The Straits Times, 7 September 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 168 1 RAF AIDS IN SOS MISSIONS DAKOTA courier aircraft trom a New Zealand iiudron of Malaya Air Comr.yyd was diverted to Kuching (Sarawak) yesterday ai moon to pick up a sick p I re official requiring spetreatment I hp aircraft was on a M flight from Labuan i irneoj to
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  • 164 1 PRETORIA. Wed. I 111 condition of Gen. 1 Smuts, ill at his farm .in.- near here, early today ■rat reported "not satisfactory." He continued to suffer heart strain, it was reported. The General, whose heart showed signs of strain following influenza last month, i' is been
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  • 59 1 LONDON Wed— The Cabinet at its meeting today framed a motion to ask Parliament next week for a vote of confidence i n Its threeyear £3.400.000 000 defence programme. Mr Winston Churchill's Conservative "shadow cabinet" will meet shortly to decide whether or not to put forward
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  • 21 1 A car burst into flames In Lavender Street last night but the fire was put out by passers-by.
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  • 358 1 Tommies In Action: Some Casualties TOKYO, Wednesday. FEROCIOUS fightfeg rawti this evening as United Nations forces battle desperately to hold the crumbling Northern front and pu3h back Communist attempts to take Taegu, allied defence core. Pohang has fallen before the invaders accelerated onslaught. British troops went
    Reuter  -  358 words
  • 131 1 RUSSIA is not ready for war and cannot possibly gain anything by war at the moment, said Mr. W. Gordon Harmon, retired British Public Relations Officer In Hong Kong, to the Straits Times yesterday. Mr Harmon was formerly British Conswl in Peking and was a
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  • 225 1 A NATIONALIST pol,c™r.n"' Sl?' two Chinese spies for Russia at dawn today on a tiny sandy beach near the capital. With them were shot their two closest collaborators— one a wife the other a sweetheart. One of the spies was toward Lee. who worked for
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  225 words
  • 54 1 BANGKOK. Wed. WORKERS dismantling a ruined pagoda found an urn containing diamonds, emeralds, rubies, pearls and three gold necklaces worth a fortune The Jewels, believed to have been placed there by ancient kings, were removed to the government Fine Arts Department— A.*. A SINGAPORE
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  • 145 1 JERRY, a four months old "Singapore Terrier", won himself a permanent home in the small hours of yesterday morning by raising the alarm when burglars tried to rob the house of Mr. and Mrs G Caterer in Upper Serangoon Road vriry. inougn lOClted In
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  • 96 1 JAKARTA, Wed JNDONESIA has a new Oov ernment to succeed thai which resigned on Aug. 15 Mohammed Nasir, of th« country's biggest MuslinParty, Masjoemi, announced early today th* formation ol a multi-party Government with 18 Ministers and himsell as Prime Minister withoul any specltejjwrtfolio. It was Mohammed
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  • 75 1 A POLICE patrol last night saved a Singapore Chinese from a gang of thugs at the Junction of "Wallich Street and Tras Street. The patrol, consisting of two rifle-carrying constables from Telok Ayer Station, wer* on rounds when they saw si? men beating up another man with
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  • 158 1 M,, SAIGON. Wednesday. R. Donald R. Heath, United States Minister to Indo-t hin a. today ceremonially handed over American equipment for ei*ht motorised battalions to the National Army of Vietnam, fighting the guerillas in Inao-Chlna. This va s the first war aid received from
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 20 1 1 00,000 MAROONED LAHORE. Wed. FloodwaUrs from the River Ravi today marooned 100,000 people m the suburbs of Lahore.— Reuter.
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  • 30 1 A 11 -rear-old Indian boy, Moeez, who was knocked down by a car In Joo Chlat Road. Singapore, ©n Tuesday night, died in the General Hoaff^iJ early .yesterday.
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  • 18 1 RANGOON. Wed Yao Chung Ming, Red China* first Ambassador tp Burma, today presented his credentials Reuter
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 1 BOON SEONG (left). Sino-Malay inside-right. finds himself up against two Hong Kong Chinese defenders— a Pbase in yesterday's match at Jalan Besar which SinoMalays won 3-1. (Fu|l report in P. 12) —Straits Times picture.
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  • 117 1 Central Africa 's 'Dominion' Call BULAWAYO, Southern Rhodesia, Wed. \IR. Roy Welensky. leader rm of the Uno/Jl'ial Opposition in the Northern Rhodetian Legislative Coitrcil, called today far the creation of a 'strong British dominion" in Cer.trcu Africa. Addressing the National Affairs Association. Mr Welensky declared: "If the majority of people
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 191 1 Late News RED DRIVE HELD TOKYO. Wed. WEARY American and South Koreans troops had by tonight checked thn Northern avalam hi- pouring through the hole torn in the United Nations' defence line on the east coast of Korea. Eighth Army Headquarter* announced that the United Nations forces were "halting" the
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 86 1 LONDON. \\.-r| RUSSIA tonight proii •> 1 to the I nit,,) Staler that an unarmed Soviet plane flying Irom Purl Arthur on a training Ilisht on* Korea had 6c<-n ahaf down by 11 American fighters, Moscow radio reported. The Soviet protest, handed to the United
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 91 1 GIFTS tor smokers) U.S. deSILVA? I Jewellers let. Orchard ltd. r fiIIIHIIIIIIIJII.iii.| l |i 1 ;ji,illll!'Hr)lll!IM!HI^ The little touches count Every woman who kpaws about clothes realises the importance of the little touches to her dress the right kind of jewellery; beautiful gloves; a flower worn cleverly. Some women are
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    • 67 1 Joyce Mouthaan Not The Type A REPRESENTATIVE of arol Reed den'fn^purtoihat £r t y r iT lo t JI!* t an hjul m »lMtf d for the ttfr part in the nlm Outcast of tbr Islands'' None of the girls Mr. Reed interviewed In the Far East ha. proved suitable
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    • 47 1 "■•PEKING Co 81, High Singapore. CHINESE CURIOS. /Or ARTS, CARPETS ft RUGS Your Inspection Is Invited I $£k <j/\«:k^> F€!IHJSIBh /s>s>///M) N|P in t/teit IjPPJ DIESEL f^SDSS'" 1 ENGINES IjPwj^J ALL INDUSTRIAL f <*^fe>n (MARINE DUTIES I fiHMg I '/i H.P. U 2,400 H.P. ASSOC.BRITISH OILENGINES
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  • 337 2 ARMY CORPORAL LOSES STRIPES AfTER MOONLIGHT INCIDENT The Bushes At Kissing Couple LONDON, Wednesday. IT was all because of a torch shining through the bushes when he was kissing his Naafl-g irl fiancee goodnight that an Army corporal lost his stripes at a district court martial
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  • 204 2 FAROUK SHIELDS U.S. GIRL BIARRITZ, Wed. APPARENTLY more determined than ever to guard the identity of his mysterious American girl friend, King Farouk yesterday had a reporter removed from his hotel. The reporter was asked by the manager of the Hotel Dv Palais, where the Egyptian monarch Is staying, to
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  • 69 2 SYDNEY, Wed. A YOUNG woman bigamist in Sydney who "Just couldn't say "no to the boy" and there were four of them ended up with the adgt't sympathy. The court was told she had been married twice bi (famously and twice legally. "I haven't the
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  • 250 2 TOKYO, Wednesday. r PHK Army's conception of military security as 1 applied to news reached a new absurdity today While the GHQ Public In formation Office still maintained the "policy of this office Is that, until British troops are committed to combat, their presence In
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 889 2 NOTICES NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that NOTICE Is hereby given that Tang Yee Poh. of No. 15, Buklt Kwong Poon Lap. of No. 30, I J :i.' oh Road. Singapore. Merchant, Bukit Pasoh Road. Singapore, t* applying to the Governor for Merchant, Is applying to the Naturalisation,
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    • 344 2 THE MOTOR VEHICLES (COMMERCIAL USE) REGULATIONS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR VARIATION OF A HAULAGE PERMIT. WE. H. W. EVANB St Co.. Ltd.. of 2A. Setul Road, Seremban. give notice of intention to apply for a variation of a Haul, ie Permit by the addition of one vehicle operating under the
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    • 278 2 CAPITOL Saturday M'niU KOREA r means... WORK TOGETHER! FIGHT TOGETHER!! KILL TOGETHER!!! Presented by UNIVERSAL in cooperation with the U.S. MARINES and starring RANDOLPH SCOTT MITCHELL COTTS CO. (FAR EAST) LTD. Mngapor* Office Kuala Lumpur Office P.O On 826 Lee Robber Buildine 33%&*£5%: Phones: M 457 240© Phone: 2886. [I
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  • 823 3 NEW $250 MILLION Argyls In Korea Beware Of Reds TO S.-E. ASIA Union PROPOSED Ranks Attlee LONDON, Wednesday. pROPOSALS for a long-range programme of American economic aid to Asian and Middle East countries are being studied in the I.S. State Department and other agencies. Officials in Washington say U*****,000,000 has
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  • 72 3 LONDON. Tves. tN adrertisetrent in the 1 London Tunes yesterday stated Will some kind person tell vie whereabouts in Africa I might noasibly ge* a 30-foot crocodile The advertiser listed on'y n Ttmet box number for re- cs In a 7ic s story about t c
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  • 135 3 WAR OFFICE TELLS WHY LONDON. Wed— The War Office last night revealed the charges against three soldiers v.ho were tried by secret courts martial. A statement said: "Reports of the recent trials heard in camera at Colchester may have given the impression that these
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  • 180 3 MOSCOW, Wed. rE Soviet Foreign Minister, Mr. Andrei Vishinsky, plans to lead Russia's delegation to the next United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 19. This was disclosed in Moscow last night when American Embassy officials said they had received an application for a U.S. visa for
    AP  -  180 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 3 i ii.S AGLIi Xc in worn in is carried on the back of a relative as they flee from advancing North Korean invaders. A.P. picture.
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  • 205 3 From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK. Wednesday. S! AM will spend 42,000,000 ticals during the last quarter of this year and the next two years under the Point Four programme according to present negotiations. T nueUattona also •o\\ an equal aiN-" >nri?tion by ihe
    AP  -  205 words
  • 118 3 BELGRADE. Wed. jyjARSHAL llto'« govern- ment last night condemned North Korea's aggression and said that It brings Into danger the peace of tho world. Its position was laid down in a statement by Mr. Edward 1 ment reflected a definite R. Kardelj. Ft reign Minu>- trend
    AP  -  118 words
  • 108 3 KANCMJU^. V/ca. T"HE Burmese Parliament yesterday approved with only one dissenting vote the Government's support of the United Nations action 'n Korea. The Prime Minister. Thakin Nu. told Parliament that Burma had 'very meagre resources" at her disposal and had Joined UN. primarily for security reasons.
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  • 240 3 COLOMBO, Wednesday. IT is reliably learnt here that an under -coyer conference of world Communist parties Is to be held iv Colombo at the end of this month. Police think the conference a to be held under the guise of annual celebrations of the Ceylon
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 201 3 <« ST'°""' HALIBUT OIL One of the richest known source* oi <rit*-l mln A H Crookes Htlbut Oil. If ilio 1 tontjtm vitamin O Mt«ntiiJ for cM'itn btcitiu it builds sturdy boo«« tnd pr*> 1 mow healthy growth. Sort UfciH Ji Crookes Halibut Oil now. Available at all Dijpen- Wr^-
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  • 157 4 TALKS ON RICE END TODAY AMID a welter of speculation, the international rice talks at the CommlssionQeneral's office. Phoenix Park. Singapore, today enter their fourth day. The nine-country talks, called by the British Government, are expected to end sometime today and an official statement will be issued, if the representatives
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  • Article, Illustration
    389 4 3 Small Estate Kongsis Burnt On Evacuation From Our Own Correspondent BENTONG, Wednesday. "IT IS quite clear that the bandits are taking strong exception to the resettlement moves in this district", the Resettlement Officer for Rentong District, Mr. J. D. H. Neill, told the Straits Times. "In one area",
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  • 40 4 From Our Staff Corretp— Jenl PENANO. Wed— A cigar factory foreman, 00l Boon Seong pleaded guilty today to possessing seven gallons of intoxicating liquor on which excise duty of $106.85 had not been paid He was fined $942
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  • 34 4 THt RtV. S. C. Micheli>ld*r. executive secretary of the Lutheran World Federation who passed through Singapore yesterday by BOAC Constellation from London on a world tour of Lutheran Churches. Straits Times Mctur*.
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  • 66 4 From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Wednesday. A MEETING of the negotiation committee of the Pan-Malayan Rubber Workers' Union and representatives of the Malayan Planting Industries Employers' Association the third so far— will be held at Kuala Lumpur on Friday to discuss a memorandum recently submitted
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  • 175 4 PENAN'G, Wed. H'HF.N the s.s. Loksans; arrived in Penan*; at midnight last night It carried one passenger more than the number which boarded at Calcutta. The extra passenger was a girl born at sea two days ago to Mrs. Balbir Kaur. from Bengal, bound Xor
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  • 195 4 WHEN bomb-carrying aircraft are fljing to attack anti-bandit targets in Malaya there is no danger of stray bombs dropping accidentally from the planes, but pilots are warned to avoid populated areas wherever possible, said a spokesman at A.H.Q.. Malaya, last night. If a technical failure
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  • 169 4 Frvm Oar Own BEGAMAT, Wed The car did not belong to me, but I was just learning to drive," declared Tay Oiap charged in the Segamat Circuit Court with driving a taxi without a licence and also with having two extra passengers. He was fined Sl5 for
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  • 277 4 T»HJ£ following passengers were among those wbo arrived at Kallang airport yesterday from points outside Malaya on the various air services. Passengers in transit art not included in the list. Q.F. A. BOAC. From I.ONDO.«: Messrs. R L. Ragg. A. R Mee. J. M. Soutter. V. H.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 325 4 New, Improved PALMOLIVE JV LATHER SHAVING CREAM /k^ j loads your razor with comfot T i si/ 3 men out of 4 ~~-^Bst^*^i*^B^B^^^VCi^^^^ Bwn MOW ON SAU IN A N£W, 1 3 (MART. MODI UN CAMON AND TUX 1.251 men tested Palmolive itlWf Xim j to creamy lather. Lather Shaving
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  • 54 5 Martmuthu Nadesan, 19 a ".lerlc in the British Military Hospital. Alexandra Road, claimed trial In the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday to theft of some white sugar, a tin of evaporated milk and two tins of cheese from the hospital Bui! of $100 In our surety was
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  • 531 5 MALAYS WITH PARANGS KILL THREE BANDITS From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. A FTER dusk last night, Malays of Kampong Perak, a small village about three miles north-east of Grik in Upper Perak, armed only with parangs, fought and killed three of a party of 30 armed bandits. They
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  • 150 5 3 Wounded In Perlis Gun Battle From Our Staff Correspondeal ALOR STAR, Wed. A KAMPONG Ketua was seriously wounded, and two other Malays received injuries, yesterday when they fought a gun battle with nine armed strangers who had shot their way into the Ketua's house at Kampong Mawar in Padang
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  • 134 5 DEPRESENTATIVES of organisations interested 1V in Adult Education will meet in the British Council Hall, Singapore, this evening to consider the formation of a Council of Adult Education. This council will co-ordi-nate the efforts of public and private agencies engaged In the work of Adult Education.
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  • 94 5 FR beating a man unconscious after he intervened in an argument, Chan How Chin was sentenced to two months imprisonment In the (Singapore Fourth Polio Court yesterday. Chan had pleaded guilty to a charge of causing hurt to C. Devinathan in Bukit Timah Road on Aug. 4.
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  • 174 5 A DENIAL that his company seeks any monopoly for motor trishaws was made yesterday by the general manager of George Lee Motors. Mr. One Eng Lian. Mr. Ong was referring to the petition drawn up by Trishaw Industry Proprietors' and Manufacturers' Association which criticised the
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  • 225 5 FEDERAL, COLONY POSTINGS MR. T. A. Brown, who has been acting as AttorneyOeneral in the Federation, returns to the Singapore High Court Bench next week. Mr. Justice Tnorogood will be going on leave next week. Mr. S. C Buriock has betn appointed Deputy Chairman of the Singapore Rural Beard with
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  • 78 5 The Indian Trade Delegation to South-East Asia, will arrive In Singapore this morning on its way to Jakarta. After a short .stay at Kallang, the delegation is expected to proceed to Indonesia, where it is expected to stay more than a week. After the Indonesian visit the
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  • 57 5 From Oar Own C«rresawn4e*t JOHORE BAHRU, WedFollowing an accident in Jalan Storey on Monday when a taxi knocked down a woman and her child, as well as a Malay pedestrian. Ibrahim was charged here today with negligent driving and falling to stop after an accident. Hearing was
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  • 128 5 From Our Staff Carrespondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. LIM Vow Kirn, former director of the Selangor Omnibus Company, who pleaded guilty today at Kuala Lumpur to having made a false declaration before the Commissioner of Oaths In the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on Dec. 20 last
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  • 88 5 rUND guilty in the police court on two charges of preparing and being in possession of a poisonous drug, without a licence. Chan Bze Heng. of New Bridge Road, appealed against his conviction before the Chief Justice. 31r Charles Murray-Aynsley. yesterday. Chan had been fined $500
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 226 5 i >»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»>-»»»»»»»»>»v x I Table Elegance ATHLONE I A.I QUALITY CUTLERY AND PLATE SHEFFIELD MADE Table Knives $55.00 per doz. I I Dessert Knives $50.00 Table Forks $27.50 I I Dessert Forks $19.50 I f Table Spoons $27.50 J I Dessert Spoons $19.50 t I I Soup Spoons $19.50 1
      226 words
    • 308 5 m *oo m Kayo vo" 1 i v. W GIOBIFY THEM I tiy n r r MgM *M Inll D L L ■jß^ VJ^~~ •"^sßaSi'iflr i Make your lips s*y f1 1 ji f *Tt3SBBB»3F- /."I love you with A. Sv Tangees alluring JJ II I colon In Seven Iff*
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 120 5 X.WAA. Raffles Quay, handwork claaa, 2 p.m, Malay advanced claas. 5.15 pjn. RED CROSS OLD KOFLE'S CLUB. Wealey Hall. Fort Canning 430 p.m. to 6 pjn CHINESE TJM.C.A.. Srlegie Read, badminton 5 pjn.. basketball ftJO pm., table-tennis 7.30 pjn.. Mandarin Bible Stud; 1.30 p.m. GIBL GUIDE TRAINING. Ran&ers and Cadets.
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  • 1098 6 The Straits Times Singapore. Thur. Sept. 7, 1950. New Blows In Korea The fluid nature of the fighting, and the latitude which war correspondents in Korea have won by the risks they take, have combined again to give a confusing picture of the United Nations' battle front. There have been
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  • Article, Illustration
    368 6 PENANG SO the Settlement Council of Penang ls going a-hunting for a suitable official motto for the island. Let it not De said, to our eternal discredit, that we, the public of Penang, take not the slightest interest in this very important matter. Each and every one of
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  • 270 6 READ with consi--1 derable astonishment that the Municipal Commissioners are sending a Petition seeking to raise the i status of Singapore town to that of a city. The Petition l s to go! through "the usual channels." I can only hope that the first official into
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  • 478 6 TT was announceJ in the Press that the price of coffee and tea in coffee shops would be raised, as from Sept. 1, to 15-17 cents a cup with milk and, without milk but with sugar, to 10-13 cents a cup. These prices are now 7
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  • 218 6 The Police At Sungei Siput "f|BSERVERS' letter vof Sept. 4, headed "A Grenade At Sungei Siput". contains a misstatement of fact. In the letter the following paragraph appears: "The police, who were stationed about 350 yards from the spot, did not arrive till they received a phone message from an
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  • 385 6 r J T HE Government committed two of its gravest blunders when it de-rationed sugar and allowed the re-export of textiles. What happened? Blackmarketeering, profiteering, hoarding and what-not flourished again. Vrr Thank the Lord the Goy- their respective communities ernment did not meekly persuade the Government comply with
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  • 176 6 WHEN I saw in Tuesday's Straits Times a photograph of the disappointed little faces of the children who had been deprived (at the saving of a few cents) of the rice and vegetables they enjoy, to be fed on skim milk and yeast biscuits, I bethought
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  • 430 6 Anker Ken.M" IT is strange how one c:in frol a pang of p:rsonil sorrow over the death of ;i person whom one has only rr.?i a few times, and whose p<vsonalitv and inner bring one has sensed rathrr than known. So it was in my case with
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 830 6 Straits Times Free Prew Fa* ttw i«n«iMnn mtvcrNon, our K«prn«nt*tiv« »t lit n«ar, Singapore C»ld Storm*. Orchard Road. will r««i«. until advtrtiMMcnH •nd jn«w«rt to box number!. CLASSIFIED ADS. BIRTHS DAVIDSON: On Sept Ist, at Bungsar Hospital. XX.. to Daphne <nep Minchinton), wife of D. H. Dufi&son, a daughter. HOOL:
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    • 269 6 BIRD'S-EYE VIEW As the pilot swings bis plane round on London, be sees clearly the detail of the city below him through his plastic windscreen. It is made of" Perspex all-British alike in its discovery and its production, transparent as crystal but only half the weight of glass. It is
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  • 207 7 MORE TO LEAVE LABOUR PARTY AMASS exodus, the second in recent months, from the Labour Party of Singapore, is expected to start before the end ol this month. Many of the men resigning mid to be the founder members of the party, who •re now dissatisfied with the present party
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  • 89 7 $4,127 For Scouts rjONATIONS to daie to the Singapore Boy Scouts Asn at ion total $4,127.50. B i g c s t contributions ($l,OOO each) have come from M Lee Chee San and the 1". Rubber Co.. Ltd. Eieven Singapore firms < imiributed nearly $2,000 v nile the res' came
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  • 290 7 Work To Begin Next January WORK on the Singapore Municipality's $90,000,000 power station at Pasir Panjang will begin in January next year, Mr. C. C. Payne, the Municipal Electricity Engineer, said yesterday. Power supply to Singapore from this station can be expected from the
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  • 41 7 Low Kean Seng, a hardware I dealer of Victoria Street whose j platform scale was alleged U be six tahils short In 35 katis. i was acquitted in the Singapore Second Police Court yes- terday. Mr. C. H. Koh defended.
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  • 115 7 FAMOUS LANDMARK TO 60 A ONCE famous landmark known to the older generation of Singaporeans as the Hotel van Wijk, will shortly be no more. The Dulldings along Stamford Road which once housed the old hotel are now being demolished. They will give way to
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  • 36 7 Ttfß- 'AT JOHNSON (Ind. x Labour. North Ward, Singapore bad nothing to say to the ft ess yesterday regarding answer* to his allegations on the behaviour of Municipal clinic staffs.
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  • 161 7 HAD $9,000 IN BETTING SLIPS ATRISHA man. Wong Mm Huat, who was caught with $9,000 worth of chap jl ki slips in his possession while riding near the junction of Rutland Road and Farrer Park Road, Singapore, oa July 7, was fined $750 or in default two months imprisonment in
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  • 220 7 T^ERE will be an examina- tion for Chinese interpreters in Singapore in December. Those wno wish to present themselves for the examination should forward their application to the Secretary for Chinse Affairs through the heads of departments by Nov No candidate will be allowed to present himself
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  • 219 7 J»HE electoral lists for the Municipal and Legislative Council constituencies were yesterday thrown open for public inspection for a period of two weeks. The lists for each \V«;c may be inspected at centres at various parts of the Colony. All persons who have completed application
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  • 44 7 Singapore and Federation Chinese remitted $2,156,242--48 to their families and dependants in the China last month, says an official release. Singapore sent $1,521,839 53. but this included remittances made by Federation residents through Singapore banks. The Federation total was $634,402.95.
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  • 143 7 A FORCE of Lincoln medium bombers of Malaya Air Command pounded bandit targets in a jungle area south of Kuala Lumpur during the night of Sept. 5-6, F.E.A.F. Headquarters announced yeslerdty. It wma an 100 per cent Australian operation, and returning crews reported their bombint
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  • 107 7 Welfare Man Answers Complaints FEEDINO centres are not meant to absolve parents from the responsibility of leeding their own children, said the Secretary for Social Welfare, Mr. T. Eames Hughes, yesterday. He was commenting on the report that children In at least one Singapore Social Welfare Feeding centre do not
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  • 100 7 A "GOOD number" of trad unions, representing a cross-section of Singapore's labour movement, have officially confirmed their willingness to Join the proposed Singapore Trades Union Congress and will send their representatives to the inaugural meeting on Sunday at the ACSU premises in North Bridge Road. Mr.
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  • 66 7 TTEN Chinese were charged with gambling in common gaming house in Perak Road, Singapore, on Aug. 5, in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday. One of them, Lim Seng Tan. aged 37, was a deaf mute. He did not plead. One other man was found to be absent.
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  • 339 7 Indian shopowner yesterday told Mr. D. A. Fyfe, the Singapore Relief Court magistrate, that he had been threatened with murder if he said anything while giving evidence at a preliminary inquiry into a gang-fight at Telok Blangah in which two men were killed. He
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  • 146 7 Co-operation Appeal To Rotary A PLEA for o-; piratim between men ar.d women In thf Rotary Club movement in Malaya was made by Mrs. Eunice Adams, wif- of Can^n R. K. S. Adams, am president of Singapore's Inner Wh*< 1. addressing the Singapore Rotary Club yesterday, in the Blue Roorri
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  • 26 7 Two boys who pleaded guilty in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday to gambling in Miri Road on Sept. 5. were cautioned and discharged
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  • 52 7 The Little Theatre is 10 hold a general meeting n Sept. 15 at 8 30 p.m. at I)M Adelphi Hotel. Singaoor? Members and anyone interested in the Theatre are invited to attend. The Little Theatre i.s an Army organisation under the chairmanship of Lt. Col. J. R.
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    • 153 7 DO YOU KNOW THIS GIRL? AFOURTEEN-year-old Uokkien rirl. Lim Ah Sai, alias Ah Sen^, w a a found wanMt' tß^ dennj in the S f rangoon mt^ m K Koad area k^ on the night to the firl. she is an orphan, having lost both I her parents a result
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    • 44 7 TOOTH fASTt V^^^J \\j Of Proven Efficiency \J SIMPLEX Jl I SPIRIT I W MEASURES J SIZE 4 ill \W MEASURES 21 'W fj BOTTLI k\ (J $9.50 Ji MEASURES 24 £1A CA \J 1 TOTS TO THE $|U«JU tht SIMPLEX Way W U:iii;ii:mi:rtf
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  • 41 8 The astics of the late Mr. Lan Morrison, Far Eastern lepresentative of The Times, who was killed in Korea recently, arrived in Singapore by air from Japan yesterday. They will be taken to England later for burial.
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  • 49 8 From Oar Staff CoerespoodeMt KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. 'THE Malayan Indian Conffrett has severely criticised "so-called wellicishers of the labour community" who advocate the re -opening of toddy shops on rubber estates. The criticism is made tn anti-toddy pamphlets which will be distributed to estate* tomorrow.
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  • 54 8 PENANG. Wed. Mr. Khoo Heng Teik, well-known Penang racehorse owner, died last night at his residence al Tanjong Tokong. Mr. Khoo who was 62 y*ars old, retired from active racing two years ago. At one time, he owned one of the largest strings in Malaya, racing
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  • 43 8 rvaan Our Staff Can ■■■■■ill KOALA LUMPUR. We<LDr. Victor Purcell, wlio left recently arter a three-week Unir of the country, aas recorded his impressions of post-war Malaya. His talk will be broadcast over Radio Malaya on Friday at 8 p.m.
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  • 339 8 POLICE SGT. GETS GAOL TERM FOR CORRUPTION From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. TAGIR Singh, a police sergeant-major and former officer in charge of Pndu Police Station was today convicted by Mr. A. P. Jack in the First Magistrate's Court, Kuala Lumpur, of corruption and sentenced to one year's
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  • 151 8 Wife And Husband Charged From Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAJIRU, Wed. A wife was charged in the Sessions Court, Kota TingTi. today with abetting her husband, who was a public servant, in accepting "hree sums of money Lj show favour to a certain person. The woman. Ong Ouan Tee. pleaded
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  • 381 8 A PRETTY sordid story" was how Mr. A. V. Winslow. D.PJ*., described the case in which an Indian, S. Ratnam. stood charged before Mr. Justice Evans in the Singapore Assizes yesterday with the murder of another Indian. Ratnam. who pleaded not guilty and who was
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  • 48 8 Found guilty of behaving In a disorderly manner and lighting in public In KYpnel Road on Sept. 5. Makand Singh, aged 24, of Spower Road, and Koh Yone Liang, aged 20. of Mohamed Sultan Road, were each fined $10 in the Singapore Third nllet Court yesterday.
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  • 155 8 SERVICE UNIONS TO MEET M.P.s D EPRESENTATI VKS of j Singapore Feder- j ation of Services Unions will meet the six British Parliamentarians expected here at the end of next week to survey Malaya's political and economic conditions. The Federation Is Retting impatient orer the continued delay by the three
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  • 228 8 I. im Lean Teng Scholarship ANOTHER donation of $20--000 from Mr. Lira Lean. Teng, JP of Penang. has been made to the University of Malaya Endowment Fund. In January of this year the University Fund received $30,000 from Mr. Lim Lean Teng for the General Fund. This further
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  • 209 8 THERE is no shortage of textiles in Singapore, especially Indian textiles, and by next month or November the local market is expected to be flooded with them, said a spokesman of the Indian Chamber of Commerce yesterday Any quality of any kind of Indian
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  • 62 8 A passenger in a motorboat in the inner roads of Singapore on Sept. 5 was found in possession of 150 lesaX packets of opium. This was told in th» Singapore Second District Court yesterday when Leong Sim Kian. 33, pleaded guilty to possession of the opium.
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  • 68 8 [LIOlli: than eight opcraUons a day were carried oat hi the optration theatre of tb» Singapore GesMral Hospital last year. Each day the MurgictU wait afao ad- ■altted seym new eases. The annual review of the College of Medicine aays that the total number of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 503 8 Hospitality is set in Silver Wat there ever a tmv wtirn ronvivialMy •a not retimed inihf sdvci? Rack thruugli nuny itntuno, and still today, silver nU-aim where hraii and Kucms tnicgjiher: and our Uuer-<by shaken twinKle as ihectfully at the flagons of tin pau. More cheerfully, it 1. pom Me;
      503 words
    • 97 8 ASK ALPHA I x^lMNafln^fe^a^n^HßavN^ THE LONG LIFE BATTERY Obtainable from your local dealer Sote Agents: H. A. O'CONNOR CO.. LTD. Battery Road., SHOWROOM RETAIL SHOP 25/29 Orchard Road. CIGARETTES^g^^k Imported /A4^^^^^ London fMW^^L England Mm%<^jo ONLY THE FINEST OF SELECTED TOBACCOS ARE USED IN THE SKILFUL BLENDING OF TURF CIGARETTES
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  • 719 9 MARKET DAY AT SUNGEI BULOH IHE sleepy little fishing village of Sungei Buloh comes to life early on Sunday morning for a few hours when the weekly market is held, drawing gaily dressed crowds from the kampongs and estates round nl>oiit. Crossing the bridge to the attaped stalls one passes
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  • 186 9 They tax the dead in Johore THE source from which the Johore State Government derives the least revenue must surely be the tax levied on a dead body taken out of the State. A fee. not a Customs Tax. of $10 is charged when a body Is "exported, and the
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  • 260 9 THE youngest competitor at the Junior Stamp Competition and Exhibition, which was held at the British Council Hall, Singapore, last Saturday was eisht-year-old Henry Day. Henry started collecting stamps when he was only three-years-old. It all began when he saw his father. Colonel R.W. Day of the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 275 9 It'sN£W7 I' il the new ,1 PARKER. J A the only pea W. IKS* NEW FEATURES j-IL NEW PRECISION ML Ihi mustpekkkt PFNinthe world has for ,j[ W HE 1 long been the Parker "51". Now cumes J^C V* DC AU IT I- ..«.h v Ihe ne* Parker 31 with
      275 words
    • 95 9 1 Jf'^Tnfr MORNING OR S^sr M AFTERNOON TEA r MA 9 f\ Eii^^t* If fe •< AVAILABLE >^T^^"i IN ATTRACTIVE o^l A Hlb PACKETS AND TINS. 4l0&-*^2r FRESH DELICIOUS M '(^f^o MEREDITH A DREW LTD. Wsjgwfr^ SOLE AGENTS \n cot Art MA U a favourite. They know K gW» W
      95 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 229 9 SINGAPORE NeW$ 10 10 CT 10M Bch0OU: bFCBS IS-S p.m. As 8 pore; "MaU Bac": _to?r»^ n«."' t^i oWe^ r"' 7 s 'P° re interlude; 7.90 H-»8. ».tt, and «.175 ■mergence New§ from K. L.; -j w... ]a __j la 10.10 C1om:1J Malay; 1 pan. Radio Jaa Swing; S "Porum
      229 words

  • 1015 10 By Helen MilnerMoore WHEN one considers how the war years Interfered with the opening up of Maxwell Hill, it is astounding what progress has been made. The constant nocessjty for economising In these hard times Inevitably makes proceedings slow, and as a rule the essential things
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  • 442 10 Ql am living near me sea at Changi and find that my plant* are not growing a* I think they should. They all appear stunted. The Peacock flower in particular is fhnoerina at only two ft. high but there is very little growth. Could you please tell
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 172 10 BELLS RlN^m COMMENCING FROM T*f\n A V 11am U5 15 1 UUA X 6.45 ft 9.30 p.m. /y 1 M-G-M announces the happiest >< > 2^ event of the season! The y Q best-seller, that delighted (J the /^t^tSk^^ millions... with wonderful Q I IB^^ mV 4' jl DON TAYLOR
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    • 198 10 11.00-1.43-4.00-650-9.30 IHTTTTini TODAY TRUTH n STRANGER THE THAN LONG FICTION SHORT jks; IS %U IN FIFTY MINUTES We are presenting THE TRUE, UNVARNISHED RECORD in TECHNICOLOR of THE SAVAGE BATTLES AT AND Which. Fictionally. We Agree. Could Be Made Into A Serial With Film Studio Padding Heroics HERE S THE
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 276 10 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD 15. Match, tub*, or Act r'UrtSSMVOWr* Nn IRQ I. H. m.kt. rua. or ketp. v. gam ct Indo-Ot-. (31. LKU&&WOKU NO. 159 ,aunn* u cm-* aissr.r 3 ,j~ l ""1 M m IFI 12 Paiindromic Wmi M> orden (11 m mJws» jjvHi ill ..I I MtrETiM Th
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  • 335 11 LONDON, Wed. HERE was none of the brilliance associated with the art of the new account on le London Stock Exchange >day although conditions [lproved slowly after a slugjsn start. Oiltedgeds encountered a sw small sellers at the start tit when this subsequently ried up a slowly improving
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  • 272 11 Five-Cent j News Fro THE Singapore rubber x yesterday, and again sr day's transactions. The to noon but steadied later, w: on receipt of news from I were again reserved. The market improved later in the day and closed firm, with September first-grade buyers at $1.44y 2 five
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  • 32 11 PAJAM Limited announces a torward rubber sale of 10 tons monthly of 1 R.S.S., from January to March 1951 inclusive, baled, into godown Singapore, at $106 P« lb.
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  • 146 11 From A Market Correspondent BUSINESS in copra was done in Singapore yesterday at $47 V 4 per picul. Buyers quoted $47 i and sellers 50 cents more. The volume of trade was on a small scale. The tone in the coconut oil section was easier, with buyers
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  • 29 11 HONO KONO, wed. PEE market currency exchange for Hong Kong dollars as quoted today as follows: US$l, HK16.35; £1, HK115.60; one taei of gold HK»3OO— UP.
    UP  -  29 words
  • 120 11 Malayan Shares (From A Market Correspondent) INTEREST tn Tin shares 1. broadened In London, which sent a number of bids to the Malayan share market yesterday. Locally, there was little Inclination to satisfy London's require- P ments; neither was there much buying interest. Industrials and Rubbers showed little change. Price
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  • 85 11 From Our SUB Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. CfHIPMENTS of tin from Malaya 3 in August totalled 7,500 ton* compared with 8,398 In July. Of the August shipments. 3,<91 ton« went to the United StaUs, 1 885 »o the Continent ot Europe, t 1^235 to British possessions, 160
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  • 27 11 ESTATE rubber crops announced are. in lbs.: July Aug. Kempas 367.500 393.100 Radella Est. 18.000 19.000 Bukit KB. 6,300 9,100 KuaJa Reman Est. 201 500
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  • 255 11 SHIPS in the Singapore Outer and Inner Roads and alongside Harbour Board godowns yesterday were: Outer Road*: Hai Hsuan. Ulysses, Palopo Lt. de la Tour, Tjlbadak, Mllano, Hai Hing, Chip Lam. Dukat, M. Brander, Laura Maersk Khouribga. Chantilly. La Colorada Inner Roada: Rawang. Indragirl,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1148 11 MAKSFtEpDIjLjn^-^W. ilncortoorited wi-Si*K»pore) BLUB fUNNEL UMB Carrier 1 option to proceed via other ports to load and discharge cargo SAILINCS to LIVIRPOOL CLASCOW LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Oue Sail* P. Sham Penang Cyclops for Dublin L'pool Sept.*/? "Ss£st &%&?%>. i *o»» *«p»"/'« 7 u st ferseu* for Cenoa. Marseilles j^
      1,148 words
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    • 857 11 MCALISTER «t CO. -ID. I Incorporated m Smgapoio Telephone No S«O6 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL KLAVEN»»» LINE it in mn cit» at iviNtvini Aecaoting earao r« central Soulh CITT Of fVANSVILLI American i»oit» iocie H. Sham Penang SUNNY VILLt /HSept. 14/16 Sept. 25/26 Sopt. 24Soai. »pore nani feri.i"g CITY OF CHICACO Cdn.
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  • 1071 12 F.A.S. COUNCIL ANSWERS ITS CRITICS By EPSOM JEEP V TEN horses to M x follow at the Singapore Turf Clubs Gold Cup MeetIng are: Tars Street: For the Gold Cup; we have yet to tee the best of this Irish-bred four-year-old who has won five races In eight outings this
    1,071 words
  • 22 12 TODAY: 8.26 a.m. iSft. Sin.) and 5.59 p.m. (7ft. 51n.). TOMORROW: 9.34 a.m. i7in lin.) and 7.38 p.m. (7ft. in.t.
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  • 193 12 GHQ Tanglin Win District Cup Final GHQ TANGLIN won the Singapore District senioS cup soccer final when they defeated 30th Battalion RAOC by four goals to nil in a hard fought match at Tanglin yesterday. Exchanges were even, but GHQ forwards took their chances as they came and this brought
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  • 70 12 BUFFALO. -JEW YORK. Wed. The whiplash wrist style of American golf as opposed to the method of applying power thio'igh the straight left arm alone, won a clear victory for the United States who retain the Oirtis Cup. America's top amateur golfers conquered the British team
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  • 503 12 By EPSOM JEEP ItffARINUS van Breukelen has sent out more ITI Singapore Gold Cup winners than any other trainer. His first success was in 1932 when the '"grey ghost" Punkawalla (Irvine) smothered his opposition to win by three lengths on the old racecourse in Farrer
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  • 248 12 CJINGAPORE Recreation o Club, last year's hockey league champions started their 1950 season on the padang yesterday with a home and home fixture, between Colours and Whites. Whites, although having more of the gamp throughout with such notable players as S. Ebert. Oeorge Valberg.
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  • 361 12 l ♦♦♦■m 1 Cold Cup Profile-3\ rrWERE will be a strong 1 line-up lor the rich Singapore Gold Cuv to be run at Bukit Timah on Sent. 16. While Four <. o'clock II and Tara Street dominate the Cup scene, there are ii several possible Cup prospects
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  • 222 12 II HAT-TRICK by Talib. who A scored his third goal two minutes before the' end, gave Mai layan Breweries Sports Club a three-two victory over Pulau Bu- 1" kom Sports Club when they met in a hard-fought S.A.F.A. Business i House "B" soccer tie on the
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  • 470 12 Sino-Malays S; H.K. Chinese 1. rIE VISITING Honf Kong Chinese Soccer XT sustained their sixth successive defeat in the Colony when they went down to Sino-Malays by three goals to one at Jalan Besar yesterday. There was a new line-up in the Sino-Malay vanguard but.
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  • 475 12 A NEW sub-committee the Disciplinary Board— was formed with powers to act against misconduct or breach of rules at the first committee meeting of the season of the Singapore Hockey Association held at the S.R.C. yesterday. Mr John Plllal proposed I the formation of the Board which
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  • 112 12 By Onr Golf Correspondent ■gRITISH Open champion Bobby Locke, whoa rrivrs, In the Colony today and will play an exhlbttlo i match at Royal Singapore Oolt Club tomorrow from 3.45 p.m.. luis been one of the pimp's potters. Watch him as he approaches tribal! Mentally
    112 words
  • 56 12 DONCA3TILR Will Mrs I B. vi i Bi« D.mwr hum K*tnr Stakrs run over kix tin erf thi» afternoon. Sivrti run Aftrr coosultmic the ohoto ttw )udi:-» placed Mr. C B*-:i> Sritrli-i Emh. ,it second and Mi Wrielir* Turk, i Rrlianet third. Brtting im 1-4 on favourite 3n
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 719 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from page 6) VEHICLES FOR SALE AUSTIN "8" Saloon engine just overhauled upholstery, paintwork tyres in ex'lent con'tlon. Price Viii) Reply Box A 2012. S.T. lORD V 8 DE LUXE. 194 f. excelleat condition, 39.000 miies. 11 1 1 owner driven, nearest on>r on Write Box A
      719 words
    • 98 12 [eternh MW ./n* precision watch jdy/ll? i 4ince 1856 Ordinary wdg. frA'a '^Vw from 1 1 5.00 #'v V* J&fif Selfwinding 111*9 J^ll from $145.00 Jt\ 7* 4 J/| (Waterproof) jfejk" V^rW-'/J^P^^ ETPRNH MftTIC jSfo^irjf r1 First Jr/XC "A Selfwinding Watch With WWiVpfj^ Ballbearing THE QUALITY OF A WATCH IS
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 34 12 SOICEE: (ommuniiv Lge.: Indians v Malays at Jalan Besar; Jnr. (up-tie: Aston kJC. v KecUiies .i C.V.M.A.; Besineaa Hse. B: Ore: sea Chleeee Bank f Bornee S.C. »< Geylaag. HOCKEY: 9.C.C. w Skdl on paeaasj.
      34 words