The Straits Times, 4 November 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 530 1 All Hope Of Quick Peace Abandoned TOKYO, Friday. hope for an early end of the war in Korea was abandoned today as some 130,000 Chinese and Korean Communists drove south in an offensive that already had forced Allied troops back 10 to 50 miles. In northwest
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  • 871 1 ATTACK on GOVT. FOR MALAYA OMISSION LONDON Fri. |\IR Alan L.ennox Boyd Conservative, attacked the Government m I'irliament lodav tor the '"quite astonishing omission of any reference tc the war m Malays" m ttie King's speech outlmins Governnv nt policy I v the new session ■i la 1 .1 ti
    Reuter  -  871 words
  • 113 1 U.S. Korean Casualties Now 27,610 WASHINGTON Fri A NNOUNCED American carl sualties in the Korean conflict have risen to 27,610 an increase of 909 since las: week The total included 4.400 klll.'rt and 18.879 wounded The Defence Department yesterday said it did not reflect all casualties up to date It
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  • 43 1 LONDON. Fri— Sir Franklin and Lady Gimson's elder daughter, Margaret Sybil Maud, will shortly marry Commander J. A. Elwiri. D.S.C.. R.N.. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Elwin, of Bognor Regis, at Thornton-Le-Dale. Yorkshire, it was announced today. A.P.
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  • 32 1 WASHINGTON, Fri. President Truman today visited the two wounded White House guards who helped to foil the attempt on his life and reported "they are gettin? along fine."— U.P.
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  • 97 1 SAIGON, Fri. ABANDONING the key border fortress of Laokay French forces have yielrVl full control of the northwest Incio-China frontier to the Communist-led Vietminh army. The sarrlson of about 1200 troops in retreating west Into the mountainous country of Thai tribesmen At lrast three Vietminh
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  • 32 1 MRS. NONIS and her son c «brae« outside the Singapore Iliph Court yesterday after ins aoqquittal on a charge of murdering Winnie Spencer. Straits Times picture.
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  • 326 1 17IGHT minutes after being acquitted on a charge of murdering 10-year-old Annie Winnie Spencer, a Katong schoolgirl, Michael Joseph Xonis 25, a Eurasian wireless operator, walked with his family from Singapore s Assize Court to the Cathedral of the Go»d Shepherd, Bras Basah
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  • 110 1 SPENCER INQUIRY CLOSED— POLICE THE investigations into the murder of Winnie Annie Spencer, the 10-year-old Katong schoolgirl, have been closed. This was stated yesterday by Mr. N. G. Morris, acting Deputy Commissioner of Police, C.1.D.. Singapore. Nonis said he was going to see about his job first thing this morning.
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  • 43 1 AMSTERDAM Fri. The Royal Netherlands Steampacket Company (KPM) is appealing against yesterday's court order forbidding it to transport Indonesian Government troops and equipment to fight the self-proclaimed South Moluccas Republic The suit was filed by the South Moluccas Republic— Reuter.
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  • 28 1 LONDON, Fri.— The British Government is considering convening a Commonwealth Defence Ministers' conference in London in the near future, a usually reliable source said today.— Reuter.
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  • 30 1 TOKYO, Fri.— Former Jap--inese General Kuniaki Koiso a convicted "A" class war criminal, who succeeded Tojo as Prime Minister, died on Friday at the Army Hospital here.— U.P.
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  • 96 1 LONDON. Fri. LIEUT.-GEN. Sir Harold Briggi. Director of Operations is to visit Britain later this month for consultations. Announcing this in the House of Commons today the Secretary for the Colonies. Mr. James Griffiths, said he would not attempt to conceal that progress under Gen. Briggs
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  • 76 1 TAIPEH, Fri. THE Chinese New Life Daily reported today a plan by the Chinese Communists to move armed forces against Hong Kong in synchronization with internal uprisings in the colony. The paper said the programme was drafted and approved at a recent top-level conference, probably
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  • 42 1 LONDON Fri.— Mr. L. D. Gammans. a Conservative M.P.. served notice today that he would ask the Government to consider joint diplomatic action with the United States, India and Pakistan on the Chinese Communist Invasion of Tibet. -U.P.
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  • 19 1 Two persons died of infantile paralysis in Singapore last week and five new c*u>*3 were reported;
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  • 334 1 piVE Chinese school buses carrying 19!) children 1 and teachers— were held up by 19 armed Chinese and a young Chinese woman in different parts of Singapore early yesterday morning. The Communists distributed pampnidv, to the children and got away with 51 identity cards.
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  • 18 1 ATHENS. Fri.— A new Greek Government under Mr. Sophocles Venizelos was sworn in this morning. Reuter.
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  • 105 1 Is Another World Watching Us? JpOR several years watchers across the world have been reporting strange things in the skies. They have called these mysterious sky visitants "Flying Saucers" because of their disc-like shape. Are these fascinating apparitions evidence of another world watching us? Which world could it be? Science
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  • 68 1 SAN KRANCISCO Kri The American President Lines has asked the Department of Commerce to check the cargo of the President Madison to make sure It contains no war material for Communist China The ship, scheduled to sa I tomorrow for the Communistheld ports of Taku Bar
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 199 1 UlrifiJii fjL Iff 9lie KnOWS tllO «Ra- JontataM vitamins I answer, but.... W^L v VrT^ There is something holding her back. She it fully endowed with intelligence and is well able to absorb knowledge, but ia slow to reacti and fettered by an habitual tiredness and lassitudeTeachers know the type,
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  • 292 2 MASS arrests of farmers have been ordered by East Germany's Communist Government to smash hoarding of the blighted potato crop More than 100 landholders in five states were reported jailed, and many more face arrests as alleged saboteurs. Eighteen Mecklenburg farmers received prison terms Communist officials
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  • 128 2 BRUSSELS, Fri. IT ING'S Leopold's deferred abdication, which he himself described as a "gesture of appeasement," has done little to unite the divider. Flemish and Walloon (French speaking) sections of Eri glum's population. Callt-d to the polls again in June for the third time in less
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  • 59 2 WASHINGTON, Thursday. PRESIDENT Truman said yesterday it will be a long:, long time before the United States sent an ambassador to Spain. On Tuesday, a special Political Committee of the United Nations Assembly vote d 37 to 16 to lif t the ban on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 380 2 *§oa|>ing*dulls hairHalo glorifies it! Not a »oap, RL not a cream Halo cannot leave dulling, dirt-catching Mwf at mp film! £s vkt, Hf /ut/irr a .^~a<stt JF^*^^ r/s no titfflfl UkjfXP^ tjxrial rinsi! ft i- f W y:. *//X& embarrassing dandruff from both hair and scalp! ||„lo litm- -lori..u> natural
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    • 663 2 NOTICES THE TEXAS COMPANY (CHINA) LIMITED wishes to announce that as from October 26th, 1950, they have changed the name of theli company to CALTEX (CHINA) LIMITED NOTICE SUPPLY OF DRY RATIONS TO JOHORE POLICE CONTINGENT Separate tenders arc Invited for the supply of dry rations to t.he Police at
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    • 293 2 NOTICES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, PERAK Tenders wll be received at the office of the State Enflneer. Penk up to 3.00 p.m. on 6. 11. 50. for •he supply oi Paint tor the year 1951. Information may be obtained at the office of the State Engineer. Perak BY ORDER OF THE
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    • 265 2 wNw/M m lv levers vin <-'tvo'««< \^TiW^<^^\ <"' exclusive combination, rm^i ff(Tiw\ Rc&istend key design. \SZ^V I**-'™"'" l 4'-v4 v recording. Automatic deadlock and TONIGHTS THE NIGHT 9 p.m. to 1 a."?. RAFFLES 9 p.m. to 1 am. POPPY DAY BALL MANNEQUIN DISPLAY ky MADAME THEODORE CASTILLO'S ORCHESTRA WITH ROSALIE
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  • 321 3 Says Russia Won Battles Of Bulge NEW YORK, Friday. ]y]K. Vishinsky, the Russian delegate to* the I'nited Nations Assembly, now discussing a plan to strengthen the United Nations against aggression, yesterday accused the "AngloAmerican bloc" of talking peace but actually "sharpening their knives for stabs in
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  • 137 3 U.S. MEDAL FOR DEAD COLONEL TOKYO, Fri. LT.-Colonel Charles H. Green. Commander of the Australian battalion of the British Commonwealth Brigade in Korea, who died of battle wounds last night, has been awarded the United States Silver Star Medal. The colonel was wounded in the stomach by a shell fragment
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  • 150 3 SAN JI'AN, PUERTO RICO, Friday. rjOVERNOR Munoz said last night that so far 250 Nationalists and Communists had been arrested after Puerto Rico's four-day-old revolt against American rule. He estimated that no more than 600 Nationalists and about 150 Communists throughout the island would
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 3 G£N. Sir .luhn Banding, C-in-C. British Far East Land Forces (right), assists Air Vice-Marshal C. A Bouchicr, srnior British Liaison Officer on Gen. Mac Arthurs Itafr, io jiush a jeep back on to the road while on the \v..t to the front line in Korea. Reuter picture.
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  • 147 3 E vtt MX WASHINGTON, Friday. NfcMY troops on future battlefields may be blasted with atomic weapons launched both by the army and supporting air force, the U.S Defence Department said yesterday Until now, the atomic bomb has been recognised as a weapon
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  • 122 3 PARIS, Friday. DRITAIN has had her last allotment for the time being of free dollar aid— sl7s,ooo,ooo given in mid-October usually reliable quarters close to the Marshall Plan said here last night. They stressed that this suspension, coming up for discussion at the forthcoming Anglo-American
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  • 60 3 Russians Tell Mao:NoYanko TAIPEH. Fri. J2USSIAN advisers in Com1V munist China have stopped public exhibition of China's national farm dance the "Yanko" because it is 'too nationalistic," the Kiing Lun Pao ne~>wpaper said today. However, the fiKufcin advisers told Mr. Mao Tsetung, a more suitable and international dance would oc
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  • 132 3 TOKYO. Fri. AN analysis of lessons in air strategy learned by the United States Air Forces during the Korean campaign was taken away by Air Marshal Sir Francis Fogarty. British Far Eastern Air Force Com-mander-in-Chief when he' left Tokyo this morning at the conclusion of
    Reuter-AAP  -  132 words
  • 38 3 RANGOON Fri— Burmese Government troops re-occupi-ed Ramree and Cheduba islands in the Arakan yesterday. They are the last of major strongholds to be re-taken by the Government. Troops are now mopping up. Reuter.
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  • 272 3 AYOT ST. LAWRENCE, Friday. T»HE ashes of George Bernard Shaw, mingled with tnose of his wife, are likely to join the remains of Britain's other immortals in Westminster Abbey. The great playwright, who died in this saddened Hertfordsnire village, will be cremated in London on
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  • 50 3 FLUSHING MEADOW, Fri. —There might be a slight delay in the Kashmir question coming up before the Security Council. Mr. Ales Bebler, Yugoslav President of the Council for November, said he might call the next meeting of the Council to discuss the Palestine question. Reuter.
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  • 158 3 Dalai Lama Flees From Lhasa KALIMPONG, India, Fri. ADVANCING Chinese troops have reached a point only 150 miles from Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, according to authoritative reports reaching here today. The Dalai Lama, accompanied by Regent Takta Rimpoche and the Cabinet have left Lhasa for an unknown destination, the reports
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  • 39 3 VATICAN CITY, Fri.— Pope Pius XII appealed to the Roman Catholic hierarchy today to pray that peace may be maintained without a "new armed conflict" and again deplored the persecution of the Church and its Faithful.— U.P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 90 3 SINGAPORE BADMINTON ASSOCIATION PRESENTS A GRAND BADMINTON EXHIBITION Under the Diitinguished Patronage of H.E. Sir Franklin Cimson. X.C.M.C, Admiral Sir Patrick Brind. K.C.B CBE General Sir John Harding. X.C.8., C.8.E., D.5.0.. M.C. Air Marshal Sir Francis Fogarty, K.8.E., C.8., D.F.C., A.F C AT THE HAPPY WORLD (COVERED) STADIUM Sunday, 19th
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    • 168 3 Mats YOURC/toice? 3 kinds of GORGONZOLA one is your favourite Danish Gorgonzola p£3q Italian Gorgonzola £^jJ Australian Gorgonzola COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. THE GREATEST RETURN HAPPY WORLD SATURDAY NOV. 4th YOU WILL GET WRESTLING OF A STANDARD NEVER SEEN BEFORE GEORGE DUANE KING KONG m !ift J11?J
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  • 4294 4 Decision Greeted With Burst Of Applause From Crowded Court 'Confession The Major Feature Of Case' MICHAEL Joseph Nonis, 25-year-old Eurasian. wireless operator, was found "Not Guilty" of the murder of Winnie Annie Sp*"™;. "J year-old schoolgirl, on June 29 last, when the nine-day trial concluded •^fe^.teySC'STte
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 202 4 Their Reputation ggfißfea is Universally COGNAC COURVOISIER THE BRANDY OF NAPOLEON Sols Agems for Mainya Bri r-h North Borneo Sarawak. LOW TANGCHANG LIMITED Singapore and Penang. Where friends meet to enjoy the "Cockpit's" Saturday speciality JAVA RIJSTTAFEL with Kathleen Seth entertaining a. the "Solovox" 6 7Oxley Rise. Phone 3848 TONIGHT
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  • 284 5 MEMBERS WERE PAID TO SIGN VOUCHERS, COURT TOLD From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. FORMER treasurer of the Selangor Health and Strength Association, Low Ah Thong, said in the Sessions Court, today that the president of the association paid members to sign bhink vouchers. He was giving evidence at
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  • 159 5 Wt Own nrrrtpondrnt LONDON, Sat QAPT. Bertram Brooke. Tuai Muau of Sarawak, brothei c Rajah of Sarawak, has renounced his title and rights In favour of hij eldest son Mr, Anthony Walter Dayrell Bnoke, the former Raja notice to thli effect waa given today.
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  • 173 5 Rubber: HighLevel Week TEW heights have been established in the rubber price during the past week. with wide fluctuations, says Lewis and Peats market report, issued yesterday. Short-covering has again been a b'f? tactor both in Singapore and London, but the premium for the current month above December has narrowed
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  • 102 5 ■mmemorate the Papal 1 uf the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and to relebrate the arrival of the statue of Our Lady of Futima in Singapore, a Marian exhibition will be opened at St Joseph's Institution this afternoon. res. statues. sacred objects and poems connected with
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  • 34 5 Radio Malaya will brnart. i Mt at 5.30 p.m. tomorrow thr ie ceremony of the reception ot Our Lady of Fatima at St Joscphi Institution Field Bras Basah Road Bin inoi*
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  • 103 5 From Our Stiff Correspondent PENANG. Fri. THE first Colonial Fire Bri- gade Long Service Medals to be presented in Penang since the re-occupation will be awarded to three members of the Penang Fire Brigade at the Central Fire Station on Nov. 15. Recipients are The Brigade^ Offlcer-in-Charge.
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  • 89 5 THE Muslim Welfare Asso- ciation. Singapore has appealed to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. James Griffiths, to help them to prolong the period of the house-to-house collection for the "Nadra-Adabi" Fund The letter stated that the Colony Government had "cut short" the period for
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  • 78 5 The Tenku Mahkota of Kelantan has given a radio for the use of inmates at Pengkalan Chepa Prison Camp The Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Kelantan, tias provided five extension kers to the radio which enable it to be heard by the inmates when locked ud
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  • 20 5 IAIPING. Fri Taipine "itholics celebrated All Souls Day yesterday when crowds v:sited the cemetery at Klian rail.
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  • 125 5 CHINbM V M a., oelep.' Hoad music dan, :> an pm.. body building 4 p.m.. b.isk.Mb:ili .s p tri badminton. 5.30 p.m.. film ?how 7 30 p.m. V MCA., Orchard Road. iournamrnt umpires" meeting 3 pm ib, 3 p.m.. movie circle s!:i'« 8 pjn. TH'.CA.. RarHe« Quay,
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  • 128 5 EXTEND VISAS, SAY BOARD THE Singapore Chinese Ad1 visory Board has decided to recommend to the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, to extend the period of visas required by Malayan Chinese to travel to China from three to six months. The system of visas was introduced by the Singapore Government on
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  • 64 5 A BILL to consolidate the law relating to dangerous drugs is to be introduced at the next meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council. This bill subjects chandu and opium to the same kind of control as all other drugs internationally recognised as dangeious. The new ordinance makes
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  • 31 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. The entrance examination for pupils in Malay schools in Johore seeking admittance to Engish schools in 1951 wijl be held in 10 centres in the state tomorrow.
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  • 231 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. T*Hb Malayan Chinese Association and tle Malayan Indian Congress are making elevent Ihour efforts to get more Chinese and Indians o apply for Federal citizenship. The SecretaryGeneral of the M.1.C.. Mr. K. L. Devaser, said tod iy that
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  • 30 5 •JOHORE BAHRU, Fri.— Mr ft. R. A. Bruce has been nppolnted on his return from lea?« chief Surveyor, Jo'ior^ In suctMion to Mr. K. I. llngioo, retired.
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  • 245 5 From Our Staff Correspondent miirir KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. £HIEF Inspector Yusoff bin Bagoo, prosecuting officer in the Klang magistrates court, today appeared before Inche Azmi bin Mohamad, in the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court, chared with corruply accepting $50 from a Chinese, Cheah Sang a Yu a
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  • 47 5 From Our Own Corresponded t PARIT BUNTAR. Fri. Yahaya bin Awang was nT ed $100 or two months' imprisonment in Nibong TeUal Court when he pleaded gui ty to stealing 100 pieces of Bakau wood from Hashlm bin Naina Mohamad at Batukawan Bukit Tambun.
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  • 162 5 Ex-Service Association of Singapore yesterday entertained members of the women's committee which is organising the Colony's Poppy Day Appeal. At a luncheon at the Capitol Blue Room, Mr. J.K. Gwlnnell, the president of the association, thanked Mrs. M.P. Cutler and her committee {or all they
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 5 ?fl?ii. TT f N Gar?C v£ Wee u One ,ofu, 0f u Tren ffeanu's richest men (fifth from right) who celebrated his 60th birthday recently by giving $5,000 to the Nationalist regime for relief work in Formosa and S5OO to the ChineTe school Trengganu.— Straits Times picture
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  • 83 5 A CONCERT to mark the bi- centenary of the death of Jonann Sebastian Bach will be given at the Victoria Memorial Hall in December in aid of the Singapore AntiTuberculosis Association. The orchestra, to be conducted by Mr. David Apel, will be a locally constituted string
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  • 240 5 ORITAIN'S reputation v has been enhanced 100 per cent by the part her troops played in Korea said Mr. Frank Owen, special correspondent of the London Daily Express, in Singapore yesterday. Mr. Owen, former editor of the London Daily Mail and the SEAC newspaper
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  • 65 5 From Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Fri.— A verdict of murder against persons unknown was recorded by the Johore Bahru Coroner yesterday after an inquiry into the death of Sakardjoh Limbu. a Gurkha soldier Sakardjoh was hit in the chest by a burst of Sten
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 272 5 I VJ LAST 5 SHOWS TODAY! I 1 1 T.. J 11.00-1.45-4.00-6.30 9.30 p.m L cJ^mgU\ ROWUD COLMAN V\^nl W celestiTholm WL^Vgm m vincimtpwci Plus! MARCH OF TIME: Farming Pay s Off Also Latest British Movietone News H. Af The KING OPENS HOUSE OF COMMONS TOMORROWS "BIG MUBIF^ tUT'-**^^ HCr
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  • 645 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Nov. 4, 1950. China Takes A Hand Seven weeks after the Inchon landings, peril again threatens the world in Korea. The military situation in North Korea is not as yet dangerous. But it has become uncomfortable. There have been withdrawals by United Nations forces of
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  • 290 6 Congratulations are due to the Singapore Municipal Commissioners »d their executives on opening a sub-office for the payment of water, electricity and gas bills in Joo Chiat Road for four days at the end of October. This sub-office is in a depot of the Town Cleansing Department,
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  • 201 6 Fifty Years Ago. COUGHING IN THE STABLES (From the Straits Times of Oct. 30— Nov. 1, 1900). QWING to the prevalence of Influenza at this port, it has been officially announced that the importation of horses into Penang from Singapore is prohibited for ono week from this date. On the
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  • 46 6 Photograph by Major P. D. R. Williams-Hunt. Scno, Temer aborigine* on the upper reaches of the Ylu* river m Perak build them.elve* a new bamboo raft. In Hie rapid-filled riven of Kelantan and Perak raft* form the main mean* «r transport for the aborigine*.
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  • 1391 6  -  by- Cynicus "I'M not very good at politics", said Alice. "Especially Municipal politics But I love parties. Couldn t we have another party instead?" "That's the whole point child", said the Red Queen. "We're going to have another party, only its to be a different kind
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  • 865 6 NO member <>f the European community in Malaya today—not even Dato Sir Roland Braddell— can claim so long and interesting a family connection with this country as Mr. A. W. Walllch. who leaves Singapore on retirement tomorrow His great-grandfather, Dr. Nathaniel Wallich, came to Singapore in 1822 on a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 744 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. BIRTHS KENNEDY At Kandang Kertara Singapore on 3rd. Nov. 1950. to M.irgaret (Bunty) and Norman Kinncdy, a son. HUM IM At K.K. Hospital, wife of T. A. Spillane, I: SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED EXP. ELROD Machine Operator. Box No. A2712, ST. BRITISH FIRM require Junior K ood knowledge typing,
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    • 68 6 TOP IN PRECISION! World A*< nmened. German T Z BiNuxn Bx3o BINOCULARS Distinctive Features:(1) Unrivalled for Resolution jf Details (2) No Colour Distortion. Higher Light Transmission and All Lens-surface* Anti-gbra coated (3) Highly built by the sa-nt Skilful Craftsmen and with the same Special Durable Material for Leica Cameras 14)
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    • 24 6 famous TIGER BALM collection J[ CHINKAWHITE' jM W)r WIND MIXTURE fJu Masterpiece of Distinction B Bob H |i BGW^ irngTi 9m. o* I *^m«2&?2
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  • 337 7 TRAINS TO PASS 'RED' AREA BEFORE DUSK New Time-Table From Monday From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Friday T H in^ m^ tf in t Oln Kuala Lvm P ur t0 Singapore wUI pass t rough the ■J^gj^ya^ jßiss-ig as -fes* feg tration announced today. All night trains will start
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  • 182 7 4 DEMAND that the Singapore Municipality should do something about the bird shops in Rochore Road l was made yesterday by Mrs. R. S. Clemons president of the Singapore Animal Lovers' League bne told a reporter how she L <>und a large Siamese cat living
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  • 70 7 To enable the Governor and the Governor in Council to exercise any powers con/erred by ordinance, notwihstanding delegation of such powers, two Bills are to be Introduced at the next meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council Under the existing law, once the delegation has been effected
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  • 189 7 Rubber Workers Start New Union ABOUT 150 rubber workers, most of them employed in th e Lam Choon Rubber Factory in Bukit Timah Road, have resigned from the Singapore Rubber Industry Workers' Union and formed a separate union yet unnamed. At a special meeting on Oct. 28 a 10-man committee
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  • 155 7 T»ARPAUUNS now cover most of the 94 Singapore Improvement Trust artisans' quarters which were unroofed b y the whirlwind on Thursday Public Works Department and trust labourers are repairing the damage. _L One family, less fortunate, spent Thursday night under beds and the dining-room table A
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  • 37 7 Ho Poh Low, a 31-year-old Singapore musician, travelling in a lorry with 19 others to attend a funeral procession at Changi, fell off the lorry yesterday morning and tf led on the way to hosnittl
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  • 33 7 An electrical short circuit started a small flre in a house a Upper Chin Chew Street Singapore, last night. The fire was put out before thp arrival of the Fire Brigade
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  • 23 7 Tameen. a*3o-year-old Indian, was sent from Geylang Police Station to General Hos- st nlght after reporting thugs WaS be3ten up b
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  • 12 7 The Malayan Auxiliary Air Force Ordinance came Into force yesterday.
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  • 177 7 iTom Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. IN two attacks m NEGlll SEMBILAN yesterday bundlts killed four Special Constables and a Malay driver and wounded four British soldiers and a Chinese. The Special Constables were killed when a lorry was ambushed. The. Malay driver was
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  • 111 7 T/HE wife of a Royal Air Force officer, and a man from the Naval Base left Singapore on stretchers by Qantas/8.0.A.C. Constellation yesterday for London for treatment of "suspected tropical diseases." The woman, Dr. Joan Mary Dorkins. wife of Group Captain R. C.
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  • 59 7 A 29-year-old Chinese who tr fed to cheat a conductor of a five-cent ticket, was sentenced to two months' lm&hf£ ni en tl ln the Singapore Third Poltee Court yesterday. m?^*?* C hew w y Men who D^aded guilty to cheating by h!i c i y^ ccl
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  • 18 7 inche Mohamed bin Sidin. 2 v I ns P e ctor, Singapore Police Force, has been dismissed.
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  • 18 7 me Arms Offences Ordin*n.ce of Singapore has been extended for a further 12 months from Dec. 12.
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  • 80 7 T ABOURERS working late f-* Thursday nteht cleared the stump of the Albizzia tree which had been blocking part of Irwell Bank Road for four days. o^T, *i ad y esterd ay was ut ed J or tw <>-way traffic although there was still a yard
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  • 199 7 EMPLOYERS will be asked nH b y the Singapore Clerical ti£?« Adniln l strative Workers' union to help those with modest incomes acquire their 2&S"SS2 U Illt Pa> nB h« U ?K er a scne me drawn up B»iSi c PldP I de f al
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  • 155 7 A RESOLUTION asking the n Singapore Government to subsidise housing for the lower Income group ln the Colony will be moved by Mr D. Robertson (ProgressiveSouth Ward) at the next monthly meeting of Municipal Commissioners on Nov. 30. At the Commissioners' meeting earlier this week. Mr Robertson said
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  • 100 7 —So they flew to Spore for sleep JJECAUSE it was hot in Jakarta, the captain of the The aircraft was originally scheduled to arrive at tfallan* airport from Jakarta on Thursday afternoon, but was grounded In Jakarta because of engine trouble. Fault Rectified When the fault
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  • 64 7 «i?o I IP a c nine J m^ hs old sea -e°'nff monkey hugs his Pappa," Second Officer G. Hannson of the Swedish fc°S St S.K ustb is between Singapore and Bangkok. Philip who is now completely "ship trained" has the freedom of the vessel and can generally
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  • 328 7 FATHER GRANTS SON'S COURT PLEA A FATHER who had asked the court to send his son to prison yesterday agreed to be a surety for his good behaviour after the youth had pleaded with him in court for another chance He was See Gin Gin,
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  • 47 7 2 YEARS GAOL An 18-year-old Indian, K. Ramasamy, with three previous convictions, was sentenced in the Singapore First District Court yesterday to two years' Imprisonment to be followed by two years of police supervision when convicted of criminal breach of trust of a bicycle on Sept. 2
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  • 42 7 Uew Peng Choon, 42, of Tiong Bahru Road, who was injured ln an accident with a motor car at the junction of Beach Road and Arab Street on Oct. 31, went to General Hospital on Thursday and died there yesterday.
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  • 66 7 THE Straits Times Radio 1 Weekly, which is t>n sale throughout Malaya today, is something that every listener should have beside his set. The magazine contains detailed Radio Malaya programmes and 8.8.C. and other overseas programmes. The highlights of the week are reviewed and there
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  • 370 7 Boxer Hit Beauty Queen In Taxi, To Pay T»HE triple boxing champion of the Orient, R. "Boy Brooks, was yesterday ordered to pay $50 compensation to "Miss Singapore 1949" Yvonne Peterson when he pleaded guilty in the Singapore Fourth Police Court to a charge of assaulting her in a taxi.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 73 7 aN6 O O 11 STOP OV« NO ftN^T CRC RA lf COST 1 I 1 H I MALAYAN A IRW o A T T 1 bgLU J J JJ radio with TELEFLIC" A Bush Radio Patent device fa cogßinß Short-Wave Station*. Sole Agents:E'ICHT RADIO CO 301. ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. I
      73 words
    • 53 7 y/jHE PERFECT >. i^ 7 PRESSED ff^Tl y/^ 0 FROM A SINGLS Ml T"j— SHEET OF THE FINEST /xhThandsome^n. PRODUCT WITH THE PORCELAIN w—^» "^^r ■-^rrr MADE IN ENGLAND >tsole distributors: S I M E, DARBY PISHOIE M FLINTER S GRINBERG Diamonds and Jewellery Telephone 7923 67, STAMFORD RD., (Eii
      53 words

    • 213 8  - Death of Gott— Monty is appointed WINSTON S. CHURCHILL By l SPENT all Aug. *7 visiting the 51st II ;hland Division, j who had just landed. As I went up the i stairs alter dinner at l the Embassy I met Col. Jacob. "This is bad about Gott." he said.
      213 words
    • 269 8 IT appeared that the War Cabinet had already ass :nbk>d at 11.15 p.m. on Aug. 1 to deal with my telegrams of that clay. which had just bt t", decoded. ■xsion was still proceeding upon them when a secretary came m with my i intirnirt, stating that
      269 words
    • 568 8 MONTGOMERY arrived at Eisenhower's headquarters almost immediately, and all the civilities of a meeting of this kind between the commanders of armieso 1 different nations woven into a single enterprise had been discharged. The very next morning, the Bth. Eisenhower had to be informed that Montgomery must fly
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    • 542 8 I NOW had to Inform Gen. Auchinleck that he was to be relieved of his command, and, having learned from the past that that kind of unpleasant thing is better done by writing than orally, I sent Col. Jacob by air to his headquarters with the following
      542 words
    • 313 8 ON the morning of Aug. Gen. Alexander arrived and breakfasted with the C.L G S and me. Gen. Auchinleck reached Cairo just after midday, and we had an hour's conversation, wnlch was at once bleak and Impeccable. I telegraphed accordingly. Prime Minister to Gen. Isnwj 10 Aup
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 55 8 H^ST k«*»^Bflß^kaßß^B^>*>>>>^- l|M>]t] tfoaa.^V> --T WORLD MOTOR CYCLE =SHJ= CHAMPIONSHIPS 125 c.c. Class =7 250 c.c. Class ■LF 500 c c. Class JSSS Sidecar Class S==[S3 MANUFACTURERS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 500 C.C. CLASS Awarded to Norton Motors Ltd. j|| LE 0F IT.7 14 9 50 using"n g" I /flgtftjf |j| THE
      55 words
    • 159 8 They wie/t 1111 STORK IMllpill; MARGARINE V^ Pastries, pies, c*<es— they're light as a feather and taste K^v^B I^-^CT so 00^ wnen ma d e wit^ \^Gm^*** I J*'/\ Stork Margarine. And they're AS'VRG t .MT 6 l S*^"- full of grand nourishment, for v^=-:^f\ on'y the finest ingredients /■O/J^
      159 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 385 8 TODAY'S RADIO SINGAPORE PBMAMG 10 am Nsws, Emergency News 10-10.10 a.m. 1-7.15 Pm. As irr m m nose 12 Spore; 7.15 Piano Playtime" from K.L., 10.10 Close, l- harlle Kunz and Buddy Co i e): Malay; 1 Dance Music; 1.30 News. 73 q variety; 8 "Crime, Gentlemen Weekly Share Market;
      385 words

  • 403 9 "GRIEVANCES AGAINST THE WHITE MAN" "yERITAS". m ni s letter published on Oct. 3 under the heading "An Asian On Guts", praises Europeans for their public spirit. He then goes on to say, "I hold no brief for Europeans: like most other Asians, I also have my grievances against the
    403 words
  • 50 9 reading the account I of the recent trolley bus burning in Middle Road. Singapore, one cannot help feeling what a pity there was not a Malay woodcutter travelling in the bus. If thsre had been. 11l hazard a guess It would bs KORANG TIGA. Singapore.
    50 words
  • 175 9 HOUSES IN THE AIR IN SEREMBAN npHE Government enA courages people to put up houses, yet in practice it does all in its power to defeat its own end. When one wants to build a house, one's house plan has to go through four or five Departments for approval. The
    175 words
  • 109 9 Cobwebs On His I Radio \yHY do they do these things to us? We can face fairly cheerfully the rising cost of living, income-tax and all the other hardships but this is the end. The zest has gone from life m Singapore. Monday is Black Monday once again* Thursday is
    109 words
  • 76 9 DERHAPS you will be inS. terested to note the following, referring to Sunday. Oct. 29: 30 p.m. The Voice of America announced the death of the Kinr of Sweden, 6 30 p.m. The BBC. announced that the King of Sweden had died two hour* before. p.m.
    76 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2 9
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  • 184 9 J)IOGENES himself could not have done better than "Cynicus" In his article "As I Was Saying." in the Straits Times of Oct. 28. His 'Cheapest place to live in the Federation is Khota Bahru, where a fillet steak costs 70 cents a kati ($3.14 in Kuantam" is
    184 words
  • 316 9 McNephew Takes A Crack At Mr. McNeice AUR acting Municipal President's sweeping condemnation of the "older people", to the effect that they are so sunken In their sloth, they are so used to having things done for them and not Dlaving their part m public affairs that there is very
    316 words
  • 193 9 S a. clerk who has been In the employment of Asian firms for the last 29 years, I should like to expose to the public generally, and to the local authorities specially, the kind of inhuman treatment sufTcxed by those employed by most Asian firms.
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  • 95 9 ON reading Mr. Sandison \s letter on anti-bandit tactic* hi the Straits Times of Oct. 25, although we do not know the writer and live in quite another district, we thought the letter very much to the point and his plan of counter-am-bushing excellent. In
    95 words
  • 117 9 J^ STORY m the last Issue of the Sunday Time* commented on schoolgirls who ask their friends to write sentimental love messages In their autograph books. It Is a fact that schoolgirls' do pass such love messages by strange and subtle means. Various devices and artful methods are
    117 words
  • 459 9 The Dog In The Malay Kampong 1/fR. J. R. Parbury of iTI Penang, in a recent letter, deplored that he was grieved to witness the callous attitude of some Malays towards our canine friends. He wondered if any Straits Times reader could reconcile this attitude with that of Muslims elsewhere
    459 words
  • 84 9 AS a member of the Straits Chinese British Association. I observe with considerable Interest that, after several secret meetings, former officials and members of the banned Kuomintang Party m Kuala Lumpur have finally decided to send a mission of "Overseas Chinese" to pledge loyalty to
    84 words
  • 560 9 HONOURS $410 To $1,000 PASS $210 To $500 Jl T DOING from Press correspondence and discussion among my friends, there is undoubtedly a great deal* of misunderstanding, ignorance and confusion about the respective values of a Pass degree and an Honours degree. This has oeen
    560 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 8 9 48 FT. Diesel-Engined Launch Built in Singapore Thornycroft.
      8 words
    • 117 9 ANCHOR l %M Embroidery Thread I No other brush quite like it! If. HALEX Combii., Broth 158 .moot*. Uj»r«l pluti. fdlj, did. thresh the bnge.l b «king .at th. ungle. th. ..m. tin,,, A bru.b U ginkf th. roou .nd giv. yon, hair n.w be.atyl S. lnv,gor.dng t. v, cU
      117 words

  • 318 10 LONDON. Fri. ALTHOUGH the latest news from Korea tended to restrict activity in many sections of the London Stock Exchange today it created renewed demand for commodity shares. Tins, rubbers and selected copper shares were wanted and moved higher with an increase in public interest reported. Closing middle
    318 words
  • 51 10 From O»r Ow. L O SSS .^-nt "DUBBER company dlvidetids are announced as follows: East Asiatic, six per cent, (against four previous year) Telok Merbau. 10 Der cent. Bukit ljok. Interim ny per cent. <iil> Selama. five per cent. intl). Semenyih. 10 per cent. cflr«t) distribution since
    51 words
  • 390 10 From A Market Correspondent WITH strong buying orders from London for both n Tin and Rubber shares, the local market in these sections responded Many price rises were recorded. Industrials remained steady Price quotations announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS Bayeri sellers Alex Brick* Pref
    390 words
  • 8 10 SINGAPORE, Fri., Not. S —5510.50 (up $12.50; record).
    8 words
  • 348 10 LONDON. Fri., Nov. 3.— Spot £1,065— £1,070; Forward £1,035— £1.040; Settlement £1.065. Turn -overs: a.m. 155; p.m. 40 tons. iu.mel Besi l»/3 Sungei Bidpr 40/8 Sungel KlnU 15/3 1 Sungei Way 2 30 raiping Consoi I.1S rakuapa Valley 1«/S 1 Tanjoni Tin 11/J Tekka
    348 words
  • 173 10 Singapore Rubber RUBBER recovered three R cents alb. in price in the Singapore market yesterday. First-grade November buyers bid $1.99 a lb., against the $196 recorded at Thursdays Trading was done at around the same levd. of the previous day after the market opened, but later prices fluctuated Between $3
    173 words
  • 33 10 LONDON. Nov. 3 -Spot s»*d Dec. 59d, Jan.-Mar. 53 ',d. Apr £me 43d. July-Sept. 38d norn Nov elf 57d Nov.-oec c.i t. 38c nom. r^c.-Jan. c.i.f. 51' 2 d. Market Easier.
    33 words
  • 19 10 In U.S. cent* per lb. closing nominal: j Nov 2 IRS.S. Nov. 6800 69.00 Market: Easjr
    19 words
  • 66 10 From A Market Correspondent A small volume o> business was reported in the copra section of the Singapore produce mtincM yesterday at $43 s i a plcul. The tons was slightly easier with buyers at $43* sellers quoting Coconut oil was slightly firmer with sellers asking $72 a
    66 words
  • 28 10 HONO KONa, Krl. FREE market currency exchange tot Hong Kong dollarj quot«d today as follows: Oa»l HKJ63S: £1 HK$l6; on« tael of gold HKI297— U J.
    28 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 984 10 MANSFIELD tfi CO., LTD. imcoiaoietec in jirigaoore) r BLUR FUNNEL LINE jssTSisnss: sat ass a 1u» Sails P Sham Ptnant "SSSTJaJS I l^**^ N.V.12/.J I r^....CM/ N... 7 x '■^v^^. 4*l^/!*4 1^/!* Nov. 4 Nov. 5/6 London Holland^ Nm n Nov 16/ iT Nov. 18/ 1 1 »,le««Vo?Gtno«. Marseille* -—.I
      984 words
    • 294 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS ,0.. .ho maaan&r* ky lk a?. P,« lohnsort JON.v./4Oee. 5/^ Bt< M/IS O« p« M.nro. 24/2rD«e 26/27 O.«. SSJ&STMm 17/18-N.v. "Nov. «,22N.v AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES. LT* ONION BUILOINC TIL 3821 Port«nham 6 P.nang Agcnti^ Sim. Oarbv C. LYKES ORIENT LINE direct rr HOUSTON «FW ORIIANS
      294 words
    • 317 10 EAST ASIATIC LIME SAILINGS «0M SCAMOINAVnA/O-K./CONTmiNT, p#n^ n>Mk«b«" tor Banakok 14-16 N«*. H«4*Z" tor ligon 6 Bangkok H-20 N.» HS'St^ WHS fate 'Malacca' for Bangkok. Manila fof Ban^, k UM«"f6' CONTWCNT/SCANDINAVIA r« Colombo Aden Part Said. Canoa. Antwerp, Rotterdam r e#l H.ibS« Oslo. Cth.nbur, Copenhagen S'oore r» Sham iT Part
      317 words
    • 681 10 McALISTEH 6c CO.. LTD. Ttltpn'oft* N« 7906 CUIHMAD UUCH.NALL ICfcAV FM«S» LONDON. HAVRE. ANTWERP Lo> ANGELES »AN J"*^'^ 0 ROTTEROAM HAMBUKC PORILAND SEATTLE 6 VANCOUVIW Accepting car no toi Centra' South ano t<M UIA Norm Atlantic Hot t» Atn«fican Ports and Canada v,. Colombo CASTLE VIU» t.» CITT Or HIRKINHIAD
      681 words

  • 639 11 6 Months Since Bill Introduced By THE SPORTS EDITOR LIOW long is soon? In Singapore Government circles "soon" is of varying duration. When Government requires something from the public— like income tax— soon can be quick, but when Government is the giver, soon is slow.
    639 words
  • 270 11 S'gor Trades Weight For Speed Our Rugby Reporter KUALA LUMPI'R, Fri. rpWO forwards, Wals1 worth-B ell and Wright-N oot h. who showed good form in yesterday's Selangor State Rugby trial, have been surprisingly dropped from the team to play Penang in H.M.S. Malaya competition tie at Penang on Nov. 11.
    270 words
  • 99 11 N.S. Blues Get Ready For S' pore BEWmtBAII. Fri.-Neuri Sembllan Al. u;s .*'i" pp a> tlleir flrs Cup match Singapore Asians Id Singapore In preparation for this match ana u> se.ect a strong side the Negri AI. I ups. who recenUy defeated a strong ■•:iiisel UJonif side wti: play a
    99 words
  • 77 11 LONDON, Prl Ascot racinp nuthoritits disclosed yesterday they are o^anlsing a world '■hampionship horse race with he richest purse in British history to mark 1951 Festival of :lnln. Er.sjes are to be invited from 'c United States Teland, South Avtica, Canada, Australia. New '.ealand,
    AP  -  77 words
  • 89 11 KUAL* LUMPUR Fri— Colours beat Whites six-one in a Selangor women's hockey trial on the P. W. D. Sports Club ground this evening. Owing to a heavy shower of rain an hour before the game, the ground was slippery and play did not come up to
    89 words
  • 104 11 Rupert and the Dragon Pills— 38 whfn Ri-.ptn and the pel dragon are sjfely IMs id, the rocket aiiichni.?m the Mandarin .stands well Dick. The *teps are removed by Ihe chief mmum who then fetches i torch tied to i long pole. Lighting the torch, he thrusts at the fuse
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  • 288 11 mm Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Fri. TOMORROW when the English College Rugby XV play Raffles Institution in Singapore, they will be half way through with their programme of return matches with Singapore schools. Their first return match, v/as asainst Victoria School, at J..>.inre Bahrn
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  • 346 11 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A PIRUZ, just back from his Indian tour, and Chan Kon Leong, Malayan Thomas Cup player, fought a grim duel in their singles tie in the Selangor open badminton championships last night. Piruz, displaying remarkable form,
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  • 31 11 Singapore Cricket Club defeated Cable and Wireless S.C. by two goals to nil in a hockey match played on the padang yesterday. Devonport and Copley were the goal-getters.
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  • 148 11 SINGAPORE Recreation Club 2nd XI scored a three-one victory over Ceylon Sports Club 2nd XI in a hockey match played on the Padang yesterday. Recs had complete control of the game from the start. In the fifth minute Martens opened scoring after a fine H<cs move.
    148 words
  • 132 11 jy^EDICALS players and supporters were agog yesterday morning over the reports which appeared in the local newspapers concerning the annual InterFaculty Medicals Dentals rugger match at Sepo- Lines on Thursday. The reports stated that Dentals had won this year's encounter by six points (penalty and try) to
    132 words
  • 51 11 Bendimeer Athletic Club will be represented In friendly soccer game against Kian Yong XI tomorrow at Outram School ground by the following: Kwanp Tow; Mun Pun. Kong Guan; Siong Poh, Tut Taw, Kut SOy, Cher Miang, Weng Kee, Pak Kan, Ah Ngan, T B. Sim. Referee:—Mr. FoLg Un
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 334 11 cjyK^x today' 11. 14j is 645 &9.30 pm YOU'LL SCREAM!... YOU'LL GASP!!... tVCRY THRILLING SECOND OF MANS GREATEST HOUR!! :^^^WKrfrTnS7u Ft 'M P Br m mJrTf l II M ■f jEm. iff Mr i w iff f r'f Jim HBi 'Wfnrn« immFi tmttf UOTO MtOOn OSA MAISIN JOHN IMltf NOAM
      334 words

    • 167 12 NEVADA ran i pretty useful race against Frog over 7f. at iC L. in August. He was well up ivlth the leaders until Frog raced ast him to win In a canter. At !he finish Nevada was third by thr^e and a hal: lengths. Frog Has since won
      167 words
    • 127 12 MAM USE pi>: vp two fairly gcod performances at Ipoh in July when.' third by a short ■lead and lentuh to Peter Con avsr 6f. and second by a length mU a hall t<* Fair v\erK ever '9.0. On the weUlits Mamuse should have the beating ot Faif
      127 words
    • 116 12 EVENING JLHar showed a return to fcrrrt in his last outing at Penan? in August when he finished third by a length to Loch Clyde over 's 1 2r. Earlier In the season Evening Star outsped n fairly good lot by three and ;> half' lengths over 11.
      116 words
    • 147 12 OBVIOUS pkk on form are Bright Mengsem? and Jaunty. Briuht ■Menj.seng's form figures read 2412| At K.L. in June loosed out Pratfhn' over *W. with Biz and he far from being disgraced when; he was well beaten by Amusement over 6f. at K.L. In August, lor Amusement scored
      147 words
    • 313 12 Held on the outside with a welltimed run, uut fifty yards out Billy Carol responded to Ayres' vigorous riding and he came on again to snatch the race from Steel Billy Carol is irr rare form and it will take a pretty useful top class horse to beat
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    • 23 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri There was more heavy rain here today and the going will be yielding at best for tomorrow's races.
      23 words
    • 169 12 HERE i.-. a knotty problem. Almost every horn merits consideration on rTfnt form. Nachteiaal up?et Ricksmead ->ver s'jf at Penanz in August; Kskama ran a good second to Cold Wave over 7f. in his last -ittempt a* Pernns in August: PratUln' scored cleverly over "f Tt Prnang 'n
      169 words
    • 131 12 field Plate should atone tot nis recent defeats at Penang. 1 thought this full-brother >.i j;'.ec\:-oplate needed a race when ,ie was soundly beaten by Craigmcunt over 61. He gave an Improved showing over 11.. finishing a jrood third to Co.d Wave af'<" making mest of the running.
      131 words
  • 44 12 Only one ti>- Will be played oH tht; neektnd in the Singapore Badmintoi Ajsuciation < liampionships: Today at 1 :f0 p.m.: Junior Inter cub isemi-flna.i Mayflower v Bourne mouth. Tournament omcial. Franci: Pereira Umnire: M-ili Bah Chee. Re feree: Scab Vim 1 Kliern
    44 words
  • 102 12 ronvv SOCCER: Asian* turopcans. J.IUII Be»ar HOIKr.Y: O.vlolirsc S.C R.A.». MaJaya. Chanji; Hbals* Awn. Johurc Crlchrl Club. b« Oeorfe > SDOOni Sii. B.A.*. Chan»! Pad»ng; «i.M.Q tarrlf X.A.X Juborr H.t C Jobore; K.I. v J.t.C. Ul and md XVs. B.I.: K..%.»- Ten eah ?nd XV v K.A.I. Ch^l
    102 words
  • 129 12 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY ACE 1 2.45 NEVADA Bonnie Grey Te Tmkl NORTH WELL Bonnie Grey Nevada BONNIE GREY Te Takl Nevada RACE 2 3 .15 MAMUSE Miss Linor Loch Clyde MISS LINOB Wination Fair Week MISS LINOB Fair Week Wination RACE 3 3.45 EVENING STAR Our
    129 words
  • 412 12 THE card of events for today's races uill T Tumpu. is given below. Double totjsw.ll be Races Three and Four, and Six and S-ven. ME Sweep wind" Race Seven^ ,M,, c r P E. K. Llm *ox °0°3 000 0 SST Vm M- O v Leon, Chve
    412 words
  • 285 12 PENANG, Fri— Perak Turf Club's policy of offering high stakes for Class one and two horses and cutting down those for other classes may affect small owners. This was declared by Mr. Ong H-Jck Lim, Penang Turf Club preident at the Club's Annual Genera)
    285 words
  • 255 12  -  JACK FINGLETON By Brown Stands Down With Injured Finger Former Australian Test Cricketer MELBOURNE, Friday. PRICKET history was made today when, for the first time since M.CC. took over international tours, a professional, Denis Compton. captains an English side in his own right. It was
    255 words
  • 520 12 MCC 143-2 Before The Rain MELBOURNE, Frl. MEETING the strongest opposition of the tour so far, the M.C.C. had 143 on the board for the loss of two wickets on the opening day of their four-day match against Victoria here when rain stopped play shortly after tea Len Hutton and
    Reuter  -  520 words
  • 46 12 The following will represent University of Malaya against Teachers Training College at Rugby at Sepoy Lines today. A. Rajaretn mi, Swee Leong. Sip Hon, KasseinJ Zakaria. Menon, Tze Fook, Andrew Chew. Jerry Tan, Tejah Sin h. Mayo. Peter Wong Teong Ohee, de Bruyne, Sinthamaney.
    46 words
  • 88 12 OIK ties in the Singapore V.M.C.A 43 tennis championship tournament *ere piayed yesterdKy. Full results are: MEN'S SINfiI.ES: C K. Loll beat Lieut -Col. Mo'.yncix 3-6. 7-5. 6-1. HEN'S "B- SIMiLKs: Hurry Wee beat Jumal 8-6. 6-3; I ieut.-Col. N. I- Bower beat Ibrahim .K.ncld 2-6. 6-3. 6-J;
    88 words
  • 74 12 THE Singapore Amateur Football Association charity six-a-side knockout soccer competition starts tomorrow at Jalan Besar stadium. The tournamtnt will continue for a week. Preliminary round ties »re as lolioxs TOMORROW: N.n.i. C-la-C Bt»O KB, V Tllters S.I. ItlilWrj H,..p:' XXX v S. District Slrs; S M.W.U I OOHMI
    74 words
  • 131 12 TACK FINGLETON, the Australian Test cricketer, who will report on the forthcoming Test series between Fnglinrl and Australia exclusively for the Straits Times in Malaya. Fingleton, a pre-war contemporary of Sir Donald Bradman, is the only Australian to have scored four hundreds in successive Test
    131 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 689 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued trum pagt 6) I TUITION BEGINNERS Bk-Kecplng Ac- ,cy. English maths.. M I VII pre-senior advanced, typ:,orthnnd theory/speed. Admissions open secretaryship, taw ,iea oaves spring l»->' PX m CV.M.A Scnool ot Com »6 Bras Bas*h Road_ sn uv Accounting. "-"I*. Tvptm 'new machines). Sh*nd. Math.. need exiiert
      689 words
    • 1 12
      1 words
    • 25 12 Walchei Enlarged >7^i aii nil I vl>^^*^<. -sV -^>^ Sole Agents:— E. NASSIM SONS, 381, North Bridge Road. Singapore. Wotc/i merchants /or over 40 years .471.
      25 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 29 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 323 "3 0) and 4.45 p.m. (7.3 V 10.46 <5.8). TOMOBROW: 7.31 a.m. (7.2' and C.29 i 7.4): -2.0G a.m (2.9< and 12.5'; pui 'S3!.
      29 words