The Straits Times, 3 January 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 451 1 Big Battle Raging In East Sector TOKYO, Tuesday. £HINESE patrols were tonight reported only 11 miles north of the South Korean capital of Seoul. Uijonbu, 11 miles from Seoul, was abandoned today. United Nations troops also withdrew from Chunchon, key junction in the centre of
    Reuter; UP; AP  -  451 words
  • 192 1 liuiu a M-irkxi Correspondent ON pining aftrr two days holiday, the Singapore lubber market showed no pronounced reaction to Friday's D.S Government decision imposing controls on the importation of natural rubber. Opening at around six cents t Fxiay's close, good n- tv ouying inquiry
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  • 24 1 A false fire alarm sent tvo Singapore fire engines sun two police patrol vans to loon Tat Street late last nlffht.
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  • 214 1 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. TWE U.S. House of Representatives last night passed and sent to the Senate a compromise $20,000,000,000 defence appropriation bill. It accepted a Senate amendment adding $224,000,000 to the Maritime Administration's authority to build fast cargo ships. A group of American farm and economic
    Reuter-AAP  -  214 words
  • 68 1 Assistant Superintendent of Police in Singapore, left yesterday on a three-month scholarship to one of the English police colleges. Three other A.S.P.S, who were due to leave, bad their departure postponed because of the emergency in the Colony. Born in Siam, Mr. Sanderson joined the
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  • 41 1 LONDON. Tues. Two awards for gallantry in action were announced today for members of the Scots Guards serving in Malaya Major Edwyn Ingo Lloyd Mostyn received the Military Cross and Corporal John McNaught Allan the Military Medal.— A.P.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 35 1 TWO Chinese youths, who were trying to fire a S.T.C. bus at Lavender Street. Singapore, last night, were ai rested by detectives of the Hokkien Sub-branch of the C.I.D.
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  • 58 1 NEW DELHI. Tues.— lndia and Nepal appeared to have reached a settlement today of their dispute over the palace revolution, which deposed 44-year-old King Tribuvana and put his young grandson on the The agreement was believed to have set a time-table for convening the Constituent Assembly
    UP  -  58 words
  • 30 1 LONDON. Tues— The Admiralty reported last night an attempt to sabotage the 1.652-ton submarine target ship HMS Woodbridge Haven. This is the 12th case made public recently.— A.P.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 27 1 BUDAPEST, Tues— lt was announced today that 81 Hungarian miners were killed in an explosion in the Tatabanya coal mines near Budapest on Saturday. UP.
    UP  -  27 words
  • 121 1 LONDON, Tues. gRITISH Communists have set out to dicrupt Britain as the key base for Atlantic unity. In a manifesto Just Issued by the Political Committee of the party, every Communist organisation In the country was ordered to plan its campaign immediately. "If the working
    AP  -  121 words
  • 188 1 Peace Plea To Vietminh Is Urged VERSAILLES, Tues. THE French President, M. Vincent Auriol. last night uggested an appeal for peace to the Communist-led troops righting- the French in IndoChlna. "Now that Indo-Chmas independence has been obtained, Ido not doubt that an appeal for peace from Bao Dai. the Chief
    UP  -  188 words
  • 48 1 LONDON, Tues.— Defence Chiefs of Staff attended a meeting of the British Cabinet today to discuss-nnal arrangements for the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference opening on Thursday. The Cabinet was still without news whether Pakistan's Prime Minister, Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan, would attend the conference.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 173 1 Two Shoot Detective At His Doorstep A CHINESE detective, 27-year-old Ang Beng Siong, was fatally wounded at his doorstep in Singapore last night by two Chinese gunmen. They escaped on bicycles. The motive is not known. His revolver was not stolen. Ang had just come out of his home, at
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  • 51 1 KALIMPONG, India, Tues. —The Dalai-Lama who left Lhasa a fortnight ago, was reported yesterday to have passed Parijong, about 100 miles from here, between Bhutan and Sikkim. Usually well informed sources said he was near Yatung on the SikkimTibet border. His destination is not yet known.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 71 1 OTTAWA. Tues. CANADA i s to build a $30,000,000 atomic furnace at Chalk River, Ontario, "many times more powerful" than the one now in use there, the Trade Minister, Mr. Clarence Howe, announced today. He said the new plant would enable Canada to move further
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 191 1 LONDON, Tuesday. pOLICE set up special guards around the Parlia1 ment buildings and monuments in the vicinity of Westminster Abbey yesterday after receiving an anonymous letter warning that "something will happen", there soon "to bring prominence to Parliament". Scotland Yard believed that the threat might
    UP  -  191 words
  • 53 1 MELBOURNE. Tues. THE Melbourne Herald correspondent in London warned Australians today that Prime Minister Mr. Robert G. Menries, will give them a "painful shock" with an armament bill "far in excess of anything now imagined" before, or soon after, he returns from the Commonwealth
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  • 31 1 Shot man ran into this shop— and collapsed THE medicine shop to which Detectiv Ang ran after he was shot last night. He collapsed on entering the shop. Straits Times picture.
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  • 224 1 SUSPECTED offenders in the recent Singapore riots will be charged in Court as soon as investisations into all cases are completed, said ihe Assistant Commissioner of the C.1.D., Mr. D. K. Broadhurst, yesterday. Commenting on misunderstanding over the preliminary report of the riot investigation unit
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  • 61 1 CANBERRA. Tues. THE Postmaster-General, Mr. H. L. Anthony, today announced that a radiotelephone service would be opened between Australia and Singapore next Monday. The charge would lie A v; I for one minute, with a three-minute minimum. Arrangements for tbe service were made between the
    Reuter-AAP  -  61 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 18 1 JEWELS ARE LIFETIME GIFTS P. H. HENDRY. 78. North BrMfe B 4 B>ore Manufacturing Jewellw l~rnitt-.f •••wi fa
      18 words
    • 34 1 P\%^' ou arm choos» k BUSH RADIO* MCI *(i€NTs BRIGHT RADIO Co. KM ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPOM >v i om?f'rst PRizEm --I I N ~/A/7fMi>i«ewmE&wf»N\ n "> -iJW/i COMPETITION fffli AsL do A^A 7/ V mM\\
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  • 477 2 Russians Attend U.S. New Year Party LONDON. Tues. lIIGH Russian officials 1A in Germany, including General Vassili Chuikov. attended a New Year cocktail party given last night by the United States High Commissioner. Mr. John J. McCloy, at his Berlin residence Also representing the Soviet Union was its Ambassador, Mr.
    UP  -  477 words
  • 147 2 Indonesians Lukewarm After Talks JAKARTA, Tues. rE Indonesian Foreign Minister Dr. Mohammed Roem said yesterday that Indonesia could not continue co-operation with the Dutch with the same enthusiasm after the failure of the rerent Hague talks on the future of New Guinea. Dr. Roem, who had just returned from Holland,
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 77 2 JERUSALEM. Tues. The Israeli Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr. Jacob Geri. said last night that Israel had an excellent opportunity to expand her exports in view of the international situation which compels country after country to switch over to rearmament programmes. Addressing Parliament, Mr. Geri
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • Cable Flashes
    • 194 2 ETLFTEEN squatters, led by Prince Hubertus of r Lowenstein, who "occupied" Heligoland, former German naval base, are to be removed by the German authorities. They went there after Christmas as a protest against the use of the nowdeserted island for RAF. bombing practice, and are living hi
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  • 42 2 TWO RED LEADERS MH. W u Hsiu-Chuan (right), Communist leader of the -Chinese delegation to the Security Council, explains something in Russian to Mr. Zdenek Fier linger, Cornmun'st Deputy Prime Mini ster of Czechoslovakia. The Chinese are returning to Peking. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  42 words
  • 185 2 NEW YORK, Tuesday. 'THE Governor of New York, Mr. Thomas E. Dewey, yesterday urged "all free men everywhere to band together and bravely live, else they will fall apart and ignobly die" at the hands of a "Red empire.'' Speaking at his inauguration as Governor
    UP  -  185 words
  • 188 2 JAP PAW PROPOSED TO OUTWIT RUSSIA LAKE SUCCESS. Tues. MR. John Foster Dulles said on Monday that the United States and other members of the 13-nation Far Eastern Commission are continuing talks they hope will lead to a Japanese peace treaty. Mr. Dulles, Republican adviser to the U.S. State Department,
    AP  -  188 words
  • 81 2 NEW YORK, Tues.— Two men from the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States will leave by air tomorrow on a monthlong survey of the world's war refugee situation. They will take cine-cam-eras and voice recorders lo obtain material for radio and television
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 65 2 MANILA, Tues. n££> Cross field workers with a bio assortment of supplies are flying to Baler District in Quezon Province, along the Luzon east coast, to take aid to thousands of victims of a typhoon which lashed the area last weekend. Several thousand person are
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1349 2 NOTICES NATURALISATION NOTICE is hereby given that Sim Slang Jin of No. 1, Simon Close. Singapore is applying to the Governor for naturalisation, and that any person who knows any reason why naturalisation should not be granted should send a written signed statement o: the facts to the Colonial Secretary.
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    • 809 2 MONTAGUE L. MEYER LIMITED (Timber and Plywood Importers, Producers of HomeGrown Timber, Saw Millers, Moulding Manufacturers and Builders' Merchants) RECORD TRADING PROFIT The annual general meeting of Montague I* Meyer, Ltd., was held on December 11 In London, Mr. Montague L. Meyer (chairman of the company) presiding. The following is
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    • 106 2 STRIKE' BANKS TO STAY CLOSED DUBLIN, Tues. The Eire Government tonight authorised all banks to stay closed until next Tuesday if the strike of 5,006 bank employees continues. Business has been carried on under difficulties since December 27 because of the closing of the banks. Employees claim they are seeking
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    • 376 2 OPENING TODAY: 3 Shows: 3, 6.15 A 9.15 p.m. M.G.M.'s Srnvatlonal Drama! 'MADAME BOVARY' starring JENNIFER JONES Van Heflin Louis Jonrdan anit JAMES MASON REX JOKORE BAHRU Today 5 Shows: 11—1.45 4.15— 6.45 S.M "ALOHA" <Mala; 4 Atlantic OfMl World Today 2 Shows: 7 9.15 •RAINBOW ISLAND" rechnloo'or) SUN Ni-w
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  • 297 3 The King Gives His Consent LONDON, Tuesday. I^RITAIN will announce today that she will place troops under the command of General Dwight Eisenhower when he sets up his Supreme Headquarters in Europe later this month, it was learned from a usually reliable source last
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 3 POPE PUS XII laying the first brck of the wall which will close the Holy Door of «SI. Peter's Basilica. Rome, for the next 25 years, when the next Holy Year is scheduled to take place. A.f picture.
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  • 53 3 CAPETOWN, Tues. Dr Ernest George Jansen. who was sworn in yesterday as Governor-General of South Africa, broadcast last night, that he believed there was < r.tia! unity between all trie South Africans. The new Governor-General sai it would be hLs* constant •nrravour to encourage a *r>
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  • 42 3 RANGOON, Tues.— An impatient mother thought up a novel punishment for her eight-year-old daughter. She roped the child's feet together and suspended her from the ceiling, head downwards. Neighbours summoned the police who arrested the woman. A.P.
    AP  -  42 words
  • 194 3 U.S. 'HALT REDS' DEMAND LAKE SUCCESS, Tues. THE United States declared yesterday that it will demand drastic United Nations iction against the Chinese o.:mumsfcs If they cor.tinut their assailt south of the 38th Parallel in Korea. The U.S. delegate. Mr. Ernest A. Gross, told Sir Benegal N. Rau, of India,
    AP  -  194 words
  • 39 3 KARACHI. Tues— The Pakistan cabinet yesterday approved Premier Liaquat Ali Khans stand on demanding inclusion of the Kashmir question on the agenda of the Commonwealth Conference In London and his decision to abstain from the conference.— A.P.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 245 3 LONDON, Tuesday. ADY Elizabeth Robefts, 33-year-old blonde once denounced by a London Judge as 'almost a shame to her own sex", was found dead in bed last night, clad only in a sweater and underwear. The twice -married daughter of the Dowager Marchioness of Townshend
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  • 26 3 DAMASCUB, Tues. The Syrian Cabinet decided last night to nationalise all electricity companies and electric transport In the country. All the companies concerned ape .foreign.—^euter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Article, Illustration
    59 3 BRITISH POLICE AXE making every >« find tiie Stone of Scone which was stolen on Christmas morning from under the Coronation Chair (right) in Westminster Abbey. Newly canred initials J.F.S. on the chair may be a clue; one suggestion is that they stand for "Justice for Scotland." The 336-Ib. stone
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  • 252 3 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. IJUSSIA has told America, Britain and France she is agreeable to a meeting of the deputy Foreign Ministers to prepare an agenda for Big-Four talks, a source close to the French Government said last night. The Soviet reply, delivered to the Moscow envoys
    Reuter  -  252 words
  • 93 3 'AUSTRALIA IS DEFENCELESS' SYDNEY, Tues. AUSTRALIA this year ceJebraies her 50th year as a nation. Mr. William Morris Hughes. 86. Prime Minister in the 1914-18 War. and the only survivor of the first Commonwealth Parliament, said in a jubilee speech that Australia is the most vulnerable county in the world.
    UP  -  93 words
  • 62 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. THE House of Representatives today passed unanimously a resolution promote Lieutenant General Walton H. Walker former 8th Army Commander, to General, with effect from Dec. 20 10 days before he was killed in Korea. The resolution was moved at President Truman's request. General Walker's body
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 197 3 LONDON, Tuesday. THE Canadian Prime Minister, Mr Louis St Laurent, said In London that he was still optimistic of world peace. "My faith that sanity will prevail over the present turmoil is unshaken Mr. St. Laurent is in Lon don for the conference of
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 38 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. A House of Representatives committee has declared a United States Coast Guard guilty ot negligence in an ammunition explosion which killed 34 men at SouVi An boy, New Jersey, in May. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 121 3 HONG KONG, Tues. ELEVEN offices to carry out the "freezing" of all American firms have already been established by the East China Foreign Trade Bureau, according to the Chinese newspaper Ta Kung Pao. The Bureau summoned the heads of about 80 American firms In
    Reuter-AAP  -  121 words
  • 256 3 Pact Nation Armies Weak LONDON, Tues. T*HE Atlantic Pact inA eludes Europe's weakest military nations and excludes those outside the Soviet orbit which are the strongest in armies A United Press survey shows that Yugoslavia. Spain. Turkey and Greece alone, aside from the Swiss and Swedes, have strong ready-to-flght armies
    UP  -  256 words
  • 46 3 CASABLANCA. TUes. The death roll in floods in the Rharb plain, near Port Lyautey, Morocco, reached 44 today. One hundred people are missing. It was believed the situation will soon be normal Sections of the MoroccoTangiers railway have been swept away.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 54 3 /oC 4svA* i£4w mum ffDM rvtie ppi^AA Gl*L WHO KNOWS... SATURDAY CATHAY MIDNIGHT w The WilUhir* File Company Pty. Ltd Victoria Australia k The File that passes W/Mh the toughest Test yjlffflJlJjJA^ Every side of every Wiltshire file it hand fffiZztffiyjflfe tested and the physical properties of f/ffijjjjJ/fjJJi\ each fil
      54 words
    • 151 3 The label that means quality I Jk U*rm M^rA Ik CHICKENS FOWLS SPATCHCOCKS COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd. 'industrialr ial RUBBER HOSES hr v MINING INDUSTRY I -<s^S^fc\ Armoured or Plain 1 iSS^r: —^^-^JP) Suction Hoses I (~~~^z^2f\ Pressure Hoses I fgfe l-^*^TPy Hydraulic Hoses 1 <DJB Palm"
      151 words

  • 300 4 'REDS IN MALAYA ENEMY OF ISLAM, MALAY RACE' From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. (H)MMUN)STS in Malaya are the enemy of Islam and of the Malay race, th<? Sultan of Kelantan sad yesterday, in a New Year message to members of the Malay Regiment, police, iunirle companies and special
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  • 185 4 MALAYAN children like t.vt circus, but see no glamour in work under the big top. says the manager of the Tai Thean Kew Circus, which has jreturned to Sing.iDore after a year's tour abroad. Mr. Young Seo Pak, whose '.roupe has been familiar to
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  • 82 4 From Our Own Correspondent BENTONG. Tues. Public holidays in Pahang this year will be: federation Day, Feb. J, Chir, New Year. Feb. 6 and 7; Good Friday. March. 23. Easter Monday. March 26; birthday of tha Sultan. May. 29; King's birthday, Thursday June 7; Hari Rava
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  • 43 4 From Oor Own Correspondent KUANTAN. Tues.— The staff of the Telecommunication Department Kuantan staged a Nativity play in the compounds of the Wireless Station. The staff of the Kuantan District Hospital organised a Christmas party for their children and child patients.
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  • 171 4 (SINGAPORE had another very wet year in 1950, with more than 100 inches of rain and extreme temperatures ranging from 71 degrees Fahrenheit to 92 degrees Though no records in rainfall or hamidity were broken, rainfall figures were stated to have been well over average.
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  • 42 4 From Oar Staff Correspondent MALACCA. Tues.— Mr. T. J. Mathias, D.5.0., has been apnointed Settlement Secretary. and Mr. A. Johrmn Assistant, district Officer and Deputy Collector of Land Revenue. Alnr Oajah, as well as tecond class magistrate. Settlement I of Malacca.
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  • 40 4 Mr. Tan Kah Leong has been appointed an Assistant Registrar of Societies with effect from tomorrow Mr. R. W. Kelly. Administrative Officer, from Dec. 16 has officiated as Second Assistant ICstablishment Officer. Class 111. Malayan Civil Service.
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  • 59 4 ONLY one letter in three posted in Singapore is correctly addressed. The Director of Posts, Mr. D. Smith, said yesterday that although the postal district number system was launched nine months ago most correspondents did not use it. The division of Singapore into 28
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  • 19 4 From Oar Own Correspondent SEGAMAT. Tues. Fo* fighting in public, 20-year-old Schol Hamid was fined $7 at Segamat.
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  • 134 4 SINGAPORE Art Society will award a silver medal for the best picture in portraiture, landscape and pictorial work at the Society's open photographic exhibition on Jan. 26. The Society will also present bronze medals in each of the three classes. The Colonial Secretary, Mr. W.
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 4 WED IN S'PORE MR. AND MRS. LEONG CHUN WEE leaving the Straits Chinese Methodist Church, Singapore, after their wedding yesterday. Mr. Leong is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Leong Siew Tat. of Singapore, and the bride. Miss Quek Lin Van is a daughter of Madam Ho Lye Kee. Straits
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  • 365 4 FOUR MORE BANDIT CAMPS FOUND From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. OANDITS armed with Sten guns and carbines held up labourers in the Tapah area and robbed them. They tied up a kepala and slashed his face with knives. Four more bandit camps were
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  • 20 4 KLUANG, Tues. Wong Boh Cheng .was fined $10 at Kluang for carrying an unauthorised passenger in his car.
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  • 57 4 SINGAPORE MUSICAL: SOCIETY, Choral rehearsal, St. Andrew's Cathedral, 5.30 p.m. CHINESE Y.M.C.A., Selegie Road, joint staff meeting, 9 a.m.. basketball, 5 p.m., students' badminton tournament, 530 p.m., students' table-tennis. 7.30 pjn. Y.M.C.A., Selegie Road, che8s club. 5 p.m.. art club, S p.m., educational film show, 8 pm. BACH
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  • 48 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tues. A 60-VEAK-OLI) sampan man was drowned last night in a Penan? Channel collision between his boat and a shipping company launch. lie was thrown about 20 feet from the sampan and was picked up dead 15 minutes later.
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  • 202 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. A WATHAR Singh, well known bicycle and motor cycle racer, was at Kuala Lumpur today fined $105 and disqualified from holding a driving licence for a year on six counts of traffic offences embodied in four summonses.
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  • 36 4 From Oar Own Correspondent SEGAMAT. Tues. Sentence of two months' imprisonment with ihe option of a $120 fine, was passed on a 22-year-old special constable, Karmo bin Kato by the Segramat Circuit Magistrate for desertion
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 4 MISS YVONNE SOARS performing the Snake Dance at the NAAFI New Tear dance at Knala Lumpur.—Straits Times plctiTn-
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  • 250 4 FOUR MEN WITH $6,800 ON THEIR HEADS From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. p.AHANG police are offering rewards totalling $6,800 for information leading to the arrest of four Chinese bandits. The biggest reward, of $5,000, is for Wong Sooi Meng, who has four aliases Chong Chee Lirri Siew Poh,
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  • 141 4 Firemen Want Room To Pray MALAY firemen of Geyiang Fire Station have asked the Singapore Municipal Commissioners for permission to use vacant quarters on the second floor as a religious classroom and a place for prayers. The committee dea'ing with the application has withheld a decision pending inquiries on the
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  • 37 4 From Our Own Correspondent KUANTAN. Tues.— A jeepful of youths had a lucky escape when their vehicle slipped Into a ditch at the corner of Tanah Puteh Road and Gaol Road. There were no casualties
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  • 25 4 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Tues. Oo Seng Vow. 17. was fined $10, at Segamat for riding a m&torcycle at Bekolc without licence.
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  • 29 4 From Our Own Correspondent KLUANG. Tues.— Chan Woo Seng charged before the Circuit Magistrate lor criminal trespass Into Kluang Estate, was allowed bail of $250 pending enquiries.
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  • 112 4 From O«r SUfl Correspondent ALOR STAR. Tuea. K EDAH U MNO Youth League at a meeting last nightj resolved to ask the UMNO Headquarters to expand its scholarship fund, so that more Malays would be given the opportunity to receiva higher education. Inche Ahmad Osman, who moved
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  • 86 4 From Our SUIT Correspondent SEREMBAN, Tues. JJAJI Abdul Malek bin Yusuf, Mentri Besar after the new constitution who relinquished his post last August to go to Mecca, took over as Mentri Besar again today. Capt. Mohammed Salleh, who until recently was acting Mentri Besar, has reverted to
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  • 35 4 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT. Tues A charge of theft of clothing and four fowls from a Chinese at Jementeh was read out to 24-year-old Kamal bin Suleiman in the Segamat Circuit Court
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  • 44 4 From Our. Own Correspondent BENTONG. TMfc— Ifea of Visitors to »,he Women's Hospital at Pekan for 1951 are: Tenfjku Hamidah binte Almarhoni Sultan Abdullah. Che S1U Zainah bint# Sheikh Mohamad. Mrs D 8 Young, Mrs. Teh Poh Chang, Che Hasnah binte Baba.
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  • 28 4 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Tues. North Johore Indian Schools' Teachers held their second sumual educational conference at the Government English School, Segamat, at the week-end.
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  • 31 4 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Tues —Convictid on *n amended charge of negligent driving, police van driver Di>ng bin Mohamed Vusof, 44, was fined $20 in 1" P' '"nurt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 207 4 fuller voiiloiio hi i» ii I fckx CKAVEN 'A 1 and JB Wk you'll know that I^T^t^i^^v I Bft irre "'p arrtte I ri^A. if **y m J| H] of rare quality y^^^^^f^P^^Hßf^^^M^Mfi^Hy oiler in;: co much \^H PX nvore in smoking enjoyment. The largest-selling Cork-Tipped Cigaretlt in the World
      207 words

  • 294 5 Rw^^^^D^^^^T From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. HUNDRED AND SEVENTY former icers have applied for commissions in th Federation of Malaya Volunteer Force since the anouncement was made iast month that the force was to be resuscitated, the Staff Officer, Co«.
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 5 I*. WXERS BOTH Mr. E. W. Hare (top) and Mr. J. Hall (helow) who are two of the fiv;- new Justices of the Peace appointed at Penanu. Mr. Hare is manager for the r-d Bank and Mr. tlf for the Hongkong and SVmehaT Banking Cor5» ration. ftiraits Times
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  • 31 5 Chew Kit, Liang Seng, Liang Lit Seah and Yeap M-ng Hiang yesterday were fined $15 each in the Singapore Fourth Police Court for gaming mahjong In public for money.
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  • 125 5 A WARRANT for the arrest of Rajoo Mariappan, civilian driver of a R.A.F. lorry, was issued yesterday by the Singapore Assistant Coroner, Mr. E. Ebert, at an inquest on a 19-year-old Malay, Mohamed Jasmin bin Abdul Hamid. Mohammed was knocked down by a lorry driven by Rajoo
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  • 122 5 HPHK Sultan of Johore will return to Malaya from Furope in June or July, said his A.D.C. Captain Abdul Kadir bin Da to Haji Mohamed Said, who arrived in Singapore yesterday by Q.E.A 8.0.A.C. Capt. Abdul Kadlr said that the Sultan's health had improved
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  • 90 5 i'lom Our Own Correspondent BKNTONG. Tues.— The fol1' \n% form the 1951 Board of V 1 it -us to the General HosI' 1. Kuala Lipls:— Mr. Ong Teck. Mr. A. Mohd. fc: iriff. Inche Wan All bin Wan Chi):. Inche Wan Ibralii n bin Wan Tanjong, Raja A"
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  • 30 5 I «iiu Oar Staff Caric&pondent i'FNANG. Tues. -A New Y^nr sorial and tea dance will be held by the Penang Dance Association at the Piccadilly Hot:'! on Saturday
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  • 75 5 WEEPS AT HAPPY REUNION CAPT. Abdul Kadir bin Oato Haji Mohamed Said, (right) A.D.C. to the Sultan of Johore, pictured on his return to Singapore yesterday by BOAC Constellation after 19 months in Britain. Fourteen -year-old Kamariah, (left) Capt. Abdul Kadir's only dau enter, was so overjoyed to see her
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  • 170 5 THE Singapore Government and Municipal Labour Union is to appeal to the Municipal Commissioners to relax the present system of discipline ry action so as to "attract" labourers to the service. Announcing this yesterday, the union's secretary, Mr. R. K. Palayan, said the present system
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  • 76 5 From Our SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Chan Sum claimed trial before Mr. A. P. Jack, the Kuala Lumpur First Magistrate, today on a charge of possession of uncustomed patent medicine. Mr. E. J. Selby, Senior Customs officer, said that he raided Chan Sum's shop in
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 5 MISS RITA ANNA MARTIN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ajandro Martin and Mr. Rev na do Lachica, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Lachica. after their wedding at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd j esterday. Straits Time* picture.
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  • 153 5 M.O.FOUND RIDER WAS DRUNK From Our Stiff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A MOTOR-CYCLIST who A collided with a car in Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur, on New Year's Eve was taken to hospital and certified by the medical officer to be drunk and incapable. He was a Pakistani, Gulam Husslen. Before
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  • 60 5 Toh Huay Siew claimed trial In the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday to a charge of theft of a pig, worth $20, belonging to Pek Kung. of Ylo Chu Kang Road. Toh also claimed trial to a charge of theft of 11 fowls. The case was
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  • 52 5 Found guilty of abusing a police constable at Kallang Airport on New Year's Day. a Muslim hawker, Taudh Agmad bin Mohamed* Hassan, was fined $5 In the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday. Taudh alleged that the constable did not pay for his drink and was abusive
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  • 35 5 From Our Own Corresponden* SEGAMAT, Tues.— Alleged to have been found in possession of chandu, Lee Alk and Lee Fan appeared In the Segaraat Sessions Court and were offered $500 ball In each.
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  • 125 5 rpHE Commissioner-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, will open the Bach bicentenary concert at the Victoria Memorial Hall. Singapore, at 9.15 tonight Conducted by Mr. David Apcl. the choir and orchestra will perform a variety of items. Highlights will be the Concerto In D Minor for
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  • 282 5 INDIA SEES RICH MARKET IN MALAYA NEW DELHI, Tuesday. gOUTH-East Asia is a potentially rich market for Indian goods, although competition from other exporting nations is increasing, a Government trade delegation has reported. The delegation negotiated a trade treaty with Indonesia and explored trade possibilities in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Penang,
    282 words
  • 46 5 Ram Duiasay Tewani claimed trial in the Singapore Fourth Poj'ce Court yesterday to a charge of using criminal force to a Chinese woman, intending to outrage her modesty at Stevens Road. The csse was tOß&rmed until Jan. 9 Bail if >500 was allowed.
    46 words
  • 187 5 Curfews On In Four Raub Areas From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. POUR different curfews in the Raub area were imposed today by order of the Pahang police. They took effect from 7 p.m. today and all last till 6 a.m. The areas are:From Raub Town Board limit on
    187 words
  • 28 5 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Tues.— Bail in $300 was allowed Phua Lang 47, charged at Segamat with fraudulent possession of 29 katties of scrap rubber.
    28 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 224 5 DOR ■•i^^W WWW Model 6650 A new receiver designed especially to provide superlative performance at minimum cost In relation to performance this new receiver is the most competitive of any Model '6650' Price $295/- less 10 tor Cash (Federation Duty Extra) Sole Agents: HOE BOON LEONG CO., LTD. 25, THOMSON
      224 words

  • 17 6 OVERSEAS LEAOUE CHILDBEN'S XMAS PARTY. Don't foryet Robinsons' Cafe Sat: 6 h Jan' 4-6 30 p.m.
    17 words
  • 86 6 NORMAN ANTHOtf. Aged S 1/2 nun hs, son of Peer and Ann Norman, on Ist January, 1951. MRS CHAN KEE SOON JfEE TAN STEW KIM pawed away peacrlully at 22 Poole Road. Singapore, ape 71 years, leaving behind her 6 sons Qul Eng, Qui Cho. Qul Yaw. Qui Chon*
    86 words
  • 879 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Jan. 3, 1951. The Russian Reply It might be uncharitable to suggest that the width of the Atlantic helps to explain American reserve and British optimism on the Russian reply to the Three Power note I which suggested top level j talks on problems of
    879 words
  • 239 6 It is now two weeks since Sir Franklin Gimson announced in the Legislative Council that he was in consultation with the Secretary of State for th« Colonies regarding the composition of a commission of enquiry into the Singapore riot*. The commission has still not heen appointed and the
    239 words
  • 1441 6 Report On Comhiuriist China-+AT Published by special arrangement with the Manchester Guardian. pOR more than two thousand years China has foHowed the way of her great sage Confucius. This elaborate code of behaviour enabled the country to resist change. Based on family relationships and the duty of
    1,441 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 353 6 THE formation of the Federation of Indian Organi- sations, supported and sponsored by able leaders of the Indian community in Malaya, is a move in the right direction at trie right time It Is highly essential that the Indian community should have a strong central body to
      353 words
    • 272 6 IT is gratifying to note 1 that the Malayan Chinese Association has been asked by the Federation Government to nominate two representatives to serve on the Legislative Council. The M.C.A. is an organisation looking after the welfare of the domiciled Chinese, who have adopted Malaya
      272 words
    • 175 6 WITH reference to the letters appearing in your paper under the headings "Burn t-Out Buildings In J.B." and "Insects, Rats And Humans In J.B.", I wish to elucidate the position. One of the burnt-out buildIngs, namely the one at Jalan Ungku Puan, Is under my management and
      175 words
    • 115 6 JT is most gratifying to note that the Singapore Government Is now setting up a -Public Examinations Board with members drawn from the Education Department, the University of Malaya and two Unofncials, and with a Government official as secretary. This will orovlde opportunities for ambitious subordinate
      115 words
  • 390 6 Agar-Agar QOMEBODY was good enough to ring me up yesterday morning and give n c the answer to the question asked hi this column about the product sold In local shops under the .name of agar-agar This, as I said, comes from Japan, but my informant! tells
    390 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 806 6 CLASSIFIED Ara.l TANNER. To Barbara, wife of Hedlry at Malacca O«neral HosptUl. 37th December 1950. a •on. DODD. To Helen and Lance Dodd. at Bungsar Hospital, Koala Lumpur, on Ne«r Ye*r» Day, a daughter, Diana. DONALD: To Mr. A Mrs. George Donald, at Kandang Kerbau Hospital, on 1.1.51, a •on
      806 words
    • 34 6 WORLD? LARGEST MANUFACTURERS O* ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS NEW IMPROVED MODEL NOW ARRIVED Complete with on» extra set of brushes and three Felt Polishing Pads. 1/95.00 EACH T. M. A. LTD. 61/63 High Street, Singapore.
      34 words
    • 136 6 What a picture of strength and -^fey *Sjl\ energy Here's a man who yr^ enjoys good health all the year fc*W fir round SevenSeaS pure Kfy' j I cod liver oil is the finest vtR k natural food which supplies, _^jjj> in concentrated form, just y those essential fats and
      136 words

  • 636 7 HUNDREDS IN WILD SCRAMBLE FOR FORMS Big Rush To Join New Girls 'School UUNDREDS of mothers and girls scrambled wildly for admission forms thrown from a first-floor window of the new Stamford Girls' School in Waterloo Street, yesterday, desperately anxious for the 600 places in Singapore's second Government girls' school.
    636 words
  • 67 7 CH/ \CED with staling 66 nr'-".b >vstol caps. tallied at $"?G. in \IA.F. Tent v Scan Chia Whatt, aged K. claimed tnsl in the Singapore Fourth To-ice Court yesirrday. .;so trial to ail il a Hng 1.020 rounds cf empty shp]!s. Seah, who was alternatively charged
    67 words
  • 223 7 Saved His CO., Sgt. Wins Medal pOR great bravery in action against terrorists in Malaya last year, when he killed a bandit who tried to shoot his patrol leader, Sergeant John McNaught Allan of the 2nd. Battalion, Scots Guards, has been awarded the Military Medal, the London Gazette announced yesterday.
    223 words
  • 53 7 More than 50 people in six houses in Singapore were robbed of identity cards by bands of Communist youths last night. In some cases, It was reported, the youths had revolvers. The areas affected were Kampong Bahru, Joo Chiat Terrace, Kelantan Road, Race Course Lane, Petain Road
    53 words
  • 34 7 Two Indians, S. Ratnam and Kalun Aliyes, who pleaded guilty in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterterday to being drunk and disorderly on De?. 30 were each fined $10.
    34 words
  • 39 7 An American frigate, the U.S.S. Albuquerque, 1800 tens, called at Pulau Bukom last night for fuel. The ressel, according to the American Naval Attach* in Singapore "Is on a normal routine Bast to West passage." ■■■>* «***> nt» fJ-
    39 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 7 OUT OF WINDOW ADMISSION FORMS for the new Stamford Girls' School at Singapore had to be thrown from a window yesterday as prospective pupils and their parents were too excited to Queue. Straits Times picture.
    35 words
  • 115 7 NELSON'S KINSMAN DIES HERE \fR. Henry Nelson, area representative of the R.A.F. Kinema Corporation in the Far East, has died suddenly in Singapore. He was a great-nephew of Admiral Lord Nelson and was 51. A committee member of the Royal Singapore Flying Club, Mr. Nelson held one of the first
    115 words
  • 71 7 FURTHER cash donation of $20 was received by the Straits Times yesterday for Mrs May Pereira, widow of Mr. Francis Pereira. 36-year-old Eurasian killed by rioters on Dec. 11. ThU brings th? total contributions received to $2,316. The final instalment of all sums received so far
    71 words
  • 32 7 Tan Kee Chuan, aged 47. a trishaw-rider was fined $300 in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday in default one month's imprisonment for possession of seven gallons of dutiable samsu.
    32 words
  • 122 7 UEK.--.LDING the start of the Chinese New Year celebrations, red banners, lanterns and colourful decorations were hung outside many Chinese homes in Singapore yesterday in readiness for the send-off of the God of Heaven, traditionally believed to take place today. Joss paper, paper gods, red candles
    122 words
  • 70 7 BECAUSE she was worried over the frequent absence of her husband. Chlu Ah Keat, aged 19, attempted to end her life by drinking caustic soda after a quarrel with her mother-in-law, Inspector M, R. Balakrlshnan, prosecuting, told the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday. Chiu. who pleaded
    70 words
  • 37 7 The band ol the RA.B.C, which has been giving concerts to the troops in the Federation and Singapore for the past six weeks, left Singapore in the 18,000-ton troopship Empire Orwell yesterday, bound for Gibraltar.
    37 words
  • 87 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. THE President of the Kuala Lumpur Municipality was today charged with "permitting a Municipality lorry the condition of which might cause damage to the road surface to be used on the public road." Mr. S. Nalliah, inspector of Municipal lorries,
    87 words
  • 70 7 3 FINED IN CARD CASES Quah Slew Song and Lim Kai Young, both aged 18. were fined $10 each in the Singapore First District Court yesterday for identity card offences. Quah had wrong particulars In his card and Lim failed to produce his card in a security check. Pang How
    70 words
  • 240 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. TPHE building of council houses houses which are subsidised in one form or another might be the solution to the acute housing; shortage m towns in the Federation, said members of the United Nations Tropical Housing Commission who
    240 words
  • 207 7 Stn~tAPORE EducaM-n Department authorities yesterday outlined a course of action to the principal of the Ai Hwa School, in Cecil Street, which, if carried out, would allow the school to continue. Up to last week, the school was run by the Mayfair Musical and
    207 words
  • 52 7 Sir Srinivasa Sarma. a veteran Indian journalist, has arrived in Singapore on the first lap of a tour of SouthEast Asia. He wili be here until Sunday when he will leave for Jakarta. Born in 1890, Sir Srinivasa Sarma is the first Indian journalist knighted by
    52 words
  • 48 7 Jack Ryan, an American was fined $10 after pleading guilty in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday incapable of taking care of himself and behaving in a disorderly behaviour at the Singapore Bar and Restaurant, Bras Basah Road, Singapore, on New Year's Eve.
    48 words
  • 41 7 Lee Sung Joo, aged 18, pleaded guilty in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday to assisting In a chap-ii-kee lottery at Gwlang Road. He was given bail of $500 and the case was adjourned till Jan. 9.
    41 words
  • 58 7 'NO NY A, NO NY A'— $10 A 24- YEAB-OLD Indian labourer who went to his former emirtoyer's house and repeatedly asked for "Nonya. nonya" was fined $10 or seven days' simple imprisonment by Mr. R. B. I. Pates In the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday. He wa« Alagayan Marimnttho,
    58 words
  • 159 7 ISLAND GETS OWN SCHOOL AND UNITY 'pHE islanders of Pulau Semakau, seven miles off the wpst coast of Singapore, are happynext week their children will have their own school. The Malay- language school, sponsoied by the Pasir Panjang Rural District Committ'.e, will be opened by a Singapore Education Department official.
    159 words
  • 76 7 A TRIBUTE to the Singapore boat builders was paid recently by Captain W G. Gibson. Marine Superintendent to the North Borneo Government. Captain Gibson recently completed an 1,800 mile journey from Singapore to the East Coast of North Borneo in a boat built In Singapore. During the
    76 words
  • 163 7 Co-Ops Plan New Schemes This Year THE branches of the Malayan co-operative movement will have a heavy programme putting their house in order and planning n< w fields of development, Mr. Lim K»an Chye. secretary of the Singapore Co-operative Stores Society, told the Straits Tirms yesterday. Mr. Lim. who has
    163 words
  • 44 7 Ho Htta Seng, a Sin"- Harbour Board laborer, pleaded guilty in the Sin pore Third Police Court yesterday to attempted theft of a case of raisins. Ho, w so admitted two previous convictions, was-sen-tenced tc two months' lmnrL'onmept.
    44 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 37 7 Good CoMpamofts WORLD FAMOUS SINCE 1818 Make 1951 a year of MUSIC Wlf t/r K£f f "OuTßit ft CO NALtTk TO fCT/t Mr By? E Jw in uu iitticc ■mini Mr W/ M<&y mill i BUiiDiNu a,»_.
      37 words
    • 145 7 Ba&y NORWICH I FASHION SHOES I /7\ FOR THE AFTERNOON... J Latest styles in 2 g yl Suede, Leather, ft j M jfcf Nubuck and j^/ /*&l Gaberdine etc. I mBuds/ A m Colours: Red jßfCir /1/ 1 1/ Black. Navy, s /^''f^^P J \MJ Brown or -TwoTE f£r J
      145 words

  • 808 8  - 1951 BRITAIN GETS READY FOR FESTIVAL YEAR ROBERT BROWN By The Biggest Dome In The World Shines Over London LONDON: COMPLETION of the world's biggest dome, now glistening in the winter rain beside the Thames River, has given Londoners visual proof of the progress of preparations for the 1951 Festival
    808 words
  • 672 8  -  John O'Hara. A RACE TO LIVE »y William Grace Reviews The BOOK OF THE DAY T*HERE are two argu- ments about banning books: The adult's and the policeman's. Both are unanswerable. The adult tells the Director of Public Prosecutions: "Keep your big hands
    672 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 93 8 AIR COMPRESSORS and PNEUMATIC TOOLS for MINES QUARRIES WORKSHOPS RUBBER ESTATES AVAILABLE EX STOCK SINGAPORE jM-a b sn Jhfe. SWISS /^ZjfllVp*^ WAKHIS •lw* fl Ufa. Al^^ THi THINMSST im(^J^^X wATEmooFwasmr PlW'^/i// WATCH OF ITS TYPE \iJ^M 17 JEWELS •jo^pr^[ HamaawaM in «5240 Pcnjng: Ttt. 1852 To put your best foot
      93 words
    • 159 8 I Healthy Wear Famous Brand t ij AERTEX I SPORTS SHIRTS |j In Plain Colours Six* 34-44 Blue. Grey, Yellow Cream Fawn. Shori Sleerea with Collar attached. As Stock is limited voe urge you to call early Gum StHqAs Wffgnpi TALC .uM| pOWDER ■yfi&j toilet r°r,iD Cs/ I PERFUMES \/A
      159 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 127 8 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD f,',™'"»"™» ZZ'JT Z "Lc««, RC !f!? wo 'V J „y°- 2SS 8 Extend beyonfl (7). poipoijcj IB> Lffij 3 |J£S3 B tiM* I|3* H^^a Ej 10 In tup* to furnish a Tnkt (a'a trap (7). lj»?— H r^^^B^^l f^^ F^S- P^ U ThM drm*nnour which la 1-
      127 words

  • 1784 9 The LONDON LETTER Picture Of A Great City As 1 950 Goes On Its Way London From The Air From Our Own Correspondent LONDON: VAST and jolly crowds slowly parading tlu* slushy pavements in Hie bright glare of the ire lights. :\n immense traffic of shiny red iiiiscs and hooting
    1,784 words
  • 127 9 LONDON: MR. Herbert ("Misery") Martin, Secretary of- the Lord's Day Observance Society and famous advocate of strict Sabbatarianism, has declined an invitation to go to Paris to discuss his ideas with an English Debating Society on the ground that it would be presumptuous. The invitation from
    127 words
  • 252 9 Looking At Life PEOPLE in the Christ-mas-New Year news have varied from the Archbishop of York, with his warning; that if the barbarous South Korean mass executions of suspected Communists coutinue "there will be a general demand" that United Nations forces should no longer protect "the government responsible for these
    252 words
  • 343 9  -  SYDNEY WEILER By LONDON: I)ODGING the tax- collector is more difficult in Britain today than ever before The man who tries to "fix" his books to avoid payIng a full share of the tax burden knows that he is up against -higjhly-trained investigators. Science and
    343 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 35 9 Stjimßm low running cost rm\W*^^M^k MODERN FRONT END STYLING "KYDROVAC" SERVO BRAKES j jPEED GEAR BOX BRITISH MANUFACTURE CYCLE 6l CARRIAGE CO (1926) LTD. 43, ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE PHONE 3938 Represented Throughout The Malayan Federation
      35 words
      170 words

  • 826 10  - Land of Destiny— Or Fool's Paradise? BOB GILMORE BIGGEST STADIUM PACKED By MELBOURNE:. 4 USTRALIA is marking the fiftieth anniversary of Federation by going to the races and the big cricket. Newspaper editorials ask whether, in jubilee year, this will be a land of destiny or a fools' paradise. Meanwhile,
    826 words
  • 16 10 Collect ten of these coupons to become a member of the Children's Corner Club.
    16 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      124 words
    • 356 10 gJhJAfjfty TODAY DAILY 11 a.m.. 1.45. 4.15. 6.45 9.30 p.m. EVERYBODY'S "DOUT WHAT COMES NATUR'LLY" SEEING THE BIGGEST MUSICAL T^gT_ UNDER THE SUN =r~ *<r^y Thousands are cheering the biggest nl musical comedy under thesun...M-G-Ms^J*-y II 7ee6»uk&eo* MUSICAL \2ilT' SNOtf IB 4 Jtf©tfi6W iKjj^ffi^lJ^ starring R| BETTY HUTTON *h V«l
      356 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 73 10 SINGAPORE 10 a.m. News, Emergency News from K.L.; 10.10 Close; 12 Malay; 1 p.m. Dance Music; 1.30 News; 1.45 "Concert In Miniature"; 2 Close; 6 Children; 6.20 Radio Orch.; 7 News, Share Market; 7. 12 "This is Communism"; 7.20 interlude; 7.30 "Rhythm Parade"; 8 Radio Doctor; 8.10 Radio Malaya Trio;
      73 words
    • 78 10 K. LUMPUR 10 am.-6.20 p.m. As S'pore; 6.20 "Happy Anniversary"; 7 As S'pore; 7.30 Record Review; 8 Radio Theatre: "The Foolish Gentlewoman"; 9.30 News; 8.45 •Intermezzo"; 10 "Much-Binding in-the-Marsh", 10-30 Albert Ssndler and his Orch.; 11 Close. PKNAMC 10 a.m. News: 1-2 p.m. As S'porr; 6 "Listeners Calling"; 7 As
      78 words
    • 82 10 "Riddle of the Sands"; 10.30 [Dance Music; 11 Close. B. V. B. B. S. 4.45 p.m. "From the London Editorials"; 4-55 Schumann; 5 15 "Report from Britain"; 5.30 "Old Wives' Tale"; 6 Indonesian; 6.30 Cantonese; 6.46 "London Studio Mtlodies"; 7.15 French; 7-30 English Half-Hour, 8 "Strictly instrumental"; 8.15 Thai; 8.45
      82 words

  • 350 11 London Stocks LONDON, Tues A SLIGHTLY lower trend marked the end of trading period in the London Stock Exchange today. Developments in Korea and the seriousness of the fuel position at home underlined the existing note of caution. In addition the market awaited develpments of efforts to promote a four-power
    350 words
  • 60 11 QHIPS alongside the Singapore Karbour Board godowns yesterday were: Steel Rfcorder 44-45; Stan Meifco (Sheers Wharf); Troilus 42-43; Rebeverett 40-41; Sflandim 38-39; Telemachus 36-37; Automedon 33-34; Soestdijk 31-32: Pachumbia 29-30: Palstria 27-28: Belleville 25-26: Panama 23-24; Tosari 21-22: Benreoch 19-20; Anking 15-16; Breconshlre 13-14: Salatiga 11-12; Straat Malaka
    60 words
  • 892 11 From A Market Correspondent rfHE Malayan share market opened the year quietly A yesterday with Tin shares and Industrials slightly easier Only a small amount of business passed. Price quotations announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS Bajtr, Sailer* »icx Pref Ill 1 tIS Ord»
    892 words
  • 39 11 SINGAPORE, Tues.. Jan. 2— $571.25 (op $6.12'^.) £1,132 Vl a ton in London LONDON, Tes.. Jan. 2— Spot 1,130— £l,lSs; rorward £1,100— £1.105; Settlement £1,139 (down £20) Trim -overs: a.m. 130; p.m. 15 tons.
    39 words
  • 245 11 Rubber At $1.89 QN the strength of factory support, the Singapore rubber market started the year well yesterday with business reported at $1.89 a lb. for January first-grade, roughly the same price as at last year's close. The price rose steadily after the market had opened at around the 31.82
    245 words
  • 69 11 rruoi »linti Vorrctpoadcal copra 'ection of -the Singapore produce market opened steady yesterday with buyers at $49 a picul. Bids were later raised to $49%, but sellers held off (or $50. No business was- done. The market closed firm. Buyers showed no interest in the coconut oil
    69 words
  • 30 11 liONG KONG, Tues. CTREE markei currency exchange r for Uong Kong dollarg ras quoted today a* follows: OSSI HK»6.03: £1 HK»15.20; one tael of gold HK»3I2Vi.— UJ*.
    30 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1302 11 1 v*MmFf!Sfiw OLOt FUNNEL LINK Carrier's option to proceed via other ports to load and discharge cargo SAILINCS to LIVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON b CONTINENTAL PORTS Due Sails P. !> ham Penars Ulysses tor L'pool b Clasgow l»". 4/5 Aatomodea for Dublin I'verpool C. 33/34 |an. 4 Marco tor Liverpool Havre,
      1,302 words
    • 354 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINCS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA. ECYPT and MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. vooro jrwn farunaj Pres. Buchanan 6/10 |an. 11/12 |an. 13/14 lan. Pres Harding IS/20 |an. 21/22 |an. 23/24 |aa Pres Van Buren 29 |an./3 Feb. 4/5 Feb. 6/7 Feb Pres. letferson 5/11 Feb. 12/13 Feb.
      354 words
    • 499 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK. CONTINENT: core r*. sham Penang "Selandia" for Sa gen b Bangkok C. 38 39 "Meonia" for Saigon Bangkok 16-17 lan. 15-15 lan. 14-14 |an. "India" for Bangkok. H'Kong, Manila. Kobe Yokohama 7-10 Feb. Kambodia" for Manila H'Kong. Kobe Yokohama 16-17 Feb. ISSSSk f r
      499 words
    • 950 11 McA£IS,T£R r <Sc C^S LT>X (*V ELLERMAN ds BUCKNALI KLA«>f4sk LIX, %t% t LONDON HAVRE. ANTWERP LOS ANCELES lAN tRAI IiCO ROTTEROAM b HAMBURC PORTLAND SEATTLE 0 VAN' )UVER mo tor USA. North Atlantic Poiis Accepting caiso tor Lentiai t> South and Canada via Colombo American Ports S.S CITY Or
      950 words

  • 551 12 RECORD STAND BY HUTTON SIMPSON Free Scoring Despite Bumpers SYDNEY, Tuesday. I EN Hutton, 150, and Reg Simpson, 155 not out, broke the M.C.C. record for a third wicket stand against New South Wales today when putting on 236 runs here. Their sparkling partnership came only three days before the
    551 words
  • 151 12 India Hold Winning Chance CALCUTTA, Tues. JNDIA declared their first Innings closed at 467 for seven when the Third Test against the Commonwealth was continued here. That gave them a !ead of 240 runs as Commonwealth had been dismissed for 227 By close today the tourists had put up 240
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • Article, Illustration
    59 12 BRILLIANT SAVE: This "hot" shot, slithering through the mud and making for a corner of the net, looks good enough to beat any goalkeeper, but Derby County's Brown got to the ball in time to turn it round the post in the First Division match against Tottenham Hotspurs played at
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  • 74 12 F. N. CUP RUGBY DRAW The draw for the second round of the inter-unit Praser and Neave Cup rugby competition (Singapore section) is: Singapore Regt. R.A. v. GH.Q. Signal Regt. G.H.Q. "B" v. R.A.S.C. Singapore Engineer Regt. v. G.HQ. "A"; 200 Provo Company v. R.A.SC. "B". AH matches will be
    74 words
  • 564 12 From JACK FINGLETON Exclusive To The Straits Times SYDNEY, Tuesday. 'J'HINGS were happening for England on both number one and two cricket grounds here today. On the senior one Hutton, Simpson and Parkhouse sometimes brilliantly but most times so'idly were putting the New South
    564 words
  • 48 12 The discussion meeting of the Singapore Society of Rugby Union Referees which was to have taken place tomorrow has been postponed to Thursday, Jan. 11 on account of the Royal Navy v French Air Force match which is being played at the Naval Base tomorrow.
    48 words
  • 26 12 Rrr.BY: Army v SCC. Padan«: SUB v C.HQ, Keppel Harbour; Naval Base v EAF Seletar, Naval Base: RAF Tengah t Nee Soon, Nee Soon.
    26 words
  • 282 12 rpHE Island Club's Police Cup Competition will take place this weekend. Play will be over two rounds medal stroke play on handicap (maximum handicap allowance 18). The draw and starting time for Saturday are given below; partners may arrange their own times for Sunday morning.
    282 words
  • 641 12 PENANG, Tuesday. ONE of the highlights of the 1950 racing; season on the Malayan Turf was the sporting duel for the jockey premiership by two of the front rank jockeys, Herb Charles and Arthur Ayres. Up to the last racing day of the season
    641 words
  • 83 12 LONDON, Wed. YESTERDAY'S U.K. soccer X results were: SCOTTISH LE4GIE "A" DIVISION •Airdriruniinv v K-miers 'CeMic Kailh Kuvrr, Dundee t Morton 1 •East l-ife MotherwvU Hibernian < Aberdeen i •Partlck Thlttle v Kalkirk Third Lanark 1 Clyde "B" DIVISION Dumbarton 1 Co» denbralh 0 •Dunlrrmlinc r Albion
    83 words
  • 99 12 rpHE results of the Island Club's x December Medal (Stableford) Division: Winner: P, Lee (7) 38',, points. Next best returns: C E Ecker-sley-Maslin (12). X S. Murray (6), M C.V. Martia (11), S. Abbett (12), J.W.Y. Eu (8), Perrier Mayor (1). S.K. Gaw (10), Lim Siew
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  • 30 12 MELBOURNE, Tues.— Victoria with 271 appear set for a clear cut win over South Australia, who made 03 and 119 for 7. In their Sheffield match here.
    30 words
  • 537 12 PENANG, Tuesday. A NEW contender for the 1951 "Classics'' has en* tered the arena in the shape of Gold Meridian. Hardly a day older than three years this 4lvframed gelding by William of Valence put or of the most spectacular staying performance f season here
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  • 299 12 Penang Took Only 9 Races Out Of 32 PENANG, Tues. pENANO stables did not have things their own way at the four-day ChristmasNew Year neeting. Plum of the meeting, Com-missioner-General's C v p, went to an Ipoh-trained horse, Gold Meridian and outstation "invaders" took 23 of the 32 races. Trainer
    299 words
  • 67 12 LONDON. Turs: A' entif gave Sir Sydney Palmer, former Malayan racehorse owner, his third consecutive success by winning the Hounslow Handicap Hurdles (£300) at Kempton Park Boxing Day mreting. Attentif had won over the course last time out, beating such good performers as Ouerrler
    67 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 825 12 <C) 4nued from Page srrtATIOMS VACANT WANtiBn one eip. E-pean manager for rubber estate in Paloh, Johore. Apply sta'lng age. experience salary required to B>x No. A3306, B.T. "man required to take charge Of medium sited tyre repair plant. Applicants should be a good disciplinarians and able to supervise: X«)
      825 words
    • 218 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. Continued from previous col VEHICLES :R SALE 1949 FORD V'B "Custom" Sedan under 11,000 miles excellent condition, extras nearest offer to $6,500. Phone *****. FOR SALE IST CLASS Boarding House as a going concern. Good investment. Tanglin area. Box A3324, S.T. LITTLE SHOP offers New Hats Woollens for
      218 words
    • 111 12 CYMA holds an exclusive position among the world's greatest names in watches. There Is magic about the very name CYMA the watch whose unswerving precision and technical excellence is the pride of millions of satisfied owners people who expect the best from a watch and get it in their CYMA.
      111 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 31 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TOP Y: 5.32 am. (8.2) and 6.40 p.<n. (7 51; 12.06 p m. (3.6>. TOMORROW: 6.31 am. (8.3) and 8.28 p.m. (7.6); 12.08 a.m. (4.8) and 1.35 p-m. (2.9).
      31 words