The Straits Times, 14 December 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 200 1 FAMILY SPENT 2 NIGHTS AT SEA r DUTCH family cf father. mother, and child, lived for two nights on a Chinese fcekmg 'fishing stake i off Singapore to which they had been smuggled for refuge. and were brought back yesterday by Marine police. The name of the family withheld by
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  • 25 1 Dr Mary Tan. who is suft ng trom poliomyelitis in M: Ml. ton Hospital, was reI i stcrday to be "slightly bettor"
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  • 98 1 TRAFFIC CURFEW RELAXED WITH effect from 7 a.m. today Victoria Street and* all streets north-west-wards of Victoria Street will be open to vehicular traffic. The vehicle curfew area is now confined to the area bound by Victoria Street, Crawford Street. Beach Road and Middle Road. All roads south of Middle
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  • 45 1 Mr. Harold E. Stassen. former American politician who recently rebuked Marshal Stalin in an open letter, arrived in Singapore yesterday by air. He was met at the airport Dy the Commissioner-General, Mr Malcolm Mac Donald and the U.S. Consul-General, Mr. William Langdon.
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  • 120 1 A TEMPORARY shortage of petrol in Singapore yesterday should be entirely overcome by noon today except in the curfewed Qeylang area, say the managers of two big; oil companies. The police did not allow petrol lorries on the roads on Tuesday so that many pumps were
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  • 166 1 TOKYO. Wed. EVACUATION of the 60.000 United Nations troops from the isolated Hungrfam beachhead in north-east Korea continued today under the guns of the Allied fleet. The 15.000 American. Marines and infantry. British Marine Commandos and South Koreans who had fought their way out from the
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 37 1 An R.A.S.C. truck yesterday knocked down and injured a sentry guarding the approach to Beach Road from Stamford Road. The senary, Pte C. Birrell. was taken to hospital with head and arm injuries.
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  • 65 1 UNOFFICIAL members of the Singapore Legislative Council may not refer to the riots when they meet on Tuesday. Most of them told the Straits Times yesterday, that they considered it Inadvisable to say anything "at the present time." They felt, however, that an inquiry into
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  • 412 1 INEPT HANDLING OF SITU A TION'—UK PRESS GUARDIAN: Incompetence:' TELEGRAPH: 'Disquieting:' From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. pONCERN over -the Maria Hertogh case and its bloody sequel, which found expression in the Commons yesterday and the leader columns of this morning's newspapers, is combined with criticism that the matter should
    Reuter  -  412 words
  • 242 1 \|R. Pat Johnson, the Singapore Municipal ComlTl missioner who was badly assaulted by rioters at the junction of Katong Road and Crescent Road on Monday night, is lying critically ill in the Singapore General Hospital. Mr. Johnson was found by the police on Monday
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  • 118 1 CALCUTTA, Wed. ~fy[ARIA and her mother, Adeline Hertogh, passed through Calcutta this afternoon on the way to Holland from Singapore. Armed police guarded the ■plane and strong security vieasures prevented reporters from entering. Maria and her mother, sat inside the plane during the two-hour stop, says Reuter.
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  • 48 1 All volunteer Special Constabulary in Category A who have not yet reported for duty are asked to report either in person or by telephone to their respective divisions for duty posting. If in doubt where to report, they should telephone number 5221, ext. 238.
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  • 76 1 TALKS ON DAMAGE CLAIMS OINGAPORE insurance companies are to hold a meeting as soon as possible to decide the question of liability for riot damage. Many people have been inquiring at insurance offices about cove'ragr for damage to property arising irom civil commotion. The present position, it is understood, is
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  • 55 1 LONDON. Wed. MARSHALL aid to Britain will be suspended from January 1. 1951, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Galtskell. announced in the House of Commons today. Mr. Gaitskell said that Britain's economic progress and the strain on American economy through the defence programme were the
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 334 1 It's so strange this silence Straits Times Staff Repo^tei With the 13/18 Royal Hussars SINGAPORE, Wed. OTARING eyes from doorways and windows were the on'y signs of life or opposition— this afternoon when I toured the area of Singapore under daylight curfew in an armoured oar of the 13/18 Royal
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 69 1 for LOVtLYXMAS GIFTS U.S. de SILYA Jrwrllers (1 106, ORCHARD ROAD, Your Last Chance to send LAST-MINUTE GIFTS Order from Cold Storage SOW for Christmas delivery in Britain 1 A case of choice wines, packed and delivered from U.K. stocks. 2. A gift voucher from Harrods your friends choose their
      69 words
    • 77 1 Tte Grandest I.X'MAS SALE! U now on Simultaneously at The PEKING CO. 81, High St., S'pora. YING'S j 37, Stamford Rd., Spore. I A really useful «ift /^■S^*""*^ The Philips Electric i^P^S AN EASIER... Philips Hand Dynamo r 4m) J <>' ch nd phili- DYNE for cycles A BRIGHTER... A
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  • 334 2 LONDON, Wednesday. J^HE Government won a 14-vote victory in the House of Commons last night. Ry 298 to 284, it defeated a Conservative motion condemning the National Board which runs the State-owned coal industry and demanding an independent inquiry into its failure tfl get more
    Reuter  -  334 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 2 BLACK SATIN dress from the collection of Schiaparelli of Paris. Golden lace covers the bodice which is exposed by the low sweepin; neckline. A.P. picture.
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  • 130 2 VIKING No. 6 FIZZLES WHITE SANnS PROVING GROUND, New Mexico, Wed THE s ixth Viking rocket to be fired by the United States Navy fizzled out today in an attempt to beat the world altitude record of 114 miles for a one-stage rocket. The 50-foot-long Viking cut itself off after
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • Untitled
    • 359 2 TEE VINCENT RYAN, a 21 -year-old Brisbane life-saver, looked down the gullet of a 10-ft. shark as it manoeuvred to maul him. He is recovering in hospital now. "I felt it give me a nudge then grab hold of me," he said from his hospital
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    • 82 2 BLAKE BCCCESS, Wed. RITAIN and the United States on Tuesday supported a Swedish plan to place Jerusalem's Holy places under temporary United Nations supervision. Britain's Lord Mac Donald termed the Swedish plan a constructive effort to break the deadlock over Jerusalem, while both he
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  • 75 2 RANGOON, Wed.- Dr. Gordon Seagrave, missionary doctor, famous as the "Burma surgeon," denied today that he had committed treason against the Burmese Government. He had never supported Karen troops In their rebellion, he said. When the reoels set up positions 600 yards from his hospital he ordered
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    • 680 2 NOTICES NOTICE ".lie public are hereby notified that the Railway level crossing at Telegraph Post No. 339/8 main line Ayer Kuning South on the Ayrr Kuning Mnntai Road will be closed to traffic between 9 00 m m and 1 1 30 a.m. on the 21st December. 1950 NOTICES ANGLO-ORIENTAL
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    • 204 2 18 > r ;t J2 II 1 fe-tfgJKra i^ li^iaafl BB I I |1 TH in Tlj \r*M r i f= F. 1 I <>. '■.gjKffS mifr* MB I k 1 il BJJn ■^t^ZlllJ I kS w/ BFr iH Hft >■■■■»' fIRP i^Hy af B A fll I HUhK^ ml
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  • 532 3 LONDON, Wednesday. MR. CLEMENT ATTLEE, the Prime Minister, told the House of Commons yesterday: "I have good hopes that the forces of the United Nations will maintain themselves in Korea". A packed House of Commons cheered loudly when Mr. Attlee entered
    Reuter; AP  -  532 words
  • 32 3 ISTANBUL, Wed. HPHE Turkish army will send reinforcements to Korea to replace casualties suffered by the Turkish Brigade. The brigade has lost 750 in killed, wounded and nMss'ng. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 269 3 TOKYO. Wed. ANEW voluntary Press censorship procedure to meet the new war in Korea was announced By Gen. MacArthur's Public Relations Officer. Col. M. P. Echols, today. He said there was deep concern among the United Nations top command for the security of U.N. troops, "the
    Reuter-AAP  -  269 words
  • 53 3 TOKYO. Wed. The first awards of the American Distinguished Service Order to British soldiers in Korea were given to LieutenantColonel Andrewman. commander of the First Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment and Lt.-Col. George Lesli? Neilson. commander of thp First Battalion of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. it was
    AP  -  53 words
  • 28 3 CANBERRA. Wed— Senator Theodore Green tdct the Commonwealth Parliamlentary Association Conference' yesterday that the decision to use the atom bomb? was for tthe President alojne.
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  • 27 3 FRENCH N.C.O. leads an Algerian unit through the swampy countryside of Coch in-China during a recent operation against the Vietminh rebels. A.P. picture.
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  • 47 3 COLOMBO, Wed. THE rank and file of Ceylon's Communist party are re1 belling against the party's decision to suspend eight members for "disruptive activities." Angry members stormed party headquarters in Colombo protesting against "unfair, undemocratic and buft»ncf > declsUaT Mtd "tfaa dictatorial nnuaer of be-
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  • 218 3 LONDON, Wednesday. THE Chiefs of Staff of the 12 Atlantic Treaty nations announced last night that they had agreed on German participation in an integrated force, under an Allied Supreme Corn-wander, to defend Western Europe. The military men met throughout the day and it
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 27 3 PARlS.Wed.— General Jean de Lattre de Tassigny, newly appointed French High Commissioner in Indo-China said yesterday that he would Saigon by Sunday.— Reuter.
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  • 154 3 TONKIN, Wednesday. PRENCH Junkers 52 bombers dropped anti-per- son n el bombs on Vietminh concentrations north of Phulangthuong yesterday in what was thought to be the opening of a new French offensive. French King Cobras followed up the bombing attacks with machine gun and cannon fire.
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  • 48 3 MANILA. Wed. Major Fausto, a Philippine constabulary officer. identified two Hukbalahap commanders as leaders of a band which ambushed and murdered Mrs. Aurora Quezon and 11 others in April, 1949. The Quezon massacre is one of eight crimes cited in charges against the 31 defendants. A.P.
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  • 12 3 WASHINGTON. Wed.—President Truman will address the American people by jjadlo^onFjjldavcjrSaturdav
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  • 69 3 CAIRO. Wed. p<.YPTI.\N deputies ap- plauded as Soliman Abdel Fattak. member of the Wafdist (Government) Party, urged that the Government should make agreements with Communist countries and use them as a lever to bargain with the West. He spoke during parliament's debate on King
    AP  -  69 words
  • 291 3 THE HAGUE, Wednesday. ¥\UTCH and Indonesian delegates yesterday held confidential discussions on the future of Western New Guinea in a "friendly" atmosphere, it was officially stated. ll—— a— Both delegations last night gave details of the latest 7point Indonesian compromise plan for the future of
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  • 22 3 MANILA. Wed.— Creation of a new secret service agency to investigate cases Involving national security was announced by the Secretory
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  • 281 3 'War Forced On Us —Mao LAKE SUCCESS, Wed. Benegal Rau, India's chief delegate, told the United Nations Political Committee yesterday, that the Chinese People's Republic had assured him it did not'want war but war had been forced upon them by the United States and the United Nations Sir Benegal, introducing
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  • 34 3 PARIS, Wed.— Mr. Andrei Vishinsky, Soviet Foreign Minister, has suggested a conference to settle the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan, said Inamullah Khan, secretary of the World Muslim Conference, yesterday. AP.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 323 3 :::TAN GEE Your lips can be more beau'.itul alluring— with the soft |j!i)woi 1 .inKCc's exclushc Petal-l'inish. ,'l mrr in Seven Fashion Mud^. ■^■>i> on smoother, stJ>> on longer. In Mtractivc new case>. ■I I .iiikcc hcuuse lur lips. wD'f WOMCN HAVE Uif J Ml' U THi-» I'-STICK IN rue
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  • 577 4 More Education Of Voters Urged From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wednesday. "'J'HE far-reaching consequences of 100 quick a franchise in the hands of semi-or noneducated people would be a serious <tcp for this council to advocate", said Mr. H. E. MacKenzie, speaking on the adjournment at
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  • 293 4 RUBBER TAX: PEER WORRIED LONDON. Wed. THE Times published yesterday a letter from Lord Altrincham expressing concern at the •political complications" of the recent rubber taxation in Malaya Lord Altrlncham former British Minister Resident in Ihe Middle East, wrote: "Violence comes only from the organised Chinese banditry. To eradicate this
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  • 67 4 From Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU; Wed. QHE Azizah binte Jaffar, at today's meeting of the Johore Council of State, urged the Government to consider taking steps to establish co-operative stores to help Government servants. Prices were daily soaring In the markets and many wer* finding it
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  • 21 4 The talk on Marine Insurance, scheduled for today at. 5.15 p.m. in the G. H. Cafe. has been cancelled.
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  • 100 4 From Oar SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A 38-year-old clerk attached to the Malayan Railway traffic branch, S. Krishnapillai. was said at Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court, today, to have induced a Jamil, A. Ayavoo whom he met at the Rio H*tel. Kuala Lumpur, to
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 4 MR. HAROLD E. Stassen, (r ight) president of tbe University of Pennsylvania, and one of America's leading Republicans, talks with Mr. William Langdon, U.S. Con-sul-General in Singapore, when he passed through from Jakarta to Calcutta yesterd ay. Straits Times picture.
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  • 261 4 LONDON, Wednesday. T»HE Colonial Secretary, Mr. Griffiths announced x in the House of Commons yesterday that Maria Hertogh and her mother had left Singapore. Mr. Griffiths said rioting broke out during a hearing by the Supreme Court of an appeal against a court decision granting
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  • 79 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. THE Selangor State Government will give Tungku Abdul Murad. a son of tbe late Sultan of SelanKor. a wedding present of Sl.OOO. He will be married this month. It had been the practice pre-war for the Selancor Government
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  • 139 4 Spent The Night 'In Cells' A NUMBER of European and Eurasian men and women who were cut off by rioters on their way home on Monday night spent the night in the nearest police station. Kandang Kerbau police station accommodated 12 women and about IS men. All were high in
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  • 28 4 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Wed.— An Indian. Abu Bakar, was fined $10 for breaking the curfew In Trong. He said he was returning from work.
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  • 182 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. A LL 50 inmates of the Perak Road T.B. Settlement have been asked to leave by Dec. 31 Dr. F. K. Lav, secretary of the Penang and Province Wellesley Anti-T.B. Association said this evening at a meeting of the
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  • 54 4 YOU may have a baby python a yard lone; for a pet free of charge. Mr. Lim Teik Cheow. of the Shell depot, Kota Bahru, made this offer to the Straits Times yesterday but added that any interested reader would have to pay the
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  • 61 4 A JAPANESE crew, numbering 102, were passengers on board the Indonesian ship, Bungor, when she arrived In Singapore harbour yesterday from Tanjong Priok. Bound for Japan, to man n .Tinanese vesse'. they will tranship to the Dutch motor vei*sei. Kuys. due 10 arrive in Singapore today.
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  • 21 4 From Our Own Correspondent .KLUANG. Wed.— Sim See was fined $50 for dishonestly receiving sfit gallons of ttdlen petrol.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 255 4 Good mornings begin with Jjgfy vjlllGltC the sharpest edge in the wnrfdf 9*.d. ftaqatrtaa «*i •«rl«. A C». Li<J_ Siug.poc. A liniM» *A S fW NEW TYPE WHIPPING CREAM adds glamour to desserts f WJ J hver> thing about AVOSF.T is new— exciting! It keeps until you need it. It
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    • 214 4 M HAIR DRYER c 4 V-^in *lv will titttltf am/ten ate The G. E. C. all -insulated MADE IN universal bakelite Hair Dryer ENGIAND j s made from the finest materials. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS AOVT. OF THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD. OF ENGLAND fINCAfORE MALACCA KUALA LUMPUR PFNANG <9«r.r-».rfi»,
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  • 255 5 TEACHERS PLEDGE: 'WE'LL FIGHT ON FOR UNITY' Union President: 'Experts Prejudiced 1 j From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. MALAYAN teachers will not be deterred in their struggle by the obstruction of Whitehall or its representatives in Malaya, Mr. P. V. Sarma, president of the Singapore Teachers Union, told the
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  • 250 5 From Our StarT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. WHEN the $126,000 Artificial Limb and Orthopaedic Appliances Centre in Kuala Lumpur is completed this month, it will be able to supply artificial limbs and hospital appliances to the whole of South-East Asia. Mr. A T. Mellowship,
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  • 42 5 From Our Own Correspondent SITIAWAN. Wed.— Miss M. Dirksen. the Methodist missionary of Dindings district and manager of Ayer Tawar Methodist English School, conducted the Christmas Service in English in the Pioneer Church. Sitiawan. The Chinese choir sang Christmas songs.
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  • 251 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. OAFFLES College graduates are to ask Government for unification not only in the education service but in all branches of the public services. This will be discussed at the annual general meeting of the Pan-Malayan council of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 5 SCHOOLBOYS returning to Malaya from Australia for their Christmas holidays get their luggage ready to disembark by launch from the Charon yesterday, after being kept on board since Tv esday morning by the rioting. Straits Times picture.
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  • 128 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. TUNGKU Mahmud, eldest son of the Sultan of Trengganu, has been chosen as 'Waris Gantl" with the title of Yang dl-Pertuan Muda. (Raja Muda) it was officially announced by the Trengganu Government today. Tungku Mahmud, 18, interrupted his English
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  • 101 5 From Our Staff Conespondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A HUNTING party, who broke the curfew at Puchong at one this morning and interfered with military operations, was today produced before Mr. A. P. Jack, the Kuala Lumpur First Magistrate. All four, Yong Kow, Lim Pak Yau, Ponniah
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  • 238 5 OPERATION schoolchildren" went through yesterday without a hitch, when 41 boys and girls, stranded on board the s.s. Charon in Singapore harbour since arriving from Australia on Tuesday were flown to their homes in the Federation. Twenty-one, bound for Kuala Lumpur, were disembarked first, followed
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  • 32 5 From Ouv Own Corespondent KLUANG, Wed.— Wong Tom and Shu Tiong who were found gambling in the five foot way of Jalan Yap Tausa were each allowed ball of $50.
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  • 266 5 AIRLINES KEEP 'EM FLYING rE three big international air lines which pass through Singapore were working like clockwork yesterday despite the severe difflcultiPs caused by the rioting in Singapore. Ad airline official said yesterday: "Our main concern is to ensure that Christmas mails and passengers go through as near to
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  • 58 5 Card Offence Gaoled IRRESTED during police checks on Tuesday, Abdul Salam and Senin bin Mesbal pleaded guilty before the Singapore First District Judge, Mr. H. E. Kingdon, yesterday to identity card offences. Abdul was sentenced to one month's imprisonment for failing to produce his card. Senin was fined $5 for
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  • 35 5 From Our Own Correspondent BUKIT MERTAJAM, Wed. —For falling to keep a register of his labourers, Khaw Bean Chee, owner of Hln Moh Estate at Arau Kuda, was fined $25 at Bukit MertaJam.
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  • 20 5 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Wed.— Charger" with inconsiderate driving. 39-year-old Lfcm Kam was fined $20 at Segamat.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 162 5 Hof 4 great features that »et a WjU hew world standard for air travel \rf NOW! YOU GET SLEEPERETTE' ON PAN AMERICAN'S DOURLE-DECKED CLIPPERS* On all flights to the U.S.A. (via Manila) enjoy the bed-length comfort of luxurious Sleeperette. No extra charge! Full-size berths free to Honolulu only $10 extra
      162 words
    • 180 5 I The w ISC I Boor*** yljß i, i m it i 0" -J>a i 0i 00 f° r the at an^ H jrrc JJ^^l^^^.-^^Jbl bottle. That's the way to sp n fIMgNaK CORDIAL OLD TOM FINEST DRf SIM BOORD'S FINEST I.ONDON GIN SOLE AGENTS: JOHN LITTLE CO. LTD, Singapore
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  • 123 6 i:R p;;r:y celebratir.s: Mrs. !<■(• Chnon Gusns Birthday 0:1 l«;h Dec at Mandalay Villa r rallrd DiT. OVERSEAS LEAGUE ChiWrcirs Xmas party W 16. 12.50 postponed until ii.l..>l same place, ime. MR. Mrs. .■A Hurlimann ret:M[ tt.:it the C'K-ktuil Party ai the Sv is* Club arranged for this evening
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  • 843 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs. Dec. 14, 1950. The Hertogh Case There are occasions when the customary and legal prohibition of all comment on any case which is still before the law courts should be disregarded in the wider public interest. The disgraceful riots of the past three days, which
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  • 277 6 The stronger measures taken hy the authorities, with military aid, brought about a further considerable improvement in Singapore yesterday. On two occasions the troops were forced to fire, and the ■warning was effective. There were few other incidents. By today, the city ought to be almost normal again.
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  • 1434 6 Report On Communist China-^IX By a late resident of China. Published by special arrangement with the Manchester Guardian. QNE of the most] vivid impressions of Communist rule isDie amazing power of their propaganda. Past masters at the art, they can make the people believe and
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 388 6 TPHE Straits Times of Dec. 9 reported an extract from an article by Mr. P. V. Sarma, president of the Singapore Teachers' Union, and published a letter by "Ex -Student" bearing on the idea of teachers' unification f" Although the point was not mentioned in the Straits
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    • 56 6 MALACCA was honoured when the Far East premiere of -The Prince of Peace" opened at the Capitol Theatre. It is a "must-see" film for all in this warweary world. On behalf of many, may I say "Thank You" to the cinema interests responsible for making, distributing and showing
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    • 33 6 "IN THE MUNICIPAL LOBBIES" LOBBIES'* OWING to the disturbances iii Singapore this week, "Civitas" has keen ■aafcle U write Us weekly Mates, "la the Municipal tatties." Tht series will be resumed next Thursday.
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    • 174 6 THE Government's policy is to encourage Western medicine among the rural population, and the population in some villages, such as Bidor. Bekok, Yong Peng, etc.. have the chance of getting treatment 4rom private dispensaries, with doctors visiting occasionally. but some other villages and towns are deprived of
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    • 64 6 THE recent conviction at Kuala Lumpur o/ a special constable on several charges including "examining identity cards without authority- raises a question to which many people would Hkr an official reply: What authority has a special constable over members of the general public? In what way do his
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  • 440 6 On the Margin Constable 1179 \M R. V. R. Balakrishnan, who lives In Tanjong Pagaf Hoad, Singapore, has sent me a cutting from a local Malayalam newspaper, together with his own translation Mr. Balakrishnan thinks that this is such good reading that It will start the crows cawing again in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 674 6 Straits rimes Free Press rot tha c*nv*Ki«tx« »4r*rtr*cn out iMrcacntativn l<t Floor Stmiiri C*t4 Sforat* Orchard t—4 arM r*o«v* small advertixmentf tn4 inm«ti tc Humbert ri.ASSIKIKI) ADS. /r?!L iii Kunntan Hospital, on 7 3 h Uorrmbor to Marie «nd Bill AbH a soi Both well. MATHESON: At the General Malacca,
      674 words
    • 29 6 ctotnes Makctn The Man I- or High Standard Jl Tailoring combined with the Finest Mhteriali trim Enpland rnnsult— BEE CHOW CO., Merchant Tailors SINUAPOBE 'PHONE: bS3S 81. CHI'MA STREET.
      29 words
    • 332 6 CORROSION Ha si 1 An eminent British metallurgy estimated etui every yeai >■> <ho world some 30 million tout of sted become unusable by^urntsmn, that is by rust. This figure must largely be guesswork, but h i» m impressive reminder that, though modern skill and knowledge h.,\« enabled the builder
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  • 739 7 BLYTHE PAYS TRIBUTE TO ARM Y 'Situation Is Now Well Under Control* "QOVERNMENT does not minimise the seriousness of the situation in the losses of life and the shock which the riots have given to all who live in Singapore", declared the Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. L. Blythe, in a
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  • 136 7 THE chairman of the Mala1 van Exchange Banks Association, Mr. G. A. P. Sutherland, yesterday issued the following statement on the posit'on of Singapore banks: "During the last few days local banks have opened their doors to the public for one hour only from 19
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  • 681 7 npilE full casualty list issued last night showed 14 dead and 156 injiu-ed during the rioting which broke out in Singapore on Monday afternoon Eight persons were killed on the first day. They all died from assault. The three Malays and three Chinese died on
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  • 346 7 'MOSQUE IS PLACE OF PEACE' TMOSQUES In Singapore should not b»» used as battlements, forts, or storehouses for weapons, declared Mr. M.J. Namazie, joint secretary of the Singapore Muslim Advisory Board, in a broadcast last night. He said that the Sultan Mosque, in North Bridge Road, should not be used
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 7 MILITARY TRUCK burning at the junction of North Bridge Road and Arab Street at noon yesterday in Sincapore. Soldiers are seen fish tin* the fire.
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  • 339 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. APPEALS by Malay and Muslim leaders in the Federation were made again today, urging the people to remain calm in the face of disturbances lngapore Iv all the towns and villages of the peninsula, there has been
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  • 35 7 The funeral of Mr. Charles Joseph Ryan. 62 -year-odd retired schoolteacher of Telok Kurau. who was one of the victims of Monday night's rioting, took place at the Bldadari Cemetery on Tuesday evening.
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  • 22 7 The Singapore Rotary Club Christmas treat for poor children at the New World, scheduled for Friday, has been cancelled.
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  • 80 7 Telephones Back To Normal T"HE telephone system in the Katong and Geylang areas, which broke down on Monday night, has been restored to normal. The breakdown was caused by "heavy congestion" during the riots, a Telephone Company official told the Straits Times yesterday. He advised the public not to use
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  • 83 7 T>LOOD donors flocked to the Blood Transfusion Centre yesterday and since Tuesday morning's appeal, more than 100 persons have donated almost 70 pints of blood. On Tuesday more than 40 people visited the Centre and yesterday almost 60 people turned up, most of whom were
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  • 57 7 TWO dances to be held tomorrow have been cancelled. They are the Tanglln Ball, which has been postponed until further notice, and the University of Malaya Students' Union Christmas dance The two concerts arranged for the Bach bl-centenary celebrations were also postponed. They were to n*ve been
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  • 119 7 Body From Canal Identified '■pHE European who was taken out of Rochore Canal on Tuesday afternoon was identified at noon yesterday as Mr. H.J.A. Gutridge, an Assistant Controller of Telecommunications (Civil Radio Station). Mr. Outridge, who had been missing since Monday, had been badly assaulted and died from a fractured
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  • 21 7 Cases listed for hearing before, the December Assizes and the Criminal Court of Appeal will be taken up tomorrow.
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  • 221 7 Shipping not hit by the rioting CINGAPORE shipping was completely unaffected by ihe rioting outside the harbour gates, all ships having their normi turnaround and keeping to schedule. This was told to the Straits Times yesterday afternoon by a spokesman of tlje Singapore Harbour Board. There were no late shifts,
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  • 50 7 JOHORE, BAHRU, Wed.— Owing to the curfew in Singapore, the concert arranged tor tomorrow under the auspices of the Local Indian Congress in aid of Johore Welfare Week has been postponed. The artistes taking part in the concert are members ol the Fine Arts Society of Singapore.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 55 7 THE ONLY GENUINE PtLSENER A Be»f br^ed o-m bowed by the PILSNER BREWERIES NATIONAL CORPORATION P PLZEN I Pilsen) "^j SOLS AOtMTS* :i fh W SrNGAPOrfE b PENANC. J fkAAIAAAAA4AAAiaAAAi GRSA7TR SAfTry W^^M^ LOMGBK M/LEA6E Wsffim%P LOWER COST MtSj^^r Co*Au£t 'your local dealer FOR FULL PARTICULARS Firestone fift^tOn* tIRE&HiiMEBCO.(S.S.)LTB, 22.
      55 words
    • 116 7 X XMAS SHOPPING I HOURS SATURDAY 16TH jj 1 OPEN UNTIL 5.00 P.M. Jl MONDAY 18TH TO X FRIDAY 22ND Jf U OPEN UNTIL 5.30 P.M. U W SATURDAY 23RD W 4 OPEN UNTIL 6.00 P.M. JO CLOSED W DEC 25th, 26th S JAN. Ist f) ii Enjoy Your X'mas
      116 words

  • 183 8 Britain Agrees To Higher Price for Siam Rice From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK. Wed. f EADING rice importing countries, including Britain, India and the Philippines, have agreed to the new increased export price of rfce announced by the Siamese Government, according to the Minister of Commerce, Phra Boriph/ind Yuddhakit. The
    183 words
  • 90 8 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Wed. Mr. N. K. Bain, retired M.C.S. man, who served eight years in Malacca and is now chairman. Settlement Development Board, said that the board will comprise eight Malays, three Chinese, one Indian, one European and two Government officials. Schemes for
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  • 38 8 From Our Own Correspondent SITIAWAN. Wed.— Mr. Tai Swee Kee, of the Anglo Chinese School, Sitiawan, was entertained to a teaparty by the teaching staff. He transfers to Penang at the end of the year.
    38 words
  • 265 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. IN the Kuala Selangor area yesterday, a bandit 1 gang killed a Chinese and wounded another. They called at their victims' houses, shot one man and hit the second over the head with a hammer. A Security Forces
    265 words
  • 72 8 From Our Staff Correspond* nt PENANG. Wed. Planting of wet pad! has been almost completed in Province Wellesley. In his report for No/•ember, the Settlement Agricultural Officer says that 20,261 acres have been planted in Province North, nearly 10,710 acres In Cental Province and another 4,539
    72 words
  • 68 8 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wed.— The number of operations performed by the Medical Officer In charge of the Penan* Maternity Hospital and by private Medical practitioners will form the subject of several written questions by Mr. Ng Sui Cam (Chinese Chamber of Commerce) at
    68 words
  • 142 8 THE "Nadthirs" (trustees) of the Al-Kherlah Islamic School at Still Road, Singapore, have deeded on new facilities for English and Malay school students to obtain Islamic knowledge This system will not retard the English or Malay studies of the students. The study period will bs two
    142 words
  • 214 8 University Fund Batang Padaiig And Mnar Collections THE Muar and Batang Padang districts head the latest list of donations to the University of Malaya Endowment Fund. The former has sent a cheque for $2,803 after their University Month and the latter $3,631. collected by the Batang Padang district committee. In
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  • 27 8 From Our Staff Correspondent SEGAMAT. Wed —Lee Plow, 50. denied a charge at Segamat of having chandu. The case was adjourned for a chemist's report.
    27 words
  • 117 8 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Wed. FOLLOWING a two-and-a- half day trial in the Assize Court before Mr. Justice Thomson, Perumal, a 35-year-old rubber tapper, was today sentenced to death for murdering his wife, Mariamah, at Sitiawan on Aug. 30. The Assessors, Messrs S.
    117 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 8 STUDENT TEACHERS from the Malay Women Teachers' College at Malacca seen at Kuala Lumpur airport on their way home to Trengganu. They are wearing their school uniforms. From left: Che Robraih Nfcah, Che Wan Samsrah, Che Zawyiah Abdu Hah, and Che Wan Zainum. Straits Times picture.
    48 words
  • 206 8 Raffles To Pay Final 10 per cent IF Raffles Hotel is to 1 maintain its position as the leadinp hotel in Singapore, expenditure on reconstruction and renovation must be continued on a substantial scale, says the chairman's (Mr. T. Aiken) statement issued with the annual accounts yesterday. The accounts show
    206 words
  • 66 8 From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— A one-week residential course in physical training for 34 Indian vernacular school teachers has been started in Kuala Lumpur. Conducted at the Victoria Institution, it began on Monday and will end on Saturday. Lectures, practical work and
    66 words
  • 34 8 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Tues.— A Christmas dance organised by the RASC, North Malaya subdistrict will be held at the Hokklen Hoay Kuan, Kota Road on Dec 20. Ircm 9 p.m
    34 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 244 8 sum- sh<> cic RES '*/'^/Og SWISS WATCHES *gT~ TROUBLES? *3Ki v /feres the family standby I ra?* yMrtjUffi< A SINGLE tcaspoonful of De Witt's Antv jfc-f^l-L? acld P° w der is usually all that's needed to <g>^ r^g,, I settle air upset stomach. This trustworthy O '-i.~- family medicine deals
      244 words
    • 258 8 J BIGGER BETTER A hundred years have passed since London.-, h st great exhibition. For some time we have been planning to celebrate this anniversary by a Festival displaying every aspect of British life. In particular, we are making the 1951 British Industries Fair an occasion for the world to
      258 words

  • 31 9 TWELVE -YEAR-OLD WONG PAX SENG. North Bridge Road, Singapore, fn of all to get his Wise Owls badge, seen having it pinned on by Auntie Kathleen. <<
    31 words
  • 609 9 Dear Children, I have been even busier than usual this week, sending out your badges and membership rules. I saw one boy wearing his Wise Owl badge on Monday morninß. so I think you have ■>H received them by now. exreottng of course those
    609 words
  • 171 9 TDA, whose second name I don't know, but who i:ves at 272 Labu Road. Seremban, writes to ask if any reader can tell her how to make a cardboard house for her dolls. I am sure that somrori- will be able to tell her. Charlie Low.
    171 words
  • 62 9 THE six winners of last week's puzzle contest are: Lee Choi Chee, co Lee Chee Cheon?, 48 Yam Tuan Road, Kuala Pilah. Sheila Chin, ."Marcot," Ash by Road, Ipoh. Kamarul Attar Yassin. Sentosa House Mentekab. Pahang. Mcc Mcc Tan. 93 Pekan Melayu, Alor Star, Kedah. D. Kamala. 13
    62 words
  • 245 9 T OTS more requests for Pen Friend children. They come from Yeo Lin Eng, Aged 15. 642 2 Galloway Road, Kuala Lumpur. Hobbies: Sports, stamps and programme collecting. Paul Kanny, aged 10, 7 Upper Museum Road, Taiping. Perak. Hobbies: Stamp collecting and exchange of programmes.
    245 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      208 words
    • 41 9 Collect ten o1 these coupons C. C. C. 3 to become a member of the Children's Corner Club. BLEASE enrol me at a member of the Children! Cornet Wise Owl Club, and send me a badge. NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH
      41 words
    • 323 9 At Smashed Prices TOWELS "VANTONA WHITE RATH TOWELS i -VANTONA" Bath -VANTONA" WHITE 4 1 T«web: BATH TOWELS: 1 PLAIN COLOUR: Sisee: 22" x 44" i —m Usual Price J2.90* 1 Si»«: 30" x 40' .Sale.Pric?.s2 25i Usual Price $2.»0 sisef,: 24" x 48 Sale rrie« $2.2» Usual Price $3.25"
      323 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 732 9 CHILDREN'S CROSSWORD I |2 i I I |4 16 |7 18 \W~> I MB* II 12 m O pl 4 1151 15 18 19 20 W W> 24" |?9 "30 Ii lilt InlK_1 n lK_ !!l Zm^l Z i_ 37 38 T39 Wfflfr 43. The sightless monsters A( KUSS were
      732 words

  • 502 10 A Submarine Went In The Diplomatic Freight Bag And An Atom Bomb Is The q_ q. By CHAPMAN oame oize pincher J^XOUGH atom bombs to cripple Britain's defences could be brought into the country without the knowledge of police, Customs, or the Secret Service. I confirmed this when I questioned
    502 words
  • 303 10 Made urgent by today's war news WHAT types of atom bomb are available in America for operational use? There are large stocks of the Mark I. type used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Surveys of the damage they did In Japan and at Bikini rate each bomb as powerful
    303 words
  • 164 10 PiCCADILLY Circus is being much discussed, not only because of its garish new electric advertising signs, which have caused town planner Sir Patrick Abercrombie to call It "a neon hell," but also because it has not made a very good recovery from its rather squalid wartime
    164 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 226 10 *"fI^T?F "ffTI NOW SHOWING r^ i| i i [i j N.B. LAST MOWS M/BJMH TO CI'RFEW REGULATIONS "the INSULTED md the INJURED" Dialogue in MANDARIN with ENGLISH Sub Titles Starring LIU CHUM and LI LI HUA NEXT CHANGE Lm^k 4^ attVanaraWaw IB PwiiCN'wjniw* AflttaV wß? ia^asii^BW:aVkW. ifl BK RICHARD WIDMARk'
      226 words
    • 81 10 3 SHOWS TODAY 10.30, LOO 3.75 pjir JE»» HCBOI AU«O«' V; NEXT CHANGE Mightiest f^ Of All Western toHII^ Adventures g^/^^ gj|P#^^" rr Paramount piesents MILLAND LAMARR CARPf freeman urn*. 7030, 7.00 3.75 FLAMING ACTION FLAMING ROMANCE APACHE TRAIL LLOYD NOLAN. WILLIAM LUNDIGAN. DONNA REED AN MGM PICTURE <r 7/
      81 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 206 10 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD Cno Jl. C-ric! for vint product fK^KSU'OUn M#» O/|Q 1 U down to repudiate K> <«> mv U-lT l' 8 A prickly plant end* thu» 21 Rish elm. can be In- j^lj E^^^^^J* Kyils <8i nocuous (8) isl H itS I 9 Irascible with a holt In'
      206 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 2 11
      2 words
    • 49 11 rpHE Malayan share market was quiet and hesitant in all sections yesterday. Only a small amount of business took place in 'he morning, the market again closing at 1 p.m. Prices wereinore a less unchanged, the amount of dealinp bei"" scarcely large enough to test the market.
      49 words
    • 229 11 Little Business, Small Rise, Quiet Day A SMALL amount of business was done yesterday in the Singapore rubber market, i'lie market closed quiet at $1.57£ buyers and $1.53* sellers for January first-grade shipment. 2i cents ihovp Tuesday's noon close. Prices quoted at the opening were slightly above Tuesday's
      229 words
    • 62 11 HONG KONG, Wed. PREE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quoted today as follows: DS$l HKS6.2O (cash). HK56.23 (T.): £1 HK515.30: one tael of gold HKS3O2 I;:.—U.P.1 U.P. "pHE Malayan Exchange Banes Association announced yesterday that free market currency exchange rates for the Hong Kong
      62 words
    • 127 11 Tapah Rubber Estate: 15 Final 'PAPAH Rubber Estate showed a profit of $270,360 (46.3 per c*nt) for the year to Aug. SI, 1950, and a final dividend of 15 per cent is recommended. making 25 per cent, against 15 the previous year. Net liquid assets. $347,913, are equivalent to 59.6
      127 words
    • 40 11 SINGAPORE. Wed. Dec. 13—5525,121 (down $7.87 i). £1,147 V 2 a ton in London LONDON. Wed., Dec. 13.— Spot £1.145—£1.150; Forward £SB5 £990; a.m. settlement £1,140 (up £25) Turn-overs: a.m. 70. p.m. 65 tons. f
      40 words
    • 156 11 rpHE Singapore produce market resumed normal business yesterday. The copra section was quiet, with coconut oil still without interest. The pepper section was steady. In the copra section sellers opened the day at $47, buyers bidding $46 '4 for January shipment. A small quantity was reported donp
      156 words
    • 32 11 nnilE Malayan Exchange Banks Association announced yesterday that control direct rates for Canadian dollars were: Buying, T.T. 34^,, Airmail (OX) 34%. (90 days) 35: Selling. T.T./OX). ready, 35 5/16.
      32 words
    • 154 11 United Malacca Rubber TTNITED Malacca Rubber Estates showed a profit of $102,787 (21.6 per cenO for the year to Apr. 30. 1950, and a final dividend of nine per cent is recommended, making 12 per cent, against three the previous year. Net liquids, $219,399, work out at 46.1
      154 words
    • 131 11 AMALGAMATED Malay Estates snowed a profit of »50,526 (8.2 per cent) lor the year to June 30. 1950. and a dividend of 10 per cent is recommended (nil last year). Net liquid assets. $209,136, are equivalent to 34.1 cents per share. All-in cost was 33.1 cents per
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1212 11 MANSFIELD "tft CO LTD. ..i Singapore) I faI.UK FUWMEL LIMB l Carrier s option to proceed via other porti to load and discharge cargo tAILINCS to LIVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON b CONTINENTAL PORTS Prometheus for Havre 6 Oue ia Is P > ham •'enong Liverpool Dec. 11/13 Arncis tor Genoa London.
      1,212 words
    • 370 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND •OSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA. EGYPT and MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Vpoie P. Sham fenaruj Pres. lohnson 12/13 Dec Pres Monro* 15/20 Oec. 21/2J Ooc Mt. Davis 24/2* Dec. 30/31 Dec 1/2 |an. Pres Buchanan 30 Oec./S |an 6/7 |an. 8/9 l.n To LOS ANCELES SAN
      370 words
    • 499 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIAN. X., CONTINENT: "Malacca" f or BangkoK. riong Kong Voor p s>t Osaka. Kobe Yokohama 12-14 Occ for Saigon Bangkok 21-23 Dec. 20-20 Dec. 19-19 Dec it'? 1 for Sa 'B°n Bangkok 12-14|aii. 11-11 lan. 10-10 lan India tor Bangkok. Manila Horn Kong Kobe Yokohama
      499 words
    • 984 11 -v HcAUSTEH 6c CO.. LTT I' I ,TWeßt.o»« No SwXK6. BLLtRMAN BtICKNALL KLAVENESS LIMB LO t%Jsi- MAVR *> *NTWIIIr LOS ANCELES, SAM FRANCKCO ROTTEROAM HAMBURG PORTLAND SEATTLE VANCOUVIR •nd fot USA.. Norln AllantK Poftt AccerMinf carto or Central 6 South and Canada <n» Colombo American Ports .3 CIT. Or cIVf««KH
      984 words

  • 423 12  -  EPSOM JEEP By Govt Will Get $1,500,000 From Record Season IPOH, Wednesday. TPHE RACING season for this year, which ended for x the Perak Turf Club with its December meeting last Saturday, must be considered a memorable one in which new and momentous milestones were
    423 words
  • Article, Illustration
    14 12 RANDOLPH TURPIN who beat Yarosz in London last n'ght. (See report in Col. 4—5).
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  • 176 12 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Wed. THE All-Malayan Services v AllMalayan Civilians annual Rugby classx which is being staged in Ipoh on Saturday for the first Mmc in the history of the series will be the biggest sporting events In Perak this jear. Elaborate
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  • 34 12 AKRON, Ohio, Wed.—Lightweight rtiampion Ike Williams, 0431 b.) of Trenton. New Jersey, scored a technical knockout last night over Dave Marsh, of Akron, in the ninth of a 10-round nonUtle bout A.P.
    AP  -  34 words
  • 47 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. 4 FTER losing the first set at 6—2.6 2. Wong Kok Leong (—3O) rallied magnificently today to beat loke Yaik Heng (—4O) in the finals of the S.C.R.C. Handicap Singles Tennis Tournament, 2—6,2 6, 6—l.6 1. 6—46 4 on the S.C.R.C. courts
    47 words
  • 913 12 By Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. A TOTAL of 21.'i horses have been entered for the last race meeting of the year, the Penang Turf Club's Christmas/New Year meeting to be held over four days, Dec 23, 26, 30 and Jan. 1. 1951. There are
    913 words
  • 449 12 LONDON. Wednesday. TWO BRITISH champions, middleweight Randolph 1 Turpin and lightweight Billy Thompson, won non-title fights at Harringay arena last night, the opponents in each case being disqualified. The main fight of the night concerned Randolph Turpin, who was considered to be having his toughest
    Reuter  -  449 words
  • 170 12 By EPSOM JEEP EACH new batch of horses coming into Malaya includes some of the best bred youngsters but the latest seems to have sur-< passed any single batch brought in since the war. The latest importations Include two and three-year-olds by Derby winners Owen
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  • 15 12 The Island Club prize distribution has been postponed from Saturday until further notice.
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  • 78 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPU.R, Wed. AN AUSTRALIAN woman, a newcomer to the country, Mi.i. Allison Sharp who plays off a handicap of 8, became the new Selangor ladies golf champion, when she yesterday defeated Mrs. Betty Forward (5), title holder in 1948, and
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  • 116 12 BOMBAY, Wed. fiEORGE DUCKWORTH, VI manager of the Commonwealth cricket touring team, has suggested a day of rest during five-day Tests. The no play -on -Sunday tradition it not observed in India. "Five day Tests," Duckworth said, "entail a terrific strain even for
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • Article, Illustration
    58 12 THIS was how Mclntyre was run out in the First Test at Brisbane last week in England's second innings. Don Tallon, Australia's wicketkeeper (not in picture), gathered the throw-in yards wide of the wicket and threw it down with Mclntyre just out of his ground. Miller shouts "How's That?" Australia
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  • 327 12 The Perfect Football Soon In Play LONDON, Wed. rpHE long search for the "perfsct x football", which will not become caked with mud and sog;y with water, is nearing the end, according to English soccer officials. Their optimism is based on a new ball produced by a firm of London
    UP  -  327 words
  • 56 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. SELANGOR'S next Inter-State hockey encounter will be against Negrl Sembilan on Saturday at Sereihban. Following players have been selected for Selangor: Nadarajan; Parkinson. Chua Ens; Cheng; Abdullah, Raja Ridzwa, Toft: Heng Sect, Tajuddin, Chua Eng Kirn, Razali, Mohlnder Singh. Reserves: A. Koelmeyer.
    56 words
  • 19 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.Ethel Peacock. Australian women singles champion, will play an exhibition badminton match here on Sunday.
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  • 437 12 CANBERRA, Wednesday. T*HE two-day match between the M.C.C. and 1 New South Wales Southern Districts was drawn today. M.C.C. after scoring 180 in their first innings and dismissing; District for 164, had valuanle batting practice today in hitting up 281 for three at the end
    AP  -  437 words
  • 229 12 S'GORUTD. SCORE FINE VICTORY From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. CELANGOR UNITED who have WJ been showing very fine form of late scored another well deserved victory over Selangor Police by 13 points (two goals, a try) ta eight points (goal, a penalty goal) in a game of Rugby
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  • 87 12 From Our Staff Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Wed. Singapore All Blues who were to meet Selangor All Blues in their annual Ali Blues Rugby Competition match this week-end at Kuala Lumpur will not be able to make the trip. A number of Singapore All Blues players,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 708 12 CLA VIED ADS. (Ccu iipa trom page 8) SITUATIONS WANTED EUROPEAN 2i yrs. with 11 yrs. Electrical Engineering Experience aeeks post Avail, for Immediate EnK.U'ement. Ex. Refs. Box INDIAN 48 seeks responsible I on anywhere in Malaya, 23 business experience, well ac--ed wltn local conditions, hi'ndled accounts, imports, exi rice
      708 words
    • 22 12 jeSmf^® $2600 jM gjpv/ (DIAMOND WATCHES; AVAILABLE BKRT SERVICE AFTER S/AILE 16 COLLYER QUAY SINGAPORE IjWPjk^y^ J^ X6PUTAT/ON ■^sk] bLbBbI ktJL llvJlhiJbWbßlbbb]
      22 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 32 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 1.54 ».m. (8.7) and 12.45 p.m. (9.9); 6.54 p.m. (5.1) and 7.50 a.m. (0.4). TOMORROW: 2.41 a.m. (8.4) and 1.36 p.m. (9.5); 7.43 a.m. (5.2) and 8.39 p.m. (1.1).
      32 words