The Straits Times, 15 September 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 444 1 U.K. WILL FLY TROOPS TO KOREA Planes To Land In Singapore TOKYO, Thursday. IJRITISH troop reinforcements for Korea are to be flown to the Far East almost immediately, the Air Ministry announced today. Royal Air Force Hastings transport planes, each carrying about 33 men, will leave an F station in
    Reuter  -  444 words
  • 192 1 WHEN Admiral Sir Patrick Brind, completes the normal term M Commander-in-Chief of the Far East Station at the end of this year, he will be succeeded by Vice-Admiral the Hon. Guy Herbrand Edward Russell. Admiral Russell was: b tea In 1898 Be went to
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  • 50 1 CAPETOWN. Thurs. Mr. Bant Kahn. South African >■. f who bat as a Communist, said lust night that he vcted tv remain in pjrliament as an Indepeni l'.ie Suppression of Comi,i inism Act, recently passed, It impossible for him ntinue to sit as a Comi'i misi. he said
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  • 58 1 WASHINGTON, Thurs The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions is to set up information centres throughout SouthEast Asia, Including one in Singapore, Mr. Gordon Chapman, one of the delegation which recently visited Singapore said here today. The project for the centres has yet to be approved
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  • 25 1 TAIPEH, Thurs. The Formosa postal authorities have announced that an air mail parcel post between Formosa and Japan would start next Wednesday. Reii-ter-AAP.
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  • 340 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thursday. A FORMER acting Chief J'mi^r in Malaya, Sir Norman Whuiry, will become the father-in-law of a relative of the Royal Family, when his only son, Peter, marries Lady Mary Cambridge, only daughter of the Marquess and Marchioness of
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  • 60 1 TILRURY. Thurs. The M.C.C. team sailed for Australia this afternoon in the liner Stratheden. Fit. Brown, the captain, In a newsreel speech, said he had a strong team and hoped to bring back the Ashes. The team will take things easy on the first week of the
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 23 1 VATICAN CITY, Thurs. Vatican sources announced last night that about 300 Catholic priests are held in Yugoslavia gaols without trial.— Reuter.
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  • 180 1 RAF Ensign WillHangln Cathedral rWRiNO the Bottle of Bri1/ tain Thanksgiving Service In St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, on Sunday an R.A.F. Ensign will be presented to the Cathedral authorities and dedicated by the Bishop of Singapore. Rt. Rev H. W Batnes In due course the Ensign will take Us place—
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  • 102 1 LONDON, Thurs. 'J'HE Prime Minister Mr. Clement Attlee, announced today that the Government was going ahead with its plans to nationalise the British iron and steel tndagtry. Mr. Winston Churchill. Opposition leader, at once gave notice that the Conservatives would put forward a
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 44 1 SYDNEY. Thurs —The Australian Cricket Board of Control today decided to Invite the West Indies to tour Australia in the 1951-52 season. The lour is subject to the approval of the Imperial Cricket Conference in London. Reuter- A. A. P
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 23 1 TEHERAN, Thurs. Nine persons including an RAF pilot died here torily in the crash of an Iranian Airways plane— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 1 EXHAUSTED after two day, burtad 72* feet underground this miner one of llfi saved after the pit subsidence at New Cumnock, in Scotland is helped to in ambulance after reaching the surface. Thirteen men were not rescued and wrre- presumed dead. A.P. picture. I
    AP  -  46 words
  • 152 1 I'rum Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK. Thurs. rE Siamese Premier, Field Marshal Phibun Songgram, told the Siamese cabinet today that military, air and naval bases in Slam will be made available to the United States In the event of Communist aggression against this country. Marshal Phibun,
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  • 145 1 A 24-YEAR-OLD labourer employed at No. 3 SubDepot. Alexandria, A tan bin Mohamed. last night broke open a burning shop in Arab Street and began to pour buckets of water on bales of blazing: cloth. The Fire Brigade arrived a few moments
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  • 46 1 1.l KNOW, Thurs. I UCKNOW city and suburbs are under a reign of terror from wolvrs and hyenas which have killed 14 children in the last few days. Villagers prevented packs of at least 20 animals from carrying chiMren away. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 33 1 The Australian MlnlsU-r lor Commerce and Agriculture, Mr. J. McEwen. arrived In Singapore yesterday by QEABOAC Constellation en route to London to attend the Commonwealth wool conference. which begins next week.
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  • 358 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Thursday. IN the House of Lords debate on defence today Lord Swinton, a former Secretary of State for the Colonies, criticised the supply of ruhln-r to Russia. He declared a country had the duty to control supplies when Britain
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  • 153 1 U.K. Orders For Tyres Help Rubber From Our Own t'urrmpund'-nl LONDON Thur» MUCH Jt the none strength of the ratoer nnarkec na.s oet*n due to < tinned New York buyin-, i.i London and the placing f orders lor <-arly dr livery nt military tyres by the Unite l Kingdom Government
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  • 27 1 TOKYO. Thurs— Mr W R. Hodgson, Commonwealth renresentative on the All 1 Council for Janan. lea-es tor a tvo-day t.vir of Kor-a tomorrow— Renter, AAP.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 41 1 UOIES'WRISTWATCKES Suitable for Any occasion G. C.deSILVA& BROS., Jeweller*. S. Bkflirs PUre. B'iwre. •Phon« MIIS ■gamm Sj Hb !WS Misters REPRESENT TOLLEY Scon TOLLEY LTD. Distillers of the Famous TOLLEY'S BRANDY "The Old Favourite" "Tahu Sama Tahu" Phona Import Dept. 7257
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    • 5 1 {■rB^LfS Ksbiml LrSS Established 1883
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 282 2 MADRID, Thursday. CEVERE new police regulations regarding swimming costumes have banished the modern swim suits which made their appearance in Madrid for the first time this summer. Men must In future wear full size bathing costumes. The only concession made is that male bathers may
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    • Article, Illustration
      23 2 MRS fcUGENIE And-r'on who has been appointed I.S. Ambassador to Denmark, the first American woman with that rank. I SIS picture.
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    • 49 2 ACCRA. Thursday. SALES of perfumed British hair oil are booming in Africa. The United Africa Company says in its monthly trade review: "The native* of the Gold Coast spread the hair dressing on bread and eat It with great relish. The rea•on is unknown." A.P.
      AP  -  49 words
    • 27 2 SOLDIER ANTI- WAR LONDON. Thurs.— A British soldier was sentenced to two months' gaol yesterday for shouting anti-war slogans outside an American Service club In London. Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 832 2 SHERIFF'S SALE Ir. Ihe High Court of the Colony of Singapore Execution No. 114 of 195t Bull No. 5M of 195* Hup Thye Co.. Plaintiffs. versus Chla Boon Hoe. Defendant. AUCTION SALE OF Office Furniture comprising:— Teak writing desks, typewriting tables, showcases, standard chair*, I wall clock, law books, iron
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    • 374 2 RAFFLES LIBRARY A Sale of Magazines and Periodicals Purchased for the Library between July and December of this year will be held at N« the Übrary on Friday, 15th September, 1950, at 5 p.m. 1 NOTICE ea Wil M From 7.00 a.m. on Sunday Or 17 th September the telephone
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    • 766 2 r Ncxncas i» THE SINGAPORE- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ELECTIONS ORDINANCE. 1947. 1 (No. 24 OF 1947) .(location under Section IS (2). Notice is hereby riven that Lists f and "B" for the Electoral s strict of Municipality NORTH i IST prepared in accordance c th Section 15 (1) of the Singa-
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    • 748 2 t rHfc. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ORDINANCE, 1048. (No. 2« OF 1948) I'otitlcation nnder Section U (t) Notice Is hereby given that List:. 'A" and "B" for the Electoral Yard of Municipal NORTH irepared In accordance with ectlon IS (1) of the Municipal Elections Ordinance, 1948, are otnpleted and that the Electoral
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    • 136 2 SCHAFFHOUSE (SWITZERLAND) 1011 I f/fifr?nj^m^.ivt^hi-WS Acinrt mcmßcmammm^Maamaßm TOPS ALL WAR PICTURES Wwayne [ff7 SANDS of A 'if IWO JIMA (A Republic Picture) mS^f They're Tough They're Rugged. W THE MARINES GREATEST HOUR. ST PRE-PREMItrRE MIDNIGHT TOMORROW Fenturinit The Three Survivors of the Historic Flag Raising on Mt. Suribachi. fcMi perfect
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  • 332 3 Big Three To Appoint One Commander NEW YORK, Thursday. jMIE Big Three Foreign Ministers have agreed at their meetings in 'New York to appoint a supreme North Atlantic commander for the defence of West Europe. They also agreed on a complete reorganisation and simplification of the
    Reuter; AP  -  332 words
  • 200 3 BURMESE ALLEGE TREASON RANGOON. Thurs. fTHL US citizenship of Dr. 1 Gordon S. Seagrave. who taught disease in North Burma for almost a quarter ot a century, will not save him from a Burmese high treason charge, it was disclosed omclally today The ailing 53-year-old American, whose professional skill saved
    AP  -  200 words
  • 48 3 LONDON Thurs -Britons will spend about £20 million this yeai on food for their «'Uht million cats, reports the National Canine Defence League. A League official said: We found some people spend U, a week on food for their cats."— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 24 3 RANGOON Thurs.— Burma agreed to sell Indonesia 150.000 tons of rice at £40 a tun in a contract signed here Vf.sterday.— Reuter.
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  • 179 3 Eisenhower Suggested As C-in-C NEW YORK. Thurs pENERAL Dwight Eisenhow- er. who led the Western armies to victory against Hitler, was being prominently mentioned here today for the post of Supreme Commander of Western European defence forces agreed upon by the "Big Three" Foreign Ministers Gen. Eisenhower, who is now
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 57 3 SHANGHAI, Thurs. The Wangtien rail-vay sta.ion, on the line oetween Shanghai and Nanking, has chalked up a perfect record of 355 day's without a mishap. Such an achievement, the Communist authorities said, should bi rewarded v.'ith prizes: To th* station— a silk banner. To the station
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  • 28 3 BOMBAY. Thurs. Dibrugarh, North Assam, shook yesterday in a nine-minute earth tremor more violent than the four-minute earthquake of Aug. 15. Extensive dania^f i.s feared. A.P.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 78 3 SANTE FE, New Mexico. Thurs. MR Patrick J Hurley, ITI former U.S. Ambassador to China, yesterday forecast VS. recognition of Communist China when General George C. Marshall becomes Secretary of Defence. Mr. Hurley said that the Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Acheson. "with the support
    AP  -  78 words
  • 44 3 SHATTERED KI'SSI AN- BUILT T. 34 tank smoulders by the side of a Korean road as United States infantry and vehicles which smashed It drive on in a counterattack on the Yongsan sector of the Naktong river front. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  44 words
  • 280 3 LONDON. Thursday. MR. WINSTON, Churchill, Conservative Opposition leader, last night tabled a motion in the House of Commons urging a ban on the export from Britain of strategic raw materials "that would add to the war potential of possible aggressors." Backed by other Opposition leaders, the
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • 45 3 LONDON. Thurs.— The National Trust announced yesterday that it had received a "priceless art collection as a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Anthony De Rothschild. A National Trust .spokesman said that its value "could not be computed In money." A P
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  • 145 3 ™«rw« t AMMAN, Thursday. JORDAN has told Britain, France and the United States she will meet an alleged Israeli violation of her territory by force unless Jewish troops withdraw, usually reliable sources said here today. Usually reliable sources said Jordan, which complained to the
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 64 3 HONG KONG, Thurs.— The Foreign Young Men's Christian Association in Shanghai has closed down, according to the latest arrivals from Tientsin. On* of Shanghai's loading sports and social institutions for foreign youths for the past 20 years, it was sariously hit by the steady exodus of
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 35 3 LUTON, Thurs. ULAYWRIGHT George r Bernard Shaw left his bed for the second time today in the hospital here where he was operated on for a broken thigh bone. Reuter.
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  • 158 3 WASHINGTON. Thursday. AFTER the Australian Minister f'»r External A/Fairs, Mr. Percy Spender, had discussed a Pacific Pact with President Truman, he said: "We don't see why some arrangement similar to the North Atlantic Pact should not be possible in the Pacific." I Mr.
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  • 134 3 TOKYO, Thurs. T<HE Argyll* and Middlesex free beer is safe. So is the beer for all other United Nations troops fighting In the frontlines of Kwu. It Is no longer berag paid for by the United States Government as part of the ration, but
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  • 241 3 U.S. MOVES TO CLEAR WAY FOR MARSHALL WASHINGTON, Thurs. OROMPT Congressional approval of General George Marshall's appointment as Defence Secretary seemsd likely yesterday. The Senate Armed Services Committee voted 10 to 2to waive legal obstacles to the appointment The Senate is expected to act today. Senator Millard Tydings, the Armed
    Reuter  -  241 words
  • 48 3 MELBOURNE, Thurs— The Victorian State Government yesterday announced a ban J on new Indu.i'r.f > in the Melbourne Metropolitan area "because of war risk." Mr. J. C. B. McDonald, State Premier, said the decision wag taken on the recommendation of the Commonwealth military authoririties. Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 105 3 £0P you Jp&td w> If you want to save money and who doesn't these days? have some of our under-a-dollar fish every week. There are several delicious yet cheap fish you've probably never tried. Ask the counter assistants to tell you about them. GOOD CHEAP FISH COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold
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  • 80 4 ")ME American neivsr» paper correspondents I photographers in .^rea carry carbines and automatics "to kill themselves in case of imminent capture,' Mr. Hayicood Magee, London Picture Post photographer, said yesterday morning. He added that they "preferred to end their own lives rather than become the victims of
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  • 35 4 from Oin Sir Correspondent SEREMBAN. Thurs— Yap Sai Wan. aced 23. wife of a Chinese detective, living in Market Lane. Seremban. died early today after being wounded in the chest. Police are investicaiing.
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  • 695 4 REDS MADE SAME MISTAKE AS GERMANS IN LAST WAR WAR CORRESPONDENT BACK FROM KOREA SAYS.... THE first war correspondent to return to Singapore from the Korean front, Picture Post's veteran photographer Haywood Magee, said yesterday that "war in that corrugated, dusty peninsula is the grimmest I have ever experienced". And
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  • 73 4 AN application from the Singapore-Johore Express Limited to operate a special bus service from Johore Banru to the Singapore Turf Club course at Buklt Timah, has been approved by a Municipal Committee, the Straits Times understands In their application, the company told the Commissioners that it was
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  • 275 4 A I STRALIA'S Minister for Commerce and Agriculture. Mr. John McEwen. arrived in Singapore yesterday afternoon by QEA-BOAC Constellation on his way to two important conferences in London. One of the conferences is that of the International Wool Study Group: the other is a meeting
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  • 70 4 AIARIA Hertogh, the 13- year-old Dutch girl, who married a Malay school teacher yesterday received the first contribution of $423 from the "Nadra Adabi Fund" organised by the Muslim Welfare Association in Singapore. This was collected by a Malay nexespaper in the. Federation. The Muslim
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  • 102 4 'EQUAL CHANCE' MOVE A PUBLIC Commission Inquiry into the method of engaging seamen in Singapore will open at the Victoria Memorial Hatt tomorrow. A Government statement says it is considered that in a port like Singapore seamen of all nationalities should feel that the same opporfunilies for obtaining employment are
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  • 146 4 Triplets In S'pore—B ut Only One Survive ASMAH, the 27-year-old wife of a General Hospital peon, who gave birth to triplets— all girls on Monday night, was a very disappointed woman yesterday. Two of her babies died soon after birth. They were all bora within a few minutes of each
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  • 41 4 From Oar SUB Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The Inmates of the leper camp near Johore Bahru will have a gala day on Saturday when their new club house is opened by Mrs. Hodgkinson, wife of the British Adviser. Johore.
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  • 76 4 From Our Matt < rrespondent MALACCA, Thurs. yilE wedding of Miss Marie Ernestine R<><lruu«-s and Michael Cameron Cole, which was to have taken place on Saturday, has had to be t-iilßd off. Mr. Cole was ambushed i in Ne<ri Sembilan yesterday while making his last round
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  • 160 4 •JWC following were among tliose who arrived at Xallang airport. Singapore, vrrterdajr. pa«--•enan-s In transit areintot loeloded in the li«t. i R I M. From Aau'eicMn: Miai C. M WUBanw. Tram Home: Mn Ruaaf Yue Wei. Miss lifndeU Huang, Mr. Hi,. I ai, Ifl Huang Chong. From
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 188 4 ALWAYS Asfi> POPUIAR WILLS'S GOLD FLAKE CIGARETTES W. D. H. O. WILLS BRISTOL LONDON i (Mil ftSSHBH^fI Whatever ihe tn.?*moinrler reads, it s always cooler to sle.-p on a Uuniopillo V.atirtss. Tiny inter-conneoting cells :n DiiMiopillo Late-x P9mM allow air to circulate freejy throughrut us structure ana |n keep the
      188 words
    • 349 4 I Special Offer From TODAY For 2 WEEKS ONLY GRAND REDUCTION FUR COATS ■V CAPES 4£Sjfe4^Svy 30% Reduce*/ Prices J^B Wm I|[» C Iden opportunity for '^^F -^v k i thoie going bone P^ml vßbMkiP'' Theie prices will not be l^jfl |£fl VI W> repeated a^ain H V* Coats and
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  • 224 5 LIM SUNG WON'T GO BACK r PHE Social Welfare Department will try to persuade crippled Lim Sung, 30-year-old daughter of Grandma Ong Kirn. to return to hospital for a thorough examination. She left the hospital on Tuesday evening to go back to her hut at Changl. Mr. W. S. Woon,
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  • 78 5 HUSSEIN bin Loh, aged 38 of Malacca, was cautioned and discharged in the Singapore First District Court yesterday for failing to produce his identity card to a constable at New Bridge Road on Wednesday. Hussein told the court that he had made a report of the loss
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  • 46 5 V 30. of Soran?oon Ri't'l. whn pleaded guilty to theft of one yard of canvas rrom the military depot In Alexandra Road, was sentenced ln the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday to six weeks' imprisonment and 12 months' polic* supervision.
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  • 25 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Trhirs.The Education Department Is Planning a refresher course f.-r science t >achera of Ctol- s» middle schools ln the i oderaUoa
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  • 397 5 MALAYAN POPULATION UP 84,777 Biggest Rise Is In Federation MALAYA'S population is still rising. At the end of June this year, it totalled 6,244,968— an increase of 84,777 over the estimated figure at the end of last year. Singapore's estimated population had risen by P. 017 to 1,015,453, while the
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  • 28 5 KOTA BAHRU. Thurs. Mr. W. D. Yates. O.C. of the Kelantan C.1.D.. has left Kota Bahru on home leave. His successor has not been appointed.
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  • 79 5 rN bovt of the Bukit Timah Boys Home, Singapore, are building a brick house on the grounds of their home, to serve as bakery and laundry-shop. With the help of the Public Works Department, who gave technical advice, these boys have laid the foundation
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  • 282 5 •fIFTS" worth more than $1,000 which had sud- denly flowed on him were refused yesterday by Mr. Chan Teck Cheng, chief clerk of Scott and English (S.E.A.) Ltd., Singapore, because they all had "cash on delivery" forms attached to them. Thpy included a lawn mower a
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  • 250 5 HELP FOR ASSAM QUAKE VICTIMS rIE Singapore branch of the British Red Cross has launched an appeal, under the patronage of the Governor. Sir Franklin Gimson, for relief goods for the Assam earthquake victims. A relief committee to encourage contributions has been formed under the
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  • 44 5 From our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. Ibrahim, the driver of a motorboat at Sri Medan. was flned $40 at Batu Pahat for carrying four passengers in excess of his licence and another $10 for using the boat without a competent helmsman.
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  • 122 5 'ADVOCATE FORCE OF LOVE' BISHOP From Oar Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Thurs. "T ET ii s advocate and propagate the force of love," said Bishop Raymond L. Archer, the newly-elected Methodist Bkhop for SouthEast Asia, at a reception for him and his wtfe by Malacca Methodists last night. Bishop Donald Tippet,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 162 5 PRE-WArV^is^^ PAC QUALITY UNCHANGED BUTTER Now available from all leading provision dealers Voy hj»« j chstcc ot >»cli, paraffin or dicwl. urn I Brawn inbuilt power lirt, .l^^mKT^l C^V^^» 9 iw»!«m*iir«. all prcc.uonj^Mß^^Kv \^_^^T tr bjilt for your *x.ict fwß/f^y, > \tl V-^fc^ *u»cm«ntt. Then *<c ttit j fl^V^^* JM
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 62 5 AVANI SATHI RTHi. Sri Senpaga Vlnayagar Temple. 19. Ceylon Road. 5 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. V.M.C.A.. Orchard Itoad. Life Ouard Corps committee meeting. 5.15 p.m.. CHINESE V.M.C.A.. Selegie Road, basketball, 5.30 p.m. mouth organ class. 7 p.m. PAYA LEBAR MYF. social. Methodist Church. Paya Lebar. 8 p.m. Y.W.C.A.. Malay beginners
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  • 39 6 MRS. J. R. DUNN wishes to thank' nil the kind friends who attended the funeral of her beto\<(< and also those ■»iw <ent wreaths and letters of tnnt'r.lente. She regrets her Inability to wrlle each one individually.
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  • 824 6 The Straits Times. Singapore, Fri., Sept. 15, 1950. Money For Housing The Federal Legislative Council having agreed to the Housing Trust Bill in principle, the changes made in the draft legislation by the Select Committee, which has just reported, are not of great substance. But there were some uncertainties in
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  • 238 6 The Conscript Guard The Emergency Regulations dealing with the raising and the duties of the Home Guard, 1 published in the Federation j yesterday, introduce some- j what unexpectedly the prin- 1 ciple of compulsory service. 1 In areas specified by the Mentri Besar of a State or the Resident
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  • 74 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs Chew Chow Seng, a 17-year-old Chinese who appeared before Mr. A P. Jack in the First Magistrate's Court charged with criminal breach of trust of $1,409, was today no, .-it ted and discharged without being called upon for his defence. It was
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  • 1017 6  -  A LAYMAN State Lotteries In Malaya— ll By APART from the advantages of a public lottery, enumerated yesterday, and ignoring the public benefits, what does the investor in a lottery gain for his money? He may. to begin with, have some sympathy with Its purpose. But if we
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  • man in the street
    • 353 6 TIIUCH has been written in the Press of late with I regard to the inconvenience caused to householders by the abuse of radio and Rediffusion receivers, and by the noise of mahjong tiles, but no steps appear to be contemplated by the powers-that-be to curb these nuisances. The
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    • 71 6 r!s known that some taxidrivers are working hand-ln-hand with robbers. They usually manage to escape without their identities b»ing detected. I would like to suggest to those who frequently travel by taxi that they glance at the licence number of the vehicle before they enter it.
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    • 188 6 A WORKER," who wrote the letter published last Tuesday under the heading "A -'oor Mans Daughters," commenting on Mr John Laycock's proposed Marriage Bill, tickles me pink. In citing the case (and j hundreds such) of an allegedly lowly-paid father with j eight children to marry off,
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    • 132 6 ALETTCR appeared In the Straits Times of Sept. 4. headed Malays in the M.C.S.: 1940-50." The writer's charge, that too many M.C.B. posts are being held by Europeans, may perhaps be Juat. But In making that charge he has betrayed a ton* which those i whose one desire
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    • 163 6 THE PROPHET FREED HIS SLAVES DO not wish to interfere with Mr John Laycock's proposed Marriage Bill, but I should very much like to refer to a letter by Inche Abu Bakar bin Ahmad, f>f Johore, puDlished on Sept. 12 under the heading "The Laycock Bill." il is quite obvious
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    • 215 6 I WAS listening to a Radio Malaya broadcast on Tuesday afternoon when 1 learnt that the U.N. Security Council had turned down the resolution that a representative of Communist China be invited to testify before the Council against the bombing of Manchuria by American planes.
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  • 401 6 on the Margin C 3 Ma)a> an Tree-l rogs i COR the first time a family of Malayan Tree-frogs has been bred at the Lon'don Zoo. The mother frog 'arrived by air from Hong Kong, and was placed In the Reptile House laboratory. Almost Immediately she produced a large eggHßaM,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 771 6 CLASSIFIED ADS, THE MARRIAGE between Mr. Michael Cole and Miss Marie Hodrigues, which was to have taken, place on Saturday 16th Instant has been unavoidably postponed to a later (late. KEQI'IEM MASS A REQUIEM High Mass will be n't' for the repose of the soul; ef late Augustine Ferrlra. fath-r
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    • 85 6 t +"»+4 HOW I PLAY CHROMATIC HARMONICA By Larry Adler. i. It Is superfluous for us to mj troduce the name "Larry Adler" aud therefore you know what thla Tutor Is like. It contains his own arrangeI ments of 7 popular piecs., with practical hints and exercises. PRICE $1.20 EACH
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    • 96 6 ffl^i OPTICIRH Fallow Institute Ophthalmic Opticians (Eng.) Fallow Worshipful Co. of Spectacle-Makers (Eng freeman of the City of London. By Appointment to H.M. Forces, South East Asia 6 Raffles Place Singapore Phone ***** ■iue black r iCZAsaitlflflPVV^^v //J^V •jJ^nSflfcfifcfcS^MSr C A f Mjg'c Circle trvttanlly tbtorb* «xc»U fluid, leave* bottle
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  • 819 7 Men Between 18 And 55 Liable For Service From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. ]Lj EN between the ages of 18 and 55 in selected areas of the Federation are to be "ca lied up" for compulsory part-time duties with the Home Guard.
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  • 201 7 THE master of the Ulysses, Captain E. Ormston, due to sail for England today, yesterday gave evidence -In the Singapore Coroner's Court at an inquest on the ship's Chtef Engineer. 54--year-old Edward Reid McDiarmid McDiarmid's body was found in a back lane off Bencoolen street early
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  • 159 7 FOUR Chinese youths entered a coffee shop at North Bridge Road about 8 o'clock last night, smashed up glass jars containing biscuits and beat up the proprietor. Cheong Chuan Hui, and his brother. CMeong Chuan Hin. Cheong Chuan Hui told the Straits Times that the
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  • 18 7 The General Committee of the Singapore Y.W.C.A. announces that Flag Day collections amounted to $6.*****.
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  • 169 7 nurses are protesting against the Government's decision to recruit 25 supernumerary sisters from holders of the State Registered Nurse Certificate. They said that the devlslOß *as a "clear act of discrimination" against locally-train-ed nurses who "for all practical purposes are qualified to fill these vacancies." The
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  • 89 7 \IORE merchant vessels called at Singapore last year than in any other year since the war. This is stated in the annual report of the Marine Department for 1949. Although the number of smaller .rait that called here was considerably less than in 1948. the total net
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  • 73 7 THE Finance Committee of the Singapore Municipal Commission who are meeting this afternoon, will be asked to approve the provision of $50,000 in the 1951 estimates for additional offce accommodation at the Kalians Gasworks The proposal, which ho.« already received the appro v;«i of the committee
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 7 MR. PHILIP HOOD, F O.A representative for the South-West Pacific area, who arrived in Singap- re yesterday afternoon m 10-te for leave in Britain, lie hopes to take a trip in (he Comet, the world's first jet airliner, vhilr in Itritain. Straits Times picture.
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  • 82 7 TWO nun appeared in the Singapore Relief Court yesterday on charges of impuriing and attempting to iimirt gold into the Colony. Lee Cheng Hoot claimed (rial to u'ttinping to import 1.000 tahi!s of gold without a ftcence on Aug 28 Kwok Taj St'iig also claimed
    82 words
  • 51 7 i Klah. -2. was )t t rday i. -'i the JHnzapore Relief Courc on a 'charge <>f possessing a Jopanes( pistol at Kampong Silat on Aug. 25 when the prosecution i ir c:tsc on instructions from the Deputy pros cutor The discharge did not nt to an
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  • 51 7 Tan Tiong Guan 25. and Tan Tiong Whatt. 24 both of Paslr Panjang Road, claimed trial in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday to dishonestly retaining stolen property an outboard motor engine valued at $200. Bail of $500 In one surety was allowed until Sept.
    51 words
  • 58 7 "I am very poor and almost blind." said an old man. Clicok Mah Yeow. of Boon Tat Street, when pleading lilty in the Singapore First istrict Court yesterday to /•'ling to register for an .dentity card. Cheok. whom the prosecution said had lived in the Colony
    58 words
  • 52 7 Dorothy, aged 16. and Violet, aged 15, daughters of Mr. Run Run Shaw, left Singapore by Pan-American Airways Clipper yesterday morning for Pennsylvania where they will attend the Shipley Preparatory School They were seen off by a large number of school friends from the Methodist
    52 words
  • 91 7 AT the close of the prosecution case yesterday, 'n which six Chinese were accused of assisting in a chap ji ki lottery, the Singapore Fourth Police magistrate. Mr. P. Claque. decided to call upon the defence. The six men. Gwee Say Ang. Tan 800 Yong. Yeo Yong
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  • 45 7 An Indian shipping company the Eastern Shipping Corporation is to start a regular passenger service between Malayan purls and India from October. The company's first ship to call at Singapore will be the s.s. Jalagopal. which can carry more than 800 passengers.
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  • 41 7 Abdul Talip bin Abdul Hamid. 29. and Hussain bin Maidin. 28. were charged with breaking into a house in Kampong Hiap Guan San on Sept. 11. No pleas were recorded and they were remanded until Sept. 21.
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  • 26 7 Subiayalu Govindasamy, an apprentice piuniDer, was acquitted yesterday in the Singapore First District Court on a charge of burglary at Buffalo Road on June 17.
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  • 168 7 IV) end a dispute over a better method of constructing a ladder. Ho Dee. an old carpenter, gave his younger working-mate, Ho San. an axe and said. "Chop me with It" H San did not take the ax< and as Ho Dee raised It
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  • 46 7 THE DRIVER of this sport* car, Mr. N. Richardson, escaped with a few minor scratches when It sommervaultrd twice before landing at the bottom of a 20- ft. deep monsoon drain off Gill man Barracks on Wednesday night. Straits Times picture.
    46 words
  • 400 7 OPERATION EVADER' IN SPORE FINAL battle orders were issued late last night r for Operation Evader, one of the biggest defence exercises to 'oe held in the Colony for some years. i The entire island i s to be alerted on Saturday and I Sunday for
    400 words
  • 188 7 Book-Keeper Used His Firm 's Funds I,* TEK Herbert Cardoza, an elderly Eurasian book- keeper employed by Ewart and Company, pleaded guilty yesterday In the Singapore Second District Court to criminal breach of trust of $8,055 between Apr. 4. 1949, and Feb. 28 this year. Chief Inspector C. W. Such,
    188 words
  • 117 7 Colony May Have More Controls IMPOSITION of further commodity controls has been discussed, but no action is contemplate* yet, said a Singapore Government spokesman. The Singapore Government Is keeping a close watch on the demand for all commodities, including foodstuffs, to find if there is hoarding of any item. This
    117 words
  • 171 7 NeW S.I.T. Points System For Flats THE Singapore Im--1 provement Trust is to re-open its register of application for accommodation, but before doing so a new points system is to be started, the Straits Times understands. At their meeting on Wednesday, the Board of Trustees appointed a three-man, committee to
    171 words
  • 38 7 The body of a Chinese was? found in the jungle at 11|| mile Mandai Road. Singapore., yesterday mornlnf. The discovery was made by; a Jungle Rover. Awang CVit" Haii Radin. The police are Investigating*
    38 words
  • 34 7 Abdullah bin Chik. 22. of Mr] Rand, was charged ir» the Sinuppor^ Third PoliceCourt yesterday with b"e;.k-< inu into Peggy S ore. Oillman Barracks, on Sept. 6. He was remanded until Scot. 21.
    34 words
  • 20 7 A totn! of 181 Deople ;'.re now under detention in Sincaporr under the Em< rgi in y Regulations.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
      85 words
    • 90 7 NEW SHIPMENT OF LEICA 111 C Latest Summaron Wide angle Lenses and numerous accessories etc. AMATEUR PHOTO STORES LTD. I'M North Bridge Kd Singapore. Phone 6r>B9 *We are pleased we can again Offer L our Customers 8 COLUMBIA; ft Columbia Full ErVfl Wnt\ i it j MB k^l^L^i \smk rj
      90 words

  • 338 8 Bandits'AtHome' InßaubKampong From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. IK you were watching a game of soccer and 1 you suddenl> noticed that the spectator behind von was an aimed bandit, what would you do. This question was posed by Mr. R. P.
    338 words
  • 168 8 2 BUSES SET ON FIRE 1 l.i in Our Staff Conrspondrnt kuala lumpur. Than. ft AE increased temi>o <>f;l 1 handit activity in Selan- %.r continued durlna the i pist twenty four hours. An c it manager's bungali waa lired on early today. tw> uses were held up and sot
    168 words
  • 39 8 BUXIT MERTAJAM. Thurs. To riise funds for thoi: I i'dul builciini fund. St Muruaret's Convent School at Bukit Mertajam \'i!l hold a roneert on Friday and Siturday. One itrin will be 'S:ijv.' Whtte and the Seven DAdl'ls..'
    39 words
  • 63 8 ALAY state and screen stars in Singapore will stage a play "Hidup Berdua" ("Live Together"), in the Sri Kcmbangan Opera, New World, on Saturday, to raiae money as a wedding present for two colleagues, Mr. Kadarisman and Miss Patamah Dean. Mr. Kadarisman performs Oriental dances
    63 words
  • 40 8 Found guilty in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday of permitting his house to be used as a common gaming house, Ooh Whay Yam. 36, of Covent Row, was fined $750, or two months' simple imprisonment.
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  • 35 8 MR A CORBET, managing director of Borneo Motors at Kuala Lumpur, seated in the centre with members of the senior staff after a farewell dinner on the eve of his retirement.—Eastern Photoeraphers picture.
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  • 95 8 PENANG TRIAL SUCCEEDS From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG. Thurs. BECAUSE an experiment in appointing Unofficial* as chairmen at meetings of the Standing Committees wax successful. Penang Municipal Commissioners have decided that Unofflclals should be permanent chairmen ot all com- mittees. except the Finance Committee. At today's special meeting of the
    95 words
  • 157 8 jVONQ Ec Hung, manager of the Maryborough Theatre, ias fined $15 at Singapore 'esterday for failing to allow i full weekly holiday to Mrs i Madeleine Kow. a person emiloyed ''otherwise than in a onfldential capacity." Mr. C W. Lyle, Deputy I Commissioner for Labour, snid
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  • 178 8 Counter Hall: Govt Urged To Dredge Outlets Of Ditch From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. DV a majority of eight votes to two, Penang Municipal Commissioners today decided that it was not necessary to appoint a subcommittee to study living conditions in Caunter Hall and other low-lying areas in the
    178 words
  • 74 8 r PHE first Polish vessel to call A at Singapore since the war arrived here yesterday. She is the 8.000-ton freighi ter Warta. and after disI charging 100 tons of Polish beer. It will load rubber and general cargo for Hong Kong and Tientsin in North
    74 words
  • 151 8 Residents Petition Sir Henry From Our Stall t'crrespsMi nt PENANG, T.mrs. pLOOD pictures published by the Straits Times anrl Singapore Free Press were cited as evidence of the "deplorable living conditions" In Penang's Caunter Hall area in a petition which more than 50 kampong leaders sent to Government today on
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  • 31 8 From Our Staff ('orrrspundmt PENANG. Thurs— Mr. D. R. Home. First Magistrate. Penang, has been appointed secretary of the newly-formed Penan* and Province Welles--1 ley War Executive Committee.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 268 8 fOCA***«tMOTO*cy£I£OWNC*S 0& Cvnpounds of chromium and tin (the M __J *j^U^^M >^h' I firs! M their kind in the w >rldl which /^lJflfl Ifl HHBi^k^B X"' *^^^IPV| W^ r^ I protect cyclinder walls and Distort V^^y All you have to do is to cut out this coupon, nap :M w^
      268 words

  • Entertainments page
    • Article, Illustration
      169 9 ♦CTARS .n the ul« Malay t film "Takdir Illahi" f (The Will of God) Nen«r 1 ♦Yatimah M Fatimah. P. Kant Ice as Arshad, and I). J| Harris as Ahmad. N mii,' Yatimah is as yet unknown. Local born. 4- locally educated and 20 1 years of
      169 words
    • Article, Illustration
      450 9 LONDON: IN Leicester Square the name In lights over "High Lonesome" looked familiar; John Barry more but not the Barrymore you see just above. This time John Barrymore jun. No fuss about 18-year-old Barrymore s first star part. No campaign to boost his first film appearance In the West
      450 words
    • Article, Illustration
      792 9  -  J. BEHAGUE BY Taust' is superb WHAT can one say of Columbia's "Faust And The Devil", which received co 1 1 a 1 m P eTb 1 y er e»erj S 1 o W ye? k c b t^ t o h^ 1S a SUPer »"*<""""■ b nd
      792 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 261 9 TODAY! LliLlllliliLJ 6 3 9 30 America's Most Famous Feud 1 FARLEY CrTnGW^CH AR LES BKXPOM) RAYMOND M ASSEY RICHARD BASEHART OKI PERREAU and mlrodmcimt WAN EVANS I PARALLELS IN FAMILY FIUpTjl I BB^^^^^^^^^bß BBBr '~>^_ '^BBBm I blb^bbbb! bbbbbb^T v M 7 KENTUCKY" IKSS CRETE 1950 Mountain wnr between
      261 words
    • 276 9 TODAY A SURE RETURN... IF YOU PLACE YOUR BET with GABLE [KING OF THE GAMBLERS) M.G.MS JMtfJ virile J2m^ I romantic tmb^S[ Xfc* drama! C^«. *^M^s^iJ -.If^^^ ©LARK SABLE MtXIS SMITH 'Any Number Can flaf Wendell Corey Audrey TotU-r Frank Morgan Mary Astor Lewis Stone Barry Sullivan Edgar Buchanan PLUS:
      276 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 271 9 SINGAPOBB (Spore; 6 'At Your Service": t News; f 1.45 "Just Unpacked 1 10 am. New., followed by !A" 5^ rt Donald W. 30 Dance Mialc: 11 CU»e. Erner R .ncy News from K. L.; 10.10 i^?' £1 o BFEBB c:ose; J3 Malay Ipm Light Rancn I SM Malayan Police
      271 words

  • Note book of an Asian woman
    • 106 10 rpHE children ln the I State Welfare Home. Jr»hore Bahru. have found a friend ln Miss HUda DcwdIng sister o/ Air Chief Marsha) Lord Dowding. \ho was head of Fighter Command durinz the B-ttle of Britain^ Meetin 8 her friend Miss Enid Fernandas. State Welfare
      106 words
    • 619 10 TWO of Singapore's leading artistes, Willy Blok Hanson and Nonet. Stokes, are joining forces to give ballet lovers a least oi dance and music at the Victoria Theatre in a few weeks time. Tchaikowsky's "Romeo and Juliet". Strauss' "Rosenkavalier" and ProkoflefT's "Peter and the
      619 words
    • 200 10 Cookery corner by Rosemary Robinson ISN'T this sugar-rationing a blight? Just when Iwe thought we'd got away from it all! Never mind! There are ways and means. I buy the crushed gula malacca for sweetening tea and coffee and save our ration of white sugar for those
      200 words
    • 272 10 KNOWN as one of the most beautiful woman in India. Shirin Fozdar is arriving in SingaDore on Tuesday to join her husband, Dr. Fozdar. The Fozdars are here on a mission. Dr. Fozdar has already given talks on the Baha'i faith in Singapore, and Shirin
      272 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 127 10 W MADE IN ENGLAND Snug fitting Non- chafing Perfect Hygitne with complete security. SOFT, SAFE, SOLUBLE. AVAILABLE AT ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS. LOVELIER SKIN IN 14 DAYS FOR 2 WOMEN OUT OF ft BY PAOIOLIVE BEAUTY PLAN Tested on 1,384 women for 14 day* by $9 docton (many of them
      127 words
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 239 10 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD 1 8,r.., uS« m.> *&*"u ta Mnette CROSSWORD No. 166 i lens aw j&j* El""" Z I J' H 4 LJ 1 1* 1:J A I J a 1". II Thi nk^tiving tut I a 88. Abjorbing ocruootlon 110) i j 1 v 1 IX Intcniitji to
      239 words

  • 330 11 LONDON, Thurs. THERE was less disposition in the London Stock Exchange today to further the recent rise in share prices. The parliamentary debate on defence introduced a note of caution although satisfaction was expressed at the Government announcement of no autumn budget. Closing middle prices oi seiecieo stocks
    330 words
  • 43 11 I mm our Mitt Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. ITARMEN Rubber Company directors nave recommended a dividend of 7'i per cent less tax at the standard rate, payable on Oct 31. The company's profit for the year, before tax. was £18.385
    43 words
  • 241 11 Little Business, But A Two-Cent Rise RUBBER prices again rose in Singapore yesterday, with sellers holding off. September first-grade registered $1.56* a ID. during the peak period. The market opened steady and continued firm throughout. Only a small volume of business was transacted During the afternoon the tone
    241 words
  • 37 11 SINGAPORE, Thurs., Sept. 14— 5404.62' (up SU.I2 1 £790 a ton in London LONDON, Than., Sept. 14. —Spot £789— £79 L Torward £787— £788. Settlement £794. Turn -over: am. IN p.m. 65 tons.
    37 words
  • 167 11 From A Market Correspondent rpHE Singapore copra market opened yesterday at Wednesday's level, with buyers at $48 and sellers at $49 per picul. There waa business passing later In the day at prices ranging from $48*4 to $48 'j. The market dosed quiet, steady, with buyers at
    167 words
  • 185 11 .from A Market Correspondent A NUMBER of Tin company dividend announcements in London stimulated interest both there and locally yesterday, and there were better buying Inquiries in the Malayan share market. Prices showed some further small 'advance. Industrials In many cases were firm. A little Interest persisted la
    185 words
  • 49 11 GUTHRIE Iz Company announce the following output figures for the Outhrle Oroup estates and mines, for August and to date 1950, In that order: Rubber ((lbs.), 6.946,914. 53,--112,770. Palm kernels (tons), 383. 3,453 Tin-ore (piculs), 719, 9,300. Black tea (lbs), 80,000. 1.170,200. Palm oil (tons), 1,130, 10,397
    49 words
  • 31 11 HONO KG NO Thurs fJREE market currency exchange f for Hong Kong dollars wag quoted today aa follows: US$l. HKS633; £1. HK515.60; one tael of gold HK»29S.— UJ»
    31 words
  • 199 11 CHIPB In the Singapore Outer and Inner Roads and alongsiefe Harbour Board godowns yesterday were: Oater Roads: Hal Hsuan, WatveranK, Benvannoch, La Charantc Ulysses, Union Builder, Tank' aven I. Vostok. La Caperim. Mnunß Bama, Khouiibga. Orduna. Inner Roods Rusa, Mtrauke, Malim. Ban Hong l.iong
    199 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1348 11 MANSFIELD 6c CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) 1 bios funnel van Carrier's op'ion te proceed via other ports t. load and discharg. CSTf.. Sa'IINCS V. LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW. lONDON b CONTINENTAL PO»TS A *XXXrXsS LOnO 'JO3 S.p». 17/18 C^ O Gla, M gow Wi lltt C. J l/ J 2
      1,348 words
    • 405 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINCS TO NEW TORK ANO BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA ECVPT aad MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Voort iharr. r I Pr«i Van Bur.n 29 Sept.- 3 Oct 4 Oct. 5/7 Oct. -res. lertinon 3/8 Oct. 9/10 Oct 11/11 Oct •r.s. 23/27 Oct 28/» Oct Te LOS ANCELES. SAN FRANCISCO b
      405 words
    • 424 11 BAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCB FROM SCANOINAVIA/UK./CONTINENT 'or Hona. Kon«. Kob* Spore P Sham ttnanm b Yokohama "■Cambodia" for Bangkok Manila Hong Kong 25-29 Wpt 21.24 S«pt. L»U»«ia" for Saigon Bangkok C-T Ocf. 4 S Oct. 2 3 Oct. Nwrf«.«t" for Saigon Bangkok 11-14 Oct. 11-12 Oct. 9-10 Oct. 'Karaa"
      424 words
    • 940 11 McALISTER tft CO. LTD. (Incorpoiatco m singapeiej r«leprione Ne 5906 ELLERHAN djs BUCKNALL KLAVBMBftft LINE LONDON HAVRE ANTWtKP LOS ANCILES, SAN FRANCISCO, ROrVIROAM II r-HAMRURC »"O"TLANO SEA7TU VANCOUVtn' CITY O* IVANSVILLE Acceoting caico for central b South American Ports CIT» OF CHICAGO 30 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. Spore
      940 words

  • 758 12  -  EPSOM JEEP 16 Handicapped For Gold Cup By FOUR O'CLOCK II or Tara Street? That was the main talking point in racing circles yesterday when weights for the most glittering prize of the season the Singapore Gold Cvp were published. Four O'Clock 11. as expected,
    758 words
  • 242 12 ITNINStRED and Cadzow Glen, two top-flight three-year-nlds. clash for the first time in the $5,000 Liberation Cvp richest sprint race of the season at Bukit Timah tomorrow. While Uninsured put up a magnificent display against well-performed Croydon on Wednesday, Cadzow Glen chalked up his
    242 words
  • 72 12 SEREMBAN. Thurv ATTER being led two-nil in x the first half. Hong Kong soccer tourint* scored six goal* in the second half without east- i ceding another to win against Negrl fcmbtlan today. Negri scored through Kee Fah and throagh a header by Malik.
    72 words
  • 278 12 OL 1. DIV. I I.M 36 r>. Con t o ».M Happy Traveller 8.13 Your Highness Steel Age 8.1! Regmar 8.11 Park 8.11 Golden Grove S.U River Moon 8.17 Kla i)i 8.65 Achilles 8.83 (tame Law 8.84 Keel Rose 7.12 Plrradillv 7.1* The Grand Abbot 7.89 <I.
    278 words
  • 139 12 T»HE weights for the 21st running of the Singapore Gold Cup (distance ljm. and 36yd., stakes and added money not less than $20,000) are: 212 FOUK O'CLOCK II (Wadsworth) sy. 9.07 Jones 141 TARA STREET (Lewis) 4y. 9.04 Bacliy 000 INDIAN HEATHER (long) sy. 8.13 Doubt, starter
    139 words
  • 641 12 REST OF THE SPORT Kota Raja 5; Pulau Brani Utd 2. I^OTA RAJA, reported as having won the SinXX gapore Association F.A. senior championship, beat Pulau Brani United by five roals to two at Jalan Besar yesterday, and it was just as well
    641 words
  • 61 12 'D.R B r\ wt'llknown rac -horse owner, sums up the Cap situation In the following lines: "To pick the winner of the Cup Just carefully size the runners up. Then ask each trainer what he thinks And also stand them several drinks. Then write down what they
    61 words
  • 756 12  - TRAINERS JOCKEYS GIVE THEIR VIEWS EPSOM JEEP By rpRAINER Chum Wadsworth was all smiles when he rode his champion Four 1 O'clock 11. back to the saddling enclosure at Bukit Timah yesterday morning after his winding -up gallop for the Gold Cup test tomorrow "Chum" had every reason to be
    756 words
  • 346 12 Cold Cup Profiles....! o gV 455 p.m. tomorrow w» shall know the result of the most open Gold Cup race for years. Four O'Clock 11, Tara Street. Battleshin ond Clynor make a formidable combination. But the race, by reason of its exacting test of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 719 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from page 8) SITUATION VACANT ROBINSONS require services of expfi lenred vlndow dresser, man or wf.rrjan. Apply .personally. ACCOMMODATION VACANT COSMOS, 17. Scotts Rd Avail. on- single room Full board. AVAILABLE large furnished C»uule bed-sitting rooms 1 1 h bow A Telephone *****1. Fi'RNISHED Large single room,
      719 words
    • 16 12 ■aT^aOK „11 V"^ i k l> F Senedictine DOM S«le AtenU: THE EASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD
      16 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 70 12 SOCCER: (ommunilv Lge: Eurasians R VI. at Jalan Besar sla4ium: Businea* Hse. A: Malayan I Pub. Hoe. v Malayan Airways at G«ylanc; Bus. Hae. B: Straits Times v Cable Wireless at Farrer 'Park. Hocm V BM.C. -A" v J.CC. on padang: S.C.C. "A" Sherwood Foresters on padang. i SINGAPORE TIDES
      70 words