The Straits Times, 27 November 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 429 1 92 Killed As Hurricane Hits U.S. Coast NEW YORK, Sunday. A GREAT storm which swept the Eastern seaboard of the United States halted yesterday's United Nations Security Council meeting at Lake Success and caused at least 92 deaths. The meeting was a vital one at
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  429 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 1 COUNT A.M. FARINI. over-s-is- Director of Ali-Flotte X■K m ite (Italian Airlines), v ho told the Straits Times > 'xlrrday when he arrived at Kallnng from Australia that therp is every likelihood Itefiaa aircraft will c-arrv immigrants to Australia in the future. "•traits Times picture.
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  • 138 1 LONDON, Sunday. BRITAIN'S new Chancellor of the Exchequer, IJ Mr ,Hu?h Gaitskell, warned today that British defence costs next year may go up by f 300,000, 000 roughly £6 a head. Hi ..aid. "We are threatened m of aggression that cornel upon us sometimes op.-nly sometimes
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  • 74 1 CATANIA, Sicily. Sun. MOUNT Etna. Europe's pst volcano, eruptel late last night in spurting flames which lighted < nia 20 miles away, and caused panic in nearby villThe eruption came with a suc- < earth iboeki and ■tushroomiag clouds of smoke. tlin an hour, lava appeared
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  • 53 1 BUCHAREST. Sun. NORTH Korea has approved the appointment of Pavel Babucky as Rumanian ambassador to the People's Democratic Republic of Korea. The official announcement did not say where Babucky would take up his post, since the capture by U.N. troops of the North Korean capital
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  • 78 1 M. R. R. dv Gardier, adviser to the French High Commissioner in Indo-China, arrived in Singapore by Malayan Airways Dakota from Saigon yesterday evening for talks with the CommissionerGereral, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald. Hf was met on arrival at airport by M. A. Guibaut. French Consul-Gen-eral
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  • 57 1 LONDON, Sun. Princess Elizabeth had to wait for two hours before fog which enveloped London yesterday cleared and allowed her aircraft to take off for Malta to visit her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh. The fog upset Britain's air, land and sea traffic, reducing visibility in many
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  • 25 1 MANILA, Sun.— An American merchant seaman was stabbed several times by an unidentified assailant as he left a Manila bar early today. A.P.
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 1 Air Marshal Sir Francis Fog arty, C.-in-C, Far East Air Force, alighting from a Tiger Moth of the Royal Singapore Flying Club yesterd ay after a ten-minute solo flight. Sir Francis is the patron of the Club. Straits Times picture.
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  • 378 1 TWO KILLED IN ESTATE AMBUSH From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. A MALAY ayah and her two sons, with tears in their eyes, today told* ni^ how they had seen three Communist' bandits wantonly murder a 2J-year-old European girl, Susan Thomson, whom they had
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  • 23 1 TOKYO, Sun— Sir Esler Dening, Britain's Roving Ambassador in the Far East, flew to Korea today for a week's visit. Reuter.
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  • 110 1 AUGSBURG. Germany Sun. ITtRAU Ilse Koch, whose whim was once law at Buehenwald. faces a Germancourt here tomorrow charged with inciting men to murder. This is the second time the 43-year-old redhead with the catgreen eyes has faced camp. The first trial was for crimes
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  • 80 1 LONDON, Sun. ARGONAUT airliners operated by British Overseas Airways Corporation to the Far East. Persian Gulf, and the east coast of South America will not run for at least a week because of an electricians' strike at London airport Mall for British troops
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  • 44 1 MANILA, Sun.— The Department of National Defence said today that about 100 Hukbalahaps attacked a village in Zambales province, northwest of Manila, killing 23 civilians, wounding four others and burning 34 houses. It said eight other civilians were missing.— UP.
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  • 24 1 TOBRUK, Sun.— A memorial to NAAFI personnel who fell in the Middle East during the war was unveiled and dedicated here today.
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  • 202 1 TEN HURT IN S.V.C. SMASH AT CHANGI A EURASIAN private was seriously injured and nine others hurt when an Army truck bringing back members of the Singapore Volunteer Corps and Police from a combined security check in Pulau Übin and Pulau Tekong overturned at the 12th mile Changi Road yesterday
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  • 113 1 LONDON, Sun. IHE Labour 1 newspaper, The JL People, asserted in its editorial comment column today that the Prime Minister. Mr. Attlee, was himself "now making a bid for peace negotiations" with Russia. It said: "Mr. Attlee knows that he can't leave the burden of this
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 40 1 CAIRO, Sun. Ten people were killed— including two women and many injured in a gun battle between Negro tribesmen and Egyptian peasants over an old land feud at Om Domah village, in Assiut Province, in upper Egypt.— Reuter.
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  • 30 1 TAIPEH, Sun.— Soviet geologists and economists are leading a Sino-Soviet party making an inventory of tungsten potentialities In north Kwangtung, according to the semi-official China Union Press.— U.P.
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  • 100 1 SAO PAULO. Brazil, Sunday. £AO Paulo state police have arrested 50 members of a diehard Japanese underground organisation on charges they plotted to kill 150 expatriated countrymen who had conceded the defeat of their homeland in World War 11. The arrests were made In
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  • 283 1 WITH THE FIRST CORPS IN KOREA, Sunday. r»OUNTER-attacking Communists drove the Second South Korean Corps back 14 miles and recaptured Tokchon today. A First Corps spokesman, who announced the major United Nations' defeat, had no details on the strength of the Communist
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  • 128 1 ROCHDALE, Lancashire. Sun BRITAIN'S Minister of Fuel and Power. Mr. Philip Noel Baker, said here tonight that, the prospect for Britain was 'grim" unless coal production increased. Appealing for more manpower in the mines and faster development by capital investment, the Minister declared at a meeting
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  • 55 1 MEXICO CITY. Sun. Th ieath roll in the "poison fog" ail refinery disaster at Posi Rica Vera Cruz had risen today to 22. Another 60 were fighting for life, severely poisoned by fumrs. More than 250 were slightly gassed by the turner vhen a pipe burst
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 4*«r, *S+4»i &U7+ eoe^ is your name down for your Christmas TURKEY HAM and other good things Place your order NOW for Christmas delivery COLD STOKAGJ-
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    • 27 1 ROL E X and LONGINE WATCHES H. SENA, LTD. Singapore, Fenang and Bangkok. Though I'm empty Please take note Someone has a cooler throat. there's always f
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  • 308 2 T»HE Greek Prime Minister, Mr. Sophocles Venizelos, said yesterday that if Yugoslavia would co-operate with Greece and Turkey in a military alliance, the three countries could raise 80 divisions. This would be "a serious deterrent to Communist aggression" and would ensure peace in Europe, he
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  • 63 2 VATICAN CITY. Sun.— The Catholic Action Organisation of Rome was holding a special rally today to demonstrate Catholic demands for the lnternationalisation of Jerusalem. These demands have been voiced repeatedly by Pope Pius XII. The Vatican last week reaffirmed its stand that all the Holy
    UP  -  63 words
  • 60 2 GAVE HIMSELF UP— TO GET MARRIED CALGARY', Alberta. Sunday. CYRIL Hallan. alias Robert Taylor, said the urge to «?et married fortified by a couple of glasses of beer was the main reason he gave himself up to the police, after thirteen years of liberty.— And. he told an incredulous Mountie,
    UP  -  60 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 2 This new mid-seaM i c, Schiaparelli calls a cocktail hat. If your hair is short but you like it long for your new outfit, this hat is the solution. It is in navy-blue satin complete with chirnon.
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  • 123 2 LONDON. Sun.— Mr Patrick Gordon-Walker, British Commonwealth Relations Secretary, said yesterday that he hoped the Commonwealth plan for aid to SouthEast Asia would be published in "a few days.'" He was sure that "it will come to be regarded as one of Ihe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 721 2 Nome?* CONTROLLER OF SUPPLIES, SINGAPORE. TENUKR NOTJI'K Tenders will be received at the office of the Controller of Supplies sth. Boor. Pullerton Building, up to the noon of Wednesday. J9 h. November, 1950. for the purchase of the nnder-men-tlonrd lots which may be viewed «t the premises stated on any
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    • 544 2 '"[j NOTICES COLONY OF NORTH BORNEO public woms oer.\«Tsn;>iF JESSELTON Applications are invied for the pnsts of Deputy Assistant Engineers and Technical Assistan s (Civil and Mechanical Engineers" in Public Works Department. 1 North Borneo, from Mutably ex- nerieneet! and qualified men i Full particulars and appilcfl'lon < lorm on
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    • 682 2 NOTICES I BT ORDER OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER, GHO FARELF TENDER NO. OIS/ENGRS/M 1. Tenders are Invited for the purchase of Surplus Plant, Refrigerators, Machinery and Bii'.ey Bridging, which may be viewed Rl E.S B.D. A E.8.W.. Alexandra Ropd and Tender Forms ob aintd from E.5.8.D., Alexiadra Road, during normal
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    • 667 2 NOTICES NATURALISATION Notice Is hereby gt«n that Mr. Amir bin Awad bin Salleh bin Talib. of No. 7, Orange Grove Road. Singapore, is applying to the Governor for Naturalisation, nnd that" any person who knows any reason why naturalisation should not be granted should send a wrl ten signed statement
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    • 392 2 wbricgs AUCTION SALE OF SINGAPORE PROPERTIES To Be Held At Oar Sale-Ream No. 9-C (Ist floor) D'Almelda Street ON MONDAY. 4TH DECEMBER. 1950, AT 2.30 P.M. The Estate of (lan Tiang Qmee Deed. freehold land A Houses Nos. 1, 2, 3 4 Tian Lye S'reet, Noa. 7. 8. 9. 10
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  • 440 3 Beleaguered Tanmai Foils Ho, Breaks Out SAIGON, Sunday. CEVERAL battalions of French troops, supported by fighter planes, paratroopers and amphibious vehicles, swept through rice fields, swamps and fortified villages on the southern zone of the French Tonking delta bridgehead yesterday. In the assault, one of the
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  • 55 3 i::~ an old .vat> si-rateh-iir; his head, it seems. But 2.*> rears ago he was a leading Arab politician and a Moroccan chieftain who led Riffian tribesmen a-.iinst the Spanish on the Kiff coast of Morocco. Now at 70 he lives in a Villa near Cairo. His
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  • 158 3 LAKE SUCCESS. Sunday. THE United Nations Special Political Committee rejected a Pakistan proposal that Eritrea, Italy's former African colony, should be made an independent sovereign state as soon as possible Russia and states supporting her were in favour of the proposal. They were joined
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  • 146 3 PARIS. Sun. 'THE) British Ambassador, Sir Oliver Harvey, conferred with the French Prel Rene Pleven, yesterThere was speculation that France and Britain were tg up to urge America to i reate a buffer zone betKorea and China. S the British Embassy ror ihe French
    AP  -  146 words
  • 54 3 .LA. Sun.— Three alI Communists denied I of murder and rebellion arising from Hukbalahap activities. The three Simeon Rodri|U alleged treasurer of the Philippines Communist Party, Biul his two sisters were, arraigned before the city judge. They will be prosecuted with 14 others who have been on
    AP  -  54 words
  • 78 3 WASHINGTON. Sun. Sena'. 01 Herbert O'Connor alleged yesterday that "huge" .shipments of scrap metal, rubber, steel and oil have been going to Communist China from American west coast ports and Japan since the start of the Korean war. He is acting chairman of a Senate Commerce
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  • 33 3 RANGOON, Sun— Burmese President Mr. Sao Shwe Thaiks today unveiled, the NO-foot high memorial to independence. Then he serve! food lo high-ranking Budtfliist "iks who were chant's for peace and the
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  • 69 3 HOLLYWOOD, Sun. ACTRESS Shelly Winters' gown caught fire during a love scene with John Garfield. The accident happened when Garfield flicked a cigarette as the script called for, but the spark misfired and lit on Shelly s flimsy gown. She received minor burns on
    AP  -  69 words
  • 104 3 NEW DELHI, Sun. MR. D. N. Pritt, a former member of the British Farliament and a leading barrister, will appear before the Indian Supreme Court on Dec. 4, on behalf of 17 people described as Communists. They were sentenced to death on charges including murder in
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  • 61 3 JOHANNESBURG, Sun. Police raided the offices of the Guardian newspaper in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban, seizing documents and other material i:i a search lasting several hours. The raids were carried cut under the Suppression -)f Communism Act. passed during the last session of Parliament. The editor
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  • 69 3 LONDON. Sunday. T^HE noble sport of boxing has again been attacked 1 by Dr. Edith Summerskill, Minister of National Insurance. The attractive titian-halr-ed Labour Member of Parliament, described last week's it tie fight between Bruce Woodcock and Jack Gardner as a degrading exhibition. SaylLg that
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  • 191 3 MONTE CARLO, Sunday. SCREEN actor Erroll Fiynn denied before an examining magistrate yesterday that he raped a 15-year-old French girl on his yacht last, year. The 41-year-old Tasmaniaborn film hero married for third time only a month ago to Patrice Wymore told the
    AP  -  191 words
  • 69 3 WASHINGTON. Sun. THE U.S. Secret Service is investigating about 100 persons whose names were found in a notebook on the body of the Puerto Rican slain while trying to assassinate President Truman. Scores of secret service agents have been detached quietly from their normal duties to
    UP  -  69 words
  • 96 3 HONG KONG, Sun. (X)MMUNIST China is blamed by the Far Eastern Economic Review for a crash on the Hong Kong snake tnnrlrAt longer a wise thing to order so much that "no self-re-in China, even if you can spectlng cobra-catcher Is i?oafford it, the journal
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 3 How does it feel? A U.S. Army sergeant wearing a captured Chinese Communist soldier's uniform examines the new winter outfit being supplied to United Nations troops in Korea. And he thinks it's much better. The sergeant is counting the layers of clothing being worn by a U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps
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  • 300 3 TANK TEST LOOMS IN KOREA TOKYO, Sunday. THE Bth. Hussar Regiment, armed with the latest British Centurion tank, redoubled its efforts to get into action last night after reports that a huge Russian Stalin-3 Panzer had been found in North Korea. Both tanks have not
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  • 72 3 KOREA, Sun. HTHE 52-ton Centurion, says Maj.-Gen. Hobart Gay, commander of the Ist. United States Cavalry Division, is the "best tank in the world." It is MM feet long. 9ft. loins, high and unusually wide— lift. Its range, still a secret, is said to be
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 53 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Sun Cuba is to send a force from its regular army to Korea. A battalion of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry sailed for the Far East this the week-end from a United States west coast port as part of the Canadian army special United
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  • 35 3 LONDON, Sun.— The Soviet news agency, Tass, said last night that Poland has agreed to admit a number of Spanish Republicans wjjo had been expelled from France to Corsica and North Africa. Reuter.
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  • 163 3 $250 Mil U.N. Aid Plan For Korea LAKE SUCCESS, Sun. A JOINT session of the U.N. Economic and Social Committees completed action yesterday on a U*****.000.000 Korean relief programme By a vote of 37 to nil and five (Soviet bloc) abstentations, the committees approved the Economic and Social Council programme
    AP  -  163 words
  • 92 3 HONG KONG, Sun. NATIONALIST China will soon be back in business with another semi-govern-ment controlled airline. Capt. Moon Chin said In Hong Kong that the "Fushing Air Transport Corporation." registered In Formosa, wi begin operations on Jan 1, 1951. Capt. Moon, the operations manager of the new
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  • 61 3 PARIS, Sun.— France has received 400 tanks, hundreds of artillery pieces and tens of thousands of machine-guns and automatic rifles from the U.S. under the military aid programme, the Defence Minister, M. Jules Moch, said yesterday. M. Moch said that a large quantity of the
    AP  -  61 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 287 3 cloHjlo qedde/o "fne lirrle /onop i have pleasure in announcing that the reduction on all gowns will continue tn the 30th November. A new shipment of Woollen Dresses and Evening Gowns sizes 14 to 16 of which the arrival was delayed will also be included. hxxTTleo noTel 4- /olnqapoTte MmJQ
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  • 244 4 Election Excitement Grows As S'pore Polling Day Draws Near VOTERS PREPARE FOR SATURDAY WITH four more days to go before polling day for the Municipal elections, manifestoes and posters of contesting candidates are in every Singapore street and by-lane. Candidates in all six wards have started house-to-house campaigns in order
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  • 116 4 600,000 Buy MCA Sweep Tickets From Our Stall Correspondent IPOH. Sun. ALREADY 600.000 tickets have been sold for the Malayan Chinese Association $1,000,000 sweep, it was announced at a sweep committee meeting today. All prizes as advertised would be paid in full, said Mr. Khoo Teik Ee. who presided The
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  • 34 4 Jr< :n Our Own Correspondent TELUK ANSON. Sun— The people of Teluk An&on decided at a public meeting to form their own Home Guard, to help the campaign against banditry.
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  • 46 4 I Kirn Our Staff Correspondent PENANG. Sun. Penang's new juvenile home at the former Telok Ayer Tawar wireless station is at present being decorated, the Settlement Engineer, tAc. J. A. T. Horseley told the Straits Times today. The building will house about 200 inmates.
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  • 78 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sun. '■THE forged nows racket in 1 has died out, according to the Settlement Treasurer. Mr. A. T. Argent. 1 "No counterfeit '50-cent notes have been reported in recent weeks," he said today. Mr. Argent added that the wide publicity
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  • 62 4 i rom Oar Staff «.o:rc.-pintlent i IPOH. Sun.— An appeal for more voluntary welfare workers was made by Mr. Y. C. Kang, chairman of the Ipoh District Welfare Committee, at its annual meeting. Officers elected were: Chairman, Mr. Y. C. Knng; vice-chairman. Mr. S. Palani Filial;
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  • 72 4 CHRISTMAS IN SINGAPORE: Two Australian University students, William Lim (ri ght) and Tan Kens Kheo arrived by Qantas-BOAC Constellation" last night to spend X'mas with their families here. William Lim. son of the well-known Singapore lawyer. Mr. R. C. H. Lim, is studying architecture at Melbourne
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  • 133 4 From Oar Own Corrcspcndent BENTONG, Sunday. TN the past five months, over 5,000 people have been resettled in the Bentong district, said Mr. J.D.H. Neill, until recently Besettlement Officer.jlJeotong district, and now Qommissioner tended to many more by the establishment of police posts In already
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  • 57 4 MALACCA stiff nurses. M!ss Grace Yeo (top) and Mrs. Esther Lee Ngee Siong, will be going overseas for further studies next year. Miss Yeo. 26. will go to New Zealand for a year's Ward Sister's administration course in January. Mrs. Lee. 27. leaves in August for
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  • 403 4 rrHE Colonial Development Corporation, as part of 1 their plan to set up suitable industries in Malaya, will advance to approved borrowers up to a maximum of 75 per cent of the value of an approved type of factory. This advance to industrial buildings to
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  • 197 4 Urban Health Centre Plan DROPOSALS for the establishment of an urban health centre in Singapore are to be examined by a committee representing Government. Municipal and University authorities. The centre will include a children's dental and medical clinic, an infant welfare centre and a centre for research. The scheme was
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  • 32 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun.— Chin Tek, Wong Sang, Chow Choy and Loh Chwee Chok. of Kulai, were each fined $10 In the Johore Bahru Police Court today for gaming In public.
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  • 24 4 ADABI LEAVES HOSPITAL Maria Hertogh's husband, Inche Mansoor Adabi, who has been In hospital for a fortnight following a motorcycle accident, went home yesterday.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 174 4 £A(/CAR swhsHade AUTOMATIC SHOCK PROTECTED 17 JEWELS ANTI-MACNETIC WATERPROOF ASSORTED DIALS Sole Agents:- -ntmm I I"" "1 TO FLOUR BUYERS We are now able to sell Flour r.nd Wheatmeal for export to Singapore and Malaya. Please address enquiries to the Queensland Co-operative Milling Association Ltd., Stanley Street. Sbuth Brisbane. Queensland.
      174 words
    • 284 4 MUSIC FESTIVAL COMMEMORATING The Bicentenary of JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH in aid of S.A.T.A. at the Victoria Memorial Hall 12th 13th December Under the distinguished patronage of The Governor Sir Franklin Gimson K.C.M.G. Tickets and Programmes on sale at Robinsons BUY EARLY! 1 Space kindly donated by: NUFFIELD EXPORTS Ltd., MALAYAN
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  • 972 5 M.I.5 Danger from the rotten thread in U.K. security CHAPMAN PINCHER today nominates a Security Chief fl AT 65 Sir Henry Tizard (picture right) 1 is the most influential British scientist. Dominant brain of the Defence Ministry and Cabinet adviser on scientific policy, he is ideally suited temperamentally for dealing
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  • 522 5  - SINGAPORE REVISITED MARY HEATHCOTT By TiEN years ago, Malay women were flitting shadows, in che background of the Singapore scene, skilled at hiding their faces modestly, if provocatively, behind their selandangs. Their subjection to the male was probably not as deep as emancipated European women supposed. But to the visitor,
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  • 156 5 Adventures of Rukiah Ali-15 Tlir children razed at each other helplessly. "Shall we swim II?" asked All at last, "Or would you rather try the passages again?" "Oh not the passages please. At least once we are «a the other side we •hall be back l n Ny-See land, and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 297 5 m «n k a m The Only Manufacturers of Lithographed Tins ftiveri.3;ng Metal Posts -jl V2.".cd Mztal Calendars Edueaiioncl Toys vV Tnd'narked Tin* Caps Crown Corks >.uih East Asia. J D..= ME fAL PRINTERS MMMFMTIIEIS, 614, Geylan^ Rd., S pore. ■VUi): .dIirALPKINT' 1 N:vt Tel: ***** hxrlburn j->d fUtulrnc*. and
      297 words
    • 278 5 -^t^. _^|fc^ presents she'll like best of all I^^^^ because they bring a promise \jf^ eTW °f beauty and freshness. Here are some suggestions that will show your good taote in giving; PERFUME. Ihe gift oi gins world-famous Coty Perfumes that e/e symphonies in fragrance subtly different to match every
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  • 31 6 MR. A MRS UM SIEW POH »rh to thank all relatives and friends fnr their attendance, pre■ents and telegrams on the occaMon of their wedding on Friday. Nov 24th. 1950.
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  • 986 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon., Nov. 27, 1950. After The Battle There can be no doubt that the Budget session of the Federal Legislative* Council will prove a landmark in the Federation's progress towards .-elf-government. It established Ihe principle that the executive must at least share with the Council the
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  • 80 6 JOHANNESBURG, Sun.— Africans from outside South Africa will in future be banned from studying at South African universities, missionary colleges and other institutions, the Secretary for Education, Dr. H.L. van der Walt, has announced. In a letter to the Institutions he said that there were
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 536 6 Droopy hands in Singapore traffic THE best that can be said for the majority of hand signals in the town of Singapore is that one is warned that the signalling driver intends to do something, even if the ultimate evolution does not tally with the preliminary signal. A hand 'hanging
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  • 157 6 NOW that the statue of the Pilerim Virgin" of Fatima has left Singapore, the Catholic community of the j Colony desire to place on reoord an expression of their thanks and appreciation to all those who in any way con- j tributed to make the visit of
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 6 Pho'.ograph by Denise Chivers. THE MOON GATE ON ST. JOHN'S ISLAND (This was built by German civilian residents of pre-war Singapore who were interned on St. John's Island after the outbreak of war in 1939).
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  • 694 6 FROM A MOTHER j r\R. Vickers, the Singa- pore Director of Medical Services, says there are not enough midwives in Singapore. This may apply to the rural area, but within the town area one can see quite a number of midwives' signboards hanging up outside their homes
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 247 6 IN Joo Chiat Place at 9.20 p.m. on Nov. 16 a Singapore Indian boy was requested by a Chinese to show him his identity card. The Indian boy refused, but offered to go to the nearest police station. The Chinese man said that he was a detective
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    • 209 6 rpHE heading on a letter in J. the Straits Times of Nov. 21 read "Who Pays For The Estate Specials?" and the writer who signed himself "Same For All"— suggested that estate owners themselves should now be required to pay for the Specials on their properties because
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    • 82 6 I WAS amongst the audience at last Friday night's dance recital at the Victoria Theatre and would like to congratulate Willy Blok Hanson for the excellent show she put on. I have seen quite a number of Kood shows in different countries, but when I stepped into the Victoria
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    • 78 6 rE Straits Times dated Nov. 18 stated that policewoman Constable Rosalind Yeo Teck Wee was robbed of her lanyard, whistle and notebook. Your report further stated that Constable Rosalind Yeo Teck Wee gave chase to the armed robbers, but failed to apprehend them, as they had
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  • 461 6 Sanskrit In Malay IF you -write anything more about those awful crows said Mrs. Cecil Street while reading this column over our early morning cup of tea last Thursday (you may remember that on that day I gave to the world more fruits of my research into
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 780 6 tWART: On Nov. 26, at Kf.nrtang Kerbau. to Mary, wife of John Bwp.rt, a son. NEATH: On Nov. 22 at Singapore, to Margaret, wtfe of Capt. R. C. Neath 2/6 O.R a daughter. Susan Margaret. SITUATIONS VACANT EUROPEAN firm requires young pher. Snte references urn! iirMrulars Box A2957. S.T. V
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    • 85 6 Fellow Institute Ophthalmic Opticians (Eng > Fellow Worshipful Co. of Spectacle-Makers (Eng > Freeman of tha City of London. < I > By Appointment to HM. Forces, South East Asia. < L 6 Raffles Place Singapore Phone ***** < •^^i^^ Wp T^^ooFnJ n *Ml *4*F&yt\i m m m wt f^f%H.
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  • 249 7 POWER FOR STORE INDUSTRY MAY BE CUT 4-Hr. Restriction A t Night Planned A FOUR-HOUR load restriction on all industrial consumers of electrical power generated from the St. James' power station may be imposed to cope with the increasing lighting load from new housing estates and homes in Singapore. The
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 7 A JAPANKSK. Mr. Higuchi Takeo arrived in Singapore byb v air from Saigon yesterday on his way to Noumea. Mr. Higuchi said: "I come from Kobe and I'm on my way to Noumea to rejoin my wife and children whom I have not met for many years."— Straits
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  • 141 7 THREE hu .dred and fifty men of the Singapore Volunteer Corps co-operated with the Colony police when 10 S.V.C. patrols helped in screening operations on Pulau Übin and Pulau Tekong in the S: raits of lohore on Saturday night. v Is the second time Blnce the beginning
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  • 58 7 Our S aff Co-rrspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— T■ o Chine.-? were murder- I i by bandits in Johore, i ktton Police headquarti \s sta'ed today. Bandiis fired on a Security Forces post in Johore, but rr.^de off when Security Forera fired back. In Kelantan. Security Forces
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 7 MR. MANFRED Gottfried, thief of Foreign Correspondents for Time magazine and Life arrived in Singapore over the week-end. He is on a survey trip of SouthEast Asia. Straits Times picture.
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  • 98 7 an enforced stay of almost two months In Singapore, while her rudder was being repaired, the Sird- hana left this morning and i sarleu for Hong Kong and Japan. The Sirdhana damaged the stock of her rudder when she was grounded in Penang harbour. She
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  • 63 7 A United Nations official Dr. H. T. Chu. with his wife and three children, arrived :y air in Singapore yesterday from Sydney on his 'way to Lake Success. Dr. Chu works on the Non-Se:f-Governing Territories Division of United Nations' Department of Trusteeship. After a brief holiday
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  • 49 7 From Our Ov. n Correspondent i JOHORE BAHRU, Sun.— Mr. Justice Storr postponed until Dec. 2 judgment in the appeal of S. Seenapathy, storekeeper, Johore Medical i Department, against a conviction and sentence of 12 months' imprisonment on a charge of misappropriation of 14 cases of DDT.
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  • 46 7 The wedding took place at the Straits Chinese Methodist Church yesterday of Baby Poh Ong Neo. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Poh Song Bai. and Mr. Ho Siew Chye, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ho Tock Sum of Singapore. Rev. Goh Hood Ken? officiated.
    46 words
  • 34 7 From Onr Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— General Sir Ivor Thomas, the Quartermaster-General, left Kuala Lumpur yesterday for Singapore on the completion of a short but extensive tour of units in Malaya.
    34 words
  • 133 7 A SINGAPORE school prin- cipal and authoress has received encouraging enquiries from many jparts of the world for her lsreest series" of publications a bi-linguai-eradyated course on the Fundamental Teachings of Lord Buddha. She Is Miss Pitt Chin Hui, who Is principal of both the
    133 words
  • 42 7 K3IAYA QUEENS: Indonesian artistes who arrived in Singapore on Saturday by Garuda Airways included these three stage, radio and screen stars— Ribut Rawit (left). Fifl Young, and 18-year-old Maria of Menado. They are to tour Malaya.— Straits Times picture.
    42 words
  • 124 7 SCRUTINY OF 1O-YEAR CLAIMS THE backlog of civil liability claims arising out of service with the Singapore Volunteers ten years ago will be investigated by a new threeman committee appointed by Government. There are over 100 claims from people of all races to be heard by the committee, which comprises
    124 words
  • 75 7 The Kelantan Government has planned "all possible steps to minimise hardship during floods." Nik Hassan. Assistant District Officer, told a meeting of Penggawas of Kota Bharu. Kelantan. recpntly. The measures, he said, include a system of rice distribution and the placing of a number of outboard
    75 words
  • 28 7 Assistant Superintendent of Police. Mr. i nnns p has been appointed to com- mand the marine police divi- sion of the Singapore Police Force.
    28 words
  • 35 7 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Sun.— Cheong Ban Seng was sentenced in the Sessions Court to two years' imprisonment when convicted on a charge j of importing 13 'i lbs. opium. i
    35 words
  • 42 7 MR. ARCHIE CAMERON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Canberra, with Mrs. Cameron photographed in Singapore yesterday on his way back to Australia. H« attended the opening of the new House of Commons in London. Straits Times picture.
    42 words
  • 295 7 University 86 Poll Was 'Poor' MR. T. Visuvanathan, Returning Officer, described the University of Malaya elections held over the week-end as "poor" bceause most of the students had not used all their votes. He said that the 86 per cent, poll was not as good as in previous elections. He
    295 words
  • 58 7 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. The Town Board. Johore Babru. is planning to prov.'de a playground for children on vacant land along Jalan Campbell, the road running parallel to the railway line. This playground will be> equipped with swings, chutes and seesaws similar to
    58 words
  • 81 7 Attempt To Burn Bus In Singapore A SINGAPORE Traction Company bus was slightly damaged in an unsuccessful arson attempt at the Junction of Albert Street and Bencoolen Street at 7.14 a.m. yesterday. The men- were not seen although there were about 20 people in the bus at the time. Tne
    81 words
  • 54 7 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Sun.— Lim Boon Hiang, a Scudai pineapple cutter, was bound over in $50 for 15 months when convicted of being found in possession of chandu. H*» was nrriprpH in hp t.alrpn He was ordered to be taken to hospital immediately
    54 words
  • 98 7 From Our SUIT Correspondent IPOH, Sun. rriWELVE outriders of the ■I- Perak Motor-cycle Club provided an escort at the funeral of Johnny Wong Chin Lee which took place at the Wesley Church in Ipoh this afternoon Johnny Wong, a Straits Times reporter, died after a motor-cycle
    98 words
  • 60 7 WOMAN FALLS TWICE— DIES A 52-year-old Singapore Chinese woman fell twice on Saturday— and died. Fall No. 1 was when bundles of rubber fell on her in a shop at Mohamed Sultan Road. She declined to go to hospital. Fall No. 1 was at her home jn Eu Tong Seng
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  • 97 7 Y.W.C.A., Raffles Quay, French beginners class, 9.30 a.m. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION, first aid class, HQ. Stamford Road, 5 p.m. V.M.C.A.. Orchard Road, tennis tournament 6 p.m., Malay class. 5.30 p.m judo class, 6 p.m., tabletennis tournament, 7 p.m., billiards tournament. 8 p.m. SINGAPORE LIFE GUARD CORPS, commltee
    97 words
  • 134 7 DECAUSE mere people are now visiting Bukit Timah forest reserve in Singapore, Government is to spend part of a vote of $10,000 on improving and beautifying the reserve. The work vill be carried out next year and will Include the construction of footpaths leading
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  • 139 7 THE Singapore branch of x the Malayan Chinese Association has decided to help the 15,000 people living in Paya Lebar district in their petition protesting against a Government proposal to construct an airstrip there. Committee Set Up This decision was taken at a meeting
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  • 74 7 A Students' Society was formed by students of the Singapore C.V.MA. Commercial School at a meeting yesterday. Elected on the pro-tern committee to draft the constitution of the society are Messrs G. D. Blakrishnan, Tan Kirn Chuan, S. Balan, K. L. Chal, H. T. Huang, Ho Keng
    74 words
  • 79 7 Fr«m Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. »pHE State Government has approved a site for building the Princess Elizabeth Home for the Blind in Johorn Bahru, and tenders for the job will be called for. The site selected is about six acres of land near the
    79 words
  • 25 7 The Army will begin today to recover one-ton live shells buried in Changi gunpits since 1942. The task will last for several days.
    25 words
  • 75 7 MADAME LAU CHEE 11 UI DING, e6. passed away peacefully at her residence, 25 Adam Roi.d, Singapore, on Nov. 25, leaving four sons, Pai Hu. Tlong King, Shao Chuang and Dr. Choo Toon, four daughters-in-law, two daughters, Suck Hi and Yew Nguk, one son-in-law, Mr. Ong Beng Huat and
    75 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 135 7 iMt&t** OFGRAPfS, GROWN IN ffll|F SUMY SOUTH AFRICA, RSM/ND US OF THE Sl^^r Ji= FAMOUS. PIT KWBMMDY tOlf MIMTt: COUGHING b S IS DANGEROUS ft J 7 \ln]^£*W, Every time yoo cou?h 1 J>***S^ I ■OH I >' our lvn 8 s tr ttrainc.l, liLl\ T RPPfRHI your h'.'.irt ft
      135 words
    • 112 7 Warmth without weight.. ATKINSONS CELLULAR WEAVE BLANKETS BOUND WITH SATIN RIBBON Pink, Blue, Peach, Green or White 63"x48" $37.50 ea. ALSO FOR BABY 30"x40" $8.25 ea. SINGAPORE Take Care of Your Are you jure that youi prospects and happi- Ty TiW ness are not being hindered by detective mil f
      112 words

  • 233 8 REPORT FROM INDO-CHINA BY ALAN HUMPHREYS a CURFEW is imposed at nine o'clock every nisht at Namdinh, a town forty -five miles south-east of Hanoi, a-id all law-abiding perBOM are behind locked and shuttered windows by then beeverv evening Shooting hreaks out about that fme The next day the French
    233 words
  • 650 8 Dong-Quyton Is represented by 32-year-old Sgt. Jose Rodriguez, of Marseilles, a lt-year-old French private and 27 partisans, all Vietnamese, aged between 16 and 20 years old. The sergeant has had thirteen years service and was taken prtsomr by the Australians in oyria during the
    650 words
  • Today's Radio Programmes
    • 96 8 9 35 a.m. Schools: 9.55 Interlude: 10 News, Emergency News Irom K.L.; 10.10 Close; 10.50 Schools; 12 Malay; 1 p.m. Lawrence Welk Orch.; 1.30 News; 1.45 Cowboy Songs: 2 Close; 6 "Composer of the Week" (Max Bruch); 6.30 "Great People of the Past" (H. N. Ridley): 7 News. Share
      96 words
    • 50 8 9.35 ajn.—7.30 p.m. As Spore; 730 Time for Music" iB B.C. Midland Light Orch.); 8 As Spore; 8.15 Julai Tan, violin, and Tony Valerio, piano; 8.30 Opera Concert; 9 "I Haven't A Clue"; 9.30 News; 9.45 "Inter mezzo"; 10 Dance Music (Oriffln Inn); 10.30 "Piano Playhouse"; 11 Close.
      50 words
    • 59 8 9.35 a.m. Schools; 10 am. News; 1— 2 p.m. As Spore; 6 "Listeners Calling"; 7 News; 7.15 "Home on the Range"; 730 "Much-Binding-in-the-Mar-sh"; 8 As Spore; 8.15 "Nights at the Ballet" ("The Firebird", by Stravinsky): 9 "Forum, of Stravinsky); 9 "Forum, of the Air"; 9.30 Nfws; 9.45 David Granville
      59 words
    • 70 8 4-45 p.m. "From the London Editorials"; S "The Concerto"; 5.45 "The Debate Continues"; 6 Indonesian; 6.30 Cantonese; 6.45 "London Studio Concerts"; 7.15 French; 7.30 English HalfHour; 8 "Piano Intermission"; 8.15 Thai; 8-45 Dutch; 9 Kuoyu; 9.30 Burmese; 9.45 Interlude; 10 Radio News Reel: 10.15 "Spot the Lady"; 10.45 "Science
      70 words
  • 757 8  -  HUGH DUNDAS By WITHIN the last few weeks we have twice been shocked by news and pictures of fatal airline disasters in Britain. In three crasnes vi pas-senger-carrying planes In Britain this year 136 people have been killed. Only six survived. Why do airliners
    757 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 87 8 t i 1^ O^^r^^^m\M* s''^ _mLJ wSBIk I .jm %£f f titJt AM CM fCC TAfIAV for only a I m P£>v X^A^ KrUmmtNLtb IUUAY short season C m rT nee Again we offer you our Once Again we are out to IVM BHHHH Entire Stock of Goods. II assist
      87 words

  • 1023 9  - Some dramatic events in Nepal FRANK MORAES By BOMBAY: INVENTS are crowding thick on India's northern frontiers, and from Korea New Delhi's eyes are turned nearer home to Tibet and J*Jepal. News from these two mountain kingdoms is sparse and contradictory. If reports from Kalimpong on the Indian side of
    1,023 words
  • 629 9  -  Aeoun h. Qt HAVE heara that ajter orchid seeds have been put into flasks, cotton plugs and the like are applied to the mouth of the flasks to prevent external micro-organisms from entering into them. 1 often wonder whether the seeds in this case will receive adequate
    629 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 223 9 AMBITIOUS? Then send for a copy of •The Direct Way to Success" Thf FREE 170 page book which wilt show you how to IMPROVE YOUR POSITION by qualifying through postal tuition for a BETTER APPOINTMENT 1 he>l ot Avioununc) is the leaJtae] institution in the British I pirr tor
      223 words
    • 249 9 ..sfitmrCast WITH DELICIOUS, NOURISHING QUAKER OATS There's solid nourishment brimming over in Quaker Oats nourishment put there by Mother Nature herself so you can get super nutrition in its natural form. How the children GROW taller, stronger— full of exuberant energy and steady stamina when they start every morning off
      249 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 238 9 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD ia*-«S«* SSS."Bi"."ffiia"i CROSSWORD No. 228 With this bird one ecu return U> fe^JsfcJiS&l .—l'. I' 1,1 1. I 1. I. I -I IWi Wealth* at i»l n> 28 A light caie «7i z B And ouultlc* 29 Novel man' vih tnrdenlns Sss ASS copies* <O W
      238 words

  • 317 10 From A Market Correspondent MALAYAN Collieries have presented comprehensive details of tlie company's activities for the year to June 30. 1950, in the well-set-up directors' report and accounts, chairman's statement and Illustrated booklet giving a description of the property, operations and social organisation. Profit, after increased depreciation at
    317 words
  • 59 10 MOUNT Morgan, the Australian gold and copper mine, made a profit of AE370.447 or 105. 8 r n after allowing for Preference capital, are equivalent to 24.6.50. and paid out 1/W. per share in dividends on Ordinary shares. Net liquid assets at A£31 1.580 after allowing for Preference
    59 words
  • 41 10 MANDAI TEKONG (Singapore i Rubber Estates suffered a loss of $5,528 for the year to 41.7.50. Net liquid assets $7,700 equal 2 cents per share. From May 1950 the Tekong Division has been leased for one year for $2,700.
    41 words
  • 448 10 GOOD TURN-OVER SPOTS IN TINS INDUSTRIALS The Week In The Share Market From A Market Correspondent A GOOD turn-over was maintained on the Singapore share market last week although, with the exception of Industrials which were always steady, the general trend was to lower prices. This tendency was arrested somewhat
    448 words
  • 119 10 RAUB Australian Gold Mining is holding an extraordinary general meeting in Brisbane today (Monday) to consider the following resolution: "That the sanction of this general meeting be. and the same ls hereby given to the directors, raising, borrowing and securing payment of (for the purposes of
    119 words
  • 38 10 EVATT <Sc Company announce the following October rubber outputs, in lbs Brunei Utd. Pant. 30.000 Changkat Serdang Est. 40,778 Chermang Development 182.000 Indragiri 58.550 Lunas Est. 77,200 Nyalas Est. 55.500 Riverview Est. 192.000 Tapah Est. 93,943
    38 words
  • 65 10 New York Rubber In U.S. cents per lb. closing nominal. Nov. 22 Nov. 24 1 R. 5.9. (Nov.) 67.25 63.25 Market: sasy. London Rubber LOIDON. Nov. 24— Spot 53d, Jan. 50'jd, Jan.-Mar. 48 ri 4d, Apr.June 42 l id, July-Sept. 39' id. Oct.Dec. 36' d, Dec. c.i.f.
    65 words
  • 301 10 BRIGHT Business Done BUSINESS done In the Malayan share market last week included: Industrials— Fraser Neave Ords. »3.30 to $3.27 Vi to $3W. Gammon »2.40. Georgetown Dispensary $1.76 ,2, Malayan Brewerrles $5.25 c.d., Robinson Ords. $2.50, Straits Steamship $16.50, Singapore Traction Prefs. 235. bd., Straits Traders $15.25, Uniteer Ords. $10.90,
    301 words
  • 72 10 GOPENO Consolidated directors have declared an internn dividend of 15 per cent (equivalent to 3s per £1 stock) on accourt of the profits for the year to Sept. 30. 1950. less tax. PENGKALEN directors have declared an inUrlm dividend of 10 per cent (6d. per share) on the
    72 words
  • 36 10 STRAITS Plantations outputs for the six months April-Septem-ber, compared with the outputs for the same period last year, were, in tens: 1950 1949 Ccpra 3.867 3.879 Palm oil 747 771 Palm kernels 113 112
    36 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1154 10 MANSFIELD tit CO., LTD 'incorporated- ia b ngapore) BLUB rUNNEaV LINE Carrier s option to proceed via other ports to load and discharge eatge. SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW LONDON b CONTINENTAL PORTS Due Sails P Sham Penang AncniMS h» i. pool t> Glasgow Nov 25/27 Nov. 28/ D.c 1 h
      1,154 words
    • 404 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON, INDIA, ECYPT and MEDITERRANEAN PORTS NDOie Shan. r-en»ng Pres. lohnson 4/9 Dec. 10/11 Dec. 12/13 Dee. Pres Monroe 12/16 Dec. II'ISS" Mt Oavis 18/23 Dee 24/25 Dec 26/27 Dec Pres. Buchanan 30 Dec./S |an. 6/7 |an. ■A'' a To LOS
      404 words
    • 494 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U.K./CONTINENT: S'oore P Sham Penang "Kina" for Manila Hong Kong. Takubar. Kobe Yokohama 30 Nov. -2 Oee. 28-29 Nov, 27-27 Nov. •Falstria" for Saigon Bangkok 2-3 Oec. 1 1 Dee. 30-30 Nov "Malacca" for Bangkok. Manila, Hong Kong, Kobe Yokohama 9-11 Dee. "Selandia" for Sa.gon
      494 words
    • 998 10 McALISTER <Sc CO.. LTD. Telephone No. 5906 CIXSRMAKi OS dUCKNALI KLAVEMBss CIW» LONPON, HAVRE. ANTWOtt, (.OS ANCtLtS SAN FRANCISCO, ROTTERDAM Cr HAMBURG POtTLAND SIATTLE b VANCOUVER and for U.S.A.. North Atlantic Ports Arceot ng car_o for Central South and Canada via Colombo American Ports $.1 CITY OF OTTAWA P. S
      998 words

  • 593 11 Arsenal Score Another Win LONDON, Sunday. UNPREDICTABLE Huddersfield Town, with the worst defensive record in the First Division, proved the team yesterday to end Tottenham Hotspurs' remarkable run of eight victories. On a day when the Football Association Cup First Round ties provided only one genuine
    Reuter  -  593 words
  • 335 11 Cambridge Oxford Win Comfortably LONDON, Sun. QXFORD and Cambridge Universitles yesterday played their last game before the Variety match at Tuicb-nham on Dec. 5, and both scored good wins. On a foggy ground Oxford whipped London Scottish 6—o.6 0. Cambridge trounced United Services (Bournemouth) 22 3. Oxford forwards had a
    Reuter  -  335 words
  • 48 11 BOMBAY. Sun— At close of play yesterday, opening day of the three-day match between Commonwealth and the Governor of Bombay's XI at Brabourne Stadium, the Governor's team were all out for 202 on a perfect pitch, and Commonwealth were 79 for one. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 189 11  -  Vernon Morgan by LONDON, Sun. REQUESTS to the MCC, England's cricket governing body, the Football Association, the Rugby Football Union, the Rugby League and the English Golf Union for money to finance an appeal against a court decision have been made by a Manchester
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • Article, Illustration
    84 11 When Referee Wong Buck Lee, a wrestler himself, lost his temper with King Kong at the Happy World Stadium on Saturday night he decided to use some of the "tricks of the trade" on the giant Hungarian. Picture shows Buck, Lee sending the mighty Kong to the boards with a
    84 words
  • 664 11  -  VERNON MORGAN riVTTWkX? O J_.. EN6LISH FLAT SEASON IN REVIEW By t»HE French took the honours and the money for 1 the British flat-racing season just ended, and the Americans may well do so fn 1951, judging by the outstanding performers which the few American owners
    Reuter  -  664 words
  • 104 11 LONDON, Sun. THE Football Association Cup First Round Tie between Southend United and Swindon Town which was postponed because of fog will be played at Southend next Wednesday. The Crystal Palace v.. Milwal] match, abandoned during the first half, will also be played on Wednesday, at Crystal
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 552 11 LONDON, Sun. rIE following are football league j standings after yesterday's i matches: FIRST DIVISION Goals P W D U F A pU Aisenal :9 13 4 2 45 16 30 Midbrough 19 11 5 ***** 27 Newcastle U. 19 10 6 3 35 26 26
    552 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 282 11 now sHowiNG m yF t fwrf^ m r J>& From the Famous /lii^^T^y-^r) Newspaper Comic '7*Y'''Tr= Strips of China! t^2SW Starring THE WONDER-BOY "THE ADVENTURES OF SAM MAO" in MANDARIN with Full ENGLISH Sub-Titles SOON! In lovely ANSCO COLOrT £Tl?^[ R^i Hlri f~TVJ LAST 5 shows roDAY 1 1 1
      282 words
      235 words

  • 452 12  - TOBOGGAN EARNED $18,032 FOR 2 RUNS Bright Prospect For 1 951 Classics EPSOM JEEP By rBOGGAN, a four-year-old chestnut by Seven Seas (a son of Hyperion) out of Arianwen, has improved out of all knowledge and barring accidents his presence in next season's "classics" is assured. Toboggan's double at the
    452 words
  • 34 12 CALES of the S.T.C.'s sweepstakes for the three days totalled $2,396,010 and the winning owners' added money pool was $239,601 or $9,983 per race— highest figures in Malayan Turf history.
    34 words
  • 347 12 Woods On Tor After Losing Sequence AFTER a series "outs" George Woods came into his own at the Winter Meeting at Bukit Timah when he finished on top of the Jockeys' list with four winners, three seconds and five thirds. Herb Charles kept up his fine riding form to land
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  • 227 12 From Our SUIT Correspondent PENANG, Sun. A LARGE crowd saw Penang win all three matches against Kedah in last nights Poppy Day badminton exhibition held at the New World Park. Best game of the night was the mixed doubles match between Thomas Cupper Ooi Teik Hock
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  • 363 12 JOCKEY Abdul Mawi deserves the warmest praise for his superb handling of the rank outsider Free Frenchman who won the mile-and-furlong handicap for Class 4, Div. 1 at Bukit Timah on Saturday and paid the only three-figure dividend of the meeting. Riding to set Instructions,
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  • 37 12 HOCKEY: Knockout tourney— S.R.C. Reds v Ceylonese, Padans: Chinese v R.E.M.E. (Military!. Hong Llm Green: Police v University, Thomson Road; BO DC A v Teachers T.C., St. George's Road. TENNIS: V.M.C.A. tournament, Bras Basah Road.
    37 words
  • 574 12 SKILFUL DRIVING AT Hill CLIMB SELANGOR'S Lim Wong- Nyan, in a high-powered 3.917 c.c. "Lim Automobile", won the Singapore Motor Club's half-mile hill climb event for racing cars of 1,500 and over at Bukit Batok yesterday in the excellent time of 45.4 sees. Thirty-seven-year-old
    574 words
  • 334 12 Full results are: Motor Cycles HI c.c. and under: 1. Lew Ah Pol Vesper p— Time: 86.2 sees Motor Cycles ::.1» c.c. and under: 1. Kum Seng i Matchless i: 2. Jock Muir (Norton): 3 Peter Chan (Matchless).— Time: 45.4 sees Motor Cyrlrs 500 c.c. and ander: 1. Douglas
    334 words
  • 227 12 ECLIPSE ENTER FINAL I7CLIPSE B.P. entered the final of the open Inter-Club badminton championship last night by trouncing Lucky Strike B.P. fivenil at the Clerical Union hall. The winners will meet Bournemouth BP. who received a walkover from Mayflower 8.P., the cup holders, on Saturday night. Chia Chin Soon of
    227 words
  • 45 12 DETROIT, Sun. Featherweight champion Sandy Saddler will meet lightweight Del Flanagan of Saint Paul, here in a 10-round overweight bout on Dec. 6. Flanagan, a leading lightweight prospect, is undeteated in his last 49 fights. He recently defeated Carlo Chavz.— U.P.
    UP  -  45 words
  • 40 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun— ln the annual St. Andrews' golf match the Rest avenged last year's defeat when they beat Scotland this morning on the Selanuor Oolf Club course by 13i matches to 61.
    40 words
  • 40 12 MALACCA. Sun. Muar Chinese trounced Malacca Police Sports Club by Mght goals to nil In their Victory Cup football tie yesterday. Scorers were Seek Hon (5> Peng Kiong Moon Joon and Seng Tuck one each.
    40 words
  • 264 12 Malaya Tipped' To Retain Thomas Cup LONDON, Sunday. INDIA has already officially entered her challenge 1 for the Thomas Cup, badmintons equivalent to the Davis Cup of tennis, and so leads the way foi those countries who will fight next year for the honour of playing the holders of the
    264 words
  • 197 12 Miller Out For Another "Duck" ADELAIDE. Sun. T/'EITH Miller, Australia's most pro'iflc scorer this season, ma dismissed for a "duck" yesterday for the second time in succession. He wts playing for New South Wales. Sheffield Shield holders, who lost the wickets of Miller, Jack Moroney and Arthur Morris, all Test
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  197 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 786 12 iLi aIKIED ADS. icon inurd from page 6> AH OMMOOATION VACANT LONDON (Kensington area) large well- furnished mansion-flat, cepllon, 4 bedrooms (basins C.h w.). Also self-contained flat West, End double-bedroom large kitchen, ba'.hroom, refrlgeratoi »:irt resident housekeeper Both iiv.iiHble now. Apply Box No A2953, ST. ACCOMMODATION WANTED ENGLISH BACHELOR require*
      786 words
      5 words
    • 119 12 ||rwj|p^i^ y- -l||li| HAPPY WORLD STADIUM i BOXING FRIDAY Ist DEC. at 9 p.m. m± WALLY OAKES PRESENTS 40 ROUNDS of non-stop Thr is TOMMY WATTS Terrific Puncher. K.O. Alfle Sands 2 rds. m VS. 10 rds. BOY BROOKS (Can He Stand Watts' Punch? SID FLETCHER (Real Gong to Gong
      119 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 32 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 12.38 am. (8.5) and 11.40 a.m. (9.6), 5.48 am. (4.6) ar.d 6.30 p.m <0.8>. TOMORROW: 1.11 a.m. (8.3) ond 12.11 pm. (95); 6.16 a.m. (4.8) and 7.03 p.m. (ft.).
      32 words