The Straits Times, 6 January 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 330 1 More Troops Cross From Manchuria TOKYO, Friday. Communist vanguards plunged J 45 miles south of the 38th Parallel today in a massive flanking drive which may force the U.S. Bth Army back into the old Pusan perimeter. The attack swirled toward Wonjn, 53 miles south-east of
    UP  -  330 words
  • 66 1 NOT MANY girls are as lucky a s 23-year-old Jun« Hannrn of Wagin. Western Australia. The only woman crew member of the Dutch liner Maetsuyker. June travels to •Sin fapore and back home every three weeks or so. She like* sea life and the Orient at
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  • 218 1 LONDON, Friday. fTHE question whether Australia and New Zealand x can send forces to relieve British troops in Malaya and Hong Kong may be discussed here at top level this woek-end. The Prime Minister, Mr. Attlee, is holding behind the scenes talks tomorrow and Sunday
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 57 1 EIGHTH ARMY HQ. Frl. LIEUT. Gen. Matthew Ridgway returned today from a visit to defence lines south of the Han River to say. "Everything is going fine." He described the exodus of Koreans as "perhaps the greatest tragedy to which Asia has ever been subjected in
    AP  -  57 words
  • 72 1 JAKARTA, Fri.— All members of the Indonesian Army will be confined to barracks from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. as from Jan. 8 until further notice in a measure to check increasing criminality in Jakarta and its surroundings, the Military Command announced today. —Reuter— AAP. FLEEING from
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP; AP  -  72 words
  • 90 1 The first batch of 24 woundfd Turks, flown by the R.A.F. irom Japan to Singapore, left Changi yesterday for Habbaniya 'Iraq), where they are to be taken over by the Turkish air force and flown home. The men. members of the badly-mauled Turkish Brigade, were the
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  • 166 1 LONDON, Friday. JHE Daily Mirror rebelled today against what it called "fantastic" communiques by the U.S. Air Force in Korea. Under the headline "Silly Headquarters Handouts on Korea War", the Mirror ran a front page editorial asserting that figures on Communist troops killed
    AP  -  166 words
  • 198 1 NEW U.N. MOVE ON KOREA LAKE SUCCESS. FrL THE United Nations General Assembly's Political Committee, meeting today after 48 hours reflection. Is expected to postpone -any drastic action against 'the Chinese Communists, leaving the door open for another attempt at a peaceful settlement of the Korean war. The committee adjourned
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  • 44 1 TOKYO, Fri.— Admiral Sir Patrick Brlnd, British naval commander in the Far East, plans to return home soon after completing his tour of duty. He will be succeeded as Far East Commander by ViceAdmiral Sir Guy Russell.— AP.
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  • 258 1 LONDON, Friday. THE Commonwealth Prime Ministers, at their x second day's session here today began a detailed survey of the Asian situation with the idea of formulating; positive plans for a Korean settlement. The Indian Prime Minister Pandit Nehru, was due to keynote a closed door
    Reuter; AP  -  258 words
  • 84 1 MOSCOW, Fri.— British and French embassies, it was understood, today received replies of their Governments to Soviet Notes dated Dec. 16 accusing British and France of violating their friendship pacts with the Soviet Union. The notes will be handed to the Soviet Foreign Ministry probably today
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  • 21 1 A Malayalee woman, 24-year-old Meenakshi, was yesterday reported missing since Dec. 28 from her home at Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore.
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  • 90 1 JACKSON VILLA. Florida, Fri. A WORRIED mother told police today that her nature-lovin? 14-year-old son hu run away to bocome Jungle boy In ft wild Florida swamp. Roy Kingrold Jnr. vanished with his Great Dane, Duchess. Said his mother: "He fjgftff off
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  • 84 1 KARACHI, Fri. TOE Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. L'aquat All Khan, has received the telegram sent by the Commonwealth Prime Ministers from London yesterday and is consulting his colleagues. The possibility that he may decide to attend the conference in London seemed increased by the
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 87 1 A VOLUNTEER unit, comprising the Singapore Harbour Board. Is to be formed to operate the harbour and docks in an emergency, it was officially announced yesterday. Its organisation is expected to be completed this month. The unit will be on the same lines as the
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  • 60 1 OANGTOK. (Sikkim), Fri.— Chinese forces now In Chamdo, eastern Tibet, may be planning a spring offensive on Lhasa, the capital, according to observers here. They regarded the reported arrival in Yatung on the Sik-kim-Tibet border of the Dalai Lama, temporal and Spiritual head of Tibet, as action
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 403 1 assistant lecturer, and five medical and dental undergraduates of the University of Malaya have been detained under the Emergency Regulations on suspicion of connection with distribution of Communist Party propaganda. Two other unnamed Chinese, conntcted with this group, but now with the University,
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  • 128 1 H.K.-Bound Ships Are Blocked BRISBANE. Fri. THE Australian Government today blocked the departure to Hong Kong of two former corvettes. The Navy Minister. Mr. Joseph Francis, tonight said the corvettes, Baillarat and Coulburn. were loaned to the Australian Government dur- ing the war and were sold in Sydney In 1947.
    Reuter-AAP  -  128 words
  • 46 1 From Our Own CVTCsa LONDON. Fri.— Lit ut. -Col. John Phillips Mead who was Director of Forests. Malaya, from 1929 to 1940. died at Teddington on Tuesday. He was 64. Col. Mead was a member of the Governing Council of the Empire Forest Association.
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  • 34 1 Three Chinese youths, armed with knives, held up a Chinese woman at Tanjong Katong Road, in front of Yock Eng School, la£t night, and robbed her of her identity card and $13.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 SEACON LTD. WISH YOU "HAPPY NEW HOUSES" for 1951 and have pleasure in making the preliminary announcement of their Frankel Estate Scheme 40 WELL BUILT DETACHED BUNGALOWS, $10,000/- to $15,000/(including land) to be sold on easy Hire Purchase Termi Enquiries to:SEACON LTD., 4/5, MEYER CHAMBERS, Telephone 2290 > Raffles Place,
      59 words
    • 52 1 fl I ICE-COLD 15c {ill C^hnrnrtfr \v\\\ H|| the distinctive essential i W rSj quality Wl I Ijl In Rothmans Oe Luxe Virginia cigarettes, J I the extra sense of enjoyment and satisfaction I that every cigarette affords. I) I De Luxe IS 1 VIRGINIA /jfcJC I t "ADI IN
      52 words

  • 39 2 "ALE WIVES" roll the cask before the "chimney beer" ceremony at Poplar. London, to celebrate the completion •f the last chimney of a new inn built as part of the Festival of Britain. Renter picture.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 122 2 U.S. WILL USE LESS RUBBER AKRON, OHIO, FTi. I RUBBER consumption in 1951 might be between 1.000.000 and 1200,00 tons, compared with a record use of 1,240,000 tons In 1950, Mr. John L. Collyer. president of the B. F. Goodrich Company, said in Akron "We expect to be able to
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  • 47 2 WASHINGTON. Pri. The United States Government "has every desire to fulfil India's request for 2,000,000 tons of food grains", says Mr. Georg* McGhee, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern -Affairs. He told this to the newlyformed American Emergency Food Committee for India.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 256 2 Brain Work Is Hard On The Heart Cable Flashes A "BRAIN" worker Is much more liabit to heart disease than a "hand" worker according to Dr. I. M. G. Stewart, of Bristol University, England Writing in the British me- dical journal, The Lancet, he said no one yet really knows
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 2 THE BEGUM KHAN, wife of the Aga Khan, playing golf at the Gezira Sporting Club, Cairo. A.P. picture.
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  • 84 2 WASHINGTON, Friday. PRESIDENT Truman said yesterday that compulsory ceilings on wages and prices of the major cost-of-living items will as imposed as soon as the necessary government machinery is ready* The contrdls will be applied in what he called necessary areas. And. he hinted
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  • 153 2 LIVERPOOL, Friday. AN epidemic of influenza disrupted Liverpool shipping yesterday. An estimated 30 per cent of the city's working people including 3,000 dockersare down with, 'flu. The harbour was jammed with ships waiting for berths and the harbour authority introduced a wartime measure the anchorage patrol.
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  • 32 2 WASHINGTON, Fri. The U.S. Is to sell six light cruisers of World War n to Argentina, Brazil and Chile, for 10 per cent of the original price— s3oo,ooo,ooo each UP.
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  • 304 2 America Will Not Bomb China Without United Nations' Orders "Wfe4pi| BAtM TRUMAN WASHINGTON, Friday. PRESIDENT Truman said yesterday that United States forces would not homb China without United Nations' sanction. The President told i States Government did r tion a request to the Uni reporters that the United lot have
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 48 2 SAN FRANCISCO. Fri.— The Chinese Reds alleged yesterday that American planes killed 11 wounded 58 Chinese in au ftttttfe ob Antung, Manchuria, on Ncv Year's Eve. This latest of numerous unsubstantiated charges of air attacks on Chinese territory, was broadcast by Peking radio. AS.
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  • 77 2 BAGHDAD, Fri. MR. TAWFIG ALsuwaidi. the former Iraqi Premier, yesterday told the Senate that he had asked for British and American assurances to guarantee Iraqi frontiers and security against a northern threat (meaning Russia bat he got no reply. Mr. Alsuwaidi said he had fully
    AP  -  77 words
  • 74 2 LONDON, Fri. BRITAIN'S railways are planning cuts in train services because of the acute coal shortage, it was officially announced last night. No final decision has yet been taken on the extent of the cuts, but they will be nationwide. The British Transport
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 714 2 NOTICES NATURALISATION NOTICE U hereby !»*«n U» l LOUIS MOJZER also known M LOUIS MOYSER of Plat 12A. Bo Court, Singapore U applying to the Governor for naturalisation, and that any person who knows any reason why naturalisation •hould not be granted should send written signed statement of the *act
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    • 692 2 NOTICES NOTICE Seventeen Afternoon Schools carried on In the premise* of Grant -in- AW Morning School* will become Grant-ln-Aid Afternoon Schools In January. 1951 Tbey are:— 1. Katong Convent Afternoon School. 2. St. Patrick's Continuation School. 3. S.\ Anthony* Convert' Afternoon School. 4. St. Joseph's Convent Afternoon School. 5. St.
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    • 671 2 NOTICES i NATURALISATION NOTICE Is hereby given thai MISS CATHERINE UM LI LIAN, of MB. Eng Hoon Street. Singapore. 3, is applying to the Governor for naturalisation, and that any person who knows any reason why naturalisation should not be granted should send a •written signed sta'ement of the facts
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    • 408 2 Sim*Afc)llE Mil IPAIITY Ri.VUVAL OF TNEKANt HAWKER LICENCE OR 1951 All Itinerant Hawl s in possession of licences 1 1950 ate hereby notified that -«c licence* terminated on the 31 December 1950. and will be de wd to be cancelled unless they I t renewed before 241 th February 1151
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  • 424 3 'Free World Must Hold Together To Prevent War 9 LONDON, Friday. 'THE Commonwealth Prime Ministers at their London meetings are talking peace. They agreo that war is not inevitable and they are not discussing preparations for war, but ways to prevent it. Informed quarters said the
    Reuter  -  424 words
  • 24 3 I.S. NAVY man wears a protective face mask add goggles as defence against I v blasts in Korean waters. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 193 3 KASHMIR: NO NOTE TO BRITAIN LONDON, Fri. SPOKESMEN of the Foreign Office and of the United 5 tte o Embassy in London yesterday den ed that the United States had sent Britain a telegram asking whether she could not try to 6e> lie the Kashmir dispute at the Commonwealth conference
    UP  -  193 words
  • 44 3 MONTREAL. Fri. The Newsprint Association of Canada last night predicted a "very tight world supply and possibly shortage" of newsprint in 1951 if American consumption continues to increase. America now takes 60 per ceut of the total world supply Renter.
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  • 26 3 BANGKOK, Fri— The Siamese Government has announced final agreement to oay Britain. Australia and India £5,224,000 in settlement of Commonwealth war compensation claims.— Reuter.
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  • 23 3 WASHINGTON. Fri. A bill to include U*****,000,000 Mashall Aid to Israel has been introduced in the House of Representatives.— U.P.
    UP  -  23 words
  • 161 3 PARIS, Friday. AFTER an ali-ni'ght sitting, France's Upper House today rejected by 173 votes to 131 the rearmament Bill voted by the National As-:ombly last Saturday. Gauiiist, Right wing and some Radical deputies voted against. Senators said they refused to accept the text of
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 3 HUNGNAM HARBOUR with ships loaded with fuel and bombs during evacuation by United Nations forces. In the foreground are captured Russian self-propelled guns. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  25 words
  • 171 3 CHINESE EXPEL 4 FRENCH HONG KONG, Fri. THE New China News Agency reported today the French Vice-Consul in Kunming, M. Establi, and three French nationals attached to the Consulate have been expelled by the Chinese Communists. The agency said M. Establi and a radio operator, M. Barre, were accused of
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  171 words
  • 91 3 LONDON. Fri. THE weekly, "The Econo- mist," today welcomed what it called the Malayan Governments "impressive record of new resolve" in the campaign against the guerillas. Particularly since the arrival of Lieutenant Oeneral Sir Harold Briggs, the administration had "shaken off some of the apparent inertia
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 216 3 TIENYEN, INDOCHINA, Friday. pRENCH land, sea and air forces yesterday launch- ed their biggest offensive of the four-year war in North Indo-China. They struck from coastal positions into the mountains near the Chinese border to engage Communist-led Vietminh concentrations. Supported by artillery, a cruiser standing
    AP  -  216 words
  • 85 3 TEL AVIV, Fri. Another Israeli Government crisis broke out suddenly yesterday when Rabbi J. L. Maimon. Minister for Religious Affairs, left a Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem and announced his resignation. Otjier Ministers of the religious bloc are to resign as well. They are Moshe Sharira, Minister
    AP  -  85 words
  • 29 3 MR. KENNETH YOUNGER, Minister of State and head of the British delegation to the General Assembly, with his wife and 14-year-old daughter, Susannah. Reuter picture.
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  • 121 3 WASHINGTON, Fri. AUTHORITATIVE sources said yesterday that the United States is trying to persuade France to cancel contracts 10 supply steel to Communist China. French steel makers have contracted to sell 39,000 tons tern. Production on the or- troduced on the opening day ders has
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  • 78 3 CALDWELL, Texas. Fri A FRENCH cadet who could not make the grade as a pilot stole a U.S. Air Force plane yesterday "laughing many times" flew away to die in a crash. The plane plunged into a thicket •near Caldwell fust about the time officers
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  • 75 3 Writer's Son Apologises For Assault LONDON, Fri. UR. Michael Lewis, 20-year- old actor son of novelist Sinclair Lewis and columnist Dorothy Thompson, apologised through his lawyer yesterday for assaulting a 24-year-old Viennese film actress. Mr. Lewis' lawyer had told Marylebone police court that the young student-actor wanted to "apologise and
    AP  -  75 words
  • 289 3 Major Won VC On Hill 282 '*THE Argylis will never be driven off this hill". Those were the last words of Major K. Muir before he fell, mortally wounded by a burst of machine-gun flre in Korea. Last night it was announced that Major Muir had been posthumously awarded the
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  • 56 3 MANILA, Fri.— TWrty-nve Greek seamen, rescued from their ship which ran aground off Camiguln Island, are on their way to Singapore. They were in the Greek freighter Kostis Lemos. which ran aground and broke on the rocky shore of the isfland in the Philippine group. The Kosho
    AP  -  56 words
  • 39 3 NEW YORK, Fri.—America's Ambassador to Burma, Mr. David McKendree Key, today said that the Burmese Government "Is now more securely In control of the situation than at any time since the country achieved its independence."— Reuter.
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  • 255 3 HUNG KONG, triday. OEKING has ordered the build-up of defences In the China-Hong Kong border area, say reports in Hong Kong. Troops of the Chinese Communist 3rd Field Army have been moving into Cantor 80 miles away for the past two weeks. A Chinese
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  • 30 3 PARIS, Fri. General Dwlght Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the new Atlantic Army, will arrive in Paris on Sunday, a member of SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters of Allied Powers in gurom^nldti^PirJ^Mtar-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 40 3 For Safe, Recreative Pleasure J^Tlgv JUVENILE ®ZW TRICYCLE TRIANC TRJCYCLfc 910 BRITISH MADE in the World's Greatest Factory by LINES BROS. LTD. 0 Sale At All Leading Stores Facto it'iyresentatives: T V MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINK ORE KUALA LUMPUR PZNANG
      40 words
    • 99 3 The label that means qnality( CHICKENS I FOWLS SPATCHCOCKS COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. We can't catch up with it! The call for Black White continues to grow •11 over the world. What makes "Black White" ■o popular? The plain fact is that the secret is in tiie
      99 words

  • 360 4 U.N. Team Find Laws Outdated From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THERE is no concerted housing policy or programme in the Federation and town planning is seriously handicapped b;. lack of adequate laws to control development. These were the impressions of the leader of the
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  • 16 4 Mr. P. K. Erie, a special constable, has been appointed Inspector Snpcial-Cnnstabul-ary (Reserve Unit), Singapore.
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  • 342 4 HOPES OF U.S. BUYING POLICY Rubber Market 'PHE main point of interest to the rubber market since it reopened this year has been the buying policy to be adopted by the U.S. Government. So far. says Lewis Peal's weekly report, issued yesterday, there is nothing definite to report, but it
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  • 63 4 From Our Own Cm-respondent SEGAMAT. Frl. Inche Rauf. the Segamat Magistrate, ordered the case against Lim How Ting, liquor merchant, to be struck out. Lim was charged with selling samsu to an Indian labourer in contravention of his licence The police said that the main prosecution witness, an
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  • 44 4 From Ow SUB Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Fit— The Selangor Indian Association and the Indian Chamber of Commerce will celebrate Indian National Day on Jan. 28. There will be a flaghoisting ceremony at the S.I.A. ground, a tea partv and a public meeting.
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  • 34 4 Malaya exported 81,896 tons of tin last year, a postwar record. Of this 44,590 tons went to the United States. 20,30r tons to Europe, 7.368 to Britain, and 7,356 to British possessions.
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  • 160 4 From Oar Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Fri. gXCEPT for about ten minor disputes, none of which lasted more than a couple of days, there were no strikes in Negri Sembilan last year, Mr. A. W. D. James. Deputy Commissioner of Labour. Neeri Sembilan. said today. bourlng classes
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  • 50 4 FLOSSIE, two-year-old pilot sheep, whose job is to board incoming sheep-ships to lure their frightened cargoes ashore. Singaporeans ought to be grateful to Flossie, for without her their cutlets might stiU be aboard, too shy to come ashore. Her shepbrrd is Kader Bacba. Straits Times picture
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  • 181 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. DOLICE today screened 1,230 people in two oper- ations, one in the Sungei Siput area of Perak and the other in North Selangor. Ten Chinese, including four women, have been detaiord. A Malay labourer was seized by four
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  • 140 4 RAF Drops 2,000,000 1 b Of Supplies AN R.A.F. Dakota Squadron of Far East Air Force, based temporarily at Kuala Lumpur, has just dropped its two millionth pound weight of supplies to the ground Security Forces operating against the bandits in the jungle. This has been dropped in six months,
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 4 MR. AND MRS. Chia Wah Soon who were married recently in Singapore. The bride was formerly Miss Tee Gek Cboo. of Alor Star.— Raffles Studio picture.
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  • 204 4 Riot news scares off jobseekers THHE Singapore Govern- ment has written to the Malayan Information Agency in London correcting erroneous impressions in Britain about the present situation in Singapore follf fting the December riots Many people in Britain believe that Singapore is still riot-ridden, chat danger of death lurks on
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  • 41 4 The Singapore Dean's School presentation of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" will take place at the Victoria Theatre, Singapore, on Sunday for parents and friends and on Monday for the public. Both performances will begin at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 17 4 Nine hawkers were each fined $10 in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday for obstruction.
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  • 78 4 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Fri. CONSIDER yourself lucky to be alive and be more careful m future," th« Sega mat Circuit Magistrate, Inche Rauf, told a 45-year-old labourer, Pahid:ayah, charged with violating the curfew on Sunjei Bekok Estate. It was stated that Pahidiayah was
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  • 161 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Friday. ]Lf OST of Penang's senior A.R.P. wardens who iTI served in the last war are prepared to Join again if called upon, a Straits Times survey Indicated today. "While I do not know how Ijroposed Civil Defence will
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  • 44 4 A welfare committee under the auspices of the Singapore Malay Union, to discuss help to Muslim families In difficulties as a result of detentions after the recent riots, will meet today at the premises of the Malacca Malay Association, Jalan Sultan.
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  • 37 4 From Oar SUB Correspondent fENANG. Frl —T o raise funds for the Po Leong Keok Home, Penang, a dance organised by Mrs. P. Brewer, wife of the Adviser for Chinese Affair*, will be held ftt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 92 4 Evening Jewelry White ttiotlirr- of -pearl lor Idil i oj! .■ml wliilr li* J*rl» |»c4rl lor titarJn. Dc«ijn«J for convenience willi tinKremrnlx pjlriilro m<p-uar cull I linU *nj L.JI.-.r. itaaU V* Your Inspecthm Invited SILV E R WARE DEPT. i BAJAJ TEXTILES RAFFLES PLACE PHONE 464S Vs^i*-* 4* Via t
      92 words
    • 281 4 WjuLJ. j£*SuTiBftfl S Shews: 1, 5 A 9.15 p.m. Columbia's "BATMAN »d ROBIN" To-morrow at 10 a.m. Warner Bro's "ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON", In Technicolor PLEASE NOTE Chance of Time! REX JOHORE BAHRU T*d»y 5 Shows: 11—1.45 1.15— C.45 A 9.30 -ALOHA" (Mmlay* Atlantic Great W»rl« T«dmy 3 Showi: J— 7
      281 words

  • 369 5 A (iKOUP of Singapore Chinese leaders are now finalising plans to draw up a memorandum to urge the Singapore Government to grant the franchise and citizenship rights to nearly 250,000 China-born I Chinese in the Colony. "Times have changed and our hearts
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  • 31 5 LAN H.Ui MOHAMLI) YwluM, the Assistant Commissioner for Co-operative ?>evelcpment in the Fedei.itirn, who has returned Her attending the ILO conference on technical training at Karachi. straits Times picture.
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  • 120 5 tiom Our Own Correspondent BU.CIT MERTAJAM. Fri. WHEN Mr. D. C. Wllkie. a K'-dah planter, got out of his car outside the Malayan Airways tent at Butterworth Airrieid he heard a bang. He thought one of the cars tyres had burst. But he found
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  • 79 5 The Colonial Secretary. Mr. W. L. Blythe, and the other members of the Immigration (Controli Bill Select Committee appointed by the Singapore Legislative Council returned to Singapore last night by Malayan Airways after two-day talks with a similar committee in the Feieral capital. The other members
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  • 93 5 'TOMORROW night and on Tuesday night at 8.45. the Singapore Musical Society will present Part I of Handel's "Messiah" and Parts I and II of Bach's "Christmas Oratorio" in the Victoria Memorial Hall. This is the society's concert, billed for last month, which had to be postponed becaiise
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  • 26 5 Mr. Justice F. Gordon-Smith has resumed his duties as chairman of the advisory committee appointed in Singapore to hear objections against detention otders.
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  • 125 5 Pawnshops Lose $250,000 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. CELANGOR pawbrokers esti- mated today that they had lost more than a quarter of a million dollars worth of business since Jan. 1, when failure by the Selangor Government to renew 17 out of 18 litences caused a stoppage of
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  • 65 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri WONG Chak Fong, a Halnanese, who peeped at a Chinese maid servant who was changing her dress at two o'clock in the morning was today fined $10 by the Kuala Lumpur Second Magistrate, Inche Anuar. The maid servant, pretty
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  • 159 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. T»HE European assistant estate manager in the x Rawang district of Selangor who, with a police Lieutenant, a few days ago tackled 15 armed uniformed bandits and put them to flight today modestly described the incident as "purely luck".
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  • 59 5 From Oi' Staff Co: rrspondent PENANG, Fri. "A NY0NE who drives at 50 miles an hour along: Tanjong Tokong Road must be a lunatic," Mr. E. M. Smallwood, first magistrate, told Chuah Huck I.eong when he fined him $100 at Penang today. Chuah was
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  • 37 5 The Smallest Guest Says His Big Piece LITTLE Brendon D. Richards, the smallest guest, seen congratulating; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ash ness at a party yesterday on th* occasion of their silver wedding anniversary. Straits Times picture.
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  • 231 5 A NUN, known as Madam St. Winifred for th« past 16 years, was yesterday called again by her childhood name of "Gertie" in Singapore when she joined her brotLers in celebrating the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. Francis Ashness. her eldest brother, and Mrs.
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  • 57 5 From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— The Malacca Government today announced that there was no cause for alarm over the one case of smallpox in the town. The affected person was from Sarawak. The Malacca Health Officer, however, advises the public to be vaccinated as
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  • 411 5 From A Correspondent ]U[R. R. M. Robertson, who was known to his legion of friends as "Robbie," died at sea in the Dutch ship Tegelberg while on a visit to South Africa with his wIX» He came from a well-known Northumbrian family and was
    411 words
  • 121 5 education rate of one per cent of the annual value of all rural property is now payable, it was announced yesterday. The education rate is in addition to the consolidated rate, which varies from 10 per cent to 15 per cent in the case of buildings
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  • 146 5 CHINESE V.M.C.A., Selegie Road, body builcing, 4 p.m., basketball, 5 p.m., students' badminton tournament, 5.30 p.m. HENUkBSON ESTATE COMMUNITY WELFARE CENTRE, inaugural meeting, Badminton courts near the car park of the estate, 4.30 p.m. Mr. M. -P. D. Nair will address the meeting. HOUSING EXHIBITION, official opening
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  • 194 5 'More voters' move by S.C.B.A. A SPECIAL Civic ComA mittee has been formed by the Stiails Chinese British Association In' Singapore under the chairmanship of Mr. T. W. Ong to arouse civic consciousness and to get more people to register as voters in June this year. One of the members
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  • 115 5 Prom Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Frl. THIRTY FIVE young Angicans from Perak have returned after the five-day youth camp and conference at Penang. The Rev. A. C. Dumper, vicar of St. John's Church at Ipoh, who led the Perak party told the Straits Times that this was
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  • 20 5 TELUK ANSON. Fri.— For leaving his cycle unattended Chow Woong Kong was fined $3 at Teluk Anson.
    20 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 56 5 DAT M^^SSSSS£ y TOURIST TROPHY, W DUKDROD BELFAST, 15th September, 1950 =r 1501-2000 cc Class Ist ST" F. R. Gerard, Fraser Nash sz _~r" SCARBOROUGH ROAD RACES =jjfjj 22nd/23rd September, 1950 350 cc. Clasi Ist 500 cc Class Ist 'S *FA THE MASTERPIECE M OILS \J^^ W~\ iWCAPORE C. C.
      56 words
    • 339 5 i~" F l Now Selling Movie News 11.00-145-4.00-6.30-9.30 TODAY! The Whole West TREMBLES at the... y^&ndnM^Bu warnSTiros. <^_ .HE LONDON RORY CALHOUN JACK HOLT .wmm NEXT CHANGE THE FLOODTIDE OF DEEP PASSIONS SPECIAL CONCERT RAFFLES TOMORROW NIGHT AT 9.15 p.m. 16 PIECE ORCHESTRA Directed by Gerry Soliano PROGRAMME WILL INCLUDE
      339 words

  • 47 6 MR MRS. V. L. JOSHUA of Johore Bahru cordially than* •11 friends and relatives who aiten'. 1 the marriage of their 1 or. Ellen Maheswary to Mr. j f Henry and sent congratulatory messages and valuable titts: They regret not being able Diank everyone Individually.
    47 words
  • 971 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Jan. 6, 1951. The Normal Outcaste so among the teacfiers. Having regard to what thj Ndrmal teachers have done and are doing for Malayan education, it is quite impossible to turn round now and tell the Normal teachers that they belong to an inferior caste,
    971 words
  • 177 6 Fifty Years Ago DREAM OF VILLAS BY THE SEA From the Straits Times of Jan. 3-5, 1951. WHILE on the subject of real estate, one might mention that Tanjong Kaj tong, with its contemplated road, and connected with the town by a less circuitous route than that now linking it
    177 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 6 Photograph by C. A. Gibson-Hill, BATU CAVES HILi,, SELANGOR
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  • 1045 6  -  A PPARENTLY the Singapore Government is indifferent to what the Muslim world thinks of the Hertogh case. This is the only conclusion which can be drawn from continued official silence in the face of misrepresentation of the legal proceedings and the origin of the riots. Locally,
    1,045 words
  • 1046 6 IF you strip away the sand. the clay, the gravel and the rocks on the surface of Singapore Island, what pattern of the primaeval world do you find underneath? What was this Island like in the earliest epochs of geological time, and how did it take on the shape
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 810 6 LASSIKIKD ADS. t t i i j 1 j l < I MONTEIRO. To CUra, wife of Clement Montelro on 5.1.61 at Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hobpt'al. A son. Both well. MARRIAGE between P. Z. Abraham and Sara Mathen D.V. take^ place on 8U1 January at Bt. George's Cathedral M»dras. SITUATIONS
      810 words
    • 69 6 TOP IN PRECISION! World Renowned. German I EITT BINUXIT LCI IMm BX3O BINOCULARS Distinctive Features:— (1) Unrivalled for Resolution Details. (2) No Colour Distortion. Higher Light Transmission and All Lens-surface* Anti-glare coated (3) Highly built by the sam* Skilful Craftsmen and with the same Special Durable Material for Leica Cameras
      69 words
    • 7 6 famous TIGER BALM collection Masterpiece of Distinction
      7 words

  • 308 7 Town Planning Adviser On Survey Plans CINGAPORb has only a limited amount of land available for development, the Colony's town planning adviser, Sir George Pepler, told the Straits Times yesterday, after spending a month looking over the island. Sir George, who has been appointed
    308 words
  • 189 7 NEW MCA DRIVE FOR MORE MEMBERS AN intensive drive for more meinr>ers and blood donors was decided upon at a meeting of the Singapore branch committee jf tne M.C.A. last night. The president. Mr. Chong Thutt Pitt, urged the committee to get more blood donors for the Singapore Blwd Transfusion
    189 words
  • 37 7 Russian ship, Vladimir Krilov arrived in Singapore roads yesterday for provi■ions. She carried a cargo of 7.000 tons of soya cakes, bound for Gdynia. Poland, from ViadlTOilok, and left after a few bom
    37 words
  • 178 7 2nd Degree Day For University rpENTATIVE arrangements 1 are being made to hold the second convocation of the University of Malaya on Jan. 30 when five scholars will receive their degrees— three in medicine, and two in dentistry. Final word is awaited from the Chancellor of the University, Mr. Malcolm
    178 words
  • 109 7 CHARGED with offering a bribe of 85 cent* to a police sergeant, Tan Kee Seng, an elderly hawker, told the Singapore Second Police Court Magistrate that it was usual for constables to collect "coffee-money" from hawkers n his area. Mr. R. B. I. Pates fined him
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  • 44 7 A FURTHER 17 lots of Singapore property were brought up for auction at the auctioneers, Cheong Hock Chye and Co., yesterday. Only four lots changed hands for a total of $77,100. The two-day auction, which ended yesterday, realised $285.800
    44 words
  • 50 7 A "HORSE-SHIP" came alongside Singapore docks yesterday, with horse-boxes all along the decks, and 243 half-wild, Australian "bronchos" on board, 191 of which were led ashore for transport to Bangkok. There. 149 will join a cavalry regiment, and the rest go to the Bangkok Turf Club.
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  • 54 7 Yeo Kwi Tong. aged 35, was yesterday tentatively charged In the Singapore Third Police Court with murder by "intentionally causing the death" of Yeo Kim Hoo at Kampong Hiap Guan Soon. Telok Blangah Road, on Sent 1, 1948. Bail was opposed. Yeo was remanded In police
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  • 21 7 The Directors of the General Electric Co.. announrp that Mr. Harold Hobson has Joined the Board of the company.
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  • 181 7 Parties To Name Candidates SINGAPORE'S two major political bodies, the Progressive Party and the Labour Party, are expected to announce their candidates for the forthcoming Legislative Council elections next week. The Progressive Party's executive committee will meet today and the Labour Party's general council on Monday to discuss the matter.
    181 words
  • 255 7 THE Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. H. W. Baines, will today dedicate a bed endowed by Boustead and Co., Ltd., in St Andrew's Mission Hospital as a memorial to those European and Asian members of their staff and their wives who died in the
    255 words
  • 35 7 Khoo Choo Lan, a woman aged 35. who pleaded guilty In the Singapore Third Police Court to possession of 42.8 Ib. of dutiable cigarettes, w» yesterday fined $850, fci default two month** Imprisonment
    35 words
  • 343 7 T»HE NEW $500,000 swimming pool and pavilion of the Singapore Chinese Swimming Club at Amber Road is ready and will be officially opened either at the Chinese New Tear in February or during the Easter holidays Mr. Leong Yee Soo, the club's secretary, told
    343 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 7 MR. AND MBS. Chia Cheng Kirn who were married at Teluk Anson. The bride was Miss Low Saw Wah of Singapore. Kong Chun Studio picture.
    25 words
  • 130 7 Hunt For 'Short, Fat' Killer From Oar Staff C«rres»M*eat PENANG Frl. PENANG police are looking for a "rather fat and short" Chinese gunman who, with another Chinese, is believed to have shot dead Mr. Cheon Hai Lents. Penan* correspondent of the Chinese Central News Agency and manager of the Concord
    130 words
  • 62 7 WHEN Teo Soo Kiat, of Thomson Road, was charged before Mr. P. Clafue, the Singapore Fourth Police Magistrate, with running an open air cinema without a licence, he said he was "only trying out" his projector Cpl. bjDto Singh, of Orchard Romi police station, Mid that
    62 words
  • 95 7 AFTER being tentatively charged In the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday with robbing Kwan Ngoh Oy of two Identity cards and $7.55 at Lorong 27-A. Llm Huay Boon aged 16, was given bail of $2,000 In two sureties until Jan. 12. Three other youths, who
    95 words
  • 51 7 Six cases of polio were reported in Singapore in week ended Dec. 30. There were no deaths from the disease. The total number of deaths from all causes was 200, compared with 603 births. Chief causes of deaths were: tuberculosis, 29; convulsions, 13; enteritis, 18; and pneumonia,
    51 words
  • 38 7 Two Sikhs, Sudagnar Singh and Beer Singh pleaded that they were drunk, when charged in the Singapore Second Police Court with fighting at Middle Road on Thursday night. They were each fined $10.
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  • 225 7 First day in school for 6,000 on Monday ON "Black Monday'* next week 0 000 children will be going to school for the first time in Singapore A total of 47,500 English school children will take their seats In all schools representing an increase of 10,000 over "Black Monday," a
    225 words
  • 50 7 The Junior Syn. .nony O chestra, Teachers' Chora 4 Society, Children's Orches'i v and Combined Schools Choirf annual party postponed din} to the riots will be held sif 4.30 p.m. today at Monks Hil* School. Members of the combine <| schools'' choir are specially re-« quested to
    50 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 87 7 (household IjjtUfl appliances) Cc cc Pe.... ror AC DC «2}50 Table or Hand Sreawlined Model s Halr Uryer ACDC 38 50 U;;ri"ht HcriTon'al Toa-tcr AC DC $21 AC/DC »29.50. For Frderation Doty Extra. Ob'.ainable from all sood dealers throughout Malaya So'.e Dis ribivors r ItliP ATO ICBA Certt street
      87 words
    • 50 7 a-o-o-o-o-*wwwi-o-o-o-o-o-o»o-o-o o-n-n-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- f pi o New Seasons Reliable I j FLOWER i AND VEGETABLE Seeds SPECIALLY PACKED FOR THE TROPICS! SMALL PACKETS 30 cte. LARGE PACKETS 60 cte. little^ SINGAPORE -0~0-0~0-o-o-o-o-o-*o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o JB\^|9& the finest kerosene stove t Burners $4«. M 3 Burners SCO.OO SUN TRADING CO. P.O Bn MI. «IN«AFUBt
      50 words

  • 355 8 HOMES EXHIBITION OPENS TODAY Models, Pictures To Be Displayed A HOUSING exhibition designed to show people that good town planning and good living depend as much on them as on the full co-operation of all public bodies, will be opened at the Victoria Memorial Hall today, at 5 p.m. by
    355 words
  • 125 8 OINGAPORH'S 1950 Poppy Day Appeal raised J,G79 a record it was announced yesterday by the of the Ex-Services Association, Mr. J. K. Gwinnell. j Mr Gwinnell s-.Ud that this v ,i "magnlfleant response" and he oaid tribute to the work the women's committe\ of which
    125 words
  • 76 8 From Our Stan* Correspondent PENANG. Fri. Y EARLY 2,000,000 katis oj onions, packed in 28.000 baskets, arrived from Madras by the Jaladurka today and sent prices tumbling down from $60 to $27 a basket. The shortage of onions in the past five weeks roas so
    76 words
  • 93 8 ANEW racket has been discovered by the Singapore police. On two occasions this week, women wait'ne at the Master Attendant's pier to see detainees on St. John's Island were sold "passes" at $15 each bv an unknown Chinese. They proved to be worthless pieces of
    93 words
  • 39 8 KUANTAN, Fri— Salleh bin Omar, was fined $4 and Samsudin bin Jdris $6 for allowing their goats to stray in Beserah. Awang bin Ibrahim was fined $3 for allowing a bull to stray in Beserah.
    39 words
  • 51 8 From Our Own Correspondent RAUB. Fri. A young Chinese couple have been admitted to the Raub District Hospital with stab wounds They were at a Raub hotel when the wife, severely wounded, went to the police station nearby. Police went to the hotel and found the man also
    51 words
  • 46 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Sutain bin Mohamed, a Malay driver attached to the 69 R.A.S.C. Company. today claimed trial at the Kuala Lumpur on a charge of possession of 11 gallons of uncustomed petrol. The case was adjourned till Jan. 22.
    46 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 8 THE CHILDREN at the Upper Serangoon Welfare Centre showed their pleasure and appreciation of the toys they received from Lady Gimson at the Christmas and New Year party yesterday. Straits Times picture.
    34 words
  • 219 8 Municipal Resignations TT would be "most dangerous and unprincipled" to suggest that European officers had resigned from the Singapore Municipal service because of keener competition caused by the admission of Asian officers to the senior posts, said Mr. T. P. F. McNeice. the Singapore Municipal President.
    219 words
  • Article, Illustration
    73 8 KLUANG, Fri— Three Chinese from Kluang Detention Camp, Tan Eng Nong, Chong Mvi Song and Lee Chong, who were accused of having terrorist documents, were remarded in custody by Kluang Se.^'nns judge. MR. MICHAEL WONG, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wong Ah Men* of Ipoh, and his
    73 words
  • 183 8 The Other Side Of The Story HTHIS is the story which the Straits Times understands lies behind some recent resignations by European officers from the municipal service. One European officer lesigned because he was dissatisfied with the conversion of his salary from the old to the new scales, and because
    183 words
  • 50 8 From Our Own Correspondent KAJANO, Fri— Chen Chm Pah was admonished and discharged by the Kajang Circuit Magistrate. Mr. A. P. Jack, for hawking fowls without a licence. He was fined $10 for causing cruelty to animals by placing 24 fowls in one small basket.
    50 words
  • 121 8 $7,000 From K'tan CONTRIBUTIONS totalling $11,901 were made to the University of Malaya Endowment Fund during the week ended December 30. This brings the fund up to $3,810,228. In addition to regular monthly subscriptions and contributions from Government offices in various parts of the Federation, the following
    121 words
  • 24 8 New Moon Day celebrations will be held at the Buddhist Temple. 283 Out ram Road, Singapore, on Jan. 7 at 7.15
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  • 257 8 'Can't Remember' says Body-in-car Driver A CHINESE taxi-driver yesterday told the Singapore Assistant Coroner, Mr. Choor Singh, that he would not be able to identify four Malays who put the body of an injured European in his car during the riots The driver, Kang Yew Kian. who was "too excited
    257 words
  • 81 8 From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Fri— Thousands attended the opening cbj shows of Miss Tse Loh Lin's latest film "Dark Heaven" when she made a personal appearance and sang. During he r stay in Malacca. Miss Tse will give a show in aid of
    81 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 53 8 scon TOQ"^ W \r w^ W I <Hlisw jfm\ •\k Just as much in the public eye as the Test Matches in Australia is the VAUXHALL VAUXHALL has all the latest additions and characteristics which have made its name famous on »ll roads of the world. At your first opportunity
      53 words
    • 85 8 HELPS A COUNTpy PROSPER Good communication! not only follow a couatry't growth often they must prttd« it; just as the railway opened up V^ America's "Golden West" so, today, ia British Borneo for instance, C.P.A.'s regular flights to Hong Kong set in motion the wheels of prosperous industry. This is
      85 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 89 8 Today's Radio SINCAPORE 10 a.m. News. Emergency News from K.L.; 1010 Close; 13 Malay; 1 p.m. Dance Music; 1.30 News: 1-50 Musical Interlude; 2 "Album of Harmony"; 2.30 "Sw'ng Time"; 2.45 "London Studio Melodies"; 3.30 "Tea Dance"; 4 Play: "The Goose Girl"; 5 Sport; 6.20 Light Music; 6.30 Children; 6.45
      89 words
    • 81 8 K. LUMPUR 10 a.m..— 5.10 p-m. As B'pore; 6.30—7.15 As S*pore; 715 Interlude; 7.30 "Radio Varieties"; B "Hit Parade"; 9.30 News; 9.45 "Mail Bag"; 10.30 "Time for Music"; 11 Dance Music; 11 30 Close. PENANC 10 a.m. News; 1—7 p.m. As S'pore; 7 12 "Spotlight on the Emergency"; 7.17 "Piano
      81 words

    • 471 9 The nuutarional Storm I HAVE been rudely shocked by the Colony Government's inept handling of the case for and against inclusion of Normal-trained teachers in The unified Education Service. Did the Select Committee member and the distinguished University professors who voiced their objections to Normal
      471 words
    • 362 9 THE president of tfie Singapore Teachers' Union, m a recent statement, claimed that the Singapore Select Committee had accepted most of the recommendations put forward by the union. l: e enumerated the following: abolition of Parts I and II m the Education Service, reorganisation of
      362 words
    • 239 9 T*HE public must not be misled by the arguments used or. Wednesday last week by "Enlightened", who apparently does not want to see the teachers united. It is imperative that all teachers should refrain from becoming included m petty quarrels or side-i-sues which will undermine the solidarity
      239 words
    • 230 9 IN the Straits Times a few days ago I read that the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore night trains were to be cancelled as from Jan. 3, 1951. Well, is the Malayan Railway a Government concern or a private concern? As far as I know it is
      230 words
    • 147 9 fTHDH the last few days I have F noticed batches of police at street junctions stopping all Yellow-Top taxis and taking down the identity-card numbers of the passengers and licence numbers of the cars The Free Press says that they are trying to catch arsonists. Either the
      147 words
    • 27 9 Letters signed with a nom-dr-plume cannot be published unless the writer's name and address arr communicated in confidence to tV editor as a sign of rood faith.
      27 words
    • 229 9 T SHOULD like to draw the. attention of the public to a fresh field of adventure into which the "demmed elusive" Singapore pickpocke* has now ventured. As I was purchasing tickets for the night show at the Cinema the other evening, at the $3 window
      229 words
    • 205 9 ACCORDING to Press reports the theft of identity cards from the public by Communist thugs is becoming almost a daily occurrence. Despite this increasing frequency, disquieting to say, the number of offenders so far apprehended has been practically nil. This alone should convince the authorities of
      205 words
    • 53 9 QN behalf of the apparent minority concerned with road safety, may I remind the Municipal Commissioners that danger will exist so long as Singapore Traction Company and other buses are allowed to use corners as halting places— including some of the most dangerous corners on the island?
      53 words
    • 150 9 most Kampong Amber dwellers are probably unable to reply m English, I feel a reply is called for to the unwise, intemperate and unrair letter which appeared m last Saturday's Forum under the heading "Squalor In Kampong Amber," and which, among other things, commented on and
      150 words
    • 183 9 A RGAD CODE FOR ALL! f SUGGEST that the 1 Government charge a little more lor every driver's liceace issued, and issue to every licence-holder a booklet containing ail traffic rules and regulations. Such a publication should be printed m different languages. It would serve as a way to educate
      183 words
    • 106 9 ris a regrettable fact that the S.T.C. bus service between Moulmein Road and Keppel Harbour leaves much to be desired. At all hours of the day, particularly at office closing hours, many people have to wait as long as 20 minutes for a bus and even then
      106 words
    • 292 9 HAVING given moral support in iht past to Municipal, Government and Services* employees in their attempts to obtain salary and other improvements from time to time, you have also, more Justifiably, Brought to light the case of estate employees. But, to the disappointment of the local commercial
      292 words
    • 65 9 /"•IGARETTE vendors here say that they are not given enoi'^h <- ~t'" '^s meet the demand. But the distrib. .r* j..^ n. cigarettes have gone out these last few months than ever before. Could anyone enlighten us on the "shortage"? in this village even those who can
      65 words
    • 150 9 IT is pleasing to noXe mat a consideraole number uf locally recruited Police inspectors have been promo; i Ito A S.P.s. and our congru ulations go to those who have been promoted Officers m other Departments do not get much chance of being promoted to Div.Mun
      150 words
    • 97 9 I AM delighted at the recent assurance of the Federation Ed, cation Department that there is nothing to f^ar from Communist influence .n Chinese schools. Hew I v. Isa that I could be equally confident! With the example of Singapore's students before our eyes,
      97 words
    • 66 9 1 FEW months ago, when \v» proposed to hold a union meeting on Tebong Estate, wo had difficulty m d"int» so. Now, we are allowed by the manager tc hold a mcc inj» there at any time. We wish to give our best compliments to the manager for
      66 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 149 9 i WmMt The Advertiser, jßfc^^^^^^^^^ Otii October, 1950. Box /845, m Ajet iMi HfifftSßM^^^H^—. Singapore. SUMS iL Dea f Sir E uh In replyMß ■Hji^^u^ of today's dsM M Xf 0 0 our clients ,JB jjfcmaln anonymous, hM KLculars of your experiaß niari'tlal state etc §Bf aj If fl| HfifiST
      149 words
    • 91 9 7Zc &*t 4it juomea^ have their lighting planned by G C engineers well ahead. Visit our showrooms. AOVT. Of THf CENKRAL ILECTRIC CO., LTD. OF INCLAND iINCAPOR! MALACCA KUALA LUMPUR PINANC- THE TAVERN j i European Residential Hotel) (Open to Non Residents) JJ ALL ROOMS ARE CONNECTED WITH TEL EXCHANGE
      91 words

  • 290 10 London Stacks LONDON, Fri. piRST grade industrial equities were prominent with sharp advances on the London Stock Exchange today. Closing middle prices of selected stocks, as supplied to the Straits Times by special arrangement with The Financial Times, were: LOANS Consols 71 Funding 4% 1071 War 3k% Ml ■AMU Chartered
    290 words
  • 59 10 CHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns yesterday were: Ste^l Recorder 44-45: Stan Meifco Sheers Wharf); Melisker 42-43: Maetsuycker 40-41; Orestes 38-39; Maron 36-37; Mentor 33-34; Sopstdjik 31-32; I'achumba 2930; Falstria 27-28: Belleville 25-2G: Panama 23-24; SzThuan 21-22: Benresch 19-20; Benveg 17-18: Anking 15-16; Breconshire 13-14; Warora 11-12:
    59 words
  • 26 10 HONG KONG. Fri. PREE market currency exchange for Hong Kon? dollars was quoted today as follows: TJS«I HKB6.C9'j: one tael of gold HKt326.— UP
    UP  -  26 words
  • 894 10 From A Market Correspondent ALTHOUGH there was no pronounced selling pressure in the Malayan share markec yesterday, both Industrials and Tins suffered small losses in the absence of sustained buying interest. Rubber shares remained steady. Prices quoted yfeterday by the Malayan ShareuroKers' Association were: INDUSTRIALS Baytrs 3eH«r* Alex.
    894 words
  • 33 10 SINGAPORE, Fri.. Jan. 5. —$603.12} (up $3.lS|). £t,lB2V2atoninLonuon LONDON, Ttaurs. Jan. 4 Spot £1,180— £1,185: Forward £1,150— £1,155; Settlement £1,175 (up £30). Turn-overs: a.m. 100, p.m. 50 tons.
    33 words
  • 281 10 XJEAVY buying locally and on orders from Japan, Hong Kong and the Continent resulted m the Malayan rubber price recovering W2W 2 cents a lb. m a very steady Singapore market yesterday. After opening barely steady, the price fluctuated between $1.81 and $1.84 a lb. for
    281 words
  • 71 10 From A Market Correspondent f\HCE again no business was done in copra In the Singapore produce market yesterday. Sellers prices were the reason. Buyers' bids. $52 a picul at the ftart, were raised to $52>i. but sellers held out for $53*4. The market closed steady. Some transactions were
    71 words
  • 30 10 "£HE Malayan Exchange Banks Association announced yesterday that control direct rates for Canadian dollars were: Buying, T.T. 34%, Airmail (0.D.) 34%. (90 days) 35; Selling T.T./O.D ready 34%.
    30 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1079 10 MANSFIELD «5c CO., LTD. >c»raterj m -ingapore) I l e»ULI» FUNNEL LINE Carriers opt on to proceed v.a other ports to load and discharge cargo. SAILINCS to LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW. LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Due >ails Sham •'antne VXSUT*. •9$ 10 lan .1/12 .7/18 ZfcSSm p-.11 <•" 8 /20 »o. Loryjon^ J$
      1,079 words
    • 350 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA. ECYPT and MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. S'pora P Sham Penang Pres. Buchanan 5/9 an. 10/1 1 |an. 12/ Ulan. Pros. Harding 15/20 |an. 21/22 |an. 23/24 fan. \*Z 29 F#o 4/s '•*>■ 7 Pros, lefterson 5/1 1 Feb. 12/13 Feb. 14/15
      350 words
    • 492 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U.K./CONTINENT: ">oore P Vham Penan* "Meonia for Saigon Bangkok 17-18 lan. 15-16 |an. 13-14 |in "India" for Bangkok, Hong Kong, Manila, Kobe Yokohama 11-15 Feb. "Kambodia" for Hong Kong, Kobe Yokohama 18-21 Feb. "Lalandia" for Saigon Bangkok 24-27 Feb. 23-21 Feb. 22-22 Feb. "Kvernaas" for
      492 words
    • 1034 10 McALISTER dc CO., LTD. Telephone No 5906 ELLERMAN ek BUCKNALL KLAVENESN LINK LONDON. HAVRE, ANTWERP. LOS ANCELES, SAN FR4MCUCO. ROTTERDAM HAMBURC PORTLAND SEATTLE b VANCOUVER and for USA.. North Atlantic Ports Accepting c.uco toi Cental South ana Canada via Colombo American Ports II CITY Of LIVERPOOL Spore P. Sham Panang
      1,034 words

  • 869 11  -  pLANS of airraid shelters calculated to give almost complete protection against atomic bomb attacks are being drawn up by British Home Office civil defence experts. There is little chance that they will do much more than gather dust during the next three years. Against
    869 words
  • 143 11 SEA DEFENCE PLANS New Men To Be Trained LONDON: nEFENCE courses for the Merchant Navy are to be restarted towards the and of January, the Ministry of Transport has announced. The courses, open to all masters, officers and men of British nationality, other than those of the Armed Forces Reserves,
    143 words
  • 269 11  - 'TAPLINE' SHORT CUTS 3,600 MILES OF SEA LEO BRANHAM By WITH the recent comTf pletion of "Tapline" the world's largest oil pipeline the vast Persian Gulf oil fields moved, m effect, 3,600 miles nearer to European and American markets. U.S. peroleum experts say this "monumental development will have a profound
    269 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 346 11 THK I iiiuSiCAl. L'NOER THE SUN. HO BETTY HUTTON vV 5C HOWARD KEEL I Phone reservations must be picked up 10 minutes prior to the commencenent of the shoic. MIDNIGHT TOKKSHT MADE BY THE PRODUCERS OF "SECRETS OF UFE" 1-earn The Truth XBMBWgIKBMBWBMmr Fzom r«£ G^L &tjk ULA lf£DS Wo
      346 words
    • 16 11 G.C.C. 6 Collect ten of these coupons to become a member of the Children's Corner Club.
      16 words
      187 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 238 11 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD »CMM The, are .ometim,, CROSSWORD No. 258 a Try b homburg for jeflned trumps <0> i,.,,,, m»M l"iyi igmj V'.'T B.vv^a '"'.ago .8. U Motilmdn had one «6» 1' jH J |i 3 il 11 7 i Fire, light .nd «c ol .n.. X for b.rdle
      238 words

  • 1169 12 Causes England To Lose 3 Quick Wickets After Start Of 128 For One From JACK FINGLETON Exclusive To The Straits Times SYDNEY, Friday. gNGLANI) today totalled 211 runs for five wickets at close of play in the third Test against Australia which began here today
    1,169 words
  • 120 12 From Our Staff Correspondent TAIPING, Prl. IN a well contested 1 ugger fixture played on the school ground yesterday, RASC Singapore beat a Taiping XV by three points (penalty goal) to nil. Taiping threequarters were the swifter quartet and Oliver and Kam Pak gair.ed good ground
    120 words
  • 398 12  -  EPSOM JEEP A Good Racing Year Is Ahead By IPOH, Friday. AT the close of the 1950 racing season on the Malayan turf, we saw a record number of about 120 three-year-olds in training. Among them they won 80 races, earning about $550,000 in
    398 words
  • 45 12 Mr. O. 1. McCabe has be^n appointed sports captain of the Singapore Swimming Club to succeed Mr. T. H. Allen who is leaving Singapore on leave. Vice-captain Mr. T P. Kingston has rrsipned and he will be replaced by Mr J. C. Quince-
    45 words
  • 177 12 'f*HE van Breukelen stables in Ipoh shelter some of the must promising youngsters In training. Marinus van Breukelen introduced a three-year-old of much merit in Rigoletto at the Ipoh December meeting. This French-bred chestnut is powerfully built and his breeding suggests stamina. A heavy track beat him
    177 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 12 Australian opening bri man edges England fast bowler Bailey past Bedser at gully ia Australia second innings daring the Melbourne* Test. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  23 words
  • 22 12 All commercial houses sports clubs are reminded that affiliation to the Singapore Business House: F.A. will close on January 8.
    22 words
  • 121 12 BOMBAY, Fri. INDIA S team for the fourth unofficial Test against Commonwealth beginning at Madras on January 19, shows four changes from the side which drew m the third "Test". Syed MustaqalL a. KLsbenchand, B. Alva. end P. O. Joshl replace M. R. Rege, H. R.
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 12 Neil Harvey caught by Godfrey Evans off Brdser for 74' in Australia's first innings during the second Test. Aus- 1 tralia won by 28 runs and led by two-nil in the series of five Tests to be completed. A.P. radio photo.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 152 12 From Our Staff Correspondent I KUALA LUMPUR ,Fri FLICE Depot maintained their unbeaten hockey record for the season when they came back after a goal deficit to score a two-one victory over Selangor Club here this evening. Vowles gave the Club an early goal lead
    152 words
  • 42 12 The Norwegian ship Bellevilla drew three-all with the Salstr.u ot Sweden in a soccer match pla.ff4 at Farrer Park yesterday. Scorers were: Monsen <2> iid Swaerten for the Belleville and' Peterivrsen, Orlajoseten and Kalchristens for the Swedish ship.
    42 words
  • 19 12 The Singapore Swimmm'; Club will hold a Junior Swimming Gala on Jan. 20. commencing at 3 p.m.
    19 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 839 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page 6) SITU lONS VACANT EUROF N Confidential Lady Secretary quired for an Initial period of Tout sU months wi'h prospects intinuation. Must bb good shor -and typist and experienced general office routine. Total erne -nens $480 pm. and transport nrovided at nominal chirpe. Apply with
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    • 806 12 TUITION AT YOUR HOME: Private Tuition for all standards by pxperienced teachers from $20 monthly. Eox No. AlB5l. S.T. CHUNO HWA WBT. 66 Short St Tel *****. Enrolment for Morn. J: Aft. English School from Primary to Std. Six B Keeping rts Adv. Acctcy. S'hand St Typing is now started.
      806 words
    • 157 12 Sole Agents: E. NASSIM 6c SONS 381, North Bridge Road, Singapore. Watch merchants for over 40 years. DON'T MISS IT! DON'T MISS IT BRING THE WIFE ft FAMILY BATTLE OF THE GIANTS TONIGHT at 9 p.n. HAPPY WORLD STADIUM EVERYBODY'S TALKINC ABOUT HIS LAST FICHT CHARLIE m% m GAMAGE r
      157 words