The Straits Times, 5 September 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 374 1 Threat To Cut Off Big U.N. Forces TOKYO, Monday. TOiMMUNIST forces pushing down through open tank country were tonight almost within gun range of Kyongju, the most important rail and road junction in Gen. Mac-Arthur's beachhead. They were threatening to cut off American troops and large
    Reuter; AP  -  374 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 1 LEADERS RELAX PRESIDENT and Mrs. Harry Truman watch a ball game from the presidential box at Washington as relaxation from the strain of the Korean conflict. Below. General Douglas MacArthnr greets Admiral Arthur W. Radford. Commander-in-Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet at Haneda Base in Japan. A.P. pictures.
    AP  -  49 words
  • 123 1 A IKS. I). S\ pui. i of Angus, Scotland, was told on her arrival at Kallang airport yesterday afternoon that her son. Able Seaman A.A. Bin?, who was injured in the Barwind explosion last week was making progress, although he is still dangerously ill. 'Irs. Sypula.
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  • 158 1 T\ESPITE stringent regulations governing th< movement of Malayan currency, a considerable "though unassessable" amount of Malayan m<m<\ is in use in neighbouring territories. Stating this in his 1949 report Mr. J. E. Pepper Chairman of the Board- of Commissioners of Currency Malaya, remarks. "This
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  • 87 1 DARWIN, Mon. WHAT the finders claim as a "massive formation" of uranium has been found on the banks of the Ferguson River, near Katherine, 200 miles south of Darwin, in Australia's barren northern territory. The deposit was found by three Kathrrine residents who bought their own
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 57 1 RANGOON. Mon. "WEMBERS of the Burmese Parliament have ec.-lv-rd warning of a likely attempt to assassinate some of their number during the present session, the Assorin'.ed Press was told authoritatively. vtrmb^rs said the warning came p fi-w days before Hie i.r-.v -.ossion began. ParUamenl began its budget
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  • 21 1 COLOMBO. Mon— Ceylon's Communist Party has suspcitlec! einht ot its members, allcpirm that they are America:! spies. Reuii'i.
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  • 53 1 CAIRO. Mon. Egypt Is buying 10 new highspeed trains from England. Five of them already are en route to Egypt. With a speed of 100 miles an hour. the new trains will reduce the present three-hour trip between Cairo and Alexandria to a little over
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  • 134 1 SINGAPORE Malay film star Siput Sarawak, her husband and 10-year-old daughter were in a car which yesterday morning plunged into a ten-foot ditch in Bukit Timah Road. The only person injured was a Malay friend, also in the car, who received a
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  • 34 1 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Mon. —Two F-84 Thunder jet planes collied at 20,000 feet here yesterday. One pilot baled out. but has not been found. The fate of the other pilot, is unknown— A.P.
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  • 20 1 CAIRO, Mod.— The Rector of Cairo's 1,000-year-old Al Azhar University, Sheikh Mohammed Mamoun El CMnaway, died today .—Reuter.
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  • 164 1 SYDNEY. Monday. T"HE Prime Minister, Mr. Robert Menzies, warned Australia here today that heavy additions to the nations already large defence burden could be expec ted. The Government's defence programme would affect Australia's economy, development and the price level, he told a meeting of the Federal
    Reuter-AAP  -  164 words
  • 30 1 RANGOON. Mon— Peter A. Boxall. a British employee of Lloyds Bank, was killed last night when he fell from the steamship Bharat Sena, lying at anchor here.— A.P.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 106 1 LA BAULE. Mon. KING Farouk of Egypt drove off from this Atlantic coast resort today for Biarritz, near the Spanish border. In the car with him was an American girl. The king Is due to spend a lew days at Biarritz, then go to the French Riviera
    AP  -  106 words
  • 40 1 MELBOURNE. Mon. A "free drugs" scheme came into operation throughout Australia today. Medical drugs are now available to all on production of a doctor's prescription. R.'n.-.rt* from doctors today Indicated no rush on the new service—Reuter.
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  • 36 1 LONDON, Mon.— l|-i Uin has a new jet night fighter aircraft. The machine is the De Havi land Venom NF-11. an adaption of the ultra high speed crmy fighter of the same name. Reuter.
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  • 144 1 A municipal bulldozer parked In Al Junied Road, Singapore, was stripped by four armed Chinese at 230 a.m. yesterday after they had held up the two Indian watchmen guarding It. They got away with parts worth more than $1,000 and 60 cents cash. The armed men
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  • 191 1 Typhoon Kills 250 In Japan TOKYO. Mon. TYPHOON "Jane" which ravaged Western Japan on Sunday killed at least 250 and made more than 250.000 persons homeless. The densely populated Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto area received the full impart ot winds which reached a maximum of 108 miles per" hour. Police reported that almost
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 26 1 SEMARANG. Mon. Fiv-* thousand srholars staged i protest demonstration at 3?--marang on Sunday to urjje the military administration to return all occupied schools. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 16 1 ROME. Mon- Pope Pius XII today received former Emperor Bao Dai— Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 91 1 T 'WMITE Whitr Ant) EXPERTS C. P. TAYLOR LTD. D 2. Rodney House. Battery Road Tele. ***** OVERSEAS BANDSPREAD s^-*^ RADIOGRAM \tmJ^*\ and quality A 7 waveband bjidsprrad receiver IC. 4978/79 in a cabinet of novel tlylinj pro A C. AN3 DC /> vidmg a high standard of fidelity. •.NGAPOKc
      91 words
    • 88 1 PHILIPS B PHILIP FINE QUALITY RECORD CHANGER TYPE 2971 EQUIPPED WITH CRYSTAL PICKUP. WITH ULTRA LIGHT WEIGHT HEAD M, Sapphlrr cushioned nrcdlr plays at lca*t 1500 records without deterioration. JL Hijihest ci u .1 1 1 1 > lour m Intrrmixrd pU»in^i)f Irn records 10 inch and Vi fnch. .)l
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  • 73 2 CAIRO. Mon .--Egypt's Foreign Minister Salah El Din Bey told a press conference yesterday that it was "most possible" that he would hold discussions with the British Foreign Secretary. Mr. Ernest Bevin at Lake Sucess.. A communique issued yesterday stated that preliminary discussions on a new treaty between
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 373 2 Night 'Purity Patrolman 9 Stripped And Sent To Gaol MAGNIFICENT SERVICE' ENDS IN I6NOMINY LONDON. Monday. TWO months before he was due to be released from the RAF after 12 years' "magnificent service", Flight-Sergeant Bertram Henson, 37, was sentenced to be reduced to the ranks, discharged with ignominy and to
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  • 134 2 5 MILLION REFUGEES SETTLED NEW DELHI, Mon. •TOE Government of India claims to have rehabilitated most of the 6,000,000 non -Muslim refugees from West Pakistan who flooded into India in 1947. But the number yet to be resettled is not small. Official statistics show that the Government during the past
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  • 100 2 NEW JERSEY. Mon.—Dockworkers here have broken the New York longshorfmen's boycott on the unloading of Russian goods, it was disclosed yesterday. After talks between management and union officials, they unloaded 2,100 tons of cotton flinters' (used in making pun cotton) and a general cargo of carpet
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 36 2 MALTA. Mon— lron lungs are being rushed from Malta to the British base at Fayed, in ERpyt, where 32 servicemen have been stricken with poliomyelitis. Forty-nine Maltese have also been stricken —A. P.
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  • 98 2 h.ARIS, M'nilui/ rVHE strains of gypsy music and a glimpse of beautiful women dancing in a French Riviera villa led a young Italian acrobat to carry out a £20,000 jewel robbery. The acrobat, Dante Spada, 26. told police he was responsible for the raid several
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 304 2 KHARTOUM. Monday. A GOOD bull elephant is hard to find in the Sudan these days. A Sudan fame warden reports he found female elephants outnumbering males by five to one in a recent trip. He said he was "struck by the apparently large
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  • 32 2 A GLOSTER METEOR 8 fighter, Installed experimentally with two of the most powerful jet engines in the world, the Armstrong Siddeley Sapphire, is shown here in flight —A.P. picture.
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  • 62 2 PLYMOUTH, Mon. A 35--year-old woman named Aramar gave birch yesterday to a seven-pound boy after travelling 3,000 miles from Cyprus to take advantage of Britain's free medical services. She said she hoped to get the child adopted in Britain and then return to Cyprus to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 654 2 NOTICES NOTICE rODDT CONTRACTS FOB KEDAH 4k KEOH FOR THE TEAK USI Tenders are Invited for the supply of toddy to 13 Government shops in Kcdah Kroh for the year 1451. Closing date 21st September, 1950. For details apply Customs Offices at Alor Star, Sungel Pntunl. Kullm and Kroh. Sgd.
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    • 473 2 NOTICES Re: ALFRED REGINALD FERNANDEZ Notice Is hereby given to the abo»e-nam*>d or any peraon claiming title under him to the land and premises known as 51 Oilstead Road Singapore that at the expiration of two months the Public Trustee as Administrator of the estate of Annie Maria Joseph deceased
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    • 280 2 S.S.COVERNMENT3%I94O WAR LOAN (1952-1959). Notice Is hereby given that the Transfer Register of the above loan will be closed from 16th to 30th September. 1950, both dates Inclusive, for the preparation of Interest Warrants BY ORDER. The Hongkong Sc Shanghai Banking Corporation, Singapore. NOTICE. TODDY TENDERS FOR NEGR I SEMBILAN
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    • 59 2 TENDERS are invited for the supply of food to the Hostels of the University of Malaya for the period October Ist, 1950 to March 31st, 1951. Specifications may be obtained on application to the Bursar. University of Malaya, Cluny Road. Singapore and tenders should be submitted not later than 10th
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  • 202 3 America Rushes Arms Aid To| Indo-China: Crisis Fears WASHINGTON, Monday. THE United States was reported yesterday to be rushing arms aid to Indo-China in expectation of a new crisis within a few weeks in that sector of the Asian front. Officials here said reports from American and French sources indicated
    Reuter; AP  -  202 words
  • 164 3 LAKE SUCCESS. Mon. AMERICA will demand that the United Nations Security Council appoint India, end Sweden to Investigate Communist China"; charges that American planes have raided Manchuria, it was disclosed yesierday. Ambassador Ernest A. Gross, deputy United Stales Representative, said that his delegation would request
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  • 130 3 BIRMINGHAM, Mon. 'J'HE doctrine that "human life is inherently sacred" was questioned by Dr. E. W. Barnes. Bishop of BinningI ham. last nisht. at a meeting of the British Association lot the Advancement of Science. "The world needs more good human stock, saic' Dr. Barnes, 'but
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  • 271 3 ATHENS. Monday. A TROJAN war was threatened again today when raven-haired Tassoula Petrakogeorgis was whisked away to another Jiiding place by her gaoled lover's family and her father vowed vengeance for her stained honour. Both here and in Crete members of the lover's famiIka charged each othT
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  • 111 3 LONDOS, Mon. REPRESENTATIVES of I*■ nearly 5.000 former prisoners of war of the Japanese yesterday demanded reparations from the Japanese Government for the meagre food they were given in prison camps. Mr. Gilbert Douglas, chairman of the Glasgow branch, said the United States icas paying
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  • 88 3 JERUSALEM. Mon—Fortyfive leadinp American-Jewish financiers met here yesterday at the Invitation of t-ie Israel Prime Ministe-. Mr. David B-n Gurion. to nlan a $1,000.--000 000 fund for Israel. The four-ilav conference ill discuss v.ays of raisinp money designed 1 to f) lance Jewish Immigration ami settlement
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  • 84 3 ADDIS ABABA. Mon. THIRTY-THREE displaced A Europeans and their wives and children have trekked to Ethiopia for a new start. They are the first group to arrive of several hundred displaced persons from the American. British and French zones of Germany. Their move follows
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  • 79 3 MELBOURNE. Mon-Pro-fessor M. D. Goldman of Melbourne University and Dr O. Spir.r'.ler of Sydney University found that they roulrl unders'^r.d each other in 16 differen* language when they sset fcr the first time at a conference of forei3n language lectures. German. French Russian. Polish Czechoslovakian. Italian.
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  • 31 3 HONG KONG. Mon— Ten Chinese Communist troops were reported killed or bounded when a lorry hit a mine about 30 miles north of Hong Kong on Saturday. --A.P.
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  • 231 3 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Monday. THE view that an international tin agreement based on the provisions of the Havana Charter would be detrimental to Malaya is expressed by Mr. E. V. Pearce. chairman of Lahat Mines. In a circulated annual statement to shareholders, Mr.
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  • 39 3 LONDON. Mon. Moscow Radio claimed today that a Russian technician. Plrotzky, invented and built f he world's first electric tramway 70 years ago. The anniversary was being celebrated in Russia now. the radio said. Reuter.
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  • 31 3 COALVILLE. Lelcs. Mqn Police and military yesterday were co-operating here to solve the mystery of smoke bombs that have been planted In the town and in surrounding villages —Reuter.
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 3 LOVE DRAMA: Nineteen yr ar-old Tassoula and her father, G«orge Petrakojceorf is, who has vowed vengeance for his daughter's "stained hon o v r." A. P. picture.
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  • 128 3 HONG KONG. Mon. PEKING radio last night again accused the Hong Kong authorities of "highhanded, Illegal actions.' It protested against recent regulations restricting Chinese entry into the Colony (imposed because of over-crowd-ing) and "the infringement of Chinese sovereignty. The radio accused the Hong Kong police
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 345 3 Labour Demands 'Avoid War' LONDON. Sat. A DEEP-SEATED fear of I war and a wide desire for a negotiated end to the East-West deadlock was revealed yesterday among the rank and file of Britain's Labour Party. This is seen in the publication yesterday of 52 tightlypacked pages of resolutions and
    AP  -  345 words
  • 114 3 ATHENS. Monday. INFORMED Government and defence quarters said yesterday that all signs point to a renewal of Communist agitation to overthrow the Greek Government, possibly including a revival of guerilla activity. They said that a new Red f 1 "offensive" was actually under way and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 279 3 il Hard or soft f j.j oj. J TB Thick or fine? W Upright or oblique? WA 1 1 1 After seventy yean of making Swan pent, we' va H 1 111 learned that one man's nib is another man's flj I HI infuriation. We make Swan nibt in such
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  • 215 4 'CONNIE' SINKS IN MUD Newt In Brief- TUE WHEELS of a BOAC Constellation, taxi-ing to a non-relntorced section of the parking apron at Kallang airport yesterday, sank through pavmg stones to axel depth. The pilot, by "rewing-up" got the giant aircraft out of the mud in a matter of seconds
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  • 43 4 THIS ONE DIDN'T GETAWAY CHINESE nSHERMEN off Telok Paku, Cliangi, on Sunday bringing in a five- foot shark. A net 3M yards oat had drawn in the thrashing shark. After being landed on the bemch the shark was taken off to a market.
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  • 34 4 A special meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council this morning will consider a motion to continue In force the Control of Rent Ordinance 1096. for a f urtner period of 12 months.
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  • 233 4 PllK fact that Johore Bahru might become Singa--1 pore's Gretna Green if his proposed marriage Bill is passed, was admitted yesterday by Mr. John Laycock, Legislative Councillor for Municipality North-East Division. 1 Mr. LaycocJc said he die: not intend to propose any form of prosecution
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  • 537 4 8 COUNTRIES DISCUSS ASIA'S RICE SITUATION Two Conferences Open In Singapore REPRESENTATIVES of eight rice importing countries, with United States and Australian observers, began a high level conference, called by the British Government, in Singapore, yesterday. The conference is discussing the outlook for future rice supplies in this part of
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  • 208 4 Education Leaders Swap Notes A TWO-DAY "get togethermeeting of British education experts in South-East Asia opened in Singapore yesterday to exchange information on educational developments and to review progress in their individual territories during the past year. Sir Christopher Cox, Education Advisor to the Secretary of State for the Colonies,
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  • 43 4 A woman. Leong Yee Mul, wa: flm»d $5 in the Singapore rv.,,rt yester-rf-w *~r f*»«Mne to replace her lost identity card. A young woman. Goh Ah Kweah. who failed to notify the change of address in her card, was fined $10
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  • 47 4 An amah. Lee Cheong, was fined $10 in the Singapore Second District Court yesterday for trespassing at Tanglin Barracks on Dec. 5 last year. Chief Inspector C. W. Such, prosecuting, said that Lee had been warned previously "to keep clear of the barracks."
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  • 209 4 4 DEMAND for the re-introduction of price control 1 and the effective distribution of consumer goods is made in a resolution which will go before the annual delegates conference of the Singapore Municipal Serrices Union at the end of this month. The resolution is being
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  • 144 4 Govt. asked for welfare officer THE Singapore Civil Service 1 Association is asking Government for a full-time welfare officer to attend the welfare and Interests of government servants, states the Association's annual report released yesterday. The report points out that welfare officers have been appointed in the Police Force. Harbour
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  • 96 4 SINGAPORE Government pensioners will be allow ed to use the subordinate staff holiday bungalows in Tanjonr Ithu subject to certain conditions. This privilege was sought: by pensioners from government through Mr. John Laycock, Legislative Councillor for Municipal North-East, who forwarded their request to the Colonial
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 169 4 J %jr M NI^ E %*fS[jg AT THE $5 CAPIJOL /'rrsents V CRY OF THE MARINES from MAKIN ISLAND to KOREA! Motor, Transformer and Magnet! Winding Specialists. >RA(TIOXAL lIP. 3 phase Br.ri 1) C motors of all makes Rewour.d. TRANSFORMERS SINGLE |i:... and three phase designed manufactured and Rewound. ONLY
      169 words
    • 158 4 FfSTIVAIOF BRITAIN Touring the Festival Summer from May to Scp-■•-'tember 195 1, the visitor to Great Britain will find something of interest going on everywhere. In addition to the centres shown above, cities, town* and villages all over die country will take part in this great national event. With exhibitions,
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  • 138 5 TRAINING FOR GUIDE OFFICERS FOR the first time since the I liberation Guide officers are being trained again in Singapore. From now until the middle of October, classes will be conducted by Miss A. Wilson, the trainer from U.K. who arrived in Singapore recently, every evening from 5.30 to 7.30
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  • 43 5 Found guilty of offering a bribe of $95 to a police constable in the Singapore Harbour Board. Wong Ah Yuk. 46. of Tras Street, was sentenced to two months' Imprisonment In the Singapore T,hird Police Court yesterday.
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  • 33 5 Kua Lean Heng, 18, and Lim Chwee Soon. 19. were cautioned and discharged in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday after pleading to gambling at Ch?.y Van Street on Sept. 3.
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  • 39 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Mon Mucii bin Ismail was fined $10 when he was convicted here today on a charge of failing to obtain a Road Tax licence for the s< cond half of 1930.
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  • 428 5 Smallholdings, Fishing, Rice First On Plan From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. the first meeting of the Rural and Industrial Development Authority, in Kuala Lumpur this morning, Dato Onn bin Ja'afar said that at this stage, the Authority was an interim body set
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  • 311 5 4 NEW $500,000 tuberculosis centre most modernly equipped in Asia and handling: 1.200-1,500 patients daily, is to be opened 100 yards behind Anson Road, Singapore, about August to next year, Mr. C. L. Edwards, chairman of the Singapore AntiTuberculosis Association, said yesterday. Construction will bej»inj
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  • 142 5 Air Burial Services For Eleven TWO supply drops were made yesterday by aircraft of Malaya Air Command to the ground rescue party encamped round the wreck of the Dakota which crashed in Kelantan on Aug. 25. Today, if WVtQwr permits, burial services will be read by Church of England and
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  • 200 5 AIR Marshal Sir Francis Fogarty, C-ln-C F.E.A.F., said yesterday that the new Air Ministry Joint Consultative Council for locally-en-Kaged non-Industrial staff was a "most important event In the relationship between the Air Ministry and the Air Ministry Local Staff Union. It showed, he said, that the
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  • 97 5 piVE Chinese were charged in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday with being present in a hut in Syed Alwi Road for deleterious drugs to be administered to them. Mah Kirn Hock, the occupier of the hut, was charged with permitting his premises to be
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  • 223 5 A MIDNIGHT struggle between a young English- speaking Chinese woman and a male intruder in the darkness of her room on July 17 was described in the Singapore First District Court yesterday. I In the dock stood Tan Chwee Yam. 17. charged with
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 5 Mim i'HONG HAW CHOI. a MM at the Ipoh General Hospital, who returned to Singapore yesterday by QEA ROAC Constellation after a seven weeks' IJ.N. nursing course in New Zealand. She is here seen on arrival at Kallang airport. Straits Times picture.
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  • 50 5 At the monthly meeting oi the Singapore District Society of The Corporation of Certified Secretaries to be held today in the British Council hall. Singapore, at 6.30 p.m. the speaker will be Mr. S. F. Mileham, A.C.& who will deliver a paper on "Practical Branch Accounting."
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  • 45 5 From Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Five Kulal Chinese were charged in the Johore Bahru police court today with being in unlawful possession of two piculs of rubber on Kelan Estate They claimed t:ial and were allowed bail in $300 each
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  • 59 5 Goh Eng Lok, 27, claimed trial in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday to theft of two gallons of petrol from a military truck in Clement! Road. All bin Ahmad, 22. of Gillman Barrack.s, claimed trial to abetting the offence. Ball o( $200 in one surety 'va.s
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  • 33 5 From Otn Own ("i>n^spon<lent JOHORE BAHRU. Mon Lee Yo->ic Tong. of Simpang Rencr;im. who used hi* ear as a taxi wai fined $300 or alx jveeks" gaol in Kluang.
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  • 135 5 Froaa Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Mon. VVITH the temperature dropping 10 degrees, Penang shivered over the \u:k-end when rain fell contlnuaaati for three days, givIng the floods littii chance i< MibMde In both town and outlying areas. Latest figures from the Meteorological station at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 233 5 £ome things you just can't mask Rijeon Tutc cojtume, sljvc girl. B it what good is your masbucradc it underarm odour g,\rs you away Dori'i lake cfunccs. Rclv on Mum. Tonight's bath was line fm washing away />••>/ poispir-M.-'i.n. But to guard BgainM 'Juliet underarm odoar, play 1( use Mnw
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    • 133 5 RUDGE BRITAIN'S BEST BICYCLE You'll be proud to own a Rudgethe all steel bicycle, and a leader since 1869. From all good bicycle dealers or Singapore Distributors BAN HOCK HIN. 131 Beach Road. BAN HONC CHAN. 75 Victoria Street. SINC HUAT CO., 165/167 Victoria Street. Instalment payments accepted Sole Agents
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 72 5 tICIWIIHI COI'NCIL, special meeting. Victoria Memorial Hall. 10 a.m. Y.W.C.A., Raffles Quay. Wayfarers' meeting. 3 p.m., ballroom dancing. 5.30 p.m. GIRL GUIDE TRAINING, Guide Guiders, Guide Hut, demenceau Avenue, 5.30 p.m. V.M.C.A., Orchard Road, gymnastic class. 6 p.m.. Army Referees 1 meeting. 8 p.m., V's Men's dinner. 8 pm. LIAN
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  • 1 6
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  • 27 6 MR. AND MRS. KIONO BENG HONG and family thank those who 50 kindly sent wreaths. loan of cars and lorries, attended night visits and the funeral.
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  • Singapore, Tues., Sept. 5, 1950.
    • 1161 6 For a country that is as dependent on imported foodstuffs as Malaya is, there is danger in the war scare market which has embraced so many commodities in the last few weeks. It is immaterial for the moment that the cause of many of the rises
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  • 749 6 By M. HASSAN Muslims, the relations between man and woman begin with the contract of marriage, which is a sacred religious institution. The first principle on which this institution is based is the free consent of man and woman, and the woman who has arrived at the
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  • man-in-the-Street
    • 354 6 WITH reference to Mr. Pat Johnson's criticism of the Press at last Thursday's meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commission, may I say that I find the Straits Times reports of such meetings more illuminating than the official minutes? For instance, your Issue of Dec.
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    • 162 6 AS A BACHELOR. I fully support the Marriage Bill sponsored, by Mr. Laycock, but I wish to suggest that the date of effect for that Bill, if it becomes an Ordinance, should start from the date the Bill is approved by the Legislative Council in order not
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    • 114 6 WITH relerence to the remarks in "On The Margin" about pineapple seed, for many years pineapples have been produced from the best suckers and the seed-bearing fruit has been avoided. If the small pineapple fruit growing in shade or under trees be opened, these small,
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    • 68 6 MR. J. C. Behague, In his Sept. 1 review of the French film, "Une Nuit A Tabarin," warns those who have any streak of the prude within them to Rive It a wide berth. I am not a prude, but what I would like
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    • 39 6 poULD you find me a Malayan Kj pen friend about 12 or IS years of age (a boy)? I would like to get bis Ideas on life. LANCK LEWIS. t Kalgoorlle Road, tarn B«y, South Australia.
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    • 232 6 INDIAN UNITY IN THE FEDERATION nERMTT me to say few words on the Parthian shot from the bow of Mr. J. A. Thivy concerning the recently formed Federation of Indian Organisations. I have no intention of attacking Mr. Thlvy in his absence. He had his heart and soul in the
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    • 118 6 THE suggestion put forward in your leader of last Thursday, relating to the sugar racket, will certainly receive the full support of the public. During the present state of emergency, racketeers should be placed In the tame category as that of the agents of the terrorists,
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  • 419 6 The Secret AM glad I wrote that bit about the two pomeloes from Orchard Road market which were so sour that they had to be thrown away, because It has brought me a most welcome piece of advice from Mrs. Betty Lumsden Milne, of Muar, which I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 776 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. DODD: To Marie Laure and I'< ter, of Labuan, a daughter, Helen Susan, at Kuala Belalt, on Sept. Ist. THE ENGAGEMENT ls annnunced between Rruce Hall of New Roniney, Kent, and Marguerite Oflhlers, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Oehlers. Singapore. PERSONAL "D. PLEASE COME BACK.
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    • 31 6 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL GO. Offering Complete Services essential to Eye Comfort Visual Efficiency. (1) VISUAL ANALYSIS (2) VISUAL TRAINING (3) GLASSES IF NEEDED C. S. CHONG, OPT. D. 19. CHULIA ST., SPORE
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    • 77 6 i^^k Cab ffacCcO' Skw z '> Model PE. 24 CR 12 volt Battery Supply 5 valve, 5 waveband luperhet bandtprejd on all short waveband* hilly tropicalited detachable loudspeaker with provision for extention speaker 3.3 Amps circuit incorporates A.V.C. and negative voltage feedback. Available Next Week Sole Distributors: ANN PENG TRADERS
      77 words
  • 34 6 DENNE: On the 31st, 1950. Nt Sabai Estate. Karak, b loved husband of Trudie. Killed by Communists. The funeral look place at the Cheras Road Cemetery, K.L., on the at i September, 1950.
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  • 291 7 Rowing Boats To Undergo Fitness Tests fTHE Rural Board is studying ways and means of increasing safety measures at Singapore's beaches following the incidence of drowning tragedies. Mr. J. A. Harvey. Chairman of the Board, told the Straits Times that a start is being
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  • 177 7 'RUSSIAN SPIES IN STORE' T>USSIAN spies are believed to be operating in Singapore—not Russians carryftip concealed cameras but agents of all races. Yesterday, a spokesman of fhe Singapore Police declined to make any concrete statement on a Taipei report that In his confession, a Chinese journalist. Edward Lee, had named
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  • 501 7 TWO KILLED IN GANG WAR: FOURACCUSED COURT TOLD OF FIGHT CHALLENGE BUNDLES of blood-stained clothes and several knives and a bayonet which were also covered in blood, were produced as exhibits in the Singapore Relief Court yesterday when an inquiry was opened before Mr. D. A. Fyfe into a gang-fight
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  • 189 7 RETRIAL FOR MALAY J)ISAGREEINQ with the verdict of the Jury, Mr. Justice Evans yesterday ordered a fresh trial in the case in which Ahmat bin Hassan stood charged with the attempted murder of a Chinese detective, Llm lua Tee. When asked for their verdict, the foreman told the court that
    189 words
  • 44 7 S Ramasamy. 20. of Bushey Park, was charged In the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday with housebreaking into a room occupied by a woman. Asbah binte Ismail, on Sunday morning. Bail of $500 in two sureties v >s allowed until Sept. 11.
    44 words
  • 43 7 AN elderly European. Mr. Gordon Fraser, of 140, Siglap Road. Singapore, collapsed in a taxi yesterday afternoon on his way to Bedok. The taxi driver took him to the police who sent for an ambulance. His condition is not serious.
    43 words
  • 205 7 From Our Woman Cor responden t /CHILDREN in at least one Singapore Social Welfare feeding centre do not like their new "more nutrition*" free meal of cocoa, biscuits and fruit. They say that the new meal is not
    205 words
  • 271 7 rural centres for ration card renewals and other alterations. It Is possible that until the present pressure is over. the rationing staff may not ideal with the transfer of ration cards unless very urgent. It is estimated that there 1 are about 110.000 people In
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  • 42 7 Louis Raphael, a member of the staff of the French Consulate in Singapore, was yesterday granted a decree nisi to be made absolute In three months against his wife. Irene Raphael, on grounds of desertlcn, In the Singapore Stpreme Court.
    42 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 7 A TWO-PRONGED twa-deep c.ueae rt tbe Food Con rtl Ualtoning Office in Orchard Road where hundreds of p .•> are daily qaeueJng to r enew their sugar ration cartls. Sagar reverted to the ration in Singapore and the Federation from yesterday.—Straits Times picture.
    42 words
  • 24 7 A 15-year-old Chinese boy who pleaded guilty in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday to playing dice fncigarettes, was cautioned and discharged.
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  • 20 7 One hundred-and-eighty-four rounds of .303 bullets were found in a drain in Margaret Road, off Meyer Road, yesterday.
    20 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 7 A HOLLYWOOD FILM EXECUTIVE, Mr. Manner Livingstone, arrived in Singapore yesterday by Q.E.A.8.0.A.C. Constellation on a business visit. Straits Times picture.
    23 words
  • 99 7 SENTENCE of one year's imprisonment was passed yesterday' by Mr. Justice Evans in the Singapore Assizes on Ong Thiam Lock, who pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of 500 taels of gold on May 23 last. Ong was found in a s&npan in the Singapore
    99 words
  • 90 7 A 20-year-old British rating, Derek Jack Prior, was convicted in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday of attempted housebreaking into the Adelphi Hotel on Aug. 28. He was bound over for three months In one surety of $50. Inspector D. J. Meta, prosecuting, told the court
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  • 21 7 Four cases of missing persons were reported yesterday Involving two Chinese women, one Chinese boy and one Euia.sian schoolboy.
    21 words
  • 185 7 pENDINQ the hearing of the suit brought by Mr. and Mrs A. P. Hertofh, of Holland, to have Maria Huberdina Hertogh restored to them, the 18-year-old Dutch girl must not leave the Colony and the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. This order was made by
    185 words
  • 321 7 3 Bandits Killed, Several Wounded From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. 'THREE bandits have been killed and several are believed to have been wounded by security, forces in week-end operations. Airstrikes were made in several parts of the Federation. Bandits ambushed a bi r in PAUANG today. kiUing a
    321 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      114 words
    • 141 7 SALE NOW ON Evening Dinner Gowns Htavily Reduced yWiiM mnuls a»>Aw.K>llnrnm?TTMarT7rarrn^»^:Mi<^ S YOUR PIPE IS fl 1 A CONSTANT j) j FRIEND jj (I i*J f Wt hart a large selection of I I CHARATAN S PIPES Jj FROM THE OLDEST PIPE 1 MAKERS IN ENGLAND I CHARATAN D« Luxe
      141 words

  • 643 8  -  ROY FERROA By A NEW spirit seems to pervade the Portuguese Settlement In Malacca, home of 500 poor Eurasians, who live here in a colony of their own eking a meagre living from flshine in nearby waters. Wnen 1 visited the Settlement, two years BffO,
    643 words
  • 60 8 SUCH A BIG POSTBAG CO many of you have sent letters to Auntie Kathleen this week that there is not enough space to deal with them all. Next week we shall do our best to answer them. Meanwhile, children, please keep writing. Your letters are very interesting and help us
    60 words
  • 270 8 Surprise parcels as prizes Dear Children, \X/E have had a busy time this week dealing with the many hundreds of entries for our painting competition, and we are delighted that so many of you are interested in this page. We thought the best thing was to divide the
    270 words
  • 389 8 SCHOOLBOY OF THE WEEK I AST week Lenny read about Maureen. "Why. Daddy", he said, "I'm better than this girl. She came out first in one term according to this article, but I have come out first every term". Lenny is very interested in this page.
    389 words
  • 349 8 •TUUMMY," said Ferdinand Frog, "will you please buy me a torch?" "Buy you a torch?" echoed Mrs. Frog. "What do you want a torch for?" "So that I can see to jump about the marsh at night," answered Ferdy. "I'm afraid I've no money to spend on torches,"
    349 words
  • 124 8 FIRST draw the boomerang shape on a piece of thin card. A postcard would be ideal for the purpose It does not matter whether your boomerang is larger or smaller than the illustration as long as the proportion is the same. Now lay the card on
    124 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 201 8 MMOsr ovr or rut swfI" 'j AN/OTHER S'TTfR r mXI 4 L-;*^- ts^___ s**" 1 '(I ,-V-^.f ["j wfat'S wno^G with" _n ■Xitti r g^ H TnYiv<f. iv fyyf /P' _B_P_____HH ________^__L_________ I >ORRV. GIRIS lUT VCHi OOWsTfVOC ARE VI I&. SMC S4M> JWf I \#O*l'C*S #CC*f* *G AIM TODAY.
      201 words
    • 249 8 rMj5 the sGJf_T j |i -v^eißvTgryouare/iS-| sayi ELSIE the BORDEN cow I 1 1 KLIM unifotmity is am of th« most famous characteristics of I this trusted, powdered cow's milk. Through every step of II production, tht high quality of KLIM is constantly sal*- IT V guarded. You can rely
      249 words

  • 224 9 Malayan homes fashions QNE of Singapore's fashion leaders it lov I y Christina Loke, back in the Colony after a holiday abroad. She it pictured in i model that is exclu- S tively hers and which suits her slim figure to perfection. It wat de- j! signed and made for
    Chan Kee Kok  -  224 words
  • 281 9 l WAS buying panties for Cookie's baby as the two pups have already devoured two purs and eaten the elastic, which seems to ai)oeal to them. Perhaps this taste for elastic is dip to the fact that they were born on a rubber estate! The
    281 words
  • Article, Illustration
    937 9 Mothercraft in Malaya J^ LITTLE while ago, just before the christening of his first off-spring a father asked one of his men friends "what do I do at a christening?" This is typical of quite a few young fathers in their attitude towards the care of their
    937 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 81 9 «^J P Ml I 4^^ M mi Photogroph by UCMillf It's LACTOGEN that has mode me popular 4 HPf/ around here! The neighbours soy they've /KSITTTrf/ never seen a finer baby and isn't mother JNHIIV/ proud! LACTOGEN is a complete food for infonfs: ,'C3^ W it supplies all the necessary
      81 words
    • 150 9 A delicious and economical "Little Roast" ROLLED SHOULDER OF VEAL This is an exceptionally good roasting cut. Tender and of delicious flavour, it is well worth trying. You can have as little as 2 lbs. cut for your order, and you will find it most economical. COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 99 9 SINCAPORB 10 a.m. News, followed by Emergency News from X.L 10.10 Close; 12 Malay; 1 p.m. Radio Orch.; 1.30 Newt; 1.45 Dance Music; 2 Close; 8 "Listeners' Choice"; 7 News, Share Market, Interlude: 7JO "Love From Leighlon Buzzard" Episode 2; 8 "Music Shop": 830 "Talk of the Town"; 9 London
      99 words
    • 99 9 K. LUMPUR t.SS a.m. Music; 10 Emergency News; 10.10 Close; 10.50 Schools; 12-2 p.m As Spore; 6 "Mail Bag"; 7 As Spore; 7.30 "Joyou.'ly Yours"; 7.45 Radio Doctor- 8 Prpular Classics (Rossini Chabrier, Bizet): 8.30 As Spore; 9 Tommy Handley In "ITMA"; 9.30 News; 9.45 "Key board Melodies"- 10 "Blur
      99 words
    • 92 9 tlque Fantasque". Rossini); 9.45 Hambro and Zayde. piano diu-m. ts; 10 "Paul Temple and the Madison Mystery": Episode 4; 10.30 Dance Music- II Clcse. bfbbs 4.45 p.m. "From the London editorials"; 4.55 Handel; 6.15 "Colonial Commentary"; 5.24 "Adventures cf Captain Kettle", 8 Indonesian; 6.30 Cantonese; 6.45 "Music from the Screen",
      92 words

    • 985 10 "THE BLACK WATCH AND THE KING'S ENEMIES", by Bernard Fergusson (Collins, 155.). EXACTLY 200 years before World War II broke out, Scotland's Watch (the Royal Highland Regiment). Malayans have good i cause to remember the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and the Gordon Highlanders. The
      985 words
  • 292 10 UTOPIA IN AN UPROAR "A SOURCE OF EMBAR. RASSMENT". By Mary McCarthy (Heinemann, 7s. 6d.). lIAVE you any friends who are cranks? By all possible means keep this book from them. It describes, with much irony and too much wit, how a selection of anarchists, pacifists, exfellow travellers, vegetarians and
    292 words
  • 223 10 H^HE following new books and reprints will be added to Raffles Library within the next tew days: 'Arthur S. Arnott, 1 Adelaide Ah Kow. "George Borrow," Martin Armstrong. "The Story of Zarak Khan," A. J. Bevan. 'Child Health in Warm Climates." W. K. BUckie. "Australian Son." Max
    223 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 306 10 OPENING TODAY fjj&TW[AV 11 am I I", 4.15. 6.45 and 9.30 War Hero AUDIE MURPHY in a tip-top ACTION DRAMA I* a^iiw^^^^^LaP"*^^iißssW sfiß me r^^i a^LaaT M T L^^r i higb-voltoje W i 7 A r«w!..Witi It's jfl I 1 M ntw or ff I «^M -^^i^ssisssfMiisssssß TOU 1 M^^fe
      306 words
    • 236 10 starts r7y^rrmr\ 11-1.454 TODAY! IH 1 Mli n]j6.3o-9.30 Triple Action Attraction FOR THE PRICE Of ONLY ONE ADMISSION 50 MINUTES OF BLOOD SWEAT The RECAPTURE of B^LbwMl BibXL^blma. J^^BVaasisssssLM M ■^■■M^^^lt^fl Filmed in Color by TECHNICOIX)R AND THEN THE MOST SAVAGE BATTLE OF THEM ALL! NO STAGING! NO ACTING NO
      236 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 531 10 A GROUP of Eastern experts has The bidding been experimenting for quite a.liile with what is known as the -South West North East "weak two-bid". The theory back heart* Pa«s Pass z N.T. of this convention is that It Is Pass 3 N.I. 4 clubs Double more difficult for the
      531 words

  • 319 11 LONDON STOCKS LONDON, Mon. THE make up of today's Lon--1 don Stock Exchange was generally as forecast in the light of the announcement regarding the relaxing of the switching ban. General movements were small with a disposition to await a iead from New York when that centre reopens on Tuesday.
    319 words
  • 239 11 s£-Cent Rise In The Absence Of Sellers In Singapore From A Market Correspondent OECAUSE of an absence of sellers, the price of ■"rubber in Singapore yesterday appreciated flvc-and-a-half-cents above Saturday's leveL The market opened very quiet, and the volume of business done was on a very small scale.
    239 words
  • 35 11 SINGAPORE. Mon., Sept 4— 5369.25 (down $1-1:24-) £729^ a ton iH London LONDON, Mon. Sept. 4— Spot: £729— £730; Fotward £727 £725; Settlement. £729. Turnover; am 160. p.m. 100.
    35 words
  • 151 11 From A Market Correspondent P'OPRA opened firm in Singapore yesterday with buyerg at 149 and sellers at $494 per picul. A small volume of business was done at $49, after which buyers withdrew to $48 V Sellers were at $49. Coconut oil was quiet and steady, with
    151 words
  • 39 11 WASHINGTON, Mon. DUSSIAN shipments to the AY United States dropped in June but Included strategic manganese and chrome ores for the ttrst time since February. Shipments from the United States to Russia also dropped shatply in value.
    39 words
  • 171 11 From A Market Correspondent THE Malayan share market yesterday had one of the quietest days for some time, with Tins and Industrials showing little change In price* Price changes announced yesterday by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: Bureri Alex. Brlcki Pref I.W 88. Petrol 29/Oammon I.W O'towo Dlsp
    171 words
  • 35 11 OUNGEI Bidor Tin Dfedglng last month treated 3: 1.300 cubic yards in 647 hours to produce 1.375 piculs Of tin -ore fTINTA KeUas Tin Dredging In August produced 305 piculs of tin-ore.
    35 words
  • 30 11 HONG KONO, Mon. T?REE market currency exchange f for Hong Kong dollars was quoted today as follows- OS$l, HK86.31: £1, HKJ15.40; one tael of gold HKS3OO— UP.
    UP  -  30 words
  • 220 11 SHIPS In the Singapore Outer and Inner Roads and alongside Harbour Board godowns yesterday were: Outer RaaeV: Hal Hsuan. Steel Vendor, Ulysses. TJibadak. Milano, Hai Hing. Dukat. M Brander. Moiecambe Bay. Khouribga, Tatsxihi Maru. Islander Inner Reada: Renong, Rawang Indragiri. Sinabang. Tong San. Batavia.
    220 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1294 11 MANSFIELD 6* CO.. LTD. i incorporated m Singapore.) BLUB rtmNIL LIME Carrier* option to proceed via atber porti te load and drtcharga cargo. SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Duo Sail* C Vham Penan* T T35t-T H r.V to C 21/24 S^t. Cyclop* for Dublin L'pool Sopt. 4/5
      1,294 words
    • 382 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINCS TO NCW TORK AND BOSTON VIA CCVLON. INDIA ECYPT tn<! MEOITtRRANIAN POUTS •>•>>•>»# P S>iam Panent Pttt Hardmc 7/11 Sept. 12/U Sopt. 14/16 Scat. Pro* Van Barcn 29 Sept.-} Oct. 4 Oct. 5/7 Oct. •re« letfortoej 1/1 Oct. 9/10 Oct 11/11 Oct Prct. Polk 21/27 Oct 2*729
      382 words
    • 476 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SA.L.NCS FROM SCANDINAVIAN./ "'"^NDINAy^ 1 17 CONTINENT Loading at bin«apore. Kort bwettennam at/* do* abt. Seat. 24 tor H Kong. Kobe Cr rokonama. '•Selan«a Cedov/n* 29/10 for Colombo. Aden. Port Said, Cenoa. London (passenger* only). "KawbaaHa" dv« abt. Sept. 26 Antwerp. Rottexdam. Hamburg, for Banskok. Manila
      476 words
      1,026 words

  • 965 12  -  Strong Bid By Fed. Stables By EPSOM JEEP THIS year's Singapore Gold Cvp to be decided at Bukit Timah racecourse on Sept. 16— with $12,000 in advertised stakes and a guarantee of at least $8,000 in added money, will be the richest of
    965 words
  • 62 12 HASTINGS. Sussex. Mon— West Indies struggled for runs when they continued their Innings against a South of England eleven and but for an unbeaten century by Walcott made in two hours 50 minutes, they would have fared badly. The tourists were ?83 for eight at
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 45 12 Chartered Bank Sporu Club and Guthne Sports Cub drew one-ai: in a Singapore AFA Buaiuess House "B" fixture at St George's ground yesterday. Scorers were Heng Kee for the Bankers in the first half and Majid for Guthries Just before the final ■Matte.
    45 words
  • 22 12 The Inter-Services Swimmiruj rhamplonships will be held at the Singapore Swimming Club pool on Wednesday. Sept. 20 at 3 p.m.
    22 words
  • 183 12 POSITIONS in the Singapore A.F.A. Business House "A" and B" leagues up to and including yesterday's games are as follows v P W D L F A Ptl She.. B.C. S 3 1 1 9 9 7 Fras.-r A. N>«« 3 3 27 1 f Tiger Standard
    183 words
  • 32 12 Tne folloming wi.i represent Combined Eiroprans a^jinst Roya. N»vv In a BAFA Comm nnn Leaifue match on the PaciauK 1 Ll»; Pavn^. Mathot; Morton \lotirpicuor-. Wright. Ing.ii. Hum m D.maid.
    32 words
  • 635 12 WEIGHTS for all eight races on j Saturday, fir-t day of :hi- Singapore Turf Club's Autumn (Gold upi meeting, and lour on the second day. Wednesday. Sept. 13, are tivrn below: CLASS 1. DIV. I— lM. YDS. Four OTlork 'in: Indian Heather 5.03 Tara Street 9
    635 words
  • 194 12 SINGAPORE Recreation Club beat the RAF. (Malaya) by three wickets In a cricket match played at Seletar on Sunday. Scores were:— S.A.F.: Bowman b Ebert 10. Dandekar c Scully b Rozario 12, Copley b Ebert 3, Campbell b Barker 0. Hutchinson c Valberg b Barker
    194 words
  • 457 12 Profile Of Cup Horses— l qiO HELP you in your 1 choice for the top I classic on the Malayan Turf the Singapore Cold Cuv Epsom Jeep" is presenting a >• "profile" 0/ fancied horses. The first profile is FOUR O'CLOCK fPHIS flve-year-old bay X
    457 words
  • 356 12 By EPSOM JEEP THE reappearance of the almost forgotten Ecliptic, once the outstanding stayer on the Malayan Turf, as a Gold Cup prospect at Bukit Tlmah will doubtless create a ioi ot interest. For two years in succession. Ecliptic went to the post a firm
    356 words
  • 137 12 PRESSINO for over SO minutes. Tisrr Standard B.C. scored a onenil win against Hongkong and Sh.inzhlt Bank BC. in a SAFA Business House "A" tic p.ayrd at Gey'.anc' Stadium vestrrdav. Had it not brrn for an tscellent display by foalkprprr Angul.u, coup.rd with the
    137 words
  • 255 12 THE following Singapore Badminton championship ties will be played at the Clerical Union Hall this weekend: SATURDAY AT 7.3* P.M. Men's singles: Ng Cheng Hua (Marigold) v S. A. Durai (AAU): Lav Teng Chuan (Mayflower) v Mohd. Sadall (Merrytime); Cheong Hock Leng (Eclipse) v Tan Ouan Hong
    255 words
  • 298 12 R.A.F. Combined 3; Army 0. A FIGHTING fit Combined Airmen XI gave Singapore District, a three-nil beating in a Singapore A.F.A. Community League match played at Jalan Besar yesterday. Airmen's centre-forward, Suleiman, who scored two for Combined Services in their four-one victory over Hong
    298 words
  • 41 12 SOCCER: Community Lge.T Europeans Royal Navy at S.C.C. padang; Jnr. Cup-tie Haikowyu B.C. v 4 Supply RD R.A.S.C. at BODCA: Business Hse. A: Fraser Neave v Stanvae at Geylang; Bus. Hse. B: Straits Times Oversea Chinese Bank at V.M.A.
    41 words
  • 214 12 The Royal Sln?ipoie Goll Club* September Medal < Stroke* Qualifying Round Captain's Prize was played on Saturday afternoon and resulted in a win lor J. Crichton in 'A' Division wiUi 4 net score of 70 and for R. R. Cambridge in "B" Division with a
    214 words
  • 56 12 SYDNEY. Mon. Conceding ,more than a stone. Dave Sands. I Empire middleweight boxing champion, outpointed Alf Gallagher over 1 15 rounds tonight for the Australian heavyweight championship. j Sands weighed 11 st. 11 lbs. and Gallagher 12 st. 12 lbs. Sands also holds the Australian
    56 words
  • 34 12 B»t:l SDom f'.llb BOD! three-two in a IrieaO.v 4.1111 p.'avid at BOD; I Scorers for B«t« wm ran i v ionei and PMk Wli il BOOCA's KO4.s »er« (cored br Clira
    34 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 840 12 t'i./iBSIFIED ADS, 'Continued trom page 6) "^SITUATIONS VACANT CLERK Required. Must bo an efficient copy typist and have considerable experience in operation of visual card index systems. Knowledge of Western music desirable. Apply with full details to P.O. Box 434. Si' A-ii'jre. EXCAVATOR BULLDOZER DRIVERS. Application will be received at
      840 words
    • 63 12 THB MARK "^^&T V»f W rA L I I T Sole Agents:- V^^ CHUN CHONG (established 1899) 53.-SOUTH BRIDGE RD. 3►! tt H LI f j |kM ■V%s^si&«b> nights were (V^^^^s^Bß^ dark without Jj^ LAMPS ONI Of THI FAMOUS PtODUCTS OP CHOMPTON PARKINSON LIMITED UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED SINCAPORI KUALA LUMPUR
      63 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous