The Straits Times, 8 January 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 316 1 U.N. A ir Forces Maintain Heavy Attacks TOKYO, Sunday. yyONJU, the important road and rail centre 55 miles south-east from Seoul, foil to the Communists today. Wonju was yesterday reported besieged by Communists. Fighting between the Bth Army and Communist troops was reported raging 19
    Reuter; UP  -  316 words
  • 271 1 PULL OUT OF KOREA APPEAL BY TITO BELGRADE, Sun. TtfARSHAL Tito of ITI Yugoslavia called upon the West today to pull its troops out of "strategically futile" Korea, to again before rearming Western Germany and to agree to another Four Power conference with Russia to try to avert World
    UP  -  271 words
  • 105 1 ASU-YEAR-OLD Chinese, Lee Ah Peng, and a nvey *r-old boy. Ho Hiap Ho wcrp killed and five others Injured in three road accidents in Singapore yesterday. Two of the five people injured in motor crash outside Lorong 40, Oejrlaag, are in a serious condition. They are
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  • 30 1 MOSCOW, Sun.— The Patriarch of Russia last night officiated at Christmas Eve services in Moscow. There were big attendances. The Russian Orthodox Christmas is being celebrated today.—
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  • 131 1 TIENYEN, Indo-China. Sun. I^RENCH Union forces con- tinuing to sweep northeast against Vietminh troops in Indo-China today recaptured the important post of Tanmai. 15 miles west of Moncay. Tonkin port of the Kwangtung-China border. By recapturing Tanmai the French have blocked the Vietminh jungle
    AP  -  131 words
  • 80 1 WASHINGTON, Sun. TJ.g. Government officials said yesterday that, within recent weeks, arms shipments worth about US$lO,OOO,OOO (£3,500,000) have arrived at the Island of Formosa to strengthen Chinese Nationalist defences. But the shipments do not represent any recent change of American policy towards Formosa because of recent
    AP  -  80 words
  • 71 1 A SUGGESTION that there should be "no further recruitment" of teachers to the Colonial Education Service for duties In Singapore was made in one of three resolutions passed at an, extraordinary meeting of the Singapore Stamford Olub yesterday at he British Council Hall. The meeting also
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  • 46 1 THE DATO SHAHBANDAK of Sungei Ujonr. one of the major chiefs of Negri Sembilan. receives homage from Da to Akir Zaman Mohamed Yasim. during the formal installation of the Dato Bandar at Seremban yesterday. Story in Page 5. Straits Times picture.
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  • 344 1 TWENTY-FOUR trade unions, including the Sin- gapore Dance Hostesses Union, yesterday decided to form a trades union congress, despite a "restrictive" trade unions law which prevents the merging of Government and non-Government trade unions into a central organisation. An eleven-man interim committee, representing industrial,
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  • 132 1 DOLICE use of the Emergency Regulations in connection with the Singapore riots was justified; says an official statement issued yesterday. "If at any time there is reason to believe that anybody is likely to do anything calculated to endanger the securlty of the Colony. Police nave
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  • 55 1 LONDON. Sun. PRINCESS Margaret, 20-year-old younger daughter of the King "followed the hounds" today after a late night ball. But she did not ride with the rest of the huntsmen. She followed in a car. Earlier she danced until 3 a.m. but was up again early
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 73 1 TWO University of Malaya undergraduates, home in Kuala Lumpur for the holidays were detained on Thursday night by Federation police. The detentions were made simultaneously with the detention of a University lecturer and five undergraduates in Singapore. The two men detained were Seong Li Cheng.
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  • 43 1 RANGOON, Sun. RAIL traffic between Rangoon and Toungoo. In eastern Burma, was at a standstill today because Communist terrorists had blown up the track. An armoured" train was dynamited yesterday and the engine and one wagon destroyed. A.P., Reuter.
    Reuter; AP  -  43 words
  • 123 1 WASHINGTON, Sun. FE U.S. Navy disclosed yesterday that Britain has developed a new type of underwater craft and the United States is working on one to be a "true submarine" to stay submerged indefinitely. Captain Roy Benson, submarine expert in the U.S. Defence Headquarters Press
    AP  -  123 words
  • 109 1 MARINE police officers, early on Saturday morning, arrested eight Chinese trying to unload $225,000 worth of rubber and copra from two lighters anchored along North Boat Quay. Singapore. It is alleged that the cargo was illegally brought into the Colony. When police raided the first lighter,
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  • 63 1 NEW DELHI, Sun. One hundred and twenty-eight technical experts from 14 countries. 11 specialised United Nations and other agencies, today began three-day talks on flood control and allied subjects In the region covered by the U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East. Mr. N.
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  • 46 1 HONG KONG, Sun.— The official Communist New China news agency said today that Gen. Wu Hslu-chuan, who led the Chinese Red delegation to the United Nations, has been promoted to ViceMinlster of Foreign Affairs. Gen. Wu formerly headed the Soviet and Eastern Euro-
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  • 253 1 GOVT. CUTS HOME LEA VE TO 5 MONTHS EUROPEAN Government officers of the Federation of Malaya will now only get a maximum of five months' home leave, including: time spent on the voyage, following Governments resolve to curtail leave as an essential part of the plan to end the Emergency
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  • 33 1 BELGRADE, Sun.—Yugoslavia yesterday signed a formal agreement with the United States pledging, among other things, a fair and equitable distribution of U5570,000,000 worth of fbod which America is sending.— A.P.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 120 1 Lights Of London Are Off Again LONDON. Sun. IN a return to wartime rea trlctlons. Britain last night banned all advertisement and display llghtinu to preserve coal supplies. There will be no more lighted cinema and theatre marquees and only dark shop windows until the Government feels that the fuel
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  • 41 1 CHUA Bah Lee. 16. Chinese was shot in the forehead and right thigh in her room at the 7.3^4 mile stone, Tampenis Road, Singapore, last night. A young Chinese, who was shooting birds nearby, was detained by the police.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 52 1 Rl GS QUALITY S. P. H. de SILVA 1.. UK. II ST. SINGAPORE. IMh I MKANKMRNT, K. LUMPI'R 43. STATION ROAD. IPOH. Is. IWI At all the best parties PLUM ROSE delicacies are served Smoked salmon Pearl Caviar Pate de Hors d'Oeuvre Vienna Cocktail sausages Obtainable from »he Grocery Department
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    • 40 1 ROL E X and LONGINE WATCHES H. SENA, LTD. Singapore, Penang and Bangkok. jo you 6oov 'Good Health* is the toast A3 Tiger' 3 held high, Long life to the host And those gathered nigh there's always i^K lo 111
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 77 2 *UF An Ad-Star IUHI VI Wf about umMMarihuana I Cigarettes ■m. from Tf Wr "The f I CM I Who I Knowsi' I COMING SOON -1 CATHAY L FINE ART Morning afternoon and Sunday Classes of CHARCOAL, WATERCOLOUR. CRAYON, OIL CHINESE PAINTING will be opened on Jan. 15, 1951 APPLY
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    • 386 2 NOTICES NOTICE Notice la h«reby flvtn that Mr. Dixon Chen alia* Tan Telk Sum. clerk. Is no longer In the employ of the company, and la not authorised to transact any businew aa from the 1st Jan. 1961 on behalf of the company. By Order Sin Olap Co., Hal Thong
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    • 403 2 NOTICES WORK ASSISTANTS, PUBUI WORKS DEPARTMENT, FEDERATION OF frtALAYA. Applications art Invited from suitable candidates for the posts of WORKS ASSISTANTS on a salary scale $420-20-620 plus Cost ot Living Allowance at 50% (maximum $150 p.m. for unmarried officers. $300 p.m for %arried officers without dependants, and $375 p.m. for
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    • 778 2 NOTICES j NOTICE JOHORE MEDICAL DEPARTMEHT Tenders are invited for the carrying out ot burials of abou: 15 dead bodies of paupers In a month at Segamat Hospital for a period of 6 months, from Ist: Canuary. 1951. to 90th: June. 1951. 2. Tenders will close at noon on lOih:
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    • 228 2 NOTICES MALAYAN RAILWAY ADMINISTRATION Application* are Invited for ihe poet of Assi. Wharf Superintendent Malayan Railway. The duties of the post Include the berthing and unberthlng of mips and the supervision of cargo handling at Railway Port*. Applicants are required to have bad a sound general education and considerable recent
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    • 780 2 NOTICES CHAPTER 216 (Pawnbrokers.) Unredeemed Pledged qyoods and Jewellery from the followlnt Pawnbrokers' Shops:— No. 31. New Bridge Road, Chin Chong Pat <Chop Vhye Shew?) No 136. New Bridge Road, Lain Soon Ching Law Jooo Storm i Chop Sam Foh). No. 189, South Bridge Road, Lam Joon Chong (Chop Sena
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    • 249 2 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY RENEWAL OF ITINKRANI HAWKER LICENCES FOB, 1951 Ali Itinerant Hawkers In possession of licences for ltso are hereby notified that these licences terminated on the 31st December 1950. and will be deemed to be cancelled unless they are renewed before 28th February I*sl. The annual fee for an
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    • 75 2 Wi h Immediate cfift our o«w telephone numbers ar ***** ***** Remington Rand >r, Singapore. NATURALISA" JH NOTICE te hereby rven that Johan Lips of 11 P ry Road, Kuala Lumpur, Is app. ng to theChief Secretary for ru rallsation, and that any person k> know* any reason why n<
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  • 287 3 WASHINGTON, Sunday. THE United States in urging 30 nations to have the United Nations declare the Chinese Communists aggressors in Korea and impose political and economic sanctions. Stats Department officials said yesterday. Intensive United States diplomatic action -was being carried out in
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 83 3 WASHINGTON, Sun. RK PRESENT A TIVE Charles Vursell. Republican, Illinois, said last niicht that the United States should withdraw its troops from Korea as soon as possible. He said: "Better admit our mistakes, remake our policy, and get going in the right direction. The Presid-di-nt and
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  • 154 3 LONDON Sun A NUMBER of the Commonwraith Prime Ministers ■It. Clement Attlee. thr British Prime Minister, at D iwning Street yesterday for What observers presumed tn bt- in informal discussion on All the Prime Ministers now taKinn part in the Commonwealth conference in London fxivpt Mr. Jawaharlal
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 36 3 HONG KONG. Sun.— The Communist Provincial Government of Kwangtung has outlawed the merciless chicken" system of discharging employees on Chinese New Year's Eve without prior notice, says a message from 'Canton.
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  • 109 3 Police- Army Incident In Rangoon RANGOON. Sun. A BURMESE Army officer prevented a clash between soldiers and police in Rangoon on Friday night after police had fired at two soldiers, injuring both of them. Thirty soldiers armed with automatics and rifles were preparing to attack tlie local police station in
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 97 3 WASHINGTON, Sun. ADMINISTRATION officials a were reported yesterday almost to have -completed plans .for putting^before Congress a great new multibillion dollar foreign aid and military assistance programme. It is understood that the economic anol military proposals will be welded into a single programme and President Truman
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  • 118 3 40, 176 Yank Casualties WASHINGTON. Sun. AMERICAN casualties in the Korean war mounted yesterday to 40.176— an increase of 1,851 in a week. Of this total 6.761 were killed. The figures are for casualties whose next-of-kin had been notified up to last Friday. The dead included 6.031 killed In action.
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 38 3 LONDON, Sun.— A mounting wave of influenza throughout Britain caused 102 deaths last week, the Ministry of-Health announced today and a public appeal went out to ease the load of hard-pressedp ressed nationalised doctors. U.P.
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  • 280 3 WASHINGTON, Sunday DRESIDENT TRUMAN yesterday told General Eisenhower that he had the "whole-hearted backing of the United States and the other North Atlantic treaty powers in his mission ti organise Western Europe's defences against Communist aggression. General Eisenhower met Mr. Truman for 30 minute;
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • 28 3 MILAN, Sun.— The death oil of Italy's worst storm of he winter rose to six last light. Avalanches of snow ntd heavy landslides blocked
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  • 74 3 A DETACHMENT of the Russian military police, with fixed bayonets, march past American and Russian commanders in Vienna when Russia handed over military duties to the Americans o n Dec. 30, 1950. The occunation forces take it in turns to be responsible for policing the city. The
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  • 316 3 British Newspapers Demand: LONDON, Sunday. THE Sunday Pictorial and News of The World today demanded an authoritative statement on the future of General Mac Arthur's United Nations Forces in Korea. The British public are bewildered by events and an analysis of the position of General
    Reuter  -  316 words
  • 16 3 WASHINGTON, Sun.—President Truman gave the goahead yesterday to a $1,*****0,000 defence construction programme.
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  • 285 3 Reds Use OxCarts, Camels TOKYO, Sun. TRANSPORT of th< Chinese and Nortr Korean army is an incongruous mixture of the ancient and modern, and admirably adapted to the terrain of Korea, and tc the Communist, methods of waging war. The Communists carry supplies and armaments on theit backs, in their
    UP  -  285 words
  • 123 3 UNCONFIRMED Tokyo""^*J ports last night said that Moscow pressure is behind Communist China's intention to withdraw some of its armies from Korea." Informants said Peking and Moscow are willing to risk the reduction in strength of Communist China's armies in Korea to prepare possible further campaigns
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  123 words
  • 29 3 TOKIO, Sun.— The Japanese Attorney-General, Takeo Ohaski, said today that the Japanese Government is considering measures to outlaw the Communist Party in Japan. U.P.
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  • Article, Illustration
    102 3 PROPOSED SUBWAY ATOMIC BOMB SHELTER: This i» cross-section diagram of a typical subway bomb shelter proposed for New York City in a 5104.W0.000 bomb shelter programme outlined in New York recently by the Board of Transportation. This shelter would utilise facilities of proposed Second Avenue subway line
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  • 85 3 THE British steamer, Lady Wolmer (1,883 tons) has been pirated off Heisshan, south of Wenchow. She was on her way from Hong Kong to Shanghai with a full load of general cargo when the piracy occurred. The pirates left the cargo untouched but took away property belonging
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  • 151 3 mtsed to get a pilot's licence and obey aeronautical regulations In future. CHILDREN'S GIFT: Fifty cherry trees will be flown from Tokyo soon to be planted at the permanent Headquarters of the United Nations In New York. The tree* are a gift from the children of Japan. MUTINEERS
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 176 3 WORLD FAMOUS OVER 100 YEARS 1848 1951 Obtainable Everywhere From All Liquor Dealer*. AN IDEAL TONIC H»s been awarded 24 (Jold and Silver Medals S RRAVALLOS TONIC (CINCHONA and IRON WINE) STIMULATES THE APPETITE STRENGTHENS THE NERVES REGENERATES THE BLOOD. SERi.AV am.O's TONIC Is a most palatable mixture of Cinchona
      176 words
    • 246 3 TheyVe new... they're modern... they're Nuffield Products COWLEY WJI! and J^fl B| 'i i Th«^bjB capacity modern vehicle, have the finish and refinements of. ™h C fo*?^f 0 engiDe dMi K ned f r economy, dependability Xl»^ g w,^f;H°7 <l^ CC^ Slblllty u Ucilltates "^ntenance and servicing. Ewy to load
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  • 1016 4 Singapore. Mon., Jan. 8, 1951. The Chinese "Passport" It is not surprising that the strongest opposition to the Immigration Bill in the Colony should have come from the Chinese, Vho form two thirds of the population and who, in most cases, will not benefit from the special provisions made in
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  • 92 4 HONO KONG. Sun.— Officials of the National City Btnk ol New York and the American Express Company were reported as confirming that despite the closure of the local Chase Bank office, they were carrying on buiiness in Honfc Kong, at least for the time being.
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  • 1269 4 THE WESTERN POWERS IN EAST ASIA Report On Communist China THESE articles have, presented a depressing picture of present-day China. They are designed to counteract the wishful thinking which still exists that Communism in China is somehow different from any other brand of Communism Surely it is now impossible to
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  • Man-in-the Street
    • 249 4 IN your editorial of Saturday (Jan. 6) you made the following statement:— The common salary scale for the proposed Colony Education Service comprises in effect three inter-locking scales— one for the teacher with the Training College certificate, another for the teacher with a General degree, and a
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    • 171 4 "CHINA'S intellectuals are swallowing the whole propaganda line, for the only Iternative is martyrdom and they are not the stuff of which martyrs are made." Thus wrote the Manchester Guardian correspondent quoted by you In his report on Communist China, when dealing with Marxism in Universities. Pearl
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    • 143 4 I AM SURE many others like me are disgusted with the volume of correspondence on the teachers appearing almost dally in the Straits Times. It Is about time the teachers stopped their cry for this and that privilege. Why create a hell of a fuss
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    • 80 4 AS a parent, T consider it the greatest blunder now to say that Normal teacners are unsuitable for direct entry to the Unified Education Service. Just imagine the disgrace and insult to the Normal teachers, who have for the past half-century been respected by parents and schoolchildren alike.
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  • 454 4 On the Margin Riots Story MANY stories have come out about the Singapore riots which are well known here by now but perhaps It is not too late to relate one of the beat of them for the benefit of up-country readers. A Dutch buslnes* man was calling on a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 17 4 HARDINO. At Bungsar Hobpltal. K.L. on January »th '< Busanne. wife of A. H. Harding Bahaii. a *on.
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    • 75 4 (fI^iOPTICIRN Fellow Institute Ophthalmic Opticians (Eng 1 Fellow Worshipful Co. of Spectacle-Makers (Eng.) Freeman of the City of London. By Appointment to HM. Forces, South East Asia. 6 Raffles Place Singapore Phone ***** THE LITTLE SHOP NEW WOOL DRESSES REASONABLY PRICED n i, < CEYLON SUPER TEA! Jm fyr Produced
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  • 5 5
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  • 208 5 More Stringent Price Control Steps Urged From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. THK Malayan Trades Union Council, meeting in Kuala Lumpur today, decided to ask Government and principal employer groups to give immediately increased cost-of-living allowances and s"t up other relief measure", such as strinjrent price control and Government
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  • 165 5 FDOR ministers of the 'iodise Cnurches in iva were ortfatr\°d yester- morning by T'le Rev. 1:■.1 <:■. S\r L Archer at i Wesley Church. Fort Can■>in Singapore. They were Rev. E. J. Ponrl h of Seremban. Rev. V. A f- iibramaniitm of Malacca. r."\.
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  • 71 5 |\Jt to 'misunderstanding" betweca some crew memti rs at Tan;ong Priok. the Orange was two hoiirs late in a-nving at Singapore yesterfJ:;v. Because of the delayed arrival, the ship was unable to ci me alongside the wharf. Tho ship win sail on gcivduli! this afternoon.
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  • 98 5 if ORE tnan 2500 worth of I ifl property and cash were stolen from five houses in various parts of Singapore from late on Saturday night till early yesterday morning, f The largest robbery oc- rurred at 5.30 a.m. yesterday when robbers, who broke I
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  • 42 5 3 Aoout 100 attended the Singapore Malays Badmini ton Association's third anniversary tea party at Kallanu Airport. Singapore yesterday. j Inche Abdul Rahman bin l Hail Mohd. Said, the firsV f president of the association. zslvp away the awarJs
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  • 45 5 1 VK-YKAR-OLD ("hia Eng, Hong, a former pupil of the Anglo-Chinese School. Singapore, receives gifts of food and a toy from the Rev. C. A. Davidson and Miss Lucy Au at the Tan Tock Seng hospital yesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 473 5 DATO SHAHBANDAR INSTALLED From Our Special Correspondent SEREMBAN, Sunday. TWO armoured cars of the 13/18 Hussars, with 1 two-pounder guns, fired the salutes at the installation today of the Dato Shahbandar of Sungei Ujong. It is believed that this is the first time that British troops
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  • 100 5 HOUSING EXHIBITION, Victoria Memorial Hall, 9 a.m. to 8 pjn. and lecture by Mr. A. C Kayanan, Chief Planner of the National Planning Committee of Philippines on "Your Home is M«re Than a House," 5.30 pjn. V.M.C.A., Orchard Road, lending library, 9 a.m.. to 7 pjn., Malay class,
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  • 210 5 A RARE TREAT OF MUSIC AFTER a rather wobbly start, the programme presented by the Singapore Music Society at the Victoria Memorial Hall last nightsBach's "Christmas Oratorio parts 1 and 2. and part 1 of Handel's "Messiah"— warmed up into a memorably lovely evening of music, a very rare treat.
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  • 21 5 From Oar Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Sun. Two vourg railway porters were fined $100 each here for misappropriating their uniforms.
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  • 403 5 BANDIT 'REBEL' KILLED BY HIS GANG From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. T^HE Federation Police announced today that a Chinese bandit has been murdeied by his platoon coincides for refusing to slash rubber trees IJis body was found in the Kota Tinggi area of Johore. The body of a
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  • 34 5 TALK ON 'ISLAM NATIONALISM' A lecture on "Islam and Nationalism" will be given by Maudana Mohammed Abdul Aleem Siddiqul tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the All-Malaya Muslim Missionary Society, No. 31 Lorong 12. Geylang.
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  • 39 5 SEGAMAT. Sun.— Pleading guilty to a charge of offering $5 as a bribe to a police sergeant at Kebun Bahru, 47-year-old padi planter Kua Chin* was sentenced to two months' hard labour by the Segamat Circuit Magistrate.
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  • 168 5 WHIKTY SEVEN MORs, mainly Malays, are now doing a four-week course organised by the Army Eduration Unit to teach not only the rules of English but also the background to the language, "to sell it," as an -Jislructor says, as attractirely as possible. rse
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 5 SPORTING cowboy boots and wearing a two-gun belt and holster, Mac Sommerlatte, fonr-and-a-half-year-old son of the U.S. Vice-Consul in Singapore, tres out his toy gun as he waits at the Singapore docks for the Felix Roussel to berth. Straits Times picture.
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  • 148 5 TREAT FOR HOSPITAL PATIENTS FIVE hundred patients at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore, were given a New Years treat by the Independent Missionary Movement yesterday when gifts of milk, biscuits, soup, fruit and syrups were distributed to every ward. Cries of delight greeted the Rev. C. A. Davidson and his
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  • 31 5 SEGAMAT. Sun.— Special constable Kassim bin Hussein deserted his post on Sungei Bekok Estate and took up flshine at Port Dickson. He was fined $150 at Segamat for desertion.
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  • 284 5 $10,000 STORE HOUSE DRA WS THE CROWDS rPHE hundreds of people, mostly Chinese, who 1 visited the Study of the Homes of Singapore at the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday were interested in houses- now, rather than in plans of things to come. i<io idle rubber-necks, they studied maps, photographs and
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  • 60 5 Britain today is very short of food for animals, said Sir Donald Perrott, deputy chairman of the Overseas Food Corporation, who arrived in Singapore yesterday by QJE.A.-8.0.A.C. Constellation from London Sir Donald is on his way to Australia to start a scheme for more animals' food.
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  • 46 5 The first of a series of chess competitions between the University of Malaya and a Singapore chess team will be held on Jan. 23 at Har'■ower Hall. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. the Commissioner-General, has donated a challenge cup to be competed for annually.
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  • 20 5 An old unidentified Indian collapsed and died on a seat outside Middleton Hospital, Moulmein Road. Singapore, yesterday evening.
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  • 176 5 Chinese Ask For More Schools CINGAPORE Chinese schools, conferring over the weekend, have decided to ask the Singapore Government to expand the Chinese educational system in the Colony and to provide a special training school for Chinese teachers to give them the same oppcr.unities as English teachers The conference felt
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  • 129 5 DATO Harry Gild, one of the #'dest European residents in Malaya, died at the Singapore General Hospital last night at the age of 74. Dato Gild came to Malaya almost 50 years ago and since then had been mining and trading in Malaya. For
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 39 5 Si^ -wATERPB oQ|: \mmmmm rci. nm. 1852. q>Js^ SEA VIEW HOTEL m$ "CHICKEN INN' frjnr* Under personal supervision of hyA Mr. (X WicdcrkchJ: V 9 V COME TRY r 7 Z DELICIOUS DANCING NIGHTLY CHICKEN 8.30 12 P.M. SPECIALITIES
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  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 231 6 TALI AYER EST. Replanting Cess In Bad Odour From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Sun. CRITICISING the modified rubber export duty scheme as still open to grave objections, Mr. F. E. Maguire, chairman of Tali Ayer Rubber Estates, says the replanting cess is particularly illadvised. In his speech to Tali Ayer
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    • 35 6 gUNGEI Bidor Tin Dredging In' December treated 320.800 cubic yards in 681 hours to produce 1090 p culs of tin-ore. J£INTA Kellas Tin Dredging's December ou.put of tin-ort amounted to 387 piculs.
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    • 385 6 From A Market Correspondent A LTHOUGH share prices were somewhat easier at the close, the Singapore share market passed comparatively steadily through an extremely difficult week. There was certainly no apparent improvement in the international situation. America made the General Services Administrator the sole controller of
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    • 227 6 BUSINESS done in the Singapore share market last week was as follows: Industrials: Fraser Sz Neavr Ord. $2.90 to $2.87 H, Goodwood Park Hotel $1, Malayan Collieries $1.30 to $1.25. Malayan Breweries $4.75 to $4.70. McAlister $27.30, Robinson Ord. $222', to $2.20, Robinson 2nd Pref. $9.30, Straits Steamship
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    • 31 6 New York. Sat.— The Dow Jones averages were as follows: Previous Today 30 Industrials 240.98 240.68 20 Railroads 79.12 78.91 40 Domestic Bonds 102.88 102.81 15 Utilities 41.90 41.91
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    • 104 6 /^LOSING prices on the SlngaV/ pore rubber market on SaturUay were: No. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose buyers 199, cents, sellers 200; No. 1 R.S.S. f.o.b. in bales Jan. buyers 198, sellers 199; No. 2 buyers 192, sellers 194; No. 3 buyers 186. sellers 188. Singapore Chamber of Commerce
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    • 32 6 LONDON, Jan. 5. —Spot 54d, Feb. 53 Ud. March 52.d, Apr.June 50' id, July-Sept. 46% d, Oct.Dec. 44% d, Jan. c.i.f. 52\d. Jan.Feb. ci.f. 52d. Feb.-Mar. c.ii. 50'jd. Market: Steady.
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    • 24 6 In US, cents per lb. closing: Jan. 4 Jan. 5 1 R.S.S. (Mar.) 55 bid 58 asked 59 asked Market Idle.
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    • 43 6 HARRISONS and Crosneld (Malaya) Ltd. announce that rubjer crops in lbs harvested during the month of December were as follows- Allenby, 40,000, Eenta Rubber, 100,000, Jeram Kuantan. 44.000. K'jndong, 38.500, Mentakab. 82,000, Sungel Bagan, 87.000, Sandycroft 26,300, Tanjong Pau, 64.5 W.
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    • 59 6 NEW YORK. Sat. The stock market today backed away slightly from its recently-established 20year high under further corrective profit-taking and other selling. Pressure was ntver urgent but at the same time week-end considerations appeared to limit investment support. Fractional losses predominated at a barely steady close. The
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 33 6 SINGAPORE. Sat. Jan. 5611.75 (up 58.62A). £1,172 Vi a ton in London LONDON. Fri. Jan. 5.— Spot £1.170— £1.176; Forward £1,140— £1,145; Settlement £1.175. Turn-overs: a.m. 150: p.m. 50 tons. l»
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1192 6 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. incorporated m Singapore) MLUB FUNNEL LIMB C.m*r f option to proceed via ether ports to load aad discharge carfo. SAILINGS t. LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW LONDON b CONTINCNTAL PORTS Juo Mils P. Sham fanana H°"and lj Hamburg C. 36 lan 10 lan 11/12 laa. 17/18 Cyciopt i>< «riod
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    • 351 6 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA. ECYP7 and MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Spore P Sham Henang Pres. Buchanan 5/9 10/11 |an. 12/13 lan. Pres. Hardin* 15/20 |an. 21/22 |en. 23/24 |an. 29 |an./3 Feb. 4/S Feb. 6/7 F.b V iUcISJ,.. 5/ Ftb 12 J Feb '«/15 Feb.
      351 words
    • 491 6 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANOINAVIA/UK./CONTINENTi •>oore P Sham Penane "Meonia" for Saigon b Bangkok 17-18 lan. 15-16 |an. 13-14 |an "India" for Bangkok. Hong Kong. Manila. Kobe Yokohama 11-15 Feb. "Kambodia' for Hong Kong, Kobe 6 Yokohama 18-21 Feb. ••Lalandia for Bangkok 24-27 Feb. 23-23 Feb. 22-22 Feb "Kvcrnaas"
      491 words
    • 970 6 McALISTER tfc CO., LTD. Telephone No. 5906. ELLERMAN d. BUCKNALL KLAVEHESS LIMB LONDON, HAVRI. ANTWERP, LOS ANCELES, SAN FRANCISCO, ROTTERDAM HAMBURC PORTLAND SEATTLE VANCOUVER. •nd for USA.. North Atlantic Ports Accepting cargo for Can'ral 0/ South and Canada via Colombo American Ports S.t CITY Or LIVERPOOL Spore P. Sham -Penang
      970 words

  • 381 7  -  Ran Richest Race And Averaged $10,356 An Event By EPSOM JEEP IPOH. Sunday. T«E Singapore Turf Clob kept its position at the top ©f the four turf dubs during: the past season by giving away an average of $10,356 ia stakes and added money for each
    381 words
  • 331 7 IPOH, Sun I DO NOT know what the mathematical odds are against the photo-finish camera recording a perfect dead-heat in a race, but during the 1950 racing season Malaya's "magic eye" photographed four dead-heats in just over 580 races ran for the
    331 words
  • 57 7 Biggest stake winner of th c year, Tara Street, seen led m by his owner Mr. S. C. Wonj after a win at Bnkit Timah during the year. Jockey Wally Bagby has been associated with all Tara Street's success (six wins) during the season m which
    57 words
  • 332 7 By EDIN PETERS \TEXT Sunday the 1950 Singapore Best AllRounder Open Cycling competition, which is being contested for the handsome Bovril trophy, comes to an end with the staging of the 180 miles massed-start road race on the Lim Chu Kang stretch off the 10th
    332 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 410 7 LAST FOOT SHOWS I JOAN FOHTWNE TODAY OKUIUH-ZlCinySCßn WESMSEHM TOMORROW OMLT W F -UWIL^DAT C-HLT •—tiiißiiiiiiim— imiWl a»a»--T mrwati Jeftmns* NOT t>/Vio£P »J| MeWMWrWO f 1 1 1 v• t few w^el^^B^^ l^wwH i^P^n liiiiimwi J^^BtT^J SeaMkMß OFIKIWC THURSDAY -IV MMt BvealMew Thiilrine Mv WmA Ever fVaM4 fAUMNPiR Be^M LHSMCKT
      410 words
    • 174 7 Ail JllJ 11 -I*s-4-6.3' 30 'THEY'ItE' OUT TO GET HIM BUT THE LAW WANTS HIM AL V. 4HL SCOTT BRADY k djtfe JOHN RUSSEL Dorothy HART Peggy DOW Bruce tfi 177 NEXT CHANGE m f »tflHf v* ■••■1 \rtPS eakaßaa^^ ■al^a^BßaV ■eaH^BSBBHBIMeBfI i"™^ LAST 5 SHOWS TODAY J 11.00 1.45
      174 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 487 7 Today's Radio As Spare; 730 "Time far Musk": 8 As Spore; 8.15 Julai Tan and Tony Valerio; 8.30 Opera Concert; 9 "Love From Leigh Ion Buzzard": 9 JO News; 9.45 Fred Warring and his Pensylvanians; 10 "Piano Playhouse"; 10.30 Dance Music (Griffin Inn); 11 Close. PZMANC 10 a.m. News; 1-2
      487 words

  • 534 8  -  Spurs, 'Brough, Pompey Beaten By JIM CHAMBERS LONDON, Sunday. ANCE in a while English Cup Football form turns turtle. It all happened yesterday as the third round of the Football Association Knockout Tournament was played off on heavy, muddy grounds. Five major upsets
    534 words
  • 31 8 NEW YORK. Sun.— Joe Louis and young Caesar Brion of Argentina werr matched tentatively today for a ten round bout at Lula Park. Buenos Aires, in late March.
    31 words
  • 106 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, San. rOl SANDS yesterday crowded the Selangor Turf Club premises to help the Selangor Badminton Association raise funds for their $100,000 hall. A good proportion of the money needed was rated yesterday. Food and games stalls were very popular.
    106 words
  • 689 8 LONDON, Sun TpOOTBALL League standings after yesterday's matches were as follows* THIRD DIVISION (Northern) OOAls P W D L F A pts Rotherham 24 17 3 ***** 37 Carlisle U. 25 14 7 4 51 27 35 Tranmere 22 12 7 3 44 29 31 Galeshead
    Reuter  -  689 words
  • 171 8 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sun. T)£NANG'S first sports stadium, to be buil' at Dato Kramat Road, is too huge a project to be completed this year, according to the Municipal Engineer, Mr. J. W. Clarke. He told the Straits Times yesterday that construction
    171 words
  • 139 8 LONDON, Bun. YESTERDAY'S Rugby Union results were: International trial matches: Eng land 0. The Rest 0; Scotland 3, The Rest 9. Weak trial: Probable* 8, Possibles t. Club matches: Blackheatb I*. Rosslyn Park 8; Irish S. Harlequin* 0; London Welsh 3, Northampton 12; Old Cranlelghans 3, Bath
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 8 Tom Roper of the S'ngapor* Cricket Club in full cry down the left wing in Saturday's Rugby game on the Padang. South Johore defender Youn* prepares for tackle. The S.C.C. won by 34 points to nil.— Straits Times p'cture.
    39 words
  • 521 8 By A Special Correspondent rpHE RUGBY game played at Seletar on Saturday between the French Air Force and the R.A.F. was a grim struggle between two evenly matched sets of forwards. While R.A.F. had more of the ball in the tight, the Frenchmen definitely had
    521 words
  • 55 8 SYDNEY. Sun Ken L» Breton, the Ashfleld Glasgow speedway rider, died In hospital last night from injuries received in Hie match against England on Friday night. Le Breton riding for Australia, sustained severe head injuries during; a collison with an English rider. Both crashed into
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 853 8 CLA .IFIED ADS. (Con nued from Page 4) SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED teachers of either sex with School Certificates or higher qualifications with Oral English. Oood remuneration. Apply to H'-'cimaster. Premier English School. Batu Pahat, Johore, with trs'tmonials. ROBINSONS have vacancies for experienced Sales Girl (local) for haberdashery and lacesSalesman for
      853 words
    • 814 8 SITUATIONS WANTED COOK-BOY European recommends excellent Indian cook. Reliable, competent willing houseworker. WIU do anything. Phone *****. MRS. LAN MORRISON is leaving the colony and wishes to place her excellent servants and driver. For all information telephone 7048. EUROPEAN lady, 30 years, seeks post secretary stenographer, Kuala Lumpur. London trained.
      814 words
    • 802 8 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE a well-running profitable small European business. Easy to take over and to run. Health reasons for sale. (20,000. Principals only. Box No. A3400. S.T. TUITION EUROPEAN teacher accept* pupils for private or class tuition in English, mathematics, French or Spanish. Terms from $10.00 monthly. P.O. Box
      802 words
      5 words
    • 25 8 to* pteASV* I* ALWAYS DRINK w EMU d|A HIGHEST QUAUTY BRANDY ■■■&V /k.^-^'^ r I^A^lfU If tie.* t&l^^L Laat? X^ <£as^ A^xjfi W^SJL, Bb4M aPVall
      25 words