The Straits Times, 4 September 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 413 1 Reds Attack Along 120 Mile Front -if- TOKYO, Sunday A MERICANS battling furiously in a thunderstorm had tonight halted a new Northern drive against the vital Korean city of Taegu, according to reports here. The American Ist Cavalry Division were hitting back along their 35-mile
    Reuter-AAP  -  413 words
  • 63 1 MOSCOW. Sun. The American Embassy here has received applications for entry visas to the United States from 67 Soviet officials and clerks who are due to accompany the Soviet delegation for the United Nations General Assembly. Among the visas so far delivered are those of 18
    AP  -  63 words
  • 129 1 MELBOURNE. Sun" FE Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Robert Menzies. today denounced "so-called peace movements" as "designed to undermine the will of the people to defend themselves in the Interest of a foreign power." Mr. Menzies. addressing a Wesleyan Church gathering, declared in a bitter
    Reuter-AAP  -  129 words
  • 24 1 CHICAGO, Sun— The nation passed the 31st hour of the 78-hour holiday with 14? dead in accidents, including 104 traffic fatalities— UP.
    UP  -  24 words
  • 227 1 WITH THE BRITISH TROOPS IN KOREA, Sunday. BRITISH troops today shifted to another camp near the front of the line but are still held in reserve. Promixity of the new site to the scene of active operations caused them tonigiu to take added precaution including mounting
    Reuter; AP  -  227 words
  • 55 1 HONG KONG, Sun. ONE of the baby boys of linns Kong's first set of quads died last night, almost exactly three days after he was born. The baby who died last night was the third of tin- quaCs. He was a boy. born in
    AP  -  55 words
  • 139 1 ATHENS. Sunday. A THENS police today arrested Constantly Kefalo:x giannis, whose runaway Romeo and Juliet love affair with the beautiful daughter of a rival family brought the island of Crete near to civil war. He was taken to the police station under escort
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 30 1 JAKARTA. Sun.— lndonesia has declined to participate in the Commonwealth talks in London to discuss the £8.--000,000 sterling technical assistance plan for under-deve-loped countries in South-East Asia.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 156 1 RUSSELLVILLE, Alabama, Sun. TtiE paralysed wife of an Infantry officer fighting in Korea gave birth to a baby girl yesterday, 10 days after she had been put in an Iron ni with polio. TUe mother, 23-year-old Mrs. Lyman Clark, was removed from the iron lung for
    UP  -  156 words
  • 50 1 EIGHT-YEAR-OLD Soh Wonr Choy, one of the 40 children made homeless when fire destroyed the entire first floor of a bouse In Albert Street, Singapore, on Saturday, puts her baby sister to sleep whilst ber parents are out looking for accommodation. (Story in page 7). Straits Times picture.
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  • 514 1 By A Special Air Correspondent SINGAPORE, Sunday. VO survivors were found when the combined Army and Police rescue team reached the crashed R.A.F. Dakota in the Kelantan jungle as light was failing tonight Evidence was that the 11 people aboard the plant- died instantaneously when it trashed
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  • 48 1 PRETORIA. Sun. pENERAL Smuts, who has W just recovered from a bout of Influenza is suffering from heart strain. His doctor this afternoon issued a bulletin saying heart strain has reappeared and the General must be kept quiet. Visitors will not be allowed. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 156 1 NEW ORLEANS. Louisiana. Sun. 'THE Dutch freighter M. 8. X Slamat has sailed from New Orleans leaving 16 Indonesian members of her crew in gaol for fighting their officers An official of Strachan Shipping Company, agents for the Slamat < 9.827 tons) said the seamen
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 24 1 TOKYO, Sun— A railway tunnel caved in burying 49 construction workers alive near Matsuto Mura. 130 miles north of Tokyo today.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 166 1 THE ;iant airfield in the Cocos-Keeling Islands in the Indian Ocean, which was built by the R.A.F. during the war. will soon be in use again as an alternative to Kallang airport on the Commonwealth route from Australia to Britain. Mr. John" Clunies-Ross.
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  • 44 1 SOURABAYA, Sun. The central trade union of all trade unions In Indonesia, SOBSI, decided at a conference here yesterday to demand the re-employment of some 1.400 Indonesian workers dismissed by various. industrial managements In East Java during the past few months. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 25 1 NEW DELHI. Sun. Mr. Nehru leaves tomorrow for a three-day inspection of the Assam area, devastated by earthquakes two w«eki ago.— A.P.
    AP  -  25 words
  • 197 1 Envoy On Red Death List SAIGON. Sun. EiRENCH official sou revs today confirmed reports that Vietnam police had uncovered a plot to murder the United States Minister to Indo-China. Mr. Donald R Heath. Police would release mi details of the plot, but according to usually reliable sources section of 30
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 37 1 'CHASTE' GENERAL WEDS AT 74 TOKYO. Sun. Japancv ex-General Kenkichi Ueda famous as the "Chaste General"—today married for the first time at the age of 74 His 57-year-old bride was also marrying for the first time- Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 29 1 Four Malays, one armed with a pistol, last night held up a Chinese taxi driver in Serangoon Road, took $7.50 cash and a wrist-watch valued at $47.
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  • 215 2 U.S. MAY BE ASKED TO AID P.I. SOON WASHINGTON Sun. A N official recommendaA tioo that the United States help pull the Philippines out of its financial "morass" is expectedto confront the US Administration next State Department officials said that a mission, headed by Mr. Daniel W Bell, has completed
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 2 MRS. FLORENCE SMITH, Mrs. and Mrs Rose Cato, mothers of three British soldiers recently executed In Eft7V« for the murder of a watchman in Cairo, photographed te London be tar* they Mem to E*?Pt to at their sons.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 48 2 LONDCMf, Son—Commonwealth Finance Ministers are "Peeted to meet In secret session in London on Sepsis to discuss Commonweaith financial problems. This win be their first meeting since they met In London In July last year, before Britain decided to devalue the notmd sterllna. Renter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 69 2 A*U»*»«, (LeewaiwlsJ.Sim. ROOFS were ripped off buttdiiifs and one *"vrsi* was completely destroyed by a I3t)-mile an hoar hurricane which struck the island on Thursday night the second In 10 days. Renter. MANILA. Sun A FREAK typhoon, which hit four villages of Dansalan city
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • Cable Flashes
    • 274 2 F VALETTA, Malta, Sunday. IVE men were arrested In Pawla township, near here, yesterday after an alleged attempt to horse-whip 1 eft-wing labour leader, Mr. Dominic >lin toff, on Malta's General Election day One of the flw was the bro- 1 ther of Dr.
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    • 89 2 CAIRO. Sun. '•PAULS between Britain and Egypt for the renewal of the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty have now reached a point where they must be referred to the two Governments, a joint Anglo- Egyptian communique said yesterday. The communique added that the talks were "carried on In a
      Reuter  -  89 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1418 2 NOTICES NOTICE I hereby give notice that X have on my own accord resigned from Carrier International Limited as a Alr-Condltlonlng and Refrigc ration Salesman as from 31s' Align; f. l!>50. Sd.: LOW CHONG SOO. NOTICE OF CHANCE OF NAMC This is to notify all our frlencs and cllenu that
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    • 397 2 NOTKL TODDY TENDERS FOE NEGRI SEMBILAN AND MAJLACCA FOB THE YEAR 1951. Tenders are tavited far the supply of toody to the under™fTn?Z£Sk?Sg. s** 1 tor ut SHOP. DATLT QUAITnTT. TOWN, Seremban ijj «tUonx HAHANG NILAI M KUALA PILAH m I'AMPIN fa PORT DICKSOW M MALACCA is 2. A separate
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    • 504 2 FEEL THE PAIN GO JUST RUB IT AWAY """^saj^ MsnAoiatum nMeve* pain so nuicfcrj mat staKl^E^^K, teesis almost like magic. You can feet its coobnc 3ss»S^^^K »ootfrm| touch bejin tt once to ease the painful throb, ■^(s^^^ And it is so simple lo use Mcntholatum You ju*l rub this wonderful
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  • 31 3 THE 14-year-old Duke of Kent and his 13-year-old sifter, Princess Alexandra, photographed at London Airport on their return recently from Jersey, where they spent a holiday.— Re.uer picture.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 117 3 Air Crash Victims Identified CAIRO Sun. 'FHE bodies of three of the 1 eight Indians k lied in Thursdays air disaster in the Egyptian desert have now been identified I .y are Oaihio Subbava Pillai v ho was on his way to the Institute for advanced studies at Princeton New
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 318 3 'Koreans Are NoW Being Recruited In Manchuria' ReportsMacA LAKE SUCCESS, Sunday. QENERAL Douglas Mac Arthur's unified command reported to the United Nations yesterday that there are indications that Koreans are being recruited in Manchuria for service in the armies of North Korea. In the third report from the overall commander
    UP  -  318 words
  • 84 3 S.E.ASIA 'BARRIER TO COMMUNISM MADRAS. Sun.— Mr. Patrick Gordon Walker, Secretary lor Commonwealth Relations, said here yesterday that once living conditions have been raised by the Commonwealth economic aid programme. South-East Asia would become "a powerful barrier against destructive Communism." Mr. Gordon Walker, who is on his way back to
    AP  -  84 words
  • 228 3 STRASBOURG, S*n. I pRANCE announced yesterday that she would i-x- j tend her compulsory mill- tary service from 12 to 18 months, to back up her pledges to contribute 20 fully j equipped divisions for the defence or Western Europe. The announcement was j made by
    Reuter; UP  -  228 words
  • 25 3 NORTH KORK.VN prisoners are marched through a barbed wire gate into a prisoner of war camp somewhere In Korea. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  25 words
  • Article, Illustration
    75 3 ON A HILL NEAR WAEGWAN in the Korean battle lone about 40 American prisoners < f the North Koreans were slaughtered by their captors. But there were survivors to tell the tale. This dramatic picture shows a wounded American soldier, propped on a stretcher, pointing an accusing
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 170 3 Allies May Reinforce W. Germany WASHINGTON. Sun. r THE Western Foreign Ministers are expected to decide on substantial increases in the British and American forces in Western Germany at their conference, opening in New York on Sept. 12. But officials here made it clear that the United States, nardpressed to
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 48 3 CALCUTTA. Sun— Dr. Arabindo Mukerjee. formerly Bishop of Delhi, has been installed Bishop of India. Burma and Ceylon and Bishop of Calcutta. It is the first timo in the history of the Anglican Church that an Indian has been appointed to this office in India.— A.P.
    AP  -  48 words
  • 167 3 SHILLONG. Assam. Sunday. FIFTEEN slight tremors were recorded yesterday r in the Dibrughar area, north-east Assam town in the centre of the district struck by the great North India earthquake two weeks ago. As floodwaters. which followed the earthquake subsidIthe town at the Junction Brahmaputra
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 157 3 U.S. LABOUR FRONT REPORTS NEW YORK, Sunday. I ABOUR disputes hit American industries today, EJ with strikes and threatened strikes throughout the country <*s President Truman said he could count on workers. In three industries alone electrical, farm implements and wall-paper more than 90.000 workers
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  • 66 3 WE COUNT ON YOU' As Truman Says- WASHINGTON. Sun PRESIDENT Truman, in an American Labour Day message, said he knew he could count on the support of American workers in tne effort required to build defences against Communist aggression. President Truman said It was America's aim to bring about conditions
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 445 3 U.K. TRADE WITHRUSSIA DEFENDED LONDON, Sunday. J»HE Prime Minister, Mr. Attlee, last night announced that orders had been given to prevent disclosure of military secrets to Russian inspectors in British factories. But, he declared in a nationwide broadcast, that it had never been his Government's policy to set up an
    Reuter  -  445 words
  • 239 3 KARACHI. Sun. QFFICIAL and ministerial quarters in Karachi disown and dissociate themselves from thr ment made by the Finnn.-.; Minister. Mr.' Ohul V Mohammad, on the eve of his departure for Paris to attend the meeting this week of the International Monetary Fund. He had .'aid: "There
    AP  -  239 words
  • 40 3 PARIS. Sun Gc:i. Charles R. Mejgratn-Vmieret is giving up his (on oars as Inspector General of lii^ French Foreign Lepi.m te command the battalion of troops France will sond ta Korea, it was announced ■>• terday. —A.P.
    AP  -  40 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 138 3 "I just wanted y^J[O> social engagements were agony I used to be in constant discomfort and beastly irritable. The only relief was to lie down. 1 was getting really wretched with Piles, when I learned of Boots H.P. Ointment. Marvellous stuff Sufferers from Haemorrhoids or Piles can rely upon quick
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    • 94 3 No more worry about rue safety of important papers and valuables because they arc protected against fire and theft and yet are readily accessible at any time during usual banking hours. These Safe Deposits are open to the general public, and it is not necessary to have an account with
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  • 153 4 PLENTY DOING SOON— GURNEY SIR Henry Gurney, High Commissioner of the Federation, who left Kallane airport yesterday morning for London, said: "I leave at a time of intense activity In the Federation.' 1 Sir Henry in an exclusive statement, told the Straits Times: "There will tx» plenty of developments in
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  • 100 4 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Sun— Johore has net up Council of Religion. Members are. Data Abdullah bin Esa. Dato Othman bin Buang. Dato Ahmad bin Haji Tahir. Lt. Col. Hail Musa bin Yusof. Sved Ahmad bin Alwee Al Shahah. Haji Mohamed Amin bin Amran
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  • 79 4 I i-ini Our Staff Correspondent PENANG. Sun.— To "foster interest In the arts and sciences through the medium of films." a film society has been formed in Penang at a meeting presided over by the Settlement Secretary. Mr J. P Blackledge. Mrs. J. M. Brittaln was
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  • 50 4 From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN. Sun— Mr. G. P. Dartford. until recently headmaster of King George V School. Seremban. i;is bfo:i eppoimed to act is headmaster of the High School Malacca. Mr. A. L. MiiCortdaciale, until recently Inspe or of School?. Perak Nora, will succeed Mr. G. P.
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  • 93 4 THE Singapore textile market was shaken during 1 the weekend when the price of Indian cotton fabrics— cheapest In the Malayan market— soared to almost double. Sigapore textile dealers buted this price increase to short supply of Indian textiles and a lesser import of Japanese
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  • 46 4 From Onr Own Correspondent i JOHORE BAHRU, 8un After being arrested in Muar in connection with the murier of a Hallam caretaker of the Hailam Temple in Muar, Teo Hin, an unemployed tapper, has been tent io Tanjonp Rambutan Mental HospH' medical observation.
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  • 46 4 Fraay Our Staff Cor r punden. SEREMBAN. Sun. Membership certificates for all local members, Including associate members, of the MaI layan Chinese Association, N.S. Branch, are being issued at the local branch headquartcrvirrSrrpmban BrihcA members may call at tnelr respective branchet tilt their certificates.
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  • 52 4 SIR HENRY GCRNEY, Hi* h Commissioner, was seen off by a l»rje gathering on Saturday morning at t&e Kuala Lumpur airport. He will visit the United Kingdom. Picture shows Sir Henry saying goodbye to tne "Mentri Besar of Selangor and the Mentri Besar «i KelanUn (centre).*— P.
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  • 278 4 ANEW type of meal, which is calculated to reduce by half the cost of child feeding in Singapore, and at the same time is more nutritious than the meal hitherto provided, has been introduced into feeding centres by the Singapore Social Welfare authorities, on
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  • 46 4 j from Our SUIT Correspondent PENANO. Sun. The Pen- ;ng Coroner, Mr. D.^R. Home, yesterday returned a verdict of "Death by Misadventure" on a 25-year-old labourer, Tang Ung Poh, on whom a 300 Ib. piece of wall that he wa? demolishing collapsed.
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  • 116 4 2 BANDITS KILLED IN KELANTAN From Our O«n C'orreioonilent KUALA LUMPUR Sun IN Kelantan on Friday a, security force patrol shot' and killed two bandits and wounded another. Bandits attacked an estate \r\ PERAK this morning. A special constable was wounded Last night in PROVINCE WELLESLEY bandits attacked an estate.
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  • 43 4 MR. AND MRS. K. P. THOMAS of Singapore after their marriage on August 28 at the Church of the Immaculate f'oncewtion in Johore Bahru. Mrs. Thomas was formerly Miss S. J«yoe, daughter of Mr. D. J. Samuel of Singapore.
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  • 115 4 43-YEAF OLL tr'shaw .ider. Tan Soo Kow, on Saturday pleaded guilty in the Singapore First District Coiirt to admlnlrtering drugs Sellout A lloenc "nefl $500 Of <m« month's simple imr>;f9QOJJjJit. Mr. M. C BgflF, ASP., who prosecuted, said that wljen a police party raided
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  • 266 4 NAUTICAL SCHOOL FOR S'PORE Full Recognition Of Tickets SINGAPORE is to have a nautical school to train locally navigating officers and engineers for the merchant marine, whose tickets will be recognised ill over the world. The school, it is understood, will be maintained initially from the proceeds of the Mercantile
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  • 35 4 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Sun Lee See Fo, who was fount out of doors at Yong Penc during curfew hours without a permit, was fined $25 in the Kluang Police Court.
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  • 69 4 From Oar SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. ]^jR. S. W. P. Foster Sutton. who has been appointed Officer Administering the Government of the Federation during the absence in England of the High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gurney, took the Oath of Allegiance and the Oath of Office
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  • 101 4 LABOUR PARTY DECISION rE Singapore Labour Party has decided to invite the members of the Municipal Commission, to attend the General Council meetings of the party. The party general council arrived at this decision after a prolonged discussion on the issue. The General Council is expected to expel one of
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  • 194 4 r THE following passengers were among those whs arrived at Kallang airport yesterday from points outside Malaya on the various air services Passengers in transit are not included in the list. Q.E.A -B.OjA.C. From Darwin: Messrs K Drysdnle. Dr A. Einlhovici. J. Uu and Mrs L. M
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  • 92 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. rHE M.C.A. is starting a $1,000,000 sweepstake which will be drawn at Ipoh on Jan. 21. it was decided at a meeting of the M.C.A. Sweep Committee in Kuala Lumpur today. The draw, however, may take place
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  • 75 4 The following oppointments were announced in Singapore on Saturday: Mr. J. C. Barry. Assistant Commissioner of Police, to act as Secretary for Defence: Mr. W. Fox. M.C.S. to act as Secretary for Internal Affairs; Mr. E. D. Morgan, M.C.S to act as Assistant Secretary Secretariat, in Place
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 205 4 Good mornings begin wtihJSWw* Gillette ihe sharpest edge bt the vmrktt »r.«. ImiW Im ••M»« C«. 1.14. *iai«»s(« Bf*D«*«* THE SUPREME PRESSURE LANTERN PRODUCT ENGLAND I^3^ FAIKS VERITAS 350 Btoeklsi Distributors: LEA MIN (O. CM, South Bridet Rd.. Singapore. Ml HBNG I AMPS 47.V N Bridge Rd.. Spore. Trade fcnquiries
      205 words
    • 216 4 Opt nine Tu-eU>: 1 Show: 3. 6 IS 9.15 p m. ?01h Centurr-Fox'i "DANCING IN THE DARK" (tarring William Powrll Mark Sterfn* —In Terhnirolor REX JOHORE BAHRU Today S Show* —3 15 6 4.1 5.15 •KATIMAIf (Malay) ATLANTIC Gremt World Lut X Show*:— 7.oo 9.1* ••SKCRET OF ST. IVES" ■CM
      216 words

  • 42 5 si; UKISTOPIIKR COX. (left) Educational Adviser to t Secretary of State fo r thr Colonies, talking to >Jr Herbert H. Peterson, headmaster, when he visited the new Arulo-fhinese School in Duneam Road. Singapore, yesterday morning. Straits Times picture.
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  • 321 5 S.E. ASIA TALKS ON RICE, EDUCATION START TODAY C.6. To Open Two Big Conferences THE first of two conferences which the Com-missioner-General, Mr. Malcolm .Mac Don aid, will open in Singapore today is an annual education conference among heads of departments in British territories in South-East Asia, which will also
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  • 35 5 SEGAMAT. Sun.— Bail in $200 was ottered a 26-year-old labourer. Sinnayah of Voules Estate, who was charged in the Segamat Court with voluntarily causing hurt with a penknife to a compatriot. Kanayah.
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  • 236 5 I)YAK married couples in Sarawak are demanding J educational facilities, said Mr. Hubert Earnshaw Director of Education. Sarawak, to the Straits Times, yesterday. Adult education among hem is one of Sarawak's most nteresting experiments, said Mr. Eareshaw. Twenty-six couples have Just finished lie first two-year course
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  • 142 5 TUNA FISH REVENUE LOST *yHE hope that government 1 would seriously consider t.i r< vival ot the tuna fish industry was expressed by the r.r.Urman of the North Born>o Chamber of Commerce. Mr J K. S. Malcolm, at the July meeting of the Chamber. Mr. Malcolm added that the industry
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  • 113 5 QTI"AT bopea for the cadet's io.i of the Singapore «t John's Ambulanre Brigade. Chinese Corps, were expressed by the Brigade I Isstoner. Dr. DAB H i:in at Hie annual mm- livti of t"ic corps held yesterday at the Outram School padanrr. '"'ft *>oo oeonle. in.-'Mdin" 49 omen,
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  • 102 5 Bedok Land Sea Sports ]^AND and sea sports, the first meeting of its kind to be organised by the Bedok Wi'Uare League, will be held on Oct. 1 at Bedok. A large number of Malays are expected to attend. In vital ions have been extended to thp various fishing villages
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  • 45 5 Fro-- On- Own rnrrrspondrnt JOHORE BAHRU. Sun Khai Chew, a tapper on Kcnn Snn estates, Masai WM charged in the Johore Bahru Sessions Court today with criminally intimidating Tan Hock by writing and threatening him with death. Khai Chew wma remanded in custody.
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  • 110 5 U.S. ConsulGeneral Will Be Observer 'J'HE US. Consul-General in Singapore, Mr. W. Langdon, will attend as an observer the meeting of the South-East Asia rice conference at Phoenix Park this morning. SCAP will not be represented at this conference. The rice conference will be attended by Government officials from Singapore
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  • 89 5 The Singapore Government will be approached soon for help in building a separate school for the senior students of the Singapore Chinese High School. This decision was taken at trie annual meeting ot the committee of management of the Chinese High School at the Chinese Chamber
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  • 26 5 MUAR. Sun— Arrested while samblinu at Parit Bakar. Gwee Boon Kirn and Kow Ya'n were each fined $7 by 1 Muar Magistrate
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  • 248 5 AJ a $100 000 organ, installed in Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore. 19 years ago, will probably cost several thousands of dollars. The organ is being inspected today and possibly tomorrow oy Mr. J. A. Riddell, organ expert of Kuala Lumpur, Mr F Mc Neice, President
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  • 259 5 JN Singapore, "where the majority of the population a»-p engrossed In thoughts of financial success", cultural organisations cannot take root without considerable spade york, sai 1 Mr. K.P.A. Menon. president of the Indian Fine Arts Society, at the society's ruinual n-vfln" In the British Council
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 181 5 "I mean have you ever worked out mileage in terms of cost of repairs, replacements and so on as well as normal running costs?" "Ever heard of Ford Service Facilities? For getting the jobs done inexpensively, properly and quickly, I've never known anything to touch them. Take it from ma
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  • 1072 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon., Sept. 4, 1950. A Kick In The Pants Public servants are not supposed to reply to criticism except through the prescribed official channels a procedure which usually mear s j that by the time the reply is published the public has forgotten the allegations to
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  • 98 6 NEW YORK, Sun. 'J'HE result of the election in South West Africa will be a "source of keen disappointment and regret wherever civil rights are honoured and racialism abhorred," said the New York Times in an editorial today. Dr. Milan's Government had been ftrrngthened
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  • 32 6 From the Chicago Daily News. From the Washington Post. •HFirHT nir hvpotrkv- HAND ME SOME MORE 0F THOSE OLItK llKK I OF HirUtKlblt" BRANCHES"
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  • man-in-the-Street
    • 227 6 The Muslim Welfare Association I WISH to refer to a report which appeared in the Straits Times of Aug. 24 under the heading "Secretary Is Suspended", and to the action taken by the Singapore Muslim Welfare Association in suspending me from the office of hon. auditor for making certain statements
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    • 110 6 ON Friday morning, when I went for my usual morning cup of coffee and bread. I had to pay two cents extra for a cup of plain coffee with sugar. I asked the waiter why, and he replied that the price of blackmarket sugar was 50
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    • 106 6 I HAVE read your editorial of Friday, headed "The North Ward." on the Singapore Labour Party's idea in calling <jn Mr. Pat Johnson to resign his seat, on the Municipal Commission, as this was gained on a Labour ticket. It's shocking to hear of such Impudence
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    • 464 6 CVDR many years the stated policy for Malaya has been that Malaya is to be self-governing. Fortyodd years ago, the Malay College at Kuala Kangsar was opened to train Malay boys for the Civil Service. Before the Japanese occui pation. the College had supI plied
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    • 94 6 f OMRADES, in the words V of George Robey, desist! In tbe name of common sense, cease harrying the rubber output of Malaya. Better still, wade in and lend a hand to speed tbe passace of supplies to Russia while tbe going is rood. Tour
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    • 127 6 I HAVE been brought up in the cultural background of the East and enlightened by the educative agencies of the West. I r\m certainly very glad to know that Mr. John Laycock will introduce a Bill on marriage at the next meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council.
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    • 74 6 IN reply to "Grammar's" letter from Ipoh, published in last Saturday's Forum under the heading "English As Broadcast," I listened in to the same "Forum of the Air" programme and heard the "We haven't GOT" statements complained of. Most of us appreciate good grammar. However,
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    • 77 6 r THE details of Income tax receipts recently published will doubtless receive comment and criticism from abler pens than mine. What I think would be of Interest to every taxpayer would be the official publication of a clear statement showing (a) the cost of collection
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    • 152 6 A Grenade At Sungei Siput A HAND-GRENADE was thrown into a coffee shop at Sungei Siput on Aug. 29 at 8.45 p.m. One man was killed and nine others injured. The violent explosion rocked the neighbourhood. The police, who were stationed about 350 yards from the spot, did not arrive
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    • 30 6 Correspondents are uked to sign their letten with their names or initials unless there are good reasons for preserving anonymity. They are asked also to write as briefly as possible.
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  • 411 6 "Orang Hulan" fHE other day this column referred to a* picture of a little girl in Medan holding a baby "orang hutan The usual English spelling is orang utan without the H, and a reader who noticed lny use of the Malay spelling wonders whether this mean*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 823 6 CLASSIFIED ADS, ACKNOWLEDGMENT ELIZABETH BLOWERS Witto thnnk all thwe friends who attended Freddie's funeral and sent f'mver* and begs them to accept acknowledgment as she Is unable to write personally. PERSONAL MRS D. G SALT (nee Hynes) Chartered Physiotherapist has retained from leave and resumed li^irtlce at 23 Winchester Houre,
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    • 17 6 Motto For Mr, Johnson Luuq'nter itself Is half-immoral Pardon a thought ivhich scema seven. —Young, ".Night Thoughts."
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    • 99 6 fr»*^ mmaRH Fellow Institute Ophthalmic Opticians (Eng.j Fellow Worshipful Co. of Spectade-Mjkers (Eng.) Freeman of th« City of London. j By Appointment to HM. Forces, South East Asia 6 Raffles Place Singapore Phono ***** cloni/o qeadeo \r\e lime /onop LAST DAY of SALE TODAY AFTERNOON DRESSES From $15/WOOLLEN SUITS COATS
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  • 29 7 FIVB PASSBNGKBB in this tar craped injury when it i. in nIT i hf road into a drain in Farrcr Park. Singapore, yesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 186 7 ANLV three of the 26 families wh 0 lost their homes when fire destroyed the entire first floor of an I'M brick compound house in Albert Street. Singapore, on Saturday will apply to the Social Welfare Department for accommodation. resl v. ill live- with Jim
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  • 57 7 from Ou; sisff Correspondent JOHOKK r.MIIJI". Sun. 'PORI Mesawa, a Japanese British citi/en school teacher of Singapore, was lined $10 in the Johore Bahru Police Court today on a charge of failing to report that her identity card had b»en mutilated. To lit her card into
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  • 216 7 jiIEDICAL opinion in Singapore seems unanimously IT in support of Mr. John Laycock's Marriage Bill aiming at nullifying unrier-16 marriages. ..lajority opinion by doctors pears to be that persons aider 16 are physically and mentally unprepared for I iage. that early-teen iage means premature
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  • 45 7 Lai Hok Slam, of North Bridge Road, Singapore, claimed trial In the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday to a charge of distributing hand-bills advertising a treatment for venereal disease, contrary to the Indecent Advertisements Ordinance The case will be heard on Sept. 27.
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  • 447 7 WRITTEN, produced, managed and acied in by John Forbes-Sempill, the farce •'They Married a Crook" was presented by the Singapore Repertory Company on Saturday night in the Victoria Theatre, for the first time on any stage. Oh dear. "They Married a Crook" was written
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  • 305 7 'Progress In Reverse Gear 9 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. THE Federation Government's decision to allow the States and Settlements to decide whether or not to lift the ban on toddy shops on estates and in small villages was described as "progress in reverse
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  • 177 7 'MERCY' RAGGING URGED From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. A PLEA for "mercy" in ragging was made by a Technical College lecturer. Mr. N. K Filial, at a dinner given by 66 freshmen to lecturers and seniors at the college hall, Kuala Lumpur, last night. He was in favour
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  • 65 7 An air-condiUoned office for the Municipal President and structural alterations in the secretariat wing of the Municipal building to permit separate offices for assistant secretaries and their key assistants, were approved by Municipal Commissioners at their last meeting. The cost of the alterations, including the installation of air-conditioning
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  • 171 7 riIGHTEEN months of bard and unspectacular work behind the scenes at Far East Air Force Headquarter at Changi will have its re ward today for Mi Frederick J. Lowes. Conr. mand Civilian Admirristr: tion Officer. He wilf attend the first me* ing of the new Air
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  • 36 7 DR. R. A. B. HOPKIN. Commissioner of the Singapore St. John's Ambulance Brigade, inspecting the Women's Section «f the Chinese First Corps yesterday with the Corps' Officer. Mr. Titus Fong.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 245 7 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. A BITTER attack on members of the Federal Legis- lative Council was made by Mr. M. Arokiasamy, president of the newly-formed Federatiin of Government Administrative and Clerical Unions at its j inaugural meeting in Kuala Lumpur today. The I
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  • 177 7 gINGAPORE Municipal Commissioners have agreed in principle to extend the area within Municipal limits where pi* rearing i s prohibited. This is a precautionary! health measure brought about by rapid building development within the City's boundaries. This move is expected to force the
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  • 63 7 Mr George Maynard, independent British film producer, arrived in Singapore yesterday afternoon by QEABOAC Constellation en route for Ceylon, where he wil! survey locations for a film based on Nora Loft's book, 'The Silver Nutmeg." He arrived here from Jakarta where he experienced difficulty in setting to
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  • 35 7 The Pasir Panjang Rural District Committee will open its fourth adult English class on Monday, Sept. 11. at 7 p.m. at the Hwa Chiow Chinese School. Baku Lane, 5V4 mile Pa*ir Panjang Road.
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  • 92 7 HARPER BACK IN STORE PD Harper, the Australian jockey who drove through a bandit ambush in Johore about three months' ago, will be back in the saddle again at Bukit Tlmah on Saturday. Smiling cheerily and pleased to be back again, Mr. Harper, accompanied by his wife and three-year-old daughter,
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  • 165 7 Sailor On Far East Tour DEAR Admiral W. D. a Wright of the United States Navy (retired), and an executive of the Far Easter Affairs Bureau in Washington, arrived in Singapore yesterday on a trip to acquaint himself with conditions in the Far East. Rear Adm:i.i! Wright arrived at Kallang
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  • 85 7 The first orchestral rehearsal for the Singapore Musical Society's October concert will be held in the Victoria Memorial Hall at 5.30 p.m. today The programme is the most ambitious one an far attempted by the society. It includes Beethoven's Eighth Symphony. Bach's Double Violin Concerto and the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 113 7 J*^w SUCH WEIGHT/ BUHCHES JsliSft£ OF GRAPH, GROWN Iff |R j® 1 SUMY SOUTH AFRICA, RFMIND US OF THE lip kevbwnw toil 4GIHTI: Sltopthat v** its time you took some venos/ K you keep coughing it's time you took some VENO" I Lightning COUGH MIXTURE. This world-famoi.>* FAMILY medicine comforts,
      113 words
    • 147 7 TRADITIONAL CR\FTSMANSHIP IN STOURBRIDGE |ENGLISH CUT CRYSTAL <Jls> Distinctive -f\ TABLEViARE |mP^ Enduring 9, V UECANTE RS $28.50 n. GLASSES: A <C -wi Champagne $750 P) f IL Sherry $4.50 (9 9) B^dfi Port $550 h V SITU VIJ white Wine $550 1 2> W JOT' Li«»«« $450 <C p
      147 words

  • 2197 8  -  R. ONRAET MORE MEMORIES OF THE MALAYAN POLICE 2 By Formerly Inspector-General, Straits Settlements Police POLICE InspectorGeneral's inspection used to mark the culmination of the year's work for individual Chief Police Officers and Assistant Superintendents. But useful as these inswctlons were to the officers inspected, their real
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 402 8 QUAKER OATS $mm build TIUII, WSKIIR children! FOODYALUf Q^ V Q^^IUTURE'S WONDER FOOD C laker Oats is Nature's Wonder F00d... no other whole grain ceraal supplies more nourishment for growing youngsters! This tasty, nutritious breakfast food is a real bargain io^ nourishment. Children thrive on Quaker Oats; it's rich in
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 272 8 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD hmn O Merer! eoH sroduoc* CROSSWORD No '156 I. CHherwl^ battie* at) U torm ot fraiuiwrt 7/^1 s 4V Rrcrratioo in th* bath to W. I »pm on tractor In I ill I Germany <"). ron/u»ioo it drlajri mat- < i^UOJ .uka] S3£ ■J-4u HBPj""T^ an i..
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 9
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  • 970 9 Australian newsletter by 808 GILMORE MELBOURNE. Sun. IN the flood -soggy main street of Bellingen (pronounced BAL-injun). a hamlet 400 miles north of Sydney crowds of strangers placed bets with the lo\vn bookies: "two girls In cOiiie.' 1 "two boys," ;i boy and
    970 words
  • 1180 9  -  FRANK MORAES INDIA PAKISTAN ARE STILL UNDECIDED By BOMBAY (By Air Mail). THE failure of Sir Owen Dixon 's mission clouds the Indo-Pakistan horizon. That the U.N representative conducted his mission skilfully and fairly is admitted by both sides. This Is high praise, for previous U.N
    1,180 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 135 9 \^Bf. jrafc. iAdLE CREAM W pkfr-* ii/nci'T s^B^^ ~^4 iweet cream specially sterilized and bottled to stay V IWK^lP*'^ fresh for months— and without refriger- ~W^tt^ »tion. AVOSET gives extra goodm-sv t-xira flavor to coffee, cereals, fruit. It's the handt- >JH est. richest tasting table cream you ever used. Also
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 519 9 "THE declarer made a good try tract met defeat! West opened I for his slam contract in the club Jack. South won, and today V deal, but he could have drew the opposing trumps, then turned thp play into a sure thing, cached the other club tricks. Now North, dealer.
      519 words

  • 258 10 Utd. Patjani From Oar Own Correspondent LONDON, Sun. MR F- O. Laughland, chairman of United Patanl (Malaya) Rubber Estates, ts apprenhensive about the effects of a high rubber price. In his annual statement to shareholders, he reports that for 1950 about 1.344.000 lbs. was sold forward out of
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  • 146 10 From A Market orrfunondrnt ONDON bid for copra In the SinKapore produce market i he week-ena. quoting $47.50 per picul. Loral buyers also came ln:o the market with bids at »47.75. bui sellers were firm at $49. No business resulted. Then- was no busir.t-ss done in coconut
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  • 555 10 Shadow Of U.K. Control And Restraint On Malayan Industry From A Market Correspondent MALAYAN markets last week saw only moderate iTJ business, with Industrials, and to a lesser extent Loans, providing the bulk of the volume. Whether the tin metal declined under the threat of control
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  • 34 10 TELUK ANSON Rubber Estarj has sold forward three tons monthly of 1 R.SS for delivery, baled into godown Singapore, from January to March 1951 inclusive. M $1.06 per lb
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  • 414 10 IN the Industrial section of the Malayan market last week, Robinson Ordinary were active after the announcement of a combined final dividend and bonus of 35 per cent, making 35 per cent for the year to June 30, 1950. This compares with 25 per cent In the previous
    414 words
  • 62 10 London Rubber LONDON. Sept. T— Spot 40<l Oct. 4O'-d. Nov. SB'4d. Dec. .V7d. Jan -Mar. 35'-d. Apr. -June 32- d. Sept. c.iX 38' id. Sept -Oct. elf 37 l rd. Oct.-Nov 38«4d, Market: Stead; but idle. New York Rubber In U.S. cents per Ib. closing: a. Aug.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1206 10 MANSFIELD 6t CO.. LTD. (Incorporated <n Singapore) BLOB FUNNEL UMK Carrlert option to proceed via oth« perts te lead and discharge carge SAILINCS te LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW. LONDON b CONTININTAL PORTS Due Sails P Sham Penang J 'uXooT C. 21/24 Sept. I Sept. 9/10 Sept. 11/11 Cyclops for Dublin L'pool Sept.
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      801 words
    • 1060 10 McALISTLH <h CO. LTD. |tncofpa**.to m •|in>Trnii OW|*rlal»#'e-l* "W 9 v^^V ILLIBMAN <h BUCKNAU KLAVKNESa LIMB LONDON HAVII Htwll LOS »NCILII SAN fHANCISCO AVtl N TW««»' PORTLAND SEATTLE ft VANCOUVEK r ,rv <!, e^r°* M HAMSU C careo ro, LgMM 0 Soulh CITY Of FLOUNCE Spore 3/9 Sopt American Ports.
      1,060 words

  • 335 11 ARSENAL ON TOP AFTER 3-0 WIN NoClub With 100 Per Cent Record LONDON, Sunday. lyiTH A three-nil victory over Sheffield Wednes- day. Arsenal yesterday maintained their position at the head of the First Division League. Goal average separates them from the much improved Hnddersfield side, which did well to win
    Reuter  -  335 words
  • 966 11 LONDON Sun. COOTBALL League standings After yesterday's matches were: P W D L F A pts Arsenal 5 3 2 0 7 2 9 Huddersfleld 5 4 0 1 10 S Burnley S 1 1 1 6 I 7 Charltoo A. 5 2 3 o t 5
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  • 182 11 LONDON, Bun. U* J EDRICH, England and Middlesex player, returned to his best form in scoring 115 for M C C against Yorkshire on the opening day of the Scarborough cricket festival game. Playing attractive cricket, featured by some powerful driving, he hit two sixes and
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 32 11 COLOMBO, Sun. THE Commonwealth cricket team, touring; jbj"- and Pakistan this wlnter™*Kll also visit Ceylon, Mr. M. K. M. ismaU. Honorary SecreUrv of the Ceylon Cricket Board, said yesterday.
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  • 201 11 LONDON, Sunday. THE English County Cricket Ciiampionship ends wiUi the last two 1 matches which began yesterday. The championship is already decided, Lancashire and Surrey sharing the honours this yea/. The County positions and averages up to Ftiday are: P. W. Laara»aire XS S.rrry 3, t f
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  • 101 11 FOREST HILLS. Bun. UERBIE FLAM, the national inter-colleglate champion from the University of California at Los Angetes, polished off BUI Talbert of New York »-7, B-4. and Oardnar Mnlloy of Miami b«*t Kan CocheU of Ban Francisco 8-3. 7-9, 6-3 yesterday to advance to the Moil-final round
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  • 244 11 HASTINGS. Sussex, Sunday. OPENING day of the Hastings Cricket Festival produced some entertaining cricket while the South of England were being dismissed for 194 and West Indies were replying, before stumps were drawn, with 59 for one wicket. South would have Deen in a bad
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  • 151 11 LONDON Sun. (\SZ OF the surprise results of the opening series of Rugby Union matches was the home defeat of Bristol by Weston-Super-Mare. Bristol had led at the interval by six points to three. Alter a penalty goal by Barrett, a bad defensive lapse let Shellabean
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  • 92 11 LONDON. Sun Rujby League result* yesterday were: Varfcshire Cup First Rtud Fknt lan Bramley 22. Huddersfleld 21: Dewsbury 14, Hull 2; Featherstone Rovers 7, Leeds 20; HaUlax 5. Bradford Northern 5: Hull Kingston Rovers 9, Bailey 0; JCeighiey 9. Cast Word 14; Wakefield Trinity 43, York 4:
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 379 11 *iivapiswa*€ATMAw *nxx\wvrvi LAST DAY wBBBMKBBm 6.45 9.30 OPENING TOMORROW AUDIE MURPHY Amenta's most decorated war hero in his first film... HOYO JAM JA»«J HANIIY J miL V^_ <M> J 1 NOLAN WTATT tUEASON CLEMENTS %^%2kJ fc5 .j u>nuWCKtis-au,. t iimpHr THURSDAY- for the event of the season M-G-M gleefully announces
      379 words
    • 219 11 V/EDNESDAY' NEVER BEFORE! Triple Action Attraction FOR THE PRICE OF ONLY ONE AH MISSION! 1. "WITH THE MARINES Jr- 4 AT TARAWA" jJSjfi Authentic Battle Film tm'itmjk la TECHNICOLOB "%L 4 ™ff 2. «l»^by AbaTTLf combat cameramen dur- f^ '•V in« the actual assault on Jf <V .y Iw«-Jima at
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  • 469 12 HK Chinese Show Improved Form Malay F.A. 2; Hong Kong Chinese 1, A POWERFUL 25-yard drive by Haji Garhan four minutes from the end gave Singapore Malays a two-one victory over Hong Kong Chinese tourists at Jalan Besar yesterday. It was the tourists' fifth
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  • 202 12 WING Sun table tennis team of Hong Kong maintained their unbeaten record in the Colony when scoring their seventh successive victory over Malaya Combined by five games to one at the Happy World last night. Surprise of the evening was the defeat of Lo Kum-sun—
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  • 91 12 Lynch's XI trounced Sowray'.s XI by an innings and 94 runs in a Singapore Cricket Club home-and-home game on the padang yesterday. Scores In brief were: SOWRAV'S XI 52 iSowray 22 Me Vicar 13. Lynch two for none. Truscott two for seven. Cague two for
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  • 206 12 \TAVAL Base bowmen held their Autumn tournament at Seletar yesterday the biggest meet in Malaya's archery history. Competitors were Invited from nil parts of Malaya and entries were greater than erer known previously In archery In this country. The Malayan film-unit recorded the contests RtsulU
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  • 172 12 From Our Star? Correspondent KUALA lIMI'IK Sun. A PROPOSAL to send (our Malayan cyclists to the Asian (;>mn at New Delhi in March next year is under consideration, the Straits Times was told by an ■ of the Selangor Cyclists Association. He said the men
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  • 271 12 New Entrance And Car Park For Stadium SINGAPORE Municipal ComO missioners have voted «a sum of $13,000 to be spent on irrfprovements to Jalan Besar stadium, involving the provision of another entrance to the stadium from the King George's Avenue side and the laying of a new car park to
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  • 81 12 Tr.e Singapore N?al Sailing Association yesterday won the Ritchie Cup. a trophy presented by Sir Neil Ritchie, former Com-n»ander-in-Chief, PARELP. for competition between all yacht clubs In Singapore. The races were soiled at the Naval Base Yacht Club. The naval team, comprising Commodore Burghard. Lieut.
    81 words
  • 70 12 Chlnrse>-. Club scored I s.cotid round victory >ver Singapore Swimming Club by nine goals to two In ft Singapore WaterPolo League match at the B.S.C. pool yesterday. S.B.C. "B" team won I heir fixture nKutnst the Chinese "B" side. The score was five-three. At Pasir
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 12 WOLVERHAMPTON WANDERERS' outside right, Dunn, (left) finds himself baulked by Fulham's pivot, Taylor, In the First Division League Soccer match played at Fulham's London ground last week. Fulham won two-one.
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  • 431 12 Five Three- Year Olds Scored Maiden Wins At K.L. By EPSOMP JEEP AT this stage of the racing season, English three-year-olds generally reach their peak and brightest feature of the Selangor Turf Club August-Septem-ber Meeting was the success of promising newcomers like The Manchester Cobbler. Independence, The Blessing. Black Velvet
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  • 5 12
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  • 168 12 From Oar Staff i'orrespondeaC KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. DAHMAT Kanawi rode more than one lap over three and a third miles on a flat tyre, lost a mile and a half in changing wheels, then went on tj finish the 50 mile cycle
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  • 198 12 INDIAN Association brat an Arm* Cricket XI by teu run, at Balettier Road yeitrrdav. Scores vert: ARMY XI Major Dawe run out 28; Col. Knoi b Suiidosham 0; Major Simpson c Sandusham b Rudh Singh 1; Capt. Harrison b La!! Singh 0; Major Sweet b La!i
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  • 261 12 Ayres Begains Lead In Jockeys' List By EPSOM JEEP J3IDING three winners at the Selangor Turf Club AugustSeptember Meeting which ended on Saturday. Arthur Ayres has regained leadership in the race for the jockey premiership Hla rival, Colin Tulloh, drew a blank at the meeting. Ayres shared rldiug honours with
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  • 70 12 GEOFFREY Dyson, coach of the British Amateur Atr.letlc Association, la scheduled to leave London on September 13 for a three-week tour of Malaya. He li scheduled to arrive In Singapore on Sept. 16 and then depart for Kuala Lumpur on Sept. 2s. returning to London
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  • 344 12 MALAYAN Thomas Cup player On* Poh Lim iT1 (Fraser Neave), found little difficulty in beating; Chia Chin Soon (Eclipse B.P.) in straight sets of 15 6 and 15 2 when they met in the first round of the men's open singles in the Singapore
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  • 175 12 ST. Andrew's School, last year's Singapore Inter-school badminton champions, retained the challenge shield by defeating An-glo-Chinese School 3-2 In the final at the Clerical Union hall yesterday. Anglo-Chinese School, favourites this year, were unfortunate to be without Tan Chin Ouan, 'heir second singles and doubles partner
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  • 110 12 THE Colony's up and coming cyclist, 20-year-old Ooh Poh Soon won the 25- mile Time-Trial, staged along Lim Chu Kang Road yesterday. Ooh's time was lhr. 11 mm. 30 sec. Second In the race was l«-year-oid Jaflar bin Zazuli of the Malay Union Cycling team who
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  • 101 12 from Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. The Johore Bahru District Football Association's Cup tie competition will begin on Saturday. In the event of there being no Interruptions to the programme the final has been fixed for Sept. 24. Ail matches will be played on the
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  • 231 12 T). D«- KriM.vr s XI defeated r YMC.A. by 18rt. runs In a game of cricket played un Iha V.M.C.A. ground yes'prdny. Bi Ml were: P. UK IHTlttt XI L Won« Ibw D.. Siiva 1«. B R<u lhw Da 0; G Xi ishnan i- J
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 739 12 CLASSIFIED ADS, (Continued tiom page 0) WANTED TO PURCHASE TWO MILES of used light railway line, prospective sellers forward description and price FOB Coastal Pori to Box No. A1961. S.T TUITION S'HAND By World's ntle Holder! CC3 LCC SlUiies Expert tuition. Hrm-tlng Today. CYMA School of C MMM, 96, Bras
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 33 12 TODAY: Cemmanity Lire Singapore Diat. (Army) v R.AK. at .lalan Besar aUdlum; Bus*n«sa Hv A: Hong Konf Bh. Bank Tiger (.Undard at Oaylanf; Baa. Hse. B: Charter** Bank Gathrte B.C. at C.V.M Jk.
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    • 22 12 SINGAPORE TIDIS TODAY: 3.16 a.m. i7fi. RB.I »nd 3.56 p.m. t8ft. fiin.i TOMORROW: 4 14 9ri and 3.35 p m .8fi fta)
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