The Straits Times, 29 November 1950

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • 113 1 MacARTHUR SUMMONS GENERALS TOKYO. Tues. ■MAJOR-GENERAL Edward Almond. Commander of lulled Nations forces in north-east Korea, flew to Tokyo tonight on an urgent summons from General M ic^rthur. G i Mmond said the call to Tokyo came as a surprise. It rraihed him at t!ip front at 3 p.m. 1.i.-iit.-Gen.
    AP  -  113 words
  • 101 1 HANOI. Tues. FULL sovereignty and full mobilisation are needed t> block the "invaders" of V;e:nam ex-Emperor Bao Dai said today, speaking at a town only 10 miles from the ert?e of Vlet/mlnh territory. Bao Dai said: "We stand against an impending danger and we must
    AP  -  101 words
  • 51 1 Three fire engines and two police r&dio cars went to St. James power station, Singapore, early today after a Chinese engineer had reported a fire. The outbreak, which was soon tackled, was said to have been caused by oil leaking from a pipe into a steam
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  • 49 1 HONG KONG, Tues. The United States' last diplomatic representative in Shanghai arrived in Hong Kong yesterday to direct the consulate general. He is 43-year-old Walter Patrick McConaughy. He replaces J. M. Wilkinson, who took temporary charge of the consulate general several months ago. A.P.
    AP  -  49 words
  • 36 1 The anti-vice squad of the Singapore Police Force and officers of the Social Wcl'are Department, in a combined swoop at the back lane of Rowell Road last night arrested nine women and five men.
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  • 35 1 Theft of $500 worth of gold jewellery and precious stones from 20,.Selarang Park, Singapore, on me night of Nov. 11 was reported to the police yesterday. The property belonged to an English woman.
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  • 17 1 An unserviceable .38 revolver was found at Rldout Road. Singapore yesterday evening by a Malaya.
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  • 8 1 BAI KWANG 'ft» Wl"" bee
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  • 143 1 BANGKOK. Tuesday. A PLOT to assassinate the Prime Minister of Siam, A Field Marshal Phibun Songgram. was averted last Saturday, the Premier is reported to have told the Council of Ministers Thfe plot was disclosed by Phibun when questioned by a Minister on an army-ponce
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  • 60 1 MR. Lloyd Valberg (above) and Inche Sudirman bin I man (below), of the Singapore Harbour Board Fire Brigade, have been awarded the Rim's Police and Fire Services Medal for gallantry, it was announced yesterday. The awards were made in recognition of their "conspicuous gallantry" at
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  • 137 1 LONDON; Tues. i r THE War Office, Post Office and airline officials today made elaborate emergency arrangements to maintain movement of mail between Britain and British troops in Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan. An unofficial strike by 130 electricians at London airport has
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 28 1 WELLINGTON. Tuei.— The New Zealand Government has decided to sell the State-own-ed air services. Offers are being Invited In Britain, Australia and New Zealand. Reuter-AAP.
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  • 109 1 NEW DELHI, Tuesday. (CHINESE invaders of Tibet have halted their advance on all sectors anticipating a settlement by negotiation, the Times of India reported today from Kallmpong. The Tibetan delegation, under the Finance Minister. Tsepen Shakabpa. which was to have gone to Peking,
    AP  -  109 words
  • 146 1 MISS BAI KWANG IS VERY ANGRY Strait* Times Reporter MISS Bai Kwang, Chinese film actress, returned to Singapore yesterday from an upcountry tour in a very angry mood. "I want to leave Malaya as soon as possible," she told me at Kallang airport. The reason? Three Chinese newspapers had, she
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  • 61 1 LONDON, Tues.— The British Government has invited the Indonesian Foreign Minister Mr. Mohammed Roem, to London on a three-day visit. It was officially announced here today. Mr. Roem. who will be the official guest of the British Government, will fly to London tomorrow morning from The
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 80 1 LONDON. Tues. BEER drinking is declining sharply in Britain. Mr. R. H. Butler, chairman of the Brewers' Society, said the decline has continued for nearly two years. Durinr the period, hp said, beer taxes have risen and only a sharp cut in taxes would help
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  • 63 1 rpHREE brides will arrive in 1 the Willem Ruys tomorrow morning, and will marry in Singapore on Saturday. Their bridegrooms are waitIng, -and everything is ready. The bans have been posted up on the church notice boards for the past three weeks The brides who have
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  • 437 1 $454 MIL FOR SPORE: $383 MIL FOR FEDERATION $83 7 MILLION PLAN TO AID MALA YA A GREAT influx of private capital into the Federation, Singapore and other countries of South-East Asia is hoped for as a result of the $16,000 million six-year Colombo Plan published yesterday. Malaya is expected
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  • 77 1 Gold Worth $100,000 Seized TOLD worth $100,000 ha* been seized by Singapore Customs officers from the freighter Sze Chuen, whicli arrived in the colony from Hong Kong. A European officer of the ship has been detained by the Customs for questioning. An officer of the ship who landed at Clifford
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  • 52 1 LONDON. Tues.— Plans are being made for the King and Queen to travel in a ship oft the Shaw Savill Line on theic visit to Australia and N--w Zealand in 1952 The ship will be either th» s.s. Coramic (15.896 tons) or the s^». Gothic U5.902
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  • 32 1 Four hundred British Army replacements arrived in Singapore yesterday in the trooper Devonshire for unics in Singapore and the Federation. The ship sailed last night with 200 for Hon< Kong.
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  • 284 2 Seeds Of Discord In Plans For Jap Treaty MANILA, Tues. A WARNING that the "seeds of discord" are being sown between America and her Asian allies is given by the Manila Chronicle today. The United States, says the Chronicle, is persisting in peace treaty plans "to sacrifice the interests of
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  • 57 2 NEW DELHI, Tues—Retiring Presidents of the Indian Republic will receive an annual pension of 15,000 rupees subject to Income-tax, acc«rding to provisions of an official bill introduced in Parliament here. The same pension also will be given to the retired Indian Governor-General, Mr. C. Rajagopalachari, new Minister
    AP  -  57 words
  • Cable Flashes
    • 236 2 PRESIDENT TRUMAN has commuted the death 1 sentence a court martial In Korea Imposed on First Lieutenant Leon A. Gilbert, a negro, of York, Pennsylvania, to 20 years' hard labour. Gilbert was found guilty of "misbehaving In front of the enemy." He was charged specifically
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  • 35 2 LAKE SUCCEBS. Tues.— The special political committee of the United Nations General Assembly approved a proposal yesterday for the creation of a fund for the repatriation or IWWHWBt Of Palestine H"» fugees.— Reuter.
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  • 37 2 INDIAN LEADER AT U.N. LEADER OF THE INDIAN delegation to the United Nations, Shri Benegal Narsing Rao, with Mr. Nasrollah Entezam, President of the General Assembly and Dr. B.V. Keskar, Minister for External Affairs. G. 1.1.5. picture
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  • 149 2 HOLLYWOOD, Tuesday. ORDINARY fruits and vegetables are just the thing for improving the skin's appearance, says film stars' physician. Dr. Erno Lazlo. Women need go no farthet than their local food shops, says Dr. Lazlo who carried jut skin treatment tests with produce from his own
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  • 34 2 WASHINGTON, Tues. American diplomatic officials laid yesterday that the Unlt:d States five-year diplomatic snubbing of Spain will end lext month with the naming )f Mr. Stanton Griffis as Ambassador. A. P.
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 2 MR. LEWIS DOUGLAS, retirinr U.S. Ambassador to Britain, and Mrs. Douglas leaving their London home. Reuter picture.
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  • 111 2 RANGOON, TueH. WILLIAM S. Foster, Marshall Plan chief, said he will recommend more aid for Burma. He aaid that his mission is now discussing with Burmese leaders their request for aid. He told a Press conference b« was gratified at progress in thft
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  • 18 2 j NURSE with Red Cross flag at the Swedish hospital In Korea. A. P. picture.
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  • 167 2 GERMAN SOCIALIST VICTORY MUNICH, Tues. qerman voters dealt another smashing blow to European rearmament plans yesterday. The Socialist party, which oppose West German troops in the proposed European army, scored a big election victory In the West German state of Bavaria. The Socialists gained 543 seats (42 per cent, of
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  • 217 2 OF CRIME BY TRUTH DRUG VIENNA, Tues. IHDR perhaps the first time, injections of a "truth drug" have been used not to establish the KUilt of a prisoner but to disprove tils freely-made confession to murder. During the summer Vienna was shocked by the details of a gruesome murder case.
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  • 67 2 NEW YORK, Tues A treatment for one of the stubborn causes of female sterility is reported in the American Journal of Surgery by Dr. Sherrrmn S. Garrett, of Illinois. This cause is closing of the fallopian tubes which are sometimes opened by blowing compressed air into them. Where
    AP  -  67 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 798 2 TENDER NOTICE Traders «re Invited from Contractor* C1««« "A" i Buildings) for construction of Quarters for Telecommunications Staff, 8unget l'alani. up to 4.00 p.m. on 19lh December. 1950. Details are available from the Executive Engineer. Central Kec"i>h SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDKRS (K«r pattirulars Me Tender Room. (.round Floor. Municipal Office) Town
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    • 393 2 BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY SCHOLARSHIP The British Red Cross Society are offering a £350 PMt-Certin-cate Scholarship to Colonial Nursos whether employed In Government, Municipal, or private hospital. The Scholarship will be hvails ble in September. 1951. and the Study period will be for ore year. Candidates should. If possible, have
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    • 269 2 XMAS CRUISE 25% REDUCTION ON ALL FARES PRESIDENT MONROE SAILING DECEMBER 17th TO MEDITERRANEAN PORTS AND NEW YORK Presenting to You TONIGHT!! The Stars of INDONESIA and MALAYA at HAPPY WORLD STADIUM 28-29-30 th. at 8.45 p.m. IN Balinese Javanese Burmese Ambonese Sumatra Malayan Dances. 32 Competitors out of 100
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  • 682 3 Vyshinsky Says: 'U.S. Hostile '—Dulles Calls The Charges 'Poison LAKE SUCCESS, Tuesday. (MIIN'ESE Communist delegates attended their first United Nations meeting yesterday and heard Russia brand the United States as an aggressor against flieir homeland. Mr. Vishinsky, Soviet Foreign Minister, was criticising America in the
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  • 234 3 PLEA FOR KOREA 'FREE' ZONE REVIVED PARIS. Tues. BRITAIN and France have again agreed to urge the United States to back their original proposal to create a demilitarised zone on the border between Manchuria and Kore* according to French diplomatic quarters. This is the result of talks last week-end between
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 51 3 BANGKOK, Tues.—lndonesia is expected to by-pass 81am in buying her rice supplies for 1951. Ir is reported in Bangkok that Indonesia has signed a agreement with Burma under which she will get ■20'VOOO tons of rice. Indonesia bought 50,000 tons of rice from Siam in 1950— A.
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  • 30 3 PRETORIA. Tues— Dr. T. Dongee, Minister of the Interior, will represent the South African Government at the Commonwealth conference in London next January. it was officially announced yesterday —Reuter
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  • 25 3 WASHINGTON. Tues.— Earl Browder, former No. 1 American Communist and five other persons were indicted yesterday on charges of contempt of Congress— AP.
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  • 74 3 SEOUL, Tues. THREE South Korean Assemblymen were branded as Communist collaborators today by a special Parliamentary investigation commission. The commission reported that another 18 Assemblymen who had remained in Seoul under the Communist occupation had "not intentionally co-operated with the Communists," and were therefore cleared
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  • 125 3 NEW YORK, Tuesday. rpWENTY-TWO eastern states of the U.S. today struggled to overcome the effects of the disastrous blizzard and windstorm which left 278 dead and caused untold millions of dollars in property damage. Industry and business i stopped in the big producI
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  • 60 3 CAMDEN, New Jersey, Tues. One of the world's largest tankers has been launched at the New York Shipbuilding Yards. The ship is the Atlantic Tanker, a 30,000-ton vessel equipped to carry 257,900 barrels and 21,000 additional j i barrels in its bunker tanks. She is
    AP  -  60 words
  • 40 3 TOLEDO, OHIO, Tues.— Roy KnLsley, 26, was giving his] wife Judo lessons, which in-] eluded how to avoid a knife, thrust. She "attacked" but he failed to dodge in time, he Nldlh hospital here later.—] AP.. ji
    AP  -  40 words
  • 195 3 MT. ETNA THREAT TO VILLAGES CATENIA (Sicily), Tues. WALLS of smoking lava, 15 feet high ana nearly 800 yards wide, have resumed 1 their creeping advance on two villages on the slopes of Mount Etna. A raging wind and lashing rain added to the roar of the volcano last night
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  • 30 3 X R A C H I, Tues.— The Pakistan Government is to build 20 foot-wear factories throughout the country with a production capacity of 1,000 'pairs a day.
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  • 48 3 DAMASCUS, Tues. JORDAN has decided to acJ cept the U.N. proposal to internationalise Jerusalem's holy places, according to unofficial reports from the capital, Amman. Although no official announcement has been made, the reports said, Jordan has cabled its Lake Success delegation of the decision. A.P.
    AP  -  48 words
  • 18 3 EGYPT DEMANDS TREATY REVISION Kin* Farouk during the reading of the Speech from the Throne. A P. picture.
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  • 171 3 BANGKOK, Tuesday. rpHE Siamese Government is increasing its police A forces in the North-Eastern provinces bordering upon French Ihdo-China. New police stations are being set up in Sakol, Übon, Nongkhai and Nakorn Panom provinces, where most of the 50,000 refugees from Indo-China areas are living.
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  • 141 3 KARACHI, Tues. WAR between India and Pakistan was only just avoided early this year when j Indian troops were massing on the borders of Pakistan, the Pakistani Premier, Mr. I Liaquat Ali Khan, disclosed in a letter yesterday. i The letter, latest In the 12 -.month correspondence
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  • 66 3 HARRISMITH, (Orange Free State), Tues.— Four police and several Africans were killed in a clash at Witzieshoek, a native leserve yesiterday. At least six were wounded. I All available police were ordered to the reserve and most Europeans left the area. Unrest has been mounting for
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  • 19 3 ANTWERP. Tues.— A Norwe- glan and a Frenct* «nip were lin collision in the River Scheldt today.— Reuter
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  • 155 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. MR. Francis E. Walter, Pennsylvania, yesterday Introduced a Bill ii> the House of Representatives for the second time this season to, make Bg,ooo Asians living in 1 the United States and Hawaii eligible for United States citizenship. The first Bill was arpended
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  • 268 3 Soviet 'Will Back Egypt CAIRO, Tues. •FHE independent newsA paper Al Misr said today that the Russian Foreign Minister, Mr. Andrei Vlshinsky, had promised support for Egypt's demands that the British evacuate the Suez Canal zone. The paper quotes Mr. Vishinsky as saying: "In every action the Egyptian government and
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  • 41 3 MANILA, Tues.— The Philippines have banned Importation of preserved strawberries from Hong Kong. Dr. Felipe Arenas, Director of Health, said inpurlties had been discovered in a shipment of Honn Kong canned strawberries to a local merchant.—A.P.
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  • 33 3 RIO DE JANEIRO, Tues. More than 30 people were Injured, one seriously, when two trains collided while entering a station near Rio t)e Janeiro last night. No death wax reported. Reuter.
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    • 209 3 Three 'musts" for Christmas and they're all Xetllcrs Keillers Mincemeat Keillers Shortbread Keillers Dundee Cake 1 >^Q Time you Started T I Your Christmas Shopping! COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. lohjl/o qeaaeo Tne lurle /ohop have pleasure in announcing that the reduction on all gowns will continue to
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  • 337 4 'Military Law Needed 9 To Fight Bandits From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. T«HE Central Selangor District Planters' Association today urged ruthlessness and a change in tactics by security forces in the fight against the* bandits. The Government should take over the sale of rubber
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  • 105 4 IA SIXTH batch of 180 Cocos islanders have arrived in Singapore on their way to Tftwau in North Borneo under a re-settlement scheme. They are being looked after by the Department of Social Welfare at Bushey Park. Btnoa Government started the r»Mttlement ."-chem* towards
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  • 114 4 rrHE unit of Chinese police with its own officers will take part in a police route march on Friday. Ii i.« being organised as part of the drive to Kt-t Chinese recruits li r the Singapore police. Tne rcfJtC ;narch will begin from tlie Central Police Station
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  • 121 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A SHIP built under the supervision of his brother will take Mr. F. R. Ormston a former manager of th€ Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Kuala Lumpur, tc England on retirement this weekend. The snip, The City Ol
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  • 45 4 SINGAPORE TO SEE COLLEGE FILM A film about the New York College of Home Economics wiR be shown to the public tree in the Singapore V.M.C.A. Hall at 7.45 p.m. today. The College is part of Cornell University and teaches problems of food and nutrition.
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  • 80 4 OFFICERS AND MEN of the Marine Police Station, Singapore, photographed yesterday at Empress Place when they bade farewell to th«ir Commanding Officer. Mr. J E. Jeans, ASP. Seated in the front row are: S/Sgt. Kirn. Mr. Naidu. S/Sft. Bakar Sub. Insp. Cheng Insp. D e Soiua A.S.P.
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  • 189 4 c consi SINGAPORE'S Marine police speed boats may soon have short-wave radio sets and their own operations room. The retiring chief of the Marine Division, Mr. J. E. Jeans, told the Straits Times yesterday that in addition to having wireless equipment, the .Marine Police will
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  • 59 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tues. PINANG Commissioners %ill study on Thursday draff proposals drawn up by the Municipal Services Union for the settlement of any future grievances which may arise. Also down for consideration is the reclamation of Weld Quay. Preceding this is a
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  • 25 4 SEGAMAT, Tues.— The Segamat Circuit Magistrate yesterday acquitted and discharged a 34-year-old liquoi merchant, Tang Fan, charged with selling samsu to ar Indian labourer.
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  • 101 4 KILLER OF WIFE TO HANG From Our Staff Correspondent ALOR STAR, Tues. A PADI planter, Hamid bin Enjang was yesterday afternoon sentenced *o death for murdering the wife whom he re-married in June this year after she had previously divorced him twice. Hamid's counsel, Mr. Ismail Khan, submitted that :he
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  • 49 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— M. Egambaram, a 19-year-old Indian special constable, today appeared before Mr DM K. Grant in the Kuala Lumpur I Sessions Court charged with stealing 18 rounds of ammunition. He claimed trial and the case was postponed to Dec. 13. Ball of $100 was allowed.
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  • 234 4 Newsprint: 'No Rationings But Save Stocks From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE Federation Government does not intend to ration newsprint, in spite of the world shortage, but advises local newspapers to conserve their stocks, a spokesman of the Federal Economic Secretariat said today. Explaining the Government's policy he
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  • 140 4 Pulau Tikus 'Freedom' For Statue lrom Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tues. "DEFORE a crowded congregation the 'Pilgrim Virgin' was offered the freedom of the parish of Pulau Tikus on the statue's arrival last night at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Mr. F. A. Reutens, a leading member of the
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  • 60 4 Officials from the Plantation Workers' Union of Johore. Mr. Rayal B. Jose, general secretary, and Mr. K. P. Govindan Nalr, adviser, visited Ulu Tiram Estate on Sunday and formed a subbranch of the Union. Officers were elected as follows: Mr. Saminathen. chairman; Mr. Ramaswamy, hon. secretary;
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  • 88 4 r THE first performance In Singapore of Brahms' Liebeslieder was given last night at the Music Circle concert in the British Council Hall. The pianists were Mr. Victor Doggett and Mr. Tan Thoon Lip. The verses were recited by Mr. Scow Cheng Fong. Mr. Soon Siew Pheng,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 297 4 t^mmm*^ GIFT HIRE'S NEWS.... «W g^\> 'Iv^^^ THAT GIVES *bout the world's most wanted gift pen! The new Parker ''51" l£ i*^ VV Sj^fc^ a remarkable new Aero-metric Ink System and it's the r V>. s^llt^^ WRITING PERFECTION greatest ever devised V vW c Aero-metric Ink System is a wholly
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  • 780 5 Colombo Scheme Will Pro vide Better Nutrition: Housing: Education: Health: $16,000 MIL AID PLAN FOR SOUTH,S-E. ASI A $383 Mil For Federation, $454 Mil For Colony |)KTAILS of a $16,000 million Commonwealth Development Plan to put the countries of South and South-East Asia more "firmly on their own feet" were
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  • 33 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. Abdullah bin Omar, a trishaw rider, who failed to report that hl^ identity card was defaced, was fined $> in tot Police Courts today
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  • 178 5 N.BORNEO TO GET $44 MIL. DEVELOPMENT ..mmes for North Borneo total|iijig *t«,t.v.,,,«MJ l ui< In the report of the Colombo plan for Co-operative Economic development in South iand South-East Asia published yesterday. Of this ,sum $23,000,000 is for agriculture and communications The social capital programme of $21,000,000 includes $2,500,000 for
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  • 86 5 TIHE Malay schoolteacher J. husband of Nadra (Maria Huberdina Hertogh), Inche Mansoor Adabi, who left the Singapore General Hospital a tew days ago. and is now convalescing at his home in Rowel] Road, told the Straits Times yesterday that when he Is better, he would
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  • 252 5 THE Colombo Plan disclosed that wage and salaries and other incomes in Malaya were two or three times as high as in neighbouring countries, said the economic Adviser to the Commissioner-General Dr F. C. Benham. in a broadcast last night This was largely due,
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  • 75 5 SEREMBAN. Tues. A RACKET in small currency i\ In Seremban has made nearly all five cent. 10 cent and 20 cent pieces disappear. Businessmen are having trouble and complain of "victimisation" and "daylight robbery." Several Malay cake sellers have had to close down their businesses because
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  • 37 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.— S. Govkidan, a taxi driver, was fined $10 in the Johore Bahru Police Court today for carrying two excess passengers and $15 for failing to stop when signalled by the police.
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  • 26 5 JOHORE B%htO, Tuesfc—A meeting of the Johore Council of State wil) be held at the Dewan, Johore Bthwi, orf P»c.i3 at 10 tun. m
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  • 368 5 HPHE Singapore Plan submitted to the recent Commonwealth Conference in x London was far from being a reality in prospect, said the First Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, Mr. Desmond Stutchbury, in a broadcast last night. He said that if external
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  • 74 5 THE first instalment of Singapore's new power station at Pasir Panjang will cost about $15,000,000 more than the original estimate of £27.000.000, and a committee of Municipal Commissioners has recommended that the extra be provided from loan monies. The committee has also agreed to an increase
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  • 414 5 MALA YSIAN GOVTS WILL BE 'PRUDENT' $3:0 millions tn external finanro— about four-fU;hs of is requirements. The corresponding fV:mv toe Singapore is $150 million, jtvul one-third. Norih Borneo $37 ml!lioi. nearly five-sixths, and Sarawak $30 million about four-tlf'hi of the total. Much of this external capliai wiU be spent on
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  • 86 5 A SPECIAL 20-page (fullsize) Chr stmas Supplement will appear with the Free Press today. This supplement, the first of several more to come, will contain a wealth of excellent Christmas reading, including: Articles by foremost Brtish writers, a new detective story by Roy Vlckers (one of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 474 5 OHMM TODAY! 3 Shows: S. 1.11 915 p sb. A Malay Pkturr of LOVE! ROMANO.! INTRIGUE! 1 TAKDIR ILLAHI" s^rrin; r Ramlrr Srng Vatiinah Relea*rd by S!I\H KKOS REX JOHORE BAHRU T»di» 3 Shows: 2. 15. (.45 A 15 "Ol R Rri.ATIONS AND WAR IN KOREA" asTLAMTM tiRKAT nOKIiI Today
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    • 97 5 I I 5 I I THE 0k I La '^l Hi j\?v\ A^laf aCa^if I) f A If\ C j? v I' I "t'V I ArlU m mm^^kr m 0 MW™ TAEEETA \/Ms3iM I Arrc I A 1 /j\ j^^^SS^^. SMART WEAR j I 40inthesWIOE i i I COLOUR COMBINATIONS
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  • 242 6 1/ ALL ANG airport crash crews and the Municipal Fire Brigade were alerted yesterday while a fully ioaded Qantas Lancastrian freighter, with one of its four engines out of action, circled Singapore Island for three hours using up enough fuel to
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  • 352 6 DETECTIVE TRIED TO 'FRAME' ME— Chinese ALLEGATIONS by a Chinese volunteer special constable that attempts had been made b* a Singapore police detective to "frame" him are being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Department. This was confirmed yesterday by the Acting Commissioner of Police, Mr. R. C. B. Wiltshire, who
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  • 101 6 THE first Japanese trade delegation to Europe uince the war were passengers in the French liner La Marseillaise, which called at Singapore yesterday. They are seven representatives of the Japanese Government Overseas Agencies, four of whom will open an office in Paris and the remaining
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  • 38 6 Ang Ah Choo, aged 21. pleaded guilty in the Singanore Second Police Court yesterday to stealing a pen. worth $30, at Raffles Quay. He will be sentenced on Dec 3. Bail of $250 was fixed.
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  • 86 6 CHINESE V.M.C.A.. Selegie Road, ioint staff meeting. 9 a.m.. basketball. 5 pm. badminton. 5.30 p.m. tab!e-tennis tournament. 1 pm., students' taNe-Unnis. 7-30 p.m. Y.W.C.A.. Katong Groups' meeting. St. Hilda's School, Ceylon Road. 4 p.m. SALVATION ARMY, Sale of Work. 26. Oxley Road. 430 p.m. V.M.C.A.. Orchard Road, chess
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  • 50 6 TO preside over the Muslim missionary South-East Asia conference during the Christmas holidays, the in-ternationally-known Muslim missionary, Maulana Shah Mohammad Abdul Alim Siddiqui, Is expected to arrive by air at Singapore this morning from Manila. Singapore Muslims will put before the conference matters concerning welfare and education.
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  • 43 6 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Tues. Mrs. Lean Khean Guan, nee Madam Ooi Cheng Liam, of Taiping, has died, aged 89. She .leaves two sons, one daughter -in law, three daughters. 2 sons-in-law, 40 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren.
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  • 34 6 Prom Oar SUIT Correspondent IPOH, Tues. Mrs. Musiapha Albakri. wife of the State Secretary. Perak. who was operated on at the Ipoh District Hospital yesterday was today reported to be making satisfactory progress.
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  • 251 6 S. INDIAN CHAMBER AND THE COUNCIL |^JR. G. Sarangapany, In a statement yesterday, on his resignation from the presidency of the South Indian Chamber of Commerce, says that there was no question of separate representation In the Singapore Legislative Council for this chamber, as reports had suggested He said that
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 6 The Rt. Rev. N. E. Cornwall, Bishop of Borneo, seen on arrival at Kallang .Vrport yesterday from Australia, where he has been attending celebrations to mark the Centenary of the Australian Board of Missions
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  • 206 6 DEOPLE in Shanghai know practically nothing of events in Korea, according to Mr. G. Rosen, a former Russian emigre, now a Soviet citizen, who arrived in Singapore yesterday on the French liner, La Marseillaise, after living. in Shanghai for more than 25 years. Mr. Rosen,
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  • 179 6 PLAN FOR MORE GURKHA POLICE rpHE Gurkha contingent Aof the Singapore Police Force, originally formed as an experiment, has been such a success that another platoon is to be added to the present three to provide a leave reserve An ex-Indian Army Officer, Mr. P.S. Leathart, has gone to Darjeeling,
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  • 85 6 T^HE Singapore Glass Manufacturers Co., with the Siamese Ministry of the Interior, plans to start a factory In Bangkok to permit its Singapore factory to expand operations in other types of glassware, besides bottles. This was stated yesterday by Mr? H.J. Quinn, director and general manager of
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  • 32 6 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Mr. S. Sinnadural will lecture to the Kuala Lumpur Psychology Club on "Universal Brotherhoo," at the Government Chinese School at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday.
    32 words
  • 89 6 Merchants Defended THE merchant princes of I Singapore were defend-] ed by Mr. J. M. Jumabhoy. an I Independent candidate for the City Ward of the Municipal elections on Saturday, at an election meeting in the Victoria Memorial Hall last night. About 50 voters attended. Mr. Jumabhoy, a committee member
    89 words
  • 37 6 MUA R, Tues.— A motor j cyclist, Chai Si Chong, summoned before the Muar Magistrate for negligent riding at Tangkak, was fined $40. It was stated that he knocked into a hawker and a cyclist.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 217 6 Here are three of the new features j on Pan American's new Double-decked Pvjr Clipper* Service 1^ the U.S.A. N^r (VIA MANILA) NLK h I hn h I IrA panA™™^ famed foam-cu^liion chair lounges stretch way out to full bed length give you real sleeping comfort at no extra cost.
      217 words
    • 184 6 DIESEL ENGINES > j- COLD STARTING PETTER B 4 DIESEL ENGINE Four cylinder, hand starting 24 to 36 B.H.P. at 1000 to 1500 R.p.M. Power from either end of crankshaft See also the single cylinder AVI, AV2, B 2 and B 3 series 3 to 36 B.H.P. dfa-me THROUGH DISTINGtftSRKD
      184 words

  • 353 7 MALAYAN TO SPEAK FOR THOUSANDS AT ILO TALKS From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. OUNDREDS of thousands of plantation workers in every British colony and protectorate will be looking to a Malayan trade unionist, Mr. P. P. Narayanan, to present their case at the first meeting of the International
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  • 146 7 8 BANDIT CAMPS LOCATED From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. EIGHT more bandit camps in the Federation have been found and destroyed by security forces according to a Police round-up issued today. Two camps were in Selangor. three in Pahang. and one each in Perak. Malacca and Negri Sembilan.
    146 words
  • 46 7 Lady Gimson, wife of the Governor of Singapore, will not arrive in the new liner, Chusan. today, although previously booked for the passage. Owing to the temporary postponement of her daughter's wedding in England, Lady Gimson will return to the Colony next month.
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  • 35 7 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Tues. Ghani bin Busu, a Special Constable Corporal on the Oil Palm Plantation. Kulai, charged with absence from duty, claimed trial and was allowed bail in $200.
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  • 194 7 DESCRIBING Ng Ah Bee as the "leader of the gang 11 of trouble makers," the Singapore First District Judge, Mr. H E. Kingdon, sentenced him to two years' imprisonment yesterday for being a member of an unlawful assembly in an American ship, the President Van
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  • 22 7 From Our Own Correspondent KLUANO, Tues. Nearly $9,500 was raised In Kluang in aid of the Poppy Day Fund.
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  • 257 7 NO. 1 BUY— A TABLE CLOTH •pHE first thing 12 -year-old Llm Choi Mcl, of the Salvation Army Children's Home at Pasir Panjang, wants to buy with a legacy of f 189 is a. table cloth on which to place all her befcngirißs. A cheque for the money, awarded Xv
    257 words
  • 54 7 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Tues.— i Mr. N. B. Broome. CommisI sioner for Labour, Johore. i with Mrs. Broome, has left for i Britain on leave. Mrs. Broome. who was headi mistress of the Sultan IbraI him Girls' School, has been succeeded by Miss
    54 words
  • Article, Illustration
    55 7 THREE-YEAR-ULU Leung Foon Yoon, who is totally blind iv her right eye and by art operation has been riven a little sight from the left eye. at Kuala Lumpur with Nurse Ho Yuzin. Foon Yoon will go to Johore Bahru to start school at the welfare home for
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  • 233 7 Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. EXPORT control on latex and rubber which is not fully processed has been imposed to prevent undue advantage being taken by exporters of the Federal Governments warning of increased taxation next year, Mr. J. A. E. Morley, Acting Economic Secretary,
    233 words
  • 122 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. TVTISS Kwan Sin Kwai. se- x cretary of the Health and Strength Association, who, I together with Its president, jWong Hoi Onn, was charged on three counts of criminal breach of trust of $84,007, was today acquitted and discharged by
    122 words
  • 379 7 Students Behind Raids On Schools MEMBERS of the Students' Anti-British League are believed to have been behind last Monday night's Communist raids on four Chinese schools in Singapore when 540 identity cards were taken from students and teachers. Mr. N.G. Morris, ftptlng Deputy Commissioner, C.1.D., told the Straits Times yesterday
    379 words
  • 75 7 Six students passed the University of London examinations held in Singapore in June. They are: Mr. Yong Koh Kooi mrst Medical). Mr. Wang Chia Ping (B.Sc Special In Physics >, Mr. Lee Chong Kee (Subsidiary subject, B.Sc. General >, Mr. Tan Keng Kang (B.A Honours in
    75 words
  • 378 7  - Singapore Revisited C.O.L.INTHEU.K. AND MALAYA Mary Heathcoft By I r PHE cost of living is a subject you can't get away from, and moat people have asked me if I have found Singapore very expensive. I have indeed, but probably no more expensive than London, although the emphasis is laid
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 301 7 polishes in Tins CARDINAL POUJH WSN $20/Every Week/ Rad.o Weekly is starting a weekly competition in connection with Radio Malaya's Movie Magazine programme which w.ll be on the air every Sunday evening at 7 30. Three prizes of $20 each will be given to the first three correct entries drawn.
      301 words
    • 274 7 BOOK EARLY FOR XMAS NEW YEAR'S EVE FESTIVITIES AT vz&fs* RAFFLES XMAS EVE SPECIAL XMAS DINNER AND BALL Crackers, Novelties. Noisemakers Balloons Dee. 24th etc X MAS CAROL S. FLOOR SHOW. DANCINC FROM 10 p.m. Extension to 2 a.m. Diners $12/- Non-diners $5/XMAS NIGHT SPECIAL X MAS DINNER AND DANCE
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  • 18 8 AT WAINFLEET, LINCS.. on Nov 27;h. Elspeth Anne CourtI^uder, beloved mother of Mrs. p H. Lipae. K.L.
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  • 1145 8 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Nov. 29, 1950. The Colombo Plan The London conference on i j the Colombo economic plan 1 ended with the merest flicker 1 of publicity. It was believed s that one reason for the diffid- lence, perhaps the chief reason, 1 the desire to discover
    1,145 words
  • 1093 8 Conrad In The Malay Archipelago—II ALMAYER AND "LORD JIM" By J. G. REED ALMAYER'S Folly," Conrad's first book, was not published until 1895 Sambir in this book is said to be Bulungan, and the Pantai River the Bulungan River. But there is a district as well as a town of
    1,093 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 160 8 REFER to a report in the Straits Times of Nov. 2U 1 headed "Power For Singapore Industries May Be Cut". The Municipal Commissioners apparently intend to impose a four-hour load ban on industry and then leave it to the Electrical Engineer to grant exemptions after he has
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    • 67 8 CAN a spokesman for those planters who urge martial law explain what they understand by the system Those who are familiar with that form of organisation suspect that the planters are misinformed and merely hypnotised by the name; they do not believe either that martial
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    • 116 8 I SUGGEST the formation of a PsnanjE Police Fund to help the sufferers when policemen or detectives are hurt or killed by .Communist terrorists. Though the Government has done its part, yet we have our duty to show that we are grateful to the police. Such
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    • 55 8 TT is already ten months since the London Matriculation examination began, and nearly five months since the announcement of the results. So far, none of the successful candidates who took the whole examination have received their certificates. Hare any inquiries been made concerning the delay in
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    • 258 8 THE letter headed "An Indian Youth," which appeared in the Straits Times of Nov. 27, prompts me to bring to your notice the highhandedness of some members of the Singapore Police Force. Quite a few of them seem to think that their uniform entitles them not only
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  • 423 8 I i Tangga Duke •pHERE has been a very curious sequel to the note in this column last Monday about the visit of the Duke" of Sutherland to Sultan Abubakar at Johore Bahru in the 'eighties. A European resident of J.B. was prompted by my noie to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 815 8 Strait* Tiaa k Free Press Mi Ik* co«»«m«r><« v«rtt«*rt, *«H t«p»»»««t»»iv« at lit Ho»r Smiaptrt CaM Stm<f« Orchard «o** rccatv* imjtl »<»«rttmr)«wH •nil imatrt ri> b«« «»»l»» < LASSIFIED ADS. WINCKLER At Kandan* Krrbau. on 27th Nov.. to BetUe, wife of R. W. Winckler, «on. LOGAN: To Lydia. wife of
      815 words
    • 94 8 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦▼♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4 NEW ISSUES The Andrew* Sister*. 4543 Ylpsee-I-O, Ca-room' Pa Pa. 4537 Old Piano Roll Blues, Way down yonder in New Orleans. 4535 I wanna be loved, Choo'n Gum. 4489 Ask me no Questions, Lock, Stock tz Barrel. Sing Crosby. 4539 Dixieland Band, Jamboree Jones. 4527 A Bluebird singing In
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  • 240 9 Commissioners To Consider Special Report SUITABILITY for a post and not seniority in status must decide the promotions of officers in the Singapore Municipality, the special committee of Municipal Commissioners, appointed to report on the definition of seniority, recommends. The committee's findings will go before
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  • 235 9 'WASTING OUR BEST BRAINS': TEACHERS "ALL the best brains A among our highly qualified education officers'' are now busily engaged in training teachers for a qualiflcaUon which will not be recognised, says the Singal its Teachers' Union n*«fl etter just released. .1 tbp moment there are nuout 700 teachers in
    235 words
  • 65 9 The large crowd which at- U nded the opening show of the Safar Night held at the Happy World stadium yesterday was treated to some un- usuai Javanese. Sumatran ani Ambonese dancing Mearly 80 singers, crooners; and dancers took part, but the I itrm which was applauded, most
    65 words
  • 113 9 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. rE first step in the formation of Home Guards in Johore has been taken by the issue of an order by the acting Mentri Besar. Johore, applying the provisions of the Emergency (Home Guards) Regulations to six areas in
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  • 89 9 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues Chong Yoke Foon, a middleaged Chinese who Dought eight gallons of petrol from a Malay military driver, Talib Bin Manchak for $5 was today fined $350 or six months by Mr. D. M. K. Grant, President of the Kuala Lumpur
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  • 67 9 QNE of the younger American diplomats who has been dealing with Asian affairs, Mr. John M. Allison has-been appointed United States Consul-General in Singapore to succeed the present Consul-General, Mr. W. R Langdon. Mr. Allison, who has been Director of the Office of North-East Asian Affairs in
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  • 88 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. I LATEX wagon attached to the train from Gemas to Singapore, which is normally due m Johore Bahru at 1.15 p.m., was derailed between Sedenak and Kulai at 4.55 p.m. today because of a mechanical defect. When the wagon left the line it tore
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  • 62 9 Joned bin Agam a Malay police constable, claimed trial in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday when charged with sleeping while on duty in the charge room of Lim Chu Kang police station on Nov. 25 Joned was stated to have been armed with a revolver The case
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  • 65 9 Cement will continue to be scarce in Singapore and the Federation until supplies can be imported from dollar countries, leading Singapore cement importers told the Straits Times yesterday. Supplies from Britain Hong Kong and Japan are reported to be scarcely enough for present building demands and
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  • 142 9 i FINDING of "death by misadventure" was re- 111 1 turned by Mr. Choor Singh in the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday at the con- i elusion of the inquiry into i the death of a 16-year-old I Hainanese schoolboy, Lee Ah i Ltm^ghowa^re Lee Ah Chuan,
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  • 31 9 SOME of the children who arrived at Kalian* from the Cameron Highlands lookitig eagerly for their parents. Back to camera is Miss A. L. Griffith-Jones.
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  • 147 9 AN armed motor convoy yesterday made sure that A6O children from Tanglin School, Cameron Highlands, got to their homes in various parts of I Malaya safely. The children, with their principal. Miss A. L. GrifflthsJones. were on their way home for Christmas. i They had to
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  • 49 9 rpHE recently-formed Price X Control Advisory Board in Singapore is investigating the sharp rise in prices on many goods. The Board want* the fullest co-operation from the public. As a start, it has stressed that people should not buy more than their immediate requirements.
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  • 86 9 \TR. H.A. Jivabhoy, president of the Aga Khan Legion of Malaya, leaves Singapore today in the Canton for Bombay to meet the Aga Khan, the spiritual head of the Ismaili Muslims, who is expected there on Dec. 9. Mr. Jivabhoy will discuss with the Aga
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  • 29 9 For being drunk and disorderly at the Happy World Park, a young Malay, Abbas bin Omar, was fined $5 in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday.
    29 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 9 MISS CHAN Wa! Font, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cban Chok Wan, and Mr. Chia Rum Wenr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Chia Sen» Yue. after their wedding at the Diamond Restaurant. Great World. Singapore, yesterday.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 34 9 Yeoh Ah Noh. aged 28. who admitted two previous convictions when he pleaded guilty in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday to stealing a bicycle was sentenced to five months' imprisonment.
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  • 206 9 pHE Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association, 1 pioneers in Malayain the use of the drug B.C.G. against tuberculosis, is to place its experience at the disposal of the visiting team of the World Health Organisation which has started similar work in Johore. SATA has had
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  • 124 9 AN hour after his arrival at Kallang airport, the official amateur billiards champion of Australia. Tommy Cleary. played at the Singapore Cricket Club yesterday evening— and made a break of 156. Mr. Cleary. who arrived by Qantas— B.O.A.C. Constellation from Australia, passed through on
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  • 51 9 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Governor of Singapore Sir Franklin Glmson. went to Kuala Lumpur by air today for talks with the Officer Administering the Government, Mr. S. W. P. Foster Sutton. His visit was described as "routine." He returns to I Singapore
    51 words
  • 40 9 Urn Chens Keng. aged 44, claimed trial In the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday to a charge of extorting an 1.0. U. chit for $3,000 from Yap Chee Lim bj putting him In fear of Injury wltha knife.
    40 words
  • 280 9 S.M.C. IS TOLD: 'MUST NOT INTERFERE' 'pHE Singapore Municipality, as a corporate public authority, should not interfere with the relations between landlords, tenants and sub-tenants. This is recommended by a special committee of Municipal Commissioners which studied a bill proposed by Government to make it compulsory for tenants of properties
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  • 46 9 Loke Ah Choy, aged 23, was fined $150, or one month's imprisonment, when he was convicted in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday en a charge of house trespass with intent to assault a woman, Lei Lee Lan, of Neil Road, on April 20.
    46 words
  • 102 9 GOVERNOR TO UNVEIL MEMORIAL rpHE GOVERNOR, Sir r nuiKX lin Gimson. will unveil the Singapore Volunteer war memorial in the Drill Hall ar. S.V.C. Headquarters. Beach Road, at 5 p..n. on Dec 8. The war memorial and Bdj-Jc lof Remembrance will be dedicated after the unveiling ceremony. Leaders of all
    102 words
  • 66 9 Bail of $1,000 in two sureties each was offered four Chinese charged with robbery and voluntarily causing grievous hurt, when they appeared in the Second n strict Court before Mr. Tan Ah Tah yesterday. The Chinese were charged with robbing four bundles of wood from Bahan
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  • 28 9 CHAN— MR. CHAN SOON KAY, aged 29, passed away peacefully at the General Hospital last nistht. Funeral will take place at Bidadari Cemetery at 5 p.m. today.
    28 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 100 9 heip his teeth '^jJPfB liaC^N».C. through and en- .Z '*m? JTJ couratre him 'o Wfll^fclT '"^UriJ^^k chew: although crisp they so* ten fll^H^^^^M^^^H^r/ quickly and ore- W^m±£R vent his gums from becoming P.iw I'.s an AUenburys LflM ttWpr' 0 Product. IxHs WvvO v" J r M "*"'""""T\R'y S \u (BBSS
      100 words
    • 74 9 ;se choose \l The tse i= Take a tip from London— aiui f Jr look for the Cat and Barrel H| :^e rrr ~~?*Z^^~^^^^, bottle. That's the way to spot ]V I Wm^oL CORDIAL OLD TOM FINEST DRY CIN BOORD'S FINEST LONDON GIN SOLE AGENTS: JOHN LITTLE CO. LTD. Singapore
      74 words

  • 941 10  -  Harold A, Albert THIS REPORT FROM CANADA GIVES A PROFILE OF THE By TORONTO. Canada. AS I write this IX article, Mary PickIon! is talking to 2(K) journalists in one of the 1 I conference rooms on lljc main mezzanine floor, nnd 71 M) jewellers uvc
    941 words
  • 681 10  -  Ronald Garth-Davis By OELIEVE it or not, but **dogs can talk. In dogloving Britain a five-year-old Fifoshire Peke regularly answers the phone, growling "Hello"! With a perfect diction that mimicries his mistress. In Royston, Herts, a brown-headed terrier named Ben yelps, '1 want one! I want
    681 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 26 10 r V. .ovjM^MaiM a^ Y^u^Lk 7 ■■■■■■■■■■aawi v.W\\\ V 7 /j "~~—JC W T^A S x f m »^^a I f//m Wf fp w^SS?\\\ I S^flte
      26 words
    • 120 10 > Q-3^-- > Of 631 experienced 8.0.A.C. pilots, over 100 have logged over a million miles, eight have more than doubled that, and one has flown more than three million miles equal to 120 times around the world1.0.AX. TAKES 6000 CARE Of YOU FLY -BOM fftavawM S4SD. fl ,»iminiii«l(«iroionis l>
      120 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 101 10 At last the little man on skate* in a horrid muddy brown. He reached the children, and began had a long carved nose reaching circling round inspecting them. to his chin, and a wide mouth Kukiah felt quite dbwy. "Oh do that opened, showing broad, stop," she cried 'at test.
      101 words

  • 2463 11 The London Letter No bids offered for house on 'Hellfire Corner' From Our Own Correspondent k FRIEND or mine recentlye ntly Jiad the pleasure of obtaining a very good A appointment, which necessitates his living m London. He has since been trying to sell his house, which lies m a
    2,463 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 314 11 Served hot. Campbell's Con- sominl i* a hearty, satisfying ttart for any meal a treat on £> .J any family table You'll tastf J how thr deep flavor of beef is m mj pointed up by tomatoes, celery. k, "jf rarrots.and parsley— all strained to a clear tempting broth So
      314 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 124 11 SiRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD I. Deliberate to bestow !•>. a. No secret means of communication (81 t. Not entirely like a *plre Mi In a canal sometimes a* well (4j 11. Refuse to deteriorate (7). 12 Rue land In Suttex (71. 14 Give us a period for custom (.">) la Its
      124 words
    • 140 11 33 Once Intlda Ifa an Idea <7> 3d Link on tpecici of luce O> 27 Place for ealtle by the enftnecis (ft 38. Wolf goes back in the cv.-net for plant (lOi. 29. Red leave can be disclosed 48). 30. Flinuy pan at a'°loc» motive <6> •MM 3. He pours
      140 words
    • 4 11 CROSSWORD No. 230 TOMORROW .■:■>,
      4 words

  • 1003 12 808 GILMORE, writing from Melbourne, tells of the ADVENTURES OF A TRAIN not to forget its driver MKLBOUrtNE, Sun. RAILWAYS in Aus- tralia being public-ly-owned, people have come to think of trains as the vehicles of the weak- hearted and of those whose hamlets havp no airfield. But for the
    1,003 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 12 LINDA HELLER, 13, who lives at HyattsYille, near Washington, U.S.A.. clasps her hands in prayer. She sent a postcard to President Truman suggesting noon-time prayers "for the boys overseas." Several Washington radio stations now plan dail y one-minute prayers for Americans fighting overseas.
    43 words
  • 322 12 FROM "TUAN HAJI" PERTH (W.A.) THIS month's gathering at the Malayan Associition's rooms was a sad one as the premises where we have been installed for some years past has been purchased for offices, of which there is a great dearth in Perth, and we shall have
    322 words
  • 242 12 If War Comes: Bertrand Russell says use A-Bomb NEW YORK. PHILOSOPHER 1 Bertrand Russell— Earl Russell in the British peerage— when asked: "Do you think war with Russia Is possible?*' replied: "Surely everybody does, do not they?" He said: If Russia st:irla war we should use the atombomb at once.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 194 12 EALINC STUDIOS present <±> ////J''^^^^ T#.~ ri c -I j*L v/ \^\^^^^Z*-*~* Flying-Squad Cars seen in JTMJJ? te£^>Ji "THE BLUE LAMP" are Humber /it H \pOUCE/ Super Snipe Saloons A JgMfo 8& &B 88 JPSB 7 Product of the Rootes Croup. M W£m W v MIoMM Distributors: IlkllllCDCAl flDf a
      194 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 266 12 SINGAPORE K. LUMPUR Symphony" (Ireland Brahms. Runsky-Korsakov) 9 30 News; 10 am. News Emergency News ,n° 62 P m As Spore: 9 45 Schipa tenor 10 rhe from K L lOloS 10^0 6 20 Ha PPV Anniversary"; 7 Virglniar*- 10 30 Dance Music; Schwh l2Ma.v in^'nnL **> re 7 30
      266 words

  • 1412 13  -  PAUL ANDERSON By Well-known political commentator and former BBC correspondent IGNORANCE, it used to be said, is the tyrant s A weakness. Is the old proverb still true? Our epoch has produced tyrants more powerful than all those of earlier ages. Hitler was one i
    1,412 words
  • Article, Illustration
    688 13 —are 'learning to lire with their consciences... and making the money fly says Frederick Cook IN the skyscraper 1 building in Rockefeller Centre, New York, which houses the American offices of the Evening Standard as well as some thousands of lawyers, dentists and assorted business men there is
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 221 13 ii ii iiii.m ii n f^ lAS 7 DAY TODAY J*V 11. 1.45. 4, 6.30 9.30 p.m. 7^J "THE ADVENTURES y OF SAM MAO' STARTS TOMORROW PARIS. ..GAY, ALLURING.. j^gf-JF MASKING A STIUNGE^^i| Vkf CHARLES INMiWM |J||9 BUR6ESS MEREDITH /^p|l feS of pams g mw& *^**HSBgipP^ MBk^ An IRVING ALLEN
      221 words

  • 326 14 LONDON, Tues. PALLS were widespread on the London Stock Exchange which today became unsettled and nervous on latest reports from Korea. Gen. Mac Arthur's "new war" communique produced sharp marking down in British Government funds, Far Eastern bonds, oils and minings. Closing middle prices vi selected stocks as
    326 words
  • 106 14 From A Market Correspondent COME business was reported in the copra section of the Singapore produce market yesterday at $46 Vj a picul. Buyers opened at $454 but sellers held off and later, when bids were Increased to $46, sellers quoted $47. Coconut oil was quiet and
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  • 907 14 From A Market Correspondent TTNS in the Malayan share market were quieter yesterday with prices inclined lower. Rubber shares continued to have little interest. Industrials remained steady. Price quotations announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS Bayera SeMtri Alex. Bricks. Pref 1.90 100 Ords 1.97) 305
    907 words
  • 37 14 SINGAPORE. Tues., Nov. 28— «502.12i (up $7). £1,117^ a ton in Londoi LONDON. Tues.. Nov. 28.— Spot £1,115— £1,120; Forward £985 £990; a.m. settlement $1,060 (down £55). Turn-overs: a.m. 150 p.m. 35 tons.
    37 words
  • 248 14 Rubber At $1.72 A CERTAIN amount of nervousness prevailed in the Singapore rubber market yesterday on account of the Korean situation, but some business passed, mainly for the purposes of short-cover-ing. The market opened quiet at slightly below Monday's closing level. The tone steadied gradually in th« afternoon, when sellers
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  • 55 14 SHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns yesUrday were Canton 42-43; Rebeverett 40; Itola 38-39; Oanandoc 36-37; KoUnica 37; Mataram 33-34; Kawapiri 29-30; Sangola 31-32; St. Croix 27-M; Bradeverett 25-26; Arnold Maesk 33-24; Annam 21-22. Benmacdhui 19-20; Chandapara 15-16; Breconshire 11-H: 6tai Axcturus 8-9; Rijinkerk 6-7: Nurjeban (Coal
    55 words
  • 28 14 HONO KONO, Tues. PSE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars was quo»«d today as follows: U6«l HK56.46. £1 HK$l6; one tael of sold HKa3ll— O.P.
    28 words
  • 35 14 nPHE Malayan Exchange Banks Aggociation announced yesterday that control direct Sites for Canadian dollars were: Buying. T.T. 34 5/16, Airmail (0.D.) 34 7/ 16. (90 days) 34 11/16: Selling T.T./O.D. ready 3J 15/16.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1222 14 MANSFIELD tft CO., LTD. (incorporated in Singapore) BLOB WVWVtI LAB Carrier't option te proceed via ether portt te load and dltehtrge carg*. SAILINCS to LIVERPOOL, GLASCOW. LONOON CONTINENTAL PORTS. A..tii»es for L verpool Sailt P. Sham Panang asgow Nov. 28/Oec. 1 Prometheus for Havre b l .erpool In Pert Dec.
      1,222 words
    • 403 14 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON, INDIA. ECYPT and MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Sooie PST>am nan Pros, lohnson 4/9 Dec. 10/1 1 Oec. 12/11 Dec. Pret. Monroe 12/16 Dec. IJ/1» OaeMt. Davis 22/27 Dec. 28/29 Dee. 30/11 Oec. Pros. Buchanan 10 Dee./J lan. 6/7 [an. 8 n To
      403 words
    • 452 14 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UJC./CONTINENTI Spore P. Sham Panang **Kina" for Manila Hong Kong. Takubar. Kobe Yokohama 30 Nov.-2 Dec. 28-29 Nev. ••Falstria" for Saigon b Bangkok 2-3 Dec. 1• 1 Dec. (0-10 Nev "Malacca" for Bangkok, Manila, Hong Kong, Kobe Yokohama 9-1 1 Dec. "Selandia" for Saigon Bangkok
      452 words
    • 995 14 MeALISTER tft CO., LTD. Tstsfhena No. 590 L lllWgeiWN 6k UUCILMAU. kUvBHB»» I.IMB l^°sJ l t HA V i l> M iVlf23K5 lP t0 *M«LB«. SAN FRANCISCO. ROTTUDAM HAMBURC PORTLAND SEATTLE VANCOUVER and for U.S.A.. North Attantk Portt Accept ng cargo for Cantrai South and Canada via Colombo. Amirican Ports
      995 words

  • 126 15 From Our SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Scoring a goal each in the first half of the game Selangor Eurasian Association and the Victoria Institution drew one-all in their hockey match this evening on the V.I. ground Setting a fast pace from the bully off.
    126 words
  • 136 15 From Oar Staff Correspondent IPOH. Tues. A HAT-TRICK by Hammond in ihe first half highlighted I ALi Reme's 6-0 win over V.M.C.A. In the Ipoh and District Hockey Lesgue played on the padang. Scorers for Reme in the second half were Lionel Muthlah (2) and
    136 words
  • 57 15 SITIAWAN, Tues. The local Methodist Youth Fellowship are making arrangements to hold a sports rally on December 14-18 and have invited delegations from M.YJVs from all over Perak. Mr. Wong Hean Kirn, Dean of the local M.Y.F has donated a challenge trophy for the interfellowship games which will
    57 words
  • 196 15 Strickland Leaves Today— But 'No Rest' |l|R. E. Strickland. Director of Physical Education, Singapore, president of the, Singapore A.A.A. and secret-! ary of the Singapore Olympic Sports Council, leaves for Eng- land on six months' home leave by the Canton today. But Mr. Strickland *a!d yesterday: "There will be little
    196 words
  • 142 15 Brooks In Tip-Top Condition BOY Brooks, triple Orient champion looked fighting fit yesterday at the Happy World, when he boxed a tworound exhibition with heavyweight Tom Nutter, the man who claims to have been Lee Savold's sparring partner when Lee was preparing for his first Bruce Woodcock fight. Brooks, in
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  • 111 15 SYDNEY, Tver IRT Larsen, the United States -champion, beat Frank Sedgman. Australia's leading, player, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4, 6-2 in the Anal of the New! South Wales singles championship yesterday Larsen called the tune throughout the last three sets after Sedgman had begun at top form. Larsen
    AP  -  111 words
  • 357 15 PENANG STATE RUGBY TRIAL Skipper Pestana Shines Again From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. yETERAN Penang skipper Maurice Pestana again T proved himself the mainstay of his side when Blues beat Whites by 12 points (three tries and a penalty goal) to three (a try) in yesterday's State Rugger Trial
    357 words
  • 253 15 SINGAPORE colours were awarded for the first time to schoolboys yesterday. The recipients: Twelve members of the Combined Schools Cricket Team which toured Australia this year. The ceremony was held at Raffles Institution. Making the presentation, Mr. E. Strickland, Director of Physical Education, Singapore, who accompanied
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  • 186 15 From Our SUIT Correspondent SEREMBAN. Tues. rpHE Novices Inter-Club tennis tournament for the Stokes Hughes Shield will be one of the matters to be discussed at the forthcoming Annual General MeetIng of the N.S. Lawn Tennis Association nere on Sunday. With the Intention of getting the
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  • 31 15 SYDNEY, Tues.— Norman von Nida beat Biic Cremin six and five in the 36-hole final of the Australian professional golf championship at Lakes course, Sydney, on Saturday.
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  • 197 15 Draw For Saturday's UK Soccer pOLLOWINO are U.K. soccer fixtures for Saturday: ENGLISH LEAGI'E— Hit. X. Alton Vila Kvrrli.B Blackpool Sheffield Battan Araeaal CaarlUa BaddernnaM Derby PorUmoata Falaaat Hurator Livrrpool Chelsea Maachctter Neweastt* Sundrrtand V Kloke Tottenham Mlddlesbroagh Wolves West Bromwlch sLCO.ND DIVISION Barn»lr> Maache<l«r Rlarkbura Chesterfield HirnUord «aeea> Pmr«
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 127 15 Frem Oar Staff Cormpondrnt IPOH. Tu«i.— Perak women'a hotkey team to mrti Peoung and Sclangor ovtr the weekend In Ipoh will be selected after a, final trial to be played on the Ipoh paduug on Friday. Teams for Friday's trial are: COLOVBS: Mrs. O. W. YetU;
    127 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 181 15 Good mornings' begin withy^w (jillette ...tim sharpest zdgtbt th* worlft B.«alr*M »*i liiUt A C*. ksA. B>>it»*r« B»«a«Mt MALAYAN AIRWAYS LIMITED (Managers Mansfield Co. Ltd.) REGRET TO ANNOUNCE THAT DUE TO STRIKE ACTION BY ELECTRICIANS IN LONDON H'k-t ARGONAUT SERVICES ARE TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED AS BO. AC. WILL NOT OPERATE THE
      181 words
    • 170 15 *Jf- Q? IHP CP- vII SWGAPOPf OVAIS U/Uf-Uf IPOH PEMH6 B^^k gaM ■^Bt jpr I 9 M fMt 1 It H.P. Single Cylinder model Available shortly ex-stock Singapore THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. SINGAPORE* KUALA LUMPUR PENANG m. Mo«»todiym ClwramaU M V JP* discovered towards rh« and of %M **>•
      170 words

  • 686 16  - OF TEST Team Will Be Named Thurs. JACK FINGLETON By (Exclusive To The Straits Times) BRISBANE, Tuesday. r: WAS SACKCLOTH and ashes again for English cricket at Brisbane today. Against a Queensland attack— which had yielded New South Wales 983 for only 19 wickets in two Sheffield Shield games played
    686 words
  • 119 16 QUEENSLAND— 1ST. INNS: »M MCC— 1ST. INNS. Hutton b Jokusoo t Wa»hbrook b Johmoa SI .Mmpion o Rmymer b Johnson IS .mpton e Archer b Mi Cool Dowel c Johnson b Rarmer 117 Uok b Johnioa 21 Brown e Archer b Joknioa Evaa, b R»T«i«r S Rrdur b Johmoa
    119 words
  • 49 16 rhe inter-cub fixture In the aißg;ioor* Badminton Championships lor Saturday wlj b« between Bouniemo ah B.P. and Diehard HP. and not betwri'ti Bournemouth aqd Eclips* at prrv loiuly announced Til* winner between Bournemo ith and Diehard will mm Eclipse B.P In th« nn»< ol Wedap»*iT. Dec. 11.
    49 words
  • 144 16 The teams for Saturday's annual Rugby- game. Scotland v The Rest, to be played on the Padang are: Scotland: Coulson (R.A.F.);. Roper IS.C.C), Mclntosh (S.C.C.), Capt. Worterlhall (Army GHQ), Capt. Willan (Army GHQ); Capt. Duckworth (R.A.S.C >. Edinglon (Johore); Blythe (capt) (R.A.F). Major Burnett (Army), Wallace
    144 words
  • 206 16 BRISBANE, Tuesday. I C.C.s JOHN DEWES' fighting century against Queensland today has certainly assured him of a place in the England team for the Test starting on the same ground on Friday. This 24-year-old Cambridge i University and Middlesex lefthander hit up 117
    206 words
  • 149 16 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR, Tues. 'PWO unbeaten Siockey teams I Muar Malays and Teachers .of the Government English Pre- < partory School clashed in the i last fixture of the season and '< incidentally the deciding match ,In the Muar District Hockey Association League
    149 words
  • 112 16 ADELAIDE. Tues. New South Wales carried their overnight score of 382 for seven wickets to 484 and beat South Australia by 45 runs on first innings in their Shef- field Shield match her* today. South Australia followed up their first innings total of <
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • Article, Illustration
    63 16 A Newcastle United defender shows anxi-ty a. Bennet Tottenham Hotspur insrferijht, takes the ball, and he mlfht well be aii th s well-directed flying tande r ofl f Baileys pass put Spurs into the lead in the fifth minute of play. This was the first of seren foals by which
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 52 16 Brown Bomber Joe Louis, retired heavyweight champion of the world, meets Argentine heavyweight. Cesar Brion tonight at Chicago Stadium. This is 36 -year -old Louis' second bout since his comeback bid. He lost a points decision to NBA heavyweight champion Ezzard Charles last month in a
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  • 36 16 IMERICAN boxing promoter Fred Sommers said in ?aris that he plans to match lew U.S. heavyweight find Hex Layne against Germany's Kein Ten Hot next summer sither In Frankfurt of Stuttgart.
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  • 99 16 SCC Win By Lone Goal In a fast and well contested hockey match on the slippery padang yesterday Singapore Cricket Club beat Shell Sports Club one-nil. S.C.C. owe their victory to the sound goalkeeprhg of Browne. Remington and Lowe were outstanding in the Club's half line. Prominent In the Shell
    99 words
  • 250 16 a PANEL of Singapore athletic coaches for the purpose of improving; the standard of athletics in the Colony was formed at a Singapore A.A.A. coaches meeting held at Raffles Institution last night. Fifteen well-known Colony sportsmen were nominated to meet regularly for discussions.
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  • 32 16 HOCKEY: SRC t University, >adang: RAF SeleUr Khalsa Issn., SeleUr. RUGBY: Scotland t Rest. Padiut; Army v RAF, Changi; RASC i Signals, Nee Soon. TENNIS: YMCA tourney. Bras Basah Road.
    32 words
  • 40 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Victoria Institution second »leven lost to Telecomms by hree goals to two at hockey ;hls evening on the V.I. {round. Telecoms'* goals were scored »y Wright (2) and Talalla whilst Llngam netted for boys.
    40 words
  • 518 16  -  EPSOM JEEP Xv IPOH. Tuesday. BY FAR the most expensive two-year-old to be imported to the Malayan Turf, Best Bet (late Viewflnder) is among the 1? new English and Australian Class 2 horses entered for the Perak Turf Club December Meeting. The exact purchase
    518 words
  • 147 16 RESULTS of the YMCA tennis ties played at Bras Basah courts resterday were: Meat "V Single* (Quarter Finals': H L Wee beat F.C. Tan, »-6, 8-6; 8-6. Men* Singles (Quarter Finals) f. P. Wee beat GT. Holloway 5-3. 1-6, 6-4. Men's Double.: Ong Chew Bee »nd
    147 words
  • 140 16 Result* of the Island Club November Medal (Bogey), played last Saturday and Sunday U as follows: "A" Division: Winner: T. H. A. Potts (6) 2 up. Ne«t best returns P Lee (7) 1 up. C. Y. Kota 1 flown, W. Ferrier Mayor (1) 2 down.
    140 words
  • 52 16 From Ow Staff Correspondent IPOH, Tues. BOT Karim. of Sedan gor, and Baby Garcia, of Perak. top the bill of a four-bout boxing card at the Jubilee Park on Saturday. The supporting bouts are: Ravi yb Baby Loone, Joe Ronnie vs. Baby Choon* and Joe Pawl vs
    52 words
  • 28 16 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, TuM.— T.PCA.beat P.WJJ. SporU Club by one goal to nil at hockey this evening on the Cheraa Road ground.
    28 words
  • 600 16  -  EPSOM JEEP »r Rae* Fan < Wahabi galloped half i mile In 54 and three In 40 l isec rharleaaafne (Wahab) worked tttractWely when he disposed of Half a mile In 56 3 5 and three In 13 15. Jangle Path sprinted three In 404. This
    600 words
  • 106 16 NEW YORK, Tues. NOOR Naarullah Queen of Baghdad) Irish-bred colt who rnu third in the 1948 Epsom Derby, was named the handicap champion of the Un!ted States racecourses for 1950 in the first annual selections of ihe Thorcighbred Racine Association's selection board. Noor was owned
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 96 16 Fr*m Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues ■RETTKR combination and i faster set of forwards enabled Selangor Club gain a two-one victory over Chartered Bank in i friendly game of hockey played on the padang: this evening. I The Club opened account!; tea mini'tes from the
    96 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 761 16 A' < OMMODATION WANTED SHOP or STOCKROOM about ■M fe»t required by firm Box A2964. fc.T EUROPEAN bechelor requires accommodation, own bathroom breakfast only. Quiet surroundings. Box No A2980. B.T. NEWLY arrived European family require accommodation flat or bungalow with garden and modern sanitation. Excellent reference. Will consider long or
      761 words
    • 19 16 OTHER SPORT IN PAGE FIFTEEN rr =^V^^^j£j^\ Non-Ferrous METALS in many forms for many purposes a^a^a^a^a^afla^^^flatoV WAV I ici-w-m
      19 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 32 16 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 1-47 a.m. (ID and 12.41 pjn. (»J); «.49 a.m. (4.»> and 7. It p.m. <1J). TOafOB*OW: 2J« «.m. (TJ) and 1.24 pj» (MtJ; 7.2« ML (tft.)aad «J» pjn. (1.5)
      32 words