri Besar of Johore has made an order under the Emergency Regulations that all shops shall remain open only between the hours of 2 and 4 p.m. in the town board area of Bekok, Sungel Bekok Estate, Eldred Estate, Chan
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 146 5 SINGAPORE COLOMBO LONDON AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAYS PTY. LTD. 5, PRINCE ST. SINGAPORE TELS. *****, ***** OR ALL TRAVEL AGENCIES fdanktcr CROOKES HALIBUT OIL One of th* richest known sources of viuraiA A'fc Crookes Halibut Oil. It also eonuins^vltarnin O essential for children A bec«us« it builds" sturdy bones and pro*
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  • 24 6 MR. MRS. ANTENNY C. PEREIRA thank all frienda and relatives for their valuable gifts and congratulatory messages on ttie occasion of their marriage.
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  • 702 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thur., Jan. 11, 1951. Bevin Peace Plan Agreement on a Commonwealth policy on the Far Eastern crisis continues to elude the Commonwealth Prime Ministers at their conference in London. Hope of agreement may not have retreated, but it is evident that the divisions of opinion which
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  • 403 6 If the Leftists of whom Professor Silcock spoke in his address to an emergency meeting of University students are in the mood for debating civil liberties, they could do worse than turn their attention to a remarkable libel trial which is occupying the attention of the French
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  • 227 6 IF "Barker Street's" 1 letter, published today (Wednesday) under the heading "A Taxpayer Does Some Arithmetic", is an average sample of his arithmetic, he is an extremely lucky man to hold the lucrative position he so obviously does. He says he Is due to pay $5,000 in tax
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  • 137 6 A CCORDING to a recent Federal Secretariat Circular, the Federation Government will no longer recognise shorthand certificates issued by the London Chamber of Commerce for the reason that the standard of the examination is low in comparison with the Government examination. The L.C.C. authorities should take note
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 6 Photograph by Sonia Pear son. THE WATER BABY This happy snapshot shows a small caddy at the Island Golf Club having a bath in the spillway from the reservoir after heavy rain.
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 232 6 TN Ceylon, members of the Public Service can A normally and legitimately aspire to become heads of departments. For instance: A P.WD. overseer became Director of Public Works (Mr. Mahadeva) a railway booking clerk, G.M.R. (Mr. Kanagasabai) a postal clerk, P.M.O. (Mr. Ignatius Perera). It would
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    • 189 6 IT is no longer customary for 1 the majority of people to believe everything they read in the papers. The tendency is, if anything, the reverse. Could not. therefore, your Staff Correspondent in Kuala Lumpur have dug a little deeper into the report
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  • 560 6 Councillor and Commissioner at $800 a month... Practical Surveyors... Through to Hill Str e e t... Housing Questionnaire. WITH Singapore due to elect nine representatives to the Colony's Legislative Council, and with the names of some Municipal Commissioners arnounced as likely candidates, it has been asked
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  • 293 6 Sarawak In American Eyes RECENT correspondence has suggested that Sarawak's hundred yearold Brooke dynasty has been extinguished (along with Sarawak's status as an independent State) because it would not in these times be considered "democratic" for a white family to continue to rule the Sarawak people. May I in this
    293 words
  • 73 6 TEMPORARY and probationary clerks in the Singapore Municipality are not paid housing allowance. Why not? They too have to pay rent for their houses. Government and War Department employees, whether temporary or permanent, are paid rent allowance, and even the daily-paid labourers get $6 per month
    73 words
  • 437 6 On the Margin With Knobs On A few days ago a Chines' colleague of mine and his wife called on Mrs. Cecil Street and myself and presented us with the oddest pomelo we had ever seen. It had a round flattened shape, as if someone had sat on it, and
    437 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 809 6 SITUATIONS VACANT SHORTHAND-Typlst required, reply with particulars and salary d to Box A3451. S.T. I INOTYPE OPERATORS required Good salary and allowance. Apply Box No. A3470, S.T. WANTED Shorthand Typists. Write stating experience »nd I required to P.O. Box No. 618. Singapore. BOOK-KEEPER. For European Shipping Co., quick at figures,
      809 words
    • 4 6 sit '^fflfCHOWf) MERCHANT TAILORS
      4 words
    • 220 6 Elements of an industry I JsVSßßHßr^S^bsflK In daily speech the word element is too often used wrongly or carelessly. The elements suggest the weather," and elementary something easy or simple. To men of science, however, an element describes any substance which cannot be iplit up into a simpler one by
      220 words

  • 24 7 AMKRKAN SAILORS from the destroyer Southerland and the frigate Albuquerque, at Singapore on a two-day vi'it. buying souvenirs yestrrday. Straits Times picture.
    24 words
  • 193 7 LEAD U.S. SHIP AT INCHON IN S'P ORE 'TWO American warships arrived in Singapore yes- terday morning on a two-day visit. They are the V.S.S. Southerland, a destroyer, and the frigate Albuquerque. The ships are in Malayan waters on a training cruise and a "rest cure". ine soumenanp, a specially
    193 words
  • 109 7 American Wives To Quit S'pore TLE wives of two members of the senior staff of Standard -Vacuum Oil Company in Singapore are expected to leave the Colony this month for the United States, a spokesman lor the company told the Straits Times last night. Several more will leave next month.
    109 words
  • 26 7 The Technical Group of the Army Civil Service Union will hold their annual meeting on Saturday. Jan. 20 at their headquarters in Fort Canning.
    26 words
  • 43 7 From Our Own Correspondent .iOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Ibrahim bin Bajah. who drove a car negligently and collided with anoher car, was fined $20 at Johore Bahru today. Ibrahim said the accident occurred as he was avoiding a boy.
    43 words
  • 455 7 'Achieve Scheme Like Britain 's Urges Vickers A NATIONAL Health Service like Britain's could be and must be achieved in Singapore, the Singapore Director of Medical Services, Dr. W. J. Vickers, said at the Housing Exhibition in the Victoria Memorial Hall last night. To achieve it
    455 words
  • 259 7 HOUSING DEPT. 'A BIG NEED' From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. rE urgent need for a housing department in the Kuala Lumpur Municipality— a proposal made more than four years ago— was again stressed today by a senior Municipal official. He was replying to recent commencs made by the
    259 words
  • 33 7 Miss Ruth Helfgott, a Euro-pean-born Australian ballet dancer, passed through Singapore yesterday by Qantas Constellation on her way to Paris to join the reformed company of Ballet Larquis de Cuevas.
    33 words
  • 312 7 SPECIAL body with the job of providing homes for people in the lower-income group should be set up in Singapore, Mr. Jacob L« Crane, chairman of the U.N. Tropical Housing} Mission, told Singapore Rotary Club yesterday.: He complimented the Singapore Improvement! 1 Trust but said
    312 words
  • 68 7 MR. Henry Lawrence, Director of U.S.I.S.. speaking last night at a party given by the Singapore branch of the M.C.A. on the eve of his transfer to Formosa said he had long been an admirer of the Association. Its work in trying to foster better inter-communal relationship
    68 words
  • 47 7 L m Liang Chua, aged 38, •lalned trial in the Singaiori Fourth Police Court yesterday when charged with stealing $4.40. a wallet, and a receipt, belonging to Law Tai Nguan. The ease wag postponed 1 until Jan. 30. Ball of $250 was allowed.
    47 words
  • 59 7 Ng Bark Woo, a 35-year-old cook employed by a merchant in New Bridge Road, Singapore, was yesterday found with his throat cut In the shop kitchen. The discovery was made by another employee. The man was then removed to the General Hospital where he was operated
    59 words
  • 45 7 A 23-year-old Chinese Lim Swee Lee. abused a police corporal who searched him during a security check at Muar Road. Singapore. This was stated in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday when Llm. convicted for using abusive language, was fined $10.
    45 words
  • 35 7 For fighting in a coffee shop at Jurong Road, Lek Kay Huat, aged 53, and Lek Kay Soon, aged 54, were fined $10 in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday.
    35 words
  • 44 7 Charged with impersonating a detective to obtain free food in the Singapore Glass Factory. Hew Ah Foo, aged 24.- of Henderson Road, claimed trial in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday. Llew was reoianded until tomorrow. Ball of $1,000 was fixed.
    44 words
  • 190 7 Do you know 'Ali,' Boy with scar? WHO is Ali? Ali is a Malay schoolboy, but that tart his real name. But who is he? All that Mr. G. E. Magjnay, who was >n charge of planning the exhibition, knows is that liis photograph was picked from a group of
    190 words
  • 122 7 A BANDON planning for profit and plun for the best interests of the whole population, Dr. G. H. Lowe, Singapore's Chief Health Officer, urged yesterday when he spoke on "Your Home and Your Health" at the Housing Exhibition in the Victoria Memorial Hall. He
    122 words
  • 55 7 WONG Choon Chee, of Kelantan, who came to Singapore seven weeks ago to get married and then had to wait for a ship to take him back, was yesterday fined $5 in the Singapore First District Court when he pleaded guilty to failing to
    55 words
  • 65 7 AFTER getting off a bus, Chua Boon Kang, an 11-year-old boy, let go of his mother's hand and rushed across the road. He was knocked by a lorry and was killed Instantly. Yesterday, at a Coroner's inquest, the driver of the lon-y was cleared from blame, and
    65 words
  • 36 7 A vacation session of the Singapore Supreme Court was held yesterday. The Chief Justice, Sir Charles MurrayAynsley, heard applications in chambers. The Supreme Court will open officially after the vacation on Saturday.
    36 words
  • 37 7 INDIAN DANCERS Lalitha (in front) and Padmini openin* their programme at the Victoria Theatre last night with the invocation to the goddess of stage and dance around the sacred lamp. Straits Times picture.
    37 words
  • 279 7 T*HE assistance of two private medical practitioners x is being sought by Singapore Municipal health authorities to help out in the City's five infant welfare clinics following the arrest of one of their Lady Health Officers, Dr. Maggie Lim. The position is aggravated by tjtie
    279 words
  • 145 7 rE Singapore Co-operative Stores Society, at an emergency committee meeting lasting nearly three hours, last night appointed Mr. D. E. Siddons as its new chairman in place of Mr. John Eber who has been detained under the Emergency Regulations. Mr. P. Ramadas was appointed secretary
    145 words
  • 49 7 Mr. Ivan DIxon, tenor of the Carl Rosa and Sadlers Wells opera companies arrived in Singapore yesterday by Qantas Constellation on his way to Australia. Mr. Dixon, who will sing for the National Theatre Movement of Australia, will be away from Britain for three months.
    49 words
  • 59 7 A 34-year-old woman, Teo Khar Hiam. of Kim Chuan Road, Singapore. pleaded guilty In the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday to distilling 2J gallons of samsu without a licence. Teo also pleaded guilty to possession of 24 gallons of dutiable samsu. The case was postponed until
    59 words
  • 295 7 rpHKEE very beautiful young women delighted a packed house at the Victoria Theatre last night with a feast of colour and vigorous grace of movement In Indian dances that can have been seldom, if ever equalled since their great teacher, Uday 8hankar, danced in Singapore
    295 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 62 7 SYNTHESIZED for ms3|9| ULTRA DURABILITY. I|sp££b At/roll jlEEgl PAINTS Stockists:— SOUTHEAST CO., 115, Jalan Besar. Tel. ***** •Oil A6EMTS SINGAPORE Tel: ***** PENANG Tel: 1852. READY STOCK I I GALVANISED I BARBED WIRE I Enquiries and Orders to:TAN SIN PENG CO., Head OHice: J Branch: << 11. Phillip Stre«t. J
      62 words
      43 words

  • 281 8 NEW POWERS TO CLOSE SCHOOLS Federa tion Bid To Bea t Propaganda From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. pOWERS to close any school in the Federation and strike it off the register if it is found teaching political propaganda detrimental to public interest, or to strike off avy teacher
    281 words
  • 36 8 THE GOVERNOR of Sarawak^ Me. A. P. Abell (centre facing camera) recently entertained Temonggong Tama Wong Ajang, an influential Kayan chief, his followers. and adnrnistrative officers to luncheon at the Astana Kuching.
    36 words
  • 164 8 FUND OF $13,200 FOR ESSAY From Our Slaff Correspondent IPOH. Wed. THE 60th anniversary of a Taiping firm will be commemorated by a $13,200- essay fund to be known as the Toh Eng Hoe's Talk Ho Diamond Jubilee Fund. It was created yesterday at tho Perak Council Chambers. Mr. To
    164 words
  • 48 8 From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Wed. Twen-ty-one-year-old Maniam, an Indian in the Military Police. Singapore, was at Seremban yesterday fined $150 or two months hard labour for posing as a police inspector. He was alleged to have examined identity cards at a lodging house
    48 words
  • 38 8 From Our Own Correspondent KAJANG, Wed.— For deserting from the Kajang Special Constabulary after 21 days' leave, two young Malays, Shafie bin Sahi and Abdul Rahman, were sentenced to three months' and two months' imprisonment respectively.
    38 words
  • 75 8 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wed. Alleged to have driven a car which plunged into a stream at Telok Bahang on Monday, Teoh Cheng Hock was charged in the Penar.g First Magistrate's Court today with causing the death of a 20-year-old girl. Miss Wong Kang Nyong, by
    75 words
  • 210 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. AN appeal against a sentence of death tor collecting for the bandits by a man who throughout the hearing was referred to as "X", was today dismissed by the Federation Court of Appeal in Kuala Lumpur. The
    210 words
  • 83 8 From Oar Own Correspondent PARIT BUNTAR, Wed.— The following have been appointed members of Krian Irrigation and Economic Advisory Council for this year: The District Officer Krian (chairman), the Deputy Assistant District Officer (secretary), District Officer Nlbong Tebal. Agricultural Officer Penang and Province Wellesley, Agriculture Officer, Perak
    83 words
  • 23 8 MUAR, Wed.— For letting four cows stray In the Tangkak police compound Abdullah bin Kolap was fined $10 at Muar.
    23 words
  • 42 8 Medical Student Teacher To Wed MR. J. S. Mahadevah, 6? the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Malaya, and Miss Chariot tee Sinnathamby, a teacher at the Methodist Girls' School at Klang, whose engagement has been announced. Bee Wah Studio picture.
    42 words
  • 124 8 THE GOVERNOR of Singa- pore, Sir Franklin Gimson, and some 100 members of the Singapore Bar are expected to see the ceremonial opening on Monday of the Singapore January Assizes. Earlier there will be a halfhour service at St. Andrew's Cathedral, beginning at 10 a.m.
    124 words
  • 40 8 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wed.— Unofficial representatives promised full- support when they met Government officials yesterday to discuss the resuscitation of the Volunteer Force. The Volunteer Force Ordinance is expected to become operative soon.
    40 words
  • 360 8 EXHIBITS which have been approved in international exhibitions must be seen at the Singapore Art Society's second open exhibition of photographs at the British Council Centre, opening on Jan. 27. states Dr. C. A. Gib-son-Hill. Sixty-five prints, the work of 16 photographers from America, Hong
    360 words
  • 142 8 From Our Own Correspondent KUANTAN. Wed.— Two mission schools In Kuantan, the Methodist Girls' School and St Thomas School have Increased their pupils and teaching staff. The M.G.S. now has five classrooms in two blocks of brick buildings. Temporary wooden huts have been removed. There are seven
    142 words
  • 156 8 From Our Slaff Correspondent IPOH, Wednesay. A CHINESE labourer was killed In a quarrel over the trolley lines running through a mine In Tanjong Tuallang, Ipoh Assize Court was told today. Chow Pak Fan, 39, a contractor, was gaoled for 18 months for causing
    156 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 194 8 Sixteen hours of tidy hair GROOMING WITHOUT GUMMING Dress > our hair with Silvifix. and every hur will stay in place from 8 a.m. to midnight without attention. SilvifU is pleasant to use and has no ill effects. It does rot mat the hair and cause it to break, but
      194 words
    • 364 8 It's NEW! If c I the new jj PADIfTD i l/\ the only pea \w lIV A\ with the /%v U\* NEW FCATURES IL- •*»«v»vo««jQ«rtWflGwwvwwnw»wpo««*rwio^ NEW PRECISION fi The most pexkect pen in the world has for NFW acAin-Y If i lon been th Part" "51". Now cumm nl I
      364 words

  • Article, Illustration
    38 9 -Now dont be late for your supper," says Snow White, bidding goodbye to the seven dwarfs as they set off to the mine during the pantomime presented at the Victoria Theatre this veek, by Dean's School, Singapore.
    38 words
  • 104 9 I HAVE seen some walnuts in the shops. When you 1 <>me crack them carefully so that half f- shell is pi rfect. Now place the shell. T> md sid t v\> «>n apiece thin card, and pencil .round i' drawine foi 1 1 \nd
    104 words
  • 16 9 Collect ten of these coupons to buome a member of the Children's Corner Club.
    16 words
  • 188 9 QOULD we have two competitions on the Children's page? One for the younger, and one for the older children? asks K. Karthigasu. The chief difficulty is that this would take up space which is normally used for stories and other things. But what do you
    188 words
  • 356 9 YOU want to now where your magic boots came from?" Uncle Ollie continued." It's quite simple, rhey came from the rainbow's end." "Ai-Ya!" exclaimed Lian Soo. "I thought that was where they kept the pot of gold." "Weli perhaps they dooooooo, replied Uncle Ollie. "They keep
    356 words
  • 56 9 Bom at Odense and died at Copenhagen, Hans Andersen, a Dane, was reputed for his fairy tales. As a writer, he wrote delightful fairy talesi which to thid day, havi never been surpassed. His notable tales are 'The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Mermaid." He figures
    56 words
  • 292 9 ANOTHER SPECIAL PAGE Dear Children, We shall have another special page on Thursday Feb 1 to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Like the Christmas page it will be filled with contributions from you, so put your thinking caps on, and send in your attempts They may be paintings, drawings, stories,
    292 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 9 The closing date of this painting competition is Monday Jan. 22.
    11 words
  • 92 9 Ong Eng Hoot, f9A Fort Road, Klang; Chew Kin Choon, 24 Doralsamy Street. Kuala Lumpur; Chin Soon Ooi, 32-L Moh Ouan Terrace, Singapore; Tay Tiong Hum, 165A O-itram Road, Singapore; Lilian Martin, 217 East Coast Ro.ici, Singapore; Joseph Yap, 401 Joo Chiat Road, Singapore; Bernard Jacob, 43 New
    92 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 126 9 DLEASE enrol me at a member of the Children* Corner Wise Owls Club, and send me badge. NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH SHp ROLEX SERVICE STATION yUj C^T~ .^X ROLEX OWNERS THROUGHOUT MALAYA WILL BE r-^^TXJ-h-w m+mm<C^\ PLEASED TO KNOW THAT THE ROLEX SERVICE f J^^/Jj K jC STATION IS
      126 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
      56 words

  • 1055 10 A VAST LAND OF ONLY SMALL POPULATION Ronald Elliort today reports an interview with Mr. L. Dana Wilgress, High Commissioner for Canada in London, on rhe economic and social policy el Canada. VAST plains with golden wheat; huge forests with valuable timber; high mountain ranges and expansive Arctic wastes with
    1,055 words
  • 273 10 y^LL British Members of Parliament, irrespective of party, are being invited by the Far Eastern Prisoners of War Sub-com-mittee to support a demand that British ex-prisoners of war in Japanese hands, and the dependents of those who died in captivity and subsequently, shall be
    273 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      184 words
    • 214 10 i 1 SJASON STARTS TODAY ..y II 1.45 4.M -CM »3» Till MANfIUPIT fe^^dßn^n^He^ni THAT ROCKED THE WOULD! tt^LmWtttKttWWW Wmm OUFF™MARTA TOREN^ PUUP FMEIII HIEIT MWIiS NMWLTCI SIEZAK HI! KKtttfl TODAY H? i 1 lllll FrT ll Tl 111 45 4 DAILY > U U I j I [*™.q™ SPECTACLE
      214 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 232 10 TODAY'S RADIO SINGAPORE 10 a.m. News, Emergency Newa from K.L.; 10.10 Close; 12 Malay; 1p.m. Radio Orch.; 1.30 News; 1.45 Dance Music; 2 Close; 6 children, 6.20 "Calling All Hospitals. 7 News, Share Market; 7.12 Radio Scientist; 7.20 Interlude; 7.30 "Hit Parade"; 8 "Forum of the Air''; Straits Times Crossword
      232 words
    • 199 10 8.30 David Granville Ensemble. 9 "The Virginians"; 9.30 News; 9.45 Mr. St. Laurent, Prime Minister of Canada, in a talk from London: 10 "Take It Prom Here; (Raffles Hotel); 11 Close. K. LUMPUR 10 a.m. News; 10.50 Schools; 12 2 pjn. As S'pore; 6 "Happy Anniversary"; 7 As S'pore; 7
      199 words

  • 328 11 LONDON. Wed. RECENT buying enthusiasm In the London Stock Exchange has been checked by motor Industry's sharp reminder of acute shortages of raw materials (motor production may be cut by 15 to 20 per cent, by shortage of sheet steel). Price movements of domestic stocks today were irregular and
    328 words
  • 251 11 First-Grade Touches $2.25 A Lb. From A Market Correspondent THE highest price for rubber in the Singapore 1 market yesterday was $2.25 a lb. for first-grade January shipment. There was a wider discount than usual between first and other grades, with less demand for lower grades. Business was only
    251 words
  • 10 11 TIN: $636 PICUL SINGAPORE, Wed., Jan. 10— 5636.50 (up 15.37
    10 words
  • 25 11 LONDON. Wed., Jan. 10.— Spot £1,260— £1.265; Forward £1.255— £I.SM; Settlement £1.240 (up £65). Turn-overs: a.m. 160; p.m. 65 tons.
    25 words
  • 51 11 HONG KONG. Wea. rE directors of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank recommend a dividend of £3 sterling per share for the rear to Dec. 31, 1950. The dividend s nett, after deduction of the Hong Kong Corporation profits tax. Approximately HK«6.300.000 will be carried forward.
    Reuter-AAP  -  51 words
  • 158 11 From A Market Corrnpc ndeiit A HUNDRED piculs of Lampong black pepper wu sold in thi> Singapore produce market at $580 a picul ex-godown yes erday. Fifty piculs of Muntok pepper Changed hands at $995 a ptcul Overseas inquiries and buying interest increased in the pepper section.
    158 words
  • 33 11 HONG KONG. Wed. pREE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quoted today as follows: US»I HK$6 02 (cash or T.); £1 HK515.40; one fuel of gold HKS337. —UP.
    UP  -  33 words
  • 130 11 CHIPS in the Singapore Roads and alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns yes.erday were: Outer Koads: Hai Hsuan. Hero Courselles. Hai Hing. Merkur Hydra. Silvermaple. Mina, Promise. Benarty. Fos'arus. Bencuiter, Orestes, Pyrrhus, Yochow. Japan, SabanR. Orobaal Madorra. Aush'L- Inner Roads: Halfya, Leong B« Rimau.
    130 words
  • 221 11 Malayan Shares Tins And Rubbers Move Up jfOLLOWING London's lead, Tins and Rubbers in the Malayan share market improved yesterday. Fair business was done in Tin shares at higher prices. Industrials were also firm. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association yesterday were: mUlMCMU Bar*™ UrUtrt Fraser Ac Neave
    221 words
  • 62 11 HITAM Tin in December produced 100 piculs of tin-ore. DAHMAN Hydraulic Tin's December output of tln-ort amounted to 1.086 picul*. "TZUALA Lumpur Tin last month treated 156.101 cubic yards in 949 hours to produce 546 piculs of tin-cre. rpONGKAH Compound No. 1 in the same month produced
    62 words
  • 16 11 TTFSANG Tin's tribute report figures for December are: tinore 253.43 piculs, tribute $11,469
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1109 11 BIO« djNNEI LINK Camef t oatiaa to proceed via etttw aartf to >oao and discharge cargo •AHINCS to LIVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON ft CONTININTAI PORT) ik* Sails V Sham Panang Mjim to* Livatpuc. Havre. Holland to Hamburg ....CM laa. 12 |aa. 11/14 |aa. 19/20 l.verpool Clasgow |an. II l«a. U |aa.
      1,109 words
    • 376 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA. ECYPT and MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. Spore P Sham Henar.g Pres. Buchanan C. 6/7 sails 12 lan. Omit 13/14 |an. Pres. Harding 15/20 lan. 21/22 |an. 23/24 |an. Pres. Van Buren 29 |an./3 Feb. 4/5 Feb. 6/7 Feb Pres. lefterson 5/11
      376 words
    • 516 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U.K./CONTINENTI ioore P Sham t»ananp "Mconia" for Saigon b Bangkok 17-18 lan. 15-16 lan. 13-14 |an "India" for Bangkok Hong Kong. Manila. Kobe Yokohama 1 1-15 Feb "Kambedia" for Hong Kong. Kobe Yokohama 11-21 rtb. "Lalandia- for Bangkok 24-27 Feb. 23-23 Feb. 22-22 Feb "Kvemaa*"
      516 words
    • 850 11 CLLBRMAM BUCKNALI RLAVEHESS LIMB LONDON, HAVM. ANTWERP LO> ANCELES. SAN FRANCISCO. ROTTERDAM MAMBURC PORTLAND SEATTLE VANCOUVIR and tor U.S.A. North Atlantic Pert* Accept ng cargo for Central South and Canada via Colombo American Ports ML CITY OF LIVERPOOL Spore P Sham Penang m, fRANCISVILLI C 42-43/14 |<a. IS/17 |aa. 18/19
      850 words

  • Article, Illustration
    697 12 UNKNOWN CHOSEN Has Confidence Of Supporters From A Special Correspondent yyHAT ARK. Singapore's prospects in the final of the H.M.S. Malaya Rugby competition to be played at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, rugger enthusiasts are asking. Whatever fifteen is finally chosen the selectors always come in for criticism. On this occasion,
    697 words
  • Article, Illustration
    68 12 M.C.C. captain Freddie Brown tosses the ball into the air after having caught New South Wales batsman Keith Miller off Douglas Wright. This match, played over the New Year, was a "warm-up" to the third Test which ended last Tuesday in victory for Australia by an innings. Miller scored
    68 words
  • 91 12 The Singapore Open 180 miles massed start bicycle road race for the Phillips trophy will be held en the Llm Chu Kang stretch, oH 10th mile Bukit Timah Road on Sunday starting at 6 a.m. The starting point of the race will be opposite the R.A.F.
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  • 68 12 The Singapore Amateur Football Association team of 19 players and two officials will leave by plane on Tuesday for a fortnight's tour of Manila during which they will play six or seven matches. On their return Journey, they will play four games at Bangkok. The
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  • 103 12 A discussion meeting of the Singapore Society of Rugby Union Referees will be held in the S.C.C. at 5.30 this evening. As an innovation several test questions will be set so that those who like to try their hands are asked to bring pencils with them.
    103 words
  • 19 12 LONDON. Wed— Rugby Union Result: Glasgow University 8, Oxford University 17. Glasgow led 3-0 at half-'ime.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 703 12 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Wednesday. f\NE hundred and sixty six entries have been received for the first race meeting of the new season on the Malayan turf the Perak Turf Club's three-day meeting on January 20, 24 and 27. Several newcomers art included in
    703 words
  • 7 12 HOCKEY: G.H.t}. v Police.! -T>.-<rliti
    7 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 12 A SMASHER: No doubt the cardigan was removed later as Ann Halse of Middlesex battled in the girls' singles championship event of the All-England Junior Badminton championships at Wimbledon Squash and Badminton Club on Jan. 4. A.P. photo.
    AP  -  38 words
  • 209 12 NEE SOON Garrison came back strongly to even accounts with a late try and then added the extra two points to snatch victory from the Singapore Cricket Club *A'» in yesterday's Rusjby match on the Padang. The final score was. Nee Soon eight points
    209 words
  • 46 12 The following will represent the Rest against Europeans at hockey on the Padang on Jan. 18: Low Hong Hee; R. H. Barth, Chua Eng Keng; P. Pennefather, S. Vellupillal, O. Clarke,; Swee Urn Swang, Chal Hon Yam, A. Clarice, B. Coutts, E. Ebert.
    46 words
  • 147 12 From our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. *pHE Selangor Gold Cup race for horses of Class 1, Dlv. l over one and a quarter miles with $5,000 stakes will be the highlight of the Selangor Turf Club February meeting (Feb. >, 7 and 10). Class
    147 words
  • 405 12  -  CONRAD NG By IN ABOUT a month's time, the Singapore Olympic 1 Sports Council will make known the chosen fourteen to go to New Delhi, India, for the First Asian Games from March 4 to 11. Until then, the names of the selected six track
    405 words
  • 178 12 GHQ 'B' In F N Cup FJESPITE a rain-soak^ u ed ground RJk.S.C. showed thrust and good combination to oust G.H.Q. "B" trom Fraser and Nerive uophy rugger competition by the only try scored in the game at Tannin yesterday. Possessing a fitter pack, Nf»c» Soon were masters in the
    178 words
  • 88 12 SYDNKV. WrH. I^RIC Bcdser, Surrey -illrounder and twin brother if Test bowler Alro, hat r.ill-J spun to hep the M.C.C. <cam nnt'l Roy Ta'tersall and Kr in Statham arrive from KnglaiH. Eric, who is accompanying Alec on tiie lour in a private capacity,
    88 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 795 12 (OoortntieaTronr^a^ WANTED ALUMINIUM FOIL EX STOCK, plain or paper-backed. Box No. A559, S.T.. K.L. SMALL LATHE, any condition, price and details to Roneo. 104. Robinson Road, Singapore. TUITION AMERICAN TUITION in Hair Dressing. For full particulars reply Box No. A3450. S.T. IS ANY Hillman owner pre- to give drivinf lessors
      795 words
    • 118 12 Waterproof f^^s^ > '^SMi from ■^S^^^^^S^y^H ■la/a \wi\Vl I VPiVW "<w l llf Da Write for new illustrated cofa/ogua k^ ill wll (w{ W4K *^p MJLLj 16 COLLYER QUAY SINGAPORE *B. P. rffe SILVA LTD. < INCORPORATED IN. CSYLOH SmOAPOKE j PENANG You can now fly to KASHMIR DELHI. BOMBAY.
      118 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 40 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 140 a.m. ((.1) and 12.49 p.m. 110.31; 6 58 am. 4.0$ and 7,40 p m 1 0.8 1 TOMORROW: 2.13 am. <9 ft) and 136 p.m. 1 10 ft); 7 39 a.m. 14.1) and S.18 p.m. ll.4t.
      40 words