The Straits Times, 2 January 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Straits Times MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER: ESTABLISHED 1845 TWELVE PAGES Singapore, Tuesday, January 2, 1951. PRICE TEN CENTS,
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  • 455 1 Massed Annies Tear Gaps In Defences: Allies Reel Back TOKYO, Monday. I AI'NCHING thi'ir long-expected general offensive on New Year's Eve, massed Chinese and North Korean Reds tore huge gnps in the U.S. Sth Army's lines and sent Allied forces reeling back towards Seoul. Communist
    Reuter; UP  -  455 words
  • 244 1 IBUSY DAY FOR REDS IN S'PORE Hlli Nt-w Year was heralded by Htr.inx to burn a Singapore ■Tri\ion Company I ■i a; TampenLs Road. I] They failed because of the ■ti'r. arrival of mobile poHl patrol. I -i about half a mile sway, H v.hich spotted flames H nm a
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  • 19 1 I LONDON. Tues.— Mr. Robert MacFarlan Robertson, of Pin' Dickson, died suddenly I on Boxing Day.
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  • 171 1 HARDER TIMES FOR U.K. LONDON, Mon. f?ND OF thr year news about lXrf more am more austerity L fciLiiionaKJFfri store uw.Uw J nfWßn prt^ie coincided today with travel agencies' announcements that plans for 1951 cover an expected record exodus to Europe. The Ministry of Fuel warn;* It may shortly have
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 57 1 LONDON Mon— Russia has replied to the Western powers' ■proposal for a four-power conference to discuss the main United Nations problem between East and West. The Foreign Office, announcing this today, did not disclose the nature of the reply. A spokesman said it was a "longish"
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  • 27 1 NEW DELHI, Mon.—Conversations in Nepal between Indian and Nepal Government representatives ended here today in a "hopeful atmosphere, the Indian External Affairs Ministry said.— Reuter.
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  • 14 1 SYDNEY. Mon.— Tea will cost Australians another sixpence a pound from tomorrow.—Reuter
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  • 18 1 LONDON. Mon.— Mr. Louis St. Laurent. Canadian Prime Minister, arrived in England from Canada today.— Reuter.
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  • 69 1 NEW YORK, Mon. rE Old Year ended with H a bang for Andy Giordano, of Connecticut. He cleaned out his cellar, put a match to the trash and went back in his house. A second later a terrific explosion blew out 60 windows over
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  • 68 1 SINGAPORE greeted the Now Year with the usual Sea Sports which drew competitors from fishing Tillages and neighbouring islands. Above picture shows a tight finish in the perahu payang race. Below, the New Year being ushered in at Raffles Hotel, where
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  • 216 1 NEW YORK, Monday. A MERICANS began the New Year with unusual soberness in full realisation that 1951 might be the most fateful of their lifetime. War jftters cut down capers appreciably. About 850.000 New Yorkers jammed Into Times Square last night and greeted
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  • 72 1 NEW YORK, Mon. NEW YEAR'S Day for shapely Erma Weach meant that she could come down from the flagpole where she spent 152 days aloft at San Francisco. She came down from her perch at midnight, indignantly denying that she had gained weight while up tht pole.
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  • 30 1 "Ttu development of the world situation 1« obliging the free nation* to prepare for the defenoe or the peace," the message said. —Rmtfr, A.P-, UJ». [Other New Tear metM|e»-P 7J
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  • 57 1 Stolen Stone Petition LONDON, Monday. anonymous petition to th« Kin* offering to givt up the stolen Stony of Scone if he agrees to leavS it in Scotland «mick«ned Scotland Yard's search for the relic on Saturday. A Scotland Yard official said "In view a/ U» absence of any signatures, It
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  • 271 1 ROUHD CLOCK WORK TO BEAT DUTY From Our Staff IN A ROUND-the-clock bi deadline, hundreds of 1; in Penan? and Province several nights to help cl waiting shipment ovelsea 1 One leading exporter 1 the Scrairs Times that ni« firm working overtime on New Year's
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  • 48 1 HOLLYWOOD, Mon— Miss Claire Phillips, former Manila night club operator, twice sentenced to death In Japanese military courts for spying, will start as a film tech nical adviser tomorrow. Miss Phillips is to help produce her story "I was An American Spy." Reuter.
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  • 33 1 WASHINGTON, Mon. Madame Pandit, India's ambassador to the United States, said here: "If there is a question of aggression anywhere in the world, India will not take it lying down." --A.P.
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  • 61 1 SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, Mon. A U.S. Navy rescue ship is rushing emergency food and medicine to St. Kitts, in the British Leeward Islands, which have been shaken by an earthquake. The rescue ship is taking eviergency equipment and 30 tons of food and medical supplies
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  • 155 1 Britain speeds arms drive LONDON. Mon. DRITATN is stepping **up her three-year defence programme to speed rearmament in line with America and oiher North Atlantic Pact nations. Chiefs of Staff have 'been ordered to review defence plans and draw up a new arms programme of the most pressing requirements. The
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  • 47 1 LONDON, Mon.— The Daily Express today says there is evidence of the Communisis in Malaya withholding their forces for a D-Day still to be fixed. They are training recruits for their guerilla troops and then sending them home to wait, the paper. states.
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  • 19 1 CAPE TOWN. Mon. Dr. Ernest George Jansen today was sworn in as GovernorGeneral' of South Africa. Renter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 ■f^RAITS ENVELOPE MX <am\ "I enjoy them best H^H nothing WW equals a 3p dv Mourier VI jit hll )uu learn liow the biter lip proiecU four throat. Then tmj if cooler, •moother I wiiuke was ever yours anywhere, at any I tiinr. In short, perfection ha* no price V
      73 words
    • 65 1 m, jmi PETTER AV2 DIESEL ENGINE if Twin Cylinder. if Easy starting from cold by hand. Six to Ten B.H P. at 1000 to 1500 R.P.M. if Power from either end of crankshaft Half speed power take-off 500 to 750 R.P.M. ir Sac also the AVI and the B-series covering
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 252 2 NOTICE Is hereby given that RUDOLF 1 JOHANNES SWAAB, of No. 2I6A. Tsndjong Katong Rd Singapore, b applying to the Governor for naturalisation, and that any person who knows any reason why naturalisation snould not be granted 'hculd send a written signed statement of the facts to the Colonial Secretary.
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    • 401 2 VALI'ABLJC FREEHOLD A LEASEHOLD MtOPEHTIES To be held at our saleroom Nos. 14 A 16 Robinson Road, Singapore. On THURSDAY FRIDAY 4TH A STH JANUARY. 1931 commencing at 2.30 p.m. each day. Nos. 140 CEYLON RD. A 120 CARPMAKL RD. Freehold Area 7618 aq.ft. Total monthly rent $41.Nos. 59 &61
      401 words
    • 570 2 I, Loke Weng Kwal of Kuala WflftKS DEPARTMENT Lumpur, wish to no'ify the public ™ZTr* A VT»i» vs. that from today my name shall FEDERATION OF MALAYA. be Chan Weng Kwal and my wife, EVelyn Loke of Methodist Applications are Invited from Girls Continuation Schoool, shall suitable candidates for the
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    • 362 2 Will parent* or guardians of pupil* of the Royal English School who have passed Standard V and above, please report to the I Education Office on any working day before January 5th, with the pupils leaving certificates and birth certificates. The pupils' name will be registered and every < endeavour
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    • 333 2 Tis^rT^^C^^BiUrtrcTF Alii Bate* for Ist Half-year 1951. Sections s*. 61 to 84 and 71 and Bchedule B (Rules for Collection of Rates) of the Municipal Ordinance. Rates are payable in advance half-yearly at the Municipal Office and without demand. 2. Rates for the Ist Halfyear, 1951, are therefore now due
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    • 299 2 IMPORTERS WHEAT fXOI'R Wheat flour may now be Imported from Canada, or any other source, outside the International Wheat Agreement. A. PS to be clearly marked— "Outside I.W.A. Allocation". Shipment to be completed by 31st July. 1951. COMPTROLLER OF CUSTOMS. Import And Export Control, Federation of Malaya. NOTICE Messrs. TURQUAND,
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  • 595 3 Unknown And Famous In Awards List LONDON, Monday. SIR Stafford Cripps, who wrecked his health in the fight to save Britain from economic disaster, was created a Companion of Honour in the New Year Honours Lists, published today. The Companionship title, is one of the most se bestow. It
    Reuter; AP  -  595 words
  • 234 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Mon. THE Chinese Communist Government Administrative Council announced on Saturday that all American-subsi-dized religious, medical, educational nnd relief organisations in China would become Stateowned or completely operated by Chinese. Tli; action followed an or-di-r two days earlier for sei- zurc ol all American
    AP  -  234 words
  • 112 3 GENERAL SAYS 'NOT SO FAST' WASHINGTON. Mon.- Iht United States Defence Secretary, General George Marshall, warned the American nation today that a too rapid attempt at mobilisation is apt to delay the ultimate speed of rearmament. In an end-of-the-year message, he said that there was 'a tendency to feel that
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • Cable Flashes
    • 170 3 oil KVVOKMS may hold the secret to abnormal growths such as cancer and to mental diseases, say Harvard University scientists. The American Association i for the Advancement of Science at its annual meeting commended their work as "an outstanding contribution to science." FIRE IN
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 3 CORONATION CHAIR in Westminster Abbey with one corner splintered where the Stone of Scone was prised out from under the seat. It had been in the Abbey for 650 years since it was brought from Scotland.' A.P. picture.
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  • 126 3 WASHINGTON, Monday. QJECRETARY of State Mr. Dean Acheson says he is confident the U.S. and friendly nations will have the strength necessary to repel aggression, restore stability, and increase the well-being of the free people. i In a statement reviewing 1950 he called for unity
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 3 Air KUAN and his wife, the former film actress Rita Hayworth. at Cairo. He has a bandaged head as a result of a motor accident. A.P. picture.
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  • 83 3 MELBOURNE, xMon. THE King, in a special Jubilee broadcast to Australia, said the New Year's Day marked the beginning of a notable commemoration year in Australian Commonwealth history. "Fifty years ago my father opened the first Commonwealth Parliament in Melbourne. 26 years later I wa» privileged
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  • 183 3 NEW YORK. Mon. GENERAL Franco, Spanish If head of state, told the Western world yesterday that he would like to be included In its plan for "containing" Communism. "Spain does not lack confidence in herself," he said. General Franco was speaking in an interview broadcast
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  • 195 3 May Cut Empire Talks LONDON, Mon. PAKISTAN'S Prime Minister, Mr. Liaquat All Khan, has changed his plans to leave Karachi by air today to attend the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference opening in London on Thursday. It is reliably reported that Mr. Liaquat All Khan has refused to attend the conference
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  • 59 3 CALCUTTA, Mon. The Indonesian Foreign Minister, Dr. Mohammed Roem, said at Calcutta today that unless the Dutch changed their policy regarding Western New Guinea any future meeting on the matter would be useless. Dr. Roem was passing through Calcutta on his way back to Djakarta from
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  • 32 3 VIENNA, Mon. Dr. Karl Renner white-bearded Presid- ent of Austria, died on Sun- day. aged 80. A lifelong right- wing Socialist, he founded* the first and second Austrian < Republics.— Reuter.
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  • 151 3 JAPS MAY HAVE TO REARM MacArthur JAPAN may have to J lawlessness continues to Douglas Mac Arthur said today. The United Nations Com-mander-in-Chief told the f Japanese people that the renunciation of war as an instrument of policy in the Japanese Constitution was "one of the highest, if not the
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  • 33 3 LONDON, Mon. Britain will close its information office In Warsaw, saya the Foreign Office, because the "antagonistic attitude of the Polish authorities made it dangerous for Polish citizens to visit it."— U.P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 96 3 PoliiKmg your »so l 5 daily with Brighter longer life for COC R A will keep»h tm ,hi«. your Shoes ing new longer. With COBRA Culm mjkes leithct nicely Be smart usk for COBRA 0 BOOT f* OL.I S H j c/so m black and brown Agents: Boustead 6t Co
      96 words
    • 277 3 Kj^^^^^^^^^H^^C the Morrii Minor. Here is feet of luggage space. Torsioo y m /W ,m bar, independent front wheel WMB d} fh 0^ T* lus P ension for smoother rides. It's easy to iteer through traffic easy to park easy to means longer runs tor your money. MINOR us
      277 words

  • 364 4 By The Straits Times Air Correspondent THE runway at Singapore's Kallang airport is to be extended from 5,500 feet to 6,000 feet, so that it will be long enough to take the De Havilland Comet jet airliner which is expected to be in service on the QEA-BOAC
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  • 214 4 Wanted: ExOfficers For Reserve r [K) provide for a quick call up of officers In the event of an emergency, exofflcers and civilians under 55 with special qualifications are Invited to join the Regular Army Reserve of Officers Emergency Reserve. Membership of one of these reserves will make it easier
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 4 FIFTEEN SWACs— members of the Singapore Women's Auxiliary Corps (Volunteer) photographed at their Headquarters in Beach Road after their dance on Saturday night. A drive to recruit more volunteers is brine launched shortly. Straits Times picture.
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  • 207 4 Exams Will Be As Last Year SPECIAL consideration will be given to candidates who have done post-School Certificate work since 1949 when examinations for entrance into the University of Malaya are held in April. They will be required to give evidence of such work in their applications. If sufficient applicants
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  • 24 4 BENTONG Mon.— Mr. 'l. A. C. Kinnear. Assistant Commissioner for Labour, for Pahang Kelantan and Trengganu will be stationed at Kuala Krai.
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  • 266 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. ITEDAH bandits were active again today. They 1V inflicted more casualties on a police party in an ambush in the Sungei Patani district. Two police constables were killed, three wounded and three others are reported missing. This happened
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  • 21 4 V.M.C.A., Raffles quay, Mandarin class, 10. SO ajn., Ballroom CHINBSB Tj.M.O. A., Srlegle Ro«8, body building, ft. 30. p.m.
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  • 370 4 'A GREAT DEAL DONE —McNeice THE MUNICIPALITY IN 1950 THE Singapore Municipality has had a year of "steady and expanding progress", the Municipal President, Mr. T. P. F. McNeice. told the Straits Times in a special interview on the work of the Municipal Commission during 1950. "There is nothing spectacular
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 4 MR. E. D. SHEARN, retiring Kuala Lumpur lawyer, (right), leaving by the Gorgon for Australia before going to England after 30 years in Malaya. From left: Mr. Kenneth Seth, Mrs. E. J. Da vies, Mrs. Seth, Lady Murray- Ay ruley, Mrs. Shearn, the Chief Justice of Singapore, Sir Charles Murray-
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  • 62 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA KANGSAR, Mon. SO acute is the shortage of small change that people are going from shop to shop, office to office in search of it. The first question shopkeepers ask is, "Have you enough change." If you have then
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  • 36 4 From Our Own Correspondent GEMAS. Moa.— A 22-year-old police supervisee. S. Subramanian, was fined $30 or two weeks' rigorous imprisonment, when he pleaded guilty at Gemas to failing to notify a change of residence.
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  • 48 4 From Our Own Correspondent' BATU PAHAT. Mon. Inche Jaffar B. H. Abdul Majid was married to Che Khadjah binte Abdullah The bride is on the staff of the Bandar Penggaram Malay Girls' School and the bridegroom on the staff of the Government English School. Batu Pahat.
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  • 119 4 recruit more SWACs A DRIVE for more recruits will be launched by the Singapore Women's Auxiliary Corps (Volunteer) early in, February when it meets again after Its present holiday. The SWACs, who number 20, consist of working girls "who have a few hours to spare each week." the Officer Commanding
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  • 110 4 From Our Staff Correspond nt KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. rpHE aims, outlook and wo k x of the Malayan y.W.c A. is to be studied by the se tary of the world Y.W.C A. Miss P. Palmer. She will i rive this week to see how
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  • 71 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. MonChinese dentists "are etticii nt and are very sure of thtir work." the president of the Central Malayan Chine s» Dentists' Association Mr. Yong Yeow Chee. told more than 100 fellow dentists at a dinner at Kuala Lumpur. He urged that
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  • 56 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. M. Pandyan, aged 21, was remanded at Kuala Lumpur on a charge of murder. No plea was recorded. Pandyan is alleged to have murdered another Tamil. X, Subramaniam, at the junction of Sultan Street and Theatre Lane, Kuala Lumpur,
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  • 223 4 A LIENS. Including Dutch nationals, visiting Indonesia will have to pay landing Fees of $120 (F150). in addition to chancery and Immigration fees. This was announced by the Consul-Oeneral of the Republic of Indonesia In Singapore and came into effect as from yesterday. The scale
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 171 4 [tiuey Storm Lantern -Model x 246 Fe.w Spares are Required. The Mantle is secured Top and Bottom. The Lamp has a straight Vapouriser, Safety Control Cock and Pressure indicator. Burns Ordinary Paraffin (Kerosene). Gives 300 Candle Power. Sole Agents? > BORNEO j. C? {company os imited F a Fruit Salads
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  • 293 5 GO TO POLICE Three Women Decorated For Social Welfare Work I^EARLY half the 51 awards in the Malayan New Year Honours List have been awarded to police officers in the Federation and Singapore for their work during the emergency. Of the 39 Federation awards, 23 go
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  • 28 5 Sir Patrick Brind' s Award THf Commander-in-Chief, 1 Far Eastern Station, Admiral Sir Patrick Brind, is created a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire.
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  • 1467 5 THE fuU Federation honours 1 list is COMPANION OF THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL A>6 ST. GEORGE: Raja Uda bin R&ja Muhammad, C.M.G., Ment.ri Besar of Selangor, has shown outstanding qualities as a statesman and administrator throughout the emergency. Many public bodies in Malaya owe much to his
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 304 5 sides of the activities t of the R.AP. in the Par I East Command ar« repre- i rented in 15 awards conferred in the New Year's honours list upon present and past •members of Far i East Air Force. Awards of Commander of
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  • 10 5 RAJA lUA, Mentri Besar of Selangor.
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  • 160 5 MR PRETTY GETS CMG pORMKRLY British Adviser Johore, Mr. Eric Ernest Pretty, has been made a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. He Is now British Resident In Brunei. An assistant administration officer in the CommisslonerGeneral's Office, Miss Marie Mylltn Morton Is awarded Mm MBE. Honours
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  • 431 5 (JEW Year honours awarded n to Singapore citizens are: COMMANDER OF THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE: Mr. Tan Chin Tuan, CBE., managing director of the Overseas Chinese Bank at Singapore, first held public office as a Municipal Commissioner before the war. He has since
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  • 76 5 In the New Year honours is the award of a knighthood to Mr. George Victor Lansell, father of Mrs. R. A. C. Wills and Mrs. Guy Livingstone, of Singapore. Sir George Lansell, an Australian, is the proprietor jf the Bendigo' Advertiser, and for 18 years
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 332 5 IMflj^ 3 Rl»nii»t t 15. I 13. 9 1 \Kn-* ftiindiMtuq Atlantic Great Wort Today 1 Shown: 7 1.13 -RAINBOW ISLAND" (Trchnlcolor) WOU Nrw W«rl lodav 2 Show*; 6. 50 9. 1S "•AWAN AYA RE" (HMmUrI At S A 7.3 i /\1 PADIM PAIM- Tamil Las 3 Shown: J, CIS
      332 words
    • 367 5 THE SERVIS RECORDER Now available as a Night Watchman s Clock Enables you to rhec-k your jaga's activities. Make >ure that he is always on the job. ENSURE THE SAFETY OF YOU* PREMISES Stores Dept. BORNEO MOTORS LIMITED* ■■L->-*BHL->->t>^LßaHßai^LaßßVaHa*aaßßßVHay* SER-1 YOU.too.may be one of the MILLIONS who suffer from VITAMIN
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  • 71 6 MRS. CHAN KEE SOON NEK TAN BIEW KIM passed away peacefully at 23 Poole Road. Singapore, age 71 years, leaving behind her 6 sons Qul Eng, Qui Cho. Qul Yaw. Qui Chong of Kuching. Sarawak. Kui Chuan of Biiunpore and Qui Sen?. 5 daugh4 xons-tn-law, many grand eh idren
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  • 1101 6 The Straits Times Singapore. Tues. Jan. 2, 1951. In Soviet Asia It was revealed last week that the Peking government has already begun to move factories from Manchuria and from industrial cities in China proper such as Hankow to remote areas in the North-West. This is the latest move in
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  • 30 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Madam K. K. Pilla!. mother of Dr. K. V. B. Plllai. of Kuala Kangsar. has died, aged 71. She was an Indian Government Tamil Teacher.
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  • 903 6 (By arrangement with the Manchester Guardian.) THE aims of the People's Government are seen most clearly in its educational policy. While in other spheres a pretence, is made of passing through a transition stage towards Communism, in education a thoroughgoing policy of Communist indoctrination is being carried
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  • Mna-in-the-Street
    • 694 6 rvN the front page of the Straits Times of Nov. 29 one read: "A great influx of private capital into tne Federation.. is hoped for as a result of the $16,000 million Colombo Plan published today. Is this real hope or just pious hope?
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  • 216 6 For him alone the jangle sings. The pulsing beat of countless wings That stir no whit the foetid air Around the wounded soldier there. For him alone the jungle smells Conjure up a thousand hells. As broken body seeks the mind And pain engulfs him, left behind. He
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  • 395 6 On the Margin "Hoo I'heow" £LL sorts of oddities arc caught In the net of ft daily newspaper. The latest in our office Is a letter bearing a business address in Borough High Street, London, 5.E.1., and beginning as follows: "I was very interested In your recent article headed FISH
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 743 6 ENGAGEMENTS WTNOATE-RINTOUL: The engagement U announced between Reginald Eric Lennard Wlngftte, ■on of Mrs. R. R. Wlngate of Bude, Cornwall, A -thi laU Major R. R. Wingat*. and June, widow of the late David Rintoul, and younger daughter of the late J. M. P. Landon ANO-YEO. The engagement Is announced
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    • 31 6 OPTICAL CO. Offering Complete Services essential to Eye Comfort 6f Visual Efficiency. (1) VISUAL ANALYSIS (2) VISUAL TRAINING (3) GLASSES IF NEEDED C. S. CHONG, OPT. D. It, CHULIA ST., SPORE
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    • 37 6 1 MORTON 1 HERRINGS FRESM or in TOMATO SAUCE AGENTS C E MORTON (malaya) LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANQ STANISTREET Concentrated f ESSENCE OF CHICKEN! Indicated in all ailments, Weakness and convalescence, F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD. singapor©-
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  • 167 7 'Chance To Find Happiness In Striving YEAR messages of hope and tribute came yesterday from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. James Griffiths, the Com-missioner-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, and Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui, the Muslim divine. But they contained, will have its
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  • 230 7 'Renew Our Faith'— MacDonald |Na special New Year message to the peoples of Mathe CommissionerGinrral, Miid: j •We live in a violent period, ■when the old wish lor a nappy New Year seems easier lo express than, perhaps, to realise. •But li the times are full of disappointments, they are
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  • 147 7 MAULANA Abdul Aleem Siddiqui. the Muslim Divine, caJled for closer co-operation and better understanding between followers of all religions to maintain peace goodwill and harmony. He said he would like to remind his Christian friends "of the message of peace delivered by that messenger of God, the
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  • 195 7 Yf ORE than 150 men of the Royal Australian Air iTI Force Lincoln Bomber Suadron serving in Malaya will tonight sit down to one ol the finest dinners a Singapore hotel can provide by courtesy of their comrades back at the R.A.A.F Base at
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  • 57 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. SIX Communist flags and several posters in English and Chinese were found by the police in various parts of Kuala Lumpur today. Of the 57 posters found. 12 were in English. It is understood that they asked the
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  • 70 7 The Bach bicentenary concerts which were to have been held on Dec. 12 and 13 take place in the Victoria Memorial Hall at 9.15 pm on Jan. 3 and 4. Purchasers of tickets for the concerts on the 13th and 14th will find them available on
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  • 146 7 'THE development of 56 acres of land situated along x East Coast road opposite Frankel Estate is expected to be carried out during the first half of this year. 1 1 Preliminary surveys are now being taken of the area. A spokesman for Nassim
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  • 24 7 Capt. Kadir bin Hajl Mohd. Said, A.D.C. to the Sultan of Johore, is expected to return to Singapore this afternoon by air.
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  • 64 7 The Rev. C. A Davidson, of the Independent Missionary Movement, gave a party to about 150 members and friends on New Year's Day at the Mission Headquarters in Singapore. The Independent Missionary Movement aims "to promote universal brotherhood, fellowship, love, unity, peace and goodwill and
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  • 25 7 The fourth annual delegates' conference of the Singapore Army Civil Service Union will be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Feb. 11.
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  • 142 7 'THREE generations of Singapoie tcciety were present yesterday at a reception held in the grounds of Mrs. Lee Choon Guan's residence Manortfay Viila, to celebrate the wedding of her granddaughter, Miss Lee Kirn Ton to her ''Oiis'r. Mr. W'lilara Tan. Miss Lee Kirn Toh is a
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  • 89 7 Mr. Jones Alexander Pothan, a Malacca school- 1 teacher, was married in Sin- gapore on Saturday to Miss i Amal Mary Easow. The marriage service which was conducted by a i Syrian Marthomite priest, the Rev. Koshy, at St. And- i rew's Cathedral, was attend- < ed
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  • 207 7 MR. E. E. Beech, former prisoner of the Japanese in Singapore, who wants to hear from former inmates of Outran* Road Gaol where he was imprisoned for five years, will receive a letter from one shortly for he has been traced. Mr. V. P.
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 7 ANNUAL RACES AT THE ANNUAL Singapore sea sports yesterday, small craft (tup picture) fluttered and chugged round the coasters, got in each other's way but never collided. Above: In yellow and red striped jerseys this Malay crew prepare for a turn in their racing koleh under the sign of the
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  • 285 7 pOR SPEEDY and reliable communication with the Singapore police, 1 50 London-type Ericsson street telephone pillars will be installed in the Colony this year. As it is hoped to obtain 180 telephone pillars a switch board will be set up at Radio Headquarters,
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  • 133 7 REPRESENTATIVES of all trade unions in Singapore will meet on Sunday to discuss the formation of a Trade Union Congress. The preparatory committee of the proposed T.U.C. will table its report and will recommend the early establishment of a T.U.C. with autonomous groups within its
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  • 47 7 The Singapore branch of the Malayan Chinese Association moved into Its new premises at 688. Robinson Road yesterday. Applications for membership or lottery tickets (for members only), to be drawn at Ipoh on Jan. 21, should be made to the Singapore branch..
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  • 32 7 Fifteen Chinese were arrest- I >d from a house at Weld Road, 1 1 >ff Jalan Besar, Singapore, 1 1 ast nlprrt, In a police gambl- f I ng raid.
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  • 69 7 From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Mon. TELEGRAMS from sportsmen throughout Malaya poured today into the Malacca home of Mr. P. G. M. G. Mahindasa, president of Malacca Badnvnton Association, who was awarded the MBE In the New Year's honours. Mr. Mahindasa, who has been in poor
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  • 63 7 IPOH Mon Wong Keng, aged 35, a shop assistant, of Menglemgu. was charged at Ipoh with striking another shop assistant, Leong Keng Chee, In the face with an axe. Wong said Loke teased him when his application for a job as a detective was rejected. Leong
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  • 250 7 Perfect weather for sea sports Straits T'mcs Staff Reporter pERFECT soiling wea 1 ther yesterday marked the annual Singapore New Year Sea Sports Surely one of the most colourful and skilful regattas In the world, this even! shows the Malay peoples I* their true light, or at lea.-^t t9 their
    250 words
  • 51 7 From Our Own Correspondent BENTONG. Mon. —Mr Snh. 1 Ah Leng a teacher at th» Ahmad School, Pekan, and! only son of Madame Chang Wai Ching, of Bentong, was married at Bentong to Mis* Leong Swee Yee. second' daughter of Mr. and Mrs* Leong Kam Thong, of Ben-«
    51 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 75 7 7*^ .rlr**L^ TOOMA t)b"W^/ SEWING J h£j \ME/ MACHINE ___j^JEL^.. M MO PERN MACHINE 111 1 WHICH WES 44^^i Sole Distributors: -//si* CHEONG LEE CO., JO 371. North Bridge Road. Singapore. Tel. 432t cL<^ •etJ HCINTi Singapore: TO ***** Penang: T»l. 185A REMEMBER!! There is only one genuine MASONITE Tempered
      75 words
    • 151 7 LOST DIAMOND BROOCH, JADM centre and small diamonds eitlieif side, at Capitol or Tanglin Clubi on Saturday night 23rd Dec. GreaO sentimental value. Good reward. Retn. to S. Times Office. Take Care of Your yes f*s lil Are you sure that youi prospects and happi- W tfl nes* are not
      151 words

  • 228 8  -  LIAU NYUK OI By m ll E R B is an old Chinese superstition th.v when a hard and bit tor soul leaves this h the rains will ton*. Two weeks «RO there was a ftTf heavy IhUQfuV i storm and during t He course of the
    228 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 8 A NOVEL form of cost unit jetotUery seen at a recent London fllm premiere whw thl* butterfly, clinging to a bare shoulder with tht aid of plastic skin.
    28 words
  • 515 8 OKI OKK the War. many «iim v had a small but adequate dress allowance. These days, that allowance may perforce remain at the same level, wherca* ihr rost of everything li.i% praelirall> trebled. I \ii.i special rare must therefore taken in plamiinc the wardrobe, because there is
    515 words
  • 497 8 Cats Can Do Queer Things f ATS have been trained to do some queer things —I knew one who taught itself to knock on the door by jumping up and flicking the knocker and a few cats have even learnt to swim and dive. But a cat certainly won't do
    497 words
  • 62 8 TWO hundred Brighton women will spend six weeks acting as dehv lives next year. They will be called In to guard the collection of priceless Regency furniture from all parts of the country which will be on view at Brighton's Regency Exhibition. The exhibition, part of the
    62 words
  • 729 8  -  Nurse Janet MOTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA Rv WORRIED" writes to say that her small boy, aged five, is ceaselessly biting his nails, and that scolding and persuasion seem to have no effect upon him. Nail biting Is not necessarily naughtiness, it is a definite sign of
    729 words
  • 20 8 This week's 15 winner If tire months old ANIL KINROSS SMfItVIftATNB, «f 4*. Am bet E««d, Si«ia»«f«.
    20 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 146 8 I I Singopore 111 \l\ l^ Pr»otogroph by WWWIi MolMe Ross ////)^Mg| m fh# pjctur# of hco fh ond f^ pnd<> ond ///ifiF^^^|g^fg|\ joy of my'porenrs! This is my life story I1I 1 Hi I When I wos very young I was given uXm *F^\W LACTOGEN Oh! it wos n.ce.
      146 words
    • 150 8 lehrds eVe(/0J 1 PROSTfD POODS v We keep your kitchen garden in cold storage Plucked at their moment of perfection and quick-frozen to keep their natural juices and vitamins, Birds Eyt fruits and vegetables are fresh as tht thrush's song. Taste their, 'natural flavour, their garden-to« 1 table freshness. Peas,
      150 words

  • 625 9 -+c From Pag* Six The Government is making great efforts to win the support of the Intellectuals, but it regards them as politically the most unreliable class, stained with the thoughts and habits of the bourgeoisie, which will take a long time to eradicate. So they must be
    625 words
  • Article, Illustration
    792 9  -  PETERSON By TO Singapore in its earliest days came so many Scotsmen, and so predominant was their influence, that little is heard of Christmas during the first fifty years of the Colony's existence. But within fifteen years of the first arrivals, ceiebration of New Year became a regular
    792 words
  • Article, Illustration
    3 words
  • 329 9  -  STEPHEN SIM By ALONG New Bridge Road, Circular Road, and other parts of Singapore where Chinaborn merchants abound, red buntings are hung across the shop-fronts on the first and fifteenth days of each lunar month. This Is a survival of the traditional Chinese custom of
    329 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 30 9 a 1 0 0 y§ ■j)ece« toe fp c*n<* 90l9 ol tni« cl u nder the t M S a upon BPV r nmpBny* obtained UP thl9 Con>P» ,/TV^^N W
      30 words
      105 words

  • Commercial An Shipping News
    • 272 10 LONDON, Sat. CLOSING middle prices of v» selected stocks, as supplied to the Straits Times by special arrangement with the Financial Times, were ■MM Conso., 701 Funding 4% 107i War 31% Mi BANKS Chartered 1*5 pd.l 81 Mrrcautl.* I £14 1 «12 pd I Mi Hcn(tiion» 1 1128;
      272 words
    • 84 10 OIONE Tin (F.M.S.): Profit and loss account for the year to Mar. 31. 1950. shows a loss of £5.6!0. Net liquid assfts in balance sheet, £35.855 before providing for rehabilitation loan £20.708, are equivalent to 4s 7' 2 d per share. The board nopes to arrange with an
      84 words
    • 241 10 From A Market Correspondent I^ITH holidays limiting trading to three and a half days, the Singapore share marktt was dull and featureless last week. A very moderate amount of business passed and prices, though generally steady, were inclined to ease slightly at the
      241 words
    • 23 10 TNITED Malacca Rubber Estates In November 1950 produced 80.910 lbs of rubber, to make a Sfven-m-mth total of 617.932 lbs.
      23 words
    • 100 10 DAHANG Consolidated operated iv lode mines w make a profit, after depreciation and UK. profits tax £65.000. of £355,101 (90.7 per cent on Ordinary capitalT. for the year to July 31, 1950Dividends totalling 30 per cent have been paid on the Ordinary stock and 15 per cent on
      100 words
    • 268 10 A GOOD OMENFOR MALA YA? U.S. Tin C ntrol WASHINGTON, Mon. TJ-S- Government spokesmen consider that the possibility that civilian American consumption ol tin may soon be cut by 25 per cent, augurs well for tin producing countries. One official said this indicated that the U.S. needed more tin, ami
      AP  -  268 words
    • 162 10 BUSNIESS done in Malayan shares last week included: Industrials. Fraser ft Neave. Ord. $2.92', and »2 90, Goodwood Park Hotel 91, Robinson Ord. •2.22 '/i. Raffles Hotel »2.55. Runnymede Hotel $1,10, Straits Steamship «1S and 14-80, Singapore Cold Storage H. 75 and M.70, Straits Times 93.50 to $3,
      162 words
    • 87 10 BROOME TO PAY 5% DROOME Rubber Plantations— Profit on trading to June 30 1950. £55,665 (previous year I £22,454), plus surplus from taxation reserve £2,500 (nil). To debenture interest £8.932 (£9,000), depreciation £2.000 (£1.000), replanting £12,000 (£6.000), future tax £17,750 (nil); interim dividend 10 per cent, i £10,806 (nil), final
      87 words
    • 81 10 'T'HK Asia Insurance Company, re- portinif for the year to July 31, 1 1950. shows a profit, of $742,051 (326 per cent.). f Net liquid assets, including out- standing premiums and shares in other companies, appear at $125,037, or $2.75 per share, while pro- > perties. etc.
      81 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1065 10 BLUI VUNNBL UMB Carrier's option to proceed via other ports to lead and discharge cargo SARINCS re LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Dua Sails iham i»arw>» Ulysses tor L pool Clasgow l*i J4f ow Doc. 10/|an. I |an. 4/J Aitemodon for Dublin Liverpool C. 1/2 |an. 4 Maron for LVerpool,
      1,065 words
    • 319 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INOIA. ECYPT ond MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. > pot. >'ham reneng Mt. Oavis 3100 C./1 |an. .Jfl fc PrVLOs"AIScrLEsVAN2%P rVLOs"A l ScrLEsVAN 2 l R n ANC,SC fc ci ATLANtVVoRTS M£ Penang Smgapora Pros Fillmere 2>/" U"- K/lt >"*• AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES,
      319 words
    • 482 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK CONTINENT: ioora P. S'hsm Panang "Selandia" for Saigon Bangkok C. 38 '39 "Meenia" for Saigon Bangkok 16-17 Jan. 15-15 |an. 14-14 |an. "India" foi Bangkok. H'Kong Manila. Kobe Yokohama 7-10 Feb. 'Kambodia" tor Manila. H'Kong. Kobe Yokohama 16-17 Feb. "Kvernaas" for Saigon 6 Bangkok
      482 words
    • 824 10 ELLERMAN BUCKNALI KLAVENESS LINB LONDON. HAVRI, ANTWERP LOS ANCELES. SAN FRANCISCO, ROTTERDAM HAMBURG PORTLAND SEATTLE VANCOUVER ma tor USA. Noith AManttc Potts Accepting carao far Lantral ft South and Canada via Colombo American Ports. M CITY OF LIVERPOOL S'pora P. Sham Penang mt SUNNYVILLI C/ 12 |an 11/15 |an. 16/17
      824 words

  • 437 11 DIV. LEAD Arsenal Back To Winning Form LONDON, Monday. CNOW and ice in the North and Midlands caused the worst soccer hold-up of the year in Britain on Saturday when 15 Football League matches were postponed and two others were abandoned So many leading clubs were involved in the affected
    437 words
  • 357 11 LONDON, Mon. TONIGHT'S U.K. Soccer c- suits were ENGLISH LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION Bar? 1 Btsekbara THIRD DIVISION oORTHt.BN, Airrlnjlon .1 Rolherham Carll** 1 Barraw 1 liarllnfton 4 (iateshrari 2 SCOTTISH LEAGIt "A" DIVISION Afcerdeca 1 Dude* Clyde 1 Fartlek 0 £Hklra i Third Lanark It Heart, 3 Hlkevalan
    Reuter  -  357 words
  • 70 11 LONDON, Mon. RESULTS of U.K. Rugby matches played on Saturday were: RIGBY UNION: Oberavon 11, Devonport Services 5, Leicester 26. Northumberland 10, Newport 12, Pontyprldd 0, Redruth 3, London Welsh 10; Old Blues 3- HeadIngley 11; Cardiff 6: Penarth 0: New bridge 0; Penza nee Newlyn RUGBY
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 73 11 ADELAIDE, Mon. Ftanlc Scdgman has again beaten American Art Larsen for a major Australian tennis title. The Australian champion beat the American champion 6-3, 6-1, 6-3 yesterday to win the South Australian singles title. Earlier this season, the two champions clashed in the finals of the
    73 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 11 MRS. Suil van leads in Neptune's Daughter (J. Donnelly) winner of the seventh race at Penan g on Sa1 turday. Scoops Amateur Service picture.
    24 words
  • 363 11 CENTENNIAL GAMES IN NJZ AUCKLAND, Monday. THE first events yesterday in the Canterbury Centennial Games at Christchurch— the Women's 100 yards— provided one of the biggest upsets of the Games. World record holder Marjorie Jackson (Australia) was beaten by her team mates Shirley Strickland and Marlene
    363 words
  • 59 11 AUCKLAND, Mon. THE FINAL athletics programme of the Canterbury Centennial Games at Christchurch were held yesterday despite a request by cablegram from Prime Minister Sidney Holland that the Games should not be held on a Sunday. It was the first time that organised sport had
    AP  -  59 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 210 11 \j] J[ J 11 -1.45 -f- 630 9.30 CAPTAIN J BLOOD I Starring JFIL Er.ROL FLYNN W W CUVIA DeHAVILLAND M A Warnrr Bros. Picture NEXT CHANGE ONEGVNTOFICHTWITN...ONEGIMTOnaMTFOII! JULIE LONDON RORY CALHOUN JACK HOLT roa«o bare COOK'S TRAVEL SERVICE BiKtKinits Arranged ty all An. Steamship and Rallw!i> Companies Id Malaya
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      212 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 333 11 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 10 ajn. News. Emergency News from K.L.; iO 10 Close; 12 Malay; 1 p.m. Radio Orch.; 1.30 Sewn: 1.45 Dance Music; 2 Clow: 6 "Forces Favourites"; 6.45 VJS. Programme; 7 News, Share Market, Interlude; 780 "Adventures of Richard Hannay"; 8 "Music Shop"; 8.30 "Talk of the Town":
      333 words

  • Article, Illustration
    2320 12  -  And Sets Malayan Record; Theatre Wins N. Y. Cup EPSOM JEEP By PENANG, Monday. QOLD MERIDIAN (Percival) spreadeagled his opposition to win the Commissioner-General's Cup over one mile and three furlongs in the record time of 2 mm. 18 2/5 sec. at Penang today, concluding day of
    2,320 words
  • Article, Illustration
    78 12 FINE GESTURE BY MILLER: This incident in England's second Innings, when Simpson hit Ireraon to square leg just short of Miller, had the crowd roaring when they thought Miller had made the catch, at a critical moment in the game. But Miller, who had taken the ball from the ground,
    ra diophoto; AP  -  78 words
  • 44 12 Total Pool: $378,400 Ist No. *****6 ($90,816) 2nd No. *****7 ($45,408) 3rd No. *****6 ($22,704) Starters ($5,045 each): Nos. *****2. *****5, *****5, *****3. *****8, *****1, *****3. *****8. *****2, Consolation: ($2,270 each) Nos. *****7 *****0, *****5. *****6, *****4, *****5. *****1, *****3. *****8, *****4.
    44 words
  • 121 12 CALCUTTA, Monday. BY CLOSE of play on the third day of the third "Test" between India and the Commonwealth cricket tourists, India were in the fine position of having 392 for six wickets after having dismissed the Commonwealth XI for 227 in the first
    121 words
  • 152 12 (WlMllMinilll -IM. INNS GlmHrtt c Krjr b Phadkar 13 ikiD not out rmmett h Chowdhury I WorrrK Ibw M.inkad tl Amri k Ckowdbury Grieve* c Mankad b'Najruda t DooUnd v >l^nkd(j b Haiara 3? Trikr c Rr:<- k Chondkarr i SttDhenson c Rajendranath b rhadlcir 1 RidcwaT c Modi
    152 words
  • 73 12 By EPSOM JEEP PENANG. Mon. WITH the close of the year's racing at Penan* today the season's honours go to the followiD LEADING OWNER: Mr. Yeap Hock Hoe with 29 winners and $195,000 in stakes and added money. LEADING TRAINER: Yont Thau Yin with 54
    73 words
  • 50 12 (By EPSOM JEEP) PENANO, Mon. ■DILLY CAROL, a six-year-old brown English gelding by William Of Valence, who won five top class sprint racrs for the Commissioner-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. was bought by trainer Jack Spencer for $6,000 at an auction at the racecourse this afternoon.
    50 words
  • 53 12 In a friendly soccer match played on the Fort Canning ground yesterday, a team from the Norwegian ship m.s. Funnyville) beat a team from m.v. AutoMedon by four goals to nil The Funnyvllle team will meet a team from the Norwelglan ship Belleville on the Railway
    53 words
  • 40 12 A LEX Cestlbon Jany, the French swimming champion, arrived In Singapore yesterday en route to Melbourne for the Australian swimming championships. Jany, who arrived by QEABOAC Constellation aircraft from Rome, was accompanied by his wife, Josette Arcuccl-Jany.
    40 words
  • 381 12 SYDNEY. Monday. 'THE M.C.C. had replied with 112 runs t'»r the loss A of two wickets at close of play today, the second day, in reply to the New South Wales flrst innings total of 333. The tourists recovered from an early shock when two wickets fell
    Reuter-AAP  -  381 words
  • 120 12 N.S.W.— IST. INNS. Moroner b Brown 1* Morris it K*an> b Wrlgbi .V MS MUlei o Brown b Wright M Rarko retired hurt Janet Warr 7 Oe Conrey not o«t ti Madden k Wright LJndwmH fe Warr Lambert c Evaa, Warr 4 Johnston c Parkhoaao k Brown 1 Walker
    120 words
  • 124 12 From Our Staff Correspondent Sfc'REMBAN. Mo JT°R the second year in were*. sion the Perak Indians cm rg. Ed champions lo win the Thtvy Shield in the Quadrangular Malayan Indian Hockey Tournament which concluded at seiemban today. Negri Indians wre ners-up-Fielding a strong aide which couibiivd effectively,
    124 words
  • 328 12 (By Vernon Morgan) LONDON, Mon. fHE DERBY, the historic English classic, returns to a Wednesday this coming season. The last four Derby* that have been" run at Epsom have all been held on a Saturday duo to the wishes of the Government. They
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 789 12 SITUATIONS WANTED ANYONE requiring s*r\rt >es Of excellent Baby Amah whose employer has just left Co.ony. Apply Box No. A3M2 S.T. EUROPEAN proceeding leave tin .Jan.. thoroughly recommends Mtlsy »yoe. Oood driver, reliable and pleasant personsUty. Tel. Si jo during office hours. YOUNO European (Danish) |*dy arriving middle of January,
      789 words
    • 67 12 ELECT I O N Sole Agents in Malaya Cf Br. North Borneo: CHUN CHONG 53, South Bridge Road Tel. ***** Singapore ♦-♦♦-♦•♦•*♦♦■»■■»•■♦■♦■♦•♦♦♦•»■♦•♦♦♦♦♦>•♦■♦♦•* -»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦••♦•> V I NOW ONLY 75 CTS I OON'l MISS Jf CHURCHILL REVEALS WHY SPORE FELL. j; CHURCHILL REVEALS HOW THE RUSSIAN TROURLES RE6AN. "THE URSATISFIARLE RUSSIANS" jj
      67 words